ladyimaginarium · 5 years
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morefinesse · 6 years
My muse is dead. How is your muse reacting to it?
My muse is dead. How is your muse reacting to it?
Reference to self-harm and suicide below, I reaaaaally wasn’t sure on how to post this, so I decided to submit it. I hope that’s okay!! TLDR: Ruby is a true friend and this drabble-meme thing is really tragic.
She stands there before his grave, solemn and quiet, a bouquet of flowers that she’s carefully collected in her hands, each with their own respective meaning. Ambrosia; amaryllis; bird-of-paradise; pink and white camellia; pink and red carnations; a white chrysanthemum; a dandelion; dead leaves; gloxinia; purple hyacinth; blue and yellow irises; lilly-of-the-valley; primrose; roses of dark crimson, dark pink, and red; sunflowers; sweet-peas, red and yellow tulips, blue and white violets and viscera. It’s late at night, the silver moon is high in the sky and the stars are twinkling like a million diamonds in the night sky; everyone else is asleep. Clementine visits his grave every night to pay her respects to the boy she loved with all of her heart.. or at least, what remained of it. She could still remember his dying moments, the blood that stained her fingers, as if it were yesterday.
Running at top speed through the forest, Clementine did not look back even once as she sprinted through the trees, even as her friends screamed for her to come back. It wasn’t fair, it just wasn’t fair-
Stupid girl. this world is unfair, don’t you see? You’re a weapon, girl, and weapons don’t weep, a voice said.
She had to get away. A violent roll of thunder and a clash of lightning danced across the sky, and soon, rain fell from the heavens. She slowed to a stop once she reached her destination: the school. Once she entered, she bolted toward her dormitory, pants and tormented breaths escaping her. Once she slammed the door behind her, every little movement Clementine Maria Jasmine Cree had made instantly stopped. It was like a clock, forever ticking, until all the gears had been shattered at once, and the clock had been stopped, frozen in time for an instant forever. The girl didn’t seem to be breathing for the longest moments, her eyes staring blankly at nothing. Voices, whispers, screams, nightmares, flashbacks, incidents, the scent of blood. The way he smiled at her, his vibrant laughter, the way he held her close to him at night whenever she was suffering from nightmares, the way he’d kissed her. He would never grow up to be a singer like he’d wanted, could never teach AJ piano lessons, or pick her up and twirl her around while they laughed before they leaned in for a kiss. tease Violet or Aasim or laugh his most wonderful laugh.
Everything rushed through her mind at once, like an infinite stream of memories that she couldn’t snap out of, that overloaded her systems and drowned out any reason. Louis was dead… and there was no more light.
She had wanted to laugh at her friends who told her the tragic news, who told her to let him go to the point where she’d felt a pair of strong arms drag her away from his body, so that they’d be able to get distance from the quickly approaching horde, claim that they were lying when they’d been telling her that he had been shot and bitten, that he’d lost too much blood, even while she held her dying boyfriend in her arms… but it all made sense. Everything made sense, and her senses never failed her, and she knew reality from illusion, deep, deep down. Her boyfriend was dead, and she could do nothing to ease his pain nor prevent his death. 
She could only prevent him from turning with her own blade.
It was happening all over again.
The first thing indicating that the clockwork that was Clementine was still capable of ticking, were silent tears running from the corner of her eyes. Tears without sound, loaded with more agony than one single person should ever bear. Tears that showed shards of her dreams that had just now been broken. Shards of the future that she had dreamed of, hoped for, longed for, wished for, all running down her cheeks in streams, dropping from her chin onto the floor where she would never be able to retrieve them again.
Clementine’s hopes and dreams were gone, and so was the light in her eyes.
From there, Clementine started ticking faster than she ever had before. Unable to contain the memories, the misery, the pain, she got on her feet in a movement so unlike the girl’s normal self, swift, without reason, without motivation. It was an action of fury, frustration, desperation. The girl had gotten hold of the desk in her room, violently flipping it to the side, sending papers and everything else on it flying through the room, as the desk hit the floor with a loud bang, followed by the loudest, most heartbreaking scream the girl had ever let escape her lips. Hyperventilating, the girl tried to remain on her feet, but got dizzy, almost fell over, but barely managed to sit down onto her bed, almost fainting from the pure overload of emotion. It felt like her heart was going to stop beating at any one moment.
How long do I have left?
That’s when something snapped, and Clementine froze again. It started with a breath that got pulled in so deep, demanding so much willpower, that it had seemed surreal for the girl to pull herself back from where she was. It was a gasp of air, as if she had been drowning, and only barely managed to reach the surface in time. A few deep breaths followed, Clementine kept her eyes closed and shut tightly. The tears were still streaming, but at least she wasn’t panicking anymore. Instead, she seemed hopeless, devastated, broken.
