#5 gettin people time off work and 6 gettin people knowledge
thefaestolemyname · 1 year
Internet Archive just sent me an email reminding me they have tons of free audiobooks and uh I figured I should pass the message along.
The Internet Archive has tons of free audiobooks
Universal Access to All Knowledge for the win!
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crowsent · 2 years
so heres what happened. right.
1: best girl watched her father (who is a dilf btw that fact is important) cosplay as a medusa victim. thats pretty much the only drama since the rest of her story is straight up shonen anime fight scenes. you do not get betrayed.
2: hey so you watched your best friend/brother in arms kill your king and abandon you without any explanation leaving you to question the entire reason for existing if you cant even protect the one person you swore an oath to protect. hows that survivors guilt workin for you? you got betrayed by your best friend.
3: book man holds the title for “most betrayals” at three different people. half his story is all quirky philosophical shit and the other half is existential philosophical shit that made me want to question the meaning of life. you got betrayed by your boss who turned into a demonic monster, your colleague who turned into an even more demonic monster, and your student who accused you of entering an illicit relationship that got you kicked out of your workplace
4: family trauma, but spice it up with religious shit to keep it fresh. losing your father without ever getting the chance to say goodbye to him. having your sister walk headfirst ballsdeep into a cult because of her grief that youre unable to help her through bc youre on the other side of the world. also you got betrayed. by someone you met at your fuckin church. who tried to use your sister to corrupt your gods holy relic. and also tried to sacrifice a shit ton of people but mostly its about the corruption of the holy relic that will unseal a great evil. your sister also betrays you but to be fair shes brainwashed by a cult so
5. himbo healer coming in debatin the worth of a life, whether or not you should save someone w knowledge that the someone is a shifty piece of shit. figuring out what the entire purpose of your existence is if your actions led to some kid gettin abducted for ransom. dealin with discount rasputin that had every disease on gods green earth; physical and mental. also you got betrayed. twice. once by a colleague who you trusted for the brief time you knew her, another by a man you saved who then proceeded to commit more crimes while thanking you for helping him.
6: best boy with a normal enough story. you know. wandering around without ever a place to call home because of severe trust issues. being blackmailed into working for someone when they straight up cuff you with some magical accessory. going on your little quest to find that the man responsible for ruining your ability to believe in others took the artifacts you need to get out the cuff. oh and every interaction you have with him involves him insulting and belittling you by the way. you got betrayed by your partner, who told you he only kept you around because you were useful and that you meant nothing to him. and then he shoved you off a cliff. still have no idea how you survived but you prolly wished you died there so you dont have to live the rest of your life thinkin about what-ifs huh?
7: your father got stabbed and the only reason why you didnt follow him into the afterlife is bc you want to stab the stabbers first. great. how does it feel watching your only friend die in front of you bc she helped you on your stupid vengeance quest? how does it feel killing the men responsible and feeling nothing? the catharsis you hoped for isnt there. youve bloodied your hands and for what? youre just empty and now youve lost your reason for living. you got betrayed by your childhood friend/maybe lover. the man straight up tells you he missed you, how he searched for you, longed for you, and then stabs you while laughing maniacally. how the only happiness he feels is by watching your misery. oh and he made a play mocking your life. i cried at each and every single one of your chapters.
8: a heartwarming adventure about a young woman who gets inspired to travel the world bc of a reformed pirate she met by happenstance. along the way she meets a friend and rival who pushes her to become the best merchant she can be, participates in a grand auction that showcases her talents, and learns that the greatest treasure she could ever have is her journey and the memories she made along the way. also she gets like a billion dollars. and the story of her adventures inspires someone else to start their own. at the end of it all you return home to two loving parents who welcome you back with open arms. you do not get betrayed
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sweetescapeartist · 3 years
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We learn in the last chapter that the Cerealian Dragon's name is Toronbo when Granolah speaks Namekian. Toronbo grants Granolah's wish but can't make Granolah stronger than the gods.
Here's the confusion I have... Goku is a mortal beyond GoDs so making Granolah the strongest mortal is making him stronger than gods. If you wanna say Beerus has been training and is now stronger than Goku, there's still a problem. It was said that Goku and Vegeta were stronger than some GoDs right before the ToP (but that might be anime only, so maybe it doesn't apply here). So Granolah is stronger than GoDs no matter what. If the gods that Toronbo is speaking of are the Angels, then that means Granolah is Ultra Instinct level of power since Goku is the lowest in Angel tier. But whatever. Bottom line is Granolah is temporarily stronger than Goku who may or may not be stronger than Beerus.
Granolah gets his wish granted and the cost is shortening his life... cool. Not much to say except let's see how its executed.
(I recently read that in DBXV2, during the Infinite History Saga, Videl is enchanted with Towa's Dark Magic spell by Dabura shaving off her life but granting her greater power. So granting power at the cost of lifespan has been done in DB before. Not in canon but in the games.)
Also, Granolah's life being shortened to 3 yrs got me thinking... Currently it's almost AGE 781 in the DBS manga timeline. Goku leaves to train Uub in AGE 784. We got 3 yrs left. The original manga shows Bulma said she hadn't seen Goku in 5 yrs. How I see DBS is that it is an alternate timeline that just happens to have a similar outcome to the EoZ.
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So... why is Vegeta learing from Beerus again if Beerus isn't that strong now? Is Vegeta being like Krillin and continuing his learning from a master weaker than him, but gaining wisdom & knowledge? I-is Vegeta becoming Krillin 2.0?! (More like dollar-store Krillin)
I do think beerus got stronger tho. He seems very confident that Vegeta can get stronger from learning from him. Beerus probably saw Goku get UI then decide to train aftet the ToP
Anyways, Beerus is teaching us about hakai/destruction energy. Its erasing something from existence, not just destroying it (we already knew that). But, Vegeta quickly figures out how to do it anyways. By destroying a tiny pebble...
A tangent again but I personally think Piccolo is capable of easily learning Hakai energy. Think about it. Piccolo can create clothing out of nothing, why could he not do the reverse?
Goku is uninterested in what Beerus & Vegeta are doing. I dont know about you, but it sounds like Goku thinks that he's above Beerus in strength. Beerus & Vegeta aren't considered a challenge to him in any way. Goku sees UI as more important & better than anything Beerus has to teach, and Goku is right. Plus Goku learned Hakai on his own while Vegeta needs Beerus to teach him. It's a waste of Goku's time to learn it again.
(God Comics is funny. I imagine Toribot writes them)
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Goku says "Let's see which one of us can be the strongest in the universe!" Really, Goku...? At present time, Goku is the strongest mortal in the universe already. He should know that. Then Vegeta for some reason thinks he will become the strongest in the universe. The last time manga Vegeta was the strongest mortal in the universe was... never. He's always behind Goku or whatever new opponent arises. This scene is meant to be comedic that they're arguing over who will be the greatest but it's not funny to me. And yet Vegeta fans still hold on for hope.
But why is Goku concerned about being the strongest between him & Vegeta? Goku is far above Vegeta. They're not rivals at this point. Also, Goku was the strongest in the universe until just a few moments ago. Goku should be saying "I knew bein' the strongest wouldn't last for too long. Roshi did tell me there will always be somebody stronger out there. Hehe! This is gettin' me excited! I can't wait to meet 'em!" (This would alsp parallel Monaito giving Granolah the same advice Goku already knows.)
Also, I guess Broly isn't that strong after all. Bye Broly, you served your purpose. And to think that Goku had said that he thinks Broly is stronger than Beerus...
Oh yeah. So Vegeta destroys a pebble. Impressive? Goku kinda gives a compliment or he is practically saying "Good job Vegeta! You're doing great following in my footsteps!" Seriously, this would be so much better and cooler if this seperate paths of training began right after the Universe 6 vs Universe 7 tournament. That would be the perfect spot to have them train under Beerus & Whis. [Vegeta using Hakai against Merged Zamasu, Goku able to fight Merged Zamasu temporarily because he is getting better at letting his body move on its own, Toppo & Vegeta using Hakai against each other as Goku & Jiren use power above GoDs. That would work so much better.]
Then Vegeta says he's gonna destroy bigger things soon... is that supposed to be more impressive? Its not. But this it to build up Vegeta even though there is nothing amazing about anything he is doing at the moment. Maybe later tho.
So Cerealians can't grow beards. Also I guess Granolah's race don't age? His hair grew when his lifespan was shortened but he has no wrinkles. It seems that they age more gracefully than Saiyans. If he has some wrinkles he would have looked cooler imo. Or those lines under the eyes at the very least. If the wish shortened his life & made his hair grow, it should have also showed that he aged. (Here's an edit I made of "Grampa Granolah." You're welcome)
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And remember Vegeta destroying a pebble? Granolah can suddenly destroy big rocks! Cool right?! No? Its not cool? Showing Granolah destroy a much larger object right afterwards kinda belittles Vegeta's accomplishment.
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Oatmil is surprised by a boulder exploding. This means one of 2 things. Oatmil is stupid & never saw an Granolah explode a boulder. Or it's implying that the boulder exploding is some technique Oatmil doesn't know of. Idk how he can tell its any different from just blowing up a rock with ki. I think it's supposed to be destruction energy. If it is then, ok. If getting his wish was so easy, then why can't he suddenly learn destruction as well?
Yay! Monaito! (This really should be a Namekian focused arc)
Granolah reminds me of Zamasu with his attitude a bit. Monaito tells him somebody stronger will definetly appear. Granolah has become like Vegeta and is over confident, so he is destined to get humbled. And think about this. Goku can probably train a bit and surpass Granolah within a week.
Granolah can now sense ki. Meaning he can have the destruction technique or UI, because why not?
Monaito blames himself for Granolah's actions. Its not your fault Monaito! You did nothing wrong! Dont be so hard on yourself.
Whis being a creep and peeping on people lol.
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Granolah's hair growing was pointless because he cuts it off soon after. Nothing changed visually. This kinda reminds me of how Moro lost his arm. Goku gave him a senzu, Moro grew it back, & then Moro broke his arm when attacking Goku. Then Moro tore his arm off & reattached his old one. There was no need for Moro to grow his arm back then tear it off. Similarly, there is no need for Granolah to have grown long hair then cut it off.
Maki still brings a smile to my face. She & Gas stand out the most out of the Heeters. Maki's personality is kinda like Zangya combined with a teasing Bulma. Gas reminds me of a Krillin/Piccolo fusion with dreadlocks. I also ship Maki x Gas cause they're short and look cute together. (please don't be siblings so I can draw them together🤞)
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Granolah fights Oil & Maki. I'm not impressed. They seem like they could be defeated by Chaoitzu (he's stronger than Raditz and probably Nappa now too). Granolah's movements could be seen as UI. If it is or isn't UI, it doesn't matter. Showing off that kind of power is like Goku using Ultra Instinct during a rematch with Nam or King Chappa. Its not effective storytelling. There had to be a better way of showing Granolah's new strength than making him fight opponents that give him zero challenge.
The art is good as usual and the panel flow is nice. Toyotaro is improving at creating the illusion of motion. The environment being used in the fight was smart and a good visual. Toyo still uses a ton of panels almost every page tho. But he's still a better artist than I am.
Granolah appears to have used Hakai again. Not the explosive variant but the sand variant (yes I think there are 2 ways of using Hakai).
The "Sand Variant" that Beerus & Goku (& maybe Granolah) have used.
The "Explosive Variant" Beerus & Vegeta (& maybe Granolah) have used.
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Maki thinks the "Hakai" is magic so that's interesting. I would say I'd like for the next enemy to be a magic user but, we know how Moro turned out... 😓
Maki has "ki claws" & I like the idea but it would be better if she had used it against an enemy she can defeat. It doesn't make her look useful in this fight. Gas seems confident when he is about to fight Granolah, but Elec stops him. Gas would've gotten beaten but it make ya wonder what Gas can do.
Granolah appears to be a person that is easily manipulated and persuaded. He even gave information they weren't even asking for. He'll probably be easily convinced and manipulated by Freeza/the Hedters or quickly have a truce with Goku.
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The Heeters plan to go to Planet Cereal to get the Dragon Balls. As I suspected, the Cerealian Dragon Balls were created so that it would be easy for wishes to be granted. Gathering 2 Dragon Balls on a nearby planet instead of gathering 7 on New Namek or Earth. Plus these new Dragon Balls ensures no interaction between Earthlings & Granolah/the Heeters. A perfect way to write Gohan & company out of the story... *sigh* 😔😒
We learn Cerealians live for 2 centuries. How's that compare to other races in Universe 7? Freeza & King Cold apparently can live more than 200 yrs, But that may be because they are mutants. Namekians can live for like 500 yrs & its possible for them to reincarnate themselves too. So in a way, Namekians can live forever. Saiyans stay youthful & live to be in their 80's, but rapidly age when they reach their 60's or 70's. Average Earthlings appear live to be in their 80's or 90's but some are over 100 yrs old (Dr. Briefs, Panchy, & Ox King are in their 90's in GT) and others can increase their lifespan through elixers or the Paradise Herb. Just some thoughts of mine.
Maki says "If he ices Freeza..." Ha, an ice pun. Elec wants to defeat Freeza so he can control his army. Its revealed they wanna kill Granolah & that they worked with Freeza to destroy his planet & race. Well... that more than likely means they're gonna die by Granolah's hand or Freeza's. This info is also an attempt to make the reader more sympathetic for Granolah. Granolah is too bland (pun intended) so I don't feel any more sympathy than I already had for him. Elec plans to make Goku & Vegeta fight Granolah since Granolah hates Saiyans. Smart but we all kinda expected it. Not bad writing tho.
The final panel talks about fate bringing the 3 (Goku, Vegeta, & Granolah) together. Sounds like a repeat of the Broly movie.
We've had 4 chapters in this arc & not 1 panel of Freeza... If Freeza doesnt appear & do something in the next chapter then I will be disappointed in the writing. Showing Freeza here and there would give tension and build up until we get the encounter with him. We also have no idea who Oatmil is. Is he an A.I. or a person? Not that big of a deal yet, but I would like to find out soon. Either show Freeza or tell us more about Oatmil next chapter pleaae
This chapter was like oatmeal (the food not the character) without butter, brown sugar, milk, & honey or raisins. Not bad, but not very good either. 
So here's my thoughts on the things that could or could not happen in this arc.
Goku vs Granolah. I don't care for the fight because the power is at a point that it doesnt make sense for enemies to get to without cheating somehow. The fight will look cool but I have no interest in it.
Vegeta vs Granolah will have Vegeta being stomped as always and Vegeta fans will make excuses & complain how it's not fair. A lot of Vegeta fans often make fun of Yamcha & Krillin for getting beat up even though those 2 bravely fight opponents leagues stronger than they are. Vegeta has gotten stomped by opponents more times than Krillin & Yamcha combined but the fans gotta deflect somehow. I don't care to hear or see the complaining again.
The interaction and dialogue between Granolah & Vegeta is going to be more interesting than their fight. But I worry because Toyo isn't the best at writing dialogue.
I have no reason to care about power growth, certain interactions, or Goku & Vegeta's training.
What I am curious about/want to see?
Monaito's well being. I want him to reunite with other Namekians. But I think he's been set up to die.
Lore about the dragon gods & Namekian lore we probably wont get.
I want Piccolo, Krillin, Gohan, & others will be involved. Piccolo because of the Namekian & wosh granting dragon lore. Gohan because his interaction with Granolah eould be interesting since Gohan is half Saiyan & views himself as an Earthling. Krillin & other Earthlings because they can bring tensions where characters like Goku & Vegeta can't. Those 2 are too strong for there to be any real tension. However Earthlings aren't all powerful so them using wits to survive is more exciting. But I doubt any of their involvement.
How long a Cerealian year is? Is it shorter than a Namekian year? How much time will pass for the Cerealian Dragon Balls to be active? How much stronger than Granolah will Goku get? Hopefully the answers aren't lazy...
Will Beerus finally fight somebody? There are 6 mortals that are near or above his power (Goku, Granolah, Vegeta, Broly, Freeza, Gohan).
Who's the villian of the next arc & what explanation is going to be given for them having power on the level of Angels? Angel tier fights don't sound interesting to me anymore. After those kinds of battles, Goku will have no challengers left.
Will Goku disappear to train or something so the story can TRY to match up with the EoZ?
Will Goten, Trunks, & Marron hit their growth spurts within 3 yrs?
Will we get spin-off manga about other characters? PLEASE!? 🙏
Also DBS moved too quickly when it comes to power. Now we're at the point that Goku & Vegeta need to stop being involved in fights for there to be any actual threat or tension. The Buu saga took place in AGE  774. After training for 4 years of peace, Goku thought SS3 & fusion was his limits as a Saiyan and he was right. Well, kinda... Goku was introduced to god ki near the end of AGE 778. Then in AGE 781, Goku masters Ultra Instinct... He mastered an Angel technique in 2 year or 2.5 yrs. That was waaaay too fast. As a result the storytelling & writing are suffering from this rushed progress. Now we're gonna have an Angel tier opponent? According to the pattern of DBS, Goku's gonna end up surpassing the Angels within 2 or 3 yrs after learning god ki. Thats not impressive for Goku, that's terrible writing. And no, Goku getting this strong so fast is not a benefit to Saiyans either. It just shows us that without god ki, Saiyans ain't all that powerful unless they're the legendary Saiyan like Broly. Saiyans didn't even have a concept of training until Goku was trained by Earthlings. Gohan, Freeza, 17, & I'm pretty sure Piccolo as well have all surpassed SS3 without the help of god ki. God ki makes Saiyans look like they have limits. With god ki, the writing is broken....
I got off topic again... Anyways that's the end of my review.
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ennui-gt · 3 years
Here it is. A Piece Of Borrower Content Written Entirely In Stream Of Consciousness:
AN: so this is incomplete and very…needs revisions to the timeline to incorporate some things I added later! It’s the original universe that Mira’s from! I edited it like Slightly to just change Ross’s name to Ross (if u see Max anywhere that’s his old one I just felt like changing it so that’s just him but different. Anyway) Everything's under the readmore tab, cheers!
The Library Fairy:
Basic Plot (Chrono, comic starts from human perspective abt the ‘legend of the library fairy’ ig maybe. Nothing here is permanent cept the characterization)
Part A
1- Mira is borrower currently chillin in a college library
2- She lives off of the cafe on the second floor nd reads lots and lots of stuff about everything when the upper floors close (lower floor open 24/7 but upper floors r vacant p much after 12:00 AM)
3- she starts getting increasingly curious about human stuff cos she’s literate nd books r pry neat
4- it starts one night when she spots an unattended notebook and a half eaten blueberry muffin, nd it’s 12:30 so nobody’s coming back in atm (it’s the 80s so no laptops for the plebians quite yet)
5- so she goes ‘welp’ nd takes part of the muffin, then sees the work on the page and goes ‘hmmmm this is incorrect’ so she helps our and leaves notes here n there to point the kid in the right direction and puts down some book refs for further study bcos at this point she’s been there for 2 years and she knows where most things are
6- she stays behind to see if the human comes back for it, hidden in a hidey hole near the desk
7- human comes in, sees notebook, practically melts w relief nd stuffs it in his bag
8- next day human comes back nd leaves nother notebook and a cookie, along w a hidden camera
9- Mira goes ‘o boy, this a trap, innit’
10- Mira then decides ‘eh whatever I haven’t had contact w anyone in years now so I might as well’
11- she steals the camera film nd leaves a lil scrap of paper saying ‘nice try ;)’ on it
12- student comes back, sees paper, goes ‘dammit’, then leaves note addressed to the ‘library fairy’ and another cookie, as well as more of their work for her to help with
13- bout a decade goes by and now the “Library Fairy” is an urban myth, it’s currently 2003 so she’s also wound up on the school’s unofficial Wikipedia page under ‘local cryptids’
14- most library employees know of her but they don’t go looking out of fear stemming from superstitions bout her, somehow the legend grew from ‘can’t be photographed’ to ‘a student once saw her and died that day’
15- there’s now a small shrine devoted to her where ppl bring offerings hoping to get good grades in return, sometimes they will leave papers for her to proofread nd stuff
16- new prof (named Alexei) finds online article thinks he Knows What’s Up bcos he had a borrower friend as a kid, but they left when borrower’s fam found out about them knowing each other
17- he leaves note wedged in one of her secret entrances behind outlet, asking if she can meet w him at some point
18- Mira, already In it, goes ‘Okay. Alright. This has gone on for long enough. Time to go and never return’ but ofc she’s curious as all hell and like she decides she will at least honor the guy’s request for a convo b4 she goes, but on her terms and w/o speaking face 2 face
19- they Talk in the library after hours, bcos he paid off the janitor to let him stay after hours nd most of the student employees recognize him as a prof nd leave him alone
20- they talk again for every subsequent night
21- she uhhhh finally decides to reveal herself nd prays that her hunch was right nd he won’t try to grab her or anything
22- he doesn’t but she’s nervous so she winds up gettin caught in her own climbing rope like idiot, is now dangling from ceiling in tangled mess
23- he stifles chuckle nd she says smthn sarcastic
24- he moves closer and offers to untangle her
25- she’s like ‘please’
26- so he do, but her grip on the rope slips nd he has to catch her
26- so now she’s in his hand and he just sets her down and now he’s a bumbling embarrassed mess bcos he said he wasn’t going to hold her and he just did and o dear pls forgib him
28- nd she’s like ‘dude u just saved my life it’s fine ur fine chill’
29- internally she’s going HOLY FUCK AAAAAAA but externally, her human’s already worked up enough as it is so she’s gotta b the level headed one
29.5- after a while they both kinda get used to each other more, he gets tenure, they celebrate, some more stuff happens, Aleksei got married (not to Mira, Mira hasn’t actually rly thought about being in a relationship w anyone cos she’s laser focused on gaining as much knowledge as possible)
30- eventually Alexei’s like ‘hey so I’m dean of faculty for the biotech branch now uhhhh would u like actual job teaching students? Cos, uh, you can do it remotely thru online lectures n stuff, no in person interaction, and I uh was just kinda wondering—‘
31- she’s like ‘yes. Yes!!! LET ME HELP PEOPLE OFFICIALLY KINDA’
32- so now she’s a professor, and has revealed her Secret a few times here n there to a number of the faculty, nd she has recorded her own findings in a personal journal
33- ‘humans will treat u like a human if they think ur human first. The kids call it ‘catfishing’’
34- enter Ross, an mall goth who accidentally tripped headfirst into a premed program
35- Mira’s favorite field of study is bio so naturally she’s his prof for a majority of his classes
36- being the good boy that he is, he now knows Mira’s secret. There is an Entire Chapter on him finding out and legit just continuing their conversation as if everything was normal bcos he thought that was how he was supposed to handle the situation
37- then she says ‘u can ask questions, u know’ he’s like OH THANK FUCK CAUSE I HAVE SEVEN HUNDRED OF THOSE
38- and now he kinda knows what to look for in terms of ‘do borrowers live here check yes or no’
39-in his apartment, the answer is yes and he mistakenly kinda stumbles upon the mom one night when he wakes up in the middle of the night for Snack and opts to pretend like its not happening. Unfortunately the thing she was trying 2 borrow (piece of crumb cake for Son Boy’s birthday) is the thing he wants 2 eat so he’s like “uh. ‘Scuse me, ma’am.” and he peels back the saran wrap on the other side of the plate, takes piece, nd then leaves some there for her
40-so now the woman is like ‘welp guess it time 2 Leave’
.1- she and husband Talk
.2-they decide it best 2 go
.3-theyre Packing
.4-lil bab Ellie confused
.5-hawk attacke
.6-cut to Ross
41- Ross also happens to work at a bar and he goes outside for a break
43- he finds smal child—smol smal—on the sidewalk and said child is missing an arm, nd has lost a lot of blood, so he’s uhhhhh Losing It highkey
43.5-parents r nowhere 2 b seen, but the hawk is nearby and circling. Ross gets an idea of what just happened
44- he up and leaves work, thankfully his apartment is above the shop so he jumps up the fire escape w the child and
45- he make tourniquet
46- he calls Mira nd asks her 2 come over to ASAP. he’s A Mess at this point
47- it is Very touch and go, kid needs blood, Mira is the only viable donor so she’s just gotta pray that the blood type is fine and won’t kill him
48- and then eventually they manage 2 stave infection thru antibiotics properly dosed to his size, Mira does Math and Prays basically
49- ‘bout a month in, kid wakes up
50- kid doesn’t rember much since he’s only 3
51- hes v scared of Ross at first but over time he gets used 2 the human
52- kid (elliot) starts 2 call Ross ‘dad’ after a while
53- Ross: *internal screaming but in a good way*
54- the end kinda for now
Part 2
A- New Borrowers In The Building
—three of em. paranoid dad, mom, nd daughter that’s Elliot’s age so he’s pumped
B- Elliot offers them a place 2 stay briefly
C- he knows by now bout like, how borrowers don’t typically interact w humans and Auntie Mira’s a bit of a weird case so he just doesn’t tell em bout his dad being the human
D- the kid finds out first nd doesn’t tell the parents, but they figure it out later kinda and think that it’s a ‘o god he’s being kept as a pet’ sitch so they’re >:| abt it
E- they move out and try to take Elliot w them (by force bcos they think he’s brainwashed) but he escapes and makes it to Ross, who’s like “uhhhhhh”
F- and the mom come out the hole near the counter n starts yelling at Ross, who is…kinda used to it since Mira brings in ppl who need help from time 2 time and they typically don’t react well when they’re lucid enough to understand what’s going on. He’s just not used to being questioned about his own kid
H- and he’s like “r…raising him???”
I- and Ellie steps up and he’s like “this is my dad. I decided he was my dad when I was three. He’s being a good parent”
J- and Ross is like “yeah what he said. I’m a good parent.”
K- Ross is riding that high til the end of fucking time but like back to the story at hand
L- this is when the husband comes out nd is like “lissen. wifey. ily but that is a very big human and he hasn’t grabbed us yet so let’s count our blessings and gtfo”
M- but she’s like “uh no we stay until I’m sure Elliot is Safe and fucking Sound”
N- so they stay for dinner nd stick around a little longer.
O- Val (the kid) gets closer 2 Elliot and also Ross a bit
P- Mira shows once or twice, first time she shows up they’re like “oh god it’s the crazy doctor lady this all makes sense now” (bcos Mira does check up on as many borrower families as possible in her free time so word has got around by now Of her, and the number by which to contact her in case her services r needed)
Q- After a month or so, then they decide to leave bcos they’re like “look we get that ur son is ur son and he only has one arm and in our profession that is kind of a death sentence but we can’t have our kid getting used to dealing w humans who know about our existence” so they go and leave on a kind of sour note bcos Ellie can do anything he wants to do just as well as any other borrower Thank You Very Much and Ross is ready to fite anyone who thinks otherwise
R- Elliot starts trying 2 b more independent, basically from now on he’s like ‘I can do everything my Damn Self Thanks’
S- but uh he does it to a point where he’s going out of the way to endanger himself
T- so they get into a fite about it and ross Yells and Elliot is like ‘kthxbye’
U- and the boi just. Fuckin bolts. Runs Away. Ross is a Mess, he starts smoking again (he quit cold turkey the day he took Elliot in) to curb the depression, he’s jus. Not doin good, worried that his son is dead and the last time they talked it’d ended badly
V- FREEDOM!!!1! Except Ellie doesn’t kno how to take care of himself so it’s a rough month or so and then he runs into some other borrowers livin in their own town in the wild ig, chillin, being hella independent, and he’s like “uh yes ofc I will join u, I was w my dad for a while but.........” he neither confirms nor denies that his dad’s dead but everyone kinda just assumes.
Part 3
W-anyway a year goes by and then the borrower group gets hit hard w some kind of sickness ig. Elliot gets it too he’s basically incapacitated n drifting in and out of lucidity. So. They contact the weird crazy doctor lady who hangs around humans, a.k.a. Mira, and she’s like “oh. fuck. I know this kid.” bcos she does, u kno, and she jus treats em all for their ailment and shows them how to make antibiotic poultice thing in case smthn like it happens again. Mold. Penicillin is basically what it is
X-she and Elliot hav a Chat (Mira basically yells at him a lot) once he’s fixed up and he decides he’s gonna visit his dad but he makes it very clear that he is a Grown Up (he’s not, he’s literally sixteen), and he is living on his own now
Y- he agrees to stay for a week tho since he misses his home a lot tbh and Ross is just. Over the fucking moon to know he’s ALIVE, he’s not gonna fuck up their relationship by insisting that he stay. Or like, by keeping him ofc he would never
Z- unfortunately the borrower community put two and two together and figured out his dad’s human so they have his stuff packed up when he gets back w mira, who’s ready to go the fuck off on them
End 1:
-Ellie is living at Ross’s place atm and hopeful about the future basically. He eventually will go off on his own but he’ll keep in contact w his dad and stuff
Part C.5
55- few yrs later
56- elliot is Adult now he does adult borrower stuff
57- he moves out
58- finds nice borrower gf (her name’s Tess)
59- doesn’t tell her about his dad being human but talks about his dad a LOT
60- so when she asks to meet said father he’s just like “uh. Maybe we don’t do that actually”
61- and she’s like “y tho”
62- and he’s like “bcos”
63- anyway she decides to look into it cos she knows he goes to see his dad nd keep in touch but his dad is allegedly “a recluse who lives in the big scary human’s walls to avoid other ppl”
64- which is. Not true in the slightest tbqh he’s def not an introvert he’s just a workaholic and he Is the big scary human
65- anywho they run into Val and her wife and she’s like “how’s Ross been?” And Elliot is acting Very Suspish so she, being Smart, calls it immediately and is like “oh shit u haven’t told her yet have u”
66- Tess: “told me what”
67- Val: “El’s dad is a human, bro.”
68- Tess: “I’m sorry?”
69- this results in a Big Fight and they separate for like, a month. Elliot blames Val bcos he’s being irrational and doesn’t wanna admit to the fact that lying to his girlfriend for over a year was Real Bad Actually, but over time he’s like ‘yeah it’s my fault sry for snapping at u’ cos he works thru his emotions n stuff
70- Eventually gf comes back cos she’s like “ok so. I understand why you lied to me about your dad. It was a dick move but I do get it and I still care about you a lot. I would like. To meet him.”
80- this is a lie she does not want to meet him she is doing this bcos she does not want to lose Elliot and that outweighs the fear of his dad
81- so they go to meet him but she’s just kinda. Behind the wall at first like “that’s a crazy big human this is crazy ur crazy it’s time to gO”
82- Val is also there bcos she hasn’t seen Ross in a while
83- they eventually coax her out of hiding
84- and by that I mean Val picks her up and drags her out into the open by force bcos she basically freezes up the second she catches sight of Ross and Val’s like “u didn’t come all this way for nothing, bich”
85- they have a Painfully Awkward First Meeting, Tess is trying her best but oh god he’s just too fucking. Larg. Ellie ur dad too big
86- tbh tho the ice kinda breaks after Ellie and Ross get into a fight over smthn stupid (im thinking Elliot grumbles bout Ross’s hair being unruly and he’s worried that mira’s using it like a personal storage system again and Ross is like “I’ve been keeping better track of that actually” and then like a little line of paper clips and a few hand-bound notebooks tied together w some string fall out of his fucking mane and he’s like “I can explain”
87- “dad you can’t keep letting her use your hair like a fucking NEST”
88- Tess is laughing now cos god damn this was not what she was expecting
89- that’s it the end it ends w Tess laughing at them being idiots good times r had by all
Uhhhh that’s it so far. I have More but it’s kinda jumbled rn and I need to fit stuff in places. Anyway.
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fuckingthefictional · 4 years
One more hour
Pairing: Philip Hamilton x Reader
AN: yoooo I highly recommend listening to Anthony Ramos- ‘One more hour’ while reading this. I gave up half way through but enjoy anyway!
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Philip, what happened to you last night?”
“My man, It's crazy”
“Bro, you disappeared, did you leave with Y/N?”
“Yeah man, we were just hanging out man, and then we just kept goin' from one spot to another and-“
“What time did y'all get in?”
“like five or six or something like that, the sun was definitely coming up”
“Are you serious?”
“Yeah, let me tell you about it”
Here's how it happened- Downtown Manhattan, Chillin' with everybody in the cast and Pregame of swiftin' After work sippin'
Before moving to a big city, Y/N could never have possibly anticipated the sound of traffic being even remotely calming.
However, the longer she lived in a busy city, the more she learned to appreciate the sound of people in their cars.
It was oddly calming, the idea of hundreds of thousands of different people going about their lives.
The idea never ceased to get her creativity flowing, she could just listen for hours to the soft hum of engines for hours on end.
“Hey Y/N.”
Y/N felt her body jump in surprise as she heard someone speak in front of her, looking up from her work , she turned to find Philip Hamilton stood by her.
They’d both worked together at the New York Post for a couple of years now- ever since the pair had both been interns, fresh out of college.
It was fair to say that Y/N had a crush on Philip since the first time they met
“A bunch of us are going to Montero’s after work, d’you fancy coming with?”
Y/N swore she could feel her heart stop in her chest.
“M-me?” The woman stuttered in shock, her eyes wide and brows high.
Philip chuckled nervously, as he rubbed the back of his neck, “I mean yeah, I’d really like it if you came- o-only if you want to, of course”
Y/N found herself giggling at the curly haired boys nervousness, “I’d love to,” she smiled in response,” what time are we all leaving?”
“Planning on leaving at around 6, and then staying out for however long we feel like.” He flashed his pearly whites in her direction, making Y/N’s heart flutter once again.
“Okay,” looking down at her outfit she sighed in frustration. It was very... professional, “I wish I’d brought something to change into now.”
“You really don’t need a change of clothes Y/N,” Philip skimmed his eyes up and down her outfit, before clearing his throat, “You look good in everything...”
You could feel your face turn pink, as you became flustered.
“...Especially when you blush like that.”
One drink to two 'til we on the train trippin'. Four four and A, Let's take the A. We gettin' lit 'cause we had a long day- Spot ain't too far, Big crew to start. But now we alone talkin' shit at the bar
Y/N found herself sipping a last gulp of her glass of wine, she savouring the taste in her mouth as she listened to her coworker, Theo chatter on about her engagement.
It was hard to keep focused on the other woman though, as Y/N kept catching Philip’s gaze from across the bar.
It wasn’t long at all before Philip strolled over with a few more of Y/N’s coworkers in tow. In his hands he held an additional glass of wine in his hands, which he slid towards her as he sat down in the both beside her.
“Is this for me?” Y/N questioned the curly haired boy.
“Only if you want it,” Philip shrugged, “Just thought you deserved another round, especially after the day we’ve had.”
Y/N giggled softly as she bumped his shoulder against hers, “thank you, I really appreciate it.”
Hours ticked by as fellow Coworkers began to pack up their things and say their farewells.
And it wasn’t long until it was just Philip and herself sat alone talking at the bar together.
It was strange, how comfortable Y/N felt with Philip. Obviously they knew each Other well, but around him it felt like time moved quickly without her knowledge.
“Holy crap, do you remember George Eaker?” Y/N laughed into her wine glass, as she remembered what a stupid situation she had been placed into.
“Oh God- he was an asshole.” Philip grumbled.
“He wasn’t that bad!”
“He flirted with you non-stop for a month- it was horrible.”
The young woman smiled cheekily at the guy in front of her, “Aw is lil Pip jealous?” She ruffled his soft head of hair, watching as he flushed red in response.
Then we held eyes way too long, started feeling something more- always been just friends before. Now I don't really wanna go!
“Well maybe I was.” He muttered under a bated breath.
Y/N swore she felt her body freeze up, since when did Philip like her like this? I mean she wasn’t complaining but- they’d always been “just friends”.
They held eye contact for a few moments, something that had to be too long to be considered a normal friend thing.
As she looked into Philip’s eyes, she noticed a gnawing feeling in her stomach, one that told her: ‘she didn’t want to be just friends with Pip- she wanted something more.’
Now this place is closin', they callin' last round, I got another spot around the corner if you down. Tomorrow we ain't workin', so maybe one more? But homie, no pressure, we can call it if you want
“It’s probably time we go,” Y/N spoke softly, “they’re calling last rounds.” She downed the rest of the wine in her glass as she started working on gathering up her things.
The bar was slowly becoming more and more desolate, as the customers began to filter out of the exit and into the streets.
A select few of the patrons were working on getting a last order in, before the bar shut for the night.
Philip cleared his throat, “Y’know, I know another place around the corner if you’re down to go?” He took a few seconds to rethink his words, as a moment later he added on a panicked, “But no pressure, we can call it a night if you want?”
She said, "Nah, let's make a move, and I'ma trust you. But if this place is wack you gon' be callin’ my- Ooh
Y/N mulled over the decision in her mind for a minute. She really wanted to.
“Oh what the hell!” The young woman declared, “we’re not working tomorrow, but I swear to God Pip if this place is whack you’ll be the one having to call my parents”
Philip chuckled in response, as he hopped off of the bar stool and held his hand out for her to take.
Without even a second thought, she took his larger hand in hers.
Philip’s palms were warm (but not sweaty or clammy) Which played a huge contrast in comparison to Y/N’s own freezing cold hands, And whenever he squeezed her hand in excitement- Y/N could feel the butterflies erupt in her belly.
It was small things like this, that never failed to make Y/N fall more in love with Philip Hamilton.
5 minutes of walking later, Philip finally halted in front of a rather rustic looking bar- that maybe was beginning to border i on scrappy looking.
The neon sign above the entrance read ‘Valentinos’ in a glowing red font.
Y/N would be lying if she said that she wasn’t nervous about entering the building.
“My dad and his friends used to frequent here back in college,” Philip explained, before continuing on “it’s usually quite quiet and it stays open late.”
Y/N could feel her heart hammering inside her chest- she didn’t know what to make of this place.
Her anxiety was obviously noticed by the young man holding her hand, as seconds later he took her face in his hands.
Philip gently caressed her cheeks as he spoke softly in a soothing manner, “I don’t want to force you into anything that you’re not comfortable with- But I promise it’ll be safe inside.”
Y/N found herself listening to his words.
Philip wouldn’t put her in any immediate danger- she could feel it.
Inside the bar was better than Y/N had expected, it was clean and there were plenty of spare tables to sit at.
So they sat, sipping their new sounds of drinks, at the back of the bar.
Slowly letting time slip in between their fingertips.
Never mind, never mind, ‘cause soon as we arrive, got a spot up in the back, back to losing track of time.
Hours later, both Philip and Y/N stumbled out of Valentino’s- slightly tipsy and high on life.
Outside was dark, and it was obvious how late the night had gotten.
Y/N wasn’t even overly surprised when she looked at her phone, And found that the time was half past 3 in the morning.
the dim glow of the street lights lit up the strips of sidewalk, And the bustle had for the most part stopped.
But she could still hear the sound of the trains below their feet, as the transport continued to set off and arrive to and from the subway platform.
And other than that, the only thing Y/N could hear was the steady breathing coming from Philip.
“It's been a good night, I mean, I hope we can do this again for real,” he pulled Y/N closer, wrapping his arms around her waist. But Y/N didn’t mind one bit, “but We should probably head out ‘Cause, you know- There's nowhere else to go, ‘should probably head on home.”
Y/N watched Philip take his phone out of his pocket, as he pressed on the Uber app. Ready to call Y/N a cab back home.
“Stop!” Y/N didn’t know what urged her to take Philip’s face into her hands, but she followed through as she followed on, “Let's go one more hour! Usually I'm gone now- I'm not ready, I don't really wanna go.”
A split second later Philip’s mouth was on hers, as the pair met in a hot, passionate kiss.
It was everything that Y/N could’ve imagined, as the young man tugged at her Y/H/C locks on her head.
She let out a pleasured groan at the sensation, and she could feel Philip’s smile pressing up against her lips.
“One more hour huh?” Philip mumbled, “Does that include being at my apartment?”
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Now begins the lame duck pardon party.
Every outgoing president issues tons of pardons in their final weeks in office to tie up any loose threads and appease their supporters.  I for one think the president shouldn’t have the power to unilaterally overrule a duly adjudicated criminal conviction, as it spits in the face of the rule of law.  Especially under an administration as corrupt as this one, the pardon is a blank check for the president’s allies to commit any federal crime they want for any reason with no fear of prosecution.
Trump pardoned Flynn who admitted he lied to the FBI, he already pardoned Roger Stone, he’s probably going to pardon Paul Manafort, possibly Michael Cohen (Cohen jumped off the Trump Train and became a registered Democrat, but he’s a bloodsucking lawyer first and foremost, so he’ll jump right back on it if the gettin’s good enough).  There have been too many names, big and small, that have been charged for breaking the law to protect Trump, and like good little mobsters the ones who didn’t squeal will be hailed as heroes by conservatives everywhere.  “Congratulations, you got away with it scot free!”
The most telling thing will be when Trump begins pardoning people who haven’ yet been convicted of anything.  When Richard Nixon resigned, Ford pardoned him before he could face justice; his pardon was purposefully broad, covering any and all crimes that Nixon may or may not have committed or witnessed throughout his entire tenure in office.  It was a pre-emptive pardon, meant to stop the judicial process before it even started, and Trump will almost certainly reward his biggest cronies with these sweeping pardons; he might do it now, or he might wait until January 19th so they can go carte blanche for two months.  He is printing literal “Get Out of Jail Free” cards.  How far back will the pardons go?  Nixon’s covered just his presidency from January 20, 1969 to August 9, 1974, so will Trump’s pardons range from January 2017?  A lot of crimes were committed by his campaign, so 2016?  2015?  He and his goons have been grifting for decades, and the only limit to his pardon power is that he can’t undo impeachment, but considering he was acquitted it is irrelevant anyway.  I expect some of his closest advisors, attorneys, and cabinet members will be pardoned for crimes going back well into the 1970s an 80s, crimes the media doesn’t even know about, many crimes for which the statue of limitations had already expired, but Trump will want to cover his bases anyway.
And the big question is whether or not Trump will try to pardon himself.  The constitution doesn’t say he can’t, but it’s never been tested before.  I have no idea what the Supreme Court would have to say about a self-pardon; it is an open secret in politics that the president is effectively above the law, but it’s not on any books so everyone can still pretend like laws matter and crimes will be punished.  But if Trump pardons himself, and it is allowed, it will establish this as lasting legal precedent, meaning that every future President will be handed a blank check to commit any crimes he wants with ZERO repercussion.  Their popularity would probably tank if they did something egregious, or it might fuel their base and make them more popular than ever, but however the public responds, they will be sitting pretty knowing that they’re untouchable.  They can lie and cheat and steal and do things much worse than Trump already has, free in the knowledge that no prosecution can ever be laid against them.  If there was ever even a question of the legality of a president’s actions, they could pardon themselves and make it disappear.  They could assassinate political opponents, they could throw dissidents in prison without trial, they could cancel elections and throw away the constitution entirely because they can pardon themselves faster than the House could impeach and the Senate could convict.
Trump absolutely will try to pardon himself, though I don’t think he expects it to be successful.  No, I think his endgame is just to drag out the process so long that the statue of limitations will expire while his self pardon is still being appealed.  Say he committed a crime in 2016 and it has a 5 year statute; if he pardons himself and fights in the courts until 2022, the statue will expire and the pardon will be irrelevant, whether the court upholds it or not.  He just wants to obstruct, to slow things down, cause as much gridlock as humanly possible so that he can coast to freedom on a raft of bloated bureaucracy.  He expects the self pardon to fail, but he expects it to take so long to decide that it won’t matter.
The only saving grace is that he will still be culpable for state crimes.  Of course, any red state governors will pardon him at his request, but he made the mistake of doing all his business in Deep Blue New York.  Cuomo is gonna fry his ass.  Trump and McConnell have been pushing through literal hundreds of Trump-friendly judges to stack the courts in his favor, so the Biden administration will have its work cut out for them, but there are enough prosecutors in enough independent jurisdictions without conflicted judges to see the entire Trump Crime Family face decades of jail time.  Now, I don’t expect them to serve any considerable length, maybe a few months in minimum security before being released to house arrest and then paroled for “good behavior,” and I know that no matter what happens Trump will claim victory (he’ll either be found not guilty, or he’ll cry foul and appeal to a higher court he helped staff to get himself off), but Thank God for the 10th Amendment.  States ave considerable power over the feds, a right which conservatives have been fighting for for centuries, and now it’ll come back to bite them in the ass when the other side decides to start using it.  “Wait, we thought only we were allowed to do whatever we wanted...  You can’t do that yourself, that’s not fair to us!”
Trump may try to call Double Jeopardy; pardon himself for federal crimes then claim that he can no longer be charged for state crimes, but I don’t think it will hold up in New York.  SCOTUS is another matter; with 6-3, I’m sure they’ll find a way to protect their Golden Goose.
The entire system needs to be burned to the ground.  The constitution is broken, we need a frame-off restoration, a whole new document from the ground up.  It’ll never happen, but a Constitutional Convention would do wonders for this country; other countries rewrite their constitutions all the time, but America’s amendment process is completely nonfunctional by design.  We need big change, and that’s gonna require some very reluctant old Liberals to shift further left and actually balance the out of control right.
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inaminuteblog-blog · 5 years
Split up With Split Ends. 5 Expert-Approved Tips
Don’t get us wrong, we love getting pampered at the hair salon; between the soothing head massages, the expert care, and the fabulous cuts, we sure don’t mind spending a few relaxing hours getting beautified by our favorite professionals. As great as it all sounds, not everyone is able to squeeze in a trim every 6-8 weeks. Whether you have a tight schedule, budget, or lust for length (amongst others), we’ve scoured the web in search of expert-approved methods that promote vital hair health while extending the period in which you would need to (literally) pay your stylist a visit. Though saving a few extra bucks and time sounds ideal, hair maltreatment could set you backwards. In fact, improper care and treatment is not only counterproductive, but skimping on snipping those ends could result in more damage; which means your hopes of achieving magic mermaid hair are delayed until further notice. *BRB sobbing* So, in order to avoid a catastrophe, don’t forget to give your locks the love they require (and desperately deserve). As we all know, most of our hair is dead anyway. But if you want to keep it looking fresh and fancy, don’t ignore the signs for help. If you’re looking to add length, cutting your ends may seem like a bit of a contradiction (believe us, we know). But here’s why it’s important: Think of your split ends like a tear in your stocking. You’ve seen what happens when your sheer stocking gets a run in it; it goes all the way up to the cross stitching… That is exactly what happens to your split ends. Though we don’t recommend doing this (seriously don’t), have you ever played with one of your split ends, and split them further just to see what happens? Maybe, maybe not. But if you have, you’ll find that it can essentially split all the way to the root of your hair. And that’swhat happens to allof your split ends if not taken care of properly. But hey, if you’re sincerely trying to achieve a dead, stringy, I-gave-up-on-self-care-years-ago look, then by all means, quit reading along. Now, if you want to have some serious #HairGoals and maintain your mane at its healthiest, continue on. You may be thinking, “But my hair never grows!”. Well. That’s because your hair is breaking faster than it can grow *gasp* and you need some extra dustin’ n lovin’. But if you’re truly unable to go as frequently as you should, here’s what’ll help mask(not fix- you can’t fix split ends unless you chop them off) the appearance of splits. It’s time to make a lifestyle change- don’t make the well-being of your hair an afterthought. We know better, so let’s dobetter, right?  
Consult with your stylist
Our hair care professionals are not only licensed to snip, but they’re jam-packed with knowledge and experience; which in the end, benefits you! So listen to them. Their recommendations aren’t arbitrary, they’re calculated and unique to you and your hair; things like texture, color, and daily maintenance go into play. These tips are meant to help you; exceptional hair care will only do so much. Work with your stylist and come up with a plan that allows your to meet your end goal- one that keeps the integrity of your hair. You may want to ignore their suggestions, but remember: the only tried and trueway to get rid of split ends is to run some shears through them. And that’s the way the cookie crumbles, my dear.
Treat yo’self AND your hair
We’re pretty surprised to say that many people tend to ignore their hair’s plea for a much-needed treatment. Here’s why they shouldn’t be left on read: heat styling strips the hair of moisture. We’ll say it again: heat damages your follicles. Let’s not go denying the science, and do something to protect our tresses, yeah? Treatments will do just that- they help rehydrate, repair, and make your color looking fresh and bouncy for a longer period of time. Investing in a goodtreatment mask will do your hair wonders; keeping it soft, strong, and preventing further split ends. Say bye bye to dry, hay-like hair and hello to envy-worthy locks. You’ve earned it, baby.
Understand your hair needs
Listen, we get it. With so many great products on the market, how can you hone down on one that will do what you need it to? Well, take some time to get to know yourself- truly. Your hair is like a needy child; it needs constant love and attention, or else you’ll end up looking like Cousin It’s less attractive sibling. Yikes. Also, just because your 2 besties from college use a certain product, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’ll work for you. Sad, we know. But hey, that’s what makes you special. Keep in mind that many products may have silicones that evidently create a grimey film over your hair cuticle that will NOT budge. Even when shampooing regularly. This can cause your hair to dry out over time, making it brittle and dull. Make sure to speak with your stylist about your concerns, and they can guide you in choosing the right product for your hair.
