#3below val x reader
Could you do headcanons for how Vex and Morando show affection towards their s/o? (If you’re comfortable with doing poly Vex/reader/Morando then that’s great, but if you’re uncomfortable with it then I’m fine with separate headcanons for them)
Redeamed but still a bastard Morando lets goooooooooooo!!!
~ Varvotos Vex shows his love through actions and loud declarations of love. Every touch, every smile, every moment is special to him and he remembers it all. He is not very good with his emotions or being sentimental so he hopes when he picks you up in a hug and kisses you long and passionate or he does something for you, you notice and know he loves you with his entire core. He does say how much he loves you with confidence and gusto but his words aren't always elegant and his declarations sometimes come out sounding wrong.
~ Val Morando has a silver tongue. He uses his words to show someone he loves them. Lots of compliments about their strength, their intelligence, their skills and talents and aspirations. Little casual touches, on your back, your shoulders, and anywhere really. He also uses money as his love languae. Anything his love could want he will get. There is nothing in this universe or the next he can not get his love.
~ This poly relationship started off very rocky and unsure. Val and Vex have feelings for each other but they ignored them for the longest time because they both felt betrayed after they chose their different paths and sometimes even now in the relationship they still do. Varavotos was placed in charge of Vals redemption (he pleaded the Royals to not execute Val since they have a lot of history and he didn't want to watch him die) and the more time they spent together the more they remembered a time where they were friends and more and not enemies.
~ Than you enter the picture and it gets more complicated. You became Vexes friend on Earth when he and the Tarrons first crashed and now with Val on Earth atoning for his mistakes your helping Vex with Val's redemption and rehabilitation program. Your kindness, your patience, and your gentle nature are what make Val fall for you. Your the polar opposite of him and yet you similarities. You care so much but your harsh and demanding when you need to be. A soft heart with an unbreakable will. As you bond and get closer proabbaly closer than you should it's Val casual flirting with you and you shyfully smiling at the attention that makes Vex realize he has feelings for you.
~ Vex is a cockblock to put it lightly. He wants a relationship with you but wont persue that but hes not letting you get a relationship with Morando either. Every time Val makes a move on you Vex is quick to shut it down, doing his best to not raise suspicion on your part. Of course him thinking he's being subtle is him loudly intersecting into conversations and being overly protective of you so you find out somethings wrong pretty quickly. You may not understand Akriddion courting rituals but it doesn't take long to get a grasp on what's happening and how you've been encouraging it.
~ You all sit down with some very strong alien alcohol and have an adult conversation. The longer you talk and the more you drink, you all realize you have feelings for each other. Being adults about it you weigh the pros and cons before deciding together to try and begin a relationship.
~ Val typically plans out the dates while Vex follows his lead just wanting you to be happy. You always are but you'd be happy doing anything with Vex and Val. However Morando being the perfectionist he is must make the dates perfect. He creates a very handsome human disguised form to take you out with and shows it off to you with a smug smirk. Every date they plan is a bit of him and Vex and it's all for you. They love to spoil you and only ask for kisses and cuddles as payment. When you plan dates though they have stars in their eyes. They just love you so much and everything you plan is amazing and memorable to them.
~ Val enjoys sharing stories of the past while Vex looks more to the future. Morando just likes talking about his glory days as a pilot in the Royal Fleet Academy telling tales about him and Vex when they were younger. Vex meanwhile talks about his plans and what he desires for your future together.
~ Morando isn't a fan of the Royal family but since Vex is like a second father to them Morando gets used to the fools blubbering. Hes so proud of these kids and Seklos and Gaylen forbid he ever say a bad word about them. Val gets tired of it quickly but you always look so happy seeing Vex all passionate about the kids so Val learns to be happy about it too. After all the Tarrons are what lead him to find you. And with you and Vex he is the richest most fulfilled alien in the galaxy. His core belongs wholly to the both of you even if he is no longer a King.
~ They like to hear about Earth from you. They both have so many questions and there are a lot of misunderstandings they have about Earth. Morando and Vex want to know how you grew up, they want to hear about your culture, your memories, your life. They want to see where you went to school, your favorite places to hang out before you met them, and they love being told stories. Every memory you share is remembered by them fondly.
~ They're very cuddly, and very protective, and very clingy. Be ready for a lot of kisses and being the small spoon inbetween two muscular giants who absolutley love to dote on you. They'll both lay their lives down for you and more than anything they want you to know their cores are yours. You offered your heart to them and for that they are forever greatful. You ars the glue that keeps them together and you are the love of their lives.
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Fluff/comfort request 👀 General Morando being perplexed over the flirting reader gives him, he can’t process the cute
(Pre Akriddion-5 takeover, takes place during his time at the Flight Academy)
Val is known for his words and how they bring people to action and listen to him but what you just said leaves him speechless. Anything semi eloquent dies on his tongue. Are... are you flirting with him? Is he misinterpreting this? Should he ignore it? Reciporacte?
As you continue his face becomes a deep blue realizing that you are in fact flirting with him and he is in fact a flustered mess.
