#83% complete 😁
renee-writer · 10 months
NANO day 14
2114 words
83% complete
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acearohippo · 1 month
I love fandoms, especially witnessing what fans take away from source material and how fans interpret it based on their experiences. Not to mention the stark difference of interaction between new fans, casual fans, experienced fans, and long-term fans.
I say this because the SVSSS fandom has continuously fascinated me in insisting in discussions that there are parallels between Shen Jiu and Luo Binghe (tell don't show), but in their fanworks, I just see parallels between Luo Binghe and Yue Qingyuan (show don't tell).
And it's not even (fully) a case where they're blending character personalities because they want what the other dynamic has, it's just how the characters are based on canon in two different timelines.
All of this to say, perhaps original draft PIDW (NOT original!PIDW nor pre!SY PIDW which are completely different) was supposed to revolve around the dynamic between SJ and YQY vs SJ and LBH. Perhaps YQY was to be the last hour mastermind, the true foil to LBH.
And fandom is just circling this idea without realising it because, once again, the unreliable narrator that is SY has already convinced this fandom that any version of SJ has to be a/the villain, regardless if it's through his own actions or baseless rumours.
Warning, run-on sentence ahead.
I don't know, mans, but it's gotta mean something that LBH and YQY have such similar life beats of being orphaned and having a tough life but remaining kind/compassionate because they had someone to live for until they didn't which left them empty until they found (or refound in YQY's case) one (1) man to obsess over in an uncomfortably intrusive way with no regards for his feelings and rejections, eventually reaching a position as the most powerful being in existence with a huge caveat that their sword is 83% of that power and is slowly killing them which did nothing to soften said man of their obsession's into showing them kindness leading to the ultimate confrontation between the two in which only one could survive and keep their obsession, not that it mattered because neither of them got to experience his feelings reciprocated, except in another timeline where the same things are happening until their obsession suddenly stops rejecting their (still intrusive) advances even if he is acting a bit silly, but hey take advantage while you can and take advantage they did because now they have that reciprocated feeling (except one still "won" as he gets to keep him for himself) and be thankful that all it took was, in their perspective, a near death fever that drastically changed his personality and most likely left him crippled in some other way, preventing their obsession from not NOT needing them anymore, all-in-all fulfilling their desire to be relied upon again, hooray! 😋😁✌🏽
In all seriousness, at the end of the day people are going to draw connections between characters that fit whatever narrative they understood from the story. SVSSS fandom just seems to be trying to convince others of one narrative while believing on a deeper level of another narrative. It's amusing and makes following the fandom fun.
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squealing-santa · 2 years
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We've had quite a few folks curious about the registration results this year and, as a fellow data nerd, that is something we definitely want to share.
First and foremost, I would like to congratulate all of you for achieving our participants goal! What was it??
🎉 100 Magic Makers 🎉
We seriously hit triple digits!! As far as we can tell based on previous years, this is an unprecedented turn out. December is about to be a rowdy month for the tickle fandom community!!
Luckily for us, that makes most of the below graphs a little easier to read 😁
Participant Age Range
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[Image ID - A pie chart representing the age range of participants for the 2k22 Squealing Santa gift exchange: 1 for 1980-1984, 5 for 1985-1989, 6 for 1990-1994, 22 for 1995-1999, 43 for 2000-2004, and 23 for 2005-2009]
Magic Maker Types
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[Image ID - A pie chart representing the creator types for the 2k22 Squealing Santa gift exchange: 17 are artist and 83 are writers]
Interest in keeping Squealing Santa
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[Image ID - A pie chart representing those in favor of maintaining the event name as "Squealing Santa": 10 nays and 90 yays]
Fandom Popularity
Y'all, our knismo fandom community is far and wide! Upon completion of the registration survey, you guys listed 229 different fandoms between personal requests and confidence creating for. That is an insane figure! But, after removing all the media that had not been requested, we were left with 127 different fandoms. I'm still working on the pairs, so the reality may not be quite so diverse at the end of the day, but we still found that impressive.
