#6urse jjk
astroyongie · 5 months
dom/sub/switch/lean 6urse please???
Dom: Sukuna, Toji (with switch tendencies)
Sub: x
Switch: Nanami, Choso, Gojo and Geto
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killuachii · 5 months
10 reasons why I never loved you.
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6urse Geto x Reader
Geto's POV
On days like these I keep reflecting. I reflect on my past and also you. The memories are tormenting every waking thought, but I wonder if they are tormenting you the same way.
On days like these I get to experience these thoughts. Those thoughts about lost loves, lost souls, lost sounds and lost people. I wonder if you are just as lost as me.
On days like these it pains me to realize that I have never loved you.
Reason Number One - Your sparkling eyes
I can't explain it but something about your eyes made me sick. You were full of life, full of hope and I hated every single bit of it. The way you shined as if you were the brightest star in the constellation, the way you would look at me like a child being fascinated with the world, all that disgusted me.
Your eyes. Those eyes, they were the start of everything. Your eyes started mocking me. Deep down I know you were disgusted by me but why did your eyes show such a warmth? Why could I experience a burning love just by looking at your eyes? Why couldn't you just look away? Never look at me again, I can't bear your gaze. I can't bear the warmth. I couldn't bear you that's why I left.
But that's only one reason out of ten.
Reason Number Two - Your smile that melts me
Everyday was the same. You'd greet me with a smile in the morning, and wished me a smiley goodnight. It was infuriating. I started hating that smile. Your smile started betraying me. After all, I still can't understand the way it made me feel. How happy I was, how desperate I was to see your smile. But now your smile is gone and I can't feel the love I have once felt. The love that made me so sick of you. The love that destroyed every story of me and you. It's all your fault in the end.
Your smile. That smile made me feel like nothing else. But I just couldn't stand it anymore. Your smile was everything and nothing to me. If I could wish for one thing, I would wish to forget about your smile. That memory pains me. Never smile at me again. There is no reason for that. Leaving you made me realize that it was for our own good.
But those are only two reasons out of ten.
Reason Number Three - Your tantalizing touch
Phantom hands are tracing their fingers on my skin. They remind me of you. You loved to hold my hand, hug me tight and much more. Your touch made me weak. Your touch became dentrimental for me. I hate how I still can't help but think of you whenever I am craving touch, whenever the loneliness swallows me. I can't help it but to hide the pain. The pain that you inflicted.
Your touch. It's all the fault of your touch. If you haven't hugged me, if you haven't kissed me, if you haven't loved me, I would still be happy. Now I hate thinking about your touch. I hate thinking about you. I am slowly starting to hate you. But yet I am still so desperate for your touch. My heart, it cries out for you in desperation. The desperation that became my reality. I was just observing, wondering what could have been. Was this really the right choice afterall? Am I happy that I left or is the thought of abandoning you soothing my own troubles? I started thinking, was I in the right to leave you?
But those are only three reasons out of ten.
Reason Number Four - Your voice that whispers old melodies in my head
You make me sick. You make me so sick. I hate every single bit of you. I keep hearing the voices of the past. I keep hearing you. I can't, no, I don't want to hear you. Your voice keeps echoing throughout the halls of my solitude. It makes me so sick. Why should I keep hearing your beautiful voice on repeat. Those fragments of your voice string a melody in my heart. A melody that makes me cry. A melody that makes the pain come out of me, like vomit out of my mouth. It's destroying me.
Your voice. Your voice disgusts me. But I still can't help longing for it. I replay every voice message you have ever send me. In the end of the day I am just a weak man born from a corpse. A man that couldn't handle the joy of your voice. A man that started hating everything, including you. I hate that that voice told me how much it loved me. It upsets me that something so disgusting could love me. And yet I can't deny it, but at that time I loved it too. I loved you. But those memories and feelings are long gone. I have been lost in the waves of my regret and it's been ages since I have seen the shore. I am sorry that I have left you.
But those are only four reasons out of ten.
