floatmagazin · 7 months
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futurride · 10 months
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inprogresstoday · 3 months
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This week, we met with Rose.
For this week's sessions, we looked at multiple interfaces and reviewed how they worked and what we can use an audio interface for.
Things we cover:
1. The microphone inputs and the gain knobs
2. The location of both the monitor/speakers and headphone volume knobs
3. The location of Phatom-Power (48volts)
4. Cords that could be useful towards the interface, such as: XLR cables, quarter inch cables, usb-c or USB cables.
Simmia Nelson / Studio213 / Saint Paul
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Η Τεχνολογία Της Control4 Πίσω Απο Το Πρωτόκολλο Λειτουργίας Της.
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Πρωτόκολλο λειτουργίας της Control4
Τα προϊόντα της Control4 που παρουσιάστηκαν για πρώτη φορά στην εμπορική έκθεση οικιακής τεχνολογίας CEDIA το 2004, ήταν οι πρωταγωνιστές της ευέλικτης επικοινωνίας. Η τεχνική ομάδα της Control4 διαπίστωσε την ευελιξία που προσφέρει η ασφαλής ασύρματη επικοινωνία, και τροποποίησε τη λογική σύνδεσης των συστημάτων της, ελαχιστοποιώντας την ανάγκη εργασιών επισκευής και επιδιορθώσεων. Είναι η πρώτη εταιρία που σύζευξε το ενσύρματο και ασύρματο δίκτυο Ethernet, με την επαναστατική ασύρματη τεχνολογία ZigΒee Pro και το καλωδιακό RS485 σε έναν ενιαίο κορμό λειτουργίας. Ενοποίησε όλους τους σύγχρονους τρόπους σύνδεσης και διαχώρισε κάθε συσκευή της να επικοινωνεί με την ασφαλέστερη και ταχύτερη μέθοδο.
Οπότε όλα τα υλικά που εγκαθίστανται εντός ηλεκτρολογικών πινάκων (dimmers, relays κλπ.) ή όσα απαιτούν πληροφορία ήχου και εικόνας (όπως οθόνες αφής, μπουτονιέρες θυροτηλεόρασης κ.α.) επικοινωνούν ενσύρματα μέσω Ethernet και συνδέονται με κλασικό καλώδιο UTP Cat5e ή ανώτερο.
Οι ασύρματες συσκευές που χρησιμοποιούν τακτικά οι χρήστες και απαιτούν ελευθερία κίνησης με ταυτόχρονη μετάδοση πληροφορίας γραφικών, όπως τα τηλεχειριστήρια, οι εφαρμογές, κ.α., χρησιμοποιούν το δίκτυο WiFi.
Οι ενσύρματες συσκευές που συνήθως εντοιχίζονται σε εσωτερικούς χώρους, όπως διακόπτες, μπουτονιέρες κ.α., επικοινωνούν μέσω RS-485 και συνδέονται σε σειρά ή ακτινικά μέσω ενός καλωδίου τεσσάρων συνεστραμμένων αγωγών χαμηλής τάσης 48Volt DC. Οι δυο αγωγοί μεταφέρουν την πληροφορία (Data±), ενώ οι άλλοι δύο την τάση λειτουργίας (DC±).
Οι ασύρματες συσκευές που τοποθετούνται σε σημεία που δεν επιδέχονται εργασίες νέας καλωδίωσης, όπως μπουτονιέρες με ενσωματωμένα relay και dimmer κ.α., επικοινωνούν μέσω ZigΒee Pro* και συνδέονται εντός ενός δικτύου προσωπικής περιοχής (PAN) που ρυθμίζεται να έχει συγκεκριμένη εμβέλεια.
