#4typercent getting tagged
4typercent · 3 months
Another get to know me!
Tagged by the ever amazing @seiya-starsniper I love these! Thank you!
Who was your first fictional crush?
Edge from FFIV (originally FFII for SNES). Remember when games came with a booklet and a character description? Edge's was mysterious. A ninja? Cool! He's a bratty prince? Even better! *When my father played through this game, he renamed Edge with my name, it was meant to be.*
What is the first colour you think of when I tell you to think of a colour?
Emerald green
Which fanfiction emotionally scarred you and still makes you shudder to this day?
I can't think of any, to be honest. I'm sure I've read a few, but nothing with the "Dead Dove" tag. I'm down to read most of any kind of fic, but I'm not a big fan of MC x Reader, or a heavy reliance of your OC being the focus.
I'm coming to your house for dinner, non-negotiable, what are you making me?
This could go places: chicken tenders (regular or vegetarian, im flexible like that) and fries, or something warm and hearty like a huge pasta dish. Do you like grilled cheese sandwiches? We could do that also. What I feed you depends on your preference and the weather (the weather here is a damn yoyo).
Do you prefer lions or kangaroos?
Kangaroos! They beat the heat by licking their arms, so when I get too warm, I keep my arms cool and wet, too. Ever see a lion do that? I don't think so (idk if they do or not). 🦘
Which fictional villain do you brush past the glaringly obvious issue for because you really like them?
Most of them, but some noteworthy ones are Zant from LOZ TP, Silco from Arcane, Ardyn from FFXV, Sephiroth from FFVII, and too many more to list. Some of them are hot, okay? Okay.
What would accompany your picture in the Burn Book in Mean Girls?
Ugly crier.
How many days would you last in the universe of your favourite fandom?
LOZ & FFVII, XV, & XVI: I see myself as an NPC, so honestly, a glass canon. NPCs can have tragic ends, or rise above all the odds. I think I'll be okay.
Sandman: if ol Morpheus is around with Delirium looking for Destruction, I'm going to run away as fast as I can.
I might be okay, but then again, maybe not.
Have you heard of Mischief Theatre?
Nope 💁🏼‍♀️
Do you feel sorry for Medusa?
Yes, and no.
Yes, cuz as cool as it would be to turn any living thing into stone, it would be a lonely existence.
No, cuz I honestly don't know too much about her besides she is, in my mind, a beautiful creature.
What if a blind person gets the hard stare from her? Would they still turn to stone? Serious answers only 😂
Which song makes you think of your OTP?
Eculid or Rain by Sleep Token. When I do my cross stitch (of Dream of the Endless), I imagine Hob making that as a token for Dream, and that song is playing softly in the background. Vessel's voice is haunting and beautiful, perfect for the two idiots in love.
Which song makes you disassociate and daydream the fastest?
MacDougall's Pride by Ashley MacIssacc. Every time I hear it, I weep. It's so special to me.
Tagging: @sans--seraph @z-is-very-tired @zzoomacroom @missmacfire @persbaderse @jceekay @aquilathefighter and anyone else that would love to join in!
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writing-for-life · 4 months
The Self-Love, Sex, and Pursuit of the Helm Novels: A Tragicomedy in Three Movements
Part 1~~By the Sea, I Mean in the Dreaming: A Comedy Prelude, where crack ships find their way into Dream’s Library, and absolutely everyone is left stranded.
People, I’ve done it, and I’m scared. This… erm… short trilogy has been sitting in my drafts for ages, and the unhinged Muhulhu post has finally kicked my arse into editing part 1. So here it is without further ado: fourth-wall-breaking madness, secrets about Merv and Matthew you never wanted to know, and the unholy beginning of that relationship (titles inspired by “The Love, Sex, and Pursuit of Happiness Novels” by Steven Paul Leiva).
Here’s a little excerpt, link to full story on Ao3.
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And next when it’s edited: Part 2~~Bully For You (Is it sarcastic, or an expression of praise, or something else entirely? Who will ever know…): An Unhinged Interlude, where the Lord of Dreams loses his bearings (no, not those ones), and even Desire needs a stiff drink.
