#70000tons of metal
metalshockfinland · 1 year
Public Sales Date Announced for 70000TONS OF METAL 2024
The organizers of 70000TONS OF METAL have announced the public sales date for the twelfth edition of The Original, The World’s Biggest Heavy Metal Cruise. Public Sales will start Tuesday, June 27th 2023 at 12PM EDT for the upcoming voyage that will sail on January 29th to February 2nd, 2024 from Miami, FL to Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic and back. Every attendee receives unrestricted…
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zerounotvadri · 2 years
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70000TONS OF METAL 2024: January 29 - February 2 Miami, FL to Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic
The 70000TONS OF METAL festival organizers have announced that the twelfth edition of the floating festival will sail on January 29th to February 2nd from Miami, Florida - Cruise Capital of the World - to Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic and back, on board the luxury passenger vessel Freedom of the Seas.
The festival will once again host 60 Heavy Metal bands spanning all subgenres and welcome 3000 metalheads from around the world. 
Freedom of the Seas, a Freedom class cruise ship, offers a host of amenities and complimentary dining options. Guests will also enjoy unrestricted festival access to all 120+ performances across four stages: 
The Royal Theater is a five-storied concert hall. The more intimate Star Lounge offers the local club vibe. A third indoor stage, Studio B, provides an arena-like atmosphere. Lastly, but most notable, the Pool Deck Stage: The World’s Biggest Open Air Stage structure to sail the Open Seas. This colossal stage is surrounded by bars, plenty of room to sunbathe and even hot tubs incorporated into the stage itself, offering guests the unique opportunity to watch their favorite metal bands from the comfort of a hot tub.
The ship will sail to Puerto Plata - the Dominican Republic's oldest city in the north and the pioneer of tourism in the country. The city is famous for Parque Independencia, the “Central Park” of Puerto Plata and a popular meeting point. Take a cable car to the top of “Monte Isabel de Torres”, a peak rising 2,600 feet above sea level. Swim and snorkel at Sosua beach and then grab some lunch or a beverage at one of the many nearby restaurants and bars. Try some local fare with a bowl of la Bandera: a meat stew with rice, beans, and fried plantains or a saucy Pescado con coco (fish in coconut sauce). 
La Casa de la Cultura is a three-story Victorian house that features local arts exhibits, a contemporary art gallery, library and store with local goods for sale. Find yourself some of the oldest, most translucent amber in the world, which Puerto Plata is famous for. 
As the festival organizers continually strive to innovate and improve the Heavy Metal Festival Experience for their guests and their surroundings, festivalgoers will once again have the option to purchase a Carbon Offset when booking their Private Cabin or Single Ticket for 70000TONS OF METAL 2024. For the eleventh voyage of 70000TONS OF METAL in 2023, nearly 15% of their customers chose to purchase the additional Carbon Offset. The funds contributed through the Carbon Offset Program went to Greentripper's Improved Cookstoves in Ghana project. 
Visit 70000tons.com for more information and watch their social media pages @70000tons for more announcements including sales dates.
About 70000TONS OF METAL
70000TONS OF METAL is The Original, The World's Biggest Heavy Metal Cruise.
With ten consecutive sellouts since the inaugural voyage in 2011, this extraordinary and unique floating festival now sails on board some of the largest luxury passenger vessels in the world. Featuring 60 world-class Heavy Metal bands from around the globe performing across four stages, 70000TONS OF METAL is home to The World's Biggest Open Air Stage Structure to sail the Open Seas.
Guests can enjoy the Heavy Metal festival experience of a lifetime with all the benefits that a cruise has to offer: complimentary fine dining, bars that never close, 24-hour room service, as well as the ship’s many amenities. 
This four-day Heavy Metal Music Festival and Caribbean vacation offers 3000 metalheads the amazing opportunity to mingle side-by-side with all of the bands on board. With no VIP areas it truly is like everyone has a backstage pass. Not only do guests have unrestricted festival access to 120+ live performances (all bands play twice), every ticket also includes meet & greets with every band, intimate masterclasses with select musicians and exclusive live & listening premieres. Guests also have full access to the “Jamming in International Waters All Star Jam” - a one-of-a-kind jam session featuring a host of musical virtuosos performing classic metal songs together on stage.  
Festivalgoers also have the special opportunity to explore a Caribbean dream destination with their favorite band members on an “Artist Escorted Shore Excursion”, another 70000TONS OF METAL exclusive.
For more details about 70000TONS OF METAL 2024, including FAQs, vessel amenities and contact information, please visit 70000tons.com
Guests and fans are also invited to join the 70000TONS OF METAL community on The 70000TONS OF METAL Official Forum, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Telegram, and Spotify: @70000tons
70000TONS OF METAL 2024: Enero 29 - Febrero 2 de Miami, FL a Puerto Plata, República Dominicana
Los organizadores del festival 70000TONS OF METAL han anunciado que la decimosegunda edición del festival flotante navegará del 29 de enero al 2 de febrero saliendo desde Miami, Florida - Capital Mundial de los Cruceros - rumbo a Puerto Plata, República Dominicana, y de regreso, a bordo de la lujosa embarcación para pasajeros Freedom of the Seas.
El festival contará nuevamente con 60 bandas de Heavy Metal de toda clase de subgéneros, y recibirá a 3000 metaleros de todas partes del mundo. 
