#5 jan 2018 the date of liTNESS STARTS NOW
fynd · 7 years
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roaringgirl · 4 years
Books read in January
I am keeping this as a little record for myself, as I already keep a list (my best new year’s resolution - begun Jan 2018) but don’t record my thoughts
General thoughts on this - I read a lot this month but it played into my worst tendencies to read very very fast and not reflect, something I’m particularly prone too with modern fiction. I just, so to speak, swallow it without thinking. First 5 or so entries apart, I did quite well in my usually miserably failed attempt to have my reading be at least half books by women.
1. John le Carré - Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (1974): I liked this a lot! I sort of lost track of the Cold War and shall we say ethics-concerned parts of it and ended up reading a fair bit of it as an English comedy of manners - but I absolutely love all the bizarre rules about what is in bad taste (are these real? Did le Carré make them up?).
2. John le Carré - The Spy Who Came in From the Cold (1963): I liked this a lot less. It seemed at the same time wilfully opaque and entirely predictable. Have been thinking a lot about genre fiction - I love westerns and noir, so wonder if for me British genre fiction doesn’t quite scratch the same itch.
3. David Lodge - Ginger You’re Barmy (1962): This was fine. I don’t have much to say about it - I was interested in reading about National Service and a bit bogged down in a history of it so read a novel. As with most comic novels, it was perfectly readable but not very funny.
4. Dan Simmons - Song of Kali (1985): His first novel. This is quite enjoyable just for the amount of Grand Guignol gore, and also because I like to imagine it caused the Calcutta tourist board some consternation. Wildly structurally flawed, however. Best/worst quote: ‘Hearing Amrita speak was like being stroked by a firm but well-oiled palm.’ Continues in that vein.
5. Richard Vinen - National Service: A Generation in Uniform (2014): If you are interested in National Service, this is a good overview! If not, not.
6. Sarah Moss - Ghost Wall (2018): I absolutely loved this. About a camping trip trying to recreate Iron Age Britain. Just, very upsetting but so so good - a horror story where the horror is male violence and abuse within the (un)natural family unit.
7. Kate Grenville - A Room Made of Leaves (2020): Excellent idea, but not amazing execution - the style is kind of bland in that ‘ironed out in MFA workshops’ way (I have no idea if she did an MFA but that’s what it felt like). Rewriting the story of early Australian colonisation through the POV of John Macarthur’s wife Elizabeth.
8. Ruth Goodman - How to Be a Victorian (2013): I mostly read this for Terror fic reasons, if I’m honest. I skimmed a lot of it but she has a charming authorial voice and I really like that she covers the beginning of the period, not just post-1870.
9. Gary Shteyngart - Super Sad True Love Story (2010): I read this on a recommendation from Ms Poose after I asked for good fiction mostly concerned with the internet, and I thought it was excellent - it’s very exaggerated/non-realistic and that heightening of incident and affect works so well.
10. Brenda Wineapple - The Impeachers: The Trial of Andrew Johnson and the Dream of a Just Nation (2019): What a great book. I had to keep putting it down because reading about Reconstruction always makes me so sad and frustrated with what might have been - the lost dream of a better world.
11. Halle Butler - The New Me (2019): Reading this while single, starting antidepressants and stuck in an office job that bores me to death but is too stable/undemanding to complain about maybe wasn’t a great decision, for me, emotionally.
12. Halle Butler - Jillian (2015): Ditto.
13. Ottessa Moshfegh - Death in Her Hands (2020): Very disappointed by this. I don’t really like meta-fiction unless it’s really something special and this wasn’t. Also, I’m stupid and really bad at reading, like, postmodern allegorical fiction I just never get it.
14. Andrea Lawlor  - Paul Takes the Form of a Mortal Girl (2017): This was really really hot! I will admit I don’t think the reflections on gender, homophobia, AIDS etc are very deep or as revealing as some reviews made out, but I also don’t think they’re supposed to be? It’s a lot of fun and all of the characters in it are so precisely, fondly but meanly sketched.
15. Catherine Lacey - The Answers (2017): This was fine! Readable, enjoyable, but honestly it has not stuck with me. There are only so many sad girl dystopias you can read and I think I overdid it with them this month.
