#A few kids have asked me when I'm putting up decorations/a tree and oh man do I love to say that I'm not going to!
goodcatastrophe · 10 months
It's pretty difficult to go on my annual anti-christmas tirade when working in an elementary school but I'm doing my best
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How my Jewish identity came to be:
I always thought my eye shape was a little weird.
I have a very large crease on the upper lid. I thought oh, that's kinda like east asian eyes. But my eyes look different.
I saw that there was a lot of under-eye puffyness. I thought oh, people use cucumbers to get rid of that. I must be tired. But it was mid-day. The puffyness never went away.
My friends have pretty wide eyes. I thought oh, that's strange. But my mom always told me that society likes big wide-eyed white women. But does that mean society doesn't like me? Does that mean I'm not white?
I had always been told I was white. Well, my mom always told me. My dad shrugged and said "It's complicated. But people will see you as white." I didn't understand why. I knew at some level that being Jewish was an ethnicity, that Jews are from Israel, and that Israel is in the Middle East, but when people saw me they thought I was white. Because I have pale skin and blue eyes.
I have blue eyes because my Dad has blue eyes. His Irish Dad has blue eyes. But my dad's Mom is Jewish. She speaks some Yiddish, and never puts up Christmas decorations, but I had no reason to think that was strange. I knew she gave us presents, even though she doesn't celebrate Christmas like my goy friends do.
We celebrate Christmas because both of my Jewish grandmothers get FOMO during the season. They didn't want to miss out. So when they were kids they would get a little present and say they celebrated it. When they married goyim they had a tree. Now my direct family has a tree.
My mom was told she was ethnically Jewish, but that all religion is dumb and the Quakers were probably onto something with all the acceptance and peace...etc. My dad was told "You are Jewish. Society will either see you as a rich white man or a sneaky brown man. You do not get to choose. The minute you say your grandfather was a man named Murray Goldstein, they will know. You do not get to choose, because society has chosen your race already and the left and the right will never agree on who is right." He never told me exactly this, but it was implied.
On certain tests and forms, they ask you for your race. It always said the same thing: Asian, Black, Native American, White, Mixed, and sometimes they said Pacific Islander. What did I put? My parents put white, but I always knew on some level that wasn't the full truth. I would write "Ashkenazi Jewish" at the bottom and let them decide.
Then October 7th happened. People on the streets said, "Go back to Poland". I was never Polish. My family lived in Ukraine. Did they want me to go back to Ukraine? There is a war there! I would not be safe. I don't have any relatives in Ukraine. My family left at the start of the 20th century. Who would I go to? Where would I go?
When October 7th happened, I thought the world would stand for Israel. I knew it was the Jewish homeland, and I had already been researching Birthright trips a few months before. On my favorite TV show, Black-ish the main character, Dre Johnson said "Jewish kids get to go to Israel, why can't my kid say the N-word?" in that horribly out-of-context quote, I knew it was my homeland. Why did these people say it wasn't?
My younger sister had a babysitter who was Palestinian. Let's call her Fatima. I didn't know that was an ethnicity until I met her. Her mom was a politician there. All Fatima was doing was saying "Get my mom out of Gaza. It's not safe for her." She knew I was Jewish, and she was always nice and supportive. I still follow her on Duolingo.
Fatima had a friend who was also one of my sister's babysitters. I'm going to call her Charlotte. Charlotte was a white British woman. She heavily supported the Pro-Palestine cause. She marched in protests and boycotted businesses. She was a goy, and we both knew that. Fatima never protested and was always happy to buy from Starbucks and other Zionist businesses. Charlotte would always listen to me explain B'nai Mitzvahs, but it was clear I was the only Jewish person she knew.
I don't say these things to say that Palestinians can't support the cause, I'm saying this because Fatima didn't, and her white friend did. The fact that Fatima was brown and trying to finish her PhD definitely played into it.
I read Chaim Potok's The Chosen. Its end plot was about the creation of the modern state of Israel. In the end, the characters agreed that after the Holocaust, we deserve to call the land of our ancestors our own. My family agreed with that.
At the time I was really into Pinterest. More specifically, Tumblr screenshots on Pinterest (definitely influenced my decision to come here). After a while, I got more pins on my dash saying "All Zionists are evil. Come to the good side!" That definitely sounded like a cult, so I looked more into it. I saw a lot of people saying "Zionism is killing Palestinians", but I also saw people saying "The official Jewish definition of Zionism is the belief that Israel should exist. 80% of Jews want Israel to exist." The comments were either "Thank you! This is what I have been saying for months!" or "fuck you zionist rat you are killing Palestinians." I looked into it on more trustworthy websites. They usually agreed that it just meant wanting Israel to exist. They also said that Khanisim is the belief that Palestinians must die for Israel to exist. I didn't like that idea. In my Pinterest bio, I put yellow ribbons to support the hostages. I started getting hate messages.
I am here now, and from my bio and previous posts, you can assume my stance on the situation. This post started with me complaining about my eyes and to give you an epilogue, it was today I realized they were Jewish eyes. I love them and would never change them for the world.
If you have any questions regarding this post or me in general you can privately message me. I am a minor though, so don't be creepy. Have a good day!
Also: my other blog is @jewishbiancadiangelo. It's mostly Percy Jackson stuff.
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askaceattorney · 9 months
Christmas Chicken
It is the day before Christmas and Larry wants to buy Edgeworth chicken from KFC. Hopefully, this year's Christmas will be better than it was 16 years ago.
Today would be the last day before Christmas break when Phoenix would be off work for two days. Last Christmas was the exception because of Edgeworth, but this year he would finally have his days off. It wasn't as if there weren't other lawyers willing to take cases. Usually, trials would not take place on Christmas unless they were big ones, especially ones that involved those who worked in law. After last year, Phoenix wanted this year to celebrate Christmas with Maya, Pearl and-
The door burst open with Larry storming in urgency. Oh no.
“NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICK! We gotta hurry before it's too late!” Larry cried excitedly.
“Before what is too late? Larry, what do you want?” Phoenix asked.
“Chicken, dude! It's the Holidays and we still haven't got our chicken for Edgey!”
“Wait, what are you talking about?” Phoenix asked, now seemingly more confused. Sure, California followed the tradition of eating chicken for Christmas instead of turkey or ham, but he couldn't recall him and Larry agreeing to buy chicken for Edgeworth. Not that he wouldn't want to.
“Don't you remember? How could you forget about our promise?” Larry asked his eyes in tears.
“Promise?” Phoenix questioned, rubbing his chin to figure out what it was that Larry was talking about. Christmas. Chicken. Edgeworth. “Hold it! Are you talking about that time you dragged to go to KFC to buy chicken for Edgeworth for Christmas?”
“YES! I knew you wouldn't forget!” Larry smirked, hands on his hips, before crying again. “But, Edgey and Pops weren't home that day!”
“And left me out in the cold rain for hours while the chicken grew cold,” Phoenix reminded Larry, already feeling his buckets of sweat pouring.
“And ruined our beloved chicken,” Larry finished, still in tears.
Actually, the chicken wasn't ruined. It had just turned cold and Larry left Phoenix by himself in the rain with the chicken still in the box, trying to keep it from sogging in the rain. It was recalling that memory that Phoenix remembered how much trouble he got for being out in the rain and catching the flu. This was also the last day he ever saw Edgeworth and the last Christmas they had before DL-6.
Sighing, Phoenix agreed, “I'll go, if it makes you feel any better.”
“Awesome Nick. I knew I could count on you!” Larry grinned happily, showing his teeth. He then showed his smirk again. “I checked the weather too. There should be no rain this time.”
“That's... good I guess,” Phoenix replied, still wanting to bring an umbrella just in case. “There should be a KFC just a few blocks away.”
“Let's go, then!”
Phoenix and Larry went outside, hopping on their bikes and riding along. However, Phoenix made sure to put up a 'Closed for the Holidays' sign before leaving. Maya was already shopping for chicken for her and Pearl, so why couldn't he? It was very cool today with the entire city of L.A. decorating for the holidays with their bright lights on the buildings and trees that sparkled green, yellow and red. Christmas trees were propped up with decorative lights and snowflakes were planted on the windows and doors. Advertisements were everywhere of Christmas cakes, chicken, chocolates, coffee and sodas. Lines were piling up to get their holiday meals.
“No worries, I already made a reservation, so we should have our chicken hot and ready!” Larry assured excitedly.
“Did you reserve a whole chicken?” Phoenix asked, being that 16 years ago Larry had only got the chicken bucket since he didn't know that the whole chicken had to be reserved. “How much did it cost?”
“Don't worry, it's only forty bucks. I figured you'd be able to pay for it. It beats using Edgey's lunch money,” Larry said as Phoenix shot him a glare. “I'm kidding, man!”
“Of course, you are because, at the time, you had to beg your sister for money while combining it with my pocket change I got from mowing lawns,” Phoenix reminded Larry.
“Hey, you remembered! Man, my sis was so mean! I had to clean her room for the entire week just so she could give me ten dollars. Between the two of us, we were able to reach enough to afford a big chicken bucket,” Larry said blissfully.
“Don't you get paid for that Santa gig or wherever you're working at now?” Phoenix asked.
“Yeah! You want us to split like 16 years ago? I can cough up twenty.”
“Yes! I still need to save some for Maya and Pearls! I'm not spending Forty bucks for a bird you ordered!”
“Fine. Fine. We'll split the cost. Geez, that's all you had to say.”
