#47 ronin 1941
ayumunoya · 9 months
Uploaded series/films:
Yoshitsune (2005) eng sub ♥️
Dokuganryu Masamune (1987) eng sub ♥️
Shinsengumi! (2004) eng sub ♥️
Qin Xiang Lian, the original Chinese dub (1964) ♥️
The 47 Ronin (1941) eng sub ♥️
Battle Royale (2000), director's cut ♥️
Kiru/Kill! (1968), eng sub ♥️
Kaiji (2009), eng sub ♥️
Rope (1948) ♥️
Death Note (2006), eng sub ♥️
Death Note The Last Name (2008) ♥️
Shijushichinin No Shikaku (1994) ♥️
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givemefreshtofu · 2 years
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The 47 Ronin (1941), Kenji Mizoguchi
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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Chojuro Kwarasaki in The 47 Ronin (Kenji Mizoguchi, 1941)
Cast: Chojuro Kawarasaki, Kanemon Nakamura, Kunitarō Kawarazaki, Choemon Bando, Sukezo Sukedakaya, Kikunojo Segawa, Utaemon Ichikawa, Yoshizaburo Arashi, Mitsuko Miura, Mieko Takamine. Screenplay: Kenichiro Hara, Yoshikata Yoda, based on a play by Seika Miyama. Cinematography: Kohei Sugiyama. Production design: Hiroshi Mizutani. Film editing: Takako Kuji. Music: Shiro Fukai.  A stately samurai film, with no action except the initial attack on one feudal lord by another and a later moment of brief swordplay, The 47 Ronin has a staginess to it that betrays its origin in a play by Seika Mayama. But that staginess is Shakespearean in essence: It's a tragedy in which the central character, Kuranosuke Oishi (Chojuro Kawarasaki), is, like Hamlet, a man tormented by delay. Director Kenji Mizoguchi's mastery of pace and tension -- i.e., the pace is slow, but the tension is high -- can keep one riveted to the screen. The opening scene consists of a long, slow pan around the courtyard of a Japanese castle, where groups of men are kneeling in expectation of something. Then a quarrel breaks out between Lord Kira (Kazutoyo Mimasui) and Lord Asano (Yoshizaburo Arashi). Asano draws his sword, and attacks Kira, causing a commotion. It's a fictionalizing of what's known as the Ako incident in Japanese history. Asano is ordered to commit seppuku, whereas Kira, who provoked him and survived, goes free. Moreover, Asano's lands are confiscated and his samurai are now masterless -- i.e., ronin. It falls to the ranking member of the Asano household, Oishi, to lead the ronin in taking revenge on Kira not only for provoking the attack but also to protest unequal justice. But Oishi has a dilemma: There has been a petition for reinstatement of the Asano household, and if it's successful, it would rob them of their justification for killing Kira, so any attack on him would have to be well-timed. Eventually, the attack succeeds, but at a high price: the 47 ronin who break into Kira's castle and kill him are honor-bound to follow an edict that they must now all commit seppuku. And so it ends, but not without an interpolated romantic incident that seems to come out of the Hollywood playbook, though with another Shakespearean twist. A young woman disguised as a man (Mieko Takamine) comes to where the condemned ronin are awaiting their end. She and one of the ronin, Isogai (Kunitaro Kawarazaki), had fallen in love and were about to be married just before the assassination of Kira took place. Just before he is about to die, she commits seppuku herself. It's a tribute to the tone maintained throughout the film by Mizoguchi that this touch of melodrama feels integral, more Shakespearean than Hollywood.
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nasilemakrojak · 2 months
Lessons from Chusingura – What the 47 Ronin Can Teach Us
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Chusingura is the story of how 47 ronin avenged their daimyo with honour. A popular novel in Japan, The New Chushingura – The Forty-Seven Ronin, tells the story of how these 47 vassals of Takumi no Kami, the young, stoic daimyo who was forced to commit seppuku, avenged their master in 1703.
Oishi Kuranosuke was the Chief Retainer of the daimyo who was sentenced to commit seppuku by the then Shogun. He was the leader of the faction that was determined to take revenge against Lord Kira, also known as Lord Kozuke no Suke, the Chief Master of Ceremonies who publicly insulted Takumi no Kami in the Edo palace. The lesson in this essay is largely based on his musings in a chapter of the book.
Dog law and culture
The shogun at that point in history was the fifth in the Tokugawa era. Tsunayoshi was popularly known as the “Dog Shogun” because he notoriously passed the Edicts on Compassion for Living Things, which outlawed “cruelty” to dogs. This may be inspired by the fact that he was born in the year of the dog.
