pbmychoices · 5 years
41 Days of Cheer
Day 36 Sweater Weather
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Cozy Get Together
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argylemnwrites · 5 years
Nimble Fingers
Pairing: Bryce Lahela x MC (Cassie Vanderfield), Sienna Trinh & MC (friendship) 
Book: Open Heart (somewhere around Book 1, Chapter 7)
Word Count: ~1250
Rating: PG
Summary: Cassie bumps into Bryce in her apartment for an unexpected reason.
Author’s Note: My long overdue Autumn prompt as requested by @sunnyxdazed (knitting). Sorry this is so late (and I still have one more Autumn prompt left, yikes!), but I also tied it into day 2 for 41 Days of Cheer (stripes) because why not?
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Cassie felt disgusting. Her face was oily, her hair was greasy, and she knew she smelled like some awful blend of sweat and the hospital. And while she’d dumped her nasty scrubs in the laundry bin in the locker room, her tank top, underwear, and socks couldn’t get into her hamper quickly enough.
It was her first 28 hour shift ever. In med school, she’d had a couple of 24 hour shifts, but those extra 4 hours were brutal. Actually, it was closer to 6 extra hours, but Cassie knew she would fudge that so she wouldn’t get flagged for a duty hours violation and have to meet with Dr. Hudges. Elijah warned her about that after he recorded his hours a little too accurately. Regardless, it was close to noon and all she could think about was crawling into bed.
She walked down the flight of steps as she entered their building, drudging down the plain hallway before she unlocked the door to their apartment. She was immediately greeted by the smell of something sweet baking in the oven and Sienna’s laughter. Cassie raised her hand, hoping for just a quick hello before she crashed, but was surprised that Sienna wasn’t laughing at something Elijah, Jackie, or Landry had said. Instead, she was sitting cross-legged on the couch with Bryce, a pair of knitting needles in each of their hands and a pile of various colors of balls of yarn on the coffee table in front of them.
 “What are you doing here?”
“Well, hello to you too,” Bryce replied, not taking his eyes off his hands as he wrapped the green yarn around one of his needles.
“Yeah, hello. What are you doing here?”
“He asked me to teach him to knit,” chimed in Sienna.
“Why?” asked Cassie, rubbing her eyes. She was so exhausted and this whole thing seemed so strange, she half felt like she was hallucinating.
“Aren’t you just a ray of sunshine on this fine Saturday?” said Bryce, still focused on his project.
“She just got off a 28 hour shift,” explained Sienna.
Bryce finally paused his knitting at that, looking up at Cassie for the first time. She felt very subconscious about her appearance. She and Bryce had hooked up a few times at this point, and while she didn’t always look hot at the end of a shift, she knew this was a whole different level of ugly. The only saving grace was that Bryce was halfway across the room and probably couldn’t smell her at the moment.
But Bryce had no reaction to her appearance, at least not one he let on. Instead, he looked her straight in the eyes as he asked her, “First one?” Cassie merely nodded, hoping to end this conversation quickly and head to shower and then her bed. But Bryce smirked and kept the conversation going.
“They say you never forget your first,” he said with a wink. Cassie shook her head slightly, a smile creeping onto her face no matter how fatigued she was. Sienna was either oblivious to Bryce’s innuendo or was choosing to ignore it, merely checking the evenness of her last few stitches in the sweater she was making for Wayne before she leaned over to check Bryce’s work. “You’re really getting the hang of it!”
“Of course I am. My hands are spectacular. Isn’t that right, Cassie?”
Cassie’s eyebrows shot up as her tired brain raced to try and come up with an appropriate retort. Flirty, teasing banter was nothing new for them, even if this one did imply a bit more first-hand knowledge than usual. Normally, Cassie would be able to dish it back, but right now, she was drawing a blank. She blamed sleep deprivation.
“Why would Cassie have anything to say about your hands?” asked Sienna. Her question was a naive one, but the glint in her eyes implied that it was anything but innocent, and as she glanced between Bryce and Cassie, it was clear that she knew exactly what she was doing. It also made Cassie wonder how much her roommates knew about her and Bryce, but that was a topic for later, when she wasn’t ready to crawl into bed.
“Oh, you know, because she’s consulted on some of my post op patients.” Bryce said with another wink to Cassie before returning to his knitting.
“Uh huh,” said Sienna as she rolled her eyes, but before she could push the topic, Bryce redirected the conversation.
“I’m ready to switch colors, I think.” 
Sienna leaned over, counting his rows before picking up the grey yarn off the coffee table. “Yeah, that’s a good stripe width for a scarf. So, what you need to do is drop the green, and then I’ll get you started with the next stitch with the grey, okay?”
Sensing an opportunity to sneak away and get cleaned up before she went to bed, Cassie turned and headed down the hallway towards the bathroom, barely noticing Sienna and Bryce calling out, wishing her “Goodnight” in spite of it being the middle of the day.
Twenty minutes later, Cassie blissfully climbed into her bed, not caring that her pillow was going to be soaking wet from her hair. Her sleep was deep and wonderful, not even the bright light pouring through her blinds impacting her ability to finally get some rest. Hours later, Cassie awoke to a light tapping on her door. She contemplated ignoring the noise, rolling over and going back to sleep, but a quick glance at the clock convinced her that she should get up, at least for a few hours, maybe get something to eat.
“Cassie, are you still asleep? I wanted to see if you were hungry. I’m making stir fry for dinner if you want some,” Sienna softly spoke through the door. Sure enough, Cassie could smell something delicious wafting into her room. So she pulled on her robe and joined Sienna at the table, grabbing a plate and loading it with rice, chicken, and vegetables.
It was just her and Sienna at dinner that night, both Jackie and Landry working and Elijah out with Phoebe and some of her friends on something he had insisted wasn’t a date. At first they ate in a comfortable silence, but eventually Sienna spoke.
“Bryce is really nice.”
Cassie cocked her eyebrow at Sienna as she took another bite. Sienna blushed slightly, “I obviously don’t mean for me. It’s just, I hadn’t really spent much time one-on-one with him, but I like him. For you, I mean.”
Cassie shook her head. “We aren’t dating, Sienna.”
“Well regardless of whatever is going on between you two, I just wanted to say he’s a good guy. He’s much kinder than the rest of the surgeons, and he was surprisingly easy to teach for someone with that much confidence.”
“Why did he want to learn how to knit, anyway?”
“He told me he thought it would improve his dexterity in the OR. Plus, he said he doesn’t really own much cold weather gear, so he thought a scarf would be useful.”
Cassie nodded as she kept eating, but Sienna wasn’t done.
“I know it’s not my business if you guys are dating or just friends with benefits or something else, but I really do think you guys are pretty well suited, and I just like him.”
She looked so genuine, her eyes wide and earnest as she looked at Cassie. So Cassie just smiled, “Yeah, me too.”
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Tags: @mfackenthal @lilyofchoices @thequeenchoices @octobereighth @feartheendlesssummer @tallulahshh @fortunatelywaywardsandwich @dreaming-of-movies @choicesarehard @universallypizzataco @omgjasminesimone @srta-give-me-my-jax-rl​
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One Planned Surprise and One Unexpected Surprise
Mother of the Year / Thomas Mendez x MC
Summary: Thomas has a surprise for his family and Gloriana has one too that nobody sees coming.
Authors note: for the 41 days of cheer, day 3 pets. This one does have a time skip in so it’s about fast forward about two years after the events of the book. Enjoy!
Thomas Mendez shook his head as he looked at his daughter in the backseat. She was sleeping with her head rested against the door. Next to her was Lucia trying to fix Luz’s homework as best as she could. His new step-daughter didn’t have to do that for her.
“Lucia,” he said with a warning in his voice.
She sheepishly tucked Luz’s homework back in her bag and put her hands in her lap. In the front seat next to him Gloriana stirred slightly in her own sleep. It had been a long day at work as he concentrated on the road. Everyone was going to be here today for a good reason.
The younger girl still alert looked out the window and frowned.
“Thomas where are we going?” asked Lucia seeing the rows of trees. This was not the way to get back to the house she now lived in. In fact, it looked like they were going in the opposite direction. She frowned as they passed the city and headed toward the country side.
“It’s a secret and a surprise,” he said winking at her.
She perked up excited and peered around getting a better look out the window. She didn’t want to wake Luz but this must be a good surprise and there wasn’t anyone awake to talk to her with about it.
“Can I guess?” she asked pressing on for details.
“Hmm, okay only one question because if there was anymore you might figure it out.”
Lucia nodded gravely and thought of her first question. Was it something she talked about or something different? “Alright, I trust you because you’re really good at taking care of us and you make my mom happy,” she said simply. “Is it a fun surprise?”
Thomas paused hearing that.  He was good at being her new dad, as he broke into a small grin. Well, that was a nice surprise. He kept his eyes trained on the road flying past the edge of a farm.
“Yes and I think all of us will love it.”
She nodded happily and breathed hard onto the window drawing a smiley face in the fog she produced.
“Lucia do you really think that I’m doing a good job at being your dad?” he asked cautiously. It had been awhile since she had heard from Guy. She probably wasn’t even used to having him around all the time just yet. Much less having her picture him kissing her mom.
Lucia had her thinking face on before nodding. “Yea I think you’re doing a great job. Like I said before you take care of us and I can tell my mom really loves you. I like having a dad in my life since I really think that I need one.”
He smiled and turned out a gravel driveway to a farm. They had been driving for the last two hours and had stopped for sandwiches an hour back. Lucia had already woken up Luz and started to climb out of the car. Gently Thomas reached over and woke up Gloriana.
“Let me sleep,” she mumbled.
“What if I kiss you awake?” he teased.
“Do it.”
Laughing she waited for him as Thomas leaned over the console and gently kissed her cheek. She pouted and never opened her eyes.
“This is the only angle that I have. You have to get up otherwise there’s no surprise for you.”
“Okay fine you won,” she said tossing the blanket she used on the floor in front of her and opened the door.
Together the small family got out of the car and saw the barn in front of them. A young couple waved them to come over. Luz and Lucia chasing after each other and already in the lead. Thomas took his wife’s hand and smiled at her sincerely wiping a stray dark hair from her face. In response she just kissed his cheek back and walked over to the couple.
The pair waiting for them stopped and the woman put a finger on her lips.
“Alright I’m Alma and this is my husband Jack,” said the young woman with a large sunhat on.
“I have a friend named Alma too,” said Lucia excited trying to investigate the barn doors.
“It’s a nice name,” she said crinkling her nose as she smiled herself. “Anyway, we have to be quiet because your surprise doesn’t really like surprises.”