Phoenix was now remembering that last Christmas with Edgeworth so clearly, now that he was helping Larry. He never realized how much this meant to his childhood friend. He still remembered, that after buying the chicken bucket, he and Larry were searching for Edgeworth. It was almost Christmas Eve and had realized that the Edgeworths were not home. They didn't realize that Gregory had taken him and Miles to have Christmas with his colleague, Raymond Shields. Worst of all, it began pouring rain.
“Great, now our Christmas Present is ruined!” Larry whined as Nick protected the chicken bucket with his body and the edge of the roof of the apartment where the Edgeworths lived. “Let's go home, Nick.”
“No! The chicken is fine! We can still give it to Miles,” Young Nick exclaimed, feeling the pour of water from the rain pouring from the roof and onto his back. He was determined to protect the chicken bucket.
“Forget it. He's not home. We're already in trouble as it is,” Larry sighed, walking mopily back home. “Merry Christmas.”
“Larry,” Nick muttered, hearing the thunder from the rain and feeling stupid for not bringing an umbrella like his mom always told him to. He stared down at the bucket of chicken with determination in his furrowed eyebrows. “Miles will come home. He has to.” He looked up at the dark clouds of the sky as his entire back began to drench in water, his body shaking from the cold water. Thankfully, it rarely ever got cold in L.A.
“We're here!” Larry cried excitedly, Phoenix was now back to reality as the two of them parked their bikes at the bike rack, remembering to lock their bikes with the bike lock. “Hurry!” Larry took his best friend by the sleeve of his blue suit, then dragged him to the back of the line inside KFC.
There was an aroma of cooked chicken and fried foods. It was enough to make anyone who entered go hungry, even after eating. It was mostly clean with a sizable line and people at the tables talking among themselves. The sounds of beeping could be heard from behind the cash registers all lined up along the long counter where the crew workers were cooking the food, taking orders from the drive-thru and preparing.
Larry excitedly stared at the screen menu, grinning, “I've already ordered ahead of time, so they should be ready with the chicken to pick up.”
“Did you really order a whole chicken?” Phoenix asked in an amazed tone.
“Sure did! I wasn't going to ruin the chicken this time,” Larry smirked braggingly.
“The chicken wasn't ruined last time either. It just got cold,” Phoenix reminded his friend once more, sighing.
“It was still ruined. We never even got to eat it together,” Larry cried sadly as Phoenix shook his head.
“Because you left so soon.”
“The chicken was ruined!” Larry cried with such heartbreak that Phoenix felt bad, but also...
“Larry, we...” Phoenix tried to explain before they made it to the clerk.
“What can I get for you?” The Clerk asked politely.
“Oh yes, we ordered a whole chicken earlier this month. Larry Butz,” Larry said, his tears now gone and replaced with his usual cocky expression.
“Ah yes! Mr. Butz. Let me check,” The Clerk replied checking the orders to find a whole chicken.
“Thank you!” Larry cried out.
“Larry, listen, about the chicken,” Phoenix said, taking his friend by the shoulder.
“I know, right!? I can't wait until we get a bite of that!”
“No, I mean when we were kids. After you left, I waited with that chicken bucket for hours until the Edgeworths got home.”
“I know, Nick. The chicken was cold and you caught the flu because I always ruin everything,” Larry sighed sadly.
“Larry, that's not wha-” Phoenix tried to say, but was interrupted.
“Don't try to make me feel better, Nick. I know I'm trouble. That's why they call me the Butz. 'When something smells, it's always the Butz.' I just wanna do something right for once, alright. I always mess everything up, even my relationships.”
“Larry...” Phoenix said gently before the clerk came with the bag with the whole grilled chicken inside. The white bag showed the face of Colonial Sanders on the front.
“That will be 41.23,” The Clerk said as both Phoenix and Larry opened their wallets.
“Wait, I checked the price and it said $40!” Larry exclaimed.
“That's before tax, Larry,” Phoenix explained, feeling like facepalming right now. “It's fine, I'll pay the extra dollar and cents.”
“Thanks, Buddy,” Larry cried joyfully before he and Phoenix split the pay of the chicken, with Phoenix paying an extra dollar and twenty-three cents more.
Larry and Phoenix tied the bag before making their way to their bikes. Larry dropped the chicken in Phoenix's front bike basket. The two of them made their way, peddling to Edgeworth's apartment. Larry seemed so excited that everything was going his way for once. However, the one thing he seemed to underestimate was how long it was going to take to get to the apartment and to check the sky. Phoenix knew and was thankful he always knew to bring an umbrella. It was just like 16 years ago.
The first few drops landed on Larry's face before he screamed, “SERIOUSLY!?! It's raining!” He stopped peddling as Phoenix paused his, opening his umbrella.
“I've got an umbrella and the bag is tied tightly. The rain isn't going to ruin the chicken if we hurry,” Phoenix promised before the few drops turned into a downpour.
“Why does the world hate me!?” Larry cried dramatically, Phoenix keeping his umbrella above the chicken to keep it dry.
“I just want this Christmas to go right for once! I even checked the weather to make sure it wouldn't rain and they said it wouldn't!”
“This is not fair! Christmas is ruined and I-”
“LARRY BUTZ WILL YOU LISTEN TO ME FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIFE!?!” Phoenix screamed at Larry, making him stop his dramatics and stare directly at his friend, who was using his umbrella to protect the chicken. “You are a butz and always cause trouble, but you were the one that brought us together!” Larry stared at his best friend dumbfounded, his eyes still blinking in shock as Phoenix continued, “You stole Edgeworth's lunch money and while that might've resulted in me getting thrown under the bus by my classmates, that action showed me who my real friends were. You were the one that introduced me to Cow Tipping.”
“Yeah, before almost getting killed by a bull,” Larry muttered.
“But, we weren't and do you know why?”
“Because Edgey got us out?” Larry replied with a question.
“That's right. In the end, getting me to Cow Tip is what brought Edgeworth into the cattle pin and got us Detention. We were the only ones in the Detention Room. We were together.”
“Our Christmas was ruined that day, but not because of the chicken. It was because you weren't there,” Phoenix said as Larry's face began changing to that of a look that had been hit by a bulldozer. “So, don't leave this time when you don't even know how Christmas will turn out. Just because it didn't go the way we wanted, that doesn't mean it's all for naught. Look at the chicken.”
Larry looked at the chicken, seeing that it was still tied shut without a drop of rain on it. Even so “The chicken will get cold,” he said.
“It will. So, don't leave us this time. Let's have Christmas together,” Phoenix said as Larry nodded solemnly.
“Let's have Christmas together... rain or no rain,” Larry decided, getting back on his bike. “I won't leave this time.”
Phoenix smiled warmly before the two of them peddled down the rainy path. They were almost to Edgeworth's apartment anyhow. While riding his bike, Phoenix made sure that the chicken stayed as dry as it could with his umbrella. He was just as determined to save the chicken as he was those years ago. At the time, he never realized how much that day meant to Larry or his wanting to make that Christmas without causing trouble. Phoenix always assumed that Larry just never thought much of all the times he caused trouble for others. The more he thought about it, the more he realized that, in Larry's shoes, he'd feel dejected.
That Christmas was the last holiday Phoenix and Larry had with Edgeworth before DL-6 which would take place only three days later. Larry just wanted to make things right with Edgeworth, knowing Christmas was probably the worst holiday for him as a reminder of the worst day of his life. However, what Larry never knew was what had happened that day after he left.
Nick waited at the Edgeworths' apartment for hours and minutes he couldn't count. It was already black outside and had been freezing from the rain pouring and trying to keep the food dry. His arms went stiff at this point, his breaths panting before taking notice of the headlights from the car. Nick blinked, focusing on his breathing without noticing someone approaching.
“Nick, is that you? What are you doing here so late at night?” Gregory asked as Nick turned, not realizing his face was in tears.
“Larry and I got Miles some chicken a-and now it's...” Nick sobbed before sneezing.
“You're an idiot! Where is Larry!?” Miles asked, sounding angry as Nick turned his face down sadly, his body shaking again before feeling a brown coat over his body.
“Come here,” Gregory cooed, holding Nick in his arms. “Miles, bring the chicken inside. Hurry!”
“Yes, Father!” Miles replied, hurriedly taking the bucket of chicken and bringing it inside the apartment.
“B-B-But the chicken's probably co-oh AH-CHOO!” Nick trembled before sneezing.
“We can heat it up and eat it. Come on, now. I'll go warm you up some hot tea,” Gregory said, bringing Nick inside to provide him with warm clothes and to warm up the chicken.
Larry and Phoenix finally made it to Edgeworth's apartment, the sky already dark with its black clouds and thunder. Grabbing a hold of the bag of chicken, Phoenix dashed the doors of the stairwell, making their way to the front door of Edgeworth's apartment. At least the rain couldn't touch the chicken, now that it was dry. Larry pressed the doorbell.
“Hey Edgey! It's Nick and your old pal!” Larry called as Phoenix's body began shaking. He turned, taking notice. “Hurry up man, Nick is shaking! It's pouring out there and we brought you some chicken!”
The door opened, only to meet a familiar face that Phoenix did NOT want to meet, but it seemed Larry thought the opposite. He grinned, “And, who are you supposed to- EEK!” An oncoming whip made his way from the trigger-happy prosecutor.
“What is the meaning of this!? Phoenix Wright, you better explain yourself before I-” Franziska demanded before Phoenix began to sneeze.
