#A Mariña Oriental
rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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As Catedrais Beach, Spain (No. 2)
The rock base is about 500 million years old, since when it suffered successive floods and retreats from the sea. Its strata of different hardness and successive fractures in different directions facilitated the erosive action until showing the image they present today.
Part of the flora on the cliff are passionflower, sea parsley, gorse or heather. At the bottom, red algae and coralline algae keep the lichens company. The most numerous representatives of birds are seagulls and cormorants. And as fauna attached to the substrate, barnacles, mussels, limpets and periwinkles.
Source: Wikipedia
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galiciaenteira · 5 years
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Caminos de Santiago. Por el camino del norte https://www.galiciaenteira.com/caminos-de-santiago-por-el-camino-del-norte/
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So, a few days ago, the INE (National Stadistics Institute) published this map:
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It shows the most popular town in each province, and I wanted to make a post showcasing them. It’s gonna be a long post cause we have to go over 50 provinces, so I’ll try to be as concise as I can!
Of course, everything will be under the cut :)
1. Betanzos ( A Coruña)
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It’s the capital of the Betanzos comarca, with 12 966 inhabitants, and it’s part of the A Coruña metropolitan area. It is one of the seven historical provincial capitals of the Kingdom of Galicia, and it’s most famous for its tortilla de patatas (Spanish omelette / Spanish tortilla), the best in the country.
2. Cambados (Pontevedra)
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Located in the Salnés comarca, it has 13 721 inhabitants. It is part of the Rías Baixas, and known as the birthplace of the Albariño wine. Due to that, in 2017 it was chosen as European Wine Capital. It has some really cool ruins (check them out!) of the Santa Mariña de Dozo church and the San Sadurniño Tower.
3. Allariz (Ourense)
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Located in the Allariz-Maceda comarca, it has 6 245 inhabitants. It produces the amendoados, a fairly popular dessert in Galicia, and is shrowded in superstition and mystery: in 1902 lightning striked inside the church, killing 25 people that were attending a funeral; and in the 19th century there was a serial killer in the area that was thought to be a werewolf.
4. Ribadeo (Lugo)
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Capital of the La Mariña Oriental comarca, it has 9 845 inhabitants, and borders Asturias. It is famous for its lighthouse, in Pancha Isle, and the Torre dos Moreno, an indiano building. It also has a very active port.
5. Llanes (Asturias)
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It is the capital of the Llanes partido judicial, and has 13 473 inhabitants. It is a tourism hub, and has amazing beaches with blowholes and caves. It has a bunch of cool monuments, like the Cubos de la Memoria or the casino, and here hail the traditional tilemakers of Llanes, that have their own special jergon called xíriga.
6. Comillas (Cantabria)
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Located in the Costa Occidental comarca, Comillas has 2 124 inhabitants, and it is famous for all of its modernist architecture, with buildings like the original Pontifical Comillas University, nowadays the University of Cantabria; as well as lots of villas and palaces uses by the royalty and nobility that used to go here every summer.
7. Bermeo (Bizkaia)
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Located in the Busturialdea - Urdaibai comarca, it has 16 864 inhabitants, and it sits right in the Urdaibai Estuary. It was the capital of the Lordship of Biscay until 1602, and it is basically a fishing town. It has a pretty church, and the islet of Gaztelugatxe (Dragonstone in Game of Thrones), that holds the church of San Juan de Gaztelugatxe.
8. Hondarribia (Gipuzkoa)
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It was so hard to choose a pic for this place and I’m still not satisfied, so please check it out!
Anyways, Hondarribia is located in the Bidasoa Beherea comarca, it has 16 881 inhabitants, and borders Hendaye (France), right in the Bidasoa river estuary. It is part of the Bayonne-San Sebastián metropolitan area. It has some really pretty coloured houses, and it’s one of the main links we have with France.
9. Laguardia (Araba)
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Located in the Rioja Alavesa comarca, it has 1 454 inhabitants. It has 13th century walls that circle part of the town, and a very medieval feel. Being in the Rioja region, it’s main activity is wine.
10. Olite (Navarra)
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The capital of the Olite merindad, it has 3 981 inhabitants. As you can see, it’s main attraction is its castle (look it up, it looks disney-like!), which actually was the Royal Palace of the Navarra Kings, during the 13th and 14th centuries. It also has some cool medieval buildings!
11. Haro (La Rioja)
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It is the capital of the Haro comarca, and has 11 408 inhabitants. It is a wine industry powerhouse, with lots of wineries, and, as such, it is famous for its Battle of Wine, where people just splash wine on each other. It also has various palaces and its church, whose façade was designed by Felipe Bigarny.
12. Jaca (Huesca)
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Capital of the Jacetania comarca, it has 13 129 inhabitants. It is known for being the birthplace of the Kingdom of Aragón, and also for its citadel, as you can see in the pic. It also holds the San Juan de la Peña monastery, a monastery excavated inside of the rock (look it up, I visited it a few years ago and it’s amazing!).
13. Tarazona (Zaragoza)
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It is the capital of the Tarazona y el Moncayo comarca, and has 10 558 inhabitants. It has historically been a very strategic enclave, being in the frontier of the kingdoms of Castile, Navarre and Aragón, and such being the scenery with a lot of pacts and wars between the kingdoms. Its old quartier is full to the brim with patrimony and historical building, since its Prerroman origins, to its Medieval times, where Christians, Muslims and Jewish all lived pacifically in the town.
14. Albarracín (Teruel)
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I also struggled a lot with picking just one pic for the town, so please look it up!
Anyways, Albarracín is situated in the Sierra de Albarracín comarca, and has 1 006 inhabitants. It has been proposed to be a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and as I have seen, a lot of people agree that it may be the prettiest town in Spain (again, look it up cause it’s a lot). It has lots of beautiful buildings and sights that go from a Roman aqueduct to Medieval “skyscrapers” to the cathedral and walls.
15. Solsona (Lleida)
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Capital of the Solsonès comarca, it has 9 137 inhabitants, and its main sight is its cathedral, built on a prerromanic 977 church, that hosts the Our Lady of the Cloyster 12th century image.
