arcmagecallum · 2 years
i think i never hated two characters in any type of media more than angelina and eagan
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itachi86 · 2 years
drea mikami is my hero
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Love manifest but I really want Saanvi to be happy. Watching season 3 currently and she really deserves to be happy. Like I can look past the loose ends, like the comatose 828ers and why don't we see Autumn and her daughter anymore, does she not have callings? But right now she's saying the driftwood was a wild goose chase and I'm just like, begging you to have said "all in" with your fingers crossed 🤞🏼 please you don't have to do this alone! I guess I just want it to feel like there's more of a community! Like if Autumn is no longer gonna be in the show (she doesn't even need to be in every episode like she can show up in the background with group callings and that would have meant she'd been there to back up the Stone siblings when Eagen, which honestly like now I'm getting mad she's not in those scenes because would the callings not call on her to help them out when they needed it when they helped her when she needed it? Do the callings not want them to be a community?) But Saanvi is a main character and I know she doesn't have callings anymore but she cares and she wants to help and she could just be the 'inside man' for Ben since it's obvious they're not gonna clue him in anymore. Like I'm tired of them doing things on their own. And I hope that she works with Troy on this, I really don't want her to do this alone anymore. I really want her to have some breathing room you know? I want her to be happy?
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theamazingannie · 1 year
Oh I fucking hated that Manifest ending it made absolutely no sense. Rant and spoilers under cut.
Why in hell would they go back to 2013 and undo everything that happened over the last 11 years??? Sure the passengers are forever changed, but what about Olive’s journey? Jared and Drea? All of the other nonpassengers who grew and learned and became something better because of this story? And why them? Zeke survived his death date and he didn’t go back (at least, not until he died the second time). Zeke got to have cool powers and it kinda sucks cuz he was the only one we know who survived his death date so he’s the only one we got to see be affected by it. It would’ve been cool to see what the passengers could do and also how the rest of the world would have reacted. The world HATED the 828ers and instead of getting some resolution with them finding out that the 828ers saved the world, they just all never actually experienced it?
Also, wasn’t something that was a hidden gift in the whole thing that Saanvi’s research had time to develop during those 5 1/2 years? If they go back, then Cal would still be sick and without the research this time. That undos all of that and the connection that that made between Saanvi and the Stones and how fate connected them in so many ways. And they specifically said that they needed time to finish her research and start the trials. He would’ve been dead if he waited. That was a specific point.
Because of the time pause, Olive is now significantly younger than TJ, which the show addresses by making him look at her sadly and then sets him up with Violet. Not only did they steal Olive’s story and growth, they also just completely ruined their relationship that I loved. Plus, they never really gave them a satisfying ending pre-apocalypse. All they did was have Olive say she wanted to fix things so they could have a future together, only for that to now be impossible (unless they meet again in like 10 years when it’s a less weird age gap). This is kind of a smaller reason, but it still bugs me cuz they had such potential to be a great ship and were constantly pushed under a rug, especially there at the end.
And what are they supposed to do now? This is a problem in a lot of time travel/day repeating stories where someone changes seemingly overnight with no explanation except instead of just one person, it’s almost 200. 200 people who know things about the next 11 years, who have been changed beyond recognition, who are now going to change so much stuff in the future that didn’t need to be changed. Yeah, they’re all better people now and will work to do good (allegedly) yadda yadda. What about all the passengers who fell in love with nonpassengers that they now may never meet? Or, like TJ and Olive, can’t be together because of the time jump. Yeah Mick found Zeke and now they can be happily ever after, but what about the nonpassengers who were changed in the years between and now aren’t the same person that the passenger fell in love with? So many of us are shaped by our experiences. What happened to all the other passengers, to their stories? What if the person that they fall in love with’s life is altered because of the choices another passenger makes? What if they move to another state, fall in love with someone else, die??? Another issue tule travel causes is that even the smallest action can domino into something completely different, even just one person let alone TWO HUNDRED. I know that this is probably not something most people think about and they just pay attention to Grace and Zeke being alive and all the happy moments, but it’s not that simple for me and it BUGS ME when writers don’t consider this.