With that Jack opened the door and lead them to the first stall. Inside on the floor surrounded by straw and various toys was a dog. A female black and white border collie dog eyed them but yipped at the sight of Thomas. Surrounding her was puppies about five of them sleeping soundly.
Aww, cooed the girls looking at the puppies.
“You have yourself a really nice dad,” said Jack, “one of those puppies are yours.”
“REALLY!?” shouted Luz and Lucia making the puppies wake up and bark.
Thomas just nodded and covering an ear. Jack and Alma just gestured for them to calm down and to play the puppies to figure out which one they wanted.
The puppies were eager to play with them as Gloriana picked one up to his face.
“I can’t wait to go home with you,” said Gloriana before cradling it close to her. “Seriously what brought on you buying a puppy?”
“Well you got this pet insurance from your new job I figured that we’d use it. After all who wouldn’t’ want a dog? Who knows if we’ll have any kids together so I figured a new member of the family would be fun.”
At that Gloriana bit her bottom lip and didn’t look at him as he said that. His eyes grew soft in concern and wrapped an arm around her. Her jean jacket already had fur covering it her own brown eyes downcast. A pink flush to her face.
“Oh Thomas, um, I was going to wait until this weekend when we had everyone there, but I am expecting.”
Stunned himself he watched as she let the dog she was holding down and put a hand on her stomach. “Surprise?”
With that he wrapped his arms around her in a tight hug lifting her slightly and swinging her around. The girls didn’t even seem to notice playing with the puppies. That didn’t seem to matter as he kissed her lips softly. This was just the day of surprises.
Tag list: @perriewinklenerdie @flyawayboo @queen-among-writers @am-i-invisible777 @adrianadmirer @fluffy-cat-whisper @melodyofgraves @symonde @paisleylovergirl @elainew13 @itsbrindleybinch @brightpinkpeppercorn @darley1101 @mfackenthal @jlpplays1 @writerapprentice @indescribablechoices 
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drakewalkerfantasy · 5 years
A family Christmas (Beckett x MC, Thomas x Katrina)
Annotation: This is Christmas Eve and Katrina invited both her brother and his roommate to celebrate this holidays with her and her new family. Her fiancée and two daughters her and his. Does she has some secret motives of inviting seemingly stranger to join their family reunion? What secrets will this evening reveal and what reaction will have everyone on the news announced? Will here be a kiss under mistletoe and who will kiss whom? Or this will be just simple evening spend as a family. 
Author note: I would love to say a huge thank you to @fluffy-marshmallow-heart for the perfect name to this one shot and to  @annekebbphotography for a moodboard I loved it from the first sight :) Also this fanfic is a part of my ongoing at the moment Series Consequences but you don’t need to read it to be familiar with what will happen in this one shot. 
English isn’t my native language so please forgive any errors you see. I tried no proofread as much as possible. Also I know I’m kind of late to the party, but I really want to submit this fanfic for two days of @jlpplays1-41daysofcheerchallenge for Day 8: Family and Day 32: Expecting 
Words: 4052
Warnings: *fluff/make out*
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It was Christmas Eve, and Beckett was pacing around their living room. He was stopping here and there to throw a subtle look toward Maeve, who was sitting on a built-in window seat, seemingly occupied with reading the book. Her legs tucked under her, a warm blanket thrown over her laps. He ran his hands through his hair oblivious to the questioning look she has thrown in his direction.   
The nervous habit of his, noted Maeve, biting her lower lip, watching how his hand ran through his hair again.   
"What is wrong?" She asked, closing the book, and turning her attention fully on the man in front of her.
"Why--- why do you think that something is wrong?" He asked, and his hands raked through his hair. His heart thundered audibly.
“Because you paced in front of me like a wounded animal for at least half an hour without even saying a word.”
Not to mention, you look all dishevelled and nervous, thought Maeve, taking in his appearance.
“I— I didn’t,” Beckett tried to protest, catching her sceptical gaze. “Okay, I may have paced— but I wasn’t nervous. I was thinking,” hesays, swallowing hard before sitting next to her on a comfortable Window seat. “I— I just wanted to ask you— I mean Katrina wondered if you—would you like to join us for celebrating Christmas? I mean, if you— if you have no other plans.”
“Are you asking me out?” Maeve smirked, raising her eyebrows.
“No… it’s not what I meant. I mean…,” he groaned in frustration, feeling flustered from her question. His hands raking through his hair once again, dragging them down his face. “You are impossible,” he mumbled in his hands before starting to get up. “Forget it, I will tell Katrina that you have other plans,” he says, ready to leave when he felt a small hand catching his, pulling him back to the seat.
“Beckett, I will gladly join you and your sister’s family for a celebration. Thank you for the invitation,” she murmured, hesitantly placing a soft kiss to his cheek, taking him by surprise.
“Are... are you sure that you don’t mind to spend the holidays with my sister and Thomas? And--- and me, of course. It's just for an evening--- I mean dinner,” Beckett started to babble, blushing. The pleasant tingling still lingering on his cheek where her lips touched his skin.
“Beckett, stop babbling,” Maeve laughed lightly, meeting his gaze. “I like your sister’s company, and Thomas seems a very nice guy. Besides, I love their little mischief-makers. So since your sister kindly invited me to join your celebration. I will gladly accept,” she murmured before starting to babble herself. “If you don’t mind, of course. She is your family, after all, so if you think this will be weird then---I will totally understand if---,” she spoke, stopping when she caught his amused gaze, smiling sheepishly at him.
“Who is babbling now?” Beckett asked, raising his brow, a soft smile touching his lips, and they looked into each other's eyes for a long moment. “And I don’t mind,” he said, his cheeks flushing from the eagerness lacing his voice. And he cleared his throat before adding in a more calmer tone, ignoring the way his heart still pounded. “I just thought you may have other plans with your family and friends, that’s it. Don’t you have any?”
“No, I don’t,” she shook her head, continuing to explain. “My mom is working during the holidays’ season, while Shreya and Griffin both left to visit their families. So...”
“Then... then I’ll meet you in an hour. If this is sufficient enough for you to get ready? Their home is in a nearby town but still some time away, and with snow forecast and ice-covered roads, we really need to get ready soon if we don’t want to be stuck in traffic. But if this is too short notice, I can wait. Take as much time as you need,” he babbled again, till he felt a small hand softly placed on top of his.
“Beckett, I’ll see you in an hour,” she murmured, leaving for her room.
It was an hour later when he stood downstairs, waiting for Maeve, checking his watch for the hundredth time. Unconsciously, raking his hand through his hair till he heard a soft chuckle from behind.
“Are you nervous?” Maeve giggled, watching how the tips of his ears started to turn pink, and he turned around to reply.
“Just so you know, I’m not nerv—-,” the words froze on the tip of his tongue. And he felt how the wind was knocked out of his lungs when his eyes landed on the girl in front of him.
Her golden hair was put into a curly updo, and her lips were glossy and pink like a beautiful rose. Her bronze dusted cheeks wore a natural blush, and her smoky eyes met his hesitantly. Her hands reached to the hem of her mid-thigh’s loose sweater dress with a white snowman on the red field. Her hands fiddling with the hem, what he noticed, she did when she was nervous. The pair of black knee-high boots completed her look. She smiled at him shyly, taking a step closer to him, letting him help her to put a coat.
“You didn’t tell me what dress code you usually have for Christmas. So--- I hope this is to your satisfaction.”
“You--- you look amazing,” he whispered hoarsely, the words leaving his mouth even before he could stop them. And his hands lingered on her shoulders for a heartbeat longer than necessary. “I mean--- your dress is amazing,” He corrected himself hastily, a soft blush touching his cheeks.
“Sooooo, what plan do we have?” Maeve asked curiously when they finally left the house. “Are we taking two cars or just one. And if just one, then who is driving?”
“We can take my car if you don’t mind. And I can drive us to them. But on the way home, you can drive it,” Beckett suggested.
“Sounds perfect,” Maeve replied before taking a passenger’s seat.
The drive to the place took a little bit more than two hours, and they finally pulled into a driveway near to the two-story redbrick cottage. A small chimney poked out of the snow-dusted roof, and there were two little windows with plants on either side of the entrance that had an iron door knocker in the shape of the fallen star and a soccer ball. There was a greenfield on the side of the driveway with a children's playground off the road. The field and the driveway were already covered in a thin layer of snow. And it was still unhurriedly falling from the sky.
Getting out of the car, Beckett looked around. And a sigh left his lips. He was happy for his sister, and he hoped that someday he will be as happy as she is with a family of his own and a place that he could call home. Free from his mother, who was still trying to control every aspect of his life, still trying to meddle into something, in which she did not have a say. He was lost in thoughts until he was pulled out of them by a gentle touch on his elbow. He could feel the warmth from Maeve’s touch spread through his body, and a faint blush dusted his cheeks before he cleared his throat.
“Shall we?” Beckett asked, offering his hand for Maeve to take.
Without saying anything, she placed her hand on top of his. Their fingers interlacing, and the faint blush touched her cheeks. Taking a deep breath, they went toward the front door, trying to step carefully on the icy stairs leading to it, hearing excited children’s voices coming from the inside.
As soon as he reached for the door knocker, the door swung open, and two laughing children rushed at Beckett, who only had time to crouch in front of them, grabbing the girls and effortlessly lifting them into the air.
“Girls, let him go. It’s not very nice to meet your guests like that,” Katrina laughed, coming into the view, followed by Thomas. “Sorry, Bean,” she said, ignoring his attempt to object and giving him a kiss on the cheek before warmly hugging Maeve. “I’m so happy my brother finally got the courage and asked you to join us. I was nudging him for weeks,” she said, and Beckett felt how the tip of his ears turned pink, and he mumbled something inaudible.
“Glad you both could make it,” Thomas said, shaking Beckett’s hand and kissing Maeve’s, making both little girls erupt in a fit of giggles.
“Girls, be nice,” Katrina warned them, warmly raising her eyes at her fiancé, the silent dialogue passing between them before she turned back to girls leaning on their level. “Now, go to the kitchen and continue to chop more chili for Pozole. I’ll be back in a moment. I’m sure Beckett and Maeve would appreciate some quiet time in the study room to relax after their drive.” Katrina said to the girls, nudging them gently in the kitchen’s direction, and sending a meaningful look towards Thomas once again.
“It’s another thirty minutes till dinner will be served, and I’m sure you are tired from your journey,” Katrina said, looking after Thomas with a gentle smile before turning back to Beckett and Maeve.
“We can help,” they said in unison but were interrupted by Katrina, who ushered them on the second floor.
