#79 my new fed
~*Accidental mate; chapter 9*~
Here it is! I’m so sorry for the wait 😂 It was one thing after another, but I digress! Thank you to everyone, (Anonymous readers too!) for your kind support and eagerness for this to continue. Special thanks to @clone-bar-79s for motivating me to finish this chapter!
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"The good news is, you've got time. His next rutting season isn't for another six months, you've got time to come to terms with it, make a decision that's best for you"  the joyful Cadence had returned to Urahara's voice, at this point you were positive it was as much of a disguise of his true thoughts and feelings as his hat and fan were. He was kindly trying to put you at ease, not letting his true concern shine through. More than you felt you deserved in this moment.
Letting your hands drop, shoulders squaring in mock determination, you raise your face to meet his eye. Fake it til you make it. "Thank you for telling me,". You raise to your feet, ready to accept your fate. Taking in a deep, soothing breath to steady your nerves. You needed to find Grimmjow. "I'll consider my options thoroughly" 
Urahara jumped to his own feet, hands presented to halt your departure, apologetic look on his angular face. Hat still secure in his hand, he looked so much younger with his mop of blond hair on show"Actually, there's more you need to know" 
More? You sat down heavily in your chair. You didn't think you could handle any more right now, you were still digesting the information you had just been fed, mind dizzyingly running though the conversation in an endless loop of uncertainty and guilt. You didn't know why you felt guilty, but it was there, heavily sitting in your stomach.
"If you were to decide to pursue a relationship with Grimmjow, there are some other factors you need to be aware of" Urahara disclosed as he rejoined you sitting down. You felt a little overwhelmed with the amount of information you had already been given, mentally exhausted with the drastic change in your life you were presented with. Though it did pique your interest, what else were you about to discover about the complicated Espada? "I'm sorry, I know it's a lot to take in" 
Your face must have betrayed how you were feeling, given the sympathetic look Urahara looked at you with. You shook your head dismissively, it wasn't through any fault of his own. Your own gluttonous actions had lead to this fiasco. Yourself and Grimmjow. Your throat tightened slightly at the thought of you and Grimmjow together in the same sentence, a couple.
Couple of idiots, you snarkily reminded yourself. Might as well get everything out in the open now, to save you from any more unwanted surprises later down the line. "Now that he has mated, part of Grimmjow's instincts will have him wanting to scent mark you. Which could be problematic " 
"problematic how?" You never realised how ignorant you were up to this point about Grimmjow's hollow side. You never realised it went as deep and animalistic as scent marking. Something you associated with mammals claiming their territory, hopefully he used another method than what you were aware of. You were pretty open minded, but you drew the line at Grimmjow pissing around your home. Or worse.
"While for the bonded pair, it can be considered rather intimate, for other hollows it's perceived as a warning... or a challenge"  For the first time since you entered the room, you notice Captain Muguruma turn to face you, seemingly interested in this part of the conversation. Arms crossed over his broad chest, he leaned back to the same window ledge Captain Hirako was using to prop himself up. "I'm sure you're well aware of the Captains and Lieutenants who have a hollow of their own residing within" 
You nod, eyes flicking to two of the captains who were visoreds , struggling to find the energy to participate verbally to the conversation yet. Shinji sent you a lazy wave, confirming what you already knew. You had seen first hand the blackening of their eyes, the inhuman warble hissing from the buff captains lips. Felt the chill run up your spine when his eyes locked onto you with a predatory gaze.
"The pheromones Grimmjow left on you can be smelt by the visored." Urahara explained, placing his hat back atop his head. Everything seemed to be falling into place, everything you had been confused about the past few days, running through your brain without answer finally being explained. Ichigo had told you that you smelt different, Grimmjow attacking him shortly after halted any further explanation. Subconsciously you breathed in deeper, trying to detect any foul smell coming from you.
Not as subtle as you had intended however, by the chuckle Urahara gave "You won't be able to smell it, neither can we" he indicated to himself and Kyoraku. That was somewhat of a relief, unimportant in the grand scheme of things, but you didn't relish in the idea of smelling.
 "Only hollows will be able to detect it, a survival instinct. It activates their instincts of fight or flight. The weaker ones, the beta's, will see it as a warning to avoid you for fear of getting into a fight with your alpha. For the stronger Alphas, they'll view it as a challenge"
"A challenge for what?" You almost didn't dare ask, not sure you wanted to hear the answer.
"To take you from him" Shinji interjected, tilting up his head to show off his smug grin. "To prove their strength, beat someone as strong as Grimmjow, steal his mate, become the most dominant" 
Your mouth fell open, gobsmacked at the new information. This was why they were here? To what? Let you know before hand that they may try and take you from Grimmjow? You felt a little nauseated at the thought. You didn't want that. Didn't want to be seen as the objectified prize of some barbaric testosterone fulled game. Offended at the thought of being passed around by whom ever claimed victory. You wouldn't accept it. You didn't want Shinji or Kensei, you wanted...
"Don't worry, this isn't us warning ya ta lock ya doors or we'll drag ya off to our caves"  Shinji's lips pulled at the corners,slowly dragging his eyes over your figure appreciatively. You fought the urge to cover yourself up from his lecherous gaze. Damn pervert. He was only joking, surely. Distasteful and outrageously unprofessional given the circumstances and his status, but he had better be only joking. "Though.."  he gave you a scandalous wink when he finally made it to your eyes " I could be tempted"
"Don't be a prick, Shinji" Kensei snarled at his colleague, seemingly reaching the end of his patience with all his teasing. Shinji held his hands up in surrender before placing them in his pockets and leaning back against the window, sulkily rolling his eyes at his fun being stopped "was only teasin' " 
Kensei rolled his eyes before focusing them on you. You shifted in your seat uncomfortably. While you didn't believe the head captain would allow any harm to befall you in his office, the large Captain scared you quite a bit. "Don't look at me with such a scared look on your face" he barked out the order, eye brows furrowed tightly. "We've got our hollows under control" 
"Most of the visored have beta hollows," Urahara took over the explanation again, saving you from having to change your facial expression for the short tempered Captain "Shinji and Kensei are the only two in soul society with Alphas. There shouldn't be a problem with Captain Otoribashi or lieutenant Kuna. " 
"Mines female, a lot easier to deal with then Kensei's." Shinji interjected, seemingly bored with the conversation now that he was denied his fun. You couldn't help but find the conversation fascinating. While you had heard the stories of Aizen's inhumane experimentation, Urahara's intervention and saving the hollowfied Captains and lieutenants, it was interesting in the way they described it. Like the hollow entity trapped within their own psyche, fighting to break out of their prison. "His is particularly aggressive.."
"An asshole is what he is," Kensei grumbled, cutting Shinji off from his deduction of the situation. Fixing you in his vision once more, he spoke with undeniable conviction "We have them under control, there won't be any problems now that we know what happened" 
"It was just a bit of a shock the other day". Shinji added, pulling attention back onto himself. You felt like you were getting whiplash, all this back and forth had the muscles in your neck stiffening "Never expected ta smell Grimmjow on ya like that, nor the reaction our hollows had " By the looks on Urahara and Kyoraku's faces, they've already been informed about your encounter with the Captains a few days prior. It eased your worry somewhat, the conviction Kensei had when he said he had his hollow under control. You released a shuddering breath, soothing the burning your lungs with the length you held it.
"You're perfectly safe here, YN. I have no doubt that the captains can control their hollows instincts"  Kyoraku spoke up, further soothing your worry. You trusted his judgment,he had proved his insightful deductions of situations to correct nearly one hundred percent of the time in your experience. He was a good judge of character. If he trusted the visored, then you could too. "The real concern lies with Ichigo Kurosaki"
"Ichigo?" You repeat surprised, you hadn't expected Grimmjow's sworn enemy to be brought into the conversation. You had just seen him. There was no reaction like what the captains exhibited. He treated you the same way he always had, friendly, relaxed. Though he did mention being able to smell you before Grimmjow attempted to knock his head clean off his shoulders
"Ichigo's hollow is still juvenile." Urahara picked up the conversation again, slipping easily back into rattling off the facts you needed to know "Though he is combative and defiant, he's not yet matured enough to want to seek out a mate, more interest in fighting for power over Ichigo. Given the history between Grimmjow and Ichigo, that could change once his hollow reaches maturity"
They were worried about it, you realised upon seeing the somber looks they all watched you with, waiting for your reaction. They were concerned not only for you, but soul society itself. There was no denying how incredibly powerful Ichigo was. No one had ever come close to reaching the level he had. The utter destruction he could cause if his hollow managed to break free and take over. The damage to soul society itself, the loss of life, the possibilities were staggering.
Grimmjow wouldn't refrain from doing something he wanted to do just because it may effect Ichigo. In fact you were pretty certain it would only make him want to do it more. Grimmjow's confidence in himself and his strength was bordering psychotic, he wouldn't care if Ichigo did challenge him. In fact, you believe he would welcome it whole heartedly, encourage it even. Idiot. He would fit in perfectly with the meat heads in the eleventh. He didn't care about the ramifications, so long as he got to thrive in the fight.
The subject would have to be brought up to both Ichigo and Grimmjow. You had the sinking feeling in your stomach, that you would have to be the one to convince Grimmjow to ignore his instincts and not mark you. If you decided to go through with it and be his mate. It would solve this problem if you simply refused to commit yourself to him, even though that decision would create problems itself. Your head was hurting, stress pinching the sides of your temples. It was too much, to many decisions falling on your shoulders.
"If Grimmjow can refrain from scent marking you,or we set up a plan for when he does, there should be little concern for ramifications". Urahara added to your silence. He could see your mind racing, thinking over all the possibilities of what you had just learned. He waited patiently for you to sift through your thoughts, silently watching as your unfocused eyes sharpened, to look him in the eye.
You had made a decision
"I need to see him
You walked in semi comfortable silence next to the eccentric exile, the clacking of his wooden foot ware against the stone floor, a steady beat to accompany his tuneful whistling. You appreciated the fact he didn't try to engage you in mindless chit chat as you followed him to his workspace in the outskirts of the twelfth division, Where Grimmjow was apparently staying until he was placed and housed permanently in a division. You just didn't have the capacity right now to pretend to be interested in anything Urahara could have to say to fill the silence between you.
Your mind was thick with all the information you had been given this morning. You struggled to sort through it, every question you had only leading to more questions, every solution met with an abundance of what if's and maybes. Ifs ands and buts attaching themselves to the end of every train of thought you rode on. You sigh mentally.
Remembering a time before Grimmjow forced his way into your life, with his aggressive nature and brash behaviour. When the only decisions you had to make were unimportant, mundane. Effecting you and only you. You couldn't believe how far away that seemed now. You hadn't even had the time to consider your own feelings yet. Grimmjow having invaded your every thought. Did you even like him? Well, no. Not really. His anger and snide comments annoyed you beyond belief. He was rude and infuriating, temperamental at best.
There was something there though, some pull you couldn't give name too. A niggling need in the pit of your stomach, Urging you figure out the puzzle that was Grimmjow. Wanting you to succumb to his unbending will, burn in his fiery passion. You were attracted to him, how could you not be? Handsome, strong. All the traits of a protector, a provider, that a millennia of evolution had you biologically trained to desire. There was something there. As much as you may want to deny it or ignore it, push it down and suffocate it until it no longer burns within you. It was there
A large hand settled on your shoulder, making you jump as it snapped you from your thoughts. Urahara didn't even try to hide the amusement on his face from your startled appearance. He nodded in front of you, getting you to see for the first time where you were.
"We're here" you sucked in a deep, soothing breath, releasing it slowly to rid yourself of the nerves threatening to shake you to your core. The hand on your shoulder squeezed comfortingly, departing with a tap "You'll be okay kid" 
Urahara pushed on, trusting you to follow. Opening the door with more vigour than necessary, he walked into the darkend space. "Honey I'm home!" You slipped in behind him silently, inquisitive eyes taking in the space. It was a large room, dimmed from the afternoon sun, with a desk littered with paper. Organised chaos immediately sprung to mind. Empty bottles of alcohol messily strewn on the floor, filling the space with the sharp smell of their remains.
Opposite you was a worn couch, currently moulded around the source of the rumbling growl you could feel reverberating through your chest. Grimmjow laid facing into the couch, back turned on his unwanted guest "Fuck off"  he grunted, curling in on himself, seemingly trying to disappear into the padding he was laying on. Arm thrown over his head, attempting to block out the punishing light streaming in from the open door, as well as the walking headache, Urahara.
Grimmjow Suppressed a groan, not ready to be rudely woken from his slumber. His throat was dry, scratching painfully around every forceful swallow he made in attempt to moisten the passage. His head thumped with every beat of his heart, every jolt a mercilessly cruel reminder of his rash decision making the night before. He didn't know what that freak kept in those bottles, but it sure as shit wasn't decent alcohol. Still he clung to the offered numbness it provided, willing himself to fall back into the black abyss.
"Come now ,Grimmjow," your eyes flicked to Urahara's back as he delved deeper into the room, approaching the temperamental beast with little regard to his own safety. Daringly poking Grimmjow in the back with the end of his cane, getting another growl in response "Remember your manners, we have a guest" 
"You can shove your manners up your..". Guest? Grimmjow felt his skin tingle, senses sharpening instantly. He inhaled deeply, tasting the air in the back of his throat. Mixing gently with the starchy alcohol and the dust imbedded in the couch was something sweet, rich, like thick honey clinging to the walls of the hive of the bees that created it. Fresh and salty, like the wind dancing over the oceans surface. You. You who he had ran away from, you with your bewitching eyes, your ensnaring lips. Ignoring the protesting scream of his head, Grimmjow pushed himself away from his forgiving nest, jumping to his feet, determined to not allow the discomfort to flash over his face
"The fuck do you want?"  He snarled at you, watching as your face betrayed your silly human emotions. Uncertainty, confusion, before settling on one he knew all too well, annoyance. He tried to glance at you sparingly, tried to keep himself from dissecting each and every aspect of your being, searching for the reassurance of your health. Your smell was tainted. Grimmjow could smell the musk of others lingering on your skin. He picked up the distinct notes of Urahara lingering on your clothes.