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[Image ID - Three pie charts representing the combined popularity of fandoms submitted by all participants for the 2k22 Squealing Santa gift exchange. Left to Right: The first pie chart shows the percentage breakdown of the full 127 different fandom list. The second pie chart shows the percentage breakdown of the fandoms that had greater than or equal to five individuals supporting it. The third pie chart shows the percentage breakdown of the fandoms that had greater than or equal to ten individuals supporting it.]
The Top Five Fandoms by All Participants
5. Steven Universe with 17 4. Haikyuu!! with 20 3. Genshin Impact with 22 2. Stranger Things with 24 1. My Hero Academia with 31
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[Image ID - Four pie charts representing popularity of fandoms submitted by the adult pool of participants for the 2k22 Squealing Santa gift exchange. Left to Right: The first pie chart show the percentage breakdown of the 109 different fandoms requested by the adult pool. The second pie chart shows the percentage breakdown of the requested fandoms that had greater than or equal to two individuals supporting it. The third pie chart show the percentage breakdown of the 122 different fandoms supported by the entire adult pool. The fourth pie chart shows the percentage breakdown of the entire adult supported fandoms that had greater than or equal to four individuals supporting it.]
The Top Five Fandoms by Adult Participants
5. Steven Universe with 14 4. Haikyuu!! with 15 3. Genshin Impact with 16 2. Stranger Things with 18 1. My Hero Academia with 25
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[Image ID - Four pie charts representing popularity of fandoms submitted by the minor pool of participants for the 2k22 Squealing Santa gift exchange. Left to Right: The first pie chart show the percentage breakdown of the 53 different fandoms requested by the minor pool. The second pie chart shows the percentage breakdown of the requested fandoms that had greater than or equal to two individuals supporting it. The third pie chart show the percentage breakdown of the 57 different fandoms supported by the entire minor pool. The fourth pie chart shows the percentage breakdown of the entire minor supported fandoms that had greater than or equal to two individuals supporting it.]
The Top Five Fandoms by Minor Participants
5. Sander's Sides with 6 4. The Owl House with 6 3. Stranger Things with 6 2. My Hero Academia with 6 1. Genshin Impact with 7
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bre3zycoins · 2 years
now i can ask YOU set it off for the band ask game >:))
my phone crashed and died when i tried writing this the firat time so now im on ky notes app pre typing this 😁👍
am i a fan?: absolutely 100% all the way baby tride and true
first song i heard: ill sleep when im dead noghtcore.
fave song: this is so hard UGH ok so first off ashely's song is the song ever, the only one of all time. and then some runner ups for that spot are nightmare, id rather drown, third wheel, swan song, dream catcher, actually just all of cinematics, plus hourglass, no disrespect, bleak december, and cordial (i have so many more i could go on about how much i just fucking ADORE this band)
fave album: HORRIBLE KIDS AND CINEMATICS, I CANT CHOOSE ONE OR THE OTHER I LOVE THEM BOTH SO MUCH. i would also like to say that elsewhere was shockingly good. like the first two singles released TERRIFIED me bc they had the tik tok virality structure with the chorus being first THEN the berse. but then i stayed up for the release of whos in control and i was SHOCKED. it really felt like a tride and true set it off song i loved it! it felt like a musical love letter to previous albums especially midnight. then the album dropped and it was really good actually!! i love how they combined an almost glass animals esque aesthetic with their own punk rock one from the previous decade of music theyd released!
fave music video: i dont watch a whole lot of music videos in general, BUT I ABSOLUTELY ADORE HOURGLASS
do i have merch?: yes!!1!1! i have the silly hourglass mascot pin, a hoodie, a beanie (that i almost lost in a parking lot after flying over an 8 foot tall fence in a snow tube), n the holy grail: number 83 of 100, set it off bucket hat. all midnight era stuff bc i was like, mega broke when elsewhere dropped n also for upside down era
have i ever seem them live?: NO BUT I ALMOST DID AND IM STILL MAD ANOUT YHAT BECAUSE THE COMCERT I WENT TO AS A COMPROMISE I GOT COVID FROM. the show i was supposed to go to was the day before my birthday n it was in new york and my parents got my hopes all high n shit for a while that we were gonna go n then boom, no we cant. plus i just in general live in a terrible spot for concerts, im super far north like really close to canada and the closet concert hosting city is five hours away in a completely different state so i just dont really get to go to concerts.
