#i should make a promo
mintcaboodle · 1 year
we need ao3 for fanart and I am so completely serious. A universal platform not driven by any kind of professionalism or end goal, just for creating. Most important of all it needs to share the incredibly helpful and complex filing system ao3 does. this would be beneficial I think. because I want it.
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Evermore, Chapter 1
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Leon Kennedy x f!reader
Synopsis: Leon and Reader are working toward their doctoral degrees in biomedical research. They've been partnered together, but hardly know anything about each other. To amend this, they set up regular weekly meetings to complete their research and build rapport. Feelings inevitably follow suit.
Tags: 18+ (smut), MDNI, slow burn, strangers to friends to lovers, academic au, flirting, healing, hurt/comfort, fluff, fluff and smut, AFAB reader, no use of y/n, Plagas mentioned, light academia, Leon Kennedy is a Sweetheart, Soft Dom Leon, oral sex, vaginal fingering, cunnilingus, blow jobs, missionary, overstimulation, praise kink, multiple orgasms, unprotected sex (dw, no accidental pregnancies here), shower sex, mirror sex, overstimulation, p in v
*NSFW tags are for later chapters / first chapter is SFW :)
WC: 1,621
Read on Ao3!
It’s unseasonably cold — rainy, windy, air gelid and uncomfortable. Downright dreary. 
You frown at the pools of water collecting along the glistening sidewalk. 
There is a certain beauty to the rain, of course. A poetic beauty — white and red reflections of taillights, the glow of neon signs turning hazy in the mist, and whatnot. But the images are easily soured by the feel of drenched socks and soaked denim hems, both of which plague you as you attempt to relax within your local coffee shop. 
You tighten your grip on your mug, desperate to absorb you drink’s residual heat, and continue to look out the window. You check your watch, foot tapping aggressively on the wooden floor. He’s late. Again. 
He’s always late, though; you aren’t sure why you’re surprised. 
You inhale deeply through your nose and take delight in the soothing scents of dark roast coffee and fresh croissants. 
The coffee shop isn’t typically this deserted this early in the morning. There are two other patrons besides yourself: one middle-aged man reading today’s paper, one woman who appears to be in her early twenties blasting music through her gray headset. She taps away at her laptop, seemingly transfixed. You notice that she’s yet to take a sip of her drink. Its steam curls upward in wisps before disappearing. Her music sounds angry.
You turn your attention to the window again and shift in your wooden chair. You wish briefly that you had occupied the secluded booth in the back. It would have been warmer. 
You consider leaving, consider shooting him a passive aggressive text about how you waited in the coffee shop for 30 minutes before resigning to do the project on your own. Melodramatic. Immature, too, considering you’re on the verge of finishing your doctorate. But this is the second time he’s missed a meeting and you’re far too tired to wait around. 
You move to pick up your worn leather messenger bag, but are stopped by the ringing of the bell perched above the front door. 
“Hey,” Leon pants, blue eyes brightening in recognition as he sees you sliding a strap over your shoulder, still sitting at the only table by the window. “Did you just get here?” 
You glance at your now empty cup of coffee and state, “I got here 30 minutes ago.” 
He winces slightly. “Sorry. It’s… a long story. I’ll spare you the details. Can I buy you another?” He motions to your mug.  You give him an irritated shrug. Your messenger bag falls back to the floor with a thunk. You had been so close to going home and napping. 
The past few nights have been dreadful. You’d been afflicted by nightmare after nightmare, and only got to sleep if you managed to cry it all out. You pressed the heels of your palms to your eyes, forcing stars and static to dance behind your lids. 
“Rough night?” he asks as he sits opposite you. He’s wearing a tight-fitting black shirt and faded jeans. His shearling lined brown leather jacket is littered with drying droplets of rain. He removes it and drapes it over the back of his chair.
All you could do was nod. Leon smiles apologetically and pushes a small ceramic plate holding one pain au chocolat at you. You raise an eyebrow. 
“Don’t argue, just eat it and accept my apology for missing our last meeting.” 
You raise another eyebrow. “And for almost missing this one,” he chuckles. You consider the apology with pursed lips, then reach toward the center of the table. You rip the pasty in half, push the plate toward him, and place your half on one of the brown paper napkins he brought over. “You look like you could use it, too.” 