As a result of this law that protected domesticated animals, the status of humans was relegated to a level below dogs. If a person, even a samurai, mistreated or even deemed rude to a dog, could be punished for the offence.
In a chapter largely filled with musings of Oishi, he reflected on how this dog law permeated the culture of Japan. He saw how some people behaved like dogs and, thus, became elevated in society because of their dog-like servile and ingratiating behaviour. These people were not only found amongst the peasants, but also in noble circles of samurai.
“We will reluctantly walk without spirit, depending on the time, we become humans or become dogs.”
As a matter of course, these “dog people”, regardless of their place in society, advanced in their respective fields because they complied with the feudal Dog Culture that not only spread fear, but also taught people to be subservient and promoted sycophancy. 
“In this world of esteemed dogs, if the two swords of a samurai, one long and one short, can't be grabbed, they are only discarded. The daimyo abandons being a daimyo; the samurai quits being a samurai; the government official stops being a government official.”
In his musings, Oishi realised that those who chose to remain human have become outcasts because they defy the dog customs and unjust laws of the times. Indignant, he declared to himself, “We are not less than dogs. We are human beings.” Thus, he decided:
“He would give life to the late lord's will. If we don't eliminate the corrupt government of the current shogunate, without clan or connections and the misfortune of being banned from the world, our sole measure must be to walk a path, even if we know previous generations did not follow that path.”
This Chief Retainer of Takumi no Kami, Oishi Kuranosuke, based on honour and courage, chose the road less travelled. We meet very few people like him these days. When he and his colleagues had accomplished their goal of killing and beheading the dog-like Lord Kira, they proudly marched in broad daylight to Sengakuji Temple. Along the way, the public witnessed in awe and admiration. When they arrived at the temple, they declared, "This message is for the guardians of this temple. We are the vassals of the late Asano Takumi no Kami. Tonight, we invaded the Kira estate in Honjo to ask for the head of Lord Kozuke no Suke. We achieved our goal and came to present our offering at the grave of our late lord. Together, we will go to the family cemetery. We ask you to shut the main gate to prevent outsiders from entering when we pass through to his grave and report to our lord's soul."
Gone are the days of such honour and courage. 
In 1941, during World War II, U.S. President Roosevelt declared the fundamental objective of the Allied Forces – the promotion and protection of human rights – by proclaiming the 'Four Freedoms' that people everywhere in the world ought to enjoy - freedom of speech and belief, and freedom from want and fear. Alas, that is still a pipe dream. Today, cowardly sycophants ostensibly rule the world. In reality, the elite billionaires dictate the agenda for society to follow and like. In times like these, contrary to Roosevelt’s vision, people cower in fear and desperately seek a decent living, all the while denied their ability to think and formulate their own opinions, much less speak or profess their own beliefs.
Malaysia today
In many ways, Malaysia today is like the era of the Dog Shogun. Of course, the way we got here is not the same. There were no specific laws that made us behave the way we do; however, the feudalistic culture fraught with sycophancy abounds.
If we look at the recent history of Malaysia, we can trace some of the milestones that led to the sad and sickening state of our nation. First, we were subjugated by the British colonialists. In the pursuit of their imperial aims, they suppressed the people to reap economic gains. They called it development.
Then, the independence government of Malaya inherited many British methods and laws, including divide-and-rule tactics and the Sedition Act (1948). Worse, some royal families and elite politicians colluded with the British to control the independence narrative that gave birth to Malaya in 1957. Whilst the Internal Security Act (1960) was enacted by the Malaysian government, It was influenced by British colonial-era legislation used to manage communist threats by using detention without trial. The Malaysian government has continued to use the ISA, raising concerns about its use against political dissidents.
Such draconian laws and political tactics, no doubt, significantly contributed to the culture of feudalism and corruption that evolved and took root in Malaysian society.
It is unnecessary to describe the political landscape and socio-economic conditions in Malaysia today. It is glaringly obvious that yes-men of the highest order are working hard and fast at the behest of the powers that be. And thanks to the crony capitalism that flourished, the Dog Culture has permeated every strata of Malaysian society.
At the top of the food chain, we find the Prime Minister who is appointed by the Agung. In the last election, Pakatan Harapan did not receive a clear mandate from the people. Nevertheless, the current prime minister was appointed despite evidence furnished by the other side that showed their candidate for PM had majority support in the Dewan Rakyat. Then we saw the horse-trading that led to the current Madani Government, which includes Barisan Nasional, an erstwhile enemy. Since then, we can see the blatant political appointments that rewarded the “loyal supporters” of PMX. These dog people got plum jobs in government-linked companies, and crony entrepreneurs either managed to keep high value contracts by switching allegiance, or getting new contracts by reminding the dog politicians how they have supported their party’s struggle since the Reformasi days.