He was always the one flirting with others, many were not brave enough to flirt back or became very shy and couldn't keep up with him or his compliments. But you? You took initiative.
He liked that.
"Are you a galaxy cause you've put stars in my eyes." Giving him a wink at yet another pickup line the star captain chuckles. You were the same rank as him, not a subordinate, an equal. Which means you could court and date. Seklos and Gaylen Wait til Vex hears about this.
"We are in space dear..." He finally says a bit starstruck himself at all your compliments and your confidence. You smile at him and he feels his core heat up. He wants to hold your hand. To ask you on a date but his shyer side has taken over and he's so nervous. If you notice you say nothing. Taking his hand and kissing his knuckles you leave your communication device hailing with him before your called to other matters.
As he stands there he smiles hand hovering over his ear.
He made you see stars huh?
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hello, can I have something nice with General Morando?
I don't know exactly what, but I need something good now ...
Val was a romantic.
As you sat drinking your expensive wine in a new outfit he'd bought you, you hum staring over the restaurant balcony up at the stars. This was a new place with racing reveiws and of course to show off Morando had booked the entire floor for the night just so you could feel special.
You also had a feeling he wanted to have some alone time together. Being King made him a busy being but the fact he made these date nights possible showed you just how much he cared.
"Enjoying the view my love? Being King has some parks doesn't it?" Smiling at him he smiles back reaching out his hand to take yours. His thumb brushes over your hand as he holds it and you hum softly using your other hand to sip your wine.
Putting it down you scoot your chair in before leaning forward.
"It's gorgeous Val. You always know just how to please a partner." He chuckles rasing your hand to kiss it. His fangs lightly brush your skin making you shiver, he chuckles in response smirking proudly.
"I aim to please." He responds as smooth as the silk your wearing. Rolling your eyes at the insinuation you squeeze his hand.
"I love you." You respond and he gets this soft look in his eyes as he gazes at you adoringly. He was your world and you... you were his.
"I love you as well my consort." He hums before leaning forward to meet your awaiting lips and give you a kiss.
Your core glowed and you smiled squeezing both his hands. He loved you.
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Yandere Morando X Reader
  Morando stares at your kneeling form, his four eyes bearing into your soul.
 “Duchess so good to see you.“ He purrs. You look back but say nothing. Ever since your planet had been taken over you’ve been kept locked away in your room in the palace unable to stop Morando as he tried to kill the rest of your family. After days of not speaking to you after he’d spared your life an omen had stormed into your room with no warning, stripped you of your clothes and changed you before you could react.
You were Duchess (Y/N) sister of Queen Coranda and you had never been treated in such a way! Turning your head in anger and shame you refuse to acknowledge such a traitorous monster! He was hunting your niece and nephew who he’d forced into hiding, he had killed your step brother and sister, forcing you to watch as he laughed, and now NOW he had the gall to stand here before you about to goat of his victory.
 An omen smacks the back of your head and grunting you turn your head and glare at Morando.
 “Morando.“ You hiss angrily tears blurring your vision as you think of your broken family. Of your ruined home. Of how he was going to destroy everything you held dear.
 “Duchess.“ He repeats chuckling at your sour expression. He stalks closer and you scoot away as far as the Omen will allow. “Leave!“ He yells at the machine and it turns walking out. He chuckles when you flinch at the door slamming and grabs your shoulders roughly pulling you to your feet. “My apologies my new Omen guards do not know the meaning of gentle.“ He states smirking.
 “Neither do you commander Morando.“ You respond pushing him away. He growls at your remark making you narrow your eyes back at him. You were not afraid! Not of this brute! Watching you he glares before he shakes his head and begins to chuckle.
 “(Y/N) (Y/N).“ He hums stalking closer to you. “What a fire you have in your core, so unlike your late sister.“ He states smirking. Backing away from him he grabs your arm pulling you close.
 Morando stands behind you playing with your hair as he continues paying you compliments. Zoning out ignoring his join his side spiel his hands touching your shoulders make you snap back to attention. “I’ve been watching you (Y/N).” He whispers as a deep rumble builds up in his chest. His hands begin to slide down your body touching every bio-light they can making you gasp before he stops them on your hips. He pulls you flush against his body, his warm core touching your bare back. Your skin tingles as his lips brush your ear. “I like what I’ve seen.“ He says. Turning your head around he smirks at you. “Join me (Y/N). Together we can rule Arkriddion 5. We could be gods.“
 You elbow his side before punching him in the gut to make him stop talking. “Do you ever shut up?“ You question glaring as you pull yourself away.
 “Very well. Be that way. If you won’t be by my side...“ He grabs your hand gripping it tightly. “I’ll force you to be MINE.“ Pushing you to your knees he snickers as you cry out in pain. You feel powerless as he pins you to the ground his strong body trapping you under him. “Do you know why I chose these clothes?“ He taunts as you struggle beneath him. You don’t answer just yell kicking and screaming trying to push him off. “I chose this dress because you need to look beautiful for your bonding ceremony.“ Morando begins to chuckle darkly and you glare at him hissing.
