#Liam and Annie
tvshowscouples · 1 day
If you love Liam Court (90210) and you want reblog or like,this is the link of my reblog character :)
thank you!
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pr1ncessapeach · 1 year
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userlaylivia · 1 year
rewatching 90210 (2008-2013) and I'm reminded how much I used to ship liam/naomi until they ruined them in s2 lol but ever since liam/annie had their first interaction I've shipped them so hard and they've been my otp they had so much chemistry and I'm SOOOOOOOO HAPPY THEY WERE ENDGAME gahhhhh
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nightmaremp · 3 months
Weremayhem: Song of Beasts. Ch 48: Liam
Moog hold Hannah close to him as the crystalsaurus circle the flipped jeep. The growls and small roars of the beasts can be heard outside of the jeep. The black haired female has cover her mouth with her hand to keep her from screaming in fear. 
“We’re trapped” mumble Moog. The black haired male watches the feet of the crystalsaurus move around them. 
“Yeah!” replied Hannah with a sharp tone. “What can we do?” she added. 
“I don’t know. I think just wait for them to leave” replied the mayhem fan. 
“What!?” replied Nora’s sister. “We can’t just sit and wait! My sister is out there and could be hurt or worse! Even Annie is out there!” she added with anger in her face. 
“I know but what can we do? We’re being surrounded by these monsters that would kill us if we try to leave the jeep!” replied Moog in a panic tone. 
“Nora is okay, I’m sure. She is strong” he added. Hannah sighs. 
“I hope you’re right,” the black haired female replied. 
The crystalsaurus walk around the jeep until a loud roar filled the air. The beasts look at the direction of the roar. Something crawled out of the blushes. It was a komodo dragon but the roar wasn’t from the lizard. The komodo dragon had a neon orange vest on. It was a service animal. A pink bow was on top of the vest. There is a patch on the vest that has a X over a hand to show people that they can’t touch the komodo dragon. 
It hissed at the large beasts. Suddenly loud footsteps can be heard coming over to the area. The roar returns as the beast reveals itself. It was a eighteen foot tall weresmilodon. The spots of the feline were two colors. Half the spots were orange and the others dark brown. Light brown fluffy fur were around the gold yellow eyes of the smilodon. 
Its large chubby body moves close to the crystalsaurus. The large smilodon roared at the crystal beasts. The beasts hiss at the large feline. The smilodon move closer to them until he suddenly grabbed one of the crystalsaurus by the neck. The weresmilodon’s hand gripped tight around the beast’s neck. It snapped the beast’s neck. 
The body of the crystalsaurus went still. The smilodon let go of the creature’s neck, the body dropped heavily on the ground. The other crystal beasts let out a screech before running away from the feline and jeep. 
The komodo dragon crawls over to the jeep and peek into the jeep. Hannah jumped when she saw the massive lizard. “What the?!” said the black haired female. 
“What?” replied Moog as he looked over to Nora’s sister. He sees the komodo dragon. Before he could say anything, the lizard moved away from the jeep. 
Suddenly the jeep was flipped back onto its wheels. Moog and Hannah fell back on the seats. They both groan as they sit up. The black haired male looks out of his window to see the smilodon. 
“You okay?” asked the weresmilodon. The voice…..It was Liam. 
“Liam?” asked the mayhem fan. The feline nods. “We’re okay. What are you doing here?” said Moog in shock. 
“I really don’t know, Luna drag me out here because mama and daddy quickly rushed out for some reason” replied Liam. 
“Rush out?” replied the black haired male. “Could they sense something was wrong?” he asked himself in his mind. 
The komodo dragon walks over and sits next to Liam’s leg. Rose was Liam’s service animal for his anxiety. She let out a small hiss as a yawn. 
Meanwhile, Flora was crawling Nora as they looked for Lewis and Animal. Annie whimpers as she stays close to Label Lady. The black haired female calls out for the two but no answer. Nora gets worried about the missing two. 
Flora let out chirping sounds to try and get a sound from Lewis. Sadly, there was nothing. The cheshire cat’s heart grew heavy with worry. 
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magggg202 · 1 year
Y’all please don’t hate me for this but, every year I rewatch 90210. And I still don’t think Annie and Liam should have been endgame.