16. Cadaqués (Girona)
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It is located in the Alt Empordà comarca, and has 2 695 inhabitants. It is known for being the birthplace of famous artist Salvador Dalí, and hosts its House-Museum, full of weird stuff (look it up!). It is the Easternmost town in all of the Iberian Peninsula, situated in the Creus cape. It also has a cool castle and a lighthouse.
17. Cardona (Barcelona)
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Cardona is located in the Bages comarca, and has 4 636 inhabitants. Its most important sight is the castle, built in the 9th century. There lived the Cardona dukes, which were the most important family in the Aragón Crown during the 15th century (after the royal family).
18. Miravet (Tarragona)
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It is located in the Ribera d’Ebre comarca, and has 706 inhabitants. It is situated by the Ebro river, and has a Templar Castle at the top of the town, with an Andalusian origin. It also has a strong pottery tradition.
19. Peñíscola (Castellón)
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Situated in the Baix Maestrat comarca, it has 7 683 inhabitants. It is a tourism powerhouse, with lots of beaches and hotels. Its old quartier lies entirely in a tombolo, as you can see in the photo, with a castle on top (that appeared on Game of Thrones!).
20. Bocairent (Valencia)
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Located in the Vall d’Albaida comarca, and has 4 142 inhabitants. Apart of the obviously beautiful sight, with medieval reminiscing, it has one of the oldest Moros y Cristianos festivities (festivities that reenact the Reconquista).
21. El Castell de Guadalest (Alicante)
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Located in the Marina Baixa comarca, it has 224 inhabitants. It has a castle on top of the mountain it sits in, that dominates all of the Guadalest Valley. It has a bunch of towers excavated in the rock (look it up!), and the castle itself also does this.
22. Valldemossa (Balearic Islands)
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Located in the Serra de Tramuntana comarca, in the island of Mallorca, it has 2 009 inhabitants. It has historically been (and still is) an artist retreat, being most known for being visited in the winter of 1838-1839 by Fréderic Chopin and George Sand, who stayed in the Cartuja, now open to the public.
23. Astorga (León)
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Capital of the Tierra de Astorga comarca, it has 10 741 inhabitants. It was founded in Roman times as Asturica Augusta, being the capital of the Conuentus  Asturum and a very important city, due to its location next to Las Médulas, the largest gold mines of the Empire. Nowadays, Astorga is full to the brim with sights, like its Roman walls and the Episcopal Palace, built by Gaudí.
24. Cervera de Pisuerga (Palencia)
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Located in the Montaña Palentina comarca, it has 2 277 inhabitants. It is surrounded by the Palentinian Mountains and nature in all fronts. Apart from natural areas to visit, it also has San Vicente Cave Chapel, now in ruins.
25. Lerma (Burgos)
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It is located in the Arlanza comarca, and has 2 537 inhabitants. It is mainly know for its Ducal Palace, as the Duke of Lerma was valido (basically regent) of Spain from 1598 and 1621, when the capital of Spain was moved to Valladolid, and this palace was then used as the Winter Palace for the royal family. Of course, it also has some cool buildings from that time.
26. Medinaceli (Soria)
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Located in the Arcos de Jalón comarca, it has 682 inhabitants. It is mostly known for its Roman archway, as well as for being the stronghold of the Dukes of Medinaceli, who had their residence here and were one of the most powerful houses in Spain. It’s also really cool its location, as it sits on top of a small plateau, and it’s really cool to see the views from the town.
27. Pedraza (Segovia)
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It is the capital of the Comunidad de villa y tierra de Pedraza mancomunidad, and it has a total of 340 inhabitants. It is a completly walled town that retains its medieval buildings and vibes. Due to its composition, its walls are the most inconic part of the town, as well as its main square. It also has a cool castle, and a really cool festivity, the “night of the candles”, in where they light candles all over the town.
28. Tordesillas (Valladolid)
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It is located in the Tierra del Vino comarca, and has 8 745 inhabitants. It is located by the Duero (Douro) river, and its famous for being the deathbed of Juana I “the Mad” of Castile, who was locked down in this town from 1509 until her death in 1555. It is also the town most associated with bullfighting, as it hosts a very controversial tournament, the Toro de la Vega tournament.
29. Puebla de Sanabria (Zamora)
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It is the head of the Sanabria comarca, and has 1 356 inhabitants. It is next to the Sanabria lake, the largest lake in Spain, as well as close to the border with Portugal, which made it a very strategic point. That’s why it has a cool castle, as well as beautiful traditional architecture full of flowers and nature.
30. Ciudad Rodrigo (Salamanca)
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Head of the Ciudad Rodrigo comarca, it has 12 261 inhabitants. As you can see, it is a walled city, with all of its old town inside a citadel. It has lots of historical sites, like a vetton verraco, a cool castle, and a cathedral. It also hosts the Carnival of the Bull, in which the Main Square turns into a bullring.
31. Arenas de San Pedro (Ávila)
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It is the capital of the Arenas de San Pedro comarca, and has 6 344 inhabitants. It is located in the Gredos Mountains, surrounded by nature. It’s most famous sight is the Mosquera Palace, occupied by the Infante Don Luis, brother of king Carlos III, that was used as a retreat. The Infante Don Luis was friends with lots of artists who assisted him and stayed with him, like the painter Francisco de Goya, the musician Luigi Boccherini, and the architect Ventura Rodríguez.
32. Chinchón (Madrid)
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Located in the Las vegas comarca, it has 5 413 inhabitants. Its main square is its most iconic sight, that completely retains its Medieval charm, and it has other sights like a castle and cool churches.
33. Sigüenza (Guadalajara)
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It is located in the La Serranía comarca, and has 4 319 inhabitants. Its most famous sight is its castle-fortress, built in the 12th century. on top of another Arab castle from the 8th century. It also has a pretty known cathedral, also built in the 12th century.