Of course, the Dog Culture trickled down to the grass roots and influenced the behaviour of sub-contractors as well as bureaucrats, not to mention petty traders and clerical staff. And thus, every citizen succumbed to fate and had to choose whether to become a dog to survive, or to stay human and weather the storm. 
What do we do
What are we to do in such a milieu? Perhaps this final lesson from the Chushingura is instructive: 
“Whatever path life takes, the path selected by each person will be different. However, the person who seizes meaning and a life worth living will enjoy life to the maximum and be immortal.”
Regardless of the times, we will all face difficulties and suffering. Though the circumstances are different, the common thread is the challenge to our “survival”, which can mean livelihood, career advancement, wellbeing of loved ones, and so forth, depending on how we frame the challenge.
At this point, let me ask a couple of pointed questions:
Is it worth living like a dog just so that you get chunks of meat for every meal and lots of toys to play with? 
Or should life be lived as a dignified human being that can enjoy the heights of freedom and experience the depths of consciousness?
Patrick Henry famously said, "Give me liberty or give me death!" Like him, I see the loss of liberty as akin to death. We are born full of potential, but we can only flourish if we are free from fear and want. 
I dare say that the vast majority of Malaysians are neither free from fear nor want. Most common people are either fretting about their mortgage repayments or desperately trying to catch their next big break in life. 
That sounds like how dogs live from day to day. And dogs are never immortalised.
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brookston · 10 months
Holidays 12.14
Ako Gishi Sai (Honoring the 47 Ronin; Japan)
American Revolutionary War Day
Audubon Christmas Bird Count begins (until 1.5)
Buy A Christmas Tree Day
Chernobyl Liquidators Day (Ukraine)
Day of the Martyred Intellectuals (Bangladesh)
Deck the Halls Day
Email Tag Day
47 Ronin Remembrance Day (Sengaku-ji, Japan)
Free Shipping Day
Halcyon Days begin (7 days before & after Winter Solstice)
Hug Day (South Korea)
International Hello Day
Journée du pull de Noël (Christmas Jumper Day; Belgium, UK)
Martyred Intellectuals Day (Bangladesh)
Monkey Day
More Good Today Day
National Alabama Day
National Energy Conservation Day (India)
National Irish Sign Language Day (Ireland)
National Screwdriver Day
National Tree Planting Day (Malawi)
National WTF Happened To Surf? Day
Opposites Attract Day
Ozcanabans of Oz Convention (a.k.a. Oz Christmas)
Play An Old Song That You Didn't Like To See If You Still Don't Like It Day
Police Day (Bahrain)
Precalentines Day
Quantum Mechanics Day
Sandy Hook Remembrance Day
Sorrel Day (French Republic)
South Pole Day
U.S. Park Police Day
World Energy Conservation Day
Yoga Day
Yuletide Lad #3 arrives (Stufur or Shorty a.k.a. Pan Scraper; Iceland)
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Biscuits and Gravy Day
National Bouillabaisse Day
National Sausage Balls Day
Roast Chestnuts Day
2nd Thursday in December
Global Day of Joy [2nd Thursday]
Klopfleisnachte (Germany) [2 Thursdays before Xmas]
National Truck Driver’s Day (Netherlands) [2nd Thursday]
Independence Days
Alabama Statehood Day (#22; 1819)
Feast Days
Cat Herding Day (Pastafarian)
D'Alembert (Positivist; Saint)
Day of Iuventas and Hebe (Pagan)
Folcwin (Christian; Saint)
François-Hubert Drouais (Artology)
Hanukkah Day #7 (Judaism) [thru Dec. 15th]
John of the Cross (Christian; Saint)
John III of the Sedre (Syriac Orthodox Church)
Losoong (a.k.a. Namsoong; Sikkim, India)
Matronian (Christian; Saint)
Nani Bird (Muppetism)
Nicasius of Rheims (Christian; Saint)
Nimatullah Kassab (Maronite Church)
Pierre Puvis de Chavannes (Artology)
Spyridon (Western Church)
Venantius Fortunatus (Christian; Saint)