Lastly, on a similar note, how is this any different than it ending with “it was all a dream”??? Like nothing actually changes, none of their callings are set in stone and they’ll have to remember every single thing they did during those 5 1/2 years, things that won’t happen until YEARS later. Ugh I just so hated the way they ended things and it sucks cuz I love this show a lot.
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savethelifeboat · 2 years
Season 4a: Jared
Jared's redemption arc was everything I had been waiting for, he has accepted that Zeke and Mick are happy together and he is now a friend to them, and I'm this close to writing a Zeke x Mick x Jared fic because the three of them would make such relationship in another life
I loved his relationship with Drea, sure no feelings involved, but we get Jared making puppy eyes at her and that's all I care about
Him helping the 828ers without a second intention, aka getting back with Mick, is refreshing. I loved that he follows his moral compass over anything else
I'm so happy with Jared this season
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Just another manifest post
Okay so I wanted to go back to the first season to find some answers before I made this post but now that I have I have more thoughts and confusion. 
So in the final scene when 828 goes back to 2013 Ben tells Grace that Saanvi is the Doctor who will save Cal’s life, but there are 2 issues with that.
1. In the pilot episode Grace and Ben are talking to the doctor who tells them about the new treatment for pediatric patients, a treatment that is still in trial phase and requires him to apply. Ben then said to the doctor “you said 6 months, you implied it would take a miracle” referring to Cal’s odds at beating his cancer. Then later when Saanvi goes to the hospital she finds out her research did make it back to them, then she is told that her research was successful and they have been treating pediatric patients “for close to 30 months”. 30 months is 2.5 years which means it took 3 years to get to the point where they tested on real pediatric patients (to show my math 828 was gone 5.5 years so 5.5-2.5=3). So Cal would most likely not have lived long enough to have even made it to the trial.
2. The second issue is the fact that Cal’s cancers came back in the first part of season 4. We know the reason why Zeke sacrificed himself was to save Cal, but that cannot happen now. So even if Cal does make it to the trail phase and gets treated, the cancer will still come back but this time there won’t be someone like Zeke with special powers to save him.
So basically when you think about it Cal is doomed in this alternative timeline 
I was really hoping that the 828ers would have just stayed in the 2024 line and that Cal would have been returned after the judgment. Like seriously I was thinking how they could have just done something like “after judgment day everyone except the 828ers and those that helped them (So like Olive, Jared, Drea, Vance, heck even Georgia!) will lose their memories and all traces of what happened to 828 will vanish including the DC and all info online.” And if they really wanted to give some fan service they could have rewarded the captains of the lifeboat, AKA Ben and Mic, with Grace and Zeke.
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speedxandxnetflix · 1 year
So I watched all of Manifest in the last two weeks and now I’m sad it’s over.
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But damn I have to admit I got hooked right away (and I regret not getting into it when it came out but then kind of was glad I didn’t have to wait for all the answers).  May want to do a Manifest thing with Barry not sure if AU or if just smashing the universes together and the Flash shows public support for the 828ers and maybe even helps some of them with their Callings. (If AU Barry will definitely be one of the passengers because reasons). 
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Also Drea being a fucking badass and trying to bulldoze her way into the confinement where 828ers were while heavily pregnant. 
love her
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stars4dtqk · 2 years
m watching manifest
bro why’d ben have to get a biased judge also the fact the anti 828ers arguement are awlways that theyre dangerous. like what the reason they did something was bc they are 828ers BITCH you’re a judge anyone can commit a fucking crime the only reason this is notable is bc they’re different stfu
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lilacmoon83 · 1 year
Lightning in a Bottle
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Also on Fanfiction.net and A03
Chapter 83: Wingman
Vance sat in an interrogation room. After the reveal of the tailfin, the US government had swept in, confiscated the mysterious piece of Flight 828 and Vance was released into the custody of the NSA and they wanted answers.