fave member: maxx all the way, literal one of two inspirations that kept me drumming n then also indirectly got me into guitar.
this band literally means so much to me i am a twinge crazy me thinks
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thyele · 1 year
ケサランパサラン - Wikipedia https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%82%B1%E3%82%B5%E3%83%A9%E3%83%B3%E3%83%91%E3%82%B5%E3%83%A9%E3%83%B3
岡崎体育 『Natural Lips』Music Video - YouTube https://youtube.com/watch?v=Qs9C5sVJuVs やっぱり天才
PENICILLIN officialさん「【PENICILLIN】「30 -thirty- Universe」 本日より各種ダウンロード&ストリーミングサービスにて配信開始🚩 各レコード会社ごとにバージョンを分けて配信開始いたします‼️ 詳しくはオフィシャルサイトにて #PENICILLIN30周年」 https://twitter.com/PENICILLIN_info/status/1647800756349857792 PENICILLIN officialさん「<V系戦隊 エクスキューショナー参加決定‼️> ヴィジュアル系バンドが世界を救う‼️ 新感覚エンタメバトルアクションプロジェクト「V系戦隊エクスキューショナー」にPENICILLINが楽曲提供アーティストとして参加決定‼️ エクスキューショナーの詳しい情報はこちらをチェック✅@ExecutionerINFO」 https://twitter.com/PENICILLIN_info/status/1647799580963258369
【公式】ベル オフィシャルさん「《 - LAST ONEMAN TOUR - 》 「残鐘のエピローグ」開催決定 ※詳細後日解禁。 〈 - 最終公演 - 〉 2023.10.29(sun)渋谷WWW X」 https://twitter.com/belle__official/status/1647525327462363136 【公式】ベル オフィシャルさん「【ベルを応援してくださる皆様へ】」 https://twitter.com/belle__official/status/1647525251646132226 ベル ハロさん「僕らを見つけてくれて 寄り添ってくれたのに こんなに非道いことを突き付けたのに 辛いのに、今もこうやって言葉を受け取りに来てくれてありがとう。 個人的に「最後まで笑って」のような言葉に続く常套句が好きではなくただ一つだけ、ありのまま僕らを好きでいてくれる君でいてくれたら嬉しいです」 https://twitter.com/belle_haro/status/1647559662441725953 ベル 明弥さん「」 https://twitter.com/belle_akiya/status/1647792679793872899 ベル タイゾ ANONYMOUSさん「」 https://twitter.com/belle_taizo/status/1647622624477073408 ベル ルミナさん「応援してくれている皆様、驚かせてしまって、ショックを受けさせてしまってごめんなさい 解散の話は結構前から出ていて、全員で考える時間も多くありました。…」 https://twitter.com/belle_rumina/status/1647592967409111040 ベル 正人さん「」 https://twitter.com/belle_masato/status/1647591645188337664
BuzzFeed Japanさん「【トレンド1位に】「Twitterのブロック機能、廃止を検討中」とイーロン・マスクが言った?→誤解です https://t.co/juNlAMZGro Twitterがブロック機能の廃止を検討している……そんな情報が出回り、「ブロック機能」がトレンド1位に。マスク氏のツイートを見ると(少なくとも現時点では)誤解です。」 https://twitter.com/BuzzFeedJapan/status/1647802568662196227
WWSチャンネルさん「【ライブレポート】Petit Brabanconが「KNOTFEST JAPAN 2023」初出演 鋭利なステージングは深い爪痕を残す #PetitBrabancon #プチブラ @PetitBra_staff」 https://twitter.com/wwschannel/status/1646832215115055104
amassさん「海外では聴覚に障がいを持つ方にもライヴを楽しんで貰おうと手話通訳を配置する公演も増えていますが、メタリカはメジャーなロックバンドとして初めてアルバム全曲のMVをアメリカ手話付きで公開すると発表。最新作全12曲。タイトル曲のアメリカ手話付きMVが先行公開」 https://twitter.com/amass_jp/status/1647564523187085312
細野晴臣_infoさん「」 https://twitter.com/hosonoharuomi_/status/1647631061898379265
amassさん「『坂本龍一 本当に聴きたい音を追い求めて』が4月28日発売。ミュージック・マガジンおよびレコード・コレクターズの特集をすべて再録し、坂本龍一の主にソロ活動の功績を辿る。また70年代からMマガジンで行なったインタヴューの記事も掲載時の体裁そのままに復刻」 https://twitter.com/amass_jp/status/1647539942023917574
Hideaki Takizawa 滝沢秀明さん「#hide 買っちゃった!」 https://twitter.com/h_Takizawa329/status/1647561327995654145
