#4 of them would be utterly unsurprised by this convo -- either they know it happens or they always suspected itd be like this
forgottengodfrey · 1 month
lizzydobbs: " we all have secrets, don't we? " (edmund)
Godfrey was still, gaze flicking to meet Edmund's and slowly he smiled. He did not answer at once, bending instead to drop another log upon the hearth. Outside, the winds shrieked their fury upon the castle and, within, its denizens shivered.
Resuming his seat, Godfrey folded his hands before him as he looked at his nephew. "I have secrets?"
"All men have secrets."
Godfrey smiled, inclined his head. "Very good. What do you imagine my secrets are?"
"You wish me to succeed my father."
"Is that a secret?"
It was Edmund's turn to smile knowingly. "Oh, yes," he said. "The very greatest of them all, being so publically known as it is."
Chuckling, Godfrey poked at the flames. "Go on."
"Showing your hand so freely leaves you room to maneuver freely as well. They will not see you coming in other avenues because they believe they know what you are after."
Godfrey inhaled deeply. "I've trained you well, haven't I?"
"It remains to be seen."
He shook his head. "It doesn't. I see it already. I'm proud of you, Edmund."
The boy glanced down and Godfrey exhled slowly. He didn't hear it often enough. Godfrey licked his lips, let it be for now. He did not wish to come off sacchrine and, thereby, insincere. His pride was very real, and he ished to always assure that Edmund never questioned that, seeing as so few others ever showed it.
"Now, tell me the rest, will you? You don't imagine that I secretly plot against you, do you? It's been some time since we've had one of our lessons. The pupil is quick becoming the master, I think."
Edmund laughed. "Of course you don't plot against me. The fact that your stated endgoal is genuine in no way prevents it from also serving as a diversion, as well, when necessary -- sometimes even in its own service. The trick in that is blinding the onlooker to the connection between one thing and the next."
Smiling again, Godfrey nodded. "What if I told you, Edmund...I believe I have just such a scheme already underway. It's in early stages: perhaps not yet fit for sharing...but I assure you: my efforts on your behalf are ongoing."
"I have no doubt." Edmund stood, then, heaving another log onto the fire. "I did say, uncle," he added, claiming the poker and prodding the flames with it. "We all have secrets."
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