Though she had prayed for the shiny happily ever after that surely awaited the two of them at the end of the long, dark tunnel of conflict that hung over them, their brightest moments happened during the darkest times. Death’s urgency. Fear of loss. A common enemy and a shared comfort in the face of violence. They were born in an era of peace and prosperity and raised in an era of darkness and despair. Their darkest moments would likely happen during the brightest of times. 
It couldn’t last. 
It didn’t.
She would have done it. She would have broken every convention, and damn the consequences. Hell, she would have left the school, left everything behind if it meant keeping Louis alive. She would have given up everything. She would give him everything she had. She would have given him the love he so desperately wanted. She would have broken every fucking rule in existence, just to continue as they had been. She would have given him anything just to see him smile again. She wanted to see him smile at her one more time, the one that made her heart flutter, she wanted to hold him while he slept peacefully in her arms and she played with his locks, she wanted to dance with him when they were in the dark and alone, away from the cruel world they lived in.
He saved her life so many times, both in body and spirit… and she couldn’t even owe him her end as thanks. She sat upon the cold bed, no longer with him, with a piece of glass in her hands, scraped out and hollow. She felt sick. She might not have breathed for a long time. For her entire life she’d been chasing a fleeting flicker of firelight… a little chance at hope… and what had she gotten in return? Even as she rose and fell over the years, after losing so many people close to her, nothing, no one, not even Lee, compared to the loss of her boyfriend.
And there she sat, in the dark room. The light was out. Silently, she curled in upon herself on the floor. It seemed at last that her fighting spirit was gone. It seemed as if days came and went without her moving from that one spot. How long had she been here for? She couldn’t say, nor could she bring herself to care. What was the point in living when everyone she loved had died? At some point, there was a knock on the door. It sounded as if it were underwater. The voice might have been Ruby’s or Tenn’s. She shut it out. In time, whoever it was went away. She remembered every single moment of her life, trying desperately to forget. Everything she had ever loved was cruelly taken away from her. If she could turn back time and change everything, from the apocalypse to the meaningless deaths… by hell she would. On and on it went. The pointless thinking… She didn’t know how much time passed, but in the confines of her dark dormitory, it was eternal night.
She had been content to exist within Louis’ shadow, always protecting and adoring him, chasing the promise of the light on the other side. All her life, she wasn’t sure if she existed more in the light or the darkness.
Bopping her head up and down as she breathed, the warm salty tears dripped onto her own hands as she tried to speak. A voice so meager, so silent, without any shred of confidence remaining, the sentence itself torn to shreds every time the woman needed to take a deep breath.
“…What am I meant… to do now? What am I even…?”
It sounded as if she was speaking more to herself than to anyone else, at least until she sank to the floor, on her knees. Her face depicted the face of someone begging for mercy, for a little light of hope to cling onto, the face of someone asking to be put out of their misery. “…Help me.”
No one answered her.
Clem stared at her reflection in her broken mirror, in darkness. No one could see the puffiness around her eyes from crying too much. She’d entertained the idea of seeking out someone, but she had no energy to leave her room. She touched the glistening shard of glass which glowed in the moonlight diffusing through her window and clenched it tightly in her hand, despite the throbbing pain and the crimson rivers flowing down her hand and trickling down onto the floor. She soon began feeling dizzy.
She tightened her grip on the glass, whim whispering in her ear to crush it. Crush it, like the Delta and so many other people had tried to crush her. Like this war had crushed Louis and everyone else she had ever loved.
But it didn’t break, didn’t even crack.
“I didn’t… I didn’t—” she broke off, the knot in her throat constricting her.
i didn’t get to say goodbye.
Even in death, she felt the strength of their bond… the bond that she had never once felt in her life with anyone else. The longer he was dead from the world, the fiercer she held on, clutching the glass in place of flesh. Say a quick goodbye and get over it as quickly as possible, she told herself. She took a deep breath, opened her mouth. The words wouldn’t come. The tears did. At long last, the tears broke over like a wave. She grieved for him with the power of all the pent up grief that should have been dished over the years. Her tears were as silent as the grave. They weren’t for display, alone in her dormitory within the halls of this school for troubled youth.
She wept, her tears turning to frost. It was autumn, a world of fragile things. When she’d cried herself raw, still staring into nothing, she took the breath and said the words. “Goodbye, Louis.” It was a curious sound, to have finally cracked the silence. She tested the sound. Then she felt the silence. It didn’t work quite as it had before, with her dead friends, so she tried again, a broken little thing trying to figure out the indescribable. “Goodbye, Louis. Goodbye, my darling… Goodbye, my love…. Goodbye. Goodbye. Good-“ She stopped. 