SHINさん「解散したバンドですが こうして時間が経った今も取り上げていただける事がとっても嬉しいです これからもViViDのボーカルとして歌えた過去を大切に生きていきます。 本当にありがとうございます もうすぐ4月29日か #ViViD」 https://twitter.com/SHIN_20161224/status/1647588357202128898
Yoshikiさん「去年母が亡くなった時に、レクイエム(仮タイトル) という曲を作曲し始めた。色々と辛かったけど、近々完成しそう。今年の夏には初演できると思います。 When my mother died last year, I started composing a song call Requiem (temporary title). It's been hard, but I'll complete it soon. I…」 https://twitter.com/YoshikiOfficial/status/1647588603177091073
Esquire Japan(エスクァイア日本版)さん「日本が誇る世界的アーティストの一人、YOSHIKI は2022年9月1日に仏名門シャンパーニュメゾンのポメリーとともにブランドを設立しました。その名は、『Y by YOSHIKI × CHAMPAGNE…」 https://twitter.com/esquirejapan/status/1647226399428845568
ここ1週間で震度3以上の地震が5回 けさは福島県で最大震度4 日頃から備えを(気象予報士 日直主任 2023年04月17日) - 日本気象協会 tenki.jp https://tenki.jp/forecaster/deskpart/2023/04/17/22782.html
KINGRYOさん「おはようございます 2023.4.17(月)am11:00 週頭の月曜日みんなファイトやで👍 口角あげてこー😁 https://t.co/qcSOnymKAm」https://twitter.com/kingryoworld/status/1647782166636658688
UNCLOCK LOVER 頼田陵介さん「おはようございます❗️ 明日のアコースティックアレンジ続行中であります🙋‍♀️ 今日晴れたねー この調子で明日も晴れてくれたら助かるw 本日も皆さま良き一日を✌️」https://twitter.com/yorita_ryosuke/status/1647792985155973120
Ailiph Doepaさん「【NEW SHOW!!】 2023年7/19(水) ZircoTokyo "共鳴vol.4" ←う、うそだろ...!? w/a crowd of rebellion (o.a)Paranoid Psychedelica もはや「共鳴」の呪縛から逃れられないドーパ。 お次のお相手はリベリオン!遂に2マンです! 🎟先行受付期間:只今~4月22日(土)21:00 https://t.co/NmILdYvJ2u https://t.co/W624N0rrXR」https://twitter.com/Ailiph_Doepa/status/1646120990878089216
Iyoda Koheiさん「ギターソロがトレンド入りしてるので便乗🎸 今日もたくさんギターソロ弾いてきます🤝 #ギターソロ https://t.co/WlNQbrJN6d」https://twitter.com/KoheiIyoda/status/1647409582988480514
Iyoda Koheiさん「リンク貼ったつもりが載せ忘れてた😲 https://t.co/5t7gSJ63lb」https://twitter.com/KoheiIyoda/status/1647415575499669504
Shinobuさん「さぁ、本日‼️ 私伺えませんが、代わりに楽しんで下さいね。 仕事、町総代業務とびっしりスケジュールこなします。 #我孫子神音會 #川本マサフミ #名古屋RollingMan https://t.co/lE30R0qIou」https://twitter.com/Shinobu24801323/status/1647725491321982976
魚住 英里奈(独唱)さん「2023/4/16 丸橋ミケさんと魚住英里奈 演奏した曲 . 天気が悪いから家から出ません 勘 循環 僕の名前は生活 アマニタパンセリナ バニラ 真景衰弱 きえる 袖に隠したチョコレート 丸橋ミケさんと素敵な夜でした https://t.co/D1g9m2TpPt」https://twitter.com/erina_chas/status/1647757127736512512
Annさん「5月6日 土曜日 吉祥寺クレッシェンド✨ GW中なので ご来場出来ない方は 配信で ご覧頂ければ幸いです 配信チケットはこちら https://t.co/u9AXGkCmvb すっかり転た寝して 鬼滅の刃 終了後に目覚める🤣 宜しくお願いします💖 #ヴィジュアルスキャンダル https://t.co/aqeGdk1h7Z」https://twitter.com/HiroshiArimoto/status/1647661802866741249
藤原ナオヒロ / NO-GATEさん「おはようございます☀ 日曜日も充実した一日に🏃🏻 これは先日リリースした『Nameless Night』ジャケ写に使用した絵の原画です🖼 ★ストリーミングはこちら📀 https://t.co/o7Cng3FRRo #drawingoftheday https://t.co/5A78O0yw1I」https://twitter.com/naohiro_fuji/status/1647426026220433408
ゆうきMiNX’S🍅No.171@hiro3組✴️さん「久しぶりに来やがった💢 YOSHIKIの偽物です‼️ いい加減にしてくれ💢 皆さん気をつけてくださいね❗️ https://t.co/wX2gaw0ydz」https://twitter.com/yuki1027GG/status/1647771630050107394
“CRAZY”COOL- JOE 【本人】さん「お店に追加しました。 New!コウモリ! https://t.co/xCunOApG9W https://t.co/HUthDrZu9t」https://twitter.com/cooljoesbar/status/1647544450330271744