Αυτή η μεγάλη επικοινωνιακή ενοποίηση μετέτρεψε αυτομάτως όλες τις συμβατικές κατοικίες σε υποψήφιες ενσωμάτωσης τεχνολογίας smart home, χωρίς όμως το κόστος εργασιών καλωδίωσης και των συνεπακόλουθων εργασιών επισκευής ή επιδιορθώσεων. Έτσι δημιουργήθηκε ένα νέο άνοιγμα αγοράς που γρήγορα τροφοδοτήθηκε με αντίστοιχα προϊόντα από όλες τις ανταγωνιστικές εταιρίες.
* Το ZigBee είναι μια ασύρματη τεχνολογία βασισμένη στο πρωτόκολλο IEEE 802.15.4 που αναπτύχθηκε στις αρχές της δεκαετίας του 2000 ως μια εναλλακτική λύση χαμηλού κόστους και κατανάλωσης σε σχέση με τα υφιστάμενα πρωτόκολλα δικτύωσης. Δημιουργεί ένα δικτυακό πλέγμα (mesh networking), στο οποίο τα τηλεγραφήματα αναμεταδίδονται από όλες τις γειτονικές συσκευές του μέχρι να φτάσουν στην τελική, στην οποία απευθύνονται. Το ZigBee έχει σχεδιαστεί με γνώμονα την ανεκτικότητα σε παρεμβολές RF, καθιστώντας το ένα από τα καλύτερα πρότυπα επικοινωνίας για έξυπνα σπίτια, που συνήθως βρίθουν τεχνολογίας.
Ασφάλεια λειτουργίας και επικοινωνίας των συστημάτων Control4
Η Control4 έχει στη φαρέτρα της προϊόντα που καλύπτουν όλες τις ανάγκες των πελάτων της και για όλες τις μορφές επικοινωνίας: ασύρματο δίκτυο WiFi, ενσύρματες συνδέσεις Ethernet (802.3), τη δύναμη του Bluetooth ή του AirPlay ακόμη και του DLNA. Τα επιλεγμένα συστήματα της διαθέτουν συμβατότητα Z-Wave, ώστε να επικοινωνούν με προϊόντα τρίτων κατασκευαστών επιτρέποντας τον χειρισμό τους. Η χρήση του ZigBee Pro ήταν μια επαναστατική επιλογή με άριστα αποτελέσματα στα συστήματα φωτισμού της και ακολουθήθηκε από το σύνολο του ανταγωνισμού.
Με τόσους πολλούς και διαφορετικούς τρόπους σύνδεσης ήταν απαραίτητο η επικοινωνία μεταξύ των προϊόντων της να πραγματοποιείται κωδικοποιημένα και απροσπέλαστα. Όλα τα προϊόντα της Control4 διαθέτουν ένα ενδεδειγμένο chip που είναι υπεύθυνο για την αναγνώριση και απόδοση δικαιωμάτων σύνδεσης στο επιθυμητό δίκτυο. Επιπλέον το πρωτόκολλο λειτουργίας της δεν είναι «ανοικτό», αλλά πλήρως κωδικοποιημένο επιφέροντας αύξηση της ασφάλειας. Ακόμη και οι εμπειρότεροι προγραμματιστές της Control4 δεν έχουν την δυνατότητα ανάγνωσης του δικτύου, των τηλεγραφημάτων που μεταδίδονται ή της δυνατότητας προσθαφαίρεσης συσκευών χωρίς το βασικό πρόγραμμα και τα κλειδιά πρόσβασης που διαθέτει ο ιδιοκτήτης.