Leon smirks. He raises his half; you bring yours to meet it. “To being sucked dry by academia.” 
You exhale sharply through your nose and take a bite. The pastry flakes around the corners of your mouth, spilling onto the table. You gather the crumbs in your hand and deposit them onto a another napkin. 
“So,” Leon starts, swallowing a mouthful of pastry, “Plagas. They’re gross.” 
You give him an amused nod, “Very.”
“Dangerous, too.” 
“And we chose them… why?” 
You cock your head to the left, a teasing smile blooming on your lips. “Are you chickening out on me, Kennedy?” 
“No,” he scoffs, “Just wanted to give you an out in case you were scared.” He leans back in his chair. He’s smiling, too — boyish, self-confident, playful. Sweet. 
“I’ve already completed the research on their hunting tactics and the short-term ramifications of infection. There isn’t too much on the long-term, though that’s not totally unexpected,” you say, reaching into your messenger bag and pulling out a thick red folder filled with stapled peer reviewed articles. You hand it to him before returning to your bag to retrieve your notebook. It was filled with drivel, mostly, a catch all for your overworked brain.
You turn to a page detailing the anatomy of the specimen and orient the page so that Leon could see it. He takes the notebook and runs his fingers over the depressions on the page from where you pressed down on your pen a little too hard. 
His eyebrows knit together in concern. You rest your chin on your hand and analyze Leon’s features. He’s handsome — of course he’s handsome — but in a hunky, dorky, haunted kind of way. You’d been taken aback by how awkward he was when you first met him.
Lecture attendees had been allowed to select their partners, but you had unfortunately come down with the flu and had to skip class. Leon had been absent as well, though you’d never bothered to ask why. Now you sit across from each other discussing biohazards. 
It could’ve been worse, you thought. He could have been stupid. 
A waitress approaches with your drinks. “One black coffee,” she chirps, placing the cup in front of Leon. Her gaze lingers on his face; he doesn’t seem to notice. You see disappointment overtake her features when he doesn’t look up at her. “And one lavender latte,” she says, clearly deflated, as she slides the other mug towards you. “Can I get you anything else?” she inquires, turning her torso to face Leon. You wait a beat before responding to see if Leon takes the hint; he doesn’t. “No thanks,” you respond, crossing your arms on the table. She gives you a short smile then turns on her heel to stalk back toward the bar. 
You look at Leon curiously. “Lavender latte?”
He looks up at you through thick lashes and blinks a couple of times before registering what you’d said. “Oh, yeah, the coffee.” 
He frowns at the mug sitting in front of him, but it dissipates when he sees your mug. He pushes the black coffee toward you. You stifle a giggle. 
“What?” he questions. 
“I’m surprised is all.” 
“That I would get a lavender latte?” 
He shrugs, “Laugh if you want; it’s delicious.” 
“I know,” you smile, gesturing to your forgotten first mug. “Shit, sorry. You didn’t strike me as the latte type.” 
“Because I seem so bitter?” 
Leon chuckles, “No; because you’re always exhausted.” 
“Fair enough,” you laugh, reaching for the packets of sugar and cream on the table. “For future reference,” you continue, tearing into two tiny pink packets of sweetener, “I am a latte kind of girl. And a mocha. And whatever else seems exceptionally sweet.” 
“Hey, I’m a student, too; don’t expect this to happen too often.” He’s grinning behind his mug. Your heart flutters a little at the implication that it would happen again.  
Leon gently put down your notebook and turns to his satchel to pull out his own notebook. It’s blue; its pages are bloated from pen strokes and where it had been affected by the rain. “I got some stuff in there about pack mentality and communication. I didn’t see that in your notes, so feel free to take a look.” 
You carefully flip through the notebook and raise your eyebrows in surprise. 
“What now?” Leon asks. 
“Your handwriting’s… neat,” you say, incapable of hiding your amusement. 
He barks out a smooth, deep laugh. You enjoy the way the corners of his eyes crinkle when he’s happy. You smile and let out a giggle of your own. 
