#A Segolene mention
“Come on. Let’s get it wrapped up.”
"He killed me! That piece of shit KILLED ME!"
Lucio was shrieking to the high heavens, though more out of anger than pain. Despite the bleeding wound in his torso. He spits into the dirt as Raserei wrangles him down and convinces him to let him look at it. Bandage it. If Lucio was so worried about dying- then why was he pacing around and thrashing like a mad man? Resulting in more blood loss, perhaps he was just that pissed off that some 'civvy' managed to sneak up and shank him.
Likely for the bounty, but they apparently didn't remember that he came into town with the giant now coddling him. Lucio's screams and rage were always audible to Ras apparently. As he had come running. As he always did.
"Ras- Ras-" He whimpers though it's obvious that it isn't because he was 'dying' yet or running out of energy. Just being dramatic, as is the norm.
"Don't let me die babe- but if I do- tear that motherfucker apart with your hands and drink his blood or somethin'! Somethin' cool. Send my heart to Miss Segolene in a box. I promised her she could have it when I expired."
For the rest of the evening, all that could be heard was whining and moaning. Lamenting his passing although, perhaps to Raserei's chagrin, he was indeed very much still alive; for now.
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vavuska · 4 years
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"Evita" (1996), starring Madonna as Eva Durate de Peron and Jonathan Pryce as Col. Juan Domingo Peron.
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"On the Balcony of the Casa Rosada"
Vocals: Jonathan Pryce, Nick Holder
[Is the day of Peron's inauguration on June 4, 1946 four months after his victory in what was by most accounts a cleanly tabulated election. In six currently available biographies in English of Eva Peron there is no mention of a balcony scene on this day (as there was when Juan Peron addressed a crowd of 200,000 late on the night of his release from custody on Oct. 17, 1945). There was a triumphant ride to the Casa Rosada and a ceremonial transfer of power there in the White Salon under a gleaming chandelier.]
People of Argentina! Your newly elected President - Juan Peron!
(The CROWD begins to chant "Peron! Peron!")
Argentinos! Argentinos! We're all workers now! Fighting against our common enemies - Poverty, social injustice, foreign domination of our industries! Reaching for our common goals - Our independence, our dignity, our pride! Let the world know that our great nation is awakening, And that its heart beats in the humble bodies of Juan Peron - and his wife, the first lady of Argentina, Eva Duarte de Peron!
(The CROWD now begins to chant "Evita! Evita!".)
(Afert Madonna sings "Don't cry for me, Argentina")
What this meme means?
This is an old post about the banish of palm oil because palm plantations are reputed to be a major factor of global deforestation. Displacement of indigenous peoples, deforestation and loss of biodiversity are all consequences of our palm oil consumption. Italian corporate Ferrero is one of the biggest world's brand to use palm oil in it's products, one of them is Nutella.
In 2015, France's Ecology Minister Segolene Royal declared that people need to stop eating Nutella because it is made with palm oil and damages the environment."We have to replant a lot of trees because there is massive deforestation that also leads to global warming. We should stop eating Nutella, for example, because it's made with palm oil," she said, during an interview with French television network Canal+.
That's why Salvini, strumentalizing ignorance of the people about environment and international goals of Rio de Janeiro and Paris agreements, started claiming that foreign industries were trying to sabotage Italian economy, expecially the most loved edible product in Italy: Nutella!
Scores of the world’s biggest consumer brands have agreed to phase out deforestation through the use of sustainable palm oil by 2020, but this goal looks far out of reach for many, according to separate reports from the campaigning groups WWF and Rainforest Action Network. Brands are failing in their commitments to banish deforestation from their supply chains through their use of palm oil, despite making public claims to environmental sustainability, according to two reports. However, Ferrero is the one that makes most progresses toward phasing out unsustainable palm oil from their supply chains.
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Salvini had a long love / hate relationship with Ferrero's Nutella: in the "Palm Oil Affaire" was a great italian agri-food industry that must be preserved by foreign bureaucrats (in 2015 French Environment Minister Segolene Royal suggested Ferrero use raw materials others than palm oil, which contributes to deforestation) and their environmental claims, but later become also an enemy for small agriculture economy in Italy, because Ferrero uses hazelnuts from Turkey (and also Italy, Chile, South Africa, Australia, Georgia and Serbia).
In December 2019, during a speech in Ravenna, Salvini said: «La Nutella? Ma lo sa, signora, che ho cambiato? Perché ho scoperto che per la Nutella usa nocciole turche, e io preferisco aiutare le aziende che usano prodotti italiani, preferisco mangiare italiano, aiutare gli agricoltori italiani. »
TRANSLATION: «Nutella? But did you know that I change product, mrs? Because I discovered that Nutella uses Turkish hazelnuts, and I prefer to help Italian companies that use Italian products, I prefer to eat Italian, to help Italian agri-food producers.»
