#self pardon
thedivineimagecomic · 3 months
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jessaerys · 1 year
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sun visits the moon at spk headquarters and gets so so so sleepy
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By Tayo Bero
This month, the Texas state parole board unanimously recommended the pardon and release of convicted killer and former US army sergeant Daniel Perry, along with the restoration of his firearm rights. Perry had been working as an Uber driver in July 2020 when he shot and killed Garrett Foster, a white man who was attending a Black Lives Matter protest with his Black fiancee. Perry was later indicted for murder, tried, convicted and sentenced to 25 years in prison by an Austin jury.
Almost a year from the date of his sentencing, Perry’s pardon was granted by Texas Governor Greg Abbott, and he now walks free. As terrifying as the initial incident was, this pardon sends a chilling message: that politically motivated killing is OK, and that politicians are more focused on pandering to political pressure than protecting people’s lives.
During Perry’s trial, it emerged that in the weeks before he killed Foster, he had shared white-supremacist memes and talked about how he “might have to kill a few people” who were demonstrating outside his house in 2020. He also compared the Black Lives Matter movement to “a zoo full of monkeys that are freaking out flinging their shit”. And days into nationwide protests sparked by George Floyd’s murder by a Minneapolis police officer, Perry sent a text message saying: “I might go to Dallas to shoot looters.”
Perry described shooting Foster as an act of self-defense. Yet according to trial testimony about the day Foster died, Perry had seen the predominantly Black group of protesters gathered across the street from him, ran a red light and drove his car right into the middle of the protest. When Foster – who was legally carrying a firearm but had not, according to some eyewitnesses, threatened Perry – approached Perry’s car, he shot him dead and sped away.
In rehashing this horrendous incident, the question on my mind is: how do you justify “pardoning” a person like this? Condemning Perry’s release isn’t about believing in carcerality or wanting to keep people in prisons, mind you; it’s about how we get to this point as a society, whom we grant permission to kill, and how we treat the people involved in a tragedy like this in its aftermath.
Abbott – who rarely issues pardons, and has generally only pardoned low-level, nonviolent offenders – had faced pressure from conservative media figures to grant Perry one. Rightwing pundits like former Fox News host Tucker Carlson and even Texas GOP chair Matt Rinaldi squeezed him publicly about Perry’s conviction. It doesn’t seem like Abbott needed much convincing, though, seeing as he directed the parole board to review Perry’s case just one day after he was convicted.
There’s also the question of how we got here. Foster’s death and his killer’s subsequent pardon are the direct result of a government that’s more beholden to wealthy gun lobbyists than concerned with commonsense legislation that literally saves lives. Foster’s death was, in part, the result of a tragic meeting of Texas’s notoriously loose stand-your-ground self-defense laws, which Perry’s supporters claim he was upholding when he shot Foster, and the state’s “open carry” laws, which Foster was legally exercising when he had his rifle slung over his shoulder during the protest.
Alan Bean, the executive director of the Texas-based civil rights advocacy group Friends of Justice, summed up the implications of Perry’s case succinctly.
“If one guy with a gun feels threatened by another guy with a gun, murder is permissible. If both men felt threatened, the resulting tragedy would technically be ruled a no-fault double-homicide,” he wrote after news of the pardon went public.
Even Texas police aren’t blind to the ways that open-carry laws are exceptionally dangerous and nonsensical. “We were completely opposed to ‘license to carry’ because anytime there’s more guns, there’s a problem,” Ray Hunt, executive director of the Houston police officers’ union, said back in 2021.
If there was any doubt that Abbott doesn’t care how problematic these laws are, even after what happened to Foster, consider that he used his pardon announcement to reaffirm that “Texas has one of the strongest ‘stand your ground’ laws of self-defense that cannot be nullified by a jury or a progressive district attorney”.
These are scary words to hear from your elected official after a tragedy that could have been avoided with better gun laws. Abbott continues to signal to gun-toting rightwingers that they can go around murdering people they don’t agree with, and that they will have the full force of the law to back them up.
Foster’s mother, Sheila, spoke to the New York Times after the pardon, and her words are haunting in their truth. “It doesn’t make sense,” she said over the phone. “It seems like this is some kind of a political circus and it’s costing me my life.”
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alinaartorius · 1 year
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Self-indulgent personal PMD × TLT AU conjured up with @dulcineaseptimus
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frenchkisstheabyss · 4 months
You wanna know what’s some bullshit? You guys will tell your favs that their birthmarks, skin problems, weight gain, hair loss, etc don’t make them any less beautiful but put yourselves down for those same “flaws”.