34. Belmonte (Cuenca)
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Located in the La Mancha de Cuenca comarca, it has 1 870 inhabitants. Again, its main feature is its castle, built in the 15th century in a gothic-mudéjar style. It also conserves most of its medieval walls, and has a cool church.
35. Alcalá del Júcar (Albacete)
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It is located in the La Manchuela comarca, and has 1 194 inhabitants. As you can see, the whole town is built into the rock right by the Júcar river, and there are rock-houses like the Masagó Cave, now a restaurant. It also has some cool bridges, a castle, and a really interesting-looking bullring (look it up!).
36. Almagro (Ciudad Real)
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Located in the Campo de Calatrava comarca, it has 8 905. It’s most iconic part, as you can see, is its main square, that retains its medieval origins, where you can visit its corral de comedias (literally translates to “comedy coop”, they were the precursors of theaters) the only one left in Spain (look it up, it’s really cool!).
37. Consuegra (Toledo)
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It is located in La Mancha comarca, and has 9 970 inhabitants. As you can see, its main features are the iconic manchego windmills associated with Don Quixote, you can find them all over La Mancha, but these ones are the most famous. Also, it has a cool castle!
38. Trujillo (Cáceres)
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The capital of the Trujillo mancomunidad, it has 8 912 inhabitants. It is known for being the birthplace of conquistadors Francisco Pizarro and Francisco de Orellana and, as such, has monuments and museums dedicated to them. It also was the capital of the historical Trujillo Province from 1528 until 1653, when the province disappeared. It has cool buildings, notably churches, a castle and various palaces, and apparently it hosts the National Cheese Fair.
39. Zafra (Badajoz)
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It is located in the Zafra - Río Bodión comarca, and has 16 810 inhabitants. Its main sight is the Feria Dukes Palace, which is more of a castle, built in the 15th century. It also hosts the Zafra International Cattle Fair.
40. Moratalla (Murcia)
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Located in the Noroeste comarca, it has 7 804 inhabitants. It has two UNESCO World Heritage Sites, the nearby Cañaica del Calar prehistoric cave art, and the drumming of Moratalla, which is an immaterial UNESCO World Heritage, along with other drummings. It also has a cool castle because of course it has a castle.
41. Mojácar (Almería)
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It is located in the Levante Almeriense comarca, and has 6 778 inhabitants. It is a tourism hotspot, and it is famous for its white and blue houses that are similar to the Greek islands architecture. Here you’ll be able to find lots of indalos, the symbol of Almería, as long as sun and beaches. There’s also an urban legend that claims that Walt Disney could’ve been born here and not in Chicago.
42. Guadix (Granada)
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Head of the Guadix comarca, it has 18 436 inhabitants. It is most famous for its singular architecture, with buildings (in the foreground of the pic) built into the rock formations that surround the town. It also has a very beautiful Cathedral and a really cool Alcazaba.
43. Frigiliana (Málaga)
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It is located in the Axarquía-Costa del Sol comarca, and has 3 062 inhabitants. It is known for its beautiful traditional white houses and stoned streets. It also has Neolithic, Phoenician and Roman ruins, which is pretty neat.
44. Setenil de las Bodegas (Cádiz)
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Okay but look up this place cause it looks absolutely insane, like holy shit.
Anyways, Setenil de las Bodegas is located in the Sierra de Cádiz comarca, with 2 741.  As you can see, it is famous for its buildings built into a weird rock formation, there’s even streets covered by that rock formation, I don’t know how it works lol. I’m sorry but I can’t get over it, like imagine living there. Unreal.
45. Aracena (Huelva)
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It is located in the Sierra de Aracena comarca, and has 8 255 inhabitants. It is situated in Sierra Morena, one of the main montainous areas of southern Spain, which makes it surrounded by nature, specifically the Aroche Mts, which are a national park. It is also the birthplace of the jabugo jamón, one of the best jamón serrano varieties.
46. Osuna (Seville)
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Osuna is located in the Sierra Sur de Sevilla comarca, and has a total of 17 621 inhabitants. It was the ancient Urso, a relatively large city in the Baetica province, now famous for its old University and Collegiate Church. Also, its bullring appeared in Game of Thrones (it was Meereen’s arena).
47. Rute (Córdoba)
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Located in the Subbética Cordobesa comarca, it has 9 898 inhabitants. As you can see, it is an agricultural town, focused on olive tree plantations that constitutes its main product. It is famous for its aguardiente, an alcoholic drink, as well as its jamón and its olive oil.
48. Cazorla (Jaén)
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Cazorla is the seat of the Sierra de Cazorla comarca, and has 7 353 inhabitants. It is located in the Cazorla Mountains, so it is surrounded by beautiful nature. It also has the Yedra Castle, and the ruins of Santa María Church as its architectural points of interest.
49. Teror (Las Palmas)
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Teror is located in the island of Gran Canarias, and has a total of 12 522 inhabitants. It is known for being the seat of the Our Lady of the Pine worship, whose image is conserved in the Basilica. Everything around the town has to do with that saint, so its a very religious town. It also has a popular market, and it is known for making traditional Canarian knives.
50. Garachico (Santa Cruz de Tenerife)
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Garachico is located in the Icod-Daute-Isla Baja comarca, in the island of Tenerife, and has 4 869 inhabitants. It is famous for the Garachico Rock, and isle in front of the town, and the town itself is part of a bunch of different natural parks and areas, so its surrounded by nature in all fronts. It also has pretty buildings, mainly churches.
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phgq · 4 years
22 UGMO members in Ilocos Sur town pledge loyalty to gov’t
#PHinfo: 22 UGMO members in Ilocos Sur town pledge loyalty to gov’t
VIGAN CITY, Nov. 25 (PIA) -- A total of 22 members of the Underground Mass Organizations (UGMO) withdrew their support to the CPP-NPA Terrorists (CNTs) and took their oath of allegiance to the government in a ceremony held on  Nov. 23 in Nagbukel, Ilocos Sur.