“Sorry,” Phoenix moaned, feeling the sniffles.
“Honestly Wright, after all of these years, I'd think you'd have learned about going along with Larry's ideas!” Edgeworth rebuked with a voice filled with annoyance.
“You know this foolish man?” Franziska asked dumbfoundedly, glaring at Larry who got up.
“Sure do. Edgey and I go way back. So... are you Edgey's girlfriend? I didn't think he would ever get a date,” Larry grinned as Edgeworth glared at him.
“For your information, she is my mentor's daughter and like a sister to me!” Edgeworth glared.
“Oh, a sister. Why didn't you say so?” Larry said, not erasing his grin.
“S-So um... can I go inside. The chicken's already cold and I- AH-CHOO!” Phoenix sneezed.
“It went cold again?” Larry asked, saddened. “It's just like 16 years ago. I always ruined everything, even chicken.”
“What are you blabbering about?” Edgeworth asked, seemingly confused.
“H-H-He's talking about that time when we bought that KFC chicken bucket and AH-CHOO!” Phoenix explained before sneezing again.
“Ah yes, my last Christmas with you. You really did miss out, didn't you?” Edgeworth smirked slightly, showing a much softer smile.
“Huh?” Larry asked with blinking, surprised eyes.
“Father took Wright in and got him a new change of clothes while heating the chicken he brought in the oven. We ate while spending Christmas Eve together. It was the very first ever sleepover I had and Father was grateful that I made a friend,” Edgeworth explained while Larry sat there, hearing everything that he had missed out on. “I always knew you were foolish, but leaving your friend out in the rain by himself and missing out on the happiest Christmas of my life was the most foolish out of all of them. Honestly.”
It hit Larry over the head in his realization of just how stupid he had been. He felt so angry and upset with himself at the time that he just gave up. Phoenix never gave up, even when all the rain was pouring down on him. This was the last and happiest time Edgeworth ever had with his father and Larry missed out on it. He got himself up, not even noticing Franziska folding her arms and thinking.
“I'm... very sorry, Edgey. I'm sorry for not being there and I'm sorry for leaving you out in the rain, Nick,” Larry apologized.
Phoenix sniffed, replying, “Y-You're always trouble. AH-CHOO but... I told you didn't I? You brought Edgeworth and I together.”
“Maybe, but you're the one that is keeping us together. You still sought Edgey when I gave up on him after he left. Don't sell yourself short,” Larry said, showing a warm smile.
“O-Only if you d-d-d- AH-CHOO don't,” Phoenix sniffed as Edgeworth humphed.
“Honestly, get inside. You're freezing to death, Wright! I've got a pair of extra clothes your size,” Edgeworth offered, guiding Phoenix inside as Franziska took the bag of chicken.
“Hmph, it seems you fools were able to keep this dry. I'll see to it that it's heated up properly, but it will have to be eaten now,” Franziska stated factually as Larry followed her.
After eating the bucket of chicken that had been warmed up by Gregory, Nick and Miles slept in their sleeping bags with night clothes on. Gregory made sure to call Nick's mother to inform her where he was and ask if he could sleep over. Nick knew that his mom was going to get onto him for staying out in the rain and catching a cold. He felt his nose stuff up, making it hard to breathe in though his nose. He blew his nose, but his nose still felt stuffed.
“You are the most stupid individual I've ever met in my life,” Miles rebuked.
“Sorry,” Nick apologized, huddling into his sleeping bag. “I had a great time tonight.”
“I did too,” Miles replied, smiling softly. “Thank you. I never had friends over for Christmas. Can we do this every Christmas?”
“Mhm,” Phoenix promised. “We'll spend every Christmas together.”
“Make sure to bring Larry this time. I won't forgive you, if you let him ditch you again,” Miles stated as Phoenix nodded. “I mean it. Larry is trouble, but that's because he only sees what's in front of him, not what's beyond. You need to remind him that there's always something beyond his sight. I know he's more capable than he thinks. If he only just tried and never gave up, he can reach the stars beyond my reach.”
“You really think so?” Nick asked.
“I believe the both of you can. Larry just never tries, while you try too much,” Miles said, sighing before closing his eyes to go to sleep.
“Heh,” Nick responded, staring up at the ceiling as he began feeling sleep taking over, perhaps from the cold medicine he was given earlier. “Merry Christmas.”
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wormvill · 2 years
January 1st, 2023
A new year, and a new animal crossing (semi)daily diary blog!
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Welcome to Wormvill! (Supposed to be Wormville, however, it had character limits!)
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Woah! Look at the crunch. I guess it wasn't THAT crunchy on TVs that used to run Animal Crossing: City Folk (It DOES output at 720p) but on my 1080p monitor, it looks a little polygonal-like. Oh well.
Wormvill lives on my computer's hard drive, running off of Dolphin Emulator. As much as I would love to play on my Wii, there would simply be no way to get any images for me. And it would be a little anti-climatic to have a faraway shot of a tv, wouldn't it? (Though some of the images you see today will be pictures of my monitor, how hypocritical of me).
I guess we should get into the rundown of how today went, shouldn't we? Let's begin!
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We start our game by talking to Rover. Rover is a face you'll probably recognize if you have played any Animal Crossing game (before New Horizons). His primary role is to set us up, and make fun of us for our poor planning skills.
Did I mention poor planning? Yes, we are moving to Wormvill with 0 money, 0 housing, and 0 friends!
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Dreamer? Why yes they do Rover, and what would a dream be if it did not include poor life decisions?
We answer Rover's questions and get an avatar featured above. Though with a yellow pawprint t-shirt. Leo is all ready to move to Wormvill!
Walking to town hall, we meet Pelly!
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She welcomes us, and directs us to choose one of four houses scattered across town,
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and as seen by the orange one, we picked that one! It has a green roof and beautiful wallpaper.
Upon buying it, Tom Nook, our friendly neighborhood con artist, greets us and berates us for having no money. Then, he directs us to say hi to everybody in town (including the mayor he pushes!). When done, he wants us to meet him back at his shop to work for some pocket money to pay off some of our loans...
We meet the following villagers:
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and Walker
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Awesome! Some favorites in there (Pippy, Mitzi, and Tipper) and some cool ones I've never met before. :)
After meeting all of them, we then go and meet our favorite tortoise mayor, Tortimer.
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(while the above gif chooses Pelican, I actually am quite fond of cats.)
The old man berates me for being a 'kid these days' and choosing cats and not turtles, and after a fond greeting, I am directed back to Tom Nook.
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I must have forgotten!
Upon saving to go eat dinner for a bit and come back to speak with Tom Nook, Resetti pops in to say hi. However, instead of yelling at me per usual, Resetti praises me for saving properly, instating the importance of saving my game before quitting, and not resetting.
Solid advice, from a cranky old guy!
Now it's time to go speak with Tom Nook!
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He gives me a uniform...time to get to work!
Handing me a few flowers and tree saplings, my first task is to decorate the front of the shop.
Task handled! I love decorating!
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My, look at the pretty flowers.
However, this work uniform is getting quite itchy... I'm sure Tom won't mind if I take it off...will he-?
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Oopsies again...
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Why are all the old guys in this game against the 'kids these days'? I wonder if one of the writers of the dialogue is a parent or a cranky old man?
Oh well, he forgives me as long as I don't wear anything inappropriate and then gives me a new task.
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We are to deliver a piece of furniture to Mitzi, and to be quick about it too! His customers expect high-quality customer service, and to be late would it put another strike against our old man here...
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Upon delivering it to Mitzi, she goes into the pain of working, but how wonderful it is I have a job, due to my new house...
Speaking of my new house!
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OMG! How nice of her! I wonder what it is?
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Well, this can mean one of two things:
I stink really badly, or she noticed the lack of plumbing in my new quarters. Either way, it is highly appreciated!
Upon explaining the ins-and-outs of interior decorating, and asking me to reflect my true personality in my home design (like the sweet girl she is) Mitzi proceeds to ask me a question:
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Thank you very much Mitzi!
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Indeed I am!
Mitzi is such a sweetheart, proceeding to tell me about how she'll write this down in her planner, and talks about getting me a present on my birthday. Then, she apologizes for distracting me from my work, promises to talk later, and leaves.
Tom Nook compliments me on my speedy delivery when I come back, and asks me to then send a letter to Rolf, thanking him for his patronage. He directs me to the post office window in the town hall, and tells me to hop to it!
Welp, I don't know much about Rolf, besides the fact that he's cranky, and threatened to beat me up for scaring him at our first meeting. I guess I should write him a cranky letter threatening to beat him up if he doesn't continue supporting the shop?
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Ah yes, the old days, when cards were formatted weirdly for some reason.
Either way, I hope this encapsulates the threatening aura Rolf likes to put out, and I hope it encourages him to continue his patronage.
Time to go send my first letter!
Pelly thanks us for the letter, and we make our way back to Tom Nook, who berates me for dilly-dallying.
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He then directs us to give a carpet to Walker. I hope this is my last one, I'm so tired!
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'That's weird!' Walker says, as he questions why Leo is delivering his carpet from Tom Nook.
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Well, aren't the people of this town nice? First the shower from Mitzi, and now the carpet from Walker! How fantastic!
And now Walker gives me advice on how Nook's Cranny works. And then it's time to go back. This job is so tiring!
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Ugh! Not Rolf of all people! Oh well.