It was a failed experiment.
She squeezed the piece of glass tighter. “I love you.” It was a push. In the other direction, and not toward the living. But it was movement, so she embraced it. “I love you.” She edged closer to a conclusion, “I love you.” Closer still. But there was no answer. I love you. She shut her eyes. She’d see him again soon.
Forever and ever.
And never.
Clementine squeezed the small piece of glass between her fingers, pouring her agony, her sadness, all of her into it.
Because unlike her, it could not break.
The last thing she could remember before fading into blackness was Ruby screaming her name as she’d burst the door open and rushed to her aid.
She would never, ever forget the way Ruby’s attempt at a gentle, comforting smile broke when she saw her lying there against her bed in a puddle of her own blood, brilliant blue eyes widening in realization as she saw her hand over her other bleeding hand with the shard of glass at her side, her skin sickly, and golden eyes lulling shut. She would never, ever forget the anguished scream that left her mouth, the way she desperately scrambled to reach her, the way she yelled profanities at her for being so stupid. Most of all, she would never, ever forget the way she looked at her as she worked her wound, like she was losing one of her precious things in the world in front of her very eyes in that one, single desperate moment.
It was one of the most heartbreaking things she’d ever seen.
“Ruby,” she’d rasped, wanting to wipe the tears away from her face but finding herself unable to move any of her limbs. “Ruby, I’m sorry.” She didn’t know why she was apologizing to her, she didn’t know what she was doing anymore at this point. Didn’t know what she was thinking anymore. I’m sorry, her mind whispered, despite herself. I’m so sorry.
“Don’t talk, you idiot!” She was frantic and scared, she could tell by the abnormally high pitch of her voice and the way sobs tore from her throat afterwards. Her hands were slick and red with her blood and she was shaking like a leaf, terrified of what might happen to her friend. “You are not dying on me now, Clementine Maria Jasmine Cree! You are not dying on me now! You went through hell and back, you are not dying on any of us now!” The way she was yelling desperately at her, like losing her was one of the worst things that could happen to her, made her sluggishly beating heart ache in the sweetest way.
“I…” She had to stop to cough, before wheezing painfully and panting desperately, trying to catch as much air as possible. Why was it so hard to breathe? Was her body failing her already?
I’m sorry, everyone. I’m sorry. I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry. She thought, looking at her through bleary eyes. I wasn’t thinking. I didn’t want to do this. I never wanted to leave you guys. I never wanted to leave AJ. She blinked, trying to clear her vision, and felt a sense of relief when she succeeded. Ruby looked so beautiful, crying over her like that. Like she needed her to the very last moment. Her eyes felt too heavy, then, and she let them fall shut. She was too exhausted to fight back. Thank you, Ruby.
She waited for the blackness to overtake her, waited for death to claim her.
But it never did.
She didn’t know how much time she spent there, unable to move a muscle and waiting for eternal sleep to steal her away—it could have been a minute, an hour, half a day. But slowly, steadily, her mind cleared itself. Her heart slowly picked up its pace again. Clementine, still sluggish but feeling a little bit more energized, snapped her eyes open and took a generous gulp of air, her chest jolting forward in shock. She didn’t even have the time to take in anything before he felt a pair of small, thin arms tightening their hold on her neck and became aware of the dampness on her shoulder and AJ’s soft sobbing. Her eyes softened.
“AJ…" she croaked, swallowing tightly as her tongue felt sluggish. She tried to pull him away so she could look at him, but he only clung to her harder while making a small cry of negation. "AJ, it's… it's okay,” she said hoarsely, resting her weak arms on his shoulders. He didn’t respond, and she waited a bit until she had a little more strength. “I'm fine,” she whispered reassuringly, turning her head in his direction. "I’m okay.“
She had to live for him, she knew, as she hugged him back just as fiercely. Ruby, Aasim, Tenn and James approached shortly after and gave her condolences while wishing her well, and Tenn had given her a drawing of herself with a “Stay Strong” message heavily emphasized in deep red crayon. When they’d all left, Ruby remained and scolded her on the great and foolish risk she’d taken, before sitting on the edge of the couch and gently reassuring her that they would get through this together, before embracing her friend.
They’d managed to get Louis’ corpse back and give him a proper burial that day. Throughout the whole thing, she didn’t even shake or sob or tremble. Tears just silently streamed down her cheeks. 
No one ever dared to mention that day ever again.
Clem placed the bouquet over his grave in silence before seating herself before his grave. Every night, she would come here and clean his grave and speak to his grave, as if he was still there with her.
