#6tupled rambles
quinsixtridrupled-k · 2 months
You can tell that RWBY haters literally can't live without the show because the moment it was announced to be returning they immediately go on the aggressive and start bemoaning about it as if it's an affront to their entire being instead of just moving on and leaving it at that.
And y'all think we've got it bad with the show rotting on our brains? Wait until you see RWBY haters lmao it's gotten to the point where I'm certain content creators who don't like the show will cover it for a quick buck.
Cope, seethe, mald. And as how they like to say it back in my age...
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quinsixtridrupled-k · 4 months
The Mercs and Australium Weapons
If we consider the Australium Weapons added in TF2's Two Cities update as at least adjacent to canon... (Edit: HYPOTHETICALLY speaking)
Then it means that not only were the TF mercenaries, known wide as the laughing stock of the mercenary world, described as subnormal and defective men... REWARDED with chunks of the world's finite supply of a transformative element, capable of enhancing a man's intelligence by simply possessing it, be used as rocket fuel, extend your lifespan, etc.
But they're used as what is essentially paints for their weapons.
The Administrator must be drunk. Or alternatively, they just happen to stumble into them, and not thinking much of them, the mercs use them as shiny toys to play with, at which point Administrator must be screaming into a pillow lmao
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quinsixtridrupled-k · 2 months
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MvC3 appreciation post - I just love every single detail in this artwork. Deadpool sleeping with his pal Wolvie... X-23 about to gouge Wade's eyes out... Joe's cape blocking Zero... Taskmaster pissing off Akuma somehow... Popcorn bucket and drink cups based on Sentinel and M.O.D.O.K... Dante chilling out with the ladies... Thor and Arthur hugging it out... Cap getting choked by Shuma-Gorath... It's all so great!
You know in concept this is probably a weird crossover, and when you think about it... it kinda is, but it feels so right! With the MvC Collection coming out soon, I hope a lot of people get into MvC, and let the sales pave the way to a new MvC game
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quinsixtridrupled-k · 4 months
SF6 Year 2 announcement
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How is this piss-skinned, no pupil, yes man STILL ALIVE after being unalived by the power of nothingness...
AND ELENA! LET'S GOOOO (watch as every single avatar has her heal ultra if that returns)
Mai is whatever, I probably would've picked fucking... Hakan, or C. Viper. Hell, Ibuki's right there...
SF6 Year 2 really does seem like this odd hodgepodge of both hype and WHYY, although hobo Bison is indeed an interesting design.
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quinsixtridrupled-k · 4 months
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It's funny, despite its hostile looking appearances, the bramble levels from DKC2 are probably the most serene and calming set of levels in any game I've played.
It's all thanks to its main musical track, the ever iconic 'Stickerbush Symphony', brilliantly composed by David Wise. The soothing and downplayed beats combined with its almost ethereal backdrop of a bramble patch in the sky really does bring a sort of perpetually nostalgic aura.
It literally cannot be understated how much of an impact it's left on not just gamers, but people in general. Most of us has been to the internet checkpoint before, and shared our stories there.
It's odd really; one facet in a game about two monkeys storming an island full of reptiles collecting bananas and rescuing a tie-wearing gorilla is able to bring about a community together. I wouldn't have it any other way.
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quinsixtridrupled-k · 1 month
steamed hams
that's it, that's the entire post
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quinsixtridrupled-k · 5 months
fr tho, my first time hearing Greek Fire's Top Of the World was from a trailer for BH6, and as a kid I was too stupid to understand the meaning behind the lyrics because very cool rock song with nice, energetic vocals and melody.
And now 9 years later I'm like... holy shit this song is catchy as hell, but the lyrics are pretty somber...
And it also perfectly fits Hiro's development and story in more ways than one.
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quinsixtridrupled-k · 18 days
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Unorthodox crossovers my beloved :)
I don't think the Mario and Sonic games get as much recognition as they do for being pretty cool and fun party games featuring the cast of both series, it's just a damn shame that the Olympic committee threw this out in favor of damn NFTs.
MvC is a series that I've only recently developed an interest towards by way of UMvC3 and MvCI (the latter being a pretty good game if you ignore the visuals... except Dante, that boy ugly), and I am glad the new soon-to-be released collection is bringing a resurgence in interest and hype for it! Only time will tell if this'll lead to another new game, hopefully with the mutants returning to the cast of playables.
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quinsixtridrupled-k · 18 days
damn... for the first time in a month and a half, I actually found the motivation to draw something out of passion that I want to see through
it's just a goddamn shame it has to be weeks away from when I go back to college
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quinsixtridrupled-k · 4 months
(Player) First Impressions on MultiVersus
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Click below for full thoughts
So, yesterday, I finally was able to try out MultiVersus for the first time. Unfortunately, the beta release for it wasn't available in my region so I wasn't able to cash in on the free returning player Premium Battle Pass rewards.
