#5/10 is discourse but too close to irl discourse rephrased
the-final-sif ยท 6 months
Fine, I will say it: My main problem with the DNF-truting is that it goes hand in hand with people INSTISTING that Dream and George are Alpha and Omega (And I have seen people argue both ways on who is who, BTW!)
The idea that a ship NEEDS to consist of an alpha and omega is such a disturbing notion, and quite frankly: harmful! So many young fans grow up seeing all the big lovestories in Movies being depicted as almost only A/O relationships, and become disheartened (and yes, DEPRESSED) after they present as betas, thinking that a love like that is impossible for them.
Cant we as a fandom set a better example? The constant sluthing and truthing, trying to assign secondary genders to people who, AS FAR AS WE KNOW, might also be betas, and the idea, that DNF can only be real IF they are alpha and omega, is why I have honestly lost any intrest in the DNF side of the fandom -_-
I do agree with you that people shouldn't sterotype, but on the other hand we can't really say that dnf don't play into it sometimes. Some people also are just having fun, and I don't think we should be lumping people harassing others with people who are just having fun and speculating. Sometimes it's best to let people work their insanity out in mostly harmless ways you know?
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