Δείτε όλα τα τελευταία άρθρα της Projecting & Sounding Art
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kinhotothienke · 1 year
Kính chắn gió xe Audi Q7 - Kính ô tô Thiên Kế
Tìm hiểu về Kính chắn gió xe Audi Q7 - Kính chắn gió xe Audi Q7 mới đạt tiêu chuẩn cao về chất lượng cùng với dịch vụ thay kính tận nơi với chuyên nghiệp, tất cả đều nằm trong giải pháp trọn gói siêu tiện lợi cung cấp bởi Kính ô tô Thiên Kế. Các thông tin hữu ích và cả cách thức liên hệ đặt lịch chi tiết sẽ có ngay sau đây. Kính ô tô Thiên Kế Tìm hiểu về Kính chắn gió xe Audi Q7 Audi Q7 là dòng xe hiện đại thiết kế thể thao, thời thượng, nam tính. Với gói trang trí ngoại thất Aluninium: ốp ngưỡng cửa và bệ cửa bằng Aluninium cùng màu với thân xe, Audi Q7 thực sự tạo ấn tượng mạnh mẽ và sắc nét. Nội thất Audi Q7 cũng rất hiện đại, sử dụng chất liệu chính từ gỗ và da sang trọng. Audi Q7 2022 facelift sử dụng động cơ V6 phun nhiên liệu trực tiếp với bộ tăng áp khí xả và công nghệ Mild Hybrid MHEV 48Volts 8-speed Tiptronic dung tích 3.0L, tạo ra công suất cực đại 340 mã lực và mô-men xoắn 500Nm, khả năng tăng tốc từ 0-100km/h chỉ trong - 6dzrrgabi8
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loomsolarblog · 1 year
Solar System for commercial sector
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If you are facing a high electricity bill problem in your commercial sector then the solar system is a prominent option for your business. With the solar system, you can reduce your electricity bill or can totally depend on your electricity on the solar system. But here are many questions to our mind like which solar panel is good, how many kw of the solar system is enough according to one’s need, price of all things, where to buy and how can I get other services regarding the solar system.
So, don’t bother, below we share all information about the “best solar system for the commercial sector”.
What is Solar Panel?
A solar panel is the primary component of a solar system it is a device that is used to absorb the sun's rays and convert them into electricity. This is the main work of solar panels to generate electricity. Solar panels for commercial use are typically larger and designed to meet the energy demands of businesses, and commercial properties. They can generate a higher power output compared to residential solar panels.
The price of solar panels can vary depending on several factors such as brand, efficiency, technology, manufacturer, model, and most important wattage of solar panels. The average solar panel cost is between 36,000 to 44,000 but the total cost of solar panels depends on how many panels you need for your home.
Which solar panel is best for commercial use?
The monocrystalline solar panel is the best solar panel for the commercial sector due to their high-efficiency power of generating more electricity in less time compared to normal solar panels.
“Shark Bi-Facial Solar panel” is the most prominent solar panel for commercial use it’s under the “monocrystalline solar panel” technology that is “shark 445–550-watt Mono perc, 144 cells, Half cut DC power” solar panel. It is a super high-efficiency series of solar panels that are made of pure Mono perc cell technology. It produces power from the front and back on both sides. Also, this kind of solar panel can work under low sunlight and cloudy weather conditions and generate 20% to 22% more power then the normal solar panel. shark Bi-facial solar panel price is between Rs. 21000 to Rs. 25000.
Advantages of Monocrystalline shark bi-facial solar panel- - They require less space due to their high efficiency. One need to install fewer panels in comparison to normal. - They have a longer life span of 25 or more years. - These panels are durable they can damage easily because of their strong structure. - These panels perform better than the other solar panels in high-temperature conditions. - These panels have a 20% more efficiency rate.
Components you need with a solar panel for a commercial system
- Solar Battery
- Solar Inverter
- Solar Panel Stand
A lithium-ion battery is ideal for home and business. Loom Solar developed high-capacity Lithium batteries for Home inverters, 100 Ah / 48volt 5000-watt hour this battery comes with many features and 5 years warranty. This power storage runs everything such as Multiple lights, Many Ceiling fans, 8- 10, and Home and Kitchen Appliances such as Television, Refrigerator, Water Motor, Geyser, Grinder, Juicer Machine, Inverter AC, and many more appliances up to the power of 5000 Watts. The Loom solar Lithium battery is maintenance-free, has a 10-year life cycle, faster charging (charging within 2-4 hours only), higher AH efficiency- 100%, longer life, lightweight which makes it easy to transport and install. Here are some estimated ranges of lithium battery prices between Rs. 2,250 to Rs. 1,50,000.