When the first gameplay showcases were revealed, it looked... questionable, to say the least. Movement looked sluggish and floaty, HUD elements looked overly minimalistic and provided very little visual clarity, the voice mixing sounded a bit off...
All this in mind, what little interest I had in the game before then essentially faded. Even at the prospect of its upcoming launch earlier this May, I was still skeptical about it - to tell the truth, I only decided to download it for a certain reason I won't be able to explain until further notice, and small lingering curiosity. So I installed it on Steam, played it and...
It felt and played exactly as I feared it would...
First, let's talk attacks: instead of Smash's typical Neutral/Tilt and Smash attacks for grounded normals, most grounded attacks are chargeable, and a single combo attack that is performed by using a forward tilt input (I'm pretty sure these can be changed into the regular Smash styled inputs through control settings).
When it comes to specials, certain characters have different moves depending if they're in the ground or in the air. Now these, I don't have much of a problem with on paper... but they're very slow. And worse still, inputting them doesn't feel snappy, or responsive at all.
Made even, even worse is the aerial controls, which is already sluggish by itself but any momentum gained while performing a horizontal aerial puts you to a halt. As a result, combat is unintuitive and janky in a game feel sense, which, for a platform fighter, shouldn't be the case.
In terms of characters... it's a free to play game, you know what to expect - characters have to be unlocked through sinking time into grinding sessions, which if you aren't a fan of the controls like with my experience, would feel tedious. You only get 1-2 free, permanent characters as of the launch update, that being Shaggy and Banana Guard (as the second day daily login reward).
The rest are shuffled between four characters on a weekly basis. Now, this is clearly a way to get you to sink some money into in-game currency but it is what it is for a free to play game. But... it wouldn't be so bad if you could at least try out the rest of characters in the training mode (which was in the beta), but you can't.
Apparently this is a "glitch", but that sort of thing should at the very least get ironed out before launch... unless it's just a convenient excuse because WB wanted more money and had Player First take it out. With the backlash, I would expect them to add it again soon.
Speaking of, there's very little variety in modes. Most of it would come from the Rifts, functioning as a series of fights with challenges and conditions that when met accordingly on victory, will net you greater rewards. To keep it short, I don't find these satisfying at all with the current physics so they all feel like a chore, and some conditions must be met with certain characters and their traits (ex: complete with a villainous character, or an Adventure Time character, etc.), which, if you're just starting out, would leave you severely behind on the rewards.
All in all, this... isn't a very enjoyable game for me, especially in first impressions. More power to those who enjoy it, but it's not for me. At most, I'll play up until I can get Tom & Jerry, try them out for a bit and leave it at that.
There's still a lot of flaws for this game, I just can't be bothered to tackle them all save for the main ones.
I can at least give credit to the honestly good concepts, mainly in the aesthetics, animation and moveset designs. Tom & Jerry being the standout as their design is interesting and creative from a gameplay perspective and faithful to their source material.
The soundtrack could use more variety than grand, orchestral compositions though. Something a little more fast paced, please?
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quinsixtridrupled-k · 4 months
damn, all it took was a live rendition at an award show of crazy rock song about telling about the life story of a writer, and how he got stuck in a house of leaves/twin peaks type thriller/horror story sung by him, a talk show host and a Finnish rock band inside an otherworldly dimension of darkness to get me to listen to the offerings of Poets of the Fall and realize their songs are bangers...
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quinsixtridrupled-k · 6 months
Alright, screw it. Let's go all-out on this idea...
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Team RWBY/ORNJ and the Mario + Rabbids crew working together. THAT, right there, is the dream team, y'all! Just think of it - if these two groups were to ever cross paths and team up, they'd be taking care of business faster than Ruby's own semblance!
C'mon, they even fight against monsters that come from a dark, gooey liquid, controlled by an evil shadowy witch-like lady (in Sparks of Hope Mario gang's case, at least). They'd absolutely be unstoppable as a unit!
And that's not getting into the fun dynamics you can think of with these characters interacting:
Mario & Ruby
Luigi & Jaune
Rabbid Mario & Yang
Peach & Weiss
Rabbid Peach & Nora
Rabbid Rosalina & Blake
Edge & Blake
Oh, the possibilities just write themselves.
And while we're at it? Let's throw some more additional members to the crew, I'm talking Qrow, Winter, Emerald, Maria, DK, Rabbid Cranky, even Rayman!
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Trust me, I'm well aware how ridiculous and out of pocket this combination of characters would be... and that's why I love it!
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