✨ How dare you? ✨
You deserve all the endless love and admiration you project onto others. The things you think make you unattractive are a part of what makes you beautiful and I’ll hear nothing else or we’re gonna fight 💚
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yun-shuten · 23 days
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surprise. i wrote something for this thing
You wish you had hands. Something for Error to touch even if you know full well by now that he would never let you touch him, or vice versa. It’s been so long since you knew him after all and even the way you are is pushing it. The fact you’re not a million scattered pixels is truly a miracle, given Error’s reputation and usual behaviour with SOULs like you.
Still, you dream. Your thoughts wander.
Respect the boundaries that exist but what if? Would he feel solid, if you had the senses for it? How would his glitches translate to your more broad senses? Would he lash out at you, or allow you the benefit of doubt? Surely he knew you long enough to allow even a brush?
But you don’t have the sense of touch. Not the right one anyway.
There is a solution though (there's more than one way to break free, you remember this) and your little self is further strung along by the idea’s allure. 
The current rules only exist because you were here. Anomalous being, abominations to those within this plane of existence. Bound to rules of the medium, but who says you were stuck to only one medium?
You drift a little further ahead, the pull of a potential change singing to you like a siren’s song. 
(where are you going?)
It’s right there, sitting so tantalizingly close yet so far away - an exit to this depressing situation you’ve put everyone in. A solution that sits nearly outside the box… But it’s not beyond your reach.
You reach out, SOUL thrumming with longing for something better. A solution only you could present thanks to what you were. Maybe you could bring a better person to make this story better. Someone who wasn’t ‘you’ right now. Something new. Only one of you is allowed per setting and it’s clear that this ‘you’ isn’t working. You’re not what he wants or needs.
You are the Anomaly and Error hates-
Yellowed tips enter your vision, followed by red phalanges, then black metacarpals. Each digit cupped around that fragile shape that holds you, until you are caged within the same hands you have seen break things over and over again. Your destination is obscured from view as those hands bring you down from your ascendance slowly. Gently. 
You follow the direction of his hands. Don’t touch him, you remember this as you carefully hover in the hollow space he carves out for you in the air with his hands. You don’t want to set off his fear.
The two thumbs above crack open and mismatched eyes gaze down upon your little SOUL. The snarl on his jaw isn’t present, instead replaced by a frown with a tightness you don’t remember seeing on him ever.
For a moment, neither of you move. Error’s Intent, usually a whirlwind of manic rage and glee, is unusually solemn. Quiet. Dare you say, gloomy. 
You're reading it wrong.
Your Intent hasn’t changed. Mostly, anyway. There is a shred of hope that blooms in your little pixel mass, a glow that aches for more. You would do anything for a favorite even if it meant giving them the silence they demanded.
“don’t…” Error breathes out, not a shred of the anger you know or the relief you predicted present in his tone. His sockets droop, and his hands draw you closer and closer until the Destroyer hunches around you like a cage.* “… don’t go.”
(he can’t find you if You leave)
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carnivorousdoe · 8 months
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“𝙄 𝙝𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙗𝙚𝙚𝙣 𝙤𝙛𝙛𝙚𝙧𝙚𝙙 𝙖𝙣 𝙖𝙥𝙥𝙧𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙘𝙚𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙥 𝙗𝙮 𝙣𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙣 𝙇𝙤𝙧𝙧𝙤𝙖𝙠𝙖𝙣. 𝙔𝙚𝙨, 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙇𝙤𝙧𝙧𝙤𝙖𝙠𝙖𝙣. 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙜𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙨𝙩 𝙬𝙞𝙯𝙖𝙧𝙙 𝙞𝙣 𝘽𝙖𝙡𝙙𝙪𝙧'𝙨 𝙂𝙖𝙩𝙚!”
“𝘌𝘢𝘨𝘦𝘳, 𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘯’𝘵 𝘸𝘦?”
“𝘼𝙝𝙚𝙢— 𝙮𝙚𝙨, 𝙬𝙚𝙡𝙡.”
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bizarrescribblez · 7 months
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the aftermath of getting scratch out of casey idk why they cut this scene out it was pretty funny actually
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bansheenolan · 4 months
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YOUNG SCOTT: Where's Roxy? YOUNG MELISSA: Sweetheart, she didn't make it... YOUNG SCOTT: Where's Roxy? MELISSA: Try not to talk. Try not to talk.
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allieinarden · 5 months
I haven’t watched it in a while but Zuko and Toph actually should’ve had the life-changing field trip because I really needed her to find out that his biggest problem is a father that demanded his children be the best benders around and kind of envy that, and then I needed him to find out that her biggest problem is parents that believed her to be helpless and wanted to love and protect her anyway and just totally flip out.