A solar inverter is one of the major components of a solar system, that converts the direct current (DC) electricity generated by solar panels into alternating current (AC) electricity that can be used to power appliances in the home and Business. Solar inverters are a crucial part of a solar system as they allow solar energy to be utilized as a viable source of electricity for homes and businesses. Here are some starting ranges of Inverter battery prices Rs. 30,000.
A solar panel stand, also known as a solar panel mounting system, it is a structure or framework designed to support solar panels in a fixed position. The stand serves several important functions, including providing stability, optimal tilt angle, and secure attachment to the ground or a structure. When selecting a solar panel stand, it's important to consider factors such as the location, available space, local weather conditions, and the specific requirements of your solar panel system. Here are some estimated ranges of solar panel stand price is between Rs. 3000 to Rs. 45000.
How many KW of the solar system is best for commercial use? To know how many kilowatts the system is to install, first, you must know your requirement.
“25 kw solar system” is suitable for schools, colleges, universities, housing Scotties, petrol pumps and small size industries & warehouses. The amount of electricity your solar panels produce depends on many factors, including the direction and angle of your roof. The most important one is how sunny it is where you live – for example, a 25-kW system in India (North, South, East & West Regions) generates 1500 * 25 = 37,500 Units annually. One can also buy solar panels on EMI/ loan facilities option for making their purchase easy. EMI can be calculated according to your reference. The price of the 25-kw solar system is Rs. 60,000/KW.
50 kw on grid solar system is suitable for big size of hospitals, shopping complexes, offices, schools, showrooms, restaurants any type of commercial space. They can run ACs, showroom lights, lifts, etc for a full day. A standardization calculation of generating electricity from the 1 kw solar system is approx. 4 to 5 units per day after taking 5 to 6 hours of absorbing the sunlight with the help of this we get some idea of 50 kw solar system unit generation. 50 Kw solar system can generate around 250 units per day. This power is enough to run electricity on commercial spaces. 50 kw solar system has a great no. of ROI one can recover their investment in generally 4 to 5 years (depending on the usage and consumption of your power). The price of the 50kW solar system is Rs. 60,000/KW. One can also buy solar panels on EMI/ loan facilities option for making their purchase easy. EMI can be calculated according to your reference. You can also use a solar loan EMI calculator to understand better about buying solar panels on EMI. HDFC solar loan interest rates are lower than any other bank so one can know about their interest rates for making their purchase on a budget.
On-Grid Solar System for the Commercial Sector
For commercial solar systems, one can only go for on grid solar system because it has many benefits like in this type of system, we don’t need a battery, it's cost-saving, environment-friendly, energy independence, etc. This type of system uses solar panels to generate electricity from the sun and then feeds that electricity into the grid for use by homes and businesses.
One of the benefits of an on-grid solar system is that it allows consumers to use solar power when it's available and to draw electricity from the grid when solar power isn't sufficient. This can help to reduce energy costs and can also provide a backup power source in the event of a power outage.
Load Calculator
If you are confused about your load, you can simply use the power load calculator. For this, Loom Solar has developed a home load/inverter calculator, so you can easily estimate your power backup solution. Using a power load calculator, you can decide to choose the best inverter battery with solar panel solution for your home, hospital, shop, factory, school, etc. An inverter is the central component of a power backup solution. It cannot be upgraded or downgraded in any situation after purchase.
To calculate your load visit this link hhttps://www.loomsolar.com/blogs/calculator/load-calculator
Solar Installation Coast
You always hear about the solar panel installation process. The solar installation completes with some processes such as Site Survey, Panel Stand Installation, Solar Panel Connection, Civil Work, Panel Wiring, Battery Connection, Inverter Connection, Earthing Kit Installation, and Cleaning along with that one question also arises, what will be the cost of Solar installation, so a standard solar panel installation cost is approx. Rs. 7 per watt.