I am tagging the Muhulhu inception crew, but I will need to start with the founding members of the cult: @so-i-grudgingly-joined-this-site for indulging my silly ask that kicked this whole thing off, @marlowe-zara who also gave us her deep psychological insight from the get-go and @roguelov who created the first bit of fanart for this monster (and said fanart gets hinted at in the fic—Murphy is desperately trying to figure out which way up to hold that thing to make sense of it. He is a bit slow sometimes).
Further honourable mentions: @tickldpnk8 (whom we have to thank for the HelmLord) , @ginoeh , @rriavian , @4typercent , @windsweptinred , @throwingbread , @tryan-a-bex (for the best drabble ever—now you’ll understand what I wrote about the similar premise, and Lucienne indeed needs a raise 🤣), @zzoomacroom
I also dare to tag @safeuphigh because you know my more serious stuff, and this is definitely not that, and a writer who takes herself too seriously is not a serious writer. Or something like that 🤣
And @rey-jake-therapist because you always get tagged, and just because I can 😜
New weirdos and Muhulhu enjoyers are warmly welcome in our midst!
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missmacfire · 10 months
9 people you want to get to know better!!
Thank you for the tag @ahopefulsun 🩵
favorite color: black (I'm still a goth at heart)
Currently Reading - Books: Facing the Climate Emergency: How to Transform Yourself with Climate Truth by Margaret Klein Salamon
Currently Reading - Fics: Nothing 😢
last song: Poltergeist by Lolnein
last series: The Witcher Season 3
last movie: Barbie (or technical I tried to watch Mr. Holmes after that but I didn't finish it)
currently working on: A bag (denim and knitted combo), a knitted dressing gown for kid, a password manager app, a memory pc game for kid.
@4typercent @otsanda @redshiftsinger @readingtheentrails @piersbananarama @z-is-very-tired @bromelads @tiredmouse @jordanlafordan
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zzoomacroom · 3 months
Ooohhh, new getting to know you game!
Tagged by @4typercent and @tj-dragonblade, thanks babes! 💗💗💗
Who was your first fictional crush?
Disney's Aladdin lmao. I remember watching it with my cousin and both of us being like 😍
What's the first colour you think of when I tell you to think of a colour?
Oh fuck uhhhhhhhh orange. No wait, blue!
Which fanfiction emotionally scarred you and still makes you shudder to this day?
I'd rather not say because it's from my current fandom and it's actually really good (the part I read anyway), but I had to stop reading because it squicked me out badly and triggered some old trauma. But that's on me for not taking the tags seriously enough
I'm coming to your house for dinner, non-negotiable, what are you making me?
Umm uhhhh I don't know, what do you like? This is a lot of pressure 😭 how about some pasta? With like a bunch of veggies and pesto sauce? I can make some pretty good soups? Or I could make carnitas in the crock pot and we can have tacos (don't worry, I get the good tortillas from the Mexican grocery store, none of that Mission bullshit)
Do you prefer lions or kangaroos?
Kangaroos, they're like real life Pokémon
Which fictional villain do you brush past the glaringly obvious issues for because you really like them?
Oh gosh I'm drawing a blank...I kind of agree with @tj-dragonblade about Erik from Phantom of the Opera. Only because I was like 15 when I saw it and thought "I want a dark, mysterious man with a beautiful voice to be obsessed with me 🥺"
Oh, and Jareth from Labyrinth. I mean, come on, it's Bowie. Hmm, I may have a type...
What would accompany your picture in the Burn Book in Mean Girls?
Fat, annoying nerd with a mustache
How many days would you last in the universe of your favourite fandom?
I'd probably be fine, I tend to stay out of trouble and I'm not important enough to get the attention of any villains (hopefully)
Have you heard of Mischief Theatre?
No, but I just googled it and it sounds like fun
Do you feel sorry for Medusa?
I guess? Idk, if anything I envy her--snake hair and the ability to turn people to stone? Sounds awesome, sign me up. Yeah, it's probably obvious that I don't know much about Greek mythology
Which song makes you think of your OTP?
"In My Life" by the Beatles is sooooo dreamling coded, I might just work it into one of my fics. Also "Shelter Song" by Temples. But I can manage to make nearly any song about my blorbos
Which song makes you dissociate and daydream the fastest?