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ohhh verge and bertiluna they could never make me hate you. they COULD however make me want to draw these guys holding hands. they mean the world to me and i am waiting so so patiently to see more content of them in the show
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way2gosuperrstarr · 1 month
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im trying to get looser w my stuff ,, so im doodling in my sketchbook again. there's some more stuff i doodled that i wanna share but like ... in different post/s
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giggly-squiggily · 4 months
#Fc89ac (Cupid's Parasite)
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Heyo! So...I might or might not be addicted to Cupid's Parasite...
Nah but really; Y'ALL! I've started playing it recently and my goodness Ryuki is the best! (Granted as of writing this I'll have likely finished the game if not most of it so it's up in the air on who'll truly be my favorite) His route was so fun and addictive and just- YESH! I wanted to write something for him and Lynette and that's exactly what I did lols. I hope you like it! :D
Summary: Ryuki's struggling with his latest design and what color to make it. Lynette helps through unconventional ways.
Lynette scrolled through her search history with a small laugh, shaking her head. Since she fell in love with the fashion designer, it seemed like this was all she ever looked up. Not that she minded it of course; she loved her boyfriend with her entire heart- even if she had to look up several of the colors he mentioned on a daily basis.
Recently it seemed he was stuck on the color pink- his sketchbook filled to the brim with various dresses and skirt designs with various notes and hexadecimals. Around one particular dress several of the numbers were crossed out and re-written, a sign this particular garment was driving Ryuki insane. “No, that’s not it…it’s too muted.”
Another hexadecimal. Lynette tapped it into her phone to find “Soft Pink”. It was lovely. “I like it. It’s pretty.”
“Yes, but it doesn’t really go with the theme of the outfit.” Ryuki scowled down at the paper, narrowing his eyes. “Everything’s either too muted or too bright- I need something in the middle.”
Rolling onto her stomach, Lynette used her arms as a pillow as she peeked at his work. Unsurprisingly, the dress was gorgeous- flowy and fun with a mix of both western and japanese elements incorporated. “Wow, it’s so beautiful!”
“You haven’t been truly wowed yet- wait until you see what it’ll look like in person.” A touch of pride entered Ryuki’s voice as he puffed, starting to smile. Then that smile dropped as he looked at his endless bouts of notes. “If we ever get there, that is.”
Not good. Lynette sat up and clapped her hands. “Break time! Maybe you need to step back and revisit it with some fresh eyes?”
Ryuki looked ready to argue, but he gave in with a sigh after meeting her raised brow. “Maybe.” Closing the sketchbook, he moved everything aside and gave a small stretch. “But just for five minutes- then I’m going right back i-EH!”
“Fifthteen minutes. I demand a proper break.” Lynette argued, poking him in the ribs. “We’re having green tea and snacks- maybe even a walk.” She poked him again and again, watching him twitch and scrunch beneath her finger. “We can hunt down a crepe stand. They’re usually out this time of year.”
“H-How is tha-ahat gonna gehet done in fi-fiihfthteen mi-inutes?” Ryuki yelped between jabs, grabbing at her wrists as he thought down giggles. “Stop thahat!”
“Well, we’ll just have to take as long as we need, won’t we?” She teased, bringing her other hand in when he refused to release her. Scooting closer, she quickly scribbled into his open side, making him yelp and fall backwards. “You’ve been working on your designs all morning. Five minutes away isn’t gonna be enough.”
“Ihiihiht’ll be pleaahhanty! Geahhaha, Lynaehehehehhette!” Ryuki didn’t have the strength to remain sitting up, crashing unceremoniously against the pillows as he batted at her hands. “Cuhuhhuhut it ohoohoohohut, I’m wohoohhoohrking!”
“Noooo!” She cried back in glee, giggling up a storm as she threw herself across his torso. Her fingers danced up and down his sides, kneading here and there to make him arch and yelp. “I’ll never stop! I’ll keep tickling you until you agree to take a break!”
“Thahahaht’s nohohohoht hahahappehehehening! Geahhahahaha!” Ryuki squeaked when her fingers dug into his highest ribs, making him arch within a sudden boost of mirth. “Dohohohohoohn’t nohohohohohohohohoo! Aheahahahahahha Lhihihihihihihiynehehehehehhehehette!”
“Oo, is this a bad spot?” She cooed at him, enjoying how pink his cheeks got. “It must be with how much you’re blushing! I could listen to you laugh all day long, cutie!”
“Shuhuhuhuht uuuhuhuhp! Iihihihi’m nohoohohohot cuhuuhuhuhte!” He argued through his laughter, trying his best to squeeze her hands out. “Thahahaht’s it- cohoohme here!” With a sudden burst of strength, he reached out and grabbed onto Lynette, flipping their positions. “Now you get what’s com-ehehehehe, nohohohoho!”
