sarahg170194 · 5 years
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Liam: It's 7:32. Annie: Exactly. Which means we're already behind schedule. It's our first day in Cabo, we have so much to do. Like zip-line in the jungle and shopping in the mercado. Oh, and it would be so great if we could squeeze in lunch at this amazing little café that I read about. Hey, come on. (hits him with a pillow) Liam: Oh, okay, all right. I'm up. I just thought the whole point of vacation was to sleep and relax. Annie: Which is why I have "relaxing by the pool" scheduled for later this afternoon. Liam: You scheduled time to relax? Annie: I may have. But I also set aside a little time tonight for skinny-dipping. But, you know, if you don't like schedules, I can forget about it all. It's really not- Liam: What are you talking about? I love schedules. (kisses her) Annie: Hey, shower now. Kiss later. Liam: But let us-  Annie: Nope, nope, nope. Up, up, up. Let's go.
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sarahg170194 · 6 years
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Annie: Hi. Liam: Hey. Annie: Are you alone? Liam: Yeah, come on in. Annie: I got your text. Liam: What text?  Annie: The text you sent me. Liam: I didn't send you a text. Annie: Uh, yeah, you did. Here. Liam: "Come see me tomorrow. We belong together"? I swear I didn't send this to you. Annie: Well, it came from your phone. Liam: Charlie must have sent it. Annie: Why would Charlie send me this text from your phone? Liam: He said something kind of cryptic this morning before he left. He told me he wanted me to be happy and not feel like I owed him anything. It seemed kind of weird at the time, but now that he's gone... Annie: What do you mean, he's gone? Liam: He left this morning for a semester in Paris. Annie: So, what does that mean? Liam: I guess Charlie thinks we belong together. Annie: And what do you think?
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sarahg170194 · 7 years
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Naomi: Now, was that so hard? Max: All right, well, um I'll see you. Naomi: Wait. Well, I didn't get all dressed up like this just because I want to prove a point. I did this because l well, l because I like you, god knows why, but I do and I-- Max: You really like me? No, I mean, like, actually, on a human level, like me? Naomi: Yeah. I think you're funny and smart and freakishly confident. And I think you're hot too. (They kiss) Max: Look, we're gonna have to keep this on the down low. It could really hurt my reputation. Naomi: I was thinking the exact same thing.
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sarahg170194 · 6 years
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Navid: It's just how I pictured it. Silver: It was better. Navid: You thought I was a rotten kisser? Silver: Oh, yeah. The worst. I thought you'd bite and drool. Navid: Drool? You thought I'd drool? Silver: Ha, ha. Navid: You're terrible, you know that? I'm crazy about you. I wanna be with you. Silver: Me too. Navid: Really? Silver: Yeah, but- Navid: Yeah, I know. You're worried about the drool. Ha, ha. Silver: Don't. She's my friend. I don't wanna be the reason her boyfriend breaks up with her. Navid: But you're not. Yes, I wanna go out with you, but my feelings for Ade are separate from that. I just I don't wanna be with her anymore. Silver: Then why do I feel sick to my stomach?  Navid: But what if I wanna break up with Adrianna, not because of you, but because I want to?
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sarahg170194 · 6 years
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Annie: So are you gonna tell your stepdad that you were the one that took the coins?  Liam: If I do he'll send me away. Or I don't know, press criminal charges probably. My life, school, surfing, friends. I mean, all that would be over. I would never see you again. You know, see anyone from West Bev. Annie: Well, you know, maybe you can make this right. Maybe you could earn money & send it to your housekeeper. Or you could help her find a new job or something. Liam: Maybe, I don't know. I just I messed up & I hurt someone. Annie: Yeah, well you're lucky. You know? You've got options. Sometimes you mess up & there's no way that you could ever fix it.
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sarahg170194 · 6 years
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Liam: Hey. Annie: Ah. Liam: Where are you going? Annie: Um, I was gonna let you sleep. Liam: I don't want to sleep. Annie: Mm. How are you feeling? Liam: Fantastic. Annie: Fantastic?  Liam: Mm-hm. In fact, never in the history of mankind has a guy who got the crap beat out of him as badly as I did feel as fantastic as I do. Annie: Mm. Liam: How are you? Annie: Uh, I'm pretty fantastic too. Liam: Really? Annie: And confused. I mean, I'm happy. I just also feel incredibly guilty. I just slept with my boyfriend's brother in my brother's bed. I mean, this is so wrong on so many levels. I think I just need some space. Clear my head, you know? Liam: Okay. Yeah, sure. Clear your head. Annie: Exactly. Good night. Liam: Good night.