“Why do I get the feeling that you think I’m an awful stereotype of a man?” 
“Maybe because I don’t know anything about you?” you retort. Your cheeks were starting to hurt from smiling. He leans back in his chair and surveys you carefully. You begin to feel warm, feel pinned under his gaze. 
“Would you like to? Know more about me, I mean.” 
You aren’t totally sure how to interpret the glint in his ocean blue eyes, but you’re curious enough to bite: “Yes. My degree is dependent on your cooperation, after all.” 
He gives you a curt nod, seemingly satisfied with that answer. “Then we should set up a recurring meetings to get to know each other better. You know, for the project.”
You lean back in your chair now, and echo, “For the project.” 
You stare at each other in an unspoken game of chicken. To your dismay, you’re the first to break eye contact. You turn to look out the window. It’s no longer raining, you realize. In your periphery, you see a small smirk blossom on Leon’s face. 
“But you better be on time,” you smile, turning back to face him. 
His smirk evolves into a full smile, “I promise.” 
You lift your mug to your lips and take a sip, wet socks and ruined jeans long forgotten.
Read the rest of the chapters on Ao3!
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cinnameownsweet · 4 months
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(pro/comship fuck off ^_^)
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fly-chicken · 2 years
The Don’t Worry Darling Drama in chronological order
Or my understanding of it, strap in. It’s a loooong and bumpy ride! 🎢
Ok so basically;
Olivia Wilde is directing this movie set in the 60s called Don’t Worry Darling. She casts Florence Pugh (the Midsommar gal) as the lead, Shia labouef as the male lead, Chris pine as the secondary male lead, and also Gemma Chan, Nick Kroll (lol) to be in it. Then right before shooting Harry Styles is announced to replace Shia instead (OW says later bc she has a “no assholes” on set policy, 📌 for later). This generates HUGE buzz for the film and Warner brothers announces this and Black Adam are the last two films of 2022 they are making* which means there’s a lot of press and pressure to do well.
People notice Florence P (who normally is really supportive of her projects) is weirdly quiet about this one, never posting about it or when she does it’s really vague and followed w a post about something else. Meanwhile OW is almost over correcting talking about how much she looooooves working w everyone on set, especially Harry and Florence (her leads). Then the trailer drops for the movie and in it there’s a scene where Harry goes down on Flo. Internet EXPLODES, OW says it’s awesome to have a moment on camera about female pleasure and clit stimulation, etc. OW has built her brand on being a feminist “girl power” (she)EO type white lady so of course on press tour she starts talking about how feminist this movie is, how empowering this movie is, etc. Florence (lead, and woman in scene) comes out and says the movie isn’t just about sex and promoting it like it is is not feminist at all (and actually decredits her as an artist). Rumours then start swirling that Harry and Olivia may have hooked up on set a few times and she’s seen at several of his concerts hollering like a fan girl.
THEN OW is served a manilla envelope in the middle of a videotaped press tour and it comes out it’s CUSTODY PAPERS from her ex Jason Sudeikis. (Who btw is REALLY good friends w Florence P bc her ex Zach Braff and him are all buddy buddy and she was gonna do a cameo on his show, Ted Lasso this year bc of that friendship)
So then people go nuts about her and Harry. She then responds by posting about how awesome her leads are and how AMAZING Harry was at sharing the spotlight w a female costar as a male in Hollywood (Florence is Oscar nominated btw) and whatever. The Shia lebouef recasting is called into question bc it’s leaked OW was a huuuuge 1D/Harry fan for a while. She says again bc of a no assholes on set thing.
📌 Shia then posts either tweets or a video & screenshots of texts from OW BEGGING him not to leave the project and if he stays “it would give Miss Flo a reality check”. Shia says he doesn’t have enough time to get into character (he’s very strict about method acting) and leaves OF HIS OWN WILL.
(Pt 1)
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sleeplesssmoll · 6 months
Ship name ideas for Vertin x Schneider x Sonetto?
To make things easeier: Vertin is blue like her hat ribbon. Schneider is orange (Self explanatory). Sonetto is green like her eyes.
Verteino? Verneitto?
Vertigo cause its a real word and the G could stand for Greco (Schneider's last name)?