 “What are you talking about?“ You demand squirming under him.
“The End of House Tarron ends with you. But not in the way you think.“ Keeping you pinned he touches your exposed core. Your eyes widen as you stare at him. No. NO! “When we are bonded you will belong to me. The Royal title of King will belong to me.“ He states smirking. “Arkriddion 5 will belong to me! And there's nothing you can do about it Dutchess.“ He sneers.
 “NEVER!“ Punching him in the face you try and kick Morando off but he keeps you in place kissing you as he forces your bare cores together. Your breaths taken away and your eye sight becomes blurred as Morando pulls away from your sore lips.
 “Nevers coming a lot sooner then you think my queen...“ He mumbles to you before everything begins to spin. He watches you smirking and begins to stroke your face softly. “That’s it...“ He mumbles as you feel your body grow warm and tingly, energy bursting through you. “Give in (Y/N).“ Your head throbs as you whine weakly trying to push him away.
Laughing manically at you everything goes black as your exposed core throbs in pain being meshed with another. He was right. you belonged to him...
 Arkriddion was lost and you with it.
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More Halloween asks! I held back because I was worried you had a lot already. Anyway, would love to see a redeemed!Morando being forced to go trick or treating with Aja and Krel by reader, and he ends up enjoying the walk with reader.
Ask: Halloween with general Morando?
Combining these two :)
"This is stupid." Morando mumbles as he watches a kid walk away that had just complimented his "costume". You snicker in response keeping an eye on the redeemed villain and the kids. Seeing Aja knock on the door you glanced at Morando who looked around distatesfully. He honestly wasn't that bad but sometimes his pessimistic attitude could be a downer, thankfully he had you to balance out his more cynic moods.
"I thought you'd like the compliments. You seem like the type." You hum teasing him. He frowns but your smile makes him pause.
"... What does this holiday even mean?" He demands changing the subject and looking away as he crosses his arms. You hum kicking up the scattered leaves on the sidewalk. Aja and Krel had just gotten candy and although they wanted to run up to you to show it Steve and Eli dragged them to the next house instead.
"Halloween? Well It has many meanings. But those meanings can change depending on your culture or why you celebrate. There are many different origins for Halloween though the English version were doing now has only been around for maybe two hundred years? Compared to Sinigad which had been around two thousand. It used to be a lot different but I don't want to give you any ideas." You respond not very familar with the hoildays history but knowing some of its darker origins. He simply nods in response his four eyes watching the Royalty go from house to house in their true forms as their friends followed in their "uniforms".
He'd mocked the CreepSlayerz earlier but you'd made him stop as they were part of the reason he'd been defeated. They may be children but they deserved respect.
"... they seem happy..." He says softly ignoring Steve and Krel in favor of Krel and Aja. You smile watching the kids get the human sweets they santas. You know Val had grown up with them and that the King and Queen were once his dearest friends along with Vex. He regreted his actions and thankfully he was no longer the cruel man he'd once been even if he was still bitter.
You guess rehabilitation and reflection along with being humbled could do that to a man.
"They do enjoy human things I've learned. Aja especially. What about you? Are you enjoying yourself on this little outting?" You ask as you hand him a nougat nummy.
The smile on his face as he ripped off the wrapper with his fangs and began eating the chocolate told you everything you needed to know. As much as he hated to admit it he liked Urth and he adored the twins and maybe just maybe he loved you.
Walking down the street eating your candy the Royalty eventually ran up to you making you smile as they showed you their new human treasures. You hoped as they trick or treated you and Val could talk more.
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oh uh hi ... could there be Val Morando / Bounty Hunter?
( I kid you not this is the plot to one of my o.c's lol. Enjoy :D !!!!! )
~ You started at the Royal Academy. You were training to be a fighter pilot in the Royals specialized troops. You wanted to rise in ranks and become the youngest general in history to defend Akriddion. This is where you met Val.
~ Val also wanted to be a fighter pilot in the troops. However instead of competing with you like everyone else he asked you to join him. He liked your ambition, you liked his boldness. Together you were an unstoppable force and when Vex came into the picture with his strength and bloodlust you three were a truly invincible team. Val had the ideas, you made them happen, and Vex helped take out the competition. You three were close, as close as Akriddions could be without bonding but then Val did something stupid.
~ To climb ranks he'd done some more unsavory things without telling you two. He had mild felonies before this mistake and if he confessed he'd be kicked out of the Academy. It didn't help that he'd made a lot of enemies and people wanted him gone. In a last ditch effort to keep the team together you take the fall hoping your spotless record and knowing the King and Queen along with Vex would save you from being dismissed from the Academy. It didn't and everything changed.
~ Your dreams were crushed and you hadn't even done what you were being punished for. The King and Queen didn't even listen to your case. You disappeared and dropped all contact leaving only a note to Val and Vex hoping they achieved their dreams as you looked for your own. Being away drove the two apart and as Vex rose in ranks Val began to fall as he plotted his revenge against the crown and searched for you. But you'd disappeared.
