leo1132 · 2 months
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hackedmotionsensors · 6 months
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He's got nothin' to worry about except maybe a boot to the back of the head lmao
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an-au-blog · 5 months
40 y/o zosan is just Sanji - restaurant owner, who has like 5 Michelin Stars, flirts with every woman who enters his restaurant, but has always politely and apologetically said "no" if any of them ask him out. And Zoro - the greatest swordsman, admired by many, feared by all, taking a nap on the restaurant's porch and getting scolded by his malewife for scaring the customers. Anyone who looks at them for longer then 5 seconds, however, would see they aren't really fighting - Sanji had no bite behind his words, in fact they were almost flirtatious, and Zoro always ended up with his arms around or entangled in some way around the blond.
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akimao · 10 months
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40yo zosan + long hair and tattoo 💕
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xojhi · 4 months
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inoreuct · 10 months
i actually desperately need 40y/o zoro with reading glasses. thin wire frames with teensy rectangular lenses perched on his nose as he peers down at one of sanji’s french romance novels to see what all the fuss is about— after so many years with his husband he’s picked up a bit of the language and sanji has a stack of them on the nightstand and he’s bored, alright? sanji has something to wrap up at the restaurant and he might as well. he’s farsighted and squints at everything near him and it makes him look even grouchier than usual and the fact that he’s graying at the temples doesn’t help. he looks terrifyingly severe with all his scars and his frowning, until he smiles— he’s been doing that a lot more lately, and then people realise that’s why he has crow’s feet around his eyes. i need him to have a collection of bottles that he’s fiercely protective over; they’re all empty and the labels are faded to hell, but point to any one and he can tell you where it had been drunk. there’s a beer bottle from the first night he’d sailed with luffy. a sweet rum they’d popped to celebrate usopp’s return. the champagne from when he and sanji had gotten married.
i need 40y/o sanji with long, long hair that he ties and pins and styles differently every day. sometimes he makes decorative sourdough and he matches his braids to the patterns. i need him taking on protégés in his restaurant, guiding a new generation of culinary genius even though teenagers are fucking terrifying and annoying and argumentative, because he remembers being exactly like them and at the end of it they’re good kids. they listen to him (…to an extent). they’re sweet and talented and they do absolutely crazy shit in the process of trying to push their boundaries; sometimes they trip and fall, but it’s fine. that’s how they learn. that’s what sanji’s for, as their safety net and their mentor— he’ll give them shit for it and pick them up anyway, nag them while brusquely brushing off their knees. but sometimes, sometimes, they come up with something extraordinary, and sanji gets so proud he could cry. zeff drops by and nags at him for everything under the damn roof. sanji doesn’t mind it.
i need them in their kitchen, in the morning, when sanji’s far too chipper and zoro’s not awake enough, nursing a cup of coffee and half-asleep again at the table as sanji fries their eggs. i need zoro to have one of those old man rocking chairs that he settles into to watch the sunset and drink tea, because sanji’s managed to get him into tea of all things. he’d have never imagined liking matcha a decade ago. i need that rocking chair to be big enough for two so that sanji can curl into his side and thumb through yet another of his novels. i need zoro braiding his hair and falling asleep halfway. i need sanji pulling his glasses off when they slip down his nose and dragging his husband to bed so that he doesn’t bitch about his back hurting the next day. i need them at sanji’s restaurant, teaching the kids about food and liquor pairings— they’re a little terrified of zoro until he squints and pulls his specs out to read the labels, after which they’re running around calling him old man and grandpa roronoa. zoro fumes because for fuck’s sake, he’s forty, not ninety. he’s not old. he brings a bottle of wine three inches away from his face and sanji does nothing to stop the kids at all.
just— zoro with reading glasses. sanji with long hair. doing mundane, boring things that make them happy because they never expected to live this long anyway. zoro’s down to two earrings and sanji has one. their rings are woven straw pulled from luffy’s hat. they have a little motored dinghy out back that franky made for the times they need to go haul their captain’s ass out of trouble (as usual), but none of the crew are ever very far from each other. they stay at sanji’s restaurant in the all blue and occasionally fend off people from their past looking for revenge. or money. or to eat them out of the house and home, in luffy’s case, which then leads to zoro den den-ing the rest of the lot and sighing that they might as well come over for a cookout.