Reason Number Five - The turning point
On days like these I start reflecting. I reflect on the person I was and the person I am. Back then I was too stupid, too selfish and not the man that you deserved to have. I have caused you so much pain. I caused you disappointment and grief. The me of today regrets the choices of past me. It started to hate the past me and the past me hated the me of today. If it had loved me, I wouldn't have to feel the way that I do now. The me of today is the product of the hate of the past me.
You were so tired. I wish I could've cared more. But I didn't. The past me couldn't love the me of today. The past me couldn't love you like the me of today does. It's just one sided, since there is no way for you to ever love the me of today, if the only thing that binds you to the name Geto is the me of the past. I am sorry for the pain I have caused you. If I could've shown you a sparkle in my eyes, if I could've melted your heart through my smile, if I could've captivated you with my tantalizing touch, if I could've put you under a melodious spell with my voice, would you be able to love the me of today? Thoughts like these don't matter anymore. I have done the damage. That's why leaving you turned into a nightmare.
But those are only five reasons out of ten.
Reason Number Six - The lies you told me
This is when you started to change. The happiness in you disappeared and every atom of you started hurting. All because of me. You said that you loved me but I could tell that you were full of hate towards me. I knew that you hated me, because of the things I have caused you. You told me that it's going to be okay, but I knew you didn't believe in your words. You said we are going to work this out but you knew best that this wouldn't be happening.
Your lies. The lies you told me, that you believed to be the truth started slowly eating away on you. Even if I promised to change, it wouldn't made you feel better. You would started doubting yourself. Wondering why I couldn't have been the best version of me from the start. You'd ask yourself why you weren't worth of my love. I wouldn't be able to answer you. You were perfecting, I wasn't. That's when I slowly started distancing myself, while you were still seeking for me. You did nothing wrong, it was me. Why did I let you suffer so much? I don't know. You didn't deserve any of this. That's why leaving you became a burden.
But those are only six reasons out of ten.
Reason Number Seven - The hate you've shown me
The way I hid my love, you reciprocated. You distanced yourself from me. No one was greeting me in the morning or wishing me goodnight anymore. Everything began to turn monotonous. Everything that we, no you, build up started crumbling before our eyes. My mind starts wandering through the waves of my thoughts. I wonder if I would have taken your hate seriously, if I could have changed the outcome of me and you.
Your hate. I am thankful for your hate. I realized how wrong I was. I realized that I wasn't half the man that you deserved. Apologies aren't enough to fix the core of your heart. I am sorry for every single bit of pain I have caused you with my reckless being. I can't turn back time and I can't turn you back to your old self. Your old self that was pouring happiness everywhere you went. Now all I remember is the empty shell of a person. A person who gave their all and got nothing in return. I hope you find peace. I hope your heart can heal. I started realizing that leaving you was a big mistake.
But those were only seven out of ten reasons.
Reason Number Eight - The soul that you took
Now I am only an empty body. An empty body searching for a purpose. Searching for a soul. If there is no you, there would be no me. Without you there is no love. Without me you would have been happy. Yet again I am lost in the waves of desperation and hate. I am reflecting on the day that you couldn't take it anymore. On that day you were honest for once. On that day our souls finally lost their connection. Our bodies were right in front of each other, but our hearts were miles away. We couldn't understand our love anymore.
A soul. A soul is nothing in my eyes. Just a burdensome existence. You lost every piece of it. I ate away at your soul, your heart and body. I couldn't recognize you anymore. I didn't know who you were anymore. But that story you knew too well. You were never able to recognize me. To recognize the pain, the sorrow, the thruth your heart was screaming out, but you kept on ignoring. When did you start to hate yourself that much? You should have left the first time you felt a shattering in your heart. You should have left me and not wait to completely fall apart. Your soul was the key fragment for your completion, but you threw it all away. You threw away your soul for a life of freedom on a line. For a man that gave you nothing. I left you. I left you with all the sorrow, grief, resentment and solitude. That's why I couldn't enjoy the decision of leaving.
But those are only eight reasons out of ten.