Pink Floyd's "Atom Heart Mother" suite. It sounds like the soundtrack to some grand, epic adventure
No pressure tags: @duckland @marvagon @kydrogendragon @tryan-a-bex @mallory-x @goofygooberton @fleabagoftheendless and anyone else who wants to join in! ✨️
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seiya-starsniper · 3 months
Another Get To Know Me Game!
Tagged by @windsweptinred, this was so much fun to do! Love seeing a new version
Who was your first fictional crush?:
Hmmmm, instinct says Tuxedo Mask! I'm sure I had other fictional crushes but that's the one I most vividly remember. That and Xanatos from Gargoyles djdoaisjdoaij.
What’s the first colour you think of when I tell you to think of a colour?:
Which fanfiction emotionally scarred you and still makes you shudder to this day?:
Oh there's...a few lmao. I have a tendency to read fics that horrify me for fun, and since we're on the webbed site that likes to judge people for using the Dead Dove tag, or any of the main Archive Warning tags, I'd rather not put those fics on blast. But I have read some truly brilliantly written and fucked up fics from the Fantastic Beasts fandom, that's all I'll say.
I’m coming to your house for dinner, non-negotiable, what are you making me?:
Japanese curry with chicken! That or Fettucine Alfredo. I like to overstuff my guests with food and those are my two go to meals for company!
Do you prefer lions or kangaroos?:
Lions! I love kangaroos too, but my love for cats, especially big cats, prevails.
Which fictional villain do you brush past the glaringly obvious issues for because you really like them?:
Uhhhh....almost all of them??? jkjkjk
In all seriousness though, I think my big ones I can think of are Shigaraki and Dabi from BNHA. Are they both awful, ruthless people who only want to cause pain and suffering to all who have hurt them? Yes. Do I want them to keep causing even more pain and suffering, even to my favorite hero characters, as a treat? Also yes.
I hate to caveat that in no way do I think any of of their actions are justified and that the villains should win and then the world would be a better place yada yada yada but well. Woobifying villains is a thing and also why I stay out of the fandom because I cannot stand my faves being defanged like that. Let my faves be horrible people aoijdosijad.
What would accompany your picture in the Burn Book in Mean Girls?:
Either the "Mexican Asian" (I'm Filipino-American, and sadly this is a thing I was called a lot lmao) or "The Hugger." I know a shit ton of people judged me a bit in school for being a hugger because...idk, people thought hugs were weird lmao. But joke's on them, I still enjoy hugs and Mr. Seiya hugs me all the time!
How many days would you last in the universe of your favourite fandom?:
Uhhhhhh considering no one really dies in Pokemon...I'd be fine lmao.
In Sandman???? Also would probably be fine since I'm based in the States and also many many miles away from the Corinthian's hunting grounds 🤣
Have you heard of Mischief Theatre?:
Only the name :(
Do you feel sorry for Medusa?:
Yes and no. I do feel bad the foundation of her story was be a woman killed for the glory of a man. And then to be remembered only as a horror, a monster to scare people with.
The modern interpretation of her story is absolutely fascinating to me and while it is still a tragic story, I absolutely love what she's come to represent. I love that her story has been rewritten to be a story of survival, of perseverance, of power even.
Which song makes you think of your OTP?:
Ooooooh there's so many! And of course now that I'm being put on the spot I can't think of any 🤣🤣
Starlight by Muse is definitely a Dreamling song to me, so much so that I wrote a fic with the lyrics in the title, so I'm going to roll with that one!
Which song makes you disassociate and daydream the fastest?:
Oh lord, honestly any Taylor Swift song will do this to me lmao. Lately, I've been drifting back to Would've, Could've, Should've, so we're going to go with that one!
No pressure tagging: @tj-dragonblade @bazzybelle @verminetroglodyte @tryan-a-bex @4typercent and anyone else who wants to play!
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windsweptinred · 1 year
Rules: Tag 10(okay maybe less) people you want to get to know better.
Thanks for tagging me @byronfucks + @4typercent ❤️
Relationship status: Recently married! 😁
Favourite colour: Red! 85% of my wardrobe is red, my hair is red, half my house is red... If I'm not drapped in red some way... It's not me... Alert the authorities.
Song stuck in my head: 2WEI x Bry Bryant - Bad to the Bone Cover. Every time I think it's gone and I can finally move on with my life ... The opening cords pop into my head again like a musical peek a boo.
