#5 year old surrounded by 15 year olds hahaha
just a life update in the middle of final exams
hai, i'm on my last day of 5th semester in uni. are u surprised? haven't updated this blog for years.. life been changing a lot.
beberapa hari lalu ikut workshop menulisnya ka izzati, berdua sama rani. dateng jauh-jauh dari bogor dan telat setengah jam, modal nekat doang. ga siapin apa-apa dan ga kepikiran juga di tempat nanti bakal nulis apa. karena udah lamaaaaa banget ga nulis. berkat pemanasan free writing on site hari itu, hati ini tergerak untuk nulis lagi. walaupun buat mulainya aja tuh susah banget.
sekarang jam 23.41 WIB di kamar kosan di Bantarjati. besok UAS PDMP, lagi cape bgt.. baru belajar sih, tapi karena emang basicnya ga menguasai hitung-hitungan, rumus, data, dan segala macemnya, rasanya kayak sendu aja. apalagi tadi abis ga sengaja ngomongin hal yang insensitif ke Adam, sekarang anaknya matiin data dan tidur.
oh ya, i have a boyfriend for almost 9 months already. namanya Adam. putus dari mantan yang LDR waktu itu, aku langsung sama Adam. terkesan jahat ya? tapi aslinya kalo inget-inget mantan itu tuh sekarang kayak kebas gitu loh, kayak ga berkesan apa-apa walaupun ada ceritanya. rasanya kayak cuman inget flat-flatnya aja dari hubungan waktu itu. sedangkan sama Adam ini bener bener fulfilled my life gitu loh. hahaha.
uni has been hard. udah masuk fase daftar magang. tapi aku belum dapet di mana pun. udah coba hubungin belasan kontak perusahaan, dua udah konfirmasi menolak, dan sisanya ngga ada balasan. sempet hopeless sampe akhirnya layla kasih harapan sedikit lagi. tapi sampe sekarang belum bikin latar belakangnya.. ga tau juga mau ngerasain apa. yang jelas, semester tua ini mulai kerasa mana temen yang mikirin diri sendiri aja. oh ya, fyi, i dont have circle or close friends now in jurusan. i dont have someone i can lean on. i only have myself to stand.
today is 7th dec 2022. sekitar 15 hari lagi pulang ke Banjarmasin, LDR-an lagi sama Adam. nanti kalau balik ke bogor lagi, bakal mulai chapter 5. artinya udah bolak balik bogor-banjarmasin sekitar 5 kali dari pertengahan 2021. keren jg ya... dan dari chapter 2 sampe sekarang ada Adamnya. Adam cuma gaada di chapter 1 aku aja. tapi tapi tapi, aku di chapter 1 dengan aku di chapter 2, 3, 4 ini beda orang banget. too much things happened in biel's life. rebranding myself with new nickname feels like rebuild different self, different character. simply just like a different person. but maybe i enjoy biel more.
just posted pict of myself on instagram pake lagu Bertautnya Nadin Amizah, di lirik "aku masih ada sampai di sini.. melihatmu kuat setengah mati"
i meant it for myself. i appreciate myself for being able to adapt to the way life changes. i appreciate myself for being such a strong person that can be anyone her surroundings shaped her. i am now so far away from my old self. kinda far away from God too. maybe thats life, huh?
i dont know what will happen in the next year (because its gonna be 2023 soon) but i hope i'm marrying my boyfriend in the near future with a good, happy, and well-prepared marriage. i hope i can do some internship that can improve my self quality and so do my boyfriend. i hope i dont lose even one of my family member in the next year, in the near future, in many years until i have grandkids. i hope my sister can get to the exchange she's been dreaming of. i hope i have enough money for fieldtrip and for buying house. i hope my family have enough money. i hope happiness for me and all of my surroundings. i hope i can feel the existence of bestfriend who sticks on me and are trustworthy. i hope i can nail this semester and next semester. i hope i can make money soon. i hope i can get everything i want in life easier. once again, i hope someday i'll marry my boyfriend.
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solartranslations · 3 years
VF Profile
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Introduction (Introduce yourself): My name is Liberta. I’m 18, and I like the sea and swords!
Affiliation (What role do you have in the organization?): I’m in Intelligence, so if you want to know something, ask me!
Talents (What are you good at?): You mean like how I can move easily on ships too? Ah no, there’s more!
Arcana (Use your Arcana Powers): It’s alright. I can do it. Make it happen! Pensiero Realizzare!
Ultimate Technique: Burn….! With this power, I’ll take the future…and light it up with hope! Fiamma di Meteora!
Comment (A few words to the heroine): If you ever need help ask me, er, I mean the people around you. That’s important. I’m always happy to help you
ED Bonus 1 (Birthday celebration): This is like a dream. I can’t believe you’d celebrate my birthday. I get to celebrate my most special day with the person who’s the most special to me. I’ll never forget it. I’ll make sure your birthday is something special that you won’t forget either, so look forward to it!
2 (Good night): If you can’t sleep, I know a special spell that’ll help. You’re getting sleepy~, very sleepy~… Oh, it’s not working? Then…*kiss*…… Uh, g-goodnight Ojou! See you tomorrow!
3 (Good morning): It’s morning, Ojou. Haha, you still look sleepy. Ah, you have a bedhead. I’ll fix it, so face this way. Let’s see…hm, alright! Perfect! I mean it! …It’s cute, isn’t it?
Special 1 (Your nicknames): Nicknames? Well first there’s Hero Liberta, right? Hero Liberta and…well the rest are Chick Head, Foolerta, Ocean Idiot…aggh! I’ll never accept those!
2 (Favorite women’s hairstyle): Huh!? My favorite women’s hairstyle? W-well, whatever’s fine if it looks good on her. Y-yours really suits you, Ojou… Your long hair is nice…and it smells good… Uwah!! A nosebleed!?
3 (Favorite word): Speranza! It’s such a nice word. Hehe, it means hope after all! If you have hope you can keep trying and never give up! I’m going towards the future with Speranza! You’ll be with me then too, right Ojou?
4 (First impression of the heroine): I think I was around 12 when I first met you, Ojou. I was so nervous back then. I don’t think I talked at all the whole day. It feels strange that it’s so natural that you’re beside me now
5 (Looking back on the incident): After going back to normal, that incident almost feels like a dream. But I know you and me both have memories from the ghost ship. I’ll ask Ash to let us on the ship sometime. Then we can remember all that happened together
Free talk (Liberta’s CV, Jun Fukuyama): Arcana Famiglia Special Episode: Vascello Fantasma no Majutsushi. Hi, I’m Jun Fukuyama and I played Liberta. Thank you and congratulations for clearing it! So, how was it? Oh, yeah! No no no, really? Wow, seriously. Liberta really, ahhhh. I’ll tell you now, but I wasn’t prepared at all. Well anyway, it’s great that I’m able to talk to you, or for you to listen to me again like this. I was in the main Arcana Famiglia game that came out October 27th 2011. And then right after that, the special episode, Vascello Fantasma no Majutsushi. Vascello Fantasma no Majutsushi. Vascello Fantasma no Majutsushi. Wow, it was so fast. And I was so excited! Anyway, I’m always super sweaty and going to the cooler when we’re recording. Well, summer started when we were recording. And now it’s winter. It’s been that long. Er, not summer, I mean autumn. Well anyway, in this special episode a character named Ash gets involved with Arcana Famiglia. We have a new friend in the Family now, and I think that’s great. So I sure hope you keep playing and spend time with all the characters in the Family. I think that’d be great. And also it’d be nice if you could all find a family like this one. I’m sure there’s one out there for you. Bye!
Introduction (Introduce yourself): My name is Nova. Is that all you wanted to ask?
Affiliation (What role do you have in the organization?): As the Executive of the Chalices, I’m in charge of the mansion’s security and patrolling the town. They are not just walks
Talents (What are you good at?): I’ll say one thing. Following the rules is not a talent, it should be a given
Arcana (Use your Arcana Powers): Sleep. La Tenebrore Addormentato!
Ultimate Technique: Heavenly wind, grant power to my blade! Fuuka Renyu!
Comment (A few words to the heroine): Don’t forget. Now that you’ve joined the Family, you have to work hard. Learn from me. It’ll help you
ED Bonus 1 (Birthday celebration): When my birthday comes around, I look back on the past year, reflect, and set new goals for myself. I know what it’ll be for this year. I want to be able to express my feelings better. First of all, thank you for celebrating my birthday. It made me happy
2 (Good night): You can’t sleep? Then, would you like to talk? You might start to get sleepy that way. There’s no need to thank me. I couldn’t sleep either. We can make some sweet café and talk in the dining room. Tell me anything you want
3 (Good morning): It’s rare for you to come to the garden this early in the morning. It was raining hard yesterday, so were you worried about the roses? They’re fine, and blooming nicely. The morning sun reflecting off the dewdrops on their leaves looks beautiful. I’m glad I could see this scene with you
Special 1 (Your nicknames): Listen to this. It turns out I’ve gotten even more nicknames. It’s Soybean now, but why is it always beans and peas! I’ve been called a little kid, “shrimp”, “chickpea”…I’m…I’m…not that short!
2 (Favorite women’s hairstyle): I think anything’s alright as long as it’s appropriate for the occasion. I do think yours looks hard to take care of since it’s so long. But, it’s not bad. I like the way it looks on you
3 (Favorite word): I like the phrase “make good on your word”. It’s a saying from Giappone that means you should always do what you say you will. I think promises are important. Especially the one I made with you
4 (First impression of the heroine): The day we first met… I could never forget that. I remember being nervous about meeting my fiancée, but I really didn’t need to be. We were able to talk naturally somehow. That might have been thanks to your personality
5 (Looking back on the incident): There haven’t been any big incidents at the harbor or surrounding seas since then. Except Regalo now being home to Ash’s ghost ship, anyway. What happened on that ship caused me to change, so I don’t think I’ll ever forget it
Free talk (Nova’s CV, Tsubasa Yonaga): Well, were you able to find happiness with me? …Anyway, hi! I’m Tsubasa Yonaga and I played Nova! Congratulations to all of you for clearing the game this far! Um well, so I got to play Nova-kun again, how was it? In comparison to the first Arcana Famiglia, Nova’s love level? Love level? Affection level? I guess it would be affection level for Nova. I think it was way higher now. What did you think? While I was playing him, I thought he’d gotten way, way cuter! I-I might think of him like my son now, haha. Well, Nova-kun’s 15 after all. 15 year olds get all embarrassed like this when talking with the person they like, and you got to see a lot of that with this special episode of Arcana Famiglia. He’s still lacking a bit, but I really hope that you all stick around and watch how Nova keeps on growing! Haha, into a really cute kid. He’s only 15, so he’s got a lot to learn! I personally would want to teach Nova a lot of things if he was real. So don’t think badly of him, ok? He’s not a bad guy. He’s just not that honest. It’ll be fine, he’ll be able to express himself even better from now on. I promise! Hahaha. That’s what he said to all of you who played his route, so look forward to it! And keep supporting Arcana Famiglia from now on too! Let’s meet again somewhere. Take care!
Introduction (Introduce yourself): Nice to meet you, Bambina. I’m Debito. You can remember that, right?
Affiliation (What role do you have in the organization?): I let my subordinates do most of my work with the Coins. But, I do what I have to
Talents (What are you good at?): I can tell if someone’s cheating. It’s boring to win like that anyway
Arcana (Use your Arcana Powers): See if you can spot me. Tra Coppo Scomparire…!
Ultimate Technique: Freeze…freeze everyone over! Odio Freddo!
Comment (A few words to the heroine): If you want to learn about a proper Regalo greeting, come see me. I’ll make sure teach you everything I know
ED Bonus 1 (Birthday celebration): Having you celebrate my birthday isn’t so bad. It makes for a rare and valuable experience. Or maybe not. You’ll be celebrating it every year, right? Then this happiness will always last
2 (Good night): What good timing. I was going to come see you before I went to sleep. They say the person you think about a lot will appear in your dreams. But that’s just a superstition. I prefer the real thing to a dream though
3 (Good morning): You’re going out early today? Me? That’s obvious, I’m taking a siesta. Hm, why’d you grab my arm? You’re quite enthusiastic today. Haha, alright. I’ll go along with the whims of our young lady for today. Let’s go, Bambina
Special 1 (Your nicknames): Nicknames, huh…well putting being called an “eroticist” and “obscene” aside, I don’t mind “Orion of Regalo”. Why don’t you try calling me that in that cute voice of yours, Bambina?
2 (Favorite women’s hairstyle): Hairstyles…are you saying you’ll do yours in a way I like? Then maybe try taking off your ribbons when we’re alone. I like seeing you look more grown up than usual
3 (Favorite word): My favorite word is siesta. There’s nothing else. So I’m going to my special place for a siesta right now. Oh, you want to come too? You’re always welcome, Bambina
4 (First impression of the heroine): I could never forget when we first met, Bambina. Luca just wouldn’t stop talking about what a cute little creature his Ojou-sama was. He wasn’t lying though. You’ve charmed me ever since
5 (Looking back on the incident): We’re finally back home. Ugh, I’m so tired. It’s weird though, it never really felt like home before. But I guess it’s because you’re here. Ha, you really are a fine woman, Bambina
Free talk (Debito’s CV, Hiroyuki Yoshino): Hello, it’s been a while. This is Hiroyuki Yoshino from Sigma Seven and I voiced Debito. So anyway, this is the special episode for Arcana Famiglia, but I guess you can just call it the second one? I think everyone who played the first one understood exactly what was going on, but if you just started with this one uh…yeah, you should probably go back to the first one… I don’t think it’s a good idea to go in blind here. Yeah? Anyway, this is set in an Italian-like…or I guess it is Italy? Well an island on Earth somewhere. I think that’s what it is. But all the characters, the members of this Family are here for the player, you, that’s right, you, to enjoy! So how was it? I hope you enjoyed it. Okay, bye-bye! What was that…
Introduction (Introduce yourself): There’s no restaurant on this island that doesn’t know the name, Pace!
Affiliation (What role do you have in the organization?): I’m the Executive of the Clubs and the Deputy Chief Executive. Basically I’m really important, trust me!
Talents (What are you good at?): Eating a lot is…just normal for me. Uh, what else?
Arcana (Use your Arcana Powers): I’ll entrust everything to my fists. Porci Tutto Trapassare!!
Ultimate Technique: The earth gives rise to strength…a power that dominates everything…! Mamma Mia!
Comment (A few words to the heroine): Ojou, look at all the plates on the table! Of course I saved some for you! Let’s eat together
ED Bonus 1 (Birthday celebration): My birthday present was a giant lasagna! Everyone really gets me~. Ojou, there’s actually one other present I’d like, is that okay? Can you come closer… Hehe, you’re mine, Ojou~
2 (Good night): I got to see you before I went to sleep, I’m so lucky! I tried making a wish to the moon earlier that I could see you. Then I ran into you, Ojou! So can you stay with me a little longer?
3 (Good morning): I think I’ll have a freshly baked lasagna for breakfast~. Hehe, I get so excited just thinking about food. Huh, you don’t? I feel the most happy when I’m eating meals with you
Special 1 (Your nicknames): Debito called me an idiot again! I’m not that much of an idiot. Luca also says my glasses are wasted on me, isn’t that awful!? My glasses are useful! They let me see how cute you are, Ojou!
2 (Favorite women’s hairstyle): I think I like scents more than hairstyles. Your hair always smells so sweet when I hug you, Ojou. I guess that’s something unique to you
3 (Favorite word): Lasagna! I get motivated when I yell “lasagna”. I guess that’s because it’s my favorite, and it reminds me of my mother. Ah, but I like calling out “Ojou” too! Ojou~! Haha, I’m so happy!
4 (First impression of the heroine): When I first met you? Of course I remember! You were so cute. I just wanted to touch your face so bad. …Ah, I did didn’t I? O-Ojou~!? Please don’t kick me!
5 (Looking back on the incident): I still can’t believe we were actually on a ghost ship. But I still have the injuries I got as proof that I protected you from the tiger and skeletons. You even treated them for me, and I got to see my mother. They were good memories
Free talk (Pace’s CV, Tomokazu Sugita): Lasagna. I’m Tomokazu Sugita and I played Pace. I did all my recording in the morning this time, so I would become this cheerful Italian idiot first thing in the morning. It was hard. But it was worth it. I think it’d be nice to have someone so happy and positive like him around, especially when he’s eating lasagna. So I think people like Pace are important. He’s also good friends with Debito and Luca-kun, and the balance between the three of them is really interesting. Besides their romantic feelings for Ojou-sama, I really felt like they also valued their bond with each other. But it really was hard. The producer was all like “and for this part you have to blah blah blah” and I was like ahhh this is so hard. And when I looked at the script it was all “ahh!” and “waaah!” and “gyaaah!” and “lasagna!!” so I had a hard time making them all sound unique. I tried really hard. But I wonder if you all could tell…this is the clear bonus now, right? How was it? There’s only one answer…I’m hungry! I’m going to have ravioli tonight and pretend it’s lasagna.
Introduction (Introduce yourself): It’s me, Luca. Did you call for me, Ojou-sama?
Affiliation (What role do you have in the organization?): I’ve been serving as your attendant for the past 13 years, Ojou-sama. And I still am!
Talents (What are you good at?): I like sewing and I’m good at it, but… I’ll answer alchemy here!
Arcana (Use your Arcana Powers): Fire, water, earth, sky, I seek the harmony of light in all elements… L’Armonia della Luce!!
Ultimate Technique: Light calls for happiness, and exists together with the people…! Quattro Felicita!
Comment (A few words to the heroine): Whether isn’t about your morning schedule or today’s dolce, you can ask me anything!
ED Bonus 1 (Birthday celebration): My birthday this year feels special. It’s my first one since we became a couple! Ojou-sama…can I ask something from you? Please spend all day tomorrow with me. I want time alone together to be my present
2 (Good night): *laugh* You look sleepy. You can go back to your room early. You’ll wait for me? Alright, thank you. I’ll make some tea so you’ll have a good dream as thanks
3 (Good morning): I’m happy being able to see your cute sleeping face like this but… Ojou-sama! It’s time to wake up! I’m making breakfast today! If you don’t hurry up, a certain glutton is going to eat it all!
Special 1 (Your nicknames): Ojou-sama, you don’t think I’m a “stalker attendant”, do you? Ah, no! It’s completely untrue! But everyone keeps calling me that. Even Ash underestimates me. Huh, what does Ash call me? …Oh… “useless hat guy”…
2 (Favorite women’s hairstyle): I think straight long hair is the best! It looks great on you, Ojou-sama! It’s part of my job…but I wish I could always brush your hair
3 (Favorite word): My favorite word would be…hmm. “Cooking is alchemy”, I think! Using things that go well together is what brings good results. Maybe it’s because I like both cooking and alchemy
4 (First impression of the heroine): You’ve always been as cute as a doll, Ojou-sama. I can’t believe I didn’t notice it back then. Huh? …Why are you giving me that fed up look? Ah, wait, don’t go, Ojou-samaaaa!!
5 (Looking back on the incident): We’ve finally returned to Regalo, but I’m still sore all over. But I’m proud of it because it shows I was able to protect you. I promise I’ll protect you if something like this happens again. So you can count on me
Free talk (Luca’s CV, Yuichi Nakamura): To everyone who cleared Luca’s route, hello. I’m Yuichi Nakamura, his voice actor. I’ll be taking up about 30 minutes of your time with this free talk section. I won’t actually talk that long. So what should I talk about? Um let’s see…my impressions while playing him? Um it was just Arcana Famiglia as usual, I think I talked about that already. My feelings about the Arcana Famiglia series, uh I think I talked about that too. You can listen to that if you clear the first one, so please do that. Uh, I’ll get yelled at if I end it here…but what should I say… This one is the special episode? Story? It sort of continues from the first one but not really. It’s kind of like a story within the first one but a different setting? Well it did feel like the romantic-ness has really gone up from the first one. Since it’s after they’d already gotten together and…are thinking of marriage maybe? It’s something in that direction. There were some scenes like that. That…kind of hard, huh? Well, being with someone does make some things easier, but this is a game, so you can’t really do that. But all of you who play are in the place of the heroine, in the context of the story. Anyway, this fandisk was made through the hard work of not only me, but a whole bunch of other people. Maybe you’ll realize some new things if you play it again? I’d be happy if you all enjoyed it. Anyway I hope we can meet again somewhere…er, it’ll be in Arcana Famiglia I guess. Oh right! We have drama cds! I’ll look forward to seeing you all again with those. This was Yuichi Nakamura, bye!
