xthefxrgxttenx · 4 years
Lines of cocaine, Lately love roller-coaster. You love me, hate me, We fight in the roadster. Rage in your veins, Jealousy is the devil. You sip on your cup, ‘Till your head isn't level
You feel like you've been alone for so long, And you're trying real hard yet he just won't, Love you like you love him, Feeling lonelier when you're with him. You're the girl that he says he's always wanted, He must mistreat the things that he loves. Yeah, you don't deserve another minute of this bullshit story
And I'm sorry, babe...
Girl, I'm high in back of the room fuckin’ with these models, So many lines on the table, yeah, I feel like I'm lost. In my head yet again, driving down swerving, I'm so drunk. Have you ever thought of swervin' off the motherfuckin' sidewalk?
All these bitches feel the same on the inside, Living life unholy or I'm out of my mind, Don't deserve another chance honestly I'm-- Better off alone with all my white lines... And Karma’s drinking holy water, In the bamas living lavish, Numb the horror of being alone, my darling ...
You feel like you've been alone for so long, And you're trying real hard yet he just won't, Love you like you love him, Feeling lonelier when you're with him. You're the girl that he says he's always wanted, He must mistreat the things that he loves. Yeah, you don't deserve another minute of this bullshit story
And I'm sorry, babe...
Girl, I'm high in back of the room fuckin’ with these models, So many lines on the table, yeah, I feel like I'm lost. In my head yet again, driving down swerving, I'm so drunk. Have you ever thought of swervin' off the motherfuckin' sidewalk?
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starfallsxburnouts · 4 years
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Emiy Davis was gonna HATE THIS. Why you ask? Well, to get the answer to THAT question you’d need to go all the way back to Michael Munroe, Emily’s boyfriend, being voted student council president. Not only did Rachel have a SNEAKING SUSPICION that the rich girl had actually been the mastermind behind the whole thing. But Munroe had since started using his newfound power to siphon funds from Glee Club in order to FURTHER INFLATE the already ridiculously overblown budget of the football team and cheer squad. Of which, Matt Taylor, Munroe’s best friend, and Jessica Riley, Emily’s BFF, just so HAPPENED to be parts of.
To combat this, Rachel Barbra Berry had arrange for a... AHEM... PEACEFUL PROTEST within gymnasium grounds where the cheer squad practised. “GLEE! CLUB!! MATTERS!!!” Complete with a few homemade banners that questioned the validity of Munroe’s campaign. “EQUAL FUNDING FOR ALL!!” Which, the young solo starlet, WOULD be lying if she claimed that her ever-anxious heart had been pounding at anything LESS than a hundred beats per minute this entire time. “DOWN! WITH!! MUNROE!!!” While Rachel invited a lot of conflict upon herself through sheer personality, fighting was hardly her modus operandi. Much preferring the far more uplifting and sophisticated avenues of musical threatre, dance, and performing arts. “EQUAL FUNDING FOR ALL!!” So if Emily or Jessica came looking for a fight... well... (She’d lose.) “GLEE! CLUB!! MATTERS!!!” And with the way her well-trained vocals carried down the halls, it would only be a MATTER OF TIME before she caught someone’s attention. “EQUAL FUNDING FOR ALL!!” Of course, maybe it would’ve helped if anyone else from Glee Club had attended the protest. “DOWN! WITH!! MUNROE!!!” Or, y’know...
                                                                                     ...ANYONE AT ALL..
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forwardmoved-a · 4 years
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"if you promise to take this seriously and not laugh...” the grip on the notebook in her lap tightens at the thought and one more deep breath would allow her to complete her request. “i would like you to read a little bit of what i’ve been working on.” and only a little, because as much faith as she would put into her friend, she was still shy about showing any of her friends her writings. this wasn’t chris, this wasn’t sam, who would let her down gently. this was emily, who she knew would give her honest feedback and that was exactly the kind of critique that she was desperate for.
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moonscenes · 4 years
@4x0hxnxroll​ / closed starter.
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                     “the place is nice and all, but it’s nothing compared the my parents’ place in the hamptons.” not that she spoke to them much anymore. a marriage that was falling apart, their problematic daughter .... but quinn liked to pretend everything was okay. she glanced over, noticing a nervous brunette approaching as she rubbed her arms. she looked cold.
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                    “---there’s a heater here, right? i’m only asking because i have a recital coming up and if i catch a cold two weeks before it, i am going to be severely unhappy. and i am going to blame all of you if i get second place.” despite the quick words, rachel’s teeth were chattering and she was desperately ( and nervously ) looking around. “can someone please open the door? i’m can literally feel myself getting hypothermia!”