~ Plans change, you adapt, you evolve, you move on. You pick a new name, wear a mask over your face, buy a luxurious ship, and never let anyone see you outside your suit. You become a bounty hunter and make your new name known, it may not be what you wanted but it was a life of adventure and it paid a lot more.
~ Adventures in space, fancy parties, chases throughout the cosmos, the thrill of the hunt, and the satisfaction of the reward. Soon your name was known throughout the galaxy and you had many enemies but even more allies. You were the V.I.P guest at black market auctions for new weapons and whenever a mod came out for your ship you were the first to know. You were traveling and experiencing things you never would have been able too as a General. To be frank you were living the dream.
~ You bring taken family home, return stolen money, steal back artifacts of importance, buy items to keep them away from the bad guys, kill people who deserve it, save people who may not deserve it, and help keep the peace on many planets. All your jobs require intense research and you are very picky about what offers you accept. You may be a bounty hunter but your not evil.
~ Your life is luxury, adventure, and choas. Parties, jobs, hunts, favors, gifts. It's a whirl wind of excitement and you live it alone. No one knows your real name, no one knows your true face. All they know is your the fastest fire pilot they've ever seen and your jobs are always completed in an organized and neat way. Anyone who crosses you ends up dead but anyone who pays well gets favors in return, making you well protected depsite the target on your back.
~ Years later you and Val meet again. You've been keeping tabs on your old friends from the Academy but it's been months since your last check in. He's different... Caculating as ever but it's more than that. There's something off about him, something wrong. But you've always liked danger and your soft spot for Val blinds you.
~ For the first time in a long time someone sees you without your suit or your mask. When you take it off Val just stares at you like your a ghost. You smile running at him and he holds out his arms gripping you tight as he holds you close. As you close your eyes his hands claw at your armor unbelieving.
"... your alive..."
~ After that things become less than professional. Yes he's paying you to do a job but he's also an old friend and you have a lot to catch up on. Not to mention you've always had a crush on him.
~ When he invites you on a date you accept. You drink wine and talk about old times. You'd kept tabs on your old friends on Akriddion and you knew a lot had changed but hoped it wasn't all bad. He keeps the topic off him and asks about you. You know something happened to get him kicked lut of the academy but he won't talk about it. After a bottle or two you begin getting suspicious.
~ He's keeping you in the dark about things. He won't talk about Vex and whenever you ask a question involving the Academy he changes the topic. You can't seem to find any information from yoir usual informants either. They're a bit too tight lipped for you.
~ The job you'd signed up to do it'd changed and now Val was basically paying you to stay close. You begin to look into what happened since he wouldn't talk about it. You wanted to know about Vex. About the King and Queen and their children. Snooping around trying to hack into his systems an Omen bot stops you. Val is more than a little disappointed at this betrayal but not completely surprised.
~ He makes you an offer. Join him or see what happens. You don't have much choice as you agree to his terms watching the Omen closely. Your unsure of what's happened to the King and Queen and their children. Unsure of what's become of Vex and their friend Zadra. But your determined to find out. Val may think he's beaten you but your more than ready for a fight and possibly a romance.
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Can you write yan!Vex, yan!Morando, and yan!Stu headcanons please?
Yandere Val Morando
~ Morando is not one to let something he likes slip away from him. If you happen to be what catches his eyes, he will do whatever he can to have you.
~ Val is impulsive but he's also smart. He's playing the long game. If your to be his he needs to know everything about you, he needs to know everything you love so he can make you happy and his.
~ He's smooth and it's easy for him to gain your interest. With compliments and the knowledge of all your favorite things he quickly becomes your best friend. He starts distancing you from others as he gets closer to you. His gentle laugh and light teasing quickly turn to flirting and small touches as you begin to gain more than interest. By the time you see who he really is, it's too late.
~ Val is the type to shower you in gifts and lavish in the praise you give him afterwards. He's very physical and any gift he gives comes with a price. A kiss, a cuddle... something more intimate. He tends to be rough when giving you affection but he never really hurts you only reminds you that he can.
~ Your his. And he'll never let you forget. Your friends, your family, your comfort. It all depends on him darling. I'd suggest just giving in. All he wants is you, and if he has you no one gets hurt.
Yandere Vex
~ Vex is a mess of emotions after his families death. His yandere tendencies come from needing to prove himself and having to keep you safe after what happened to his family. He will do whatever it takes to keep you safe.
~ Your his friend and you support him after the fall of his family. You go to the funeral and you stand behind his decision to hunt the Zeron BrotherHood down. Your furious when the King and Queen refuse but accept their judgement.
~ Vex becomes obsessed with keeping you safe. He's worried your next and that terrifies him. He constantly has you by his side or near him so if an emergency happens he can protect you and the Royal Family.
~ He gets really worried when he can't be near you. He gets anxious and blows up your communicator until you respond. It's overbearing but he insists it's for your saftey and refuses to stop. Your his friend, his family. If anything ever happened to you he would be lost.