“You are our guests, so just relax, and I send girls after you when it will be time for dinner. Beckett, relax. I promise this won’t take long,” Katrina laughed, opening the door and looking at her brother, who shifted uneasily on a threshold before coming inside, followed by Maeve.
When they entered the study Beckett’s eyes widened in awe, landing on a massive oak bookcase along the wall. He had so many questions for Katrina he wanted to ask but before he could she left the study closing the door behind. Leaving the two of them in the privacy of the room lit only by the Christmas lights and the warm glow of the crackling fireplace. They shared an astonished look before Maeve turned her gaze at the books lying on the shelves, starting slowly move along the bookcase. Her attention was completely drawn to the variety of books that Thomas had, trying to ignore the way Beckett’s presence made her feel in the intimate atmosphere. But still feeling him with every bone and cell of her body, feeling the air electrifying in the room. His eyes not leaving her, admiring the way how the lights played in her hairs, bewitched by the way her fingertips gently grazed over the books’ bindings looking for the one that would catch her attention. She could feel him slowly move closer to the bookcase, picking one of the books he noticed from afar, filling the room with the rustling of pages. The books’ smell soothing her nerves, making her heart to calm, and she didn’t realize when the distance between the two of them got shorter.
Finally, after some time, she spotted the book in an old leather binding, stopping for a moment to take it from the shelf before turning around bumping straight into Beckett’s firm chest. His hands wrapped securely around Maeve’s waist, the book falling from his hand. His eyes darkened, locking on hers, and their hearts started to beat faster.
“Sorry, I didn’t see you,” she whispered, feeling how her voice betrayed her, and she raised her eyes, her gaze landing on the mistletoe right above them. The silent ohhhh left her lips, and her eyes widened, meeting Beckett’s. “I think--- you know, so not to break a Christmas tradition we… we must kiss,” she said, pointing him on the mistletoe above them, watching how his face flushed. Feeling how her own cheeks became warmer, and she lowered her eyes, trying to avoid his gaze.
Her heart thundered inside her chest, and her pulse rising, when she felt his knuckle resting under her chin, tilting her head up. His head inclined a little and his eyes meeting hers his blood setting aflame when she nibbled on her lower lip, rolling the pink flesh between her teeth. The air crackling with a tension between them, and he slowly lowered his head, his lips brushing hers in a fleeting kiss before pulling back slightly, murmuring against her lips. Their eyes closed, and their foreheads pressed together.
“If tradition obliges us to do so… who am I to decline,” whispered he, his lips meeting Maeve’s once again, hesitantly at first, breaking the kiss for a moment to look her deep in the eyes. Looking for any sign of doubt or hesitation in her eyes, but meeting none.
His thumb tentatively ran along her jaw before cupping the side of her head. Their eyes locked on each other breathing the same air, and his pulse quickened. He could feel how his head started to spin, intoxicated by her closeness, and he felt this inevitable pull between them. The one he felt every time they were close, the one he tried to resist these past months but this time--- this time he did not want to fight it anymore. Slowly he pulled her closer toward him, and their lips met. His tongue ran along the seam of her lips, silently asking her for permission to enter, feeling how her lips parted invitingly, and he slipped his tongue inside. Their kiss deepened, and his hand slide along the curves of her body, cupping her backside. Her body molding into his perfectly, and he groaned into their kiss, forgetting for a moment where they were. Their kisses growing heated, the fire of passion igniting between them, their tongues dancing together, and their lips move in unison. He groaned bringing her closer to his body, letting her know exactly what she was doing to him. His hand running lower along her body oblivious to the two pair of eyes watching them, until a fit of giggles broke them apart. And they heard a two set of legs running downstairs, cheerful scream following them through the house.
“Daaaaaad, uncle Beckett trying to swallow Maeve’s face, as you do sometimes with mum’s,” Luz giggled on the way downstairs, taking two steps at the time. Beckett’s eyes met Maeve’s with horror pooling in them. His cheeks visibly darkened with a blush, watching how unsuccessfully she tried to hide a chuckle behind her arm. And he could hear Thomas stammering voice ringing from the kitchen, followed by Katrina’s laugh.
“Luz, we… I… how? You aren’t supposed to see this,” he spattered, feeling how his face started to burn, turning crimson, looking at Katrina for support but getting met by her laugh.
Beckett and Maeve stood in a study room, looking at each other the silence hanging between them.
“I think we got carried away a little,” Maeve spoke first, a soft blush touching her cheeks and her eyes shining in such a way that left Beckett breathless. He took a step closer to her once again, his heart thundering in his chest, feeling how something changed between them, in this room, the mistletoe still hanging above them.
“I think they came up to let us know that dinner is served,” he whispered. His eyes dropping to Maeve’s lips, and he licked his own, feeling that they became dried out, and he swallowed hard. “We are still standing under it,” he nodded toward a plant. His lips brushed against hers before meeting them in a lingering kiss, not able to stop it even if he would want. It took them another couple of moments before they finally parted, pressing their foreheads together, Beckett’s hands still resting on Maeve’s waist, their eyes closed. “You go first,” Beckett whispered hoarsely, nudging her lightly toward the door.
“Don’t you think they are quite aware of what we were doing here? I bet your sister orchestrated all of this,” she said, rolling her eyes and stepping aside from Beckett to place a book back to the shelf before leaving the room.
A moment later, she felt Beckett catching up with her. His hand brushing hers before they enter the kitchen, blushing slightly when they were met by smirking gazes from Thomas and Katrina. The girls giggled, whispering something to each other before jumping from their seats excitedly, approaching Beckett and Maeve.
“Dinner is ready, may I ask, what took you so long?” Katrina asked. Her eyes met Beckett’s who lowered his gaze. His cheeks flushed, and the glossy pink lipstick was smeared over his lips, noticing the knowing glimpse in Katrina's eyes. But before he could reply anything, he felt two small hands taking his, watching Lydia grabbing Maeve’s hand and pulling them both toward the dining area. 
In a moment, they stood in a cozy dining room festively decorated. His eyes widened when he looked around. The Christmas lights were lit around the room, the big Christmas tree stood in the corner, and a pile of wrapped gifts lay under the tree. And in the middle of the room stood table with various bowls and utensils on it emanating a divine smell from it. Not even a minute passed when they heard Katrina and Thomas calling them, bringing the plates of hot meals, and inviting everyone to take their seats around the table.
“You want to say that you made it all by yourself? As--- with your own hands?” Beckett asked, looking incredulously on the table in front of them laid for six persons.
“Why do you look so surprised?” Katrina chuckled, serving to everyone the main course.
“I just guess, I never expected you to become a cook,” Beckett smiled, taking a spoonful of Pozole feeling arresting flavor tickling his taste buds. His eyes closed in pleasure, and he moaned with delight. “Wow, Katrina, when did you become such a great cook?” he asked, raising his eyes to meet his sister's.
“I can’t take all the credit, brother. Say thanks to my little helpers over here and Thomas,” she replied, winking at girls.
“Yes, I and Lydia cut the chili peppers,” Luz said proudly. “And we also made a coo---,” she started to say before cease talking, catching Katrina’s warning gaze.
“What did you do----?” Thomas asked suspiciously, watching girls share conspiratorial smiles.
“Mum asked not to tell you, but you will find out soon,” she said, smiling proudly.
“Wait, did I imagine it, or did she call you mom for the second time today?” Thomas whispered to Katrina, watching her nod. “Where did this come from, not that I mind, even opposite it makes me the happiest person in the world, but she never…”
“We discussed that last week, and after a short talk, we agreed that this what we both want. You know considering---,” her voice trailed off, and she placed a soft peck to Thomas’ lips before adding quickly. “But it doesn’t mean that I am replacing Soledad. It just means that I love Luz just as much as Lydia and that you are my family,” Katrina whispered, raising her eyes and looking around the table. “You all are my family. The family I love and need,” she said, shaking her head when Beckett tried to object. Making it clear to him, that she already considers Maeve as part of their family, even though he stubbornly denies his feelings for her. And the way his eyes changed every time he looked at her thinking that no one sees made her think that he already falling in love with this girl, probably even not realizing it himself yet.
After they finished the Christmas dinner, it was time to unwrap the gifts and girls excitedly ran toward the tree, joined by adults in a moment. They all sat on the soft cushions that were placed around the Christmas tree. Both girls comfortably sitting on Thomas’ laps, when Katrina handed them their gifts, and they eagerly started to unwrap them. Huge excited smiles on their faces, when they got matching t-shirts with a text on them, “Big Sister TO BE”. Thomas looked at them with confusion, but before he could say anything Katrina took another two gifts handing them to her brother and Maeve, biting her lower lip while suppressing a smirk at Beckett’s shocked expression when he unwrapped his gift first. Taking out the baby bottle with a text that said, “Feed me”. His face paled, and he choked on the drink he just drank.
“How do you---” Beckett sputtered, ceasing to speak when he felt Maeve’s hand taking his and squeezing it firmly to attract attention, showing him her gift. A t-shirt that said, “Honorary Auntie”. His eyes widened when a realization hit him, and he looked at Katrina, watching her nod in confirmation. His eyes lighting up, and he smiled at his sister.
“Daddy, now our turn to give you our gift. We made it our self,” Luz said proudly, rushing toward the tree, taking everything on her way. Her body smashing into Beckett’s, sending him toward Maeve, and he wrapped his hands around her instinctively. Her hand pressed to his heart, feeling how it started to thunder inside his chest. The blush instantly creeping up his neck, coloring his cheeks pink. And he sputtered apology while his hand was still wrapped securely around her waist. Their eyes meeting, and they could feel the pull that started to draw them closer before Thomas’ voice pulled them to reality, making them instantly move away from each other. Their faces flustered, and they mumbled something avoiding each other gaze.
“Luz,” Thomas exclaimed before she was back with a gift in her arms. Lydia and she stood side by side, handing him a tin of cookies, their eyes glistening with joy, and they watched him closely. He slowly started to open the lid, saying a silent prayer, that it was not something dangerous, what Luz could consider a cool thing to have. In a moment, his eyes landed on a single gingerbread cookie with icing on it, and his eyes widened when he read the text. Blinking he read it once again. “Daddy to be… again” 
He looked at Katrina, a silent question in his eyes, watching her nod in confirmation. And she hesitantly handed him a beautiful silver pen holder, that was engraved with the date that was about 9 months from now. His heart sped up when he opened it, and his eyes landed on the last gift from Katrina, the one that meant everything to him. Throwing a glimpse to the gift, he already guessed was in the box, he moved closer to Katrina wrapping his hands around her tightly. His lips found hers, kissing her passionately, murmuring between their kisses again and again “Thank you.”