Introduction (Introduce yourself): My name is Dante. And my trademark is just as you can see!
Affiliation (What role do you have in the organization?): Leading the executives and Intelligence Division is my job as the Chief Executive
Talents (What are you good at?): I have the best sense of humor on the island! I don’t know if that’s why, but a lot of people look up to me
Arcana (Use your Arcana Powers): You will obey me. Atlantico Vortici!!
Ultimate Technique: Let all be swallowed by the storm, and return to nothing… Dare un Ordine!
Comment (A few words to the heroine): I become very aware of my age when I’m with you, but the happiness I feel is much greater
ED Bonus 1 (Birthday celebration): Thank you, Ojou-san, for celebrating my birthday again this year. The party Intelligence throws me has gotten even bigger than last year too. Ojou-san, will you celebrate with me next year too? Ahaha, that smile makes me excited
2 (Good night): Good work today, Ojou-san. Everyone at Intelligence was very impressed with you as well. It’s a waste for you to be the Executive of the Swords. They all wish you could be the madonna of Intelligence, and I’m starting to feel the same. Then I could spend more time with you
3 (Good morning): Ojou-san, it’s rare for you to come to the harbor this early. How about some breakfast at the ristorante over there? I’m asking you on a date. Ahaha, I’m feeling nervous now. Let’s go then, Ojou-san
Special 1 (Your nicknames): I don’t mind being called an old man, but I’d rather not be called an old baldy. It’s gotten better now that Ash understands, but it’s embarrassing to be called “Strawberry Head’s Amore” while in town… not that I don’t like it
2 (Favorite women’s hairstyle): Women’s hairstyles? Well…whatever suits her is fine by me. I was always picky about my hair before, but how I am now isn’t bad, right? Your twintails really do suit you, Ojou-san. I’m happy how that’s never changed about you
3 (Favorite word): I often tell Liberta, but mine is “perseverance”. You can’t accomplish everything right away. The hard work and practice you do every day is important. Well, Vascello Fantasma also taught us that we also shouldn’t endure too much
4 (First impression of the heroine): When we first met, I thought you were a very lovely young lady. I always thought you would grow into a beauty that resembled Sumire. Well, my prediction was correct, wasn’t it? Hahaha. There’s no need to be modest. Anyone would call you a Regalo beauty
5 (Looking back on the incident): The ghost ship incident has finally settled down. I’m just glad we made it back to Regalo safely. To me, this incident was just full of surprises and discoveries. Ojou-san, I’m sorry for making you wait. I will be sure to convey my feelings to you as a man from now on
Free talk (Dante’s CV, Jurota Kosugi): I’m Jurota Kosugi, and I played Dante. This is the special episode following the main Arcana Famiglia game that came out fall of 2011. How was it, everyone? So thinking back on the recording, it was a little more serious than the main game. And I feel like this special episode had more romantic parts too. Plus of course, Dante’s sillyness in this game is just as usual. Anyway there were plenty of exciting parts as well, so I’m confident that this special episode was something you all enjoyed. I’d be really happy if you all had fun with the main game and this special episode as well. That’s right, all of you who played this game are already a part of our Famglia. Let’s always stay together! Okay then, yay for Arcana Famiglia! Dante-ne!
Introduction (Introduce yourself): They call me Jolly
Affiliation (What role do you have in the organization?): I’m the Family’s advisor, but I don’t get many consultations for some reason. Hmph
Talents (What are you good at?): My talents? If you’d like to know, then come to my laboratory
Arcana (Use your Arcana Powers): I’ll make you go mad. Luna Pienna Sonno!
Ultimate Technique: Sink, into the inky darkness. Tenebra mundus
Comment (A few words to the heroine): There are many rumors about me. You should just trust the version of me that you see
ED Bonus 1 (Birthday celebration): When your appearance doesn’t change, you don’t really feel like you’re getting older as time goes on. But I do treasure the once a year occasion where you celebrate my birthday. Today is my day. So, what will I receive from you, Ojou-sama?
2 (Good night): If you can’t sleep, you can come see me. I don’t mind making you some of the usual herb tea. We can also make conversation until you feel sleepy. What? It’s just because I feel like it
3 (Good morning): You’re here to see me this early in the morning? What a turn of events. I was just about to have a light breakfast. Would you like to join me? Come sit next to me. This is a seat just for you
Special 1 (Your nicknames): Nicknames? You mean like “that Marchen guy” and “senile alchemist”? Being called many names is a good thing. It means you’ve made an impression. I don’t even mind being called odd. *chuckle* I’m actually quite proud of it
2 (Favorite women’s hairstyle): I have no particular preferences about women’s hairstyles. Actually, I prefer when it is tied up. Hair hides one’s skeletal structure when it’s let down. *chuckle*
3 (Favorite word): The words I like are “alchemy” and “results”. Alchemy often results in failures, but you can’t let that be the end of it. You must continue your research until you get results. That’s what I do as I strive for perfection
4 (First impression of the heroine): My first impression of you? Well, what did I first think of you? Oh, there’s one thing I remember. You were looking up at me with wide eyes and red cheeks back then as well. Hmph, you look so dissatisfied even though I answered honestly. What a difficult Ojou-sama you are
5 (Looking back on the incident): It’s hard to believe, but you did save me during the incident. We actually both acted in order to protect each other. It was quite a lot of trouble, but things like this aren’t bad once in a while
Free talk (Jolly’s CV, Koji Yusa): *chuckle* Did you enjoy Arcana Famiglia: Vascello Fantasma no Majutsushi? … Hello! I’m Koji Yusa and I played Jolly. Did you have fun? This was a special episode, so it was uh how do you put it? I think there were a lot of scenes where you were alone together. What did you think? Hm? Did you think of something bad? How improper of you, Ojou-sama… Uh, anyway. I think the routes for the other characters are enjoyable in their own way too, but for Jolly there’s a lot of scenes where they’re alone together in the dark cabins of the ship which I think were really the highlight. And at the beginning there was a bit where Jolly used “ore” for himself and I really made sure that part stood out. Well, I’m looking forward to where Arcana Famiglia goes from now on. I hope I get to hear more of your thoughts since there’s going to be much more to come! This was Koji Yusa and I’m looking forward to playing Jolly some more!
Introduction (Introduce yourself): I’m Ash. The alchemist who inherited the power of Vir Ingeniosus
Affiliation (What role do you have in the organization?): I don’t remember joining Arcana Famiglia!
Talents (What are you good at?): Being alone. I’m a proud alchemist after all
Arcana (Use your Arcana Powers): Da Mero, Trasformarsi in…!
Ultimate Technique: I’ll unleash the power of the great Vir Ingeniosus. Miracolo di Nascita!
Comment (A few words to the heroine): You mean about how you’re hair’s like a strawberry? Apples are red too, but a strawberry is more accurate for you
ED Bonus 1 (Birthday celebration): It’s been a while since someone made a cake for me. Nobody was around who wanted to celebrate my birthday after my dad died. The cake you made was delicious. Thanks Strawberry Head
2 (Good night): You’re alone out here? You can talk to me if you can’t sleep. And tell me more about this mansion. Like about your overprotective dad and clingy attendant. There’s no reason, I just want to know more about you
3 (Good morning): An apple pie? For me? Alright, let’s eat it together. And do you want to go somewhere afterwards? It’s an equivalent exchange for the pie. Got anything you want?
Special 1 (Your nicknames): I like thinking of names for people, but I don’t like being called them. Like “Tarocco thief”, or “imposter guy”. I don’t like those. So, what do you want to call me? I don’t mind if it’s coming from you
2 (Favorite women’s hairstyle): Your hair? I don’t know, I’m not an expert on women’s hairstyles. Just do it however you like. I do like your strawberry colored hair though
3 (Favorite word): My favorite word? Just “equivalent exchange”, I guess. If you want to ask me something, you have to give me something in exchange. I’ll answer you for free though
4 (First impression of the heroine): My impression of you? I thought you were stubborn, reckless, and never thought things through. Also that you were a good person. You trusted me even though I was your enemy and even saved me. It’s nice. I like your personality
5 (Looking back on the incident): If I never went to that mansion to take back the Tarocco, I’d never have met you. I’m with Arcana Famiglia now, right? It’s kind of odd. But, it also feels right that I met you
Free talk (Ash’s CV, Nobuhiko Okamoto): Hello, I’m Nobuhiko Okamoto and I played Ash. Well then, first I’d like to say thank you. Ash is a new character that was added in this game, and I’m sure all of you who’ve went through the routes of the other characters know this but, Ash has the role of the one takes the heroine away from home. And Ash also sees the relationships between the heroine and the other characters too. So what was the hardest thing about playing Ash? It was hard watching everyone else being lovey-dovey with each other. Yup. So thanks to you all, er I mean you, you! For playing Ash’s route. I’m glad you did. I think he has a lot of cute parts to him too, but I’m sure you all know that already. Anyway I hope to see you again soon! I love Ash! Thank you!
1 (Use your Arcana Powers): The world has been completed. Spaziale Partecipe!*
2 (Ultimate Technique): Everything is within my hands. Giuradio Finalizzare!*
3 (Comment): I heard about what happened on the ghost ship, Vascello Fantasma. But you can’t get on such a dangerous ship, my beloved daughter! If you must then take me as well!
Free talk (Mondo’s CV, Fumihiko Tachiki): I’m Fumihiko Tachiki and I played Mondo. Good job! You’re done now, right? But this might be just the beginning. Of what? I don’t know either. Well I’m glad you enjoyed being in my arms, wait that’s not right. You’ve all had fun playing with a bunch of different characters, er I mean you, you have. So since I played Mondo, um how was it? How was the ghost ship? My role was pretty much just the judgment and trial parts this time, how was it? Maybe you didn’t notice me that much. That’s not true, right? I’m Mondo, you know. I look forward to seeing you as Mondo again sometime. Anyway, see you!
*Had an Italian speaker who also knows Japanese check and these two don't actually make sense. The first one may be something like "space participation". For the second, I guessed on "Final Oath" previously, but he says it may have been intended to be "Gladio Finale" or "Final Sword".
1 (Use your Arcana Powers): Behold, you are within my cradle. Culla Protezione! (TN: Cradle protection)
2 (Ultimate Technique): Even a grain of sand can become a mighty boulder. Nehan Jyakujo! (TN: Enlightenment leads to serenity)
3 (Comment): I know of a ghost that sinks ships by filling them with water. I heard they do that to increase their numbers, but I wonder what the purpose of Vascello Fantasma is?
Free talk (Sumire’s CV, Kikuko Inoue): I’m Kikuko Inoue, 17 years old, and I played Sumire. Mhm, yup, yup! Anyway thank you all again for playing this game. How was the special episode? While we were recording, I just really enjoyed the world that this game is set in. It’s really complicated and interesting, I feel like the world keeps getting bigger the more we learn. Yeah, it’s great! I love Arcana Famiglia! I’m looking forward to seeing more! Thank you!
1 (Use your Arcana Powers): Aaaaaahh!
2 (Ultimate Technique): Find your way to despair…Un Labirinto Atmosferico
3 (Comment): Bow down to the scales of justice…Chiedo alla Giustizia
Free talk (Joshua’s CV, Yuji Ueda): Um I’m Yuji Ueda and I played Joshua. When I received the script there was a whole lot, so I was really excited for it. Uhh, but I disappear at the end of the scenario, or rather I went to the afterlife, so I guess you won’t be seeing me anymore…Bye
~*End of Scene*~
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wangxianficrecs · 4 years
Wangxian Fic Recs Presents:  Mojo’s Favorites
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Mojo’s Favorites
anonymous asked:
Hello! What are your fave wangxian fics? Thanks so much for all the hard work you do for the blog💖
Oh, thank you for the encouragement, sweet thing!  And, do I have favorites?  Hahaha, oh dear, I have so many (and I add more all the time.)  Because this is a long list, I’ll point you to my comments elsewhere – either on this blog if I’ve already recced it or just my raw AO3 bookmark.
Favorites are an interesting thing:  they depend on the time and place and mood you are in.  So this isn’t exhaustive, and it isn’t the final word.  It is, however, a good place to start.  Add your own favorites, too!
In no order whatsoever:
❤️Wangxian’s Time-Travelling Shenanigans
by pupeez4eva
T, 12k, (3 works complete; series incomplete WIP)
Summary (Part 1):  “Wei Wuxian ignored Jiang Cheng’s hysterical yell, the whispers that had suddenly broke out around them, the scandalised looks of the Gusu Lan disciples — or the way Lan Qiren’s face paled in a mixture of shock and horror — and pulled back, peering into Lan Wangji’s face. His face which, Wei Wuxian suddenly realised with mounting dread, was a lot younger than he remembered it being.”Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji end up in their younger bodies mid-way through the events at Guanyin Temple. Wei Wuxian isn’t about to let a little issue like that — or the numerous other people surrounding them — stop him from confessing his love.
My comment.
❤️ unabashed indecency
by quags1re
T, 25k, WIP
Summary: Jiang Cheng glances down at Wei Wuxian’s notes, which have tiny doodles of Lan Wangji and many variations of Lan Wuxian drawn into the margins. “Holy shit,” he gasps, unable to contain his glee.
wei wuxian falls at 15.
My comment.
❤️ Fallen
by Jaywalker_Holmes
M, 151k, wangxian
Summary: A cultivation accident in the future destroys Mo XuanYu’s frail body and sends Wei WuXian’s soul back into the past, in his six-year-old body. This time, armed with the knowledge of his future self and his love for his beloved Lan WangJi, he decides to rewrite his destiny and protect those he loves. Will the YiLing Patriarch have a happier life this time?
My comment.
❤️ The Three Jades of Lan
by IceBreeze
T, 37k, series with 5 works, WIP, incomplete (READ IT ANYWAY)
Summary:  “Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan, look!” Wei Ying did a twirl. “I’m the same as you now! Am I pretty? Say Lan Zhan, am I pretty?”
Huan muffled a laugh behind his sleeve as A-Zhan said “Mn,” eyes never once leaving Wei Ying. There was something a little like awe in his stare, like Wei Ying was the only one in the world to him at that moment, and if Huan hadn’t already known that his little brother cared deeply for Wei Ying then that look would have been all the confirmation he needed.
(If A-Zhan knew what marriage and romance was beyond the vague explanations he’d heard then he’d probably already be courting Wei Ying, with all the dogged determination he shows everything he puts his mind to. It’s adorable, and Huan supports it wholeheartedly, no matter what direction it heads in the end).
Or: an AU Wei Wuxian is taken in by the Lan clan instead of the Jiangs.
My comment.
❤️ Coming Back to Yourself
by acernor
E, 22k, wangxian
Summary:  Lan Wangji gets cursed with a ~woman’s body~ and has to orgasm to go back. Since he’s 1) a virgin 2) super repressed and 3) SUPER gay, he has no idea what to do.
If only he had a super nosy friend who’s read lots of erotic novels who could help him figure out what to do… hm…
My comment.
❤️Save a Sword
by etymologyplayground
E, 5k
Summary:  Lan WangJi presses a kiss into his throat, which draws a shivering whine from him. “Like this,” he agrees, his voice so low. Then he slides one warm elegant hand down Wei WuXian’s chest to his belly, and then to his — to his —
fan ending for acernor’s fabulous masterpiece “coming back to yourself” because i’m a huge goofball and that fic fucks
My comment.
by rikke
M, 12k, wangxian  
Summary: After the Xuanwu Cave incident, Wei WuXian wakes up back in Lotus Pier with one hand clutching Lan WangJi and the other hand clutching…an egg?
in which wwx and lwj accidentally hatch a baby xuanwu
My Comment.
❤️ asymptotic
by chinxe
T, 27k, Wangxian
Summary:  The members of the Lan Clan have never been particularly well-known for their good judgement when it comes to matters of the heart.
Which is why it should come as a surprise to no one when Lan Wangji falls in love with an actual ghost.
My comment.
by Kyogre
T, 90K, Wangxian
Summary:   Leaving YunmengJiang in an effort to curb the tensions in the Jiang family, Wei WuXian becomes a rogue cultivator.
Even without the support of a sect, he is a rare genius whose name will become known across the cultivation world and whose techniques will influence the course of a war.
However, what influences his own fate is a chance meeting that becomes the first step toward love.
My Comment.
❤️Taking Responsibility
by tuesday
E, 3k, wangxian
Summary:  In which things go differently on Phoenix Mountain.
“You’ve done this to me. You should take responsibility.”
My comment.
❤️ Lan Sizhui Sees Dead People
by darkbrokenreaper
T, 15k, series (5 works, might be more), wangxian
Summary (from 1st work):  Nearly two months after finding and adopting Lan Yuan, Lan Wangji begins to notice an odd quirk of his child.
Also: Lan Sizhui sees dead people. This becomes a constant source of strife for Lan Wangji who notices his son sees a spirit he calls “Mother”.
My comment.
❤️null hypothesis
by chinxe
M, 7k, wangxian
Summary:  Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji practise kissing. With…each other.
My comment.
❤️A Match Made In Heaven
by Ariana
T, 38k, WIP (don’t let that stop you), wangxian
Summary:  After getting fed up once and for all with Wei Wuxian getting into trouble, Madam Yu decides it’s time to call in the matchmaker.
My comment.
❤️ A Wedding of Choice
by scifigeek14
T, 17k, wangxian
Summary:  When Wei Wuxian asked Lan Zhan to tie his headband to his wrist he didn’t know the connotations. But, Lan Zhan fully knew that his actions would result in a wedding.
Set as a happy au/canon divergence starting at the Cold Pond Cave scene. Instead of some Yin Metal, Lan Zhan gets a new guquin and a new fiancé.
Wei Wuxian POV, Limited 3rd person.
My comment.
❤️ever a part of me
by AlotikaWolf, RennieOnIceCream (Hitsugi_Zirkus)
M, 42k, series (4 works complete;  series ongoing), wangxian
Summary:  AU formed by AlotikaWolf and me! ABO-verse, mostly canon-compliant AU where omega Mo Xuanyu was unknowingly pregnant when he sacrificed his body. What follows is a bunch of misunderstandings, Wei Wuxian constantly giving Lan Wangji heart attacks, a second helping of angst, and plenty of Wangxian cuddles~
My comment.
❤️a stone to break your soul, a song to save it
by rikke
M, 18k
Summary:  When the entire cultivation world turns against Wei WuXian, Jiang Cheng comes up with a plan to save him and arranges a marriage between his brother and the Second Jade of Lan, Lan WangJi.
My comment.
❤️Just a Tiny Mistake
by Dudette_Mal
T, 54k, wangxian, WIP
Summary:  Wei WuXian makes a mistake and wakes up to find himself in the past. Sure, he has a headache, but Lan WangJi is still there and everybody he loves is still alive (or will still be born). This is absolutely fine.
My comment.
❤️Home Is Where Wei Ying Is
by Hades_the_Blingking
E, 12k
Summary:  As Wei WuXian walks away from him, Lan Zhan cannot help but think that he is making the biggest mistake of his life. Lan Zhan decides to live with no regrets, and acts on his doubts - and it works out pretty well! or in which in Ep50 (The Untamed ending) Lan Zhan goes back to Wei WuXian, and they share a first kiss and a first time together. Lan Qiren is not pleased, but will have to deal. Lan Xichen gives some good advice.
My comment.
by Akabara_13
T, 27k, WIP (oh, wow, a new chapter was posted TODAY!!!)
Summary:  Jiang FengMian thought the boy would talk again once the storm passed, but Madam Yu praised his silence. The boy would not talk to anyone, but his brother and sister.
My comment.
❤️ A Street Kid Named Wuxian
by NaoNazo
G, 9k, wangxian, WIP
Summary:  “Pffffff- ahahahAHAHA!” The kid curled up, resting one hand on his stomach while he used the other to smack at Lan Wangji’s shoulders. “That was close!” he giggled.
Lan Wangji was starting to think he’d been saved by a madman.
“… Thank you.” He bowed as best he could while seated and prepared to make his way down.
“Wait wait wait!” The kid grabbed at his sleeve before he could shift away. “If you go down like that, you’re just gonna get caught, y’know!”
Lan Wangji looked down at himself and back at the kid, raising an eyebrow.