Reason Number Nine - The fear of losing you
The me of today and the way that I am on this day are the only reasons why I keep reminiscing in the past. There is no way my thoughts would reach you so I stay in here. But what is here? Here is the place where men like me end up. Men that couldn't be the best versions for the people around them. Men that only thought about themselves. Men who want to reflect. Men who regret.
Losing you. I was never worried of losing you because I was determined that you couldn't leave. But right now I don't know how to put those words to pen. To describe what I feel about you. I am glad that my thoughts can't reach you. And I wish that your thoughts would never reach me. I don't want to know what you think about me. I am not a good man. Everything that binds you to the word love is the pain and image of me. I don't blame you, if you never trust again. Do you think we would meet in every universe? Do you think I will hurt you in every reality? Do you even think about me? I wouldn't blame you, if you didn't. All this time I was thinking about you, thinking about the past, present, love and myself. I am slowly realizing that I hate myself for leaving you.
But those are only nine reasons out of ten.
Reason Number Ten - It was all my fault
I am so sorry. If this ever reaches you I am sorry. Apologies are not going to turn back time. They don't turn you back to the you I have grown to hate but in reality I loved every bit of you. Why am I sorry? I don't know. These feelings are new to me but they still feel like as if they have always been a part of me. Those feelings just seem logical for me. I don't want to start over again. I don't want to meet a new person, a new love. I will always remind myself of the person who was not the person who is. The past will never disappear. Almost as if I am advertising my mistakes for everyone to see. The thoughts of me changing, but still being the old me in someone elses head discourages me. But change has to occur. Change is what will set you free. What will set me free.
I am thankful for your sparkling eyes, your smile that melted me, your tantalizing touch, the melodies of your voice, the lies that you told, the hate you've shown me, the soul that is long gone and the realisation that I had lost you. I am nothing compared to you. My existence is lower than yours. After all this time I am finally seeing that I am at fault for everything. You did your best while I did nothing in return. Could you spare to look at a man like me, if we ever met again? Would you be able to recognize me, if I changed? Those questions are all useless, since you will never find back to me. That's why I regret to have left you.
Those were all the ten reasons why I never loved you.
Thank you for reading!
In this story we follow Geto in his thoughts. In this story Geto was in a relationship with the reader. He starts reminscing on the relationship you two had and at first puts the blaming for the end of the relationship on the reader. In reason five however he starts acknowledging that he was the one that caused the end of the relationship between you two. He starts to slowly regret leaving the viewer and falls into a hole of self hate. He wants to change as a man but feels discouraged by the image he has printed into your brain. No matter how much he changes, in your head he will always be half the man that he wanted to be.
Anyways stan 6urse
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astroyongie · 5 months
we need how long to confess for 6urse (I am invested)
6urse: How long to confess
Toji: This man would never confess to you, you bet. perhaps if you show that you get what it takes (money) he might give you a few hints
Nanami: based on chart he would be quick into confessing his feelings. his friends probably push him to do it early in the courting phase
Sukuna: this man would rather allow Yuuji to cuddle him to sleep instead of confessing feelings for you
Geto: he spends a lot of time pondering how to confess to you. he would be shy and daydream about it a lot but he would end up doing so after you give him green light signs
Gojo: this man would be straight and he tells you through flirting form so you probably didn't even noticed
Choso: believe it or not, he wont keep his tongue on his mouth. he will tell you rather early on that he has feelings and he will expect some flirting and some conversation around it
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astroyongie · 5 months
At this point if i don't get a choso as a boyfriend, i will descend into an unspeakable madness (i can't fuel my delusions)
anything for you queen, thank you for being a top 6urse fan
Choso as a Boyfriend
He loves you too much
like too much
you often can feel it burning through your skin
becasue his passion is overwhelming
the way he looks at you silently when you are speaking
or the way he makes everything a competition just because he wants to please you
Choso is the type to cry during arguments
he gets easily overwhelmed by things
and he has a victim like mind
which actually makes him an awesome emotional manipulator
although he doesnt do it on purpose
arguments dont happen often, but when they do its mostly due to goals and objectifies you guys dont share
or because of family
despite that Choso is a great listener
the type you can tell about everyhting
he wont judged he listens carefully and provide a lot of emotional support
He loves you too much, did I say that already?
