so-idialed-9 · 2 years
There's been a lot of babygate speculation this week - the checkered clothing and F1 racing social media liking and wondering if it's like a checkered flag signaling you're near the end. Harry's pairing checkered flag pants with a kiwi 🥝 shirt looking like a fertilized egg for HSLOT Vienna July 16, 2022.
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So in reviewing babygate masterposts like this excellent one by @skepticalarrie, I noticed this similarity -
Left - the Columbia shirt Louis wore on Aug 28, 2015, when babygate was heavy and the band seemed to be reeling still. The pregnancy had been announced 45 days earlier on July 14.
Right - the Aries shirt Louis wore on July 16, 2022 for LTWT Manila. (He didn't have a concert on thr 14th or 15th, so this is the closest date to that.)
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Zoomed in you can really see the common elements - sunburst, twisted strand elements (you could see it as DNA).
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Louis wore another Aries shirts on tour already - Santiago 2, May 16 2022, just as Harry's House 🏠 album title was released and the album promo video with the house icon.
Of course if you add an H to the left you get Haries and a House logo...
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1dlarryluv · 6 years
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mommotommo · 6 years
I’m feeling some kind of way. I just realized that my first and only One Direction concert was almost three years ago. Three. Years.
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untwist-matter · 4 years
રૂપાણી સરકારે આ કર્મચારીઓના પગાર પર ફેરવી કાતર, 1 વર્ષ સુધી મળશે માત્ર આટલો પગાર
રૂપાણી સરકારે આ કર્મચારીઓના પગાર પર ફેરવી કાતર, 1 વર્ષ સુધી મળશે માત્ર આટલો પગાર
અમારા Whatsapp Group(વોટ્સઅપ ગ્રુપ)માં જોડાવા અહિં ક્લિક કરો
ગુજરાતમાં કોરોના વાયરસના સંક્રમણમાં સતત વધારો થઈ રહ્યો છે. આ સાથે રાજ્યમાં કોરોના વાયરસનો મૃત્યુ આંક પણ વધી રહ્યો છે, ત્યારે સરકાર મૃત્યુના આંકડા છુપાવી રહી છે, તેવા આક્ષેપો પણ સામે આવી રહ્યા છે. આ તમામ વચ્ચે રૂપાણી સરકારે કર્મચારીઓ, અધિકારીઓ, મંત્રીઓ અને ધારાસભ્યોના પગાર માં એક વર્ષ સુધી ૩૦ ટકાનો કાપ મૂકવાની જાહેરાત કરી છે.
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fobomatic-blog · 9 years
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vernalseason · 9 years
I’m scared, Darya said.
Tannah shifted on her cot and then rolled over to face her. Of dying?
You’re not going to die.
You don’t know that.
Tannah opened her mouth and it made a small sound but she said nothing. Then she closed it again. No, she said. I don’t. I believe it though.
Because you have to.
No one joins the Service to die. I have to believe it as much as you do.
Someone with a bright lantern passed by and the shadow of a waysign fell on side of the tent. The light faded and the noise of booted footsteps faded with it. I don’t believe it right now, Darya said. I don’t know that I ever did. When they sent me here I never thought I would make it out.
But you’ve got your home, ia? Your sweetmate, I forgot her name, starts with an F, ia?
Your eyes closed?
Think of her. What did you do when you were with her?
Cooked. Mostly. We made anything we could get a recipe for, tried new things when we couldn’t get the ingredients. Lots of bread.
What was your favorite meal?
Oh, there was this spiced stew, used about every vegetable they had at market...
What was it called, or did it have a name?
Gatherer’s Stew was all. We called it Fenn’s Stew after a friend who gave us the recipe, he made it for us first and we had to make it ourselves. We changed how much spice it had, every time, we always made it more—
What spices?
Peppers most times, but there were some other things. By the time we had it last no one else could stand to be in the room with it, we’d made it so strong. Another friend tried it and burned his throat ragged.
Tannah smiled. And what was your kitchen like?
I know what you’re doing, you know.
Is it working?
Sort of.
Then keep going. I want to know, even if it’s meant to help.
Darya took a steady breath in the dark, and Tannah could hear clearly the switch between inhale and exhale.