The kid propped himself up on his elbows and gave him a blatant once-over, obviously holding back laughter. “You’re wearin’ all white, genius. Even if you scuff it up a bit and take off the girly ribbon–” Lan Wangji scowled reflexively– “no one around here wears stuff that nice.”
Lan Wangji had to admit he had a point.
My comment.
❤️Where the Wild Things Are
by yeolinski
M, 23k, WIP, wangxian
Summary:  “Tread carefully for now, Wei Wuxian. There appears to be much more to this this wildling than what meets the eye.”
“A lot has already met the eye,” Wei Wuxian admits; “And trust me when I say, let’s hope it stays that way.”
Jiang Cheng turns to him, scrunching his nose. “What the hell does that mean—”
“He’s seriously hung. His dick’s, like,” Wei Wuxian gestures, so Jiang Cheng could have a correct visual; “the size of a space rocket. Thrusters and everything.”
My comment.
❤️ Two for the price of one
by ULTIOcean
G, 42k, wangxian
Summary:  When Wei WuXian opened his eyes again in the world of the living, he didn’t know what to expect.
He hadn’t asked to be brought back, had no intention return on his own, either. But he had, inhabiting a body that was not his own, drowning in memories and desires for revenge, a lonely soul asking for retribution, even if he’d been asking the wrong person.
He had known he had to fulfill this person’s wishes to be set free, and as such was the contract, he hadn’t felt wronged or used, it was how things were, and the other person had paid the price for their wish. But…
But nobody ever told him what to do in this situation? Whatever was he supposed to do with a toddler? And why did the spell take that person’s last mumbled wish as a condition, too? How was he supposed to fulfill that, ah?
Big blue eyes stared up at him.He stared back.
He totally hadn’t singed up for this!
He was going to do it, because of course he was going to! He didn’t want to die again so soon! If he had to become a single father and rise this child alone until he was happy, then so be it! Wei WuXian would shower him with all the love he had!
My comment.
❤️ You Are My Euphoria
by tangerinechar
M, 18k, wangxian
Summary:  This odd new push and pull between them is something Wei Wuxian is just discovering, and he’s also discovered that he likes the ideas it gives him - hug Lan Zhan, run your fingers along his arms, get him to look at you, say your name - the simple light that being with Lan Wangji brings to his life, the feeling that he could smile forever if Lan Wangji stood by his side.
Wei Wuxian arrives at the Cloud Recesses, breaks at least seven rules, and gets his heart stolen by the prettiest boy he’s ever met, in that exact order.
Or; 5 times Wei Wuxian smiled at Lan Wangji, and 1 time Lan Wangji smiled back.
My comment.
❤️ Here Again (Spirits Rise, Unbroken)
by TheDefenestrator
T, 74k, WIP
or, Catharsis: The Fic
Summary: In which Wei Wuxian, shortly after being called into Mo Xuanyu’s body, is further forced into the past, where he proceeds to tumble his way into absolutely nailing a time travel fix-it.
My comment.
❤️Trojan Kiss
by malkinmalkout
E, 33k
Summary:  Due to a misunderstanding Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji start an incredibly long and complex game of gay chicken.
My comment.
❤️Ribbons and  Heartsongs
by jeyhawk
E, 37k
High Fantasy/Science Fiction AU.
Summary:  The cot looked like a death trap. It was held together by a bunch of leather straps connected to a metal frame. Even with a mattress put on top it looked like a torture device.
“If I die in the night, I will come back to haunt you,” Wei Wuxian said, eyeing it.
“It is not for you,” Lan Wangji said.
“What? I’m a prisoner. Of course I’m taking the cot.”
“You are a guest and you are taking the bed.”
“I’m not taking the bed. Come on, I can’t let you sleep on that. If you die everyone will blame me.”
“I will not die.”
My comment.
❤️Always Knew You Were Magical
by jeyhawk
E, 25k
Modern Cultivators AU.
Summary:  Lan Wangji finds Wei Wuxian pajamas to wear and coaxes him into them, wide plaid pants in dark blue and white and a t-shirt with two rabbits on it. Wei Wuxian looks down on the shirt and smiles for the first time all evening.
“Lan Zhan, do all your pajamas have rabbits on them?”
Lan Wangji thinks about lying, but it would be foolish when Wei Wuxian is standing right next to the proof. He inclines his head slightly.
“I like rabbits,” he says.
Wei Wuxian blinks and then he smiles a little wider.
My comment.
❤️The Simplest Way Forward
by harriet_vane
E, 71k
Summary:  It’s a really unfortunate thing, developing a crush on your husband. Wei Ying had assumed this would be easy. Lan Zhan had been so icy and unpleasant to him, it had never occurred to him that he might end up spending the next however many years with this dumb, burning feeling in his chest whenever he looks at him.
“Okay,” says Wei Ying. “But tell me if I…if the pretending gets to be too hard, okay?”
“It will not,” says Lan Zhan, quietly certain.
My comment.
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It gets better the more you scroll dowm, the first ones are boring in comparison.
Kaladin and Szeth are swearing the 4th Ideal. THIS ONE IS LOOKING PROMISING.
Kaladin is going to get a shardplate formed by lots of windspren, more than anyone has seen in a long time will surround him. ISN’T THIS ALREADY CANON??
We get to know more about Tanavast (please) and what he did to Odium. THIS IS MORE OF A WISH THAN A PREDICTION.
Cultivation will link a Radiant Knight. THIS ONE IS LOOKING BAD. THE SIBLING ON THE OTHER HAND...
Navani and Dalinar adopt Baby Gavilon and we might see Jasnah taking care of him too (that's probably controversial, let me know what you think). WHERE IS BABY GAVILON AND WHY HAVEN’T WE SEEN HIM YET?
Lirin, Kaladin and Syl team up. DOES CHAPTER 1 COUNT? PLEASE??
Kal spends some time practicing as a surgeon. He has already had a chance at being a soldier, it's only fitting that he is given a chance at surgery. Besides, this book is suppossed to have less epicness than the previous one so there is no better time. IT’S COMING MY FRIENDS. IT’s CCCOOOMMMIIINNNGGG.
Sadly, we won't get to see Shallan's family. With the one year gap the Davars have caught up behind the scenes. WROOOONG. WE GOT ONE CHAPTER WITH THEM.
Shallan is going to get deeply involved with the ghostbloods. YASSS.
Szeth travels to Shinovar. He is tempted to kill those who harmed him but eventually Szeth moves on without conflict. LMAO. MEANWHILE: SZETH IS IN PRISON. HAHAHA.
Navani may unintentionally do something that might benefict Odium. Involving spren and fabrials. FABRIAL PENPAL? ANYONE??
Renarin won't have a POV but he'll have more page time. TOO SOON.
Lift wanders off and reappears at Shinovar. LET’S REVISIT THIS ONE IN BOOK 5.
Wit and Kaladin keep bonding. TOO SOON.
Wit will show off his development as a Knight Radiant to Kaladin. TOO DAMN SOON.
No more Shadesmar in this book. HAHAHA. THIS AGED SO WELL.
No more Azure and Zahel in this book. CHAPTER 15 IS LAUGHING SO HARD AT ME.
There is nothing as good as laughing at yourself.
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jasperstories · 3 years
Flying to the stars with you
???:Are you ok?
*Girl crying*
???:Do you need help?
*Girl nods yes*
???:I'm Satoshi, what's your name?
???: I'm Sayori
Satoshi:Nice to meet you,Sayori!
Sayori:Nice to meet you too!
Satoshi:Why were you crying?
Sayori:I just fell from the swing and end up hurting my self
Satoshi:Were you all alone here?
Satoshi: Don't you have any friends?
Sayori:No,me and my parents just moved here so I really don't know what to do
Satoshi:Well,I can be your friend,if you want to that is
Sayori: Really? You'd do that?
Satoshi:Of course!
Sayori:Sure,I'll be your friend
Satoshi:That makes it official,but you have to promise me something
Sayori:What is it?
Satoshi:Promise me you'll tell me everything that's troubling you,ok?
Sayori:Okay,I can do that but you need to do the same!
Satoshi:Sure,pinky swear?
Sayori: Pinky swear!
Satoshi:From now on, I'm your best friend and i'll protect you from on!
Satoshi:Want to walk home together?
Sayori:Sure thing!
Satoshi:Where do you live?
Sayori:Just near those houses
Satoshi:Were just two houses apart
Sayori:We can play here tomorrow
Satoshi:That's right,so we'll meet tomorrow after breakfast
Satoshi:Let's go home
9 years passed since that day we promised that,and I tend to keep that promise till the end of time
Chapter 1:The Annoying Girl next door
*Alarm going off*
Satoshi:What time is it?
Satoshi:7 huh?Well time to get up
Satoshi:*Yawn*,Good morning mom,huh?
Satoshi: Looks like she gone
In his mind(There's a note,from mom)
Note:Satoshi,im have to go early today because of work, there's some loaf of bread in the fridge and some strawberry jam in the cupboard,sorry i have to go early today,i love you sweetie!
Satoshi:*giggles*,Thanks mom,hmmm there's some more bread and jam huh?,ok then i guess a shower first then breakfast!
5 minutes later
Satoshi:Wait,what time is it?,ohhh crap it's 8:30,class starts at 9 I need to hurry! Breakfast done,Bag here,I.D.,got everything let's go!
Satoshi:Guess I'll take my bike today,Yahoo!!!Hahaha
Hi,I'm Satoshi Yanagira,I'm a high school student from Miyagi prefecture, I'm 15 years old and at the 9th grade, it's only been me and my mom and my dad left us when i was at 4th grade.
???:Heyyyy!!!Wait up will you!!!
That's Sayori Tonigami, she's famous in our school,we're at the same class,the only we see each other is when we're going to school or going home,if i spoke to her when the male is surrounding her i'd be dead right now,she may be famous but she's the clumsyest person i know cuz she's my best friend since we're kids.
Satoshi:You slept again late did you?
Sayori:Yeah i did my homework hehehe
Satoshi: That's why i don't wait for you anymore,your just so forgetful,clumsy and sometimes annoying
Sayori:Your mean,Satoshi!
Satoshi: It's just the truth
Satoshi:Ok ok im sorry,let's just go ok?
Sayori:You got it
We got to our school and we gone in together
Sayori:Hey Satoshi
Sayori:Can you go to the roof after your done cleaning?
Sayori:I need to tell you something
Satoshi:About what?Just tell here
Sayori:I want it to be just the two of us okay?
Satoshi: You're serious huh?Ok then just be there in time
Sayori:Hey im not a sleeper you know!!!
Satoshi:Hahaha sure thing, let's go inside
Sayori: Right!
We went inside the classroom and the boys in the room was looking at me with the stink eyes so i just looked down
Sayori:Are you alright,Toshi?
Satoshi:Yeah,wait you haven't said that since you... nevermind
Sayori:What is it?
Satoshi: It's nothing don't worry
Sayori:Ok then
I don't want her to worry about a minor thing
The school day was as ordinary as it is,nothing special happened at all,then the bell rang and our class was over,i was stuck in my seat spacing out looking at the window
???: Hey dude,what are staring at there?
Satoshi:Huh?Ohhh Miroku what's up man,im just spacing out,why aren't you going to the cafeteria yet?
That's Miroku Takeda, he's the captain of the baseball team and my bestfriend since i went to high school,he was the only willing to talk to me basically,we always joke around whenever we're around each other but he sometimes take everything seriously
Miroku:I was waiting for you but you were just looking at the window, something wrong?
Satoshi: Nothing's wrong I was just thinking of someone
Miroku:Is it Sayori again?
Satoshi:No,you idiot it's...private, let's just go to the cafeteria
Miroku:Sure thing im hungry
Satoshi:Sayori,what is it?
Sayori:Don't forget your promise,ok?
Satoshi:You mean the promise earlier or the promise from we were kids?
Sayori:Meanie! Ofcourse won't forget our promise when were kids,just come to the roof later and just go alone!
Satoshi: Let's go,Miroku
Sayori:Hey,can i come?
Sayori:Awww why?
Satoshi:Cuz your fan boys and fan girls are there
Satoshi: I'll see you later
Miroku:Man dude,you could have at least helped her...
Miroku:Hey im sorry Satoshi I didn't mean it
Satoshi:Nahh it's nothing let's just go to the cafeteria ok?
Satoshi:I guess i'll just need to wait till the school day is over
After eating lunch me and Miroku went outside for fresh air,im still thinking about what Sayori's gonna say later when i get to the roof
Miroku:Dang dude there really surrounding her up there
Miroku:Haaaa, what's up with you today?
Satoshi: It's nothing im just really stressed out from the lessons today
Miroku:Nope not that,the other thing, you're hiding something from me
Satoshi:Sorry it's just a personal thing, i'll tell it to you when i'm ready to tell you
Miroku: Fine,but don't be scared to tell me your problems im your bestfriend after all!
Flashback:"You need to tell me everything that's troubling you,ok?"
Satoshi:*giggle* you really are an amazing friend you know that,right?
Miroku:Hehehe you know me the most amazing and handsome captain and friend
Satoshi:Hahahaha and you're a little bit of an idiot but it's in you're personality
Satoshi:Well let's get going the bells gonna ring sooner or later
Miroku:Your right,well good luck when you meet up with Sayori after school
Miroku:No problem,you better get her to say yes if your gonna confess
Satoshi: She's just my childhood friend nothing to special really
Mikoru:Whatever dude let's get going
The bell rings throughout the school,so i went to my classroom, again nothing special happened,after class got to cleaning with my classmates
Satoshi:Done,that was tiring
Student:Sure was
Satoshi:Well i'll see you guys tomorrow
Student:Yeah,see ya Satoshi
It's time to go,what's up with her,one thing to find out is to go to the roof and meet up with her,
Satoshi:Sayori?You there?
Satoshi:So what were you gonna tell me?
Sayori:Umm...can you help me with my homework?
Satoshi:Are you freaking serious?! That's all you wanted to tell me?!
Sayori: I'm just kidding you know,meanie
Satoshi:Ha,just tell me,no more joking!
Sayori:Do you remember the day we became friends?
Satoshi: Ofcourse that's...oh no that's tommorow,crap i totally forgot!
Sayori:Do still remember our promise?
Satoshi:What about it?
Sayori:You said i have to tell you everything,right?
Satoshi:Yeah and the same goes for me
Sayori:Well,i'd been hiding this since we went to middle school and...
Satoshi:What is it?
Sayori: I'm...in love with you
She confessed to me?!
Satoshi: You're joking,right?
Sayori: Actually no,im not joking right now,I had a crush on you since we were at middle school
Ohhh god,what the heck is happening?!
Satoshi:You were hiding your feelings for me since middle school?
Sayori:Yup,i just gathered up the courage to make you come here after school and you came
What am i gonna do?
Satoshi:Look,your my bestfriend but...I need to think about it
Sayori:I can wait,hehe
Satoshi:Yeah, let's go home then
Sayori:Ok, let's do it!
I can't believe it,she just confessed to me
Sayori:Are you coming?
Satoshi:Be right there
And that was the day my childhood bestfriend confessed her feelings to me
Chapter 1 complete
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purplesurveys · 3 years
survey by --ranboweyes--
1.] What age is your youngest aunt? I have a relative who’s technically my aunt since she’s a cousin of my mom, but she’s like 3 years younger which makes her 18-19ish, I think. 
2.] Do you miss someone right now? The only thing I’m missing is the weekend which is quickly ending lol.
3.] What can you see to the Northwest to you? I can see our living room couch.
4.] Do you like bowling? I love bowling. I wish I could do it all the time, only if a session wasn’t so expensive.
5.] Can you pronounce Italian words? I mean I can try saying the words but I know I’m definitely not pronouncing them in the native accent. @justsurveys​ definitely can though, heh.
6.] Do you prefer black or beige colored jackets? I have more black ones, but I’m not opposed to trying out beige.
7.] Do you own a hoodie? Yes, I’m wearing one right now because it’s pretty chilly tonight.
8.] Do you like roasting marshmallows on a bonfire? I’ve only done this once, which was in like Grade 3 when we had an overnight thingy in school and our teacher planned a bonfire for us. But I’m not a fan of marshmallows at all so the answer to this is no.
9.] Do you like cheesy puffs? No. I prefer other snacks.
10.] What's your name without vowels? Rbyn or Rbn, if we’re counting out the letter y.
11.] How many layers of clothing are you wearing? Just two, which is always the case if I do have to wear more than one layer; I have a shirt under my zipped-up hoodie. I’ve only ever had to wear multiple layers once; it was when we were in Sagada and I had to wear 4 or 5 layers if I didn’t want to shiver to death.
12.] When was the last time you got a takeaway? What did you have? I usually dine in the restaurant altogether or go to the drive-thru, but never takeout. Today, though, I did order a chicken barbecue at Starbucks originally meant to be for dine-in; but I got sad in the middle of my time there so I only had a few bites and brought the rest home. Which I guess technically counts as takeout.
13.] If you could climb any mountain or range which would you chose? Mount Pulag because I’ve heard so much about it and it’d be nice to experience it for myself.
14.] Do you alphabetically arrange anything in your room? What? Nope.
15.] Have you ever visited fat-pie.com? No.
16.] Do you prefer sweet or sour fruits? Sweet.
17.] Do you like Flo Rida? Which song of his? I mean, not really. There are a few songs he’s featured in that I find catchy, like Right Round, but I don’t like like them.
18.] How's your dancing skills? There aren’t any to speak of. 
19.] What is your favorite number? I don’t have any. The idea of favorite numbers personally never made sense to me, but I do recognize that they can mean a lot to some people.
20.] Describe your best friend to me? She’s incredibly smart and creative, very motherly and responsible, and always knows the right questions to ask when her friends are troubled and what advice to give.
21.] What is your favorite alcoholic drink? Peach soju, Long Island Iced Tea, Zombie, and tequila are some of my favorites. I’m generally a fan of cocktails though, and I love it whenever bars have their own lineup because it lets me see how creative they get and because it also allows me to try their own spin on mixed drinks.
22.] Do you do any sports or have you done any sport professionally? I play table tennis, but I never played professionally or had formal training. It was a club I joined in middle school just because Angela dragged me but I ended up enjoying it, so I played and played until I unconsciously got better.
23.] What is your ringtone? Just the default Apple ringtones; I never changed them.
24.] Do you like chili flavored chips/crisps? Sure! Chili peanuts are great, too.
25.] Do you curl or straighten your hair? I don’t do either with my hair unless I’m headed to a special/fancy occasion.
26.] What's the nicest smell of shampoo? We used to have this brand that housed black shampoo and it smelled super elegant and nice, but I have no idea how to describe the scent.
27.] What smell turns you on? How about turns you off? It’s generally a turn-on when people make an effort to smell nice, e.g. applying perfume several times a day. BO and the smell of the sun are my main turn-offs.
28.] Whose your favorite comedian? I’ve only been able to watch a couple of her skits but Sindhu Vee is pretty high up on my list. I’m not really too big on comedians, though.
29.] RnB or Reggae? R&B, by a mile.
30.] What brand of batteries do you usually get? I/We haven’t had to use batteries in such a long time.
31.] Are any of your friends pregnant or have kids? A good number of people from my high school now have kids, but I don’t consider any of them friends.
32.] What is in your medicine cabinet? We don’t have one since no one in the family needs to regularly take meds. We do have a jar in the kitchen for multivitamins that my parents take every night.
33.] What's your favorite aspect of the natural world? The ocean. < I’d say so too. Mountain ranges are also beautiful.
34.] What's your favorite man made thing? Probs the internet.
35.] Can you whistle properly? Yasss.
36.] What song do you think is the most widely heard in the world? Happy Birthday or some Christmas jingle.
37.] Where's the strangest place a fast food restaurant was located? I mean...I think fast food restaurants are ubiquitous by nature, so I’ve never seen one and went, “That’s not supposed to be there,” lol. Whenever I spot a fast food restaurant, I’m usually able to make out the reasoning behind positioning it wherever it happens to be.
38.] What countries surround your country? Or are you not land locked? We’re an archipelago, so. Not land-locked. But the nearest countries are Malaysia, Vietnam, Taiwan, and Indonesia.
39.] Do you own binoculars or nonoculars? What do you use them for? I don’t own either.
40.] Do you ever wish you had a telescope on the roof or attic to stargaze? I have always wanted one, yeah. I’ve always dreamed of placing it in my future living room, though.