Might I mention that I just now noticed Rolf lives right next to me? Talk about horrible neighbors! Well, I hope he's as grateful as Mitzi and Walker were:
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Great start :(
We give the Rolf, and I am shocked at his use of the word 'thank you.' Then he shows me the letter I had sent him and laughed saying he liked it.
He then gives me advice on letter sharing. Much appreciated, he seems to be in a good mood.
Noticing how close my house is to Rolf's, to Nook's dismay, it is time to go to sleep and continue tomorrow!
I have run out of images, and am a little tired. I hope Nook doesn't mind!
If you're reading this, thank you! We will continue tomorrow. :)
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donutloverxo · 4 years
Good little girl
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*gif is not mine*
Note - Requested by @holacia2 and a part two to good little wife. And special thanks to @gotnofucks for all her help! I'm so overwhelmed with all the love that fic got I hope y'all like this little follow up as well❤❤
Dividers by @firefly-graphics.
Summary - Married life isn't always easy. Will you be able to solve your problems?
Warnings - 18+ only explicit sexual content, younger woman/older man, daddy kink, soft dark!Andy, SO MUCH MISOGYNY, housewife kink, innocence kink, (accusations of) cheating, arranged/forced marriage, spanking, possessive Andy.
Pairing - Mob!Andy Barber x reader
Word count - 4.9k
Masterlist is linked in the bio and the pinned post!
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You handed your mother the brownies you had baked, she thanked you, telling you how it was so unnecessary, before Andy placed the wine you had gotten on the way over on the kitchen counter.
“Why don’t you go keep your father in law company, Andrew?” your mom told him. He only nodded before making way to his boss.
“So? How are things going with him?” she asked. “You are positively glowing honey! Do you have any good news yet?”
“Mom!” you gasped.
Over the past seven months you had only seen your mother a handful of times. You were still a bit upset with her for marrying you off to an older man you barely knew, a man who you thought despised you so much he refused to even touch you.
You knew she didn’t really have a say in it. Your father never really valued her opinion, there was no way she would’ve been able to stop it but she hadn’t even so much as tried.
“No, I don’t. And I won’t any time soon,” you huffed.
While being a mother was something you’d like to experience someday, you didn’t know if you were quite ready for it yet. Which was good because Andy didn’t want kids for the next few years either, he had taken you to a doctor to get you on birth control as soon as the holidays were over.
He stated that he wasn’t ready to share you just yet. That he wasn’t sure he wants his kids to be a part of the mob, which you didn’t want either.
“Oh, but you have to, cookie. I need a distraction. Being a mom is all I’ve ever known and ever since you left the house has been so empty.”
“Well, what about daddy?” you frowned. He had never really liked spending time with your siblings or your mother, but to leave her be on her own like that.
“He’s always with Charlotte,” she rolled her eyes. “I would’ve been fine with it, he’s always been like that, can’t expect him to change now, but he brought her here, now, to a family dinner.” She sighed in resignation.
You had heard a familiar high pitched annoying laugh upon coming home, but you thought that to be one of your brothers floozies.
Charlotte, or Cherry, used to be a good friend of yours in college. Before you brought her home for the holidays of your freshman year and she decided to shack up with your married father, who was almost thrice her age. You lost touch with her after that.
“I’m telling you, honey, a kid is a good way of securing your marriage and starting a family. You are young now... but you will grow old someday. Andrew’s a good man... but he is still a man at the end of the day.”
You scoffed at that, “I won’t have you talking that way about my husband! We are already a family, we’re in love each other and he’s nothing like dad.”
She gave you a teary smile, “Young love--is just so innocent and beautiful. You always see the best in people, cookie. I hope I’m wrong about this. Any man would be an idiot to not appreciate you.”
“Andy does appreciate me. And take good care of me, ma...” you trailed off.
He did take good care of you. After the night you consummated your marriage he brought you breakfast in bed. He hadn’t kept his hands off of you for the past few weeks, doting on you any chance he could get, telling you he loved you every chance he got.
But you wondered... did he love you?
The kind of love you’d only ever read about in classical novels. The kind of love you’d dreamt of having ever since you could remember, the kind you thought you once had with someone, but didn’t. You didn’t love Alex the way you love Andy. You were in love with the idea of Alex. You knew Andy now. You knew how kind, passionate and fierce he was, your love for him consumed every single part of you. Where you would literally die for him.
But did he love you for you. Or was he just lonely because it was Christmas. You had avoided taking the tree and the decorations down, begging him, even dropping to your knees and making love to him with your mouth, you didn’t know much but Cherry had taught you that you could get men to do anything for you just by kneeling before them.
While he was very obviously pleased with your passion, returning the favor tenfold, till your thighs burned from his bread and you were shouting for him to stop, he still took the decorations down. He said he wanted to start anew this year. He made a resolution to be the best husband he could.
But you were going to protect your heart this time, hope for the best but still prepare for the worst.
Unfortunately, you had been seated next to Cherry. You found out that your father was living with her now and that while she had hoped he’d leave his wife for her there, but apparently there was no such luck.
“They never leave their wives do they,” she shook her head. “Oh I’m sorry! I shouldn’t be saying these things to you...”
“Its alright,” you shrugged. It would be hard to see your mother be unhappy but there was never any love between your parents. Your mother had learned to live without him and find happiness in other things, and other people, she was just a bit more sneaky about it.
“Well...” you hesitated “how do you keep a man?”
“What kind of question is that?” she giggled. “There are many ways to keep a man but you’ll have to be a bit more specific...”
You ended up changing the subject. The kind of questions you wanted to ask were not suitable for the dinner table, and you didn’t like the way Andy was staring daggers at the pair of you, almost displeased with the two of you chatting.
You smiled at him from the passenger seat when he put his hand on your knee, giving it a light squeeze. He had been quite the whole ride home so you decided to speak first.
“Can’t believe Cherry’s like my... step mom.” You laughed out loud at such a ridiculous notion.
“Step mom?” he furrowed his brows, turning his head to look at you.
“Oh I’m just joking,” you waved him off. “Dad would never leave my ma. He’ll move on to another one soon enough.”
He hummed, nodding, “Alright. I was just worried she was troubling you at dinner.”
“What would you have done if she was? Would you swop in like a knight in shining armor and save me from the big meanie?”
“You know I would,” he smiled.
You had asked for a piggy back ride from Andy from the garage to your home, he rolled his eyes and tried to say no but then gave in when you used your princess eyes on him.
He placed you on top of your bed, kissing the tip of your nose, he started unbuttoning his shirt to get ready for bed.
“Andy... um... Daddy?” you corrected yourself instantly.
He liked you addressing him as that whenever you both were alone, he had warned you that you would receive a punishment if you ever failed to comply.
You didn’t know what his punishment would be and you didn’t plan on finding out anytime soon. You’d withhold all affection from him if he ever dared take away the platinum card from you, or lower your allowance as your father had told him to at the dinner, ‘to tame you' supposedly.
But that wasn’t a very good plan... what if he just looked for love elsewhere.
“What is it, honey?” he asked.
“Um... do you think... you would ever take a mistress?” you gulped and prepared yourself for his answer.
“I wouldn’t...” you sighed in relief, “one woman is enough trouble.” he said flatly.
“Daddy!!” you whined, stomping your foot on the floor and folding your hands over your chest.
And he had the audacity to laugh. His laughter at your expense only fuelled your anger. “Do you want to sleep on the couch tonight?”
He finally stopped laughing, “Look at you being a big girl,” he tried to pinch your cheek but you swatted his hand away. “You don’t wanna be daddy’s little girl anymore?” he pouted.
“No... no I do!” you answered all too eager. “I’m sorry...”
“I’m sorry too, honey. I shouldn’t be making fun of you.”
“No, you shouldn’t,” you hugged his hard stomach, rubbing your cheek against his undershirt. “It’s mean, and you promised not to be mean to me.”
“I was just teasing,” he cooed, stroking your hair. And while you knew that and secretly enjoyed it even, you still wanted a serious answer out of him.
“I intend to keep my vows forever. There is just no way I could ever want anyone who’s not you.”
“Really?” you propped your chin on his abdomen, looking up at him through your lashes.
“Um... I’m here to see Andy,” you told the lady sitting outside of, what you had been told was Andy’s office, you assumed her to be his secretary Erica.
You always packed a lunchbox for Andy, always remembering to leave a sweet note for him and he would always call you to thank you for it. You also made sure to have dinner ready before he got home on the nights he wasn’t taking you out on the town. It was just your duty as a good wife.
But Andy had been working way too much the past couple of weeks. Where he would be gone before you wake up and be back when you were already in bed. You knew his job was demanding, working for your father and being a partner in a law firm, the job was like a mistress, stealing your man away...
So you simply decided to make his favorite, food pack it up and come to him to eat it together.
“Mrs Barber! It’s so nice to meet you. I’ve heard so much about you,” she gave you a toothy smile, shaking your hand.
You would’ve been happy, elated that Andy talks so much about you at work. If you hadn’t smelled her perfume. So familiar... you couldn’t quite place it at first but then you remembered.
The night you had slaved away, hoping to profess your love to your husband, when he had rejected you and smelled of chanel.
“That’s a nice scent...” you wondered out loud.
“Oh thank you! I love it as well,” she said, taking in a whiff of the inside of her wrist. “It’s the new chanel one!”
You almost didn’t hear Andy calling for you. “What a nice surprise.” He kissed your cheek.
You set the food before him, thinking of telling him what was on your mind.
Was he really so cliché to have an affair with his secretary?