Whiny Victimization Co-Dependency Day (Church of the SubGenius)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Shakku (赤口 Japan) [Bad luck all day, except at noon.]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 57 of 60)
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [56 of 57]
Bee on Guard (Disney; 1951)
Berlin, by Lou Reed (Musical Play; 2006)
Bird Box (Film; 2018)
The Bridge Over the River Kwai (Film; 1957)
Broken Toys (Disney; 1935)
Childhood, by Tove Ditlevsen (Novel; 1967)
Close Encounters of the Third Kind (Film; 1977)
Crimson and Clover, by Tommy James and the Shondells (Song; 1968)
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (Film; 1988)
Dragnet (TV Series; 1951)
Dune (Film; 1984)
El Cid (Film; 1961)
The Expanse (TV Series; 2015)
A Farewell to Arms (Film; 1957)
Flowers for Madame (WB MM Cartoon; 1935)
Frankenweenie (Disney Cartoon; 1984)
Glory (film; 1989)
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (Film; 1990) [Hobbit #1]
If Beale Street Could Talk (Film; 2018)
If You Want the Rainbow (You Must Have the Rain), recorded by Fanny Brice (Song; 1928)
I’m Gonna Git You Sucka (Film; 1988)
The Jerk (Film; 1979)
King Kong (Film; 2005)
Lady, by Styx (Song; 1974)
Let’s Drink to the Ruby or Stoned Again (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 328; 1964)
Little Big Man (Film; 1970)
London Calling, by The Clash (Album; 1979)
Mermaids (Film; 1990)
Miss Congeniality (Film; 2000)
1941 (Film; 1979)
Philadelphia (Film; 1993)
Rabbit Romeo (WB MM Cartoon; 1957)
The Royal Tenenbaums (Film; 2001)
Ruby Yacht, Part 1 (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 327; 1964)
The Saint and the People Importers, by Fleming Lee (Novel; 1971) [Saint #44]
Saturday Night Fever (Film; 1977)
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (Animated Film; 2018)
Starman (Film; 1984)
The Strudlhof Steps, by Heimito von Doderer (Novel; 1951)
Time Out, by The Dave Brubeck Quartet (Album; 1959)
The Towering Inferno (Film; 1974)
Vanilla Sky (Film; 2001)
Wozzeck, by Alban Berg (Opera; 1925)
You Can't Take it With You, by Moss Hart (Play; 1936)
You’re Living All Over Me, by Dinosaur Jr. (Album; 1987)
Today’s Name Days
Berthold, Johannes (Austria)
Snezhala (Bulgaria)
Ivan, Venancije (Croatia)
Lýdie (Czech Republic)
Crispus (Denmark)
Eho, Hengo, Hingo (Estonia)
Jouko (Finland)
Odile (France)
Berthold, Johannes (Germany)
Arrianos, Lefki (Greece)
Szilárda (Hungary)
Valeriano, Venanzio (Italy)
Auseklis, Dailonis, Gaisma (Latvia)
Alfredas, Kintvilė, Tarvainas (Lithuania)
Stein, Steinar (Norway)
Alfred, Arseniusz, Izydor, Naum, Pompejusz, Sławobor, Spirydion (Poland)
Apolonie, Calinic, Filimon, Tirs (Romania)
Branislava, Bronislava (Slovakia)
Juan, Nicasio (Spain)
Sixten, Sten (Sweden)
Apollonia (Ukraine)
Boyd, Boyden, Byrd, Horace (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 348 of 2024; 17 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 50 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Ruis (Elder) [Day 17 of 28]
Chinese: Month 12 (Jia-Zi), Day 2 (Bing-Wu)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 2 Teveth 5784
Islamic: 1 Jumada II 1445
J Cal: 18 Zima; Foursday [18 of 30]
Julian: 1 December 2023
Moon: 4%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 12 Bichat (13th Month) [D'Alembert]
Runic Half Month: Jara (Year) [Day 4 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 82 of 89)
Zodiac: Sagittarius (Day 23 of 30)
Calendar Changes
December (Julian Calendar) [Month 12 of 12]
Jumādā ath-Thāniyah (a.k.a. Jumādā al-ʾĀkhirah or Jumada II) [جُمَادَىٰ ٱلثَّانِيَة or جُمَادَىٰ ٱلْآخِرَة] (Islamic Calendar) [Month 6 of 12] (Second of the Parched Land; the Last of Parched Land)
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brookstonalmanac · 10 months
Holidays 12.14
Ako Gishi Sai (Honoring the 47 Ronin; Japan)
American Revolutionary War Day
Audubon Christmas Bird Count begins (until 1.5)
Buy A Christmas Tree Day
Chernobyl Liquidators Day (Ukraine)
Day of the Martyred Intellectuals (Bangladesh)
Deck the Halls Day
Email Tag Day
47 Ronin Remembrance Day (Sengaku-ji, Japan)
Free Shipping Day