朝日奈利昌(まりる 181㎝)さん「https://t.co/2jsnGpAS5M」https://twitter.com/aone1234567891/status/1488698325113401345
ピエール中野 凛として時雨 ピヤホン監修さん「ツアーもやってます! https://t.co/rTjSa0jMoc」https://twitter.com/Pinakano/status/1647805815729029120
清春さん「live 2023『alive』 4.26 Zepp Shinjuku e+ https://t.co/m3FHuhbDjo チケットぴあ https://t.co/JahNyER7wJ ローチケ https://t.co/X1rLrsrEhK @kosuketsuji0173 @yotsu_guitar @kurixxattica @elembokatombo #清春 #live #alive #下劣 #ZeppShinjuku https://t.co/xW7YnPmPaA」https://twitter.com/ki_spring/status/1647815879927934977
芥 Chantyさん「本日レコーディング日和 楽器隊が魂を吹き込みまくります https://t.co/vNLcX8jUmq」https://twitter.com/chanty_akuta/status/1647798969828012038
大黒摩季_公式さん「#SPARKLE_TOUR 58公演目 ありがとうございました😊 本日で㊗️47都道府県制覇🎊🎉 やったー🙌 記念すべき福島県・けんしん郡山文化センターからの今日の「ら・ら・ら」を公開! https://t.co/K7MHrhUfP7 次回4月22日は2度目の埼玉 ウェスタ川越にズームイン👈 https://t.co/kPZf6b9AdA」https://twitter.com/m_ohguro/status/1647613689867157505
Like-an-Angelさん「【ticket board先行受付(抽選)】 「Like〜an〜Angel "1st LIVE"」のticket board先行受付がスタートしました! お申込みは、こちら>> https://t.co/Mgus1Jcsfv お申込みは、4月23日(日)23:59まで! 公演詳細はこちら>> https://t.co/ztdprB6UfX #LArcenCiel #LikeanAngel」https://twitter.com/_LikeanAngel/status/1647797034626457601
Hydeさん「[STAFF] 全国6都市全18公演のワンマンツアー『HYDE LIVE 2023』の楽天チケット先行受付開始! ▼受付期間 4/24(月) 23:59まで 詳しくは↓ https://t.co/BmNGtzaJDb #HYDE #HYDELIVE2023 #声出し解禁 #BEAUTYANDTHEBEAST #TAKINGTHEMDOWN https://t.co/2qHcnLRb0J」https://twitter.com/HydeOfficial_/status/1647797608050753538
ワンオクニュースさん「ONE OK ROCK・Taka によって Luxury Disease の楽曲が解説される1時間の音声番組「B-SIDE」が、Amazon Music Unlimited 限定で配信中!初登録または過去12ヶ月以内に利用していない方だと、今なら3ヶ月0円に。この無料期間中に解約すると、支払いなしで聴けます。 詳細👉https://t.co/JVAcwk98BZ https://t.co/88eatTOzvZ」https://twitter.com/rocqnow/status/1647729079930732544
ワンオクニュースさん「本日は ONE OK ROCK のボーカル・Taka さんの誕生日です。いつも素敵な歌声をありがとうございます! https://t.co/nrU9LMtuA3」https://twitter.com/rocqnow/status/1647616084198014977
宮脇 JOE 知史さん「まじか?」https://twitter.com/JOE_44magnum/status/1647605137094082563
メリーさん「────────── 【実演配信】 History of メリー NOnsenSe MARkeT編 ────────── 配信決定! [配信日] 4/29(土)21時~ https://t.co/FG3xDyWNTV 「NOnsenSe MARkeT」先行公開! https://t.co/OZYySDs0od #メリー #実演配信 https://t.co/NSg2wpyL67」https://twitter.com/merry_official/status/1647570534023200777
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gleefulpoppet · 3 years
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I posted 859 times in 2021
149 posts created (17%)
710 posts reblogged (83%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 4.8 posts.
I added 887 tags in 2021
#tale as old as klaine - 188 posts
#gleefulpoppet writes - 172 posts
#i'm here for the artwork of my otp - 161 posts
#klaine fanfic - 71 posts
#all the heart eyes for my klaine-ish boys - 67 posts
#klaine - 59 posts
#klaine fanfiction - 53 posts
#tan hands and tan lines - 42 posts
#well dang klaine that is hawt - 37 posts