16. Hilary Mantel - Wolf Hall (2010, reread): Was supposed to read the first 55 pages of this for my two-person book club, but I completely lack self-restraint so reread the whole thing in four days. Like, I love it I don’t really know what else to say. I was posing for years that ‘Oh, Mantel’s earlier novels are better, they’re such an interesting development of Muriel Spark and the problem of evil and farce’ blah blah blah but nope, this is great.
17. Oisin Fagan - Hostages (2016): Book of short stories that I disliked intensely, which disappointed me because I tore through Nobber in horrified fascination (his novel set in Ireland during the Black Death - which I really cannot recommend enough. It’s so intensely horrible but, like Mantel although in a completely different style/method, he has the trick of not taking the past on modern terms). A lot of this is sci-fi dystopia short stories which just aren’t... very good or well-sustained. BUT I did appreciate it because it is absolutely the opposite of pleasant, competently-written but forgettable MFA fiction.
18. Muriel Spark - Loitering with Intent (1981): Probably my least favourite Spark so far, but still good. I think the Ealing Comedy-esque elements of her style are most evident and most dated here. It just doesn’t have the same sentence-by-sentence sting as most of her work, and again I don’t like meta-fiction.
19. Hilary Mantel - Bring up the Bodies (2012, reread): Having (re)read all of these in about 3 months, I think this is probably my favourite of the three. I just love the way a whole world, whole centuries and centuries of history and society spiral out from every paragraph. And just stylistically, how perfect - every sentence is a cracker. I’m just perpetually in awe of Mantel as a prose stylist (although I dislike that everyone seems to write in the present tense now and blame her for it).
20. Muriel Spark - The Girls of Slender Means (1963, reread): (TW weight talk etc ) As always, Hilary Mantel sets me off on a Muriel Spark spree. I’ve read this too many times to say much about it other than that the denouement always makes me go... my hips definitely wouldn’t fit through that window. Maybe I should lose weight in case I have to crawl out of a bathroom window due to a fire caused by an unexploded bomb from WW2???? Which is a wild throwback to my mentality as a 16 year old.
21. China Mieville - Perdido Street Station (2000, reread): What a lot of fun. I know we don’t do steampunk anymore BUT I do like that he got in the whole economic and justice system of the early British Industrial Revolution and not just like steam engines. God, maybe I should read more sci-fi. Maybe I should reread the rest of this trilogy but that’s like 2000 pages. Maybe I should reread the City and the City because at least that’s short and ties exactly into my Disco Elysium obsession (the mod I downloaded to unlock all dialogue keeps breaking the game though. Is there a script online???)
22. Stephen King - Carrie (1974): I have a confession to make: I was supposed to teach this to one of my tutees and then just never read it, but to be honest we’re still doing basic reading comprehension anyway. That sounds mean but she’s very sweet and I love teaching her because she gets perceptibly less intimidated/critical of herself every lesson. ANYWAY I read half of this in the bath having just finished my period, which I think was perfect. It’s fun! Stephen King is fun! I don’t have anything deeper to say.
23. Hilary Mantel - Every Day is Mother’s Day (1985): You can def tell this is a first novel because it doesn’t quite crackle with the same demonic energy as like, An Experiment in Love or Beyond Black, but all the recurring themes are there. If it were by anyone else I’d be like good novel! But it’s not as good as her other novels.
24. Dominique Fortier - On the Proper Usage of Stars (2010): This was... perfectly competent. Kind of dull? It made me think of what I appreciate about Dan Simmons which is how viscerally unpleasant he makes being in the Navy seem generally, and man-hauling with scurvy specifically. This had the same problem with some other FE fiction which is that they’re mostly not willing to go wild and invent enough so the whole thing is kind of diffuse and under-characterised. Although I hated the invented plucky Victorian orphan who’s great at magnetism and taxonomy and read all ONE THOUSAND BOOKS or whatever on the ships before they got thawed out at Beechey (and then the plotline just went nowhere because they immediately all died???) I had to skim all his bits in irritation. I liked the books more than this makes it sound I was just like Mr Tuesday I hope you fall down a crevasse sooner rather than later.
25. Muriel Spark - The Abbess of Crewe (1974): Transposing Watergate to an English convent is quite funny, although it took me an embarrassingly long time to realise that’s what she was doing even though I lit read a book covering Watergate in detail in December. Muriel Spark is just so, so stylish I’m always consumed with envy. I think a lot of her books don’t quite hang together as books but sentence by sentence... they’re exquisite and incomparable.