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jigscw · 4 years
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❝ sorry ,  i don’t do babysitting . ❞           /          @4x0hxnxroll​   +   sc !
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judesowndaughter · 4 years
Emily: It costs $400 to see a therapist. But it's free to tell yourself, "It just be like that sometimes."
Kate: What? No-
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silentbreaks · 4 years
@4x0hxnxroll​ said: Emily : *Drags her out of the house*
“I’m letting you do this because I have nothing else to do, not because you’re making me.” Sure, honey.
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blueveines · 4 years
                                                    @4x0hxnxroll​  //  starter call  ( sae )
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                          “ i apologize.  i recognize this can’t be easy to talk about,  but i need you to cooperate as much as you possibly can. ”
                            sae tried to be patient with those who recently went through trauma.  she really did.  but it was difficult to build much of an understanding of what happened,  or what sort of case she could build from it,  when they behaved poorly.
                             “ when was the last time you saw josh washington? ”
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xthefxrgxttenx · 4 years
@4x0hxnxroll​ said : 🤝 + Beth & Emily
texts the other memes at 3 am: 
Neither girl really does this all too seriously, because Emily puts on a much more serious persona she wishes she had to. And Beth just isn’t funny. And if it does happen, it’s done semi-ironically, or at least so they claim, because, God, who sends each other MEMES at 3 in the morning? Which, to that end, despite not being traditionally funny, Beth is the more likely candidate between the two, especially earlier on until Emily feels able to show her dorkier/nerdier aspects to Beth. And the more Beth grows attached, the less and less ironic (and more and more frequent) the memes become. Such is the way of being a walking fucking paradox. But again, with all that sad, it’s not a hugely integral component of their friendship/relationship. And is more just a “Man, I’m fuckin’ bored, can you believe I’m looking up memes about a fuckin’ llama who kidnapped a child? Help me.’ kind of escape.
tries to convince the other to do an idea that definitely sounds questionable:
Both, but for entirely different reasons. Beth is the more unstable wildchild of the two, digging through her brother’s medicine drawer, using Chris for weed and coke, barhopping, fooling around with strangers etc. And Beth can start to have that Jess-effect on Emily as their relationship progresses, drawing her out of her more cautious bubble and giving her a chance to live a much louder and more adventurous life than she’d have if Beth wasn’t around. Emily, however, has that weird impulsive need to flirt with temptation, and will, entirely on a whim, in a random fit of courage, dare Beth to do something more intimately personal between the two. The kind of adventure that Beth would herself wouldn’t ever be able to initiate. (Like kiss her panties in the living room half naked after texting Sam to come help them.) 
is the designated driver and who always gets wasted:
This depends on the night, to be honest, and often just doesn’t happen at all. Beth can be responsible when she wants. And at times can feel almost COMPELLED to be. So if she knew Emily was gonna be off her face smashed and vulnerable, she’d definitely be a designated driver and stay sober enough to keep her safe. But then, I also kind of feel like once Emily starts to notice how weirdly repressed yet impulsive Beth truly is, she’d actually  want to be a designated driver for Beth once in a while so she can not ONLY get wasted, but also get wasted with SOMEONE WHO CARES. However, absent those exceptions, both girls are likely to just get an uber home because rich and fuck life.
always has to host the impromptu sleepover:
BETH. BETH BETH BETH BETH. BETHBETHBETH. BETHHHH. Emily’s dad is an absolute fucking cunt and while he’s more fond of Beth and Hannah on the surface than their brother, Josh, he’s still a bit of an ABSOLUTE FUCKING CUNT. Emily’s parties are therefore ALWAYS meticulously planned, to make sure her dad isn’t out and that she has MORE than enough time to safely clean up before he gets back. Beth, meanwhile... Sure, Beth’s dad might also be a bit of an absolute fucking cunt, but at least he’s an absolute fucking cunt who DOESN’T FUCKING CARE. Her parents spend more time across the national border than in their home country of Canada. Their house is often vacant, save for Josh and Hannah, who are usually always down for getting shit faced, too. Post-Game, Beth has her own little apartment she lives in that Emily could honestly move into if you needed.