Another deep inhale and he picked up the signature of three others. The drunk, and the two who had acknowledged his claim on you. The discovery made his teeth clack together as his jaw tightened. Why the fuck were they all around his mate. Why were you looking at him, with pity.. and something else. Not quite fear.. but something he didn't recognise.
Eyes snapping to Urahara, Grimmjow snarled as he crossed the distance, chest rumbling with rising anger "What the fuck did you do!"
"Grimmjow.." Urahara's hand shot out to stop you from getting closer, halting your advance to calm him. Grimmjow roughly grabbed the lapels of his top, dragging him closer to the passed off Espada as he spit out the words "Why is she here!" 
Certain you would heed his advice and stay out of range, Kisuke lowered his arms to placate the emotional man on a subconscious level. "The head captain and I thought it best to inform YN of the situation between you." Grimmjows eyes widened, fingers slacking on the bunched up material. "We explained about the bonding, and what it means for ..hurmft!" 
The speed at which Grimmjow pulled back his fist and snapped it towards Urahara's face was impressive, if not for the unmanly exclamation of pain cutting off Urahara's explanation, you might've missed it all together. Almost instinctively you protested, scolding him with the disappointed use of his name, falling on deaf ears as Grimmjow pushed Urahara from his grip and into the desk behind him
"You had no fucking right" Grimmjow roared, fists shaking at his side with the surge of adrenaline coursing through his veins. Fixing Urahara with a dark glare, he kicked violently at one of the many bottles left forgotten on the floor, ignoring it as it smashed into the wall with excessive force. Chest swelling with frustration, Grimmjow pushed past Urahara, heading to the open door, not even sparing you a glance. "Fucking stay out of my business old man"
"Grimmjow" you reached for him, his arm slipping just out of your reach as he jerked it away, stomping through the open door. Ignoring your soft call, ignoring the indignant cry of "Old man?!" Muffled by the hand covering his bloody nose. Grimmjow needed to get out, If he stayed he was going to kill him.
You watch him leave, sighing as he slipped from your vision. Your head fell into your hands, momentarily blocking out the room and the shit show that just transpired. How you and Grimmjow were going to come to any sort of middle ground when he insisted on running away way beyond you. You let your hands slip from your face, disappointed with how that turned out.
"that didn't quite go how I expected" you mumble, disheartened by Grimmjow's disappearing act. It cut you deeper than you thought it would've, now that you knew about the bond.. it hurt to see him distance himself from you again. To reject you.
"Really?" Urahara asked surprised, gently running his fingers down his sore nose to ensure it wasn't broken " It went exactly as I had thought" 
Grimmjow was seething. Rage coursed through his veins like lava, obliterating any coherent thought that wasn't tinged in anger.. Why the fuck were these damn Shinigami interfering with his business, with his mate! They had no right, no fucking right to tell you. They weren't hollows, they didn't have bonds, you weren't theirs! You were his, his mate, his responsibility. He was going to tell you. The right way, not fill your head with biased bullshit from shinigami who didn't know the first thing about him or his bond.
"Grimmjow!" He rolled his eyes at your call, not stopping in his desire to put as much space between you and that fool as he could. He needed a fight. A brutal, dirty battle, where he could let go, succumb to his unconscious mind, move and act without thinking, just reacting. "Grimmjow,"
Damn woman didn't know when to fucking drop it. Whirling round he scowled at her, arms folded defensively over his chest. Her cheeks were flushed.. delicate pink, likely brought on by the jog she fell into to close the distance between them. He could feel her warmth seep off her, radiating the space around her like the sun. It was pure and gentle, not brash and damaging like him. She stopped an arms length away, watching him cautiously. It pissed him off.
They each stood in silence, waiting for the other to break the awkward tension between them. Giving the other the opportunity to dictate the way in which this conversation would go, knowing that one misspoken word could result in vicious words being spat, one misjudged movement could have them colliding together in a rush of frenzied passion..
"What!" He snapped, having enough of her inquisitive stare. She had annoyed him endlessly with her fucking bitching and complaining, now she suddenly had nothing to say? He watched as your frown softened, eyes darting to the ground between them
"They were right in telling me Grimmjow. I needed to know.."  you spoke softly, concentrating on how best to gently speak your mind. You couldn't let him bury his head in the sand and ignore it any longer. Something needed to be decided between you now, before his next rutting season came along. Grimmjow's eyes flashed with your words, not yet ready to let go of his annoyance of his privacy being talked about by a bunch of damn shinigami.
" I was going to fucking tell you! I tried!"  Grimmjow snapped defensively, stalking closer to maximise the height difference between you. Intimidation was a weapon Grimmjow had used countless times, successfully, against bigger and stronger adversaries than the small woman basked in his shadow. So why was it that this woman was meeting his eye defiantly, not a shimmer or trepidation or fear showing on her face
"You've got to stop pushing me away, Grimmjow. I know now, so stop running away and.." Grimmjows fingers wrapped around your throat and stealing your breath. Pressure squeezing threateningly against the side of your neck, fingers twitching in warning. His hand trembled, you could feel the vibration against your delicate skin as his eyes burned into your own, darkly muttering inches from your face, hot breath dancing over your lips
"I don't run away from nothing" you instinctively took hold of his wrist, yet you didn't try to push him away. You could feel your blood pumping through your jugular vein, held prisoner against his dominating hold. It was a show, a display of strength of power that he so desperately needed to hold onto so not to submit to his own confusing contradictory impulses. You shivered at his dark tone, as black and as cold as the darkest of nights. You squeeze his wrist tighter, pouring out the light of understanding, the warmth of acceptance 
"I know your scared" you were too. Scared of these confusing, consuming feelings you had never wanted. Scared of change, everything comfortable and safe being thrown into disarray . Scared you wouldn't be able to make it work, that you wouldn't be enough. Terrified that it would. "I am too.. Im your....mate."  As quiet as it was, you heard the sharp intake of breath. You watched how his eyes widened, furious rage dulling behind his eyes. He's fingers loosening their grip on your neck by a fraction, startled by your acknowledgement, acceptance"we need to come together Grimmjow, work through this together, or you're going to suffer alone. I can't sit back and watch that happen"
"you don't owe me shit, I don't want your fucking pity" Grimmjow pushed you away physically and fugitively,  creating distance from the hope you cruelly dangled in front of his nose. A life line, in the crushing reality he unknowingly made for himself. You were speaking from guilt, from some twisted sense of duty. He wouldn't let anyone pity him. You reached for his arm, stopping him from turning his back on you. You couldn't let him run away again, couldn't let him think you didn't care
"It's not pity." You had to get him to understand. He was stubborn and pigheaded, but you could get through to him. You had to. "It's not guilt. Grimmjow, talk to me" 
"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!" Grimmjow screamed in your face, hoping to scare you off. Better you run now, than to pull him deeper into your Facade. Give him a sense of stability, lull him into a fabricated delusion of belonging before you pull it from under him and watch him down. You didn't back down, didn't even flinch at the display of crazed hostility. 
"Nothing. I don't want anything from you but to try. Stop shutting me out"  Grimmjow ripped his arm from you, pacing back and forth as he run his fingers through his hair as you spoke. Like a caged animal backed into a corner, comforting himself with what little freedom he had left. Clawing to it possessively, fearing you would try to take that too. "I just want a chance, a chance to see if we can make more out of this.. bond, than this... constant hostile back and forth!" 
You were struggling to keep your emotions in check. You knew Grimmjow was impossible to reason with, challenging to engage with, with anything other than anger. You didn't want to fight. Didn't want to snap and resort to his default of shouting and snarky remarks. You knew he was struggling with what he was feeling, that he wasn't happy about this bond. But it was here, it wasn't going anywhere, and all this back and forth was grating on you. If you were struggling keeping your emotions in check, then Grimmjow was loosing the damn war. 
"I don't know what the fuck you want from me woman!"  he yelled in response, glaring at you with every pass he made with his restless pacing." I can't fucking break it! I tried!" 
"Im not asking you to break it! I know you can't, and I know that you would if you could, you're clearly less than fucking pleased to be lumbered with me!" 
"Then what the fuck do you want!"
"To talk! To get to know eachother, find some mutual understanding!"  You shout back, disappointed in your inability  to not resort to a shouting match. You took a deep, soothing breath. Pulling it as far down as you could before controlling the steady release, willing your annoyance to leave your body. "I thought we could start meeting up, go on a few dates and"
"Dates?" Grimmjow sneered the word, almost offended his tongue had to manipulate around the syllable. He scoffed, seemingly finished with his mindless walking around. At last.. progress
"It's when two people..."
"I know what fucking dates are!"  That interfering old man told him about them. Offering unwanted, idiotic suggestions when all he wanted was a solution to end this infuriating bond. They sounded like they consisted of absolutely fucking nothing Grimmjow wanted to engage with. Flowers and holding hands. Fucking strolling mindlessly through fields while this bitch talked his ear off. Not this Espada. 
Sure.. don't know how to use chopsticks but is well fucking informed on dates and courting. Urahara seriously needed to reevaluate his priorities in what to teach Grimmjow.. 
"I ain't gunna fucking coddle you. I'm not going to bring you flowers or listen to you cry about your damn nails and hair. If you want all that bullshit go date the old man! Leave me the fuck out of it!"
You were instantly offended. Trying to palm you off on another man for something you didn't even want. You had no delusions about Grimmjow. You weren't expecting romance or sweetness. You certainly weren't so shallow or materialistic to demand or expect him to pander to you. Even if Grimmjow refused to see it, you were a strong, self sufficient woman. You didn't need all that from another person, you were capable of providing it for yourself. What you did require was damn respect, honesty and the same damn commitment you were willing to put into this
"I don't want to date Urahara, you fucking idiot. I want to date.." your angry retort died on your lips at the surprise widening of his eyes, the anger slipping from his face almost instantly. Inhaling deeply, you decide to finish your unintentional slip strongly. No more games. No more tiptoeing around the situation. One of you needed to stop this ridiculous back and forth and start being honest, truly honest "you, I want to date you Grimmjow. I don't need flowers. I don't need gifts or for you to change to please me. I just need a mutual respect, and a willingness to try and see if we can develop our own feelings not dictated by your bond."
He stepped towards you, a hesitancy in his movements you had never seen from him before. Questioning eyes searched your face, piercing deeply into the emotions swimming behind your eyes. "Why..?"  Searching for a hint of deception.. a sliver of hidden motives. All he could find was honestly, vulnerability. He didn't know how to deal with that. Everyone had a hidden selfish agenda. A selfish motive for everything they did. He had seen it time and time again, offering help if only it benefited you later. 
"I don't know"  you spoke softly, not a remnant of anger in your voice. Grimmjow scoffed, shoulders sagging with disappointment. He nearly fell for it, almost believed your bewitching lies.. you took hold of Grimmjow's hand, stepping closer so he had no choice but to look at you "I can't give it a name... this..pull that I feel. This feeling I get when I think of you,  these reactions I have when I see you.." 
 Grimmjow's mouth went dry, swallowing thickly as he listened.. heart thumping so loudly in his chest he thought it would bust right out his rib cage. The solidified need imbedded within the very fabric of his nature, that had been ripping him from the inside out,  suddenly sparking wildly in his stomach as you voiced your want for him. Both your small hands holding his, caressing mindlessly over his fingers, mapping out the hardened callouses, your eyes watching your fingers dance over his skin.. 
Then you looked up, the purest of eyes, shining with vulnerability, need, desire. Looking straight though him, through his defence, his armour. His breath hitched in his throat when you looked at him like that, so open, so... honest
"I don't know what it is. But it's there. It's real, and it's growing and it's not going away. I want to know what it is Grimmjow.... I want to see what it could become " 
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thejediscrolls · 2 years
I heart ?
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Crosshair x reader
Who knew simply loving a man would be so difficult
Fluff - Angst (I mean it’s Crosshair)
Pt 1 of I Heart ?
A weapons technician shouldn’t be feeling this way especially towards one of the clones. A bad batch clone to be specific.
“Hey.” Clare walked into our station.
I looked up from a stabilizer I was placing on the new sniper rifle I was developing, “Hey, how was last night?” I asked referring to her date with the one and only Tech.
“Better than I hoped for.” She sighed happily as she fell into her seat, “He was such a gentleman the entire night. It makes me wonder how he can be a soldier.”
“I know, he definitely seems more of a tech guy here, no pun intended.” I chuckled.
“I could definitely see him more if only he was…” Clare sighed before peeking up, “Oh! We have another shipment of weapons and parts coming today.” Clare stated as she walked towards her desk, her curly brown hair bouncing.
“Did that part I asked for come in?” I asked.
“The one that goes to that gun you got there for certain stone cold sniper?” She smirked, her brown eyes sparkling as she looked at me, “Then yes.”
I smacked her lightly on the arm, “Shh!”
“What? He’s not going to here us, he barely ever comes down here.” She retorted.
My shoulders slumped at the thought, “I know…”
“Hey…” Clare rested her hand on my shoulder, “I could always ask Tech to put in a good word for you?”
I shook my head, “No, no. I don’t want to seem desperate.”
“But, you are desperate?”
“Yes, but I don’t need him to know that.” I explained as I returned back to my work, “He barely acknowledges me as it is.”
“Then why are you making that.” She motioned to the sleek new rifle that carried even more tech then the one he is currently using.
“I… He.” I dropped the driver I was holding with a sigh, “He is just so amazing! And so cool! And smart and quick witted and I’m just quirky. I just… I want to impress him somehow.”
Clare nodded in understanding, “I see.” She gave me an encouraging smile, “I bet he’s going to notice you after you show him this new weapon.”
Her words cheered me up and I gave her a hopeful smile, “I hope so.”
My name was called from the doorway and Ren walked in with a package, “Here’s the part you ordered.”
“See!” Clare cheered behind me as I signed my name on the tablet, “It’s a sign!”
I giggled at her enthusiasm as I got back to work.
Little did I know, my oldest friend Clare had plans of her own.
“And that is why I think they will be perfect for each other.” Clare placed her hand on Tech’s arm, “So will you help me?”
“I’ll get him down there, but I can’t promise his feelings. You know Crosshair, he’s pretty closed off.” Tech explained.