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Freedom of the Seas, un barco de la clase Freedom, ofrece una amplia gama de servicios y opciones de alimentación. Los huéspedes también podrán disfrutar de acceso ilimitado a las más de 120 presentaciones que se llevarán a cabo durante el festival en cuatro escenarios distintos:
El Royal Theater es una sala de conciertos de cinco pisos. El Star Lounge, un recinto más íntimo, ofrece la sensación de estar en un club local. El tercer escenario techado, Studio B, recrea la atmósfera de las arenas. Y por último, el escenario más notorio, el Pool Deck Stage: el escenario al aire libre más grande del mundo que navega en altamar. Este escenario colosal está rodeado por bares, bastante espacio para tomar el sol, e incluso jacuzzis integrados en los escenarios que ofrecen a los huéspedes la oportunidad única de ver a sus bandas de metal favoritas desde la comodidad de un jacuzzi.
El barco navegará a Puerto Plata – la ciudad más antigua en el norte de la República Dominicana y pionera en el turismo del país. La ciudad es famosa por el Parque Independencia (también conocido como Parque Central), un punto de encuentro popular. Toma un teleférico hasta la cima del Monte Isabel de Torres, un pico de 2,600 pies sobre el nivel del mar. Nada y bucea a la playa de Sosúa, y luego almuerza o toma una copa en uno de los muchos restaurantes y bares cercanos. Prueba la comida local, como “La Bandera”: un guiso de carne con arroz, frijoles, plátanos fritos, o el pescado con coco.
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La Casa de la Cultura es una casa victoriana de tres pisos que exhibe arte local, y tiene una galería de arte contemporáneo, una biblioteca y una tienda que vende productos locales. Encuentra algunas de las piezas de ámbar más antiguas y más translúcidas del mundo, a las cuales Puerto Plata debe su fama.
Ya que los organizadores del festival se esfuerzan continuamente por innovar y mejorar la experiencia del mejor festival de Heavy Metal para sus huéspedes y su entorno, una vez más, los metaleros tendrán la opción de comprar una compensación de CO2 al momento de reservar su cabina privada o Ticket Individual (Single Ticket) para 70000TONS OF METAL 2024. Para el decimoprimer viaje de 70000TONS OF METAL en 2023, casi el 15% de sus clientes eligieron comprar la compensación de CO2 adicional. Los fondos recaudados a través de este programa se destinaron al Greentrippers Improved Cookstoves in Ghana project.
Visita 70000tons.com para más información y ve sus páginas de redes sociales @70000tons para más anuncios, incluyendo las fechas de venta.
Sobre 70000TONS OF METAL:
70000TONS OF METAL es The Original, The World's Biggest Heavy Metal Cruise.
Este festival flotante único y extraordinario ha agotado completamente todos sus Tickets durante 10 años consecutivos desde su primer viaje en el 2011, y navega a bordo de uno de los buques de pasajeros más grandes del mundo. Cuenta con 60 bandas internacionales de Heavy Metal de primera clase y cuatro escenarios, incluyendo el escenario al aire libre más grande del mundo que navega en altamar.
Los huéspedes pueden disfrutar de la más increíble experiencia de Heavy Metal de sus vidas y todos los beneficios que puede ofrecer un crucero: cenas lujosas sin cargo, bares que nunca cierran, 24 horas de servicio a la habitación, así como las muchas amenidades dentro del barco.
Este festival de Heavy Metal y estas vacaciones caribeñas de cuatro días ofrecen a 3000 metaleros la increíble oportunidad de conocer a todas las bandas a bordo. Sin zonas VIP, realmente es como si todos tuvieran un pase a camerinos. Los huéspedes no solo reciben acceso sin límites a todos los 120+ conciertos en vivo a bordo (todas las bandas tocan dos veces), sino que cada Ticket incluye también Meet & Greets con cada banda, Master Classes con varios músicos, así como estrenos en vivo y sesiones de escucha exclusivas. Los huéspedes también tienen acceso completo al “Jamming in International Waters All Star Jam”, una sesión de jam única en su clase con muchos músicos virtuosos que se juntan a tocar canciones clásicas de Metal en el escenario.
Los asistentes del festival también tendrán la oportunidad especial de explorar un destino de ensueño en el Caribe con los miembros de sus bandas favoritas en una Excursión en Tierra con los Artistas, otra exclusiva de 70000TONS OF METAL.
