#4th of july but the year before that one so they've been doing their things for ~6 weeks
sweetstarart · 3 months
40 Wallace Wells Headcanons!!!
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He loves the band gorillaz! His current favorite songs are Dare, Dirty Harry, Rock The House and 5/4
He used to animate and draw in college but he hasn't really picked it up since then
He and Scott don't have much closet space, so they put some of their clothes in a kitchen cabinet. Scott is very scared Ramona will open it one day
When he eats burger He takes the pickles off and saves them for last. He does the same thing with shrimp pasta and also likes it most when there are 5 shrimp left over to eat. Scott thinks this is weird.
He's quite a powerful psychic, but since he's a beginner he has no idea how to utilize his powers. In the future, Old Wallace becomes one of the most powerful psychics in Toronto
Old Wallace's hair turned grey after what him and Mobile simply refer to as a "Psychic Mishap". This same mishap lead to him also needing very strong prescription glasses
He has 5 favorite colors, Green, Pink, Black, Teal and Red. If you ask which is his favorite, he'll usually cycle through 3 of those options before telling you he doesn't have a favorite
He scratches his knuckles when he gets nervous
He keeps his hands behind his back while doing this so people are less likely to notice
Sometimes he taps his fingers instead
Starting book 2, He's been taking French classes. He likes to say dumb things in French around the house that don't apply to whatever they're talking about, Scott is none the wiser
He likes turtles!
Although Wallace sometimes kicks Scott in his sleep, he can actually be fairly affectionate sometimes if he's feeling happy or lonely. Sometimes he hugs Scott in his sleep
Strangely enough, he doesn't do this to mobile until a few years into their relationship
Wallace used to have braces and acne in high-school. It is one of the very few things he's insecure about
He constantly forgets Young Neil's name and swears its either Francis or Dennis
Him and Other Scott have known eachother since they were kids but only became friends in high-school, when Wallace would stay over at his house from time to time
According to Scott and Other Scott, seeing Wallace win a drinking game is one of the most horrifying things they've ever seen
His record is 19 beers in 5 seconds
Oftentimes He wears a variety of Bracelets on his arm. His sweater usually obscures this, but they can be heard clanking together when he runs. When asked why he does this, he says he's "Matching with a friend"
His birthday is July 4th
He ran away from home during high-school, leading to him crashing at his friend's houses until he finally got an apartment
He frequently stayed with Scott, Other Scott and Roxy (until they stopped being friends towards the end of high-school)
Like the anime said, he let Scott crash at his place and he never left. At first, he figured since Scott let him stay over a week once, it only seemed fair to do the same. Soon a week turned into a month,but he couldn't bring himself to simply tell him to leave
He's somewhat of a pushover, but is too prideful to admit it (or embarrassed... who knows!)
He has tons of pride merch that he saves specifically for the month of May. Not June, because he "likes to stand out" (It's actually because when he started doing this, he got the month wrong)
He won a Ball point pen from a high-school drinking game. He calls it his most "prized possession" and he keeps it in a jewelry box alongside his bracelets
Scott is listed as "The first guy you should call if I ever get drunk and pass out bc he knows good and well he owes me a favor" on a list his frequent bartender asked him to make (Her name is Leni btw)
He and Gideon (the cat) would actually get along pretty well if they ever met
He and Gideon (the man) would not get along very well. But Wallace would find him extremely attractive in secret
He finds most of Ramona's exes attractive with the exceptions being Roxy and Kyle katayanagi
He passed his driving test while completely drunk. He woke up the next day and had no clue how to drive and couldn't even remember doing it until he found the license in the kitchen sink
He's had tons of flings, but never had an actual boyfriend until he met Mobile
He is so gay, that he litterally pukes rainbows
He thinks Stephen is hot. His only reason for not pursuing him is the fact that Scott made him promise to never make out with his friends
His favorite food is shrimp Alfredo
The reason Wallace makes bacon so often is because he bought it in bulk once as a dare from one of his friends. No clue what kind of bacon it was, but it expired a year from that day and the bottom shelf of his fridge was packed full of it for months
He always loses at rock paper scissors
He knows how to play piano
He has Hayfever
And... that's it! Except not really, I actually have way more!