Could you really blame him though? Although you had been married for almost seven months, you were strangers living under the same roof for the majority of them. He wasn’t really cheating... but what if he was still doing it?
“Honey,” he shook you to get your attention. “What’s up with you today? I have a meeting in a few minutes.”
“You’re always working.” You complained.
“Well...” he grinned, grabbing at your thighs and pulling you on his lap, “I have to. If I had the choice I would never come into work, I would stay home forever, between your legs, right... here,” he snaked a hand up your leg and stroked the inside of your thigh. “You would like that wouldn’t you?”
You nodded, “I’ve been so lonely without you.”
He hummed, biting the shell of your ear before speaking into it, “I know, honey. I miss you too. But you do still remember the number one rule right?”
“Yes, daddy. Never touch myself without your permission.”
“And why is that?”
You whined, to embarrassed to say the words, “Because... it’s your... pussy.” You replied in a small shy voice.
“That’s right, sweetheart. It’s mine to do whatever I want with,” he cupped your mould, just to demonstrate what he meant but then frowned when he felt your soft curls and wet slick against his palm.
“You’re not wearing any panties, sweetheart.” He noted, surprised to your boldness.
“Um... I must’ve forgot.”
So maybe you had ulterior motives behind coming here. Your body was used to be doted on everyday now, and to not have his touch for so long was agonising. You had hoped to maybe bend down to pick up a napkin that fell ever so conveniently and flash him, it would work, he would be driven mad.
“Forgot huh?” You nodded in reply as he gathered your slick in his fingers, tracing your labia with them. “That’s too bad, If you had left them on purpose I would’ve cancelled my meeting and fucked you right here. But since it was just an innocent mistake I wouldn’t do that,” he retreated his hand, placing a soft kiss on your hair. “Thanks for lunch.”
You were determined to prove your worth to Andy. If he did have a mistress, whether it be his secretary or any other woman, he would forget all about her when he saw how you could do everything for him.
You had went all out today, baking a pie and a four course meal from scratch, lighting up candles, the pink babydoll that Andy had gifted you was under your dress.
He was as always exhausted when he got home, his face visibly lighting up upon seeing you, you took his hand in yours taking him to the couch and making him a glass of whiskey, you handed it to him before kneeling on the soft rug.
“You work so hard, daddy,” you murmured as your fingers worked on unzipping his pants.
He looked at you in confusion, shaking his head, “You don’t have to do that, honey,” cupping your cheek in his plan, stroking your cheekbone with his thumb.
“But I want to make you feel good,” you blinked at him.
He groaned, unable to say no when you looked so willing to please him, but at the same time he wanted to do more with you. To cuddle and watch a movie and talk, it felt as if he hadn’t in ages.
“Very well,” he nodded.
With the green signal from him, you licked your lips, tasting some of your minty gloss, taking his length out of the confines of his underwear, you took a minute to simply marvel at the sheer size and beauty of it.
You licked a stripe up the underside of it, suckling at the crown, you remembered that he liked that the best, at least from the way he twisted his hand in your hair, pulling at it till it caused a slight burn to your scalp.
You slurped his precum up before he pushed his hips up till his tip hit the back of your throat, causing you to gag around him, didn’t take him long to come down your throat.
His neck and cheek covered in a crimson blush, his chest heaving as he threw his head back against the couch.
“You did good, honey...” he rasped. “I don’t know what I would do without you.”
He absolutely loved the dinner you had made for him. But when you subtly, because you were raised to be a good lady and wife, tried to coax him to make love to you before bed, he.... rejected you.
Sure, he was kind about it. He told you he was simply tired and would make it up to you. But it was still shocking how a man as insatiable as him would ever say no. You truly didn’t know what to make of it.
“Oh... I don’t know about this... it’s a bit too bold for me,” you bit your lip.
“Just try it on! You might end up liking it!” Cherry urged you, putting the bright red lipstick on you without waiting for an answer, “There is nothing more classic than a red lip. Or a red anything. Men go crazy for it.” She told you.
You simply hummed through closed lips as she put some finishing touches on it. “Doesn’t that look nice?” she asked, holding up a mirror before you.
You smiled, it did look different. Maybe different was what you needed. “It’s very pretty. It makes me feel... confident?” Which was strange. Because how could a simple lipstick make you feel confident?
“See! I told you. Confidence is the key to sexiness. Now, let’s talk lingerie.”
“Honey, I’ve been waiting for over fifteen minutes,” you heard Andy call out to you from the bedroom.
“Just a minute,” you said, perfecting your edges with a lip brush.
This was something you had never done before. You wore a lot of lingerie for Andy, but most of them were cute pastels or white nighties or babydolls. Nothing like what you were wearing right now...
A sheer black lacy body suit that clung to your body, leaving literally nothing to the imagination.
Top that off with your red lip... you looked like some kind of dominatrix. Cherry told you that most men secretly wish to be dominated. Although you highly doubted your daddy would want anything like that. Or would he?
“Alright, I’m coming out,” you announced, before shyly stepping out, your eyes trained on the floor as you twiddled with your fingers to maybe distract you from your nerves. “What do you think?”
He was speechless. His jaw almost dropping on the floor when he saw you like that. So far from his sweet girl. You were just as much beautiful and sexy, and while it wasn’t something he was used or prefer to he would welcome it if it was what you wanted.
He extended an arm to you, ready to tell you that you were sexy, that he wanted to spend hours worshipping every inch of your body, that he wanted his cock stained the shade of red you wore on your lips, that he was ready to make up for being away for weeks.
Until he saw... that.
He lowly growled your name, making your head snap up to look at him, “What did you do to your pussy?” Because from what he could see, through the sheer material, there was nothing where your pubic hair used to be.
“Uh... I uh... waxed it...” From the tone of his voice you could tell that he wasn’t too happy about it. “Do you not like it?”
“Like?” he scoffed, shaking his head. Taking a seat on the bedding, “C'mere, let me take a closer look.”
Hesitantly, you walked the few strides it took till you were standing before him.
He studied your mould, trying to take the fabric off so he could see it more properly and then tutting when he couldn’t even open the stupid thing.
“Wait, it um... opens here I think,” you interrupted his scrutiny, undoing the zipper that was on your side and taking the suit off of you.
He sighed in resignation when he saw what you had done, making you regret your ever spending so much money and going through all that pain.
He parted your lips apart, running his fingers along your vulva, acquainting himself with this new strange feel of you, “When did do this?” his blue eyes looked up at you.
“Just a couple of days ago. It’s just hair... it’ll grow back in like three weeks.”
“Three weeks?” he scoffed.
You could feel your eyes getting misty. You tried to go all out for him, to please him, be completely naked and vulnerable before him, only to have him get angry at you.
“You don’t like it,” you sniffled.
His furrowed brow softened when he saw you crying, pulling you down till you were straddling his lap, “The question isn’t whether I like it or not,” he explained, his thumb wiping your wet cheeks, “I could... maybe live with it. But I wouldn’t prefer it.”
“Okay,” you nodded.
“But for you to have done this,” he touched your newly waxed skin and almost winced at the smoothness, “You must’ve let someone else see you naked. See what belongs to me.”
“Bu - but they were all women...” you stammered, squirming in his lap as his fingers toyed with your clit.
“It doesn’t matter,” he tutted, pushing two fingers inside you, “Only I get to see you. This is MY pussy. Only I get to decide what to do with it. Do you understand?”
You nodded, holding onto his tshirt as he twisted his fingers inside you. “So-sorry, daddy.”
“No, honey, since you were bad you don’t get to call me daddy. For tonight you will address me as sir. And of course you’ll have to be punished.”
“Punished?” you pouted. “Can’t you just let me go since it was my first strike? I’ll be good from now on I promise!”
“No, you have to learn your lesson. Come on,” you yelped as he manhandled you so you were face down across his lap, “What is your safe word?”
“Unicorns” you giggled. You thought you were so witty for coming up with it. Since he for some reason was jealous of your unicorn stuffie.
He hummed, stroking the soft skin of your butt, “How does twenty sound?”
Your eyes went wide as you gasped, looking at him over your shoulder, “No!” you said.
He didn’t really plan on spanking you... did he? He liked swatting your ass here and there, and truth be told you liked it too. But you had never been spanked or even hit as a punishment.
“Well, if not this then maybe we can make you go a week without cumming.”
Your gasp was louder and even more incredulous this time. You could most definitely take twenty swats, but just the thought of not being able to finish, after knowing what an orgasm with Andy feels like, made you shiver.
“You will count each one, and then thank me for it. You are grateful I’m teaching you, aren’t you?”
“Yes, sir,” you nodded.
“Do you know how to count to twenty? Or would I have to teach you that too?” he asked ever so condescendingly as you huffed.
“Of course I do! I was just two semesters away from graduating college!” Never mind that you learned that in kindergarten.
“That’s good. Are you ready?” he asked, cracking his knuckles as he got in position.
With a nod from you he delivered the first slap to your right buttcheek, the sound of it reverberating in the room, his palm stinging slightly as he stroked the skin he had just punished, it was already warmer.
“One, sir. Thank you, sir,” you held onto a moan, it wasn’t half as bad as you thought it would be...
You jerked forward as he unceremoniously hit your other cheek, since you were unprepared for it, and he was much more brutal.
“Tw-two, sir,” you sniffled.
You considered throwing in the towel and saying your safe word by the time fifteen rolled around. Your behind was on fire, while you couldn’t see it, you just knew it was bruised. But you wanted to be good for Andy and it was wrong of you to do something that drastic without his permission.