The girls both scrunching their noses saying “Ewwwww.” in unison, making everyone laugh. Beckett’s hand hesitantly found Maeve’s, lacing his fingers through hers, giving it a light squeeze, sharing a subtle smile with each other.
“How… how long did you know?” Thomas asked, still holding Katrina in his arms.
“For a week,” she replied, hiding her face on his chest.
“Did… did girls know?”
“They found out the same day, and we came up together with all this plan. This was their idea to reveal this on Christmas Eve when all family will be together,” she clarified, smiling at Beckett and Maeve. Her gaze fleetingly slid to their interlaced fingers.
“Luz KNEW for a week?” Thomas exclaimed in amusement.
“Yes, daddy. You see, I can keep secrets when they are important.” Luz wagged her tongue, and everyone laughed, watching the little one sit with a proud look on her face.
“Are you happy?” Katrina asked hesitantly.
“I couldn’t wish for a better Christmas. The woman I love, amazing children, and family with whom we can share this news.”
“Merry Christmas,” said Katrina.
“Merry Christmas,” everyone replied, looking outside. Watching how the snow was falling to the ground, making it fluffy and white. Snowflakes slowly circled from the sky, the feeling of happiness filling the air.
Tagging: @fluffy-marshmallow-heart​​​​​​​ @annekebbphotography​​​​​​​ @perriewinklenerdie​​​​​​​ @thequeenofcronuts​​​​​​​ @symonde​​​​​​​ @lapisreviewsstuff​​​​​​​ @madampugzalot​​​​​​​ @emichelle​​​​​​​ @elles-choices​​​​​​​ @lilyofchoices​​​​​​​ @boneandfur​​​​​​​ @walkerismychoice​​​​​​​ @hopelessromantic1352​​​​​​​ @confessionsofabrokegirl​​​​​​​ @msjpuddleduck​​​​​​​ @desiree-0816​​​​​​ @universallypizzataco​​​​​​​ @feartheendlesssummer​​​​​​​ @catlady0911​​​​​​​ @the-soot-sprite​​​​​​​ @i-bloody-love-drake-walker​​​​​​  @xxrainbow-princessxx​​​​​​ @cordoniasmost​​​​​ @tuesdays-are-for-bobby​​​​​ @jlpplays1​
Thomas tag: @ao719​ @god-save-the-keen​ 
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maxattack-powell · 5 years
~41 Days of Cheer~
Day 2 - December 2nd: Stripes
“Candycane Liam”
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When a King decides to give you candy... you accept. 😏
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katedrakeohd · 5 years
A Very Valtorian Christmas
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Part One: Who's your Daddy?
On the evening of December 23rd the stony lakeside manor in Valtoria is lit from within by a warm golden glow. A fresh layer of snow covers the ground and surrounding trees like sparkling fairy dust. Curling columns of grey smoke rise into the cold, frosty air from the brick chimneys. For the first time in a decade the manor houses a small, but growing, family within its walls. Rooms that were once reserved for the grandest of noble events have been repurposed to reflect a more casual way of living. A rarely used banquet hall has been converted to become the Walker family's great room. The room’s tall western facing windows frame an equally tall Christmas tree. Across the room a hearty fire licks at the logs in the stone fireplace. In the space between hearth and towering tree, a cluster of comfortable sofas and cozy arm chairs frame an oversized soft rug.
Drake Walker settles back against the cushions of the sofa with a contented sigh. “I’ve never wrapped so many presents in my life.”
Next to him his wife Kate arranges a soft and fluffy throw blanket around herself and her swollen belly. She's six months pregnant with their first child. Kate rubs her belly gently and smiles, “Hey now, we helped too.”
Drake chuckles softly and wraps his arm around her shoulders, drawing her closer to him. “Oh I wasn't complaining, I'm just not used to celebrating Christmas on such a grand scale.”
“But you grew up living in a Palace. Surely you played some part in the Royal family's festivities.”
Drake shakes his head, “Not really. Whatever the Royals had going on was more for show and photo opportunities. Family and festive didn't really have any kind of connection. Sure I saw the giant Christmas tree they had the servants put up, and Nicholas and I would exchange gifts privately but my family kept our celebrations to ourselves. My Dad always worked Christmas day so we'd do our family stuff together the day after.”
“So even as adults you didn't really get together with your Noble friends to do anything over the holidays?” Kate asks, a look of concern wrinkling her forehead.
“It doesn't snow in the Capital so the nobles would travel to Lythikos for the winter festival in December, but it wasn't really a Christmas thing and I didn't always go.”
Kate cuddles in closer to Drake, her baby belly pressing up against him. He shifts his position slightly so that he can place his hand on her belly and rubs it gently. They both smile when they feel the baby move. Kate places her hand over his, and leans in to kiss Drake on the cheek.
“Well this year I'm so happy things will be different. You're a Duke now and a Daddy to be. Our friends are coming to spend Christmas with us, so we have new traditions to make.”
Drake nods, “And old ones to include. Are you and Hana still going to bake cookies tomorrow?”
Kate smiles and giggles, “Yes, and don't worry we won't let Maxwell anywhere near your Mom's famous gingerbread recipe.”
He breathes a sigh of relief, “Oh thank God. One year he insisted on helping Savannah and I bake and it was a disaster.”
“I'm still trying to picture you in an apron baking cookies. The image in my head keeps getting replaced by one that's so sexy, and naked.”
Drake drops his head back and laughs, his hand covering his face. “Please tell me that's just the hormones talking. Because memories of baking my Mom's cookies with my sister are so not sexy.”
Drake's laughter stirs the two sleeping corgis on the rug. They both get up and approach the sofa, jumping up on Drake and Kate's legs, wiggling happily and whining for attention. Kate tries to shoo them away, but they won't settle down.
Drake sighs and sits up, trying to nudge Mr. Fluffers away with his shin. “Get down you two, this isn't play time.”
Kate giggles, drawing her legs up onto the sofa to escape Princess Gracie's licking of her ankles. “I think the fur babies need to go out.”
Drake sucks in a deep breath to call for Gladys, Valtoria's Major domo/Butler and then lets it back out again with a groan. He and Kate have given Gladys time off to visit her own family in the UK for Christmas.
Getting up from the sofa he bends down to ruffle both of the dogs heads.
“Ok fine, come on you two let's go outside.”
As he walks across the room with both wiggling, happy corgis trying to catch up, he shouts over his shoulder to Kate. “And you little Momma, stay put with those sexy thoughts of yours til I get back.”
Kate leans over to grab her mug of eggnog from the side table, giving Drake a wave and a wink as he goes. “Ok we'll stay right here.”
Drake pulls his winter hat down over his ears and wraps his scarf around his neck as the dogs dance happily around his feet. “So impatient you two. Hold your horses. I gotta put my stuff on. It's cold outside.”
As he pushes his arms into his winter jacket and shoves his feet down into his boots the dogs go skittering across the front hall to the door. Drake shuffles along after them, zipping his coat, “Ok, ok. I'm coming.”
When he pulls the heavy door open the dogs bolt outside like furry torpedoes out of a submarine. Drake shouts after them as he steps outside and closes the door. “Hey now, wait for Daddy!”
Drake laughs at himself, his warm breath swirling around his head like a cloud.
Daddy, it sounds so odd coming out of my mouth. Just a dog Daddy for now, but a baby Daddy in the spring? I can't wait to hold my son or daughter for the first time, it's terrifying and exciting at the same time. Me, a Dad? The thought never crossed my mind a year ago, but now here I am and I couldn't be happier.
Following the dog tracks in the snow he frowns, now where did they get off to? Mr. Fluffers and Princess Gracie. Seriously Kate did you have to give our pets such prissy names? To this day I refuse to call either of them Mr. or Princess anything.
Drake blows into his hands to warm them, and then shoves them into his pockets. Damn why did I forget my gloves?
Off to the right he can hear the sound of happy growls and snorts. There they are. Rolling around in the snow. At least somebody's getting some enjoyment out of this frosty night.
“Ok you two, wrap up the foolishness and get down to business. Cuz I have Mommy and a glass of spiked eggnog waiting for me inside to warm me back up.”
Part Two
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OK SO THIS IS EITHER GONNA BE AWESOME OR A FLOP 😂...let's make it awesome!!!
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Starting December 1st I am going to be starting the 41 Days of Cheer Challenge. The prompts are listed below.
..Now, Choices fans,.., I want to see your COOLEST edits, drawings, writing pieces and artwork that you've got!!! I know this fandom has it in them, so let's really shine 🤩
LET'S re-blog and share so we can spread the word!!!
You dont have to do every day of course, but the more the merrier!! I'm posting this release now so hopefully this gets somewhere before the starting day of December 1st?? I know I personally like to get stuff all lined up before the time so I'm all ready to go, so if there are other people out there like me, here you go!! 😅😂
Please comment or re-blog otherwise I'll just drop this idea if no body wants to do it 😂
What do you think? Will you do it! Reblog to spread the word ❤
😊 I love this game and I love making edits so i wanted to do something special for the Holidays 💞!! Tag this new account for a chance to get featured and reblogged. -If this picks up, then I'll even make a masterlist of the things that you tag me in (as long as they are appropriate.)
Tag #41daysofcheerchallenge or #41daysofcheer
Let's spread the holiday cheer??
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Editing Tips:
I use IbisPaint x (thanks to @avanthikachoices 's recommendation) I will be honest, it took me a little bit to get used to it, but now I really love it. But I use it for everything that I do- drawings, edits, etc..
I blur/put things in mesh mode a lot to get the clothes to fit different body types (I have a ton of edits on my Instagram- jennifer.plays.choices I haven't posted them all on here yet)
Best place to find...
Backgrounds - @ladynonsense
Main characters - @abookishcreative (she has each of the pieces- hair, clothes, body/face, accessories for each)
Items - @ladynonsense
The characters broken up into pieces, (some of the Mc's, some of the outfits detached too) - @ladynonsense
Platinum//Bachelorette Party characters assembled transparent - @griffinshoodie
The assembled characters that are ready to go -@kaitlyn-liao (search #transparents to find 2 part list)
And I think that's it!! Good luck!! 😁
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jlpplays1 · 5 years
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If you click on them, they aren’t blurry ☺️
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What are your favorite Choices books? What would they look like if they were paper-backs?? 😊💕Well,...(hard to pick just four for each bunch, I'll tell you that much!! 🙈Heh) ...but the minute I was thinking about it, I envisioned this and wanted to make it💖💖💓 So uh I hope you like my edit!! Lol. 💜 I've never made one like this before, but it sure as a lot of fun to start up from scratch like this!!!😅😅 I thought it would be better to put all of them in one post like this, but you can Find Part 2 here!!💞
***😚Please don't screenshot and share in other places!! But reblogging is totally cool!!*** 😊 x-Jennifer😘
....What are your favorite Choices' books?