Overall thoughts: This month was very indulgent since I basically just inhaled a lot of not challenging fiction. I need to enjoy myself less, so next month we’re finishing a biography of Napoleon, reading the Woman in White and finishing the Lesser Bohemians which currently I’m struggling with since it’s like nearly as impenetrable Joyce c. Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man but, so far... well I hesitate to say bad since I think once I get into I’ll be into it but. Bad.
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Beautiful LGBTQ Proposal Stories
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1. Patrick + Matthew
“Patrick and I started dating in July 2016. By September, we had told each other, 'I love you.' Day after that, I bought the ring. He is the most special person I have ever met, and loving him is the best thing I’ll ever do with my life. I proposed on his birthday, Jan. 19. He made me promise not to propose at Disneyland ― Disney’s super special to us. So I didn’t propose at Disneyland. I proposed at Disney California Adventure ― thank God for loopholes! We were married this past August. It was everything; HE’S everything. So thankful for our happily ever after.” ― Matthew Markulis
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2. Allie + Sam
"We actually had two proposals! I popped the question back in July, and it was a total shock to Sam. We'd been together 3.5 years and I told her I'd never propose..."
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"... Anyways, I've been waiting for a ring ever since. In November, she told me we were going to scope out a wedding venue at our favorite park, so we took our dog Lily and met our wedding planner there. Little did I know, they'd set up a beautiful arbor and candles, and Sam got down on one knee and proposed. To top it all off, she took me out to dinner, and I was stunned that all of my friends were there! It was so exciting to celebrate with everyone! When we got home, our Christmas tree was decorated with photos of us from over the years, and I had so many sweet gifts to unwrap. I can't wait to marry this sweet girl!" ― Allie
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  3. Jennie + Joanna
"As cliché as it may sound, Joanna was one in a million, and I knew it from the moment I met her. She was genuine and kind. She came into my life when I wasn't even expecting it. I never thought I would ever date someone with children because I didn't even think I would want children. However, these three little hearts opened mine to a world I never knew: true unconditional love. The way she loved them made me fall in love with her even more. I asked the two oldest boys for their permission to marry their mother. It was important to me they were part of the decision, as they were the men of the house. Without hesitation, they did. We planned the whole thing together! They were the only ones who knew that our family 'Easter' photos were actually a surprise engagement photo shoot. I was extremely nervous, but Tara, a good friend [and the photographer], made everything easier. She captured one of the best moments of my life: my now-wife saying yes to marrying me!" ― Jennie Romano
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4. Kayla + Loren
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"The photographer Albert and I came up with the idea for me to propose on the Hogwarts Express [at Universal Studios]. My fiancée Loren (who uses they/them pronouns), ever the planner, was furious that we were skipping all the attractions on the itinerary we spent hours planning just to ride the train. They didn’t speak to me the entire time in line! Finally, we sat on the train, and Albert motions for me to sit next to him across from my fiancée. As he is setting up this very obvious and huge camera (Loren still hasn’t caught on!) he sneakily texts me, 'Now.' I lean in slightly and Loren is shaking their head saying that I was in the way of Albert taking his tourist pictures! I couldn’t help but laugh because they didn’t even know the half of it. I finally get down on one knee with the ring in the chocolate frog box and start my proposal with, 'Are you still mad at me?' Loren puts it all together, starts to tear up, and we’ve been happily engaged ever since!" ― Kayla S.
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5. Jan-Kristòf + Kellan
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"Kellan planned to invite a group of our friends up to Rainbow Mountain Lodge in Pennsylvania to propose to me in front of everyone. However, he changed his mind, thinking that I would probably be upset if I knew that our friends were coming to stay with us during our anniversary weekend. The day after we got there, we hiked up Resort Point Overlook, where Kellan planned to propose at the top of the mountain with the sunset in the background ― except that he forgot the ring! Moments like this honestly remind me how much I love our lives; we just truly keep each other entertained. We went back to the hotel room, where he presented me with this box of photographs, which were a collection of the most memorable places we have been in the last 10 years, and notes, which he had written our story on. He then got on his knees and popped the question with the ring in hand. The picture of him kneeling was for the engagement pictures taken in Central Park in New York." ― Jan-Kristòf Louis-Mansano 
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6. Quinn + Evelyn
“June 18, 2018, is the day that will forever be my best. It’s the day that Evelyn sat next to me with a wine glass of lemonade and a mouth full of turkey sandwich while I nervously watched in anticipation of asking the most important question I’ve ever asked in my entire life. My heart was beating 1,000 times a minute and Evelyn was finishing her lunch ― I was way too nervous to eat anything. I finally got on one knee while pulling out my handmade sign and the ring and asked Evelyn, 'Will you marry me?' With a very surprised look and tears coming to both our eyes, Evelyn spoke the most important word that I have longed to hear for so long: 'YES!'" ― Quinn S.