41.] What's your favorite chocolate bar? Not a bar, but I like Reese’s peanut butter cups the most.
42.] Do you fall asleep easy in cars? How about planes, trains and boats? Unless I am extremely tired, it’s usually hard for me to fall asleep while in transport.
43.] Would you rather live a year of your life in every major country or stay in the same place you live forever without vacations? The latter sounds like an unfulfilling life to me, to be honest. Like I can’t even take vacations??? As much as I like routine, I do enjoy a bit of spontaneity and I think moving to a new country every year can do that for me.
44.] What will you not tolerate in a person? Someone who will make you feel stupid for asking a question. Also those who always have something mean to say about everyone.
45.] Do you forgive others easier or yourself? Why is this? Forgiving isn’t really in my vocabulary to be honest. Hahaha. I’ve always been more at peace this way.
46.] How was God made, if he exists? Key word here is if, so I’m skipping this question because it’s irrelevant to me.
47.] Have you ever done aqua aerobics or polo? Yeah we had to do a bit of water polo in swimming classes in high school.
48.] What age were you when you learned how to swim? I guess around 2? I have baby photos from when I was that age wherein I was having fun in our old inflatable pool. Swimming came naturally to me and I don’t think I ever had trouble with the water.
49.] What shows or characters scared you as a child? You know how older cartoons only featured the legs of some characters, like the housemaid in Tom & Jerry or the lady from Powerpuff Girls? The uncertainty of those characters always made me feel unsettled as a kid.
50.] Do you stay up all night on New Years Eve/Day or go to bed after 12am? I always go to bed well after 12 AM since my family usually holds a get-together for it.
51.] What's currently in your fridge? Some leftovers, some vegetables, essentials like bread and eggs, some condiments that need to be kept refrigerated.
52.] How about your freezer? Frozen goods like hotdogs and ham.
53.] What could you be doing now that is more productive? I should be working out but I’m skipping it for tonight because I hate Sundays, and I don’t want to make myself more tired than I already am.
54.] Give me some lyrics from the song that's stuck in your head? “Red lights, stop signs, I still see your face in the white cars, front yards...”
55.] What's your favorite type of firework? The grander the design the better for me, tbh.
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argylemnwrites · 4 years
Get To Know... Riley Liu
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Thanks for the tag @mskaneko​! I may have gone into way more detail than anyone could possibly care about, hahaha!
1. Name (+ bonus  why did you choose that name?)
Riley Liu, or Riley Walker after the wedding
I almost never change first names (I don’t particularly like coming up with names, and I’m always afraid I’m going to give my MC another character’s name, but Brooks just didn’t feel like a realistic surname for a Chinese-American woman)
2. Faceclaim
Kaman Kong
3. Nicknames
Liu, Walker in canon universe after her wedding
4. Birthday
June 17th
5. Height
6. Eye color
Dark brown
7. Hair color
8. Love interest (why did she choose this person?)
Drake Walker
No one had ever understood her and made her feel seen like he did, and he flirted with her by teasing/bantering, which is how she flirts as well. She never felt like she had to watch what she said or how she acted around him, and he still wanted to spend time with her and really get to know her. Plus, she thought he was good looking.
9. Best friend
Hana Lee
10. Personality traits
Snarky, goofy, competitive, fierce, protective
11. Family background
Her mother (Mei) was 19 years old when she had Riley and had been dating her father (Henry, age 23) for 7 months when she found out she was pregnant. Her mother thought that they would settle down and be a nice little family, but Henry had little interest in starting a family. Her parents were a volatile on-again, off-again couple until Riley was 3 years old, at which point they broke up for good. Riley saw him only a handful of times before he moved back to Beijing when she was 6 years old. Her paternal grandparents never even knew she existed, and she hasn’t spoken to her father since then.
Mei struggled with depression and anxiety and turned to heroin to cope. Her addiction made it difficult for her to hold down a job, and she frequently stole from her parents to pay for her next hit. Not knowing how to help their daughter, and not having the money to get her treatment, Riley’s grandparents kicked them out when Riley was 2 years old. They thought that this tough love approach would force Mei to get clean in order to care for her daughter, but it didn’t work as they’d hoped. Instead, Mei and Riley had very unstable housing, often sleeping on the floor of apartments of Mei’s friends, boyfriends, or dealers. When Riley was 10, Mei was arrested for the first time, and thus began a cycle of Riley being placed with a foster family while her mother served time, Mei getting clean and regaining custody, but eventually relapsing and forcing Riley back into the system.
Mei died from an OD when Riley was in her final year of college. In order to pay off her outstanding debts and give her a minimal funeral, Riley was forced to drop out of college. 
12. Hometown
NYC (Manhattan, primarily Chinatown or the surrounding neighborhoods)
13. Education
Completed 6 semesters of college through a combination of loans, scholarships, and service industry jobs before dropping out after her mother’s debt. Riley only applied to college because it allowed her access to subsidized housing away from her mother.
In the It Couldn’t Wait Another Moment universe, Riley does eventually complete those last two semesters.
14. What languages does she know?
English, and she can understand conversational Mandarin (and can speak a little bit, but cannot read or write it) from time spent with her maternal grandparents when she was very young. She’s picked up some basic Spanish over the years as well through friends, coworkers, and a good foster family.
15. Occupation
Duchess in canon, which will never stop feeling ridiculous to her. In the ICWAM universe, she gets a job doing image management for public figures with a PR firm after she completes her college education, at least for a while...
16. Dream job
When she was little, she wanted to be a rock star. Now that she’s older, she’s very much a work to live, not live to work person, so she counts a job that pays her well that she doesn’t hate as a win.
17. Hidden talent
Darts. She’s insanely good, even when drunk.
18. Her strengths
Resiliency, flexibility, adaptability
19. Her weaknesses
Fears of abandonment, avoidance of needed negative conversations, impulsivity, impatience
20. Pet peeves
Passive aggressiveness, bad tippers
21. Guilty pleasure
Soap operas
22. Ideal outfit
Skinny jeans, black leather boots, a bright colored top, and her trusty leather jacket
23. Favorite season
24. Favorite vacation spot
Anywhere with good beaches. In all honesty, she’d only been on one trip before Cordonia (with her first foster family, the Veras), so any vacation feels like a real treat to her.
25. Celebrity crush
Matt Rodriguez
26. Who is her inspiration
The two sets of good foster parents she had, Hana
27. Whats is the craziest thing she has ever done?
She got on a plane to a country she’d never heard of with a guy she met less than 24 hours earlier
28. Describe her dream date
A casual meal and drinks over some sort of competitive activity (pool, darts, poker, giant jenga, you name it) Teasing, banter, and competition are all flirting/foreplay for her.
29. What’s more important for her in a relationship: physical attraction or emotional connection?
She always thought physical attraction prior to Drake, because she never thought she would be in a long-term committed relationship. But her emotional connection to Drake is something she never could have thought would be something she would experience, and she treasures it.
30. Three things she would take to a desert island
A pocket knife, a lighter, a flask
31. What is one thing she could never forgive?
A partner who stormed out in a fight without letting her know where he was going
32. What gets her out of bed in the morning?
Like, what motivates her? When things are good, a general sense of wanting to enjoy what she currently has. When things are bad, the belief that it will pass and things will get better.
Or, if we are talking what physically gets her out of bed? Her annoyance with her alarm.
33. What does she use more often: her intuition or logical reasoning?
She thinks she is very logical, but if she isn’t careful, her panic response that she built up throughout her childhood masks itself as logic.
34.  Would she rather be alone doing something she enjoy, or doing something she doesn’t like with her best friends?
Definitely doing something she doesn’t like with her best friends
35. What's her biggest regret?
In canon, accepting the duchy. In ICWAM, she comes to be at peace with her life choices through therapy.
Bonus: three random facts about your MC
- She loves New York style bagels, to the point that her social media handles often make some reference to being a “bagel bitch.”
- Her favorite animals are penguins. She can’t explain it.
- She uses a peach body wash, lotion, and body mist from Bath and Body works, even in the canon universe where she could afford nice perfume. Drake likes the way she smells, so she sees no point pretending to have richer tastes than she does.
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clan-sayeed-fic · 4 years
Let me earn your trust (Kamilah Sayeed & MC)
Previous chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
Book: Bloodbound (property of Pixelberry Studios) Pairing: Kamilah Sayeed & MC: Amy (I do not own those characters, they're the property of Pixelberry Studios as well) Warnings: angst Rating: Mature Author's note:  I'm not a native English speaker, I'm sorry for any mistakes (feel free to correct me).
This chapter is shorter than last ones, don't hate me haha
I was thinking that I'll be able to upload the 15th chapter today too. But since I was at work yesterday and I'm going there today too, right after posting this, I know for sure that it won't happen.
When I came back home yesterday, I was so exhausted like whoa... I love this job, but when I'm not working day after day in it, it takes a lot of my energy to adjust. And what amazes me the most is that even if I can barely stand on my feet from exhaustion, I cannot fall asleep like wth... and the fun fact is that around 1:30 a.m. I came up with the last line of this fic hahaha
Idk if anyone even reads those notes haha maybe, it's better if you don't. I'm going to answer your comments, if you leave some, in the evening😄 (12 noon here)
~ 1400 words
Chapter 14
"I wouldn't worry about what happened this much, little girl," Adam's voice got Amy's mind out of her thoughts.
Without thinking, she took a glass of water that he held for her.
Amy retained only a few flashbacks from their ride to this place. The moment when she got into a limousine. A short talk with Adam, who tried his best to make her feel better. After that, she remembered getting out of the car and how she found herself in the town suburbs. In front of the impressive mansion.
The last thing she knew was the sound of her own voice refusing the offer of wine since she still felt the end of the hangover.
And now, there she was. Sitting on this enormous, white couch. Surrounded by ornaments worth millions.
Amy took a sip of water, letting the cold liquid flow down her throat.
Another single tear escaped her eye, traveling down her cheek before she wiped it away. She hadn't felt this alone and broken during those long four years. Amy made promises in her life that she would be tough, never cry, and move on. For them.
"I know what'll make you feel better," Adam's words drew her attention. "Come with me, I can show you something wonderful."
Amy forced a weak smile and stood up, following his steps.
They walked through the living room, in the opposite direction than the main entrance. Adam guided her to other doors, which were leading to the back yard of the mansion. The man opened the doors and gestured Amy to go outside. It was still daylight, so he had to stay in the shadows.
Amy walked through the doors, being blinded by the artificial light. Her eyes needed a few moments to adjust to this source of light before she could take the surroundings in. And the view she saw was truly breathtaking.
Amy didn't know how it was possible that, despite bad weather outside, the flora here was growing such beautifully. She couldn't decide if it was thanks to the heat lamp and equally heated ground or some talented and devoted gardeners.
Either way, the creation was a true masterpiece.
The grass was mown equally, surrounding the flowers. The flora was varied in so many ways. Starting from colors, kind, to height. There were plants that she saw many times in different gardens in New York so far. But also some of them were exotic, unknown for Amy.
In the center of the garden was growing an impressive, old weeping willow. Its stems were dancing slowly in the weak wind. Some of the leaves reaching the ground, some using the wind to fly as high as it was possible.
And that was the plant that especially got Amy's attention.
She stood speechless, looking at the tree, feeling warmth spreading in her chest. Feeling of safeness.
"I can see you're mesmerized by that Salix babylonica," Adam grinned behind her.
Amy snapped out of her thoughts and smiled, feeling better.
"I reminded myself that I have seen this kind of tree somewhere else before," she said mostly to herself.
"Ah, memories..." Adam spoke with his charismatic tone. "They are a fascinating thing, aren't they? I always say... if you desire to understand someone properly, you need to face his recollections at first."
Those were powerful words that hit straight to Amy's heart.
"There is some truth in that," Amy said, her mind uncontrollably traveling to Kamilah.
They turned around and walked inside the building.
Adam stopped near the bar, filling his glass with white wine. Once again, he looked at Amy with an unspoken offer.
"Oh, thank you, I'm good," her answer was still the same, but he didn't push her.
He walked Amy to the living room, and they both sat down on the couch at an appropriate distance from each other. For a moment, no one was stopping the silence that fell between them.
Adam was gathering his thoughts and pieces of information that he had learned about this human so far. He always needed to be prepared for how the conversation would go. The coincidence in his speech wasn't an option.
"Priya told me about the night when you were working as her waitress," Adam started, taking a little sip of his drink. "I feel utterly sorry for you getting to know all of this under such terrible circumstances."
Amy looked into his eyes, and she couldn't find a lie in them. Either he was telling the truth, or she was too blind at that moment to see his manipulative side.
"It happened," Amy swallowed, rethinking what she can do and tell around this man. "And I don't regret this."
"Even turning your best friend into the vampire?" Adam asked, without judgment in his voice.
Amy moved nervously on the couch, trying to hold back her emotions.
"If you're asking me what would I rather do: undo Lily's death or getting to know all of this. The answer is obvious," Amy's expression serious. "I would never sacrifice my friend for getting us into this."
"Loyalty, I respect that," Adam clasped in his hands, putting the glass aside. "I bet you have something that most humans are searching for in a friend."
Amy felt touched by those words.
"Why are you distinguishing humans and vampires so much?" Amy asked with curiosity, trying to not sound too brazenly.
Adam stopped smiling for a moment. She took him off gourd, and that was not an easy thing to accomplish. He quickly composed himself and spoke with his usual, confident, and eloquent manner.
"Because the human part is long gone as soon as you become the vampire, my friend," Adam was waiting for Amy's agreement. He was used to people agreeing with him, but it didn't happen this time. "But, from what I can notice, you're seeing things differently?"
Amy looked at her hands while thinking about her opinion on this subject. She wasn't such naive, even if she was feeling hurt about what happened between her and Kamilah. She still knew that she had to choose words carefully when it went to this man.
"I believe that everyone is worth redemption," she said, keeping gaze of his brown eyes.
Adam smiled, being sure that Amy had nothing else to say. And when he wanted to add his few words, she spoke again.
"And..." Amy's voice was full of hope. "I believe that if you once were a human... then losing humanity after turning depends on you."
Amy choose her words on purpose. Especially those which referred to being a human before turning. She knew that even people could behave without humanity or mercy. There's no need to be a vampire to act like a bloodlust creature. And she knew that those people freaked her out even more than this new world that she was still adjusting to living in.
"I can see now what Adrian and Kamilah saw in you," Adam's voice sounded absent.
At that moment, a chauffeur walked into the living room, clearing his throat.
"You called me, sir," he bowed before them.
"Indeed," Adam cheered up, shifting back to his usual behavior. "I want you to drive Ms. Campbell to her apartment."
The chauffeur smiled at Amy, so she returned the gesture feeling more relaxed when another person appeared in the room. She stood up and followed the young man to the doors after saying goodbye to Adam.
When she was near the entrance, Adam's voice stopped her.
"And, Amelia...." he said with a neutral tone. "I'm still thinking about our deal."
Amy froze for a moment. Her muscles tensed due to the sound of the name that she hadn't heard in years. Quickly, she regained control over her body and voice, thinking that it was a common mistake to consider her name as a shortcut from Amelia.
Keeping her eyes and facial expression under control, she turned around, smiling naturally.
"You know where to find me," she said with fake confidence in her voice.
After those words, Amy turned around and walked out of the house, heading to the limo.
A bad feeling curled under her skin, but sanity made her think that it was just a coincidence.
And, as Adam said, their deal was still on.
The only thing that Amy was not aware of was how valuable information Adam learned this day.
And how it would affect his next move.
Next chapter: 15
tag list: @onyxgaytrash, @scarlet-letter-a0114, @caliseds, 
@lightning-fury I know this chapter is more like a tease, but it’s the beginning of my big plan haha 
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11 Weird Events that Happened on Halloween
It’s that time of year again:
Your local Tesco’s has officially begun stocking christmas-related food items, cheap cat ears have completed their invasion of every female-directed fashion shop, and thanks to global warming the temperature has barely dropped since mid-summer.
That’s right - it’s nearly Halloween!
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And we all know what Halloween means: striking moments of political change!
Oh, wait, is that one just me?
Yep, thanks to British politics, the most wonderful day of the year could potentially be tarnished by Brexit.
But it got me thinking: what other major events have happened on Halloween?
And has anything spook-tastic ever coincided with All Hallow’s Eve?
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Clearly the 31st of October has an aura of frightful goings-on.
In basic terms, Halloween is believed to be the only day of the year when spirits can cross over from the afterlife and wander with the living once more.
So, could these events be a coincidence, or sparked by the spirits crossing back over into this world?
Today’s edition of the Paranormal Periodical is going to be all about every event - from the political to the paranormal - that has happened on the 31st October.
Let’s get spooky!
We start with the political side of things.
And let me tell you, there’s like, a lot of things.
So, no, Brexit will not stand alone as a political memory on the best day of the year.
In fact, it honestly seems like a large chunk of American history just decided to, like, happen, on this one day of the year.
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But we start with something less spooky, more sad.
It’s the Wreck of the Monmouth.
Take yourself back to 1837. 
It’s - yes, you guessed it, you understand the basic premise of this post - Halloween night. It’s also the moment from which the forced deportation of Creek Native Americans from their homeland begins, shortly following a war in 1836. 
This deportation used a number of boats, including the one that titles this tale: The Monmouth.
The story goes that it crashed into another steamship, and that the sheer force of the collision sent it to the depths of the Mississippi river. 
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It is estimated that 400 Native Americans drowned in this collision. It has even been regarded as the worst American Steamboat accident to date.
But there seems to be more discussion surrounding this tale than simply its occurrence on All Hallows’ Eve:
It ignited a wider discussion of the portrayal of Native Americans among the population and in the press. As it was in a remote area and ceased to include white people, it was simply ignored by the press.
As I said before, American politics does seem to dabble on doing things in late October, but it really specifies a niche for itself by having yet another disaster with a ship.
Only this was to have much more global consequences. 
The USS Reuben James - created to protect supply shipments during WW2 - was sunk during conflict on Halloween.
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It lost two thirds of its crew, and even earnt the honour of being the first ship sunk during the conflict.
Indeed, this occurred only a month before Pearl Harbour, cementing itself as part of one of the most iconic moments in modern American history.
Happy Halloween?
But before we get tangled up in American history, how about we move to the next crazy event that coincided with the spookiest day of the year?
Well, I’m afraid that’s going to involve getting knotted up in another country’s political history to do so… 
It was 1922 when Mussolini - the first European dictator to start the mid-20th century political trend - marched on Rome. 
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Having created a coalition government, he decided to consolidate his power by (you guessed it) this infamous march on Rome. 
Bolstered by a sea of Blackshirts, his fascist supporters, his control symbolically began.
Keep your horror films, and hold onto your ghost stories: this scares the living shit out of me.
Our final event takes us back only 4 years before this march, and back across the borders to American history.
However, this does shed a more positive light on the darker moments already detailed.
It was October 1918 when the affectionately named ‘Death Spike’ of the Spanish Influenza hit the USA.
And with a death toll topping 50 million around the globe, it certainly seems to stick to the darker themes so far discussed in this episode.
(Look, I’m sorry history happened, I can’t control fascists or stop people dying.)
In October, 200,000 Americans from the Influenza died. This accounted for nearly a third of the total death toll in America for the Influenza.
The positive side to this story? It was Halloween that actually ended this month.
Yep, Halloween ended the Death Spike.
Well, phew, that’s over.
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Can we finally get onto some cool, spooky yet awesome stories now?
What about some stories with less death and hatred and pure evil?
Maybe a handful of quirky coincidences to liven up the depressing stories already listed?
Nope, the next ones are just as awful.
Now we turn to the spooky shit that coincided with Halloween.
We start with possibly the most ironic death… ever.
Harry Houdini is the most famous magician - okay, fine, you can keep Merlin, whatever - that’s ever existed.
Yet it’s not actually his life that features on this list - it’s his death.
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It was October 1926 when Houdini gave a lecture to McGill University students about fraudulent spiritualism.
Hahaha well this is awkward hahaha.
Basically, he invited some students to his dressing room at one of the theatres in Montreal. For some reason, one of these students decided to score several hard blows at his stomach.
One abdominal infection later, and he was dead. 
And so the death train continues.
Our next stop is still as deathy, but a smidgen more spooky. And a splash more serial killer.
In 1981, a couple was murdered. 
They were beaten, shot, and the house was left ransacked. The police even claimed it had the looks of an execution.
