leatherbookmark · 7 months
ngl i find the "um but she did a death threat, 'i hope he dies in a hammercar explosion' is still a graphic, violent death threat and you can't do that, this is bad, i mean YEAH i guess her and other trans people getting death threats and harassment directly into their inboxes is bad too but let's not detract from the fact that even threats of cartoonish violence are bad :(" crowd kinda ky
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sabastappen · 2 years
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reading all the cost cap rumours🥂
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peppermintquartz · 2 years
another Twitter breach - 200mil email accounts this time apparently
I'm still waiting out my 30days before full deactivation but idk if there are delays. In any case I'm gonna be changing my password for the email account I used to register for Twitter
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dulcez · 2 years
the new playlist at work has not one but TWO t*ylor sw*ft songs on it and one of them literally goes “it’s me, hi, i’m the problem it’s me” ...... like it’s so bland and boring i will never forgive this world for making her one of the most popular musicians ever :/ 
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gender-euphowrya · 2 days
concord's development cost what now
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heatsu · 2 years
Me watching how next presidential elections are getting manipulated so that the current ruling party can win again:
(Eng:my reaction to that information:)
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shallcarvemaam · 2 years
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Over here this is all of us, still...
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latinotiktok · 2 months
No es por comenzar un drama por encima de todo el peo que ya tenemos montado encima pero esta clase de obstaculización del proceso electoral es de esas cosas que uno leía en los libros de historia sabes.
Hay aproximadamente 7.5 millones de venezolanos regados por el mundo, de los cuales como 5 millones son mayores de edad, de los cuales solamente se pudieron registrar 67mil votos (las elecciones anteriores habían más de 100mil venezolanos en el extranjero habilitados para votar). Menos del 1%. Muchos defensores del gobierno insisten en que era el deber de la oposición asegurar que la diáspora pudiera votar, a lo que yo respondo, guebón quienes son los que están gobernando, ¿no son ustedes acaso? Nojoda, si se llegaba a medio escuchar que los dirigentes opositores estaban llegando a un acuerdo con las embajadas venezolanas les iban a prohibir la participación en las elecciones.
¿Sabías que el pasaporte venezolano, uno de los requisitos obligatorios para ejercer el derecho al voto en el extranjero, tiene un costo de más de 300$ si estás fuera de Venezuela? Hablando del gobierno que advoca por la clase obrera con esta clase de precios prohibitivos. SÍ PERDÓN POR USAR DÓLARES es para que hagan la conversión a su moneda local y comparen cuanto cuestan sus pasaportes. Dentro de Venezuela cuesta 206$.
¿Sabías que en varios países solamente había habilitado UN centro de votación en TODO el territorio, Chile por ejemplo, que en Brasil, donde hay como 400mil venezolanos, solamente habían DOS centros de votación? (Mosca que era responsabilidad del gobierno venezolano asegurar la apertura de mesas de votación, no estoy echando paja donde no toca) ¿Sabías que el proceso de inscripción y/o cambio de mesa en muchos países duró nueve días?
Ya ni siquiera metiendo a la diáspora marico porque parezco llorón aquí, dentro de Venezuela muchos centros de votaciones retrasaron su hora de apertura de dos a cuatro horas dependiendo de dónde te encontraras, si era un centro electoral en las localidades de escuelas militares o similares, se les daba prioridad a los milicos, muchas personas desaparecieron del sistema a última hora, existen varias denuncias de guardias nacionales que se presentaron a centros de votaciones prominentemente opositores para intimidar, la denuncia aquella de la universidad en que a los estudiantes les secuestraron el dni hasta que no votaran por Maduro, personas a las que se les negó el acceso por "vestimenta inapropiada", denuncias de personas a las que las máquinas se les congelaban e iban los representantes de las mesas a "revisar" y terminaban votando por Maduro, a la hora de la instalación de las máquinas los testigos que no fueran militantes del oficialismo no se les permitió el paso, en localidades donde el problema de la gasolina está más grave simplemente dejaron de proveer, coño tanto que denuncian la injerencia gringa pero los saboteos estos pareciera que los sacaron directico de la democracia rara esta de Balazos Perdidos estos marditos guebones vendepatrias cabezas de webo pelao
Estoy deprimida marico ya son 25 años de esta misma gente. Esta vaina debe ser un mal de ojo arrecho que nos mandaron todos los dinosaurios por tener una economía dependiente del petróleo por tanto tiempo. Marica ya.