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Morning Coffee
[Red Carpet Diaries Masterlist]  ||  [Hollywood U Masterlist]
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Characters: Alex, Thomas Hunt Rating: General Notes: @choicesjanuarychallenge2020​ Coffee and @jlpplays1-41daysofcheerchallenge​ Routine
Setting: This takes place during Red Carpet Diaries Book 2 Chapter 12 while Hunt and Alex are in San Francisco. It takes place after their dinner and walk through town, but before their meeting for funding. – – –
Alex knocked on Thomas Hunt’s hotel room door. She took a moment to flatten her dress as she waited for the director. She hadn’t slept well the previous night, between being anxious about securing funding for The Last Duchess and that almost moment between her and Thomas. She could still feel the touch of his stubble on his fingertips and the city lights reflected in the dark pools of his eyes were still shining bright in her memory. 
She began talking as soon as the door started opening. “Hi, I know it’s early, but I’ve been thinking about our meeting with Tucker Paisley and was wondering if you wanted to get coffee and run over our pitch once more before our meeting. Oh! Sorry!” 
Thomas stood there at the door, running a towel over his head as his hair shimmered with water, but what really caught her attention was his bare, taut chest. She tried desperately to keep her eyes from wandering, but it was quite difficult at that moment. The glimmering drops of water from his shower that still caressed his skin glowed in the morning light. Her eyes were only stopped from traveling lower by his pants.
She turned away quickly trying to give him his privacy her face quickly reddening at her own behavior. 
“Coffee sounds good. I appreciate your enthusiasm and commitment to this film. It will live and die by the efforts of this cast and crew,” Thomas offered. 
“Sorry!” Alex shuddered again, turning her attention back toward him. “Clearly, I should have called or texted. You just said yesterday you didn’t like that means of communication so I thought I’d stop by...”
“If I had reservations about opening the door once I saw it was you, I would not have done so,” Thomas interrupted her rambling, the corner of his mouth turning up in a smile. “Give me 10 minutes and I’ll meet you in the lobby.”
“Of course,” Alex agreed. She turned to leave, but couldn’t help herself glancing back once more as he turned and shut the door. Who knew Hunt was hiding that under his many layers and his grumpy and aloof exterior, Alex smiled to herself as she headed to the lobby to wait for Thomas.
Alex stood as she saw the now fully clothed Thomas Hunt exit the elevator, securing the last button on his jacket as he stepped out. 
“I know a place a few streets over if you don’t mind the walk,” Thomas barely stopped to greet her. 
Alex moved quickly to match his pace. “How am I not surprised?” 
“After you,” Thomas held the hotel door for her.
“Thank you.” They had been together in San Francisco for less than 24 hours and somehow traipsing around town to Hunt’s favorite haunts seemed routine. She didn’t even need to ask where they were going. She almost hated to leave this afternoon.
_ _ _
Thomas Tags: @the-soot-sprite ;  @alleksa16​  ;  @hopelessromantic1352​  ;   @flyawayboo ; @mfackenthal​   ; @lilyofchoices​   ;  @alj4890  ;  @twin-skltns​   ;    @ab1901​ ;   @riseandshinelittleblossom​  ;  @thearianam​   ;  @choicesjanuarychallenge2020​   ; @jlpplays1-41daysofcheerchallenge
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mrsnazariowrites · 5 years
Three Generations
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The Nazario twins Alisha and Rhea, getting a picture with their parents and grandmother.
For @jlpplays1-41daysofcheerchallenge Day 10: Ancestors
Transparents from @abookishcreative
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pbmychoices · 5 years
41 Days of Cheer
Day 14 • Travel
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Sunset on La Huerta
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argylemnwrites · 5 years
Gifts and Games
Pairing: Levi Schuler x MC (Tara Day)
Book: Mother of the Year (about one month after the end)
Word Count: ~1500
Rating: PG (some mild innuendo)
Summary: Levi hadn’t had a reason to celebrate any holidays for a long time.
Author’s Note: Alright, started off Hanukkah with a Seth piece, let’s end it with a piece featuring my newest Jewish LI, Levi. Just starting to dabble in some MOTY fic here. I loved that book a lot and found all the LIs really compelling, so even though it’s a standalone, I’m still gonna play around with these characters. This piece is for Day 29 of both the Choices December Challenge (Sunset) and Day 30 of 41 Days of Cheer (Celebration) because I am unabashedly working time zones to my advantage here.
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Levi hadn’t played dreidel in years. Nah, scratch that. It had been several decades. That fact made him feel older than the fact that he was at a point in his life where dating a woman with a 10 yo kid was a reasonable thing ever did.
Honestly, Levi had never really felt that connected to his faith. If someone had pushed him on it, he’d have to say he really didn’t believe in anything spiritual or religious. Being Jewish to him was more about his connection to his family, and as he got older, he knew he’d gotten more and more disconnected there. It was just strange, being the unmarried, intermittently unemployed uncle, so often, he’d chosen to work instead of going to his grandmother’s for any of the holidays.
But when Zoey had asked him about Hanukkah across the dinner table the other night, he’d been caught off guard. She was so genuinely curious, because of course that smart little nerd wanted to know everything.
“Levi, you’re Jewish, right?” she’d asked between bites of spaghetti.
“Yeah, why are you asking, Rocket?”
“Well, we were learning about winter holidays in my world cultures class, and Ensley was talking about how she got the new iPhone for Hanukkah, and I was just wondering if you celebrated Hanukkah or not. I’ve never been Jewish or anything, so I don’t know exactly how it works.”
Levi had swallowed his mouthful of spaghetti before he answered, “Uh, I haven’t really celebrated Hanukkah in a few years.”
“Why not?”
“Haven’t had anyone to celebrate with, I guess.”
“Do you have to be Jewish to celebrate Hanukkah? Because we could celebrate with you, right mom?”
Tara had locked eyes with him, clearly trying to make sure he was okay with Zoey’s plan. They hadn’t really talked about his background, so he was grateful that she was trying to gauge his feelings about the topic, but he honestly didn’t care. If Zoey wanted to try out Hanukkah, who was he to throw a fit about that? So he’d shrugged and given Tara a little smile. And that’s how he found himself on the floor around the coffee table now, playing a game of dreidel with the two of them.
“So, all you do is spin the top? That’s it?” asked Zoey, a skeptical look on her face that was almost comical.
“That’s it, Rocket.”
She frowned at that, “But there’s no strategy then. It’s all just luck.”
“Huh, that’s kinda boring.”
“Zoey!” chided Tara, shooting a look at her daughter, “Don’t be rude. You were the one who wanted to celebrate Hanukkah, remember?”
Zoey bit her lip and looked down before glancing up at Levi. “Sorry, Levi. I didn’t mean to say your game was boring. I’m sure it will be a lot of fun.”
Levi just shrugged, “No worries, Rocket. I didn’t make the rules.”
And so they’d started a game, using some leftover rocket parts as their pieces, passing around the little top and taking their turns. But after about 50 rounds, Levi could sense not only Zoey getting antsy, even though she was trying her damnedest to sit still and stay interested, but Tara was also frequently checking the time on her phone when she thought no one was looking. Levi honestly couldn’t blame them. He’d forgotten how long and dull dreidel games could be. In fact, he was impressed that Zoey had stuck with it as long as she had. 
“Hey, Rocket?”
“Yeah, Levi?”
“I think you’re right. This is a boring game.”
Zoey blinked at him before giving him a bright smile. Tara just shook her head.
“It’s not that bad, Levi.”
“Nah, you don’t have to pretend. I totally forgot how long this could drag on. I don’t know how I had the patience for it as a kid. So what do you say, kiddo? Should we call it?”
Zoey looked between him and Tara, who gave her a slight nod. Zoey paused for just a second longer before nodding, “If that’s okay with you guys.”
“Completely fine with me,” said Levi, “It’s just a little game to pass the time, anyway.”
“Thanks, babe,” said Tara, squeezing his shoulder as she stood up, wandering into the kitchen to check on the frozen lasagna she had in the oven. Not exactly traditional Hanukkah food, but hey, nothing about him or Tara’s life was exactly traditional.
Levi hefted himself off the floor and onto the couch, watching as Zoey much more nimbly hopped up and took a seat on the couch next to him. 
“Is there something else we could do to celebrate Hanukkah?” she asked him as she crossed her legs beneath her on the couch.
Levi paused for a moment, trying to think of what he could share with her. He wasn’t sure if any of the chocolate he had was safe for her, and handing out candy right before dinner seemed like a great way to annoy Tara. He didn’t own a menorah. Suddenly, an idea hit him.
“Did your world cultures teacher tell you about the reason we celebrate Hanukkah?”
Zoey nodded proudly, “Yup! It’s because after the Maccabees fought and reclaimed their temple from the Syrians, they only had one jar of oil for light. They sent out someone to get more oil, and when he got back eight days later, that tiny jar of oil was still burning.”
“Exactly. That’s why we celebrate after sunset and usually light candles. Basically, a lot of the shi… stuff Jewish people do to celebrate Hanukkah focuses on oil or light. And I bet you have something squirreled away in your bedroom that uses some oil.”
Zoey chewed on her lip for a couple of seconds before she answered, “Well, the engine kit I got from Luz and Thomas for Christmas uses oil, but that’s a different type of oil.”
“Well, I say the type of oil doesn’t matter one bit. So what do you say, how about we work on that after dinner?”
She grinned brightly at him. “I’ll go get things ready,” she said as she climbed off the couch and bounded into her room.
“Only five minute until dinner!” cried out Tara, “And you need to wash your hands before then!”
Some muffled sounds of agreement drifted out of Zoey’s room. Deciding to see if Tara needed any help, Levi strolled over to the kitchen. “How can I be of assistance?”
Tara glanced up from the green beans see was stirring on the stove top. “The bread could use slicing. It’s on top of the fridge.”
“On it.”
As he grabbed a cutting board from the cabinet and the serrated knife from the drawer, Tara spoke again, grabbing the oven mitts and pulling the lasagna from the oven.
“Quite the history lesson I got there. All I knew about Hanukkah prior to tonight I learned from Adam Sandler.”
Levi laughed at that, “Chanukah Song or Eight Crazy Nights?”
“Both, of course! It’s a shame it’s the last night, though. Otherwise we could have had eight crazy nights of our own.”
Levi turned to face her at that, stepping closer so that they were practically touching. “That is a shame. I guess we’ll really have to make tonight count, then,” he said, wiggling his eyebrows comically. Tara smirked at him at that, but any response she might make was cut off as Zoey bounded into the room.