"How did you find out about the Montego Air Flight 828 tailfin?" Director Zimmer asked.
"Boy drew me a picture," Vance answered vaguely.
"This boy sneak you into Cuba, too?" she asked.
"No, that was my NSA training," Vance answered.
"Where were you before that?" Zimmer questioned.
"New York, mostly," he replied.
"You went undetected for 18 months in the busiest city in the world?" she asked skeptically.
"I ordered in a lot," he joked.
"Do you think this is a joke, Mr. Vance?" she asked sharply.
"Forget the PR nightmare, the return of a dead division head would wreak havoc on the NSA. The Attorney General is contemplating charging you with faking your own death,"
she warned.
"Technically not a crime. Are we done yet? Wife's expecting me for supper," he said nonchalantly.
"Let me explain to you what is a crime. Fraud. Violating embargo set forth by the United States government. Treason. You may think you're going home tonight, but I'm
questioning whether you ever get to go home," she said sternly.
Eight-four days. That's how long they had to keep Henry safe and hidden. Eighty-four days until the death date for the three Meth heads would occur. It really wasn't that
long, but with the unpredictability of these three and now the possibility that they may get Callings too, eighty-four days was a long time for untold damage to be done.
"Fiona Black is the Major?" David asked, as Emma filled him in on what she had learned from Killian.
"And her vanishing could mean that she's coming after 828ers again. Her daughter showed up at the precinct looking for you. That can't be a coincidence," he said. She
"I'll contact the Department of Defense. Are there any other passengers that know anything?" she asked.
"Yeah. Regina. The Major posed as her therapist They met together for months," David replied.
"We've got to give Regina a heads up if the Major's planning something," she added.
"Yeah, I'll go on my way to campus. Regina should hear this in person," he said.
"No, I'll go. I wanna talk to her anyways. I'll keep you guys posted," Emma replied.
"Thanks," David said. She knew he was overwhelmed and being apart from Margaret was already beginning to weigh heavily on him.
"You know you don't have to be a hero and take everything on," Emma said.
"What's that supposed to mean?" David asked. She sighed.
"It means you're really focused on everyone else and you never take care of yourself, which usually isn't a problem, because Margaret is here to take care of you. But she's
not right now. Did you show Regina your hand?" Emma asked.
"Actually I have, but that's the least of my worries right now," David replied. She sighed.
"I know," she agreed.
"My family is in hiding. The Meth Heads are still out there. Listen, I've got to go to campus with Olive. TJ sent some artifacts from Egypt. Maybe we'll find a mythological clue that can help," he said.
"Yeah, I think that's a long shot, David," Emma replied skeptically.
"Well, right now I need any shot. Eden's not even gonna remember who I am in three months," he said worriedly.
"MM would never let her forget you," she reasoned.
"David, I think you need to be laying low…" Emma said, but he cut her off.
"Listen, I can't just sit still. We are doing everything we can. If the Meth Heads are like us, who knows what they're capable of seeing or doing?" he wondered.
"I will find them. Okay? Whatever it takes," Emma said, as she made her way out, while David looked at the photo that had fallen off his board earlier.
"Eagan Tehrani. We've got a busy day, Eagan. Why'd you fall off my board?" he murmured to himself.
Later that day
Emma sighed, as she sat across from Pete in the interrogation room.
"Pete, you could have run and you didn't. So come on, talk to me. Give me a name, an address, anything," Emma pleaded. But he was silent.
"Okay, look. Forget the fact that I'm a cop. You came out of that lake for a reason. This is your chance at redemption. You and I, we were supposed to find each other again.
Do you believe in fate?" Emma asked. That got his attention and he looked at her.
"The girl from the King Kone," he said.
"What about her?" Emma asked.
"It's fate. She knew where I was, how to find me. She just stared at me," Pete replied.
"Yeah, she was scared," Emma said. But he shook his head.
"No, she wasn't afraid of me. She was brave," he insisted.