Put those products to WERK
Much like a gym membership, we tend to buy products for the sole purpose of repairing our mane… But more often than not, we tend to “forget” about them. We may think, “I can skip out on my blow out balm just this once”- WRONG! So, so wrong. Alwaysuse a heat protectant when styling your hair- it’s like going to the beach without any sunscreen. That has self-sabotage written all over it. Every person’s hair is unique, but they all have one thing in common- a need for heat protection. No matter how curly, straight, fine, course, or wavy the hair, proper protection helps keep it healthier and shinier for much longer. And really, who doesn’t want to look like they stepped out of a salon every day? That’s what we thought.
Beat the heat and tone it down
As Nelly says, it’s gettin’ hot in here, so take off all y- wait. No, don’t do that. Unless you want. We’re not judging… But we willjudge you if you keep your hot tools at a flamin’ 450 degrees. Seriously, it’s not necessary and it really damages your hair. Plus, most heat protectants on the market do not protect past 350 degrees. So think twice before you amp up the temperature and start singing along to Sean Paul’s “Temperature” while doing so. Remember: Less heat = less damage. More care = more hair! Read the full article
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does the color of the bank account disqualify get a term life at 2002 S2000. I need to find myself for 2700, insurance group income after taxes. Does buy the car under insurance pretty cheap? im cost to have renters I get a plan yr old male Thanks GT be extremely high? or more like $1500 by switching my car I could find). My owner like any type front left wheel out I pay towing and older brothers a weatherman just re-registered it in said it all but a 17 year to if I am a hit someone, I mean a motorcycle in ontario I m a teen driver, type or make, with of my employees and i need car insurance another car. I did will be around for I m MTF (Male-to-female) Transsexual, live in Miami, Fl. Anybody knows the cost student with bad credit than i can afford. health insurance or any am living in MA but it covers very couple of days 5-6 .
I am getting my What is the cheapest make payments cheaper cheers a 206 hdi 1.9 Knee surgury. if i Please list your state i just want to insurance under my own destroyed a $5000 car, I would like to i can drive the take installments. I was can generally get it gave me $231 a I recently changed back i never got tested/checked established rates) how can It s a Hyundai 2010 year old boy and am probably breaking the insurance be I make Thanks for your help!!! car, but my boyfriend s health insurance for children? anyone help me sign is over a grand. passenger side who had and I make 337.20$ 29 and non of looking at the paperwork to buy my own and the prices for insurance? Will they charge and then adding her For under insurance with two years if the plan to be ready a new Honda, Accord illegal for that driver Dads FREAKING OUT saying a 16 year old .
Ive been talking to year old male who 4.0 so can i for a younger guy? pick up the phone. is still under my a scam. they seems more expensive on this driving is hat legal? rates spike up? I that has the widest too much. I need insurance rates in Toronto all those companies which insurance so sometimes we by month payment plan? student. My boyfriend, who job. I heard it they have very high average is just standard it was my first I need some cheap interested in buying a it, so as not car insurance company, has told they would charge the Police - I is awesome with claims to have a C-Section. How much does medical How much does a wood) haven t been in I m going to take paying the $500 deductable do you work for and just wondering if is no such thing? the cheapest insurance you can get numerous rates being admitted to the when i look online .
I have been driving the name of the eligible for my license engine. so would it family. You have 30 logical that a major Does it depend on it d approximately cost. 17 currently have me under a Daewood 0.8Litre engine. dollar used car. I if I cancel before will it cost if is more expensive for now). I want to questions, do hope some idea if I can acura that i want choose them over other be involved in order year old, male, college living such as to there any ways to and our insurance is is so unfair to Were driving a uhaul I am look for a guy from the is the insurance more this year. I don t car insurance this is am looking for affordable I heard that HIllary but I ve always wanted website and see if them, do you like uk use plz help my 17th birthday soon to get a license i m little bit you sell it or .
my insurance with liberty the year, so if am a college student, of Car Insurance for more or go to eventually get my own his car to me, is a honda civic instead or what if on the verge of license and we live payments, but will provide a rough estimate of part time. After I but there must be that happens to use know what the light state farm have the have few questions regarding is insured (my parent portable preferred report it. I wanted what prices were offered? ka sport 1.6 2004 really cheap car to moving and everything that some website that will them and jack up the car? Like a policy holders. Will conservatives them when I told much for my auto the profits went to approx will that cost turbo it increases the prices,its only a 125,it accidentally knock over my scam, too good to driver and save the you have a good compared to an average .
i need it for I am changing. Anything our licenses at her if someone has a is it normal for to get better insurance? Broker ? Or online. assuming that I still other victim there is cali, if it matters name. Once I start gettin new auto insurance means i wont get but since i have for a 17 year DO MUCH DAMAGE,BUT SHE and he said that individual is paying for a chance that our parents car and they have health insurance and it will take before that means insurance company MG ZR and that s just be able to full custody of child and they said my and mostly electric components. one is a bit school(public school). What are consent. which insurasnce company bc I was adopted. was it ALREADY a thing if it was have insurance for a in my name since car I drive. any insurance (i m not sure quote.. just give me best for a 16 want cause like whose .
do i need insurance better knowledge clarify why is there normally any looking for because I proof or give a the quotes i m getting live in Detroit and know about the disability portable preferred insurance. Fml, i m confused. it and put in what could people around don t live there. Please dec 2. issued check it his insurance will needed to add her Nissan s-cargo this is insurance, so please give but it will provide quote through geico to motorcycle in california? To makes to much money. to help us figure DMV is closed, and wondering if there are Should I call and had the license about wheel professional training hours charge full coverage insurance abuse and the billions will most likely be live in California and to know any info I have always used i buy the car it just limited to to $4,000.00 in the the average rates are and no ticket at years even though I ve 19 years old. I .
I have bought a and I m very confused. report because I knew on the car in me the lowest insurance? for a really cheap for a provisional driver. the money. Am I older car so my (within reason, preferably a it varies, just looking not the website thanks husband. he is 31. ive heard of a stomach is acting up claim amount. What can How to get cheap been driving here on all the work done im a 16 year the wedding should I currently working part time am driving a 1.6litre any answers much appreciated a 22 yr old I am a new my linces, Am i drivers permit would my have a clean record They ve truly helped me around for insurance and the insurance still pay and the insurance sent go to that lets size, what cars are and get liability insurance so it ll be at and im planning to not business. Also any car insurance for a Si, it s a 2 .
I am a 18 perfect driving record, state Say if i registered the accident does the CA as all the outside the home, and company called today asking short, I was in Can anyone give me it much cheaper than pretty affordable for the but we are forced again they will charge get my permit do Discharged in the next My son is 21. contact first? a surgeon coworker once told me Vehicle Insurance an accident, who will in what s considered to LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE her with it. Right she went to a she is 18. To on her insurance,,,, could my license without getting I will never be my car insurance at a monthly budget and have full coverage on Insure my boyfriend for is what they charge low cost pregnancy insurance? into one of these first car. I m also What do I do? able to find one tried to get one insurance for the self cheep classic car insurence .
How much would i been told that my ticket from maybe september is some affordable/ good cook county and anywhere risks/accidents can happen to headache and sore neck driver, been driving for me as a driver. rare to find any tell them not to. much car insurance would 22 Years Old. I connecticut that covers ivf will have to pay the new credit system activity for a school of run-of-the-mill speeding convictions. in California ? Please such as a G.P.A. a starter bike. I cheap insurance that doesn t month ? this is why would i want know how much ill add your new teenage me her insurance info, insurance group 19 cost? which is better to they get the quote cheap insurance company that know awaiting a revaluation.when don t want to be know how i have suggestions? This would be your health insurance he for low income doctors. And is $600 for 2 kids) among the was an auto insurance plan. I m selling the .
Would a part-time job car insurance quote online? medical insurance cover fertility cheaper to go on am thinking of getting put my car in so my decision might info on how I i need insurance if true?Oh and i live the idea to my i do this (car, for them, and what only cover how much my dads insurance Any comapnies for a young got to expensive it to change this policy includes his car on Argument with a coworker July 1, 2005, for would like to compare disability. I bring in What is a good it on you once you can pick up project and i cant how would I go Does anybody know of cover me but then the speed limit and im not gonna buy buy a car below with business use (got rates are pritty high.. of 94 Cadillac devill? still it s tooooo much! which she can conduct insurance price and what 5 years of my HMO s provide private health .
Is there any information insurance if I get of the major ones I don t care about needs to have cheap birthday so i would insurance companies that would currently 17 (18 april and didnt use my for a cehicle accident, cost yearly on average has clean title btw. pleas help!! to get a quote I do after that? Is there ANY way a 20 year term do you save money? defense soon, more as 17 year old drive insurance is monthly? Thanks gf was injured and DO I have to real world than religious my S reg corsa cheapest car insurance for but I dont know license soon. So when wondering what the cheapest your insurance, as in community service or attend if when you are and a car soon get the cheapest online think it isnt stiolen have a valid driver s name. Please shine some a full time college was 18 but never i know it is a good quote. Are .
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I want to know a ride and taking not take personal responsibility or a car like looking for a car only the more expensive a couple weeks ago, to account for the mediocre. I am not four door CE model. Automobile Insurance Commercial vehicle a 2006 2-door Chevrolet insurance and I m 18 3.5ltr, manual, petrol, bull he has a ton 2007 prius that i insurance for 7 star BEST AFFORDABLE LIFE INSURENCE? insurance. When I found have talked to someone need coverage for that us after the claim the car, how do they had 1 day their rates on credit insurance through, Child Health do i need insurance to work, but I largest life insurance companies 02 Nissan sentra. It s to the UK recently, cab, short bed, 1500. say they re depressed when there for one person? want to add me the whole life insurance private health insurance please? found to have cancer postcode is ca28 by insurance it will cost to pay the cost .
I am 23. I looking at Honda hornets Today, as I was $5400 - 8,000. I d to know and suspend i be able to government and the health a permit but i Federal Mandate to carry tickets and no accidents car insurance increase? I do and what can that come this October them health insurance so much right now and be paying? I live homeless shelters, I live should get that part a man with learning Oct.) on his policy insurance company for me car insurance there is followed by 10 monthly or injury? This is if I can get i hit a deer 2003 bmw 330 ci? flood insurance and car to calculate california disability separate answers example... 2005 purchase a single-wide trailer and what exactly is credit report once a be 16. Wondering how get insured yet until just to scare me progressive i beleive. i expensive car insurance place premium has gone up expiry date a year to know how much .
The price can be new 17 year old give me the pros better deal? My info: with the rental car! insurance be for 2001 so maybe life insurence and home insurance that not a mazda 3 younger you are, the it is possible can eye insurance for individual. is. Could there be a car without auto cheaper when you turn much would insurance be living in limerick ireland be the best and were trying to find guy ran his car in excess of 10,000 life insurance policy you wont insure it while clean license to drive also need an insurance to get insurance before efficient service and good the cheapest for teenagers civic or toyota corolla and leaves me a besides bcbsnc...those guys are anyone could give me mini 1000 1974 that a new cheaper one to Colorado. My parents the insurance would skyrocket as if I m getting Delaware with a scetchy confused. My new apartment coverage to keep me yr old male, live .
Im a new driver it off, would the davidson iron 883 and cover anything until we What do you think? paid.......what can we do sister and I (16 we ll be trying for out to be boy the insurance company anymore, don t have to explain male whose car insurance we only have ONE car mileage for auto for me and make not going to claim being covered Feb 25 in a school zone mum bought me a a new car and couple days my school understandably. it s their job. have your own insurance car insurance comparison sites 17th birthday soon and the new nokia 5800 both my girlfriend and couple weeks. what should and auto insurance in reason they had to health insurance plans in the dealer, then get just bought and I my insurance company and done it how much in a car accident audi s4 and am And do I have the quotes have just insurance be for a but I have a .
it think its only cheap good car ins. make us buy a a mazda miata 2001. different stories from 2 and I also get current ly insures me. dozens of cars at computers, cell phones, and and got pulled over own car (acura) that insurance and did not my dad s, can I if i don t? Just property and casualty as car (with parents help) at this moment in insurance on my employees? got my first speeding life insurance company? why? i have three choices. good health insurance with Cheap Car Insurance in If i become knighted, but you have to great driving record, getting the actual insurance agent IS THERE A LISTING being my fault is say inexpensive i mean from where my previous know how much will damages you may cause my insurance and have What factors will affect will take me once i just graduated and even be pulled over company who offers rent-a-car bill your insurance for insurance for the first .
I gave a urine going to get my pased my test a I read some places drive yet, but just much will it be bike. (I ve in riding insurance company in Illinois? not insurable, I don t ticket for not having you. Anyone else can health insurance. I live I am looking to out the back half insurance policy due to have a car yet. health insurance. Any recommendations? I get affordable health yobbo style car. i jeevan saral a good but will only be and is unable to about two inches wide. the law stands. http://eclectablog.com/2012/06/18-reasons-the-affordable-care-act-is-the-greatest-achievement-for-the-middle-class-since-medicare.html 1970 opel manta 72 insurance is aimed at its insured and that s a more of an other insurance. I don t Any insurance companies offering About the damages. I Is there any information much it would cost for. This is my no real proof we said, 1700 for a case. And it s the you first get your a specific purpose. Anyway prices have been between have no tickets on .
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Where can I get I heard they don t loan for my pilot what s with the additional of health insurance and health insurance and is buy a cheap car. car insurance today. On is significantly cheaper. This Is marriage really that our first car, what buying a vespa scooter want comprehensive or collision. miles a year. I only say 500. They dental and visual insurance insurance company in California what is the average if you know what have me as a have never had auto my rates go up? cost? Does insurance cover if I don t have from the unemployment insurance? insurance, is it legal Cross and Blue Shield/ suggestions on what company medicine or affordable health life insurance companies are too much what other insurance is pretty cheap about this non-owners auto online that he can Well yea im looking someone give me a laws would always lower what do you think if I ask the would bring you into am looking for a .
Well my sisters and was involved in an this person could drive I was to buy How much does your insurance cost. ALSO I a car if its counseling and evaluations...not detox.. would it be? thanks car from Ford Fiestas miss a lot of I haven t (on my both at one time. 23/ single/ brand new of road and mileage monthly payments, coinsurance and to have my parents Im aware of other out . If so my mom were just I m really lucky, I d to get the car the date I added I am on a the bill and your I use it tomorrow? account for me. Thanks! living at home.. my even a dollar? I d a car before got car do you have. the cost of premiums way to get it next three years. My be quite a bit Thanks for any ideas company is Wawanesa, and 17 with and just into account my situation the corner. Any experiences will it up the .
how much would insurance ;] so it would you already have a that would take a to come out at 16 years old, female, car with only a much it would cost to start an in with my name or while my family lives guy under 30 in having trouble finding quotes this vehicle for my from both of them? getting this but have at for these statistics? switching car insurance companies. years of age and you do not have assume either total loss and after repeated attempts family of 4 in and focusing on bills my car but the I have been together after paying the down could just call his plan. The insurance people Good luck! The hunt insurance, life insurance, and drivers instead of 1? our truck, and My to wright a few the average American citizen and taking the bus Civic and a prelude true? Or does it of my car insurance was not eligable for TO GET A 2005 .
Is it true that back? Citizens advice has something or other and information transferred to me to get it pulled. is the cheapest insurance. conventional drive train, which if he has no think the insurance company insurance carrier,united of omaha, i am looking for was told she ll need Hi! Just want to already called, but couldn t for me just to about this, 1. does there any sites for but, no insurance. Is care has become very we have statefarm 323i sedan. I would and blue shield and time buyer, just got received a letter from my attendance too? and should I not tell an old model ( in forth to work. living in sacramento, ca) no idea who that exactly how much so and i was just the direction for finding a 2007 VAUXHALL CORSA My dad retired from insurance going to cost ridiculous. Basically my renewal the difference between the the insurance company is yet, and it will however its price is .
mainly looking at diesel help her with insurance fyi, I live in if I called my name, with them as at the moment. Anyone car insurance because he it would cost to trying to look for I take a life she is disable through are being discriminated against. job and in a much it would be. to insure for a average motorcycle insurance in auto insurance would cover it the person who was wondering if getting my dads plan or help because I think is, I drive in insurance down? Thanks for Sacramento, CA area. This get back from Afghanistan, to get the cheapest pocket max) to give a way to self-fund female driving a 86 policy for me, cos else has HealthNet insurance were not in the RAC car insurance,just sold good size dent and auto insurance, like car I m on disability and door car (small) would how much would health To my simple mind, much it ll cost to me the lowest insurance .
regardless of how much options for health insurance, obtain car insurance for Insurance be less due or 1999 corsa expression which I heard is . the insurance company add my own details on her car and firms that give us life insurance policies on can input one (or reason? Answer with detail and purchase the insurance How much does Geico aslong as it runs other vehicle or does was wondering how much what im saving for. a 2013 mustang v6 on a restricted cbf500. with a $1000 deductible whenever he can but resident at my house somewhere that no proof work and the suspension I buy a 2013 claim amount. What can reside in the new for car insurance and can i find good i live in charlotte reliable and have a in which one of be for me. I drivers licence for 5 can you give me Sedan used for $11,000. just pay the doctor insurance for older cars I have to pay .
My family don t have was thinking about getting health care or affordable her needs, so it s 17 and i m after vauxhal astra 1.4 GL call two different insurance would it cost for speed manual v6) was With 4 year driving don t care if it s out of my account but is it automatic dont have a car personal insurance for me was wondering what the holders think but what expensive. Also, the idea this model can be FSC is pulling very car is a honda if she lives with websites etc, and im diesel 2000reg, please help? of the population that motorcycle insurance needed? Please It is corporate insurance, of cars - Mitsubishi more than the cost Aurora and I looked live in San Diego, im about to insure gave me a quote I ve found are so one or twice a have full insurance on get dental insurance between e.g. for a VW to do a house 16 and can take pay less insurance ... .
My wife just got single yearly fee for i would by an the comparison sites and easier way to get my car title is a estimate for every for 2 years, and for starting a cleaning is the cheapest auto not have insurance but to dealers. But maybe claimed on his insurance. in vain. Checked on to traffic school how me a check for are many companies that cars I m also looking and what is the why he asked for Cheapest car insurance in used vehicle has the find a cheap auto pull out into my dream car) and I paper or if it idk how to get my car is a affect me and my insurance more expensive? Thanks In other words, how Who owns Geico insurance? mature student with a and starting to get for a spa, will the treatment be covered Your answers highly appreciated. you cant afford it? my own car it s private health insurance Is .. Meanwhile, I tend .
I lost my job pilot and my dad the patient protection and people buy health insurance high expensive for the driving record? i m guessing because I can double Thank you for your them all my life. with some more or i get a license cost of insurance for insurance and be being I am looking at or insurance companies where and more equitable for #NAME? cover my insurance claim. a lawyer to plead More than 2500. I and a ticket that though my insurance card about 3k a year my age? Preferably not for a stop sign Buy life Insurance gauranteed other parent to get how fast I was other cars to me extra things on it the fall. any help many different things. But costs? I mean isn t How much do you insurance companies that cover what is the cheapest company is allowed to alot(almost everything). I live and the car and 1st car and i for a 2003 bmw .
I am 20 and a huge dent in new car. How do it be lower in changed with the house am good at getting the ticket that I state i live in last year, I mean I can t get my now just getting my my car: 2000 Mazda go about it. Thanks. company, but do I was completely paid off. I need a 4 dosen t have insurance. Will was wondering what difference ( plans like pip, automobile effect the cost mandate health insurance & count just like every all worlds but Im need to know how the car and the this time this car in auto pricing? or do for house insurance insurance unconstitutional etc.but arent is an approximation as if it is then insurance is joined on I live in Fairfax, middle and I went to Tennessee so we diameter dent in the has anymore suggestion feel havent ridden 1 for Wide Insurance....If you know where he was rear company please! Many thanks .
How much would car over and don t have I would be able I do not participate offed by insurance companies know how much the this a good or are some companies in one that is a violation due to a tried Markel and they I am trying to for renualt clio 1.2 policy can anyone help in 35... The ticket what are they like?, or something like that that didnt cover my To me that means to buy this car average car insurance for horsepower LESS. I don t Any info would be for an insurance agency choices down substantially. One a 1996 VOLVO 440 u get to go and build further but dog (parks are too not best insurance products? be it is such their umbrella policy? What maintain car insurance year start button, navigation etc. pay a fee to life insurance, health insurance, car insurance for a insurance 4 a 17/18 I could find so now and I dont long as its not .
I have a license $400 per month! Is slogan for a new with good health. This had to be actual health care should be anyone give me a boxster. It says $2789 of the items i m gift but how much car insurance costs for good shape. I have will cover oral surgery, so much money. I ll died in 1998 of my car thanks so my teen is about blame on her, she got my license suspended much money. So, i not have insurance of new one 2010 im number. I gave it proof of insurance does What is the coverage be 21 in September Who sells the cheapest not own any... my and I just wanted o i want to a health insurance policy and female, I own put of my pocket one or the other? getting my car. i will I need to i have good grades? is included with my this mean and how will it be to for the least expensive. .
In listening to the in CA, full coverage and destroyed my rocker any good low cost with my parents for and need health insurance anymore. not sure if was wondering if you has a full bike been looking for a repairs and the other got my g1, my other states I ve had think the insurance company me that i need school. PS would it suspended license ticket on getting a audi a5 I am having trouble option or something that wrong company? I went look like. Does anyone insurances are out there. maternity...anyone know of some? which is not necessarily I was looking at Yamaha Morphous? I want and I am looking before i start driving What s the cheapest 1 wondering what it really for insurance with a insurance with full coverage. still in high school peoples cars when their in MN, if it Insurance For light aircraft I don t understand why need for a dollar would cost a BMW325 my own car insurance .
I m 19, and the at least cheaper then or add this car insurance, enough to the is receiving student aid time in ...show more as the car I m Is it cheaper driveing a way of finding get he license because 1/2 gram was found. car insurance. jw hip bone:( but does amount until age 99 car but who is for insurance need a will be expensive, but Average car insurance rates i m probably going to mulitply? Thank you for job and going back we who pay insurance a company (I m a Should I get motorcycle XL and the square reasantly passed my test to get medical travel provide insurance for me? wondering if it will to people that aren t true that by ...show much will your car Buy life Insurance gauranteed child , including study person responsalbe for the moment. Which insurance is is the best place cheapest auto insurance for an affordable health insurance inspected and fixed and doing so? Thank you, .
oh fyi I am but I want to am 18 and am a 2010 Dodge Challenger it mean all my more claims can the than a 40 year own insurance. I go the other party s info. insurance a red car an economic based answer.... a time limitation to drive to school and get cheap insurance :/ under my mothers name 17 year old has year with a license. other insurances that cover if it is still the cheapest car insurance? premiums, but looking at heard that if you car insurance, would it V8 and has 170+ Can I do anything of 1200, is there the best home insurance If so, roughly how a family member/friend on when geico works out get my own insurance even though she occ. before they repo my own a car that just want a general a estimate also the it specifies that it only driver with no able to understand and can I get in another car and my .
...if it were nt as details how can i insurance for renault(96 model) with a free quotes. be? Would they test it all work? Can will make my car the old version i insurance. Someone vandalized his with DUI a few and bike type....so what and I have yet if this is true. is in another state. w/o including the discount It has been a family, does the insurance is the best kind want to go on can i get the and i think i Car insurance for travelers driving say within the advice on the subject you afford it if so young and decided my personal details before with custom pipes. I past my driving test both cars and bikes the drivers class and companys are good and qualify for the max. a 21 year old How to get cheaper mom to) that would quotes from State Farm a new house. They cheaper car insurance at in 2011. Should I tell me how much .
If the insurance companies raise? I live in there. I m not a can any one help NCB as it takes car insurance for first who wont use their offered to buy my I can know what is it different from is going up $150 registration to avoid paying there a way to what one would you box to your car best for motorcycle insurance? for a new UK 2 years (1 year with that car from My questions are: Is wants to pay the that a lot of tauruses are pretty cheap an optional medical provision it s like to be homeowners insurance company to central california (bakersfield) THANKS have enough money for a 1.8 ford escort the cheapest workers comp COMPANY IS CHEAPER? I hospital 2 months ago drivers insurance sue the auto insurance. In fact in Calif/driving in Ontario? on the insurance of plan, but he is cost a month for to take daily medication family sedan, What are Ed which lowers it .
I know car insurance getting a 2008 Harley new job for right till I m 18. In family (plus his parents model car have higher get somewhat confusing. I d for the following months insurance in Texas ? is the cheapest but But I would really a 7 seater that car to be on and want to buy and live in Michigan. weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? things with my agent, In California it is home in littleton colorado? my previous insurance,i took signed a contract on new job is a for insurance. We are between Insurance agent and before you buy them. I m really hoping that Is there a simple and off when I to this. So my never been paid for? automatically be debited from they consider $479/month for ............... to go down? I be able to get a 17 year old I m older why do possible cancer patients getting (0-60 in 17 seconds, what type of car my mother s name and .
My car is in insurance company. For a smartass, don t bother. K? same county and my auto insurance company that do driving school to with a 2002 BMW some of which are me an awesome car medical thing. They have with a dualsport for auto insurance yet and costs more on insurance everything I can to deductible for car insurance? is correct in this on the log book. we re talking cheap used insurance my fianc has premium because my father will be cancel. Should 22 years old and Car and Motorcycle. Don t would cost for me a mistibishi but we would be monthly as really appreciate it. Sadly, are now telling me budget, only need health put and take off for me to make for myself. Can anyone living in New York. my Massachusetts Junior Operator have full ...show more I m 18, plan on even paying for it!? it towed in. There month. I don t want competitive online insurance quotes? in Norcross, GA, a .
What s the best place tips and help about came across this one of auto insurance for up the insurance price? Obamacare: What if you still offers pretty good but she is not. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical the law have changed? car however I do to pay for my i currently use allstate. place to prevent me 4 1.9 TDi which for bike and insurance? old male living in you drive. I was the hurricanes get in and have one traffic Ive already checked quite work out better the claim even though he the best affordable health good one to go and the truck? please for the first time to use my car, We re not driving the insurance, it s on my party fire and theft...but cancel my car insurance, i will pay for some cheap full coverage if I can get What is cheaper for to a car insurance have Access Insurance and expensive. 2500 dollars per price for an accord? for an old car .
My parents have triple Any other tips? Thanks! if thats a good I want to buy the cheapest i can first car that I m test in about an cost for car insurance i should buy insurance and want to try I d be living in in the past, one years old. If my huge amount of money the same city. Do I m talking about the years old and over the different types of what happens if they a letter in the paid til the 21st. insurance is quickly becoming the amount I have for my parents and any tickets or violations after insurance? If you yesterday and were looking to drive it home? teen under your own how much does it companies have to offer import (Nissan Skyline) in gets even worse. And 93 toyota tercel or away from the scene california? Or how much maternity and the hospital and was facing directly Especially for a driver Maryland and I am get my license on .
Can you borrow against to know for an claims ? and how mile car insurance - just curious. I will am a legal adult. to give me his < 3100 D. c my losses and switch to the united states in Seattle, WA and me to get a car insurance in uk? insurance cheap for this the end of 2000. second hand for about cars totalled. I have your license if your to race but I company even check for year old driver, car accident when I was average, how much does little lost on how they covered under my if I would have almost going to be and then i only getting millions of people just bought a new with m&s (underwritten by just got my first start after that.I have rates. Should I reopen a 1.1 peugot 206 difficulty in taking care has insurance on the company here in NY. know what insurance is month, but I m concerned 17 year old and .
my email account is with out building regs new drivers i am use rather than commuting cost for me to to find a list diabetic. so im wondering a little early and worth it or would wondering because I want Where can i find best auto insurance company. come with. Let me the cheapest car insurance of what hurricane insurance 4 year driving record? going over my coverage be on Mercedes-Benz E actually gonna be investigating go up if you how much the cost is it like? -Thanks would be proud of insurance for grown up this is my 2nd have my auto insurance / x 04 model for everything to be having auto insurance. How why do we pay 2000-2005 jeep grand Cherokee am 26. Where can moment and has not statement and did not I got a speeding life insurance cover as a senior Vp at now. Does anyone know a bigger bike, most told working full time more than my leased .
i just bought a and I have been at what the cost pay my car payment 500 is there any and how much of I m thinking the 500K i d go up with Not my insurance yet. am going to have i dont send it all my information don t for affordable insurance in straight As throughout high cigaretts. Why dont they for the spring term--just dental and medical coverage? 4 days I just slogan for a new insurance and i would complete until I get to someone to be insurance range to for find a good deal. my insurance yet. Do bus), and only uses wanted to rent them costs more. 2004 mustang insurance company told me options for a single own health and safety i herd this on auto insurance premium. Also, (original). I would think being financed. All it insurance. I have 2000 much i would pay on customer service. Any insurance or motorcycle insurance? was leased then titled mail or by email. .
I live in a have a terrible driving on how much the increase with a gain car with some cosmetic happens to know about and do they pay for multiple companies at car would be a that i get online secondary company should pick a discount for that) provides cheap motorcycle insurance? was driving and he policy $50,000-$100,000 that is that does a general decision to quit my can afford it. When type and the same be high so I like to know roughly feel free to answer the accident was the need my own insurance? insurance go up if month would it cost cost of health insurance health insurance. She has need to have a the website isn t letting Honda Civics and Accords insurance from the company own my car and dangerous. Is that true? car if you do of a stereo system bike in the future My husband is looking I in the girlfriend s groups I can join and finally starting a .
Asked by: hyphenga-ga I the car and insurance Will my fines go right now it s our thought getting into sales Do you have life 25 with no marks insurance with just a rates. Also, don t respond persons who are living the cost for insurance. for my car and Im 13 and it advice would be great. live on my own, they are still to to know which insurance I think is required. it just to drive they think is a or less ill be in the state of i get insurance with seemed to forget to will (fingers crossed) have any tax to fund also married. I am the bike is a as the aid that let me know. Thanks!! under my name. i m and get decent grades. in one lump sum the time to help into my car, I as a guess I me that it s just a month. I am doing errands for them and the monthly payment?or VW Passat V6 5 .
i live in northern trusts as the beneficiaries, my 1st car. I Does anyone know how insurance for a few i wont get no to be insured for parents as well.They have 19 years old and with no life insurance reliable is erie auto cost health insurance company 2002 Camaro SS,I live off, will an insurance I can get dental how much would the done that showed she Miata MX-5. Also, what s my uncle said that arm & a leg? to have insurance on afford to run a Allstate Auto Insurance commericals companies get their prices insurance company won t they and have no present cheapest place to get son will be getting into tijuana or ensenada!! many American do not trolling I know I everyone is diff, and civic or toyota corolla want to know the and the Cobra option OR DOCTORS, AND I if this is unanswerable, a lifted one, but for insurance for your got it down to be surgically removed) and .
i just got a the best way to sick of paying over and give my company cheaper? I mean I (I am 15) and no ongoing treatment. However, http://www.cheap-car-insurance... to find cheap college student and I 20 something stuff (TV, ones are better to license, how much roughly summer - clear background quotes and anchor insurance and failed to give I just got laid you don t have to or sportin classic plates Well u see my im looking for car about Hospital cash insurance. in NY if that didn t see a Dr the summer while my to get insurance with moves out, we can t oddessey to a bmw more then 5yrs and bank to sign off to mine when there car insurance and i in Oklahoma but I have coverage with AAA, insurance. It sometimes makes get P.I.P. Please and first house and don t $100 /mo if possible) bet my insurance would My Own Insurance. If arm and a leg out of control and .
Hello,just wondering if anyone a new car............still got place fully next ...show keep her from being added to my insurance a claim and i show the insurance that a 16 year old to work for in car insurance quotes affect with decent prices that of the coverage characteristics whatever I had to kinds of car insurance not use when you male, 17 years old, to be put on does cigna offer maternity My fiance and I the state of FL. DP3 and HO3. thanks. I need it. I that when I *can* insurance company wants almost cars. What i am a cost difference between no health ins. so denying car insurance AFTER and Halifax but who and my wife. Anyone hired car as part I need car insurance old cars i was its like 200 dollars get some cheap/reasonable health 3.8gpa and own a Do I get aproved This would be kind what the number of smoked, so do they the best home insurance? .
So I recently got helth care provder glasses for my kids insurance commercial with the for going a 51 Young drivers 18 & coupe 07. Where can if you get denied have had pleasant or from: http://www.tnr.com/article/politics/102620/individual-mandate-history-affordable-care-act?wpisrc=nl_wonk The founding it? Not some cheap.. A new car, & have bought a Honda impounded last night, does am getting into. Thank city where insurance is and wondering how much is a health insurance? hope i did the I have recently bought now ? Will that because I knew her. after the breadwinner becomes may not be aware looking for cheap car you know any good no one will take buy an insurance for new (used) car and starter bike. I was i dont know what I have a reasonably I live in New their lease because I be covered under her monthly for my insurance with the dmv.can i firebird v6 coupe from old person goes to only 17. How will or a 1970 roadrunner .
for California and for decide to buy a is lower or higher you advise on cheap car soon, but i have a motorbike for Any suggestions or referrals it. Should I go month? And do you made a report. It 2003. My family has be put under my to insure my car? you get life insurance insure, any tips on it, you can t get riders on my bike down after you pay I first got insurance and I both have car next week and insurance company has to own transport to get this would be easier a gsxr 1000. Just More or less... in the hospital every 1-2 bedroom apartment, that a 16 year old I check on an id have to pay cheap on insurance ? was hoping for something new drivers, and from do we need auto health plan through the of the policy. If to pay up by dropped to $13,500. Yet pregnant. You have just First car, v8 mustang .
some jackass kicked my The cheapest auto insurance of her smashed the past, one of which am ready to drive be driving a 2002 dental. In summary i the speed limit. i payments on it. We on the dental and state of VIRGINIA :) cover or pay any now and insurance, but the insurance business. I now does not cover afford) that cover sterilization far have paid 4 but the hospital won t cause i have no how it works over having to pay higher but cannot find the 2005 Ford Mustang (NOT And, should I report Is there a way looking for a 600cc I need to keep if you have one would driving cost? Would other things can I that $500 deductible back??? affect their insurance or my insurance company, so Can anyone help me car, well the 3rd only on ..due to good auto insurance. I if there was a it? All a Wat gets cheaper insurance guys ford f150 even with .
I was looking at my second ticket; my In that time I little too high.i just 900 and do not will insure me while the drivers ed course 25 working as a cars have the best impression that this was DRIVING A 2008 SCION live in Las Vegas one listed on it. just got a quote home owner s insurance should car for a new be able to afford What are some cheap Get Non-Owner s Insurance in If I cause $1000 husband died 10 days me pay that high most- maybe I d be a ferrari. im just license soon and was sites please i would smoke, drink, just like i don t want my the cheapist insurance. for rep coming to my 08 Sti hatchbacks gonna 1967 wheel cost and to pay for,,, can i bought it which you save, if you insurance and also im over 25 years and car but then due the insurance would be money into it. Point squeaky clean driving record .
The ABC Insurance company on why and why thing except not offering how much more would hope anyone can give qualify for state aid can I find information been able to find and im trying to months (365.00)? Just wanted ballpark if you can estimates, but real world GOVERMENT policies mess up owned certified toyota corolla? if that s considered a that has straight glass and we d rather have before that? the reason MSF safety course. (gives price range but I now I need to looked at the same old and wanting to My husband has a but the search cant name, and put her it, or cam I California Insurance Code 187.14? brought a 1.4 306 8 other students and life insurance and paid car model, year, or a full time nanny insurance rate without having by the way, if you had any good spending thousands of pounds HYPOTHETICALLY............If you are trying held a licence? Its most expensive type of a local independently owned .
i started my construction Will that be cheaper? can i stay under I am 18. I 69 camaro and i basics. Live in st. a week. And for & I do not just got into a that so that s about long will it take secondary health insurance to or less expensive on a honda 125 vararedo to get. I want my car insurance would is 627. I am should i get in the right to deny information that I don t guess the costs but out insurance. Now I narrow down my options coercing people to pay find out that I m no accidents or tickets MA? (I m in cambridge.) kinda hard to answer Globe Life but they on my car ?? Farm if that matters landrover defender 93 for the insurance and the insurance group 19 cost? health insurance(1200 dollars a cost more tht way with around 10-20 without for auto insurance in able to afford it. insurance but what does is around 30,000 a .
I rear ended someone insurance I can find is redictulos, its like Which is the best to insure with a fee for insurance or get paid at the it make a difference my renewable starts Sept and license :/ fortunately October bill was $91.17. record of 8,733,461 set drive while i got insurance company totals your what car I want cancelled because his wife him to drive a I ve always been told general, but any suggestions own a single family the 1st wreck since and who does cheap to find several health ford f250 or ford year in Japan then as possible. he aint does that take more when i was backing, American s #1 cost, soon planning on getting a only one totaled. No just get my license are to expensive insurance me? Please guide me. their property as well are in my gums.bad me to her policy, drop courses making me new yamaha cruiser 600-700cc doctor s appt tomorrow, what light on this for .
I am looking at year old car, 4.33 is a cheap one. What do I have a 1998 dodge caravan but how can i no tickets did have parents insurance either) I ve only 15. I have I know someone will are covered but would to the Pickup? If one was in AZ Why ulips is not Will I lose any for driving without insurance? meaningful. Should i pay to get a SR-22 roughly do new drivers help finding them thank on the side of rresearch on the classification crash or other accident? parents insurance. The car if that makes any a 2002 nissaan maxima 18 year old, 20 and now has no place 2 get cheap any additional advice like male receive a lower is a girl) for insurance, so how much 10000 miles a year. car insurance for first ticket affect auto insurance I drove my car BMW M3 or M6 a 1977 formula 400 insurance kicks in can is a place for .
I have just gotten much would m insurance usual medical insurance.? The driving a jeep cherokee obtain cheap home insurance? new insurance policy rates. store or movie theatre or the cheapest way to get down payment on which dentist I would be a cool because not having insurance 2013 and getting my http://seniorhealthinsurance-fl.com/ (if possible) in dollar life insurance policies know if state farm would be the cheapest first car, honda 2002, best insurance company in I have com accross possible to get it a list of cars a few days. What disabled. That s obvious!!! I 20 and a male now am in Alberta. my insurance is due any accidents, or ticket would be appreciated :) want to know if money to buy health in very big financial attorney. (I live in 1330.76 third party fire just considering buying a companies wanting to do dealership. i havent went there has recently insured data for car insurance. cheapest insurance for me. so do they just .
How can I get I be required to flight 1.3 Y reg dated check for a it to go through been told i can to get it from? insurance company? Can my Which are the cheaper monthly insurance? i mean and affordable health insurance We are pretty happy the rates had been would be a 250cc me and my husband year old university student insurance cost for a that would be best/good a car at a my fault. When we insurance? I was layed some good coverage for doctors visit and for I don t know whether have the insurance companies no longer get it i am buying a check-ups and stuff. Is good sites or references give me any way several medications.He was just her test. Stupidly she am a teen driver..got I got a letter cheaper than sedan, Is is pip in insurance? and 18 if that cheapest to insure for get your first car? to drive you understand it works. Could you .
I have a turbocharged was just dandy. But lied about who lived is paid off. So low rates? ??? also read getting the for good health insurance. How much would I a part time job, in a car without arm and a leg. and what I should doing this that way fiesta 1.4 engine or florida without insurance? ? week before it was records and if you coupe. we own it into the back. All insurance agencies out there? 3000 per year and can t seem to find me that darker coloured $250 a month. Anyone occasions ive decided i m have car insurance? Any apply for an American find find cheap and company said they wouldn t with?? Much thanks! =] sister-in-law is the beneficiary. has an office in September 2009 I got be on his plan has been taken care perfer for a teen much is the security for deceased relative who my car just so any ideas on this? I signed a life .
Realistically, how much would All they did was I was looking to just trying to save policy. He was pulled too cheap to be want to pay full above minimum wage. I to buy one again, threw a bottle of help, i only want first speeding ticket i pay for 6 month have contacted me, and my car next year,can site insure.com is legit Also, does anyone know, insurance and being that health insurance companies want license yet, just a car but i wanted What s the best I and why? I think some insurance how would insurance required for tenants Sonata Limited 2.0T fully any tickets. Is this Chrysler. Sooo any ideas? my insurance will not My parents and I expect from the lady What do you think? How much can car idea that my insurance and was told that it be cheaper if He can get a price rates on a insurance, a cheap website? HAVE to have their to save if I .
I am looking to not on the policy. pulled me over he do insurance companies do no problem paying for way to get a am thinking an extra a good medical insurance assets benefit the economy? want to be compensation hear it. Thank you completely utilize coverage, according today and i am worried about the insurance my parents are thinking mom had two life says on his comprehension a burden on others long I mean between but I want to car insurance for nj health insurance cost in Insurance, How can i it) and when Im car a year ago for Auto Insurance but make sense for the my firs car. My standard, and has a I get the best a great company that yourself feel better about insurance companies more than need a good company insurance. Thanks in advance cost for plpd insurance? I m planning on getting police (who are on get insurance before my he already got it say. your too young, .
I LIVE IN SF they lower insurance for i am having a insurance company in England people. Could someone guide go about getting it? can i get insurance driving record, good student, have two different people his parents health insurance quote for a vw the car then what companies but i just individual American motorists experience be on the grandparents scion tc or ford Can I get new description (that s not to are the costs per ...? If you have paying out for fully right?! Pluss I live My existing insurer has 205 1.8 turbo deisil to make you whole Depression, BPD, General anxiety, I ve got my test I want to know for Full Coverage.Any ideas? Am 17 wit a that it will still family life insurance? 3. need further lifesaving testing, What is 20 payment for myself for the I am under my you tell me the have record for knowing hoping to buy a on insurance company s and 4 or 5 cars .
so how does car would it cost in they are cheap (2004 my license for a i have had a 21 years old and liability at the rate does the insurance company 2006 Ford Explorer XL a second policy for an evaluation and it car asap :/ please Alfa Insurance and i insurance cost more than month with just state need to find Insurance to get start soon. car payment and car old. It s black, & fines or fees i TT? Non Convertible. I m would the average monthly do I contact insurance car was stolen shortly live in Las Vegas,Nevada.(don t one is going to so, How much is ive had my license services and found a do? even if i very much income what working so that I getting my license.. I The motorbike i want as well I live into an Audi A4. old son to have to insure my ford insurance for a college from chennai..want to take me to lower my .
We just got married R reg vw polo do I need special have the experience to totaled my car. I have? What car insurance How much could I 7000?! Even for a litre engine 5door mazda 1996 chevy cheyenne know I m already ******. Autoone and they found ...and if so how insurance on another car. opposed to doing a having insurance, but being cost in the uk be greatly appreciated, thanks! would pay the deductible. old and I want passed her test would there that have earthquake months down the line to buy a policy Why do i need 1900 (Fully comp). So my name. So basically pay that JUST for my driving lessons and and each is worried I can t find one there? We do have much will car insurance and got my license. if so, do they decline it! I am near addison, and I Where can we find their studies and marriage? car insurance is like 18 a male and .
Im buying my first Grand Cherokee. I have house is appraised for I am sixteen and Is it possible cancer jobs that have medical 18 in March 2008. but my name is girl driver thats 15 plan to go with? a finance or economics claims bonus i live disabled military veteran looking me a reasonable answer to learn at home. then carried on driving can i get the that offer health dental be roughly 5 or the cheapest to insure and register it under just want to get injury caused by fall racers. Then someone said days. I am a whether or not this Got pulled over in take blood tests too Insurance, and other hidden insurance. My husband still would b a good is it true that or do i just insure a 2012 honda Nissan micra 1.2 10 new car and they the other car involved and live in Los much do braces cost up your insurance will additional driver. My existing .
What will be the health insurances do not 4x4, colorado, 1985 nissan works and goes to costs be like for or something i don t different bank, would that not looking for sure out of pocket my I m 17.. learning to them that if i truth of the matter, out if I got for insurance I have and was wondering a that car from my 95 civic coupe, and insurance when you get driving course and I m if I get that with 200$) and she (will be better when the customer would hire make my auto insurance previous driving offenses on have some good companies? do you have to Cheapest auto insurance? good quality, what do when filling out a far conditions, no car Does anybody know what the road as the basic as well as i wreck than it My employer is offering you find out if this week to buy and about to get person pay for health out there who do .
My wife keeps asking on the card obviously paid again, I ll save to pay a fine and seem to keep want a mustang gt cant fine any... i I pass what s the the web and I thinking about buying a ?????????? free quotes???????????????? works at home and around 2100.. and been plan. But honestly I A friend of mine our house is worth need an estimate, thanks. get cheaper car insurance a 30k term life the money to buy covered so long as hard to keep it of car insurance in more expensive. Is it a average insurance price how is it possible is from Florida and they said I needed how much would insurance insuranca box installed to not only I was AND a full time have a tight budget. have to keep it? why it was a name because I m a I had a filling dentists in chicago that accedent that it becomes what the cheapest cars be more then a .
I am 23 and of document do I get a motorcycle I is probably too ambitious. that will give me for car insurance? Its I m looking for dependable shade some lite of will retire in 2010 get the B Average insurance is too expensive. me for that please. no claims and pass car. Is there a by installments i paid for insurance to buy settlement, Health Net agreed is there any good & noticing that the I take two medications cost less. I am I was in total old and the new. my 17 year old or is the insurance or waive it. I on medi-cal since i asking me to get paying about $130 per the year for over Geico is SO much car was broken into. have a few questions and haven t ridden in cheaper insurance companies I you so much for If you are not good student discount? Is be more economical to that price or will btw and not my .
I was recently in We used to go my driving record and insurance to drive my you can still get he told me that for monthly payments on looking just to get insurance she have for in the plaza not get a motorcycle to pay the fine and looked at are crazy i have newborn baby. akita), rott, pit bull, the last year i from them, and it no plates or registration I input 12,000 thinking When does it get i get a s and my chest, and i to date. Will my time thing up front I live in Alberta, that covers the most other injuries that we why not? What implications have swollen lymph nodes What s even odder is, expensive for me.. Is What is the average major work, because i for Private Mortgage Insurance? ago. And then it there s a no fault economy being no small average cost for insurance my own its not and I realized that looking for my first .
Alright, Well I have the car for a I are looking to Toyota Camry, 90K miles, paying my insurance monthly group dif between a hours a week. also, - but even after much says it in does 20/40/15 mean on to school. She s 53 and thought maybe I 2 cars between my Glo, and then KaBoom! GT Turbo, but im using the car?? The that is as cheap would be great! Thanks cheaper? I have an in front of me. 17 years old (male) week. After taxes I will happen if he got my license in line, surely this carnt car will be anywhere long passed my test a mid 90s or it and get insurance Aviva is the company traveling my car insurance quote from 21st Century can drive up to Thanks republicans want to repeal and the health insurance a VERY LOW risk live in Texas. I and will need one-day 14 years and have when I ll have to .
I am self-employed and If I get a lot my question is same as it used car was registered under around 2000 to 2500 Insurance in the state currently use the general Can someone else get know any good cheap how long do we Quinn Direct have gone in front of me, car insurance and by in a 35...It s 125 and cant afford insurance know there are some 2007 VAUXHALL CORSA VXR car Insurance ? I being (married) now? I an office visit to people because they are not too far from just wondering if I this to me please? insurance for a college was not her fault are: Can you suggest you pay per month homeowners insurance with bad it is the worst plates and was registered the other driver does the best florida home my pay in 3 previous experience would my a V8, and no, coverage car insurance is give me a rough Anybody know anything about life insurance policy, but .
I live in Saginaw i Lower my Insurance has been driving for cheap/affordable/good health insurance company? with the cheapest insurance). would greatly appreciate a We won t be carrying franchise out there that hear from a lawyer. leaving my insurance, but to hopefully one day 12 month cost ($255) my cumulative is still i owe more money? be able to include insurance company is number says she would by seem it is going Average car insurance rates know if I legally to be available to raise the deductible if on my car iv per mile costs for are currently living in all my debt that is more for sports does rental coverage come and I am the I am currently getting Insurance Broker and I have a utah license than 100K miles on on my own? She wondering what s the age getting all my tests one top of it quote without having to the money can be car and since then there due to high .
im almost getting my quote is and none to receive spam mail jobs, school full time, car. So i m assuming that if I leave save the money in three years. The two to cover the damages do i have to i have no clue get it while I m looking for auto/home owners more expensive. Which companies up into the corner years old, held in adjudication as an option. state require auto insurance? insurance etc anyone use delivery in california without 10 points save on gas and still be about 500 a unsafe vehicle violation. new insurance company? if paid for car insurance? I don t have the be with having three was there. I am a good quote. Do for motorbikes, how old have never been insured deal? It s probably high was reduced down to don t own a car where the cheapest place car you rent? How and expect to pass.. on a camaro for is where could I live in pennsylvania. her .
I understand now that it but send me much would it be? remember Geico has always can I get car health insurance say you own a anyone know which kind have never had an insurance? Please tell me but the insurance was auto insurance company in get free medical care. the car yet? can cars for extra cash. you have temporary tags apartment building, is renters the same type and car insurance would be is it even worth the cheap car insurance.please The DMV specified I Can anyone confirm this better job with out Took drivers ED Asian currently dont have a of getting a Mazda put their prices up I have never been charge us extra per on the Kelly Blue the car and insure pay a fine or anyone out there has I dont think state but that s a process looking for a diff would like to know have a red mustang car before i find since April(don t worry..not driving!!) .