“We just need to get them together. Their hearts can do the rest.” Clare smiled and placed a kiss on his cheek, “Thank you for helping me.”
“O-Of course.” He stumbled over his words.
“Then let’s start with a drink.” She said.
With Tech on her side, she knew that her plan will work.
“Tech is meeting us at 79’s.” Clare said, fixing her hair in the mirror of my room, “Are you ready to go?”
“Yeah.” I called out from my bathroom, finishing the last curl in my hair.
I stepped out, showing her the off the shoulder knitted black mini dress.
“You look beautiful!” She gasped in awe.
“So do you!” I motioned towards her red dress that showed off her curves.
We stood by the bar arms looped as I laughed at the gossip she was telling me.
“A clone, I think his name was Check, tried to get with Lisa last night.” She whispered quiet loudly.
I gasped, “No! That poor boy. I bet he is going to be wounded for life.”
“She fed him to the wolves.” Clare smiled proudly, “Our one and only power woman never fails to show us the true meaning of a boss woman.”
“Girls.” A voice spoke behind us and we turned around to greet Tech and… Crosshair.
I quiet literally felt the blood rush to my cheeks as I stared at the tall slender sniper. He was wearing a black Henley and a pair of black jeans. The toothpick in his mouth moving slowly as he took in the lack of clothes he normally saw me wearing.
Damn, how is he so good looking? Even in casual clothes he looks handsome.
Clare nudged my side, snapping me out of my daze. I cleared my throat and stood up straight.
“Hi.” I held my hand out, hoping that the dimmed lights hid my red face, “I don’t know if you remember me, but I’m-”
He said my name before I could finish, “I know who you are.” He said refusing to shake my hand.
“Ah.” I laughed nervously moving my hand to scratch the back of my neck, “Right, of course you do. How is your night going?”
He hummed as a response before walking away. My heart seemed to fall in my stomach.
“Don’t take it to heart.” Tech encouraged, “He just needs some time to warm up to you.”
“Go to him. Show him you’re worth his time.” Clare encouraged already shoving two drink into my hands.
You are a strong woman… You handle weapons for a living… You can do this…
I found him sitting in a booth. His left arm resting on the back of his seat.
“Hey.” I said quietly, gaining his attention, “I brought you a drink.”
He stared at it sharply and turned his head, “I don’t drink that.”
“Oh,” I said embarrassed, “I’m sorry, I can get you something else. Whatever you prefer and I thought that maybe we could get to know each other? I think that you are really cool. I also know that you like guns and well I design them. And now I’m rambling.” I laughed nervously, “What would you like to drink?”
He stared at me, unsure of how to respond. When he finally spoke he looked uncomfortable which didn’t help my nerves at all, “Oh… I…”
“Hey there hot shot, here’s your drink.” A girl with long red hair plopped down in his lap, a shot of shot whiskey placed on the table for him as she set down her fruity drink and leaned back into him.
“Oh? Are you a friend?” She asked turning her attention to me.
Words got caught in my throat and it took everything to hide my embarrassment, “I…”
“There you are!” Rex’s voice sounded from behind me as he slung an arm over my shoulder, “I’ve been looking everywhere for you. The boys want to say hello.” He gave the two sitting in the booth a nod before steering me away.
When we were far enough he unwrapped his arm from me, “I’m sorry, you looked liked you were in a tough spot.” He said as he led me to the bar.
I set the drinks down with a sigh, “Thank you.” I whispered.
“Finally took your shot huh?” He asked as he ordered a drink.
I nodded miserably, “It was horrible and embarrassing. I can’t believe I thought I had a chance.”
“If it helps, she was the one that came onto him first.” Rex said.
“Maybe I’m just fooling myself.” I slumped against the bar.
“I think you are brave, not foolish.” He said.
“I just got shot down. I’m not brave.” I muttered.
“Hey, that soldier over there is either going to like you or he won’t, but his opinion of you takes nothing from how amazing you are.”
“Thank you Rex.” I smiled at him.
He returned it with one of his own, “Anytime.” He said before hearing a bunch of shouting from his squad, “I should probably go take care of them.” He chuckled.
I laughed with a nod, “I’m going to go find Clare. See you later Rex.”
“Stay safe.” He said before walking away.
I found Clare secured under Tech’s arm as she laughed at something he said. Her smile soon turned to concern as she spotted me.
“Are you okay?” She asked immediately pulling away from Tech, “What happened?”
I shook my head looking down at the drinks I’ve been carrying around, “I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Oh, that’s okay.” She motioned for me to join them at their table, “You can hang out with us.”
“No, no. I think I’m gonna head home.”
“Do you want us to walk you home?” Tech ask considerately.
“No, you two have fun and enjoy the evening. Goodnight.” I gave her a reassuring smile before turning around. I downed both of the drinks and placed them at a nearby table before heading out.
The walk home was humiliating as I mumbled to myself.
“Of course he wouldn’t waste his free time with me. Of course he would find someone beautiful to take home. I mean look at me.” I stopped walking to look at my reflection in a closed shop window.
“Of course.” I sighed turning from my route home to my work place instead.
I gently added another piece to the weapon, it being only halfway finished.
I hung my head low as I whispered, “I’m such an idiot.”
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manogirl · 6 months
My Year in Reading, 2023
For the first time since 2012, I didn't do a GR reading challenge. In every year between 2012 and 2021, I read over 150 books. Some years it was closer to 150, some years closer to 200. In 2022, I read 83 books. In 2023, 79 books.
See, in 2022, my world broke. My brain broke. The big bad burnout turned my brain inside-out and upside-down and I lost reading. In that same long first half of 2022, I realized I had to leave librarianship. Not just my job, but my fucking career. See, I was a fiction librarian. I had this ultra-rare position that was my dream job, and reading was a part of my job. When people tell you not to make the thing you love your job, I know. I know what they're saying.
I spent the second half of 2022 living in a state of nearly constant joy. And I wasn't reading for a lot of it. If you asked me three years ago, I couldn't possibly have foreseen this turn of events. And for some of 2022, I was stressed about how much I WASN'T reading. I am trying to figure out how to express this, because it didn't feel BAD to not be reading. It felt right and it felt like I didn't want to be reading. But it also felt wrong because reading was a huge part of my life, and then....it wasn't.
I decided 2023 had to be different, in terms of how I related to reading, so I jettisoned the reading challenge and just let myself...be. Here's what I found out:
I read a lot of BL manga. I'm not a huge graphic novel OR manga fan, so this was a new and unexpected joy. This probably isn't surprising to you if you know me on tumblr through BL, but it was surprising to me. I figured I would dip into queer romance novels, but nope, it was the manga that I loved.
Danmei isn't for me. No idea why, because it seems like it'd be just my cup of tea, but it isn't. I like it, I just don't LOVE it, and right now I want to love the books I'm reading, especially if it's fiction because...
I read SO MUCH NONFICTION IN 2023. It's what my brain asked for, so that's what I fed it. It also probably contributed to my lower numbers; dense nonfiction takes a LOT longer to read than fiction/manga. I think...I'm a person who feels passionate about learning; I love it so so so much. And when my consumption habits switched to mainly frothy TV shows about men falling in love with each other, my brain was like, uh, you better feed us some facts, lady. So I did.
I...like?...memoirs? In my book club, I'm the person who hates memoirs. Memoirs that everyone loved I scoffed at. Memoirs, yuck. Except...apparently no. Apparently I like a memoir now. I guess this is maybe an offshoot of the nonfic bias but nonetheless, my brain continues to shock me and the people who know me best.
Anyway, here is a short, lightly annotated (not in order at all) list of my fave reads this year:
Tom Lake by Ann Patchett. Fuck yeah she doesn't miss.
Doppelganger by Naomi Klein. Oh this is the real shit, and she also doesn't miss.
Carrie Soto is Back by Taylor Jenkins Reid. Okay, a fiction book that I devoured. Sports + love + grief = a meditation on life.
Monsters: A Fan's Dilemma by Claire Dederer. I sometimes go back and read my highlights from this, because it was so fucking powerful and spoke to me so powerfully.
You Could Make This Place Beautiful by Maggie Smith. I loved this in a way I don't think I can explain. Simply stunning in all the right ways.
Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin. Video games + love + grief = a meditation on life. Fucking amazing.
Stay True by Hua Hsu. Oh jesus fuck this is sad but it is so so so so good.
Bookshops & Bonedust by Travis Baldree. Cozy fantasy that isn't romance is something I need more of in my life. Yes to orcs opening bookstores and coffee shops and very little fighting.
Witch Hat Atelier, all existing volumes, by Kamome Shirohama. I've been sharing these with my 8 year-old niece and it's just the nicest little happy thing.
Vagina Obscura by Rachel Gross. Yes, please explain my fucked up innards to me. Endometriosis ftw!
Fat Talk by Virginia Sole-Smith. Real, solid advice and real, solid evidence, and real, solid writing. Two thumbs up.
Maybe someday I'll do a post about how I've been tracking my reading since November 11, 2004. I guess we're hitting the 20th anniversary this coming year, after all.
I guess I do know one thing: I'm never NOT going to read at times. I still do love it, even if my needs and wants around it have changed. Happy New Year, all!
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simplyventi · 5 months
I just wanna do something new thanks to @frostclan-is-lost and every other clan gen blog I’ve seen and I wanna post my own.
So welcome Hollyclan~
Hollyclan was created when a bunch of former loners had been driven out of their old home. The clan use to be called Havenclan where anyone was welcomed to join the little haven they created.
Havenclan was lead by Sunstar, a nervous storyteller who would tell the story of how the clan was created. But with the threats of the other clans the clan pressured Sunstar to act and show that Havenclan weren’t pushovers but Sunstar wouldnt do anything and continue to let the other clans trample over them.
Their medicine cat, a she-cat named Boragemask began receiving visions of big monsters coming and attacking everyone and she tried to tell Sunstar and the deputy Timberheart(her sister) but they wouldn’t listen seeing as Starclan has been quiet for sometime. However one day wolves came and killed nearly everyone but Boragemask and her apprentice Brightpaw were prepared and made it out alive. Not before Violetpelt and Alderfeather asked her to take their kits with them and run. Boragemask did as they asked and along with Brightpaw fled their old home.
They traveled for so long and finally found a twoleg barn they could rest. That was when they met Auburn; a kittypet who frequented the twoleg barn to hang out and helped the clan cats in watching over the two kits as well as hunting to keep them fed. During that time Boragemask began getting dreams of a forest surrounded with Hollyberries and filled with a misty fog and she decided after they had recovered that they should find this place. Auburn decides to join them and they set out.
When they finally find the place Starclan guided them to, Boragemask decides that they are no longer Havenclan but they share a new clan, Hollyclan.
Also a little tidbit here that it is believed that the wolves were sent by Starclan due to Sunstar’s incompetence to be a good leader.
79 moons
Medicine cat
Unshakable Starclan Link & Good Kitsitter
Mate: Auburn
Boragemask is an adventurous she-cat who’s had a strong link to Starclan. Despite their silence they always came to her in her dreams and would share their wisdom with her. She always knew she was destined to be a medicine cat and when she got the chance she took it. She was trained by Morningdust and became deeply devoted to following Starclan. When they told her about the monsters who would come they told her she should escape with her apprentice and two kits to find the camp surrounded with Holly.
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9 moons
Medicine cat Apprentice
Picky Nest Builder
Mother: Violetpelt
Brightpaw is a nervous tom who can be quite picky at times. He’s been the one who has been affected and traumatized the most. He doesn’t believe he’s doing a good job as a medicine cat but he was always too fidgety to be a warrior. He hates fighting and hates seeing blood and usually faints at the sight which is hard when you’re a medicine cat. He’s trying to be better as as he’s been working hard. He has been training himself to not faint and he’s been improving.
He has a folded ear and he does have fangs that protrude out like Frostkit due to their mother Violetpelt.
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51 moons
Warrior(Former Kittypet)
Good Swimmer & Keen Eye
Mate: Boragemask
Auburn is a charismatic she-cat with a keen eye. She’s also great at swimming and has been able to charm her way through everything. She has some hunting and battle skills thanks to her old friend who was a former clan cat. He had lived in the barn that Boragemask and the others took refuge in. She even helped them when they needed it gathering herbs and prey for them to recover and joined them when they decided to leave. Along the journey her and Boragemask grew close and eventually became mates.
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5 moons
Picky Nest Builder
Father: Alderfeather
Gentlekit is a polite and young she-kit. She’s a lot older than Frostkit and actually remembers the wolves and she does miss her father she knows he’s watching over her and guiding her paws. Despite it though she doesn’t let the trauma get to her and tries to help out but Boragemask won’t let her do much. Auburn actually tells her to watch over Frostkit and the she-cat agreed to it:
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2 moons
Mother: Violetpelt
Frostkit is a young kit of the clan. She’s an attention-seeking kit who loves playing around. She doesn’t really remember the wolf attack and really doesn’t remember her mother Violetpelt but Brightpaw does come to tell her about her when he lays with her at night. He’ll tell her stories about their mother. Brightpaw and Gentlekit try to distract her by the loss of her mother by playing Mossball with her.
She has fangs that protrude out thanks to her mother Violetpelt.
Her and Brightpaw are half siblings as they have different fathers.
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etes-secrecy-post · 7 months
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Hi, before I explain my post, I want to say something important.
• What you see my blog has become a major overhaul. And despite the changes, I decided that my 2nd account will be now my artwork blog with a secret twist.
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Okay? Capiche? Make sense? Good, now back to the post…↓
#Onthisday: Nov 28th, 2017
Title: Cuteness Member - Brainy
This is Morgan's OC Brainy 🐰 with his first "Cuteness Mecha Armor" from the Mobile Suit Variations / M.S.V., the armored "GM Cannon", an artillery type variation of the original RGM-79 GM. 😁🤖
GM Cannon BrainyCame from the real: RGC-80 GM Cannon [CLICK ME!]
240mm Cannon • Mounted over the right shoulder, the cannon is clip fed, with a spare clip mounted on the rear waist armor.
60mm Vulcan Gun • A standard armament of the armor suits that are descended from the Earth Federation.These head mounted shell firing weapons have a high-rate of fire, but little power and are generally ineffective against armor suits; however, the vulcan gun can damage lightly armored areas such as the sensors. These weapons are ideal for shooting down small, lightly armored targets such as missiles or small vehicles.