"Okay, Pete, I'm gonna need you to focus. I need your help finding Jace and Kory.
Where are…" Emma said, but he cut her off.
"Take me back to my cell," he said to the uniform guard, who granted his request, leaving Emma no answers and with a surprising Calling.
"No luck, huh?" Ruby asked.
"No…not with him," Emma replied.
"Uh oh…let me guess, another Calling?" Killian asked.
"Actually an old one. It's Lily's heart. I think I need to go see Mal," she replied, as they watched her go.
"Eagan?" David asked, as he arrived at the chess park and the person he was looking for.
"I'm David Nolan, I was on Flight 828…" he explained.
"David Nolan, huh?" the other man asked, as he made a move on the chess board.
"So you saw it, too," Eagan replied.
"So you know about the callings?" David asked.
"Don't we all by now?" he deadpanned.
"Callings, it's kind of a creepy way to explain what's happening to us, don't you think, Professor?" Eagan asked.
"How'd you know my job?" David questioned, as the man motioned to the badge on his bag.
"I was a courier in my past life. I made a lot of deliveries to campus. Ever do that? Think about how life used to be before?" he asked.
"All the time," David replied.
"How was your life when you got back?" he asked curiously.
"My job, my rent stabilized apartment, my girlfriend, all gone," Eagan replied.
"Sorry to hear that," David said.
"Losing my apartment hurt the most. Now I just play chess for cash, follow the callings whenever they come poking, live off the grid," Eagan replied.
"Explains why I couldn't get in touch with you," David said.
"Don't take it personally. I just didn't feel like bonding over bizarre visions in my head," Eagan said.
"Speaking of, the kid we saw, he looked passed out. He could be in danger," David said, referring to the Calling they had together.
"What kid? All I saw was a bunch of art stuff crashing to the ground," he replied.
"Eagan, could we talk privately?" David requested.
"I think this kid's life could be at stake," he added, as Eagan made his final move on the chess board.
"Checkmate," he said, before moving to another board.
"Checkmate," he said, before moving to a third board.
"And checkmate," he said, before collecting his winnings.
"Let's go," he said, as David followed him.
Emma knocked on Lily's parents door and Mal answered, before gesturing her in.
"I was hoping you'd come by soon. I was going to call you if you didn't," Mal said.
"Is everything okay?" Emma asked.
"No…I'm afraid that Zoran passed away a few days ago," she said.
"Mal…I'm so sorry. I would have come sooner if…" Emma said, but Mal put her hand up.
"I know…I just needed a few days. I wanted to bury him myself in a private ceremony and then I needed to decide what was next for me," Mal replied, as she looked at a
family photo.
"You know, before Zoran…I never put down any roots. I traveled the world…I always loved flying, you know," she mentioned.
"Yeah…can't say it's my favorite thing anymore," Emma said. The other woman smiled.
"No…I suppose not," she said.
"But then Zoran and I settled down and had Lily and putting down roots didn't seem so bad," she added.
"But now…I can't stay here. Zoran was all that was keeping me here and I can hardly bear to stay here another moment," Mal said.
"That's understandable. Are you going to sell the house? I can help with packing if you'd like when the time comes," Emma offered.
"That's sweet of you dear…but no, I'm not selling it. I'm giving it to you," Mal said. Emma's eyes widened.
"Me?" she asked. Mal nodded.
"Zoran's life insurance is more money that I know what to do with and I need to find peace. It's not here…so perhaps it is up in the sky somewhere. I'd like to see the world
again and find that peace," she replied.
"I get that…but why do you want me to have your house? I mean…that's a gift that's too much," Emma said. Mal smiled.
"No…Lily would have liked for you to have it and share it with your new husband," Mal said, as she wheeled her suitcase toward the door.
"The deed is in your name and all the paperwork is taken care of by my attorney. I have everything I need in here with me so the rest is yours to keep or change however you
like," she said, referring to the contents of the house.
"Mal…" Emma started to protest again.