Three favourite foods: A good hearty savory pie... To the point of obsession. Something spicy enough to burn away your taste buds. And I can, will and have threatened loved ones over Pizza Hut Cookie Dough.
Last song I listened to: Living Colour, The Cult of Personality. It's a pro wrestling thing. A soap opera featuring men and women in tight lycra. With a lot of up close and personal fights that can in no way be described as hetrosexual. It's glorious, you should go watch!
Dream trip: The Hobbiton Movie set in New Zealand... One day I shall make that 24 hour flight! Stand in front of Bag End and know I can die happy.
Last Thing(s) I googled: Rainbow Wool... I want to knit a rainbow ponchoish thing for this year's pride. If I start now, I might actually have a chance of getting it done on time. 😅
Tagging: @hayleebones @ibrithir-was-here @lucienne-thee-librarian @mashumaru @zigzag-wanderer @hamelin-born @verminetroglodyte @thelostkelpie @misanthropic-geek @yosef-ben-leah
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sturridges · 4 months
Shipper Tag Game
Tagged by the lovely @sigurism, thank you, dear!
What ship were you completely obsessed with when you were a teenager, but now you don't care about anymore?
Haha, I'm kind of ashamed to admit it, but I was into Sheldon and Penny
Which ship would you consider your first one?
I think it was Batman and Superman
Your first fanfic was about which couple?
I don't write fanfiction
Do you remember the first couple you saw fanart of?
Reid and JJ
Have you ever gotten into ship discourse?
Did you use to have any NOTP or have one currently?
Not really, I don't care too much about those things. Ship and let ship, right?
Who were the couple in the last fanfic you read?
Dream and Hob
Currently, do you have any OTPs?
Marianne and Connell from Normal People 😢
Is there any couple that, to this day, you are extremely mad about not getting together?
Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they are kind of interesting?
Not really
Do you have any ship that, in the past, would've been considered normal but now you would be cancelled over?
What is your favorite crack ship?
I don't have one
What is the couple you read the most fanfics about?
Dream and Hob, Jake and OCs, Dream and Constantine
What do most of your ships usually have in common?
Pain lol
What you absolutely hate in a ship?
Annoying fandoms
I tag : @filmnoiress, @marlowe-zara, @mlabyrinth, @4typercent, and anyone who wants to do it!
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hardly-an-escape · 10 months
tagged by @4typercent, thank you! :D
9 people you want to get to know better!
Favourite colour: I don't really have one! it used to be red, but lately I'm leaning more in a green-blue direction. I like all different colors in different contexts/moods. that's such a cop out of an answer lol.
Currently reading - Books: last night I started another Dorothy Sayers mystery for the fourth or fifth time just to put myself to sleep, but what I really need to do is get back to the Wheel of Time series. I got like halfway through Winter's Heart about a year ago and then got distracted.
Currently reading - Fics: I'm living for all the last-minute Dreamling Bingo fills! for other ongoing fics, still feral over Fuckboi Dream. I'm also really enjoying Make Perfect the Present, Inappropriate Uses of the Dewey Decimal System, and Travel the World and the Seven Seas.
Last song: that FUCKING DJ Crazy Times song "Planet of the Bass" is haunting my dreams. I love it.
Last series: uhhh... let's see. I watched the first season of Gundam Witch with my husband. partway through Picard S3 and Strange New Worlds S2. I was doing an SPN rewatch this summer but predictably lost interest a couple episodes into S6.
Last movie: put My Neighbor Totoro and Spirited Away on in the background last night while I was finishing up some Dreamling Bingo posts.
Currently working on: taking a deep breath after Dreamling Bingo! I'll still be working on some remaining WIPs, of course. I have some Real World Tasks (barf) to complete this week and then my work schedule is going to pick up again, so I have to get ready for that.
I honestly love learning random facts about mutuals, so if you see this you should consider yourself tagged!
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missmacfire · 11 months
🎶✨Put 5 songs you actually listen to and tag 10 of your favourite followers to do the same 🎶✨
Starting my own thread the other one was so long.
Thank you @4typercent for the tag ☺️
Gonna try to get some different genres on here for funzies
🎶 Let Me Drown - Orville Peck
I love this song so much. It is magical. I can't explain it, it is such a spiritual experience. I'm insane about it.