BR-M-79C-1 Beam Spray Gun • The Beam Spray Gun was essentially the Gundam's beam rifle in a smaller weaker form. The beam spray gun has a smaller focusing coil which results in a less powerful, and a more scattered shot. As a result of this the beam spray gun is less effective at long range, but is better at close range due to a more spread out shot, similar to a shotgun effect. While the beam spray gun is less powerful than the beam rifle, it has been shown to be able to penetrate the armor of a Rick Dom - one of the most heavily armored suits.
NF GMG-Type.37/100mm Machine Gun • The standard armament for Federation armor suit ground forces, the Type 37 is an open-bolt, gas-operated, magazine-fed, armor suit handheld machine gun. It fires a 100×450 millimeter round at a rate of 500 rounds per minute and is loaded with a 20-round box magazine. Features include a folding stock and swivel forward hand grip. Maximum effective range of 1.5 kilometers.
BLASH HB-L-03/N-STD Hyper Bazooka • Technically a large rocket launcher it could fire several 380mm missiles to attack targets at long range. No mass-production armor is able to stop this weapon. While very powerful, it has a slow rate of fire and a fairly little amount of ammunition. Often used to take out slow, heavily armored targets.
BOWA·BR-S-85-C2 Beam Rifle • The standard ranged armament of the many armor suits is the beam rifle. The particle beam fired from a beam rifle can penetrate almost any armor that has not been treated with specific counter-measures. The beam rifle has a power rating of 1.9 MW and is powered by a rechargeable energy cap.
FADEGEL RGM-M-Sh-003 Shield • A basic arm-mounted defense armament for many Federation suits. The shield is a thick sheet of armor designed to take severe punishment that would normally destroy a armor suit. Since the introduction of beam weaponry, shields have been treated with an anti-beam coating allowing it to withstand several beam shots before the coating wears off. Typically physical shields can only take so much damage before they succumb to the pressure and break. A shield can be equipped to either arm of the GM Cannon in order to increase defense against both beam and physical attacks.
RGM*S-Sh-WF/S-00109 Shield • The GM Cannon is also capable of mounting on either of its forearms a smaller RGM*S-Sh-WF/S-00109 Shield. It is capable of deflecting most incoming ballistic projectiles and some explosive warheads. Mount latch and joint/pivot mount position retracted for protection or extended for slashing or punching attacks. Can be thrust into the ground and used as an elevated weapon firing position. Features include top carrying handle and shield claw.
Brainy (HTF OC) - owned by Morgan Millington Armor (Mobile Suit Gundam, Mobile Suit Variations/MSV) - Gundam Series © Bandai Namco Filmworks, Inc. (SUNRISE), Sotsu
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tetranymous · 2 years
Tagged by @predawnrex04
Rules: Make a new post and copy the text from this post and fill out the questions with your answers. Then tag five or more people you want to get to know better. Have fun!!!
1. Favorite colour(s):
Big fan of amber (especially the amber in the default ms paint colour palette), aqua and neon purple and medium blue are also excellent colours :)
2. Currently reading:
My uni mech textbook, I don't really read much outside of uni anymore (free time? Nonexistent.)
3. Last song you listened to:
I listen to music more than I don't nowadays, RIGHT NOW I'm listening to stick figures from animusic 1 (please watch animusic if you are a fan of robots that are just funny guys)
4. Last thing you watched:
5. In school?
Yep, studying mechatronic engineering at uni (robots and junk (literal (affectionate)))
6. Thing you’re looking forward to:
SUMMER BREAK. I need that sweet, sweet free time to fix my gottdang phone. *currently battling against the terrible screen and CPU of the $79 woolworths phone as we speak* (how this thing is worse than a phone from 2015 AND less responsive than my other phone from 2009 is a complete and utter mystery)
7. Thing you’re working on right now:
HOKAY SO. my mechatronics class has a free form practical where you get to make whatever you want right? So when my phone broke the first time (battery became a spicy pillow) I got REALLY fed up with how nothing is user serviceable anymore (my phone isn't that bad but the fact that I had to order speciality parts for it sucked) so I took it upon myself to fix it one project at a time
So I started small, (might try and tackle serviceable phone for my thesis, phones are INCREDIBLY complex) and made the Comically Large Arduino Watch. It tells the date! It tells the time! It has backlight control! It has a battery that lasts ONE (1) full day of constant operation! (Full list of features)
Here it is btw
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This is an older photo of it, I've replaced the Arduino Uno with an Arduino Nano (to get more space in there, despite its size there is NOT a lot of room) and am currently adding automatic backlight control, some blinkenlights, and am fixing the whole battery situation (this required a COMPLETE code overhaul btw) tempted to add a dancing amogus in the 1 free character block I have left on the display too depending on how much I get done before it has to get marked
8. Can you cook or bake?
I can cook, unfortunately I have disease where whenever I look in the pantry all I see is condiments. Plus I hate cooking meat because I'm afraid I'll give myself food poisoning :( (not to mention the accursed Oils™ , I DON'T LIKE TOUCHING THEM)
9. Piece of media you’d recommend to anyone:
Tron legacy. It's got old computers! It's got highly experimental lasers! It's got practical effects! It's got Daft Punk! It's got genders! It's got ethical dilemmas! It's got cool cyber jets! Just everything I love it so much (I am so normal about this movie *has a Tron blog they've been running since 2016*) watch Tron (1982) first though you need the context (I ALSO LOVE THIS ONE TOO. Go look up how it was made its insane. Tldr: computer animation did not exist, but single frame rendering did. SO THEY HAD TO CALCULATE THE POSITION OF EVERYTHING WITH MATH BY HAND. And that's just the surface of the iceberg baybee!!!)
Not tagging anyone because I'm too shy (weem weem himper), but if you want to you can do it :)
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topaz-eyes · 2 years
Rules: pick any 10 of your fics, scroll somewhere to the mid point, pick a line, and share it! then tag 10 people.
Nabbed from @serricoj!
I took their excellent advice and used a random number generator to pick my fics.  Numbering goes from #1 (newest) to #211 (oldest).
And soon enough there she was, peeking from a crack in the door, the alien who’d usurped Lucy Cartwright and wore her face.  "Hello, Sister-of-Mine," he greeted.
#58,  A Kinder Fate, Doctor Who (2005)
You set out the modest meal on the table and wait, icy shaking hands wrapped around the steaming mug, hoping for calm, peace maybe, something soothing to settle the frayed thoughts of past friendship and uneasy forgiveness and what the hell do we do now?
#207,  Small Comforts, Harry Potter
Ten years later, in her bedroom, in front of the larger-than-life image of Grandma Louise on her wall, Dad says, "There's something I want to tell you, Em."
#79,  Love You Forever (The Heart Remembers Overdub), Lie to Me
Suddenly fed up with just sitting and drowning his sorrows, Wyatt jumped to his feet and slid out of the booth, knocking his empty mug over with his elbow.  Mac winced visibly at the crash.
#35,  Ouroboros, Strike Back
"That's pretty cold even for you, Jimmy," he said, but without malice. "Wanting your missing brother to have frozen to death on the bitter streets of New York City."
#143,  In Confidence, House MD
That alone was fascinating to contemplate, but he wasn't going to get the answer out of Wilson tonight.  He might as well continue the evening in bed, alone.
#137, Joker’s Wild, House MD
It had been in the set of Jack's jaw, the slight slump of his shoulders, the way he'd avoided Tony's searching eyes and flinched at Tony's hand on his shoulder when Tony broke the bittersweet news.
#201, In Narrow Daylight, 24
Twenty years later at another one-thirty AM, Dixie McCall RN, Head Nurse of the Emergency Department at Rampart General Hospital, was perched at her supply desk by the communications centre filling out the interminable paperwork, when a Roy DeSoto shaped shadow fell across her papers.
#11, Pay It Forward, Emergency! / M*A*S*H*
Neil exhaled, reluctantly pulled the paper from Aurora's grasp, and scanned for where she had left off.  As he read aloud, he could have sworn he heard Tom reading right along with him.
#53,  Larks Still Bravely Singing, X Company
“But now I think we should move the wedding up as soon as possible given the circumstances.  That is, if you want to get married.  To me.”  He cleared his throat then, and shied away from Johnny’s astounded face.
#6, There’s Got To Be A Morning After (if we can hold on through the night), Emergency!
Tagging: anyone who wants to do this!
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20th January >. Mass Readings (Except USA)
Saturday, Second Week in Ordinary Time 
Pope Saint Fabian, Martyr 
Saint Sebastian, Martyr 
Saturday memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary. 
Saturday, Second Week in Ordinary Time 
(Liturgical Colour: Green: B (2))
First Reading 2 Samuel 1:1-4,11-12,17,19,23-27 David's lament over Saul and Jonathan.
David returned from his rout of the Amalekites and spent two days in Ziklag. On the third day a man came from the camp where Saul had been, his garments torn and earth on his head. When he came to David, he fell to the ground and did homage. ‘Where do you come from?’ David asked him. ‘I have escaped from the Israelite camp’ he said. David said to him, ‘What happened? Tell me.’ He replied, ‘The people have fled from the battlefield and many of them have fallen. Saul and his son Jonathan are dead too.’ Then David took hold of his garments and tore them, and all the men with him did the same. They mourned and wept and fasted until the evening for Saul and his son Jonathan, for the people of the Lord and for the House of Israel, because they had fallen by the sword. Then David made this lament over Saul and his son Jonathan.
Alas, the glory of Israel has been slain on your heights! How did the heroes fall? Saul and Jonathan, loved and lovely, neither in life, nor in death, were divided. Swifter than eagles were they, stronger were they than lions. O daughters of Israel, weep for Saul who clothed you in scarlet and fine linen, who set brooches of gold on your garments. How did the heroes fall in the thick of the battle? O Jonathan, in your death I am stricken, I am desolate for you, Jonathan my brother. Very dear to me you were, your love to me more wonderful than the love of a woman. How did the heroes fall and the battle armour fail?
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm Psalm 79(80):2-3,5-7
R/ Let your face shine on us, O Lord, and we shall be saved.
O shepherd of Israel, hear us, you who lead Joseph’s flock, shine forth from your cherubim throne upon Ephraim, Benjamin, Manasseh. O Lord, rouse up your might, O Lord, come to our help.
R/ Let your face shine on us, O Lord, and we shall be saved.
Lord God of hosts, how long will you frown on your people’s plea? You have fed them with tears for their bread, an abundance of tears for their drink. You have made us the taunt of our neighbours, our enemies laugh us to scorn.
R/ Let your face shine on us, O Lord, and we shall be saved.
Gospel Acclamation 2 Corinthians 5:19
Alleluia, alleluia! God in Christ was reconciling the world to himself, and he has entrusted to us the news that they are reconciled. Alleluia!
Or: cf. Acts of the Apostles 16:14
Alleluia, alleluia! Open our heart, O Lord, to accept the words of your Son. Alleluia!
Gospel Mark 3:20-21 Jesus' relatives were convinced he was out of his mind.
Jesus went home, and once more such a crowd collected that they could not even have a meal. When his relatives heard of this, they set out to take charge of him, convinced he was out of his mind.
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
Pope Saint Fabian, Martyr 
(Liturgical Colour: Red: B (2))
(Readings for the memorial)
(There is a choice today between the readings for the ferial day (Saturday) and those for the memorial. The ferial readings are recommended unless pastoral reasons suggest otherwise)
First Reading 1 Peter 5:1-4 Watch over the flock, not simply as a duty but gladly.
Now I have something to tell your elders: I am an elder myself, and a witness to the sufferings of Christ, and with you I have a share in the glory that is to be revealed. Be the shepherds of the flock of God that is entrusted to you: watch over it, not simply as a duty but gladly, because God wants it; not for sordid money, but because you are eager to do it. Never be a dictator over any group that is put in your charge, but be an example that the whole flock can follow. When the chief shepherd appears, you will be given the crown of unfading glory.
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm Psalm 39(40):2,4,7-10
R/ Here I am, Lord! I come to do your will.
I waited, I waited for the Lord and he stooped down to me; he heard my cry. He put a new song into my mouth, praise of our God.
R/ Here I am, Lord! I come to do your will.
You do not ask for sacrifice and offerings, but an open ear. You do not ask for holocaust and victim. Instead, here am I.
R/ Here I am, Lord! I come to do your will.
In the scroll of the book it stands written that I should do your will. My God, I delight in your law in the depth of my heart.
R/ Here I am, Lord! I come to do your will.
Your justice I have proclaimed in the great assembly. My lips I have not sealed; you know it, O Lord.
R/ Here I am, Lord! I come to do your will.
Gospel Acclamation John 10:14
Alleluia, alleluia! I am the good shepherd, says the Lord; I know my own sheep and my own know me. Alleluia!
Gospel John 21:15-17 Feed my lambs, feed my sheep.
Jesus showed himself to his disciples, and after they had eaten he said to Simon Peter, ‘Simon son of John, do you love me more than these others do?’ He answered, ‘Yes Lord, you know I love you.’ Jesus said to him, ‘Feed my lambs.’ A second time he said to him, ‘Simon son of John, do you love me?’ He replied, ‘Yes, Lord, you know I love you.’ Jesus said to him, ‘Look after my sheep.’ Then he said to him a third time, ‘Simon son of John, do you love me?’ Peter was upset that he asked him the third time, ‘Do you love me?’ and said, ‘Lord, you know everything; you know I love you.’ Jesus said to him, ‘Feed my sheep.’
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
Saint Sebastian, Martyr 
(Liturgical Colour: Red: B (2))
(Readings for the memorial)
(There is a choice today between the readings for the ferial day (Saturday) and those for the memorial. The ferial readings are recommended unless pastoral reasons suggest otherwise)
First Reading 1 Peter 3:14-17 If it is the will of God that you should suffer, it is better to suffer for doing right.