"Please Emma…this is what I want. I can't be here…but I also can't have this house going to some stranger. It should be with you now," Mal pleaded. Emma closed her mouth
and nodded.
"Thank you…and good luck. I hope you find peace," Emma said. Mal nodded and quietly left and with it, Emma's repeat Calling of Lily's heartbeat was gone once again.
"Thanks, Doctor," the woman said, as she exited the exam room.
"Next customer?" Regina called and was surprised to see that it was Killian.
"Hey, Killian. Are you feeling okay?" she asked.
"Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. Actually, I came here to talk to you. Do you have a minute?" he asked. She nodded.
"Sure," she replied, as she saw him pull up something on his phone and show it to her.
"Uh...I think you know Major General Fiona Black. Apparently, she's gone missing," he said.
David and Emma filled me in on your history with her, so I figured you'd want to hear the news in person," he added.
"Uh... Missing?" Regina asked.
"Yeah. I was hoping you can...I don't know, give me some information about your sessions with her. I know it's hard to talk about this. We just want to keep you safe," he
explained. Regina nodded, trying to keep calm.
"Has she ever shared any personal information with you? Anything about friends, family, children?" he asked.
"I didn't know she had any kids," Regina replied. That was the truth.
"Yeah, a daughter. She's actually who came looking for her," Killian said, as his phone rang.
"It's work. I need to handle this. Feel free to call me if you remember anything, okay?" he asked. She swallowed and nodded.
"Okay," she replied. She knew Vance had been very diligent in covering up what she had done, but she couldn't help but wonder if her secret would be a secret with Killian investigating.
It had been a hell of a day for David, after meeting the enigmatic, somewhat seemingly callous Egan Tehrani. He learned that they supposedly had different angles of the Calling, but that Egan had a photographic memory, which made his chess prowess make sense, and he was able to recall all the objects in the Calling. It had led to a museum and they found the objects in a storage room.
David and Egan managed to get in through a crawl space, deducing that the teenager David had seen in the Calling had probably crawled in to keep warm. But the danger of the fire in the Calling was quickly realized and now David was navigating his way out of the burning museum, with the unconscious teen on his back. Egan said he was going for help, but disappeared. Thankfully though, David made his way out and while he did not find Egan anywhere in sight, paramedics had arrived. He was awake now and being treated.
"Looks like a gas leak in the building…you saved his life," one paramedic said. David nodded.
"Just glad I found him. Is he okay?" David asked.
"Yes…he just needs a little oxygen, but he's otherwise unharmed. He can go home after this," the paramedic answered.
"I can drive him home," David offered and the teen looked grateful.
"Hey…I got your message," Neal said, as she opened the door to Mal's house and he walked in.
"Thanks, because it's been a day," she replied, as he immediately hugged her and kissed her forehead.
"What's going on?" he asked.
"Mal called me this morning. Zoran died a few days ago," she replied.
"Oh my God…why didn't she call sooner?" he asked.
"She just wanted a private ceremony and I get that. She says that she can't stay here without him and Lily, so she's left to travel for a bit," she replied.
"I get that…probably a lot of memories here. Memories of what she lost," he said.
"Yeah…and she sort of gave us the house," Emma replied. His eyes widened.
"What?" he asked.
"Yeah…she wanted us to have it. I refused at first, because it's too much and she could sell it. But she doesn't want that. She wants it to stay with someone she knows…
someone connected to Lily," Emma replied.
"Wow…that's amazing and really generous. So I guess we're moving?" he asked. She nodded.
"Guess so…our first house," she said, as they shared a hug.
"Hey," Bella said, as Killian returned to the station.
"Ms. Green," he greeted.
"You found something? Please. Is she alive?" Bella asked.
"That, I don't know. But what I found is, um...it's complicated. Honestly, I'm not sure you want to hear this," Killian said.
"I'm her daughter, adopted or not. It's not a choice for me," she replied.
"Bella, your mother is a high-level government operative tasked with studying Flight 828. She often engaged in…extralegal activities," Killian explained.