Of this number, 17 are members of Pambansang Kilusang Magsasaka (PKM) from Barangays Taleb, Mapisi, Bandril, and Lapting, two are members of Malayang Kilusan ng Bagong Kababaihan (MKBK), and three are members of Kabatang Makabayan (KM) from Barangays Taleb and Lapting all from the said town.
Nagbukel Mayor Amalia Cabrera led the oath taking ceremony followed by the declaration of the CNTs as Persona-non-Grata in Barangays Taleb, Bandril, and Lapting through the barangay resolutions and the unveiling of Persona-non-Grata tarpaulin.
Afterwards, the 81st Infantry Battalion, 702nd Infantry Brigade, 7th Infantry Division of the Philippine Army conducted a re-orientation and redirection lecture to the said surrenderers on how they were deceived by the CNTs and to show them the effect of the presence of armed groups in the area.
In her message, Mayor Cabrera lauded the courage of the UGMO members to withdraw their support to the CNTs and challenged them to get back on their own feet living in peace and order on the side of the government.
“Nagpapasalamat ako sa inyo at nagbalik loob kayo sa ating gobyerno. Ating isipin ang kinabukasan ng ating pamilya at kapakanan ng karamihan. Nawa’y ating tandaan ang ating responsibilidad bilang mamamayang Pilipino upang mapanatili ang kapayapaan sa ating komunidad,” she said. 
Cabrera also thanked the 81st IB for deploying the Community Support Program (CSP) teams in their town that provide security and assistance in the delivery of the government programs to her constituents.
The surrender of the UGMO members is attributed to the efforts of the Community Support Program team of the 81st IB PA in delivering enhanced services in the different areas of Ilocos Sur.
Meanwhile, Lieutenant Colonel Rodrigo Mariñas, Jr., Commanding Officer of the 81IB said, “Malaking pagsubok sa atin lahat ang kinakaharap nating problema ng insurhensiya dito sa Ilocos Sur. Ngunit ang pagbawi nyo ng supporta sa mga Teroristang grupo ay simbolo na malaki ang pag-asa na sa konting panahon na lang ay matatapos na natin ang problemang ito para sa kapayapaan at pag unlad ng ating bayan. Nawa’y isaisip at isapuso natin ito. Lahat tayo ay may responsibilidad sa mandato ng kasalukuyang administrasyon at nananalangin kami na gagampanan ninyo ang inyong responsibilidad sa pagresolba sa problemang ito.”
“Kami sa Philippine Army ay patuloy na makikipagtulungan sa ating mga local government units at national government agencies para maipakita sa inyo ang aming sinseridad sa pagtapos ng insurhensiya dito sa Ilocos Sur,” Mariñas added.
Through the Poverty Reduction Livelihood and Employment Cluster (PRLEC) of the Provincial Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (PTF-ELCAC), the government will provide assistance to the former UGMO members through different programs to equip them with livelihood and/or financial aid and trainings that will enable them to establish conflict resilient communities. 
Last Nov. 20, five UGMO members in a village in Santiago town also pledged loyalty to the government wherein they burned effigies of CNTs operating in Ilocos Sur and received various assistance from the member-agencies of the PRLEC. (JCR/JPD/JMQ, PIA Ilocos Sur)
* Philippine Information Agency. "22 UGMO members in Ilocos Sur town pledge loyalty to gov’t." Philippine Information Agency. https://pia.gov.ph/news/articles/1059994 (accessed November 25, 2020 at 09:06PM UTC+08).
* Philippine Infornation Agency. "22 UGMO members in Ilocos Sur town pledge loyalty to gov’t." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://pia.gov.ph/news/articles/1059994 (archived).
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kiro-anarka · 4 years
Congreso: Instan o goberno español a condenar a anexión de Israel da Cisxordania
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Unha das defensas que o receptor de información pode, e posibelmente debe, facer é criticar o aparente exercicio do dereito a comunicar información por un medio con outros fins, diferentes e espurios. Un exemplo: baixo a escusa de informar dun proceso penal, atentar contra a presunción de inocencia dun acusado ou acusada e acoller a versión policial sen contrastar fontes que defenden a súa inocencia, coa finalidade de transmitir a culpabilidade e preparar a sociedade para a futura condena do tribunal.
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Brasil: o lar da terceira maior população em prisões e cadeias do mundo
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Imagens de brutalidade policial contra mulher negra chocam o Brasil
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Con Sánchez tamén se espia o independentismo – José Antich
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Ministros de Exteriores da UE peden a Borrell medidas contra a anexión da Cisxordania
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Democracy Now! entrevista a ativista egípcia Laila Soueif sobre a prisão de seus filhos
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Sobre a privación de sufraxio activo de cidadáns e cidadás da comarca da Mariña
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Palestina: 15 razóns para apoiar BDS no seu décimo quinto aniversario
Pasaron xa 15 anos desde que o Comité Nacional Palestino BDS pola Liberdade, a Xustiza e a Igualdade lanzou a campaña global de Boicote, Desinvestimentos e Sancións a Israel. 15 anos de loita polo recoñecemento ao pobo palestino dos mesmos dereitos que ao resto da humanidade. Neste décimo quinto aniversario o Comité Nacional Palestino compartilla 15 razóns para animarnos a apoiar a loita polos dereitos do seu pobo.
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Anunciada para durar apenas duas semanas a guerra continua duas décadas depois
A guerra no Afeganistão foi oficialmente lançada para vingar os atentados de 11 de Setembro de 2001. Duas décadas depois confirma-se que foi a primeira de uma longa série de guerras para destruir todas as estruturas estatais do Médio Oriente (estratégia Rumsfeld/Cebrowski) e controlar a exploração de recursos naturais. Hoje em dia, personalidades ligadas ao Pentágono sabotam a retirada parcial acordada entre os Talibã e a administração Trump.
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carnedecabra-blog · 7 years
Uno de los últimos secretos de la Mariña Lucense y de las Rías Altas ha sido descubierto. Desde que La Voz de Galicia publicó una serie de artículos sobre la ruta de Fuciño do Porco, miles de personas han visitado este lugar tan singular. Como ya ocurrió con el cercano ‘Mejor Banco del Mundo’ de Loiba, las fotografías compartidas en la redes sociales han contribuido a viralizar un paisaje ciertamente bello del que las imágenes hablan por sí solas.