Para más detalles sobre 70000TONS OF METAL 2024, incluyendo preguntas frecuentes, amenidades del crucero, e información de contacto, por favor visita 70000tons.com
Los pasajeros y fans están también invitados a unirse a la comunidad de 70000TONS OF METAL en el foro oficial de 70000TONS OF METAL, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, YouTube, Telegram, Instagram y Spotify: @70000tons
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theart2rock · 5 months
70000 Tons of Metal gibt die ersten Bands bekannt
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Es gibt die üblichen Heavy-Metal-Festivals – und es gibt 70000 TONS OF METAL. Stell dir Folgendes vor: Du bist gerade von einer malerischen Insel zurückgekehrt, nachdem du dich stundenlang auf dem unberührten weißen Sand eines karibischen Strandes entspannt und die Sonne aufgesogen hast. Du spürst den warmen Wind in deinem Gesicht und sitzt nun in einem von sechs Whirlpools auf einem riesigen luxuriösen Kreuzfahrtschiff, direkt neben einer großen Bühne, und headbangst zu deiner Lieblingsband. Du hast freien Blick auf die Pool Deck Stage – die allergrößte Open-Air-Bühnenkonstruktion auf hoher See. Es ist ein Kaleidoskop vielfältiger Klänge und ein Treffpunkt für Metal Fans aus allen Teilen der Welt. Klingt das perfekt? Nun, das ist es auch. Mach dich bereit für 70000TONS OF METAL 2025! Die dreizehnte Ausgabe von 70000TONS OF METAL findet vom 30. Januar bis zum 3. Februar statt und führt von Miami, Florida – der Kreuzfahrthauptstadt der Welt – nach Ocho Rios, Jamaika und zurück an Bord der Independence of the Seas. Bei diesem einzigartigen Festival werden wieder 60 Heavy-Metal-Bands aus verschiedenen Subgenres die vier Bühnen an Bord erobern, während 3000 Metalheads aus aller Welt dabei sein werden. Jede Band wird im Laufe des Festivals zweimal spielen, was zu einer beachtlichen Gesamtzahl von 120 Konzerten führt! 70000TONS OF METAL hat 12 der 60 Bands für das Line-Up 2025 bekannt gegeben: BENIGHTED (2 spezielle Sets mit dem „Carnivore Sublime" Album und einem „Best Of" Set) CANDLEMASS (zur Feier von „40 Jahre Doom") DELAIN EMPEROR (2 spezielle Sets: „In the Nightside Eclipse" und „Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk") FLOTSAM & JETSAM (2 spezielle Sets: „Doomsday for the Deceiver" und „No Place for Disgrace") IN EXTREMO (2 spezielle „Best Of"-Sets als Teil ihres 30-jährigen Jubiläums) KALMAH (2 spezielle Sets mit den Alben „They Will Return" und „Swampsong") MAJESTICA SAMAEL (2 spezielle Sets mit den Alben „Ceremony of Opposites" und „Passage") SEPTICFLESH STRATOVARIUS (2 spezielle Sets mit dem „Visions"-Album und einem „Best Of"-Set) TANKARD THE KOVENANT (2 spezielle Sets mit dem „Nexus Polaris"-Album und einem „Best Of"-Set) Ocho Rios, das karibische Traumziel unserer Reise, liegt an der Nordküste Jamaikas und ist bekannt für seine malerischen weißen Sandstrände und atemberaubenden Landschaften – darunter die berühmten und spektakulären Dunn's River Falls, die sich westlich des Stadtzentrums befinden. Nach zwei Tagen voller Heavy-Metal-Erlebnisse an Bord ist es an der Zeit, den Tag an Land mit Bambusfloß-, Offroader- und 30-Meter-Yacht-Ausflügen zu genießen, sich mit Reifen den White River hinuntertreiben zu lassen, während man sich in der warmen Sonne entspannt oder sich auf eine adrenalingeladene Downhill-Radtour durch malerische Kalksteintäler zu begeben. Und das ist noch nicht alles: Als 70000 TONS OF METAL Sailor hast du auch die Möglichkeit, das Grab von Bob Marley zu besuchen sowie dich von einem seiner Familienmitglieder durch das Haus seiner Kindheit führen zu lassen – es liegt ganz an dir! Als Krönung des Ganzen gibt es von Bandmitgliedern begleitete Landausflüge, bei denen du einzigartige Erlebnisse mit deinen Lieblingsstars teilen kannst, bevor du an Bord zurückkehrst, um ein kostenloses elegantes Dinner, Bars, die niemals schließen, 24-Stunden-Zimmerservice sowie die vielen anderen Annehmlichkeiten des Schiffes zu genießen. Im ständigen Bestreben, das Erlebnis des Heavy-Metal-Festivals für die Gäste und die Umwelt zu verbessern, bietet sich den Reisenden erneut die Möglichkeit, bei der Buchung einer Privaten Kabine oder eines Einzeltickets für 70000TONS OF METAL 2025 einen CO2-Ausgleich zu erwerben. Die durch das Carbon Offset Program gesammelten Mittel gehen an das Greentrippers Improved Cookstoves in Ghana Project. Bleib auf dem Laufenden für Updates und Ankündigungen, einschließlich Verkaufsdaten, indem du 70000tons.com und die @70000tons Social-Media-Kanäle besuchst. Über 70000 TONS OF METAL 70000TONS OF METAL ist The Original, The World's Biggest Heavy Metal Cruise. Dieses außergewöhnliche und einzigartige schwimmende Festival, welches seit der ersten Fahrt im Jahr 2011 zehn Mal in Folge ausverkauft war, findet nun an Bord eines der größten Luxus-Passagierschiffe der Welt statt. Mit 60 internationalen Heavy-Metal-Bands, die auf vier Bühnen auftreten, beherbergt 70000 TONS OF METAL die weltgrößte Open-Air-Bühnenkonstruktion auf hoher See. Die Reisenden können das Heavy-Metal-Festivalerlebnis ihres Lebens mit allen Vorteilen genießen, die eine Kreuzfahrt zu bieten hat: kostenloses feines Dinieren, Bars, die nie schließen, 24-Stunden-Zimmerservice sowie viele weitere Annehmlichkeiten auf dem Schiff. Alle 60 Bands an Bord spielen zweimal – insgesamt gibt es vier Konzertlocations an Bord: Ein Konzertsaal, das Royal Theater, erstreckt sich über fünf Etagen. Die Star Lounge bietet ein persönlicheres und lokales Club-Ambiente. Im Studio B, der dritten Indoor-Bühne an Bord, kommt Arena-ähnliche Stimmung auf. Die Pool Deck Stage ist schließlich