#9 1 1 lonestar season 3 spoilers
ssa-baby-outlaw · 3 years
I may be rewatching this episode later today...
Spoilers below my peoplessss
• My hands are a little shaky typing this because I've had to pause it right after that intro
• Who...who gave them the right
• That opening 911 phone call was a masterpiece and I'm already sobbing 2 minutes into this episode
• I feel like this is going to redeem this whole season
• "What do I do with the baby?" ARE YOU KIDDING ME this mans delivery is impeccable he needs an award just for this the amount of emotion in his voice alone is outstanding
• Okay I'm going to press play on the actual episode now
• First off this setting is really dark colour wise so I cant actually see much of what is going on
• Ain't gonna lie I kinda want tk and carlos to adopt the baby
• I was as shocked as them when tk walked into work
• Is everyone elses first thought drugs as well?
• Omg past tks earring
• Restaurant scene 👏👏👏
• Carlos 'physical touch is my love language' Reyes
• WHAT THE FUCK her whole fucking head just went through the window
• Well that's gross - but expected
• "Did you miss your flight" "I wish"
• Is there supposed to be a hole in the IV bag?
• I need to find this song at the plane landing
• If tk went to rehab in LA what 9-1-1 crossovers can we make from this
• I'm confused: are they both hallucinating together?
• Can someone explain the ending to me please
• In summary: I am emotionally exhausted and my body aches from being so tense that entire time
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very-feral-lesbian · 3 years
this is a test post. if you are seeing this post and you are in the lone star fandom, please interact somehow so i know if this post is getting anywhere. (it would also be even better if anyone would be willing to reply and tell me how they are seeing this i.e. which tag/keywords you are using that led you here!)
i am trying to figure out how to tag posts for tomorrow’s premiere! any interaction at all is incredibly helpful and appreciated <3
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theworkofxanderking · 4 years
Warning: Spoilers for the latest episode of 9-1-1 and potential spoilers born from theories.
Where my 9-1-1 viewers at? Because we need go talk after that episode and the 9-1-1 lonestar crossover episode. (DISCUSSION BELOW)
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1) Is Maddie secretly Bucks mum? Bare with me here the actors are 12 years apart and its not uncommon for actors to play roles both older and younger than they are...so if Buck’s 2 years younger than the actor playing him and Maddie's the same age as the actress the Maddie would have been about 14 when he was born...same goes with buck being the same age as Oliver stark and Maddie being two years older than the actress Jennifer Love Hewitt. Personally I'd love it as Maddie's played mama to buck since season 2 and it would explain all the good people bad parent talk if they weren't actually his parents 💖
2) is Buck adopted, will we meet his biological parents? Got to say I'd prefer Maddie being mama but id be down to meet his biological daddy 👀
3) is Buddie ever going to happen? The crossover with 9-1-1 Lonestar particularly that scene near the end gave me newfound hope but I just cant decide if Buck and Eddie are slow burn endgame or just queerbaiting but my faith in the tv god Ryan Murphy says he wouldn't tease me like that 😂
4) Will Buck's therapy lead to him coming out as bi or pansexual? Or is he just feeling like somethings missing due to some kind of intuition about being adopted?
Please share thoughts and opinions in the comments, I would love to hear your theories about all this 👀 my brain will be working overtime until the show gives us answers so may as well get lost within theories until then 😂
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stormyoceansmain · 3 years
Since you’re about to start Lonestar soon, here’s my essay on the whole screen-time balancing issue:
So, for the original 9-1-1, the show was created specifically for Angela Bassett. They wanted to do an entire show around her, and they came up with this whole first responders thing as a result. Obviously, if they were going to focus on all aspects of first responding, then they would need some other headlining actors to lead those other areas or nobody would care about any parts of the show besides Athena’s. They got Peter Krauss and Connie Britton. Both big names. This makes it where when cop stuff is being shown, we have a big name, when firefighter/EMS stuff is being show, we have a big name, and when dispatcher stuff is being shown, we have a big name. It evenly divides the interest in all three directions. Then, Connie Britton leaves, and amazingly and very wisely, rather than replacing her with a lesser-known actress or just stopping the dispatcher scenes altogether, they snag JLH for the role. And I know there are many people out there who only started watching the show due to being a fan of her. She’s a headliner, and that’s what headliners do: pull in more audience. Anyway, this works perfectly to maintain that balance of the three areas. Now, I honestly don’t think the writers were expecting Buck to be as much of a fan-favorite as he is because now when we’re looking at the firehouse, the focus is usually more on him rather than Bobby, especially now that Bathena is a thing and a lot of their scenes are together outside of work. Regardless, the point is that they set things up really well to have that initial balance of characters in the beginning, and they did a good job of maintaining that by bringing in JLH. This foundation starts to wobble a bit with the more characters they add to the cast, the harder it gets to give everyone proper focus, and this is the main reason I’m so opposed to them giving Taylor a bunch of screen time. Anyway, it was a spectacular formula. You’d think they would try to repeat it with the spin-off, right?