Halcyon Days begin (7 days before & after Winter Solstice)
Hug Day (South Korea)
International Hello Day
Journée du pull de Noël (Christmas Jumper Day; Belgium, UK)
Martyred Intellectuals Day (Bangladesh)
Monkey Day
More Good Today Day
National Alabama Day
National Energy Conservation Day (India)
National Irish Sign Language Day (Ireland)
National Screwdriver Day
National Tree Planting Day (Malawi)
National WTF Happened To Surf? Day
Opposites Attract Day
Ozcanabans of Oz Convention (a.k.a. Oz Christmas)
Play An Old Song That You Didn't Like To See If You Still Don't Like It Day
Police Day (Bahrain)
Precalentines Day
Quantum Mechanics Day
Sandy Hook Remembrance Day
Sorrel Day (French Republic)
South Pole Day
U.S. Park Police Day
World Energy Conservation Day
Yoga Day
Yuletide Lad #3 arrives (Stufur or Shorty a.k.a. Pan Scraper; Iceland)
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Biscuits and Gravy Day
National Bouillabaisse Day
National Sausage Balls Day
Roast Chestnuts Day
2nd Thursday in December
Global Day of Joy [2nd Thursday]
Klopfleisnachte (Germany) [2 Thursdays before Xmas]
National Truck Driver’s Day (Netherlands) [2nd Thursday]
Independence Days
Alabama Statehood Day (#22; 1819)
Feast Days
Cat Herding Day (Pastafarian)
D'Alembert (Positivist; Saint)
Day of Iuventas and Hebe (Pagan)
Folcwin (Christian; Saint)
François-Hubert Drouais (Artology)
Hanukkah Day #7 (Judaism) [thru Dec. 15th]
John of the Cross (Christian; Saint)
John III of the Sedre (Syriac Orthodox Church)
Losoong (a.k.a. Namsoong; Sikkim, India)
Matronian (Christian; Saint)
Nani Bird (Muppetism)
Nicasius of Rheims (Christian; Saint)
Nimatullah Kassab (Maronite Church)
Pierre Puvis de Chavannes (Artology)
Spyridon (Western Church)
Venantius Fortunatus (Christian; Saint)
Whiny Victimization Co-Dependency Day (Church of the SubGenius)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Shakku (赤口 Japan) [Bad luck all day, except at noon.]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 57 of 60)
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [56 of 57]
Bee on Guard (Disney; 1951)
Berlin, by Lou Reed (Musical Play; 2006)
Bird Box (Film; 2018)
The Bridge Over the River Kwai (Film; 1957)
Broken Toys (Disney; 1935)
Childhood, by Tove Ditlevsen (Novel; 1967)
Close Encounters of the Third Kind (Film; 1977)
Crimson and Clover, by Tommy James and the Shondells (Song; 1968)
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (Film; 1988)
Dragnet (TV Series; 1951)
Dune (Film; 1984)
El Cid (Film; 1961)
The Expanse (TV Series; 2015)
A Farewell to Arms (Film; 1957)
Flowers for Madame (WB MM Cartoon; 1935)
Frankenweenie (Disney Cartoon; 1984)
Glory (film; 1989)
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (Film; 1990) [Hobbit #1]
If Beale Street Could Talk (Film; 2018)
If You Want the Rainbow (You Must Have the Rain), recorded by Fanny Brice (Song; 1928)
I’m Gonna Git You Sucka (Film; 1988)
The Jerk (Film; 1979)
King Kong (Film; 2005)
Lady, by Styx (Song; 1974)
Let’s Drink to the Ruby or Stoned Again (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 328; 1964)
Little Big Man (Film; 1970)
London Calling, by The Clash (Album; 1979)
Mermaids (Film; 1990)
Miss Congeniality (Film; 2000)
1941 (Film; 1979)
Philadelphia (Film; 1993)
Rabbit Romeo (WB MM Cartoon; 1957)
The Royal Tenenbaums (Film; 2001)
Ruby Yacht, Part 1 (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 327; 1964)
The Saint and the People Importers, by Fleming Lee (Novel; 1971) [Saint #44]
Saturday Night Fever (Film; 1977)
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (Animated Film; 2018)
Starman (Film; 1984)
The Strudlhof Steps, by Heimito von Doderer (Novel; 1951)
Time Out, by The Dave Brubeck Quartet (Album; 1959)
The Towering Inferno (Film; 1974)
Vanilla Sky (Film; 2001)
Wozzeck, by Alban Berg (Opera; 1925)
You Can't Take it With You, by Moss Hart (Play; 1936)
You’re Living All Over Me, by Dinosaur Jr. (Album; 1987)
Today’s Name Days
Berthold, Johannes (Austria)
Snezhala (Bulgaria)
Ivan, Venancije (Croatia)
Lýdie (Czech Republic)