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sarahg170194 · 7 years
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Annie receives a text from Charlie. “How’s Liam.” She replies “He’s sleeping.” She then moves to rest on Liam.
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sarahg170194 · 7 years
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Liam: You should go to Ade's party. Annie: I'm not going to Ade's party. I'm staying here and taking care of you. (Charlie appears at the door) Oh, Charlie. Hi. Liam: What the hell are you doing here? Charlie: I was worried. Liam: Get out. Charlie: I want to make sure you're okay. Liam: You know what, I will be okay if you get out of my face. Get out. Charlie: If you'd just let me talk  Liam: I don't wanna talk. Charlie: Okay, man.
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sarahg170194 · 7 years
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Annie: Yep, I'll bet your parents never make you do family night.  Ethan: No, not my family. My parents are divorced. Annie: They weren't when I met you. Ethan: Yeah, it just happened last year.  Annie: God, I know so many people whose parents are divorced, but I think I would just freak if mine ever did.  Ethan: Yeah. I did. My dad's like, "No, it's great. Now you're gonna have two bedrooms, two birthday parties." But now it's just like a competition between them over who can throw the bigger one.  Annie: Okay, but that doesn't totally suck.  Ethan: Oh, you know, it actually kind of does. Anyway, I'm gonna save most of that emotional goodness for my audition for "The Hills," so I don't wanna bore you with that. But, you know, I do think that I could be the next Spencer.  Annie: I don't know.  Ethan: Yeah. Well, you wish, my friend. Yeah, yeah, I really do wish, actually.  You don't think?  Annie: I don't know. Ethan: You don't believe me? I can Spence anybody. I can out-Spence anybody. I can Annie: You can Spence anybody? Ty: Annie. Annie: Ty. Hey.  Ethan: You should go. You have a date, right? Annie: Right.
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sarahg170194 · 8 years
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Liam: I'm ready. Let's do this. Annie: Okay, wait. I haven't heard from you all summer, and now you just show up and-and slap a a very, very pretty ring on the hood of my car? Liam: I thought you'd be happy. You know, when I left, I-I told you that I needed time to, to think, to figure out what I want. Well, it's you. Forever. Annie: But you had enough time to think about forever and you didn't have time to make a phone call?  Liam: Okay, um, I know I should have called. But I'm here now and that's all that matters, right?  Annie: I-I mean, I love you, but that's not all that matters to me. I am so, so sorry, but 
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sarahg170194 · 6 years
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Liam: You forgot your phone. Annie: Oh. Liam: It's Charlie. Annie: Thanks. Hello? Charlie: Hey. Sorry to call you so late. I just I wanted to hear your voice. You there? Annie: Yeah. I'm here.
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sarahg170194 · 7 years
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Annie: Hey. I'm sorry to wake you. Liam: No, no. No, you've gotta for the concussion. Mm. Thanks, by the way. I feel bad that you missed the party. Annie: I don't. Um, when I heard that you were in the hospital, I just I felt like my heart stopped or something. If you weren't okay, then I wouldn't be okay. Liam: I'm sorry how I acted before. With Charlie. I've got my problems with him, but it's not just that. It's hard for me to see you with him. Because l-- Because I'm in love with you. I've loved you for a long time.
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sarahg170194 · 9 years
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Liam: Went that well, huh? Annie: No. It went horribly. But I did it, Liam. I said I wanted to be a different person this year. No lying, no hiding and so I just told her about the accident, and it was such a relief!  Liam: No lying, no hiding. (They kiss) Annie: Mmm. No. No. This is exactly why I didn't call you back this summer 'cause I was afraid that this was going to happen. Liam: Okay, if this is about Naomi, she's clearly over me. Annie: It doesn't matter. She's my friend, and friends don't date friends' ex-boyfriends. Liam: Well, good news I'm not attracted to Jasper. Okay, fine. Naomi doesn't have to know. Annie: No. No lying, no hiding, remember? Liam: So, what does that mean? Where does that leave us? Annie: I mean, we can still be friends. Liam: Well, what if I don't want to be friends? Then what?  Annie: Then, I guess we're not friends. 
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