“AJ’s been doing well in his piano lessons, he’s a natural, just like you said.” she whispered after a long time, a sad, sweet smile gracing her features, her fingers lacing around her Omega necklace that he’d given her all those months ago.“You gave me forever in those number of weeks… and for that, I’m eternally grateful.” She whispered softly, tears blurring her vision, before she blinked them away. “You made me believe that people can be beautiful, too. You’d brought me to life.” A hitched sob escaped her, then, she murmured, “There is no one else but you.”
She would never love another again.
The flowers in Clem’s bouquet and their meanings: Ambrosia– Your Love is Reciprocated Amaryllis– Splendid Beauty Bird of Paradise– Joyfulness Camellia General– Admiration Camellia Pink– Longing for You Camellia White– You’re Adorable Carnation Pink– I’ll Never Forget You Carnation Red– My Heart Aches for You Chrysanthemum White– Loyal Love Dandelion– Faithfulness Dead Leaves– Sadness Gloxinia– Love at First Sight Hyacinth Purple– I Am Sorry, Please Forgive Me, Sorrow Iris Yellow– Passion Iris Blue– Faith, Hope Lilly-Of-The-Valley– Sweetness, Return to Happiness, You’ve Made My Life Complete Primrose– I Can’t Live Without You Rose Dark Crimson– Mourning Rose Dark Pink– Thankfulness Rose Red– Love, Respect Sunflower– Pure Thoughts, Adoration, Warmth Sweet-Pea– Departure, Good-bye, Thank You for A Lovely Time Tulip Red– Declaration of Love Tulip Yellow– There’s Sunshine in Your Smile Violet Blue– Watchfulness, Faithfulness, I’ll Always Be True Violet White– Let’s Take a Chance on Happiness Viscera– Will You Dance With Me?
welp. i certainly wasn’t ready for this.
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ladyimaginarium · 5 years
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this is clementine staring into your soul and being grateful and happy for your love and support
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this is clementine staring into your soul and questioning your life decisions but still loving you anyway
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ladyimaginarium · 5 years
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  She stirs underneath her blankets again, hair loose and wild and grips the edge of her pillow tighter, breath hitching again as she struggles not to let a sob. Clementine hasn’t gotten out of her room today, nor eaten nor spoken to anyone. It’s been ten years ... and she still hasn’t forgotten on this day, all those years ago, where she had to shoot Lee with her own hands because of her own foolish mistakes. At the sound of her door opening, she doesn’t bother looking to the source of the noise, she’s far too lost in her own mind to even say anything.
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ladyimaginarium · 5 years
@gciltyascharged​ said: Clem, describe your DREAM wedding.
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  My ... dream wedding?
  In truth, she’s never really considered getting married, not when the world’s already ended, and even before then, when her parents had just recently divorced two years prior to the apocalypse ... for a time, she’d stopped believing in true love. After all, why think about love or a true love’s kiss when your own parents were divorcing and everyone else at school called you every name in the book? Why think about falling in love with someone when every pair of lovers died screaming or befell to tragedy? It happened to Lee and Carley, it happened to Omid and Christa, Kenny and Katjaa, Kenny and Sarita, Luke and Jane, even her own parents ... and now they’re all dead and gone.
  Because none of it was ever worth the risk ... or at least, that’s what I’ve always told myself.
So, when the question is presented to her, her eyes soften as she stops sharpening her blade, a long sigh leaving her as she deeply considers. “I ... I would’ve wanted flowers in my hair,” she answers first, a sad smile gracing her lips as she looks outside her window, watching the snow fall, “I certainly wouldn’t be wearing those boorish Christian white wedding dresses, I’d be wearing the kaftan instead, like my stepmom did when she married my dad. The ceremony would be by the beach ... I’ve always loved the ocean, it made me feel free.” She ponders once more, chuckling a little, “I’d invite all my friends and family ... because I’d like to think that it’d take someone truly special for me to marry them. I’d want to dance all night. Honeymoon destination? Venice or Morocco, definitely. There’d be music, singing, dancing, karaoke, food ... god ... and we would’ve been happy.”
This blog is accepting development anons! Bug my character about their past! Ask them about the things you wonder about! Give them scenarios to get their brain going! Today is all about bringing out the growth hiding within my character. - PLEASE SPECIFY THE MUSE!|| ACCEPTING.
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ladyimaginarium · 5 years
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ladyimaginarium · 5 years
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  Her breath hitches as she eyes the frozen lake in front of her, eyes slightly widening as her arm gently yet with a firm insistence pulls on the other, before she shakes her head, “ I ... I can’t go there. ” she breathes, remembering all too well what happened the last time she stepped over a frozen lake, and not to mention, November’s snows weren’t as hard as the later months, and Clementine didn’t trust herself to walk atop it. 