But thats all I'm posting for now...
Thanks for reading!
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lonewolflink · 19 days
hey author! really liking WSC. I was wondering how did you get into itzy? there doesn't seem to be a lot of midzy writers, we need more like you!
hi anon! glad you're enjoying wsc :)
tbh i got into itzy sort of by chance/randomly? bit of a long/weird story lol...
i've listened to kpop on and off for a long time but never really Got Into It in a stan way (when i was in college i definitely had (and still have) a ton of blackpink on my gym playlist, and i always really liked mamamoo, but i wasn't really paying attention to kpop culture at all or any content beyond the music itself). probably the closest i ever got was bigbang, and that was only because of my massive crush on taeyang :P
i'm in the last year of my phd program right now (if i'm able to finish my dissertation by the end of june, i'll defend and graduate in july! dr. link!!), and from what i saw in my time in grad school i knew the last year basically drove every phd student completely insane.
instead of trying to curb that insanity by becoming a mildly functional alcoholic or smoking too much weed i basically decided i'd funnel that insanity into FINALLY trying to understand kpop beyond casually listening to it, like understand the culture and the standom and the whole thing.
i knew i needed to pick a group to stan in order to do that, and i didn't want it to be blackpink even though i like them, since they release music so rarely (lol). so i was like ok you know what i haven't really listened to any kpop after 3rd gen. lemme see what 4th gen has to offer!
none of the 4th gen boy groups really caught my interest in a serious way (though i do really like some songs by stray kids and enhypen), so i turned to 4th gen gg. and like. holy shit 4th gen is literally the girl group golden age???
i was sort of listening around to some of the different 4th gen gg and really enjoying them, trying to find the right one for me, and then itzy's none of my business mv came up on my recommended on youtube, and i'd seen their name around. i clicked and...well. i was hooked.
i watched a bunch of the classic mvs (dalla dalla, wannabe, mafia), that one clip of lia singing can't take my eyes off of you, and like one compilation of OT5 being silly and chaotic. after that it was game over, i knew i'd found my group.
(and also i kinda love an underdog story; i think itzy's supposed "fall off" has been greatly exaggerated and with the overhaul of div 2 employees (...hopefully the marketing team) i am curious to see if they can recapture the 4th gen gg crown)
i wasn't at all expecting to write fic, tbh, especially not for a kpop group! i've actually never done it before, except maybe once when i was 13 and then immediately regretted it because i was bad at it lol. but in one of the most stressful years of my life, it became a really nice creative outlet for me, especially because i don't really have anyone irl to talk to when it comes to kpop and itzy.
in general, i've found midzys to be such a warm, welcoming group, at least here on tumblr and in the comment section on AO3 (i try to stay off twitter as much as possible).
and i didn't realize initially when i first stanned itzy, but turns out the whole jyp fam is really awesome! obviously the company has its issues, like any kpop company, but in general the jyp Vibes are really fun, and i've enjoyed listening more and learning about twice, skz, nmixx, etc.!
since my original goal (i guess?) was to understand the world of kpop, itzy ended up being the perfect group because, well. they have done almost every sub-genre of kpop at some point. they really can do it all! and as a group they've been on top, they've had their name raked through the mud, they've had a member on hiatus (...literally announced right after i decided to stan, RIP), been in a big transition period...
yeah man idk. it's been so interesting and fun to follow their journey, learn a lot about the kpop machine, do some really fun creative writing, give in to the insanity of being a stan, and listen to some really great music along the way. :)
anyway that's how we got here! sorry for the long-winded answer hahaha i guess i could've just said "last year of my phd program, went insane, instead of becoming addicted to drugs or alcohol i decided to become a kpop addict and my drug of choice is itzy" :P
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beardedmrbean · 7 months
I don't mean for this to sound rude, but I don't understand the negativity towards Thanksgiving in recent years. Growing up I was always taught that Thanksgiving was about the Native Americans and pilgrims getting together and having a large feast. I always thought that it was generally seen as a positive thing that these two groups of people, who had very different cultures and couldn't even really speak the same language, put aside their differences and enjoyed the year's harvest. Of course, I'm not going to deny all the atrocities that happened to Native Americans, but it seems a bit odd to me personally to say that Thanksgiving is related to those horrible events when to me, it appeared to be about celebrating two cultures coming together. In my mind, it's like saying the 4th of July is bad because America used to have slavery. Or that Veteran's Day is bad because people didn't approve of the Vietnam war. I hope I don't come across as mean spirited, but I guess I just want to understand why people have this sentiment about Thanksgiving.