zweifelsohne die bemerkenswerteste: Die größte Open-Air-Bühnenkonstruktion der Welt, die auf hoher See unterwegs ist. Diese riesige Bühne wird von Bars, Pools und sogar Whirlpools gesäumt, die in die Bühne selbst integriert sind und es den Reisenden ermöglichen, ihre Lieblings-Metal-Bands zu sehen, während sie in einem Whirlpool entspannen. Diese viertägige Kombination aus Heavy-Metal-Musikfestival und Karibik-Urlaub bietet 3.000 Metalheads die unglaubliche Möglichkeit, das Event Seite an Seite mit allen Bands an Bord zu erleben. Da es keine VIP-Bereiche gibt, ist es im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes so, als hätte jeder einen Backstage-Pass. Mitreisende haben nicht nur uneingeschränkten Zugang zu mehr als 120 Live-Auftritten (alle Bands spielen zweimal), sondern jedes Ticket beinhaltet auch Meet & Greets mit jeder Band, intime Masterclasses mit ausgewählten Artists und exklusive Live- und Hörpremieren mit unveröffentlichtem Material. Darüber hinaus haben die Teilnehmenden vollen Zugang zum „Jamming in International Waters All Star Jam" – einer einzigartigen Jam-Session, bei der eine Reihe von Musikvirtuosen gemeinsam auf der Bühne klassische Metal-Songs spielt. Die Mitreisenden haben außerdem die besondere Gelegenheit, mit ihren Lieblingsmusikern auf einer „Artist Escorted Shore Excursion" ein karibisches Traumziel zu erkunden – ein weiteres exklusives Angebot von 70000 TONS OF METAL. Weitere Informationen über 70000 TONS OF METAL 2025, einschließlich FAQs, Angaben zum Schiff und Kontaktinformationen, gibt es auf 70000tons.com Quelle: cmm GmbH Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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norteenlinea · 8 months
SHORES OF NULL Get Ready To Sail and Perform At 70000TONS OF METAL and more
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rocktambulos · 2 years
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🇦🇷🇨🇱Los argentinos Skiltron y los chilenos Nuclear se suben al @70000tons 🛳️ Serán las primeras bandas de Argentina y Chile que dirán presente en el crucero más famoso del metal, dónde también se embarcará la agrupación costaricense Sight Of Emptiness 🤘 La edición 2023 del crucero metalero "70000 Tons of Metal" partirá desde Miami este 30 de enero y viajará hasta las Bahamas, para regresar el 3 de febrero a los Estados Unidos. 🐙 #70000tons #70000tonsofmetal #Skiltron #Metalhead — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/B9jXVZO
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repuddle · 2 years
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70000TONS OF METAL: Public Sales Start November 30, 2022
Public Sales for the eleventh voyage of 70000TONS OF METAL, The Original, The World`s Biggest Heavy Metal Cruise, will start Wednesday, November 30, 2022 at 12PM EST (9AM PST, 18:00 CET and respectively 17:00 GMT).
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metaladdicts · 2 years
Public Sales Date Announced For 70000TONS OF METAL 2023
Public Sales Date Announced For 70000TONS OF METAL 2023
Public Sales for the eleventh voyage of 70000TONS OF METAL, The Original, The World’s Biggest Heavy Metal Cruise, will start Wednesday, November 30, 2022 at 12PM EST (9AM PST, 18:00 CET and respectively 17:00 GMT). Round 11 will sail from Miami, Florida to Bimini, Bahamas and back from January 30 – February 3, 2023 on board the Freedom of the Seas. Bands announced to date include ABYSMAL DAWN,…
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ghostcultmagazine · 2 years
What to get the music lover that has everything? Find out with our handy 2022 Black Friday and Holiday Gift guide For Rockers and Metalheads. Check out all the links below to support bands, labels, festivals, record stores, and other small businesses this year. And don't forget to donate to some worthwhile charities! Written and co-produced by Ghost Cult Keefy (https://ift.tt/YkVhS4W). Co-producer and edited by Omar Cordy of OJC Photography (https://www.instagram.com/ojcpics​​​​). Theme music by Salted Wounds (https://ift.tt/PUzJtmQ). Fight Riff by Fahad Syed. #giftguide #rockers #metalheads #merch #vinylcollection #toys #shirts ***Some of these are affiliate links and Ghost Cult makes a small commission sales.*** Music: Get a subscription to Amazon Music: https://amzn.to/3l5fymq Record Store Black Friday - https://ift.tt/mUIBpbk Bandcamp - https://bandcamp.com/ Subscription clubs: Gimme Metal: https://ift.tt/xU1zlOJ Magnetic Eye - https://ift.tt/iRbIaXl Gilead Media - https://ift.tt/6A9TUCV The Flenser https://ift.tt/9Am6UYr Tankcrimes - https://ift.tt/BfiHRQw Metallica 2022 subscription club https://ift.tt/fbh6cJa Post-Wax: https://ift.tt/3UuPxOy Third Man Records: https://ift.tt/oj2QUHW Video and Livestreaming services : Nugs.net - https://www.nugs.net/ Momenthouse - https://ift.tt/SFwXBzU Puscifer TV - https://puscifer.com/ Livenation + Ticketmaster https://ift.tt/56Ql8V7 https://ift.tt/pxI5O69 Music cruises and destination festivals @70000tons - https://70000tons.com/ Destination Chaos: https://ift.tt/x9u2qHe Passes on sale to other festivals around the world such as Roadburn - https://roadburn.com/ Download - https://ift.tt/kQvyg1O Danny Wimmer Presents - https://ift.tt/sUD4Np7 Arctangent - https://ift.tt/WcqVbSg Tons of Rock - https://ift.tt/Vb76Q0X Alchohol: Deftones Beers by Belching Beaver - https://ift.tt/FEqciK8 Iron Maiden Trooper Beers - https://ift.tt/7EoOSfC KISS spirits - https://ift.tt/nrNVKM4 Megadeth Beer - https://ift.tt/Lx5N9ES House of Mustaine Wines - https://ift.tt/YC6eytF Metallica - Blackened Whiskey https://ift.tt/46jBagA Slipknot - No. 9 whiskey