It was small, she said. We had a woodstove that could be converted to an oven, heavy black iron thing. That’s where we’d make the bread, small bits at a time. A few counters, it was barely a closet really. We didn’t own the apartment, it was a secondstory in Mid, a few streets up from Low.
I lived in the top of Low, west side. Not a bad place as people say but it wasn’t pleasant to have the guards come knock down my door.
They were searching for someone else and I’d guess someone had switched the numbers on my door so they smashed it in. God knows what they thought when they found me.
How did they...?
Naked on top of someone. They pulled me off before anything else and chained him too. Was the last time was we saw each other, poor thing. He was scared off I suppose.
Tarya was badly hiding a laugh and Tannah tutted quietly. Don’t you laugh, it may happen to you yet.
I feel better.
But I want to tell you more, is that okay?
So long as it keeps you sane.
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imvalramos · 9 years
SOOOOOO, as I mentioned in my earlier entries, I presented Chemistry and Math extras (extemporary exams, a last chance to pass all your subjects), and I was actually really nervous cause I didn’t study AT ALL, I just procastinated for four months and the results were just uploaded to the prepa’s site.
I didn’t expect that! I really, really thought I was gonna fail, but I didn’t!!! I’m an UNAM’S reular studen ai! I’m SOpROUDd!!! Seriously, this is the best news ever, I cant take nomal classes now, with the rest of my group and friends!!!
Sadly, this means I won’t be having any classes with my ex/best friend/crush casue she did not pass.
Today was my last day at high school as a minor, tomorrow, I’ll be 18. I’ll be legal!!! To drink, and smoke and... go to jail...
I’ll be legal on Saturday, and I’m watching Sleeping with Sirens at a bar/venue so It’ll be awesomeeee, and I’m actually having a birthday party on Friday (tomorrow) I’m SO EXCITED!!! and happy, and proud and all kinds of overwhelmed. 
I’m starting to enjoy my area’s classes and I don’t think they’re absolutely useless now, i feel so much better! And even though I haven’t been great at updating, I do think about posting every single day, I’ll get to it once I get more settled, but right now, I’ll just post whenever I can :) 
I treid changing my math teacher this evening, but my dean refused so I’m stuck with this bitchy one, she’s good, but I’m useless so I’ll probably end up doing extras again, as she said no one passed (?) her final. Sighs. 
I just realised I’m the worst at writing, my “plot”, structure, is all wrong, but hopefully, I’ll be accepted to take the CAE and will help me with my english skills.
As I’m throwing a party tomorrow, I don’t think I’ll be posting this weekend, there’ll be lots of stuff going on with concerts and museums and being at my friend’s, but I’ll try and post at least pics :)
Love, Val.
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informadrid · 9 years
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Toni “Gotta Fix My Hair” Kroos | August 18, 2015
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junsoolovely · 9 years
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Baby look what you've done to me~ 
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violettewednesday · 9 years
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incorrigible1 · 9 years
I read somewhere that Louis wouldn't take a rainbow flag that a fan tried to offer him. Is that true? Just wondering.
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americudi-blog · 9 years
also my skin been lookin good as hell I'm on my period yet I'm literally glowing 😌
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5 positive things
started yoga class. I know yoga isn’t the all anxiety/depression relieving remedy that neurotypical people crack it up to be but I do quite enjoy it anyway.
Got all of my little sister’s birthday party details smoothed out and arranged
It wasn’t as hot today as it has been all week (It was still very hot though)
made wonton soup
reorganized my dressers 
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jennitaals · 9 years
“Oh, I wanna fall in love again; but this time, but this time, with no regrets. I wanna give it all again; but this time, but this time, with no secrets. I don’t want just anyone; not anyone new. I wanna fall in love again with you, with you, with you. I wanna fall in love again with you,  with you. Can we forget all the lies that we’ve led? Take us so far away from the truth. Can we erase all the tears and regrets? Fear hiding in the pain; the shadows of yesterday.
We can take a blank white page and fill it with the dreams we made; and let these scars slowly fade away.”
I love him more than anyone can love another in the entire world. I’m never going to give up. Even if he has. 
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