Junto con la playa de las Catedrales se ha convertido en un reclamo turístico y en la última sensación de la Mariña Lucense.
La ruta de Fuciño do Porco: fácil y con vistas espectaculares de la Mariña Lucense. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #galicia #lugo #mariñalucense #ok_galicia #asi_es_natura #asi_es_galicia #galicia_mola #galicia_enamora #turismodegalicia #galiciacalidade #galiza #ok_natura #total_nature #be_one_nature #naturephotography #naturaleza_galicia #spain #españaenpaisajes #senderismo #somosgalegos #monumental_spain #carnedecabra #fuciñodoporco
A post shared by Carne de Cabra Blogtrip (@carnedecabra) on Jan 25, 2018 at 11:16am PST
Fuciño do Porco es un mirador natural sobre la Punta Socastro con forma de ‘hocico de cerdo’. Permite ver la ría de Viveiro y otros paisajes de O Vicedo mediante una pasarela de madera. Y ese es uno de sus puntos fuertes.
Parece que en los últimos tiempos se ha puesto de moda caminar por pasarelas, sobre todo a raíz del éxito del Caminito del Rey de Málaga. Hay que reconocer que facilitan el camino y permiten llegar de forma segura a lugares poco accesibles, a todo tipo de público.
Si algo tiene la ruta de Fuciño do Porco es que cualquiera en buenas condiciones físicas puede realizarla sin necesidad de complicarse mucho la vida. Turismo de Galicia y el Concello de O Vicedo han señalizado recientemente la zona y ya no hay que preocuparse por las coordenadas de Google como antes.
Por ello, la ruta de Fuciño do Porco cuenta con el reconocimiento de Senda Azul, que otorga Adeac, la entidad que gestiona las banderas azules en España.
En este artículo vamos a contarte cómo realizar la ruta de Fuciño do Porco para que no te pierdas nada de uno de los mejores paisajes de la costa norte gallega.
Ruta de Fuciño do Porco | Cómo llegar
Fuciño do Porco se encuentra en la carretera LU-682, entre Viveiro y O Vicedo. Desde esta carretera parte un desvío perfectamente señalizado a Fuciño do Porco – Punta Socastro. Una vía local baja hacia el entorno de la playa de Abrela. Antes de llegar a ésta, encontraremos un pequeño aparcamiento donde debemos dejar el coche. Lo reconoceremos porque hay 2 kioskos de comida y bebida.
Fuciño do Porco | Señalizador
Fuciño do Porco | Kioskos del aparcamiento
Ruta de Fuciño do Porco | Datos técnicos
Distancia: 3,7 km. (i/v).
Tiempo empleado: 2 horas.
Dificultad: Fácil.
Apto para niños: Sí.
Ruta de Fuciño do Porco | Recorrido
Desde que la ruta de Fuciño do Porco se ha convertido en la nueva sensación de la Mariña Lucense suele estar muy concurrido. Sobre todo en temporada estival y festivos. Nos han comentado que aparcar en verano resulta muy complicado y que hay que madrugar un poco si se quiere encontrar sitio en el pequeño aparcamiento. Si no, te tocará dejar el coche en las inmediaciones de la playa de Abrela y subir en cuesta hasta el punto de inicio del sendero.
En ‘Carne de Cabra’ realizamos el recorrido en enero y no tuvimos ningún problema de masificación. Es más, gran parte del trayecto lo hicimos a solas. Sólo a la vuelta nos topamos con varios grupos bastante nutridos. Para ser un día laborable de enero nos llamó la atención y corrobora la gran aceptación que tiene el sendero. Imaginamos que en verano tiene que ser una romería perdiendo parte de su magia. Con el tiempo, veremos en que deriva su fama y si se convierte en otro lugar tan agobiante como la playa de las Catedrales.
La primera etapa de la ruta atraviesa un bosque de eucaliptos por una senda forestal. No debemos desviarnos por ningunos de los caminos adyacentes que aparecen a nuestra derecha. Esta parte es la más monótona aunque sirve para refrescar los pulmones con el olor que desprenden los eucaliptos.
Fuciño do Porco | Bosque de eucaliptos
Fuciño do Porco | Senda forestal
Tras unos 1,3 kilómetros y una pequeña subida empieza a asomarse la acantilada costa, todo un espectáculo geológico. Y veremos la preciosa pasarela de madera sobre la gran mole de piedra que es Fuciño do Porco. La ría de Viveiro, el islote A Gaveira, la playa de Pereira, la playa de San Román o la isla Coelleira son alguna de las maravillas naturales que aparecen ante nosotros. Para identificarlos bien hay algunos paneles informativos.
A partir de ahora sólo nos queda recorrer la pasarela de madera y alucinar en cada paso. Es una experiencia única caminar sobre la cima de los acantilados, en un paisaje virgen con apenas construcciones a la vista. Es puro Cantábrico.
Fuciño do Porco | Por la pasarela
Fuciño do Porco | Pequeña playa inaccesible
Fuciño do Porco | Punta Lodelas
Fuciño do Porco | Vistas de los acantilados
La pasarela desemboca en una pequeña baliza marítima que marca el extremo occidental de la ría de Viveiro.  De hecho, la verdadera razón por la que se construyó esta pasarela de madera fue por facilitar el acceso al personal de mantenimiento de la baliza. Hoy, se ha convertido en un reclamo para los amantes del mar y de la naturaleza.
Fuciño do Porco | Escaleras a la baliza
Fuciño do Porco | Baliza
El camino de vuelta lo haremos por el mismo camino. Es muy aconsejable visitar la cercana playa de Abrela. En este extenso arenal de arena blanca y aguas tranquilas desemboca la ría de Viveiro, por lo que es fácil encontrar muchas conchas para nuestra decoración casera. Además, está rodeada por un bosque con un área de picnic. En el  Chiringuito Abrela puedes encontrar una buena oferta de pescados y mariscos.