If you have to suffer for being good, you will count it a blessing. There is no need to be afraid or to worry about persecutors. Simply reverence the Lord Christ in your hearts, and always have your answer ready for people who ask you the reason for the hope that you all have. But give it with courtesy and respect and with a clear conscience, so that those who slander you when you are living a good life in Christ may be proved wrong in the accusations that they bring. And if it is the will of God that you should suffer, it is better to suffer for doing right than for doing wrong.
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm Psalm 33(34):2-9
R/ From all my terrors the Lord set me free.
I will bless the Lord at all times, his praise always on my lips; in the Lord my soul shall make its boast. The humble shall hear and be glad.
R/ From all my terrors the Lord set me free.
Glorify the Lord with me. Together let us praise his name. I sought the Lord and he answered me; from all my terrors he set me free.
R/ From all my terrors the Lord set me free.
Look towards him and be radiant; let your faces not be abashed. This poor man called, the Lord heard him and rescued him from all his distress.
R/ From all my terrors the Lord set me free.
The angel of the Lord is encamped around those who revere him, to rescue them. Taste and see that the Lord is good. He is happy who seeks refuge in him.
R/ From all my terrors the Lord set me free.
Gospel Acclamation James 1:12
Alleluia, alleluia! Happy the man who stands firm, for he has proved himself, and will win the crown of life. Alleluia!
Gospel Matthew 10:28-33 Do not be afraid of those who kill the body.
Jesus said to his apostles: ‘Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; fear him rather who can destroy both body and soul in hell. Can you not buy two sparrows for a penny? And yet not one falls to the ground without your Father knowing. Why, every hair on your head has been counted. So there is no need to be afraid; you are worth more than hundreds of sparrows.
‘So if anyone declares himself for me in the presence of men, I will declare myself for him in the presence of my Father in heaven. But the one who disowns me in the presence of men, I will disown in the presence of my Father in heaven.’
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
Saturday memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary 
(Liturgical Colour: White: B (2))
(Readings for the memorial)
(There is a choice today between the readings for the ferial day (Saturday) and those for the memorial. The ferial readings are recommended unless pastoral reasons suggest otherwise)
First Reading Genesis 3:9-15,20 The mother of all those who live.
After Adam had eaten of the tree the Lord God called to him. ‘Where are you?’ he asked. ‘I heard the sound of you in the garden;’ he replied ‘I was afraid because I was naked, so I hid.’ ‘Who told you that you were naked?’ he asked ‘Have you been eating of the tree I forbade you to eat?’ The man replied, ‘It was the woman you put with me; she gave me the fruit, and I ate it.’ Then the Lord God asked the woman, ‘What is this you have done?’ The woman replied, ‘The serpent tempted me and I ate.’ Then the Lord God said to the serpent, ‘Because you have done this,
‘Be accursed beyond all cattle, all wild beasts. You shall crawl on your belly and eat dust every day of your life. I will make you enemies of each other: you and the woman, your offspring and her offspring. It will crush your head and you will strike its heel.’
The man named his wife ‘Eve’ because she was the mother of all those who live.
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
OR: --------
First reading Genesis 12:1-7 All the tribes of the earth shall bless themselves by you
The Lord said to Abram, ‘Leave your country, your family and your father’s house, for the land I will show you. I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name so famous that it will be used as a blessing.
‘I will bless those who bless you: I will curse those who slight you. All the tribes of the earth shall bless themselves by you.’
So Abram went as the Lord told him, and Lot went with him. Abram was seventy-five years old when he left Haran. Abram took his wife Sarai, his nephew Lot, all the possessions they had amassed and the people they had acquired in Haran. They set off for the land of Canaan, and arrived there. Abram passed through the land as far as Shechem’s holy place, the Oak of Moreh. At that time the Canaanites were in the land. The Lord appeared to Abram and said, ‘It is to your descendants that I will give this land.’ So Abram built there an altar for the Lord who had appeared to him.
OR: --------
First reading 2 Samuel 7:1-5,8-11,16 The Lord will make you great; the Lord will make you a House
Once David had settled into his house and the Lord had given him rest from all the enemies surrounding him, the king said to the prophet Nathan, ‘Look, I am living in a house of cedar while the ark of God dwells in a tent.’ Nathan said to the king, ‘Go and do all that is in your mind, for the Lord is with you.’ But that very night the word of the Lord came to Nathan: ‘Go and tell my servant David, “Thus the Lord speaks: Are you the man to build me a house to dwell in? I took you from the pasture, from following the sheep, to be leader of my people Israel; I have been with you on all your expeditions; I have cut off all your enemies before you. I will give you fame as great as the fame of the greatest on earth. I will provide a place for my people Israel; I will plant them there and they shall dwell in that place and never be disturbed again; nor shall the wicked continue to oppress them as they did, in the days when I appointed judges over my people Israel; I will give them rest from all their enemies. The Lord will make you great; the Lord will make you a House. Your House and your sovereignty will always stand secure before me and your throne be established for ever.”’
OR: --------
First reading 1 Chronicles 15:3-4,15-16,16:1-2 They brought in the ark of God and put it inside the tent that David had pitched for it
David gathered all Israel together to bring the ark of God up to the place he had prepared for it. David called together the sons of Aaron and the sons of Levi. And the Levites carried the ark of God with the shafts on their shoulders, as Moses had ordered in accordance with the word of the Lord. David then told the heads of the Levites to assign duties for their kinsmen as cantors, with their various instruments of music, harps and lyres and cymbals, to play joyful tunes. They brought the ark of God in and put it inside the tent that David had pitched for it; and they offered holocausts before God, and communion sacrifices. And when David had finished offering holocausts and communion sacrifices, he blessed the people in the name of the Lord.
OR: --------
First reading Proverbs 8:22-31 Before the earth came into being, Wisdom was born
The Wisdom of God cries aloud:
The Lord created me when his purpose first unfolded, before the oldest of his works. From everlasting I was firmly set, from the beginning, before earth came into being. The deep was not, when I was born, there were no springs to gush with water. Before the mountains were settled, before the hills, I came to birth; before he made the earth, the countryside, or the first grains of the world’s dust. When he fixed the heavens firm, I was there, when he drew a ring on the surface of the deep, when he thickened the clouds above, when he fixed fast the springs of the deep, when he assigned the sea its boundaries  – and the waters will not invade the shore – when he laid down the foundations of the earth, I was by his side, a master craftsman, delighting him day after day, ever at play in his presence, at play everywhere in his world, delighting to be with the sons of men.
OR: --------
First reading Ecclesiasticus 24:1-4,8-12,18-21 From eternity, in the beginning, God created wisdom
Wisdom speaks her own praises, in the midst of her people she glories in herself. She opens her mouth in the assembly of the Most High, she glories in herself in the presence of the Mighty One: ‘I came forth from the mouth of the Most High, and I covered the earth like a mist. I had my tent in the heights, and my throne in a pillar of cloud. Then the creator of all things instructed me, and he who created me fixed a place for my tent. He said, “Pitch your tent in Jacob, make Israel your inheritance.” From eternity, in the beginning, he created me, and for eternity I shall remain. I ministered before him in the holy tabernacle, and thus was I established on Zion. In the beloved city he has given me rest, and in Jerusalem I wield my authority. I have taken root in a privileged people, in the Lord’s property, in his inheritance. Approach me, you who desire me, and take your fill of my fruits, for memories of me are sweeter than honey, inheriting me is sweeter than the honeycomb. They who eat me will hunger for more, they who drink me will thirst for more. Whoever listens to me will never have to blush, whoever acts as I dictate will never sin.’
OR: --------
First reading Isaiah 7:10-14,8:10 The maiden is with child
The Lord spoke to Ahaz and said, ‘Ask the Lord your God for a sign for yourself coming either from the depths of Sheol or from the heights above.’ ‘No,’ Ahaz answered ‘I will not put the Lord to the test.’ Then Isaiah said:
‘Listen now, House of David: are you not satisfied with trying the patience of men without trying the patience of my God, too? The Lord himself, therefore, will give you a sign. It is this: the maiden is with child and will soon give birth to a son whom she will call Immanuel, a name which means “God-is-with-us.”’
OR: --------
First reading Isaiah 9:1-6 A Son is given to us
The people that walked in darkness has seen a great light; on those who live in a land of deep shadow a light has shone. You have made their gladness greater, you have made their joy increase; they rejoice in your presence as men rejoice at harvest time, as men are happy when they are dividing the spoils.
For the yoke that was weighing on him, the bar across his shoulders, the rod of his oppressor, these you break as on the day of Midian.
For all the footgear of battle, every cloak rolled in blood, is burnt, and consumed by fire.
For there is a child born for us, a son given to us and dominion is laid on his shoulders; and this is the name they give him: Wonder-Counsellor, Mighty-God, Eternal-Father, Prince-of-Peace.
OR: --------
First reading Isaiah 61:9-11 I exult for joy in the Lord
Their race will be famous throughout the nations, their descendants throughout the peoples. All who see them will admit that they are a race whom the Lord has blessed.
‘I exult for joy in the Lord, my soul rejoices in my God, for he has clothed me in the garments of salvation, he has wrapped me in the cloak of integrity, like a bridegroom wearing his wreath, like a bride adorned in her jewels.
‘For as the earth makes fresh things grow, as a garden makes seeds spring up, so will the Lord make both integrity and praise spring up in the sight of the nations.’
OR: --------
First reading Micah 5:1-4 He will stand and feed his flock with the power of the Lord
The Lord says this:
But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, the least of the clans of Judah, out of you will be born for me the one who is to rule over Israel; his origin goes back to the distant past, to the days of old. The Lord is therefore going to abandon them till the time when she who is to give birth gives birth. Then the remnant of his brothers will come back to the sons of Israel. He will stand and feed his flock with the power of the Lord, with the majesty of the name of his God. They will live secure, for from then on he will extend his power to the ends of the land. He himself will be peace.
OR: --------
First reading Zechariah 2:14-17 'I am coming', says the Lord
Sing, rejoice, daughter of Zion; for I am coming to dwell in the middle of you – it is the Lord who speaks. Many nations will join the Lord, on that day; they will become his people. But he will remain among you, and you will know that the Lord of Hosts has sent me to you. But the Lord will hold Judah as his portion in the Holy Land, and again make Jerusalem his very own. Let all mankind be silent before the Lord! For he is awaking and is coming from his holy dwelling.
EITHER: --------
Responsorial Psalm 1 Samuel 2:1,4-8
My heart exults in the Lord my Saviour.
My heart exults in the Lord. I find my strength in my God; my mouth laughs at my enemies as I rejoice in your saving help.
My heart exults in the Lord my Saviour.
The bows of the mighty are broken, but the weak are clothed with strength. Those with plenty must labour for bread, but the hungry need work no more. The childless wife has children now but the fruitful wife bears no more.
My heart exults in the Lord my Saviour.
It is the Lord who gives life and death, he brings men to the grave and back; it is the Lord who gives poverty and riches. He brings men low and raises them on high.
My heart exults in the Lord my Saviour.
He lifts up the lowly from the dust, from the dungheap he raises the poor to set him in the company of princes to give him a glorious throne. For the pillars of the earth are the Lord’s, on them he has set the world.
My heart exults in the Lord my Saviour.
OR: --------
Responsorial Psalm Judith 13:18a-19
You are the highest honour of our race!
May you be blessed, my daughter, by God Most High, beyond all women on earth; and may the Lord God be blessed, the Creator of heaven and earth.
You are the highest honour of our race!
The trust you have shown shall not pass from the memories of men, but shall ever remind them of the power of God.
You are the highest honour of our race!
OR: --------
Responsorial Psalm Psalm 44(45):11-12,14-17
Listen, O daughter, give ear to my words.
Listen, O daughter, give ear to my words: forget your own people and your father’s house. So will the king desire your beauty: He is your lord, pay homage to him.
Listen, O daughter, give ear to my words.
The daughter of the king is clothed with splendour, her robes embroidered with pearls set in gold. She is led to the king with her maiden companions.
Listen, O daughter, give ear to my words.
They are escorted amid gladness and joy; they pass within the palace of the king. Sons shall be yours in place of your fathers: you will make them princes over all the earth.
Listen, O daughter, give ear to my words.
OR: --------
Responsorial Psalm Psalm 112(113):1-7
May the name of the Lord be blessed for evermore! or Alleluia!
Praise, O servants of the Lord, praise the name of the Lord! May the name of the Lord be blessed both now and for evermore!
May the name of the Lord be blessed for evermore! or Alleluia!
From the rising of the sun to its setting praised be the name of the Lord! High above all nations is the Lord, above the heavens his glory.
May the name of the Lord be blessed for evermore! or Alleluia!
Who is like the Lord, our God, who has risen on high to his throne yet stoops from the heights to look down, to look down upon heaven and earth? From the dust he lifts up the lowly, from the dungheap he raises the poor
May the name of the Lord be blessed for evermore! or Alleluia!
OR: --------
Responsorial Psalm Luke 1:46-55
The Almighty works marvels for me. Holy is his name! or Blessed is the Virgin Mary, who bore the Son of the eternal Father.
My soul glorifies the Lord, my spirit rejoices in God, my Saviour.
The Almighty works marvels for me. Holy is his name! or Blessed is the Virgin Mary, who bore the Son of the eternal Father.
He looks on his servant in her nothingness; henceforth all ages will call me blessed. The Almighty works marvels for me. Holy his name!
The Almighty works marvels for me. Holy is his name! or Blessed is the Virgin Mary, who bore the Son of the eternal Father.
His mercy is from age to age, on those who fear him. He puts forth his arm in strength and scatters the proud-hearted.
The Almighty works marvels for me. Holy is his name! or Blessed is the Virgin Mary, who bore the Son of the eternal Father.
He casts the mighty from their thrones and raises the lowly. He fills the starving with good things, sends the rich away empty.
The Almighty works marvels for me. Holy is his name! or Blessed is the Virgin Mary, who bore the Son of the eternal Father.
He protects Israel, his servant, remembering his mercy, the mercy promised to our fathers, to Abraham and his sons for ever.
The Almighty works marvels for me. Holy is his name! or Blessed is the Virgin Mary, who bore the Son of the eternal Father.
Gospel Acclamation cf.Lk1:28
Alleluia, alleluia! Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee! Blessed art thou among women. Alleluia!