Not rude at all, polite inquiry is never a issue.
Wasn't as quaint as the simple story you get in 2nd grade or watching the Peanuts special, it did happen and it was a friendly gathering that likely saved the lives of the pilgrims who weren't really prepared for what they'd gotten themselves into.
As for the current year hate, it's not current year folks have been throwing fits about it forever. On of my theories about why it's gotten to the level it has is that the 'activists™' are seeking to out do the people that they've taken the mantle from.
Biggest change is availability of information, which includes false information or shifted narratives.
That and it's popular these days to both shit on white people and infantilize minority groups, that 2nd one is nothing new but it's had a shiny new coat of paint tossed on it that makes it ok for leftists to treat them like helpless little babies.
When in actuality they probably could have held off colonization for a good while if they'd wanted to at the time and they were absolutely better equipped to survive and thrive up there.
Oh they were also really good at killing each other too, did not need the colonists to get that done. Colonists just made it easier since both north and south America, to the best of my knowledge, were still basically in the stone age, don't think they'd managed bronze or copper let alone iron before we showed up. The whole wheel thing is totally different since as the terrain goes there was not really much use for the things.
But ya folks showed up from across the big water with the boom sticks and Algonquins trade whatever for those so the can kill the Iroquois easier, right up till they stopped killing each other and formed a confederacy aimed at killing the various colonists.
Noble Savage shit is so damn racist, they were just as good at killin each other as the folks from Europe, Asia, and Africa were and often for many of the same reasons.
Resources or religion.
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zukunftsvision · 3 years
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@prophezeiung​: “tell me you love this.”
nothing    feels    better    than    this,    curled    up    in    the    back    seat    of    the    mitsubishi,    cheek    against    kavinsky’s    shoulder,    he    doesn’t    know    what    he    just    took    —    he    swallowed    the    pill    dry    when    kavinsky    put    it    on    his    tongue,    no    questions    asked.    whatever    it    is,    it’s    good,    better    because    k    gave    it    to    him,    better    because    of    the    fingers    tracing    through    his    hair.    the    sun    is    starting    to    set,    the    first    fireworks    of    the    night    sound    off    in    the    distance,    and    nikolai    is    so    high    he    feels    like    he’s    fucking    floating,    tight    grip    around    a    handful    of    kavinsky’s    shirt    so    he    doesn’t    float    away    into    the    afternoon    sky.    the    party    will    start    soon    and    kavinsky    will    be    busy,    so    he’s    clinging    to    this    moment,    too,    because    it’s    too    perfect    to    let    go    of.    “    i    love    this,    ”    he    whispers,    unhesitating,    profound    like    he’s    admitting    to    something    important,    close    enough    for    his    breath    to    graze    kavinsky’s    neck,    close    enough    to    hear    his    pulse,    “    i    love    this,    k.    ”
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stormblessed95 · 3 years
On the subject of the whole Jeonlous narrative (I can't stand it b/c the vast majority of "Jeonlous" videos are slowed down/edited to make things look that way, not to mention the glorification of it is toxic asf). But there are a couple of moments caught on camera where I'm sus like the July 4th 2015 fanmeet (which I'm like 90% sure is legit) and the 2Min (Taemin/Jimin) moments. But the 2nd one I'm on the fence since it's not as obvious but the faces JK makes during that music bank (con't...)
(Pt2) Interview…it’s like, if looks could kill…and then there’s SG Musicbank where it looks like he rolls his eyes for a second after taking not so subtle peeks at 2Min. What are your opinions JK/JM/Taemin dynamic that a lot of Jeonlous stans like to use?? I really love your take/s on Jikook so I’m curious. (Here’s a link to the moments in case anyone wants reference to what I’m talking about: /watch?v=A1lNfDegles)
Hello! I talk a bit about Taemin in my original jealousy post here:
Most of my points made in that post still stand. For some reason, Jungkook has never appeared super fond of Tamin and Jimin interactions. He has never interjected himself or said/done anything to try and refocus Jimin's attention on him (and that's on healthy relationships), but he never looks happy to see them together. One of the biggest examples of that would be the 2017 Music Bank show you brought up. Taemin and Jimin were very happy to see each other and hang out. JK did not look nearly as pleased by that idea.
