#A Knight of the Seven Kindoms
thephantomcasebook · 1 year
the fact that no one really knows how many seasons HOTD will be is so unserious to me, they are "let's just see where this goes" 😅
First of all ... Congrats on being my 150th ask piled up in my mailbag.
Around 50 I realized that I'm never gonna be able to answer all of these, and 100 asks later, you're the one who reached the milestone of my lazy and procrastinating nature that is very inconducive to this format.
And respect for not going anonymous - out of 150 asks, 145 of them are anonymous.
As for the question.
"Let's just see how it goes" is studio talk for "Fuck dude, I don't have a good feeling about this, but they're telling me down at production they've got it handled.'
I think Warner knows at this point - and so do we after set leaks - that Season 2 is a shit show both production and writing wise. But they also know that the "Game of Thrones" franchise, along with "Lord of the Rings" and "The Wizarding World" are part of their top tier money making franchises. And with the studio hemorrhaging and in real danger, they've got to make it back fast, and ASoIaF still remains a very lucrative and marketable franchise.
I think they'll give it three seasons and then cut it off. They'll greenlight "A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms" because, it'll be cheap to shoot, there won't be any need for CGI or Volume, they won't need to shoot King's Landing or render Dragons. And the stories are all complex morality tales set mostly in the countryside of Westeros. I think that Condal will probably do a lot better in a smaller and more intimate setting. I think he outran his feet trying to tell this big and sweeping epic story without proving that he could do it first.
Plus, "House of the Dragon" is tainted by bad producers, bad directors, and - with some stand outs - a generally bad cast of mercenary and immature actors and actresses. It is suffering from Sapochnik's short comings and egotistical agenda driven tripe. It also has become too unruly and expensive to manage for a studio where every penny now counts.
I think the contradiction that most people are seeing, is that they're undecided about "House of the Dragon's" fate. But they're going forward with more ASoIaF universe projects like "A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms".
Two things can be true at once.
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estrangedandwayward · 10 months
Staring 'a knight of the seven kindoms' I'm only a handful of pages in but I like it so far. the illustrations are fun
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leavesofgrass-stark · 5 years
Brienne and Arya are fucking gender roles
As well as their men. None I love you you need to be safe for them. Jaime and Gendry undestand them, they are going to fight and nothing they can say or do it’s gonna change that. Instead, Jaime will fight beside Brienne and Gendry has done the best weapon for Arya.
That’s love y’all.
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nethyswain · 5 years
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Arise Brienne of Tarth, a knight of the Seven Kindoms
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elfasso · 5 years
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“Arise,Brienne of Tarth! A knight of the Seven Kindoms!”
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elecatlady · 5 years
Game of Thrones 8x02 A Knight of the seven kingdoms / Il cavaliere dei sette regni. Riassunto e Commento.
Game of Thrones 8×02 A Knight of the seven kingdoms / Il cavaliere dei sette regni. Riassunto e Commento.
A knight of the seven kindoms – Il cavaliere dei sette regni, la seconda puntata di Game of Thrones è stata, a mio parere, una delle più belle della serie fino ad ora. Una puntata di commiato: sia per noi spettatori, per salutare i personaggi in vista di una battaglia, che certamente mieterà molte vittime; sia per dirsi addio tra di loro.
L’episodio inizia con il processo a Jaime Lannister:…
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