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7. Cameron + Maggie
"When Cameron and I met, we had no idea we would end up here. We went from strangers to best friends, roommates to more than friends, and two short months later, we became engaged. He gave me a puppy who was wearing a tag that said, 'Will you marry me?' After a moment, he asked, 'Well?!' So I said, 'If I say no, do I get to keep the puppy?' He said no, I said yes, and when he’s rotten, I tell everyone he tricked me into this marriage with a puppy. 😂..."
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8. Jeroen + Amar
"Straight from the start, I knew Amar was the one that I would spend my life with. Amar is an architect and loves special sustainable projects like the High Line in New York City. So I prepared our trip in detail, including a paparazzi photographer to take pictures of the moment that I would propose. On the High Line, I fell to my knees and asked him to become my husband. Even though I knew he would say yes, I still was somewhat nervous. But he did, indeed, say yes, and suddenly a group of people who surrounded us started to applaud. We revisited that specific spot three times that week. It will be always our romantic spot in New York." ― Jeroen W.
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9. Jackie + Beth
"Beth and I had both decided that we wanted to propose to each other, but we had no idea that we’d be proposing within 24 hours of each other. I’d been planning for months to propose to her on our anniversary in Tower Grove Park [in St. Louis], where we’d gone for several of our first dates. I planned every detail to be as personal and sentimental as possible – I coordinated a group of her closest friends and family, flew in her best friends from out of town, gathered branches from the park to have turned into a wooden engagement ring for her. And when the date rolled around, I hung string lights from our go-to hammocking trees and rolled out our favorite vintage rug from my grandma. I told Beth I wanted to have an anniversary picnic in the park (which, bless her heart, she agreed to, even though it had been cold and rainy all day). As soon as we turned the corner and Beth saw the string lights, she started crying. She said yes, and all of our friends came out from behind the bushes to surprise Beth (again) and celebrate with us.” ― Jackie P.
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“What Jackie didn’t know was that I was planning on proposing to her the very next morning at our favorite farmers market, in the same park where she had proposed to me. I went to the market early, talked to all our favorite vendors, and set up a scavenger hunt through the market for her. I left notes, pictures and our favorite market foods at each booth. My last note asked her to meet me at the stone ruins in the park, just outside the market. As soon as I saw her walking towards me with tears in her eyes and arms full of herbs and veggies, I completely forgot everything I had planned to say — it became the happiest blur that ended with a ring on Jackie’s finger and a celebratory breakfast with friends, featuring all the food Jackie had gathered on her scavenger hunt. It was as close to a perfect weekend as I could imagine. We each got to show the other how deeply known and loved we are, and we celebrated that love surrounded by our friends, family and queer community.” ― Beth W.
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10. Amber + Courtney
"Our driver dropped us off on the wrong block so we had to navigate our way through the rainy streets of New York. All the while, I was trying not to give away where we were going. We were lost, jaywalking streets, getting caught in traffic in the rain, until we finally found our way. We rode the elevator to the top of the building, where a gentleman walked us up to a door. Courtney didn't know what was behind it until it opened. Immediately, we were met with candles lit, lining the rooftop floor, leading us out to a terrace that overlooked a beaming Empire State Building. The rain had stopped. As I turned to grab Courtney’s hand and lead her out, she immediately melted into a million happy tears and knew this was the moment we had both been waiting for. I walked her out to the middle of the terrace and made a promise of family, love and happiness. I said, 'My mom used to tell me when I was kid, as we said our prayers at night, to thank God every night for the things you don’t want to wake up tomorrow without. It never made complete sense what that meant until I met you.'" ― Amber P.
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11. Alli + Chris
"I proposed to Christiane on our four-year anniversary. We drove up to this great little trail in northwestern Connecticut and hiked up to a quiet vantage point to watch the sunrise. This was a pretty typical way for us to enjoy a day together or celebrate something like a birthday or anniversary. She noticed me fumbling around with a bunch of cameras but I was able to come up with an excuse about wanting to photograph the sunrise. As the sun started to come up over the horizon, I gave Chris her anniversary present: a children’s book I had written that told our story. It all led up to the last page, which read, 'Will you marry me?' She said yes, and we got to watch a beautiful sunrise!..."