Or: cf.Lk1:45
Alleluia, alleluia! Blessed is the Virgin Mary, who believed that the promise made her by the Lord would be fulfilled. Alleluia!
Or: cf.Lk2:19
Alleluia, alleluia! Blessed is the Virgin Mary, who treasured the word of God and pondered it in her heart. Alleluia!
Or: Lk11:28
Alleluia, alleluia! Happy are those who hear the word of God and keep it. Alleluia!
Alleluia, alleluia! Blessed are you, holy Virgin Mary, and most worthy of all praise, for the sun of justice, Christ our God, was born of you. Alleluia!
Alleluia, alleluia! Happy is the Virgin Mary, who, without dying, won the palm of martyrdom beneath the cross of the Lord. Alleluia!
EITHER: --------
Gospel Matthew 1:1-16,18-23 The ancestry and conception of Jesus Christ
A genealogy of Jesus Christ, son of David, son of Abraham:
Abraham was the father of Isaac, Isaac the father of Jacob, Jacob the father of Judah and his brothers, Judah was the father of Perez and Zerah, Tamar being their mother, Perez was the father of Hezron, Hezron the father of Ram, Ram was the father of Amminadab, Amminadab the father of Nahshon, Nahshon the father of Salmon, Salmon was the father of Boaz, Rahab being his mother, Boaz was the father of Obed, Ruth being his mother, Obed was the father of Jesse; and Jesse was the father of King David.
David was the father of Solomon, whose mother had been Uriah’s wife, Solomon was the father of Rehoboam, Rehoboam the father of Abijah, Abijah the father of Asa, Asa was the father of Jehoshaphat, Jehoshaphat the father of Joram, Joram the father of Azariah, Azariah was the father of Jotham, Jotham the father of Ahaz, Ahaz the father of Hezekiah, Hezekiah was the father of Manasseh, Manasseh the father of Amon, Amon the father of Josiah; and Josiah was the father of Jechoniah and his brothers. Then the deportation to Babylon took place.
After the deportation to Babylon: Jechoniah was the father of Shealtiel, Shealtiel the father of Zerubbabel, Zerubbabel was the father of Abiud, Abiud the father of Eliakim, Eliakim the father of Azor, Azor was the father of Zadok, Zadok the father of Achim, Achim the father of Eliud, Eliud was the father of Eleazar, Eleazar the father of Matthan, Matthan the father of Jacob; and Jacob was the father of Joseph the husband of Mary; of her was born Jesus who is called Christ.
This is how Jesus Christ came to be born. His mother Mary was betrothed to Joseph; but before they came to live together she was found to be with child through the Holy Spirit. Her husband Joseph; being a man of honour and wanting to spare her publicity, decided to divorce her informally. He had made up his mind to do this when the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, ‘Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because she has conceived what is in her by the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son and you must name him Jesus, because he is the one who is to save his people from their sins.’ Now all this took place to fulfil the words spoken by the Lord through the prophet:
The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son and they will call him Emmanuel,
a name which means ‘God-is-with-us.’
OR: --------
Gospel Matthew 1:18-23 How Jesus Christ came to be born
This is how Jesus Christ came to be born. His mother Mary was betrothed to Joseph; but before they came to live together she was found to be with child through the Holy Spirit. Her husband Joseph; being a man of honour and wanting to spare her publicity, decided to divorce her informally. He had made up his mind to do this when the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, ‘Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because she has conceived what is in her by the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son and you must name him Jesus, because he is the one who is to save his people from their sins.’ Now all this took place to fulfil the words spoken by the Lord through the prophet:
The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son and they will call him Emmanuel,
a name which means ‘God-is-with-us.’
OR: --------
Gospel Matthew 2:13-15,19-23 The flight into Egypt and the return to Nazareth
After the wise men had left, the angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, ‘Get up, take the child and his mother with you, and escape into Egypt, and stay there until I tell you, because Herod intends to search for the child and do away with him.’ So Joseph got up and, taking the child and his mother with him, left that night for Egypt, where he stayed until Herod was dead. This was to fulfil what the Lord had spoken through the prophet:
I called my son out of Egypt.
After Herod’s death, the angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt and said, ‘Get up, take the child and his mother with you and go back to the land of Israel, for those who wanted to kill the child are dead.’ So Joseph got up and, taking the child and his mother with him, went back to the land of Israel. But when he learnt that Archelaus had succeeded his father Herod as ruler of Judaea he was afraid to go there, and being warned in a dream he left for the region of Galilee. There he settled in a town called Nazareth. In this way the words spoken through the prophets were to be fulfilled:
‘He will be called a Nazarene.’
OR: --------
Gospel Matthew 12:46-50 My mother and my brothers are anyone who does the will of my Father in heaven
Jesus was speaking to the crowds when his mother and his brothers appeared; they were standing outside and were anxious to have a word with him. But to the man who told him this Jesus replied, ‘Who is my mother? Who are my brothers?’ And stretching out his hand towards his disciples he said, ‘Here are my mother and my brothers. Anyone who does the will of my Father in heaven, he is my brother and sister and mother.’
OR: --------
Gospel Luke 1:26-38 'I am the handmaid of the Lord'
The angel Gabriel was sent by God to a town in Galilee called Nazareth, to a virgin betrothed to a man named Joseph, of the House of David; and the virgin’s name was Mary. He went in and said to her, ‘Rejoice, so highly favoured! The Lord is with you.’ She was deeply disturbed by these words and asked herself what this greeting could mean, but the angel said to her, ‘Mary, do not be afraid; you have won God’s favour. Listen! You are to conceive and bear a son, and you must name him Jesus. He will be great and will be called Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his ancestor David; he will rule over the House of Jacob for ever and his reign will have no end.’ Mary said to the angel, ‘But how can this come about, since I am a virgin?’ ‘The Holy Spirit will come upon you’ the angel answered ‘and the power of the Most High will cover you with its shadow. And so the child will be holy and will be called Son of God. Know this too: your kinswoman Elizabeth has, in her old age, herself conceived a son, and she whom people called barren is now in her sixth month, for nothing is impossible to God.’ ‘I am the handmaid of the Lord,’ said Mary ‘let what you have said be done to me.’ And the angel left her.
OR: --------
Gospel Luke 1:39-47 Blessed is she who believed the promise
Mary set out and went as quickly as she could to a town in the hill country of Judah. She went into Zechariah’s house and greeted Elizabeth. Now as soon as Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the child leapt in her womb and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. She gave a loud cry and said, ‘Of all women you are the most blessed, and blessed is the fruit of your womb. Why should I be honoured with a visit from the mother of my Lord? For the moment your greeting reached my ears, the child in my womb leapt for joy. Yes, blessed is she who believed that the promise made her by the Lord would be fulfilled.’ And Mary said:
‘My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord and my spirit exults in God my saviour.’
OR: --------
Gospel Luke 2:1-14 'In the town of David a saviour has been born to you'
Caesar Augustus issued a decree for a census of the whole world to be taken. This census – the first – took place while Quirinius was governor of Syria, and everyone went to his own town to be registered. So Joseph set out from the town of Nazareth in Galilee and travelled up to Judaea, to the town of David called Bethlehem, since he was of David’s House and line, in order to be registered together with Mary, his betrothed, who was with child. While they were there the time came for her to have her child, and she gave birth to a son, her first born. She wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger because there was no room for them at the inn. In the countryside close by there were shepherds who lived in the fields and took it in turns to watch their flocks during the night. The angel of the Lord appeared to them and the glory of the Lord shone round them. They were terrified, but the angel said, ‘Do not be afraid. Listen, I bring you news of great joy, a joy to be shared by the whole people. Today in the town of David a saviour has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. And here is a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger.’ And suddenly with the angel there was a great throng of the heavenly host, praising God and singing:
‘Glory to God in the highest heaven, and peace to men who enjoy his favour.’
OR: --------
Gospel Luke 2:15-19 The shepherds hurried to Bethlehem and found the baby lying in the manger
Now when the angels had gone from them into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, ‘Let us go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened which the Lord has made known to us.’ So they hurried away and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby lying in the manger. When they saw the child they repeated what they had been told about him, and everyone who heard it was astonished at what the shepherds had to say. As for Mary, she treasured all these things and pondered them in her heart.
OR: --------
Gospel Luke 2:27-35 'A sword will pierce your soul too'
Prompted by the Spirit Simeon came to the Temple; and when the parents brought in the child Jesus to do for him what the Law required, he took him into his arms and blessed God; and he said:
‘Now, Master, you can let your servant go in peace, just as you promised; because my eyes have seen the salvation which you have prepared for all the nations to see, a light to enlighten the pagans and the glory of your people Israel.’
As the child’s father and mother stood there wondering at the things that were being said about him, Simeon blessed them and said to Mary his mother, ‘You see this child: he is destined for the fall and for the rising of many in Israel, destined to be a sign that is rejected – and a sword will pierce your own soul too – so that the secret thoughts of many may be laid bare.’
OR: --------
Gospel Luke 2:41-52 Mary stored up all these things in her heart
Every year the parents of Jesus used to go to Jerusalem for the feast of the Passover. When he was twelve years old, they went up for the feast as usual. When they were on their way home after the feast, the boy Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem without his parents knowing it. They assumed he was with the caravan, and it was only after a day’s journey that they went to look for him among their relations and acquaintances. When they failed to find him they went back to Jerusalem looking for him everywhere. Three days later, they found him in the Temple, sitting among the doctors, listening to them, and asking them questions; and all those who heard him were astounded at his intelligence and his replies. They were overcome when they saw him, and his mother said to him, ‘My child, why have, you done this to us? See how worried your father and I have been, looking for you.’ ‘Why were you looking for me?’ he replied. ‘Did you not know that I must be busy with my Father’s affairs?’ But they did not understand what he meant. He then went down with them and came to Nazareth and lived under their authority. His mother stored up all these things in her heart. And Jesus increased in wisdom, in stature, and in favour with God and men.
OR: --------
Gospel Luke 11:27-28 'Happy the womb that bore you and the breasts you sucked!'
As Jesus was speaking, a woman in the crowd raised her voice and said, ‘Happy the womb that bore you and the breasts you sucked!’ But he replied, ‘Still happier those who hear the word of God and keep it!’
OR: --------
Gospel John 2:1-11 'My hour has not come yet' - 'Do whatever he tells you'
There was a wedding at Cana in Galilee. The mother of Jesus was there, and Jesus and his disciples had also been invited. When they ran out of wine, since the wine provided for the wedding was all finished, the mother of Jesus said to him, ‘They have no wine.’ Jesus said ‘Woman, why turn to me? My hour has not come yet.’ His mother said to the servants, ‘Do whatever he tells you.’ There were six stone water jars standing there, meant for the ablutions that are customary among the Jews: each could hold twenty or thirty gallons. Jesus said to the servants, ‘Fill the jars with water’, and they filled them to the brim. ‘Draw some out now’ he told them ‘and take it to the steward.’ They did this; the steward tasted the water, and it had turned into wine. Having no idea where it came from – only the servants who had drawn the water knew – the steward called the bridegroom and said, ‘People generally serve the best wine first, and keep the cheaper sort till the guests have had plenty to drink; but you have kept the best wine till now.’ This was the first of the signs given by Jesus: it was given at Cana in Galilee. He let his glory be seen, and his disciples believed in him.
Gospel John 19:25-27 'Woman, this is your son'.
Near the cross of Jesus stood his mother and his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary of Magdala. Seeing his mother and the disciple he loved standing near her, Jesus said to his mother, ‘Woman, this is your son.’ Then to the disciple he said, ‘This is your mother.’ And from that moment the disciple made a place for her in his home.
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
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rizz-penguin · 10 months
TW// Cults, murder, poison, necrophilia, racism, homophobia, sexism, death, school shootings, guns,
I'm definitely okay. Please take note of the trigger warning :) also ignore the fact none of the of appearances are filled in except Juma 💀
Juma Lawal- black, he/him, gay, 79 when he dies of old age :) dob: 4th of May, 1932 dod: 30th of September 2011. Escaped Wolvesville when he was 13. Called up 6th of June 1945
Notable events in his life: tba
Personality: kinda naive, kind, smart, curious, reckless, unaware, forgetful
Appearance: 5'8" when death, 180 lbs. Dark, short, hair, afro. Pretty chubby but we love him for that. Usually just wears a t-shirt and jeans nowadays (aka his later years). As a child just shorts and t-shirt.
Paul Davis- white, he/all, gay. Died due to a brain injury , lived to be 46, dob: 5th of April, 1932 dod: 4th of August 1978, escaped Wolvesville when he was 16, called up April 4th, 1948
Personality: smart, quiet, projecting, friendly, kind, gullible, overly cautious, clumsy, forgetful Notable events in his life: tba
Ugh my babies <3
Omari Lawal, Juma's deceased father- died from cyanide poisoning. He was fed to Dick Davis afterwards. Straight, he/him, 23 when death. dob: 21st December, 1909, dod: 4th of May, 1932
Notable events in his life: tba
Personality: a bit sassy, smiley, extroverted, kind
Zuri Lawal, Juma's deceased mother. Died to cyanide poisoning. Was fed to Dick Davis afterwards. She/they, pansexual, 36 when death, dod: 4th June, 1945. dob: 4th of November, 1909
Notable events in her life: tba
Personality: sassy, bubbly, smart, witty, sharp, strict, cautious, confident
Dick Davis, Paul's older brother, straight, he/him. Cannibal, heir to the throne of Wolvesbane Cult, straight, he/him, died from a rioter when he was 19. The rioter in question literally bit open his neck 😃, dod: June 6th 1949, dob: June 27th, 1930
Notable events in his life:
Personality: rude, smart, witty, manipulative, strong, not empathetic
Sheryl Davis, Paul's mother. Died of mercury poisoning, was fed to Dick Davis and Stanley Davis, she/her, 45 when she died, 4th of December 1900, dod: June 23rd, 1945
Personality: kind, two-faced, confident, manipulative, often conflicts with her husband, cunning, sly
Notable Events in her life: tba
Stanley Davis, Paul's father, leader of Wolvesbane Cult, cannibal, died from a rioter who shot him in the dick 🥺🥺, he/him, pansexual. often known to literally fuck dead bodies before he ate them, but he didn't consider it to be actual sexual activity because hes a fucking psychopath, and he's still fucking homophobic :/ , 48 when he died, dob: 3rd of January, 1901, dod: 6th of June, 1949.