“Huh? What was that? What do I get?” She teased, wasting no time as she grabbed at his ribs once more. “You gotta move faster than this, Ryuki-kun! Hehehe!”
Unfortunately for her, Lynette’s reign of mischief was quickly ended.
“AH! Aheahhahahahha nohohoohohohoho!” She squealed when Ryuki managed to grab her side, squeezing rapidly. “Nohohoohoho fahahahhair, nohoohoho fahahhair yohoohohu son of ahahah-”
“Goohoht you nohohow, yoohohu-GAH DOHOOHN’T!”
Their “battle” continued on as they rolled around in the bed, sheets crinkling and pillows flying as they grabbed and prodded at any and every tickle spot they could find on eachother. By the end of it all, they were gasping for air, cheeks flushed and hair a mess as they laid side by side in their messy bedding.
“Sohoohoho who wohohohn?” Lynette gasped out, hair falling free from its braid like a halo of sakura blossoms. Ryuki reached out, brushing her bangs back with the gentlest of touches.
“Mehehehe, obvihihihously.” He snorted, making her smile. She was especially radiant today- her natural hue the softest of pinks. It reminded him of…
“#fc89ac.” He mused out loud, then blinked. “That’s it-”
Lynette watched him sit up, scrambling for his sketchbook. While he did so, she quietly pulled out her phone, searching up the number.
Tickle me pink. She barely stifled a laugh as the coincidence of it all.
“Yep, that’s it. That’s exactly what shade I was looking for.” Ryuki nodded, something relaxed entering his expression as he circled the hexadecimal with pride. “You’re truly brilliant. Thanks for all your help, Lynette.”
“Aww, you’re too sweet.” She giggled as she sat up, tucking her phone away. “Can I have a crepe as my reward? That tickle fight made me hungry.”
Ryuki blinked before bursting into laughter, unable to hide his amused smile. “You’re too cute! God- I love you so much.”
She’s heard him say it before so many times now, and the effect was still all the same. Her cheeks warmed and her heart raced at the words, making her entire being feel soft and tingly. “I love you too.”
The crepes they got soon after were extra tasty.
Thanks for reading!
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I know some of the cooler products are a little pricey, so now's a good time to grab 'em! you can find all these designs (and more!) at my shop!
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smolldust · 1 year
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Teehee I have a problem
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articskele · 1 month
Dude I think your oc is giving me brainrot because I had a dream where Artic was in a cave and the Once-ler was all curled up looking sad and scared so Artic went up to him and cuddled him. (The reason why he was scared was because he was cursed to turn into a shadow creature. So as he was transforming Artic was just holding him. Also Artic sounded british?? I have no idea what your HC voice for her is but she sounded like Rose Tyler from Doctor who in my dream.)
OUGHGHGHHH I'm having so many thoughts about this-
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Right off the bat the concept of a cursed shadowy Onceler reminds me of these posts!!
And caves!! In the valley!! I had already been thinking about em bc of the concept art, something about the valley at night just says "there's a cave behind that waterfall" to me lol
The Onceler running away, maybe because he didn't want Artic to get hurt, maybe because he feared what would happen if she saw him like this.
Maybe, just for a moment, he flinches as Artic reaches for him. Because no matter how badly he wants comfort, he can't help but worry if this curse is contagious or if he'll grow spikes or something.
But once she holds his face in her hands and pulls him in for a hug, the poor man just clings to her the entire time. The steady sound of her heartbeat giving him something to focus on…
There’s this scene of her just. Holding the Onceler so so gently asking if it hurts and it breaks my HEART. THEY'RE SO IN LOVE YOUR HONOR
Artic getting up to take off her wings and set them aside, and he panics a little like "Don't- Don't go" but she reassures him that she's not going anywhere.
I still love you, yknow. No matter what happens, no matter how you look by the end of this... You're still the boy I fell in love with.
I can only imagine what the transformation must feel like. The crickle crackle of bones beneath dark fur. The inexplicable feeling of light fading inside him. Forever standing in the shade, just cold enough to prickle at your skin. Left cold and hollow save for bright yellow eyes, longing for the sunlight.
Maybe his freckles turned white or glow in the dark, something something not all the light is gone, not all hope is lost because someone was there for him.
Maybe he can't be in the sunlight for very long, which is devastating for the guy, but Artic makes a little umbrella contraption for him ouo
And that could be one of the reasons he went to a cave! The light was giving him a really bad headache and he needed to get somewhere darker
And she makes him specialized gloves to help him play the guitar with those hand paws!
Also Artic nuzzling his chest bc he's soft and fuzzy -u-
Woe, british Artic be upon ye aksfjdf- I looked up some clips of that gal and she sounds nice! Canonically Artic just has my irl voice ouo
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