Initially it was believed to be related to drugs, but the tone of the case quickly shifted when it was discovered the murder was predicted by an prisoner.
Serial killer David Berkowitz gave an eerily accurate description of the murders mere weeks before it occurred.
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Clearly, this would make him a give-away suspect in this case, but as he was in prison during the murder, this removed him from the list.
We now turn to a similarly ghastly murder.
In 1977, a baby girl went missing. She was snatched from her own cradle.
And the first terrifying detail of this case starts with her abduction - which okay, fine, that definitely counts as creepy enough but somehow it gets worse: as the doors and windows were found to be locked, it is believed the abductor was hiding in the closet.
Oh, and it only gets worse and weirder - her body was found in a fridge.
I suppose you could assume that the murderer, I don't know, panicked and hid the body in a pretty ordinary un-suspicious object. 
But this is when things get interesting. Prior to this, two young girls were also abducted and lured into a fridge, confirming that a fridge is somehow a prominent prop for a serial killer who may still be lurking among us.
One of these girls died during the abduction, and it was the surviving child that claimed it was the babysitter who attempted to abduct them. 
The babysitter was found to be innocent, especially considering the surviving child was so young.
We now move from deaths to a disappearance:
Even now, no less than 18 years later, information regarding Hyon Jong Song is scarce.
Following a Halloween party in 2001, Song made it home at 4am, still decked out in a traditional Halloween bunny costume, after a lift from a friend.
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The last evidence we have of her is her belongings which were dropped off in her house - she had even managed to remove her eyelashes!
But this was to be the final trace of this grad student.
Our penultimate tragedy takes us to Indiana, and brings us swinging into the sixties.
During the Indiana State Fair, an ice skating exhibition was on display for hundreds of visitors. 
But it was during the finale that disaster struck.
Unknown to the managers of the event, propane gas was leaking from a tank in a room nearby. You don’t need a chemistry degree to tell you this wouldn’t end well.
The fire utilised in the finale’s effects set it alight, causing an explosion that killed 74 and injured over 400. 
We now turn to an occurrence that seems uncomfortably common for Halloween.
I take that back - I suppose it suits the time of year well...
In fact, I’d like to call this section: 
when Halloween decorations were not Halloween decorations but were actually dead bodies. 
Brace positions, everyone. 
The most famous case only take us back 5 years.
In 2014, a man dragged a fake corpse out of his apartment on Halloween in front of a crowd of unsuspecting onlookers, and kicked the head across the street in a jest.
Only it wasn't a jest.
And it wasn't a fake corpse.
It was his decapitated mother. He had killed her shortly before this.
A similarly tragic event - which doesn’t sound dissimilar to any old urban legend is the death of William Anthony Odem.
The 15 year old was hoping to embellish the theme of his haunted house by staging a Gallows scene in the basement.
Unfortunately, he hung himself in the process.
In fact, hangings in particular - accidental, or not - often have ended up as decorations.
Suicide victims has often gone unnoticed during All Hallow’s Eve, disguised as the ghosts and ghoulish figures hanging on trees across streets and suburbs.
And so we arrive at our conclusion.
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Depressed and scarred for life.
So much for a horror film binge and thought out costumes - these real events should scare you enough for Halloween! 
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telesthisia · 4 years
(No reblogs! Make a new post please!)
|| The Basics ||
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Name: Zelda of Hyrule Nickname(s): Zel, Zellie, Elle, Ellie Age: 19 Species: Human or well Hylian 
|| Personal ||
Religious Belief: The three golden goddess + Hylia but... she’s known as the forgotten goddess in her timeline since certain legends faded away from the public’s knowledge but not at all the royal family’s. Sins: Lust / Greed / Gluttony / Sloth / Pride / Envy / Wrath Virtues: Chastity / Charity / Diligence / Humility / Kindness / Patience /Justice Primary Goals In Life:  To create a brighter future for her people for generations on end, leading to the eventually famed Golden Age before the Hero of Time’s downfall... though Hyrule has recovered once she’s born there are still remnants of ruin from that era as such she wants to protect her people as well as make Hyrule safer, while she doesn’t do it within her lifetime because limited lifespan her dream does still come true years later aka LOZ and LOZ 2 don’t be fooled by the plot, Hyrule was in its prime during those games!  Languages Known:  Hylian Secrets: Well... it’s no secret among her staff but outside the castle, she keeps her poor health (heart condition and undiagnosed rare anemia problem) and near lack of magical stamina a secret since that can put her at a pretty bad disadvantage. She has plenty of enemies, namely those who align themselves with Ganon and the resurrection of him is still possible provided the person is a powerful mage with knowledge of doing that sort of stuff in the first place. And then there’s also court drama she has to worry about but that’s for another long lengthy headcanon post I should have out... soon... ish. Also while obvious with partners and in a meta sense and if you’re super observant but her guise Elle is, in fact, her, the princess of Hyrule so... ye...  Quirks: Her birthmark of the Triforce is... certainly unique. But if we’re talking mannerism rather than physical then allow me to just ramble because hoo boy! When nervous or worked up, she often tucks her stray hairs behind her ears, even when she’s not feeling those emotions she’s always fiddling around with it (in her royal wear) often flipping it out of her face or trying to make it look a little neater. She has the Pendant of Courage, a gift from Link and often clutches on it when she feels the need to summon her courage if she’s feeling not that brave, often trying to recall Link’s courage during his many adventures. When using any of her PSI powers she tends to have a nose bleed, as such, she often carries around a handkerchief and tries to cover it up before going off somewhere to stop the bleeding. When laughing, she likes to hold her smile behind her hand... and when yawning she tries to cover her mouth. SHE IS THE WORST COOK TO EVER EXIST holy crap but can make mean cookies. When flirting (more like embarrassed flirting pft) she looks away to the side and twirls her hair around her finger trying to hide her red cheeks. Her romantic out view on life stems from the fact that she was constantly surrounded by death and history and art so there’s morbid beauty in the melancholy... this girl gets excited over Friday the 13th and samhain ok like... there’s a lot to unpack with that. THERE’S MORE BUT I’VE RAMBLED FAR ENOUGH!!!  Savvies: Well... she bakes pretty good cookies BUT UH!!! YEAH she’s pretty proficient with her light magic! While she can’t do the amazing things other Zeldas can do because of limitations she’s not someone you would want to mess around with. She’s learned to work around those limitations and has great control over her powers. On top of that, she somehow knows how to use a crossbow so :’) while not the light arrows (she’s too weak to wield a bow) and it was a lucky shot she at least knows enough about how it works to fire it in the first place. She reads a lot, even as a kid she’d sneak off to the library to read the history about Hyrule or read maps and well she’s pretty knowledgable about her nation as a whole! And thanks to sneaking out she knows how to sneak past the guards and knows all of the secret passages in her castle like the back of her hand! Can’t forget her amazing political insight and ability to think outside the box! She has pretty innovative ideas for her times esp when concerning the common folk, but sometimes they don’t always go through because well... nobles. 
|| Physical ||
Height: 5′0″  Weight: you never ask a lady her weight! >:0 Scars/Birthmarks:  Has a cat scratch scar on her right palm which is also where the triforce is located! Abilities/Powers: Light magic, as the descendant of the mortal goddess she has been blessed with the Light Force. On top of that she’s come from a line of sages and has the Triforce of Wisdom so as you expect she has so much magic. She can heal, bless your weapons, smite away darkness, sense darkness (As a matter of fact she’s pretty sensitive to it and it makes her lowkey sick if it’s too much) and then there’s her PSI abilities which includes clairvoyance and telepathy! And then... her connection to the spirit realm.  Restrictions: AHAHAHA SO MUCH, she’s a glass cannon which is why she’s so, so, so easy to kidnap in the first place. She may put up a fight but not for long, as such her tactics are always to make a distraction and then escape. But she has poor stamina and just a poor heart, she can’t really overexert herself without a) causing pain and b) passing the hell out which was common in her younger days. Using magic takes up a lot of stamina as shown in ALTTP esp with the more powerful spells, you need an amazing reserve to cast all of that and sadly while she has good control she doesn’t have good reserves. SOOOOOOO to fix this she always has to take medicine of magic. Mana blockage is a thing that can happen, more often than she’d like to admit which causes pain once again and makes using magic pretty hard. Now onto her telepathy and clairvoyance. While they sound useful there are restrictions on those as well, for one with telepathy while she can contact anyone so long as she finds their signature subconscious she doesn’t have to worry about distance too much so long as they are within her range which is... maybe more than 200 meters? I need to think about the range more because there are certain places where she can reach you and cannot but there’s def a range limit. She tends to get nosebleeds and headaches from using telepathy. Her clairvoyance is where she can see bits of the future, but they are very vague and hard to decipher and there’s always a chance of the future changing or not changing. As for her connection to the spirit realm, pretty much she can see dead people... in her dreams and there’s no way of shutting this power off she’s gotta deal with the horrors that is this realm. Now seeing spirits isn’t anything new in LOZ but contact to the spirit realm is something that’s implied that only royal family members can do... as implied by Zelda’s words in BOTW where she said her mom (or grandma??) could hear the voices of the spirit realm.  
|| Favorites ||
Favourite Drink: Rose tea Favourite Pizza Topping: Basil...  Favourite Color:  Blue!  Favourite Music Genre: She pretty much likes slow and relaxing music, piano comes to mind but *kayne shrug* Favourite Book Genre: Romance aHEM as a princess she doesn’t have time to read cheesy romance novels and fantasize about the day where someone riding on a white horse will sweep her off her feet and they ride off into the sunset never having to bear the burden of her heritage and responsibilities hahaha..... but history and folklore. She likes tragic stories that have bittersweet endings.  Favourite Movie Genre: Fantasy, tragic tales, suspense, romance flicks  Favourite Season: Spring Favourite Butt Type:
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Favourite Swear Word: "Goodness me!”  Favourite Scent: Forest scent, the fields, that ancient scent you smell when visiting old places, the smell of book pages  Favourite Quote: “Time has stopped for me long ago.”
|| Fun Stuff ||
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Sings In The Shower: Yes!!! Well... rose soaked bathwater because she’s spoiled stupid by her castle staff and Impa but she’ll hum a tune here and there!  Likes Bad Puns: Of course! She has the playfully innocent attitude so puns is right up her alley! Morality: Lawful / Neutral / Chaotic / Good / Gray / Evil Build: Slender / Scrawny / Bony / Fit / Athletic / Herculean / Babyfat / Pudgy / Obese / Other. Favourite Food: APPLES!!! Namely baked apples and more importantly apple strudel! Her nation is famous for having delicious apples that can help cure fatigue and even rise up stamina a bit! She’s very much a follower of “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” esp if that doctor keeps giving her bitter medicines.  “Boss” Theme Music :  Excuse me for using a sad track... but... sAD MUSIC HONESTLY SHE’S DEPRESSION PERSONIFIED!! It reflects her hidden melancholy for like everything. I feel like if you have to fight her as a boss it’ll be more of a beautifully sad moment than something epic like that boss fight with puppet zelda which slaps honestly.  Their Opinion On The Mun: “Does she thrive on my pain?”  
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 Well, since there are a few hours left before the arrival of Lover and since I don't use this social network so much, I've decided to analyze the titles of the songs that appear in this shirt of Taylor's collaboration with Stella ❤ The idea is that you can also comment on it, what you feel or what you think about it!! Let's get started:
1. I FORGOT THAT YOU EXISTED:  Good way to start Taylor (hahaha);  I only imagine a way to forget that a person existed in a bad way (sorry if it's not) but although the letter used is thick and bold but it has a white shadow & I don't notice hate in it and that confuses me a little & then I wonder... is there a way to forget that a person existed in a good way?  Like a reunion or like to see a person again but with different eyes. Sorry Taylor, the first song it's confusing ☯ now I'm 50/50.
2. CRUEL SUMMER: I think I have a problem with the evil in songs but the “cruel” word can't take me to another place. I think that when something/someone makes you suffer the “cruel” word describes it in a wonderful way &Taylor has suffered this last time and has had to go through many bad things in such a short time, maybe this song is about this things. I also think that (as say all those armed phrases that go around there) the suffering makes us stronger & although it's not nice or good or pleasant to suffer it, in the end when you look back it feels that you could overcome it and that thanks to this today it you're stronger.
3. LOVER: Finally a love song ❤ I have a weakness for love songs (I can't control it) they are always my favorite songs in all the albums of the artists I like. I can't say much about the font used to write this title since it is also the album title!! I think that the typeface and the pink color with glitter all lead us to a place of love and magic & so I hope that this is Taylor's heart today, full of love & magic because she really deserves it.
4. THE MAN: I read a little about this song in the interview Taylor gave & I think that using a very thick, very black & very large font fits perfectly with the theme the song is referring to. Nowadays the issue of feminism (or machism) is very present in our society & precisely I think this song refers to life and the things that women do & are frowned upon by them, but not if they were men (I think if Taylor were a man, nobody would say he only writes songs about his ex).
5. THE ARCHER: First I have to say that I liked more the calligraphy that has the title in the lyric video that in is t-shirt ➳ Now, I think the title of this song is highlighted with that black background and large white letters. I think this may want to mark a break, since in this song Taylor shows her insecurities when it comes to being in a love relationship & now she seems to be happly in love & that all these doubts were left behind.
6. I THINK HE NOWS: This title is inscribed in an ordinary font, high, fine & black... and that's when I wonder what do you think he knows? Do you think he knows you hate him? Do you think he knows you're trying to end things with him? (sorry, I have to start with the bad things first) ❤ Do you think he knows that you are interested in him? Do you think he knows that you love him in secret? Do you think he knows you have wanted him for a long time? I hope that what you think he knows is one of the good things hahaha.
7. MISS AMERICANA & THE HEARTBREAK PRINCE: This song has a title written in a cursive font, as if it were handwritten & for that I feel that this song is one of the most powerful of the album ✎ Also I heard that this song is the favorite of many of those who were present in the secret sessions and that makes me unable to wait to hear it!!! The title of this song leads me directly to imagine one of those love movies that I like so much (I don't know why but I immediately imagine Hilary Duff & Chad Michael Murray in “a Cinderella story”). I also know that "Miss Americana" is the beauty contest that has been held in the USA for so many years & with “the heartbreak prince” I'm going to the movie idea again (sorry, I have to stop watching Netflix) ♚
8. PAPER RINGS: The letter used for this title seems sophisticated and well finished with straight edges but I think that a paper ring is not exactly something sophisticated. When we read the word "ring" we automatically think about marriage, that Taylor is engaged or that she is thinking about getting married... wait WHAT IF SHE ALREADY DID IT? ∞ I think paper rings can be something symbolic, like the wire rings we used as children when we played to get married but that could mean a lot more than a diamond ring that costs thousands of dollars. I HOPE THIS IS A LOVE SONG ❤
9. CORNELIA ST: We are freaking out with this song and the idea that Taylor told us about this song in the New Year this year.  In that image & in the source used to write this title you can specify see different characters called “childhood heroes” by Taylor, it can be a song about heroes ★ I also read out there that Taylor has had "Cornelia St" present throughout her life in different stages and perhaps this could be a song that runs through her life, the goods & the bads.
10. DEATH BY A THOUSAND CUTS: Let's go back to the bad things and moments...  The letter used is very thick, black and you can see some scratches on it.  I think that the idea of ​​"a thousand" can mean something that wears out or breaks from puncturing it or trying to break it, it can be a thing but it can also be a person. In the case of a person, it could represent the wear and tear of trying to refloat after all the moments in which they tried to undo him/her. The word "dead" can refer to that content of always being swimming against the current ☁
11. LONDON BOY: The letter used for this title seems to be distorted or moved and that confuses me a little bit but  Hello Joe Alwyn (?) I am honestly confused, I just hope (as always) that this is another love song ❤
12. SOON YOU'LL GET BETTER: And here's when my heart breaks into a thousand pieces & it doesn't matter the letter or the thickness or the color... I read that Taylor wrote this song for his mother Andrea who is going through that damn disease again. My grandparent suffered it, I know what it feels like & what it means to have appeared again... with it the doubts and insecurities return, we feel weak & broken. My story ends with a happy ending & I'm sure Andrea's too ❤ both are extraordinarily strong!
13. FALSE GOD: Bad bad bad & bad again. I think that many times we can called "God" a person that we believe represents everything good, beautiful & generous in this world, as the person who comes to save us...  but then we have the word "false" accompanying "God" & that is when everything stops being good, nice and generous & becomes bad and disappointing ✘  This song could be about a disappointment of a person whom Taylor thought was different.
14. YOU NEED TO CALM DOWN: Well, I have already heard this song and that is why I can say that this type of font adapts very well to the rhythm & style of the song. It is also a typeface that is being used a lot lately since it is fashionable vintage and old. 
15. AFTERGLOW: I didn't know exactly what this word meant so I had to go to a dictionary and found different definitions.. I found something about the twilight glow; something about a pleasant sensation; and something about drugs and sex.. so I'm confused! haha. Of these three definitions I prefer to choose the second one & that this song is about a sensation of pleasure or well-being, either with another person or with myself, the sensation of being well, complete, in the place that we choose and surrounded by people that we choose and who choose us too ☮
16. ME!: Two lyrics and nothing else to say, it is a special song with the right energy to present a new album... It catches you with its rhythm and its lyrics ✿ And then you can only think of speaking in French, butterflies, cats and pastel colors!!
17. IT'S NICE TO HAVE A FRIEND: but that typeface does not make me think that that friend who is good to have is exactly a good friend!!! Since I saw it I associated it with a letter she would use on Halloween, sorry if it's not. I don't want to make Taylor's friends feel bad if she wrote them a beautiful song  (and I hope it is).
18. DAYLIGHT: This song is the longest on the album, which means that Taylor had many things to say on it. The letter used is large, thick & black, very visible... clearly it's one of the first words that can be read when you are looking at the image so I feel that this song is very special and meaningful to her. And I think it's like seeing the light of the day after a black night, see the good, the beautiful, the important things. Be able to see everything clearly despite not being able to see good things for a while!! 
What do you think of my ideas? Do you share any of them? I want to know it.
Thanks for reading! Please help me reblogging it  ❤
@taylorswift @taylornation
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lachalatte · 5 years
A Firefly Shines on Summer
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           The sun shines bright and through the glass of my class. It leads me to enjoy the beautiful panorama. The poppies which planted on the schoolyard of Westminster School were blooming. Surely it happened because this season was going in mid spring.
           “It was a bright, breezy day.” I muttered. Then, someone patted my shoulder. I turned to the source of sound. The pretty girl stands up in front of me.
           “Rick, do you want this marshmallows? Daddy brought me it and I can’t spend it all.” She said with her cute smile and handed me a packet of mashmallows.
           “Yep, thanks.” I replied. I take a marshmallow and continue my reverie.
           Oops, maybe I forget to introduce myself. Ok, my name is Richardo Carpenter, but some people call me Rick. A girl who gave me marshmallow was my stepsister, Lianne Kidy but I called her Lynn. Yeah, my daddy and my mommy had divorced when I was 5 years old and I prefer to stay with my daddy than my mommy. Actually, the problem was because of my mom’s dissatisfaction about my dad’s job which was about a technician who worked inside while my mom worked at the biggest company in London as secretary. Certainly my mom’s salary was more than my dad’s. So, she decided to leave us and married with another man. It made my dad’s broken heart. But he tried to move on and he fallen in love again with a widow who came from Wales and has one daughter. Finally, my dad got married with her. She becomes my stepmother and also her daughter becomes my stepsister. Precisely, Lynn is my older step sister because Lynn was 7 years old at that time. My stepmother really loves my dad. It doesn’t matter with my dad’s job because it’s usual for her. Because of she came from Wales, a country which the family life require for women work outside of the home and men stay at home, precisely she choose my dad as her husband. Anyway, my stepmother is a reporter. She had ever interviewed David Beckham, my favorite footballer.
           “Rick, this is your book. Thanks!” Lynn returned my notebook that she borrowed yesterday.
           Lynn is my classmate now. It’s not common because I’m younger than her. It happened because I had selected class acceleration so that’s why I could be Lynn’s classmate. Most of my friends said that I’m genius. Lynn often borrowed my notebook because something that I write on it is easy to understand. Furthermore, I can take care of Lynn anytime. So, I am in the 2nd grade of Senior High School at 15 years old and Lynn is 17 years old. It seems that Lynn loves me as her little brother and so do I because when I was with her several times ago, I understood about what’s the meaning of love. Yeah, I have found my love.