he is the type to have matching clothing
the type to post pictures of you together on his social medias
the type to show you off to his friends
he wants everyone on his life know that you are around
because he takes pride on your relationship
he is a loyal boyfriend
and quite a dramatic one as well
Inside the bedroom Choso is a little kinky softie
a switch
someone that melts between your fingers
and who is able to whisper the most filthy things every
a perfect combo
Choso is the type to let you chose of things concerning the couple
he doesnt like to chose for you
so he doesnt have much of that spontaneous personality
he is also based on fairness
whatever you do to him, he does give back
and if he does something he expects the same treatment from you
he just is precious
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astroyongie · 5 months
6urse ideal type please 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 (yes im delusional and I kind of like them more than kpop now 💀💀💀)
6urse Ideal Types
(based on their made up chart)
his ideal type is someone with slander arms and hands
like people who have long dedicated hands?
yes well thats one of the traits on her ideal type
also he might have a thing for collarbones in general
and small boobies
personality wise Nanami might be into extroverts
now hear me out
he is an introvert himself and a little extrovert would let him get out more
his ideal type is someone who can be versatil
one day they are chilling and quiet with him and other times they are dragging him around for some fun
Nanami's ideal is someoen who talks well
who laugh loudly
who his friends and family would like a lot
because they just have that energy around them
this man
his ideal type is someone physically strong
yet lean
someone with thick thighs
because he is kind into that a lot
for the rest of their physical appearance he doesnt care much
other than that, Toji's ideal type is someone extroverted
someone sociable
who isnt scared of squaring people when needed
soemoen who is a little feisty in a sense
who can be reckless and impulsive
because he needs them to match his inner energy as well
Toji's ideal is someone adventurous
who isnt scare of anything and fights life head on
someone slightly like him in a way
also someone who is independent and doesnt dependent on him
open relationships can be a thing
my husband
in his case physically Sukuna is looking for someone who has fair skin
long luxurious hair
someone that takes care of their appearance
but not in a extravangt way
like his ideal type is someoen who looks clean and refined
one we can tell has the money to take care of themselves but doesnt show it
other than that, he doesnt care much
but he might be into partner's that ar eon the curvy side
also his ideal type must be someone smart
someone he can have conversations with without getting bored
someone who is practical and independent
who has a high status in society
because he just couldn't be with anyone
there's the need to reach the same standards than him
he is similar to sukuna when it comes to his ideal type
he too wants someone who is smart
someone who has a nice job or did some studies
because he can't handle people who are dumb
Geto ideal's is someone average height
with short hair
someone who have a nerdy vibe to them
they can be curvy too since he prefers people with chubby side instead of skinny
personality wise they need to be someone he can trust
someone who has responsibilities and takes them head on
someone he can rely as much as his partner can rely on him
as much as he likes to take care of his partner, they need to be able to do things by themselves
bonus if they come from a rich or high social background
this man is a little like Toji when it comes to his ideal type
he is into people who are athletic
lean yet with them thick thighs
that shows that they like to walk and run
he doesnt care much about other physical features but these in particular
tall people tho
when it comes to their personality, his ideal type is someone vivid
they are sociable, they talk loud
they are someone who can laugh at anything and everything
dark humor type
someone who can throw hands with him tho or either he would get bored
someone who is feisty and rebel int heir own way
also his ideal type is someone open minded
who doesnt limit him inside the relationship
baby maknae ideal type is someone pretty
natural pretty
(might have a thing for blonds)
someone with long curly hair is also something that can be on his preferes
someone with big boobies is also a requirement
since its one of his favorite parts
for the rest of the body he doesnt really care
as long as they are attractive to his eyes
Choso's ideal is someone bubbly
with a nice sense of humor
who laughs a lot and is able to make him laugh and enjoy life
someone who lives everyday like their last
they are gentle and kind hearted
he doesnt mind if they are a little dramatic
as long as they are loyal to him and are just a ray of sunshine
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astroyongie · 4 months
gojo NSFW alphabet pls <33
A To Z Analysis : NSFW
(you deserve better king)
A = Aftercare 
He isn't the best at aftercare but he does truly try. like if his partner also enjoyed it, he will put effort into pleasing them. if they aren't into it he will likewise dispense the whole process 
B = Body part 
without lying on himself, he is proud of his waist and his booty. like he likes how he is shaped down there. On his partner his favorite body part is mostly the lower back area as well and legs!