🎶 Priest - Lord of the Lost
Been listening a lot to Lord of the Lost lately, this one of their best.
🎶 Välikuolema - Käärijä
We all love Cha Cha Cha, this is my recommendation if you wanna test any of his other songs.
🎶 I Can't Stop Loving You - Ray Charles
The ending of Metropolis(2001) made me love this song so much. It is a fantastic song and an epic scene.
🎶 Dust and Ashes - Josh Groban
I love big melodramatic musical numbers sue me 🤷‍♀️ And Josh Groban is such a fantastic singer.
@yourlocaldisneyvillain @bromelads @readingtheentrails @redshiftsinger @kcsandmanfan @mindofmaja @fiftyferalbats
@tiredmouse @piersbananarama @ramsaybaggins
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zzoomacroom · 4 months
WIP Tag Game
Thank you for tagging me @tj-dragonblade! 💗💗💗
RULES: post the names of the files in your WIP folder. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it!
I don't have that many going right now; I have one big one I'm working on that will probably be very long, and then a couple shorter ones. I'm sure I'll be adding many more before I even finish outlining the long one.
420 Crackfic (I already posted the first chapter of this one, planning on writing at least one or two more if/when I get around to it)
Nothing But Flowers (this is the long one--I have a title even though I technically haven't even started writing it yet lol)
Retired Morphussy Wet Dream (DO NOT JUDGE ME, OK? I promise it's gonna be hot. Hoping to have it posted in the next day or two)
Tagging, no obligation: @4typercent @signiorbenedickofpadua @ml-nolan @mallory-x @fleabagoftheendless @tryan-a-bex anyone else who wants to join in!
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zzoomacroom · 4 months
Tagged by the delightful and effervescent @4typercent, thank youuuu 💗💗💗
Last song: Echoes by Pink Floyd (the live at Pompeii version). I made a rule for myself that when I go for a walk it has to last for at least the entire duration of two Pink Floyd songs, so I also listened to Atom Heart Mother
Currently watching: nothing new, I just have Community on in the background while I do other stuff
Three ships: besides Dreamling (I don't think I will ever shut up about those guys, sorry not sorry), I'll mention the other two ships in my current wip: Calliope/Lucienne and Daniel/Nuala
Currently consuming: diet coke
First ship: I don't even remember, but probably Mulder/Scully
Relationship status: single and not particularly looking for anyone
Last movie: I started that nandor hand hook fodor movie (I forget what it's called, the one where Simon Pegg plays Christoph Waltz and Neil Gaiman plays a mongoose) the other night but I fell asleep and haven't finished it yet
Currently working on: a bunch of fanfics. I have a needlessly complex, overly detailed outline finished for the mpreg one (shhh, don't judge me), and I'm hoping to get at least one more chapter of the weed dispensary au posted before the end of the month. Maybe someday I'll even get the last man on earth au finished
Tagging the last few people who followed me (no pressure, let me know if you don't like being tagged in these): @ralkana @pleasantdesttinykryptonite @remolinop @writing-for-life @bovivinator
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zzoomacroom · 4 months
Shipper tag game
Thanks for tagging me @4typercent! 💗💗💗
What ship were you completely obsessed with as a teenager, but now you don't care about anymore?
Hmm...I guess Link/Zelda? I honestly wasn't that into shipping as a teenager, oddly enough.
What ship would you consider your first one?
Probably either Mulder/Scully or Xena/Gabrielle
Your first fanfic was about which couple?
First fic I read? I think it was Harry/Hermione 😬. First fic I wrote was dreamling (I only recently got into writing fanfic 🤷‍♀️)
Do you remember the first couple you saw fan art of?
I honestly don't
Have you ever gotten into ship discourse?
I try to avoid it, but I've thrown my two cents in every now and then
Did you use to have any NOTP or have one currently?
Not really
Who were the last couple in the last fanfic you read?
Dream and Hob - I'm all about them these days. <<saaaame I'm obsessed, help 😭
Currently, do you have any OTPs?
Dreamling, blackbonnet, ineffable husbands
Is there any couple that, to this day, that you are extremely mad about not getting into?
Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they're kind of interesting?