Top Company for Solar System
Loom Solar is India’s No. 1 solar company which is a manufacturer of solar panels, and lithium batteries for homes and businesses. Loom Solar is one of the best solar panel companies in India that have the latest technology of solar panels which gives you more power in less cost.
For other facilities, you must try loom solar-
1. Flexible EMI Option 2. PAN India Delivery within 3 to 7 days 3. Buy directly solar panel from the manufacturer 4. Over 50,000 happy homes and businesses 5. Product demonstration centers in your city
When planning a commercial solar project, it is recommended to work with experienced solar installers, engineers, or energy consultants who can assess your specific energy needs, evaluate the site feasibility, and design a system that optimizes performance and return on investment.
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tonkilongisland · 2 years
1 140 amp true smart battery isolator dual sensing
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NOW features PEP® making it the most efficient isolator on the market.ģ. Suitable for all types of 12V charging systemsĤ. Works will all types of batteries except LithiumĦ. Unique design provides simple installationġ. When the engine is running and the charging source raises the voltage of the start battery to 13.4 volts* (cut in threshold), the True Smart Battery Isolator (SBI) engages and connects the two batteries to charge simultaneously. True®- EZGO Heavy Duty TXT Battery cable set 4-gauge (48Volt).True® Amalgamated Yamaha G2,G8,G9 1985-94, 4-gauge Golf Cart battery cable set 36Volt models.True® Amalgamated Yamaha G19 Golf Cart 4-gauge battery cable set 48V.True® EZ GO Marathon Golf Cart Battery Cables.True® EZGO TXT 94-Up Medalist TXT Golf Cart Battery Cable Set (4 Gauge).
True® Amalgamated 4-Gauge 5 pc club Car DS 1995 & Up Battery cable Set U.S.A.Kawasaki Teryx Dual Battery Kit TERYX-SBI-CM.Kawasaki Teryx Dual Battery Kit TERYX-SBI-CK.True® Honda Talon Dual Battery Kit TALON-SBI-CM.True UTV-SBI-LCK Lithium Dual Battery Connecting Kit.True UTV-SBI-LCM Lithium Dual Battery Connect & Monitor Kit.Shop now at – More Info Including Updated Prices, Images and Customer Reviews – CLICK HEREĪffiliate Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Simple power wire IN, power wire OUT install. Only about 2 inches tall, wide & deep (2.6″ x 2.6″ x 2″) the isolater fits just about anywhere! Fast & Easy Installation. Won’t rob precious power from your batteries and electrical system, unlike heat sinking competitors. Your search for the best automatic battery isolator is over! KeyLine Chargers 140amp Battery Isolator is the best value on the market. If you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase, simply take advantage of the No Questions Asked, 30-Day Money Back Guarantee!! BUY WITH CONFIDENCE: Every 140 Amp Dual Battery Isolator is backed by an industry leading 12-month warranty.What could be easier? **If you need installation wiring, see Dual Battery Kit or ATV/UTV Kit. Easy-to-follow directions for the most novice DIYer. EASY-TO-USE: The 140 Amp Dual Battery Smart Isolator comes with mounting plate and hardware.Great for extreme vibration applications as well. This International Protection rating means that your KeyLine charger is safe for use even for your off-road needs in dusty, wet and unexpected extreme weather environments. CERTIFIED SAFE: Unlike other isolators on the market, the KeyLine Automatic 140 Amp Dual Battery Isolator is IP65 Certified.It’s like having two separate power sources for each battery while only having one alternator! Voltage Sensitive Relay (VSR) cuts in at 13.3 volts and cuts out at 12.8 volts to ensure your primary battery is always charged and ready to start your vehicle. VOLTAGE SENSITIVE RELAY: The KeyLine Automatic 140 Amp Dual Battery Isolator is all you need to charge Two Battery Systems.This compact battery isolator was built ultra-small (2.6″ x 2.6″ x 2″) to fit almost anywhere! A perfect fit under the hood to get close to your dual batteries. ZERO VOLTAGE DROP: Forget the traditional diode relays and so-called “solid state” devices that can rob you of almost 2 amps of output voltage! The Keyline Dual Battery Isolator is the only unit designed with cutting edge programming to deliver optimum performance – with ZERO sacrifice.12V 140 Amp Dual Battery Smart Isolator by KeyLine – VSR – Voltage Sensitive Relay Specially Designed for ATV, UTV, Boats, RV’s, Campers 5th Wheels Off Road Vehicles Rhino Polaris Artic Cat ETC
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lodiparkandsell · 5 years
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2015 Ez-Go 48Volt Golf Cart http://bit.ly/2w1Z3Rj
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baeshijima · 2 years
48volt is one of them, the other stopped streaming and I forgot to grab his anme before I left. But i made the first one laugh with my username, also
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I can be ur dog Ayato
hdjdjs taking notes to watch them later !!