             The bell is ringing. The sounds startled me and woke me from my reverie. Now is 12.00 am and surely the break time is enough. Then, a guy who wears a shirt comes to my class. He is my teacher who teaches about chemistry. His name is Stephen Munkler, but I and also all students called him Mr. Steve. He is the youngest teacher in Westminster School. He is 22 years old. He is the best alumnus of the bachelor degree in University of Westminster and also alumnus of the master degree in University of Cambridge. He explains about the lesson. He occasionally smiles at Lynn and also me. Furthermore, Steve is our childhood friend. Our first meeting was in Sherwood Forest since 10 years ago. I and Lynn were playing darts at that time. When I threw a dart, it missed stuck in the tree. Steve took the dart for us and we introduced ourselves. Since then we make a friendship until now.
           “Rick, Mr. Steve asked me to answer the question. Can you help me?” My desk friend whispered to me.
           “What is the question?” I asked.
           “What is the name of (NH4)3PO4 ?” he continued. I whisper my answer to him.
“Ammonium Phosphate, Sir!” He answered the question loudly.
“Exactly! Your answer is perfect, Rick!” Mr. Steve complimented me. I think he knew the person who has answered his question. I grin.
           Now, it’s time for lunch. I choose legumes and afternoon tea for my lunch. I spend my lunch time at the canteen. Suddenly, a guy comes to me.
           “Do my homework now!” He shouted me. He puts some books on my desk.
           “I don’t have time for doing your homework. Sorry, I can’t.” I replied and bring my food and beverage to another table.
           But, the guy prevents me to go and then he hits me until I can’t move. He will hit me again but Lynn comes to me. As I thought, Lynn was hit by him and she falls on the floor. Then, Mr. Steve and The Principal of Westminster School come to us. The principal punished the mischievous guy. Meanwhile, Mr. Steve and I accompany Lynn to health room.
           “Take care of Lynn.” He said to me.
           “Sure.” I promised.
Then, he leaves us. I treat Lynn’s cheek which full of bruises, and so she does.
“What a nice guy he is!” Lynn said enthusiastically.
“I think so.” I replied.
“Yeah, that’s the reason why I crazy about him since we met at the Sherwood Forest. I think I really loved him. Kyaaa...” She said.
“W-what?” I gave response to her statement. I’m shocked. I didn’t expect!
“Ugh, I let the chance slip, unfortunately. Don’t tell to the others, Rick! Keep the secret, please!” Lynn begged me.
I nod and agree to keep Lynn’s secret. I don’t know why my heart’s broken. It’s hurt me a lot! How about Steve? Does he love Lynn likes she loves him too? I couldn’t think clearly. I can’t imagine about it. My brain was controlled by this pain.
Recently, I am lost an idea to make something that I must do. This morning, my dad comes to my room with a smile.
“Congratulation, Rick! You are choosen to participate in a student exchange to Indonesia this summer.” He said enthusiastically.
“What? How can it happened?” I’m confused. But actually I’m happy to hear that.
“Mr. Steve recommended you to the principal and then he approved it.” Lynn who came behind of the door explained about how can it happened.
“We will have a party to celebrate this good news. What do you think, Rick?” My stepmother suggested.
“I think it isn’t necessary. But thanks for think about it.” I replied with a smile.
“Oh, what happened with you Rick? Do you have some problems? We will help you to solve it together.” My stepmother calmed me.
“No problem. I’m just tired.” I lied.
“Just take a rest!” They said. Then, they leave me alone in my room.
“Hm... maybe if I take the choice to participate in a student exchange, it helps me to make my pain disappear.” I thought.
The end of spring is coming. I feel the different atmosphere in this night. Tomorrow, I must go to the airport to flights to Indonesia. Therefore, I want spend this end of season in England. I go to Sherwood Forest, the place where I express my feelings. I want to tell what I feel now. I don’t know to whom I want to tell, maybe the atmosphere understand what I feel.
I stand up under the tree which was surrounded by the fireflies. The fireflies shine bright like a diamond and fly to me. I catch one of them and then release it.
“Hey, do you know the place where the fireflies cry? They’re somewhere in the branches of this darkening forest. It seems you assumed that I’m your little brother. Even if I’m the only one daydreaming about you, you wouldn’t hear it. It’s a sad story, isn’t it?” I shouted.
           I see the darts plastered on the trunk of tree. I take it and threw the dart. I missed it but I do it reapetedly. My eyes looking straight for a darts.
           “Before the season finishes, I will go and fly somewhere. Just you being here beside me is painful. It’s a fleeting love.” I continued my words loudly.
           I’ve lost my way, the forest of my heart. I wonder, at least turn your face this way. But, I just can’t tell you about it because...
           “Hi, Bro! What are you doing here?” Someone’s voice really startled me. I turned to the source of sound. Oh, he is Steve!
           “Ah, Sir. I just want to play for a several times here.” I answered. It’s just an alibi.
           “Oh. You want to say goodbye to this place, right?” He guessed.
           “Exactly. It gets quiets if I’m not here. I’ve heard a thing said. The fireflies... the distant sky... But, tomorrow that you always think is lonely will be different to today. Isn’t it?” I guessed about what does he think about.
           “Hahaha... Yes, of course I and also Lynn will be lonely in this forest without you.” Steve justified.
           “Stop! Don’t talk about Lynn!” I thought. However, I just wry smile to hear that.
           “Err... about Lynn... Umm... I just want you to know that I love her.” He said.
           His words totally startled me. I just wanted you to discover a small thing, an unrequited love, I thought. But my hopes were disappeared since he told that he loves another one.  Steve and Lynn love each other but they don’t realize it and I accidentally break their relationship.
           “But I can’t tell her because I think she was falling in love with another guy.” He continued his words.
           “No! You’re wrong! Lynn really loves you too, Steve!” I thought. But I can’t throw my voice because I don’t know what I want to say. Afterwards, I hear the cicada’s voice and it helps me to say something.
           “A firefly which can’t throw the voice is more pathetic than a cicada. And you look like the firefly, Sir.” I said without looking at him.
           “What does it mean?” He asked.
           “It means that if the fireflies fall in love, then they will be silent because they can’t do anything. It’s different from the cicadas. They can tell their feelings to their love because they can threw their voice.” I tried to give a quote for him.
           “You must tell Lynn about it, I mean. I’m sure that she loves you too.” I suggested.
           Then, I decide to go home because I must prepare some things that I want to bring for tomorrow. Steve doesn’t know that his words hurt me a lot. And yeah, actually my feelings are different from my words. I’m a coward with the affection defense.
           1 month later...
           I study in Indonesia and now I’m spending my holiday in a small island in Indonesia. I really enjoy the summer. My handphone is rang. I got one e-mail from Lynn.
           I and Steve are spending our holiday in Wales. Enjoy your holiday in Indonesia, Rick! I read the email and see the picture that she sent for me.
           I guess that they go to Snowdonia National Park, the biggest park in Wales. They make a special relationship since 3 weeks ago and I was happy to hear that good news. I’m smile, not a fake smile. I swear! I don’t know when the pain was disappear. Yeah, my love for Steve, a forbidden love, was disappear. 
            I’m so happy to spend my holiday here. This is because I can move on from my heartbreak. It just like a firefly which shines bright and fly away on summer. I feel free without my love. Yeah, maybe love is never quick enough and I’m incomplete in the middle. But I’m sure that I’ll be born anew with another love. 
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creideamhgradochas · 6 years
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Thanks to the lovely @marvelatmytrash for taking the time to answer these! Get to know more about lovely Bee, go give her a follow and then show her some love!
These questions are from this list. You should check it out, there’s 50 questions all together and they’d be great to ask your favorite fic writer!
1) How old were you when you first starting writing fan-fiction?
I think I had just turned 22, I was fresh out of undergrad and wanted a way to keep my writing and editing skills sharp while I job hunted.
2) Do you prefer writing OC’s or reader inserts? Explain your answer.
I think I’ve only written reader inserts. I usually leave their physical attributes nondescript but I definitely create intense personalities to all my reader inserts. I think I do this because I want my readers to imagine themselves as these strong, kickass females, who are also vulnerable, but have weak spots, the same way all of us do. I put a lot of effort into creating strong female characters that still have flaws, no Mary Sues for me!
3) What is your favorite genre to write for?
I love writing Marvel. I pretty much only write Marvel, predominantly Canon because I have so much comic book knowledge, plus I love writing fight scenes.
4) If you had to delete one of your stories and never speak of it again, which would it be and why?
Oh lord, probably Compensation and Consequences, its just a small little one shot that I did as a request but its a Game of Thrones AU. It definitely has some problematic choices in it, I totally shoe horned the sex and attraction into it. Overall it’s just trash.
5) When is your preferred time to write?
I always find myself writing at 1am or onwards. A lot of the time I’ll just knuckle down around 1am and do what I call a writing sprint, where I’ll write all the new parts for whatever stories I’m working on and get them all done in one night, then edit the next day and start queuing them up.
6) Where do you take your inspiration from?
This is so embarrassing but I get most inspired by listening to musical soundtracks. There are a couple of my stories that have direct song quotes from Waitress and Heathers. Musicals are so rich and overdramatic, they have always been a big part of my emotional development. So whenever inspiration strikes I have a whole playlist of angst songs or love songs from various musicals that I just play in the background on repeat and I will shamelessly pull lines directly from them.
7) In your Divided series, what’s your favorite scene that you wrote?
Ooo that’s such a tough one, honestly that whole series is just one of my absolute favorites. But if I had to choose, I think the chase scene in Bucharest. It’s so dynamic and there is so much happening and I honestly watched that scene frame by frame for a week and worked this original character into it step by step.
8) Have you ever amended a story due to criticisms you’ve received after posting it?
I’ve never changed the story itself. A couple times I’ve changed the formatting at peoples suggestions. I didn’t chunk my paragraphs well when I first started, but someone suggested I break it up more so I did. It’s little changes like that, but I would never change what I write because someone dislikes it. My writing is for me, I’m just sharing it with others for fun.
9) Who is your favorite character to write for? Why?
Bucky. Absolutely Bucky. Though I am warming up to Steve. He has such dimension to him, he’s been a favorite of mine ever since I started reading comic books. His story is so sad and in-depth and there has always been room for new details and development in every reboot. He’s such a dynamic character and that makes him such a treat to write.
10) Who is your least favorite character to write for? Why?
Hahaha I guess Thor, but I actively avoid writing him cause his tone is so hard to get right without over doing it, so I’m not sure if he counts. Tony is tough too, cause you want to be quippy and clever without being over the top, and that’s a very fine line.
11) How did you come up with the title for the Divided series?
I am a big fan of one word titles, maybe I am just on the Disney train with Tangled, Brave, Frozen, etc. I love it when one word can encapsulate what the series is about and also when the word has more weight than just it’s basic meaning. Aftershocks, my first series, is a good example of this. The main character has suffered from shock torture and has a lot of scars and residual issues from it, but Aftershocks is also a psych term sometimes used to refer to the radiating effects of PTSD on the victim and those around them. Divided was the same way, it encapsulated both the theme of Civil War which is the changing and division of Tony and Steve’s relationship and also shows how Bucky and Steve, though still perceived as a unit are Divided now by not only their different experiences but their competition for the same woman.
12) How did you come up with the idea for Divided series?
I’m honestly not entirely sure. I had this basic idea of working a reader into Bucky’s story in Civil War, but the original plan didn’t have Steve involved at all and definitely wasn’t on the level that Divided eventually became. Once I decided that the reader would start with Steve, it immediately raised the stakes of the whole story and this character of The Scorpion began to take shape. After that, the whole thing got pretty easy, she was a fully formed character and a lot of what happened in Divided was just me asking myself what choices this character would make and how the surrounding characters would honestly respond. I try really hard to just develop my characters thoroughly and then let them make honest choices, I think that’s the best way to keep a story real and authentic.
13) Do you have any abandoned WIP’s? What made you abandon them?
Oh yes, my hidden shame, and it haunts me. It’s called Royal Flush, and it currently has 3 parts. It’s a T’Challa fic and a lot of people have found it and liked it and I feel so guilty that it hasn’t gone anywhere in a year. Honestly, this mess up is totally on me. I never draft out my stories, and I know I should, I usually just make it up as I got along and sometimes I just hit a blockade with where it’s going to go. I definitely want to finish that fic, but just have no idea how, so if anyone has any ideas or suggestions, throw them my way!
14) Are there any stories that you’ve written that you’d really love to do a sequel to?
I’m going to say Divided, just because it is one of my favorites and I so deeply love Scorpion as a character. Her struggle in Divided was so hard and I hate to leave her there just heartbroken. I have drafted a couple followups for that story, but after how Infinity War ended, I feel like it would just be cruel to put her through losing Bucky all over again.
15) Are there any stories that you wished you’d ended differently?
I am happy to say that there are none that I would do differently. I’m extremely content in how they all ended.
16) Tell me about another writer(s) who you admire? What is it about them that you admire?
I mean first and foremost, I have to talk about @imhereforbvcky, she was my first real friend on here. We started talking when I was writing Aftershocks and I eventually convinced her to take a crack at writing herself and she finally did and wrote this incredible fic, I’ll Be Good. It honestly is so amazing! Mee specializes in the fem fatale, she writes these incredible badasses that are all dark and twisty, I honestly don’t know how she makes violence so elegant, but she does.
@denialanderror is another one, her Melodies series is so perfect and lovely, she gets this beautiful vulnerability to Bucky that just attacks my heart. It’s such a wonderful change of pace from the way that I write and I always reread it whenever I need to be reminded of the soft parts in his personhood. I honestly love it so much and recommend it to everyone. Plus she is an amazing friend and such a fun person to send memes back and forth with.
Finally @bitsandbobsandstuff just full on destroyed me as a person with Safe With Me. That story honestly puts everything I’ve ever written to shame, her deep understanding of Bucky as a character is just like nothing else I’ve ever read. It’s such an in-depth story with an incredible slow burn, if you haven’t read it yet, you are missing out.
17) Do you have a story that you look back on and cringe when you reread it?
I cringe a little bit with Aftershocks, my first series, but I also see a lot of value in it. Whenever I get stuck or think my writing isn’t good enough, I reread it and remind myself how far I have come as a writer, and that always helps to get me back on track.
18) Do you prefer listening to music when you’re writing or do you need silence?
Both, sometimes I just have the same song playing on repeat in the background, other times I need complete silence cause the monologue in my head is flowing so quickly. I definitely edit in silence, I cannot hear my tone or catch my mistakes when rereading if I don’t have silence.
19) Have you ever cried whilst writing a story?
Hahaha I have, I cried while writing a couple parts of Divided, that story is very close to my heart cause the love triangle in it is unfortunately something that happened to me, and I accidentally hurt someone I cared for a lot.
20) Which part of your Divided series fic was the hardest to write?
Hahaha probably the one or two sex scenes I snuck into it hahaha. It was just not a story that really leant itself to smut. Like you’re not going to be running for your life, camping out with fellow teammates and just quietly have a fuck in the dirt. So squeezing those sex scenes in there always felt a bit funny to me, but I think in the long run they both fit and were put in at appropriate times.
21) Do you make a general outline for your stories or do you just go with the flow?
I probably should make an outline but I always just go with the flow, I honestly have no idea where my stories are going till they get there. But I do reread my story whenever I get stuck so that way I can tie things back in or close up lose ends.
22) What is something you wished you’d known before you started posting fan-fiction?
To breakup my paragraphs and use the keep reading button hahaha
23) Do you have a story that you feel doesn’t get as much love as you’d like?
I am currently feeling that way about a story I just started called Siren’s Soldier, so I paused it for a little bit to see if it was worth continuing but it recently got a bunch of love while I was in Italy so it might be time to come back to it.
24) In contrast to 23 is there a story which gets lots of love which you kinda eye roll at?
Nothing that I’ve written to be honest. There are a couple of exceptionally problematic stories that have an absurd amount of notes and that bums me out, just because I don’t like seeing those kind of relationships idolized or modeled. To clarify, the issue I have is that these kind of stories have a lot of gas lighting, self harm, non consensual sex, and sometimes even violent relationship dynamics. I work very hard to make sure that my characters model healthy relationship habits and positive communication because we need to stop romanticizing rape and abuse in relationships, so it bugs me when fics that do that are popular.
25) Are any of your characters based on real people?
I model my readers off of specific parts on my own personality. I essentially take one side of myself and just exacerbate it into a whole character. I am a very independent person and a feminist myself so a lot of my female characters have those similar qualities of independence and confidence. Especially when doing reader inserts, you want to make the character someone that you yourself want to be, your alter ego, someone to escape to. That’s why I’ll let my characters, be selfish or shitty communicators but I’ll never let them get down on themselves, we do enough of that in our real lives, lets not do it in our fantasy lives.
26) What’s the biggest compliment you’ve gotten?
Hmmm this is a hard one, @imhereforbvcky sent me a very disarming compliment the other day that totally moved me to tears. But most of the ones that really hit me are when people recognize the amount of effort that goes into everything, or when they message me to talk about my story and see all the little easter eggs I’ve tossed into the early chapters. I also live for every reblog you’ve ever done, they always make me feel so loved and valued, I’ve honestly have gone back and reread your reblogs when I’m feeling down on my writing and they always pick me back up. It takes a lot of time to create a world and characters and tie everything together in one neat story and having that recognized always makes my heart sing!
27) What’s the harshest criticism you’ve gotten?
I haven’t really gotten a lot of harsh criticism, I’ve gotten bullshit anonymous messages that are just mean, but no real criticism. I’ve gotten constructive criticism but a lot of that has been kind and helpful so I don’t take that personally at all.
28) Do you share your story ideas with anyone else or do you keep them close to your chest?
@imhereforbvcky and @denialanderror and I have a group chat on instagram so whenever I’m particularly jazzed about something I drop the premise into that chat and get their feedback but most of my big twists or turns I keep close to my chest so that way they can be a surprise to everyone.
29) Do people know you write fan-fiction? In my real life?
Some people. My best friend knows but she’s never read it. My boyfriend knows and sometimes reads the smut I write and will use it against me in bed. He frequently likes to quote some of my own lines to me, he thinks its funny, I don’t find it as amusing. But he is a lot of my inspiration for writing positive relationship dynamics, we work really hard at having a healthy, communicative relationship and that manifests in my writing frequently.
30) What’s you favorite minor character you’ve written?
I really like Om, this character I wrote for Siren’s Soldier, they are non binary and do not have a set gender identity so that was fun to play with and extrapolate on, especially because their non-binary personality had a lot to do with their power so that was really cool to explore to explore.
31) What spurs you on during the writing process?
I generally get really excited when things are free flowing so I guess I spur myself on. I take a lot of joy and pleasure in the things I write and feel my stomach twist when I’m writing suspenseful parts, so a lot of it is just my own enjoyment.
32) What’s your favorite trope to write?
I’m a sucker for the slow burn, so I love writing the enemies become lovers trope. Usually I don’t actually start them as real enemies, but they never start close or as friends. I’m not a big fan of the falling in love with my best friend trope, as I have a bunch of guy friends that I have never once had an urge to fall in love with haha.
33) Can you remember the first fic you read? What was it about?
Oh god, I honestly can’t. I wish I could. I didn’t start reading fanfic until after Civil War came out and I graduated from college. I remember being in a place where I was just disenchanted with porn but I was super into marvel so I went looking for marvel smut on the internet and found the Bucky smut rabbit hole. I remember reading a lot of different stories and never finding exactly what I wanted and also finding a lot of problematic sexual relationships. At that time I was working as a sex education teacher and I remember thinking that I could write better smut with healthier relationship dynamics, and I did. That’s how it all started.
34) If you could write only angst, fluff or smut for the rest of your writing life, which would it be and why?
Ooooh blimey, this is impossible because I write a combination of all three most times. I guess I would have to say angst, causing it doesn’t get boring so easily. There are so many angst tropes to explore and play with. So yes, definitely angst.
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Life is One Big Trip
I’m writing this using Pages (Mac’s word processing app) because I wanted to start trying to write these blog posts offline without an internet connection first, and then later pasting it into Tumblr once I got back home or around a wi-fi connection.