Well, they tried…. I guess? Rob Lowe was obviously the centerpiece to frame the show around just like Angela Bassett had been, but he’s definitely not suited to play the role of a cop, and he has a very small handful of similarities with Bobby I guess so let’s make him the fire Captain. Okay there’s our first headliner. We need two more if we’re gonna show police and dispatch, right?
Eh, let’s just get one more, not two. They get Liv Tyler. So she’s gonna be a police officer? No. A dispatcher (which I personally would have loved)? Nope. See, the thing is, in Texas, EMS is a separate crew from firefighters. Unlike in LA where all firefighters are required to be EMTs at the bare minimum and most are also trained paramedics because they make better pay. In Texas the two are separate entities that just happen to share a fire station. So, let’s make Liv Tyler the paramedic captain. And then we’ll cast two little-known actors to play the only named cop and the only named dispatcher.
Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love Carlos and Grace. Their actors are incredible, and when they actually get screen-time, they’re the stars of the show. But the problem is that they’re not headliners. Why would the writers give them much screen-time when it’s Rob Lowe and Liv Tyler’s big names that are pulling in the viewers. So, the focus of the show is almost entirely on the firehouse. To make matters worse, even the other firefighters have a hard time finding any attention in the midst of a Rob Lowe show.
In seasons one (I promise this won’t be spoiler-y), Carlos the sole police officer is best friends with Liv Tyler’s character and so this is the main way they bring him into the story when he’s not responding to police calls or interacting with TK as a love interest. Grace is of course married to the firefighter Judd, so that’s how she is more involved in the plot. Unfortunately, Liv leaves after season 1. Gina Torres comes in as the new paramedic captain, but this presents a huge problem for Carlos in season 2. Now, his only connection to the main story is TK. Gina’s character is best friends with Grace, so that gives Grace some better screen-time, but Carlos is virtually diminished to a love interest rather than an interesting first-responder character in his own right. It’s absolutely heartbreaking to see. I honestly wish they would have brought in another big name to be Carlos’ partner on the job, and then added a secondary dispatcher character with a compelling personality similar to how they added Josh in season 2 of the original show. Anyway, I truly love all the characters on Lonestar (except Rob Lowe and his ex-wife that shows up in season 2), but the writers make it hard to care much about them with the minuscule crumbs they give us outside of anything that is Rob’s giant ego.
I know this is super long, and I’m sorry, but I’ve been ruminating on all these thoughts since season 1 of Lonestar first aired. Anyway, still excited to hear your takes on everything once you get the chance to watch it.