Crispus (Denmark)
Eho, Hengo, Hingo (Estonia)
Jouko (Finland)
Odile (France)
Berthold, Johannes (Germany)
Arrianos, Lefki (Greece)
Szilárda (Hungary)
Valeriano, Venanzio (Italy)
Auseklis, Dailonis, Gaisma (Latvia)
Alfredas, Kintvilė, Tarvainas (Lithuania)
Stein, Steinar (Norway)
Alfred, Arseniusz, Izydor, Naum, Pompejusz, Sławobor, Spirydion (Poland)
Apolonie, Calinic, Filimon, Tirs (Romania)
Branislava, Bronislava (Slovakia)
Juan, Nicasio (Spain)
Sixten, Sten (Sweden)
Apollonia (Ukraine)
Boyd, Boyden, Byrd, Horace (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 348 of 2024; 17 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 50 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Ruis (Elder) [Day 17 of 28]
Chinese: Month 12 (Jia-Zi), Day 2 (Bing-Wu)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 2 Teveth 5784
Islamic: 1 Jumada II 1445
J Cal: 18 Zima; Foursday [18 of 30]
Julian: 1 December 2023
Moon: 4%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 12 Bichat (13th Month) [D'Alembert]
Runic Half Month: Jara (Year) [Day 4 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 82 of 89)
Zodiac: Sagittarius (Day 23 of 30)
Calendar Changes
December (Julian Calendar) [Month 12 of 12]
Jumādā ath-Thāniyah (a.k.a. Jumādā al-ʾĀkhirah or Jumada II) [جُمَادَىٰ ٱلثَّانِيَة or جُمَادَىٰ ٱلْآخِرَة] (Islamic Calendar) [Month 6 of 12] (Second of the Parched Land; the Last of Parched Land)
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My ★★★★★ review of Day of Wrath on Letterboxd
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salwpohl · 4 years
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cineheart-blog · 7 years
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firstclassmovies · 6 years
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47 RONIN (1941). Kenji Mizoguchi directs a tale of samurai vengeance to restore honor.
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ayumunoya · 9 months
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I love the composition here so much.
The 47 Ronin 元禄 忠臣蔵 (1941)
dir. Kenji Mizoguchi
The movie was released in Japan one week before the attack on Pearl Harbor. During the war, Kenji Mizoguchi was forced to make artistic compromises, producing propaganda for the military government. In 1941, the Japanese military commissioned him to make Genroku Chūshingura. They wanted a ferocious morale booster based on the familiar rekishi geki ("historical drama") of The Loyal 47 Ronin. Instead, Mizoguchi chose for his source Mayama Chūshingura, a cerebral play dealing with the story. The government foisted the project on the director as a wartime morale booster, and as justification for the expansionist, nationalistic, and ultimately suicidal world war that Japan was embroiled in during the middle of the 20th century. Wiki
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elgallinero · 3 years
Nihongo o manabu
youtube.com/watch The 47 Ronin Ronin 1941
View On WordPress
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douglasena · 3 years
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47 Ronin 🇺🇲 47 Ronins 🇧🇷 47 Ronin - A Grande Batalha Samurai 🇵🇹 Edição Brasileira em Blu-ray do filme 47 Ronins de 2013. A edição conta com 1 single disc em Blu-ray e áudios em ; 🗣️📀 Inglês: DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 Espanhol: DTS 5.1 Português/BR🇧🇷: DTS 5.1 💬 Legendas Inglês SDH, Espanhol, Português/br🇧🇷. ℹ️ Esta edição não contém legendas em português de Portugal 🇵🇹. 📀 Blu-ray Zone A. ⬇️⬇️ Curiosidades ⬇️⬇️ 🎬 Estreia de Carl Erik Rinsch na direção de longa-metragens e de Jin Akanishi em um filme hollywoodiano. É também o primeiro trabalho de Rick Genest como ator. 🎬 Segundo Keanu Reeves, as filmagens ocorriam sempre primeiro em língua japonesa e apenas depois em inglês, para facilitar a compreensão dos atores coadjuvantes. 🎬 Para que o filme transmitisse autenticidade ao espectador, por mais que tenha a presença de um astro hollywoodiano do porte de Keanu Reeves, os produtores contrataram cinco atores japoneses: Hiroyuki Sanada, Tadanobu Asano, Rinko Kikuchi, Kô Shibasaki e Jin Akanishi. 