~ Vex pushes to be your everything. He's your bodyguard, your friend, your lover. He needs to be everything to you because your everything to him. Unlike Val he doesn't really expect things from you once your together but he demands you listen. After all he only has your saftey in mind.
Yandere Staurt
~ Stuart isn't an intense yandere. He's very chill and lets you still hang out with friends and family he's just very clingy and wants to know where you are at all times.
~ Being alone for a long time Stuart doesn't want to be alone anymore. He once was scared of commitment but he loves you and is no longer afraid of commitment. Infact he's pushing for it.
~ He's not rich and he doesn't have a fancy title but he does his best for you. He sells old and vintage things he owns to hipsters so he can buy you expensive presents. His house is decked out in things you like and he makes you sleep over so much that he suggests you should just move in.
~ Eventually you give into his requests and move in with him. He loves cooking for you and doing whatever he can too make you happy. He carries a ring in his pocket and he wants to ask you the big question. When he feels ready of course...
~ It's about a year in when he asks you. You still have your friends and family but all your stuff is in his house. You live with him. Your in a relationship, this is the next big thing. To get married right? He's been saving for a big wedding so you can be a star for a day. You deserve it. And when he puts the engagement ring on your finger he couldn't be happier. Your finally his.
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3below Alien Dating Aesthetics 👽
Morando: The smell of wine and blood, revenge, dirty politics, buried bodies, mass arsenal, priceless gifts, silver tongued lies, fleetships, the taste of exotic foods, foreign silks, fine dining, a blaster firing, lavish parties, glass shattering, destroyed cores, omens marching, honey coated praises, total authority, endless riches, dripping in jewels, starship races, glamourous.
Tronos: The taste of electricity, swaying together, his rumbling hum, thunder roaring in the distance, feeling that spark, fried wires, your hair standing up on the back of your neck, tales from the stars, blackouts, nuzzles, lightning striking, glowing eyes, fireworks exploding, an undying love for you, sparks crackling, fire burning, the endless cosmos.
FooFoo Brothers: Adreanline, the taste of oil and sweat, the sound of sirens, flashing lights, sparks flying, the thrill of being chased, bullets shooting, getting even, mechanical enhancements, dates on the go, stolen starships, snitches get stitches, grease stained hands, quick kisses and headbonks, wrenches, loose screws, dingy old bars with slow music.
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Oooh no Morando? Maybe after he’s conquered earth, he tries to win over reader for Valentine’s Day by showing off his power and wealth!
As Val leads you somewhere you've never been he smiles an Omen opening the door for you.
Swallowing you walk where Val wants you too and look around the lavish space. It's a suite of sorts you suppose and this room is larger than the Mothership. You don't know if it's resting chambers or just a place he comes to think but it makes you uncomfortable to be here.
The room is gaudy and over decorated. He's throwing his wealth in your face again and you don't like it. You don't like that he thinks his power will make you love him, that his wealth will ever change how you truly feel. His title, his rank it means nothing too you and it'd never mean anything.
As you feel a draft you hug your silks closer. Such silly outfits he gives you. Soft and luxurious yet impractical. You'd perfer your old clothes over this but your pretty sure he burned them.
Stiffening as he places his cape over your shoulders you don't want to accept the gesture but your freezing.
Looking away as you hold the cape close, a blush on your face, Val chuckles letting you look around the new space.
The carpet is soft and golden. The furniture was modern and comfortable. Cushy but not overwhelming so. All the furniture was a mix of Akriddion blues and black. Every now and then there was a splash of red or gold to liven things up.
Running your hand over a silky couch you hum. He had very interesting tastes. So forgien to you, but the beauty is still there. The art on the walls he'd stolen, the decor he laid about, golden pitchers of wine. Everything in this room just like the rest of his new castle screamed him.
Looking around as you pull the cape closer he could do so much good with this wealth and yet he squanders it on rooms he probably never uses. Wastes his power and his money on frivolous things that have no real meaning. Their value determined by what others think of them and not what they do or are.
You raise an eyebrow at Val as he chuckles waving his hand out at the luxurious room. "Glorious is it now? A room worthy of a King. Of a consort." Smiling at you with hungry eyes you turn away.
It'd been a month since his takeover of Earth and you were left powerless as he ruled with an iron fist. The Omens were too powerful, his fleets too strong, nd his technology unbeatable. Earth didn't stand a chance and yet he stood here acting like nothing had happened. Acting like he cared and loved you when he took everything from you.
The room he showed you now was one of many in the lavish castle he'd built. One he hadn't shown you before but you'd become numb to his advances. You couldn't bring yourself to smile at any of the pretty things he tried to impress you with. To you the golden vases or finely woven tapestries were all the same. Were all unneeded. For as pretty as they were none would make you as happy as receiving your freedom, at winning your planets liberation. Instead you were trapped, drowning in gold and gifts unable to give him the one thing he desired most.