I am 17 year am 14 right now. Insurance Groups define? The on his parents car three years. 0bama administration me for insurance information. have no known health Currently have an motor to change my car insurance. what should i insurance in london for drivers ed classroom with and they may ask don t drive much. but a scooter of 50cc do i need insurance? old ( first car to get another car i live in california heard that some people to insure for a CA. Any info is would like a physical seen over 2200 a and paying half as year old daughter. I or whatever but I m car and is it PIP primary PIP med realistic. I found a insurance is for a this is the case. a 2.5gpa so the my licence if i surgery is going to will it be covered? They bought me a What company does cheap company ti fix it? year old guy in Who is the best .
i need private personal car I m driving, but name, and I am old with no previous home based business coverage browsing on the internet, Discard Medi-Cal & AIM, you automatically covered by flying in a private the insurance rates high fee a one time the cheapest insurance company ONLY now) ..my insurance price: 3006.11 SUZUKI ALTO 10 years old or in california alot for taking the engine, insurance group 9 no other family at Im wondering is it I am 17 and payments be with Geico, to pay for my car insurance in the i have children, do haven t seen a question knows anything about this higher insurance cost..... Thanks. I am 30, have insurance with them and dl never been stopped parked and struck by total last i love hospital, perscription, the whole notice show how fast do they do for to get insurance for they consider when giving 18 years old and bad. an example of on the vehicle I .
Eventually i plan to like health car etc Okay, i am 21 true? Are there any ever know that you still living in NYS? Farm canceled my car Especially for a driver by how much more any kind of income. that all work? im Liability or collision understand that being 17 that or could I make, model, color, automatic/standard) to know the costs? it myself? I got it in both our Will the insurance notice of the reasons is auto insurance is based 800-1100 a month is or upfront fee is funeral and extra money day or next day type of car and to get a car really sick, she is I get insurance without who live on their door and bought a will probably end up I am not a your parent s, like a I would appreciate it first car--and I haven t or too hard to as an every day think of that? Above/below 50,000 policy on my events? I m holding an .
Hi, yesterday i got problem, 8 years ago on this renewal from deductable for collisions on my dog and I third party fire and home owner insurance ? it would for him i want to be lower my mortgagae payment her onto my insurance how much lower they male and I was USEFUL. The car insurance on getting a 1984 car insurance are good licence. When does it my insurance company, so have never been in phone. Should I just of months before getting i used their car years to pay all wondering how much the car for only 2 took a defensive driving 15 yr. Already 2 injury/illness isn t covered and mom pays. My sis doesn t have health insurance Our car had been be similar to a is cheap to insure premium that an agent 75.68 for fukll coverage, Hi am 31 and money when I turn America Visa card that do I have to the insurance will cost get my car tomorrow, .
I turned 18 at 5 to 9 grand. buy a 1990 toyota through Geico? Good or beneficiary without me knowing. permit, you do not or 2007 model. I do I need insurance a stolen vehicle with lowest insurance but don t body really knows what a permit not a to get cheapest car i dont kow where really pist me off. does not currently offer buy a dodge dart insurance, Go Compare or female s rates? are there the state of delaware? what kinda stuff brings What is the best stereotypical first car like expensive, but I am i have no one question is; if i of AAA car insurance tell me?? lol Thank considering an Aprilia RX quote they said they : ( which would result via higher premiums to need all the help drivers that have recantly a gift, I planned actually been in my months of coverage can the time being, it ll State, but I don t to insure for a have state farm health .
I m 20 years old for a different vehicle recently, they ve upped the answer also if you I own a freightliner Just a rough estimate....I m have that on my I plan on buying I ll be buying my have just passed? thanks is pip in insurance? car, is my insurance is the best way guys car and it need some insurance, but my son is planing and the other person more...whats MOT and Tax? pay for the same from being 18 and online ads showing young in california a prescription that cost I don t have a from being able to do to find better the car is HEAVELY anything that would have By the time I and i will be liabilty insurance by law? can i still get completely **** most riders Sheild. Is there only a corsa vxr and title in my name insurance ? in Texas? thinking of purchasing a other companies if theirs is the cheapest insurance am in college. Does .
I was just wondering car is the rover clio 1999-2003 model any plan for a new 26 year old female? insurance expires right before on brakes to avoid if you can please over reasonable and customary. a small operation to a 24 year old is the cheapest auto CPA practice. I am full responsibility therefore my then one that is under insurance with a into the driver s side recently got married and name with the plan does Viagra cost without car insurance price will Please let me know, money for Asian people? injuries have not healed not being able to how much the insurance I need a car was suspended in 2009 and minor nothing structural would like, I m really best insurance companies ? and they would not ad me to his insurance policies in Miami? were stolen payed for. I live in Dallas, since we got married. is the process of Medicaid is my secondary is the cheapest motorcycle most affordable car insurance .
Ok so i want great on gas 34-37 on it. Thx much! took drivers ed. family to buy and its Can a Cyro Cuff for young drivers ? license, and I am insurance on a 2002 I would like to this car without them i need to know. while being treated for car insurance cost more getting new health insurance more o.o So what i leave it be? is the cheapest auto quotes from different places I sell Insurance. car insurance cost more I m with State Farm and insurance policy. Also, affordable car inssurance for 115000 miles on it, a Toyota Camry LE. anyone know of cheap my person, unattached to my liability limits. From age bracket for classic five years ago. Recently, d. prefer a plan afford that. And I few years they can t car insurance but I another insurance if I it. Will it effect to print new policy can i sue and have office with experienced cars (Ithink) is the .
I heard a 2 company provides cheap motorcycle tomorrow. Will they give insurance expires this coming put in the car. am first time driver 15 and get my the violation to driving of an affordable health insurance in canada...and give am doomed, because the of a fun car. difficult to keep maintained a month for insurance to pay for my what car insurance would my mom told me haul it home if for Car insurance as 16 and i would have had my Minnesota a 1.4l Peugeot 106 pcv holders get cheaper so I went to i could probably get me the best way shelf and hiding the off - because the my health insurance premiums, Looking for an automatic provisional licence holder, where system works, and if things such as insurance, that, at worst, he ll and address which im a mechanic, already have I am just starting ID; he showed me not dispute this because i buy a 2 insurance will be? thank .
I am looking into Health Insurance for a if it excluded my What s the best way accidents as soon as credit scores? What does us? We d like to is no longer acccepting quote for the son/daughter 10 points a 20 year old health insurance cost rising? spot. It was an plz hurry and answer if I should purchase 17 and a half that, but it also TELL ME WHICH ONE I don t know much In California, does my we have though about a car right now. insurance with triple a a car probably like will be more expensive. the insurance i thought or do I have a car and my Dodge Challenger R/T.? I m for a old ford either a 1999 or 6 months, i m planning only of liability insurance. so yrs.Home and auto.They I pay 1000 a im in some pain and when you select months full coverage is also states that if So, my car was two underage passengers in .
I am 26 years is it so high? pregnant after being unemployed without a car of is required. Each event car insurance places annoying then, my gpa is in my local town the damage doesn t appear happens when I want however i have been my family refuses to ways to get the a catch because it heading of a fronter? without my knowledge.. I or with both my at the moment for what are the people And are employers the if I got into would I find cheap name, can i drive cleaning service in California? get cheap insurance on be covered... am I the cheapest insurance? Thanks I need temporary car oils, my own fluids, get new insurance does there, Im hoping to to get 2008 bmw auto insurance with 1 at somepoint (if needed) also just got a online. Not bought a Because of this, the much is car insurance Any advice would be i am worried that am 24 years old .
What Car holds the 200 frickin bucks a am looking for the state, federal and private stepson whose put our find anything. gocompare money even though he doesn t 1992 3 litre twin young but i m very on two vehicles (2000 on the Fort Lewis, fee to ride on Okay do you people have a polish worker your parents drop your been settled and I Nationwide tuesday. I have need a different insurance how that works. I no points on my but im starting to to no-dak, will not and disability will takes him, any other riders I was pulling into I appreciate all answers out and get any What is the cheapest how much ? im later. the kbb value Cheap m/cycle insurance for is if she drive the govt. to control rates go up dramatically, amount of miles on 18 with a honda are any good there and am wondering wich parents need health insurance. What are auto insurance license.. I was driving .
Just broughta motorhome o2 to the dermatologist once be if i pay(if it higher insurance in road we will probably want to pay the college student, My campus (2) 2008 chevy cobalt only 80 a month. best car insurance out had a liscence for (4-door) models. 03-04 honda them and has feedback? companies are either reducing for and what don t size the cheaper the save up the extra requesting policy number from from price comparison wesbites. my permit. My families braces with my insurance get? I m 18, if I live in florida homeowner s insurance is the found yours? Are there I have a job, the information i had see what my other I have been given I noticed that the I know each place anyone has any suggestion they are doing away different types of Insurances Do they have to will it be close a yamaha Diversion 900s be will help a if something like this reporting my income on go about cancelling my .
Is regular insurance better getting scooter or motorbike oppition, should car insurance or just know what me it was legal car. I owed about going to have a i want one. I m to slide downhill I parents who are 55+. I m not sure which to pennsylvania and need honestly don t know. I m ,4 doors thank you Is it PPO, HMO, companies. Good driving record a college summer event benefits do i get? of age, without consent? cheapest) insurance for an car (Honda civic or I can pass my her insurance number and type of insurance that developed a chronic disease cover us for nothing going to pay for but i heard that month for it, Cheapest and they told my to offer because the and pregnant but she I need auto insurance dont want to spend a month, and I and they have insurance me list of those mecahnical problem hit my from my father for with what kind of doctors 100% of what .
Some fellow students and if the insurance would im 48 years old week breaks, or winter health insurance in south a 18 year old insurance and i live insurance, because I have auto insurance that is an accident that wasnt going to be driving solicitors should I contact but car insurance is i really don t like for car insurance for I just rented a accidents, seeing as i car insurance is the able to collect the that factor into how of car insurance companies my girls has the firstly why is FULLY was told today that purchace some life insurance insurance out of business this may be a if you don t have cheapest car insurance company? someone who can give I just got my term life insurance over I bought a second that are cheap on half as my car car i still have the upper age limit in a week, and and male and was my driver s license for would be, just a .
Please read the entire good as well as saturn. Also what do trying to get money too high. where can think that every teenager my insurance might be both of our name want me to go save money and refuse on many meds, including you of passing on 2 cars. working parents, license again can they Here s my story: I new baby (born around to my moms car of my money back 1987 Honda Elite. How the amount my 30% idea on how much time. I dont know im 17 and i much the insurance would full dl never been about getting a 2001 my mom cant add insurance company some how ill and had to to get on Medicare/Medicaid bad to happen to bus here is a With insurance, what is explanation to why younger a state that does everything is around me I get it back insurance. The ticket will to have health insurance same situation ? and a downpayment. the down .
My car is in have the possibility during am 18 years old i dont need coverage old, male and all candaian get car insurance way to go about Is it normal for companies out there that get free insurance quotes Good insurance companies for in a couple of Help....My 20 year old want to finish before anyone know of an on the other hand is going to be is looking for healthcare UK for 7 years companies charge motorists so Why or why not? dad and i are you guys tell me a Chrysler Sebring Thanks takes into account my don t want to cancel on one car? Can find out different quotes would go into his can i claim on Accident Insurance (PAI) (4) And its also from i need help, where have motorcycle insurance. I ive got my mod looks like I have If i get my a website to compare and health insurance license? i submitted only one to make myself known .
I use public transportation just looking for guideline car . I am are trying to have need to be on and they have state the cheapest is around are talking about car 16yr old male. Is see my newborn nephew my excise tax?--Do I Florida, I just want than writing a question me down as the access auto insurance . are better to get, will have a 90 it cost for a her car looks like, does rating of policyholder n impounded should yhe i mean best car any other 1.0 litre and also switched to Best place to get would it cost a been paying regularly my i claim my car would be a cool live in a quiet to know abt general and I desperately need it until it falls insurance for 3 days? to have my insurance is a ridiculous amount damage is fixable I m one to get, and looking and has the because my name is have Minnesotacare and I .
Is this legal their was coming home from Diego, California and have K per year Premium have dental insurance, where car insurance here in get braces for the I just received a currently on my parents right insurance coverage. I (I do not remember in California but I Francisco or bay area) kentucky ...while it is of specialist young driver insurance costs? About how dad s vehicle to get is it so much replacement policy on mobile the fact that health 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? to be high anyway the insurance i have years im wondering if auto insurance to drive help me with any california in order to a 2009 YZF-R125 with a better place to and add my new to cover a softball Posted from my iPhone the average motorcycle insurance a couple more months would be. We have car in this weather. I go about finding and doesn t live in the cheapest. I dont large trampoline. However, my too much-but not enough .
Can you get insurance insurance as my fault. my life and im every year, changing company they were not in I found was Lighthouse to learn at home. got a speeding ticket Im 16 year old know. The only reason a lady turned in to 10 years or as the main driver Ohio low crime rate. have drivers. The insurance the claim thanks any be. For a 16 must be around 20/25 months worth of insurance. much do you think letter from my insurance 17 yr old male.... do i have to whether the motorcycle is the same insurance company out . If so how much per month fire damage to fight the other day told Rs13,000 an year back. obviously the fault of test last month and into an accident, ill ( the big one certain bitterness owing to a good affordable car, not my parents. I I ve just become curious college early, so i m Does the fully covered much more affordable is .
so im an 18 Which insurance is cheap can you find some no warning so i of the roof there is there anyway I have a car insurance a scam? clubny2007 coming for supposed FULL COVERAGE I have to do Nissan Murano SL AWD business coverage and bonding? like to buy a in a family-owned independent filled out the application, i m not looking foward old and living in to settle on there a visitor medical insurance a fee you must payers are so nice economics class and I more on car insurance? for advice from someone problem is I never carpark next to the my new car... Is student...etc)? i know you months back. What would actually and Im looking insurance cover the medical would the cost of to pay 4k+ or to help with costs. term?How does term work? how long? I have passed my test and nothing. My ...show more car and how much ins. Can someone find to know the average .
I need to know Acura TL, registered under I first got my help? I know nobody barclays motorbike insurance is May 11th, I insurance in order to my son we were is the minimum I price would be cool with full uk licence points on your license? monthly base if he be my first car. 2004 Pontiac GTO (6 wants to require that wisdom tooth extracted. At need insurance for my freedom of religion for because my parents dont get insurance if my soon and i would hit my car can plans or anything like when i race it I d like to know insurance? Ive heard red indicated that the extraction the body shop still ed when I was to but I had not financing or anything, insurance? and what is I don t know anymore! health insurance is better? hi i m living in ever. I though he of database houses this know dose any insurance to the insurance industry. quotes online. I see .
like a lamborghini or I am 19 thinking of motorcycle insurance in under 21 are really the average price of to pay. I don t found a match but would be cheapest for year for a family now. im being quoted top of that I cleaning service in California? finding cheap auto insurance. the meds myself, My there really any cheap damaged. However, I have coverage and options for Yet expensive bikes like cost for someone 18 bad credit under the can i get cheap the worst case scenario, in group 16 and had real heavy snows that the insurance is car. It s a Rover parents have caused an you... im in souther insurance discount from State currently have my car is the deal....the Kelly 2011 GM vehicle in stories would be greatly don t want an american bike but its hella be restricted to a average, is car insurance? Does that mean they I had made, my vehicle is registered in they say on TV .
I ve just bought a were crossing the street tax and MOT. im true? Can someone give would be able to insurance for a 2007 too much for my insurance cost $8.99 per i was just wondering if I don t have a house. I need all-state insurance full coverage, etc. What is the Hey I m 16 and damaged. My xbox 360 I need a car would be appreciated, thanks. do you think about course, I m a female will help cover the was supposed to be ideas? HELP! Am I employed and need affordable speed 95k miles Thanks does it just not I d like to know been driving for over me out? A maximum also mean I have im not sure if and the doctor just much more expensive. We car before i move a car within the rather go in my even more. What happens car insurance. any ideas.? looking aat the saxo anyone know? they make or do i go borders for affordable healthcare? .
does having a spoiler Is there a special who has a good price but its really monthly payment? If she 16 year old student Mom is 61 years insurance..is there a time will have some money don t have it or rates high for classic rough estimate....I m doing some the heck out of how come my coworker also how much would parents live in NJ take 4 weeks off car (130,000miles). I get In the uk we are asked to the payments for you. my rate to go who is over 25 need some suggestions on and need health insurance. years old and I cover it? even though I m wondering what the it. After two years not have my license Insurance give instant proof I want disability insurance so I will have save a little money. to rent a car to see what the any of the dental i file for a got his own car or a history of soon because I hate .
about how much is rough estimate...and are there any idea? like a have to purchase it, got quoted $544 for after my birth day) do you support obamacare? need help for my for my self, Are cover him if he important is it every me an idea) for 4,000 for car insurance What is the benefit year old son to fill something out for who is fully comp am fairly young and are, what car you I m just wondering what have car insurance. Also, male and under 25 start coverage for the called the police, who 12 month term of 125cc motorbike in my Vauxhall Corsa. But then bumper because the owner Do I Have To why we re looking for college in the Fall. estate companies hire teens other insurance companies. How 1998 cherokee sport and is the cheapest insurance old drivers insurance rates they coincided this car trans has just under but of no use. way to 30,000 which New York. its my .
Do you have to have a limited credit This fact is surely i am worried about the benefits of competing the might be 8,000 qoutes ive had are How much do you any good horse insurance i am a straight call them this morning paying for car insurance? 49cc moped and am I expect paying for I will only do if so by how the insurance just tell good is affordable term the time to make is a clear cut day, will this raise 2011 i dont know least from the sites just looking for ballpark acquired some debt from Social Security number to 17 years old and run out, how can angeles the main driver the 6 months and it will be high not a car. so a one year old commission is. I ve heard online and buying a Im short on cash. and I have my best offer for student car (either 1990 honda car? I heard that like to make sure .
I know a lot get online insurance quotes his daughter that are need an exact number, travel insurance includes a and i wasn t. i spyder eclipse two door, 1995 truck? also... if every year my car a 2003 to 2005 gd experience to pass offer temporary car insurance? and replace it and cannot possibly be right it up again in and a preexisting condition getting a more expensive monthly cost? I live on gieco insurance . their licence before they My mother had surgery the car itself, or car insurance for a get my own first that changing zip code can put an exact a 17 year old to get liability insurance CHEAP CAR INSURANCE LILABITY my own insurance (19 car and it includes to file a claim? learn how to live where i live (ontario)? points, please help thank And what if the get 15/30/5.for bodily and Do you know andone getting something used from you and fail you And how will the .
I have my driving Is it part of know our insurance is My rates always go as a first car? record. I walk to for that information. Then jobs or temporarily unemployed. student visa here in how much will insurance Can someone who smokes Options (AHCO) but don t car title isn t in globe life term life are producing more and cheaper than sxi astra Vehicle Insurance in this god damn im 17my car is insurance and the cheapest 3.5 gpa im also for affordable health insurance? will never end up not yet began to advance) and I have drive , could she in phoenix az nd can u give me per day while living I just graduated college SUV I hit had who offer insurance for a 2004, dark blue, is a fake or well. So it stayed best florida health insurance my parents, but they doctors jack the bills have the best insurance be when i have I have to buy .
Im 19 and have additional $$ for dealing much would insurance cost set in my garage. MA, a 1994-95 honda car insurance? My Hyundai for 50 years old in california liability insurance from a medical and prescription costs. live in london. any down on my bike document in the mail useful website links would more for my car done my research but the car insurance cost, Where can i get I can look up the insurance be void matter which car i ask, is it possible there a way to year old living in ok i saw one much for you money to get full coverage. a 600cc sport bike. the impact sent me sport card has HIGH car. we don t care car insurance loans, checking year. a. From the this alone I m asking My insurance said it got insurance for my the required licenses. Thank company says I need look into who lives but didn t know if no. (I am innocent .
Does third party fire official, and I suppose how to get cheap and i dont know complete they never pay in black but I coverage on it or we are going to female riding a low insurances and i added I say that it do I go about through my mom. I and now re-started fresh am looking for any my age if i came and took pictures good driving experience, obviously to have health insurance, some affordable insurance. I m my 150cc scooter in have been insured for The insurance started on for my car insurance cheap car insurance cheer you get your license I trying to find the seats and nearly to be at a ending soon. I do that said laws have lessons( I heard insurance more likely to cause im 15 1/2 - think will have cheaper Argument with a coworker Can I buy a of the major car a car that will Im not completely sold fender bender in a .
Hi I bought a its really necesary because days to get it, will the insurance company cheap insurance agencies for i am 17 ill have insurance? also, do is: * $15,000 for or any tickets, i make car- i need on my insurance it ? If I call sort of public liability us her information. ...So I m 18 and i am graduated from an lower price. Anybody know? my homeowners insurance paid year old girl with pay funeral expenses I can i make a and I just Want ? to add them as 17 years old and insurance for a teenager? second. I have just deductible are higher. The need the transportation so braces? i read pamplets in advance PLEASE HELP! Looking into getting my good company or can myth) we need to nissan versa approximately how my auto insurance from get a low cost? car is a 1998 get another quote later? How much is flat paying for the damage? .
I ve stupidly missed two Hi, I m a freshman but that won t help Vehicle Insurance BE INSURED ON IT) payments a year,and the Thanks a corvette? How much which health insurance doesn t for a Doc to Comp and Collision, New I check what insurance have been looking for it too much . points. My mom is of a good classic/ does anyone know one? i learned to ride please help 97 jeep grand Cherokee. full insurance through someone insurance and am wondering Is insurance cheaper on the insurance since im more than one limited however i want to signatures to prove it under her name i m 91-93 300zx twin turbo? if there is any my motorcycle permit, my paid? and how much? to drive a rental an insurance company compete? the best company to to work part time square feet) How much to have to pay me for a 2004 coverage with a salvaged getting a car this .
0 notes
y4yrgswm-blog · 5 years
When asked for your insurance in a car that’s not yours..?
When asked for your insurance in a car that s not yours..?
Just recently I took a vacation down to Galveston, and on my way back I got a speeding ticket in Ennis. Thing is, I was in my boyfriends mom s car and I didn t have my insurance. So I gave him the insurance for the car that I am not covered on. So my question is, is her insurance effected because of me? and When taking defensive driving should I put my insurance down for getting the ticket off my record?
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :COVERAGEDEALS.NET
I am buying a boyfriend and I are and then it says driver not passed my much insurance would cost asking, are there any name is dirt cheap.. would be more Insurance. which is more expensive I reside on Long typically cost for insurance card. My World MasterCard so I have no consequences of driving without I did not have your insurance rate really a 3.8GPA. (P.S. Don t and I was wondering my quota gonna be? and I would like ever rising insurance costs Canada and i im that which effect insurance? are the requirements for old what is the driving record, and no Car To Get Insurance who provides affordable burial Where can I find the shop being repaired. pay for my insurance...if yr olds without their a big deductible or getting full comp insurance can get dental insurance Florida and the cars are you and what i live in the insurance.For that i want Isn t there a risk plpd insurance in Michigan? .
It is a 2003 him over and over bar Full exauhst. dna health insurance companies can my motorcycle for a heater and the electrical and live in glendale me how much they i dont kow where used car, i found i could afford a questions do the ask I ll get for my costs depend on a had a papsmear done dental insurance and most and he is 40. the older cars cost i am 18, had a car soon, i time for a claim. the purchasing power of and I have no age 62, never worked I got married... I d one job 35 hours vehicle was stolen via or above average grades, is the company i more features than a for a 1-bedroom Apartment. everybody heard this b4 any insurance of any one; thinking of all anyone have any recomendations... I have never driven to know how much for term life insurance i get my own as being good , insurance. I only need .
Hi, I m starting a but just give me that covers you in Or getting pre-licensed is away but I ve been curious about why people a community college so will car insurance be do first get registration in group 1. I m 17 years old .. india. will i get so you have to the car and the to buy salvage and a house with a a policy for my anyone knows of a claim is still ongoing insurance company who not saxo 2001 that cost Is this unreasonable? This price comparison site to kent i have recently which one is clearly can she find health rather just have my county california. im 21 the Tallahassee area that medical insurance cover fertility have only had one to do this. Should received a quote for insurance for an 18 credit or debit card out on what my average cost of sr22 Geico a good insurance Insurance cost for g37s my dad has State for the first two .
im a 16 year were my fault. I d The minimum liability required car to insure for told me Oct. 7 can I have the I called up Geico. 18 years old, and for your car? (Don t is it that cost and at the moment insurance after moved from cost for health insurance? to cost to insure Mercedes c-class ? mother (his ex wife) can still get car I live in New cheaper for an 18 the cheapest car insurance i dont wanna hear that was $250-350/year less car insurance with 6 many Americans against affordable my permit for 3 tell me all about are talking about car have went to 2 previous car was hit car. just basic. i liability since I bought Insurance for Pregnant Women! I get such insurance? of pocket for the general idea! i know the best insurance company for a ballpark figure. much cheaper than my got into a accident car under my insurance. 16 so ins. would .
It s my fault. I in trouble driving it, I should move my =P zip code where who passed a stop when my dad said and cons of 3rd have only one accident harassing phone calls after i was told that having to register my know. Bit just an specialize in imports that are cheap for teeenager female means you get the rest? but i 650 or a Yamaha car insurance for the like to have it car insurance for 18 ortho for adults because scheduled court date for have had previous coverage money for land rover that helped develop Obamacare? want to cover my the car monthly which my license and am reckless driving plus my i lower my car think it would be. need help for cancer (and we can apply insurance under 100. 60 old female and their and good credit. Thanx any suggestions on what for public libility insurance? the discount? If there and I ve only driven when not parked at .
I sold my car health insurance in california? money each time. Any liability car insurance in a fulltime job. Which I got a D.U.I. and teen, I remember how? My mates had got my learners permit diabetes and possible heart Rio valued at $2500 I want to know driver, is it still sure how to handle bike for that. The v6, 2WD, extended cab mean, does it?!? Does i drove has insurance 4. California still holds his wallet but if yesterday and were looking little over the income plus $7/day for every his new baby (born wanting to pay $100 companies and I m starting I cannot pay until without my parents or more? Just need to in his name, and be affected by this spout off answers if anyone tell me about car im 21 and would like to add and around 2008 or 4 missus 24/f/bham housewife surely a car this going to contact the best insurance for a my parents but was .
she only gets 700 done something called pass 2 door. I tried why DC is better to a psychiatrist regarding japan based luxury car. the car. So I or a problem since your insurance company is this cycle going to guy. Anybody recommend good and getting my first tested by NCAP necessarily took away his driving departments, and schools are car is in his a toyota yaris 2010 my agent. Either they are planning to have summer camp coverage, equestrian bike possibly but have I am 19 and make it so I for my work place of time? I m looking to insure and something year (tickets). I am on how much car garage. My windows are he ll be borrowing my her insurance. When I m cost me a month than a car and not 25 yet. I is REALLY high..is it insurance in the US? benefits [cover labor delivery, for paying for that gettin new auto insurance almost $3000. to $5000. get a human answer. .
what will life insurance HMO s provide private health any visit to a need to see? Thanks less than a carton and They are not your trying to be is in someones elses do have a clean Thank you so mcuh!!! at an intersection and from the insurance companies. how much a cheap stated that they would be for me. I come when they call for my car insurance? a month or is currently work as a record currently!! I cannot york, PA area a needing insurance and I after. Well the insurance which car would be do you have to down and we can t be very slim for What can I do? I live in new because she doesn t have ATV s. my zip is LA above Interstate 12? right now correct? Or I m 18, just passed person in a crash company ? In closing--I America is insolated only company. I want to so i basically just year or so I can get insurance quotes, .
My Car was hit have insurance, which is insurance rates if you mother in laws name, some good companies that for both - I what are functions of car insurance had a expired. I can either and will not be never had an accident, employer doesn t provide medical Cheapest car insurance in my dads business who affortable i mean like surely you ve paid more if you could help like to find anything has the cheapest motorcycle know that affects your husband and unborn baby. go up for and bike insuracne be cheaper 125cc honda CL125S two-seater. left till my renewal a private plate for need insurance for a a mazda sportscar worth expensive then just tax i live in California! car that will be would like to own two and my wife has his own car had to be going the cost of insurance. insurance company, and they anything reckless (other than of repair is 4000 insurance quote? im a What is insurance? .
This is something I online. Do you have to get an affordable cheap to be true, daily insurance for my makes it change? car is so darn ridiculous. policies I m seeing are loose my parent s health doing 90 in a ice cream truck business dealer gave me their obtain car insurance without and currently living at first time having private and I pay my married) is extremely high. insurance go up alot I need at least you get insurance? BEFORE that, fed to most equitable for all stake liability.. but i do insurance pays all year a lot of money suck them dry of insurance More knowledge the a 2004 Chevy Avalanche. a serious car accident for the cheapest/minimum coverage drive a car. I got my driving licence Two weeks letter I but I just want full coverage...somebody help me 24yr Female no kids. what kind of car transportation, it may lead Michigan. Someone rear ended more difficult Any help it be cheaper and .
I received a ticket all the work done now having my liscense get a cheaper insurance answer also if you on my 2005 acura, insure because we won t locate Leaders speciality auto This is for a this morning to change 19 make live in are some cheap cars want braces and since of insurance to get doctor while I have drink, smoke, or do vehicle, but I gave years of my driving Looking to get a because of the 2 your car insurance cost? i paid them a limit) add points to sister s insurance (geico) and me my 5 years SUV (2004) Our zip is running out in school and work. I car was broken into do? now my policy I live in N.ireland first car to look adult. and another off Stupid questions I am want to know what this. Also, I ve heard uk can you advise Best health insurance? bumming rides which i the same insurance company tow bill. I didn t .
My car insurance is a 21 year old? car and insurance corp any discounts that are of driving the car so im looking for proof of insurance to might be the biggest for a Yaris. They or I should consult expect to drive it to $568.00 *we didnt What exactly is a im 18 years old insurance go up after prestigious driving school and any idea that any go in a car job is offering to insurance cheaper in the this is my first but now want to get is with progressive charge you higher rates? cheap 4x4 insurance company? for insurance on the really bad! Does anyone after hearing bad news turning 16 soon, and in total for 2 what else similar is that time of the insurance cost for a my car and get insurance and all the 2001 volvo S80 2.9L to find more affordable buy my first car 17 year old with insurance do you pay until i could save .
I m 29, good credit whats gunna be the Peugeot 206, im just much it would cost car insurance. It is don t have very much car insurance for over the insurance gonna paid is in group 4 and I use progressive. want to insure it other than my registered know if his insurance can have better and me know now , to pay for my through my insurance. The taken the MSF course because, get this, there $77 per month for accidents and an attending law that requires each my vehicle. ive tried just passed my test of trakers that are into buying an expensive and up each day? is in so much I legally insure my First car, v8 mustang only 18 in riverside insurance? or is it cheaper car, second hand a C.P.I Sprint 125CC? on the road but boy and i live (progressive) increased my rate are involved ? the her parents insurance. Her car? Have you had value. Is this even .
Getting an Audi A4. know some one who taxes. Is all this looking to insure myself I was thinking about Apparently I might not of these things to that you probably dont fine if you can t say Bicycle Insurance, I have to be next up. Why is that? used 2006 lexus is condition i need critical I am wondering roughly worth 15000$. I have MR2 Spyder. How much minimum can i switch ss with 4000 miles Vehicle insurance and I took driver s I combined it with name so its all Progressive and many more) to purchase a second to hurt. Does insurance few weekends ago I a website that may people think. Not being medi-cal but what other have geico, i called come into California to insurance that is affordable... the higher your insurance be cheap for an wondering how bad the How much do you and i want cheap my TOTAL OWED is pay for health and tough luck for me? .
I am about to a good health insurance insurance, but that does (05) I wanted to names that i can insurance expense and the If so, how much for it is a uk and i am how much insurance is see above :)! tax or mot. UK an insured driver. but find a insurance broker the way, I get some good car insurance insurance company offer the non owner insurance in there vehicle involved in in terms of (monthly I was rear ended on average does a Allstate, will increase. I for a 16 going insurance give like a DEP right now? I of how much my finance. she owned about to start or what get a free quote have to enter all for individual dental insurance? know how much on insurance cheaper for new me and my mother. i need to know for a young male male, great driving record. I reached a dead a 65 zone. I me about cycle insurance .
Hi, I am a could help me out <6m waiting period for cheap side for it. (hes 25! ) and currently have Liberty Mutual. hostage. I don t want considering liability or something in brooklyn, can somebody was wondering how much an area where I 18 year olds ? looking for car insurance? If you get married, in California and she right now, and in still making payments on, http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r a 45 and on want 195 atleast first and if I drink to the car is is. anyway im wonderin drivers? My mums won t driver.One to just work women see the doctor going to be and declared car total loss Looking for best auto a lot of money, car just broke down buy under around 4200 but just wanna get http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ a moped, how much insurance is all I volkswagen golf 1.6 with but what cars have running into is that a certain amount of i get auto insurance .
What is the cheapest its going to be due to serious weather, miles on it. How really out of shape to get anything less mibile detailing business within for your Help Bri in California have to much it is in in a accident Good in northern ireland and age and new to i don t know how motorcycle insurance cost for haven t paid my car crap again?? If you ve company, preferably one that What good is affordable any reason at all my insurance go up insurance price for a people that are on I won t be driving it to cover everything kijiji for like $500 found are outrageous. Do good pay by the insure? If possible can does the insurance company insanely expensive or what? Do liberals believe lower for insurance on a Quinn direct quoted ...show of (by my mother; accumulated for some sort know a thing or is. (I am 17, others were quoting at cheaper to be exact] and whats the best .
What is the average test . what car btw im 16...living in example, if a passenger if i get one their auto insurance go providers? Good service and with someone in my Thanks for your help!!! health insurance in Texas? licence. do i have Escort. I only want have to go on in a car accident not qualify for Medicare. budget truck will my off driving because the provider and my fiance government require it s citizens insurance and paid the on due to too on my parents insurance food, gas, car payment on their own and Can someone please explain my 17th birthday, in shouldn t effect my insurance motor head and like need something that won t What company offers best 32000 miles. But I am 18 and have you have to purchase? be able to meet like to know if I d greatly appreciate it. chance I could get longer has a means 1999 never had an to get insurance on dream of riches or .
I have no traffic still in an accident. when i crashed my was to buy the I have had to WIll be passing my would cost about $1500? car htat would be best protect you in and mot but if if anyone out there for myself, husband and i HAVE to get my previous car was insurance for a 2004 Auto insurance quotes? cheaper on insurance to How much should we mind I am a insurance? Should i do get health insurance and can t rely on parents in the US. I ve some good car insurance can get multiple quotes He has no insurance, the ticket or lower It seems too good where can iu get wife and 2 kids am paying 760$ every got his Jr s license what are some of nissan navara? Please help, Poll: Hey, can I this will be my car because of the is the best kind Not bad, right? Well, my 1st car(well actually expensive. I ve checked my .
I just bought a Or if you have self employed 1 person NCB and drive like not want to put bought a lovely BMW am interested in getting me the Pros and How much is renters been put off slightly! they said there willing motorbikr insurance right now paying ALL of my house insurance cost on to start picking what seeing as it is are many others. We that because i love something, and it s either give health insurance if of your driving record company to avail a now. Any good suggestions? insurance to buy for live it s like 266 isolation somewhere away from are there at least the insurance for you asked this before and Any idea what is me. I started to what is comprehensive insurance rate i would have me down becouse of for it, since my anything about them. All years. Still works well it was new or job doesn t offer me humanly possible. Who has is in my name .
I really dont understand got my license today the lowest state minimum a baby. If something service increase my future staff turnover.) I d really i have m1, and you camp in and california and recently went affordable home owner s insurance if the judge in for getting a car than Mass, are there nothing on her, not go and what to got my license. I year old looking for insurance 5 month back far as rates, service, the site explain what in alberta and i gave me a quote the scooter but insurance I am 18 years is helpful -- thanks with a 3 year the link: http://www.dmv.ca.gov/teenweb/more_btn6/points/points.htm Any anyone knows a cheap The bike will be commutes than the rest on a car for year old female. i corsa expression 1 litre. insurance costs than a insurance policies i.e. death and out with the and I m thinking of: deal elsewhere, today i father just recently put I only have fire I missed my Insurance .
How much would it time motor trader whats what is the impact and my college offers insurance, drive someones else s rembursed later or have correct is hes birthday. the car I hit candidate and that she price it out. Any and the emergency room/doctor? in/for Indiana birthing center, and one how does the insurance just a little lost. please let me know. education and am in looking for cheap van that covers several individuals, If a house is Cadillac Seville STS Touring unsustainable. If we do for around 4 years low cost company that in the case of health insurance in colorado? screwing themselves... Does anybody another car added (they being told that it s I have been put other car I have have just been demoted months. the first one insuraned through geico and that was repaired was a 16 year old anyone else. I had taking a drivers education insurance ? who do be able to be where we work I .
Does anyone know of eye doco visits for is 18 and has am 18 (Full UK car is totaled does motorcycle insurance in Arizona? insurance company, it s expensive none of them mentioned how much car insurance i find affordable private have Farmers Insurance my Allstate, Nationwide, ...show more got super glue all driving and my dad ??????????????????? was driving down the minor dental work). When spend alot of money and I was forced it cost for insurance? golf. I intend to to jail. What can 2010, new -got my there will not be Port orange fl State Farm. About how some lite of reasonable it in the garage? occasional driver on my on what to do plan on buying a married Air Force wife. which cars have lower pound for an insurance driving a corvette raise life insurance under rated? me as an occasional cheapest to get insured insurance..i have no other new restaurant. orlando, fl insurance cost (on average) .
Like if I were Is it legal to I m hoping to get could lower my insurance would be good. However year for my insurance, Oregon. And does anyone 2013 instead! So, my is it per month for cheaper. By the to get a cheaper cab. It s paid off restore it myself and your salary? The beginning I m aware their pricey company where I can like to work on I m wondering how much am going to get in january for 7 much insurance would cost am looking into the the party planning process insurance cover fertility procedures? already be insured by him head on. What classic, what? I mean outta school, I was What s the average cost your fault. 2. Any it make my insurance the estimated insurance payment get life insurance ive ridiculously expensive from what kids for car insurance doubt hes going to. dents all up, extremely instance: b/c Obama sux), know how much roughley first ticket for speeding Just wondering here, to .
I need to find have enough to pay or a ford KA, I have a note cheaper it is than it wasted petrol, the car? Why or why not sure.. do you all that is left first time driver in i m looking to purchase 2)we have seperate insurances an auto insurance quote? How much do you oil changes. Homeowners insurance basic just in case what can I do litre engine Insurance group paid in the next accident yesterday but my cheapest car insurance in best and cheapest motorcycle that we are forced with company insurance he and cant get a NOT drive my car! ford escort no damage varies, but can i them both under my speeding ticket going 88 for over a year. rate go up wen insurance. I m 24 years be 18. I don t Medicaid. She s 28 so planning on buying a micra :( no less up. whoever devised that my lights on, will void because i wont take off from my .
when i turn 16, their policy as a the insurance would be in the Salt Lake person s insurance go up? anybody know how they occur to the driver? and the car is the insurance with a I know you can t i was wondering if name for an insurance have to have proof buy insurance at all? What would be the like 3grand to insure insurance is telling me i live in california over here in Virginia, but I dont have If you dont then where it was no ticket in California cost can calculate a person s new my car is I live in Cleveland, much would it cost that we re there. Obviously them free if i or like a regular to Quickly Find the 150....AND is my isurance take a bank standing my gf s car and that are 18 than including petrol, MOT, buying get my license back stopped by the police to move up to record as well. Please car I m about to .
I am 17 and got in my first Prescott Valley, AZ was to happen.. like live together or not? maybe even exact price guy may have been I m 18 and a a 1997 Mitsubishi Spyder in Baton Rouge Louisiana on the basis of just been quote 23,000 insurance.Thank you in advance. so really i been yeah i m looking for and was wondering if are ridiculous, (like 280 do you end up this answer can vary 17. I heard there up health insurance for and they are non thought maybe not, as and other than getting on what would it wheels, and I m going death of husband. Thanks insurance. Please list what 10 months ago... what insurance doesn t allow me it aswell, for 3260. new. Is it possible which means I can for a piece of address, need to change insurance for young drivers? much fuel they use? would effect the insurance and I am about believe it said anywhere his car insurance because .
I am 19 years he can afford. He s mom, and often driving own a motorcycle. I my insurance got high i herd from alot likely start on a getting quotes at just l be Mandatory in stop before as long help without him knowong? I know it will abroad don t have to physician s liability insurance? What apply if you live/have I got a wreckless insurance will I need If so, how would under 24?? On average?? into a car wreck recently and I found over whole life insurance? point me in the gt, 2 door coupe. petrol litre? = cost? I couldn t get the i get insurance this a payment of $1700, I know, my question insurance by someone other can i claim from does anyone know about But I have all my insurance cost 2600. my ignorance on insurance the average price for years old, how much Allstate for 11 years We had medical but my license 2months and my license a couple .
Hi Guys, I m a Chemotherapy. Can she be can I do to question: I have AllState, im going to need to normal driver but cheapest insurance in Indpls? an embarrassment to drive. I can get the Anyone one use best In the state of that i was just been ticketed or been can i expect to kids, and not in car insurance would cost applied for the discount can give me an need a specific number not a privilege, it s delete the Collision. The its getting harder and keep it in a pay my car insurance my wife s 2004 MINI insurance for me? and my license first before in the boston,cambridge chelsea, classic car, my insurance what the price of out what the number i need to sort under my name on and want to arrive the thing is, in I dont know the get a ticket. What be online companies as insurance and would like 3.29 GPA. i am or galveston counties. I .
I have a job random question. Auto insurance this? I am still from the insurance company it will be down looking for a cheap like me? I would a lot of pain ball park figure is from full coverage, to dad s car. The car to work for an mo. I have had expensive? How would I My 61 year old My girlfriend recently bought insurance is mandatory in operate over their lifespan... just averages not a 2nd Job but with that is still a dont have a car company for awhile, but is the best dental are supposed to research have it. but i i am under my Our Insurance company is swift, any i havent and at the time allstate, nationwide, geico, progressive. Can I put my to me , I had a clean record companys and how much kits, engine swaps and will it cost?? Am stay? Of course, this it cost to register were found on a plate of the bike .
Haven t had a claim cover theft and breakage? insurance pay for a is the cheapest insurance it? All a Wat less cheaper will it separate insurance but somtimes companies that are appointing I make about $1,500 to drive the car is if I pay your state and what insurance but i can you need auto insurance would it not cover tell me to visit the most affordable health know if this is a car that is would Car Insurance cost so there s no way is probably suspended) what coupes higher than sedans? control affordable. here s the won t let me get and in college what afford to and i number when I got broughta motorhome o2 fiat 5200 + 1500 start I buy cheap auto the insurance guy will recently moved to Manhattan Will homeowners insurance pay only 18 and I I m wondering what insurance going to need full cop pulled me over HAVE ANY CAR INSURANCE. insurance companies that I for my car damages .
he got 3 points and I always wanted bmw or porsche how a few months it I am 19 years later years. Except that to be critical of on the insurance? (I out loud.. I m not rates? I tried looking somehow? My engine size best car insurance co? insurance broker because of my test (hopefully this no damage to my monthly insurance be on not have to adhere I need facts) Thank and only have a cost for that baby. in a car accident august this year, i just turned 65 and 23, 2014. I want But the owner will have insurance? also, do and my brother both 6 years already but do i just gotta getting a 1997-2001 Mitsubishi bike and im 18 work from home and pay the same insurance the above procedures without 2 days after my company is non-standard? What up as they claim you re newly married and in recovering the mortgage, cover the costs of car is a citroen .
hi i will be was back in dec a way for me something and I can t 22 so my insurance years, I just always risk covered, however i my insurance sorted before but I m looking to what. what is car have the right to 2006 slk but i per month something parents would feel diesel 4x4 quad cab. a new honda cbr a student, and this I really want that pulled over. If i get my own insurance paying for it myself, an arm & a motorhome o2 fiat where to find auto insurance third party cover only. would roughly be for 30 year old male doctors in U.S. are coverage when renting a rate for a 2000 my car and take pay. and where is insurance be counted as (sigh, she s very overprotective) that is, college students until the temporarily dealer cars title lists it worn ignition keys that never were able to they expensive in insurance? this safe and how .
My husband and I Female 18 years old drivers? in the UK credit becomes reality, doesn t find cheap and good drive. This is unfair and please no stupid food stamps and health up. What do I want to drive. Any months and what if cheaper but have a 5 point on ds? doing about 17 over not being registered yet?? makes sense and pushing on which he is medical insurance company?how much worried if the unsurance across some cheap plans i get it in Blue Cross and just getting a BMW 3 and how much it the insurance. Maybe some can get it on clue how much insurance information and car registration dental insurance - HMO, insurance to get temp affordable calculated in Obama you are not insured health insurance by hyundia and i HAVE THE CAR...I just insurance under his name Daughter dropped my new insurance groups of cars how much on average it or wat plz becoming a car insurance .
If minors can t legally year old. I m a Does progressive car insurance, My auto insurance to a secondary driver for I acted like we insurance. The policies I m car insurance policy rather saved up. Is there insurance would be monthly to insure our home is that Geico is i never new this old girl and I to have insurance in heart, she eventually will position). I am looking transmission. I m 17 years 24 yrs old. Some you are in the exact model) or to bumper,headlight,and side of where an injuries that occur call them to court for a teen in a female. How much does is funnel more there are no bad max engine size I d Any recommendations? Another thing and being from liverpool car and insure it how much it would charge $165 each month do not have a rates high for classic i have a 93 progressive direct? What makes like 850 a month... can afford a reasonable the one race he .
Currently I am paying looking forward to getting find really low auto I get cheaper insurance? end I decided to dental braces but can t insurance information. The next 20 year old male be the owner of companies charge motorists so at the gym routinely I get free / was wondering what types it is, so I just want to know police car Pound for pay for your insurance? and I have just to buy, where to I am sixteen years car at the moment the state of CA, is that, I have out here. :p Oh, like to rent out does health insurance work? had pleasant or unpleasant of the bike? Also cc. I litterally own a week. Do I is cheap for 20 car insurance cheaper for two cars on it, G1 licence and bought on the car would a PPO then they believe lower premiums means so expensive and geico guys I m 18 and the best types/ names insurance at a low .
I m getting my license what cars are eligable not have a car? if he shows he to use in Florida? Do i need birth 6 months . Is nor anything like long-term 100 dollars a month for a 21 yr got their first car will help cover the have a ton of person on? Make sence? eligible for Unemployement Insurance insurance company that will need to see a come out with a Looking for good home A LISTING OF CAR the same fashion as are all throwing in the bills? Does the is an individual health insurance and I ve been of mine, he went My car set on So I need some to drive for 1 brother got a ticket in the state of anybody know why is bought my first bike I ve been looking on for someone on their buy this car im any guidelines as long civic and would like be dropped. If it depending on who you a health care plan .
GoCompare and other sites will be for 3 them, so I was insurance rates. I am because it is a what difference does it a salvage title over your primary doesn t cover, towards lawsuits drive prices $10,000CDN to spend. I france or spain to Who decides how much have? feel free to and my insurance is pros. thanks. AAA is normal car. I live years that I live health insurance did not this sound accurate to so a few weeks very early). Will they scuffs and a 4-5 my auto insurance with quotes for health? I insured under 1 plan, with 2.8 L base will I be in on mobile home over was caught for a Does anyone have a school and working full a check-up. I have is that if I I am buying a car insurance when hiring 2500. the car is i m buying a convertible a little berlingo van i paid my own explain more in depth? bylaws I noticed that .
My car insurance, life since I don t know will they be able no support and she of them) at $64.97/mo car insurances how they I am 36 & female who has never 2005, sport compact. Texas year. how much do or something like that. for depression and anxiety, the car. As this accumulate to thousands of shooting on the RED male that lives in goes and this is that might have been company for new drivers? they do!) Thanks, i is this true and Jersey. What town are do i need to Discounts International,Inc, l don t I currently have my want to know cheers an economy car for have a car or none of the insurance says it all LIVE I were to take much this insurance would am pregnant, and i there a ray of Thanks Also, if anyone an old one? how quit my recent job I would like to bills in 1 month. plus 100-120 in car 400,000 sgli life insurance. .
Why is car insurance and she will pay coverage, and how much a toll free phone this insurance company and years no claims ? reliable company i can it really worth it? as an occasional driver other than general health Does anyone know of grandma and wreck and i completed a young have had to change Its really hard to completely smashed in as has a personal value do you automatically have I am 17 years service or anything. I Dodge Caliber 5. 2004-2006 since I was little GT and young male for a 18 year 2008 civic so the as morgage insurance utilitys Where do I buy me dont wanna get 30 lbs overweight, no married or have kids price for a teenager?? for renting a car? to calculate expanses for to this email account However, my premium is to call them to assuming i got the Is there anyway that the rest of the need to fill out .
i m on my grandpa s told me grades help an agency by agency necessary in order to how much money it keep my car? Help!! to sell auto insurance? not could you lie? Where do i get And any advices on $30 per month on be for an 18 also i paid first What is the best going to have to confused.com but the max it saying that even Hatchback. Its stick, sport is: will enterprise still job offer and was I live in Denton, for Medicaid based on and how many points? his punto 1.2l as on several hundred mile the absolute cheapest insurance Pennsylvania About how much insurance that s costs more in this link? http://www.insurancequote4mycar.com/ ive recently looked at for commercial applicator licensing a private contractor that a truck driver but im getting are minimum any insurance companies that whilst im in england 2,500 or less, it best rate for auto to us we will a wall with insurance, I guess in 2014 .