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They were excited to see each other and even hung out backstage in the corner of the award show when they had a free chance:
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Now is this jealousy? It looks like it, but I don't know. Maybe he just isn't super fond of their relationship. There was and had been a lot of speculation about the nature of the 2min ship, many people thinking that it was more than it was. Maybe JK just didn't like their ship being fueled when it wasn't someone he also knew and loved. Maybe he was upset feeling like TM didn't do a good job taking good enough care of JM as a hyung when they performed together, where Jimin was restricting his diet to an unhealthy amount and overworking himself. We don't know. We don't even know of this is jealously exactly. We can speculate, but we just don't know.
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Another award show moment:
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And when TM interviewed them, right at the beginning we see another moment people label as jeonlous:
Again, we don't know. But it does seem like JK doesn't want to see them acting cute together. He glances and looks firmly away not at the camera, but just away. Only looking back over when JM starts speaking into the camera answering the question.
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We don't see this same type of reaction when Jimin interacts with and engages with SungWoon for example. And we know they are also very very close, Jimin has even traveled with him. Soooo what's the deal with 2min?!
Again, I agree that most of these so called jeonlous moments are BS. There are a few that I think are what they appear to be though. A few with RM, one with Hobi, and whatever is happening with Taemin, a few others from Jimin as well. None in the past few years though. And even though JK seems like he might have a problem with 2min, he has obviously never tried to interfere with their friendship or anything else like that. So who knows. I don't think its worth dwelling on too much, because like i said, none of these moments were from after 2018. And like I said a couple times before as well, i think they really settled into themselves, their relationship, who they are to each other long term in 2019. The year of grand gestures. Lol they've seemed much more just solid since that year.
Sorry, hope that helped and made sense! Thanks for the ask!
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tangledstarlight · 3 years
Yayyy congrats on a year of writing jatp fics, Rosie! 💙💙
For the writing prompts, how about 13. Detective AU + 60. Poorly Timed Confession? 👀
Okay so i'm going for a sort of Nancy Drew/Scooby Doo/Just Like Heaven kind of vibe here so bare with me. It's 1995 and three members of sunset curve have been hospitalised after the worst case of food poisoning that the city has ever seen. Their situation is so bad, they've been put into medically induced comas(we are suspending belief real hard here okay) and no one knows if they'll ever really wake up.
Julie is 17 and just trying to finish high school when her school becomes abuzz with the news that 3 of their own are in hospital while the 4th hasn't been heard of. She was never close to any of the boys past the occasional nod and hello in the hallway or sometimes working in group projects. But none of them were close. Which is why it takes Julie by complete surprise when she's walking home one day, something making her take a different route through a back alley when she bumps into 3 familiar faces. There's a lot of screaming. Hands passing through bodies and Julie forming a cross with her fingers.
Naturally, because they don't always know how to take a hint, the boys follow her home. There's some light arguing which quickly turns into bantering and somehow they probably find out they can touch the instruments in the garage? Julie worries she'll have to explain to them that they're in the hospital, but they already know, and their calmness confuses her. But it's not that they're okay with their situation, its just that, they don't know what else to do and are dealing with it the only way they know how (music and bad jokes).
There's probably some like scenes at school where Julie tells them to leave her alone because she doesn't want people to think she's crazy. And then she gets home later that day and finds Luke alone in the garage (Alex and Reggie are visiting their families and trying to force themselves back into their bodies) and they have A Moment. It's kind of quite, and gentle and it's Julie talking about feeling lost because of her mum and it's Luke saying he's scared to got to the hospital incase his parents aren't there. And somehow they end up talking about their theories on why they're 'ghosts' and why Julie can see them. They come to a very simple conclusion that she must have to help them somehow.