"English, please," she requested.
"Torture, abduction. It could have something to do with her disappearance," he suggested.
"So where is she now?" Bella asked.
"I wish I knew," he replied.
"Whatever she did, she's still my mom. Help me find her, please," she requested. He was reluctant, but then nodded.
"I'll do what I can,"
Director Zimmer returned to the interrogation room, where Vance had been for hours now.
"In light of your actions, we've decided not to pursue charges. Effective immediately, you are hereby reinstated. Welcome back to the NSA, sir," she said.
"Save it. I'm not coming back," Vance snapped.
"Excuse me?" she asked with an edge in her voice.
"You must be out of your damn minds. Want to talk about treason? Every move I made working for the NSA was shadowed by your operative, Fiona Black. She tried to kill
me. Almost did. I'm not about to get in her crosshairs again," Vance said, knowing full well that the Major was dead. But he wanted to know what they knew and if they would
offer up the information.
"Major Black was found dead in New Orleans months ago. Her covert op was shut down. You come back, 828 is yours. Just tell me what you need," Zimmer said.
"I don't need anything. It's you who needs me. But like I said, I'm out.," Vance said.
"Bob, I know you said nothing would change your mind, but what if I show you something I know will?" she asked. He was intrigued by that and agreed to see what she wanted to show him.
David arrived at the house that the boy, Caleb, had given him directions to and pulled into the driveway. A woman immediately came out onto the porch.
"Hey, Mom," the teen said, as she hugged him fiercely.
"Caleb!" she said in relief.
"I'm sorry I ran away. It was stupid. And I didn't know if you'd want me to come back home," he admitted.
"I will always love you. No matter what," she replied, as her son pointed to the man behind him.
"This is David. He saved my life," he said. The woman smiled.
"Thank you," she said.
"I'm glad he's safe. Take care, Caleb," David said, as he got back in his car and drove home, while they went inside.
"The Lord has blessed me twice over. Look who's here," she said. Caleb gasped, as he saw his older brother in the shadows.
"It's safe. It's just a man dropping off your brother," the mother said. Kory came into the light and hugged his baby brother fiercely.
"Hey…" David said, as he answered the phone.
"Hey…" Margaret replied.
"I miss you so much…I am so off without you," he admitted.
"Me too…I hate this separation," she said.
"Me too, my love," he replied.
"Tell me about your day? Did you solve that Calling?" she asked.
"I did…it saved a young man. I met another peculiar passenger too that had the Calling with me, but he doesn't seem as enthusiastic to solve Callings as us," David replied.
"Well…not every man is as amazing as you, my love. I'm sure whatever danger you were in today would make me cringe, but I know you'd never let anyone be hurt if you could help it. That's why you're a hero," she said.
"I think you might be biased…but I'll spare you the details about gas leaks and fire," he replied.
"Yes…I think that would be good. Our day wasn't as exciting, but Henry had a Calling too. It was the peacock again. He saw one outside, while he was playing basketball," she said.
"Yeah…it keeps coming up. It's depicted all over the artifacts that TJ sent back to the University. Olive and Angelina were able to get a look at it. There was a peacock, but something new too. Olive said there was a Jackal-like God and a set of scales. TJ told her that it's Anubis, the Egyptian God of Thoth. According to Mythology, he would weigh a person's heart to determine whether they went onto a good afterlife or to the Underworld," he explained.
"That's a new one," she mentioned.
"Yeah…we're not sure how it connects yet, except that it fits with the theme of death and resurrection," he said.
"Olive seems to think that maybe the appearance of Anubis in the Al-Zuras mystery means that perhaps our hearts will be weighed and those worthy will survive, like Neal did," David said.
"That makes sense. Like Judgement Day," Margaret replied.
"Anyway…it's a working theory for now. We figure if we keep solving the Callings that we'll be deemed worthy in the end," David said.
"I know you are worthy. So is Emma and our baby boy. If that's what this is…then I have no worry that you'll all pass the test. Regina too," Margaret replied. He smiled.