https://ift.tt/M5sn6IY Anthrax Whiskey - https://ift.tt/zwshS0D Motorhead Whiskey https://ift.tt/cXrbIsD Puzzles Rock Saws - 500 and 1000 piece puzzles KISS - https://amzn.to/311Gvk0 Slayer - https://amzn.to/3rcOuWt Ozzy - https://amzn.to/3DS07p1 Nirvana - https://amzn.to/3l2az60 Ramones - https://amzn.to/30UBJom Iron Maiden - https://amzn.to/3FBYIDE Books: Rob Halford Elton John David Bowie Jean Bouvier Money hacks Velvet Underground Greg Graffin of Bad Religion Toys and collectibles: Funko Pop - https://www.funko.com/ Super 7 - https://super7.com/ Knucklebonez - Rock Iconz https://ift.tt/m4dIZzL Incendium - https://ift.tt/SZxFUsn Dark Knights Death Metal action figures by McFarlane toys https://amzn.to/3nOuzej Rocker clothes: Shirts - Heavy Metal Merchant https://ift.tt/yVPzMWD Wicked Clothes https://ift.tt/wPLA8IG Battle vests - Mens - https://amzn.to/30RYlWq Womens - https://amzn.to/30RYlWq Pintrill - https://ift.tt/juqaGp1 Pull The Plug Patches and Pins: https://ift.tt/NrZbcJ0 Wornstar - https://wornstar.com/ Creeping Death Designs - https://ift.tt/21r0zmI Blackcraft Cult - https://ift.tt/0vB4fTE Indie Merch Store - https://ift.tt/w4mCL6h Dimebag hardware clothing - https://ift.tt/1uf7kO0 Mortus Viventi -https://ift.tt/cd9UHfq Smoke, CBD, Vape, and 420 friendly stuff: HiBNB (Ghost Cult's affiliate partner - "Air BnB for 420 ppl) Clown Cannabis - https://ift.tt/JFgLYvK BUD OF THE GODZ by GWAR - https://ift.tt/ki85URP B-Real of Cypress Hill’s Dr, Greenthumb - https://ift.tt/M4a3q9I Giving Tuesday Charities we Support! TWLOHA - https://twloha.com/ National Alliance to End Homelessness - https://ift.tt/UcnTi9A Animal Place - https://ift.tt/IBTwnbo F*ck Cancer - https://ift.tt/uBYNvk6 Headcount- https://ift.tt/e4WsM7l Rock Against Racism - Rock Against Racism Take Me Home - https://takemehome.org/ National Bail Fund - https://ift.tt/m6Cr1aD Cope Notes - https://copenotes.com/ Cru Socks - https://www.crusox.com/ Full list of Ghost Cult gear: http://bit.ly/OJCPicsKit
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rewindselector-blog · 2 years
Ship and Destination Announced for 70000TONS OF METAL 2023
Ship and Destination Announced for 70000TONS OF METAL 2023
70000TONS OF METAL, The Original, The World’s Biggest Heavy Metal Cruise has announced that their eleventh sailing will be hosted on board The … Ship and Destination Announced for 70000TONS OF METAL 2023
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kenpiercemedia · 2 years
This Just In: 70000Tons Of Metal Announce Ship & Destination For 2023 Excursion
The Press Release: 70000TONS OF METAL, The Original, The World’s Biggest Heavy Metal Cruise has announced that their eleventh sailing will be hosted on board The Freedom of the Seas from Miami, Florida to Bimini, The Bahamas from January 30th to February 3rd, 2023. True to their claim, The World’s Biggest Heavy Metal Cruise will include 60 bands over four stages. The festival boasts three indoor…
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metalshockfinland · 5 months
First Bands Announced for 70000TONS OF METAL 2025
There are your standard Heavy Metal festivals – and then there’s 70000TONS OF METAL. Envision this: Lounging on a Caribbean island, soaking up the sun on a pristine white beach. Later on, you feel the warm wind blowing in your face, now sitting in a hot tub on a giant luxurious cruise ship, in front of The Pool Deck Stage, The World’s Biggest Open Air Structure to Ever Sail the Open Seas.…
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pornogrindprincess · 5 years
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manfishinc · 7 years
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Girlfriend night! Which meams getting a head start on our battle vests for @70000tons she's lucky I like her enough to hand paint a back patch for her. #manfishinc #art #artistsoninstagram #design #illustration #design #metal #70000tons #battlevest #patches
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chaosmistresses · 7 years
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@Regranned from @70000tons - @battlebeastband on the beaches of @turksandcaicos_official!⠀ ⠀ Day 3 of #70000TONS OF METAL, The Original, The World's Biggest Heavy #MetalCruise \m/⠀ ⠀ Photo credit: VerSehen⠀ ⠀ #BattleBeast #70000tonsofmetal #Metal #Metalheads #MusicFestival #Festival #MetalFestival #HeavyMetal ⠀ - #regrann
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adondeirhoy · 5 years
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The first 10 of 60 bands that have been announced are:⁠ ⁠ CANDLEMASS @candlemassdoom⁠ EINHERJER #Einherjer⁠ EMPEROR #EMPEROR ⁠ EPICA (Design Your Universe set) @epicaofficial⁠ HAGGARD #HAGGARD⁠ LEAVES' EYES @leaveseyesofficial ⁠ MOONSORROW (will perform their album "Verisäkeet" in its entirety) @moonsorrowofficial ⁠ ORIGIN @originband ⁠ VENOM @venom_band_official⁠ WINTERSUN (ONLY shows of 2020) @wintersunofficial ⁠ ⁠ #metal #metalhead #heavymetal #candlemass #venom #70000TONS #70000Tons2020 #MetalCruise #RoundX #heavymetalmusic #heavymetalband #heavymetallover #heavymetalgirl #heavymetals #heavymetalfan #heavymetalfans #heavymetalmagazine #HeavyMetalGlitter #heavymetall #heavymetalholiday #heavymetalmaniac #heavymetalkings #heavymetalforever (at Miami, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4DcdUWlWGz/?igshid=1jcw4af94302m
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trentsleatherboots · 4 years
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Carach Angren, interview translation Dutch > English
Published in the magazine Rock Tribune, edition June 2020, nr. 192.