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icarusthelunarguard · 3 years
This Week’s Horrible-Scopes
This week was the “Global Prayer to end Atheism” according to Facebook. Congratulations on no longer being an Atheist, Aries. Now that you’ve joined a church, be loud and proud about it! Show off that membership to “The Satanic Temple” and thank every Christian who prayed for you.
You remember the posters of the Lamborghini Countache you used to hang in your room as a kid? Well not only is it coming back for it’s 50th anniversary, but it’s a hybrid! It packs a V12 engine, a 48Volt electric motor, goes 0–100km/h in 2.8 seconds, a top speed of 355km/h, and costs a whopping “Keep Dreaming”. You couldn’t afford one in 1986 and you sure as hell can’t afford one NOW!
Take the country roads home and stop at the houses selling tomatoes in the front yard. Buy up as many as you can and make some home made tomato sauce.
Cancer Moon-Child
Buy a newspaper this week. Preferably from as local a company as you can. Not that there’s anything special going on, but just so you can read the news when the power goes down, leaving you without wifi.
An argument over a parking spot will lead directly to a romantic entanglement. At least it’ll feel that way when the other person tells you to… do something “anatomically problematic”. Keep your expectations low with your flexibility high and you might surprise someone.
Since you can’t get to Hawai’i, how about bringing a Hawai’ian luau to you? Break open the bar-b-que, grill an unsliced pineapple or two, and instead of a whole pig, just grill sausages instead. And onions. And bake some bread. Or just go to an Italian Festival and get an order of sausage and peppers with pineapple on the side.
That job offer to be in a jobsite safety video will go bust this week. Mostly because the shoot is in Germany. They were looking to do a sequel to “Forklift Driver Klaus – The First Day on the Job”, but all the good sequel names had been taken, reserved, or made no sense in German, French, Spanish, or English. Don’t worry, though. After the exchange rate you wouldn’t have broken even anyway.
Being a home brewer is a fun, if slow, hobby. Be careful what container you use for it. Keep it sterilized and well-sealed or you’ll have to learn how to clean the smell of fermented bread out of short-pile carpet.
A shark is going to bite your friend this week, and it’s going to be funny as hell. Your friend in this case is your pet cat, and she’s trying to pull the play pieces out of your SHARK BITE game. This is more funny for you than her. If you get an Amazon delivery and it’s the game PERFECTION, that’ll be your cat getting even with you. The only winning move there is Not To Play.
Your local mall is having a really hard time these days. The food court only has four vending machines left, and one of them is out of order. If ever you were looking to start up a new company, now would be the time! All the room in the world and property managers looking to make a deal. Buy a crap-tonne of tortillas, a couple woks, lots of butcher’s paper and name your new eatery, “Wrap It Up”. As a promotion, offer a free condom with any purchase over 6 inches long.