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"... Later, Chris proposed to me and surprised me with a ring when we were taking some engagement photos with Steph Grant in Yosemite National Park. They planned the whole thing without me knowing, so I got a sunrise proposal too." ― Alli L.
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Joe’s Weather Blog: Another snowstorm likely for the region (MON-2/18)
So storm #1 was a 3-5″ (mostly) snowstorm…it was a light powdery snow than happened quickly and turned the roads into a true mess because of the timing. Then we had the “dippin’ dot” storm that made some areas slick and was curiosity more than a high impact type system…now we have storm #3 coming Tuesday evening/night and that has shades of storm #1 in terms of amounts…although it may not be as “powdery” as storm #1. Oh and we have storm #4 to watch for the weekend that may melt away everything on the ground and then try to add more snow on the tail-end.
I need a scorecard…and you want a break.
Today: Cloudy skies and cold with highs in the mid 20s
Tonight: Variable clouds and cold. You may want to check out the moon at perigee tonight. The true “supermoon” is tomorrow night but you won’t see it because it will be snowing. Tonight the moon isn’t 100% full but it’s close and it’s also at “perigee” which means the distance the moon is from the earth is shorter than average. Lows in the teens
Tuesday: Lowering clouds with some snow possible in the afternoon BUT the main part of the storm will be in the evening and overnight into early Wednesday AM. Highs in the 20s
Wednesday: Snow quickly ends towards daybreak…perhaps as some freezing mist/drizzle (sure why not at this point). The some clearing in the afternoon with highs in the 20s
Before I get into whats coming tomorrow evening and night…a note for those hoping for prolonged warmer air…or perhaps a quick start to Spring…ummmm nope.
Looking at the overall pattern and some of the model maps…we’ll finish FEB cold…and start March cold. Let’s remember that by the end of the month our average high is getting closer to 50° and that won’t happen (at least for any prolonged period of time I don’t think.
At least well below average temperatures in late FEB and early MAR aren’t as brutal as well below average in early JAN. In other words 20° below average in early March is closer to 30° for highs whereas in early JAN that would be closer to 20° for highs.
Let me show you what I’m talking about…this would be from very late FEB to the 4th day of March…this is a 5 day average of temperatures just above the surface at around 5,000 feet or so.
The anomalies are about 7-10° C below average and that’s about 15-20° F below average…no bueno.
The GFS Ensembles aren’t much different at all…
Notice in the map above towards NW Canada and AK…yup…when it’s warmer than average up there…that means usually it’s a colder than average down here
There is also another developing story…and that is the flooding risk…not here (not yet) but towards the southern US…I’m looking at maybe 10″ or more of rain in the TN Valley region.
This will make the weather headlines I think this week…that’s a lot of moisture. Oh and there could be severe weather over the weekend in SE MO
Maybe…maybe(?) later that 1st week of March…we can moderate a bit more…at some point these cold patterns relax…there is only so much cold out there…we need to get rid of the snowcover as a first step though. Speaking of which…54% of the country is under some snow this morning. Last year on this date it was 37% and back in 2017 it was 23%…so big changes…I smell a What Your Weather App Can’t Tell You segment tonight!
I got a facebook post from a nice person who was getting tired of all the snow. She mentioned that she would’ve have been fine with this around Christmas and the New Year…and she was wishing that could’ve happened. Most enjoy the snowy weather around the holidays. Remember how the holidays went this year? It was about 50 days or so ago…at least New Years was…we started the New Year chilly but had about a week of temperatures almost 20° above average during that 1st week of JAN…heck that last week of December was mostly well above average too…we were in quite the stretch of mild weather to finish 2018 and start 2019.
Alas distant memories. We did start this month with warm air…heck we were in the 60s! Not anymore. We’re running almost 3° below average this month…and well trend father down over the next week or so.
Heck last year it was 71° on 2/28…
Then again last year March and April were sort of “strange” too.
The system tomorrow evening looks to bring more accumulating snow to the area. There are still some questions as I’ve illustrated for you over the past few days concerning where the highest snow totals will be…odds favor north and northwest of KC. How quickly any potential dry slot will zip up from the SW and shut down the better accumulating snows…will there be some freezing mist/drizzle at the end of the storm? A lot of these questions will revolve how a wave is kicked out of the main anchor storm in the SW part of country.