who’s netflix account gets mooched off of:
Actually, in a rare turn of events, its BETH who has her account mooched off of. This is due to Emily’s dad paying for her Netflix and being a lot more strict with what he qualifies as APPROPRIATE for his should-be prodigy of a daughter. Beth’s account, however, is paid for by a dad who could literally give zero shits what Beth watches so long as she stays outta trouble. So Emily can safely watch anything she wants on Beth’s Netflix without being judged or berated by her father. (Though she sometimes has to lie to Hannah and Josh about just exactly WHO is mooching. I mean, come on, when is Beth Freakin’ Washington going to watch CELEBRITY MASTERMIND?) Post-Game, however, might be a different story... (As in, Beth kinda estranges herself from her parents and that sweet free money, and Emily might give Beth her pass and then just blame Beth when Henry wonders who the fuck watched an entire season of Sex and The City overnight.) Once Emily also gets cut off, they find the money for an account between themselves.
brings all the snacks and who supplies the movie:
Emily supplies the movie. With two very specific exceptions. Those exceptions being: 1. When its an early premier or pre-release of one of Beth’s dad’s productions. He’s a bit of a narc and LIKES to have any and all eyes he can to appreciate his psychotic masterpieces. And sometimes Beth genuinely likes some of his films and just wants to watch one once in a while. 2. If Beth is super pushy or passionate about a specific movie, Emily will cave but she won’t hide her feelings. If it’s shit she WILL bitch about it. And if it’s REALLY SHIT, she’ll pull the “I wish Jess was here” card. As for snacks... It’s typically Beth because Emily is full anorexic and unlikely to bring anything “snacky” to begin with, and Beth kind of has this weird obsession with eating with people/people watching her eat. So bringing snacks that Emily might wanna eat with her brings Beth a bizarre sense of joy.
is usually the first one to say sorry after a fight:
Beth. Though only if she genuinely sees that she was in the wrong. Both girls are pretty stubborn and guarded like that, but I do feel like Beth would break first, especially later in the relationship when she’s more obsessed. That being said, Emily also has a pretty quiet GUILTY STREAK that sparks up in game. During the pre-order bonus scene she ends up being pretty apologetic/grateful to Matt for handling her “high-maintenance” self, and she is downright terrified and blaming herself in her better Matt endings. And even if this is sometimes rooted in insecurity, I do think she’d be capable of having those moments with Beth as well, provided Beth had shown extensive enough loyalty through a lot of conflict/drama.
is the ‘ mom friend ‘:
Errrrrrr... Kind of see the bit about the designated driver. It’s kind of the same deal, honestly. Beth is repressed mom having a quiet quarter life crisis. Therefore she sometimes takes care of Emily. Emily is a repressed everything who actually does have a soft side beneath that icy fortress, and would feel bad for Beth and wanna let her be a wild child in safety. But then both are also royally fucked up and might just say fuck it all and get wasted and wake up inside each other panties on a park bench one night. That being said, Emily kind of has the encouraging mother role when it comes to Beth’s insecurities, namely her leg and her eating habits. While Beth is sort of Emily’s tough loving mother when Emily is making stupid mistakes like wanting to call Mike at two in the morning when she can’t even stand without using Beth as a crutch. So it really does just sort of depend on the situation and whether one or both of them are going through psychological bullshit at the times.
calls the other at 12 am to wish the other a happy birthday without fail:
I actually don’t know, to be honest. I feel like it would happen, and both would do it almost ritualistically after the first time, but the first time would either be: 1. Emily because she’s actually secretly super organized in life and might genuinely know certain birthdays of certain friends and just do it on impulse one day. Possibly while drunk. Probably while drunk. 2. Beth would do it out of a need to make Emily feel noticed and special once she learns about the true depths of Emily’s insecurities and need for validation and fear that no one would actually give a shit about her birthday if SHE didn’t make a big deal out of it to begin with. Which really it just depends who does it first. I don’t think either is so romantic or sappy to always do it outright. But once it IS done, if at all, then I feel they’d both do in return for the other doing it. LOYALTY & RECIPROCATION.
is the better wingman to the other:
Ummmm... Emily. Definitely Emily. It has to be Emily. Which, that isn’t to say that Emily is a GOOD wingman. It’s to say that Beth honestly COULDN’T wingman for Emily because Beth could never, ever, EVER be able to overcome her own insecurities to willingly guide attention to someone other than herself. Especially when maybe she herself has a small crush on Emily and wants to fuck her and have Emily’s attention all on HER. (It’s definitely not a SMALL crush.) Emily, meanwhile, would probably deflectively (during) or indifferently (early on) wingwoman for Beth because she’s not allowed to be gay and she spends a lot of time hung up on Mike. THAT BEING SAID: Post-Game, I genuinely don’t think Emily would be able to wingman for Beth either.