Playa de Abrela | O Vicedo
Lo mejor de la Ruta de Fuciño do Porco ♥
La extraordinaria belleza de sus paisajes.
Lo peor de la Ruta de Fuciño do Porco ⊗
Los peligros que trae consigo la masificación: residuos y desalmados que ya han grabado su firma en las rocas.
¿Qué más ver en la Costa Norte gallega?
Esperamos que tu visita a Fuciño do Porco se convierta en una experiencia inolvidable y quieras seguir realizando más recorridos maravillosos por la zona. Para descubrir más secretos de la costa norte gallega puedes visitar el siguiente artículo:
Las Rías Altas coruñesas en 8 recorridos maravillosos
¿Buscas alojamiento en Galicia?
Booking y Airbnb ofrecen una gran variedad de alojamientos. Si reservas desde nuestra página puedes beneficiarte de estos descuentos pinchando en los links.
(*Sólo para nuevos usuarios)
  Ruta de Fuciño do Porco | La última sensación de la Mariña Lucense Uno de los últimos secretos de la Mariña Lucense y de las Rías Altas ha sido descubierto.
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un Día como Hoy 7 de Agosto Dialogos con la Historia
Artículo de Dialogos con la Historia en http://dialogosconlahistoria.com/dia-hoy-7-agosto/
un Día como Hoy 7 de Agosto
Hoy es el Día de San Cayetano, patrono del trabajo
1106 Muere Enrique IV, emperador del Sacro Imperio Romano, hijo del emperador Enrique III.
1502 Los franceses desalojan a los españoles de Canossa, en el sur de Italia.
1533 Nace Alonso de Ercilla, soldado y poeta que, integrado en las expediciones españolas en Chile, culminará su obra cumbre, “La Araucana”, canto épico de singular calidad lírica que enaltece por igual a conquistadores y conquistados.
1680 Antonio de Vera Mujica se traslada a la Banda Oriental, vence al ejército portugués comandado por el general Antonio de Lobo y toma Colonia de Sacramento.
1779 Se funda en la ciudad de Buenos Aires la Casa de Niños Expósitos, luego Casa Cuna y actualmente Hospital de Niños Pedro de Elizalde.
1804 La flota estadounidense bombardea el puerto mediterráneo de Trípoli.
1815 Napoleón Bonaparte, derrotado por los aliados, embarca rumbo al destierro en la isla de Santa Elena
1819 Simón Bolivar vence a los realistas en Boyacá y asegura la independencia de Colombia
1821 Se da el nombre Belgrano a la calle en que había nacido y dejado de existir el general Manuel Belgrano.
1823 Se establece en Buenos Aires la primera Escuela de Agricultura
1857 Nace en Buenos Aires el historiador Adolfo Pedro Carranza. Fundó el Museo Histórico Nacional, que dirigió durante 25 años y al que donó su biblioteca, con más de 8000 volúmenes. Falleció inesperadamente en Buenos Aires el 15 de agosto de 1914 a los 57 años.
1890 Carlos E. Pellegrini accede a la Presidencia, tras la renuncia de Miguel Juárez Celmán.
1900 En México aparece el periódico Regeneración editado por los hermanos Flores Magón.
1904 Se hunde un puente ferroviario cuando pasaba un tren, cerca de Edén, Colorado (EE.UU.), y mueren 125 personas.
1912 Rusia y Japón firman un acuerdo que determina las esferas de influencia en Mongolia y Manchuria.
1914 El pequeño Estado de Montenegro declara la guerra a Austria. Su Ejército no pasaba de 30.000 hombres.
1918 Muere Jaime Vera, médico y político socialista español.
1923 Stalin asume el mando supremo de los ejércitos soviéticos.
1923- Manuel Teixeira Gomes es elegido presidente de la República de Portugal.
1924 Se funda el Club Universitario de Deportes, de Lima, Perú.
1932 Juan Carlos Zabala gana la maratón en los Juegos Olímpicos de Los Angeles Es la primera medalla de oro del deporte argentino
1934 Alfonso López Pumarejo toma posesión de la Presidencia de Colombia. En esta misma fecha de 1942 lo hará por segunda vez.
1936 Se inaugura el Teatro Opera de Buenos Aires.
1938 Muere Constantin Stanislavski, director ruso de teatro.
1941 Muere Rabindranath Tagore, poeta indio, Premio Nobel de Literatura en 1913.
1941 Aviones soviéticos bombardean Berlín por primera vez.
1942 Desembarco estadounidense en la isla de Guadalcanal
1942 Nace Carlos Monzón, boxeador argentino.
1942 Nace Caetano Veloso, cantautor brasileño.
1942 Nace Isabel Allende, escritora
1944 El Tribunal Popular de Berlín condena a muerte a ocho militares inculpados en el atentado contra Hitler del 20 de julio anterior, entre ellos cuatro generales, que fueron ejecutados un día después.
1944 IBM y la Universidad de Harvard presentan la computadora Mark I “IBM Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator”.
1945 La Unión Soviética declara la guerra a Japón siete días antes de rendirse el Imperio del Sol Naciente en la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
1947 Nace Luis Mariñas, periodista.
1948 Nace Jorge Silva Melo, director de cine.
1948 Nace Pau Riba, músico.
1948 Delfo Cabrera gana la maratón en los Juegos Olímpicos de Londres
1950 Laureano Gómez se convierte en presidente de Colombia
1951 Un cohete “Viking”, construido sobre el modelo de una V-2 alemana, alcanza 20.000 ms de altitud.
1954 Alto el fuego en Camboya, después del establecido en Vietnam y Laos
1956 Unos mil muertos al estallar en el centro de la ciudad de Cali siete camiones del Ejército colombiano cargados de municiones y combustible.