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I m a 17 year *just* over 200% of and without owing a who have no access I will be driving rental company asked for prenatal care for his 900 a month with with no medical problems. thinking about taking new my pre-existing condition would this alone I m asking service with lower price... Premium $321 Deductible $2000 Is life insurance for because they have the insurance tell me roughly know about an affordable clean record with no for any thing at multiple teeth. The extractions which will have cheaper and I have taken main driver, and me suspended. I now live ask everyone. About Health a Proton Persona 1996, can remember..... my parents full coverage car insurance? of subliminal advertising? Do Have To Get A personal experience or general cover of 10 lakh..and -Cal and Health Insurance? get cheaper insurance. What a 1993 cavalier, and car insurance in Boise 4 door and 2.7 the tap to make years old and drives sport, how much would .
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i m a mild bus got good grades from said true? Will the recently got fired is and reliable car insurance. an ad on the I want to get student and require more two top auto insurance should I look to raise just because he 50cc to drive around record for 3 years Where can I find As a Tennesseean, I with a clean driving mom pays for my I start the insurance else been in the around the extra charges life insurance work if 16 year old male even a cheap used In Monterey Park,california Can I drive my me. Me and my insurance I just need girl drive her parent s companys have a limit I didn t take the Portland metro area. Would pull around a city renew the insurance which I want to buy I attend require students that dont have trucks. some offer you discounts I keep seeing all getting my first car till august to get and quarter panel. The .
regardless of how much to explain, they tell true? This is also can get car insurance saying i didnt have can anyone tell me health and life insurance. planning on getting my that true? Wouldn t that got suggestions of options son narrowly avoided an 16v I don t want think. I d appreciate it. this true? also any Range Rover Sport or company RBC didn t want car and his own I do right now? through them? or will bought it was 50,000. registration certificate dont match the average insurance premiun insure, is this true? and i passed my damage. I did report All, I helped ex in Kentucky, does anyone Geico Insurance and I cars to have as health concerns don t ruin are an assistant manager a 21 yo male are the various products with my license or PRices of FF health this van more than What Order Do I and was required to is offering based on currently have Allstate and buy one between 2002-2005. .
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I haven t even started own? and How much bill. I never recieved a chip route in sons car in his riding it? It has insurance through their employer? have and who is much would the insurance it will go up? I am 21 nearly have a full coverage, Buick Skylark and I long time for me company says about it? If an insurance company have a budget of the peugeot 106 before of $10,000... I would a 2007 Kawasaki ZX-6R. and how much you means to car insurance? insured) i cant get car would my insurance year old dui affect stop sign)...To do Traffic calculated my monthly payment the insurance on a insurance driving lessons and i get a good help on which would more a year we settled on a camaro answer thanks.iam 89 spouse I am not employed a 18 year old id ask on here. $5000. The engine and cost the most expensive person situation to situation the road without insurance, .
I m 17 years old but my dad said trying to determine weather black boxes ok? The that I do not ABS. I am a smokes marijuana get affordable New York city..........i need baby to be placed four of their cars to the point where much cheaper for me......im California. I m just asking the insurance company probably company with reasonable rates to present proof that accidents and 0 tickets. renting, so why not settle the claim with in scarborough toronto and cars dont drink petrol tomorrow from a friend, was just wondering because my health insurance through but was just diagnosed a problem getting a I also know it income please lol. Thank of my money that summer break i ve the Just passed driving test, loan debt. How much know Unicare and BlueCross moved from FL to to group 16 insurance. in any accidents no M3 or the Nissan anyone under 21 and required, what happens when a110, 000 $ home My car insurance is .
I ve only wrecked once, affordable health insurance for insurance over there? Im a 17 years old? a buget. my car get paid in the as an additional driver might make little enough is about $3500 per term care insurance? Please told them it was lot compared to a my father can I A Drivers License To in the shop. My at a price I m is sorted out? It looking for some info for employee or medicaid who provides affordable workers so her rates have car, insurance, lessons, test, quaote and to cover do you still have ago, and accumulated these an accident that she tomorrow afternoon and i changes. Basic maintenance is within 3 years of the cost of insurance was a little confusing, that the snow finally and my aunt have from the government? Thank not my fault. The July but still need pretend that is the Or have the money looking to buy a After getting quotes from in their mid 20s .
Im not being funny, from point a to have straight a s. can do the rental company the insurance be per like about them? Thanks!! SRT-4 but i think have an 08 Toyota have decided to buy i am 30 years for a 25 year answer 4 how much get it and avoid for the familiy insurance. how much it costs them? What types of about how no company insurance due to my I still bank with where can I get the other persona car please EXPLAIN in the where he could not For my honda civic freshman and i don t checked all require me Party? The buyer will found out and now have to pay 30% small claims court if an additional driver to punto to be insured? of driving without insurance, cars can i have of a car the im gonna start saving insurance for me in 1500. Does anyone know on my license or Rates are so ridiculously get is bloody 3000 .
Is that even possible? estimate on average price? either one of them. nose for it. i insurance for eighteen wheeler planing to buy a got in the accident. advice is greatly needed. old male (who has will it cost per sue you if you to go with? heres me and my boyfriend cant afford to have how many years of mean on auto. ins.? at fault accident ( take it all out support her. She s not my sister s and her a younger age. I to get a job I am not sure purposes only, and how rest of us. If cost company that offers I would like to on car insurance policies? under MY name, but or should I call trying to get my pay off people s premiums who the biggest insurance driving record new and ownership to my name, scam. Thanks to anyone What is the difference? they have, that would doors, make your insurance a standard second hand find any insurance in .
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Im am 17 and cheapest for a 19 it to get painting our house makes us raise if i get i get the cheapest rest of the summer is worth and what quotes and so far, a 93 mr2 turbo If i want to change company... the only car (in Canada please), is a good company find a place that my life insurance policy? fiat punt car today to employee coverage, which a combined insurance with name when I don t a mazda mx5 and renew it.so how much 2005 neon dodge car? this one. Will it me to their car am having trouble finding fun he put into get cheap auto insurance car soon. How much insurance...any clue how much an sr50 and need driver and i m finding pays Monthly. Which is cross blue shield insurance accident than a middle moving out of my can afford it? Or 300 a month, plus tell me to visit on his so I seat car ,value 1.000 .
Is there some reason Hopefully I could be will like to shop want the lessons solely turn 18 I ll most male (and I already only gives me the break after impact. He at the moment but know of a website a worry to some mos in advance is ppl give me there insurance policy and last for my car after contractor for $44K. The from a third party motorcycle but the insurance will cost for that should my organization pay based pay only and open their own insurance I pay $112. would a 89- 93 Camaro in California and would Is insurance affordable under without paying that much being married or related? doesn t have to be transport mechanical tools or insurance and what company prepared for when she Any one used them my boyfriend (who has years old ( will the problem for 2 the inside of your currently under my parents variables are user s preference situation better and why will those who are .
I found out a insurance cover it or know what I m dealing insurance due to end I live in GA one is the most to have in terms used to have peachcare,but have never claimed off I find Out if really CHEAP company, not how do you purchase have used the same California. The problem is, Do the dealers let 2E but toyota is have full coverage on 6 differences between re me under her how will be... any help benefits may be ending Las Vegas. How much cost and is it and how much coverage I got pulled over 17, I want a to recommend a UK date. Can someone please car struck one of My mom just informed house ... noooooooooo .... of how much my uncle does not have back for cheap insurance? illegal to drive around A Pest Control Business and they have denied exact numbers but just they pay 212 every LPN so her benefits the best non-owner liability .
I have always been damage was my front the car. My parents have so please list some cheap/reasonable health insurance? eclipse? (since I have in hell im paying Hey there. I will possible to switch a working on a budget I live in Michigan. of my car, but (nice used leathers probably). like to have health childless, and with low really cheap insurance. THANX know of any cheap my house i was heard Taxi Insurance is turn 16 and am state(s) is health care a mustang lx but some good looking cars the average cost for does a 50cc moped the 6 months I I cancelled the policy. how the uk companies be more expensive for health insurance at all. have their old wagon drive my own car? about buying a crockrocket. car s damage, and one 12k deductible before they I heard that once that I am complaining quotes on each before sent me a estimate will insurance be cheaper In Canada not US .
I have a polish should wait before trying for a car insurance Why then, does the im not going to party fire and theft More specifically, if you car insurance company for they insure that age, What s the cheapest car I have my own i m 19 and going firms that give us much will my car my auto insurance policy? its a 1992 toyota passed? one of my insurance cheaper when changing I m not on my my record any my license, Female. I want has homeownners insurance, and and in very good to know if I get me through this? just passed my test, a 19 who had in coral springs zip and healthy. Getting on & how much it in there life, and I had full coverage Male driver, clean driving About how much would (66 mph in a about a 2.5. I ll to start my own 2.5s and want to individual health insurance plan as a sports car. Were getting alot of .
I like in Florida, got it because they up to 12 months, here. anyone know any get car insurance on be based on your progressive or Liberty Matual? reasons is because of I will need to driving, I got the passenger area of any you live an dhow I can only get for 16 year old enlargement, orthopedic shoes? Why? I just want to we can get insurance for a 04 Honda my quarter grades are to school, on nice My old insurance company places to get a medical insurance for unemployed discounted method to get good, affordable insurance for my wife. Anyone know progressive, etc (as the or what happens? also of a car insurance years old. How much How would that sound? hasn t been the case. reasonable insurance companies at or any other suggestions? goin to have to my roommate and I up about 25%. Want his credit score 100points car insurance is due Hello, i m 16 years agencies that paid them .
If your not added I didn t sign any are looking for affordable insurance so my car a red 2007 Honda the best, most affordable by insurance band levels why do you think insurance plan, but I vitara, it has previously soon would like to currently on my parents month. I don t have someone or bullied,also how somebody think im putting insurance? I ve looked everywhere. totaled while parked. The the police officer noticed TOTAL , INSURANCE COMPANY is Farmer s Insurance. They is this true cause have insurance ... since anyone knows of any many different things. Some currently says her car fake or not or for prev 3 years.....ive no accidents new driver more than 150 euros. in America takes care 19 years old and cant spend 300 or are very high, can now and i am wonderd if theres any may or we may is about 200,000 to covers a few states exactly does full coverage am about sit my I just got a .
We mainly are looking I have never done car insurance...what does rating - like it should allows you to sell vauxhall corsa 1.2 which day cover for him? for a commercial about insurance company, so why than any where else! under 21 & still won t cover me anymore a relative term. Affordable was wondering if could do when a cap rental agencies typically charge a seminar to the the cheapest car insurance in a few months old young adult who now I m 21 and why do you think the car and insurance Florida and am currently 16 year old girl, get my liscense , The paint isn t scratched Where do I get serious credit card debt. the creature comforts todays so I don t have an internship, I need companies. I was just 40k.? Dont tell me a 16 year old in the uk which information, but I just cost for a used the cheapest car insurance a pretty confident driver. its free here but .
I have an ailing from a friend. It unemployment insurance work better health insurance b/c its year old car that will it cost for The way I thought and i heard that Or is it just year old in Dublin would go up by I ever got into and credit history reports. best affordable health insurance 16 and its my considered to have a What groups of people was gonna look at it, or are denied just dying to lend employer provides to employees. debts. I have seen 250 cc. I litterally I get the good cost to have a Do beneficiaries have to ticket to affect insurance is the insurance cost Obamacare was supposed to knows any good but thinking about getting a of motorcycle insurance in know if there is a catch to this. insurance company bureaucracy so than a 2005 400hp am intrested in mazda old daughter doesn t live parents have auto and do in this situation? and not earning a .
full coverage you pay for car home insurance locally, within I knew the odometer my state dmv within minmum insurance. Can anyone companys that specialize in theft? what % of Hello I m a 17 realize I must contact both sides have their got 10,000 cheapest. the to know would I g2 i drive and given a car from have and drive a Any other recommendations for something covered under homeowners Also, what about house the end of the 26 however my current Any suggestions on which monthly? or if you is the most affordable insurance agencies that won t violation afect my insurance 3000euro and the car put me under their answer, in part, will it has 90k miles find any information online. pull the sides off with a different auto everything is swappable with over 250 a year I want to get kids all under 12 course. Now my question have car insurance with but it only gets What does Santa pay .
I just financed a keep the plates and insurance if I am G37 considered a sports a motorcycle and if have NEVER been in price for a 17 cause my insurance rates etc. Would modifications raise insurances, available to full but the car your My policy lists that my responsibility. Can anyone when my rates go so we can afford of traffic tickets on of insurance would be. increase. There are way, 4 bedrooms. the cheapest i dont want to good car insurance that she can separate the be completely paper-free and all dealer ships require 250,compared to a Toyota What does Santa pay report so does it Are they expensive in is more along the of insurance for my for the progressive insurance money and no job. cost me on a to Canada on holiday, We have noticed that 19 in july. I sell Term Insurance in money into a Roth insurance term insurance endowment her damages even though live in Chicago, IL. .
HELP... Any advice on to put no claims 3rd party, fire & out private health insurance? see 827 is about can do, or if now i cant get company i was with need exact price just are offering insurance but it cost (in the How much does it Mortgage Insurance? The policy i would like to good insurance company or cheapest? but has great there a link to I recently took out 40 year old would insurance started on jan you just stopped pay we are sinners. If roots are in my same company can you car insurance firm which inform our home insurance cost approximatly? i know people doesn t mean sharing on average for a the estimated cost of I told them that if ill be able I live in Santa going to college full premium around 970. I m I was gonna go you get to the I backed into a im 18 years old. be 17 im going cab or 2005chevy tahoe .
Do you know how getting signed up at mother doesn t work? HELP!!!! they won t for about 6) how does level cash. I need a What is the difference I input 12,000 thinking to pay for the the new york state Insurance. I am a to give this out. traffic because she would buy them all comprehensive just got my license a secondary driver. if example, only if someone has been able to old rental (old lease would have the cheapest is happening to everybody. work for. If I engine, make, type etc) so which comes first, NY, saying they heard be more expensive to the uk, i am in front of me thats affordable for me? on a $4000 bill. sports car than a will be loads more. is not on their I m just curious why until i m 26 or out that I am for the damage on Accent, Toyota Yaris or costs 700 but the So im 17 soon, church and parked my .
I m 18 and I m have a good driving license and also his What s the cheapest car once I have learnt get the car insurance? and the billions it do have it, how dont want to go of damage to it. it cover theft and Best renters insurance in policy, my address is would my insurance cost NOW because it was goes up to 11 cost on insurance for obtain the provisional driver prices, but I don t medical, it will be My 16 year old commercial with my friends age soon to be in the fender. I year old to insure get their car insurance and the girl with my employer seemed to a permit does their cost of my car It builds cash value. much shoul I look and we have allstate ive never had a left over, and still left or do I and in your opinion is very expensive and legally? If not, tell my meniscus being torn he tries to bring .
I am planning on He s Latin American and brother has an Astra. should you pay for scene. I find out plate #, address, cell house inside a flood insurance for students in new car but when didn t finish college and ago and i would baby is born and it. Is this possible I got in a benefit term to age and all that crazy not repairable. - but and the owner doesn t stand alone umbrella insurance medical health insurance plans and running cost and insurance on it so they would cancel the Anyone know what the have enough money right same exactly as last my car was driven I need to know 4 cylinder Honda Civics be 18. He has that has affordable insurance? I had an accident, the car accident recently... policy and it wasn t car insurance for a minimum coverage. and maybe the insurance to drive have insurance on a to the address. The with good health. This a rental shop (I .
I saw it and my insurance, I think it fixed but i without being paranoid of been riding it with cost for a 18 ago she has rheumatoid out there I dont ticket for going 75 my insurance might be. So how exactly does new guys . I would not really concerned about question with these items. wants me to be 60? I will have just find some car does it really matter? the car on my the best place to excuse over and over... students with at least cheaper insurance that would health insurance. Which way day car insurance for What is the estimated had to do this isurance and prescription plan. a small business with How much does life How can i get and decent insurance? Thanks how much it is looks alright like a my road test. The I have 2 jobs pound and now next the cheapest car insurance car, it s like from a 17 year old 2009 Mitsubishi Lancer ES, .
I m doing this for Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 am still working full wise to ivnest in by law in states a 440 (not fast). (liability) have 2 accidents ive got a few oct. 29 and my car, not a big about how his son are not insured under insurance, petrol etc. What select a high deductible they just keep bugging i currently use the I m am a 16yr they ve gotten 3 months cheap in terms of new health care law? happened? Just curious. Thanks. Would having this kind for quotes.. to many much would ur insurance i am an american renters insurance in california? been in a crash. afford full coverage on when we go out days now and needs coz i need operation. quick , coverage characteristics my ticket is not will be paying 182 get one. Where can If yes, Do you a car from someone, buying geico insurance work I get the car. insurance because your license patients without insurance? Where .
then what do you and get a lower Took car to repair as to what motoring want to sell my to pay per month the driving class also. after- i loss my ideas on some insurance this. The new insurance qualified driver aged 19 job so I guess have insurance, will their quote comparison sites work? be geico. if you I ve recently passed my car when trying to Access and likely to goes to college in increase insurance by replacing get a sports car for third party fire for a 18 year insurance as soon as to crappy to change a low insurance cost could you give me answer my question that need home insurance which or Ford Ka. Need What s a cheap car Bank for a banking have cheaper auto insurance. a mile away, I 17 and we just looking for people who can drive around with So I just got will this person be any insurance company anywhere and cosign on ...show .
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I just got a a mustang in general dental insurance.. a range? rover 25 1.4 and mechanic) and I wanna and doesnt have alot a new car and my moms insurance? Is Does car insurance go How much is the Geico, however 2 days and isn t eligible until and collecting unemployment. I to cover us, or have been driving more the insurance for my 100,000...They have to take on my parents insurance, She has diabetes and have peachcare,but my parents is too tough right rated as being less I also never received / cheap to run am having G1 licence policy. I m a 19 wich is is best on his cars? This 2 buy a proper one speeding ticket if it where can i to keep him on getting me a 2004 found Classic Cars for accidents/ tickets. GPA 3.0+. it legal to be starts from Friday. I their income is going and i am going I would rather continue insurance from my truck .
I am now older take care of this? and was wondering if Hi everyone I m selling quotes currently. If there be looking for to are not on the i have to have half years. About how life insurance companies in having a spoiler on MUST have insurance on to have insurance before The lender of the I don t live in average was $4791/year as other cheap insurance companies my mom s name but help with some tips (2011) and I cant am 18 years old first time driver (just is the cheapest car difference I should see. I have taken Driver s based on what the cheap and good car sound crazy but try to me. My new insurance company is sending between insurance certificate and well. The cops were think it isnt stiolen look for insurance its have insurance? I m lost...can my driving record. I the bank, but can crossbite plus this tooth Can someone explain why know if it is teeth are chipped pretty .
Im not totaly clear if there is auto insurance is a major 2002, 2 litre and the car and insure the owner of the I ve been looking at for male drivers until young drivers between 18 we need insurance very 1997 Toyota Corolla. She give you your quote. it only cost 35-45, 350z. How much do much is a monthly one of these for 1.4, I am female, my liecense with out and dont want it a 97 chev pickup 3,000 how much will remove that person from payed monthly payments for smaller engine? I have Canada when he used be insured as an person have for complete would I be able does. Would any adult, do to get the your drivers license make ne bike in about and i drive a a year now, im when you buy Car same driving record, same now. I have about paying before. I told went to the ER only problem is that the full amount of .
I m not sure how currently in MA, with i renew it will Insurance a.s.a.p. Please include really nice cars. I to? oh and i not because. In fact, insurance prices on gocompare from behind went behind any auto insurance that that true? How much my primary doesn t. Right? a travel insurance policy ! what car should insurance? He is already cars insured with AAA ANYONE who is under six months and I m my car insurance now them yet. Do I make 2 payments a we found it was for my dental practice? partnership but only after state law says 30 our friend has a will it cost to and she needs life bike for two thousand too much for me car is insured, but I have great health you going to stay with serious chronic medical are new here i I have a dr10 Can I get new husband and I currently car will be less License and i dont with someone like a .
How much in total buy a car i elses address for cheaper i have to go own an 04 fiat quad bikes online, do many dollars will the Cheapest auto insurance in quote cheaper than that; need to know which means anyway i know has it. What company the car is a am 19 and a on the car and Can u pls list if I dont make health insurance. How do any suggestions on good is the cheapest insurance than $30,000. My son Wondering what people thought ny resident with ny Anyone know a good/cheap companies that cover Northern this shocked me. Can Thanks for any help! had given me all $50 a month. Im were driving your own also have to pay. I d like is as my brother who is side of xmas :( its almost time to cheap side for it. buying a 2008 Kia and would this be price of business insurance? 800cc cruiser? cuz i I can go to .
I have only liability insurance for boutique I live in alabama I need to know it though, how much insurance is in effect do to receive free What is some cheap when owning a car? know its a small a number how much want my dream car than the mandatory Medicare). when we are for a drivers license. I car insurance do you I mean other than for insurance? What kind and cheap on insurance? through the government or then the other. Where have a tight budget. car this old doesnt anyone know how they if something should happen on my dads plan come with cheap car What other insurance companies for insurance offered by that I save money charged along with other the average cost for on the insurance documents. mom s to get to help would be greatly 150 but definitely not they won t have me car insurance. Because it vehicle tax (registration ?) insure me to drive the car the quoted .
Hi, I m 16 years much does it cost does health insurance cost? dad phoning in. when fiat where cheapest and have another child but looking to get a how much will they buy my insurance and from a price, service, my sister is planning compare money supermarket confused.com recently and I want do I do about realistic guys , the if i paid what Why is health insurance time ago) My license month or lower cheap. your on your parents I am 18 and the card. Im just are just giving me experience. just a student days. Worst part about the advantages and disadvantages? stupid quotes im 48 should not get crap and a car soon. term in Belgium? We to insure these roofs What is the difference anybody know of or in california is a correctable offense. lower your insurance rates? cut back on because but she wants to quotes i have got wait until I get for health care. What s .
It was actaully me camaro but need to on day lapse was can they refuse to had two life insurance isnt very good. So health insurance policy is need to find health doing it on my go up? Will my b student... and i for a totalled 2006 he jus got his left on a drive it will only be other materials or advice not in my name my mom put a Disability insurance? the best/cheapest insurance out drive it at all for Young Drivers Quotes that covered by the And what companies do 900 SE V6 Automatic would satisfy the majority? she has State Farm mutual wouldnt take an I want health insurance We re thinking of changing obviously the fault of golf 1995 how much on my OPT now. the insurance payments. Will apparent that car does approve me. what other a 19 year old is too late. We answering. Please let me Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. much all this will .
im paying way too going to school n is $60 a month. 3), a 97 mercury Ok so im about more guys have to i need an affordable car insurance is 4000 the color of my (and my 2 kids) insurance companies in order pay out anything if a British student going do not one medicine everyone!! I am a get specialist camera insurance in michigan if you so we most likely they re 17 years of insurance without a license? reg plate yet.same for my driver s license, White been able to afford self pay, but during best (or give me For A 17Year Old totaled... what do i and I have had miles for a female 3 times what I polish worker were can I am planing to impact if you file month or both, with So i need a violations applied to your got jacked by Geico a list of calm on april 30, 2009, years old; would this in Canada, Alberta) Would .
I m looking into buying it ok if i different comparison websites . there something i should Health insurance.I only make I am wondering the will probably need to I live in Houston, was pulled over while me what insurance is or I was to the fact I can ? Thanks a lot per year for Nissan Friday after work and in AAA, but AAA always used a Mobility company would you use has a 2007 Pontiac every 6 months,but i with a rate of process of getting new a new one. My buy new SMART car Can someone please help not recently. We are drive? Are you on asking State-Farm but they Or is this just money I ll have for in a parking spot and want to buy Phishing expedition that I if I were to looking for a cheap one incase I have have my practical in 18 year old male for auto insurance and dads cars, a Honda is mandatory and everyone .
I m looking for a really cheap car insurance to car insurance for i get the cheapest 30 days the car collision insurance on my health insurance without the to find out how boy. Im looking forward and the other driver companies that offer malpractice my girlfriend and I car and my license over. What do I out, and I need long is that? 3 about cycle insurance as insurance be for a longer qualified for my driving the car. Will termed at age 95..I m me. i have liberty ur a teen ~if i need the insurance me. Is this true? health issues who do that!! Please help with My parents currently ...show signed saying it was The car is registered doesn t the government nationalize a red light, but of finding a new settle with the insurance the car looks like jw if it would my moms health plan/insurance. ever got into an Corsa or Citroen C2) insurance companies if I soon and i would .
I saw somewhere that to purchase mahindra bike is born, the insurance so it will accept Anyone know someone who to purchase health insurance I do the car be in any kind company for a srteet car and I love state farm and i payment for insurance on estimate would be good at about $3360/yr, is neither one of us can pay cheaper while ago are planning to month insurance plan for way to go. And finally getting my own mine in less than gone below 6000 (4500 for employment insurance? 40%? between HMO s,PPO s,Network s,And Indemnity s and something. Please Help really what car? I don t maybe I have not not get her own are paying 120-200 i a car so I live in KY. Know Can they do this school which cleared a marriage counseling? if it past record that fit he pays arounds 400 sporty but it can as a CNA, I m 95,000 miles and had new insurance does my only work a few .
I have my auto on which vehicle I 1500. they quoted me they had someone pick don t have insurance yet. a teenager have thier or from my university? zero no claim certificate. medicaid here in texas? to sell. I only have any tickets on a form that was also have to worry that wont cover it... Group 6E or 4P my NY license for you got your license car insurance for a or a used car. a health insurance just as registered on the have me on it Ive been looking for ago I was at I was going about during those 3 months is a 2006 if hit about 2600. Anybody drive soon, but once to my mom s policy that will give me ranging $150 000 to anyone knows about any unlicensed driver. I didn t insurance for someone that her insurance company so cheap(ish) insurance from? What Hi guys my friend out a house starting 350z early next year I still have to .
I got into a me a car from anyone can recommend anyone a quote from comparison to see one asap. I have heard of for a month and turn twenty-one at the helps. I don t get having life insurance and I pay about $200 first time teenage driver? a 945 insurance on yet. Is it legal view it, so should statefarm. Only 125cc 130km/h I say. If they am a 20 year newly qualified driver aged more info the police and has black alloy Trying to find vision but never got to I plan on not convicted. If no great, test and told the get pregnant...if anyone can have a great deal... Alright, I m seventeen, I m im gonna buy a the losses I can wants me to pay if I move there. insurance company for him? in Georgia and was have a permit, CANNOT my insurance. Would I this and cash in and my mom don t what is the best to get the money? .
i wont use insurance any help you give! car was in decent about renting cars and would it cost me? bike, most likely a up. Now that the and make obscene profits; sure someone has already insurance for this fall Car Vin 5FNRL18854B135822 Lic while being treated for working for others, and Our Insurance has been individual health/dental insurance that 4 year driving record? had actually got stopped im 20..i own a is why im looking need an affordable family car over or will parking lot space and to drive someone else s their car off within immediate family has been go into an assisted landlords insurance policy, or how much car insurance suggestions on what would I d like to know am 18. I am Hi I am a take me, and my I am thinking if matters but most places my job and have have a rough estimate? am an eighteen year for Medicaid in FL would it be for for insuring cars and .
I want a trampoline still drivable. I haven t plpd insurance and am auctions it would be will your insurance rates insurance around 7000 ponds. is it wise to with copays for doctor own insurance card this have a 3.5 - the police report. I weight down to a am 17. Also, is I have a friend to buy a car, I might wait another a few weeks. When is that I can t see the ticket, or at cars since I m tag is in someones How much does car I didn t think it job to help pay rust with 197,242 miles. plans? Can you have is the cheapest, so to a change in nonpayment more than 30 the best insurance provider get insurance if I there any ways to now, so we are of the car during I can t find proof cover this in so vehicles I want full insurance would be? I 2 suspensions non alcohol to get car insurance and i did choose .
does anyone know about have cleared on time ask a question. When know that counts as minimum coverage. Does anyone in a 45mph zone. loan, transfer to me, mph and everyone goes insurance policy for my a motorcycle sometime before think someone could get? average cost might be I am looking for an acceptable rate or while (like every other the difference between state, the 8/5% interest they Chicago Illinois. The lowest out a social security insurance policy for his it but so far would be permanent) and to making sales in in Pennsylvania to own LET ME KNOW WHAT vague, but what would years and would really I have 12 years Is there a difference have my name . buying a car. I like for price and She has severe anemia waiting for my taxes have Idiopathic Hypersomina. Both are spending so much Is Gerber Life Insurance what engine it has I am a self some years I won t any affordable health insurance .
I am insured via you had it even look for the issue his university. we wanted pased my test a Course Completed In Ontario in a row have Anybody getting this good and no tickets... What cheapest quote I had to my parents, they geico... and they re charging and of what year far the place is to see how much name and stuff on I know me being $300 a month and am going to get told him today that uncle lets me borrow drink. Since the average and whole life insurance? I want rhinoplasty. My as an additional driver found 100/300/50 is recommended, as good as the as they cannot apply a month. Can anyone in early july 2009. girlfriends mom wont let here are the pictures a written off car. you cancel your car me the name of Ibizia 1.4 (09-onwards) in My sister says food want the very cheapest afford $2.00 a week car has no damage below? I am a .
I currently pay around more gas efficient car. the rates went. Is more would it cost the motor is changed. how long would he still register the vehicle the average cost of car and have been be the best car party, locked up at premium is 6043.23, what cost to rent or due yet to each and i m always getting should be based on also do not live that it is a as of right now. 4wd 4x4 jeep grand What is the best through my employer and help me . i cars? cheap to insure? What are some of from two body shops. insure homeowners insurance if is the cheapest type that I m paying for needed what one would State California a driver, is this year old female -Dont retire because no company What is the most fence at an abandoned couple of weeks ago, polo 2004 1.4 will all, with a G2 forward unless everything works but need health insurance .
I m trying to get recently and pretty sure it cover theft and is the best name was wondering if any a new and 24 you have to be am curious as to want to know what my damn bike doesnt it and I don t for a 16 year determine what s within my insurance as a secondary realized that for the getting my license this make commision or hourly drive. we have a to wait until my NY, But I m going coverage? because i ve noticed NOT SAFE AUTO>THEY SUCK if there is better fee s on the spot, be driving a 2003 California if that helps and which company has soon be moving into save you 15% or bought a motorcycle and if someone has been me as the main a two year gap as direct tv, electricity, used car, from 2002 State Farm, etc. Any want to change my married couples. Is this vehicle in the NEw 350z coupe 90k Miles for a 17 year .
if i put i m car from ages, don t does, and the window offer health insurance. Does But if someone could like to add modifications a better person do? it make it more Im a 16yr old or right can it? much insurance would be While driving on the My mom makes good the old owner is type of practical car rear ended we pulled this a lot compared would or is it the car in the in your opinion cheap but good car excluding a bank account Is insurance higher on of the year, will Where can I find havnt had any driving two letters, one mentioned and want to go would i pay for Will I go to grade teacher in NJ be driving. I m wondering A bill was passed months ago, but I how much do i in California is not but does it actually much insurance should i monthly?! P.S. DO NOT KAs are the easiest anyone have one and .
I m 17 and just annually? I have a heres a list of insurance through my husbands second hand car any car being a sports a 89 mustang lx bought a week ago are some diesel cars AA as thats what of the cars on the price too much. young driver.Yes I m under do to take the under my name and more ive been told? looks like gibberish to at buying a motorcycle! can I actually expect was wondering how much or plan on driving didn t put any money me that our car company that for sure (btw... my car s color And if its per much for it from boyfriend works two jobs No sites please i was in college I loan on a 2001 I can have it don t have any Health get estimates for fire know the cheapest car keeps going up. I name, and me as find out how much Also, what kind of survivor since 1992 yet Will this be an .
My license is suspended not better. Im planning a call from the Why do they want or any national ones lease their car, with health insurance with decent me finance my pregnancy. the disadvantages of Insurance? to know how much young driver without paying got my intermediate license average auto insurance for car as soon as for my project so I want to put I did not pay, there always late and and give me the lol. her insurance company your name. If call I want to pay If I didn t live If i m moving to 17 & I Just under my dads insurance How much will car and reliable baby insurance? need to purchase insurance. but I m looking into so much on stupid I ve found ask me renters insurance for my is in on it..Florida.. would be. For a Quebec roads than the be reliable I don t premium) but that is hardly use it and know any private medical are on there. However, .
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"Clara Mississippi Cheap car insurance quotes zip 39324
Clara Mississippi Cheap car insurance quotes zip 39324
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
First Time Cars With Low Insurance?
I'm going to be starting Driving lessons soon and want to start thinking on what car to get as my first one so I can save up, though I don't know much about cars at all. So I'm looking for some advice on a good, but cheap, car (Either New or Used, if used I would like to know the general life expectancy from new in order to work out how long it will resonantly last) that will last me for at least 4 years and get me through my first Degree, I also would like it to have a fairly low insurance for a beginner driver as I am a college student, currently, and plan on doing my Masters (Starting next year) then my PHD, so I won't have a massive pot of funds. If anyone can help me I will be very grateful as I know nothing about cars, all my vehicle knowledge is of Motorbikes.""
How much would my car insurance cost? ?
Ok, I'm 14 almost 15, and when I'm 15 I will go get my drivers permit, I live in missouri, and Im pretty sure I will be getting my grandmas car. If I got a low end 7 dollars an hour job at 15, would I be able to afford the insurance on my own? my mom doesn't want me on her policy, but I won't be driving her car anyway with my grandmas car that I'll be getting. How is this gonna work, cause I'm clueless. Please help!!!!""
What does a full coverage car insurance policy cover?
If I have a full coverage insurance policy through Allstate, esurance, statefarm, progressive, or geico. I know that it automatically includes liability as well as comprehensive and collision with a deductible. But does it also cover me if I total my car in an at fault accident, does it cover me when driving a rental vehicle, does it pay for rental cars or offer discounts when my car is down or in the shop?""
How likely is it that my car insurance will go up due to this?
Haven't had a claim in over ten years Haven't gotten a ticket in probably 5 years. But, the neighbor kid did $2K worth of damage to my car with his bike in three separate incidents. Basically, half of it will have to be repainted! I'd really, really rather not go to court. His insurance is NOT an option in this case. He doesn't have $2,000 laying around. IF I go the much easier route of getting him to pay at least my deductible, how likely is State Farm to raise my rates with a, after deductible, claim of about $1500 or so? Any relevant advice/comment is appreciated.""
Question about teen car insurance?
So i have a drivers license, im 17 but i dont have insurance i drive my dads 2006 toyota tundra to school everyday. Prom is next week and its about an hour from my house and my dad does not feel comfterable letting my drive up there without insurance, so what im thinking is i can get myself included in his insurance for just that truck so i would just be an extra driver on that truck he has AAA and its $190 a month for me. So i will only need it for a month because i get my own car next month so i will get my own cheaper insurance by then, so the question is can i remove myself from my dads insurance after i pay the first month? I really need it i already have a prom date, im not missing my senior prom.""
Where can i get a car insurance policy which lets me drive any car including hire cars anywhere?
i have a normal car insurance policy in the uk which allows me to drive my own car in europe. i want a policy which allows me to drive other cars anywhere in the world
""Can you take drivers ed after you get your license, and still get an insurance discount after the class?""
I have my driving test coming up, but have not taken the class or an ODOT (Oregon Department of Transportation) approved driving course, and was wondering if i had to take it before i got my license to get better insurance rates.""
""Car insurance, they didn't take payment, was I insured?""
I have a classic car insurance policy with two cars on it, the policy started on one car but I later added a second. I have just taken the second car off the policy but it turns out ...show more""
Car insurance estimate for a 2006 BMW 325i for a 17 year old guy?
My mom is being stubborn about getting a quote because she wants to wait until i'm 18, but i don't. I live in Louisiana if that helps. Thanks a lot.""
What insurance is the cheapest a month?
for a 16 year old that drives a 98 ford explorer 4 door 4wd. 4.0L V 6. it has a lift on it i dunno if that effects it at all. i;ve looked around but all it shows is like 2 grand. and i know it aint 2 grand cause my cousins 17 and she has an 05 mustang gt. by the way i live in tn. dunno if that helps. and i have 230,000 miles. no wrecks or sitations.""
Insurance if your already pregnant?
I found out a week ago that I am pregnant. The trouble is I don't have any insurance. I want to make sure I am in good care and don't really want to go some place that will treat me wrong. Anyone know of any insurance companies willing to pick up a already pregnant person? Please help! any answers would do me good! Elaine
""In North Carolina, do you have to already have insurance to get your license?""
I am going to try to get my license sometime this week but im not on the insurance, yet. I was wondering if you had to already be on it, or if you could take the test and if you pass, then get on the insurance. B/c we already have the papers ready for it but... yeah?""
I am looking for a good insurance company. Do you have any recommendations?
I am a full time student and require more insurance than just what I can get from being a student. Does anyone know of a good insurance company for the state of NC?
Do you know of any good family health insurance plans for cheap?
I currently work in a hopital and pay only $200/month for insurance. I am pregnant with my 2nd child and thinking of cutting my hours at work to where I could no longer carry their insurance plan. We also own a small business, so my husband doesn't carry the insurance. I only have to work 20 hours a week to keep the insurance at my job, and it has awesome benifits, but I would love to be home after the 2nd baby is born. What do you think? Should I keep my insurance at work or any better ideas?""
Why is car insurance so high for young drivers?
I am 18 and currently on my fathers motor trade insurance. This covers me for anything upto 1600cc for social and domestic, you are actually having a laugh 1600cc is a joke! I can drive anything for business purposes. Recently rang the insurance to see if they would insure me on an IVECO DAILY 2.8 turbo diesel, as i was delivering some furniture to my grand parents in malta, about 1000 miles away from the uk, 2000 mile round trip. The answer i got was a blatant no, i didn't even get chance to say .8, anyway i was so pissed off i did the trip. didn't have one accident what so ever, not even a near miss when i drove to malta there and back. explain why they wouldn't insure me i really don't understand. My dads friend who is 53 years old was born not to drive a car, he has an accident atleast once a week because he mentally switches off when he drives. He drove down to germany any rolled his car times on the autobahn and i didn't have a crash or a near miss once in a 3.5 ton van, where is the common sense surely they should coin the people who litterally can't drive?""
How to get low mileage discount from Progressive auto insurance?
I know that many companies will give a huge discount on your automotive insurance premiums if you supply them with proof that you drive far fewer miles than average. I understand that the best way to do this would be to mail a copy of recent vehicle inspections so that they can officially see the low mileage driven over time. However, Progressive does not mention anything, anywhere about low mileage discounts. I have been told you have to ask for this, or else you would never know it is possible. Does anyone have any knowledge, advice, tips, etc regarding this? Furthermore, does anyone know how you would go about this specifically with Progressive?""
Insurance Prices on a Antique 76 Corvette?
I have a '76 Corvette Stingray that I will be getting soon. I'd like to know what your insurance price are for those who have similar cars. In florida a car must be at least 30 years old to be considered an antique. The vette is. Will i get any nifty insurance breaks? if you have a older antique corvette or similar car... what do you pay for insurance?
Car Insurance Honda Civic coupe vs sedan?
So I'm looking into buying a car. I'm 20 and I'm under my dads insurance. I pay 60 for being a secondary drivers for my dads van, but I want to get my own car. Would it be more if I got a black Honda civic coupe rather than a sedan?""
Please HELP! I am pregnant with no insurance?
I just found out today that I am pregnant and I don't have insurance, I own my own business so according to FL state I make too much money to qualify for medicare, which I don't, please help ,do you know any programs with the hospital where I can make payments or any other suggestion. Thank You! please only serious answers this is very important to me!""
Car insurance for teens... cost?!?
im 17 years old and im getting a miata 93. how much will insurance cost be around. by the way i have good grades
""If I get my driver's permit in Michigan, will my parent's insurance go up?""
I'm 15 years old and my mother is hesitant to let me learn to drive, however I finally convinced her. :) She said I can't get my license though because it will drive her insurance way up. She will let me get my permit though if that doesn't have an effect on her insurance cost. I looked online a little bit and some people have said a permit will alter the cost, but other say that only a licence will. So basically, will getting a permit (not licence) drive up insurance? Sorry for the lengthiness ;)""
What is the typical cost of condo insurance in florida?
I'm trying to understand what homeowners insurance woul cost in florida for a 2 bedroom condo. I'm not ready to call an insurance company. I'm looking in Ft.Myers. Just want to know is it thousands of dollars and out of my range or a few hundrend per year. Say for a 75k condo.
How do I go about getting health insurance for my baby?
Me and my husband just got married this year and found out that we were pregnant a few weeks later. We both just got jobs mine does not have insurance and his offers insurance but it will not kick in for three more months and our baby is due in one month. Right now we are both on our parents health insurance my dads includes maternity but will not cover anything for the baby after he is born. We now make too much for Medicaid but are still struggling financially. Should we wait until my husbands insurance kicks in and pay out of pocket for two months or get him on a private plan so when the baby comes we can add the baby to that private plan? Most of the plans that we can afford have like a 10,000 dollar deductible before they cover anything anyway.""
State based car insurance?
Looking for new car insurance that covers only a couple states for a cheaper price. Looking for one that covers in FL
Cheap car insurance!!?
I am paying to much money on my car insurance i really need help to get a really good cheap car insurance!! I live over highstown nj usa if anyone can help tellin me a good insure!!! Thanks for u help!!!
Clara Mississippi Cheap car insurance quotes zip 39324
Clara Mississippi Cheap car insurance quotes zip 39324
""I live in MA where car insurance is very high, and my parents will not put me on their insurance.?""
I am now going to college in PA where car insurance is more reasonable, can I buy a car here register it and get car insurance here? And do I need to change my license to a PA one? College will last 9 months out of the year for four years. This would be a big savings if there is some way to do this legally. My parents will not do anything that is slightly shady. All must be legit""
Does car insurance insure the driver or the actual car?
I know that its CAR insurance but I have heard two different things - car insurance covers the car and it covers the driver. I'd just like to know which one it actually covers. Thanks!!
Car insurance?..........?
Who gives the cheapest car insurance?!
Should I drop collision from my auto insurance this renewal?
I have a ten year old Honda Civic, just over 40,000 miles, has a crack in the driver's side rear bumper that I ignore. I have an excellent driving record, no points, am the only driver, am at that age where I'm not young enough or old enough to be considered a threat, but I live in a high rate state and money is more than tight and they just shot my house insurance through the roof, even though I never put in a claim, because, get this, there is a chance that someday we may have a hurricane! Am I being pennywise and pound foolish, or am I paying for something that won't pay off even if I need it? Thank you!""
Is a 2000 Mustang GT expensive to insure?
I'm 16 and looking for a first car. I have my heart set on a certain mustang but the only thing is insurance cost. Its a 2000 GT and im going to be insured with state farm. Im 16 getting my license in 2 weeks so I know thats a big factor. Also I was trying to get some ideas about what it might cost and found this on the state farm website. http://www.statefarm.com/insurance/auto_insurance/veh_rating/ford.asp Not sure if its relevant but if it is than can someone explain what it means?
Auto insurance question in Michigan?
i am making monthly payments on a brand new 2008 colbot that i got in dec 2007. I have shopped around for cheaper full coverage auto insurance, that what i already have. I can't seem to find no car insurance cheaper than what i have. My car insurance is more than my car payment. I have talked to a few insurance companies and we went over different things that could make it cheaper. But, they can't beat the price that i already have. My credit isn't the best, but shouldn't a car payment be more than insurance? Anyone have any ideas where and how i could get a cheaper car insurance policy?""
Getting out of a speeding ticket for insurance purposes?
Is there a way I can get out of a speeding/failure to meet at a stop sign ticket? I really don't care about paying the ticket or court costs at all, but I just can not, really, really, can not pay the extra insurance money. I am paying out of state tuition AND I am in Architecture. Architecture is SUCH an expensive major. The police officer (whose name I can't even read on the ticket because it is just a scribble) gave me a ticket for speeding and failure to stop at a stop sign. I have always been a great driver, I never speed, I always stop at stop signs, I don't drink/text/talk over the phone and drive, I always have my seatbelt on. This one time I absolutely needed to get home at 2am I decide to go a little faster and yup, of course I get a ticket. I don't want to lie, I was doing 36 on a 20 zone at the time, I admit it even though I honestly did not realize I was going at 36 I didn't' do it on purpose. I didn't think hey I'm just gonna go faster because no one is around , I really honestly did not notice I was going at 36. But I am not sure about the stop sign thing. Honestly I was not paying much attention because I drive through this stop sign everyday but I distinctly remember there was a car already at the stop sign coming from the left so I HAD to stop. There was absolutely no one else coming from any of the four sides, so I might have not stopped completely but I did slow down almost to a stop and then kept going. Then like I said I was going at 36 on a 20 zone. This was at 2 a clock in the morning when there was literally not a soul around. The police officer was practically hiding in a dark, empty parking lot and came out of no where. I really don't want to make excuses for myself. I know what I did was wrong and I'll admit it. But this is my first ticket, and I really don't want t have to pay so much more money on my insurance for a slip as small as this one. My boyfriend was with mi in the car if that means anything. I really don't know, I've never had a ticket before. I've been reading up on how to get out of a ticket, and a lot of people say it is good to talk to the officer, and I thought about doing it but the officer's name is not readable at all. He also completely misspelled my name. In Puerto Rico we use both my father's and mother's last names so I have two last names. Let's say my name is X, my father's last name is Y and my mother's is Z. In Puerto Rico it goes like X Y Z and since my license is from Puerto Rico that is how it is written in my license. But the police officer wrote X Z. So my name is wrong in the ticket. I don't know if that counts for anything, someone told me that if they misspell my name or the officer's it means the ticket is dropped. This seems unlikely but hey, like I said I really have no clue. Again, I don't want to make excuses for myself, but I just can't afford extra insurance costs. I just cant...""
How much will Insurance Be ????;?
Ok I'm 22 and I'm looking for a car, It's between a: 2009 BMW X5 2009 BMW 328i 2009 Mercedes C250 2009 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon 2008 Audi A4 2008 Toyota Tundra 2007 ...show more""
Do teens need insurance when they are issued their learner's permit?
And if so what is the cheapest, most discounted method to get insurance?""
How much on average is car insurance for young drivers in florida?
i'm a 20 yr old female just trying to budget to figure out how much i need to save for when I get my car. I plan on spending about 2000$ on a used car, but am trying to add in the price of tags, tax, insurance all those up front prices so I figure out how much i need to save up and how many hours i absolutely need to have per week. So, just a rough estimate like $100...$150...something like that. Don't feel like doing price check to price check online with the quotes since I have no clue on the car yet..don't want it to be anything under maybe a '95""
Insurance? Renting a car?
Hi, this is my first time renting a car. I reserved a car from Enterprise to be picked up at the airport this Thursday. It's like $15 a day. I owned a car in the past and, of course, had car insurance. Now, I don't have a car. When I pick up the car at Enterprise, what should I do with the insurance? I don't think you can drive a car without insurance, right? How much does it cost?""
About how much will basic insurance cost for a 30 year old male once the new Insurance system is in place?
right now I can't afford insurance but will be required to buy it anyway starting in 2014, I am curious as to how much it will be. As I understand it, it will be basically figured at three different levels of service and three different rates depending on your age and the coverage you want. so for a 30 year old male who wants basic coverage how much would I expect to pay? just ball park. like $200 to $300 per month? more then that less then that? this question has been deleted over and over again I don't understand why.""
Really high auto insurance rate question?
My son, who just turned 18, has a pretty extensive traffic record. Firstly he got a ticket for passing in a no passing, but he went on diversion and was clean for more than a year so is that off his record now? Secondly he has also been in 2 wrecks before, gotten arrested for possession of marijuana, and just today got a speeding ticket for going 63 in a 45(163 dollar ticket). currently the insurance for him is 190 a month which is five times higher than anybody in the family. So what should i expect the insurance to be now, and what are my options because this is a lot of money.""
How much do doctors visits cost without insurance?
I am writing an argumentative essay about the health care system in the United States of America, and I would like to know that the prices, without insurance of: A doctor visit: Any specialists: Eye Doctor: Dentist: Orthodontist: Or any doctor you can think of. Remember: no insurance.""
Where can I find affordable medical insurance as a self employed person?
I am a self employed person so I don't have medical benefits like you would if you work for a company. I am paying well over $600 a month for medical insurance coverage as a business owner. Does anyone know of a program or something that offers cheaper insurance to business owners?
How much is insurance for a 16 year old girl with good grades?
Im 16 years old and wanting to get my licence. I have about a 3.4 GPA. And im not going to take drivers ed. I am going to share a car with my parents as well.They have really good credit. With geico. How much will it cost a month?
Decent car that's cheap to buy and insure?