Today was my aunt and uncle’s funeral service and to be honest, it was a little weird attending. Usually we’d be attending these functions shortly after they pass, but because of COVID, things had to be pushed back a bit. It was great seeing my family and cousins though, some of which i havent seen since Ervin’s 21st birthday in Vegas. Wild. But, just like family, you pick up right where you left off with them even after not seeing them for some time.
5/1/2021 - 10:35am
I didn’t end up finishing that last post above yesterday, so here I am today on May 1st to write again.
Last night, I went to my cousin’s place for pizza and white claws. This was hours after my aunt and uncle’s funeral service, we just decided to get together and spend time. It was great to just hang out for a bit and take a much needed break from everything. I’ve been feeling the need to do this more and to really slow down these past few days. I think if 2020 had me on a rollercoaster ride… 2021 is definitely the year to slow down, scale back, and take time for ME.
I’ve been reflecting on alot of the great things I’ve gotten the opportunity to be apart of and it’s shaped me into the person I am today. Since I was about 15 years old, I’ve been involved in alot of “extracurricular” activities outside of the normal. Be it dance, DJing, creative collectives, etc. There was always the need to feel accepted and to feel like I belong to something bigger than myself.
Now however, I feel like I need to carve my own path and my own lane. Not for attention or fame or money, but to make sense of all the things I have learned and picked up in this life. I create something, a new thing, out of “nothing”.
I’m sitting in the passenger seat of my own car right now, outside in the parking lot of my apartment complex. A steady breeze rustles the leaves slightly providing a sort of peaceful “White noise” while I write. It was really hot yesterday at 90 degrees, today however is a really mellow 72 degrees. I have my seat slightly reclined and I’m relaxed into a position where writing/typing feels effortless.
Who goes from typing about something so meta in the last few paragraphs to describing their physical surroundings in which they write in. i do. LOL. whatever fuck it.
I dropped my Dad off to the race track not too long ago (Time check: 12:59pm), today is apparently the biggest race day and he wanted to go. My Dad and I have a very interesting relationship… He’s always been the one to question everything going on in the world. He is a skeptic about most things. We like to talk about UFOs, Aliens, the future of technology, the universe, really anything. I can bring up any topic, and we can have a deep insightful conversation about it in minutes. I attribute alot of my own curiosity of the world to my Dad. Growing up with him, he always challenged me to think outside of the box and to come to my own conclusions about things, to not always believe what the news/media/or the internet tells you. He’s a smart dude.
Today, my goal is to plan the rest of this month out, contact who needs to be contacted, and submit my portfolio and resume to my friend who’s got open UX design positions at her company. The opportunities are revealing themselves and with the economy slowly opening back up, I feel a hiring surge is on the horizon.
Really, all I need to do is to put myself out and go for it. This job hunt puts me at a life changing crossroads.
14 days till my birthday…
-end- 1:07pm
The birds are still chirping and the steady breeze is still blowing. Life is one big trip.
0 notes
purplesurveys · 3 years
survey by lets-make-surveys
1 - When was the last time you had a roast dinner? What kind of meat or vegetarian option did you have with it? That’s not really a thing we do here, but for our noche buena dinner we did have roast chicken with rosemary as one of our dishes. It was surrounded with bangus (milkfish), lumpia with cheese, callos, baked macaroni with cheese, and mashed potatoes with gravy. My family has never been traditional when it comes to Christmas food and I’ve never tried hamon or queso de bola.
2 - When was the last time you drove or travelled for over an hour? Where did you go? It is for sure going to be today because we’ll be driving to Laguna to visit my dad’s family wearing our face masks, face shields, equipped with alcohol and hand sanitizer, and ready to follow social distancing.
3 - What’s your favourite kind of coffee to order (eg. cappuccino, latte etc.)? I’ve been ordering caramel macchiato in the last...6–7 years. If a coffee shop doesn’t serve it, the next thing I go for is whatever sounds like the sweetest drink on their menu, like a chocolate chip truffle frappe or something like that.
4 - When you get old, are you going to let your hair go grey or dye it instead? I will probably dye it for a bit, like what my grandma used to do. But I guess it’ll also depend; I might end up liking grey hair and not feel the need to change how it looks.
5 - What genre was the last book you read? Was it any good? I can’t remember which one it was but it was definitely a wrestler’s memoir; I must’ve read around four this year. The best ones I read are always of Chris Jericho since he has fantastic stories but he also knows how to write well. A lot of wrestlers have great stories, but are so-so in writing.
6 - Did you ever wear braces on your teeth? Yeah, briefly from the end of middle school to freshman year of high school. I need to get braces again, though.
7 - When was the last time you were relieved about something? What caused you to feel that way? Continued from earlier today. We brought both dogs to my dad’s family’s place today and I was glad that they were fast asleep on our drive back home and that neither felt bad and puked.
8 - Where was the last place you went that required you to wear a mask? Are you used to having to wear one now? Everyone is required to wear masks as long as they find themselves outdoors, period. I wear one even if I’m just walking one of my dogs in our backyard. I’m definitely more used to it now, compared to months ago when I had just started going out again and would be forgetful when it came to masks.
9 - How often do you receive calls from unknown numbers? Do you ever answer them? I get them a lot more often now that I’m working and have to coordinate with third-party people...I get unknown numbers once or twice a week. As much as it irritates me, I have no choice but to answer all of them now.
10 - What’s your favourite condiment to have with sausages or hot dogs (or the vegetarian equivalent)? Whenever I have a sausage/hotdog in a bun, I’d be glad to simply have mayonnaise on it.
11 - Which fictional character can you relate to the most? Is this a character from film, TV or a book? Monica Geller from Friends.
12 - Do you groom your eyebrows? If so, how? Nah, haven’t in a long time. It’s just not something I’ve ever particularly cared about. Whenever I have to, I just shave them. I also haven’t had a trichotillomania episode with my eyebrows, which is a relieving thing to realize.
13 - Did you get “told off” for anything the last time you went to the dentist or was everything okay? My last trip went smoothly. I just had a tooth extracted and there wasn’t really anything to reprimand me for since the tooth was already damaged.
14 - Would you rather get a starter or dessert? Have always been more of a savory girl than sweet, so I’ll go with the starter.
15 - Have you ever been involved with the police? Did you find them to be helpful? I mean...I guess? Kind of? I wasn’t arrested by any means, but I was a journalism student, so *shrug* pretty self-explanatory lol. There was one time in one class where we were all required to write a story covering the police beat, so I had to stay at a police station in Manila and wait for any tips or leads to come in. I was in freshman year and was absolutely scared, but I did have a classmate/friend with me ‘cause we were in the same class and she needed a lead as well.
16 - Are you tired at the moment? Is there a specific reason you feel that way? I am extremely tired and would pass out in a second if I let myself. But I had been out all day and didn’t have the chance to do anything I wanted to do whether it was doing embroidery, watching 2 Days 1 Night, or taking a survey, so I’m making up for all the lost time and powering through this survey.
17 - Are you big on colour coordination? Does that just apply to your outfits or to the rest of your life as well? It rarely comes to mind. It’s not something I feel the need to maintain, precisely because I’m very inconsistent with maintenance. Even though I know I possess the necessary effort and patience to organize a group of items by color, I also know it would be disorganized in less than a week.
18 - What shoes did you last wear? How long have you had them? Puma sneakers. Yep, I’ve had them for the past two years.
19 - When was the last time you wore make-up? What kind of make-up was it? September, for my first job interview. My items were simple; just an eyeliner pencil and some lip gloss.
20 - Have you ever slipped or skidded on the ice? Did you end up getting hurt? Continued from last night because I’ve been so sloppy at taking surveys lately, loooool. I’ve slipped a few times on ice skating rinks before. I don’t know if it’s the same experience, but whenever it happened to me I usually felt more embarrassed than hurt. It only hurt quite a bit when the cause of my fall was crashing into someone on the rink.
21 - Do you wear glasses or contacts? I wear glasses, but I already need to change mine since my eyesight has gotten worse and the lens that are on my current pair aren’t for me anymore.
22 - Do you own any photo albums? Are they dedicated to special occasions or just a random selection of photos? My mom made several photo albums for her kids from our childhood days so each of us have lots of photos from age 0 to about 7 or 8. I haven’t made a photo album just for myself, though I really should. Making memories with a film camera and having them developed still sounds very appealing to me.
23 - What was the last reason for you using a spoon? I was mixing my coffee to make sure all the granules are mixed into the water.
24 - Did your state/region go into lockdown or similar back when Covid hit in March? What did you do to pass the time while you were stuck at home? Of course. I would be more surprised to hear of a city or region anywhere in the world that did not go into lockdown. March was a livelier, more optimistic time, so I tried out lots of new things while the lockdown was still fresh and no one had any clue for how long it would actually pan out, and continue to pan out until the literal end of the year. I played the Switch for longer hours, tried making dalgona coffee, watched Descendants of the Sun, pulled more all-nighters, revisited computer games from my childhood, and did my thesis chapter by chapter with Andi.
25 - What’s your favourite meal of the day - breakfast, lunch or dinner? In my family, lunch and dinner are very identical so I’d go with either of them.
26 - Who was the last person you texted? How do you know that person? I have not touched my phone in a while, believe it or not...I haven’t needed it much during the holiday break. I think it was my cousin? He’s a relative, so I’ve known him since birth.
27 - What was the last thing you put in a sandwich? A hotdog.
28 - What was the reason behind the last time you shouted or raised your voice? I was at my dad’s family’s last night and I had ordered four boxes of empanadas from their business, and I was trying to hand over the P500 bill to my aunt (the total was like P300, but I gave them bonus to serve as my treat and my gift). I kept trying to give it and she kept rejecting it and putting it back in my pocket hahaha, so it became like a game for me to see which tiny space in the house I can squeeze the bill in so she can stop retorting. It turned into a funny cat and mouse situation and I ended up raising my voice a few times.
29 - Are you a citizen of more than one country? Would you ever use that advantage to move abroad? No.
30 - Do you know how to change a tyre? Could you do it without help? HAH, no. I am fucked if it ever happens and when it does, I really hope luck would be on my side that day and have a kind stranger that knows how to change tyres walk or drive by.
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athyrabunlord · 7 years
LLSHP 14 - Farewell
Arc1: [Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4] [Chapter 5] [Chapter 6] [Chapter 7]
Arc2: [Chapter 8] [Chapter 9] [Chapter 10] [Chapter 11] [Chapter 12] [Chapter 13] [Chapter 14]
Arc3: [Chapter 15] [Chapter 16] [Chapter 17] [Chapter 18 - sanguinem pudicitia (TBD)]
Interludes: [Carbonado (1)] [Carbonado (2)] [Of Feathers and Wind] [Delphinus (teaser blip)]
[Brief note about School Term] [other LLSHP AU stuff] [YohaMaRuby concept arts] [ChikaYouRiko concept arts] [KanaDiaMari concept arts] [Hogwarts Staff]
[FFN link] (up until ch14!) [Pixiv Link] [Translated to Chinese by plin2290]
A/N: Sorry this took over a month! The last chapter was a horrible cliffhanger XD;; Well, issues IRL make it hard to write. Yoshiko’s state of mind is hard to portray as well sigh. Anyway, this is the last chapter of Arc2. Before moving onto Arc3 (which is also the last arc of this story), I will be writing another Interlude, to fill in some blanks and to transition into Arc3. As always, thanks for reading and the support! Hope you’ll enjoy this chapter! Words: 5,717
Yoshiko could only stare in horror as the wand pieces slowly fall from Hanamaru’s loose hands, landing with a soft thud that echoes rather loudly in her ears. The brunette just stands there, her gaze lost and her face pale.
Even though Immobulus has lifted due to the broken wand, Yoshiko still couldn’t move. Numb, she glances between the girl and the two halves of the now useless wooden stick.
“You foolish human.”
Hanamaru’s eyes widen a fraction when a dark-colored spell strikes her in the back. Like a marionette with its strings cut off, she slumps sideways in a heap.
Snapped out of her daze, Yoshiko hurries forward and gathers the petite girl in her arms, though she keeps her wand warily pointed at the smirking Yohane.
“Hanamaru-! Hanamaru!! Can you hear me? Hanamaru!”
After a few frantic shakes, Hanamaru languidly opens her eyes and moans in pain. Her gaze is unfocused and her breathing is rather shallow and strained. “C-Cold… cold… nngh…”
Yoshiko grasps for her hand, blanching at how cold her skin is. When she gently caresses Hanamaru’s cheek, she notices how alarmingly hot it feels in contrast.
“What did you do to her!”
“Hmm, something similar to what I did to that blonde girl, except this time it’s a bull’s eye.” Yohane appears quite pleased. “Good to know it does work.”
Yoshiko recalls the Moonstruck incident, of how Mari was unable to utilize magic and had taken a while to recover her strength. Wandless and now hit by this unknown Curse, what does this mean for Hanamaru?
Though filled with rage, Yoshiko could not utter any incantation to attack Yohane. The winged girl tilts her head and smiles prettily, her gaze condescending as if daring her to attack and scorning her for her weakness.
“You’re useless, both of you.”
Yoshiko trembles in anger, her magic sparkling at the tip of her wand yet her parched throat still refuses to cooperate.
“It’s okay though. I was once just as powerless as you are, so disgustingly useless.” There’s pity, perhaps even sympathy in Yohane’s soft voice, and it sickens Yoshiko to her core. “But then I learned and grew up. You see, the two of you are hindered by mortal emotions. The same goes for Lily and the Kurosawa heiress. They brought their own downfall.”
“How dare you-!” Yoshiko snarls, this time successfully firing a Diffindo at her adversary. However, just as expected, Yohane blocks the Severing Charm with her wing. None of the feathers are ruffled, remaining as impeccable and glossy as ever. She continues speaking as if a potentially fatal spell hasn’t been sent to her.
“I must say I’m disappointed in Hanamaru. She has such potential! I thought she was worthy to be by my side. Alas, it appears that she has chosen you,” Yohane narrows her eyes, her tone dropping to a venomous octave. “How dare a little demon betray her master!?”
Maybe it is instincts, or her intangible connection to Yohane, for Yoshiko senses her intent the moment Riko’s wand is pointed at Hanamaru. Frantic, Yoshiko pushes the defenseless girl behind her and spreads her arms wide just as Yohane fires the terrible Curse.
She screams.
It’s pure agony.
Nothing can compare.
Her nerves are on fire.
Her mind is blank and she couldn’t think.
Not even to pray for the pain to stop.
It only lasts a few seconds, but the aftermaths still cause excruciating stings to travel up and down her limbs. She is vaguely aware of being half-curled up on the ground, her wide eyes staring at the spinning ceiling. As she struggles to breathe, she barely hears Yohane’s contemplative voice.
“...it’s freakish hearing my own voice screaming. Perhaps I’m not as detached as I thought, still hindered by mortal emotions. I’ve spoken too much to you already because I took pity on your ignorance...”
Quivering, Yoshiko manages to roll onto her back and peers weakly at Hanamaru’s prone form. Is this it? This is what Chika, You and Riko had felt, struck by this torture Curse? Riko was right in Obliviating them back then. It’s better off not remembering anything if only to escape such agony. But how about Riko? How will she recover… if ever?
Tears slide down her cheeks in streams, though she isn’t quite sure why she is crying. From the pain? From self-pity? From… guilt?
Even though Yohane is the one ultimately making her friends suffer, Yoshiko feels just as much blame. And, in a way, her existence causes Yohane to become the way she is too.
What should she do?
What can she do?
Before Hanamaru broke her own wand, Yoshiko’s goal had been to save her but how could she do that now-?
“I don’t want your blood on my hands, so I’ve made my choice,” Yohane says suddenly and stretches her wings wide.
Under the dim light of the Chamber of Secrets, surrounded by darkness and faint silhouettes of wall carvings and ornaments, Yohane truly looks every inch of the charismatic fallen angel that Yoshiko once aspired to become. Shadows begin to descend upon them, hovering closer and closer as they follow Yohane’s command.
Shivering, Yoshiko notices that her breaths are coming out in white puffs, for the temperature around them has dropped drastically. Before, her body was seized in fatigue but as the cloaked figures glide towards her, she understands that it is sheer terror that paralyzes her.
“Consider this my last concession towards you two.” Yoshiko could not see the winged girl’s expression but she could hear the complacency in her tone. “They should be familiar, no? Don’t worry, it’ll be painless, and it’ll be over within moments. Your souls shall forever become part of them, and thus part of my legion. Is that not wonderful?”
Yoshiko twitches feebly, her hand desperately reaching for Hanamaru’s. The brunette’s hoarse whimpering feels like continuous stabs to her heart, especially because she couldn’t do a goddamn thing to protect her.
Her vision flickers in and out of focus until only tunnel vision remains. Instead of the ceiling, she’s watching her memories flash by one by one in reverse.
And only the bad ones.
Riko lying motionlessly in the basement of the Hut; the werewolf’s trapped body; the tendrils oozing out of her hand and slashing at Kanan’s Animagus form-
“What’s she doing again?”
“Some black magic ritual… seriously, what’s wrong with her?”
“Junior high students shouldn’t be doing stupid stuff like this.”
“She calls herself a fallen angel, hahaha! Probably watches too much anime!”
Yoshiko holds up her head high, ignoring their whispered conversations, snickers and any odd looks. Her classmates are the foolish ones. They have no idea what she’s capable of! Ku ku ku, she’ll show them! Compared to the series of misfortunes she’s experienced, bullying means nothing!
...yeah, it doesn’t affect her at all.
“Now now, there is no such thing as magic, angels and all that. Tsushima-san, you must have been hallucinating. Cups don’t move on their own.”
The psychiatrist’s patronizing smile only irritates Yoshiko. Alas, the ten-year-old could only glare at the adult, who shakes his head at her lack of response.
“You’re a bright kid, from what I can see from your assessments. I can only hope this is a phase and you’ll grow out of it.”
Yoshiko huffs. Oh she’s tried to be ‘normal’ like every other kid, but the feeling of ‘wrong’ is just so pervasive that she has to trust her instincts. She’s not hurting anyone, so why can’t she just be herself?
“What did you do?”
The matron’s panicked voice makes Yoshiko want to flee too, but the six-year-old could only sit there and stare at the empty space where the stool’s leg once stands. She then tilts her head and claps her hands proudly.
“Look, I have special powers! Hehe, I really am an angel!”
Her smile drops at the matron’s somber expression. Did she do something she’s not supposed to do? But she’s been a good girl, following rules and always on her best behavior…
“W-Why are you crying?!”
“Uuuaaa! Yoshiko-chan is going to disappear! Uuuaaa!”
“What!? No I’m not! What makes you think that?”
“Y-You said y-you’re going to -hic-  return to the -hic- sky! I-I’m not an angel, so I can’t -hic- go with you!”
“What? That’s silly. You’re silly, Zuramaru.”
“What -hic- do you mean?”
“When I return to the sky, I’ll bring you with me, duh! So stop crying already.”
The pudgy-cheeked brunette rubs her eyes and beams up at Yoshiko. “Promise?”
“Promise!” The two small five-year-olds lock their pinkie fingers, giggling as they resume playing at the monkey bars and slide.
Right, Hanamaru’s always believed in her… but, is this her memory, or Yohane’s? Yoshiko doesn’t know anymore. She reviews the memory in a detached manner, both fascinated and saddened by the scene before her.
The petite brunette was always by herself at the playground, engrossed in the thick books she brought every time her grandparents dropped her off by the bench. The other kids would only give her curious glances but not once invited the quiet girl to their games. Yoshiko decided to approach her one random day, having failed in recruiting any of the other kids. None of them believed that she was an angel, so maybe this girl would?
“Whatcha reading?”
The ochre-eyed girl jolts and peers at her shyly, probably not expecting anyone to talk to her. After Yoshiko takes a seat beside her, she relaxes slightly and gives her a friendly smile. “An encyclopedia zura!”
“En-sy-klo-wut?” Yoshiko leans close, frowning at the big paragraphs and terms she couldn’t even pronounce, let alone understand. At least, those colored pictures look cool!
“It’s like a collection of information about various subjects zura,” the small girl looks happy at her interest. “Would you like to read with me? I’m on the chapter about the Earth’s core zura!”
Shrugging, Yoshiko then found herself spending the rest of the day with this girl, who had the weirdest dialect. It was fun though, looking at the pictures and learning about stuff like volcanoes and earthquakes and tsunamis. Through the girl’s helpful explanations, Yoshiko now understood why these natural disasters happened, and how land only made up a small portion of the world.
“Wow, so we live… on a planet… that’s mostly water?”