  Especially with her leg.
   She could still feel the ice cold, the feeling of a thousand frigid knives stabbing her all over her body as she sank deeper into the water ... yet most of all, a hand reaching out for her as the man was dragged down into the dark depths to which she would never see him again, “ It’s ... it’s unwise. “
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ladyimaginarium · 5 years
This is something I often imply and never outright state but whenever Clementine lets her hair loose and down around your muse, it means she genuinely loves and trusts you with her life to not attack her ( because all her life in the apocalypse, her hair was seen as a weakness, a good spot for an enemy to grab, and even before, in her childhood where she was mocked at school by her classmates because of her hair and how odd it looked, thus causing her to eventually hate her hair — and herself as a whole ) so in essence, she's really acting vulnerable around your muse and trusting them not to betray her because she doesn't trust easily at all after everything she's experienced and as a result, doesn't trust many with this softer, more vulnerable and emotional side to her.
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ladyimaginarium · 5 years
cont. from HERE. || @gciltyascharged​
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  There’s a thick, deafening silence for a long time as she sniffles, appreciating the warmth he provided, shoulders beginning to shake as the grief released from what she’s kept inside for years, but a woman like her could only take so much. Her breath hitches as she traces her fingers over his shoulders as if to tell him that he didn’t need to say anything, she only needed him to listen and hold her, and with that, she began to let it all out.
  “Ten years ago, when this all started ... I was alone until this man, Lee, saved my life and became my protector. We’d been through life and death together for months ... and on this day, all those years ago, I ... I was kidnapped by a man. He manipulated me, telling me that he had my parents, who I’d been desperately searching for months, in his hotel room in Savannah, then he kidnapped me...” she trails off, feeling as if a viper began constricting her throat, her hands making fists into his jacket as sobs left her lips, face burying in his shoulder in shame. After a while, she forced herself to continue.
  “A few hours passed and ... Lee came for me, but he’d already amputated his arm because he was bit ... all just to get to me, someone who could only bring him down. When the man was going to kill him, I shot him in the head ... and just as we were going to finally make it out of this herd that overran the city, I saw my turned parents ... and the infection had already gotten to Lee, and when he couldn’t move anymore ... I killed him with my own hands, someone who risked his life for me, the first person who taught me about survival ... because of my own stupidity.” 
    She weeps again, the tears streaming down her face like rivers, and she tells her last confession, “And ... just when I was finally getting out, I ... killed my own parents so they wouldn’t have to suffer anymore ... and then I left the city, a nine year old little girl. alone and afraid in the world that didn’t show mercy to a girl like me who’d lost everything in less than a week,” Clementine shakes her head again, breath hitching once more, “It’s been ten, long years since then ... and it still hasn’t left me since ... I’m sorry you have to be involved with a broken girl like me.”
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ladyimaginarium · 5 years
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Clementine’s birthday: October 26th
Beretta’s birthday: October 31st / Halloween
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ladyimaginarium · 5 years
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"This world is ours for the taking. We can reinvent it any way we want. Make it better, turn dreams into reality. The possibilities are endless."
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ladyimaginarium · 5 years
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v; A NEW DAY. ( PRE-OUTBREAK. ) - Clementine is a first grade student in elementary school and she’s raised under loving, compassionate and hardworking parents with her babysitter Sandra and grandparents coming to assist from time to time. Although her parents are divorced, she occasionally sees her beloved biological mother, Mei, in PeachTree City from time to time and has a very loving relationship with all her family. She is often bullied by her peers in her class at school for having “weird ideas”, “wild hair” and “being the smallest girl in the class”, and her parents intend on sending her to Ericson’s Boarding School For Troubled Youth for the summer. Yet despite this, she has a big heart with an even bigger imagination, and despite her struggles, she keeps dreaming that better things will come to her, for tomorrow will always be kinder. In this verse, Clementine is young, wild, imaginative, artistic, creative, kind and carefree, a catch-all for any non-apocalypse scenario - modern AU’s, pre-apocalypse, child AU’s, etc., ranging from ages eight years old and younger. This takes place either in a world where the apocalypse never occurred or before it had the chance.
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v; TAKE US BACK. ( SEASON ONE. ) - The apocalypse has fell down upon the world and Clementine’s life as she knew it was before slowly begins to collapse and crumble. Alone and afraid, amidst the madness, Clementine meets a mysterious man named Lee Everett, her protector. This verse is set from ages eight to nine and follows the events of Season One, from the day the apocalypse began, when she met Lee, traveling with the Motel Group and their adventures, from clashing with cannibals to meeting unlikely allies to wandering through desolate cityscapes, until the day Lee dies. Welcome to the end of the world.