Text by Morbid Geert. Fotos: Stefan Heileman.
At the end of last year you could already read about how we kept close watch on Carach Angren. Back when they were still heavy in the production process, on Halloween Day we went over to Ardeks homebase and studio to see the first glimpse of their new work and later Rock Tribune got invited to listen to the album in Germany. Now it's almost time for 'Franckensteina Strataemontanus' to be shown to the world and that's why we wanted to take an even deeper look. Weaponed with an oil lamp and shovel we went onwards towards the graveyard to uncover the soul stirrings of Ardek. (Text: Morbid Geert)
Ardek, the last time I talked to you the songs were still in a very early stage and what we heard was more of a pre production. Did you tinker more afterwards to come to an end result or did you purposely keep your hands off to avoid overproduction?
"In terms of song structures and lyrics not much changed on the premature songs that you heard. What followed however was another production-finish, where especially the mix and mastering made a big change. That last stadia really lifted it all to another plane and you can really hear that."
As far as I knew, Patrick Damiani was still fully onboard working on the songs at Tidal Wave Studio in Germany. How important was it for you to pull an extra producer into the process? After all, you are very much at home with that as well? Or maybe not as much as you'd like?
"Back then he worked on drumediting and played the basslines, but his role is way bigger than that. We've worked together a lot and now we're doing something for L'Âme Immortelle, where we vibe together perfectly and know exactly how to handle such a project.  When he takes on production for Carach Angren however, I notice how much better he controls it. He has so much knowledge about drum sounds, mixing,... and he's really specialised in it. It is nice to add that knowledge, it brings a lot of added value. These days a lot of bands record at home and that all makes it a lot cheaper, but a good producer brings a lot of experience and equipment, it ends up with a whole different result. Besides, we left the mix and mastering to Robert Carranza."
That last one is a pretty big name, who among others worked with Marilyn Manson. I can imagine that has a big impact on your budget, but was it worth it?
"I think so. When I listened to 'Killing Strangers' by Marilyn Manson on headphones and heard the bassline, it went so deep that it turned me upside down. Apparently Robert Carranza mixed that album.  Furthermore he does a lot of different things such as make latin music and win grammy's, but in the extreme metal scene he is totally unknown.  However, he wanted to help himself to our record and yes, the price was steep, but I managed to convince both the band and the label… even though that wasn't without some doubts, since all eyes were on me for a bit. I had a good feeling about it and shared it, with the result being having a record now that doesn't sound like the others.  He had a fresh look on our work and thus we could avoid the recognisability of the average metal producer.  There are too many records that when you hear them you know exactly who had their hands on them and in which studio they were recorded.  Contrary to what you might think, there was constant contact with him (Robert) and a lot of talking about how we wanted it to sound. In particular the clarity of the sound is massive and gives it a bit more of a cinematic effect. There was no compression applied where everything sounds constantly loud and where as a listener you'd get easily tired, but the dynamics were preserved."
To refer back to Patrick Damiani: if he does so much and even plays the basslines, do you see him as sort of a 4th band member or is that just a bit too much credit?
"That's not how we see him. He's an amazing producer and musician, who gives us his opinion and helps us out. On the other hand he is not part of the creative process and he isn't on stage with us… but it is a relationship that's been going on for 12 years and something we get a lot out of."
Now I'm saying '4th band member', but after the recordings of your new record ended, your brother and drummer Namtar left the band. Can I ask what happened and if you saw this coming, or whether it was a bolt from the blue?
“In November he recorded his drum tracks and back then everything went fine, but then there came an offer to play at '70000TONS OF METAL'. Since we always looked at the financial side of the band together, we talked about the offer and he was immediately against it.  I thought that was strange and to me it seemed better to sit around the table with three to talk about it. Then it became apparent that he'd been wrestling with it for sometime and in brief didn't feel like it anymore.  We offered him to take a break of a few months instead of just throwing away what we've worked for the last 20 years, but that wasn't a solution.  It wasn't an easy decision, but afterwards we saw it had been an issue for a long time and at that point you rather put a stop to it.  That hit us hard, but you can never force somebody to stay in a band.  To keep our motivation high we played '70000TONS OF METAL' after all with Michiel van der Plicht of God Dethroned as replacement. That pleased us all and he's willing to help us out in the future."
Michiel van der Plicht in indeed an amazing drummer. Are there any plans to keep him in the band permanently or is this an emergency solution and is there an offer still standing?
"I discussed that extensively with Seregor, but together the two of us stay the core of the band. We already have an extra guitarist live and in the studio we will definitely have those people join again, but all decisions will be made by us two in the end.  We want to avoid that other people leave a mark on the band, causing us to lose our individuality (personality). It's about so much more than just making music: the stage decor, our own stage outfits,... for us it is very clear and it's going well, so we only need help to fill in with the music in the studio and during lives."