1957 Muere Oliver Hardy, integrante de “El Gordo” y “El Flaco”
1958 El submarino atómico “Nautilus” de la marina estadounidense ,atraviesa el Polo Norte.
1958 Nace Bruce Dickinson, músico.
1959 China invade una provincia norteña fronteriza de la India.
1960 Costa de Marfil se independiza de Francia.
1960 Nace David Duchovny, actor estadounidense.
1961 Vuelve a la Tierra, a bordo del “Vostok II”, el astronauta soviético G.Titov, después de 17 órbitas completas realizadas en 25 horas y 18 minutos
1964 La aviación turca bombardea Chipre.
1964 Nace la República Popular del Congo.
1966 Nace Jumbo Wales, el fundador de Wikipedia.
1974 Muere la escritora mexicana Rosario Castellanos.
1980 El huracán “Allen” causa más de un centenar de víctimas a su paso por el Caribe.
1984 En su guerra contra Irán, Irak reanuda el ataque con misiles a los barcos petroleros que navegan por el Golfo Pérsico.
1978 Golpe militar en Honduras. Un triunvirato militar depone al jefe de Estado, general Melgar
1983 Un vehículo cargado de explosivos estalla en un congestionado mercado de la ciudad libanesa de Baalbek y mata a 35 personas, además de herir a 133.
1984 Muere Marcial Lafuente Estefanía, novelista español.
1984 El teólogo Leonardo Boff comparece ante la Santa Congregación para la Doctrina de la Fe para tratar las presuntas herejías de su compatriota Gustavo Gutiérrez y la aparición de la Instrucción sobre algunos aspectos de la Teología de la Liberación.
1987 Los presidentes de Costa Rica, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua y Honduras, reunidos en la ciudad guatemalteca de Esquipulas, formalizan un plan para la pacificación de la zona
1988 Muere Henry Frenay, fundador de la Resistencia Francesa.
1989 Los presidentes centroamericanos, reunidos en Honduras, llegan a un acuerdo para que la “contra” deje de actuar antes de que se celebren elecciones en Nicaragua.
1990 Turquía cierra el oleoducto que transportaba petróleo iraquí al Mediterráneo, tras la invasión de Kuwait por Irak.
1991 Fuerzas turcas atacan a rebeldes kurdos en el norte de Irak.
1992 Se celebra la Conferencia de Desarme, a la que asisten representantes de 39 naciones, que concluirá tras 24 años de discusión con la firma del Tratado de Prohibición de Armamento Químico.
1992 El Gobierno y la guerrilla de Mozambique firman en Roma un compromiso de paz.
1994 Susana Higuchi se separa de Fujimori y anuncia que quiere ser presidenta de Perú. 1994.- X Conferencia Internacional sobre el sida, en Yokohama (Japón), donde se informa de que el “síndrome de inmunodeficiencia adquirida” afecta ya a 17 millones de personas en todo el mundo.
1994 Obreros petroleros cierran la mayor refinería nigeriana para forzar a los gobernantes militares a restablecer la democracia.
1996 En España mueren 87 personas y 183 resultan heridas a causa de la riada provocada por una tormenta que arrasó un camping cerca de Biescas (en la provincia septentrional de Huesca). Es la catástrofe natural más grave de los últimos 25 años en España.
1997 La Asamblea Nacional de Camboya nombra nuevo coprimerministro a Ung Huot, ministro de Exteriores, en sustitución del depuesto príncipe Ranaridh.
1998 Mueren 258 personas y 5.000 resultan heridas en dos atentados perpetrados por el Frente Islámico del saudí Osama Ben Laden contra las Embajadas de EEUU en Nairobi y Dar Es Salam.
1999 Las lluvias torrenciales y el desbordamiento del río Yangtsé en China han causado en los últimos días la muerte de 732 personas, han dejado sin hogar a 5,5 millones y más de 66 millones han resultado damnificados, según datos oficiales.
2000 Científicos estadounidenses y suizos anuncian el descubrimiento de nueve nuevos planetas en órbita en torno a estrellas fuera del sistema solar./ 2001- Renuncia el presidente de Bolivia Hugo Banzer. El vicepresidente Jorge Quiroga asume el gobierno interinamente.
2002 Alvaro Uribe asume la presidencia de Colombia protegido de la guerrilla por 20.000 soldados.
2005 Muere Peter Jennings, presentador de noticias y periodista canadiense.
2006 En Colombia, Álvaro Uribe asume como presidente por segunda vez.
2010 En Colombia, Juan Manuel Santos asume como presidente.
2011 Muere Leo Mattioli, cantante argentino.
2014 En Colombia, Juan Manuel Santos asume como presidente por segunda vez.
2016 Muere Nini Flores, acordeonista y bandeoneonista argentino.
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placestoseein · 8 years
Places to see in ( Ribadeo - Spain ) Ribadeo is a municipality in the Spanish province of Lugo in Galicia. Ribadeo is the capital of the A Mariña Oriental comarca. The municipality of Ribadeo has approximately the shape of a 10x10 kilometer square. It is bordered to the north by the Cantabrian Sea, to the east by the Ribadeo estuary (on the other side of which is Castropol in Asturias), to the west by the municipality of Barreiros and to the south by that of Trabada. The capital of the municipality is the town of Ribadeo. There is one other town - Rinlo - and many small villages and hamlets. The highest point of the municipality is the mountain of Mondigo (571m), in the parish of Cubelas. The coat of arms of Ribadeo is of medieval origin. It depicts waves of the sea on which are superimposed a golden key at an oblique angle and a silver star. The key symbolizes the Ribadeo incorporation into Galicia, and the star its northern location. Until the late seventeenth century the coat of arms lacked the star and the key was in the upright position. This older version can be seen carved in stone in 1699, in the chapel of the Virxe do Camiño, at which time it was already ancient. The local economy of Ribadeo is dominated by the service sector, in particular the retail and hotel trades. There is a fishing and commercial port in Ribadeo , the only major port between Ferrol and Avilés. Alot to see in ( Ribadeo - Spain ) such as : Torre de los Moreno, the house of the Moreno brothers, built in 1905 in an eclectic style. The decoration of the facade suggests Modernism, while that of the rear recalls the neoclassical style. Its concrete and steel construction is unusual. The parish church of Santa María do Campo. The ruins of an ancient Franciscan convent. A number of emblazoned houses in the old quarter. Small beaches to the west below the cliffs, including Playa de As Catedrais, a popular tourist beach named for the shapes carved into the cliffs by the sea. Illa Pancha Illa Pancha CB Playa Islas O Cargadeiro Ribadeo Playa de las Catedrales ( Ribadeo - Spain ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting the city of Ribadeo . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Ribadeo - Spain Join us for more : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLP2J3yzHO9rZDyzie5Y5Og http://ift.tt/2drFR54 http://ift.tt/2cZihu3 http://ift.tt/2drG48C https://twitter.com/Placestoseein1 http://ift.tt/2cZizAU http://ift.tt/2duaBPE
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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Praia das Catedrais, Spain (No. 4)
The beach of Las Catedrales is located on the coast of the province of Lugo (Galicia), also known as La Mariña Lugo. The place where it is located belongs to the municipality of Ribadeo, bordered to the east by the Principality of Asturias and to the west by the municipality of Barreiros.