“Hands all washed, Mom,” she said, walking into the kitchen and grabbing three sets of silverware out of the drawer as she went to set the table, oblivious to what she’d just interrupted.
“Levi’s just finishing up slicing the bread, then we’ll be all set,” said Tara, stepping away from him, turning back to the stove, and grabbing the green beans to drain. He had to marvel at her ability to go from sexy as hell to mom mode without missing a beat, but as she brushed past him, she oh so casually dragged her hand across the front of his jeans, throwing him a wink.
Levi just shook his head, grateful that he had a few moments of slicing the bread to redirect his thoughts, calm down enough to get back in the family mindset. Compartmentalizing was something he was getting better at since he started seeing Tara, but she was still infinitely better at it than him. Probably because she had years of experience compared to his few months. And while with other girlfriends, an innuendo-laced conversation like that would have led to a burnt and late dinner, Levi honestly didn’t mind having to wait until Zoey was in bed. Tara was worth it. They both were worth it. So he sliced the bread and joined his two favorite girls at the dinner table. He never thought this would be his life, but it was amazing how comfortable it felt. It felt nice, and honestly - it was probably the best holiday gift he’d ever received.
Permatag: @mfackenthal   @lilyofchoices @thequeenofcronuts @jamesashtonisbae
Mother of the Year:  @sunnyxdazed @octobereighth
Levi x MC: @srta-give-me-my-jax-rl
Events: @choicesbyjade @jlpplays1-41daysofcheerchallenge @choicesdecemberchallenge​
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When Rain Is Good Luck
Mother of the Year/ Thomas Mendez x MC
Summary: it’s raining, and Thomas expects his day to be ruined, but who knew that the bad weather on his wedding was good luck.
Authors Note: So I was going to write an Open Heart for today but pushing back for tomorrow (it fills it better). Instead it’s mother of the year story in honor of the book ending. I wish it wasn’t and I’m pretty sure I’ll do a couple of more with this book (especially Luz and Thomas). 
Also wondering if anyone would be interested in seeing a story with Guy’s point of view? Like how he’s alone and his ex has this new life and catches a sweet moment kind of thing? Let me know. For the 41 days of cheer day 13: weather. Happy reading. 
Thomas looked down at the weather report his eyes wide before silently cursing under his breath. No. No. Nooooo, he thought desperate at the weather forecast. It was going to rain on today of all days.  That meant that he had to move the party inside and that wasn’t going to be nearly as fun if they couldn’t grill anything. Dang it, he just wanted today to go over well.
Frowning he rubbed his head for a moment. Too bad he couldn’t call Gloriana about it, because one she was with Alma. Two she didn’t even know about the surprise party afterward anyway.
“Dad!” called Luz from down the hall. She threw open his door before flying over and landing on top of the bed. “It’s Friday! You have to get ready the wedding is at noon. Woo, we get to miss school for the wedding!” With each word she was bouncing little by little.
“Luz come on, I have to braid your hair!” called Lucia down the hall. He glanced at the clock and surprised to see that it was ten already. Oh no. Ok not only was the weather going to ruin his wedding day but he was going to be late too.
Shooing her out the door Thomas found his favorite green tie and the rest of his nice clothes. Making sure he looked okay did he check his watch and start toward Luz’s room. To think the one next to hers would be Lucia’s.
From the door he stopped and smiled watching them for a minute. Lucia had done some sort of double French braid before combining it into one. Luz making sure that their dresses were okay before slowly putting everything on. They looked beautiful dressed in knee length gowns perfect for the courthouse and everyday wear.  
Stomach flip flopping he went into the room and sat down at the edge of the bed.
“You girls look great,” said Thomas rubbing his leg a little. “Luz do you care if I talk to Lucia alone for a minute?”
His daughter smiled at him before turning to the door.
“I’m going to wait in the car,” she said before tapping a finger on her wrist, pretending she was wearing a watch. “Don’t be late, we can’t have everyone waiting.”
With that he was left alone with Lucia who had finished putting her hair supplies up. Smiling shyly at him Lucia sat down next to Thomas on the bed. It was quiet before he took her hand and adjusted so he could sit directly in front of her.
“Today is a big day for your mom and I, but I know that it’s going to be a big day for you too. You’ll have another dad in your life and a sister,” he said taking a breath watching for her reaction. Lucia just nodded solemnly but didn’t say anything. “I know we talked about it before and I just wanted to check in with you. Do I still have your blessing to marry your mom?”
Lucia’s eyes grew wide before breaking out into a laugh and nodded her head up and down empathetically.
“Of course, Thomas, you’re great and you really make mom happy. I can’t imagine you not being with her. I don’t think that you need my permission, but it’s still a yes.”
A bit relieved that she said he just pulled her into a hug before kissing the top of her head. Lucia grinned before kissing his cheek back.
“You’re pretty strong Lucia Day and I would’ve hated to hear you say no,” said Thomas before pulling her off the bed and then down to the car.
Luz was impatiently waiting before waving for them to hurry. That was just a short talk, but they must get there on time. Gloriana was going to be waiting and he couldn’t wait to see her walk down that aisle. Even if it was just at the courthouse.
To his dismay it was starting to rain as they pulled into a parking spot. Producing umbrella’s, he headed inside to find that Alma was already there looking for them.
“Come on lover boy, nearly everyone is here the only person that’s not here yet is Eiko and she told us that she would be. Did you leave the key so that Marcus could get in to start setting up for the party?”
She wheeled over as they started down the hall. He nodded filling her in on that they would have to move everything inside. Lucia had taken one of his hands as he smiled at her Luz had ran ahead to get the front row seats.
“Thomas,” said Lucia as they stood just outside the doors of the courthouse wedding room. It was a pretty sweet set up if it wasn’t raining the stain glass would be beautiful. Plenty of light and could seat up to twenty even though they only had ten. “Congratulations, I can’t wait to move in with you and Luz next week.”
She hummed going forward and sat on her mother’s side of the church. Thomas just walked down the aisle first reaching the justice of the peace. The girls had stood together talking to themselves. His parents had made it in and waved to him. Eiko had slipped to an empty seat near them. Levi had taken a seat on Gloriana’s side of the room. Thomas had to frown as he saw Guy sitting there. Probably because his days with Lucia technically started when school let out. Whatever the reason he was there, he wasn’t going to push it.
Despite the rain thundering down and he could hear the excited chatter from behind the door. Finally, the doors in the back had opened at precisely noon sharp.
Gloriana walked down the aisle holding her dad’s arm. A gorgeous lace white gown showed off her every curve. The gown simple to wear anywhere as it reached midcalf length and her hair thrown up into intricate braids.
“Ahh don’t you two look nice,” teased the justice of the peace, Bernadette who had met them after jogging one day.
Gloriana had smiled at him nice and wide twirling ever so slightly to where the dress fanned out. Her brown eyes bright and wide as they met each other’s.
“Thomas and Gloriana, today you enter as individuals, but you will leave here as husband and wife, blending your lives, expanding your family ties, and embarking upon the grandest adventure of human interaction,” said Bernadette.
Taking each other’s hands Thomas squeezed hers as the final I dos were said.
His lips had found hers at the words you may kiss the bride his arms encircling her waist. Now this, this was the best part of his day. Gloriana had cupper chis cheek before parting. Lucia and Luz cheering from the sidelines.
“I love you Thomas and I can’t imagine not having you in my life,” she said softly. “You know they say it’s good luck to have rain on your wedding day.”
They heard the thumping again from above as he shook his head. “Huh, you think I should have known that,” he said teasing her keeping her close to him.
Straightening up they stayed close together just smiling nonstop.
“Wait, before everyone leaves, we do have something that I want to say,” said Thomas as Lucia and Luz stood up. “Girls?”
“Our surprise is that we have something waiting at home mom.” Lucia paused for a moment not sure what to call Thomas’s house now. After all she was moving in with them next week.
“It’s party time mom,” said Luz cheerfully as Gloriana pulled her into a hug from behind. “Everyone here is invited except…” She paused and seemed to catch herself before playfully turning around. “Unless you are free Bernadette.”
The adults just laughed as Thomas was relieved that she didn’t say Guy. Although he did like how his face slacked at hearing Luz call Gloriana mom in front of everyone. Forgetting about that situation Gloriana had laced her fingers through his.
“You planned a party?” she asked, “well that is great gift.”
“And it’s gets better,” he whispered kissing her cheek softly. There was nothing that could get in their way. “Alma said that she would watch Luz. We could…”
“It’s perfect,” she said grinning. “Who know we might get a baby of our own.”
He flushed and started to stammer before just shaking his head. They were still young enough to have another baby. Who knows? Maybe he would have a third beautiful daughter come along. Still holding hands, they walked out of the courthouse hand in hands ready to party.
Tag list: @ramseyandrys @adrianadmirer  @fluffy-cat-whisper  @paisleylovergirl @elainew13 @itsbrindleybinch @brightpinkpeppercorn  @darley1101 @mfackenthal @jlpplays1 @writerapprentice @indescribablechoices @wildsayeed @princess-geek @perriewinklenerdie  @lilyofchoices @flyawayboo @itsbrindleybinch @symonde @am-i-invisible777
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alj4890 · 5 years
Christmas Prompt
(Thomas x Amanda) with the given prompt from @jlpplays1-41daysofcheerchallenge​​ for black and white
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(Thomas Hunt x oc*Amanda) in a Christmas one shot
A/N I had something planned for this movie for our RCD Appreciation Week, but ended up going with another. Using it for @jlpplays1 41 Days of Cheer Challenge seemed meant to be. This isn't a part of my AU's though I had considered Thomas and Amanda meeting under simliar circumstances in Another Night, Another Dream storyline. Still, I am a sucker for fluff and first impressions. So here we go again.
Above image taken from the 1940 holiday classic Remember the Night and I do spoil most of it in this. Sorry!
@lxaah11​ @alleksa16​ @penguininapinktuxedo​ @blackcoffee85​ @stopforamoment​  @hopefulmoonobject​  @krsnlove​   @annekebbphotography​ ​ @cora-nova​ @bella-ca​ @hopelessromantic1352​. @sunflowergirl05​ @desiree-0816​ @greywitchyshots​ @lilyofchoices​ @emceesynonymroll​ @dr-nancy-house​ @aworldoffandoms @ab1901 @pixieferry @lolablackwrites  @flyawayboo @i-bloody-love-drake-walker. @trappedinfandoms @kate-mckenzie
The Theater
Amanda settled into the red cushioned seat and set her soda down in the cupholder. She pulled up on the tab to open her box of Junior Mints and glanced around. She couldn't believe that hardly anyone was here for the holiday movie marathon.