Not that I can think of
Do you have any ship that, in the past, would have been considered normal but now you would be cancelled over?
No? Maaaybe Charlie/Dee because it turned out it was nonconsensual that one time they hooked up? Idk, none of my ships are that out there
What is your favorite crack ship?
I don't know that I have any? Maybe Link/Sidon (at least I consider that a bit cracky, but I unironically like them together)
What is the couple you read the most fanfics about?
To no one's surprise, the answer is dreamling
What do most of your ships have in common?
Idk, they're gay and stupid? Most of them kind of have the grumpy/sunshine thing going on
What do you absolutely hate in a ship?
If the dynamic is inherently toxic or abusive I can't get into it
@tj-dragonblade @duckland @cheesefleetwood @goofygooberton @marvagon @lynnarii @wintersmitth @dreamsofapiratelife and anyone else who wants to do it!
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seiya-starsniper · 4 months
Shipper Tag Game
Tagged by the wonderful @4typercent 💖💖💖
What ship were you completely obsessed with as a teenager, but now you don't care about anymore?
Sasuke x Naruto lol. I absolutely LOVED this ship, wrote fic about, got into shipping wars, I was the absolutely worst kind of teenage obsessed with them ahahaha. I even met one of my longterm best friends though a Yahoo Groups ship forum for them aosidjaiod.
Now? I could care less lmaooooo. But I still hold fondness for the ship regardless.
Which ship would you consider your first one?
My first ship was definitely Mamoru x Usagi in Sailor Moon! I still love them to this day 💖
Your first fanfic was about which couple?
Yami x Yugi was the first ship I wrote for. I think. It may have also been Lena x Cloud from Zoids New Century, I am UNCLEAR on the details and my ff.net account is lost to time lmao.
The first one I ready was something Sailor Moon related I believe.
Do you remember the first couple you saw fan art of?
Usagi x Mamoru from Sailor Moon, definitely.
Have you ever gotten into ship discourse?
SO. DAMN. MUCH. AOSiasjdasidaiodasoidasdjiasdjs. I've almost never gone looking for it, it just found me. The last bout I ended up in I actually ended up actually went okay though! Way better of an experience than any other ship discourse I've gotten into by far.
Did you use to have any NOTP or have one currently?
I have plenty of NOTPs, none in my current fandom though! I just...there are some ships whose fandoms have ruined the ship for me, so I try very hard to avoid and/or block. Liberally.
Who were the last couple in the last fanfic you read?
Dreamling! My beloved pet ship that I've written over 100k words (200k+ across all my Sandman ships) for and counting! 💖
Currently, do you have any OTPs?
I mean...not really? I've always been a multi-shipper at heart, you are going to be hard pressed to find me a ship where that particular combination is the only one I'll accept. I love the idea of an OTP, I just don't have one lmao.
Is there any couple that, to this day, that you are extremely mad about not getting into?
Not really, no. There's some fandoms I WISH I could get into, but either I didn't like the source material (sorry good omens fans, I tried twice D:) or I didn't really like the quality of fic in the fandom just due to characterization differences. But nothing I'm like upset I didn't get into before lol.
Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they're kind of interesting?
Hmmmmm, can't think of one no.
Do you have any ship that, in the past, would have been considered normal but now you would be cancelled over?
Oh lord, yeah probably. Cannot think of any off the top of my head, but there were some weird ships back in the day.
What is your favourite crack ship?
Ooooooo! Great question. I'm currently trying to think of the most outlandish thing and all I can think of now is that Tony the Tiger x The Grinch fanfic! 🤣
What is the couple you read the most fanfics about?
Probably Dreamling right now! That's mostly due to sheer volume compared to other Sandman ships though.
What do most of your ships have in common?
Feral 4 Feral, and/or Soft Idiots in Love. Sometimes both!
What do you absolutely hate in a ship?
In a ship dynamic? When miscommunication is treated as something romantic, instead of something that needs to be worked on. Also when crossing clearly set boundaries is considered romantic.