🎬 Devido a interferências dos produtores, o filme teve várias mudanças no roteiro ainda durante as filmagens. Além disto, ele passou por uma mudança radical durante a edição, que fez com que um personagem coadjuvante importante, interpretado por Yorick van Wageningen, fosse retirado do filme. 🎬 É o primeiro filme estrelado por Keanu Reeves a estrear nos cinemas brasileiros desde O Dia em que a Terra Parou (2008), lançado quase seis anos antes. 🎬 Esta é a sétima adaptação para o cinema do famoso caso dos 47 ronins, mas é a primeira vez que é contada em uma produção hollywoodiana. Os filmes anteriores foram A Vingança dos 47 Ronin (1941), Chûshingura (1958), Os Vingadores (1962), Akô-jô Danzetsu (1978), Shijûshichinin no Shikaku (1994) e Saigo no Chûshingura (2010). 🎬 47 Ronin é o filme que mais deu prejuízo até o momento. 🇵🇹ℹ️🇧🇷🎬💬🗣️🇺🇲🇪🇦🇨🇵🇬🇧📼🇮🇪⏸️ #47ronin #blurays #bluraymaniac #españa #europe #follow #bluray #keanureeves #sigam #compartilhe #colecionador #midiacollection #minhacoleção #movies #usa #america #germany #portugal #brasil #goiania #london #blurayedition (em Sintra, Portugal) https://www.instagram.com/p/CU7SBCzMChn/?utm_medium=tumblr
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sanago · 7 years
Lone Figures from Roman Holiday on Vimeo.
A little late in the evening but it is still Valentine`s Day and if you happen to be alone, don`t worry because so are all the individuals in this new montage. Though I doubt going solo has ever looked quite this lovely. Nothing shows off nice cinematography like a wide shot. Yes, this is the montage that I hinted was coming when I put up Rocky: The Distance.
If by chance you're in a more positively romantic mood, feel free to revisit my Cinematic Spinning Kisses montage. I've gone and made it all spiffy and HD: vimeo.com/90187889
Here are all the films featured in this montage:
00:01 - Harold and Maude (1971) 00:24 - 127 Hours (2010) 00:27 - Gerry (2002) 00:30 - Shampoo (1975) 00:33 - The Matrix (1999) 00:36 - Vanilla Sky (2001) 00:39 - The Deer Hunter (1978) 00:42 - Harry Potter and The Deathly Hollows: Part 1 (2010) 00:46 - Rescue Dawn (2006) 00:49 - The Army Of Shadows (1969) 00:51 - Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind (2004) 00:54 - Across The Universe (2007) 00:57 - Wendy and Lucy (2008) 01:00 - Kumiko, the Treasure Hunter (2014) 01:03 - Jesus Christ Superstar (1973) 01:04 - Predator (1987) 01:06 - Lawrence Of Arabia (1962) 01:09 - Cinderella (2015) 01:13 - Top Gun (1986) 01:16 - The Fall (2006) 01:18 - The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty (2013) 01:21 - American Gigolo (1980) 01:24 - Scarface (1983) 01:27 - Mary Poppins (1964) 01:30 - Far From Heaven (2002) 01:33 - Frantic (1988) 01:36 - The Thin Red Line (1998) 01:39 - Jupiter Ascending (2015) 01:42 - Canibal (2013) 01:45 - Drive (2011) 01:48 - Yojimbo (1961) 01:51 - Five Easy Pieces (1970) 01:54 - Eraserhead (1977) 01:57 - West Side Story (1961) 02:00 - Bugsy Malone (1976) 02:03 - American Psycho (2000) 02:06 - Miracle Mile (1988) 02:09 - Big (1988) 02:12 - The Pianist (2002) 02:15 - High Noon (1952) 02:18 - A Star Is Born (1954) 02:21 - Chinatown (1974) 02:24 - North By Northwest (1959) 02:27 - Cast Away (2000) 02:29 - Gandhi (1982) 02:31 - Suspiria (1977) 02:33 - Infinitely Polar Bear (2014) 02:34 - Lady In The Water (2006) 02:36 - Oblivion (2013) 02:37 - Vertigo (1958) 02:39 - Phoenix (2014) 02:40 - True Grit (2010) 02:42 - Badlands (1973) 02:44 - Pride & Prejudice (2005) 02:46 - Atonement (2007) 02:48 - The Proposition (2005) 02:49 - Days Of Heaven (1978) 02:51 - Jeremiah Johnson (1972) 02:53 - Paris, Texas (1984) 02:55 - My Own Private Idaho (1991) 02:56 - The Insider (1999) 02:58 - Let The Right One In (2008) 03:00 - After Hours (1985) 03:01 - Citizen Kane (1941) 03:03 - Gattaca (1997) 03:05 - The End Of The Tour (2015) 03:08 - Another Earth (2011) 03:10 - The Town (2010) 03:11 - 47 Ronin (2013) 03:13 - Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000) 03:15 - E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982) 03:18 - Melancholia (2011) 03:21 - Moneyball (2011) 03:24 - Rockey (1976) 03:27 - The Truman Show (1998) 03:30 - Fargo (1996) 03:33 - Road To Perdition (2002) 03:36 - 45 Years (2015) 03:40 - Empire Of The Sun (1987) 03:42 - Gone With The Wind (1939) 03:45 - Out Of Africa (1985) 03:48 - Syriana (2005) 03:51 - The Quiet Earth (1985) 03:54 - The Amazing Spider-Man (2012) 03:57 - Never Let Me Go (2010) 04:00 - Shutter Island (2010) 04:03 - Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975) 04:06 - The Lobster (2015) 04:09 - Dances With Wolves (1990) 04:12 - The Double (2013) 04:14 - The Nines (2007) 04:17 - Unforgiven (1992) 04:19 - Man Of Steel (2013) 04:21 - Walk The Line (2005) 04:24 - Being There (1979) 04:27 - Mr. Turner (2014) 04:31 - Blowup (1966)
Music: Breathe - The Cinematic Orchestra
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the films used in this compilation. I mean I have some of them on DVD but I don't have the copyrights for them so don't sue me.
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bobmccullochny · 4 years
December History
December 25   Christmas Day, Christmas Eve, New Year's Day and 4th of July are the least common birth dates in US
0 (possibly 4 or 6 BC) - Jesus was born.
800 - Charlemagne was coronated as Holy Roman Emperor, in Rome.
1066 - William the Conqueror, the Duke of Normandy, was crowned king of England, at Westminster Abbey, London.
1643 - Christmas Island, in the Indian Ocean, was found and named by English Captain William Mynors.
1776 - George Washington led a successful raid on the Hessian/British troops in Trenton, NJ. There are reports that the usually stoic future president made a request of the big-boned General Harry Knox: "shift that fat ass Harry, but slowly, or you'll swamp the damned boat."
1809 - The first US ovariotomy (the surgical removal of an ovarian tumor) was performed by Dr. Ephraim McDowell, in Danville, KY.
1815 - The Handel and Haydn Society gave its first performance in Boston, MA.
1868 - US President Andrew Johnson granted an unconditional pardon to all Civil War Confederate soldiers and officers.
1914 - German and British soldiers stopped firing late Christmas Eve, and started singing Christmas Carols. In the morning, they exited their trenches and walked towards the side of thier enemies shouting 'Merry Christmas.' Both sides stopped fighting, played football (soccer) and even exchanged token gifts.
1941 - Bing Crosby premiered 'White Christmas' on his weekly radio show.
1962 - To Kill a Mockingbird, a film based on the 1960 novel of the same name by Harper Lee, opened in theaters.
1987 - Good Morning, Vietnam debuted in theaters.
1990 - The Godfather Part III was released in theaters.
1992 - Chaplin and Hoffa were released in theaters.
1993 - Batman: Mask of the Phantasm and Grumpy Old Men were released in theaters.
1996 - JonBenet Ramsey was murdered in her home.
1998 - Mighty Joe Young was released in theaters.
1999 - Galaxy Quest and The Talented Mr. Ripley were released in theaters.
2001 - Kate and Leopold and Ali debuted in theaters.
2003 - Cheaper by the Dozen debuted in theaters.
2007 - Aliens Vs. Predator - Requiem and The Bucket List debuted in theaters.
2008 - The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Marley & Me, Valkyrie and Bedtime Stories debuted in theaters.
2009 - Sherlock Holms and It's Complicated were released in theaters.
2011 - War Horse was released in theaters.
2012 - Django Unchained, Les Miserables and Parental Guidance were released in theaters.
2013 - Lone Survivor, The Wolf of Wall Street, The Secret Life of Walter Mitty Grudge Match and 47 Ronin were released in theaters.
2014 - The Interveiw, Selma, Unbroken, Into the Woods and American Sniper were released in theaters.
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nebris · 4 years
The 47 Ronin (1941)
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