When she told those back home in Cordonia that she was traveling to Los Angeles specifically to attend this week of nothing but classics from silent era to ending with 1954's White Christmas, none had volunteered to come with her. 
"If I'm going to California, I want to sightsee and party with the stars...not attend some tiny theater for old movies." Maxwell had reluctantly admitted when she voiced her surprise that he didn't want to go.
Everyone else pleaded with her to do something else. After all, she had only seen it advertised on the theater’s website.
“What if it isn’t in a safe area of the city?” Liam asked. “You will be alone, late at night in what could be a dangerous area.”
“Why are you spending money to see movies you have seen a hundred times before?” Drake rolled his eyes at her explanation of experiencing it in a movie theater.
"It's the week before Christmas." Olivia had argued. "You should be here with us where you belong, not alone in some strange city watching movies you already own on blu ray.”
When it came to things that she truly loved, Amanda's stubborn streak made itself known. They all shook their heads. If she had to have one crazy weird attribute, willing to travel for movies might not be the worst thing she could have.
And here she was on her third evening, ready to watch the first half of the 1940's classics. The evening was beginning with Remember the Night.
Amanda adored this particular one. She could remember when her mother first shared this movie with her when she was nine years old. It had been late one night when neither could sleep. They had cuddled under a blanket and only had the Christmas tree lights on.
She had fallen hard for Fred MacMurray's portrayal of John Sargent from the very beginning. His sarcastic, dry humor mixed with his gruff, morally right persona had hidden what was later revealed to be a very tender heart toward those he loved.
Barbara Stanwyck's con artist/thief was just the right person to shake him up. Of course, he managed to open her eyes and smooth out her understandable rough due to circumstances edges.
Their love story had all the elements from humor to bittersweetness. The perfect movie made even more so because it was set during a snowy Christmas and New Year's.
Amanda had secretly searched a long time for her tall, dark, and handsome Fred MacMurray/John Sargent. Most of the men she thought might be the one seemed to be lacking that one key element that made him so desirable: the tender heart. She had recently given up that long held dream. The man simply did not exist in the real world.
"I was born in the wrong time period." Amanda would say to herself each time she watched this. "That's why I can't find anyone like him."
She shook herself out of these unhappy thoughts and watched as John argued against dismissing the case of Barabara Stanwyck's character, Lee.
She's back, Thomas thought when he saw the same woman come in by herself and take the exact same seat she had the past two nights. She had another box of candy and soft drink, just like she had each other time. She laid her jacket on the seat next to hers and he knew from observing her the other times that she would end up using it as a cover around the second hour of the movie marathon.
He settled more comfortably in his own chair further back. Seeing her dedication in supporting this small, independent theater made him not lose hope in people knowing and enjoying these classics. He had tried to encourage his film students to come and had even played around with the idea of offering extra credit. He decided against it in the hopes they would come simply because of what these old black and white movies contained: emotional storytelling at its finest.
There was no CGI nor any enhanced techniques. No method acting. Nothing except a story acted out with the sheer talent to draw one within the imagined world and make the individual wish they could remain.
Something about these black and white movies made the winters and snowfall seem even more shiver worthy. Knowing it was all done on a soundstage, made it even more impressive.
He was surprised that his attention continued to stray to the woman sitting a few rows ahead of his and a couple of seats over to the left. He had looked forward to seeing the movies he actually owned on various discs on the large screen.
"I was born in the wrong time period." He would mutter when reading about the golden age of film. To be a part of the beginning of not only sound in films, but also during a time of discovering a wealth of talent in actors and screenwriters, would have been a dream come true. A dream to be able to feel that excitment of making movies was something he was in desperate need of.
He had gotten burned out. After filming The Last Duchess, he felt empty. Nothing had sparked his creativity. Nothing made him want to jump back into the director's chair and bring a story to life. He felt like he was teetering on the edge of something about to happen in his life...something life changing. He hoped whatever it was would happen soon.
Being unable to sit back and wait patiently for the mystery life changing event to happen, he had decided to return to his second love of teaching. It had been going well the last few semesters. There was only one drawback to this. He didn't know quite what to do with himself now that he was on winter break.
He shook himself from the quagmire of his depressing thoughts and focused on the scene of John offering to take Lee to her mother's home in Indiana on his way to see his own.
Amanda laughed at the scene of John's irritation and resulting sarcasm while dealing with the small town judge. She could hear a deep laugh somewhere behind her. She supposed it was the same lone man that had been here the last few nights.
He shares my sense of humor, she thought. Hearing that laugh didn't make her feel quite so alone in the theater. She had never minded being on her own. There were many times that she loved to escape the nobles and her friends for a needed breather. Yet something about the holiday season made being alone seem...well...lonely.
She needn't be. Amanda had a wonderful life. One day she would meet someone to share it with. It might not be her dream man that was currently on the screen, but he would be perfect for her.
Thomas watched the lone woman dig in her purse for a tissue. She had been moved to tears over how cruel Lee's mother was and how sweet John had been to tell her he was taking her to his childhood home for Christmas.
He wracked his memories and realized he couldn't recall the last time he witnessed a woman of today crying over a black and white movie of yesterday. Perhaps I've been around the wrong women, he thought.
He wished he could see the expression on her face caught up in the bittersweet emotion. What had made her cry? Was it simple pity for the heroine of the movie? Did it remind her of something from her own past? Was it John's actions that set off her tears?
He grimaced and tried to keep his attention strictly on the movie.
Amanda sighed at that ending. To make such a choice...could I do that if I had been Lee?
"I must be a horrible person." Amanda mumbled as she gathered her things. She planned on getting a refill before The Shop Around the Corner started.
"Why do you think you're horrible?"
She turned around in surprise. "Oh!" Amanda stared at the famous man who had been the only other one in the theater tonight. "I..." Her smile held hints of self-depreciation. "I don't know if I could leave John and willingly plead guilty to my crimes. I would be tempted to marry him like he wanted and allow him to pull all the tricks to make the jury side with me."
Thomas nodded. "Yes, it would be difficult. I believe though that nowadays the heroine would probably do that very thing."
Amanda's grin reappeared. "Now that we no longer have the Hays Office making certain the wicked paid for every action, I imagine that someone would rewrite this to Lee not only being claimed innocent but that John was evil to continue to serve as prosecutor.”
His eyes widened. "You know about the Hays Office?"
"Of course." She stepped out into the aisle. "I love film history."
He followed her out into the lobby. "You're not leaving yet, are you?"
She turned around once more in surprise. "No. I was going to get a refill."
He hesistated a moment. Thomas couldn't help but notice that not only could she keep up intelligently conversation wise, but he also found her attractive. "Would you care to sit with me during the next film?"
"I don't know if we will be able to find two seats together with such a crowd." She teased.
He chuckled softly. "If I am able to find two side by side..." Thomas trailed off and waited.
Amanda lowered her eyes and grinned. "Then I would appreciate you saving me a seat."
A few movies later and at a small nearby diner...
"Do you have any particular recommendations?" Amanda asked as she picked up the menu.
"All of the pies here are some of the best around." Thomas lifted his own menu, yet continued to glance at her over it.
She smiled when the waitress approached.
"What can I get you and your lady friend to drink, Professor?" The middle aged, slightly tired woman asked.
He nodded toward Amanda to go first.
"Iced tea, please." She replied.
"Coffee." He added.
"Are you ready to order or do you need another moment?" She asked.
"I am, are you?" Thomas asked.
Amanda grinned. "Go ahead. I make decisions for food better under pressure."
He chuckled. "Apple pie a la mode."
The waitress turned to Amanda.
"I'll have the same." She decided at the last moment.
Once they were alone, Thomas folded his arms on the table. "I have a question that has been driving me mad most of the night."
Amanda lifted an eyebrow. "Oh? And what might that be?"
"During Remember the Night, you were crying. Why?"
Her cheeks turned a little red under his steady regard. The Thomas Hunt wanted to know why she had teared up. She still couldn't believe his interest in her thoughts. Granted it wasn't like anyone else had been there to steal his attention away from her. She might as well enjoy it for what it was: a once in a lifetime opportunity. They had spent most of their time sitting next to each other in the theater, talking and pointing out various aspects of the scenes they loved in the movies they had seen so far.
"Everything about that scene when John and Lee go to her childhood home hurts. When you compare it to the first glimpse of John's it really strikes you at the differences." She explained.
"How?" He asked, wanting to hear more of her thoughts.
Amanda leaned forward as she went further into detail. "Take the lighting for example. Lee's home is cast in shadows. No lights are on inside that we can see, welcoming anyone approaching with warmth. John's had lamps shining like a lighthouse, beckoning one to safety from the cold. Lee's mother and stepfather didn't bother to step out on the porch or even invite them inside from the cold. The single light near the mother cast harsh shadows, adding even more to the foreboding sense that no love would be awaiting the prodigal daughter. John's had family coming out into the cold, wanting to hug and hurry them inside to warm up. Current joy at seeing him again and memories of happiness waited inside that bright house."
He listened to her silently in complete agreement. He marveled at her ability to cut right to the aesthetic of the two instead of focusing in on the dialogue. The words spoken were of course moving in terms of emotion, yet for her to point out something he tried to do for his students made him want to talk to her even more.
"Here you go." The waitress set their plates and drinks in front of them. "Has my nephew been behaving himself?"
Thomas nodded. "He has been doing very well this past semester. You should be proud of him."
The tiredness left the woman's face hearing that. "You really think he has a future in cinematography, Mr. Hunt?"
"I do." He said a bit gruffly. "I recommended him for a scholarship." He picked at his pie. "You should receive the letter soon about the approval."
"You mean--" the waitress teared up and tried to get the words out. "Thank you. This...this means the world to us."
He waived off her thanks. "His talent and your tenacity is what did this. I had no part in it."
She turned to Amanda who was observing their interaction quietly. "Don't let him fool you. He had everything to do with giving my Brandon his dream future."
The young lady realized that her suspicions were correct. There was a good deal more to the famous director than what he decided to reveal to the outside world. 
Thomas cleared his throat and avoided eye contact. The waitress poured his coffee and left them alone.
Amanda picked up her fork and took a bite. "You were right. The pie here is very good." She noticed relief flood his features over the attention no longer being on his kindness.
"I'm glad you agree." He took a bite of his own. "Are you planning on attending any of the other nights at the theater?"
"All of them, actually." She grinned at him. "It was why I decided to come to Los Angeles for a visit."
"I see." His brow furrowed with thought. "I plan on attending the whole week also."