‘ the strong must protect the sweet ‘ , who’s the ‘ strong ‘ and who’s the ‘ sweet ‘:
HAVE YOU SEEN THEM?! The bitches protect each other. You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours. (Maybe literally.) That’s why they’re both designated drivers or moms at different times. That’s why Beth lets Emily use her netflix or stay over. That’s why Emily would at all want to take care of Beth during wild nights out. That being said, I do think, by literal definition, that Emily is physically stronger than Beth (especially post-game due to muscular dystrophy and her fucked up leg post-mine) while Beth might be sweeter than Emily. at least on the surface. But yeah, it’s again SITUATIONAL, based on whether one needs PROTECTING or one needs to be CARED FOR.
pulls the other up for karaoke to sing a duet together:
Oh. It’s Beth. Let’s be real. No fucking way does Emily do karaoke voluntarily. Meanwhile, Beth is a wildchild, as stated, and more importantly she LOVES noise -- ESPECIALLY MUSIC. Hell, it’s her FAVORITE NOISE, even. (Apart from Emily moaning. AHEM.) So Beth would absolutely drag Emily up for karaoke, even if Emily was bitching about it every frictional heel-scrape of the way. The ONLY example possible where Emily takes Beth on stage is out of SPITE. If Jess or Mike or Matt or Hannah has pissed her off sufficiently, maybe peer-pressured her into it, and Emily wants to HURT them. And depending on the specific atmosphere, Beth might just be up for being Emily’s metaphorical blade.
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starfallsxburnouts · 4 years
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“What are you playing at, Em?” In no way could anyone possibly say Haley and Emily were on GOOD TERMS. In fact, both of their families HATED each other. And while most of that just so happened to be written in tradition and class politics, with Haley’s entire family happening to be compromised of DEADBEAT LIFE LOSERS who lived in a trailer park, and Emily’s family considering money and social rank to be the BE-ALL-END-ALL INDICATOR of how worthy one was of TRUST & RESPECT. Haley actually hated Emily for an entirely different reason: The girl was the walking, living, embodiment of a HEAD BITCH IN CHARGE. The Queen Bee of a school filled with mindless jocks and bullying cliques. As for why she’d used the term, ‘Em’? Haley just did. Emily could take it however she wanted. “When have you ever wanted ME to be at one of YOUR parties?” It HAD to be some kind of trap... RIGHT?! Or maybe it was some kind of political game. (Or maybe she wasn’t too bad, after all?) She shook her head at that last thought. “What do you want from me?” Only thing Haley knew for CERTAIN was that it had nothing to do with FREE TUTORING. Emily happened to be the highest grade student in the entire school. “Spill.”
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@4x0hxnxroll​ said: *Takes it back*
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championselect · 4 years
@ Cana, ❛ I need at least the illusion of being understood. ❜ - @4x0hxnxroll​
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                          “Girl, that’s too easy. All you’ve gotta do is just stay silent, look them in the eye and nod a couple of times. If you have a drink in your hand, take a sip a couple of times. People think this doesn’t work, but lemme tell you, it does better than they think.”
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pxlsian · 4 years
i just want to let you know… i am possibly the worst person you’ve ever met.
 @4x0hxnxroll || Critcal Role Sentence Starters — Still Accepting
In truth, Fang wasn’t one to be quick to judge someone without getting to know them well enough, whether or not she’d heard things second hand from others previously— and that still applied to the other young woman she just happened to be staring at now. Emily definitely had a bit of a superior air about her though, with cutting words to match if you found yourself unluckily enough to be at her mercy.
However, there had yet to be a problem between them personally, at least as things went so far.. Which is probably why Fang was giving her an odd look, one almost quizzical in nature. “You really think you’re the worst I’ve met, eh?” Came her response, with curiosity more than apparent in her words.
In life thus far she’d met countless people, most good, some bad, fewer still were the worst kinds of people— lowlifes and the scum of the earth, basically. But did she really think Emily of all people deserved to be labeled the latter? Not exactly, and for good reason too.. Or well, what Fang felt was a good reason anyway.
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“Look, everyone does bad things, yeah? No one is 100% good, and all that— but trust me, I don’t think you’re that bad.” There’s a brief pause then, as a faint glimmer of a smile appears on her face, as if to try and reassure the other. “If you ask me, there’s always goin’ to be someone worse in the world anyway.”