Or we could use more symbolic names?
Valentino cause Vertin and Schneider met on Valentine's day and it has a an O at the end for Sonetto?
Coltk14 : Colt (Schneider's style of gun is the Colt M1911) + Timekeeper (TK but will share the T from colt) + 14 (14 lines in a sonnet)
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thebibliosphere · 1 year
you're a writer, too??? :D
Yep! Both fanfic and pro.
Though fanfic has taken a backseat to the pro stuff of late 😅
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it’s cube follow me now. i could be your classic oc mutual. i could be the best thing that’s ever happened to you
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markantonys · 7 months
day 71 of asking why reddit has suddenly become convinced that the 'finn and mat's rhuidean trip are a waste of time and easily cut, and that season 3 will obviously feature him splitting off from the friends he just reunited with in order to spend the entire season dicking around with thom and getting into shenanigans, as that is much more important to his overall character arc than his 2-book waste arc
like there have been SO MANY posts like this lately and all of them are filled with comments of universal agreement! am i having a stroke? what the hell is going on???? i'll admit mat doesn't have a huge amount of specific stuff to do in the waste aside from rhuidean, but rhuidean is crucial to his character and s2 had Mat-Finn Connection Foreshadowing out the wazoo, plus the waste plotline is MUCH more fertile ground for creating additional Specific Mat Stuff and enhancing his character development & relationships with other main characters than his TDR plotline of dicking around with thom is.
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comediakaidanovsky · 6 months
okay i still think about wembley all of the time, but like, they OBVIOUSLY had so many storylines set up that were hastily scrapped because of injury. hayter, saraya, pac, nigel vs bryan. they just keep fucking over their biggest events and culmination of storylines because they can't keep their roster safe, and they can't write long-running stories with pay-offs months away because with this track record they Know people will be injured by then. not to mention all of the workhorses that shoulder the belts for a week or two just to drop it to someone "important", needing to cover for everyone who's injured over and over. the way they'll give the belt to someone for a cheap pop not caring that it fucks up most ongoing storylines, and then resort to them dropping the belt immediately afterward. it's insane to me that they don't do more about it because at this point it's actively hurting business - why get invested in the set-up of a new story, why buy tickets to the biggest event of the year, when it'll fizzle out like the outcasts, the devil and literally everything else
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pemprika · 2 months
they should put your art in an exhibit because its so good
😳?! that is really flattering and sweet of you... thank you for thinking so!
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s4ndg3m · 3 months
Status: Open!
okay, gonna start this with.. i have no idea how to make a comms info post. i was going to try and make a carrd but it's... a lot! so, under the cut, i'll have some examples and prices and some info on what to expect! (LONG POST) (YE BE WARNED)
Rules! (and some general info)
because we need that
Don't haggle with me. I'm not selling you old furniture, you're paying me for my time and effort.
For smaller commissions, I require pay up-front
Larger commissions (over $30) can be paid half up-front, and half later. For both ours' insurance!
I can do cashapp, zelle, or paypal.
Time taken on each piece will vary, of course, and I can give you an estimate when we hash out details. For pieces that take over 2 days, I can provide updates! Don't be afraid to check in whenever! I won't feel rushed or hassled if you just want to know how progress is :)
If you have literally ANY questions. ANY OF THEM. at all. just message me. Even if you're not sure if you want to commission, or don't intend to at the moment. Have a curiosity? My dms are open, friend. And my ask box too, if you'd rather. I'm so open to questions it's unbelievable. I am almost begging you to ask... If you have something to ask.
YAY / NAY / MAY(or, what i will and won't do)
Roblox avatars/characters
Light/medium mech
Ships (including selfship)
(Artistic) nudity
Multiple characters
Whatever's not on my "no" list! Please please just message me and ask if you're unsure. Even if you're not sure about commissioning and just want to see if it would be possible! I won't bite, I promise. :)
Fetish (even if not explicit)
Heavy mech
Heavy gore
Anything proship/comship/whatever the hell they're calling it. NO KID DIDDLING! OR INCEST!