In a ship fandom? There's too much to list, but I think the big one is when a ship fandom considers their ship "better" than the other ships in the fandom. Even the canon ship lmao. It just takes away the fun of shipping!
tagging: @softest-punk @bazzybelle @rriavian @aisalynn @five-and-dimes @kydrogendragon @athymelyreply @tj-dragonblade
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zzoomacroom · 4 months
Thank you for tagging me @marvagon! 💗💗💗
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I'm kinda boring so I didn't get very many 🤷‍♀️
I have two different Pink Floyd shirts, and for some reason a Red Hot Chili Peppers shirt even though I don't particularly like them. Idk where it came from, it just. Appeared in my laundry one day?
I have actually made a mixtape by recording from the radio because I'm old, and I made a lot of mix CDs when I was younger.
I will always be a little bit in love with David Bowie.
Rock & roll is practically all I listen to.
I used to play flute, piccolo, clarinet, and oboe because I was a massive band geek. I can still figure out how to play most upper woodwinds, but I'm horribly out of practice. I do have an ocarina that I play around with sometimes.
I like disco, especially Abba
I don't listen to a lot of blues, but I do like a lot of classic blues rock.
I think I still have some CDs in my car, although I haven't listened to them in a very long time.
No pressure tags: @4typercent @raspberryjellybrains @cheesefleetwood @yourfriendlyneighborhoodsloth @verminetroglodyte @sans--seraph @duckland and anyone else who wants to do it!
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zzoomacroom · 5 months
Thank you for tagging me @missmacfire and @blue-eyed-giant! 💗💗💗
I've done this one recently, but I'll do it again
Last song: Ceruvial Brooks by the Mighty Boosh (hey, it actually slaps, ok? And I was reading the recent satyr Hob fics by lightning_glass42, which made me think of it. Highly recommend those fics btw)
Favorite color: pink and purple
Last movie/show: I have the Simpsons playing in the background right now. Last show I actually paid attention to was Fargo a couple days ago
Sweet/spicy/savory: they're all good, but I gotta go with sweet
Relationship status: single and I don't see that changing anytime soon lol
Last thing I googled: "I think you should leave quotes" (I was looking for this ⬇️)
Current obsession(s): still in my sandman era, and I've even started writing a couple of fanfics. I will most likely continue to get even more annoying about it, sorry not sorry
Tagging (no pressure): @toastedtardis @kydrogendragon @tryan-a-bex @tj-dragonblade @4typercent @blueberrymffn @dreamerinsilico @yourfriendlyneighborhoodsloth @verminetroglodyte (apologies if I've tagged any of you for this game recently, I can't keep track of who I've tagged for what lol)
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zzoomacroom · 6 months
Get to know me game!
Tagged by @4typercent (thank you for always tagging me! 🥰)
Were you named after anyone?
My first name is my mom's middle name, and also my paternal grandmother's first name (although no one ever called her by that name--she went by her middle name, but they named me after her partly because we shared a birthday)
Do you have kids?
No and I don't want any. I like kids, my students and my baby cousins are awesome, but I don't want any of my own.
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Sometimes, with some people. I'm usually pretty sincere, though.
What's the first thing you notice about people?
It depends on the person? If something about them stands out like height or fashion sense I'll notice that. I tend to look at people's hair a lot because I like hair 🤷‍♀️
What's your eye colour?
Green bordering on hazel, but they're starting to turn gray around the edges.
Scary movie or happy ending?
Both are good! How about a scary movie with a happy ending?
Any special talents?
I can smell crime before it happens.
(For real though, I don't think so? In college I was pretty good at cranking out A-worthy essays three hours before they were due, but I doubt I could do that these days.)
What are your hobbies?
Reading, cooking, walking around and looking at nature, being chronically online, I used to crochet (haven't done it in years since I broke my wrist and it never healed properly, but I want to get back into it and make a lil morpheus plushie)...oh, and I'm just starting to get into writing fanfiction at the tender age of 35 🙈
Have any pets?
Two cats who are ornery old bastards
What sports do you play/have you played?
I don't do sports, I am absolutely pathetically hopeless at anything athletic.
How tall are you?
5'8" (I am actually the shortest person in my family; all the men are like 6'5")
Favourite subject in school?
English, art, theater, band
Dream job?
I like my job (teaching online language arts classes), but it would be cool to be a full-time writer or artist of some sort.
No pressure tags: @sunshines-fabulous-legs @shippingallthelegos @verminetroglodyte @tryan-a-bex @bisexualhobgadling
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