Notable events in his life: tba
Personality: rude, cunning, smart, sly, manipulative, two-faced, humorous, stubborn
Notable events, organizations, or buildings:
Wolvesville Black's Children's School
Shot up by Dawn Davis, Stanley's sister (3/4/1904-8/5/1948) on the 8th of May, 1948. Dawn was killed by a teacher. The teacher had been shot 3 times, the last time in a fatal spot. Dawn killed all of her children but no other classrooms were reached.
The Riots of Wolvesville: June 5th 1949 - June 10th 1949. Dick and Stanley Davis were killed along with multiple rioters and young members of the Wolvesbane Cult.
Juan Hernandez's studies of Wolvesville: At first, on May 17th, 1984, he'd come every 4 weeks to explore. He once stayed for 5 weeks before claiming he saw ghosts. Was sent to the hospital the day after his return to New York and had severe mercury poisoning as a result of mercury that had been spilled in the carpet. He had hallucinations and died his third day in the hospital. Juan's findings were crucial to finding what really went down in Wolvesville. He died June 6th of 1997.
The Town Hall. Where Cult meetings were held, people were called up to be poisoned, and poisons were stored. The poisons were stored in a boarded up room. Poisons included: Mercury, Cyanide, Aconite, and Arsenic. People were eaten and poisoned in Town Hall. They were given fatal amounts.
Wolvesbane Cult. Founded by Jonas Davis, father of Stanley Davis. 1880-1949. Cannibalistic, racist, sexist, homophobic, murderous Cult located in Wolvesville, Pennsylvania.
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neenamaiya · 11 months
The lives and lores of the people of Guyana, St. America.
Good morning, I hope you slept well and were not interrupted by ole higue sneaking into your room to slurp your blood.
I laugh but I’ve met people in my lovely native land who insist that ole higue is a living, breathing creature. Doesn’t matter how I try to convince anyone that that ball of fire in the night sky ain’t no darn human-thing, he / she is adamant that it is an old blood-sucking higue shooting through the dark to sneak into someone’s home.
“One night, me and some friends say we go pick coconut from this man coconut-walk,” a chap once told me. “As we reach near the tree-them, one big ball o’ fire pass through so. If you see run!! We dash out from deh mo’ fast than lion.”
I sucked my teeth with the most mocking suck-teeth sound I could make. “Y’all musta see a meteorite!” I laughed.
Of course, chappie would have none of that. “Is a’ ole higue, I telling you!!”
“Y’ever see she shedding she skin?” I asked. “Ever find the calabash that she hide she skin in? You know which tree she hang the calabash in?”
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Maaan, me nah got to see all o’ that. Me see the fire. Ee been big-big so, and red-red-red, ee go round-round-round and roll like a ball and shoot straight through.”
At that point, I was cracking up with laughter. “That should teach you a lesson…don’t go teefing people t’ings, or ole higue gon come to teef you’ blood,” I hooted.
Writing this now, it has occurred to me that the owner of the coconut trees had probably shot some fireworks into his farm to scare off the wanna-be thieves. Which brings me back to what I was thinking about originally because of a recent news item…
…those t’iefing thieves, breaking into innocent people’s homes, and when they are injured by the residents, oh, the unfairness, look what’s happened to the 79-year old granny in Suriname, east of us, across the Berbice River.
It was around midnight when granny heard a sound in her home. Bravely, she went to check. Braaps. Face to face she came with the teef! She grabbed her weapon and…bladam…into his chest went the bullet. That bleddy burglar is now safe and sound, nursing his wounds in the hospital, probably being fed warm food and nourishment, whilst granny’s been arrested for having an illegal weapon.
Poor granny. I hope she’s okay. I can’t help but wonder what would have happened if she had thrown a bottle of blazing-hot sauce, made from the ball o’ fire pepper, into the eyes of the vulture. Would the police have arrested her then?
Praises after praises have been heaped upon granny via Guyana’s social media. I am not a proponent of guns but I understand where the citizens are coming from. They are tired of these crasses invading homes. They still remember old news from past years about young men robbing, raping, murdering grannies in Guyana.
Do you see the irony, friend?
Old higue, an ancient woman, it is said, invades homes to steal your blood, and the blood of newborn babies. No one, to date, has ever caught sight of even the shadow of one ancient woman invading a single home.
Who then are the real blood-suckers in this lovely land of ours, pray tell? Think about it, tell me what you think. More about this another time.
Follow me on neenamaiya.substack.com for more.
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1c3312 · 1 year
how was today? today was okay! i keep waking up super sweaty which is so annoying. i might try sleeping with just one blanket tonight to see if that helps. anyways, piper and i spent some time outside before it started raining. brought her in and i kinda just lazed around. asked mom to grab some dishwasher pods but she isn't gonna be home till late so kaden and i went to dollar tree. before we went i took piper out again because kyle was dead asleep from drinking. when we got back he was still sleeping. piper and i hung out in my room for a little until she left me to sleep on kyle's bed. fed her at 5:30 and homie was STILL asleep. idk, nothing else has really happened. i took her out one more time and i cleaned the house a little bit before mom gets home
today's overall mood: bored
last night's dream: don't remember
a memory i thought about today: making 4/20 jokes in middle school thinking i'd never partake in the mary jane just for me to be a stoner as soon as i graduate high school lol
favorite thing that happened today: dollar tree with kaden, fav worker wasn't working today though
what's happening in my world?: raaah i can't wait for new shit, hopefully a 3 day t break will be enough
how much did i smoke today?: can't believe i got 3 okay ones but i did (bless the 4/20 gods)
did i work today?: nada
today's weather: warm and rainy, with a high of 79, low of 54
final day rating: ★★☆☆☆
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goboymusic · 1 year
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#PedroPascal is the #HarrisonFord for the younger generations.
Remember #younglove? This song is an attempt to encapsulate that experience in as few words as possible.
Prior to working on “#InLove,” a weekend was spent working on a song that was ultimately abandoned due to it’s weak melodies and unnecessarily complex instruments. Fed up with my experience on the abandoned song, focus was shifted towards making a minimalistic song that only included a drum kit, bass guitar and melodic vocals (some flutes and strings were added later). Something so simple, music theory snobs would hate it.
During production, the original verse melody that I was trying to execute wasn’t working, so it was deleted and replaced with the “just give me that look” and “it’s not about sex” segments. The deleted melody would eventually be resurrected and used for the chorus of “My Life (Song 112)” with the lyrics “not Emily, when I was only twenty, not Avery, when I was only twenty-one, not Natalie, when I was only twenty-two…”
A tooth ache was causing agony while recording “In Love,” hence the slight lisp. You can really hear it during the “it’s not about sex” and “it’s so complex” vocals. This was during the pandemic, so scheduling an immediate dentist appointment was difficult.
After spending two weeks writing, recording and mixing “In Love,” it was finished. Only problem was that I hated it. By this point, the song had entered my ears at least 500 times. The things that were once exciting about it did nothing for me now. It was no more stimulating than hearing distant traffic.
Not only was it no longer stimulating, it had become annoying. The chorus melody was crap. The lisp vocals were garbage. The instruments were clashing. Tearing the song apart and rewriting it seemed mandatory. It needed a new chorus that didn’t suck. New vocals. New instruments.
Pure delusion. The original version was fine. It only struck me that delusion might be at play after a couple days of rewriting/re-recording the song. The original version was sent to my brother, who responded with “i dig.” That settled it. The original version was uploaded and focus was shifted to “Food Song (song 85).”
“In Love” is one of GoBoy’s most popular songs. It has some of the healthiest saves/listeners and playlists/listeners ratios of any GoBoy song (excluding some songs from GoBoy 2, which perform really well in a niche crowd - read post 33 for info on that).
Beat + bass + melody. That’s the style of GoBoy 5. While I’ve appreciated this minimalistic style for years, “Tell My Mama (Song 42)” was the first time trying it. I went whole-hog with GoBoy 5, in which most songs primarily consist of a beat, bass and melody (excerpt from post 80).
For GoBoy 5, instead of creating for the sake of creating, like I did for GoBoy 4, I wanted to make poppier songs that would appeal to a larger audience. Was that goal accomplished? Well, maybe, I guess. It resulted in the song “In Love (Song 82),” which everyone and their mother seems to like (excerpt from post 79).
GoBoy 5 ragdolled me. I remember wondering if I’d live to see the completion of the album. While the style is minimalistic, the writing and production processes were chaotic, akin to throwing darts with a blindfold on. Most songs turned into a puzzle once they reached the mixing phase, with a portion of the pieces being destined not to fit. It required constant compromising - discarding segments, restructuring, rewriting, etc. The combination of the difficult production process and temporary chaos at work left a blood-soaked trail behind me (excerpt from post 80).
In April, 2021, almost all of GoBoy 3, 4 and 5‘s songs were restructured to be under 3 minutes (preferably under 2m 30s), including this song. I became okay with releasing songs around the 2 min mark after realizing The Beatles and The Beach Boys had some songs around that length. In an attempt to increase replay value in this streaming era, most of GoBoy’s songs are now purposely around 2m 20s (excerpts from post 37).
A bass boost was added to songs 37-99 in Nov, 2021, while I was stuck at home with covid. As a result, this song feels more powerful. The bass boost isn’t a simple plugin nonchalantly added to each song. It’s a process that took about 3.5 hours per song, or one whole month to complete all songs. Admittedly, I pushed the bass boost a little too far for some of them. The bass in some songs sounds like a freaking earthquake (unnecessarily pronounced low frequencies 20 - 50 Hz). Might dial that back someday. The bass boost was also applied to every song on GoBoy 6 and beyond (excerpt from post 37).
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eaglefairy · 2 years
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I posted 1,318 times in 2022
That's 137 more posts than 2021!
87 posts created (7%)
1,231 posts reblogged (93%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,312 of my posts in 2022
#video - 181 posts
#ace attorney - 129 posts
#art - 101 posts
#tumblr - 91 posts
#pokemon - 79 posts
#xenoposting - 75 posts
#cats - 58 posts
#music - 35 posts
#xenoblade chronicles 3 - 33 posts
#queued - 31 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#sometimes you get murdered in your office. sometimes the god pokemon kidnaps you out of your office and throws you through time and space t
My Top Posts in 2022:
Chapter 5 finale. what the fresh fuck. Back to bullet points because there's a lot to cover here!
LANZ. SENA. ARE WE GOING TO TALK ABOUT THE SUICIDE PLOY. I never thought I'd be thankful for X to appear and yet here we are.
When Mio vanished at the Homecoming I was like "damn they actually killed her" and then when N "killed" Noah I was like "OH SHIT THEY'RE KILLING THEM?!"
When I heard the disembodied voice say "we only need three more months" my immediate first thought was that the party was going to reincarnate at the start of the game, they'd jack a Levnis and/or save Guernica, and we'd resume from there. Tying in to some previous thoughts I had about how the Consuls never really seemed to take the party seriously, making me wonder if all of this has happened before and the reason they aren't worried about the party freeing colonies and stuff is because they already know they'll be defeated
The flashback sequence in the cloudy area (Memory Space lite?) had me well and truly baffled for a while lmao
When Noah pulled out the sword of origin or whatever they're calling it out of the chest of the Ouroboros I literally shrieked "THAT'S A MONADO!!" because it totally is. Look me in the eyes and tell me that's not the exact shape of the Monado II
Also M's ploy with Mio has an extremely Meyneth and Fiora feel to it, at least to me
So Z. I feel like he's...probably not actually Zanza? I don't see how he could be, though I know that 2 already did some retconning to 1 so it's not unthinkable they could do more. But the fact that he's the "creator of this world" and his real name starts with a Z and the fact that Moebius feeds on human souls much like Zanza fed on the Homs as the Bionis makes me extremely suspicious
5 notes - Posted August 17, 2022
There's a lot of things I could say about all of the that that just happened but also there's a bunch of new sidequests that I want to do so instead I'll just say that seeing Eunie say "I'll never understand Moebius even if I live to one hundred" and knowing that the full High Entia lifespan is far longer than that is just...ow
5 notes - Posted August 31, 2022
I was writing up my thoughts on Xenoblade 3 as a whole when I realized that I'd written a mini-essay on why I like the ending and why letting the nations stay together from the start would've been narratively and emotionally unsatisfying. Instead of trying to cram that in with the rest of my thoughts on the game, I figured I'd make it its own post (since this is much more of a meta piece than the rest of my opinions). Spoilers below the cut for the ending!
3 is a heavily thematic game.  One of those themes is that even if the future is uncertain, it’s worth fighting for anyways.  Noah and the party make that choice, and there are two options for what the narrative can do from there: it can reward them narratively for fighting a fight with an uncertain outcome (making the right choice), or it won’t.  They make the right choice, but the narrative doesn’t reward them for it.  I hesitate to call the ending of 3 a “punishment” in any sense, but narratively it somewhat is.  They make the difficult choice to continue fighting against Z, the Moebius, and the endless now, and the consequence of that is that the worlds separate and they have to leave behind the friends they’ve made form opposite nations.  Why would the narrative punish them for making the right choice?
For a second, I’m going to take a tangent here.  In her Trope Talk on magical otherworlds, OSP Red discusses some of the pitfalls of escapist stories, one being that a “happy ending” in a portal fantasy where the hero is allowed to leave their boring life in the real world forever can actually depress the audience, because we will never get that same opportunity to literally leave the dissatisfying parts of our lives behind.  It’s the same principle here.  The narrative could have rewarded the party for making the right choice by giving them a no strings attached happy ending, but that’s not how real life works.  In real life, we also don’t know if the future we are moving towards will be better than what we’re living in right now.  But unlike in Xenoblade 3, we don’t have the option of grinding to max level and beating the superbosses before moving to the future–that is, we can’t live in the endless now.  In a constructed narrative, we expect heroes to be rewarded for their good deeds because that’s a convention of storytelling: good is rewarded, evil is punished.  Good people win, and bad people lose.  But real life doesn’t work like that, and I believe the impact of the ending on the audience would have been diminished significantly if the uncertain future the Ouroboros were fighting so hard for turned out to be unequivocally good.