Let's get to the core of business. At the end of this month is the release of your 6th album, 'Franckensteina Strataemontanus'. Now lends the Frankenstein story itself perfectly for a horror metal band, but I wondered if the story isn't too milked out by other bands… unless you do it with a completely new vision. After all, that's what you did with 'This Is No Fairytale', where Hans and Gretel were transported to the now and the horror became bigger than ever. 
"When we started, I had the same feelings about the Frankenstein story, but there's a twist to it. Everything started for me as a dream, where I flew through an old house. There, I heard dissonant piano tunes and I got sucked into a room where a portrait of an old man hung on the wall. Later I made a drawing of that portrait and it got stuck in my head. When I began doing research for the album months later and even read Mary Shelley's amazing book 'Frankenstein', I found out that there is a theory that when she wrote her book she was influenced by Johann Konrad Dippel, an 18th century alchemist.  Then when I looked him up, he turned out to look like what I had seen in my dream, which personally motivated me to dig deeper. Dippel is an unknown figure for the masses and that's why it seemed fascinating to us to do something with it.  There is fiction and truth mixed in our story. By the way, Dippel lived in Frankenstein Castle near Darmstadt, where he was looking for the elixir to eternal life. He was also a theologist, but he clashed with the church and was therefore cast away. Because he also did experiments on cadavers and sought life extending resources, he would've inspired Mary Shelley for her story. What we did was make a concept around the source of her story instead of following the clichés.  That monster with screws in his head, we've seen it already before…"
Yet it doesn't seem like a concept album, because I notice that you address very diverse subjects.
"It is definitely a concept, since all stories are connected to one another, even if it's not noticeable. 'Operation Compass' is about the North-African desert war between the Brits and Italians. In official documents the Brits were ordered that if there were to be a fallback, to make all sources unusable for the enemy with 'Dippel's oil' (a nasty substance that made water undrinkable but did not poison it, so it was in battle with the Geneva protocols).  In our story it leads to a demonic outburst that went towards the soldiers. So you see, Dippel comes back throughout different moments in history. 'Der Vampir von Nürnberg' is about a real figure that is still alive. He committed necrophilia, killed people and drank their blood, … but is now at large. In our story he lost his ways after reading Dippel's books, which once again links it with the core story. 'Here In German Woodland.', the opening song, is about a boy that gets lost and dies in the forest surrounding Darmstadt, but later comes back and eats his parents. In the closing song 'Like A Conscious Parasite I Roam' it all comes full circle: Dippels life elixir only works for his soul, and his body rots away, so he searches for a guest body and his spirit creeps into that little boy." 
In a few songs, some German lyrics show up. Is that besides the concept also because of the grim sound of the language or is it simply because you live so close to Germany and it has a certain impact? 
"The subject lends itself to it of course and Seregor speaks German very well, which made things easier. And yes, the sound does play a certain role. 'Der Vampir von Nürnberg' sounds way better than the English translation, it immediately sets the right tone."
Some of these stories are the result of reality, but are often at least as gruesome as many fantasy stories: such is the bonus song 'Frederick's Experiments' about the sick science experiments of emperor Frederick II, a man who apparently was not inferior to the Nazi doctors?
"Yes, you can say that he set a good example! Seregor came with the idea and somewhere the story did fit within the total picture, even though we couldn't fit it into the big story. Our label Season Of Mist however asked for a bonus track and that's how we managed to include the song after all."
What I noticed with the first sneak preview, but what has become clear now, is that Carach Angren this time worked very innovative musically.  Watch out, it is immediately clear that it is from Carach Angren, since you already have your own sound, but at the same time there are noticable things we haven't heard from you before. The title track has a considerable industrial touch and we also hear something from Laibach in it, just like 'Monster'. Is that something you've only recently been getting into or have you maybe secretly been an industrial fan for years?
"It is more recent, even though I've always been appreciative of it. By also collaborating with Till Lindemann for his project Lindemann, I also came into contact with it more and started taking it up unconsciously. Afterwards I got to experiment with it for my solo project and that's how I came up with the song 'Monster'. Seregor tested some things out for singing for that song and it just made sense.  It was very cool to experiment like that, which you should when you're making a record based on Frankenstein…"
It became a musical experiment instead of scientific experiment, but you do create a parallel, yes.
"Inside Carach Angren we like to put a lot of variety in the songs and if you can also give that a different look, then that is something you should try. We ourselves are absolutely crazy about it! Some fans will have to swallow when they hear those songs, but for them there are plenty of old school songs on it."
To come back to Lindemann: he and Peter Tägtgren got you involved since you are so good with classical orchestras and arrangements, but in the end it seems to have become two-way traffic, doesn't it? Have you learned a lot from it and developed other visions? 
"We worked together in a very awesome way and you do learn a lot from that. You grow as a componist, as musician and as producer. It made me compose more compactly and I sometimes pursue slightly less complex songs, like the two more industrial based songs. Always great to be able to take a different approach."
Both those songs have an easier buildup, but in the other songs you go back to the complexity that you left out purposefully 'Dance And Laugh Amongst The Rotten'. Is it a way to generate more contrast?
"In some ways yes, but it depends on how it works out in a song. We tried to make the title track a bit longer, but then the effect fell away and it didn't feel right anymore. But strangely enough I write a complex song like 'Der Vampir von Nürnberg' easier than a less complex piece like 'Monster'.  With less arrangements it quickly becomes hard to keep it exciting(engaging), but seeing as you want to keep the concept to level, you need to have enough variation. The industrial songs sound a bit less complex, but there is a lot happening in the background and they are full of tiny details that make the difference."