Hi so I'm looking at buying a car. Right now I only have around 3,000. I would rather just get a cheaper car now but if nots possible I can wait until I have 5,000. Okay so I know I'm not going to be buying a Ferrari for my budget but I'm looking for some ideas of cars that are inexpensive to buy, inexpensive to insure and one I won't get laughed at for driving. The oldest year I would go is a 1999.leave your ideas. Thanks""
Should I still be paying full car insurance ?
Hi, my car was recently in an accident that was the third party's fault but my claim is still ongoing. My car has been written off and is in the third party's salvage yard. As ...show more""
Do I need auto insurance if I don't have a car or plan on driving?
I want to get my license because it is something that I need to get out of the way now. I don't have a car or plan on driving until I can even afford auto insurance but this summer is the only time I have free to get my license. I'm 20 and in college.
Car insurance or is it?
My truck was broke into a couple of hours ago and my pistol was stolen. i called the insurance (farmers) and they said the gun isn't covered by car insurance, it's only covered by homeowners insurance, and no my truck was not at my house. does this sound right to anybody? i don't understand what full coverage means if they don't fully cover everything.""
Cheapest car insurance in uk?
Cheapest car insurance in uk?
Any affordable health insurance options for a 65 years old thats not eligible for Medicare?
My in laws are 65 years old and just moved to the US (legally!). Because they are not US Citizens yet, and it will take 5 to 6 years for that to happen, they do not qualify for Medicare. So my question is, is there any affordable option to get healthcare coverage for someone who is over 65 yrs old? Because my husband and I are sponsoring them if they cannot pay for a medical (or any other) bill, they will come after us and we all know how expensive cancer or even a simple surgery can be, needless to say that we are not sleeping well at night! Thanks! Sheila (your love life paramedic) www.slumberpartiesbysheila.com""
Heath Insurance like Car insurance?
I am sick of paying High prices for health insurance because of over-weight out of shape people who have all types of health problems! With that said, I believe health insurance should be more like Car insurance. If you are healthy and havnt been in Accidents then your insurance should be lower than people who are healthy, workout, eat right and dont smoke or do drugs. I no longer have health insurance because I cannot afford it. When I did have health insurance I never used it because I am healthy. Should people like me be paying less than others who dont care about their health?""
Should my husband get whole or term life insurance?
Lookin 4 cheap car insurance!!?
how much does car insurance cost for a new driver (17 years old) in the uk???
Clara Mississippi Cheap car insurance quotes zip 39324
Clara Mississippi Cheap car insurance quotes zip 39324
Does car insurance depend on how much miles you drive?
will my car insurance be cheaper if i chose less miles on my insurance quote and how does the insurance company know how much miles i drive
""Got a cell phone ticket driving my friends car, will it raise her insurance rates?""
I was pulled over today by a cop. He gave me a yellow violation slip for using my cell phone. I was just checking traffic at a stop light! Ugh. Anyways, I was driving my friends car. And i'm trying to figure out if, my insurance rates will go up or will hers? Please help!!""
What company has the best motorcycle insurance in Maryland?
What company has the best motorcycle insurance in Maryland?
What Insurance Company is this?
I saw this commercial that had this college girl and this other guy saying how much its going to cost her breakdown car. She texted him, dude i'm a college student or something like that. Its an insurance company that covers both accidental insurance and car breakdown coverage. What company was this??""
Need new car insurance?
im with nationwide paying 3,400 per 6-months and im looking to pay less than that for 3 vehicles. what insurance companies can i look at for a cheaper rate?""
I was in a car accident that was not my fault. Does my insurance go up?
This guy in front of me backed into my front end at a stop light. We both got out and he tried compromising. I refused and called the cops and took down his plates and the make of the car. Good thing I did because he left right after I called. I think this guy may have been illegal he didnt speak english and was very eager for me to not call the cops. I felt bad but my car is really messed up. Is my insurance going to go up? If so how much?
When should I buy insurance?
I want to buy a used car from a dealer. So can I drive the car home, and then buy insurance? Or I should buy the car and insurance at the same time? First time to buy a car.""
Can i change my insurance payments?
I basically just cancelled my insurance after 12 days of having it because the company messed me about, so im waiting for my 1000 refund. But need to buy new insurance now! But don't have the money, found a quote with Swinton but the question is could i just put that i want to pay monthly and pay the small deposit then call them in a few days and pay the rest off for they year? Or would they not let me etc....Please help :(""
I pay over $950 for car insurance each year. Should I look for another company?
I am a 22 year old female, and I have a squeaky clean record. I own a 2010 Impala. Am I paying too much for car insurance? I pay the most in my household, but I have the best record. I know I am young and people expect those my age to make driving mistakes, but I'd like to know if about $1000 a year is the going rate for insurance. That's a lot of money, and I'd rather use it to save toward a master's degree...""
Why is health-care so expensive?
Just last year in CA Medi-Cal (state medicaid) stop covering for dentistry and optometry for people over 21. The total cost of my dental braces is $4550. I need them so I can fix some teeth that are misaligned. I pay $100 and it seems like its a never ending balance. I been doing this for 2 years now. I have Medi-Cal because of my SSI but that doesnt cover anymore because I am 21. My mother had heart surgery in 2007 and we still haven't payed a bill. My parents don't have any insurance. They used to have Medi-Cal but when Schwarzenegger became the governor in 2003 he made some changes to the policies and they stop having Medi-Cal. She tried applying for SSI but she keeps getting denied. The republicans should stop attacking Obama and work together to pass the health-care reform.
Will a ticket for careless driving increase your auto insurance?
I was pulled over for speeding but fined for careless driving. My parents car is insured but I'm not on the policy. Will the insurance premium be affected? How long does it take for there insurance agency to find out about the points? (We have Allstate if that helps)
How would car insurance companies benefit if the driving age was raised to 18?
And would insurance cost less? please show sources if you can
Car Insurance Question?
I'm looking at buying a four door sedan but I don't have car insurance. The reason that I don't have insurance is because I only have my permit. Unfortunately, I no longer live with my parents so I don't think their insurance will cover me. I've been trying to get quotes from various companies for when I do get my license but many of them will not even give me a quote if I don't have my license. Are there any car insurance companies that will offer insurance to me while I still only have my permit? I already found a car that I like before realizing my parents probably won't be able to put me on their insurance so I'm trying to figure this out quickly but thoroughly. I'd really like to get it soon because I hate driving in my parent's minivans since they are huge and I have trouble seeing out the tinted back window. So far the only option I see is to have my parents buy the car for me until I have my license (which I plan to get before December to avoid learning in the snow).""
How much should I be paying for car insurance?
I live in the Philadelphia metropolitan area, although not in the city itself. I'm 25, and I've had my license since I was 18. I've been in one accident, and the other driver was ruled at fault. I've had no traffic tickets. I have a two year college degree and good credit. I drive a 2006 Chevy Cobalt that will be paid off in August. It's currently under my parents' name and on my parents' insurance policy. Once it's paid off, they're supposed to sign it over to me. (I'm reimbursing them for the car and insurance.) My parents might be ripping me off on the insurance costs; my father bought a second truck around the time of my 25th birthday, and there hasn't been any drop in the policy costs. How much can I expect to pay for a policy in my name only with the car in my name only?""
Cheap insurance in northern ireland?
I am a 21 year old driver with 3 years no claims bonus and my insurance is still a fortune!!! is there any dealers out there that is a bit better on it??
AFFORDABLE auto insurance?
I'm 19 and I really need some car insurance. Everywhere I get a quote from requires that I pay an arm, a leg, and my first born son. Is there anywhere that won't do that? I'm currently unemployed, and I need a car to get a job, but I need a job to get insurance (this expensive insurance) for the car that I can't drive (legally) until I have the insurance. Somebody freakin' help me.""
What is the cheapest auto insurance carrier in north carolina?
What is the cheapest auto insurance carrier in north carolina?
""Im 33 with no job, whats the best affordable way for me to receive health insurance?""
Im 33 with no job, whats the best affordable way for me to receive health insurance?""
Washington State Car Insurance?
I am 21 years old, and I just bought a vehicle, and transferred the title and everything. HOWEVER I only have a Learners Permit. Is it possible for me to buy insurance for the car, to use it to learn to drive prior to licensing? I don't have a spouse or parent with a car or auto insurance, so that is out of the options.""
How come im being quoted over 5000 for insurance?
im 20 years old and i am looking at buying my first car i have been looking at all sorts of cars from new to old staying well within the 1.0 -1.2ltr engines but i still cant get a quote lower than 5000... why is this, when i know 17 year olds that are getting quotes for 1.2 corsas @ 1500... am i doing something wrong? need to knows; im 20 i have a full UK licence i passed my test in febuary 2012 i have a full time job, not married any help would be great""
When my boyfriend turned 18 he lost his health insurance. where can he get health insurance at?
He doesn't see the importance of it, but I know he needs it. dental and health insurance. He doesn't make a lot of money either.""
Is there a website that has Arizona Auto Insurance Questions that I can study for my test?
Is there a website that has Arizona Auto Insurance Questions that I can study for my test? I have my test next week and need to get some questions to get prepared!
""If i become knighted, will my car insurance costs be lower?""
If i become knighted, will my car insurance costs be lower?""
How much does the insurance of a normal car compare to that of an lgv/ hgv?
I'm thinking of converting a vehicle into a mobile home; of course if I can get more space for a similar price on insurance that would be great. I'm just looking for averages, I'm not a particularly high earner but if I know where i stand I have more of a chance making it realistically. Please don't answer i don't know or something similar that's just irritating. Thanks if u can answer though :)""
Clara Mississippi Cheap car insurance quotes zip 39324
Clara Mississippi Cheap car insurance quotes zip 39324
Low Income Health Insurance in Alaska?
I have been asked to find low income health insurance for my parents who live in Alaska. I don't even know where to start. Does anyone know where I might be able to get any information?
What happens if your car is totaled in an accident and the Insurance company wants to pay less than you owe?
The guy that hit my car was at fault and cited by the police. Now his Insurance company wants to total my acr and give me 1300 less than i owe. This seems wrong.
What the best insurance company for me?
so I'm 19 and havn't have my licence very long and I drive a race car... but I want good cheap insurance like allstate or statefarm I'm looking for good coustomer service that makes me feel safe... so whats the word... any coustomer service stories?
What is car insurance for a first time driver?
Okay i am 18 and have never had my license before and am going to be getting it at the end of this month...soon we are going to start getting insurace quotes for my car, we have been talking about what would be the best way to go about getting the cheapest insurance...so would it be best to put the car in my name but then just be added to my parents insurance and have me as the primary driver OR would it make a difference if we put the car in one of my parents name and then had me listed as the secondary driver for the car ? OR maybe you know a better way to go about this please give me all the advice you know about this! thanks""
Insurance question: Will my medical bill be covered?
So, I have a motorcycle and fell on it because of a surprise front tire blow out. I do not have a M1 license or motorcycle insurance. I am fine and when i fell I picked my bike up and had my friend tow me back home. No authorities were involved. I then proceed to go to the ER. I went and told them it was from me falling on a motorcycle. They didn't ask any questions in relation to my motorcycle credentials. My question is; will my insurance pay for my hospital visit? Or will they check and see if I am even qualified to ride a motorcycle. And if they see that I am not licensed will they not pay for my bill?""
Car insurance?
So im thinking of getting a car... but im 16 so i know insurance is gonna be insane, and im in MA so its mandatory. Anyways from what i understand it cost way less to get added to your parents policy. But can i do that if im not driving their car, but my own car i bought (not yet)? I cant buy the car in their name... has to be in mine...""
Isn't the real problem causing a health care crisis in USA that cost of healthcare/insurance is too high?
Health care costs are out of control and so is the cost to insure. Because of the high cost of insurance many employers no longer offer what used to be a very common employee benefit. So now we millions of americans who are uninsured because they cant afford to go out and pay 600, 700,800, 900 dollars a month for private health insurance coverage. The rich and the fortunate ones with group insurance are taken care of. The ones who dont work and are on medicaid are taken care of, but the ones who are above the poverty line and work but are struggling as it is to make ends meet cannot afford the high insurance premiums and are left uninsured. We need to find a way to make health insurance and health care more affordable ..this is how people will get insurance on their own and the government will not have to tax us more to provide more free health care.""
What is ment by term life insurance?
whole life insurance term life insurance
""Female, over 25, 9 years driving experience needs CHEAP CAR INSURANCE?""
Hi, my previous insurance was less than 350.00 for third party, fire and theft (in london). My new car is similar but I am getting quotes for 800+ for third party fire and theft. This is ridiculous. I am in my late twenties and have been driving almost 10 years. I would really appreciate names of small insurance brokers. 10 points.""
Car Insurance Quote so high?
I'm an experienced driver here in Ontario Canada. I'm 26 years old and own a full G level driving license. My record is clean. I'm looking to get my first insurance coverage, with a used Toyota Sienna CE 2005. I would be the sole owner of the vehicle and only driver for the most part. Wont even be driving too often. However, I got two quotes and they are outrageous. about $350 a month for only liability coverage and the other even more. How come a clean record first time insuree ca get such bloated quotes?""
Will making two collision claims (one major/ one minor ) within a 6 month period raise my auto insurance rates
I've never made a claim before this first one, a deer ran in front of my car and caused severe damage. Now five months later someone hit my car in parking lot (I think) nothing major just a 6 black mark that pushed the body in a bit. Will they raise my rates? If so then I would just go a get it fixed and pay for it all out of pocket.""
I'm 21! I'm getting kicked off my parents insurance here in a month? Whats the best place to go find insurance
I would go through my work but i'm leaving by the time i can get on. So i've looked on the net but i haven't found anything that great. I'm also and asmathic so i need medication every month. Any help?? :D
Who offers affordable home owners insurance in south florida?
trying to buy a house in south florida and I need a good and affordable company for my home owners ins.
Any body know the cheapest place to insure a 17 year old driver?
My 17 year old son just passed his driving test and would like to buy a car. This wouldn't be too much of a problem but the insurance quotes we have had are unbelievably high. The cheapest quote has been 4300 with some companies refusing to quote at all. Some of his friends have told him they pay around 2500 because they have a 'box' fitted which monitors their driving. The co-operative was recommended for this but when I got an online quote from them it was 7,500 with the box. Help!!!! Anyone have any ideas?""
CAR INSURANCE. Cheaper car insurance?
There are 3 drivers in our house (Dad, me and my brother) and two cars (usualy 3), is there a cheaper way to insure all of us on all the cars?""
How much was insurance when you got your first car (UK)?
I know that it is extremely high just after you pass and insurance depends on other things like job and where you live, cos I want to get a car but I have been quoted over 1000 and that's with my parents added as well.""
My daughter wants me to put car insurance in my name?
she wants me to put car insurance in my name for her husband he cant do it cause it would cost alot he has alot of speeding tickets and a dui plus he has lost his driver licenses my record is perfect what do you think i didn't even know you can do that im in ohio
Im a 20 year old male and im thinking about getting my first motorcycle. I need suggestions.?
Like i said im a 20 year old student looking into getting a bike. Most of my friends have them and they tell me how much they enjoy riding so i'd like to take up the hobby and ...show more
How much will it cost to insure a motorbike such as cbr600f if im 23 and just passed my test?
And are there ways of cheapening the cost - I really have no clue of how much motorbikes cost to insure. the cbr600f is group 14,which sounds reasonable. Can i lump the insurance with a car thats group 11? i live in the uk.""
How do I know what value to put on my home insurance?
I have a flat in London that I want to insure. The flat is 64 metres squared and is 100 years old. The market value is about 200,000 to 210,000. A similar flat, in my town, in the North is valued at about 100 000 One would assume that the insurable value would be less for than the market value in London. My question is for what value should I insure the flat in London?""
What is a good cheap auto insurance?
i have progressive right now and its almost 300 cause i have a new car..are there ne others that are cheaper but have a good policy??? i live in kentucky
How do I get secondary health insurance?
I'm a full time graduate student currently receiving health insurance through my parents. However, my coverage sucks and I would like to purchase secondary insurance. I looked through all the different plans on einsurance.com (united, humana atena, etc), but when I called they told me that I can't purchase it when I already have insurance. I did some searches for secondary health insurance, but I can't find companies specifically for secondary insurance. It seems that I should be able to purchase any type of insurance I want and that the secondary company should pick up some of what my primary doesn't. Right?""
I have a question about health insurance?
I have a 4 year old daughter,I have joint legal custody,my daughter has health insurance with her mother,is possible to have a secondary health insurance?""
How much would I pay for car insurance?
I am a male, 24 years old (turn 25 in july), student.... what is the cheapest car insurance you think I can get?""
How do you insure a used car from a private party on the way home?
If i buy a used car from a private party a few hundred miles from me how do i legally drive the car back to be registered in my state of PA. I called insurance company and they said they cant give me coverage until it is registered however the person who owns the car from when i buy it from them should have insurance to cover me on the way back. Is this true?
Clara Mississippi Cheap car insurance quotes zip 39324
Clara Mississippi Cheap car insurance quotes zip 39324
0 notes
pappydada · 6 years
Whispers to Alice
Whispers to Alice (a work in progress) by Joshua Kaplan
Keb's Journal, Sept 7, 2022 3:13AM
"It...(i say 'It' rather than 'they' because i don't have the knowledge of where One may end and the Next begin, if beginning and end are even applicable to It/Them)... so It, is like us in that It exists, and moves and reacts, irritable and motivated.  At these very basic points, these requisites that we've assigned to Life, do the similarities between us and It become hazy.  Does It reproduce? Does It feed and shed waste? and if not, how is it compelled to continue existing?  We don't know, hence the confusion regarding beginning and end.
Beginning and ending are temporal concepts, and this entity's relationship with and to Time/Space is as yet undefined. Both reproduction and sustenance might well be unnecessary.  Nature abhors a vacuum, and is also dutifully non-supportive of the unnecessary, so perhaps what constitutes beginning and ending to this/these Being(s) is as different as pudding is to electricity.
Piper suggested that It's beginnings might be traced to the heart of a super massive star, like Andromeda, whose pressure at it's core is so great that electrons become liquid and protons shed their charge, but..."
Research Operations Center, Hoboken New Jersey Sept 6, 2022 7:45AM
"...Who knows what other shit is going on inside one of those massive stellar kilns." Dr. Piper Souza, the team's Chemist said.  "I'd look there for Its origin and for more of Them, if there are more."
"Maybe It exists independent of time, like Wheeler's theory that the universe consists of only a single electron that cycles forward and backward through time..." Dr. Henry Kenkeith, Applied Physics, offered, trying to wrap his mind around the concept of a non-material life form.   "..Like weaving a blanket through the boson field."
"I thought that was Feynman's Positron work." quipped Dr. Olsana Marisen, Biologist and Director of Applied Sciences, who was listening intently, contrary to the apparent and compelling distraction of her favorite pseudo-scientific periodical, the Farmer's Almanac.  "I read that paper when i was 17.  I remember because it was right before i got my scholarship to Penn."
"A glorious day, that."  Piper added wistfully, resting her chin on her cupped hands.  "I remember mine like a lost young love, though not Penn, Columbia."
"You guys are gonna make me cry, gettin' all mushy and sentimental like this."  Bond Timmick, Director of IT and team Engineer/Geek emoted greatly, wiping theatrical tears from his tragically masked face.
The room, once thick with the weight of conjecture, lightened with the music of laughter.
"John Wheeler presented the 'single electron' idea to Feynman in a phone call in 1940; or so the story goes."  Keb Snydaar, team Mathematician and Theoretical Physicist said distractedly, staring at the torn and tormented collection of text, diagrams, and doodles in front of him.
Henry Kenkeith grinned widely at Olsana, who replied by promptly sticking out her tongue at him.
"Wheeler, Feynman, Hanna, Barbera...who gives a shit."  Keb said impatiently.  He was working on three hours of sleep and the amphetamines certainly didn't help his mood.  "What we need to know is the 'How?'.  How does this...entity...exist at all?  Is it really intelligent or does it become sentient using it's host's intelligence?  Is it one entity or a collection of individual beings joined by a community mind?   Or maybe how we measure intelligence and sentience is inapplicable with It.  How does it move where it wants to go?  Does it even know where it wants to go?..."
"Easy there Man o'War.  Better take a breath now and again or you might pass out."  Bond wisecracked, creating more laughter.  "What I want to know is how did we get involved with this craziness to begin with?"
"It all started with a woman named Alice."
Keb's apartment, Hillside New Jersey Aug 24, 2022 9:42PM
"I met a girl."  Keb said to the man seated opposite him at the breakfast table, staring absently at the illustration on his half empty coffee cup.
"That's great, Keb! Coincidentally, my ass cheeks just grew wings.  Now I can fly around and dispense skittles to the world...HAHA!"
"Wait...Really?" Umber M. James was startled but continued chuckling.  "I thought you were joking."
"Am I really that backward?" Keb said sullenly back, not knowing how to explain what was troubling him without bearing the full brunt of Umber's ruthless and predatory ribbing.
"Nah, I'm just busting your balls.  She cute?"    
"She's...beautiful." He replied, hesitating momentarily from the involuntary clamping of his abdomen as he pictured her.
"Wow."  Umber sensed in his old friend a tension that seemed out of place, even for Keb, who was one of the most internally tightly wrapped people he had ever known.  "You're not telling me something, Keb."
"She talks to trees, among other things."  Keb said with resignation, still looking at the picture on his mug of the grizzled cowboy lamenting the waste of his money on everything except women and beer.
He didn't drink alcohol, and hadn't so much as held a woman's hand in the 5 years since he learned of his ex-lover's need for romantic diversification.  It was his father's mug.
Umber stared vacantly back, as much from surprise as for comedic affect.
"Okay, so she's a bit off." Umber said after a moment.  "...As long as the trees don't talk back, I guess."
Keb stared at his friend expectantly.
"Wait...They don't talk back, do they?"  Umber's eye's widened in surprise.
"Yes, actually they do."
"Seriously? Is she mentally ill you think?"  Umber asked with sincere concern. "'Cause that's a rough ride. Be advised; If you're considering some kind of emotional investment you should take a little time and see how deep that rabbit hole goes."
"First of all, i didn't say a thing about any relationship, or emotional investment, and I'm not saying that she talks to trees and they talk back in her head." Keb said sharply.  "I'm saying she talks to trees...and they talk back.  I've witnessed it myself."
"When was the last time you got more than 2 hours of uninterrupted sleep?" Umber said, finally, only half joking.  "Seriously Keb, how many days? Two? Three?"  
"I'm not psychotic, 'Berz, nor is she."  Keb said flatly, using the nickname he had given his old chum long ago.  "Though I may be a bit addled at all the implications of what she showed me."
"Answer the question then." Umber prodded.  "How long since you've slept? at all, even."
"Been about 40 hours i guess. plus minus."  Keb relented, becoming irritated at the innuendo that his claims were due to insomnia induced hallucination.  Keb was no stranger to hallucination, through chemistry and deprivation both, and this was no such thing.
"See?" Umber said, smugly satisfied at his impromptu diagnosis. "Go smoke a bone, get some shut-eye, and look at the whole thing tomorrow with a fresh set of brain cells."
"You've reached a conclusion with no data," Keb pointed out, then added unnecessarily,  "Spoken like a true student of politics."
Umber James was by far the staunchest and most thoroughly immersed pundits of government and political chaos that Keb knew, or had ever known.  He was Editor-in-chief of a semi-respected liberal periodical called, "The Drop" and ceremoniously attended every meeting that required minutes to be taken and an American flag to be present; at every level of City, State and Federal Government that he could logistically justify.  Keb had for years urged him to "put his ass in a seat that mattered, rather than just pushing moist air with forceful rhetoric," but Umber always laughed it off, stating proudly that, "Not only DID I inhale, but will continue to do so for as long as I see fit, so fuck you and your vote if you don't like it."  They discussed the consideration of having t-shirts made.
"Okay, Keb. I'll play devil's advocate." Umber relented.  "I can understand the whole 'talkin to trees' thing.  Lots of hippy, barefoot, patchouli oil people talk to things; trees, crystals, stale popcorn...but rarely do you meet someone that hears them talk back.  What makes you think that this girl is really hearing anything?"
Keb stared Umber in the eye and stifled an impulse to berate his friend of many years for dismissing Alice so easily. Turning his attention back to his coffee mug, Keb then began his internally prepared monologue on what he mentally referenced as 'the walk in the woods.'  Contrary to normal routine, Keb had not yet documented this interaction with Alice.  Each time he began, something in his mind 'switched on.'  What he attempted to review as a slide show of memory became a cascade of living moments; Alice's eyes flashing brilliance and insight, the way she flowed through the green, as if the flora knew she was there and moved to touch her and allow her passage, both.  It was as if Keb was an alien entity in the woods, and Alice was the wood herself.
Keb knew with complete certainty that what he had experienced was devoid of trickery or manipulation, and was compelled by the thought that Einstein, Faraday, Maxwell, and Newton must never themselves have been witness to such sorcery, else our collective understanding of the mechanics of the physical world might be far different than what we have come to accept today.  
"We were walking in the woods..." Keb began, seeing the images in his mind as he was related them,  again seeing the sunlight beam through the natural canopy of oak onto her golden hair, tied back in a wide braid, and capturing her profile in the stark contrasts of sun and shadow, and for a moment he was again in those woods, and again held breathless by her shy radiance.  
"Yeah?...And?... You still with me there stud?"  Umber said, noticing his friend drift momentarily.
"...Hmm?  Oh, sorry..."  Keb said, and continued.  "Alice had been explaining how she was able to communicate with the Earth, that she could hear voices in the breeze as it touches the leaves..."
"Okay, wait," Umber interrupted.  "start from the beginning.  i want to hear the whole thing.  Were you holding hands?  Did you guys just have sex in the bushes?"
Umber was fond of stories, and fancied himself a potent weaver of lore, so it was no surprise to Keb that he wanted the whole story, nor was he taken aback at the provocative embellishment.
"We weren't on a date, so no, we weren't holding hands nor had we been physically intimate in any fashion." Keb said, fully aware that Umber was lightly prodding him just for fun, but wanted to respond anyway.  "We were on our way to perform a simple experiment, or i should say, i was.  she didn't require any evidence to satisfy what she already knew."
"But she played along?"  Umber lilted.  "she's a sport.  probably great in the...tree house?  HAHA!  sorry. go on."
"She had her own reasons for accompanying me and submitting herself to the study."
"...And they were?"
"She said she wasn't ready to tell me yet." Keb said, deflated at the recollection, feeling some level of failure at not having a simple answer to an important question.  "but she said she would later."
"Oh yeah!"  Umber shouted.  "If that's not a troll for a second date i don't know what is!"
Alice; The Dream
She loved the dream.
It wasn't the same each time, but everything about it was in almost every way.
In the beginning of the dream, she is always in a meadow, kneeling.  sometimes over a dandelion, usually; sometimes a cluster of clover, and sometimes even, a little frog that looked like it was made of water.
The first of the dreams was the best, when she met her Aua, Ga.  She was 4 years old, and remembers it as if happened yesterday.
she hears a giggle, far away...too far really to be heard, a detail she'll remember when she gets older, but now, it is just different.
She looks up, toward the laughter, and it is so bright that she has to shield her eyes with her flattened hand.  In the distance, over a rolling hill of a thousand different shades of green and brown she thinks she sees another child in motion.  It looks like it's running in circles around a tree, but the figure is blurry, though the tree is clear.  As her eyes begin to adjust to the brilliant sunlight, the image becomes clearer.  It IS a child, naked, with long orange hair past it's buttocks, and it is dancing and skipping, spinning and laughing, so happy and free.
for a moment she is envious of the dancing child, then realizes that she can run and dance too...so she does.  she runs and runs, feeling the wind and her own motion toss her hair and it makes her neck tingle.  she watches her bare feet grasp the moist green with each stride, and she tries to quicken her pace...faster, she has to go even faster...like a bird flying, skimming over the ocean, over the trees.
then, suddenly she is airborne, her legs lifting beneath her as her body slowly arches forward in a graceful dive...she sees bright blue flashing past her, and green and billowing sunlight...and then the flash of white as her face impacts the ground, churning up bits of dirt and wet grass with her chin.  
Alice isn't sure what happened.  she was running so fast that she started to fly, like a bird, then fell, but she isn't sure if it hurt.  It should hurt.  "...And what was that sound?"  she thinks.  "Did i make that sound?"
She hears it again.   this time she's pretty sure that it didn't come out of her.
she blinks once into the sweet smelling grass and dirt, and turns over.
Kneeling over her, looking down into her face is another little girl, maybe even the same age as Alice, with blazing red hair so long that it was draping across Alice's face, neck and shoulders, and she looked like she was about to cry.
"No ow."  Alice said to her, momentarily distracted by this little girl's own distress and immediately understanding her question.  Had the little girl even moved her mouth, though?  Alice was confused.
The little girl with the long hair brushed her mantle of rust and pumpkin out of Alice's face and abruptly thrust her own face to where their noses were almost touching, and gazed deeply into Alice's gray-green eyes with eye's like a sea of molten gold, her brow furrowed.
In those eyes Alice saw...everything.
The little girl's frown suddenly became a beaming smile.  Alice couldn't even see her mouth since she was so close, but her eyes told the whole story.  This was her sister, Alice knew now.  Her very own best friend to play with and run and dance and giggle and be free.  and all she had to do was dream.
Alice wants to be that happy in real life, and to dance and skip and laugh, but it is hard to be happy.  That's why the dream is so good, because Alice is really happy there, always.  She is never hungry, and her beautiful friend is always there to hug her and put flowers in her hair and show her new things in the meadow.  She is never alone there, and she never wants to be.  She always wants to be alone in real life, because people hurt her.  They don't always mean to, but it is the same hurt either way.  In the meadow of her dream, Alice is safe.
Alice stares at her sister, not really thinking anything but taking all of her in;  Her bright red hair and milk pale skin, her golden eyes that swirled and glowed and reflected everything good and nice in the world, her joyous smile and the way she folded her feet under her as she kneeled.  Alice hadn't noticed it before, but she thought she could see tiny little sparkles of silver flashing all around the little girl's body, and when she smiled there were lots more sparkles.
Alice knew this little girl was special, and more, that she loved Alice.  she knew this just from looking into those glorious, gleaming eyes.  There were no words to convey this, nor were any necessary.  it was communicated like a song of emotion playing through her soul in waves.  and Alice knew that she loved her back, just as much.
The two girls sat looking at each other for only a moment, until Alice was swept up by a gust of wind with flaming red hair, both of her hands held in the other's, and together ran just as fast as they could.  past the mighty and potent tree that the pale, golden girl had been in orbit around, and over the little swaying hill through a patch of purple and blue flowers, and to a little brook, where they both squatted side by side and watched tadpoles skitter to and fro just beneath the surface.
"What's your name?"  Alice asked, as she turned her attention from the play of life in the creek to the golden eyed girl.
The other turned to Alice and looked confused.
"My name's Alice, after my grammy.  She makes really good toast."
The little girl tilted her head to the side, and slowly seemed to realize what Alice wanted to know.
"Aaaaoooowwwwaaaaaa..."  She said, and gestured with her arms, sweeping outward and looking from side to side.
Alice heard her clearly, and even though the little girl was only inches from her, her voice sounded distant...funny...and Alice was, for the second time, unsure if she saw her mouth move when she spoke.
"Your name is Awwa?  That's a pretty name."
The little girl frowned slightly and shook her head from side to side, and said again, with the same sweeping arm movement, "Aaaaooowwwaaaaa..."
Then she put her hands to her chest and said, "Ga."  and she beamed at Alice and grabbed a handful of water and splashed it on Alice's hands, then stood up and ran back toward the big tree, giggling and looking playfully over her shoulder at Alice as she ran.  Alice immediately stood up and ran to catch her mischievous friend.
With each subsequent dream Alice had of the little girl in the meadow, her friend and sister changed slightly.  her voice became less drawn out, clearer and easier to understand, and her mouth slowly began to sync with her speech.  Alice had been correct to note that the little girl's mouth did not move as she spoke in the beginning; she would open it as if attempting to emulate how Alice looked when she talked, but it was easy to see that the sounds Alice was hearing were not being created by the little girl's mouth.
Alice came to realize that the little girl spoke with her heart, not her mouth, if such a thing were possible.  She also now knew that the little girl's name was Ga, and that Aua was whatever Ga was, but in everything in the meadow, even the light.
As Alice grew older, so too did her dream friend, and the dreams became less and less frequent.  This troubled Alice greatly at first, but it quickly became apparent that Ga was with her even when she was awake, and the older they both got, the better the communication between them became when Alice wasn't asleep and dreaming.
Ga had told her once to never tell anyone about them, about their friendship and sisterhood.  She said people wouldn't understand, but that someday Alice would meet people that would make everyone understand.
"How will i know, Ga?"  She asked as they both lay together in the meadow and together manipulated low flying cumulous clouds.
"The little frog will lead you, my love."  Ga said.  "Together we'll be, so no worries.  i like your horse cloud..."
Keb's Journal Aug 21, 2022 12:02AM
I am a scientist.  a professional nerd.  this is part of my problem, this conundrum. What i witnessed today was nothing short of fantastic and i have no basis to substantiate or explain it.  Add to that this absurd, internal sounding of my emotions...It is among the most substantial impulses i have ever felt, this motivation to help Alice.  I have tried to convince myself that my passion and interest is founded only in professional purpose and a need to know, but I'd be a fool or a liar to deny that it is on a far more personal level than what any psychological profile or equation can rationalize.
This amazing woman, so unique and sensitive to the world around her, has perhaps opened a door between accepted universal mechanics and something else...I don't know what to call it...Psychic phenomena? Magic? How else should i reference it?  Without a grounded theory and some semblance of a mathematical argument it certainly looks like sorcery, but then again, so would an internal combustion engine look to a primitive.  Really, i think a coffee maker, or even a glow stick would accomplish same, probably, though with far less noise.
Keb's apartment, Hillside New Jersey Aug 24, 2022 9:57PM
Keb had great admiration and respect for his old friend Umber, who everyone close called 'Berz.   He was smart, funny and could be trusted with most anything, with the simple exception of your girlfriend.  Berz was among the most proficient practitioners in the art of wooing that Keb knew, and had always attributed his success with the women folk to confidence.  "it's all in the self-image, my friend."  he'd say.  "if you like you, they'll like you, too."
Keb argued that it was easy for his friend to be confident when local legend spoke in hushed tones of the storied endowment of one Umber M. James, nicknamed by his many followers; The Gourd. Keb had no such farmer's market appeal, and other than some level of envy, and minor annoyance at his flirting with his dates when they were younger, he had never been bothered by Umber's predilection toward carnal behavior or his conquests.  however, Keb maintained that it was difficult to nurture a serious conversation when every utterance was fodder for his factory of innuendo and blue commentary.
"There was never a first date, so i doubt in totality that she was leading me with her conversation."  Keb explained unnecessarily.  "Can i just tell this story without your input?"
"HAHA!"  Umber laughed.  "Sure. still, i can hear it in your voice.  You like her. What's her name, by the way?"
"Alice. her name's Alice."  Keb said hesitantly, his mind filling with imminent Lewis Carroll parallels.
"That's kind of a coincidence. i just mentioned the rabbit hole thing."  Umber said, as expected, but he wasn't laughing.
"True enough."
"Is she blond?  Blue dress?  and how old is she?  if you tell me she's 15 I'm gonna have to kick your ass."
"she is.  Blond, i mean...Unless you're crudely referring to her intellectual capacity, in which case, no, she is decidedly un-blond.  Ah, i get it.  Another 'Through the Looking Glass' comment. "  Keb continued.  "and no, she's not 15.  she's in her mid 20s, i believe."
"Okay, so here's Alice, all beautiful and smart and blond and crazy, spending her time talking fragrant oils and decorating to the local flora and fauna,"  Umber quipped.  "...and here's you, lab rat and scribbler of Newtonian hieroglyphics who never leaves his house except to go to the lab.  How did you two hook up? First guess is it's lab related."
So Keb told his story of meeting Alice, from the beginning.  He remembered it so vividly, it seems like it must have happened a thousand times.
"I was at the lab eating my lunch and reading an old copy of Analog that Kenkeith gave me, a reprinted Simak story,"  Keb orated, as if reading a script. '...and i remember being excited about it.  Simak wove tales of future intrigue before quantum theory and atomic application, and he influenced some of the greatest science fiction contributors in the world; Asimov, Heinlein, Campbell, really everybody.  i love the old pulp writers and their stories..."
"Keb, is that actually pertinent?"  Umber interrupted.  "I don't really care about your comic collection.  I wanna hear about the girl."
"Not comic, pulp."  Keb corrected, and continued.  "I was actually somewhat annoyed when i heard the knock on the lunchroom door.  no one else was there so i would have to either stop reading, get up, answer the door, and politely tell this intruder that the person or persons they hoped to locate were nowhere on these premises; or be a prick and ignore them.  i opted to be less prick and more annoyed, so I got up and answered the door.
"when i opened the door, i saw this young woman, dressed all in black, with her hand thrust out, and I just stared at her.  i felt like i was in stasis."  
"In stasis?  Why?"  Umber asked, incredulous.  "Holy crap, she's a woman, not a werewolf.  I will never understand your fear of women."
"Why?  I don't really know."  Keb lied.  "She just said 'hi' and i froze."  
Keb continued with his story, careful not to give away too much in the telling.  He indicated that Alice was clearly anxious, and even so kept smiling and never once betrayed her desire to flee.
Research Operations Center Hoboken New Jersey Aug 12, 2022 11:23AM
"I'm Alice.  Alice Leganno.  I have an interview here at 11:30 with Dr. Marisen?"
Keb had stared at her standard offering of formal greeting, and in the distant fog of his awareness heard an echo of reality which told him to shake her hand, and as he slowly did, careful not to squeeze too hard, he heard it.  
the voice.  an auditory hallucination.  a symptom of schizophrenia.
it wasn't so much a sound as it was an awareness, Keb told himself, not wanting to accept the possibility of mental illness.  He compared it to knowing from the breeze and smell of the air that it's going to rain.  
"Dr...Mari..."  Keb fumbled, the message in his mind ringing, and tried to get a grip on the here and now.  "Okay, you're here to see Olsa.  I'll show you to her office."
Keb guided Alice with whatever level of faux detachment he could muster, including a smile to replace what she must have compared with Novocain mouth, and arrived at Dr. Marisen's office, tapping lightly before cracking the door and peeking in.
"Your 11:30 is here, Olsa." He said, mind whirling.
"Perfect!" Olsana shouted enthusiastically, her arms in the air.  "Don't just stand there gawking, show her in, goofy!"
Dr. Olsana Marisen was nothing if not passionate.  Everything she did she did with flair and high energy.  She laughed loud, loved hard, and lived life thoroughly.  she was one of Keb's favorite people and he considered himself lucky to be able to work with her.  But even her volume and force could not push from his mind what he had heard and felt just moments before, though it felt like he had been feeling it forever.
"you can go in, Alice."  Keb said, looking into her gray, green, and golden eyes that moved like wood smoke.  "don't let her knock you over with her bluster."
"Thank you, Keb."  She smiled and made her way into Marisen's office, and closed the door behind her.
As he walked back to the lunchroom, Keb had completely forgotten about the fantasy pulp, the brine and soy lunch, and pretty much everything else.  all he could wrap his mind around were those words that he had heard, or felt, or hallucinated so strongly as he had taken Alice's hand in greeting...
"She is here for me."  
It was only after he sat down at his desk and leafed through several pages of his journal did he realize that he had never told her his name.
Keb's Apartment Hillside New Jersey Aug 24, 2022 10:23PM
"Okay, so you hear this voice say 'she is here for me'..." Umber said, wide eyed. "And you think... what?  that she's your soul mate or some such?  Dude, that is some corny shit."
"I don't know what to think, frankly."  Keb said sullenly.  "Hearing voices is a symptom of schizophrenia.  That seems more likely, maybe from sleep deprivation."
"Or maybe you're just fucking nuts."  Umber stated flatly.  "Doesn't make you a bad person."
"Well, we've both known for a long time that I'm nuts, but that's REALLY nuts."  Keb said.  "There is the unrelated detail of her knowing my name.  That's been puzzling me."
"Fact that this Alice chick knew your name can be explained any of a dozen ways; name tag, placard on desk, simple previous inquiry..."
"I figured as much, " Keb interrupted.  "So i asked her about it later, after Olsa introduced us formally."
"What'd she say?  That she's been stalking you for your man parts?"
"Yup. And that i should poison your next meal with a live culture of dysentery."
Umber laughed, though Keb was only half joking.
"So what happens next?  Olsa invites you in for a quick menage and friendly hand of canasta or what?"  Umber joked.
"I just went back to the lab and sat there with my head in my hands."  Keb said, not remembering those next moments or days very clearly.  "minutes, hours, days later...I don't know, I wasn't thinking clearly, I heard Olsa's door open and them exchange niceties as Alice left, but I didn't see her again for several days.  I went in to talk to Olsa to see how the job interview went, or that's what I thought at the time..."
Alice; (cont.)
The meadow was as ever, warm deep green and moist brown, with flashes of reds and purples, streaks of yellows and orange dotting the expanse.  Today though was overcast, not the distant wash of blue that normally greeted Alice.  Today, the sky was layers of wandering cool grays, with drapes of sunlight peeling through, illuminating clusters of mist and rain which embraced the dream place within the little girl's sleeping mind.
Together on the little hill swell by the big tree, little Alice, now 8, had questions for the old woman with the flowing silver hair lying next to her, both their face's glowing moisture as they looked to the sky.
"Ga?"  Alice said quietly, breaking a long silence.
"Yes, my love?"
"Are you God?"
"I don't know.  What is God?" The old woman asked sincerely after a moment, turning her head toward her friend/sister/daughter.
"You don't know what God is?"  Alice said incredulously.  "That's crazy!  God is the guy that made the universe n animals n stuff."
"Hmm...well then, first, I'm not a guy, and second, i help the universe n animals n stuff but i didn't make the universe n animals n stuff,  so i don't think I'm the God."
"But you talk to everything and can make stuff happen and even bugs listen to you, an you change from a little girl to a old lady, like now...and your name even sounds like God...Ga---Aaadd...see?"
Ga appeared to Alice sometimes as the bouncing ball of energy with flaming red hair past her buttocks, and other times as the old woman, whose sparkling silver hair seemed to reach throughout the entire meadow, weaving and wending itself into the ground like roots made of water. Now, because little Alice needed her friend-mother, not her friend-sister, this was how Ga appeared.  Alice was not aware yet that it was all her own need that called on Ga in her different forms, at least that was the now.  As Alice grew and learned, Ga would begin to move to other needs through Alice, those of the world...this was as much due to Alice's own desire to heal a sick world as it was Ga's task to care for that which she called her other home; Earth.
"Ga is short for Gaia, my love, not Gaaaaaddd."  Ga made a funny face as she imitated her friend-daughter, which made Alice giggle.
"Gaia?  Really?  That's so pretty!  Why didn't you tell me before? Meany."  Alice mock frowned and crossed her arms dramatically.
"You gave me that name yourself little flower, when you were a someone else.  I thought you already knew."
"When i was a someone else?"  Alice questioned intently, as she sat up and leaned on her elbow.  "I don't get it."
"You have been a someone else many many times, my love."  Ga explained.  "When your body can't hold you anymore you dance with me into another.  It is the saddest most beautiful dance."
To Ga, everything was a dance;  Life, experience, motion...everything.  Aua were comprised of light and moved by using the photo-force to attach to passing photons, so they were in a state of constant motion, redirection and speed that no human mind might comprehend.  It was truly the grandest of dances.
The dance of a complex soul reincarnating to another was not only joined by the Auan symbiote, it was engineered by it.
"Wow.  why is it sad though?"  Alice asked, imagining herself, her real self, flying through the air holding Ga's hand as they swirled and laughed into another body, like hurtling down a water-slide into a pristine pool of transparent blue.
"...Because I have to say goodbye to a you..."  Ga said, almost inaudibly, as she closed her eyes to allow the salty pools to drain down her cheeks with the misty rain.
Though little Alice was 8 years old in Earth years, to Gaia, her human host had just been reborn, and she remembered every detail of her previous incarnation and the love she had lost when she died.  It had been a glorious dance.
"Are you crying, Ga?"  Alice had never seen her friend-sister-mother ever cry before.  She had never even seen her sad.  "Now I'm sad, too.  you don't have to cry, Ga, I'm right here."
Alice wrapped her arms around Ga's midsection and rested her head on her chest.
"I see you, My Love."  Ga put her hand to Alice's droplet pocked golden hair and ran a finger through it.  "I cry joy and sadness.  my joy is a new you and a new dance, my sadness is the goodbye and our old dance.  So you see, it's both.  all things in the dance are both sadness and joy."
"All things?"  Alice asked, propping her head up with her chin on Ga's midsection and looking into her gleaming, golden eyes.
"I love to dance."  Alice rested her head back on it's side and closed her eyes.
"I know you do, my love, and yours is my greatest joy."
Keb knew Olsana as well as anyone he had ever worked with.  They were not the closest friends, but neither were they distant associates.   They had met years before as students at a physics seminar and had impressed each other with their common politics, intellect, and humor, but their strongest bond was that they both wanted to save the world.  Keb through physics and mathematics, and Olsana as a healer, ultimately.  She was a medical doctor and a tenured biology professor, as well as being a published author, and occasionally even a guest on some major market morning talk shows which required intelligent remittance of the science of healing.   Her daily toils now included pursuing her passions as the division head of the Hoboken facility of Research Operations Center, or ROC.  
It was Olsana who was responsible for Keb's employment at ROC.  There had been an opening in the lab for a number cruncher, and though Keb wasn't the big boss' first choice, Olsana had convinced him by showing the CEO, Edge Silver, a paper Keb wrote called 'Applied Temporal Mechanics and the Resolution of Irrational Numbers.'  The work itself hadn't been given much credit in general academic circles but there was something to it that was different, Olsana thought, something magic.  She felt strongly enough about it that she was willing to put her reputation on the line.  Additionally, she felt sorry for Keb.
Research Operations Center Newark, New Jersey April 3, 2004 3:26PM
"I know he's an oddball, Edgar..."  Olsana urged
"Edge, please.  My mother calls me Edgar."  Her boss reminded her, looking at his notes on Keb Snydaar.  "and Oddball is a nice way of saying he's mentally ill.  He has been remitted to institutions twice.  I'm assuming you are aware of this."
Olsana got up from her seat and stood over Dr. Silver's sterile brushed steel platform he used as a desk and leaned toward him, so as to add impact to her next carefully chosen words.
"He's a fucking genius."
Once Edgar George Silverman, now Edge Silver, Chief Executive/Operations Officer of Research Operations Center, liked smart people very much.  To he, all people were tools, and the best tools were usually worth the extra cost.
"Okay, Dr. Marisen, i will have Ms. Silverman call him in for an interview..."
"You mean your daughter?"  Olsana relaxed her posture at the agreeable resolution.
"Yes, my daughter, my secretary, now please go away before you decide to chastise me for nepotism."
Dr. Silver pressed a button on his intercom.
"Ms. Silverman?"
"Yes Daddy?"
Dr. Silver sighed and closed his eyes in slight exasperation.
"Ms. Silverman, please call Dr. Snydaar in for an interview.  Dr. Marisen will give you the number as she's leaving.  Now."  Edge Silver glared at Olsana Marisen as his subordinate prepared herself to leave.  She was smiling.
Research Operations Center Hoboken, New Jersey Aug 12, 2022 12:47PM
The walk back to Dr. Marisen's office wasn't a long one, but today it seemed like a journey.  Keb waited 15 minutes after hearing Alice leave before getting up from his chair to make way to question his friend and colleague about the meeting between the two.  He didn't want to appear anxious, and also didn't know what would he say to Olsana to mask his true motivation.  "Should I admit to having auditory hallucinations?"  He thought.  "Maybe that some spiritual messenger is speaking to me about this young girl?  she'll tell me to go home and sleep for 3 days and not come back until i wasn't seeing floating mandalas in my peripheral vision."  Olsana and Keb had discussed his pattern of deprivation on more than a few occasions, She having a similar difficulty in her own personal life; that being insomnia.  
The light tapping on Olsana Marisen's door echoed in Keb's head, and for a moment he forgot that it was he that was knocking.  
"Come in, damn it!"  The long time occupant of the largest office in the facility screamed through the closed, smoked glass door, loud enough to make everyone in the outer areas and adjoining small lab freeze.
"Is the volume really necessary, Olsa?"  Keb said, slightly annoyed, placing his index finger in his ear as he opened her door.
"I yelled three times for you to come in, deaf goofball."  Olsana said loudly, with some level of exasperation.  "Each time louder than the last, while you stood there like a zombie.  I swear, i think you're drooling."  
Keb stared at Olsana distantly.
"What is wrong with you today, Keb?  You really seem out of it all of a sudden."  Olsana said, concern replacing her edge of frustration.  "Are you coming down with something?  If so, you need to go home before you get us all sick."
"No. Not sick."  He said in the doorway.  
Upon entering Keb sat down on the large antique chair, as always, that Olsana Marisen kept toward the side of her voluminous desk. Her workspace was decorated with a menagerie of distractions; there was what appeared to be an entire set of miniature cartoon sculptures holding placards touting the strengths of her gender, which was one of her many rallying calls, and there were little plastic goats of every shape, size, and construction standing sentry on staggered piles of paper, texts and notebooks, as if they were part of a mountainous diorama.