hi, anon!!!! first of all, sorry for the late reply, it took me a while to gather my thoughts and put them down properly, but more importantly thank you so much for remembering to send me this!!! it was a really interesting read, especially for someone like me who 1) has no idea how things in the USA work, and 2) still doesn't know much about how the show came to be
i've never really thought about it, but as far as marketing strategies go, it does actually make a lot of sense to have one big name for each area of first responding to attract the general public and make them interest in all the different storylines, so the moment they decided to bring in only 2 big names for lone star, and not 3, this could definitely have been a factor in the decision of making lone star more rob lowe centric, at least at first (if you have a well known actor in your show, it does kinda feel natural to make him the center of the story)
however, i feel like this choice can be understandable only for the first season, when the viewers don't know the other actors yet, and you can use the big name to make people interested in the show and slowly introduce all the characters so the viewers get invested in them too, slowly giving them more space and screen time
this is why i think the og series did a great job by bringing in JLH, not only because she is JLH, but because they gave maddie a lot of connections (she is buck's sister, she is chimney's love interest) and thanks to her we got to actually see more of the dispatchers and learn to care about other characters (josh, sue, etc.), to the point that now, even if for some reason you took maddie out of the show, the characters she have connections with would still work perfectly fine and have their own story to tell without her
so it's kinda upsetting to me to learn that with liv tyler's character gone, carlos has been pretty much reduced only to love interest, because it means that they didn't really take the time to give him a story of his own, and it sucks, especially when in the original ALL THE CHARACTERS get their moment to shine
okay, sorry, this is getting super long and idk if im making sense, the point is that i do agree with you on the big names, though i also feel like for some reason in lone star there's a reticence to give focus to other characters and after 2 seasons it can't be just 'they don't attract viewers', but of course i can't really give a proper opinion on this until i watch lone star myself, so.. sorry again for the long and messy reply ;;;;;;;;
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ssa-baby-outlaw · 3 years
Spoilers below!!!
• It's been over a week since this came out I'm so happy to finally watch it
• In this episode I need: reassurance that tk is okay, a clue as to why they broke up (I has a theory), more character development for Nancy, Marjan to get out the fucking snow and Billy to get injured in some way would make me happy
• The thumbnail is paul under that fuzzy blanket and I need that as a screensaver now
• I already wanna punch that sheriff in his face and his pervy moustache
• Oh marjan! Go help marjan! She was left out of the last episode and I didnt like it
• Oh I liked that headbutt captain
• "You're a really good actor owen" "maybe I'll try that next"
• WHATS GOING ON WITH TK I like it but it's weird as fuck
• Carlos in the hospital chair😭😭😭
• I just love grace SO MUCH like shes so calm and supportive and smart yet still sassy and she fucking 9 months pregnant and gorgeous the whole time
• Can someone tell me if the cartel / coyotes are actually in texas because if they just made that up for the plot then it's stupid
• Judd/paul/mateo friendship brought instant joy to my face
• I want mateo to hug me
• Petition to buy mateo a Maserati
• That sheriff is gonna shoot the guy right
• "Perfect things should last forever" THEN WHAT ABOUT YOU AND CARLOS?
• The actress for tk's mum is killing it this episode
• Check your damn phone owen
• I really wanna see marjan with that huge fucking gun
• "What's a Marwani?"
• Go off grace! Let Billy have it!
• *water breaks* "What am I supposed to tell my husband"
• "The universe is shouting in your ear and you cant hear a thing" SOUNDS A LITTLE LIKE "THE UNIVERSE IS SCREAMING AT YOU AND YOU REFUSE TO LISTEN"
• owen just jamming in the car while his son is dying in a hospital bed having a fever dream about his broken family
• The Carlos eyes😭😭
• okay okay, I feel like that was a part 2 of the last episode because it just wrapped up those stories you know?
• All in all: loved the marjan content, absolute perfection she has my heart and so does grace, the tarlos angst was a nice stab to the heart and we had some nice 126 brotherhood moments
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ssa-baby-outlaw · 3 years
3 days late as usual
Spoilers under the cut
• Had to read my last post to remember what happened, but the answers I need this episode are: what's happening with the turtles? When is grace going into labour cos it has to be in the ice storm right? I want backstory on the tarlos breakup but I don't think we're gonna get it. Is paul okay!??? And marjan!??? • Oh no that's the kid who goes under the ice right? Why is it always kids with asthma!?? In shows all the kids with asthma are wrapped in bubble wrap but in real life none of us give a shit or take it seriously. Also!!! The bigger problem should have been this like 9 year old kid being left alone at home for a whole day • Why did they have to use this song it is reserved for venom carnage • THE TURTLE! • Ranger Strand reporting for duty • I am not a fan of Owen's neighbour, her character seems very unnecessary. Oh it's fine cos she speaks Spanish!😑 • I'm getting my tits covered in oreo crumbs and I promise I'll be less critical in a min • "129 may be my house, but paul is my family" • My paramedics!!! • How did that mans hat stay put!? • 'Snowmagedan' loving nancy • Is Owen's hair getting spikier? • PAUL! • I like how intense this episode is but there is a LOT going on and we havent even caught up with Marjan yet • Hell yeah Lindsey! Give me girls that are actual people not just props • Go tk go! Shimmy baby! • "Damn, your lady's good" • "Think warm thoughts" • "If I'm not back by 6 will you feed my dog?" • I hate seeing tk getting worse and worse, pure pain • Lindsey is crushing that trash bag dress • He went to Hebrew school🥺 the rest is too angsty for me to comment on • Paul tryna start an argument with this teenager😂 • I love a dramatic wall smashing sequence • Paul! Not again! • Honestly I would have slapped him. Oh hell yeah she did good, nevermind • As usual their song choice is perfection • Finally Marjan! • Carlos low voice tho 👿 grr • "We need to find his father" whaaaat, also his father is a little busy
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ssa-baby-outlaw · 3 years
9-1-1 LONESTAR S3 E1
I finally watched it!!!