Nearly three-quarters of the world's hazelnuts come from Turkey and the biggest buyer is Ferrero, maker of Nutella, the chocolate and hazelnut spread. Ferrero consumes alone about 20% of global production of hazelnuts, while Italy, that is the second largest producer of hezelnuts in the world, provides only 14% of global production of hazelnuts, so it is necessary use hezelnuts from other countries too. By the way, Ferroro invested in a project that aims to enlarge Italian production of hezelnuts to 30% of global production.
However, the nuts that comes from Turkey are picked mainly by migrants, including children, who work long hours for very low pay.
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arthyen · 8 years
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So this is how I met Aaron Tveit:
Long story short, I'm French, born in Paris. I've been a fan of Aaron for years but never thought I'd be able to meet him as he rarely comes to Europe. But I had a trip planned to go to New York City for holidays on February and a few months ago I saw that Aaron was giving a concert just that week in Long Island (thanks to @wallshipjournal for that!). They were also the ones to explain what was exactly a Meet&Greet (with @leepacey too) and convinced me to buy that pretty expensive ticket (thanks again guys, great advice). This is how it all started.
So the weeks passed as I got more and more excited and I finally went on holidays. My bf nicely agreed to come with me to the concert and we took the LIRR from Manhattan to Huntington, trying not to get lost (that was actually pretty easy) and appreciating the trip to what seemed to us like “the real NY” (I don’t know but it was different anyway). We arrived at around 5pm in that city that seemed pretty cold and empty at first. Although we couldn't understand a word of what the taxi driver said (strong accent), he dropped us in front of the Paramount. Things were getting real.
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We entered the Paramount and my bf who didn't have a M&G ticket had to leave, leaving me alone with a group of around fifty chatty excited women (and two guys). I received a signed poster and a signed VIP badge. In the background I first thought that I was listening to the record of 54 Below until I got that... wait... it was actually the REAL Aaron singing!! And what a voice! He sounded even more beautiful that on the records! We stood in line for a while, waiting for everyone to be there, listening to Aaron's rehearsal, all getting excited to hear what he had planned to sing and giggling every time he held the note. I got quite nervous so I started to chat with people, asking them if they had already met him and how it went (good, obviously).
Finally he finished and some girl from the staff moved the curtain and there he was, on the stage. A rumble passed through the crowd and a shiver down our spines. I think it’s when everyone really realised that it was happening. As for me, I was feeling totally out of my confort zone, I didn't know anyone there, I didn’t know the shows on the tv screens, nor the things people were chatting about (what’s summer classes?), the whole concept seemed really weird and I was feeling a bit ridiculous. But at the same time very lucky to be here. After so many videos on YouTube, downloads of Graceland or Braindead, he was really there! Honestly I had thought about that day for weeks.
We approached and the organizer told us that we would all be taking a picture with Aaron, give him a gift if we had one, say hi, and then he would answer to a general Q&A (the questions were sent by us by email a few days before). Some people felt a bit frustrated because apparently in some other M&G there was some one on one time with Aaron to make him sign stuff and chat a little. Honestly I was hoping to talk to him about some things and a bit disappointed that there was so little individual time. Apparently it’s because we were quite numerous this time. But he was there, he came toward us and said hi to the crowd. He seemed a little tensed, probably because there was so many of us, but he was very smiley.
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We settled for the pictures, it was going pretty fast and my turn came. I was completely red and shaky as he friendly smiled at me (yes, that dreamy smile). He asked for my name, which is very french (Segolene, like say-go-lane) so he  didn’t really get it, I gave him my gift (won't tell you what it is (ok a book, but not which one)) and mumbled that I was so happy and coming from Paris. He seemed really surprised and asked if I had made the trip just for the concert, so I said that I was on holidays and he laughed and said he was relieved (yeah I'm not that crazy. Not yet.) He thanked me for coming and gave me a hug (omg arms, chest, perfume, sweater, hair, omg) and we had the pic taken (look at my red face, it says it all...). Then I told him a few things about the book and had to leave. I was completely shaky but really happy, he was so nice and friendly, seemed really happy to meet everyone and grateful for all. Some people had brought posters so he still took the time to sign them. It was great.
Then he got on the stage for the Q&A. There was some music in the background so we couldn't hear him talking at first. We had to wait for the staff to shut the music off and turn on the microphone. In the meantime he was standing there, everyone staring at him and someone asked how weird he was feeling right now. He laughed nervously, saying that it was totally weird (you don't say). First the staff shut the music off and the organizer started asking him a question, but everyone couldn't hear him so he said he wouldn't answer until the microphone would be turned up (pretty nice of him). 