"With you in our corner…there's no way we will fail. I love you so much," David said.
"I love you too…I can't wait until we're all together again," she replied.
"Me too…sweet dreams, my darling," he said.
"They'll be of you, so of course they'll be sweet," she replied, as they hung up for the night.
"I don't know what you think you can show me to get me to stay…because there is nothing that can do that," Vance said, as Zimmer led him through the compound.
"Hold that thought," she said, as she scanned her badge and was allowed access to the restricted room. He followed her in and was stunned to speechlessness. Inside the
large room was the plane itself. Flight 828. It was back, just like the tailfin.
"So? Does this change things?" Zimmer asked. It definitely did and he hated it, but he was going to be sucked right back in.
"Fine…you got me. Tell me everything," he requested.
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bridger3 · 1 year
Okay, I've only recently started manifest. By which I mean I started 3 days ago and am now starting season 4. Quick question... Erika was an anti 828er in season 2 and now in season 3 and 4 she's a passenger? I'm so confused, am I missing something, because it bothers me every time she's on screen and I can't tell if I'm getting confused
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housefreak · 1 year
what happened to olive dating kevin like I get that it's tighter for the plot to rope in another academic type who is an 828er and keep olive into the plot but what happened to olive dating cals best friend
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tvsotherworlds · 1 year
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w0rldruin · 1 year
what if i did save 828ers as a url, what then huh.....
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kiwichaeng · 1 year
The absolute dehumanisation of the 828ers is so fucked up
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Just finished the last season of Manifest spoilers below 
Even though the characters got a happy ending I’m actually pretty ticked off with the ending. I had a feeling that’s where the ending was headed, especially when they got on plane at the end. I was really hoping it wouldn’t though.
Don’t get me wrong I’m glad the characters got happy endings. Grace and Ben being able to be together and Cal and Olive being able to grow up together love it. Saanvi and Alex get to be together and of course I love that Michaela and Zeke get to be together! And TJ gets to be with his mom.
I become upset because even though the 828 passengers kept their memories, aside from Cal, no one else remembers anything. The characters went through so much together and now a lot of them will never know. Saanvi and Cal had such a great relationship and he has no idea. Michaela and Drea had a great friendship and now Drea has no idea. Vance and Ben were super close and called even called each other brother in one episode I think. They frickin sank TJ and Olive as a couple so I’m pretty pissed about that.
I mean I guess some of those relationships can still happen. Saanvi will end up curing Cal and I and I can see them being close buddies again. Michaela at some point can be friends with Drea again. But it just won’t be the same. Then you have ones that probably will never happen. Like I don’t think Ben and Vance will be friends because there won’t really be a reason to talk (even if they meet because of interviews about the 11 others that died/went missing it’ll be all business). And TJ and Olive can’t be a couple again. Which makes me wonder if the passengers will even stay in contact, and that makes me mad because so many were like family!
Then there is the fact that aren’t the events that happened in the callings still going to happen? Like the first calling of the two girls who were held hostage? or I think there was a doctor that was drowning? The little boy’s dad Ben saved when he was trying to find Eden? Aren’t these things still going to happen? I’m sure some of the events they can still help with (I’m sure they probably remember that first calling since it started it all), but there were so many callings and logically they cannot remember every single one.
I know that Olive, I think it was her?, said that Eden would have found her way to them even if 828 had never disappeared, but like idk even if Ben and Grace have a child now it’ll be a different egg and sperm so a different person. I’m forgetting the name of the other women who had her baby in the DC, but that baby is also gone, and so is Drea’s and Jared’s baby. 
Even though I should be happy because the ending we got is probably objectively the best outcome  since everyone gets to live their lives as if nothing happened, but I’m not still not happy. It feels like a cop out and feels like everything that happened to make the characters who they are was erased. And I know the 828ers remember so they got to keep what they learned, but there were so other characters that had character development that was all erased. 
Anyway idk if any of my thoughts are coherent because I stayed up way to late binging it 
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