People keep reminding you to tell people you love them. Obviously these people are listening to your words and not listening to how you treat others. You’re doing a good job showing how you feel, Aquarius. Keep up the good work.
There is a book on the shelves, waiting for you to buy it, with your name written all over it, Pisces. It’s called, “The Life-Changing Science of Detecting Bullshit” by John V. Petrocelli. If EVER there was a book you needed to read, this is it. The hardcover is only $25 USD, so you know you can’t afford NOT to have this book. Buy it now, before the lights go out.
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weloomsolarblog · 4 years
Why Should I Invest In A Lithium Battery Today?
Batteries that have lithium as their anode are called lithium batteries. The charge moves from anode to cathode during discharge and cathode to anode during charging. Lithium batteries were introduced way back in 1980-1990′s. These batteries have completely revolutionised the portable electronics market such as cellular telephones and laptop computers. Today lithium batteries are finding increased applications in electronics, electric cars, and solar markets. Given its lightweight, high energy density and efficiency, lithium batteries are used in a wide range of portable consumer electronic devices, medical equipment, power backups, solar storage and in electric vehicles.
Types of batteries you can buy:-
Okaya 12 Ah / 160 Watt hour Lithium Battery for DC applications
Okaya 15Ah / 190 Watt hour lithium battery for home lighting system
Okaya 20Ah / 250 Watt hour Lithium Battery for Home Lighting System
Okaya 40Ah / 500 Watt hour Lithium Battery for Home and Shops
80 Ah / 1,000 Watt Hour Lithium battery for Home Inverters
1 kVA inverter with 1 kWh Lithium battery for 4-5 hours power back up
Lithium Battery 30ah- 48Volt for Electric Vehicles
80 Ah / 2,000 Watt Hour Lithium battery for 24 Volt Home Inverters
2 kVA Solar Inverter with 2 kWh Lithium battery for home
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NanoFlowcell Quant 48Volt Concept, 2017. A new development of nanoFlowcell Holdings electric supercar, which is runs entirely on low-voltage technology, will be revealed at the Geneva Motor Show
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alphatech5 · 7 years
Frydenberg slapped down on Twitter after ignoring coal failure
By Sophie Vorrath Federal energy minister gets social media slap-down after ignoring coal plant failure in Tweet about Thursday’s power price spike.
Read more here:: Renew Economy
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supercartube · 8 years
2018 Quant 48VOLT
2017 Geneva International Motor Show
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Cyclone (CE with pedals)-electricbikescootercar.co.uk
The Cyclone electric scooter is operated with lead-acid batteries with the capacity of 48Volt/20AH. You can charge these electric scooters by plugging into ordinary wall outlets. This particular vehicle’s charger capacity is 48Volt 2.5Amp and takes 8 hours to fully charge. It is generally very low maintenance compared to a conventional motorcycle. The motor power of this electric scooter is 500 Watts. It has two brakes: a disc brake at the front and a drum brake at the rear brake. The disc brake offers efficient stopping power along with low maintenance and affordable spares. Since the disc brake is located externally, It cools down very fast. Most of the drum brakes’ components are held by spring tension. It also has alloy wheels as well as pedals.
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lifepo4oz · 2 years
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LiFePO4 Oz offers a high-quality LiFePO4 battery pack kit in Australia. This LiFePO4 Battery Pack is a 48Volt (51.2V) 130 (Ah) Amp Hour, 6.24 (KWh) Kilo Watt Hour. Our LiFePO4 kit is perfect for building your own power bank for caravans, RVs, Motorhomes, or Electric Vehicle conversions. LiFePO4 is around half the weight of AGM or Lead Acid batteries with higher charge cycles. They are also more stable than other Lithium Iron (Li-ion) batteries. If you are interested in our LiFePO4 battery Australia then contact us at 1300 517 170 or visit our website now.
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