#all the heart eyes for my klaine ish boys - 37 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#there relationship was so complicated and that is why i love them they worked through their stuff even if we didn't the honor of seeing it
My Top Posts in 2021
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In the small town where Kurt lives, there is a forest of trees his home is nestled right up against. In the backyard, there is an enchanting playhouse made of bricks and wood and has genuine glass windows with metal striped awnings and flower boxes. This is the tale of his adventures in the playhouse from age 3 to 33 and how everything changed when he met the boy next door.
You can read it on AO3 [here].
♥A fluffy (with a dash of angst) one shot♥
71 notes • Posted 2021-05-05 17:11:10 GMT
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I decided not to make you wait one more night! 😍😁
[AU] Based on the wildly popular fan-made video “One More Night” by Alison447. This story is finished and all 25 chapters—equaling 94, 650 words—have been posted!
High school is a caste system where kids fall into certain slots. Popular kids are up in the penthouse, which is where Rachel Berry reigns supreme. She’s got the hottest guy in school and everything she’s ever dreamed of right in front of her. The Invisibles are on the bottom floor. That is where you will find Kurt Hummel, daydreaming about his first kiss and trying to survive the torment each day brings at the hands of bullies and cowards. And then, there is Blaine Anderson. Is he everything he appears to be? Straight, in love with the most popular girl in school, and set to take the lead in the school play? Or is there more to him than anyone knows?
You can read it on AO3 [HERE].
77 notes • Posted 2021-08-31 00:44:54 GMT
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Just a reminder to all the incredible fanfic authors out there... The spectacular Mr. Colfer thoughtfully acknowledged you all—and you’re doing amazing! Fanfiction has always been, and always will be, for the fans. Keep writing! Keep inspiring! Keep giving people reasons to click “Next Chapter” at 4 AM. ♥
88 notes • Posted 2021-07-23 15:15:37 GMT
Coming Soon! A 90k fanfic based off the wildly popular One More Night trailer. This story is complete and I will post all 25 chapters at one time! Make sure you subscribe to my author’s page [here] on AO3 to get a notification.
UPDATE! Now Available on AO3
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135 notes • Posted 2021-08-28 22:15:06 GMT
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I’m always going to love you.
184 notes • Posted 2021-03-15 17:50:29 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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