“Sixteen...” you hiccupped. You could feel your slick running down your thighs but at this point... you just couldn’t bring yourself to care.
“Do you want a break?” he asked, taking pity on you.
You nodded frantically, “Yes please! Can you... can you touch me? Down there?” Since the pain in your throbbing pussy was unbearable. If you didn’t receive any attention, you might actually burst.
“Down where? Here?” He had the audacity to play down, while you were suffering, and touch the back of your knee to patronise you.
“No!” you whined.
“Well then you’ll have to be a bit more specific, princess.”
“In my... between my legs... my pussy...”
“Are you sure you deserve it though?” he asked.
You thought about it for a moment, before coming to the conclusion that, “No I don’t. Not until I finish my punishment.”
“That’s a good girl,” he praised, his hand massaging your raw ass as your heart swelled in pride.
“Nineteen, sir,” your mind was hazy. It didn’t even feel as if you were in your reality anymore... it was as if you were floating, while you could still hear and feel him spanking you, for some reason it wasn’t as painful anymore.
“The last one, doll, hang in there,” he said before delivering the last swat.
You whimpered, “Twenty, thank you, sir,” willing your nose with the back of your hand.
Andy collected your weak form in his big string arms, rocking you back and forth in his lap as he kept whispering soft praises in your hair, “My sweet beautiful doll,” he pecked you on your lips.
“Sorry about your pants, daddy...” you said when you realised what a wet mess you had made on him.
He shushed you, “Don’t you worry about that right now. Do you want to take a bath?”
You pouted, your red lip jutting out, “No.”
He chuckled, kissing your forehead, “Do you want daddy to fuck you?”
“Yes,” you nodded.
“We have to be careful about your butt, baby,” he said as he gently placed you on the mattress.
Your head on your pillow, besides your two most trusted stuffies--your unicorn and teddy. Andy only allowed you two in the bed after complaining they made it hard for him to cuddle you. You demanded he buy you a shelf to display them or you would go back to your old room. Which of course made him comply instantly.
You made grabby hands at him, impatient to have him closer to you, but then were glad he took the time to take off his tshirt so you could ogle the wide expanse of his chest, the light scattering of fuzzy hair over it, his numerous tattoos along with one of your name, which marked him as yours forever.
He took a hardened nipple in his mouth while his hand tweaked the other, nudging your legs apart to make room for him, he placed his length at your entrance.
Slowly pushing into you, letting you get accustomed to the size of him. Although your pussy was always so welcoming to him, he knew you often struggled to take him.
You whimpered at him, tears rolling off of your face. “What’s wrong, honey? Does it hurt?”
“No... it’s just so good,” you sniffled.
“Okay, just hold on,” you held onto his shoulders as he slowly fucked in to you.
Your pussy clamping around his length, the soles of your feet digging into his ass, “Can I come, daddy?”
“Of course, baby. You earned it.” He groaned, his hips hammering against yours as you bit his neck, letting out a muffled scream.
You hummed against his neck when you felt his warm release fill you up, he pulled out of you, frowning when he looked at your naked and hairless pussy, dripping with his cum.
“From now on I’ll be picking out your clothes,” he stated, rolling off of you and pulling you into his arms.
“Okay, daddy,” you hummed.
“And no more surprise bikini waxes.”
“Mmm...” If that’s what you had to do to get in trouble and be punished, then so be it. “We’ll see.”
Three days later
“Lotion time, doll,” Andy said, pausing the movie you were both watching to go get said lotion.
He had rubbed your lotion on your backside when he spanked you and decided that he wanted to be the one putting your body lotion on you from now on since he had too much fun doing it. He insisted on doing it twice everyday since it was still very cold.
You followed him to the bedroom, lying face down on the bed a he squeezed some on his palms, rubbing them together to warm them up.
You winced just a little, your skin still a bit sensitive, you even had to sit on a pillow the time.
“Will you be going back to work tomorrow?” you wanted to know.
He didn’t like the sadness in your voice, “Yes,” he sighed. He hated leaving you all by yourself.
“I’ll be all alone then.”
“Didn’t you want to go back to college?” He remembered you telling him that your parents forced you to drop out so that you would marry him.
“I do actually. Hate leaving things incomplete... maybe I can even go to a law school and become a lawyer like you!” you perked up.
“You’re not working for your father though, you’re too good for that world.”
“You’re too good for him too.” You said. “Maybe I can work with you.” And you and him could be like a power couple. It would be so exciting.
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Tags will be in the reblog! Click the link in the bio to be join the taglist or shoot me an ask/dm. Comments and reblogs are really appreciated! ❤❤
Please note that my work is not to be reposted or published anywhere other than my Tumblr or AO3 account without my permission. Reblogs are most welcome though!
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enchantedblackrose · 4 years
Merry Christmas Eve Eve!
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**Not my picture. Google Images.**
This Thing Between Us
Pairing: Jay Halstead/Reader
Warnings: 1 F bomb near the end
Apologies, this has not yet been proofread by someone else. I was just too anxious to get it posted.
There's a knock on your apartment door which causes you to groan. You struggle to find the will to get off the couch and leave the warmth of your favorite sherpa blanket. In fact you contemplate not answering the door. You check your phone to make sure no one sent you a text about coming over.
0 new notifications 
Then there's another knock with a little more force behind it this time. Sighing, your curiosity is getting the better of you. You pause your favorite Christmas movie before standing up. 
'Ugh, Christmas,' you think to yourself. It is a large contributor to your current funk. But it's not your fault you find the holiday incredibly romantic. You can blame Hollywood and American commercialism for that. A constant string of movies, songs, and commercials are crammed down your throat before Halloween every year. Most depict having someone special, someone to cuddle, to sip hot chocolate with, to take you ice skating, or decorate the tree and bake cookies, someone to love and loves you back. You're painfully single and apparently sadistic, self sabotaging yourself with that movie.
You open the door and are met with those familiar piercing eyes belonging to your partner. The other leading cause of your pathetic state.. You met at work, both being a part of the elite intelligence unit for the Chicago Police Department. You're fiercely dedicated to the job, as is he, but that didn't stop either of you from hooking up. You've been sleeping together for a few months. You thought you could handle it all. The friendship, the casual hook ups, working closely together, the undeniable chemistry you two shared, but somewhere along the way you found yourself falling in love. 
Scared of falling alone, of ruining everything, you've kept your feelings a secret. Instead you have, rather unsuccessfully, attempted to limit the hook ups, vowing to make a clean break.
You truly don't even know how you get yourself into these positions, but then you see him smiling at you as he leans on your doorframe and the how becomes a lot clearer. 
"I have a candy cane for you."
"Ugh, Jay," you groan. "I'm really not in the mood. You should have called. I-"
"No, I have an actual candy cane for you." He pulled the curved peppermint stick out of his coat pocket offering it to you.
"Oh. Uh...thanks." You take the candy cane, slightly confused.
"I'm on the way to meet a CI about the case.I thought maybe you'd wanna come along?"
"Yeah, sure. Let me get changed real fast." You indicate for him to come inside. He steps through the doorway, accidentally brushing against you. You catch a whiff of his familiar scent and you find yourself thinking about pulling him to you. But you remember he's here for work. 
Having been at your place quite a few times, he knowingly heads for your couch.You make your way to your bedroom. You're halfway undressed when you hear Jay laugh. You peek your head out to see what sparked the laughter. He sees you and points to your Christmas tree.
It's about 2 feet, strung with multicolored lights, topped with a star that's too big. It's pathetic and the whole thing looks like it could topple over at any given moment.
"What is that?" He exclaims, still laughing.
You huff and cross your arms. "Stop it. I haven't exactly had the chance to go out and buy a new tree." It's true. The case has you logging more hours than normal and your current mental state wasn't exactly inspiring your Christmas spirit, either. As you finish getting out of your sweats and putting on "real" clothes, you hear Jay still chuckling softly. As much as you want to be annoyed by him, the sound makes you smile slightly.
Jay's informant has information that proves to be useful. You put in a call to the other members of the team. Soon enough there's a successful bust and several collars. Voight commends the team for a good job, then dismisses you all, rather quickly saying something about enjoying the start of the holiday when given the chance.
Jay takes you back to your place. You hesitate before getting out of his truck, struggling with your own conflicting wants.
"Do you wanna hang out for a bit?" You ask, losing your willpower.
He smiles and kisses your cheek almost brusquely. "I have some things to take care of."
You nod showing you understand, but hope the small smile you give is enough to hide your disappointment you can't help but feel. You slide out of his truck and give a careless wave bye. 
'It's fine,' you tell yourself repeatedly as you make your way up to your apartment. 'This is good even'. Obviously you were failing at breaking things off. This could be your chance. You start getting ready for the long, hot shower your body desperately needs.
Feeling better than you have in awhile, you settle into your couch beginning your search for something to watch. A knock on your door interrupts. Unbelievable.
You open it to once again find Jay standing there, this time donning a red santa hat and holding an oversized box.
"What are you doi-"
He cuts you off. "Do you mind?" You step aside and he comes in placing the box down in the middle of your living room. For the first time you can see clearly what it is he's brought you.
You feel a wide grin take over your face. "You bought me a tree?" He notices your bright smile and beams back at you.
"I bought you a tree. And some decorations. They're in the boxes still in the hallway. I didn't know what you had." You rush to bring them in. Jay begins removing pieces of the tree from the box as you look through the ornaments and lights he's brought. You inspect each one thoroughly and with a smile. Occasionally Jay stops assembling the tree to look at you. When you feel his eyes on you, you turn to him.