they’ve all gotten older; a little banged up and scruffed around the edges, but alive and well. nami’s making bank as a mapmaker who caters to the wealthy/insurance agent/financial advisor— zoro scoffs and calls her a swindling witch, to which she smiles at him all sweet before stomping solidly on his foot with her red-bottom heel. out of their conjoining workshops, franky and usopp have started a wildly successful demo-smithing company that specialises in custom explosives and bespoke carpentry. robin owns and maintains the most extensive archive of books any of them have ever heard of, and it’s pretty much lauded as one of the greatest libraries of all time; brook does gigs in jazz lounges and bistro bars, jinbei’s a diplomat who’s well-respected for campaigning for equal rights, and chopper runs his own medical practice. luffy, as usual, is doing whatever he wants, which is a little bit of everything. y’know, taking down corrupt governments and all that.
sanji feeds them like he’s always done and zoro brings out the good alcohol to pass around.
life’s good.
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invizz · 10 months
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40 yr old zosan for zosanweek on twitter!
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wasabi-gumdrop · 1 year
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sobbing … i’m so obsessed with Sanji
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darkcostco · 9 months
zosan enjoyers will read the same scenario with a different title over and over again then call it productive afternoon
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jezebelletauralene · 11 months
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40s Sanji x Zoro
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marimoagent · 11 months
old married men core
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emikolveartz · 4 months
I live me some old men yaoi as they grow old and gray
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an-au-blog · 11 months
40y/o zosan where Sanji's a movie star and does modeling from time to time (as some actors do) and Zoro who's a stuntman/teaches actors how to do their own stunts.
At first everyone is all "Aw, how cute, they became besties after working on a movie tonight like 20 years ago and now they go to premiers together? How cute, bestie goals haha", but only because the whole cast rotates like in Wes Anderson movies. Same main actors with different settings.
It's always Luffy, Nami, Sanji and Jinbe on the screen. And Franky and Usopp as technicians and scenographers, Robin as a consultant for historical inaccuracies and costume designs, the music is always written by the legendary Brook and it's always produced by Chopper.
But then fans started noticing that it's not only Tony Tony Chopper movies. Sanji invites Zoro at almost every event. In fact now that they look at him more closely - Sanji's wearing what looks like a wedding ring. But then again, he wears jewelry because of the fashion trends.
That is until someone makes a post about how well each of them ages and they notice something...
Zoro used to have three dangling earrings. Now they're two. And Sanji didn't have a ring until after Zoro was left with only the hook of one of the earnings.
It's all just crazy fan theories, plus Sanji loves women, anyone who knew his early career can tell you that much. That is... until Sanji likes one of the "crazy fan"'s post. There's screenshots of his liked posts and threads about what it might mean.
But all hell broke lose when the very next day Sanji posts a screenshot of his dm's with no caption or tags.
Marimo: [link]
Marimo: wtf is this shit cook?
Cook: our wedding ring
Marimo: why did you like the post???
Cook: I want to announce our fifteenth anniversary
Marimo: fine just screenshot this and post it with no context or whatever
And then almost half an hour later a second screenshot comes along
Cook: you don't use sarcasm
Cook: should I post a picture of our wedding as proof? Some people don't believe the screenshot
Marimo: No
Marimo: who cares if they don't believe
Cook: I do :((
Marimo: ...
Which was followed up by a post from Zoro's account that was a picture of Sanji smiling and holding Zoro's hand, showing off both their rings.
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bitchbot3000 · 10 months
My favourite genre of zosan art is when people turn it into old man yaoi and make them both all haggard and greying and just as petty as they were at 19 but much more comfortably
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xojhi · 10 months
It's Zosan day so here's my partake on the Zosan prompt in twitter!
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datkat08 · 1 month
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True love is when you still bump foreheads after 20 years 💚💛
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