The other main theme of the game is about grief, loss, and accepting those things into your life, which is another message the ending conveys supremely well.  Just because everything goes back to the moment the world stopped in the beginning doesn’t mean that anything that happened on Aionios doesn’t matter.  It all mattered!  Just because something ends doesn’t mean it doesn’t have meaning while it’s occurring.  That goes for lives, events, relationships, and even worlds.  Nothing in this world is permanent, not even the world itself, and to pretend that none of it matters because it doesn’t last–to say that nothing we did on Aionios meant anything just because it’s all been erased and it’s remembered by no one–is to say that the only things that do matter are those that last forever, and that is a road that leads to nothing but grief and regret.
And besides, the game is very clear that they’ll all meet again at some point in the future.  Even if Monosoft never elaborates or tells us about the reunion from on high, that does nothing to stop us all from imagining it and writing it ourselves–giving the characters a lifetime of joy, and giving ourselves a path to hope.
6 notes - Posted September 12, 2022
There's still nothing funnier to me than the victim of 3-1 being Doug Swallow, who died with a bottle of poisoned pills in his hand Died of poison? No, he was electrocuted, why would you think he was poisoned?
6 notes - Posted January 23, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Sometimes I remember that during all of the final battle with Volo, the "BATTLE DECIDED" splash screen never appears: not after beating his team, and not after either form of Giratina
20 notes - Posted May 11, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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cocomains · 2 years
Tom compton
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#Tom compton professional#
#Tom compton series#
The formation and division of these groups on virtual platforms is detrimental because it misdirects attention from real world struggle, and opens dialogues to disproportionate or non-existent issues. The danger of the formation of these groups is their divisive influence on a society formed on a foundation of disinformation or ‘fake news’. Contented with being fed content that satiates already existent sympathies the emergence of identity based groups surrounding these sympathies serves to validate the individual as part of a collective of like minded individuals. This effort to attain valuable information, I believe, leaves people in a state of lethargic placidness. Accounting for the sea of never-ending public commentaries on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, the task of forming a wholesome opinion on near any current subject becomes a daunting, and often impossible task. The capacity to identify, and to decipher reliable sources of information from those with inaccuracy, misunderstanding or maligned intent has become increasingly difficult. My work will serve as an expression towards the ongoing narrative contextual to this point in history, and attain cultural fluency.īombarded with saturated quantities of information through social media these days, it is often very difficult to form a rounded opinion on current issues that resonates and belongs to real world experiences. Tom Compton was born on 10 May, 1989 in Rosemount, Minnesota, United States, is an American football offensive tackle. My wish is that people might subliminally or consciously think about the subjects that fascinate me and come up with their own perspectives aided by the work. Does sovereign identity exist anymore, or is it pointless searching for a social identity that is liable to change and impermanence? Responding to British Folklore is just one of several recurrent themes that appear in the work I like to produce. Compton, a sixth-round pick in 2012, has appeared in 123 games and made 44 starts across the offensive line during his career. Tom Compton estimated Net Worth, Biography, Age, Height, Dating, Relationship Records, Salary, Income, Cars, Lifestyles & many more details have been updated below. Denver signed tackle Tom Compton to a one-year deal, the team announced Thursday.
#Tom compton professional#
Jobs Weather News Hotels Companies Maps Airline tickets Photos Videos Routes Information Advertising Buy Bitcoins/Cryptocurrency. Michael Guttman (513) 631-0800 79 Paxton Building Paxton Road Cincinnati, Ohio Compton Realty Tom Compton (513) 631-6655 80 Queensgate Commerce Square 1150. According to Ryan OHalloran of The Denver Post, the Denver Broncos are signing former San Francisco 49ers offensive lineman Tom Compton to a one-year deal. View Tom Compton’s profile on LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional community. The Broncos have added a veteran player to their offensive line. We have estimated Tom Compton’s net worth, money, salary, income, and assets. So, how much is Tom Compton worth at the age of 32 years old Tom Compton’s income source is mostly from being a successful Player. Did not practice OL Tom Compton (back), CB K’Waun Williams (knee), WR Tyrie. His net worth has been growing significantly in 2020-2021. Much of my work attempts to relay my own social critiques and observations, questioning and satirising ‘taken for granted’ thought.īritish Folklore, and the associated ‘traditional’ customs serve as a fitting lens to ask poignant questions about social identity in a modern Britain. Everything you need in Compton, California is here On our website you will find the most useful information about everything that you might be interested in Compton. Did not practice: Physically unable to perform list OLB Randy Gregory (shoulder) and RT Billy Turner (knee). I find it fascinating that there are customs that harken back to a time forgotten, but i’m equally intrigued by the inculcation of modern day customs that are part and parcel of an evolving Britain. Compton (6-6, 315 pounds) is a journeyman offensive lineman who has spent time with six NFL teams, playing as a left guard, right guard and tight tackle. Tom received a Bachelor of Science of Business degree from Xavier University and a Master of Business Administration from Xavier University. Appeared in all 17 games (7 starts) with the 49ers in 2021, starting. Previously, Tom was a Board Member at The Tristate Association for Corporate Renewal a nd also held positions at Fifth Third Bank. COMPTON AT A GLANCE: An 11th-year guard/tackle who has appeared in 123 career regular-season games (44 starts) and seven postseason contests (3 starts) with Washington (2013-15), Atlanta (2016), Chicago (2017), Minnesota (2018), N.Y. Release Calendar DVD & Blu-ray Releases Top 250 Movies Most Popular Movies Browse. Tom Compton is a Partner at RKCA based in Cincinnati, Ohio.
#Tom compton series#
All rights reserved.This series of work responds to my interest in Folklore Traditions from around Britain. Tom Compton is an actor, known for Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No (2015).
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dephill990 · 2 years
Albert wants to marry poki
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Albert wants to marry poki.
Settling Down | My Time at Portia Wiki | Fandom.
Princess Charlene's bond with Prince Albert's love children.
Albert Einstein - HISTORY.
Toast and Janet Marry? | Lily Wants Hugs | Stream Highlights.
When a Libra Man Wants to Marry You! - Astro 79.
Richard Gere Demands Divorce Drama End – Desperate To Marry.
The Count of Monte Cristo Chapter 66 - LitCharts.
'Victoria' Season 1, Episode 3 Recap: You're So Vain - KQED.
20 Unmistakable Signs He Wants to Marry You.
Anyone wants to talk about poki and pics? PokimanePicslewd.
Fed's offer to Jodi | Poki french | Yvonne Exposes Albert | Jodi.
How Long Does It Take A Man To Know He Wants To Marry You?.
We Two: Victoria and Albert: Rulers, Partners, Rivals.
Albert wants to marry poki.
Your changes has been saved. Noble’s daughter Mary Albert, in the middle of the school opening ceremony, remembers that this world was an otome game she played in her previous life, and she turns out to be a character from that game. "I will not marry a man who has no honor, no family, no property, and no Power!" As I declared my will to live a glorious and glamorous life, my Dad decided to make the crown prince my fiancé?! Is he Mad?! I'll just treat the engagement contract as a last measure. "Why are you avoiding your engagement with the Crown Prince?" "Because it scares me!. Albert by Donna Jo Napoli, Jim LaMarche Illustrator Paperback First Edition 7.99 Ship This Item Qualifies for Free Shipping Buy Online, Pick up in Store Check Availability at Nearby Stores Sign in to Purchase Instantly Choose Expedited Shipping at checkout for delivery by Wednesday, June 8 Overview The morning begins like any other.
Settling Down | My Time at Portia Wiki | Fandom.
In The Color Purple, Celie marries a man named Albert, but she calls him Mr.__, partly because of their age difference. His first name is not even mentioned until Shug calls him by it. It is not a.
Princess Charlene's bond with Prince Albert's love children.
Albert, 23, a builder from Essex told 25-year-old office manager Maria from London that he wanted to marry her - but then never went on a second date, and viewers were not impressed by the 'player'. I believe this is one question every single woman, who desires to be married, should ask herself. "Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.". C.G. Jung. "Test all things, hold fast to what is good and do away with evil.&quot. Title: 아직도 결혼하고 싶은 여자 / The Woman Who Still Wants To Marry. Chinese Title 仍想结婚的女人. Also known as: Still, Marry Me / City Lovers. Genre: Romance. Episodes: 16. Broadcast network: MBC. Broadcast period: 2010-Jan-20 to 2010-Mar-11. Air time: Wednesday & Thursday 21:55.
Albert Einstein - HISTORY.
Albert Marry; Found 3 results for. Albert Marry. Albert J Marry, age 87. View Details. Ardsley. 1017 Saw Mill River Rd #1338, Ardsley. Associated persons: Claire Adelman, Sydel Applebome, Ben N Armato, Ruth Negri Armato, Barbara R Auerbach, Tarak Das Banerjee. View Details. Albert E Marry, age 87. 30. level 2. · 2 yr. ago. Can also tell that Albert has been doing his own therapy since after the question he tries to stay present and sit in it to really contemplate and explore to figure out a genuine answer. People naturally would want to evade or deflect a question they don't have an answer to, especially if it makes them feel. 3. He flirts with you A LOT. Many women fail to see that when your man flirts with you a lot, that it's a sign he wants to marry you. When he constantly flirts with you even though you've been together for years now, that shows how strong and healthy your bond actually is.
Toast and Janet Marry? | Lily Wants Hugs | Stream Highlights.
Obtain resident status for your new spouse. Once you're married, you can apply to change the foreign spouse's status to permanent resident status, which is commonly referred to as having a "green card." A green card gives someone the ability to live and work in the United States permanently.
When a Libra Man Wants to Marry You! - Astro 79.
Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere. Albert Einstein. Never give up on what you really want to do. The person with big dreams is more powerful than the one with all the facts. Albert Einstein. Weak people revenge. Strong people forgive. Intelligent people ignore. Episode 718: Sylvia (Part 2) Out of shame, due to the rumors, Sylvia's father decides that they must move out of Walnut Grove. But Sylvia and Albert meet in secret and make plans to get married and raise her child as their own. Caroline (who earlier had confronted Mrs. Oleson about spreading lies about Albert being the baby's father) counsels.
Richard Gere Demands Divorce Drama End – Desperate To Marry.
Sep 09, 2016 · Patricia Spann, 43, married her own daughter Misty Spann, 25, in March 2016. A few years earlier, in 2008, she had wed her son Jody Calvin Spann.
The Count of Monte Cristo Chapter 66 - LitCharts.
"I want to marry a good guy" is correct. "Get married to" is also a grammatically correct sentence. Which sentence you should use depends on what nuance you want. "I want to marry a good guy" has no particular nuance, but a celebrant (the word for someone who administers marriage ceremonies) also "marries" people, ie. "I married a lovely couple.
'Victoria' Season 1, Episode 3 Recap: You're So Vain - KQED.
He Often Says "You're The Only One Who…". A very clear sign that he wants to marry you one day is if he uses the words "you're the only one who" in sentences. This could be "you're the only one who can make me laugh like that" or "you're the only one I feel confident about this with". You can be sure that you are the. Albert Spencer Aretz (born: June 11, 1997 (1997-06-11) (age 25)), better known online as Flamingo (also known as mrflimflam, AlbertsStuff, and Alberts), is an American Roblox YouTuber who mostly uploads gameplay and reaction videos. He is best known for his comedic style, inside jokes, and characters. Albert Spencer Aretz was born in the U.S. state of New Jersey on June 11, 1997. His last name.
20 Unmistakable Signs He Wants to Marry You.
This book is about Red Calhoun and Jessie Dale. Red happens to be a romance novelist, with a bad case of writer's block. Jessie is the interloper from out of town, who has bought Red's favorite bar and closed it down for renovations. Their first meeting consists of him yelling at her and Jessie calling the cops on him. Millionaire Quiz. 4.3 23,253 votes. Answer 15 questions correctly to win one million dollars! The Millionaire Quiz can be about technology, sports, music, health, or science. You get to choose the category! Also, you can use three lifelines for help during the.
Anyone wants to talk about poki and pics? PokimanePicslewd.
Jada Pinkett Smith confessed that she "really didn't want to get married" to Will Smith. In fact, the "Matrix" actress — now on the roasting spit from Smith's infamous Oscars smack.
Fed's offer to Jodi | Poki french | Yvonne Exposes Albert | Jodi.
People named Albert Poki. Find your friends on Facebook. Log in or sign up for Facebook to connect with friends, family and people you know. Log In. or. Sign Up. Poki Albert. See Photos. Poki Albert. See Photos. Albert Poky. Simple. We marry women who can make us better men. Want to know more about what a man looks for in the woman they want to marry? Read 12 Signs She's The Woman You Should Marry. It starts out when we notice that our car is cleaner and our house is cleaner. But then it goes deeper than that. A noble quality comes over us and we want to take. Albert and Victoria say their lustful goodbyes; he’s going back to Coburg for six weeks before the wedding. (In reality, Victoria and Albert were engaged in October 1839 and married in February 1840.) Victoria mostly wants to talk about her overwhelming feelings, and she brushes off Albert’s concerns about his household and his allowance.
How Long Does It Take A Man To Know He Wants To Marry You?.
Credits: Offline TVOfflineTV: h. Albert wants to marry Rosemary before he leaves for Europe, but she just can't commit. Like so many young women of her time, Rosemary finds herself left behind to work and worry, desperate for love but frightened of abandonment. Three years later, and with Albert's fate still unknown, Rosemary meets Harry, a charming and handsome man. Editorial Reviews. Gillian Gill has written a superbly accessible account of the marriage of Queen Victoria and Albert of Saxe-Coburg. She makes us understand that it was a union constantly pulled between two contradictory imperatives: the need for the Queen to be supreme head of state and Albert her subject, and the requirement that the nineteenth-century wife should be her husband's.
We Two: Victoria and Albert: Rulers, Partners, Rivals.
Suddenly he goes out of his way to please you and constantly says how much he loves you. 3. He is more affectionate in public spaces and around other people. 4. He is more concerned about money and saving money. 5. It feels like he is hiding something from you. Any woman can detect when that happens. 6.
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