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Finally it got on and he stared answering. I started recording for my friends who sadly stayed in Europe (@weird-dorky-little, that's for you). You can look at the videos of the Q&A on my blog, I didn’t record everything but most of it. My question sadly wasn't asked (I wondered what was his Hogwarts House) (yes nerdy I know) (I'd say Ravenclaw for my friend says Hufflepuff). But there were some great questions. I really liked the Disney prince one. I said Dimitri, I know Anastasia is not Disney but we thought he'd be a great Dimitri for a while so I had to. Also the Fiyero pants question was great. We had some pretty good laughs. It was all relaxed and very nice. I think that it went well, as you can see on the videos he was really sweet and smiley, he seemed happy to be there. I know at least we were. I think it lasted around 15 minutes. Then he thanked us again for coming and said he hoped we would enjoy the show (you bet) and left. It was around 7pm at that time so I left to find my bf and eat something. That’s when we realised that Huntington was actually a pretty nice town. 
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We came back by 8pm for the beginning of the concert. The place was pretty small, with a nice view from everywhere. We were all pretty close to him, able to see his funny faces. He started to sing and it was totally amazing. As I said before his voice is completely beautiful in real life, so pure and clear. There were some songs that I didn't know, but some that made me shiver. By the middle of the show he changed his Hawaiian shirt for a top tank and suddenly ARMS. Wow. So much arms. The whole show was great. I cried when he mentioned the salami sex. I totally lost it with Shake it off and Never getting back together. I was shivering at One Song Glory. And I seriously blushed at Nice and Slow (hopefully it was dark). To me it felt a lot more intense than just watching the videos, I was really clapping and yelling, my heart bounced at every song when guessing what title it was. It was a lot of emotions to be there live. My bf recorded most of the concert, ask me by message if you want it but there are already a lot of photos and videos about it.
Honestly it was an amazing experience and I am so glad that I had the chance to meet him and see him perform live. I'd totally recommend it if anyone has the possibility, although I still think that the Meet&Greet tickets are quite expensive. But hey, treat yourself, right? It was totally my best night in NYC (even if we fell asleep on the train back to Manhattan and got rudely awoken by the train manager ringing a bell at 1am on an empty train on an empty platform in an empty station). I brought so many precious memories and Aaron was exactly as I imagined him, nice and sweet. It was really great. So yes, that’s how I met Aaron Tveit. 
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When he opens a character with only a haiku in this, he is actually taken right into the world from Segolene as well as Bilodo the postman found convenience in his lifestyle in an unique method. Of the ones which address our asks for, well over fifty percent were generating cash with binary choices. On your iPhone or even apple ipad, you can utilize Environments > iTunes & App Shop, tap your Apple ID on top from the upcoming screen, then use the appropriate option - to alter particulars, touch Perspective Apple ID and go into the password. Next, you are going to car pick the providing size coming from the possibilities provided, together with what meal as well as day it stands for. You'll discover this possibility in the Hand Activity menu in the Controls tab from Settings. 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gilespaxman · 7 years
Ready to go!
Mark first mentioned the possibility of a Pacific adventure when we were on the way to Antigua in November 2015. Now, nearly 18 months later, Rapture is in the Galapagos and my bag is baked and ready to go. Mostly shorts and tee shirts, Wet weather gear and sailing shoes. A few oil filters, horseradish sauce and Coleman’s mustard - we do not intend to starve on this voyage! After a few days provisioning and sightseeing on the Galapagos, we will set off for the Marquesas islands, some 3000 nautical miles to the West. Then, after more sightseeing and provisioning, another 800 miles or so down to the Tuamotu archipelago, where Segolene and Mark’s wife, Sarah, will join us for a cruise through the Society Islands to Tahiti. Sounds idyllic? I hope so!
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Continued from here. (Cause I think we're both annoyed with this garbage lol.)
Her grin grew wider. Someone was feeling mischievous. “I think I’ll survive, for now,” she hummed. She turned away slightly, eyes closed and brow lifted as she told him in a light, tone, “Guess you’ll hafta sleep in the barn wit’ the new baby kittens!” She was going to offer him her bedroom. Of course she was. But she had to mess with him first.
"Oh goodie. I'd hate for ya to get too forlorn without me around," He teases lightly before she mentions the barn. Honestly it wouldn't be the worst place he's ever slept. And kittens were involved? Cicero adored such tiny little things. They're always so soft and noisy.
"The barn? Is that so Miss Segolene?" He muses, a gust of wind ashing the cigarette for her. Lucio spares a glance to the barn he'd been hanging around.
"I didn't know there were little kittens about. Mayhaps I'll just prematurely give up on my trying to convince you to let me shack up with ya so I can cuddle the babies. I... adore cats."
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