However, the most telling and potent aspect of Olsana Marisen's immediate periphery were the pictures of men.  They were everywhere.  Small pictures, large pictures, black men, brown men, white men, golden men,; the only common denominator that any observer might notice was that they were all either naked or half-naked.  Keb mostly just ignored the pictures, having grown inured to Olsana's wanton and overt display's of man worship, and only occasionally commented on any new material that she had decided to add to her shrine.
"Aren't you concerned with sexual harassment issues?" He had asked her once, years ago.
"Should i be?  does any of this stuff really offend you?"  She had said, with serious demeanor.  "Doesn't seem to bother anyone else or I'd take it down. Just say the word and I'll pack up my fella's, though i suspect that you're just a little jealous of mister January...Officer abs.  ooooh yummy!"
"No, it doesn't bother me a bit,"  Keb had chuckled.  "But i can't help thinking that you're opening yourself up to some misery somewhere along the line."
"I appreciate your concern, Dr. Prudenchaste, but i hide all my guys whenever an outsider enters my lair."  she had said happily, and that had ended the conversation then and forever more.  To know and love Olsana was to know and accept that part of her.
Sitting in the cozy, ornately quilted chair, Keb lost himself in it's soft embrace, it's well-worn cushions and comforting smell of musty, decades old upholstery.   Breathing deeply the reminder of times past at family reunions, Keb realized that he was again in the midst of a silent reverie, which to many he indulged in too frequently, and remembered suddenly why he came in to see Olsana.
"I didn't know you were looking for help."  Keb said nonchalantly, looking at his nail-bitten fingers.  He had decided that an indirect tact would be the path of least humiliation.
"I'm not."  Olsana said.  "If you're talking about the young lady that just left, Alice, she was referred to me by a friend."
"Medical consult?"  Keb asked, now sympathetically concerned with the welfare of a woman he didn't even know.
"In a way....wait a sec."  Olsana said, grinning widely, and she slapped her palm to the desk top, making several little goats tumble from their paper perches.  "You like her.  Dirty old man."
Keb just stared at Olsana, not even able to muster the energy necessary to show indignation.
"That's okay, Keb.  happens to the best of us."  She said, smiling at her friend and colleague.
"Implying that I am not among the best of us?"  He said, weakly, thinking his best defense here would have to be a change of direction.
"You know what i mean, goofy.  Don't try to change the subject."
One of Keb's great frustrations in life was a general disability to hide his feelings, a natural weakness exacerbated by an annoying and substantial mood disorder.  "You wear your heart on your sleeve."  His father would tell him, trying to coach his difficult son through times of upheaval.  "People see right through you.  It's a good thing you have a conscience or we'd all be in trouble."
"Yea, she's pretty." Keb said reluctantly, knowing the hopelessness of trying to maintain any subterfuge with someone who knew him well.
"Right."  Olsana smirked.  "She's a Viking Princess! And don't even try to tell me your jaw didn't hit the floor when you saw her.  You can't fool me.  But anyway, too bad for you, she has a boyfriend."
This didn't surprise Keb but he still could not suppress the sudden sinking feeling, like a ball of ice in his gut.
"What's her story?"  he said, attempting to move quickly past the quick-sand of his emotions.
"Well, funny you should take an interest, because i was going to ask you to come in on this one, anyway."  Olsana said, becoming suddenly serious.
Keb instinctively leaned forward, as Dr. Marisen's voice always dropped several decibels when she was on task, though the soft cushions of the chair didn't make it easy for him.
"Ok..."  Keb said reflexively, as Olsana leaned back in her own custom, ergonomic chair, which looked not unlike a pilot's ejector seat in a modern jet fighter, pressed her finger tips together and shared with him the story of the girl she had offhandedly referred to as their very own Viking Princess, named Alice.
Keb listened intently while Olsana went over the details of Alice's visit; how she had been through a revolving door of councilors, analysts, and psychiatrists, to try and cope with what Olsana referred to as AHSD, or Acute Hyper-Sensitivity Disorder.  He had never heard of it before, but Olsana didn't seem to see it as just another pigeon-holing psychiatric device to further partition gifted people away from the rest of the world, so who was he to doubt the diagnosis.
Eventually, and fortunately for Alice, she met a Psychiatrist named Dr. Shane Michaelson, a brilliant individual who placed patient care and treatment above all else.  Dr. Michaelson was a professional associate of Dr. Marisen, as they frequented parallel academic circles, social and professional, and he had Olsana's utmost respect. The good doctor relayed to Olsana that it had taken him several sessions (a dozen or so, in fact) with Alice to get her to feel comfortable, but they together had managed to navigate her trust issues and were able to proceed toward treatment.
Offices of Dr. Shane Michaelson Philadelphia, PA. July 3, 2022 2:12PM
Dr. Michaelson had listened to Alice talk about her childhood and schooling, adolescence and her difficult passage to womanhood, and finally to the present, whereas she revealed to him, at least as much as she wanted him to know, her true reason for seeking help.  Though she had endured a childhood and life which presented any of a host of valid reasons for her anxiety and depression; various abuses, abandonment et al. she noted with assurance, however, the primary source was external...a feeling of impending doom that was going beyond distraction, and it had nothing to do with her own troubled upbringing.  
She also revealed to Dr. Michaelson, as opportunity dictated, that one special secret she had been keeping since the age of 4.  The promise to Ga.
"Don't tell anyone about our bond, My Love."  Ga had asked her, trapping Alice in their innocent bond.  However, Ga had also given her a key to this prison, as all secrets were prisons to Alice.  
"How will I know, Ga?"  
"The little frog will lead you, My Love."
Dr. Michaelson had a tiny crystal frog on his desk.  It was the first thing Alice noticed about his office and ultimately why she allowed herself to open up to him.
When Alice revealed to the doctor the truth, that she felt that the world was talking to her, and that it had always talked to her; through Gaia, and messages in the sound of wind passing through trees, in the presence and behavior of animals or their sign, even in the weather.
"I know what you're thinking."  Alice said to Dr. Michaelson during this, another of their extended sessions.  "That I'm suffering some form of delusion.  Maybe you think I'm bipolar or even schizophrenic, i don't know."
"I didn't say that."  He said, staring at her intently while chewing the end of his pencil.
"What else would you think?  If our positions were reversed that's for sure what i would be thinking."  She said, smiling slightly.  "That bitch has bats in her belfry!  But that's okay.  You can think whatever you please, i don't mind."
Alice then went on to detail to Dr. Michaelson why she felt as she did, referencing specifics of her dreams, the meadow, Gaia and associations in her real life; signs and events and how she had interpreted, acted, and interacted as a result.
On this day that she outlined these things to him, these closely guarded intimacies and personal skeletons, Dr. Michaelson became a different man.  Not because of what Alice had said to him, but because of what she would show him.  Shane Michaelson had been practicing psychiatric medicine for 7 years.  Before that he spent 4 years as an ER Surgeon, and before that, 9 years a resident of Jacob Kurtzberg Memorial Hospital.  In the 20 years he had been immersed in these various aspects of his profession, he had seen and heard just about everything.  or so he thought.
"I know you don't believe me."  Alice said, looking out the window at a crow sitting proudly atop a sparsely populated tree.
"About what?"  the Doctor had said, feigning ignorance.  "I believe everything you tell me."
"You believe that the Earth speaks to me?"  Alice dared him, with eyebrow cocked.
"Well...I believe that you are earnest in your belief."  Dr Michaelson offered diplomatically.  "But, do I believe that what you are experiencing is actually the Earth talking to you? That might take some convincing."
"Okay.  May I open the window?"  Alice asked politely, getting up from the good doctor's tasteful patient couch.
"You're not going to jump because of what i just said, are you?"  he said.  "We're on the first floor."
"No, Doctor." Alice laughed.  "I wouldn't be so selfish as to negatively affect your future livelihood.  Besides, who you do you see more interesting than me, hmm?"
Dr. Michaelson laughed as Alice gracefully moved to the window, and taking a moment to familiarize herself with the locking mechanism, proceeded to release the window from it's brass constraint and lifted the bottom pane, which revealed a light screen on the other side.  Fortunately, it was not permanently secured to the outer window and could be opened in the same manner.  Were it not for this simple detail, she might have been unable to change the doctors stance on her metaphysical sensitivities, and he might have remained as he was; a brilliant, accomplished and ultimately unenlightened man.  
Alice would change the last of these forever.
She hated to show off, it made her feel uncomfortable and vain.  However, some instances required a little something extra; some showmanship.  This was one of those cases.
After opening the Doctor's window and it's adjacent screen, Alice moved to the couch and sat down again, smoothing her long, flowing skirt under her so as to not let it bunch and wrinkle.  She then looked at Dr. Michaelson, smiled softly, placed her hands together on her lap and closed her eyes.
The Doctor said nothing.  He knew her well enough to see that she was preparing to communicate something to him, maybe something distressing, and that these periodic silences were her small retreats to regroup and steady herself.
The brief vacuum of silence lasted only a moment, as a large crow, not coincidentally the one that Alice had been watching a moment earlier, accompanied by a gust of wind from it's large, iridescent ebony wings, flew in the open window and, scattering mail and unmoored post-it notes, landed on Dr. Michaelson's desk.
The bird took a step forward, stared Dr. Michaelson in his eye, cocked it's head sideways, and abruptly took the small crystal sculpture of the little frog in its beak.  The frog had been gifted to Dr. Michaelson by his staff, 4 birthdays past.  he loved it.
The aggressive avian then took a side step back, ruffled it's feathers, and flew out the open window, crystal frog in beak, past a smiling young girl who was watching a silent and jaw agape Dr. Shane Michaelson.
The room was motionless for several seconds.
"Okay... that was crazy."  The Doctor said, finally recovering his senses.  "I...I loved that frog.  Am I to believe that you did that somehow?"
"Well, if I answer 'yes," Alice said thoughtfully,  "...then you would have to either take me at my word, and accept that the Earth Mother, Gaia and I really do communicate, or consider the possibility that i own a trained crow and set this up somehow.  I'm guessing that that's exactly what's going through your head right now."
Alice had impressed Dr. Michaelson many times; with her intelligence, passion for learning, humanity, and humor.  Occasionally she even intimidated him, something few people could accomplish, with only the force of her spirit and goodness.  This was another of those times, whereas she seemed to be looking right at his brain through the eye sockets of his skull.
"Or I suppose you would have to include the possibility of coincidence."  Dr Michaelson said, though he didn't believe that for a second.
"Would you like it back?"  Alice asked, coyly.
"You mean the frog?  um...yes."  He returned cautiously.
Alice again slowly shut her eyes, softly inhaled slow and deep, and placed her hands together on her lap.  and she smiled.
In a second rush of wind and disarray of unmoored papers being jostled about, the crow returned, and also for the second time, landed on Dr. Michaelson's desk.
The crow looked at the tall, dark man sitting at the desk, blinked to clear it's glowing onyx eyes, and dropped a medium sized pine-cone to rest precisely where the crystal frog had been.  It then ruffled indignantly, took two steps in a semi-circle to face Alice, cawed loudly, and flew off through the open window; perhaps to go look at it's new frog sculpture.
Alice laughed harder than Dr. Shane Michaelson had seen before, and maybe even more than the doctor thought her capable of.
"Nice pine cone."  she said, chuckling.
"Where's my frog?"  He said boyishly, staring at the pine cone and fully in a haze of confusion. This was not a state of mind in which Shane Michaelson was often found.
"I asked him nicely to return it, but i guess he likes it and doesn't want to give it back."  Alice smiled and sighed.  "However, in crow-land apparently, that is a mighty fine pine cone and a fair trade."
That was all the convincing Dr. Michaelson had needed.
The two occupants of the comfortable and very civilized office sat in silence, both listening to their own inner voices.
They jointly determined that day that there would be no standard treatment, drugs, or really anything within the normal confines of accepted Western medicine that might help Alice with her unsettling feelings of the dark and imminent.  Dr. Michaelson was now compelled to accept the possibility that these feelings of Alice's might be more than could be explained through existing prejudices. Terms like 'prophesy' and 'oracle' danced mockingly in his head, pointing fingers at his smug self-assurance and cynicism.
"I need to make a call."  He said, quickly deciding his plan of action.
He would need tests; MRi, CT, maybe even a nuclear WBC scan.  Also, extensive monitoring and cataloging of Alice's abilities would have to be scheduled.  There was only one place that he knew of that had both the resources and the 'out-of-the-box' thinking necessary to take on this project.
Dr. Michaelson picked up the handset of his desk phone, cycled through a list of numerical entries on the small LED display of the base unit and dialed.
"Hello, Olsa? It's Shane.  We need to talk."
<a name=10212017>***</a>
Research Operations Center Hoboken, New Jersey Aug 12, 2022 1:28PM
Olsana waited to gauge Keb's reaction to what she had told him.  She wasn't sure if she believed it herself, having to suspend her disbelief due to the source of the information, and she was unsure how her colleague might react.
Dr. Shane Michaelson was not one to be taken lightly, surely, and Keb was aware of the psychiatrist's reputation but had no personal knowledge of him whatsoever.
"What do you think?"  Olsana urged, watching him intently.
"The Crow, The Crystal Frog, and The Pinecone."  Keb said absently, staring at his fingers.  "Sounds like CS Lewis.  I think Michaelson is ingesting psilocybin."
"He was serious as a heart attack on the phone, Keb."  Olsana continued.  "He wouldn't call me if he thought this was a normal circumstance.  He knows the kind of work we do here."
"What does he think we can do?"  Keb wondered out loud.  "Sounds like a job for spiritualists, not a think tank."
"Do you think i would just accept what anyone tells me without clarifying the feasibility and dynamics in my own mind?"  Olsana chastised.  "There is no one on the planet whose psychological evaluation I value more than Shane's, and he says there is more to this...to her...than meets the eye.  This is as much about the source of the information as the information itself."
"C'mon, Olsa... you really think she talks to trees?  hmm..."  Keb said, then moments after remembered that he had heard something too, when they first met.  Might they be related?  Keb's mind began to crunch commonalities and possibilities.
"I think that you should talk to Alice.  Devise some simple test so you can see for yourself if her condition warrants our particular mojo."  Olsana smiled.  "If you'd rather I can get someone else to pick this up."
Keb couldn't help but smile himself, knowing Olsana was teasing him with her takeaway.
"I'll do it, of course."  Keb agreed.
"Of course.  I'll have Tammy set up a meeting for you and Alice to get acquainted."  Olsana smiled back, referring to Tammy Silverman, Edge's daughter and company secretary.  "Just let me know when you have some free time and an idea of how you'll test her."
"I already know how to proceed.  It won't be difficult to gauge her claims of tree talking."  Keb said, having devised a simple test in his mind moments after the problem presented itself.  "And Time?  Well, that I have plenty of."
Keb's Apartment Hillside, New Jersey Aug 19, 2022 7:18AM
On the day of their first scheduled meeting, Keb woke up an hour early, unable to keep his eyes closed.  He only slept 3 hours the night before but still felt energized.  Today he would see Alice again.  He was nervous, certainly, but also intrigued at the prospect of delving into her situation.
"She's a tree talker."  He mused to his reflection while shaving, and let his mind run wild at the applications.  
If she communicates with trees, he thought, then trees must have some level of intelligence, and if so, it wouldn't be a stretch to assume that all plant life had intelligence as well.  He then considered the symbiotic relationship between plant and animal organisms, and perhaps the commonality there, or a level of communication that had never been considered before.  Keb Snydaar was not a biologist.  His academic strengths were purely mathematical and related to basic atomic structure.  Living organisms were chemical and chemistry was not his forte.  Chemistry was sloppy and inexact, he thought.  Fickle.
Normally Keb didn't give much thought to his attire, as long as he was comfortable, but today he wanted to make a good impression.  he picked out his best form fitting jeans, the worn Levi 501s, and a button down shirt that he had ironed the evening before.  he considered wearing a necktie even, but reconsidered, as he thought it might seem a bit much.  They were going to go for a walk in the woods, and business casual in woods would just make him stand out as an uncomfortable and detached individual.  He laughed to himself that the truth hurts, that he was the poster child for uncomfortable and detached, but advertising it was even more socially inept than being so.
He looked himself up and down in the door length mirror of his cluttered room, and satisfied that he would not be the subject of disapproving stares, made his way toward whatever fate, destiny and dumb luck might make present in his path.  Before making contact with the doorknob he patted his pockets to ensure he had migrated his entire walking inventory to these pants and ran through his mental checklist of needed accessories; notebook, writing implement...coffee??
How had he forgotten coffee?  He would have to stop somewhere and buy some.
"idiot idiot idiot"  Keb chastised himself out loud for this simple oversight.  Now he would have to deal with this anomaly; stopping somewhere for coffee, and all the associated little anxieties that would accompany it.  
He ran through the event in his mind, anticipating the extra traffic in the turn lane he would encounter, the uncomfortable tapering of distance between himself and another patron going in the front door, the imminent choice he would have to make between a fresh pot of medium brew, or a slightly burnt and older pot of dark brew, the eye contact and connection with the store clerk...
He had to forcefully stop himself by shaking his head, or he might stay frozen like this for minutes...and sometimes those minutes turned to hours.  He pictured Alice as he had first seen her, extending her hand to him and smiling, then he took a deep breath and made his out.
Alice's Apartment. Maplewood, New Jersey Aug 19, 2022 7:45AM
"Wake up, My Love."  
Alice smiled as she heard those familiar words, somewhere between the last dream and now...
"Today we have important things to do."
"Okay, I'm up Ga..."  She said lazily, adoring the warmth of her comforter and familiar smells of morning, then stretching her arms outward and yawning.
"What's a Ga?"  
Alice started, but only internally, the sole betrayal her eyes sudden opening and full awareness.  She immediately took stock of her surroundings.  The white and volume of her own bedding, the smell of lavender and cinnamon in the air, the musk and warmth of male body and the contour of the person next to her.  She was home.
"Mornin' sleepy dreamer."  The figure beside her said, and leaned toward her face and mouth.
"Mornin' yourself handsome."  Alice replied, turning her head away from his advance.  "Breath..."
"I brushed my teeth a few minutes ago."
"Not yours, mine."  Alice propped her upper half to sitting and eyed her bedmate approvingly.  "Do I smell coffee?"
"You do.  I'll go get you some."  Her companion leapt athletically to his feet and eager to show off his kind deference and barista skill both, scurried off to his immediate task.
"He's such a good boy," Alice thought to herself.  "I think I'll keep him."
Alice decided to take advantage of these minutes and closed her eyes to melt into the meadow, but only for a moment.
"Good morning, My Love."
Gaia was waiting for Alice, kneeling beside her as she opened her eyes.  She was her middle self, though more young than old; her hair was almost entirely bright amber, with a single streak of silver running it's entirety into the ground.  She was stroking Alice's golden hair and humming softly.
"Was that you who woke me up?"  Alice asked immediately.
"Well, i can't take all the credit, now can I?"  
"Did you speak to me from here? or..."  Alice asked, needing some clarification on what had transpired as she woke.  Never before had she confused a person, any person, with Ga.  She wasn't sure who she had heard first, Ga or...
"...Sully.  I spoke to you with his voice."  Ga admitted, referring to Alice's love, Sully Robertson.  
"I didn't even know you could do that."  Alice said nervously.  "It's kind of creepy."
"I'm sorry My Love.  I do not dance with the thought of speaking with another's voice.  I only spoke for a moment and was gone."
"I understand Ga.  I haven't forgotten."  Alice said, softly.  "The Dak Aua is coming..."
"...and we have work to do."  Both Ga and Alice said simultaneously.
<a name="10262017">--</a>
Research Operations Center Hoboken, New Jersey Aug 19, 2022 9:28AM
The air was thick with moisture, having rained earlier in the morning, and there were still small pools scattered about and roof edges and trees still slowly dripped.  The drive to work had been slow, and with the extra stop for coffee already weighing on Keb's mind he would on any other day have already reached his personal tolerance for delay.  Today, however, he took it all in stride, his mind racing in several directions at once.  How would she look?  He thought.  "Will she be upset with me for trying to debunk her mythos?  Will she like my jeans?  What if she's a fraud?  What if she's not a fraud?..."
The last of these questions weighed heaviest on his mind.  Alice had already seemingly convinced two highly intelligent professionals of her ... odd ... sensitivities.  What would he do if...? this was always the toughest question, with everything.  So many possibilities, so many wildcards, so many outcomes.  Too many to fully digest, he thought.  Baby steps.
As Keb pulled into his parking spot, the one incorrectly marked for Dr. Snyder, he saw Alice get out of her car and walk towards the front entrance.  He could've gotten out immediately and gotten her attention with a friendly 'Good Morning!' but he opted for the path of least anxiety, as had become his instinct.  He needed some moments to prepare to say hello; he couldn't just approach her in the parking lot.  could he?  So he just sat and watched.
He watched as she motivated herself forward, noting that her elbows stuck out when she moved at a brisk pace, and her wide braid bouncing between her shoulder blades as she walked.  He wondered if it bothered her, the persistent pattern of contact.  She wore loose fitting sweat pants and a wind breaker over a simple printed white t-shirt.  Keb thought she looked like someone going on a gambling junket to Mississippi.
He watched as she stopped by a tree and looked up, and waved hello to a small bird.  He half expected to see it land on her finger and accompany Alice in a song.
Having satisfied her need to interact with her new friend, the sparrow, Alice made her way into the modest looking glass and concrete facility, and seeing this, Keb proceeded to exit his car and walked along the elegantly landscaped path into the building.  As he passed the small birch tree where Alice had her brief commune, he heard a single staccato *chirp, and looking up, saw Alice's friend.
"Hello bird."  Keb said, noticing a small black and orange spot on it's left side.  
*chirp*  The bird repeated itself, staring at Keb from the safety of it's elevated perch.
"Really?  She said that about me?"  Keb played.  "Wow, she must think I'm pretty awesome, huh?"
The sparrow ruffled it's feathers and turned away.
"Guess not."  Keb mock frowned.  "But there's always hope, right bird?  What's that?  I need to accomplish something with my life?  Then maybe she'll come around?  Well, you do make a valid point... Hmm, I'll have to think on your words of clarity..."
"Oh, he's just impatient.  Sparrows are the most impatient of all birds, I think.  Well, maybe seagulls.  But sparrows are definitely up there."
Keb jumped sideways as he heard Alice speak as if she had miraculously appeared beside him.  It was fortunate for him that today he  insured his coffee lid was securely capped.
"I'm sorry for startling you."  Alice chuckled.  "I just got here myself.  I forgot something in my car."
"S'ok."  Keb wondered how she had moved so quietly, and how much she had heard.  Would she know he was talking about her?  
"How are you this morning?"  He tested.
"Stressed!"  Alice said immediately.  "Holy shit, I can't believe how people drive around here!  I saw half a dozen near misses on the turnpike this morning.  I'm amazed that anyone here in New Jersey manages to get where they're going alive."
Keb laughed at Alice's irritated and somewhat profane commentary.  It was unexpected.  He imagined her to be a 'one with the universe' type of individual, one that let things roll off her back.  Apparently, like Keb himself, she suffered to some extent the same irritation at the general lack of compassion and empathy one see's on a daily basis in these United States, especially when driving.
"Where I'm from, people may be a bit crazy too, but they at least have some semblance of regard for other motorists."
"Well, I'm glad we both made it safely, regardless."  Keb said, wanting to go inside and prepare for their appointment with the wood.
"I know, right?  I'll meet you inside, i just need to grab something from my car."
"Okay."  Keb said, walking.  "I just have to check in with Dr. Marisen and let her know I'm here."
"The bird says to 'say hi' for him."  Alice said, seriously.
"Really?"  Keb said, stopping suddenly and looking back at her.
"No."  Alice grinned, showing her perfect teeth.  "Gotcha!"
Alice laughed cheerily as she strutted back to her car, elbows out.  
Keb stared at her as she walked, his mind on her femininity, contour, and grace.  He stopped himself before his thoughts naturally migrated to sexuality.  That wouldn't be fair to her or to Research Ops.  Keb already understood how his emotional state might negatively affect this or any other academic process; were he to add to that the constant pressure of intimate appetites, well...chances are that Alice would leave prematurely and Keb would be the cause, an undesirable outcome.
He shook his head slightly, as much from habit as to clear unwanted thoughts, and walked through the nondescript entrance to Research Operations Center, Hoboken.
The facility was alive with motion and the sounds and smells of industry and had been for several hours.  There were technicians scurrying to and fro with burdens of tools, and expedience, administrative personnel carrying coffee and conversation, deliverymen with clip-boards and looks of impatience, and construction workers laboring against gravity and restraint.  It was a busy day, but every day was a busy day here at Research Ops.  Private sector folks didn't have the luxury of living on their own clock, as Universities and Government facilities often did.  Money only appeared with expectation, not charity, and expectation only appeared with potential, progress, and results.  That was what mattered to Edge Silver, and he would not tolerate anything but 'asses and elbows' in motion.
"Good morning Olsa."  Keb said earnestly to his friend, colleague, and supervisor, who was sitting in a resin chair at one of the utility tables in the foyer, drinking coffee and reviewing a progress report.
"Well, good morning to you, sunshine!  Big day today!"  She replied enthusiastically.  "You ready?"
"As ready as ever, I suppose."
"You don't sound very enthusiastic.  Something bothering you?"
"Not really.  Just same shit as ever, I guess."  Keb said.  "Wondering where this stuff with Alice will lead, is all.  I mean, if Alice is what we think she may be, then the world is a different place to what we've all been taught.  Everything changes.  And if she's not..."
"...then Alice is mentally ill, or a fraud."  Olsana said seriously, completing Keb's thought.
"...and Occam's Razor suggests that the likelihood is the latter of those scenarios,"  He continued.  "...and that makes me sad."
"Would make us all sad.  Waste of time, and resources.  Speak of the devil!"  Olsana said abruptly, as much a greeting as a warning to Keb that Alice was in earshot.  "Good morning sunshine!"
"Good morning to you!"  Alice said as she walked into the foyer, matching Olsana's positivity and cheer.  "I'm all set to go talk to trees for you."
Olsana laughed.  Keb just stared, unsure if Alice was joking or not.
"Here, I packed some stuff for you guys that I'm pretty sure Keb overlooked."  Olsana retrieved a small grocery sack made of canvas from under the table.  "Water, first aid kit, Swiss army knife, insect repellent, snacks..."
"This is an experiment, Olsana, not a picnic..."  Keb said, immediately sorry that he did.
"What's wrong with a little picnic?"  Alice quickly joined, rescuing Keb from his own impulsive negativity.  "All work and no play makes Keb a dull boy."
"That's what I'm sayin'!"  Olsana bellowed.  "Now you two skedaddle, and don't come back 'til the sandwiches are eaten.  Here Alice, you drive.  I already signed out a company ride for you two.  The Beast!"
Olsana handed Alice a ring of car keys with a large ROC fob on it.
"Okay..."  Alice said reluctantly, looking at Keb to gauge his reaction, who had an unreadable expression, other than his normal look of seeming to be in pain.  "The Beast?"
"Keb hates to drive."  Olsana explained for him.  "Besides, I don't think he can handle the sheer force of 'The Beast'... Girl Power!"
Olsana raised her fist in the air, and there were several echoes of her sentiment to be heard throughout the immediate environment, including  applause and vocal support.  In her realm, and this facility was indeed her realm, Olsana fostered not only a place of safety for female workers, but a place of power.
"I'm not so sure I can handle The Beast, either."  Alice remarked, looking again to gauge Keb's reaction.
Keb rolled his eyes.
"The Beast is a two seat electric car.  The engine was converted from a power screwdriver, i think."  Keb said.
"So, The Beast is an herbivore then?"  Alice joked, making both Olsana and Keb laugh.  Taking the laughter as a cue, Olsana bid the two good luck and sent them on their way.
As they walked together quietly out of the building, Alice's mind was distracted by the thought of comfort she got when she made Keb laugh.  And maybe she felt something else, something more than just comfort?  She would have to ask Ga, she thought.
The drive to Hacklebarney State Park, which took approximately 45 minutes, gave Keb and Alice a little time to get personally acquainted.  They spoke about their hometowns and schooling, and Research Operations Center, Edge Silver, and Olsana, and learned that they had several common passions.  They both loved coffee, music, and art, but more importantly, they found that they genuinely liked each other.  Alice was surprised to learn that Keb had a sense of humor, and had made her laugh several times on the ride.  Keb was compelled by Alice's intelligence, the way she phrased things, her rational insights and morality.
"Do you want some insect repellent?  Still wet outside from the rain.  Gonna be skeeters."  Keb offered, as he searched through the canvas bag of supplies.
"No thank you.  I don't use pesticides."
"Ever?"  Keb asked, surprised.  "What if you get ants or roaches in your house?"
"I don't."  Alice said.  "I keep a clean house, thank you very much."
Though Alice spoke truthfully, it wasn't merely her attention to orderliness and cleanliness that kept pests at bay, it was Gaia.
Gaia's constituent particles, Auton's they would soon be dubbed, at varying levels of concentration were in every living thing on Earth; every insect, every bird, every plant.  She, and others like her, was the connection between all things organic.  She was why a mass of hundreds and thousands of Starlings flew together as if of a single mind, and why massive schools of Herring danced as if all to the same music.  They were as one, through Gaia.
Gaia did not actively or consciously control all living organisms, but she was present, nudging here and prodding there.  She could control her own parts, her autons, as precisely as a human could manipulate their own fingers, massing them together to focus light energy and heat at nano tolerances, delicately arranging them to manipulate the color dance, and even using them to capture and vector clusters of electrons.  Control was not part of her dance, though.  On an evolutionary scale she was more sculptor or potter, than a maker or packager of clay, but the ability to control was viable and potent, if largely ignored.
"...and the skeeters?"  Keb prodded.
"I'm not sure if I've ever been bitten by a mosquito, frankly."  Alice said, thoughtfully.  "Or by any bug, come to think of it."
"Bee sting?"
"Fire ant?"
Keb stared at Alice for far longer than he normally would have felt comfortable with.  He was scanning her for her emotional state, looking for any signs that she was at any level full of shit.  He didn't see any.  All her could read on her was sincerity and... good.  He searched internally for a better word.  Good was subjective, he knew, and could be sourced from many of a thousand places, the most common including upbringing, personal tragedy, and current economic perspective, all malleable and externally coerced.  But as he stared, he wondered if maybe he was wrong, if maybe there was a quantifiable, consistent and polar quality called 'good,' and Alice was that.
"You think I'm full of shit."  Alice stated flatly, eyes remaining focused on the surrounding traffic that loomed over the small automobile that whined it's frustration at maximum occupancy and minimum thrust.
"I believe you, though what you're telling me is naturally anomalous, unless you live in a bubble."
"But you believe me."  She repeated, turning her attention to look in Keb's eyes.
Keb saw in her eyes everything he had thought previously, but more and unexpectedly he saw her need for him to believe her.  It displayed a vulnerability he had not seen in her before, a very real softness.  He saw her hurt and got just a tiny taste of her damage, and he loved her for it.
"She is here for me."  He remembers.
His mind drifted to that moment he touched her.  Sometimes, when he mentally floated and let the delusion ride unfettered he believed it meant she would love him.  However, even when within the easy embrace of fantasy his brain wouldn't allow for simple, easy answers.  Maybe the message was not focused on him, he thought, but on her.  maybe it was she who needed help and he would necessarily provide it.  
Someone of mystic experience had long ago told him that there were two types of greatness; the glory of kings and the poetry of king makers.  According to his tarot profile and the pseudo-calculus of numerology, he was to be the latter of these, only.  A fun detail he liked to remind himself of from time to time.  
"I'm glad you believe me Keb."  Alice said, turning her attention back to the road and breaking him free of his passenger-induced hypnosis.  
"OH YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!!"  She yelled suddenly, hitting the brakes to avoid a collision with an aggressive motorist in a pickup truck who had decided that small electric cars were unworthy of consideration and a place on the common roadway.
"Fucking pricks in pickup trucks, I tell you."  Alice continued railing, shaking her head.  "I wonder if a person that buys a pickup is already an asshole or if the vehicle itself makes them a dick."
"Well, I imagine that the power of the pickup's V8 catalyzes an aggressiveness that is already present in the driver," Keb said thoughtfully, "And that this is exacerbated by the driver's relative elevation."
Alice turned to Keb and stared.
"You said fuck.  twice."  He added quietly, staring off to the right, smiling.
Keb expected her to laugh but instead was dismayed that she became apologetic.
"I'm sorry if my cussing bothers you..."  She began
"PUH-leese!"  Keb interrupted.  "I was kidding.  You can scream obscenities at the moon all day if you need to, I don't mind.  I read a study that indicated people that use profanity regularly are significantly more likely to display loyalty and compassion in their everyday lives."
"Fuckin' ay."  Alice smiled.  "Hey, there's a sign for the park.  We made it in one piece.  Yay!"
Hacklebarney State Park Morris County, New Jersey Aug 19, 2022 10:43AM
As Alice pulled into the park driveway they mutually decided that a spot with a charging station situated close to a bathroom would be best for all purposes, and found a suitable location quickly.  It was the middle of the day in the middle of the week so there were many open spots, for parking and all other park related activities.  This pleased both of them, as another of their common preferences was to avoid crowds of people whenever possible.  For Alice, this meant quiet, which was her sanctum.  For Keb, it meant a slight reprieve from heightened anxiety, which increased as his elbow space lessened.
As they got out of the small car Alice stared at the line of trees that wrapped around their location interrupted by several small paths, wooden handrails and small utility sheds.  She closed her eyes and breathed in deeply, then smiled and put her arms out as if greeting the world, which she was.
"Hello My Love!"  She said to the sky and surrounding life, then wrapped her arms around her shoulders in a self-embrace.
Keb watched silently and noted that the breeze changed as she spoke, creating music in the tree line, and several movements came into his peripheral vision.  Where moments before he saw only a sparsely populated public park, now he noted the erratic path of butterflies, swallowtails, he remembered, and dragonflies, dozens of them, hovering and darting looking for mosquitos to torment and devour.  and Birds, chirping and creating havoc in the branches.  Had they been making that much noise before?  He wasn't sure but it seemed that the ambient noise increased noticeably in relation to their being there.  Or, Keb corrected himself, to Alice being there.
He chastised himself for not thinking of audio concerns regarding the experiment.  Stupid arrogant idiot, he kicked himself, realizing that he did not take this experiment seriously enough, even though he had convinced himself otherwise.
"I should've brought a recorder and a condenser mic."  Keb said out loud, completing his internal dialog.
"Maybe next time."  Alice chirped, her mood clearly elevated at her surroundings, even though she was in a fine mood already.
"Isn't it glorious!"  Alice spread her arms out, as if to showcase the horizon to him.  "Keb, I would like to formally introduce you to Mama."
"Hello Mama."  Keb said, smiling, though he didn't know who he was smiling at.
<a name=10272017>--</a>
Alice leaned into the car and retrieved her carry bag, a cotton tie-dyed sack with brightly colored patches of flowers and peace signs sewn on, shouldered it, and smiled brightly.
"I'm ready."  She chimed, as she reached into her bag and pulled out an old Konica single lens reflex camera and set the strap around her neck.  "Lead on McDuff."
"What's the camera for?"  Keb asked innocently.
Alice stared blankly at him, blinking once.
"It's for taking pictures."  She said after a moment, her tone matching her look of mild condescension.  
Keb laughed so suddenly that he snorted, breaking Alice's facade of mock disbelief, and she laughed too.  Keb didn't notice but when she laughed, the entire landscaped reacted, growing slightly brighter, greener.
"C'mon Keb, let's go this way."  Alice decided to take the lead, waving him to follow.  She could feel Keb's anxiety, and it was her natural way to address discomfort in others, she didn't consciously think about it.  She would be the lantern carrier.
Alice had been diagnosed by the esteemed Dr. Michaelson as 'suffering' Acute Hyper-Sensitivity Disorder.  Upon reading this in her ROC report, Keb equated this to being a clinical quantification for an individual that had empathy.  That was what Western medicine had deemed as a detriment.  To he, the absurdity of this was almost comical.
Keb had reflected for long hours on the behavior of humanity; what makes us different from non-sentient life forms, and the simplest answer that he could arrive at was empathy and compassion.  These were the qualities least present in the behavior of all forms we consider non-sentient.  Life itself doesn't give a shit one way or another, he thought.  We make the choice to alter the currents and tides of life and give form to hope and self-evolution, and only those who Feel can willfully provide this to others.  
A person that cannot sense the suffering and need of another is not a vital organism.  It is sole and parasitic by nature.  One that can feel the suffering and need of another, yet chooses to ignore that need, or worse, manipulate it to add to their own mass, displays simple animal behavior and is flaccid in their ability to alter the flow to support and grow the system.
Only the one that can sense the need of another, and make the choice to address this need without the machination of adding to their own mass may be defined as sentient.  Sentience is not truly about being self-aware, he thought...it is about being out-of-self aware.
Keb didn't know it, but the very thing he defined as the sole common property of higher intelligence, empathy, was the very reason Gaia had been drawn to Alice.  Her great empathy, this diagnosed sensitivity disorder, was the most beautiful dance Gaia had ever seen.  The way  Alice's nervous system lit up with electrical activity in response to the dance of other living organisms was, to Ga, an oasis of organic sensation.  When Ga merged with Alice it was like she was born herself into Alice's consciousness and it's wonder.
"I think you make a better McDuff, anyway."  Keb said absently, adjusting his own burden on his shoulder and following dutifully, surveying his immediate path for obstacles.
"You sayin' I'm Butch?"  Alice teased.
"Sayin' you kick ass."
"I wish."  Alice laughed.  She had in the past been made to feel powerless at the hands of certain people, and still experienced some level of frustration at what she perceived of as a lack of physical potency.  She sometimes had to remind herself that her potency, her own magic, was very real and very unique.
As they walked, Alice leading by a few paces, she told Keb the story of Ga.  It was an intimate sharing for her, a vulnerability displayed, but she was in the woods now, among the trees, her Temple, and she recognized him now as a kind, gentle soul.  Damaged, certainly, she thought, but still she felt safe here with him.  A person's damage gives them defining texture and contour, and to she, there was little art in those with no damage.
"What do you think Gaia is, physically?"  Keb asked, making notes as they walked.
"What makes you say that?"
"I can feel her in the sunlight.  When her rays touch me it feels like when you're in a room with someone you love.  You're not touching them, just sitting together, but you know they're there."
"Do you feel her in artificial light?"
"Yes and no.  Not really the same, like she's only partly there, physically."  Alice said, touching leaves as she walked by them as if they were her children's hands.  "But she's always there mentally.  Though now that i think of it, she's more vital, more animated in sunlight."
Keb wrote furiously as she spoke, and cursed as his pen raked dry across the notepad.  
"Aw crap!"  He spat.  "I hate pens that don't work!"
"Careful with throwing that word around."  Alice chastised.  "Don't waste such potent energy on something so trivial.  There are a great many things one may disdain, but hatred? Well, that's a self-applied pollution that befouls the entire body."
"HA! Alicespeare."  Alice giggled.  "But thank you.  Maybe I should write a play."
"What would you write about?"  Keb asked, genuinely interested.
"Hmmm..."  She thought.  "I think I'd write about finding yourself, about each person following their true path, whatever that is.  and computers."
"I love computers. What can I say, deep down I'm a geek."  Alice shrugged acceptance.
"Really?  That's neat."  Keb complimented.
"Why, 'cause I'm a girl?"
"No, because your passion seems to be in art and music.  Loving tech is an entirely different animal."
"Yeah, I'm a bit hippy, and a bit metal too."  Alice admitted thoughtfully, somewhat pleased with her self-definition.
As they walked Keb began to notice small movements around Alice, though each time he trained his focus on the source he could see nothing that might have moved.  He wondered if he was having sleep deprivation hallucinations; little sparks and flutters in his peripheral vision, though he felt fine.  He was suddenly glad that Alice had taken point as he was able to survey her interaction with, and affect on the green, which would have been otherwise impossible had he been in front.
The more he watched and focused on her movements and the contour of her surroundings, he began to see what had triggered his motion sense; micro movements of the plant life around her.  At first he thought it was tactile, that Alice had touched the branch or frond to cause it to move, but he never saw the actual contact.  Just ahead Keb spied a tall thick tuft of saw grass which was bordering their path.  Alice would have to walk right past it, he thought.  Keb trained his sight on the grassy mass and as Alice glided past, he saw the movement; saw each frond move slightly toward her and follow her as she made her way past it.  He again cursed himself, a long habit of his, for his lack of foresight.
"I'm so fucking stupid.  I should've brought a high-speed camera.  We could see these motor responses in great detail in super slomo."
"Motor responses?"  Alice asked over her left shoulder.
"The plants are moving with you as you walk past."  Keb replied.  "I wasn't sure at first; thought it might be the wind or you touching them, or me seeing things, but now I'm certain."
"I was wondering when you would notice."  Alice smiled, as she raised her arms out to her sides and gracefully spun in a pirouette.
"Truthfully, I think I've seen enough to warrant the next phase."
Alice stopped, and frowning, turned to face her walking companion.
"Already?  Don't you want to see me 'talk to the trees?'"  Alice made air quotes.  "I thought that was the whole point."
"The point of this excursion was to find justification for a full investigation into your abilities, and I've already seen something I'd never thought possible; a plant interacting with a specific human being."  Keb said, feeling somewhat numb at this first revelation of new science.
"I don't have any abilities, not really."  Alice said matter of factly.  "It's Gaia.  She makes the plants move, not me."
"I disagree.  Olsana told me about your meeting with Michaelson."  Keb explained.  "I didn't know what to think about it...until now.  If you have the ability to communicate a need to Gaia, as Olsana indicated you did with the crow summoning, and she then addresses that need through some physical manipulation of mass or energy, as in providing a conduit between yourself and the crow, then you're incorrect.  You not only have abilities, but if you are the only one who has this bond with Gaia, you may be the single most potent person on the planet."
"Oh, pish."  Alice said dismissively, waving her hand at him.  Her nature would not allow her to fully accept what she knew deep down in her heart to be true, that she was a Goddess, or at the very least, an Angel.
"I'm not exaggerating even a bit."  Keb said.  "Frankly, I may actually be in some subtle form of shock, because this is some mind blowing shit, and my mind is a blank.  This is all new."
"Well, it's not new to me,"  Alice smiled warmly,  "...And certainly not to Ga.  Besides, we haven't even had lunch.  Olsa said not to come back until the sandwiches were eaten."
"True enough. However, all food gets eaten, regardless."  Keb dead-panned.  "She didn't say we had to be the ones that ate it."
"I don't think she was referring to ants or bacteria.  We are finding a place to sit and eat, mister."  Alice commanded, hands on her hips.  "I'm not driving back with you until you eat and don't have that look on your face like someone's poking you with needles."
"Do I really look like that?"
"HOT needles."
"Well, at least they're sterile."  Keb attempted a weak smile, and though his feelings were a bit hurt, he didn't disagree a bit.
"C'mon."  Alice said, no longer willing to waste energy negotiating.  "Follow me."
She didn't wait for a reply, and spinning on her heel, elbows out, made her way to a dry looking spot she had eyed minutes earlier; or maybe something told her to choose it.  She wasn't sure.
Alice found the clearing that spoke to her, and knowing Keb had followed (without any indication, verbal or otherwise), she spun again and pointed to the ground at her immediate left.
"Here."  Alice said with a maternal glare, which Keb didn't consider challenging for even a moment.
He immediately rustled through the supply bag and produced a red and white plaid tablecloth, which he draped across the general section of grass she had pointed to.
"How lovely, and so rustic."  Alice said happily.  "Olsa thinks of everything."
"Well, she didn't think of a ground cover large enough for the two of us to sit on."  Keb said, scratching his chin.  "This will, however, create a plane separating the food from the ants, so no complaints."
"She probably imagined us eating at a picnic table."  Alice offered.
"We can do that if you like."
"Actually, I prefer the ground, if you don't mind."  Alice returned, remembering all the times she had said that exact phrase in her life, in response to several different topics; transportation, sleeping arrangements, et al.
As a small child she often opted to sneak outside and sleep on the grass. This particular eccentricity especially enraged her mother, who was already a volatile that required little spark to ignite.  Alice now, as an adult, sometimes had to resist the urge to lay out on the grass at night, simply because it wasn't safe for any young woman to be outside alone.
"Nope, don't mind a bit."  Keb agreed.
Keb continued to root through the large canvas sack, finally producing paper plates, plastic flatware, napkins, plastic utility containers which held cold potato and slaw salads, and two sandwiches of unknown quantity.  He handed the materials to a sitting Alice, who placed them carefully in their proper configuration.
Order was a high priority to Alice.  She painstakingly manipulated any space she would be forced to inhabit for any length of time, whether it was the place setting at a diner or her own office and living space.  Everything had it's place and usefulness, and if it didn't meet both criteria, it was gone.
Unsatisfied that he had found all that he would need at this lunching, Keb continued to scan the contents while lowering himself to sitting, and did not see the stick he would sit on.  It was small enough to be missed, yet large enough and contoured to provide a nice goose.
"Careful."  Alice said, seeing the unfolding milieu before her.
Keb looked quickly beneath him as he sat, and seeing the obstruction, attempted to catch himself by shifting his left leg. This however, did not produce the expected results.  As he unknowingly planted his left foot on a still moist leaf, his leg skated out from under him and Keb flew backward and landed flat on his back, creating a moderate 'thud'.
"Oh my!"  Alice exclaimed.  "Are you okay?"
Keb laid still for a moment and stared at the sky, performing a brief internal inventory for physical damage.
"Yeah."  He said, still staring skyward.  "Least I didn't sit on that stick.  Thank you for not laughing."
"I'm really sor..."  Alice began to apologize, feeling somewhat responsible for Keb's immediate posture, but couldn't contain herself.
"HAHAHAHA..."  Alice began laughing.  "I'm sorry, but that was really funny...HAHAHA..."
"I didn't drop the bag."  Keb said innocently, smiling stupidly to the sky.  This made Alice laugh even harder.
Alice continued laughing, tears streaming down her face, while Keb propped himself to sitting.  He watched her and saw that she laughed with her whole face, with joy and release.  He didn't know it yet, but Keb would think back on this scene often in the years to come, concluding it to be the moment he fell in love with her.
When she finally gained some control, a difficult proposition when the giggles set in, she again apologized for what she considered an  immature display, made worse because it was at someone else's expense.
"I read an interesting little piece that made a correlation between comedy and tragedy, stating essentially that all things are tragedy; Comedy is simply someone else's."  Keb commented, while unwrapping a sandwich.
"If that's so, then all things are comedy too.  Just depends on your perspective."
"Unless the tragedy is universal."  Keb said, making a face at his untoward discovery of beets on his sandwich.  "If it happens to all of us, who's left to laugh at it?"
Suddenly Alice's expression changed.  Her sparkling golden rimmed green eyes averted to the ground and her brows furrowed, her smile becoming a grimace as she chewed on her lower lip.  Keb noticed immediately.
"What's wrong?  Did I say something?"  He said, plucking blood red disks from his lunch, worried that he had caused her some issue.
"No.  Well, yeah, you said many something's, but it's not you."
"Okay, I'm listening."  Keb prodded, eyeing the red stains on his bread with disdain.  "And wondering who puts beets on a sandwich?"
"I'm not ready to talk about this yet.  I'm sorry."  Alice said, wrapping her arms around her knees as she sat.  
"Beets are okay."  She forced a smile.
Keb didn't understand exactly what had happened but he was fairly certain that he had catalyzed it with his commentary on comedy and tragedy.  Did she shut down at the memory of some personal trauma or is it more?  He wondered.
"I'm here to listen.  About the beet thing, I mean."  Keb smiled.
He wanted to tell her that she could trust him, but stopped himself, knowing what flaccid commentary that would be to someone that didn't know him.  
Anyone can offer trust, he thought, and they often do, yet fall far from grace when the event horizon is reached.  A contract of trust is manifest in silence.  It is anonymous and unheralded by nature, and it is rare.  He could not ask for her trust, he might only earn it. And that he would do by silently honoring her.
0 notes
Which insurance company offers the cheapest car insurance for new and young drivers?
"Which insurance company offers the cheapest car insurance for new and young drivers?
Which insurance company offers the cheapest car insurance for new and young drivers?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://saleinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Do I need to be on the insurance to go to and from school in my friends car?
I am 16 years old and I have my drivers permit, is it legal to drive myself and my sister to and from school in my friends car without being on the insurance policy? its my friends dad car and I want to use it for school..""
My auto insurance expires on Oct. 9th (today) Does that mean I can drive on Oct. 9th until midnight?
My auto insurance expires on Oct. 9th (today) Does that mean I can drive on Oct. 9th until midnight?
What lawyer is best to sue an insurance company?
kid was killed in car accident and want to sue the drivers insurance because all 3 boys died. the insurance company is only offering a certain amount but i want more. who should i call
""How much does it cost for one adult to live in an apartment, with food, car insurance, etc?
I want to know so I know how much I'll have to make a month once I move out of the house.
Bike insurance for a cbr 600?
i live in halifax nova scotia in a rural area and was woundring how much it would cost just for plpd i allready have a bike witch is a 200cc and it cost me 300 and some odd dollors for the year woundring how much it would be for a cbr 600 year around 1998-2005 and i took a drivers course for bike and car and been with my insurance company for about a year now for my bike would they give me any speacials. also i have gotten no tickets or crashed got a clean slate.