With the new approach you have opened some doors to maybe do more experimenting in the future. Is that actually your goal or is there nothing reasoned behind it and do such new influences pop up sooner when they seem to be able to improve the song?
"It all almost comes down to what the concept of the album requires. Back when we wrote 'Death Came Through A Phantom Ship' we added swirling waves and custom/adapted sounds to it. With the new record the 'marching' of the pulsing industrial beat seemed to work the best with our Frankenstein theme. You have to see it like a painter who is mixing colours to make a new colour to fit his vision. We don't do any different and we would love to experiment more in the future. If we see what we've already tried with singing now … in the long run we were completely out of control trying to do crazy things."
The singing is indeed a very remarkable part of 'Franckensteina Strataemontanus'. We always thought Seregor had a good black metal voice, but we were very impressed by the way he twisted his voice this time around and helped set the mood.
"We are very happy about that ourselves. He delivered an excellent job and we really pushed everything to get to that point. We actually took several weeks to make sure my home studio was in perfect condition and sometimes Seregor had to redo a certain part up to 10 times to get the result we wanted, but he did it without struggling. A lot of singers that ask so much from their vocal chords are dead on their feet after an hour, but then there is Seregor who gets through the day without complaining, even while screaming his lungs out.  While recording 'Operation Compass' we did however find out it is better to record a deep grunt in the early morning, since your voice is still a bit slow and heavier from sleep.”
The whole corona crisis made it so that as a band it is way more difficult to promote an album now, since all concerts got cancelled. Did that have a big impact on Carach Angren or can you make it?
"I myself am very concerned with the people who are really affected by the disease and that is why I can partially ignore the inconveniences for ourselves. Nevertheless, it has a serious effect on the music industry, although that is secondary to me. We are dealing with a pandemic, people are dying and we all have to work to keep everything under control. In addition, it is strange to release an album in a full crisis, but we decided to go for it anyway. It's a cool record and we already started the promotion, so we just keep going. For now, tours are not planned, but that does not mean that we will now stream all kinds of performances to attract attention. We are not that type of band… what is a shame is that our plans for a very cool video clip are now also being abandoned. We had to go to Germany and there are also the social distancing rules, which make such a recording impossible.  But should we really want that and turn it into drama? Of course it sucks to have to promote the release like this, but the whole world is just not what it was a few months ago."
Do you have any alternative ideas to bridge that gap? I know that you guys always have enough visual ideas and there already is a lyric video for 'Monster', but I can imagine that there is more to come.
"We are working on that yes, because last month we made one for 'Der Vampir von Nürnberg' and next month we might take another song in hand. We will keep doing those sorts of things together with some 'making of-' videos that we recorded in the studio, that way we can give the album some extra promotion.  Nothing for us to worry about so… by the way, there is something about releasing a record in times like these. The people have been stuck at home for months and have nothing to do, so if we can give them a new piece of music to listen to to get through the day, then that is awesome too. It would be disappointing for the fans if we just put our new work on the shelf because of this pandemic. Every band should do what they think is best, but we had already started our press campaign anyway and we would also be a lot less driven if we only had to arrive 'with old stuff' within six months or later."
Carach Angren already has a few beautiful video clips which are build up with a real story and don't only have something musical to offer. In addition, there are also the lyric videos, where certainly those for the complete album 'This Is No Fairytale' with comic images by Costin Chioreanu stand out from the crowd. Have you never thought of bundling everything on a DVD?
"We've honestly never thought about that, but that's actually a really great idea! I think it would be nice to bundle everything together and that way we immediately remove some (away) from youtube. That can always be a good idea for the future."
As songwriter of Carach Angren you may have previously absorbed a lot of influences that shaped you into the musician and songwriter you are today. Can you list the five most essential records or artists that shaped you personally and what exactly were their interests?
"That is a good question that doesn't let itself be answered very easily. In the classical field and orchestras I think Tchaikovsky and Stravinski are very important. They both had a lot of influence on me as a componist. Another important inspiration to me in that respect is John Williams (modern componist famous for his film scores for Star Wars, Jaws, Jurassic Park..) They helped shape me even more when it comes to layered composing, although I don't come close to what they do. As a child I followed keyboard lessons for 8 years, I did a year of conservatory and studied a year of music and media, as well as cinematic orchestration. Those last two were online, but on a serious level and you really had to write pieces for an orchestra. I learned a lot there, but ever since then I kept learning by actually doing it myself, looking through books and analyzing musical pieces.  But if I hadn't gotten the theoretical basis I had as a child, I would've never been able to do this today. On production level I have to mention Nine Inch Nails and, something you'd might find strange, Michael Jackson! If you see how well their albums are produced, and how many layers are incorporated, it's amazingly well done! You can say about Michael Jackson's music what you want, but the way the songs are built up and how much dynamics are in there thanks to the arrangements by Quincy Jones, it is absolutely astounding.  There is no lack of bells and whistles and sometimes, for example, the snare drum comes in in four layers, something you don't hear so loudly even in extreme metal. I mainly listen to those albums as an audiophile to analyze them and see what I can get out of it as a producer. Last week I checked the solo record of Roger Waters, in which I heard effects that seemed to be situated outside the loudspeaker field. Then I want to know how that is done and whether I can integrate it with Carach Angren. That kind of thing is the reverse of the compression they use too often today and you wonder why we don't all go in that direction anymore."
Translated by Jeordie/Trentsfishnets.
(For the record, if this interview already exists in English, I will just see this as translating practice C:)
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