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stupittmoran · 1 year
US donations for Ukraine 2023: 2/20 $500 Mil 2/23 $10 Bil 2/24 $2 Bil 3/3 $400 Mil 3/20 $350 Mil 4/04 $2.6 Bil 4/19 $325 Mil 5/08 $1.2 Bil 5/18 $3 Bil 5/19 $375 Mil 5/19 $40Bil 5/31 $300Mil 6/09 $2.1Bil 6/13 $325Mil 6/16 $205Mil 6/20 $6.2Bil 6/26 $500Mil 07/07 $800Mil 07/18 $1.3Bil 07/21 $400Mil Last week US agreed to give $130Mil more and now Ukraine is asking for $24Bil.. H/T TexasRepublic71
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mistyhallowsmt · 13 days
“I wasn’t given $400mil by my father”
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Yeah sure
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sneakyboythingz · 1 year
Sometimes i remember that each Murder Drones episode cost 300mil to 400mil dollars to make and then i stay silent for a while.
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destinyc1020 · 8 months
Challengers isn't going to be a $400mil box office type blockbuster but it'll do good. Maybe we need to stop comparing a movie like Dune that has an entire fan base due to the books and the actors in it vs something like Challengers that doesn't have that.
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cmdr-prio · 1 year
A few things rattling around in my skull right now
First up, my credit balance is now over 400mil, and I'm really questioning how much that's actually worth given how quickly I got there.
Second, I'm still considering making the Megalodon shieldless, but I realised there's something I haven't considered. A fully loaded cargo rack will weigh more than a shield generator in the same slot. My brain's still fuzzy on how these things work, but that extra mass will effect my turn speed in supercruise, right? Making it harder to evade interdictions. Not a great trade-off if true.
Lastly, I'm thinking of buying an anaconda and outfitting it for exploration. The jump range won't be as ridiculous as a jumpaconda or anything, making it comfortable will weigh it down, but it should be a nice upgrade from the diamondback explorer. Once I've got that going on, maybe I'll take a trip to a nice nebula or something. At the very least, I could take the time to go and find some of the neat sights within the bubble that I've heard about but never actually been to. I heard a rumour there's a moon that looks like a ballsack.
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saintlaurentproblems · 7 months
I honestly think every celeb at her level should not be on social media. Like Selena Gomez please take notes. No one should have access to 300 million people’s opinions on a daily basis.
Seriously anyone would go insane.I used to have a pop culture tiktok account and it was literally anonymous but with how mean and argumentative and genuinely stupid people were on just harmless funny videos had me breaking into a cold sweat. I had a singlular video that got like 400Mil views and it was fun for like 3 days … the account is deleted now.😀Idk how these celebrities do it because that was one video and my face wasn’t even on it and i was defending myself like i was in court lmfao.
It’s honestly insane how people act on the internet
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astranva · 2 years
how come pe reader is this megafamous because although she is an amazing acclaimed actress this level of fame (like 400mil followers) normally applies to celebrities like the Kardashian’s who are super public and post all day and i thought she’s really private and stuff? I hope you get me, no bad intentions xx
she’s private as in she doesn’t post much about her relationship but she does at times, and she’s always active when she’s part of a project. also, there definitely is some marketing for her brand, Bare, and the viral pictures of her that she occasionally posts, and the ones she always posts during big events, etc. so she’s not really inactive.
babe have fun with it hahah x
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Name: Limu River Age: 400mil Species: naiad Gender: female Power: controls and creates the flow, structure, and shape of rivers God: rivers Rank: Goddess of Rivers Children: Creek Spirits, Rock Spirits, demigods Neieces: none Nephews: none Grandchildren: demigods, Creek Spirits, Rock Spirits Partners: Caicias Siblings: none Lives: lives in a river at the base at a very tall mountain
(Tag for Limu is River Mountain)
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