spoilers under the cut
• "I deny it was without provocation" THATS OUR CAPTAIN
• I'm already liking the vibes, it feels different but it has a lot of potential
• Shouldn't billy be dead by now? Cant someone throw him out of a window or something? I volunteer him to the frosty frost
• Everybody be looking fiiiine👀
• Did this just skip half a year?
• holy shit the kid under the ice is straight out of a horror film
• The paramedics new uniform ☹ I dont like
• NO
• NO
• NO
• NO
• Step count Dracula 👏
• Judd painting clouds!!! Such a cutie, he's really grown on me since season 1
• "Not this one again" yessssss marjan👏👏👏👏👏👏 (I'm in love with her pink puffer jacket)
• CARLOS! CARLOS! CARLOS! His entrance was very reminiscent of season 1 when he arrests Michelle
• City boy owen is disappearing right before our eyes
• 'Decapitated by ice' that'll make a nice headstone
• "My best guy" "Chavez!" HELL YEAH WELL DESERVED
• Goddamn it billy, leave marjan alone
• "We lost our captain and then we lost each other"
• Carlos is looking so good
• Owen is also looking fiiiine, I love me some spiky hair
• This would be a great beginning to Owen's villain arc
• We feel you Nancy, the tarlos mystery is killing us all
• Judd watches frozen!
• Oh it's all going to shit isnt it
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very-feral-lesbian · 3 years
ok so it’s extremely likely that carlos was the one who broke it off with TK. lets see if we get the reason in this episode or not
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very-feral-lesbian · 3 years
the references to the universe are giving me buddie/eddie flashbacks and im not having a good time
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ssa-baby-outlaw · 3 years
Spoilers below baybiieesss
• I don't have to wait over a week to watch this episode! I just keep seeing that one video of carlos with his hands over tks eyes but apart from that I've avoided spoilers, let's go!
• Oh Billy do shut up "I will rip your weasel tongue out" I'm in love with how much she hates him
• Oh okay tk is still dreaming
• Yes more tk religion talk please I knew the Hebrew was brought up for a reason
• "Stop what" "dying" that was out of line!
• Omg those nurses
• Get to the hospital oweeeennnnnn!
• The faucet would not be frozen inside their house unless they left a window open which they didnt
• Nancy knooowwsss
• NO! I much preferred the wild owen look
• Okay idk if they will say it in this episode or not so I'm gonna get my prediction in there now: I guess that tarlos broke up because carlos proposed to tk and he said no
• I honestly didnt like Owen's reaction to tk in the hospital, first of all he made it about himself, and second of all we've seen before that he is the type of person who wants to stick around and be there for tk even if he is unconscious and now they've suddenly decided that he's the type of person who doesnt want to sit around but needs something to do
• "I didnt wanna let you down" stop carlos😭😭😭
• Mama Reyes is bae
• Mama Reyes is bae
• "Juddy"
• Oh no did carlos buy the house on his own
• "A sweet power move"
• We finally have owen showing some emotion
• Y'all know one of my biggest pet peeves in shows is shitty fake CPR, well another one is unrealistic birth scenes because they happen so often and they're all so different and GRACES BABY IS SPARKLY FUCKING CLEAN
• TK TELLING CARLOS TO BREATH!? I'm a mess I'm a fucking mess I'm literally watching through my fingers rn
• 😭😭😭
• Charlie 😥
• Holy shit nancy looks so hot in this slow mo walk scene
• Who the fuck is cole Robertson? Am I missing something?