"There's a lot more to a man than what he owns Morando." You finally say. He's been waiting for your reaction and you wanted to yell profanities, to curse at him but you keep your lips in a tight line as you stare out the window. The room was nice but this place was a prison and no matter how nice the cell, it was still a cell.
Morando simply chuckled putting his hand on your shoulder. You flinch but his grip remains tight as a soft squeeze reminds you of his true strength. He could kill you at any moment and it was that realization that always kept you from fighting.
Val Morando was not the kind to wait, he'd been patient but one wrong word and you could loose everything.
"I am no man (Y/N). I am a god. I now rule most of the solar system and with Gaylen and Sekloses power in my core I will someday control all of it. Ask for anything and my love you shall receive it. Anything you want could be yours. All I need is for you to say what I wish to hear. What my core longs for." He cups your cheek leaning in for a kiss but you close your eyes.
Turning away shrugging his hand off Val frowns. He huffs and you can tell he's growing inpatient with the way you treat him but he hasn't earned your love. He doesn't deserve your respect or your forgiveness.
He had kept Aja, Krel, Vex, Zadra, Lugg, and Stuart alive as you'd begged him too but that was the only merciful thing he'd done. He did not love you he simply wanted to possess you like countless other things he stole for his amusement. But you were not a possesion.
You were a warrior. And you would win this battle.
"Join me for dinner." He invites and you dig your nails into your arm staring out at a burning sun. One of the few things that gave you hope. The sun and the moon. For even Val could not control the planets.
"... It will change nothing." You respond clinging to his cape and he hums. You have a feeling he knows and yet he still tries, for you are a prize he won't loose.
"Join me anyways." He says softly. Sighing you relent. You did not want to spend time with him, you refused to love him, but the only way to keep your friends and the Royals safe as the Resistance continued to fight was to play alone.
"Fine." You huff. Morando chuckles at your pain and you glare at him, eyes sharp as his serrator. He smiles cupping your face once more.
"Such fire. Such passion." He compliments and you bite your tongue to keep from retorting. Letting go of you he turns away. "Oh and (Y/N)?" Staring at him as he stands at the golden doors he chuckles. "... The human hoilday about love. It is today isn't it?" You don't respond but he doesn't care. He knows. "Happy Valentines Day my love. Be dressed appropriately for dinner." Closing the doors behind him you wait until he is gone. Before you fall to your knees on the golden carpet, feeling all hope leave you.
As much as it hurt you had to play along. Just until you and your friends could be rescued. Just until he could be defeated.
"Happy Valentines..." You mumble fingers bunching the fabric as tears dripped down your face.
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Thank you for your Morando content, there really isn’t enough of it out there. Since requests are open, could you do a yandere Morando with a reader who was a former lover. They refused to join him when he went into exile and now live with a new partner. When he comes back for them and finds out, he’s furious, killing them in front of the reader, I hope this made sense and isn’t too much, thank you!
The relationship had grown toxic.
Early on it was romantic and light hearted. He dreamed of commanding fleet ships while you dreamed of noble work and bettering Airkirdion. You both had your aspirations and you both made sacrifices to help each other achieve your goals.
When peace reigned and the war stopped you were relieved. You could spend more time with Morando. You could be happy knowing your people and it's children were safe. That your furture child would be safe. But Mornado didn't care for the safety of your world nor did he approve of the King and Queens rule.
Slowly you saw Morando cared only for his plans. He no longer thought of you or your needs. Your thoughts on the matter were worthless and he refused to listen to reason as he talked about overthrowing them and becoming the strongest planet again. So when the time came and it was safe you turned him in for treason. The King and Queen were close allies and friends to you if Morando thought you'd turn on them he truly knew nothing of you. His sick desires had blinded him and because of them he'd lost everything. Including you.
"... You seem troubled." Jolting out of your thoughts you stare as the King joins you on the castles balcony. Bowing embarrassed Fialkov simply laughs. His hand gently touches your shoulder and you feel your face grow warm despite the cool air.
"(Y/N) your a friend not a subject. Please don't feel the need to bow." He says simply. Coranda nods and you feel yourself relax once more. Morando wasn't here. You were safe and the King and Queen were your friends. Nodding you smile and they smile back making your core glow.
"... I know you didn't want to come." Coranda says softly a hand reaching out and holding yours. "... but I'm glad you did. You shouldn't miss tonight just because of something your unbonded did." She assures.
Humming you tak a sip of your drink and turn staring out at the stars. Morando was out there somewhere in a prison rotting. It had been months but still without him a small part of you felt empty. Touching your core you curse him silently.
Here you were at a party celebrating the King and Queens anniversary of peace and you couldn't stop yourself from thinking of that war monger. Kleb him!
The lights flash from the party casting shadows through the curtains. Looking into your drink purple and blue light illuminating your face you sigh.