C = Cum 
He isn't messy with it. Gojo is the type to like using condoms and to make it clean, or like he releases in a strategic place (lower backs) and use his clothing to wipe it off 
D = Dirty secret
He probably wants to try pegging or something, but he is too scared that he hasn't found the right partner to do so. 
E = Experience 
He has some experience, yes! isn't the one who slept the most around but he is the type of person that has learned a lot from his partner and that experience was enough to make him a good receiver and giver 
F = Favorite position 
i would say he likes both doggy style so he can have access to his partner’s backside, but he also likes one leg (or two) over his shoulders to allow more depth 
G = Goofy 
Gojo does have humor and he will bring it inside the bedroom. it often happens during the foreplay, during the teasing. He likes to use some just to get his partner’s attention. laughing and giggling 
H = Hair 
he is shaved down there, he doesn't like the hair and he prefers to keep it clean and soft skinned. he doesn't care how his partners presents themselves as long as they are comfortable 
I = Intimacy 
He doesn't need to be in love to sleep with someone, but there’s the need to have some type of chemistry between the two so he can really get into the mood. else it's just flirting and nothing else 
J = Jack off 
he doesn’t do it often, mostly when he is truly horny or stressed. he prefers the teasing and the fantasy rather than actually doing it 
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
he is a simple man, he likes anal probably, like half clothed sex, grinding on each other, and very nice and seductive lingerie 
L = Location 
he likes weird places, just as closets, public bathrooms, the clubs, the cinema. sure, bedroom is nice but he likes to innovate 
M = Motivation 
He is hard to get going though. Like it’s super easy to get him in the mood for it, its easy to get him hard and all hot and bothered. but to get him to undress and perform? you need to use some skills
N = No 
he probably says no to anything that deals with sharing his partner, degradation and humiliation fantasies and experimentations 
O = Oral 
He is just as good at giving as he is good at receiving. it's always a given-giver thing. Gojo loves to do 69 positions or like to reciprocate everything that is partner does to him 
P = Pace 
Gojo is a fast yet very sensual pacer 
Q = Quickie 
probably not into it but he won’t refuse them because it helps learning and the adrenaline can be pooping too. he will do it if he really likes the person 
R = Risk 
He is willing to take risks if they are talked about before. He wont do anything risky during the deed without talking with you about it. Gojo is all okay when it comes to experimentation, he just needs to know about it first 
S = Stamina 
He isn't the person that lasts the longest (which is the reason why foreplay takes a lot of time) but he can do about two rounds if he is in the mood. 