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v; ALL THAT REMAINS. ( SEASON ONE-SEASON TWO. ) - Clementine spends her time traveling with Omid and Christa for the next several months to a year and four months after Lee’s death, whom she is still mourning as her mind slowly sinks deeper into depression and depravity. This verse is set from ages nine to ten, from finding Omid and Christa in the field that evening, to their travels as a makeshift family together, to Omid’s death, to the sixteen month timeskip afterward where Christa and Clementine are surviving alone together more distanced than ever before - essentially the epilogue of Season One onwards to the prologue of Season Two.
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v; BETTER TO SLEEP. ( SEASON TWO. ) - It’s been two years since Lee’s death. Omid is dead. Christa and Clementine are brutally separated, and now Clementine must survive and walk her own path, be it for the better or for worse. This verse is set from age eleven to twelve and follows the events of Season Two, from her time spent with Omid and Christa, to being on the run from a mad tyrant with a dysfunctional family, to living a life of horror and fear under a tyrant’s iron fist to that fateful day in the snow where she must make a cruel decision.
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v; AMID THE RUINS. ( SEASON TWO-SEASON THREE: A NEW FRONTIER. ) - Ever since that fatal day in the snow, Clementine’s one and only goal was to protect the infant AJ. This verse is set from twelve to thirteen years of age, essentially the epilogue of Season Two onwards to the prologue of Season Three: A New Frontier, ranging from wandering alone with Kenny, staying at Howe’s with Jane, staying in Wellington in the north, or going off on her own, to being on the run from a bloodthirsty cult, to joining The New Frontier and learning essential military and assassination skills to her exile, to dwelling in Prescott as the youngest, most ruthless juvenile delinquent, gang leader and crime boss in the Sin City of the apocalypse: Hellgirl.
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v; FROM THE GALLOWS. ( SEASON THREE: A NEW FRONTIER. ) - On a quest for vengeance, Clementine vows to seek out David Garcia and demand what happened to the only living person she loved left. This verse is set from age thirteen to fifteen and follows the events of Season Three: A New Frontier, from spending time with who she stayed with at the conclusion of the Second Season, to being lost in a slaughterhouse, then meeting and aiding the Garcia family, to being involved in the politics of The New Frontier, to heading out to find AJ at the McCaroll Ranch where she leaves Richmond and The New Frontier behind for good.
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v; NO TIME LEFT. ( SEASON THREE: A NEW FRONTIER-THE FINAL SEASON. ) - Clementine has left Richmond and the Garcia family behind with one mission in mind: find AJ and bring him back to Richmond so that they could have a home together at last. However, upon venturing beyond the city, the whole land fell into warfare, depravity and chaos around her, and Clementine began to realize that retrieving AJ would be far more difficult than she’d intended. This verse is set between ages fourteen to sixteen years of age, ranging from her years spent wandering the wastelands of war, chaos, anarchy and lawlessness and getting into fights with other groups and scavengers, to horseback adventures, to finding AJ at the McCaroll Ranch to their time spent afterward on the open road where she begins teaching him all of what her mentors before had taught her: to survive, and she hopes with all of her heart that they’ll find a home… someday.
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v; SUFFER THE CHILDREN. ( THE FINAL SEASON. ) - Clementine and AJ have finally reunited after all these years and now, after the traumatic events of the McCaroll Ranch, they roam the walker-infested country for a few years until that fateful car crash where they meet other survivors at the establishment known as Ericson’s Boarding School For Troubled Youth. This verse is set at age sixteen to seventeen and follows the events of The Final Season, from spending time with AJ and her newfound companions at the school, to discovering unlikely allies and enemies, to unraveling dark secrets, to battling raiders and walkers alike, and overall becoming the leader she was forged to become. The war is here and it stops for no one.
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v; I AM THE FIRE. ( POST-THE FINAL SEASON. ) - Clementine has now become Headmistress of the newly reformed Ericson's Boarding School For Troubled Youth, to which she has renamed The Enlightenment, a settlement set on educating the next generation of survivors, acting as a sanctuary for refugees from the wars outside of their borders and most importantly, to create a new world. After so many years of hardships, trials and tribulations, Clementine Maria Jasmine Cree now has a home and a family of her own. This verse is set from age eighteen to nineteen and beyond and follows all of the events after The Final Season, from spending time with AJ and her newfound companions at the school, to reuniting with faces she’d never thought she’d see again, to struggling with her disability and mental health, to teaching the next generation of survivors, to trading with other settlements, and overall becoming the leader she was meant to become and whatever else may come her way. This is also her default verse, essentially meaning that this is the most commonly used verse.