"I feel guilty being here." You admit quietly. Your fingers tap against the glass your holding and the King and Queen look concerned. You frown thinking of Morando as music from the party fills the tense silence. Taking a deep breath you look up at your closest friends. "... It took so long to confess to his crimes. To confess he wasn't the brave fire pilot and kind warrior I once knew..." Tears well in your eyes as you stare into your drink. Closing your eyes body weak you lean against the castles balcony wishing for balance. "If anything happened to you two... Krel and Aja are so young... And the balance of this world..." You mumble. If you hadn't admitted the truth and asked for help when you did your friends may not be with you here now. Krel and Aja may not be here now. Shaking you feel a hand gently take your drink as another massages your stiff shoulders.
"(Y/N) this is a party! A celebration. Don't think of such things. You are safe. You are with friends and family! Come join! And be happy. Dance. Drink. Please. We hate seeing you like this." Fialkov says genuinely as he pulls at your hand.
"We have someone we'd like you too meet." Coranda adds with a mischievous smile. Staring at her suspiciously she winks and you gawk as they force you back inside. Unable to fight your King and Queen you follow them not liking what you think their planning.
"(Y/N). Meet the new fighter pilot of Airkirdion. Ryder this is our good friend (Y/N)." Staring at the pilot cheeks tinting blue they smile and take your hand. They're exceedingly pleasant to look at and you feel your core beginning to glow.
Bright green eyes meet your (e/c) ones as they smile at you and your face bursts into blue.
"Hello (Y/N). Would you care for a dance?" Staring at their features taking in their kind attitude and soft demeanor you nod, not missing the King and Queens smirk as your whisked away into the dancing crowd.
Years later and you've rebonded to the pilot the Queen and King had introduced you too.
Happy in your new home with your new life you stand on the balcony high above the city and remember that ball night fondly. It was the eve of your wedding and you were celebrating with some much needed time off with your beloved.
Swaying as you stare at the stars your new partner sneaks behind you wrapping their arms around your waist as they kiss up and down your neck. Giggling at their antics they smile nuzzling you.
"Love we have another week before we return to work, what do you want to do?" They question humming softly as they stare at the sky with you. You feel at peace as you lean against them.
"I don't know I..." You hear a small zap noise. Something sticky is on the back of your neck and there's a sound like malfunctioning tech. You smell fried metal and the feeling of arms around you fades before altogether it disappears. "... Love?" You question. You receive no answer. "Ryder?"
Confused you turn before letting out a loud scream.
Morando stood there with a sadistic smile on his face. He held a ray gun loosely from his fingertips as he look at you. The gun glowed with excess energy from just being fired and you realized the sticky stuff on the back of your neck was your deceased partners blood. Shaking you feel tears form in your eyes as you take a step back. Morando tilts his head pouting as he steps forward arms wide as if wanting a hug.
Your eyes widen as his boot crunches your beloveds core. Tears streaking down your face you charge at him!
"NO YOU MONSTER!" Pounding at his chest he laughs and blocks your pitiful attacks. You were a politician not a warrior, he fell for your brain not your brawn. You knew this but you wanted some sort of vengeance for your partner. You wanted to claw Morandos core out but you were too weak.
Sobbing your eyes out he hums taking off his cape and putting it around you in a comforting gesture, something he used to do for you whenever you were sad. Punching at his chest he tsks and strokes your face uncaring of your feelings or weak attacks.
"You once called me love. Have you truly moved on so quickly?" He murmurs into your ear. Struggling against him he smirks pulling you closer. One hand wraps around your waist while the other ruffles through your hair. "I missed you..." He murmurs forcing his lips against yours. Struggling he finally pulls away with a deranged smile. Humming softly he pushes hair out of your face and kisses your forehead. "And now that we're together again nothing can tear us apart."
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Oooh I love your Morando yandere! Now I imagine the duchess becoming a goddess against her will, but a goddess of love and she tries so hard to use that for a universe Morando wants to ravage. The potential for more drama was wonderful!
You didn’t ask for this! You never wanted any of this! How could he have found it? How could he have found out where Gaylens core was??? You hid it with your sister all those years ago so well. He couldn’t have it now! He couldn’t take the little you had left away from you!
 “Morando this is to far!!! My sister and I hid Gaylen’s core for a reason!“ Your husband just smirks chuckling as he sets up the machine that’ll turn him into a god. Turn you into his queen. Your shaking terrified. He can’t do this, you can’t let him!!! “MORANDO LISTEN TO ME!“ You screech fighting against the chair he bound you too. You had to stop this! You had to fix all of this! Somehow you needed to make it okay! Somehow you just had to, as queen you had to.
 Shaking and pulling at your binds, tearing your dress and hurting yourself tears trickle down your face. Your sister was gone you were heir to the throne not MORANDO. It was your duty as queen to keep your people safe. To keep your system safe. But you felt so powerless so alone without your family. You were so alone…
 Begging to sob Morando turns away from his project amused and begins to watch you struggle making you even more upset.You hated him, you wanted him to die! But you only felt admiration and love through his side of the bond. You growl in frustration sadness turning to anger as you stare at him. He stares right back.