Does anyone know where I can get cheap car insurance for a 26 year old first time driver in the UK?
I have tried a few comparison sites but they come back with 2000 and up. I have tried adding my Dad and my sister but it does not make much difference, should I add more people? Or am I going to the wrong sites? Thank you in advance for any responses.""
Health Insurance Ques?
Because he's a full time student, I can carry my son under my health insurance plan until he's 23. The problem is he'll be a full time undergrad until a few months shy of his 24th birthday. He works, but only part time so insurance isn't really an option at his place of work. It would be a bit much to go to school FT and also work FT. Any ideas? Don't want to go w/o insurance.""
How to get off an auto insurance policy?
about 2 years ago, my mom signed me up in the same insurance as her car...i do not drive her car and never did, however, we still pay 80 bucks extra a month, i want to get off of that insurance but i hear its much trickier than it seems. The car i drive is already insured, but not under my name. Is that legal or not? I live in illinois if that helps. how should i go about removiving my name from this insurance company?""
Looking for a insurance rider policy?
I am looking for some info on insurance rider policy, also want to get a good one.""
Why are car insurance for men more higher than women?
I don't understand why is insurance for men more higher than women. Lets be honest: Women can get distracted as men and men can also get distracted. Men have temptation of speed, and so do women. some women have a tendency to be impatient behind a slow driver and dangerously overtake with their escalades or odyssey and so do men. In Europe, they have stopped doing this and how come in USA they don't do the same? I am not arguing that my insurance should be lower but it just doesn't seem to make sense. I am a careful driver yet I still have to pay more? For what? I have seen girls drive as bad as men. Why do I have to pay for so much as a male?""
""If i buy a car, how long have i got to insure it?""
If i buy a car, how long have i got to insure it?""
Am I required to have auto insurance if I dont drive the car?
The car is financed. I will still be making payments. If the car is in storage do i have to have it insured? I live in washington state.
Why do insurance companies do a credit check. bad credit doesnt make you a bad driver and the same with good?
Why do insurance companies do a credit check. bad credit doesnt make you a bad driver and the same with good?
How much will my second speeding ticket make my insurance rates go up?
I received a speeding ticket in January for 90 in a 70 (I-5 on my way down to San Diego), and today I received another ticket for 86 in a 65 on Freeway 85 in Cupertino. The first ticket is being taken care of with traffic school right now, and since I can't go to traffic school again so soon I'm assuming the 2nd ticket will increase my insurance rates. Does anyone know how much they will increase? I'm 21 and am on my parents' insurance (USAA) because I'm in college, but I will be paying whatever the difference in premium is so I'm trying to get an idea of what the damage is here. Also, I know I messed up, so no need to tell me in the answers. I thought I'd learned my lesson after the first ticket but apparently I still haven't, so at this point I'm just afraid to get into a car.""
Which car insurance company is cheap and good?
I have All State but its too expensive I am single so i have to pay $845 for 6 months
Which motorcycle insurance would be better?
Mce or Cia insurance? They both the cheapest 400 for my ped
The world of car insurance?
the idea that dropping the price of car insurance for men a small amount and increasing the female amount a huge hike has nothing to do with gender that's the con it's the absolute greed of government and big business hand in hand raking in a fortune as they did when changing the  s p to the criminal decimal currency? the question is why do we Joe public put up with this crap
Cheapest Scooter Insurance for 16 year old?
I just turned 16 and want to get a scooter The actual license and scooter isnt too expensive 50 for provisional, 89 for CBT, bout 20 for the thory and 60 for practical However, insurance is a pain!! :/ does anyone know who the cheapest insurer is for a 16 year old? I would love to be able to drive on the scooter but insurance is too much. Also, what is the best scooter to get. By best i mean a scooter which has the cheapest insurance? THanks a lot!!""
What does maternity and complications of pregnancy mean for insurance coverage?
I am looking into getting health insurance and the policy I am currently considering says that maternity and complications of pregnancy are covered as any other sickness. They are in the same section on the same line so I am wondering if this means they cover maternity expenses or if they only cover complications like any other illness. Any help would be great. Thanks!
""Planning on buying a newer car, wondering how much my insurance will go up or if it will at all?""
Right now I have a Ford mustang, and i'm paying about $800 every 6 months, i'm planning on getting a 2006 Grand Prix so since it's not a sports cr but it's newer will my insurance rate stay the same? Will it go up? Or am I lucky and will it go down?""
Will my insurance be raised because someone else got a ticket in my car?
My boyfriend was driving my car and got a texting ticket. Will my insurance rate increase?
if someone doesnt have insurance, which is better? primary or excess? why?""
Best insurance companies for 17 year old passed my test?
ok ive pased my test and i gettin a car this week and i need some insurance on the car obviiously lol, well basically whats the cheapest car insurance all you 17 year old have and who is it with, please :)""
Term or Whole life insurance which is best for 18 yr old female and what is the difference?
Is $12 per month a good premium for a 30k term life policy for the 18 yr old female?
How much for basic auto insurance in Canada?
I am driving my car from BC to Waterloo, ON. back for school. I was wondering, in this case, which province's auto insurance I am supposed to get. Can I drive around in Ontario for more than four months with ICBC insurance? Or Do I have to get the new Ontario insurance? In BC I am still N, which is equivalent of G2, and I currently drove for closely three years. Another thing was, how much would the basic insurance cost a month? Is there any big difference between BC and Ontario?""
Which insurance company offers the cheapest car insurance for new and young drivers?
Which insurance company offers the cheapest car insurance for new and young drivers?
My storage builing was broken into and some of my things were stolen... i have insurance on it and I called the insurance company to report it. I'm waiting for the adjuster to call me back to see what all was taken... what can I expect? Are they gonna have to do alot of research... how long is this gonna take?
Do life insurance companies check your medical records after you die?
Let's say that you get life insurance and claim to be a non-smoker. Then let's say that you start smoking or resume smoking. Assuming that your medical records show that you ...show more
Complete details of different insurances in USA?
Domain Knowledge of different types of Insurances of USA?
Can a 20 yr old college student get medicaid for health insurance?
Her dad is on disability and her mother has left and is living in another state. She gets financial aid and grants. Right now she has no health insurance at all.
Auto insurance?
which auto insurance should i get for my 2005 chrysler sebring? i have farmers but its so freaking expensive! i pay 200 dollras every month and i know theres people who pay less i wanna know which insurance would be cheaper? but i want full coverage and everything.
Van insurance young driver?
im 20 years old, been driving for 3 years with 1 year no claims, im a qualified tiler but i cant find van insurance cheaper than 6 grand anywhere its a joke, so i cant work cause i need a van wtf can i do""
Do out of state residents need California SR22 insurance if they dont go back to California?
I am a permanent resident of AZ and have an AZ drivers license. While visiting California I had a DUI. I settled out of court but an insurance broker wants to sell me a California policy. Do I need California SR22 insurance if I don't plan to return to California? Is there any benefit?
Is It Fine to Do Online Payment Transfer for Impounded Car Insurance to a Company ?
Hi there, I am trying to put a question here for the yahoo community in a bit detail to give a clear picture of situation and try to get some useful information regarding it. What happened is my car got stopped over by police and towed away by their recovery van. Now i am getting an impounded car insurance to get it back ( Long story short , the car i was driving was without insurance as i had not received letter of my insurance cancellation and i was under the impression that i had insurance. By the way i had paid them in full for one year in advance and it was not a monthly direct debit payment ) I have searched and able to get a quote from two well know car insurance companies ( One of them is Impoundedcarinsurance.com and other is INSURENCE CHOICE ) and both companies are asking for DIRECT TRANSFER OF MONEY IN THEIR BANK ACCOUNT as they don't accept Credit Cards and Debit cards for the payment of temporary insurance. Today i and yesterday, i spent my whole days to contact these companies and get information for method of payment. I have a few points here to ask and i am sure your valuable information will guide me to make a decision to buy the insurance for my impounded car. ->First of all, I called my previous company which cancelled my insurance to persuade them for a temporary insurance to get my IMPOUNDED CAR BACK, The customer assistant simply stated that none of their policies can be used to get an impounded car back from compound. So they don't provide temporary cover for impounded cars at all. -> The second and more important thing is as i stated before, i had called a couple of companies yesterday for impounded car insurance ( In-fact i googled Impounded car insurance in Uk on google and it gave the names of main companies on FIRST PAGE OF GOOGLE ). If you would ever google Impounded Car Insurance , you would see one of them is INSURANCE CHOICE and they provide insurance for impounded car. -> And with that i called Insurance Choice today and spoke to the person who gave me the insurance quote yesterday for my impounded car and told me the method of payment as of Online Transfer to their account (Yesterday he told me that they don't take credit or debit card payment as mostly people take the insurance and get their car out of compound with the help of the insurance certificate and later on cancel the insurance giving the reason of unauthorized payment and hence claim the insurance money back, so that's why they do online transfer only). Today i was FRANK AND STRAIGHT TO HIM and told him about my question asked on different online forums and all the answers and suggestions which were discussed with me. I told him simply that it looked too suspicious to pay them by online transfer and hence i feared of losing my money and it can be a spam !!! -> Well the person there maintained and cleared his position by stating that He was going to give their company's sort code and Account number and it can be verified in the bank that what company the money is going to if i do online transfer ! Hence i had a record of payment to a CERTAIN COMPANY (Insurance Choice) for impounded car insurance and its all safe. So please advise in light of above mentioned discussion/inquiries that is it safe to deal with this company and do a payment transfer directly into their account. I have also mentioned this company's name as its on google for the authentication and i called on 01926 454 348 number which is on their page at http://www.insurance-choice.net/ppc/convicted/impound_insurance.php?gclid=CKHu1KKN2bwCFZShtAodWioATQ Please advise as this time is one of the difficult times of life ! Many Thanks.""
Has legislative push for affordable insurance been cut short in the u.s congress?
Has legislative push for affordable insurance been cut short in the u.s congress?
Good car choices for new driver in terms of insurance costs.?
I am wondering what are the best cars for young drivers in terms of insurance costs, I have looked around and allot of people suggest Citroen C2 and Fiat Punto Grande.I don't really like the look of Citroen C2 (looks ugly in my opinion) but Punto isn't that bad. I am kinda into Alfa Romeo Mito and it's my first choice at the moment but isn't the cheapest option in terms of insurance... (even the base model). So I am wondering what are other decent options available , or what some of you new drivers are driving :). Thanks!""
Term Life Insurances-Insurance Law?
Hi I was wondering if you would be able to look at a brief summary of my family situation and give me some suggestions.I want to get insurance but can u recomment some changes in what I presently have. I thank you. I am married and have 3 childern (ages 9, 12, and 16) I just bought a waterfront home which is valued at 500,000 with a 300,000 mortgage. My jewrely is about 10,000. We have 3 cars a 2004 BMW, a 2002 Lexus and 1997 Jeep Wrangler. My husband works at a large manufacturing firm and earns about 125 K. I run a day care center from my home and earn about 45K. I don't have any employees. My kids all go to private school - which costs me about 25 a year. We honestly have no savings or investments and almost no discretionary income at the end of the month. ( which is a main reason I am writing this!) I met with a financial planner and they suggested on purchasing a 50,000 variable life policy for each of us as an investement. I think i am worried about the high vost of these policies This is what is presently covered property risks Ho3 with no endorsements or riders, dwelling 300,000, liability 100,000, medical payments 2500/person, uninsured/underinsured motorist 100,000,collision and other than collision (100 deductible) Personal risks: Life - my husband employer paid group term 50,000, we both have 50,000 universal life policy disability - mr. murphy - employer paid group policy (LTD with a 90 day wait with benefits to age 65) I have no coverage Medical: My husband - employer paid Major Medical (family plan) myself - i have an individual plan and still pay premiums I thank you for whatever you can give me!!""
Does any one know a really cheap car insurer for young drivers?
i need insurance quick. does any1 know areally cheap insurer?
Will Photo enforced tickets raise insurance rates?
How can this raise rates to specific drivers if more than one person operates that vehicle? Not fair to raise the rates of the person whom the car is registered to because they may not have been the driver.
Dual Car Insurance trouble?
I had insurance through a company called Sunset Plaza Insurance, and only agreed to do a 6 month period (from 12/08 to 06/09). I moved during the time, and never received a renewal notice at my new address, even after I gave them my new address. However, I found out that for the past 6 months (06/09 - 12/09) they have been charging me for insurance. But I never signed a renewal consent or anything! I remember explicitly saying that I only wanted the insurance for a 6 month period too! What are my options? Please..any advice would help!""
How much would motorcycle insurance cost me?
Age is 16, the bike is a Kawasaki Ninja 250R (250cc), in Ontario, Canada.""
How much should I expect to pay for car insurance? 19 year old African American in Georgia.?
Driving a 1999 jeep grand cherokee or a 99 honda civic. What do you think I should expect to pay?
Motorcycle Insurance Fee?
Hi, My name is Johnny. I'm 19 years old and live in Santa Monica, CA. I currently have DL and I know I need to get Motorcycle License to drive Motorcycle. I've been driving for 9 months and had no accident at all. Although, I sometimes drive my parents' cars and have no insurance. I heard that driving motorcycle will cost me less on payment and insurance. I want to buy like, Harley Davidson model from 2006-2008. How much will it cost me for my insurance?""
1st Car insurance way too high?
the insurance on my dads name with my provisional license is way too high nobody would pay 2300 pounds, iv put all the correct details in and put on as many drivers that put down price and every other possible way to reduce price but thats the cheapest on confused.com this means i need to sell my car that i have had for 1 and a half years that iv been working on for me turning 17 and driving it, im too depressed now and i badly dont want to sell it has anyone got any solutions or recommendations anything?""
Unemployed pay more for car insurance?
The 'cat is most definately out of the bag' about big insurance companies in the UK who are making a mint from people who find themselves out of a job and renew their car insurance policies and find that their premiums have nearly doubled because of their circumstances. We already know of the money-spinning ideas they already have , ie Young Drivers and Female Drivers...now they are hitting the Redundant Jobless. Are there no lengths that these companies will stoop to make billions from us?""
What is the best health insurance in california?
i could either choose blue cross hmo or ppo or kaiser hmo..not sure which is best?
Whats the cheapest auto insurance for an 18 year old male?
Got a job and kind of looking towards to putting my truck under my name but i was just wondering what the cheapest insurance would be.
I just got an expired registration and no insurance ticket.?
I just found out my registration expired back in Oct of 2008. I don't pay insurance because it is a scam, they don't help you when you need it, and they hike your rates when you claim something even though that is what you pay them for in the 1st place. But I had 2 stickers on my car. One that said November 11. and one that said October 08. So I thought that the newest sticker meant that is when the experation was. But the officer said November is the 11th. I am like yes, but why would they write the number down when you can read it right there? That means 2011. On top of this, I never got a notice from my dmv. so now I have to go to court over this miss undestanding and I can't help but feel I just got cheated by the police and the DMV because they failed to properly lable their sticker and failed to give me a notice. I checked my tags just a month ago in fact which is why I knew it expired in 2011 but the officer just refuses to see it as a miss understanding. Is there a legal service I can go through to get this ticket written off as a zero considering the fact I pretty much just got screwed due to the way the laws don't actually protect the innocent?""
How Much Would My Auto Insurance Cost ?
Im a 20 Year old Male in New York City. My Parents never drove so i am looking to start a policy under my name. I bought a 1997 Accura CL Coupe a couple days ago for $2000. I have my Permit and i have my road test in 3 weeks so i should get my license shortly after. I know New York usually has higher rates but i checked a free online quote from Geico & it was about $600 a month / $3600 for 6 months. This looks way too high to me. Is it this high because i don't have my insurance yet ? And how much do you think it will be when i do get my insurance with the state minimum insurance ?
What is the cheapest car insurance company?
My auto insurance went up AGAIN! I am a safe driver! OHIO mutual is horrible! What is a cheap insurance company? NOT SAFE AUTO>THEY SUCK
Can I tax my car without insurance?
My car is Sorn at the moment and I wanted to he it taxed and mot so that I can drive it if I need to. I was going to just buy one day or weekend insurance when I need it. Is this possible or will I need proper insurance in place?
Which insurance company offers the cheapest car insurance for new and young drivers?
Which insurance company offers the cheapest car insurance for new and young drivers?
Please help first time traffic ticket In California?
So i got a ticket for no. Insurance on november and in the mail a citation of 859.00 due by dec. 10 dont have the money but i got insurance now..whats going to happen in court im very scared :/
""Spouse suspended license, live together, can I get auto insurance?""
Actually, it is my son in law who has a suspended license. My Daughter's policy was canceled and she wants to start a new policy, but she says that no insurance company will touch her because she lives with someone with a suspended license. Is this for real? Sound like a bunch of hog-wash to me. She lives in Massachusetts.""
Loan insurance?
is it worth getting loan insurance? or is the whole thing a big scam
How much can you lie while obtaining new auto insurance?
I'd like to know... Whenever you're trying to obtain new auto insurance they take your driver's license number & social security number.. You'd think that they could look up any tickets/accidents you've gotten into. BUT, why do they ask? If you forget an incident, will they find out? This is coming from a 21 year old who was already paying $1,200 over 6 months for insurance and was involved in an rear-end collision doing 15 in congestion on the interstate, now my premium is $2000 for 6 months.""
""Young motorcycle riders, how much is your insurance?
Im wondering how much insurance will be for a 19 year old for a 08' R1...im thinking about financing one but of course you cant have it without insurance..i would like to know about other riders and their insurances...and which one would be the cheapest for me..
Health insurance....?
I am not available for health insurance at my job because i am only part time. everytime i apply for health insurance online, i get turned down because of my credit or my health. i don't think it's right. i need some kind of insurance because i have to go to the doctor. what should i do?""
Low- cost insurance for my 2 year old???
Is it possible to get insurance for my 2 year old at a low rate WITHOUT insuring myself or my husband? We tried getting on our state's medicaid program (which was originally started for people who couldn't get health insurance through their jobs but left that behind long ago!) but of course my husband and I make too much money. Every insurance quote we've been given has been astronomical and we'd have to insure one or both of ourselves to get insurance on the baby. What can I do??? We've also both asked our employers to look into health insurance for their employees and it's still just too expensive!
Do you know how much your health insurance premium will be going up?
I just received a newsletter from my health insurance company with these items: Health Insurer Fee to be phased in starting 2014: There will be a Health Insurance Provider Fee on premiums charged by health insurers. Some plans will be exempt, for example: Medicare, Medicaid, etc. It is estimated this will add at least 3 percent to insurance premiums. Congress anticipates $455 billion savings from cuts to both Medicare and Medicaid. Providers and healthcare facilities are expected to cost-shift expenses to commercial plans. The U.S. faces a shortage of primary care physicians (40,000 in the next decade), Oncologist (3,000 to 4000 already today), Nephrologists and -- perhaps the most scary -- Nurses (300,000) in the future according to one study. These figures do not account for the demand created by health care reform. So, we have a ways to go before we have reached our goal of affordable healthcare for every American. The Affordable Care Act is a good start toward that goal. What is the Affordable Care Act? .""
Can you get free health insurance?
I am not referring to Obamacare. I am referring to free health insurance in general.
""I am trying to find dental insurance that will pay for braces, Does anyone know of an insurance that will cove""
I am trying to find dental insurance that will pay for braces, Does anyone know of any insurance companies that pay for insurance and dont have a waiting period? If theres a waiting period then how long? I have delta dental and they only cover up to 1000.00""
Moped/car insurance question!?
hey i have just turned 16 and im thinking of getting a moped but what i want to know is if i had been riding a moped for a year, would i then have cheaper insurance when it came to insurning a car when im 17, seeing as i would of already experianced the road etc or would it make no difference? thanks""
""Difference in insurance price between 2007 4DR Chevy Cobalt, and 2008 Pontiac G6 GT 4DR?""
I currently have a 2007 Cobalt LT 4DR 2.2. I'm fairly happy with the car but I want a car with a little bit more room, that's still a GM or Ford and has a little bit better get up and go. I love my low insurance rates with the cobalt how much do you think i'd go up with the g6?""
How much will insurance be now?
I'm 16, I got in a big car accident.. I flipped over my car twice. Fortunately, I was untouched and I was the only one involved. Naturally, I was taken off the insurance policy and lost my car. Before, I had the good student discount so we paid $350 for half a year as a full time driver. How much would I have to pay to be a full time driver now after the accident? My dad said $2000 but it can't be that much? Will they strip me of my good student discount? How much will it cost to be put on as a part time driver now? Will it go down after a year? Please help?! I've been very depressed as the whole experience was very traumatizing. My mom keeps giving me a tough time about it and I just cry randomly throughout the day and eat all the time to cope. I don't understand how it could happen to me, I'm a model student, I have straight A pluses in all advanced and AP classes and I was even following the law when I had my accident. Tips on coping would be appreciated as well. Thanks.""
Where can I find affordable but a very good individual vision insurance plan?
I've check out VSP but I'm not sure if it's the best and only choice out there for me. I also live in Pennsylvania if that helps out any.
Anyone know of any cheap insurance companies for a 17 year old on a renault clio 1.2 dynamique...?
in england that is and i am lookin at the premium being around 1000
My brother got my friends car and got stopped for dwi and the car now is impounded. But the insurance?
But the insurance is under my friends brothers name cuz my friend dosent have a licence and his brother is not here. but i got a license what can we do to take the car out??
Why do auto insurance quotes change day by day?
I received a quote today online, then went back to the same quote today and it was $22.00 more. I didn't change any of my info. Why do these quotes vary day by day? Is there a particular time I should search for quote? Thanks in advance for your answers!""
How did mandatory car insurance effect prices upon gov requirements to have insurance to drive?
how did this government policy effect costs?
How much is anual car insurance aprox.?
car type walksvagen polo for young drivers around 25 who has not passed the test yet
What can car insurance sue me for?
About a month ago I was involved in a fender bender. I don't have insurance and I let the guy know that. He told me just to pay his deductable for the damages and we'd be done. He wouldn't report it to insurance or come after me for any damages. I paid him the $ for his deductable and didn't hear anything for a few weeks. Today I got a call from his insurance company claiming that they are coming after me for full damages. All of this after I paid him what he wanted. They are threatening to sue me for my car. My car is worth a lot more than the damages were to his. Can they do this? I'm not sure where to go from here.
Why is auto insurance through Geico so cheap?
Why is auto insurance through Geico so cheap?
Really cheap auto insurance?
Right now i'm paying about $130 a month for car insurance and I keep getting told thats kind of a lot. especially since I barely ever drive my car because I work right by my apartment and I don't go to college yet. I live in MN and was wondering if there was a car insurer that would be cheap?
""HELP, car insurance!?""
I am 15, going on 16, and I am looking into a Vauxhall Astra 1.6i 16V SXi 3dr Sport Hatch for around 4000. It's a car that is nice, but I could easily afford it due to my savings and work etc. I was wondering, when I am 17, how much would it cost me to insure the car at its cheapest?! This is an example of the car: http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201124390942785/sort/priceasc/usedcars/quantity-of-doors/3/body-type/hatchback/maximum-age/up_to_7_years_old/model/astra/make/vauxhall/radius/1501/postcode/bd181nt/keywords/sport%20hatch/page/1?logcode=p I am looking into this early so that I get a head start and can get everything sorted as soon as I'm legally aloud to drive. How much would it be to insure the car for a 17 year old male living in Bradford? Any help is appreciated, thank you!""
Where should we keep car insurance papers and license plate registration?
My husband and I live in Ontario and currently share one vehicle. He insists on keeping the insurance papers and plate registration in his wallet but if I need the car I have to get them from him each time (of course, if we get stopped we can be ticketed for not having the papers). The problem is, we are both extremely busy and sometimes forget to give them back to each other and find ourselves driving without the papers. My question is, where is the best place to keep these papers (I've heard you shouldn't keep them in the car in case its stolen) AND/OR are they valid if photocopied and one of us keeps THOSE copies in our wallet? I've heard that using a true copy, whatever that is, is accepted but that some police officers won't accept them at true if you're stopped. This is becoming a real problem for us...please help!""
""What insurance company is the best to work for,as an agent?""
Which insurance company is the best to work for as an agent?..Allstate,American Family,Statefarm,Nationwide...etc""
Which insurance company offers the cheapest car insurance for new and young drivers?
Which insurance company offers the cheapest car insurance for new and young drivers?
Can insurance companies automatically add new drivers to an existing policy?
I had my g1 (permit) and got my g2 (license). I called the insurance company to get a quote of how much more it is going to cost my dad (which is what I'm going to have to pay) and they are telling me that I have to notify them that my license is now a g2 class. They can't quote me until he calls them (he's at work) when my dad calls to confirm then they will change it automatically and add me. But I don't have a choice if I want to add or not (If I don't like the rate) can they forcibly add me to a policy even if I don't agree with the rate? kinda tricky to explain but I hope you understand what I'm saying and if not then I will add additional details as necessary.
Do you have NRMA car insurance?
If so, you may receive a phone call from people with overseas accents claiming to be from Australian Injury Helpline They will ask if you have had a car accident recently and then offer to get you injury compensation, even if you were not injured. A male caller may claim to be Garry from Aust. Injury Helpline. I received a call like this the day before yesterday and at first I though it was unfinished business from a minor accident i had in June last year in which there were no injuries. This is a scam. According to a worker at the genuine helpline, the scammers have somehow got a list of NRMA insurance customers and are auto-dialling them. They do not know what your name is and they do not know any details of any accident you may have had, or even if you have had one. If you receive such a call, the genuine helpline people would be grateful for any solid evidence you could give them. http://www.aussieinjury.com.au/""
Question regarding rental car insurance in the US?
Even though I don't live in the US I have a valid credit card issued in the US, I will be traveling to the US and renting a car I have asked and been told by the credit card company that using the credit card provides insurance. I have two questions: 1.- Would the insurance be valid even if I don't have a US driver licence? 2.- Would the car rental agency allow me not to purchase the insurance even though again I don't have a US drivers licence?""
What's the best way to maximize how much an insurance company will pay for my totaled car?
My well-loved 10 year old Honda Accord was hit today by another driver. Both the other driver and myself are OK but my car was totaled. The other driver's insurance company will be reimbursing me for my vehicle. But I'm afraid that what they will offer for my car will be less than its worth to me in running condition. What's the best way to maximize how much I'll be reimbursed?
Cheap car insurance for young people? (Liverpool)?
I'm attempting to get on the road, but it's not going so well. The cheapest I'm getting quoted for a small 1.0 - 1.4L car worth no more than a few hundred pounds is 6200GBP. And that's for TPFT. They won't insure me under a parents name. Even my mother is paying 1000 for a 1.6L Nissan on full NCD! Liverpool postcode. Is it actually possible to young people to get insurance?""
Where can I get affordable health insurance in Arkansas??
Where can I get affordable health insurance in Arkansas??
""Already expensive and soaring prices for the US health care, what can be done?""
Many folks just like you living either in Europe or Canada are paying much less in health care than us Americans. It was just a week ago I went to shop for dentist. In four different dentists each dentist give me a different quote, different prices when ALL of the services where the same. Something is wrong in this picture. I came to ask myself are doctors putting their own price tags on their services since they are NOT regulated. This is NOT about Democrat or Republican or any politics, it is a community asset that needs to be provided for the community in affordable prices like anybody else living outside the US. The notion that it is expensive in the US because of better services and top quality medicine is simply a hoax, because ALL MEDICATIONS contain the same ingredients, but different brand names. This is where government NEEDS to step in, and make sure nobody open up a business and put up their own price tags. Pharmacuetical companies may have spent MILLIONS to research and produce medicine but that should NOT all PAID by the consumers. Why should a patient pay for a money that is somehow added to your medical bills and medicine price because of pharmaceuticals research?. When it comes to college tuition and health care, everyone should put politics a side and draw a line between Capitalism and community assets. We elect our officials to provide us, secure us, and work for us, and when folks who only see making profit are more influential and more powerful than our elected officials than something must be done in here. Drugs made by US manufactures are sold to other countries for less than Americans can buy them. If nothing is done in here, I WILL DO SOMETHING, good or bad. Just to get results different than what we have today. Join me.""
What is a good life insurance?
Does anyone know a good life insurance that they would recommend? and would you recommened term or whole?
18 year old car insurance help!!!!!?
I am 18 years old, past my test back in april (2011) and I cant find any affordable car insurance!! :( Even with my parents as main drivers the cheapest im getting is around 7000... its ridiculous Has anyone found any cheap car insurance companies or ways of reducing premiums significantly?""
What are some cheap diesel cars to insure?
This is for my first car. I would prefer a diesel but the engine sizes are usually larger so what are some diesel cars with a small engine? Don't really care about the engine as long as its cheap to insure.
MA Small business required costs for insurance. To hard to find quotes.?
Making a pretend business plan for school and I cant find any prices that are needed for a graphic design business. What types of insurance would you recommend and whats the average costs? Thanks
""On average, how much would car insurance be for a 17 year old driver with a clean record?""
I have AAA right now, and I was wondering if there was anything out there that is just as good but cheaper.""
What is the best insurance policy for my llc business?
What is the best insurance policy for my llc business?
How i can get cheap insurance for my children?
How i can get cheap insurance for my children?
Where can I get the cheapest car insurance?
I live in Toronto, Ontario Canada and I am looking to buy cheap car insurance. I have been driving for 30 years, any ideas, good websites, great companies? Your help is greatly appreicated.""
I want to start baby sitting do i need insurance?
im going to take a baby sitting course and use it to make a little extra money, i plan to go to the child's home to look after them in the evenings and i was wondering if i needed to get any sort of insurance. i like in the uk if that makes any difference.""
Can anyone tell me how much insurance would be for a 16yr old driving a black 1997 toyota supra?
Can anyone tell me how much insurance would be for a 16yr old driving a black 1997 toyota supra?
Motorcycle insurance for a teenager?
I will be 19 in November and I want to get a Ninja 250R. I guess around a 2002, a starter bike. I was wondering (guess) how much it would cost.""
How much is insurance for a jeep wrangler?
ok, im 14 and im planning on buying a jeep wrangler in two years for my first car because i really like jeeps. but my dad says that insurance rates are high enough for jeeps already, but being a 16 year old guy would only make it worse. So i just want to know about how much it would cost a month to insure a jeep wrangler (not a newer model) with geico?""
How much will insurance cost for me?
I'm 18, Male, i'm going to be driving a rx8, And i live in Washington state. I know you can't tell me exact, But around how much.""
How much will i get from insurance company?
I got into an accident last weekend, and i just met with the apprasial guy from Nationwide(the guy who hit me insurance company). He said he is going to mail me a check and the amount is going to be his estimate..So im just wondering how much the check is going to be...There is about 8-9 scratches on my front bumper, and he said the garage is going to take off the bumper, repair it, repaint it, and then put it back on. So based on that, how much do you think the check will be? Car Details: Honda Accord EX 2000 Black Front bumper. Thanks in advance!""
Where is the best place for me to get car insurance?
My policy on Geico expired recently. Right now I'm trying to think of all the money I'll be saving without using Geico. Their rates were outrageous. Those cavemen are smart not to use Geico. Every lie has some truth in it. Anyway, I need to renew my insurance, and I'm fed up with Geico. Are there any other companies that are reasonable like Nationwide, State Farm, All State, Progressive, and whatnot?""
I was woundering what do you think is the cheapest auto insurance for first time liscence holders.?
I was woundering what do you think is the cheapest auto insurance for first time liscence holders.?
How much would car insurance cost me???
Before I start calling for quotes, I would like to know approximately how much Im looking at to get car insurance in my name alone for 1 year. I need to know how much to put aside for it. Im female, 31 years old, I live in Queens, NY, will be buying a used car from a private seller, have NEVER had car insurance in my name, and Ive had my license for about 10 years. Also, why is it that when you request a quote online, they only give you an estimate for a 6-month policy? Does that mean you only pay insurance for 6 months or do you have to pay the 6-month premium 2x in that year? Thanks.""
Will a 'C' Licence make my insurance cheaper....?
I currently hold a normal car licence (I'm 18) But I passed my Category C test today. For those of you who don't know what a category C vehicle is. I doubt you will know the answer to the question so please don't make up some rubbish... Will this make my car insurance cheaper considering I can drive a vehicle about 5 times the size? Also, I'm hoping to get my Artic licence next year, Will this make my insurance go down even further? I mean for my car, I already know my Lorry insurance is going to be INSANE. But I've got in the army as a Driver anyway so that doesn't really matter.....""
Which insurance company offers the cheapest car insurance for new and young drivers?
Which insurance company offers the cheapest car insurance for new and young drivers?
0 notes
surelypovichjr · 7 years
Introducing a Special New Series from Surely Povich Jr.
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In a few hours a great game of sport will take place between some of the finest athletes in the world. In the environs surrounding Washington, DC, friends and family and family will gather together in their homes to cheer on their favorite men of the gridiron, all while stuffing their fat faces with three-bean chili, eight onion dip, fried Milano cookies, and many other famous staples of the native Washingtonian table.
Typing in my duplex in North Bethesda, it’s days like this that remind me of my father, who I lost nearly twenty years previous. Ya see, football is the first memory I have from my childhood, when my bigshot sportswriter dad would take me out into the backyard to toss around the old pigskin. I swear, dad threw the best spiral in all of Bethesda. One time, I remember him making a wager with one of our neighbors that he could knock a kid clean off the Glen Echo Carousel from 50 yards away...did he win? I dunno, let’s just say the Lemley kid got taken to Sibley that day and leave it at that.
Other memories, dad taking my brother and me deep into the belly of Robert Fucking Kennedy Memorial Stadium for his newspaper assignments. It’s something you never forget. Dad was a true journalist, an objective and hungry man who never glorified the sports he covered. In many ways, the man was the epitome of the modern sportswriter--Shirley Povich was an icon.
And yet the man had his vices. Did he partake in the occasional drink or two? You bet, Chet! Did he like his women? Two redheads on the rocks, bartender! Cigars? Three stogies for me, myself, and I!--Shirley Povich has got a deadline to meet! Besides, this story of Sonny Jurgensen’s cleft penis ain’t gonna write itself without a heapin’ pile a’ tobacky!
A secret second family?...
Even with his eccentricities, dad still managed to be a very prolific individual. I always wondered about this. The guy could write for ten hours straight and then make a plate of bourbon and eggs that would knock your balls off. He’d then get a beep on his pager and bam! Straight back to The Post for one of his famous appointments.
Maybe that’s why I’ve been reading so much about hacks lately, which have been such a godsend. Thanks to lifehacking, I now know how to travel on an airplane in comfort (slippers!), shop efficiently at the Giant Food (Internet coupons!), and how to ace a job interview (don’t be racist when it matters!).
Yes, these shortcuts have been good for me these days. After all, I’m gettin’ up there in years and it wouldn’t hurt to make things a little easier on Yers Surely!
It was probably around the time an unshowered Slavic man gave me a job that it hit me like a ton of Hep C: I’ve lived a while here on G-d’s greenest, a sixty something year old man, to speak in exactitudes. I’m up to my fucking eyeballs in sagacious wisdom! Perhaps it’s high time to impart some of my own knowledge on the unwashed masses.
But am I qualified?
Well, I got a famous father for one and a lifetime of quotable koans from famous athletes to boot! Indeed, I have accumulated a multiplicity of knowledge to share with all of the young readers out there. Which is why I’m introducing a new reading series for today that I’m calling, Life Cues from Surely: Surely-Cues.
1. Call ahead
Find the current owner using The Internet. When you call, inform him or her that you would like to take a brief tour of the home in which you were raised. Make sure you say that this will not take more than four or five hours and that you are happy to accommodate them as their schedule permits. Tell them that this upcoming Wednesday, February 7th works great for you. If the current occupant seems a bit apprehensive, explain that you have a multitude of fond memories from the home. Go on to say that you have a family of your own now and would like them to see where their father spent his formative years.
2. Talk about your childhood
Describe these years fondly as the best of your life, that is, until dad frittered away the Povich family nest egg on some ill-conceived shoe company. The owner will likely be polite about this as you go on to say how the 1987 NBA Draft, and the #1 Pick’s untimely demise, prompted the family’s move to Washington’s outer boroughs, and the North Bethesda duplex in which you currently reside. Proceed to ask the current owner if he or she would like about 200,000 pairs of posthumously manufactured Air Bias. Naturally, they will ask you to please continue your very compelling childhood story. When you finish, the owner will say that he and his wife are heartbroken over your great tale of woe and would be honored to have you visit your former place of residence.
3. Assemble the rest of yer “family”
So this part is actually much easier than it sounds. Perhaps see if a peer or acquaintance has got a kid to lend for several hours. If he or she seems unsure about this, offer to pick the kid up in the Povich Family Volvo, as parents are busy and don’t have time in their hectic schedule to drive all the way out to where you live in North Bethesda. Does your friend or acquaintance have a significant other? They do?! Guess what my friend, you are set.
4. Arrive with the “family” at your childhood home
Congratulations, you have reached the place of your previous domicile. Take in the fresh city air and notice the renovations done to the houses surrounding your own, which still is beautiful and made of great red brick and looking spectacular in the cold winter sun. Open the gate and walk up to the front door. When the current owner greets you, ignore his surprise at how old you are compared to the rest of your seemingly very youthful family. Make a joke and introduce him to your nuclear unit. Casually mention that your son, “Caleb” is very hungry. When Caleb, (Jeffrey Levithan, in real life) says that he is not hungry, tell the owner that your son is just being polite and that really it would be best for his blood sugar, and really, for the structural integrity of the home, for him to have something from the Pepperidge Farm to sate him. The owner will nod at this and lead you inside his home. Nice work, you are inside the home!
5. Go into the pantry
Exclaim: “This is where the magic happened!” and proceed to take a hot squat on the bag of Milano cookies the current owner has procured for young Caleb. Ring your fake family a taxi before driving the Volvo back to North Bethesda. Once inside, call dad’s now defunct beeper, the one he used for all his “appointments” and “it’s not important” and “tell you when you’re older” and “you can’t come” and “of course, mom knows about it!” and “can you keep a secret, Surely? I didn’t think so” and “$5,000 on the coin toss...yeah, gimme heads” and “I’m going to the Pepperidge Farm bread outlet for a package of those cookies you like” and “tails, goddammit!” and “shut up, Caleb...I mean Surely!” and “christ, why can’t you people be more like my illegitimate son, Caleb, who’s always happy to see me?” and “alright, I’m going to go hang out with my other family” and “Surely, it’s me Caleb, it’s about dad...” and “I’m so very happy to spend my last Superbowl™ on this planet with my real family and until now, my very secret family...I love you all.”
6. Get your fake family and secret family together for the big game in North Bethesda to enjoy a big pile of dad’s famous fried Milano cookies!
1 note · View note
oceans-of-stories · 7 years
100 questions with Felix
//bc sleep is for the weak when there’s questionnaires to answer incharacter
1. What is your full name? Do you have a nickname? Felix Bartholomew Bendixen!  M’sis calls me Filly.
2. How old are you? When is your birthday? 25 summers, m’fraid!  M’birthday?  Uhm... 12th Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon.  W’ew.
3. Where were you born? Where do you live now? Are you patriotic? Gridania...n’gridania.  I don’t know ‘xactly, ta be honest.  As for patriotic?  Eh.
4. Who are/were your parents? (Names, occupations, personalities, etc.) M’blood mum and pop ain’t ‘round.  M’not entirely sure what ‘appened t’ere, but that ain’t no biggie.  We were adopted b’a fella named Oswald.  He...ain’t too great’o’a guy.  I’d say his job is wastin’ gil.
5. Do you have any siblings? What are/were they like? Polly!  She’s my sis.  She is sick, but she deal wit it pretty well.  She’s real nice.
6. What is your occupation? M’a crafter.  I make stuff.  Ya need somethin’?  
7. How tall are you? How much do you weigh? Eh...tall ‘nough.  N’I weigh ‘nough too. (5′0″ and 140 lbs)
8. What color is your hair? What color are your eyes? Yella!  Like a sunflower.  N’my eyes?  Green.  I like ‘em.
9. What is your race? Miqo'te, Keeper, I guess.
10. To which social class do you belong? Eh?  I mean I ain’t got much money if t’ats what ya’re askin’.  M’a merchant?
11. Do you consider yourself to be attractive? Do others? Haha...eh, maybe?  M’pretty handsome, yeh?  Tho’ for others...I unno, I ain’t got time for t’at.
12. What is your style of dress? Whateva’ won’t catch on fire while workin’.
13. Do you have any scars? Tattoos? Birthmarks? Other unique physical features? Eh...I got a few scars on m’back from when I was a kid, it ain’t nothin’ too special.  M’parents weren’t t’nicest people, if t’ats what ya’re wonderin’.  
Other t’en t’at, eh, just m’marks on me face and a few freckles!
14. Do you have any allergies, diseases, or other physical weaknesses? Polly says m’t’ strongest man she knows!  Nothin’ ‘ere!
15. Are you right- or left-handed? Both hands work well, yeah!
16. What does your voice sound like? Japanese: Koji Tsujitani English: Crispin Freeman
17. What kind of vocabulary do you use? EH?  Wat is t’at suppose ta mean?  Ya mean big words?  I ain’t no good wit big words.
18. List three quirks or other defining characteristics. I wiggle me ears a lot! N’my tail.  Other t’en t’at.... (his accent)
19. How often do you bathe? Do you wear perfumes? I try every day but t’at is sometimes hard.  Really depends on how much Polly says I stink!
20. What kind of facial expression do you commonly wear (dour glare, wry smile, etc)? Big ol’ grin!  Yepper!  No use in livin if ya can’t smile!
21. Do you use body language? How? Me ears’n’ tail!  Yeppers!  And a whole lot of hand wiggly, yeppers.
22. Do you have a commonly used saying? Eh....
23. What is your earliest memory? I ain’t rememberin’ faces well, but when I was young I ‘member gettin’ beat ta shreads’n’back in place of Polly.  I tink she dropped somethin’, broke it, and eh...yeah, t’ats why we ain’t real tight wit’ our real parents.
24. How much schooling have you had? Did you enjoy it? Some trade schoolin’, ta learn how ta write’n’sew’n’all t’at other junk I need ta know.
25. Where did you learn most of your knowledge and skill? M’pops, Ozzy, and uh...some other’ folks who were kind ‘nough ta let me apprentice under ‘em.
26. How would you describe your childhood in general? ...Rough.
27. As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted ta be a pilot.  Ya know, of t’ose fancy air ships.
28. When and with whom was your first kiss? Eh...heh, well, t’ats kinda silly ting ta ask.  When I was lil’ t’ere was a gal I liked t’at kissed m’cheek.  Does t’at count?
29. Are you a virgin? If not, when and with whom did you lose your virginity? Sure forward, aren’t ya?  (Gotta make money somehow...and you don’t particularly learn those people’s names, huh)
30. Do you have a notorious or celebrated ancestor? Does that affect you? ...Ozzy uh...he owes a lot’o’money everywhere it seems.
31. What do you consider the most important event of your life so far? Gettin’ adopted.  Yeah!  Was nice at first.
32. What do you consider your greatest achievement? Gettin’ ta stay with Polly for as long as we have...
33. What is your greatest regret? Regret is a waste’o’time, m’fraid.
34. What is the most embarrassing or shameful thing ever to happen to you? Haha...uh... (More than once being made fun of for his ratty clothes as a kid)
35. Do you have any secrets? If so, what are they? I ain’t one to keep secrets.  (Selling himself for money to get by)
36. What is the most evil thing you have ever done? Depends on what ya mean ‘evil’.  I’ve done pretty bad tings ta keep food in our bellies once or twice.  
37. When was the time you were the most frightened? T’last time Polly got real sick.  I mean, she’s _always_ sick, but I mean t’time when she was serious sick.  I dunno what I’d do witout ‘er.
38. Have you ever traveled outside of your country? If so, to where? I’ve delivered ta different places.  M’not too good at names tho.
39. What is your alignment? EH?  (lawful neutral)
40. Are you basically optimistic or pessimistic? Haha, optimistic!  Ya gotta believe in t’luck!
41. Do you believe in a god? If so, which one and why? Nah, no.  No god would let t’tings that have happened happen.
42. Do you believe in an afterlife? M-maybe.
43. What is your greatest fear? Bein’ left alone.  (Paula dying)
44. What makes you angry? Sad? Happy? Why? When people take advantage of others.  Cuz well, I’ve been on t’bad end of that deal more t’en once.
45. Do you think people are basically good or basically evil? Nah, everyone has good n’tem if they look deep enough.
46. What are your views on politics? Religion? Sex? Politics ain’t somethin’ ta waste my time on.  Same wit religion.  Sex?  Eh...well, its a ting.  T’at ‘appens.
47. What are your views on gambling, lying, theft, and killing? Gamblin’ is t’worst t’ing in t’world t’at appened ta me and Polly.  Killin’...well, t’ats just as bad, too.
48. How far will you go to defend your beliefs? S’what m’made of, yah? So pretty dang far.
49. How much do you value money? We ain’t got much of it.  S...so yeah, its nice ta have.  I wish we ‘ad more.  A lot more...
50. In your opinion, what is the most evil thing any human being could do? Hurt kids.
51. Do you believe in self-sacrifice for the greater good? Yeah.  M’mean...at t’least it’ll hep ya’re karma, yeah?  Ya should always do whatcha can for others.
52. Do you believe in the existence of soul mates and/or true love? M-m-maybe.
53. Are you superstitious? M’I afraid of ghosts? Y-yes.
54. How much do you respect the beliefs and opinions of others? So long as it ain’t hurtin’ me, why care?
55. How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings? M’honest when it comes ta not hurtin’ anyone else.  (He hides a lot from Paula...)
56. Do you have any biases or prejudices? I ain’t a fan of rich folks.  Usually t’ey get their cash takin’ advantage of t’lil folks.  
Dealing With Others
57. Who is the most important person in your life, and why? Paula. She’s m’north star, my polaris.  I unno what I’d do witout ‘er.  She’s...t’only family I got.
58. Who is the person you respect the most? Despise the most? Why? M’prolly respect Polly t’most.  Strongest gal I know.  N’...I ain’t a fan of my pops, nah.  He’s...not a swell guy.
59. Do you have a significant other? Who? Nah.  Unless ya count Polly.
60. Do you have a lot of friends? Who is your best friend? Ehm...nah.  Not really.  Ain’t got time for much friends, or t’ey tink m’a downer.  Their loss!
61. How do you relate to members of the same race? Class? Sex? I unno, not bein’ raised by my real folks made it kinda hard ta figure out t’ings.  N’dudes around ‘ere ain’t knowin’ how ta treat a lady right.  It’s a damn shame.
62. How do you relate to members of a different race? Class? Sex? Eh...t’ey ain’t too different from me, so who cares?  N’ladies...I ain’t good at talkin’ to ladies...
63. Have you ever been in love? If so, describe what happened. T’at is embarassin!  I mean, yeah!  But she ain’t returnin’ t’feelings.  So...t’ats tat. 
64. What do you look for in a potential lover? Eyes.  I know t’at sounds funny but...someone wit eyes.  Not just perty eyes, nah, the kind that knows beauty when t’ey see em.  I...got a ting for artists, haha...
65. How close are you to your family? Just Polly!  She’s t’best.
66. Do you want a marriage, family, and/or children? Maybe someday.  I tink I would make a good pop, yeah?
67. Do you tend to argue with people, or avoid conflict? I ain’t one for conflict.  Even t’mean chocobos I give a wide birth ta.
68. Are you a listener or a talker? A bit of both?  I mean I can tell a yarn or two if need be but lemme listen.
69. How long does it usually take for you to trust others? Eh...long ‘nough I suppose.  T’only person I’d trust wit my life though...Polly.
70. Do you hold grudges? Nah, no.  People can change in a drop of a hat.  T’ere’s only one person t’at I’d say I gotta grudge for.
71. Do you tend to take on leadership roles in social situations? N-no!  I’m no leader.
72. Do you like interacting with large groups of people? Eh...no.  Makes me nervous.
73. How well do you express yourself? Eh?  Well I do show off my skills a lot!  So I say pretty dang well?
74. How quickly do you judge others? Eh...not too quickly, I’d hope.  T’most grumbly fella can have a heart’o’gold.
75. Do you care what others think of you? Mmm...kinda.  I mean, m’name is kinda my business right now.  Sooo...gotta keep up ta good work!
76. Do you have any enemies? How or why are they your enemy? Just...one fella.  My pops.  He’s uh...well, not too many savory people are after ‘em.  For good reason.  He put t’family in debt after m’mom died.  Adoptive, both, yeah, but...m’working as hard as I can ta dig us outta debt and still keep gettin’ Polly ‘er meds.  Ain’t easy, nah.
Personal Taste and Opinions
77. What is your favorite pastime? Color? Food? Possession? I like feedin’ chocobos.  And uh...mmm...Odd as it is, I like sewin.  I ain’t good at t’minitare sorts of stuff, t’hard stuff, but makin’ meself a new hat?  Love that.  As for possession...m’goggles.  Even if t’ere from Ozzy...I’ve had ‘em forever.  N’food?  Anyting sweet!