T = Toys 
he does own toys and he will incorporate them into the session. he likes to use them on is partner but also on himself when he is truly feeling freaky 
U = Unfair 
a big ass tease. foreplay with him can become a teasing competition and he can be so unfair! like working you up and leave you needy 
V = Volume 
he is loud actually, he moans quite a lot. like.. quite a lot 
W = Wild card 
He has a bunch of nudes on his phone from both partners, ex and one night stands. and he uses it whenever he needs to rub one 
X = X-ray 
he is average, thin, not too veiny but curvy 
Y = Yearning 
moderate sex drive 
Z = Zzz
After the need he likes to stay around and talk about random things. politics, gossip, diseases. you name it and he will talk to you for two hours
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astroyongie · 5 months
day one of requesting 6urse as fwb 🫣
6URSE As Friends With Benefits
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Namai as a friend with benefits makes boundaries clear. but he is also the type to break those down. why you may ask? well sex is good but it somehow feels too close, the way he would look into your eyes during the deed, to the way he engages into conversation with you after and even before the deed. it almost feels like you have some type of connection with him. but then Nanami is also the type to not call you for a full 3 month and then appear for the next 2 weeks at your doorstep to blow steam. Nanami is also probably jealous of the other guys you see but refuses to be official with you
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oh boy, the jokes I could make with him (like he comes to you only when you pay him). Toji is a hoe and he makes sure you know about it. being FWB with him is always fun for several things. sex is adventurous and mind-blowing, this guy will call you to have diner and ends up fingering you under the table. then he would ditch you for the rest of the night if he feels like it. Toji is unserious, he doesnt anything serious with you and you know he has several hook ups beside you. you just happy to be a friend beside the hook up which allows you to have more fun with him and also always be the number one he comes to
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This man is here down for business. no feelings, no petnames. Sukuna sees you exactly as you are. A FWB, something he can wet his dick with whenever he feels the need. this man doesn't even text ou, he just appears at your place, he walks to you with that feral look, grabs you and gets on with it. its always rough yet somehow it is so careful. Deep down he doesnt want to hurt you, but his fears for love makes him untouchable. Sukuna has strict rules with the FBW. you arent allowed to say romantic stuff, dates are a no, aftercare is rare (although he does some anyway). this man will just grab you by the ankles and bury himself in you, silent as he watch you unfold before him. and then he leaves, leaving you with nothing but an empty heart
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he is so unhinged, and being FWB with him is a pure show because this man will bring you kinks and fantasies for you both to try. Gojo is the type to try stuff on you and help you in discovering your body as well. this is truly a friendship with its benefits and he will adapt to you. obviously you catch feelings for him, but Gojo will never reciprocate as in his mind you are just a friend he can sleep with and nothing more. often the laughs, the fun and the passionate sex you with him hurt more than him diving into you
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Geto îs a little like Sukuna. he does agree with the FWB but he is here only for that and he doest want you to cross the boundaries of his rules toward this relationship or else he might leave you. Geto is afraid of falling in love and getting hurt, so he doesnt allow you to moan his name, he doesnt allow you to touch him that much. he doesnt do anything romantic and its purely for the physical sex and frustration. yet you always catch a glimpse of his red cheeks and the way he gasps and seeks for your scent and comfort. he wont ever admit it
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baby boy Choso is more confused about the relationship than you are. being FWB with him is alway fun because it feel like you guys are more than that but he wont bring it up. Sex is very hot and warm. and he always makes sure you are having a good time. Choso is still loyal so you are probably the only person he has to do these type of things. the relationship is healthy and its the type where you guys can see each other of the bedroom and have fun as friends
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astroyongie · 5 months
YONGIE?? 6URSE?? I LOVE THAT CONCEPT!!! please introduce us with the members 🫣 🫣
*breathes in*
3rd gen boy group 6URSE
fandom name: sorcerer
Nanami: Leader and lead vocal
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Toji: Main dancer and lead singer
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Sukuna: main rapper
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Gojo: Visual and lead dancer
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Geto: Main vocal
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Choso: Maknae, lead rapper
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astroyongie · 5 months
Nanami 6URSE A-Z nsfw analysis PLEASE 🙏
A To Z Analysis: NSFW
Nanami (6URSE VER)
A = Aftercare
to be honest he isnt the best on it because aftercare will depend on the energy he has put on the session. sometimes he is just too tired to move, but he usually talks with you through it