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ladyimaginarium · 5 years
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❝ Congrats, you’re bros now. ❞
@pissinwalls @we-are-strcng
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ladyimaginarium · 5 years
A few things to note about my portrayal of Clementine:
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Clementine is Afro-Asian with distant ancestral ties to multiple other ethnicities ; her father was of multiple African ethnic groups and her biological mother was Chinese and Japanese.
Her parents divorced when she was only six years old ; Diana, her stepmother, entered the picture a year later.
Was trained by Ava and David Garcia in the arts of war and assassination while joining The New Frontier.
Clementine was skilled in martial arts, particularly Capoeira, before the amputation.
Clementine suffers from sleep paralysis. This is when, during waking upor falling asleep, she is aware but unable to move or speak. The condition is triggered by sleep deprivation, psychological stress, or abnormal sleep cycles, which, in her case, is triggered by all three. During an episode, she will hallucinate ( hear, feel, or see things that are not there ), which often results in fear. Episodes generally last less than a couple of minutes. Imagined sounds such as humming, hissing, static, zapping and buzzing noises are reported during sleep paralysis. Other sounds such as voices, whispers and roars are also experienced. These symptoms are usually accompanied by intense emotions such as fear and panic. In the past, she’s had sensations of being dragged out of bed or of flying, numbness, and feelings of electric tingles or vibrations running through their body - all hallucinations. Sleep paralysis may include hypnagogic hallucinations, such as a supernatural creature suffocating or terrifying her, accompanied by a feeling of pressure on her chest and difficulty breathing. Another example of a hallucination involves a menacing shadowy figure entering her room or lurking outside her window, while the she is paralyzed. This dark figure is usually William Carver, even years after his death.
Clementine is at very high risk of developing schizophrenia.
Experiences excruciating phantom limb pain and chronic pain from old wounds and scars, mostly up her right arm and back.
Developed psychogenic non-epileptic seizures caused by intense emotional distress, trauma and sexual abuse, these instances mostly happened around when she was eleven to twelve years of age.
Experiences dissociation from time to time, often comparable to out of body experiences and lucid dreaming.
Has sociopathic tendencies.
An eclectic witch.
Clementine and James ( @prctecthem ) are platonic soulmates though neither of them are aware of this.
Clem has incense constantly burning in her room. Her favorite scents are Jasmine, Cinnamon, Lavender, Vanilla and Ocean - all of which previously belonged to Mrs. Martin or found in the resource rooms.
Edmund and Diana were expecting another child on their way home from Savannah - essentially speaking, Clementine would have been a big sister.
When Clementine gets severely stressed out, or is ill or unwell in a none-life threatening situation, she often becomes hysterical or easily panicked, which she often hates because she prefers to act much differently— more calm (or mischievous when she feels up to it). For example, if she is really stressed/upset and something small happened (like someone breaking an item of hers that she really liked) she would temporarily lose control of everything she holds in and have a fit, either locking herself in a room and yelling at people— or if she’s very stressed she would just sink to the floor and cry, regardless of who is around, and this is a girl who REFUSES to cry in front of other people. Later, she’d curse herself over not keeping her composure.
Clementine will usually leave the campus after figuring out she’s not getting any sleep. Regardless of the season, winter or summer, she will always go for a walk or ride through the forest and just enjoy the night. Sometimes this will tire her out and she’ll head to her little hideaway hut and stay there. She’ll read or find various ways to keep her mind off negative ideas. For the most part she sees this as the worst part of the insomnia because she often feels completely alone and depressed. She’s got too much time on her hands and it can severely upset her.  That’s why in warmer seasons she’ll busy herself in the flower field, or if that’s done she’ll spend all night pulling little pranks like moving/hiding things within the campus just for some sort of fun or entertainment.
Clementine smells really nice post-The Final Season because she takes herbal baths.
Has an “inner self” that expresses meanings/actions she does not dare to do/say.
In current plots, she wears a opal crystal pendant necklace around her neck, hanging down to about her chest; it’s her birthstone and she believes it could grant her luck among other things.
Sometimes, when she’s in a good mood, she’ll end a few of her sentences with a quiet little laugh (or titter). Her shoulders bunch up a bit and she’ll smile at the same time.
Has a habit of moving her arms behind her back and leaning forwards/down. Often does this when she’s very happy, pleased, wanting to please, playful, etc.
She is very much the type to fully believe every darkness has a light. Good and bad always go together. Even the “good” people are bad and the “bad” people have some good in them. It’s why she finds it in herself to forgive Marlon. This belief is something that often gives her hope even in a world like this and is inspired by her conversations with James.
If incredibly stressed, depressed, angry, hurt, etc, she often hides away from people/everything until she feels better, many times that’s as simple as locking herself somewhere. She’d get as desperate as hiding under a bed or in a closet if she must. The hiding usually isn’t for too long, and after she will focus on the little things that make her happy and continue from there.