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wide-awakeprincessfan · 8 months
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I just read the Swan Princess Newsletter for February. And if you look closely (or not), you'll see that they're discussing what Alise and Lucas are going to do on Valentine's Day.... And then proceeded to insert a photo of Alise and Li. Ummm, wrong love interest!!! (Not only that, but they put in a comma splice??? C'mon, guys.) Anyway, one of the crafts for this month is a paper flower bouquet, and I think it's implied that Lucas is making one for Alise, which is so cute! I wish Odette's diary entries were still running so we could see what Alise and everyone else is up to! Anyway, have a happy Groundhog day, I guess!
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dilfluvver4eva · 9 months
Can we talk about how Annie’s “friends” always believed someone over her?!! Like first the whole “sex with Liam” fiasco, then the sext from Naomi, and then Emily being miss Polyanna
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sarakiz · 2 years
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did not expect to come out of the men's free skate with so many new favs!! what a competition!!
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gollygeedash · 2 years
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I did Valentines Day doodles for my friends this year! Alynne delivered hugs to (mostly) everyone in Gollyville!
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myloveoffandoms · 1 year
Annie Wilson really is a book trope girly.
-Dates a priest and sleeps with him
-Dates a super hot sugar daddy
-Dates high school bad boy
-Lives in the same house as the guy she loves but can't be with him. (also the bad boy)
-Enemies to Lovers with Liam
-Golden retriever guy with "bad girl" (she would have been the bad girl in the relationship with Caleb)
-Kissing in the rain
-Guy she loves tracks her down to profess his love
She truly is checking all the boxes.
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tvshowscouples · 1 day
If you love Annie Wilson (90210) and you want reblog or like,this is the link of my reblog character :)
thank you!
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Season 2: Liam/Naomi, their relationship deteriorates when Naomi's lying becomes out of hand, and her ignoring of Liam and his family issues. Annie, the person who is there for Liam, the shoulder, and he inevitably dumps Naomi.
Season 3: Ade/Navid, their relationship is hitting a rough patch because 1. Ade has been lying about the details of her music career, and 2. Her vanity and superficial attitude to being the center of attention, and not recognizing how much she leaves Navid high and dry. Silver witnesses Navid's family issues, becomes a friend, and their bond deepens on both ends. It's only time Navid is breaking up with Ade.
Parallels in both situations. Also, I'm not a Liam/Naomi and Navid/Adrianna shipper. Liam deserves better than Naomi while she deserves better than Liam. Liam was an Ozzie replacement for Naomi since Michael Trevino left 90210 for The Vampire Diaries. Ozzie wasn't an ass to Naomi, though. Navid's crush on Adrianna came out of nowhere in the first season since he was talking about wanting to date women who weren't Adrianna before she overdosed on drugs. I never bought their relationship.
I think Navid has more things in common with Silver than he does with Adrianna. They didn't need to destroy some of Adrianna's character in order to make Nilver happen. I prefer Liam's bond with Annie since it doesn't make him look like an Ozzie Cardoza replacement, but at the same time, I didn't like how it enforced the whole Naomi/Ethan/Annie element to it. Liam didn't need to be put as an Ethan replacement in that regard, especially since both characters ended up having a thing for Silver after being done with Naomi and Annie. Naomi's character shouldn't have been made annoying to prop up Liam/Annie. It's unnecessary to have the first girlfriend be "bad" in order to prop up the 2nd girlfriend.
Another parallel is that the writers had to have Jen sleep with both Ethan and Liam. I don't know why it had to be implied that Jen slept with Ethan since there wasn't any background story to it, meaning what drove Jen to even do it? How did Ethan manage to keep that a secret from his first serious girlfriend? With Liam, I understood since it made for the storyline in Season 2.
Ethan and Liam ended up being like a brother figure to Adrianna while their time being on the show. Ethan didn't appear to keep any contact with the characters after his departure and the whole thing between him and Silver.
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pr1ncessapeach · 6 months
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still mad the cw cancelled it
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intrepid-fearos · 2 years
I know this is almost definitely not happening but I Deeply wish for a Crown of Candy season 2
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please tell me someone here has watched 90210 (the cw remake)
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