Which is how Julie Molina turns into a mini detective! And with the help of her ghostly friends she starts hunting to clues and working out what exactly happened to the boys on that night. And I'm not saying it was Bobby but right now he's the only one i can think to blame whoops! ANYWAY they find out who poisoned them, there's like a whole arresting thing but. The boys don't go back into their bodies. But they also don't cross over.
So, for the first time in a long time, Julie goes back to a hospital and finds the room that the boys are in. She goes to Reggie first, and brushes her fingers across his forehead to push back his hair and WHOOSH he goes back into his body, then she does the same to Alex and the same happens. But she touches Luke, nothing happens, and the two of them sort of stare at each other, and Julie's touching his face and his hand and trying so hard and Luke is just, not moving, and the machines with his vitals seem to be going down and it's A Whole Moment of panic until Luke gently tells her "it's okay Julie. It's okay to let me go. Tell the boys goodbye for me, okay?" and Julie's shaking her head and gripping his hand tighter and nothing it's happening and sadly Luke says something like "I've always kind of loved you. I'm sorry we never got a chance." before fading away.
And Julie is crying, and still holding his hand and whispering "Stay, stay, stay, please stay, please i love you too please stay." and the machines are beeping and there's people rushing into the room but Julie can't let go of his hand and then. his fingers squeeze her hand back.
hope you like it!! and thank you for sending one!💜
send me two and i'll come up with a fic!
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lifeat1337carlton · 3 years
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Let's talk about the sunroom on the third floor where the deodorants been laying here and the food trays been laying here since early very early Friday morning which means sometime on Thursday night somebody spent the night.
But you see Piedmont housing alliance doesn't work but half a day on Fridays.
Which means Friday morning from 9:00 to noon should be spent cleaning the property for the weekend for the residents and their guests to enjoy.
Well last night was the 4th of July and on the front side of the building you could see the fireworks being shut off of the mountain.
When I asked a couple of people if they would like to join me to stand in the sunroom and watch the fireworks they said no thank you.
I'm not standing in that nasty room it's dirty it smells like cigarettes was their reply.
So once again the enjoyment and pleasure of residents cannot be had by all.
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Which Piedmont housing alliance attorneys clearly pointed out in their hate mail to me that I'm interfering with people's enjoyment comfort and pleasures basically.
But yet Piedmont housing alliance is just as guilty as what they're accusing me of.
Because Karen the property manager did not walk the property on Friday morning when she got here to look for opportunities.
Frick and frack the two maintenance people that are here normally we're being supervised by Reed the maintenance supervisor.
Free maintenance people on the property no one walked the property and picked up trash no one walked inside the building to look for opportunities you know the food and the debris in two separate sunrooms the puddle of urine at the top of a stairwell.
No Piedmont housing alliance was too concerned with a area outside of the office a 12x12 square that used to be a vent but now has drywall over it that is how they spent Friday morning before a holiday weekend.
No one working Friday morning took the time to pick up trash to clean the building to make sure that the building was ready for the long holiday weekend for the residence enjoyment for their guests enjoyment.
Because Piedmont housing alliance just doesn't care.
They're only here to collect a paycheck.
Because what is Piedmont housing alliance motto.
If I don't see it I don't need to deal with it even if I see it I don't have to deal with it because I'm going to get paid whether I do my job or not.
But yet everybody from Piedmont housing alliance September of last year 2020 said.
You need to give us time you need to be patient trust us things will change.
Well they have changed it's gotten worse.
You have had 9 months long enough for somebody to give birth to a child to fix things.
Can you have chosen not to fix things.
You know like the most common thing on a property an apartment property complex change a light bulb.
But yet over top of every door on the exterior except for one the lights are burned out they've been burned out for 2 and 1/2 years.
The lights that are lit are barely lit it's about time you change some light bulbs it's about time you brighten it up you know like building number two it got brightened up when it opened up but yet they have lights over there that don't work and have never worked since the building opened.
And then you've got building number three extremely well lit.
But it seems to be that building number one is the red-headed stepchild or in our case the orange stepchild.
Nothing gets done nothing gets completed nothing is ever managed nothing is ever maintained because once again we have Piedmont housing alliance as the management group that is here on the property and their motto is out of sight out of mind if we don't see it we don't have to fix it even if we know about it we don't have to fix it because we're Piedmont housing alliance.
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