B = Body part 
its equal for you both, but like on him he loves his upper body, his arms in special and his shoulders. he likes he way he is able to flex that. as for his partner its the same! he likes bigger chests but his weak point are slander hands. having those wrapped around him
C = Cum 
he can be nastyyy, but he usually keeps it normal inside the condom. but he might have a thing to realize when you have your fingers wrapped around him
D = Dirty secret 
when you speak and your accent comes out he melts. he loves to hear you speak your original language as well, it kind of turns him on
E = Experience 
Nanami has experience, more than he might want to admit to you. but that's also a good thing for you
F = Favorite position
having your legs over his shoulders is something he appreciates to do everyday. 69 might be one of his favorites too
G = Goofy 
for your surprise, Nanami is goofy inside the bedroom, its like his straight up face changes into something more confortable. he is the type to talk to you during the whole session and height crack a few jokes only to light you up. it might seem out of character, but nanami is actually a lover that cares about your comfort
H = Hair 
he doesnt care at all about hair on his partner, comes as you are when it comes to him. he keeps himself trimmed but nothing crazy
I = Intimacy 
he doesnt need to be in love to sleep with someone, hell he doesnt even need to know them. Nanami adapts to all of the situations
J = Jack off 
he does it often actually. sometimes you might even hear his raspy moans while you both are talking over the phone
K = Kink 
his kinks are simple, like choking, voice play or even oral and toys. he likes things simple yet rough
L = Location
bedroom is the best thing, but Nanami might get turned on by the idea of doing it on a semi public space because it stains his image
M = Motivation 
Nanami is easy to turn on and he hates it. again, he is so weak just by hearing your voice, just by seeing you smile. he is a secret simp
N = No 
he would say no to anything that would hurt you, anything dealing with BDSM is a no no, anything dealing with weird things is also a no. dont be extravangt
O = Oral
he loves itI, he breathes it and he will do oral every day if you ask. Nanami is a pro, his skills are unmatched and he is able to make you release multiple times just with his tongue alone. also he will never say no to a good bj, he loves those just as much (he holds you hair when you do so)
P = Pace
Nanami is a fast yet sensual pacer
Q = Quickie 
He isnt against quickies as long as it really happens bc he cannot hold it in anymore. usually he would prefer the whole thing, but if a quickly is you getting on your knees he is okay with it
R = Risk 
he is willing to take risks, but those are made only after both parties gave consent for such
S = Stamina 
unfortunately, Nanami isnt known of this stamina. he finished retivaly quickly on bed, but worry not, he vouches to finish you up with his mouth every time you didn't got release during the deed
T = Toys 
he loves them and yes he uses them. and you want to know more? he even allows you to use some on him
U = Unfair 
he isnt much of a tease, Nanami doesnt have the patience to go through this
V = Volume 
he is loud, he moans a lot and he is internally very embarrassed about this
W = Wild card 
everytime he gets close to releasing, his hand goes automatically to your throat and he looks deeply into your eyes
X = X-ray 
he is average when it comes to size, but he has a good thickness to it
Y = Yearning 
high sex drive
Z = Zzz 
after the deed, Nanami is ready to get some sleep, or if you prefer you both can engage into deep conversation about life or even gossip together
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astroyongie · 5 months
Can we get a mtl of 6urse members who would get jealous easily? 😔
A lot of people will be confused by this lmao.
Who is 6URSE?
It's a Japanese boy group composed by 6 members: Nanami, Toji, Sukuna, Gojo, Geto and Choso <3 GIVE THEM SUPPORT ! LOOK THEIR SONGS IS GOOD
(choso was on hiatus lmao)
MTL 6urse To Get Jealous Easily
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astroyongie · 5 months
MTL will choke u while making love 6urse. don't mind me I have issues
MTL 6urse To Choke You During The Deed
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astroyongie · 5 months
6URSE’s reaction when they make you CRY. I want angst :)
6URSE’s reaction when they make you Cry
Note: ends with Angst
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It happened before you can really grasp the thing. Lately you had dealt with some low esteem, you couldn't look at yourself in the mirror and you hated everything about you. Yet, you knew this dinner with Nanami’s company was super important and that you needed to put some effort into yourself. and that was exactly what you had done. you had brought this really nice dress, thinking it was hiding all the spots you hated the most but still comfortable. you were in front of your mirror when Nanami came in, fixing his bowtie. when he looked up and now at you, he said the words ``Take this dress off, it looks awful on you”. and then you started crying, the pent up emotions crushing over you. At first nanami would be confused about your reactions, not understanding why you were throwing a tantrum at this time when you guys were late. some discussion happened, you scream, you cried and accused Nanami of being superficial. the night ended with Nanami going to the diner by himself and you crying yourself to sleep in bed.