It was originally baptized as the beach of Aguas Santas. However, it is known by all as the Playa de Las Catedrales due to the gigantic rocks in the form of colossal arches and towers, very similar to those seen in Christian temples. ​The characteristic of the beach are the arches and caves, only noticeable on the beach at low tide. During high tide the beach is relatively small, with fine sand and is still suitable for bathing. It is interesting to see the beach at high tide running along the top of the cliffs in a west-east direction towards Esteiro beach and see it at low tide on the sand of the beach. At low tide you can access a long sandy area delimited by a rocky wall of slate and shale eroded into capricious shapes: arches more than thirty meters high reminiscent of flying buttresses of a cathedral, grottoes of tens of meters, corridors of sand between blocks of rock and other curiosities. With the live tides, in which the tides go down more and rise more than the normal tides, you can even access the neighboring beaches by sand, although you should be careful and return before the tide begins to rise since the sea level rises quickly since it is a stretch of practically horizontal coast belonging to the Cantabrian Rasa. The beach has this relief due to the effect of wind erosion and salt water.
Adjacent to the beach parking lot you can find two viewpoints from where you can fully contemplate magnificent views of La Mariña Lugo.
Source: Wikipedia
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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Praia das Catedrais, Spain (No. 3)
The beach of Las Catedrales (in Galician, praia das Catedrais) is the tourist name of the beach of Aguas Santas (in Galician, praia de Augas Santas), located in the Galician municipality of Ribadeo (parish of Devesa), on the coast of the province of Lugo, Spain, on the Cantabrian Sea. It is about ten kilometers west of the town of Ribadeo. It is known by this name due to the appearance of its cliffs. It is declared a natural monument by the Ministry of Environment of the Junta de Galicia.
Source: Wikipedia
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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Praia das Catedrais, Spain (No. 2)
The characteristic features of the beach are its natural arches and caves, which can be seen only at low tide. During high tide, the beach appears small, but still suitable for swimming. During low tide the size of its cliffs and sea caves is more apparent, ranging from small cracks on the rock to big caves whose roofs have collapsed due to the erosion of the waves.
At low tide, there is access to a sand deposit delimited by a rocky wall made from slate and schist forming 30 meters arches resembling cathedral flying buttresses, large caves, sand corridors between rocky blocks, and other geological features. Particularly low tides create access to nearby beaches through the sand extension. As the coast stretch is almost horizontal, the water covers the beach again very quickly.
Source: Wikipedia
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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Beach of the Cathedrals, Spain (No. 1)
The Cantabrian Sea is the coastal sea of the Atlantic Ocean that bathes most of the northern coast of Spain and the southwestern end of the Atlantic coast of France; is the southern part of the Bay of Biscay. Traditionally it has been considered to extend from Cape Ortegal (43°46′N 7°52′W), in the province of A Coruña, to the mouth of the river Adur, near the city of Bayonne, on the coast of the department of Pyrénées-Atlantiques, in the French Basque Country.​ It bathes 800 kilometers of coastline shared by the provinces of La Coruña and Lugo (Galicia), Asturias, Cantabria, Vizcaya and Guipúzcoa (Basque Country), and the French department of Pyrénées-Atlantiques.
The Cantabrian Sea was baptized by the Romans in the first century BC as Cantabricus Oceanus in reference to one of the peoples that populated its coasts: the Cantabrians. In other older classical quotations it appears under the name Britannicus Oceanus and Gallicus Oceanus.​
Source: Wikipedia
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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As Catedrais Beach, Spain (No. 3)
The beach is attended by a lifeguard team; there are daily cleaning services, and less than 500 m. in the area there are restaurants, hostels, hotels and other public services (bridges, car parks etc...). Other services on the beach are showers and toilets, as well as signs of the state of the sea. Very close to it are the marinas of Ribadeo and Foz . And in the case of accidents, the Costa-Burela Regional Hospital is in charge of attending to them.
What stands out most about this beach are the 300 meters of cliffs pierced by the tide that form arches similar to the arched arches of Gothic cathedrals (origin of its current name), and that can only be seen at low tide . The beach is protected by those of San Miguel de Reinante ( Barreiros ), Esteiro, As Illas, Os Castros, Areosa and Olga (all from Ribadeo), which, in turn, give their name and make up the ZEC As Catedrais, a protected natural area.
Source: Wikipedia  
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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As Catedrais Beach, Spain (No. 1)
The beach is open with fine white sand, washed by a moderate swell. Some years have the Blue Flag . It is a place of pilgrimage to visit its arches and cliffs, including the various eyes (furnas), the Xan Galo island arch and the Chinelo passageway cave, at sand level, and to admire the whole from the footpath from the top of the cliff.
Among its arches are hidden a large number of species of algae, molluscs, birds and vegetables, currently under study through an agreement between the municipality of Ribadeo and the University of Santiago de Compostela.
Source: Wikipedia
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galiciaenteira · 5 years
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Caminos de Santiago. Por el camino del norte http://www.galiciaenteira.com/caminos-de-santiago-por-el-camino-del-norte/
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