• these are the vibes I want from this show
• Stop teasing me with tarlos holding children!
• Oh also I had a random thought that they might try to basically recreate Bobby and athena with owen and tommy
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ssa-baby-outlaw · 3 years
I did not realise that I hadn't post this yet😬 so double today, as always season 3 LS spoilers below
• I've been rewatching 911 so I kinda forgot about lonestar for a lil minute
• Mateo and the captain America pjs return!
• Owen's on his dilf arc
• "One night strand" 😂😂
• "If I keep a secret I bloat" I'm using that for future
• Dont tell me this kid is judds son
• "I don't keep secrets from my wife" thank you judd
• Grace is an actual angel
• What .the actual fuck. is going on
• "Charlie is not losing her daddy tonight"
• Carlos's arms are BARELY fitting in that uniform, the man got muscleeeee
• "I weren't even me before I met you"
• Seriously judd!? Just get a paternity test. Also he said he was with his brother or something so maybe the kid is his brothers and that's why the DNA matches
• tk asleep on him🥺
• I'm not liking the camera angles in the car scene
• "Get out the way or get in" I...I would not have gotten in..
• I saw a post saying to stop making owen an action hero and I could not agree more in the car chase scene, he doesn't need to be everywhere
• Oh look now he's a ninja too
• grace invited the kid didnt she?
• Oh! She invited the mother
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ssa-baby-outlaw · 3 years
Here we goooo (rewatching 9-1-1 as I post this to remind me of the good old days when this show was great).
Lonestar season 3 spoilers below!!!
• Pre-episode announcements, I'm a little late with this weeks episode because I have started watching the witcher and forgot other shows existed, also the description for this episode is not leaving me overly enthused
• Oh I love that they've brought back a couple that were on the show before
• 😂alien conspiracist owen is my fav
• He's gonna be a vegetarian isnt he. Oh he's vegan!😂😂 take the vegan kid hunting
• I kinda tuned out of judd and Owen's convo
• Awkward...👀
• 1-4-3🤧
• "9-1-1 what's your emergency" "hey babe its me"
• Now I'm kinda interested with the radiation
• Radiation necklace 😍
• No one puts Gracie on hold
• "When I make a tiktok out of these calls"😂
• Very glad there was finally talk about Charles
• There havent been any big rescues or calls in a while and it's starting to loose some of the feel of the show and turning more into an attempted comedy and I think they just need to clarify what kind of show it is. I would be fine if they wanted to make it more funny and less drama but just commit either way.
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ssa-baby-outlaw · 3 years
9-1-1: LONESTAR S2 EP12
I know no one cares, I do this for me, so dont complain, just don't read it
• My life has been pretty crazy the past couple weeks so I havent seen lonestar in ages and I gotta get to the end of season 2 before I see season 3 premiere spoilers
• Owen's on the ground again. Give that man a break
• Hmmm...are we sure it's not billy who's starting the fires?
• "Do you have any limes?"
• Oh owen is such a terrible liar I love it
• The criminal minds moment when they're describing the unsub and its them
• Oh I've missed judds cute face, but where is grace I miss her more
• GRACE! she coming out here speaking sense into all these silly boys
• I cant tell whether billy is trying to set owen up or whether he genuinely believes its him
• That awkward moment when your future father-in-law arrests your dad
• Nononooooo why are tk and carlos fighting please stop they're my babies
• Oh fuck you billy
• Sweater Paws TK™️
• I'm liking this raymond guy for calling out Carlos's dad
• "You broke my heart" 🥺judd needs a breaks, everyone in this show needs a break - apart from Carlos's dad
• Excuuuse me, am I supposed to believe that owen wouldn't have told anyone, especially tk or judd, that he was going to be arrested. Owen knows that it would be extremely stressful for tk and that could jeopardise his sobriety; and he should have told judd that he no longer suspected billy
• "I knew you had darkness in you too"
• Holy shit. That man just set himself on fire. For real just fully burnt up. Poof.
• Just got goosebumps when the firehouse exploded
• Tommy's husband is just the best
• This is the part when tarlos's house gets set on fire isnt it, its building up
• I have no words. That scene was immaculate.
• No! I know what's about to happen and I dont like it. Why do they have to kill off the nicest people
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