"What?" But he just shakes his head and returns his focus to the tree. "You know," you start carefully, not wanting to appear ungrateful, "I do have a few ornaments from when I was a kid downstairs in the storage unit."
"Well, go get them," he grins."I'm good here."
You return a few minutes later. Jay turned on Christmas music while you were gone, as well as finished getting the tree up. The artificial evergreen stands at 6 ½ feet. With it's big, full branches it's easily the nicest tree you've had as an adult. 
Before he starts to string the lights up, he follows you to the couch where you sit with your small container of ornaments. You lift the lid carefully and begin showing them to him. There's an ornament with your name and date of birth on it. One has your kindergarten picture in it. You save your favorite for last and explain the sentimental value behind it. Jay listens intently as you speak and you swear you love him more for it. 
Together you both start decorating the tree, stopping only to make hot chocolate. Soon the tree is fully decorated and there's nothing more to do than admire it. You both sit on your couch taking it all in.
You curl into Jay and almost automatically he wraps his arm around you. "Thank you," you say softly. "For all of this." He pulls you tighter in response and begins combing his fingers through your hair, but the sweet action stirs something in you.
Sighing, you sit up. Jay looks up at you in alarm. "Hey. What's been going on with you? Hmm?" He nudges you playfully, but when you don't speak, he looks dejected and runs a hand quickly through his hair. He says your name softly. "C'mon. You know you can talk to me about anything and it's not like I haven't noticed you pulling away lately."
You look at him and swallow hard, unsure of what to say. "This isn't enough for me, Jay. I'm sorry. I thought it would be, but it's not."
"What's not enough? The tree? I thought you liked it?"
"No, not the tree! The tree's perfect. I love the fucking tree, okay?" Tears are starting to form as your emotions get the best of you.
"Then what? I'm gonna need a little more information. I'm sorry."
"I don't wanna be the coworker you screw around with. I wanna mean something to you, Jay! Not in the we're partners way, either."
"Aw, baby girl." Your heart aches at the endearment he's only ever used in your most intimate moments together. "Come here." He pulls you tight to him and as much as you don't want to, you welcome his strong embrace. He's quiet for a moment as he holds onto you and you're begging the tears not to fall. "I'm gonna need you to look at me." He gently pulls away and cups your face. He stares deep into your eyes. "This thing between us, it's for real; it's never just been casual for me and I am so sorry I didn't tell you that before now. I'm so in love with you."
There's no stopping the tear rolling down your cheek. Jay wipes it away with his thumb. "You mean that?" You ask, your voice hardly above a whisper. He nods. You smile. "I love you, too." The words are hardly out of your mouth before his lips are on yours. He pulls away after a moment, gently resting his forehead against yours.
Your eye catches the clock on the wall. 12:01 in the morning. It's officially Christmas Eve and the man you love, loves you. An almost inaudible laugh escapes you.
"What?" Jay asks, clearly puzzled.
"Nothing. I'm just happy."
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pixie88 · 3 years
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Santa Baby
A/N | @palmaviolet I did it and thanks for the idea! I didn't make it smutty, but I just wasn't in the mood to write smutt so I'm sorry! I hope you still like it and thanks for the idea! 😘
Pairings | Adam x Ellie.
Warnings | Mild NSFW 🔞
Word count | 727
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"You look a bit too slim! Grab a pillow and shove it up your jacket." She reaches for a pillow from their bed, "Isn't a pillow to soft? The kids will know, plus Father Christmas isn't Scottish! Maybe Neil would make a better one?" he grumbles.
"Oh come on! Santa can be Scottish, he can do all different accents. He is magical after all!" She winks at him "and besides, I can't sit on Neil's knee that will just be weird!" she teases him. "You gonna tell Father Christmas what you want?"
She chuckles, "Only if he promises I can have it early!" She kisses his cheek before pulling up his beard, "I think we should have painted your beard white, it's poking through!" he groans, "No, I will do anything for those rugrats, but I'm not walking round with my own white beard!"
She tuts "but it's only face paint!" pulling down his fake beard again "Ell's no! That stuff doesn't come off! Charlie still has a green face from Halloween six weeks ago!" he cracks a joke. "Oh come on, it's just a bit of face paint! What are you a man or a mouse!" She teases him. "Mouse!" He says before bolting away from her and out of their bedroom.
She chases him down the stairs "Adam, go on! It's only face paint!" she calls after him as they get to the bottom of the stairs. He rushes through to the living room with her following close behind, he stops and turns toward her. She collides into his padded chest "oh!"
"Fine, I'll let you paint it, but only you if to sit on Father Christmas's lap before the kids come back!" he has a mischievous glint in his eye, "Sorry, Santa! I'm married!" she giggles. "Oh, I'm sure he won't mind!" he smirks, "Still, I won't risk my marriage for a bunk up with Santa!" she winks biting her lip.
He removes his fake white beard "Lucky for me, Father Christmas is gone!" he pulls her over to the sofa and makes her sit across his lap. "So.. beautiful, what would you like for Christmas?" she taps her chin pretending to think as his lips press against her pulse line electrifying every nerve ending. He nips at her neck "you know you are making it hard to think!" he chuckles against her "come on you must have something in mind?"
He peppers kisses along her jaw line until he reaches her lips, she pulls away "I got it! You under the tree in nothing, but a bow!" she teases him and he chuckles "I'll have to see what I can do and you'll just have to stay off the naughty list!" she grins, "that's pretty hard when I have a husband like mine!" she baits him.
He picks her up and presses her against the sofa cushions claiming her lips when they hear the front door open "Mummy? Daddy? We're home!"
"I think they have a surprise for you." they heard Mel tell them, "Cock blockers!" Adam mutters under his breath as he pulls away from Ellie and puts his fake white beard back on. Ellie giggles "time to put on your best performance!" she nudges her, "Oh, I was about to!" he winks with that grin she loves.
Christmas day...
Nina and Al had invited them all up to Edinburgh for a few days over Christmas, Nina had gone all out, the house was decorated beautifully. She even put a tree in their room that Adam asked for, so they could put the stocking filler present under as their tradition was they opened them in their parents' bed on Christmas morning.
After a busy day Ellie finally got the kids down for the night, "Ellie!?" she heard Adam call out from their bedroom. She wanders across the hall and opened their door to find Adam underneath the tree he had asked to be put in their room wearing nothing, but a bow "Adam! What are you doing?!" she closed the door behind her. "This is what you asked for, right?"
She blushes red "but your mum and dad are just downstairs!" he gets up off the floor making his way over to her "both sound asleep, so beautiful! Why don't you find out if you've been naughty or nice this year!"
@lem-20 @aussieez @secretaryunpaid @irisofpurple @rookiemartin @gloriousalmondvoiddreamer @palmaviolet @khoicesbyk @wombatsxkookaburras @beautifuluknownvoid
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fangirlovestuff · 4 years
Hi! I don't know if you are taking requests, but if you are, could you please do a Chris Evans x reader where he proposes to her in a treehouse (which he got built without her knowing) on her birthday? I'm sorry if it's not good, or if I disturbed you.
Happy Place
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a/n - hello nonnie!! this is an excellent request and i loved writing it so much, i really hope this is what you wanted and i did your request justice. italics are for a flashback. Enjoy!!<3
Word Count: 1.4k
Warnings: i guess like one innuendo, apart from that absolute fluff:)
"Okay, I'll see you in a few days, alright?" you smiled, the phone to your ear.
"Yeah, only a few more days!" Chris said from the other side of the line, and you could hear the smile in his voice as well. "Listen, I gotta go, but talk to you in a bit okay?"
"Bye babe," you blew him a kiss over the phone and then you two hung up.
You laid back in your bed, a smile still on your face. When you were told you needed to go on this work trip, you were bummed out to say the least. It was actually supposed to end only a day before your birthday, you knew you would come home extremely tired, which could carry out to your birthday, and would also mean you wouldn't be able to travel to see your family on such short notice.
In short, it was a very problematic idea, and you were just about to tell your boss you couldn't make it, even though it could get you in trouble, but Chris convinced you that you should go.
"We can postpone your birthday by a day," he chuckled, and you pouted. "I know, I know, it's not ideal. But I don't want you to get in trouble at work, baby," he kissed your forehead.
"I know, I need to do my job," you rolled your eyes.
"That's my girl, love the enthusiasm," he laughed, and you slapped his arm lightly, a smile on your face. "Tell you what. When you come back, we can celebrate your birthday at home and have a nice time, and soon we'll go see your family. I'll book the flights," he offered.
"You're right," you admitted, "and thank you," you leaned up to peck his lips.
Now, laying in your hotel bed, you had to admit he really was right. Sure, it's not like you were having fun on your work trip, but you saw how your boss treated your coworker who couldn't go, and you wouldn't really want to be in her place.
And the promise of a nice stay-in birthday with Chris was closer than ever.
You told Chris to come pick you up from the airport when you came back. Usually he was very punctual, but today he was a little late. Not that you minded, obviously, you just found it a bit odd, but hey – you weren't one to judge, never perfectly punctual yourself.
"Hey babe, what’s up?" you asked as you got into the car, kissing Chris' cheek.
He captured your lips in a sweet kiss, and you smiled into it.
"How was your flight?" he asked with a smile.
"You know, as good as a flight could be," you chuckled softly, taking in the start of the sunset outside the window as he drove you both home, in comfortable silence.