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lostkiids · 4 years
@4x0hxnxroll​    liked for Quinn Fabray
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                       the blonde was not in the mood today. she hadn’t been in the mood for anything really for a long time now. she was sort of caught in a state of making rude comments but meaning them to just be funny and it was getting her into way more trouble than she wanted to deal with. and, okay, maybe she was hiding in the bathroom to just avoid everything awaiting her in the school cafeteria, but a little makeup touchup never hurt anyone, right? unless of course they weren’t eating in exchange. and that’s why she snapped that the first person to cross her path. “what are you looking at, freak.” at least it was only makeup in the bathroom, because if she reached back into her backpack it might get worse.
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@4x0hxnxroll​ liked this for a starter
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“Fuck if I knew how to put it romantic.”
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judesowndaughter · 4 years
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send in 🤝 + a friendship and i’ll tell you who:
texts the other memes at 3 am: It’s Kate. I’m sorry. It’s always going to be Kate. This girl has some hellacious insomnia and she is too online when it comes to rabbit-related memes and gifs. She’s sending Emily these stupid fucking memes at 4:35 AM when Emily is burning the midnight oil, studying for the O-Chem exam, or attempting to sleep. The horrors of Blackwood are less persistent than Kate and her bunny memes.  
tries to convince the other to do an idea that definitely sounds questionable: Both to varying degrees. Kate is here for the spontaneous little adventures that she can easily take the blame for. Emily is reasonable, but I feel like she’s too clever (and occasionally, too drunk) NOT to have some ideas that sound good in theory, but are questionable in action.
is the designated driver and who always gets wasted: Kate is basically the Alpha Designated Driver(tm). Since Blackwood, she’s uncomfortable with drinking anywhere outside of her home, so she defaults to being the sober friend on outings to the bar or club. Emily is completely free to get lit.
always has to host the impromptu sleepover: Post-Blackwood? Kate. Her mom is gone and her dad is actually pleasant, so her home life is pretty chill? Emily gets a free pass to stay over if her dad is bothering her or she needs a place to crash. Or when they’re both feeling on edge from the trauma and having a sleepover is the only way to feel safe in their own skin.
who’s netflix account gets mooched off of: EMILY. She is not beholden to the tyranny of one single family Netflix account, so Kate can watch all of her trashy teen dramas while Emily silently (or loudly) judges Kate’s choice in tv shows and movies. 
brings all the snacks and who supplies the movie: Emily brings the movie. Kate isn’t very picky about media? I feel like Emily might be, though, and both girls would rather have something that Emily can settle in to watch and enjoy. Kate brings the snacks because she has a bad peanut allergy and she knows which ones are safe for her to eat. The snacks are still pre-approved by Emily before Kate brings them over, though. 
is usually the first one to say sorry after a fight: IT’S KATE. She still has faith after everything that happened, and one of her most cherished values is admission of wrongdoing. She’s all about apologizing and seeking resolution.  
is the ‘ mom friend ‘: Kate. Good lord, this woman has been the mom friend since she was 7 years old. She’s the one fixing Emily’s jacket and pulling her away from sketchy frat bros in the club when Emily is a little too wasted. She’s also probably the person who nags Emily until she eats at least a little bit. Kate has also got the “I’m not mad, just dissapointed” tone down pat whenever Emily does something that’s a little too mean. 
calls the other at 12 am to wish the other a happy birthday without fail: Sometimes Emily? Usually Kate? I feel like if Emily is awake during Kate’s birthday, she would call Kate. Otherwise, she’ll do it when she remembers first thing during the day. Kate takes more joy in a friend’s birthday than she does her own, so at 12:00:01 you BEST believe Emily is getting that call even if she’s dead asleep. 
is the better wingman to the other: Emily. Girl has game. Kate is absolute trash at wingwomaning if Emily is looking to pick up chicks, and Kate is mediocre at best with men. Emily is an actual bad bitch that knows how to project confidence---or at least faux confidence. But when it comes to dating, sometimes you have to fake it ‘til you make it. Plus, Emily has a presence. Kate...blends into the wallpaper.
‘ the strong must protect the sweet ‘ , who’s the ‘ strong ‘ and who’s the ‘ sweet ‘: Emily is the strong, Kate is the sweet. Unless Mike is involved, and then Kate is the strong to Emily’s strong. They are both in the Michael Munroe Done Did Wrong(tm) Club. ( Kate is still trying to convince Emily to join the Emily Davis Appreciation Club. ) 
pulls the other up for karaoke to sing a duet together: Neither, unless it’s their own private karaoke machine. Then Kate is here to mess with Emily and sing all of the 80s classics badly on purpose.
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