“Yup! The oceans are huuuuuge zura!” The girl spread her arms wide, her eyes sparkling. “And deep too! There are many places people haven’t explored yet! Look at this zura!”
Yoshiko stared at the odd-looking fish on the page. It was bony and, frankly, ugly. At least, next to the toothy monster called ‘Anglerfish’ or something, this deep-sea fish looked more dignified. After reading a bit more, she became more attached to this odd ‘living fossil’. Apparently, its kind has lived in this world for millions of years! How incredible!
“I’ve decided, this SHIIRA-KANSU is gonna be my little demon!”
Yoshiko flustered. She wasn’t prepared to introduce the concept to the girl yet. She thought of herself as an angel but she’s also considered the possibility of being an angel trapped in the mortal world. That was why she needed to recruit followers and minions, her little demons, to help her return to where she should be.
The question was, how could she explain all that to this girl without getting shunned like everyone else did?
To her surprise, the brunette gave her a big smile. “That’s pretty cool! Tell me more zura! I like good stories!”
At least, she seemed to think it was a story. Only a fine line existed between fiction and nonfiction, so there was hope to recruit her! Grinning, Yoshiko spent the rest of the afternoon running around the playground with the giggling girl. They made up more and more aquatic characters to join the coelacanth, drawing them in the sand with sticks. “Shiira~” “Kansu!” “Shiira~” “Kansu!”
They danced and chanted. It was the most fun the two little girls ever had.
Hanamaru was her first friend.
Whether this memory was hers or not, this feeling of pure joy was real.
Yoshiko could feel strength and a bit of warmth returning to her body. By concentrating her mind on this positive feeling, her senses are no longer muddled and she could think again. She doesn’t remember the specifics, and she certainly doesn’t remember where and why the Dementor attacked them when they were so little.
But she is certain of this feeling. Her first friend, and now…
She painstakingly sits up and grasps for her wand. “I may have fallen, but I’m not as far gone as you are.”
Yohane quirks an eyebrow, unimpressed. “Oh?”
Yoshiko smiles serenely.  “I will protect the girl I love, and rid you from her world.”
The fallen angel scoffs and flicks Riko’s wand. A Dementor raises its bony, rotten hand towards Yoshiko, and she could feel those depressing memories resume clawing at the edges of her vision. She takes a deep breath and focuses her thoughts on Hanamaru and Hanamaru only.
Her hand is surprisingly steady as she points her wand at the atrocious creature. “Expecto patronum!!”
There’s a burst of light, causing the Dementors to reel back with raspy shrieks that sound more like sandpaper dragging against another. A silver fish, just as bony yet noble as the one from the illustration, elegantly swims across the air. Wisps of light flutter behind it like waves and the tidal wave of its magic forces the Dementors to retreat. The coelacanth gives chase, its relatively small size belying its tremendous power as it shoots across the air like a torpedo.
The silver waves around it give off an illusion of a hungry shark chasing after its preys. The Dementors, seemingly anxious to avoid getting in contact with the light, have no choice but to flee entirely.
The coelacanth then swims towards the small ball of fur, gently enshrouding the unconscious bat in a veil of silver light. Wordlessly, Yoshiko uses a Charm to summon Lucifer towards her and gingerly places her little demon beside Hanamaru. The brunette’s breathing has evened out and she is no longer trembling.
As if in a trance, Yoshiko holds out her hand towards the approaching coelacanth, the tip of her finger touching its translucent head. It is surreal, that she’s finally able to cast a corporeal Patronus and actually fight off the Dementors.
��Thank you, Shiirakansu.”
The Patronus is conjured from the memory of her feelings for Hanamaru after all.
“H-How? How are you able to cast the Patronus-?” For the first time since their encounter, Yohane’s composure has cracked. Fear flickers in those narrowed red eyes as she raises the sakura wand defensively. “How could you, when I can’t-?”
“I don’t know,” Yoshiko murmurs, still wrapped in the sensation of floating even though her feet are rooted on the ground. “But… maybe, it’s because I love her.”
Yohane’s expression contorts to something that could only be described as Devil-like, so full of hatred and murderous intent. She flaps her wings, sending powerful gusts towards them as she springs into the air.
Before she could make the next move, the coelacanth suddenly charges towards her. The Patronus tears through Yohane’s left wing despite being impenetrable under all those spells earlier. At the same moment, it feels as if a sledgehammer strikes Yoshiko in the left chest.
She collapses on her knees, clutching her heart, while Yohane plummets to the ground and groans in pain. She could feel her strength waning, similar to how she almost lost consciousness from when the Dementors appeared, yet it also feels different in a frightening way.
Something drips onto her hand and it takes her a moment to register what the dark liquid is.
Yohane looks just as shocked as Yoshiko, glancing between her damaged wing and the blood trickling out of the latter’s nose. Tendrils of black magic attempt to fix the gaping hole in her left wing but to no avail.
“... if either of us gets injured, the other cannot escape unscathed either huh…” Yohane’s voice is rather shaky, her face pale as if unable to accept such revelation.
On the other hand, Yoshiko feels strangely calm as she stares at the blood in her palm in morbid fascination. She’s supposed to be a matured Horcrux, an entity that was once just a quill pen, yet she was given a chance to experience a human’s life.
Since she’s not a human in the first place, why be fearful of death? Now, she has the power to protect Hanamaru, so she has nothing to be scared of anymore. If wiping out her existence can defeat Yohane, to cause the Fallen’s downfall, then that’s a rather cheap price to pay. This way, her friends would no longer suffer, and there will be no more danger to Hanamaru and the others.
This way, she could atone for Father and Mother’s deaths.
Grim determination fuels her exhausted body as she raises her wand once more. She pours all of her magic into her Patronus, causing it to shimmer even brighter than ever.
“Farewell, datenshi Yohane.”
“No...no! Don’t come near me!” Yohane snarls desperately, dissolving her feathered wings into a black mist of raw magic before directing it to intercept the coelacanth’s dive.
The collision causes a terrible explosion that sends the two girls flying. Yoshiko barely registers crashing against the wall, no longer feeling pain or any other senses for that matter. Her consciousness is starting to drift away again.
Before that blissful oblivion could claim her, Yohane’s distorted voice reverberates in her mind and squashes her hope for ending this once and for all.
“We’ll meet again. Yoshiko. Next time, I won’t be so careless. Next time, I won’t be so soft… I will reclaim you, one way or another.”
Yoshiko passes out with a wry smile on her face.
She wakes up to the sensation of terrible fatigue weighing down her limbs.
Opening her eyes alone seems to drain her, and she musters all her willpower to keep her mind from floating away. The acrid smell of blood no longer fills her nostrils; instead, she is soothed by the fresh scent of clean linen and sweet fragrance of potions. Though her vision is limited, she deduces that she is in the Hospital Wing.
Ah, she is still alive, somehow.
She feels oddly detached even as Ruby appears in her vision, followed by Chika and You with Mari and Kanan close behind. She should feel relieved and happy to see her friends, yet there’s a void in her emotions. Perhaps she’s simply tired from everything.
She should be disconcerted by her lack of emotion, but she isn’t. She doesn’t care about herself anymore, really, but she doesn’t want her friends to worry either. She closes her eyes wearily for a few moments before opening them again, vowing to at least try to act normal.
“Can you hear us?” Ruby gingerly reaches for Yoshiko’s hand, smiling when the latter weakly squeezes back. “Y-You recognize us, right?”
Yoshiko nods slowly, unable to speak due to how dry her throat feels. Noticing her discomfort, Ruby hastily helps her sit up and summons a glass of water.
“You’ve been unconscious for a whole day,” Mari says grimly, and the bags under their eyes imply they probably have not slept since.
Though touched by their concern, Yoshiko’s mind couldn’t seem to grasp at that gratitude and soon she feels like a hollow husk again. She drinks the water mechanically, if only for the sake of being able to speak.
“...where… Hana...maru…”
Kanan gestures at the neighboring bed and, with Ruby’s help, Yoshiko is able to see Hanamaru’s sleeping form, tucked snuggly under the blanket. She looks unharmed, and the small cut on her cheek must have been long healed by the school’s matron.
Under Yoshiko’s questioning gaze, You elaborates with a shaky sigh. “Chika-chan and I found you two in the abandoned lavatory. When we left St. Mungo’s and returned here, we looked all over the school for you, but neither of you was in your House’s Dorms. The Room of Requirement aside, we could only think of that lavatory and…”
“You were both covered in rubble and have many bruises and cuts all over,” Chika leans forward, her eyes damp. “T-There was blood on you, but Madam assured us that you’re both physically fine. S-She healed your wounds.”
“And where… she-?”
“She was here until moments ago, summoned away by a staff meeting. We promised her to look after you two. We also found your bat. Madam healed it as well…” You trails off, pointing at creature hanging upside down on the chandelier. Lucifer keeps its distance, though it does let out a scratchy bark as if in greeting.
Yoshiko smiles and is puzzled when the feeling of relief stays. Then again, Lucifer is connected to her like nothing else.
They’re both Horcruxes after all, Lucifer being a failed experiment and her being an unwanted but successful one. Yoshiko cringes and bites down on her lip to repress the urge to throw up. The others exchange worried looks at that.
“Just what h-happened, Yoshiko-chan?” Ruby then holds out the broken halves of Hanamaru’s wand, her voice wavering. “Madam almost wanted to send you to St. Mungo’s because her Diagnosis Charm d-detected traces of a powerful Curse that was cast on you.”
Yoshiko lowers her head, almost wanting to hide somewhere so that she could be alone and not deal with all this. She still doesn’t fully understand most of what happened down in the Chamber of Secrets. Or, rather, she cannot accept anything even though deep down, she knows that it’s the truth, as painful as it is. For someone who just regained consciousness, she is surprised by the clarity of her memories.
I can’t forget even if I wanted to huh?
One glance at her friends’ anxious expressions convinces her otherwise. She owes them that much.
“...it was the Cruciatus Curse...”
Under their horrified faces, Yoshiko begins to retell the events in the Chamber except she omits some facts. She cannot bring herself to reveal Yohane’s identity and the whole matter of Horcrux; instead, she just vaguely mentions that the enemy is a Slytherin descendant whose face was hidden from view by a mask. She wants to talk to Hanamaru first before sharing the whole story with the others. Hanamaru probably doesn’t want anyone to know that she’s been under the Imperius Curse, if she even remembers that part.
Besides, if that Curse really did work like Muggle hypnotism as Yohane said, then what were the instances that Hanamaru was under its influence and wasn’t?
Yoshiko doesn’t dare to think how this would affect their relationship.
Being a matured Horcrux or whatever, she has these human feelings. She does love Hanamaru, she has no doubt about that, and honestly, this is the only emotion that’s keeping her from breaking down in self-pity and self-loathing.
Hmn, what would her friends do if they know what she really is?
In the end, even here in the world of magic, she is still an abomination. How ironic.
“... and somehow my Patronus Charm worked on the witch’s feathered wings and, I lose consciousness afterward so I don’t know how and who got Hanamaru and me up from the Chamber.”
Silence greets her after her condensed story, and Yoshiko notices that her friends appear to be absorbing her tale. Mari looks understandably concerned about Hanamaru’s health, having been hit by that unknown spell before, while You and Chika have a murmured conversation about how the lavatory looked undisturbed, meaning someone must have closed the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets before their arrival.
Only Yohane could have possibly done that as a Parseltongue. But why did she not take her or Hanamaru when she fled?
Yoshiko rubs her temple. There’s no point in figuring out her motive. It’s more important to decide on what their next step should be, considering everything that has happened over the span of merely two days.
It was all too much.
“So… where is Dia-san? Is she still at the hospital with Lily?”
At this, Kanan actually growls and might have changed to her Animagus form if Mari hadn’t kept a vice grip on her shoulder. The blonde’s scowl, however, is just as dark as the ponytailed witch’s.
“Riko-chan is under magically-induced coma to help heal her mind,” You says dully, her hand whimsically patting Chika’s back when the latter leans against her with a sad frown. “It’s the most the Healers could do, considering how m-many times she was h-hit with that Curse…”
Yoshiko swallows hard, feeling nauseous again. There’s nothing they could do except believe in the Healers.
“And Onee-chan is…” Ruby’s subconsciously tightens her grip on Yoshiko’s hand. “She’s considered the prime suspect behind what happened to Riko-san.”
“What?!” Though fatigued, Yoshiko gladly embraces this burst of anger since it is better than that quagmire of depression.
“The Professors all spoke on Onee-chan’s behalf, the House of Slytherin and other students too. But, from the official s-side of things, we all do seem very suspicious. We just happened to be near the Shack and at Hogsmeade during the Moonstruck incident, and then how Onee-chan discovered Riko-san in the middle of nowhere, and now y-you and Hanamaru-chan, in the abandoned lavatory...”
Kanan’s fists are clenched. “And the fact we all seem unwilling to divulge details. Of course we can’t, we don’t know what we say may or may not affect Riko-chan. Each of us has already been questioned by the investigators, but just as expected, they suspect that we’re not telling the whole truth.”
“But Dia protected us. She took any blame and redirected any suspicion towards herself. She is not a Minor anymore and is treated as the heiress and a full Pureblood adult who will eventually be granted a seat in the Wizengamot, so they could not exactly arrest her without trial. We think it’s only due to the Kurosawa name that the Ministry officials are prevented from using the Veritaserum. È solo che è così ridicolo!” Mari then continues to mutter in Italian, which is most likely swear words.
“At least, our family name is able to protect her to an extent,” Ruby lets out a quiet chuckle. It’s a rather disconcerting, cold sound. “But it’s not for Onee-chan’s own good, but for the sake of our family prestige.”
“Those fucking geezers. They didn’t take Dia’s relationship with Rikocchi well.”
“Even though the carbonado necklace is damning evidence,” Kanan pauses thoughtfully. “Come to think of it, I don’t think Riko-chan’s parents said anything about it…”
“Either way, our family is trying to suppress as much news as possible, while keeping Onee-chan under house arrest. In fact, she’s already been withdrawn from Hogwarts for an undetermined time.”
Yoshiko stares at Ruby blankly. The younger Kurosawa gives her a slight nod, though the gesture seems to be more for herself than for her friend. Yoshiko then glances at Mari, You, Chika and Kanan, who all share the same helpless and weary looks.
The world out there is not nice. Hogwarts has been like a shelter for the teenagers, for the students, but the society is cruel and unforgiving to those who step into adulthood. Magic is a wonderful thing, and they’re supposed to be having and enjoying their first year at Hogwarts, yet…
The Christmas Banquet almost feels like a long time ago, even though it actually only took place two months ago.
“So… it’s come to do this, huh?”
Mari exhales shakily. “For the next while, we will be monitored closely - we would still have freedom as any other students, but meeting up in the Room of Requirement or anywhere else would be impossible now. This is already more than we could’ve asked for. It’s only Dia’s… sacrifice and the Professors’ words that prevent us from being under constant escort and daily detention-”
“But we didn’t do anything wrong! Why!? Why should we be punished?!”
You and Chika nod in agreement, but Kanan shakes her head grimly. “We still broke the rules. We left school grounds outside of curfew, for starters. It’s… the school’s way of trying to protect us, to keep us out of trouble from now on. As horrible as it was, the fact that you and Maru were discovered unconscious and injured is the leverage that the staff used to convince the Ministry otherwise. We are the victims.”
“And we really are!” The angrier Yoshiko feels, the more tired she becomes and all she wants to do is pass out and hope that everything would be back to normal by the time she wakes up. Alas, she knows that would never happen, and thus she struggles to stay awake. “I still can’t believe they’d do that to Dia-san…”
“Me neither. But, this will only be temporary. I’ll definitely figure out a way to help Onee-chan.” In spite of her meek countenance, Ruby’s voice is hard like steel.
Chika gives her a supportive pat on the shoulder. “Of course, Ruby-chan. We won’t let things stay like this.”
“That’s the spirit,” Kanan also pats Ruby’s head while You gives her a salute. “For the time being, we need to focus on recovering and get things back in order. From what you’ve told us, Yoshiko, it sounds like the enemies will be keeping a low profile for a while too.”
“We will be ready next time,” Mari’s grin is predatory. “They’ll regret in underestimating us.”
Normally, Yoshiko would have joined them in their resolute vow and rely on this positive energy to recuperate spiritually. However, she could only think about what would happen when this so-called ‘next time’ comes.
Yoshiko forces a small smile on her face. No, she’s already made up her mind. Her fate is inconsequential as long as she can bring down Yohane and the Fallen. As long as her friends are safe.
As long as Hanamaru is okay...
“Maru?” Being the first to notice the slight movement, Kanan hurries to the other bed to check up on the brunette.
“Hanamaru-chan! You’re a-awake!” Ruby smiles tearfully but glances between her two friends, uncertain whether to leave Yoshiko’s side or go check up on the other girl.
“Ruby, I want to see her.”
“But Yoshiko-chan, you’re still-”
After sharing an understanding look, You and Chika help her get up and keep her supported as they all gather around the brunette. Mari quickly sends off her Patronus to alert the matron and proceeds to cast a simple Diagnostic Charm on Hanamaru in the meantime.
“Just low on energy but overall she seems okay,” Mari sighs in relief. “Of course, we should wait for the matron for a proper check-up.”
Ruby glances at Yoshiko, as if waiting for her to speak first but the latter shakes her head and gives her a weak nudge. Though puzzled, Ruby nods and turns towards Hanamaru.
“How are you f-feeling, Hanamaru-chan? Can you hear me? Do you r-recognize us?”
Yoshiko stares at the petite girl closely for any sign of discomfort. Hanamaru appears groggy still, her body limp as Kanan gently helps her sit up and lean against the pillow. Smiling feebly at them, she is about to say something when she begins to cough.
“Could I… water-?”
Similar to earlier with Yoshiko, Ruby hastily summons a glass of water and holds it towards her friend.
However, she almost drops it at Hanamaru’s reaction.
“M-Mirai zura!”
“The glass just flew! How did you do that zura?”
Yoshiko could feel her heart dropping.
Ruby’s face is pale and Chika’s eyes are wide in shock, while Kanan and Mari exchange nervous glances. You lets out a strained chuckle. “Aw, come on, Hanamaru-chan, that’s just the Summoning Charm…”
The brunette tilts her head, her ochre eyes glimmering with fascination. “Charm? You mean magic? Ooh, so this is how you cast a spell zura!”
Yoshiko could feel her throat clog up.
“H-Hanamaru-chan, do you not r-remember us?” Ruby holds her friend’s hand desperately, her voice shaking.
Hanamaru blinks and winces a bit, looking even smaller on the big bed and under the thick blanket. “I-I… no… t-this is the first t-time I’ve met you all zura…”
Yoshiko could feel her heart clench in pain, comparable to that of a Cruciatus Curse.
“Maru, what do you remember then-? D-Do you,” Kanan swallows hard, gazing at the smaller girl hopefully. “At least remember how you got here?”
Mari wraps a comforting arm around Ruby’s shoulder, pulling the frozen girl against her. “This is Hogwarts, the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. You seem to know the concept of magic at least…”
“Erm, yes, I-I got a letter and…” Hanamaru shrinks even more, the previous sparkle in her eyes now replaced by confusion and anxiousness. “I packed many luggages-? M-My grandparents d-didn’t want me to leave b-but they said they a-also understood z-zura. Oh, I live in a temple, so we weren’t too surprised that a school of magic exist zura! Well, it was still shocking but a-according to the witch w-who took me t-to buy supplies and my wand, w-we took the news pretty well zura, compared to other Muggleborns, um…”
She looks at them helplessly, her small hands gripping the blanket.
“W-What happened to me zura?”
Yoshiko could fee her eyes sting as she leans on the bed, nearly hyperventilating. She could feel You and Chika attempting to support her but she can’t find the strength to even try anymore.
Then, a familiar hand is caressing her back as if to ease her ragged breathing.
“Are you okay zura? M-Maybe you should be resting?”
Yoshiko peers up at Hanamaru’s soft smile in disbelief, her heart cracking from the girl’s unconditional concern.
You should be the one in distress! Why are you comforting me-? Why… why did this happen? Why you? Why?!
She allows herself to be pulled into Hanamaru’s arms as tears slide down her cheeks and sobs shake her body. She burrows her face against the crook of the brunette’s neck, indulging in her scent and warmth for one last time.
After all, in a way, this is farewell.
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