She reached for the sugar packets to add to her glass of tea while waiting to hear what he would say next.
"If you are planning on being there and I am, then perhaps we could go together." Thomas looked at her over his coffee cup to gage her reaction.
"I would like that." Amanda said with a hint of color to her cheeks. "Then perhaps we could talk about the movies over pie."
His lips curved into a soft smile. "I would like that."
Last night of the holiday classics...
"Thank you, Thomas, for making this week so enjoyable. I have loved our discussions each night." Amanda kissed his cheek on impulse outside the theater.
He took her hand and cleared his throat. "I have enjoyed it also." He looked down at their fingers laced together. "When do you leave for Cordonia?"
"Day after tomorrow." She said, wishing time had not gone by so quickly.
His frown formed. "Must you go so soon?"
Her eyebrows lifted. "I suppose I don't necessarily have to." She pushed the strands of hair back that were determined to remain in her face as a breeze blew. "Christmas is a few days away though."
"You could spend the holidays here, if you would like...with me." Thomas tugged her close and slowly captured her lips in a tender kiss.
She was rooted to the sidewalk in shock over him kissing her. She had hoped he would. But as each night ended without one, she assumed he wasn't attracted to her. Now, though...
She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him into another more active kiss. She smiled against his lips when his hands slipped in her hair, encouraging the kiss to go on.
When it ended, she took a brief moment to gather her thoughts. "Perhaps I could stay until after New Year's, if you would like me to."
Thomas held her pressed against him and brushed his lips against hers. "I can't think of anything more I would like."
3 years later in that same theater...
"Would you like any Junior Mints?" Thomas asked, helping her off with her coat.
Amanda set her hand on her very distended belly and shook her head. "I don't believe our baby shares my love for peppermint and chocolate." She slowly lowered herself in the seat and sighed. "I can't believe you thought of coming here again."
He sat down next to her and placed his arm along the back of her seat. "I thought it might be nice to relive the night we met that led to this." He placed his hand on her stomach, smiling softly at the movement he felt.
She laughed while looking around the empty theater. "Seems to be the same crowd as was before."
"That is my doing." He explained. "I rented the entire theater just for us."
"You did?" Her smile turned tender.
He nodded, presssing a kiss to her lips. "And I have the same movies as before."
She rested her head on his shoulder and thought back to that night. "I didn't expect to end up staying here when I first came."
"I'm grateful my powers of persuasion worked so well." He gently rubbed her tense back while thinking of when he first approached her.
After spending the holidays together, he had received a script that had reinvigorated his passion for directing. He returned to Cordonia to film it and to spend more time getting to know Amanda. On the night of his new movie's premiere, he asked her to marry him. A few months after that they were on their honeymoon.
Now here they were, anxiously awaiting the arrival of their own classic film lover, who was already a week overdue in making his or her appearance.
As Remember the Night began, Thomas pressed a kiss to her forehead. "I am very thankful I met you that night."
Amanda sat up and held her stomach. "Meeting you was quite a surprise, though I believe tonight's might give it a run for its money."
His brow furrowed. "Why is that?"
She looked up at him with an excited smile. "My water just broke."
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maxattack-powell · 5 years
~41 Days of Cheer~
Day 3 - December 3rd: Pet
“Bryce’s BFF”
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Who wouldn’t be best friends with this guy? Either one. Your pick. 😏
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katedrakeohd · 5 years
A Very Valtorian Christmas - Part 2
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Part Two: Say my Name / Silent Night
Sitting with her legs crisscrossed on the sofa, Kate rubs her hands soothingly over her belly and hums softly. The warmth of the fire wraps around her like a cocoon and she closes her eyes, feeling at peace.
“It's almost Christmas little one, would you like to hear a song?” she asks quietly.
A flutter of movement is her answer and Kate smiles, “You're very much awake I see, so perhaps something to help you sleep.”
Swaying gently side to side, Kate starts to hum Silent Night.
Out in the front hall the door opens and Drake and his two dogs blow in with a cool breeze. As he pushes the heavy door shut, Gracie and Fluffers shake off the snow clinging to their fur. Drake grumbles as he chases after them with their doggy towel in an attempt to dry them.
“Come here you!” he growls at Gracie as she tries to wiggle away. Gracie enjoys the towel chasing game after a refreshing trip outside into the snow or rain. Especially the tug of war that usually results. The more Daddy grunts and growls in frustration, the more she tries to wrestle the towel free from his grasp. Sometimes she wins, resulting in a brisk head shake and whipping of Daddy's shins. But most of the time Daddy wins and Gracie gets pinned to the floor and roughly rubbed dry. Which feels good anyway so it's all fun for her.
After Gracie gets a thorough rub down, Drake reaches and snags Fluffer by the collar and does him too. Although the whole exercise is meant to achieve a dry pair of dogs, it most often results in Drake or whoever kneeling or standing in wet puddles on the floor and covered in dog hair. So happy dogs, but unhappy humans.
Drake takes a small measure of satisfaction by giving each dog a fierce, but playful slide across the wooden floor and watching them scramble to their feet. “Off you go guys, wheeeeeee!”
As they recover their footing they come racing back and jump all over his lap. Drake laughs as they lick his face, “Ugh, yucky doggy kisses. You two are disgusting, but damn you're cute.”
Brushing himself off, Drake gets up from the floor and puts his winter stuff away. The dogs have already run off back toward the great room. “Go find Momma guys.”
Walking back down the dimly lit hallway in his sock feet, Drake heads for the golden glow coming from the great room. As he makes it to the doorway he can hear Kate singing softly, and stops to listen.
“Silent night..Holy night..
All is calm, all is bright…”
Drake can't help but smile, his heart tugging at the tenderness and love in her voice. He walks quietly into the room and stops behind the sofa.
“Holy infant so tender and mild,
Sleep in heavenly peace,
Sleep in heavenly peace.”
Kate's eyes are still closed as she hums the next verse. Drake can see her facial expression change to one of amusement as she feels the baby move. Leaning over the back of the sofa, he gently places his hands on her shoulders and gives her a kiss on the cheek. "I love you Kate," he whispers.
Tipping her head back she opens her eyes and smiles, raising her hand to touch his cheek. "I love you too."
Leaning his chin on her shoulder he slides his hands down to cradle her belly.
"So what do you think Mama, boy or girl?"
Kate giggles as the baby kicks, "Soccer player, just like Daddy."
Drake chuckles as she places her hands over his. "Hey I felt that too. Seriously doesn't that hurt?"
Kate shakes her head, "Not really. It feels a little weird though. I suppose in a couple months when baby starts to run out of space it'll bother me more."
Drake gives her another kiss on the cheek, and then stands up to go stir the fire in the fireplace. Kate grimaces slightly as she unfolds her legs and straightens them out.
"Ow," she says quietly.
Drake turns so quickly he almost drops the hot poker on his foot. His eyebrows shoot up with surprise and concern.
"You Ok Honey?"
Kate holds her belly and laughs, waving off his concern. "Yes dear I'm fine, just been sitting in one position for too long. My legs are stiff, and my foot's fallen asleep."
Drake puts the poker back in its stand and runs his hands back through his hair, grinning sheepishly. "Oh, I see."
Kate picks up her eggnog again and finishes it as she tries to wiggle her toes. She covers her mouth and tries to swallow without laughing.
Gracie and Fluffers move out of the way as Drake walks over to sit down on the rug at Kate's feet. "Here, put your feet in my lap and I'll massage out those pins and needles."
Kate sighs happily as Drake's warm hands rub over her feet and ankles. As he massages around her toes with his thumbs, a pleasant jolt shoots up the inside of her thigh and she gasps at the tingling warm sensation it generates in her crotch.
"Mmm, did I ever tell you that you have magic hands Drake?"
Drake grins, moving his hands up to massage the back of her calves, "I think you've told me once or twice."
Kate wiggles her toes against his thighs, gripping at the wrinkled fabric of the denim in the vicinity of his groin. Drake gives her a lopsided grin and then scoots closer so that he can kiss the top of her knees.
"Legs and feet feeling better now?" He asks, as he hugs the back of her calves and rests his head on the edge of the sofa next to her thigh.
"Much better thanks," Kate smiles, stroking her fingers through his hair.
"Baby still doing somersaults?"
Kate shakes her head, "I know it's tradition for the gender of the Royal Heir to not be revealed until birth, but I feel odd this far along in my pregnancy still referring to him or her as just 'baby'. Would it be against the rules to start picking out names?"
Drake sighs, understanding her frustration. "Officially yes, but unofficially no. I'm anxious to think of our kid as someone with a name and a face too."
"Are there any traditions as far as names go in the Walker family?"
Drake frowns, absently patting the top of Gracie's head as she lays down next to him, "None that I know of. What about the Darlings? Is there a rule about passing on names of past aunts, uncles or whatever?"
Kate draws little hearts and question marks on her belly as she thinks about it, "I don't think so. Why don't we start a tradition of our own?"
Drake tilts his head side to side, rubbing the stubble on his chin, "Maybe. But can I make a suggestion?"
"Sure sweety, what are you thinking?"
"No weird made up names, or naming our child after fruits, vegetables, colors, or inanimate objects."
Kate laughs, "No problem there, but would you be against floral names for a girl? Like Rose, Iris, Lily, Daisy, Poppy, or Heather."
Drake shakes his head, "Not at all, but bear in mind that our possible daughter is going to be royal. So maybe a flower as a middle name instead? You need to imagine 'Princess' or 'Queen' in front of her first name."
Kate nods, "That's a good point. So what about boy names? Or unisex names that would work for both boys or girls?"
Drake shakes his head, "No offense to all the Taylors, Ryans, Bobby-Joes, Baileys and Rileys of this world, but I don't want to confuse people. Although the prefixes Lord, Lady, Prince and Princess, King or Queen would make their gender more defined."
Kate stifles a yawn, "I'm sorry, didn't mean to yawn. Just all this talk of what our child's name can't be is wearing me out. Growing a baby is exhausting work."
"I suppose it is getting late, and tomorrow is a busy day."
Kate reaches her hands up over her head and stretches, "Yes, it is. Plus Nicholas, Hana and Maxwell arrive tomorrow too."
"There goes our quiet Christmas together." Drake groans in protest.
Kate braces her hand on Drake's shoulder for stability as she gets up off the sofa, "Oh stop complaining, you have to play Duke of Valtoria every once in a while."
Drake sighs, "Oh I guess so. I'm still trying to get used to having a Duchy full of people thinking I'm so important."
Drake gets up from the floor and wraps Kate in a gentle hug.
"Well don't forget you're super important to us," she says, giving him a kiss.
"Never, because my family is the most important thing to me too."
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