Anything vivziepop related. I don't like her or anything that she makes. (her absolute slop doesn't deserve to be drawn by my hands)
Celebrities (actors in a role, sure, but just the guy? the plain dude? just some guy on our earth who works a job? a real person with a life? no.)
MAY! (or, things I'm on the fence abt)
Minor gore
Large scenes (not my strongest skillset)
Whatever! I'm okay with stepping outside of my artistic comfort zone, so long as you're okay with the result varying in quality (and possibly taking longer, depending on what you ask for) Again, and I CANNOT say this enough, JUST ASK ME!!
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Okay, so, as shown here, for a standard commission i'll have 3 sizes, along with 4 stages of completion.
The stages are sketch, line art, flat colors, and render (shading/lighting)! sketch is the cheapest, and render is the most expensive. I'll list some prices for each size below :3
Sketch - $5
Line art - $7
Colors - $10
Render - $15
Sketch - $10
Line art - $15
Colors - $20
Render - $25
Full body
Sketch - $20
Line art - $25
Colors - $30
Render - $50
Background (any commission automatically comes with a simple one, to be pictured in examples) - $15
Extra character - $7-$20 depending on what you're getting! just ask
COMPLEX object (like a weapon) (simpler ones r free) - $5-$10 (again, depending. just ask)
Anything that would take me more time and effort than usual, really. Time and effort is what you're paying for! I try to keep most of these pretty cheap, cus you're already paying for the drawing itself lol. Just ask if you're unsure.
Other kinds of stuff I'll do!
Icons! (or emojis, they're very similar)
These are basically just the head w/ colors, so $10 If you want an emoji set (or icon set, i guess?) it'll be +$5 for each additional one!
Reference sheets!
These are fun to make! They'll include 2/3 full-body shots of your character (front, side, and/or back), 1 head shot, flat colors, and some spaces for info! You can add in the info yourself, or have me add it in for you (no additional cost). They'll run you around $50 (however, you can add/take away stuff to change the price.)
Character page!
I will just. draw the character a bunch of times. $30 base price (sketch quality) can go up to $70 if you want them VERY spruced up (full render)
FINALLY. What we've all been waiting for... Examples!
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These are rendered fullbodies! (with simplistic backgrounds, which are free!) (also, the first 2 are from 2022, so they don't look like how I would draw them today) (Last one is moff, @/sneablebeable 's character!)
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these are rendered pieces w/ backgrounds! (though pokémon like these, I would consider chibi, making them a slightly lesser price.)
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Reference sheets! Highly customizable, these are 2 I did for art fight last year :)
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sketches! (with complex background, with extra character) For these, I can include basic values to help with composition. Will be done at my own discretion (no extra charge if I do).
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Half body (in the style of a valentines card)
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Thanks for considering me! or... just checking this out! reading this far! whatever!
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vellichorsdesire · 3 months
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❤︎ promo !!
i go by vel and i’m a filipino bi transmasc selfshipper— i just recently joined the community a few weeks ago, with this blog…! i usually do selfship art and write up imagines and i’d love to find more people to interact wiith : D
my one and only f/o is secret and they’re my queerplatonic partner, they’re my silly black cat and i’m their prince (though completely unrelated to my s/i lore)… our duoname is blue hydrangeas, with its positive meanings of gratitude and understanding!
dni proship/comship
dividers by firefly-graphics! thank you for reading!
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teruel-a-witch · 1 year
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'two gays guys on their beach watching the sunset'
(as far as I'm concerned this is the last shot of the show then fadeout)
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gccdstories · 25 days
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An indie multi muse rp blog for assorted characters throughout literature. Mostly fantasy-based. 
Please read the carrd before interaction for all info, and see the most up-to-date muse list!  (template)
                                     Written by Megan (30+), she/her, est.Jan.2022.
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theminecraftgay · 2 months
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Doodles some lesbians. You can buy them uncensored on Redbubble
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orangeshinigami · 6 months
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❝ Become STRONG not just for your own sake, but for your friends. ❞
Indie / Semi-Selective & low activity blog for Kurosaki Ichigo of Tite Kubo's BLEACH. 21+, mature themes may be present but everything will be tagged accordingly. Handled with love & care by Bibis.🍓♡
Guidelines / About / Verses.
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