 “I have been listening.” He responds calmly as you continue to fight the restraints, fight him. You HATE him. Morando signs disappointment seeping through his bond as and he stalks closer to you. Snarling at him he signs. Cupping your face he tilts your chin forcing you to meet his intense stare. “Ever since we bonded all I’ve done is listen to you. Your niece and nephew are still alive and under strict orders not to be hurt, Akiridion 5 is safe, the people are unharmed despite their rebellion,“ He states before signing. “I DO listen and I’ll continue to listen because your my bonded and despite what you believe my Queen I love you.“
  He smiles and moves your hair out of your face before adjusting the crooked crown on your head to be straight again. “But you need to listen to me now. And you need to trust me. I’m doing this for us. For Akiridion 5. For the galaxy. We’ll rule together. We’ll be gods.“ Leaning in he kisses you softly core humming making yours thrum as he holds you close. Pulling away from you, you groan in disgust but he only continues to smile softly. “Together we’ll change the Universe.“ He whispers. “And we will be happy.“ He injects you with something and you gasp feeling your sight blur. “No matter how much time it takes, no matter how much you resist, you will LOVE me.“ He states as you slip into a forced recharge.
 Waking up Morando is with you still smiling. Your eyes widen as you feel a surge of power through your systems, you stare at him and know he did it. He infused both your cores with Gaylens core.
  “How could you?“ You hiss. Morando laughs. His hand wraps around your waist before he turns you around. Your eyes widen in astonishment. He had done it. He had really done it, you were gods!
 “How could I not?“ He questions sweeping an arm out to gesture at the town you now towered over. You felt endless power course through you making your head spin.
… How could he not?
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New TrollHunters Blog!
I do all of the T.O.A world except the movie. You can request any of the characters from Trollhunters/3below/Wizards.
I will do scenarios, headcannons, imagines, or drabbles. If you don't specify on which you want I'll be chosing. All asks are gender neutral.
This is an X Reader blog. Please do not send in any character x character ideas or fics. This is only allowed if their in a poly relationship with reader. Go to @dawns-trollhunting-shit to make any requests or asks of character x character fics for T.O.A
You can request up to five characters at a time. Don't just say trolls/humans/aliens/wizards. Specify which characters you want. If it says writers choice it may get written or it may get deleted.
You can just make a general request as well, Example being Trollhunters/3below/Wizards X Reader where the Reader isn't romatically involved their just doing something with the group.
If you say authours choice it might get deleted.
Make prompt/ask clear. Please be specific on what you want.
I don't do line prompts. Unless I reblog from a writing list do not send in a request with a specific line you want. The only exception is if it's something generic like asking a character to say, I love you.
NO PREGNANCY ASKS. (That was a one time thing for a friend after I got inspired. Babies/pregnancy are hard to write as I've never experienced either.)
Angst and fluff requests are aloud! Gore is fine and will be appropriately tagged. Torture can be put in an ask. However anything involving sexual harassment or sex/rape is not okay. The ask will be deleted.
I do platonic asks. Asks don't have to be romantic just because it's an X Reader blog. Reader can also be related to someone in the series and I can write about that. Being realated to blank includes, being the kid of blank includes. Things like that.
No crossovers. No superpowered hero/reader with abilities only magic please.
You can request reader with a mental disorder or disability. I will do my best to do them justice.
Poly relationships are allowed and cherished!
I love Yandere! Go head and suggest it with any character. Platonic yandere is also okay. :D
All asks will be done when they get done. It just depends when inspiration strikes. Sorry for anyone who has to wait.
Different seasons involve different rules as I do events. Hoilday/seasonal asks have different rules. Make sure to read the post regarding that set of rules or your ask will get deleted.
Trollhunter Character's
~ Darci
~ Mary
~ Shannon
~ Morgana
~ Bular
~ Gunmar
~ Dictatious
~ Ursuna
~ Angor Rot
~ Walter Stricklander
~ Otto Scarabach
~ Nomura
~ Not Enrique
3below Character's
Good Guys Aliens
~ Aja
~ Krel
~ Varavotos Vex
~ King Fialkov
~ Queen Coranda
~ Zadra
~ Mother
~ The Blanks
~ Stuart
~ Tronos
Good guys Humans
~ Steve
~ Eli
~ Seamus
~ Mary
~ Darci
Bad Guys
~ Val Morando
~ The Brotherhood
~ Foo Foo Bunnies
~ Colonel Kubritz
~ Omen
~ Gwen
Wizards Characters
Good guys Mages/Humans
~ Hisirdoux
~ Zoe
~ Gwenivere
~ Lancelot
~ King Arthur
~ Morgana
~ Troll Jim
~ Handmaiden Claire
~ Squire Steve
~ Callista/Deya
~ Young Dictatious
~ Young Blinky
~ Young Vendel
Bad Guys
~Arcane Order
- Nari (By association. She becomes good later and you can request her as evil or pure bean)
- Skrael
- Bellroc
~Green Knight
~ Arcane Order Morgana
~Young Gunmar
~ Young Bular
~Soldier Aarrrgh
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