This dry slot potential will bother me till tomorrow afternoon I think.
It’s important because it will determine whether we have 9-12 hours of snow or IF we get 4-8 hours of snow…and that difference could mean another 1-2″ of accumulations.
Our confidence is highest across northern MO where the dry slot is delayed the longest and the snow may be heavier for longer…4-8″ of snow seems likely in northern MO north of 36 highway. A Winter Storm Watch is in effect for that part of the region.
Those are the counties lit up in blue and when a warning is issued…those counties will switch to a pink color. The map above will auto-update for you.
For the KC area…odds are another Winter Weather Advisory is coming. The counties involved will be lit up in a purple color. Expect that to happen later today.
So this is what still bothers me about this whole set-up…and again it’s my job to look for what can go wrong in certain set-ups and not just buy the models hook, line and sinker. I’m always looking for what ifs.
I’ve explained my “what if” issues already. The thing is IF one were to look at the upper air forecasts one would conclude that we might get some quick hitting accumulating snow and then quickly dry slot. Why? Usually, it seems like all the other winters lately , when a vigorous wave passes to the NW of the region we get dry-slotted faster rather than slower. The dry slot refers to drier air (less saturated) moving up from the south or southwest or even west.
The storm now is in the SW part of the country.
There is another piece up towards MT too. That will drop towards the south and merge with the storm by Wednesday early AM and this should happen in CO later Tuesday night. That merged system will then lift through the western Plains region it the upper Midwest. On the face of it…with that sort of track…we should see a rapid dry slot come up from the SW part of the country.
The key to use getting 4″ of snow will be a wave connected to this main storm pulling into the western Plains…and how long we get involved with that as the dry slot connected to that wave comes up from the south. As long as we don’t get dry slotted till after 12AM WED…we should get at least 2-4″ of fast accumulating snow tomorrow night.
Then after the dry slot moves through (and it will I think) right after 12AM…the snow rates will drop of significantly. This is when we’ll see lighter accumulations because without the moisture up at close to 10,000 feet…snowflakes don’t form as efficiently and you get MUCH lighter snow to fall…or even freezing mist/drizzle/sleet to fall.
Let me illustrate what I’m talking about…let’s go up to about 10,000 feet and show you the humidity levels…or the amount of saturation up there in the clouds where snowflakes love to form.
These maps are via Pivotal Weather. The map below is for 9PM…off the latest NAM model.
It should be snowing pretty good at the time above (9PM). It better be because look at the following map…3AM Wednesday.
So the bottom line is we need to make hay between the onset of the good sticking snow…probably after rush hour Tuesday…through about 1-2AM Wednesday morning…because after that I’m not sure how we get more than 1″ of additional accumulations.
Now we can indeed still get 2-5″ in that scenario. I think 2″ is easy…3″ should be pretty easy. 4″ should be very doable…after that it gets much tougher I think.
I started with a 2-5″ forecast and I still think that is the best forecast at this point…maybe 3-5″. I noticed KR and MB upped that to 3-6″ which is more or less fine to me. IF there was a 6″ total it would be more towards the far northern part of the Metro..perhaps towards or north of KCI.
I think the hi-res NAM has a good idea of how this plays out for snow totals…at least for western MO and eastern KS.
For KC that’s a solid 3-4″…lighter towards the SE of the Metro…towards the Lakes region and higher into NW MO…perhaps 6-7″ up there.
Again this may be very similar to the storm #1…except the snow won’t have that “fluff factor” of storm #1 for most of the area.
If we could manage to squeak out another inch of snow after the dry slot comes through…we may add 1″ to the KC numbers above.
So since many of you told me you liked this approach…this would be for KC.
Up to 2″: 100%
2-4″: 100%
4-6″: 70%
6-10″: 10%
Alright this blow is long enough for today. Our feature photo comes from ‎Joan Buie Thornbrugh‎
from FOX 4 Kansas City WDAF-TV | News, Weather, Sports https://fox4kc.com/2019/02/18/joes-weather-blog-another-snowstorm-likely-for-the-region-mon-2-18/
from Kansas City Happenings https://kansascityhappenings.wordpress.com/2019/02/18/joes-weather-blog-another-snowstorm-likely-for-the-region-mon-2-18/
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