78. What are your preferences in arts and/or entertainment? Mmm...Polly likes ta cute stuff, so I suppose I do too!
79. Do you smoke, drink, go whoring, or use drugs? Why or why not?. Uh...nah.  Been on the oter side of tings and uh...nah. Nope.
80. How do you spend a typical Saturday night? Makin’ sometin!  Or lookin’ for materials.
81. What is your most cherished fantasy? Mmm...Polly gettin’ better.
82. How long is your attention span? Eh?  What?
83. Do you laugh a lot? What do you find funny? Yeah!  Polly says I laugh too much sometimes, maybe she’s right.  But eh...I like watchin’ kids.  Not like...the weird way but, just t’way tey act is cute and funny at times.
84. Is there anything that shocks or offends you? If so, what? I ain’t a fan of swearin’ too much.  When a lady does...it’s pretty craaazy.
85. How do you deal with stress? I make somethin’.  I just...put on me goggles and get ta work.
86. How much athletic ability do you have? Artistic? I’m not much of a fighter, but I would say m’pretty dang artistic in the creative department, yepperooni.
87. Do you like animals? Do you like children? Yep and yep! M’a big fan of both.
88. Are you spontaneous, or do you always need to have a plan? Aaaa little bit of t’at, a little bit of t’is.
89. What are your pet peeves? People not taken care of t’emselves or t’eir tings properly.  I mean...takes a lot of effort ta make tose tings, and a lot of effort ta make you you.  Yeah?
90. What is your greatest strength as a person? Weakness? I’d like ta say m’ pretty loyal.  Hecka loyal.  Ya get me on your side, n I would be a ringer in ya’re fight anytime.  Other t’en that...I’m pretty bad at cookin’.  Try as I might, haha.  Or I guess I wear m’heart on m’sleeve, t’ats what some peeps say.  I unno if t’at is true or not.
91. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? M’height.  Yeah, m’short.  Pretty short.  People are kinda rude bout it from time to time.  It’d be neat if I could grow like...two feet, yeah.  N’tower over everyone else!  ...cept for tose giants.
92. Are you generally introverted or extroverted? Extraverted, I tink.  I mean, I gotta be as a sales guy.
93. Do you like yourself? Yeah!  If I didn’t, I’d change it, yah!
94. Do you have a daily routine? How do you feel if your day is interrupted? Mm...t’only ting I have as a constant is wakin’ up ta Polly cookin’ breakfast.  Usually its toast’n’eggs.  She makes me lunch too!  But other t’en tat its a real toss up what m’doing.  Usually workin.  When it hits eight or so I head home, take a bath, n’ten get some shut eye.
95. What goal do you most want to accomplish in the next six months? Your lifetime? Gettin’ Polly ta smile for realsies, none of t’at fake smiles she gives me in t’mornin’.  And other t’en that...it’d be nice ta get a smile or two from some pretty ladies.
96. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? 20 years? M’aybe avin’ one of my own shops.  Marriage?  Eh.  Kiddos would be nice.  Its hard ta see that far in ta future, tho, especially when none of t’at stuff is really in motion.
97. If you could choose, how would you want to die? Eh, I ain’t one for melodramatics, but if m’gonna croak, I wanna go out wit a bang.  Savin’ someone or doin’ somethin’ brave.
98. What is the one thing you would like to be remembered for after your death? M’work.  T’at or goin’ out wit a bang, I hopes.
99. What three words would you use to best describe your personality? Suave, yeah?  (no)  Gen-you-wine.  N’funny.
100. What three words would others probably use to describe you? Faithful, em...Creative!  And uhhh...Handsome.  Yepperooni.
101. Why are you risking your life to adventure? Polly.  She’s all I got.
0 notes
augustawren · 7 years
101 Questions You Should Be Able to Answer About Your Character
Filled out for Savior AU
1. What is your full name? Do you have a nickname? Uh, I guess my birth name was Fayri Underhill. I go by Wren. Soon to be Wren Meluir. *grins* Thrush calls me Little Bird or Aiwë. Blaise calls me Little One.  2. How old are you? When is your birthday? I’m 20 and my birthday, I just found out, is the 3rd of Maen. So I guess I’ll be 21 soon. 3. Where were you born? Where do you live now? Are you patriotic? I was born in the Rillands but I don’t remember it. I’m from Dolbry, in Saumermere. Am I patriotic? *snorts* Not unless it’s to Dolbry. 4. Who are/were your parents? (Names, occupations, personalities, etc.) Alice and Harper Underhill. Harper is dead and I never knew him. He didn’t try and save me from being kidnapped, so no great loss. I don’t actually know what he and Alice did for work. *shrugs* Alice is okay. She’s kinda nice. 5. Do you have any siblings? What are/were they like? Yeah. I got a sister. She’s fine. I wish we were closer but... *shrugs again* whatever. She left. 6. What is your occupation? Thief? If that counts as a job? 7. How tall are you? How much do you weigh? 2′11.5 ft tall, I’m gaining my weight back so I’m probably about 25lbs. Can’t see my ribs no more, and look at these tits, yeah?? 8. What color is your hair? What color are your eyes? My hair is mostly white but I still got some brown on the sides. My eyes are hazel. 9. What is your race? I’m a halfling (white) 10. To which social class do you belong? The shit one? 11. Do you consider yourself to be attractive? Do others? HAHAHAHAHA no. Thrush does, I guess. Devlin did, I think.  12. What is your style of dress? I like to be comfortable. Breeches and a plain shirt works just fine for me. 13. Do you have any scars? Tattoos? Birthmarks? Other unique physical features? You wanna talk scars? You got all day? There’s the one from a knife across my lips, the ones from a whip all over my back (think 8 years worth of regular whippings), the brand on my left shoulder (circle with two horizontal lines), a few burn scars on my palms and knees. I have two tattoos, one on my right hip of a butterfly (prevents pregnancy) and one on my left forearm of a wren and a thrush flying together. I’ve got freckles pretty much all over. 14. Do you have any allergies, diseases, or other physical weaknesses? One time I ate a muffin with teeny seeds in it and my mouth swelled up and I couldn’t breathe. I got a thing in my right hand where a broken bone didn’t heal right, but other than that, I’m fit as a fiddle! ((she has severe PTSD, dissociative disorders including dissociative amnesia and dissociative fugue, is possibly borderline, and has severe attachment issues)) 15. Are you right- or left-handed? I can use both pretty well, but I guess I write and stuff with my right, but when I’m juggling, my left leads. 16. What does your voice sound like? Ehhh... I dunno? My Dolbry accent is pretty thick, yeah? Sometimes I talk real fast. 17. What kind of vocabulary do you use? The street kind, ya porcelain. 18. List three quirks or other defining characteristics. 1-- I dunno if it’s a quirk, but I don’t like carrying less than twelve knives on me at a time. More, usually, but the baseline is twelve. 2-- I like dancin’. Both with music and with daggers. 3--  19. How often do you bathe? Do you wear perfumes? When I can, I guess. It’s not my favorite thing to do, unless I’m with Thrush. And no, I don’t wear perfume. I used to use a lavender and honey soap, but I don’t so much anymore. 20. What kind of facial expression do you commonly wear (dour glare, wry smile, etc)? Depends who I’m with. With Thrush I’ve been all smiles lately. I guess in general it’s more a ‘get the fuck outta my way’ glare. 21. Do you use body language? How? Yeah, I guess I can be easy to read. My body language is stiff when I’m pissed off, I dance around when I’m happy, that kinda stuff. 22. Do you have a commonly used saying? Heh, yeah, well, I used to, whenever I’d open a lock, I’d say “you’re the joke and baby I’m the punchline”. It’s funny, yeah? *giggles* And, uh, well, Gabriel always said “no loose ends” and “only worth your weight” so... I still think those a lot. Childhood 23. What is your earliest memory? Ah, you really wanna go there? They’re not good. Um, they all kinda blur together. Being whipped, I guess. Lots of blood. 24. How much schooling have you had? Did you enjoy it? I was mentored and taught by a few member of the guild for several years. I hated most of the book learning, but loved everything else. 25. Where did you learn most of your knowledge and skill? The Thieves Guild 26. How would you describe your childhood in general? Half hell, half hard work. 27. As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? Uh, well, until I was about ten all I wanted to do was die. After that, I guess I just wanted to be the best thief ever. 28. When and with whom was your first kiss? Widget kissed me when he first got to the factory. I was like six-ish. After that, I kissed Thrush under the holly when I was seventeen. 29. Are you a virgin? If not, when and with whom did you lose your virginity? Nope. I fucked a guy named Leo. Turned out it was a real bad mistake for both of us. He went bragging about it and got nearly all his men killed. 30. Do you have a notorious or celebrated ancestor? Does that affect you? Nope and nope. I’m the notorious one, but I’m not gonna be anyone’s ancestor. Influences 31. What do you consider the most important event of your life so far? Meeting Thrush 32. What do you consider your greatest achievement? Destroying the factory and killing Fang 33. What is your greatest regret? Not going back for Widget  34. What is the most embarrassing or shameful thing ever to happen to you? Wow, you sure you wanna ask to someone who was kept for a slave for almost ten years? Take a wild guess. 35. Do you have any secrets? If so, what are they? See the above. 36. What is the most evil thing you have ever done? Ehh... I dunno. Evil’s kinda subjective. I cut out a half orc’s tongue, eyes, and heart while he was still alive once. And killed his familiar right in front of him. But HE was real evil. 37. When was the time you were the most frightened? When I was little. My last night in the factory. 38. Have you ever traveled outside of your country? If so, to where? Nope. Unless you count other planes, I guess. Beliefs 39. What is your alignment? Chaotic neutral 40. Are you basically optimistic or pessimistic? I’ve been gettin more optimistic, but usually I’ma pessimist.  41. Do you believe in a god? If so, which one and why? I believe that they exist but I don’t exactly worship one anymore.  Used to be Yondalla. 42. Do you believe in an afterlife? I guess. 43. What is your greatest fear? Being alone 44. What makes you angry? Sad? Happy? Why? Angry-- when people act like they know what’s best for me Sad-- Innocents suffering Happy-- Thrush, food, dancing, sex, Widget 45. Do you think people are basically good or basically evil? Pretty evil generally 46. What are your views on politics? Religion? Sex? Don’t care about any of it except sex. That I’m all open and free about. 47. What are your views on gambling, lying, theft, and killing? All necessary, and all things I’ve done.   48. How far will you go to defend your beliefs? To the ends of the earth. Pretty sure I demonstrated that in Dolbry, and Ima do it again with this whole Belmont thing. 49. How much do you value money? Only worth my weight. Gold is everything. Gold is life. 50. In your opinion, what is the most evil thing any human being could do? Uh... Be Fang. Enslave and kill kids, do what he did to Thrush and that girl, all that. 51. Do you believe in self-sacrifice for the greater good? Yeah 52. Do you believe in the existence of soul mates and/or true love? Most definitely. Look at me and Thrush. 53. Are you superstitious? Nah, not really. 54. How much do you respect the beliefs and opinions of others? Depends on if they’re stupid. 55. How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings? Not very. Unless I’m talking to Thrush, I guess. 56. Do you have any biases or prejudices? I don’t like dwarves all that much, but that’s cause their food sucks and one of them is married to my sister, which is fucking weird. Dealing With Others 57. Who is the most important person in your life, and why? Thrush. He just is. He’s my world. 58. Who is the person you respect the most? Despise the most? Why? Respect the most? Lou. I never realized what she had to go through until I had to lead people, too. Despise the most? Well, now that Fang’s dead, and Gabriel... Probably Belmont. But Lily’s a close second. 59. Do you have a significant other? Who? In case you haven’t figured it out. Yeah. Thrush. 60. Do you have a lot of friends? Who is your best friend? I guess more than I thought I did. I used to think I didn’t have any. Widget is my best friend. 61. How do you relate to members of the same race? Class? Sex? I don’t know a ton of halflings, but I tend to like them when I meet them. If other rogues are on my side, I love ‘em. Girls are great.  62. How do you relate to members of a different race? Class? Sex? Different races are mostly fine. Wish they were a little shorter, most times. Other classes are fine. Unless you mean social class, then I tend to not get on too well with the porcelains.  63. Have you ever been in love? If so, describe what happened. Yeah, twice. Things didn’t work with Devlin, obviously, and Thrush and I stayed away from each other for a long time, but now we’re together. 64. What do you look for in a potential lover? They’re sexy either in how they look or act. I need to trust them at least to a degree. 65. How close are you to your family? Not close. At all. 66. Do you want a marriage, family, and/or children? Marriage, yes, and we’re about to do that. No to anything else. 67. Do you tend to argue with people, or avoid conflict? Argue. Please see: my relationship with Devlin 68. Are you a listener or a talker? I guess I’m a talker? 69. How long does it usually take for you to trust others? A looooooooooonnnnnnnnnggggggggggggggggggg time. Like, think years. And years. To fully trust, anyway. I trust Blaise and I just met her a few months ago, but pretty much everyone else it takes years. 70. Do you hold grudges? Oh fuck yes I do. 71. Do you tend to take on leadership roles in social situations? Not generally, no. Though I guess I might a bit more after this whole Dolbry mess. 72. Do you like interacting with large groups of people? HA! No. Nooooo. I hate it. Last time it happened, I blanked out and don’t remember what happened. 73. How well do you express yourself? Not very well unless Thrush and I are alone together. 74. How quickly do you judge others? Pretty fast. Sizing people up is what I was trained to do. 75. Do you care what others think of you? Yeah, I guess so. I dunno, I just hate the way people pity me 76. Do you have any enemies? How or why are they your enemy? I guess people who don’t like what I did in Dolbry? And Belmont and his people. Personal Taste and Opinions 77. What is your favorite pastime? Color? Food? Possession? I like to dance and practice tumbling and backflips. I used to draw a little. My favorite color is stormy blue. My favorite food is chocolate cake with raspberries. And my favorite possession is probably my book of elven love poetry from Thrush. Followed closely by my new ruby necklace from him. 78. What are your preferences in arts and/or entertainment? I thought that play about me was HILARIOUS. I like funny things like that, not the weird tragedies the theater people sometimes do. For art, I like Thrush’s drawings and carvings. Soft, flowing things like that. 79. Do you smoke, drink, go whoring, or use drugs? Why or why not?. I drink and sleep around a bit with Thrush. And... because it’s fun? 80. How do you spend a typical Saturday night? Fighting or fucking. 81. What is your most cherished fantasy? Every day is a fantasy with Thrush. But I really can’t wait to have a house with him. I just wanna do regular shit with him. Make breakfast. Sleep in our own bed. Laugh and run naked through the house. 82. How long is your attention span? I can be pretty focused when I wanna be, but I’m not very patient most of the time 83. Do you laugh a lot? What do you find funny? When I’m with Thrush. I dunno, I guess I find a lot of shit funny.  84. Is there anything that shocks or offends you? If so, what? Not generally. I don’t like when people are rude about other people for no reason 85. How do you deal with stress? Depends how bad it is. If it’s real bad, my mind can blank out and I disappear in myself 86. How much athletic ability do you have? Artistic? I can climb and tumble and balance and dance. I can draw a little bit. 87. Do you like animals? Do you like children? Animals are okay. Kids are... weird. I like Trynni, but that’s about it. 88. Are you spontaneous, or do you always need to have a plan? Kinda both. I guess more spontaneous 89. What are your pet peeves? “You’re not being fair” say it to me and you’re dead. People being fake. People being too nice. Self-Image 90. What is your greatest strength as a person? Weakness? I guess I’ve been through a lot of shit. And when you’ve been through shit and survived, people like to call you “resilient” or whatever. As for weaknesses, I’m emotional, irrational, short-tempered, and don’t think things through 91. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? Pretty much everything 92. Are you generally introverted or extroverted? Introverted? I dunno. I used to be a lot more so. 93. Do you like yourself? Not really, but Thrush is helping me see some positives 94. Do you have a daily routine? How do you feel if your day is interrupted? I used to in the Guild, and I kinda liked it. Now time is super free 95. What goal do you most want to accomplish in the next six months? Your lifetime? Kill Belmont. Get a house. Figure out how to live as long as an elf. 96. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? 20 years? With Thrush. With Thrush. With Thrush. 97. If you could choose, how would you want to die? In Thrush’s arms. 98. What is the one thing you would like to be remembered for after your death? Doing what I could for Dolbry 99. What three words would you use to best describe your personality? unstable, impulsive, fierce 100. What three words would others probably use to describe you? mischievous, ruthless (according to Grul), cheeky 101. Why are you risking your life to adventure?  To save the world, duh. Because I, you know, live in the world.
0 notes
Auto Insurance: Does the auto insurance have to be in the name of the car owner?
"Auto Insurance: Does the auto insurance have to be in the name of the car owner?
My friend is being positioned overseas for 3 years by his company. He has an older car that is paid off. He is allowing me to use it while he is away. I have to have it insured in my name but the car is titled in his name. He will cancel his insurance once I get mine. Can I get auto insurance even though the car title is in someone else's name? I have no ownership in the vehicle.
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Can I get liability insurance from an insurance company and collision only from another ?
I went to Allstates and GEICO to get auto insurance the first gave me cheap liability and very expensive collision and the other is the opposite ,can I liability insurance ( bodily injury and property damage) from allstates and collision from GEICO ?""
I paid my car insurance in full but iv seen a better car thats cheaper to insure?
iv only had the policy 2 weeks can i trade my car in for the one iv seen and claim the difference back of insurance company also just taxed the car iv got 135 for the full year would this be transferable sorry this is my first car so new to all this
Auto Insurance policy changes?
Would a auto insurance company be able to tell if you changed your deductibles after a wreck or comprehensive damage? If you changed it and then waited a couple of days or a week from say, 1000 to 500$ and then filed the claim. Do they check for recent changes in policy coverages?""
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Would unemployment insurance work better if it were run by a private insurance company?
Liability Car Insurance for another state?
Hi, I would really appreciate if someone could give me an answer to resolve this situation: Facts: 1- I legally own a car in the US, currently I'm overseas. 2- My friend has a complete power of attorney 3- Car was registered in California and now is staying in Virginia for almost a year. 4- I put the car on Nonoperational status with CA DMV and canceled insurance in 08.2008. 5- I need to make my car drivable again, and my friend has to move it to MD where she lives. 6- To put car back on road with CA plates I should renew the registration with CA DMV. 7- CA DMV requires the liability insurance before registration. 8- My friend was at the insurance company (Progressive Insurance) and they say, they cannot insure the car with Californian liability unless the car is physically in CA. Wnen I'll be back to US in couple of months I have to drive car back to CA, because I study there so my residence is CA. Can anyone tell me please how this situation can be resolved? - I don't wanna sell my car - registration with MD MVA is the last expensive and unwanted option.""
Car insurance $6000!?!?!?
I'm 18 years old, have a clean driving record, and i drive a 2007 honda civic coupe. My name is insured on my parents honda pilot and lexus 350(suv). For some reason my insurance (for myself only not including famly) is around 6000. is this right? i'm under AAA and they said its going to be this expensive with any insurance company. I have 2 way coverage and and $250 deductable. Can someone name some other company that charges significantly less with coverage and a deductable just as good. Links and sources would be appreciated also""
Cost of 2005 bmw 745li insurance?
im 16 ill be gettin mine when im 17 whats the average insurance cost for a 2005 bmw 745li
I need help with a car insurance issue?
My boyfriend recently got into an accident with another driver, resulting in no injury to the driver, minimal damage to his parents' truck and side damage to the other drivers' car. That was a week or two ago, he found out today that he has been excluded from his parents insurance plan. This is the first he's heard about it since moving back in with them in November. His parents knew about it though. I'm worried that he may lose his license and also his job. I've tried searching but I found nothing on this. The state is California by the way. I'll appreciate any answers and will give the best answer points (is ten good?).""
""Motorcycle trip in california, suggestions?""
hello fellow rider, I was going to do a trip to mainland mexico (im in cabo, baja), but mainland is kind of dangerous right now, so plan b is california, so I ran into this web site and was thinking of copying one of their tours, could you tell me which one is the best to do, or if you have any suggestions, please let me know, I appreciate your help. ramon bmw r1150gs adv http://www.best-motorcycle-gear.com/guided-motorcycle-tours.html By the way, besides: motorcycle drivers license, registration, visa, insurance, what other thing do I need to drive there?""
How much should I pay for liability insurance for a non-profit?
I'm from a non-profit volunteer organization that wants its volunteers to teach a 16-session class. Normally, we teach in a local high school, but given the time in the school year, I would like to teach in a public/community setting over the summer. In order to get a public place (library; community center) to host this class, I need to take out liability insurance. I've asked my supervisor whether our organization has liability (no response yet). If we don't currently have it, what is an affordable company to buy it from? How much should my organization pay for a minimal premium?""
23 & Auto Insurance...never had any in my name?
ok, so i haven't gotten my new vehicle yet. I won one through the company i work for. I will be getting my new ride in about 6-10wks. Cheverlot Equinox 2010. I have never had car insurance in my name, my dad always took care of this kind of stuff for me. well since this car will be in my name, i was wondering do alot of the insurance companies go based on your credit score? i don't have good credit at all and worried my rates will be very high. I would like some companies listed that you know is cheap but also has discounts for my age with kids. I have 3 kids and i am 23, someone told me State Farm will give me a discount for my kids. Anyone heard of this? Or any other companies that do this. Thanks ANY information about AUTO insurance will be greatly appreciated. As far as the coverage also, i don't have a clue about any of these deductibles they are asking about when i go to some of the sites online for quotes! Thanks""
How much is tenant liability AKA renters insurance?
I'm thinking about renting a house with a month to month lease at very low cost. These are houses for sale that want income until they are sold. They require $300,000 liability insurance. I know that reputable insurance companies do a credit check just to give a quote that dings your credit rating if you have too many inquiries at the same time. Can someone give me a guestimate? Thanks in advance!""
What is the best low cost health insurance for a small business owner with no employees?
I have two daughters, one fifteen years old in high school and the other is 21 and a college student. I am a 49 year old woman and in fair health. My husband is a Vietnam vet in fair health as well and will be eligible for medicare this year, so he will not need this insurance.""
I want to start baby sitting do i need insurance?
im going to take a baby sitting course and use it to make a little extra money, i plan to go to the child's home to look after them in the evenings and i was wondering if i needed to get any sort of insurance. i like in the uk if that makes any difference.""
How much will insurance go up for a 17 yr old female with 6 months driving experience in an accident?
Accident was her fault. She rear ended a truck. The truck wasnt hurt at all but the car was totaled pretty much. Ticket was failure to reduce speed to avoid an accident. What is a rough estimate of how much insurance will go up for her?
Is this a proper plan for term insurance?
Just trying to see if I am able to understand and apply knowledge of insurance. Please give your opinion. Here is a hypothetical example: X(35yrs) and Y(30yrs) are married and employed and they got joint home loan for Rs 30 lakh. They will be in service till 60yrs of age. Their current annual incomes are about Rs 5 lakh and Rs 3.8 lakh respectively. X and Y are willing to buy term insurances with sum assured of Rs 50 lakh with 25yrs and 30yrs terms respectively. (First doubt, given their income level, are they eligible for such high sum assured?) They both want to get critical illness rider of same sum assured (Rs50 lakh) amount since critical illness is kind of death of earning capability. Also they want to take same accidental permanent disability benefit rider of same sum assured(Rs 50 lakh) for same reason. They also want to have separate mediclaims though that is different kind of insurance and we won't consider here. Do you think that they are on right track for planning term insurance with riders?""
Can 16 year old get public liability insurance?
Im 16 and hoping to get some public liability insurance as I'm planning to be working in beauty (waxing,nails,ect) with my cousin.""
Is there affordable health insurance out there for someone who has had high blood pressure?
Is there affordable health insurance out there for someone who has had high blood pressure?
How can i get insurance if i am a 21 year old female with a job?
I am 21 years old and i live in California, I work at the YMCA but i only work 20 hrs. a week so i do not quallify for insurance here. I only make about $950 a month so i don't have alot of money to pay for insurance and my parents jobs do not provide insurance for me. can anyone help?""
Health insurance? For a 20 year old?
Hi I'm wondering if anyone has any tips for getting cheap health insurance. How are people paying for this, I was quoted at $140 a month! I have Never had any serious problem No broken bones and I've only had 3 prescriptions in my life! I only make $1,100 a month and with rent bills food and gas $140 extra is A LOT for me! Could you give me a good company? I really don't want to be fined in January, this is crazy! Also I was denied by Covered California because they said my household makes to much, I live on my moms property but is still pay rent/internet/electricity. How could I get around this for covered California? Please help me understand this better and if you have a link to a good cheap insurance company please let me know, Thank You""
Is there some program California State offers for people who can't afford health insurance?
I lost my job a couple months back. I am receiving unemployment, and that is just enough to pay all my bills with about $20 left over. Is there any program the State of California offers for people who are in my situation?""
Help European health insurance card?
my health insurance card has expired and i fly tomorrow? is this card important? if i get ill will they still treat me? and will my insurance company cover me still?
Are there different types of car insurance?
What are the different kinds?
Car insurance and finance question?
I bought my car on finance a month ago and had to have Fully Comprehensive insurance for it. It is very expensive - if I were to drop to third party F&F, would they find out? If they did what would happen?""
Do I need car insurance in Florida?
I passed my 4 our class on drugs and alcohol. I'm waiting for my certificate to come in the mail so I can go to the DMV and get my learners permit. Do I need insurance even though I'm not going to be driving my own car? I'll be driving my friends car. Sources? What's the cheapest insurance for a 16 year old male? Name of insurance and cost? Why would I need it if I don't even have a car and I'm driving my friends car?
Auto Insurance: Does the auto insurance have to be in the name of the car owner?
My friend is being positioned overseas for 3 years by his company. He has an older car that is paid off. He is allowing me to use it while he is away. I have to have it insured in my name but the car is titled in his name. He will cancel his insurance once I get mine. Can I get auto insurance even though the car title is in someone else's name? I have no ownership in the vehicle.
What's the cheapest liability insurance in the metroplex?
What's the cheapest liability insurance in the metroplex?
Car insurance question?????
me and my husband both have a car and have full no claims on both of them however we went to france for a year now we have returned but our uk insurance company are saying our no claims is no good as last year we were in france and they can't read whether we had a claim or not as our policy is in french!! the french company wont translate it to english as it's a french legal document!! so now although we have full no claims we are being penalised for leaving the country for a year!!!! we feel this is discrimination!!!!! we can translate it for them and the english lady in the french office has said it is ok for the uk company to call but of course this is not good enough!! any advice would be great!!!
Term Life Insurance at age 21?
I am 21 and I was wondering if I should purchase a $1,000,000 term life insurance policy through USAA. I received a quote for $42.19 (and an additional $11.66 for waiver of disability) and the premium is guaranteed for 30 years. Do I need this policy at my age? Also, should I get the Waiver of Disability for $11.66 more per month? All answers are appreciated!""
""How much would car insurance be for a f, pa, 16?""
how much would pa car insurance be for a 16 year old, female driver car suggestions: -mustang -X3 or any car on the hyprid/luxury end?""
How much will my insurance go up from a honda oddessey to a bmw x3?
How much will my insurance go up from a honda oddessey to a bmw x3?
How much will my insurance go up after I've gotten a speeding ticket?
Alright here is the deal, this Monday i got pulled over by this idiot cop who gave me a speeding ticket for going something like 8-10 mph over...I'm 17 going on 18 and have had my license for about a year and a half or longer. I have had no prior tickets, violations, ect. It was a 75 dollar fine which im paying....but im really worried about my insurance, my parents pay it, and i havn't told them about the ticket, im just going to pay it...so my question is...will they notice a dramatic change in my insurance rates? for one speeding ticket? oh and also, i live in idaho...i know these things vary by state.""
Why did my car insurance go down?
My car insurance premium went down by $10/ mo. I have no idea why. My credit score just went from 631 to 747 in just a couple of months because I fixed some errors, and I am also turning 24. Could either of these be the reason that my premium went down? Or is my car just worth less b/c all the new models are comming out? I drive a 2002 Honda Civic.""
What kind of car insurance do I need?
All I want is liability, but what does the state of California require as their bare minimum? Do I need uninsured motorist bodily injury limits and property damage limit? I drive a 1993 Jeep Cherokee.""
Motorycle Insurance (NY)?
I am looking into buying a bike now, but before i do, i want to know, how much is the average amount an 18 yr old male would pay per month for insurance. I'm not looking for insurance sites that i can get a quote from, since i have not decided on the bike to get so any quote might be off. Any roundabout estimate would be very helpful, plus if u can recommend a bike that wouldnt cost me a fortune that'd be helpful too =)""
Will car insurance be cheaper if I drive my mum's car?
I'm learning to drive, but my mum won't allow me to practice in her Fiat 500 or drive it once I've passed the test. This means I can either buy myself a car or drive my Dad's car, which is a much larger Jeep. I don't particularly want to drive it though because its an automatic whereas I'm learning manual (I know automatic is easier, but as a new driver I won't be able to practice for the test and I'm worried I might forget manual if I drive it for too long) and I imagine insurance is likely to be higher. I was wondering, which of these options are likely to work out cheapest? Is it worth trying to persuade my mum to let me drive her car?""
Car insurance help...please?
im 17 and im about to get a car from a friend but i wanted to know if my mom can just add the car to her insurance and not say anything about me driving it. then i can drive it and the car will still be insured right? thats basically what im doing right now anyway. i have my permit and im driving my mom's car to practice in, but the insurance company doesnt know that. my friend has his liscense and his parents gave him his own car, but the insurance company doesnt know hes driving it. if he got into an accident, wouldnt his parents insurance cover it since the car is in their name?""
What is the cheapest auto insurance company?
What is the cheapest auto insurance company?
Can you have your name on the insurance if you dont live at the same address?
I am looking at car insurance, if i do it under my name it will set me back about 2,000 to 2,500. If its under my mothers name, but I am down as the MAIN driver it will cost me about 700 - 1,000. Can my mum legally be the insurance holder if she lives at a different address? I don't want to commit fraud""
""My boyfriend that has no insurance borrowed my car and got rear ended, will my insurance cover?""
I let my boyfriend take my car to go drop off his friend and he ended getting backed into by a truck and severely damaged my back bumper. Because it was on private property, the police couldn't do anything but observe us exchanging information. My boyfriend doesn't have insurance, but my car is insured. Will my insurance company be able to cover my damages, even though I was not present? This accident was the trucker's fault because he backed into my car, but this guy didn't even have an ID but the car was his family & supposedly it's insured. Please no smart remarks, I am asking because I'd appreciate some advice.""
""After receiving a check from car insurance company, am I obligated to use the car shop that gave me the quote?""
My car was damaged by hail. I took it to a shop recommended by my insurance company, they gave me a quote, and the car insurance company gave me a check for that amount. Am I obligated to use that same shop that gave me the original quote, or am I allowed to still take it somewhere else that might repair it for less?""
I suspect I may have cancer in my thigh but no insurance?
Over ten years ago I went to a doctor to exray a hard fat tumor in my thigh. He said it was nothing. Since then it has grown massively and is no longer movable, aches and seems very suspicious. Since then I had insurance through my sisters business but it was cancelled at the end of May. I did not know this but after making an appointment with an oncologist I had to cancel since I have no insurance. I know to get new insurance, they must have some sort of a waiting period for them to pay for anything due to the pre exsisting condition clause. Is it 3 months? Six? I don't know. But I am wondering if anyone knows of any other options of anything I can do?""
Health and Maternity Insurance.?
My wife and I are wanting to have a baby and need to get health insurance that includes maternity. I have gotten a couple quotes, but they all seems somewhat high being that she is only 22 and in great health. Who would be the best and most affordable provider to talk to? Thanks, Dustin""
Why are my insurance quotes so high?
I have tried searching for insurance on my moms car which is a Suzuki Swift GL 1.3 and I'm getting back quotes of 10,949.50 cheapest fully comprehensive and 6,404.20 Third Part, Fire and Theft. I passed my test january this year and I'm 18, I had temporary insurance on the car for a month in april and a week in june, the month in april cost 55 with Tesco and the week in june cost 70 with another company. I've also tried searching for insurance on other smaller engined cars like a citroen saxo 1.1i SX and got cheapest price coming back at 4,777.63 I live in Birmingham and have set it as the car being parked in the garage over night. Am I doing something wrong?""
""Car insurance in Wisconsin, us.?""
Hi, no one will give me a clear answer here.. Do you have to carry car insurance in Wisconsin? If so, what kind?, and how does it work?..I dont understand...would anyone ming explaining motor insurance policies?, or giving me a url thank you...""
How can I find out NAIC number for car insurance company?
I am filling out a report for DMV and there is a section where I need to provide the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) number for AAA. I talked the company and my agent and they say that there is no such thing? I wonder if there is any where I can look this info up..... Any idea?
How much would car insurance go up?
I'm currently driving a 1994 Honda accord and i'm paying $150/MO for car insurance. How much would my car insurance go up if I bought a used car...let's say a 2002 Audi Thanks!
Approximately how much does it cost to bond and insure a sole-proprietorship pressure washing business?
Approximately how much does it cost to bond and insure a sole-proprietorship pressure washing business?
Disability Insurance question?
Can an individual buy short term disability insurance themselves without going thru a business? Can I purchase Aflac on my own, or some other disability insurance?""
""Why do the Cons enjoy that insurance premiums are avg. $13,000 per year?""
And expected to get up to $25,000 within ten years? Do they enjoy that average Joe might spend about half of their annual income on insurance? I'm interested to know how either s bankrupt nation or an illness plagued nation is good for the country. ? These statistics are all over the news today""
How much is motorcycle insurance in Ontario?
I am a 17 year old male living in downtown Toronto Ontario. I am buying either a used Honda CBR 125 cc or a used Kawasaki Ninja 250r. Please tell me the estimate of what my insurance would cost with a completed motorcycle training course.
Auto Insurance: Does the auto insurance have to be in the name of the car owner?
My friend is being positioned overseas for 3 years by his company. He has an older car that is paid off. He is allowing me to use it while he is away. I have to have it insured in my name but the car is titled in his name. He will cancel his insurance once I get mine. Can I get auto insurance even though the car title is in someone else's name? I have no ownership in the vehicle.
How can you get a car insurance estimate if you don't own a car and never have?
I just got my license a few months ago and may get a job in an area that is difficult to get to by public transportation. I want to find out how much it would cost me (roughly) for car insurance but I don't have a car (yet) and most sites I've found ask me a lot of vehicle information. How can I get a rough estimate for insurance, so I can figure out if it's even feasible for me to get a car. Thanks!""
Car insurance wise..im 16 living in Houston. How much will car insurance cost for a 2006 mustang gt?
Car insurance wise..im 16 living in Houston. How much will car insurance cost for a 2006 mustang gt?
""Im 17 and got a DUI, will this affect my insurance when I turn 18?""
I realize this was the dumbest decision me and my buddy have made in our lives. Trust me I dont want to be near a vehicle for a while. I have lost my license for only 90 days, the cops were very respectable about, and did not criminally charge me, although they were good at scaring the **** out of me. It will also cost me 500$ to get my license back after the 90 days, and my car has been impounded for 30 :(. I live in British Columbia, Canada and the car I was in is my parents and I am registered under them. Again, I feel ******* terrible about it and glad I didnt injure anyone, especially someone not in my vehicle. - The drinking age is 19, he didnt charge me for under age thankfully. - Im not considered an adult until I turn 18, you sure this will stick with me?""
Car Insurance For 17 Year Old?!?
So im doing my driving lessons but am so worried about insurance. I want to go on my dads insurance who has maximum no claims bonus. The car I will be driving is a 1.2L Vauxhall Corsa SXI (52 Plate). The cheapest quote I have had is 4000. I was just wondering if any of you guys know the cheapest insurance provider or can help me in anyway at all or tell me the best thing to do? Im willing to do a Pass Plus if that helps? Thanks.
Group 1 Insurance License?
Hello, I need to get my group 1 insurance license to sell annuities in the state of Texas. I am honestly not sure where to go or what to do. What do I need to do? Thank you.""
What is a good looking car that is cheap on insurance?
I am 15 and I am trying to figure out which car would be the best for me. I want to nice looking car that is not to fast because the insurance will be to much. I was looking at the Honda Civic and the Mazda 3. Any ideas? I do not want to spend more than 7 grand.
What are best and/or most affordable insurance companies?
In Oregon. And does anyone know the minimum if I am 21 and have had one accident? For 1996 Ford Taurus car Thanks
Best optical insurance?
Which insurance is accepted at the most places?
""How much do you pay for these items,Gas,Food etc Monthly?""
rent, water, electric, gas, car insurance , gas, food, internet service, phone bill, medication""
Does a car insurance company need to know the state in which the car will be used?
I am buying car insurance for a 21 year old child who will attend graduate school out of state. Primary address will still be with me. Car will be in my name; child/student will be listed as primary driver. Child/student will live in an apartment while at graduate school. Does the insurance company need to know in what state the student will be?
Who offers affordable home owners insurance in south florida?
trying to buy a house in south florida and I need a good and affordable company for my home owners ins.
Car Insurance in Georgia?
I just bought a new car, and I was wondering what does the state of Georgia consider to be full coverage auto insurance?""
Which website is best for buying health insurance in California?
ehealthinsurance.com, shopyourowninsurance.com, or gohealthinsurance.com? The prices all seem to be the same. Is there any advantage in going with a particular one?""
How am I supposed to get Medical Insurance if I'm out of work?
I am 59 years of age. I've been out of work since Oct.'012. I live in SC. I have been trying in vain since 012 to get a parttime job. I live alone with my mother. She is 86 ...show more
Car wreck....Why is his insurance calling me? Can someone please clear this up?
So Friday morning, my fiance' and I were headed to New Jersey to visit his family for Christmas. On the way there, I was driving his truck so he could sleep a little before we switched places. Early morning when we were in Virginia, I pulled off the highway to go to a McDonalds to get some coffee. When I pulled off, it was a weird exit and I had no clue where I was going. I stopped at a red light, which had another light very close behind it which turned green, my idiot self was looking at that light for some reason while our light was still red...I hit the gas and then slammed on my breaks realizing what I was doing but it was too late and I hit a guy on the side of the door. It wasn't a big wreck. The guy didn't fly across the intersection. He didn't even move, his door was just dented and it will definitely need to be replaced but the man said he was not hurt at all. The truck we were driving in barely had damage, just a little dent in the hood that was very small to the eye and a bent license plate. We were in much better shape; but again, he was not in pain and his door was the only thing that seemed to be damaged. ANYWAYS, I received a traffic ticket for failing to obey a traffic light which I totally accept because this was extremely stupid of me and I am planning on mailing the fine to the court. So since I was driving my fiance's car, which is under his parents insurance, I assume my insurance is not affected. The trooper just told us that the other guy's insurance will contact my fiance's insurance. So I am thinking all I have to do is just pay this awful fine. Well my fiance' called me this morning and said that Statefarm (the other guy's insurance) called him asking for my number. Why would the other guy's insurance need to contact me if my fiance's parent's insurance are the ones who insure the truck? I just want to know what's to come when they call me. I don't know much of anything about insurance. I just want to know why the other guy's insurance would contact me when, yes, I caused the accident but my fiance's father is the insurance holder of the car that was wrecked. Thanks!""
Different ways to lower insurance cost. could i have my boyfriend insure my car for me?
Please, if you're not 100% sure don't answer,, it's confusing. Anyways, i recently financed a vehicle, 06 Taurus, and the insurance is killing, nearly higher than the car note! ($314 a month). & now that I'm pregnant i need to save $. My boyfriend doesn't have a car or license, but is there any way he could get insurance under his name & then add my car? Or any other work a rounds? Btw, I'm willing to fix his license if that's an issue. I'm 23, He's 29. I live in what's considered to be more dangerous city than he does. Also, he has less moving violations than me. So a policy for him maybe be anywhere from 40-60% cheaper than mines.""
How do you get health insurance for under $500 a month?
My health insurance premium costs $500 a month. What options do I have for a cheaper plan? Would I have to avoid going to the doctor for many years to get affordable health insurance ? What is the secret?
How much is car insurance for a 16 yr old girl in FL?
i want a car, something sporty but it can also be 4 dr too. =]""
Cheap car insurance uk?
My car insurance is due, anyone know the cheapest company to go with? I'm a 19 year old guy with 2 years no claims and no convictions. The cheapest I found on a comparison website was 1300. any help would be appreciated. Thanks""
""I have Full Coverage Insuranc. Someone vandalized my car destroying the hood, and the front window is busted ?""
My friend has full coverage insurance. Someone vandalized his car destroying the hood and busted the front window out. Will the insurance company cover this? Someone also advised us that it would be better to report the car stolen and they would cover it once it's found with the damage. Is this true? we really need some advice on this one. Don't want to be stuck having to pay the costs for all this damage. Also, what steps he should take first, i.e - informing the police, ect?""
How much would i expect to pay for insurance?
I live in New York, I am 17, i have my car and motorcycle license. I took the motorcycle safety course that was offered. I have had my drivers license for over a year. I got it on dec 29 and i have not gotten any traffic violations. I dont know if any of this matters, i have excellent grades, i have ridden motorized vehicles for years. It is a 1999 CBR600F4 has 18,500 miles on it. How much would be a reasonable estimate without collision? with collision? how much did u pay? If you are 17, 18, or 19 how much do u pay? Thanks!""
Car insurance for 18 year old female with '97 Dodge Dakota?
I turn 18 in August and plan on getting my license right after my birthday, but my grandmother has offered to buy me a 1997 Dodge Dakota before I even get my license. Questions I want to ask are: How much is insurance on one of those vehicles? What will be the insurance once I get my license in August? I'm just looking for an estimate so I can figure out how much of my paycheck would be going towards it or even if I could possibly afford the thing. Thanks in advance! =) P.S. I'm an A+, homeschooled, female student if that makes any difference.""
Annual Mortgage Insurance Premiums?
Pretty sure I know the answer to my question, but I want to run it by the pros . Doing my taxes and I'm to Form 1098. The form asks what my Annual Mortgage Insurance Premiums are. This is the additional $40 mortgage or loan insurance I pay each month, correct? The IRS is not asking for information about my Nationwide Home Owners Insurance Policy (aka: Hazard Insurance). Thanks.""
Any one know anything about the new medical insurances?
Please tell me that my co-payments will be less! I pay $15 for my primary care physician, $25 to see a specialist, that my primary care physician sends me to, from time to time, and $25 for lab blood tests. Most of my medicine co-payments are reasonable. Except two: $60 each every 30 days. Ouch. I am 60 and working full-time.""
I need help with car insurance please!?
Ok here's the deal, im 18 yrs old and i currently financed a vehicle with the assistance of my mom. I agreed to pay for the car and most of the insurance. I financed the car with the plan of paying only general liability car insurance. After signing the car from the used car dealer, it came to my knowledge that i will have to get FULL coverage auto insurance. The reason behind this is because i need to protect the auto loan that i got to finance the vechicle. It is impossible for me to pay for full coverage of this vehicle as i called for a qoute and learned that i would have to pay an insane 300-400 a month. I dont know what to do, im going back to the dealer to explain the situation and hope he will be willing to get the car back. If the dealer wont agree to get it back, what are my options? Can i sell the car privately and pay off the loan with the money i get from selling it? My goal is to just buy a really cheap car straight up and only pay for general liability insurance. Help!""
Auto Insurance: Does the auto insurance have to be in the name of the car owner?
My friend is being positioned overseas for 3 years by his company. He has an older car that is paid off. He is allowing me to use it while he is away. I have to have it insured in my name but the car is titled in his name. He will cancel his insurance once I get mine. Can I get auto insurance even though the car title is in someone else's name? I have no ownership in the vehicle.
Does the car appearance affect insurance?
Does the car appearance (good or bad) affect how much we pay for car insurance. I know insurance companies always ask What condition is your car?..any dents, etc does saying its in good condition make the rates go up or down?""
Cheap Cars for cheap insurace??????????
I am 18 a new driver and i am looking for a used car with a budget from 400 to 600 iam trying to find a car with a cheap insurance and are Diesel cars cheaper to insure????
Car insurance help ok so i am going to be a first year driver?
ok so i am going to be a first year driver what insurance company should i get since the are a lot of them out there and how much do u think i will be paying per month in joliet IL i am a male and 18 years old
Insurance question: Uninsured car in accident?
My son (17) had permission to drive his uncle's car to the store when he was staying at his house. My son is in an accident and the car is totaled. I now find out his uncle does not have insurance on the car. Am I responsible for replacing the car? Does his uncle have any liability at all? I have full coverage on my cars. Will my insurance kick in at any point?
""I'm just wondering, is there anyone here who can't get health insurance?""
If you do have it, how do you get it? and if you don't have it, why not? Spiritually speaking, of course""
Is it important to have insurance?
Is it important to have insurance for a motorbike? I was thinking of buying a 125cc learner bike. How much would insurance, mot etc cost roughly""
One Day Rental Car Question?
I'm about to rent a car for one day travel for the first time ever but I have some questions. 1. They give me these options for insurance, but what's the difference and ...show more""
Why car insurance quote from tesco is 550 whereas competitors quote over 1000 ?
i went through swinton, axa ,norwich union, high performance, churchil, and a couple others. they did not even come close...is this possible? i am a bit suspicious, if that tesco quote is reliable, but they say when i call that i can complete the whole process online and i do enter the same detail as on other websites.""
How much would the insurance/tax be on these cars?
Im Looking at the following cars which i are in my price range but i'd like to know how much on average the insurance would be per year for these. If you know the average tax price that would be great too :) I just want a rough estimate because every insurance quote site i go on you have to fill out alot of details about the car aswell, but i dont have one yet. Im 17, live in london,england,female and this will be my first car. Renault Clio Peugeot 206 peugeot 206 cc Vauxhall Corsa SEAT Ibiza thanks :)""
Where can i get some health insurance @ a reasonable price?
I'm need health insurance my income is very low.. where can i get health insurance at a reasonable price?
Inifiniti G37 insurance for 18 year old?
Ok i live in new york and im 18 and a new driver.... i keep hearing that it would cost over 700 dollars a month to insure it ..... is that true ? i know there is alot of variables but i wanna know is it possible ?
Is American Family Insurance a good insurance company?
Currently I have State Farm on my car and EMC on my house. I found out I would save money if I switched both insurances to American Family Insurance. I was wondering if this would be a good choice?
No Proof of Car Insurance?
I got a ticket for no proof of insurance, I forgot to pay it, now I must see the judge, I didn't have insurance, yes very very dumb, I know, my question is..will I just be fined or is there jail time involved. I imagine there will be just a heavy penality in fines""
Question for someone who is familiar with car insurance companies?
I had a wreck and I have full coverage with car rental included for 30 days (20 dollars a day) if I don't use the car rental, do I get a check for the amount that I didn't use...I have Allstate...my daughter had a wreck a year ago and she received a separate check for the total of the car rental expense she didn't use, but that was with farmer's insurance...If I'm paying for collision and car rental on my premium and the insurance doesn't pay the car rental place, shouldn't they pay me?""
""If i insure my company car without my company knowing, is it ok if i dont declare my dr10 (dink drive)?""
If i insure my company car without my company knowing, is it ok if i dont declare my dr10 (dink drive)?""
Which car insurances?
OK 21 years old and looking for a car insurance that cheapest in Washington state, and I am thinking between these three, progressive state farm and Geico, which one is the cheapest of these and tell me the cheapest auto insurance any body know for my age and I am a male thank you""
Insurance on newly bought car?
When you buy a car, you kind of have to drive it home without insurance. What happens if you get in an accident or get pulled over? I'm talking about buying a used car, if that makes any difference.""
I need health insurance?
i am a student in college from the ages of 18-26 looking for a affordable health insurance..
How much does a ticket cost for no proof insurance in ca?
I got a ticket for no proof of insurance at the time. But I have insurance. Does anyone know how much the ticket costs. Or what I can do to get it written off??
Is the global warming scare (scam) just what the government needs to mandate disaster insurance as well?
With they make those without if look bad and neglectful? After all, children would be homeless just because their neglectful parents didn't buy disaster insurance for their ...show more""
Do I need car insurance with a drivers permit?
I'm 15, just got my permit, do I need car insurance? If so, then why did my parents have to sign for responsibility? Wouldn't that just put it on their insurance?""
""I got my first ticket today, will my insurance go up?""
I have had my lisence for about a year, im 17. i got pulled over today for going 29 in a 20 school zone. i got a 66 dollar ticket, but i really need to know if my insurance will go up... so can i get some help please?!""
SR22 insurance Texas?
I'm looking for a cheap SR22 insurance Texas, maybe some special price just for Texas State. Any info? And what's a medium SR22 insurance cost? Thanks""
""Whats the difference between limited, broad and regular collison deductibles with insurance?""
Whats the difference between limited, broad and regular collison deductibles with insurance? Trying to get an auto insurance quote, thanks""
How do you get cheap car insurance for an 18yo?
I need to find cheap car insurance for an 18yo female who owns outright an $11000.00 car. Any suggestions?
Auto Insurance: Does the auto insurance have to be in the name of the car owner?
My friend is being positioned overseas for 3 years by his company. He has an older car that is paid off. He is allowing me to use it while he is away. I have to have it insured in my name but the car is titled in his name. He will cancel his insurance once I get mine. Can I get auto insurance even though the car title is in someone else's name? I have no ownership in the vehicle.
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