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If there was one thing you hated about Toji was his judgemental self. No matter how much effort you try and put on things, he always finds a way to pick on the smallest things. You were at home, trying some workouts because the gym isn't a place you loved and plus, you weren't confident enough to actually go there by yourself. even if Toji is a gym lover, you never felt the courage to do so. The argument started when you saw Toji arriving home, his face disgusted as he saw you do some work outs. When you asked him about it he started to point out all the mistakes you were doing with your body. Instead of coming and helping you he simply said the famous “no wonder you are putting on some weight, you cant do a thing right”. you say shut after that, left the living room without a word and went to the bathroom. Toji heard you cry, but he didn’t come to you, considering that you were benign childish and needed to be toughed up.
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His insensitivity is what made you cry. You can help it, there’s things that put you in a sensitive mood, and when both you and Sukuna were walking together and you saw this poor cat dead on the street (probably hit by a car) you couldn't help the tears falling down your cheeks. animals were a weak spot and it didn't matter that you didn't know this cat, it still made you sad. Sukuna was annoyed by your sensitivity and told you off. even when you accused him of being too cruel he would simply answer with "Are you seriously crying over a cat?" and it continued with "Stop crying, it's embarrassing." needless to say you were now crying at his cold heart and instead of comforting Sukuna ignored you.
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You love Gojo, you truly do but his attitudes often get to you never. Sometimes you wonder if he really likes you or if he is just here for his own self-serving purposes. Lately Gojo would come home late, smelling a tainted scent of alcohol and perfume. He would get in bed, initiate intimacy. you missed him and every time you allowed him to have his way. but there wasn't any aftercare, there weren't dates anymore, hell you barely spoke to one another beside the sex. One night, after he had finished, Gojo laid by your side. you pulled the duvet up to your body, and asked him, what was wrong, why was he so cold, so far. Gojo told you off saying that you were making things up in your head. “Don��t act as if I owe you shit”. You couldn't help the cry that left you from the lack of love. Gojo got upset with your crying and instead left the bedroom to go sleep on the couch. 
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You and Geto argued a lot, and despite your love for him, there was one thing that you had noticed lately. He was a master in gaslighting you and emotionally manipulating you. everytime you would try to talk about something that upsets you, Geto always was able to turn the table and make you feel like shit and guilty about even bringing up the context of the fight. Tonight wasn't an exemption. you just wanted him to hear about your needs in the relationship, you wanted him to be more present in your life, for him to assume the relationship in front of his friends. Geto got upset, fake tears filling his eyes. “Do you take pleasure in hurting me y/n? Stop pressuring me into this, you don’t respect me? Do you know how hard I try to love you and make you happy?”. Geto left you alone after that, making sure you felt bad, and your cries echoed through the house, as the guilt consumed you. And Geto was unable to take action for his own gaslighting. 
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Choso is a jealous man, but he can be very petty and passive aggressive when he wants. You both went out with some friends for a few drinks. Choso was in a bad mood for something you didn't know and honestly right now you just wanted to catch up with your friends. At some point in the night, your male best friend kissed your cheek goodbye after a warm hug. The action made Choso become quiet and upset, and each time you tried to see what was wrong he would aggressively tell you off. “If you are going to embarrass me by acting like a whore in front of your friends, don't invite me”. the word hit you hard, like a slap. you cried your way home and Choso? stayed silent as he drove you  both home, his ego bigger than his love for you
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astroyongie · 4 months
Who in 6urse is more likely to date a foreigner
MTL 6urse To Date Foreigner
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astroyongie · 5 months
Mtl to have a high sex drive in 6urse ?
Mtl 6URSE To Have a High Sex Drive
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astroyongie · 5 months
who in 6urse would ignore you in public after an one night stand and why is it toji and gojo
You have basically it Lmao ;---;
Nanami would be nice and keep conversation
Toji would straight up ignore you
Sukuna doesn't remember your face lmao
Gojo is either ignoring you or talking to you as if nothing happened
Geto îs eyeing you and blushing and trying to hide himself
Choso is torn between ignoring you and saying hello
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astroyongie · 5 months
who in 6urse, would prefer a chubby s/o??
Chubby: Geto, Sukuna
Skinny: Toji, Gojo
Don't care: Nanami, Choso
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