Believes fully in crystal healing and collects many crystals– even charms and trinkets. Keeps at least one or two crystals on her person at all times (one is her necklace).
Keeping warm techniques: Be Clementine. (For other cold people, hug Clementine. Only if she is fine with you, otherwise you might get stabbed.) Other times she will cuddle with Rosie or with her friends by a fireplace. Keeping cool techniques: Become a fish. Clem, being naturally warm, in summer temperatures often wears fewer layers. Mostly when in her own room she wears very little in the summer when no one’s around. Other times she retreats into the forest where the trees are thickest and there is a lot of shade, or finds a river/stream/pond to basically just lay/sit in. Also whines a lot.
Even though she doesn’t appear to be, Clementine is one of the cheesiest girls when it comes to romance. She doesn’t mind taking the initiative and being one to plan dates. she’s all about candle lit dinners, making you sweets, stargazing on the rooftops with blankets wrapped around you and her, taking walks along the beach holding your hand, winning a stuffed animal for you at the local carnival, sharing food with you, doing Vines and memes with you, cuddling up on the couch by a fireplace, doing mistletoe kisses, writing you poetry and love letters about how she feels about you.
Even though she will never say it out loud, she’s always wanted to fly and be like the birds in the sky.
Clementine learns flower language from books about the Victorian Era from the school library and often gives her friends messages via flowers with their own respective meanings.
Clem makes sure to knit and sew fur cloaks for her friends and family with pelts of rabbits, foxes, bears, wolves and seals during the cold seasons.
Deep down inside, she wants to get married and have a family of her own one day.
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ladyimaginarium · 5 years
(for Clem) Almond - How seriously does your muse take their promises? How inclined are they to make them?
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It’s unfortunate to say, but as the years went on, Clementine slowly started to give up on promises. After all, did her parents not promise to come home to her only for them to have died? Did Lee and Omid not promise to protect her always and then die for her sake? Did Ava not promise that she and AJ would be safe only to have him - the one person that kept her going because he was her only reason to live - taken away from her? In truth, she feels as if the moment someone promises her something, they’re immediately doomed to die due to some sick twist of fate that the apocalypse brings. It’s easy to forget that the timeline of 1x3 last only about four days, and in the space of less than a week, Clementine has lost everything and everyone she’s ever loved. She finds her parents infected, Lee is either dead or infected, and ever single other person Clementine has come to rely on and know in the past three months she’s spent with them - everyone, from Duck to Lilly to Kenny to Ben and everyone she has ever loved and lost in between - has died systematically over the course of a few days. There were so many promises that were broken to the point where she rarely believes them anymore, and thus, she herself is hesitant to make promises, because she knows all too well that she could die.
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ladyimaginarium · 5 years
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It’s late in the night, the songs of the crickets are like an orchestra just outside as she peers outside her window where the moonlight shines before she shifts down onto the ivory piano keys and starts pressing them to make a harmonious rhythm. It’s been tuned by an engineer from The Commonwealth earlier today, so now it’s completely tuned. Golden eyes momentarily shift up to the other sitting beside her, a flush lighting up her features. She usually only sings to AJ, but this is completely new to someone like her. The last time she’s openly sang to another who wasn’t AJ was in front of a small crowd in a bar at Prescott as one of their singers. She merely prays that they won’t laugh at her. Alone, she begins to sing in a lovely, quiet voice, the type of voice that haunts one's soul forever.
❝ ♫ Oh cruel world Will you knock me down Until I'm begging on my knees? And oh beautiful world Will you push me Until I'm soaring with the stars? Until I'm flying with the birds?
Let me know if I have what it takes Push me to the point my heart breaks and aches Remind me what I'm doing this for Let me go on and fight for more and more And when I drift away When I lose my way My body starts to decay My body starts to decay And I put cigarettes in the ash tray Everything will be okay
Let me know if I have what it takes Push me to the point my heart breaks and aches Remind me what I'm doing this for Let me go on and fight for more and more
When I stand in agony Absently And my thoughts turn bitter and angry Send the cavalry to my balcony And free me from my insanity And even though I hurt and I hurt I will always be a dreamer at heart And even though we've drifted apart I'm still a dreamer A dreamer with a heavy heart
Let me know I have what it takes Push me to the point my heart breaks and aches Remind me what I'm doing this for Let me go on and fight for more and more ♫ ❝
  Once she’s done her song, she doesn’t dare look up at the other, her fingers clasped together nervously, breath hitching. While the other may not realize it, she’s revealed a side of herself that she rarely showed anyone else.
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