When you got home you got out of the car and Chris helped you carry your bags inside. Meaning, he insisted on taking everything while you half complained half laughed that you could also take something.
When you were inside, Chris put down the bags and took out his phone, typing for a second and put it back in his pocket.
"Okay, I know you've been gone for two weeks, and you're probably very tired, so you can take a shower and then go to sleep. I could take care of your bags," he said, wrapping his arms around you.
"Well, that's a very kind offer, but how about this – the bags can wait for tomorrow and we can take a shower… together," you smirked.
"I missed you," he laughed in your ear and lifted you up, carrying you upstairs.
"Good morning, birthday girl," Chris murmured as he pressed soft kisses to your neck and jaw.
"Good morning," you answered with a smile.
"So, I know we said nice day in," he said, "but I have a surprise for you, so get dressed. It's not far, I promise," he smiled and got up. That's when you noticed he was already dressed in jeans and a shirt.
"Did you get up before me?" you asked, till groggily rubbing your eyes.
"Not a lot," he answered. "Now come on, before the coffee gets cold," he smiled.
You got ready for the day and went downstairs with a grin, seeing Chris playing around with Dodger.
"Happy birthday! Dodger, say happy birthday to momma!"
Dodger barked and you both burst into laughter. "Thank you, bubba," you smiled and leaned down to pet him.
Once you both drank and ate, you asked Chris, "So, where is that surprise you got me out of bed for?"
"Let's go and I'll show you," he took your hand and led you out the front door, but instead of walking to your car, he led you around the house, to the small grove of trees behind your house.
"Where are we— oh!" you stopped mid-sentence upon noticing something amazingly unusual about the grove – on one of the lower trees, there was a pretty little treehouse, obviously new, with a ladder leading up to it.
"Surprise," Chris said softly and hugged you from behind, making you lean back into him. "I had it built when you were away," he explained. "Do you like it?"
"I love it!" you exclaimed and turned around to kiss him, wrapping your arms around his neck.
"We haven't gone inside yet," he smiled and gestured for you to go ahead and climb before him.
"What a gentleman," you teased with a smile. He raised his brow at you. "We both know you're just enjoying the view," you smirked, and he laughed.
"Guilty as charged," he slapped your butt playfully.
You both laughed and you climbed up, followed by Chris.
Inside, you found a cozy little setup – the treehouse was full of fuzzy blankets, a couple of bean bags, and the walls were decorated with fairy lights, which weren't in their full effect yet since it was like 11 am, but you could picture how at night, they would glimmer and give the house a magical aura.
You wandered into the middle of it, ducking down only slightly so you won't bump the ceiling. You turned around to thank Chris but the words died in your throat once you saw him on one knee, holding a small box in his hand.
"Surprise," he said softly with a smile. You gasped, your mouth agape but you couldn't form words to save your life. Chris took a deep breath and spoke up.
"When you were gone, I had to take the chance and get you this birthday gift, because I knew how much you'd like it, to have a small place out here that's yours, if you want it. And judging by the look on your face, I'd say I did a decent job," he chuckled, and you nodded with a smile, biting your lip. "It may be your birthday, but you're the best gift I could've ever gotten," he grinned, "and I want to hold onto you forever. When I envision my future, you're always in it. And maybe one day we'll have some little ones you could share this treehouse with." You were tearing up now, and you let out a wet chuckle. "I love you, more than words can say. Would you make me the happiest man in the universe and marry me?"
"Yes," you were near sobbing now, sinking onto your knees in front of him and crashing your lips on his. The kiss was electrifying, the feeling of his soft lips moving against yours making you soar and grounding you in the moment at once. That could be said about your entire relationship; making each other stronger and achieving what you wanted, the comforting shoulder to lean on, the occasional yelling match, the domestic moments, the passion, the fun and the less fun. All of it combined to create one beautiful love story, one that was yours and yours only, the rest of the world be screwed.
"I love you," you whispered, your foreheads still touching.
"I love you too," Chris whispered back, and then reached to open the box. He opened the lid, revealing an absolutely gorgeous ring, glimmering in the soft morning sun.
He slid the ring onto your finger, and you both spent a moment admiring it before breaking out of your reverie and turning to each other once more, matching beams on your faces.
"Best birthday ever!" you exclaimed and tackled a laughing Chris into a tight hug which he eagerly returned.
And honestly, it was only second best. The first best was when you, Chris, and your kids spent the whole day in "mommy's treehouse," playing board games and having pillow fights, even eating in it, which the kids weren't usually allowed to do. But you didn't know that yet.  
i really hope you liked it!!
Taglist:  @horny-nd-bored​ @shannon124 @perfectlyharolds​ @wintersoldierslut​ @iceebabies​  @sleepingpapermouse @steverogerswasalwaysworthy @holtzkinnon @angelicl-y @stydia-4-ever @thatoneperson5000 @fangirlfree​ @kaitcordx25 @bequeening​ @steve-barry-damon-logan​ @itscrazycherryblossomcollection​ @hollandxmarvel​ @stargazingfangirl18 @readsreblogsfics @onetwo3000 @beritmetal @harrystylesholland @jazbot2000 @anobscurename @xxxtwilightaxelxxx
if you wanna join / be removed from this taglist, comment/message me! much love <3
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"the angels never arrived"
Kai Parker x OC!Mack Grace
Series synopsis: "We're both cursed, in a way."
We all know the story of Kai Parker, but he once lived in a very different life. Do you ever wonder what that life looked like?
Chapter summary: Christmas get a little...deadly
Warnings: violence, death
Masterlist | Series Masterlist
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VIOLENTLY bright and tacky lights were strung through the halls, spare corners and classrooms decorated with paper snowflakes and plastic Christmas trees and the general spirits of student was lifted at least thirty percent by the approaching break. Mack sighed and closed her locker, turning to face Jo as she filled her in on everything that happened when she was away.
"So who's this mystery guy that keeps coming up then?" Jo urged with a raised brown, poking Mack in the side playfully with her elbow.
"Just that. A mystery." Mack retorted, scoffing and rolling her eyes at the overly invested girl.
"A mystery, huh? Well I do love a good problem to solve." Jo teased. "If I can't know who he is, at least tell me what happened." No suggested. After a long pause to mill it over, Mack finally caved.
"Okay, so - don't freak out, but I may have slept with him." Mack all but whispered. Jo cupped her ear with her hand and said:
"What was that? I couldn't hear you." Mack chewed her bottom lips before repeating.
"I slept with him. Twice." Jo's eyes went wide.
"Twice?!" Mack but her lips and nodded. Suddenly an arm was thrown over her shoulder and Mack turned to see a grinning Kai.
"So what's this?" He asked, mock shock on his face.
"Mack finally found a way to forget Ben." Jo stated.
"Ooooo, so Kenz's finally getting some?" Mack rolled her eyes. "It's about time really, I was getting fed up with her cranking attitude and-" he cut off when Mack hit him in the shoulder and he retracted his arm, shooting her a knowing look.
"It's not like that. It was a spur of the moment kind of thing, I doubt it will happen again." She dismissed, giving Kai a warning look.
"If you say so. Hey, this is me. Catch you guys later!" Jo said as they reached her class.
"Won't happen again, huh?" Kai husked lowly in Mack's ear once Jo was gone.
"Yes. So don't try anything." Kai's mischievous grin worried Mack and before she knew it he had grabbed her hand and pulled her into Janitor's closet and pressed her against the closed door.
"Like this?" He whispered, nibbling softly at her earlobe. She put her hands on his chest and pushed Kai back slightly.
"Yes, like this."
"We have a free period, may as well use it." He shot back with arched brows. He stepped closer to her again. "I know you want to." His minty breath fanned over her face, intoxicating her further. Mack looked away, and before he could get another word in she smashed her lips to his, her arms wrapping around his neck.
Kai was taken back at first but he quickly melted into the kiss, bracing a hand on the door beside Mack and his other settled on her hip after running over her curves.
"This is the last time this happens." Mack mumbled against his lips, gasping as Kai picked her up and wrapped her legs around his waist before crashing her back to the door again.
"Okay." He murmured back, knowing full-well it wouldn't be.
"So what are you guys doing for Christmas?" Mack wondered aloud as Kai drove her and Jo home.
"Yeah, our family is going to San Francisco to see our cousins." Jo explained. "Well Kai isn't, as usual." she added almost accusingly.
"So you're gonna be on your own for Christmas?" Mack's question was directed at Kai now. he scoffed.
"So?" he seemed completely disinterested. Mack's eyes were wide.
"So?! What are you on about? It's Christmas!" Mack exclaimed, shocked. After a moment of thinking she came up with a solution. "Why don't you join my family for Christmas? It's only my dad, my sister and me but it's normally quite funny and we could always use some extra company." she quickly added, "and you can probably cook better than any of us."
After a moment of no answer Mack spoke again.
"You don't have to, I just didn't think you'd want to be alone. Think about it." She said as Kai pulled up to he house. "Thank you for the lift, bye!" and with that she climbed out Kai's car, slinging her bag over her shoulder and opening her front door.
"Hey dad." she said, dumping her bag on the table and grabbing an apple from the fruit bowel.
"Hey sweetheart." he chimed back, focus still on his notepad in front of him. "have a good day at school? How's Kai?" Mack took a bite of her apple.
"School's..." she trailed off, thinking about the Janator's closet, "fine, I guess. And Kai's good too. Speaking of Kai, can he spend Christmas with us? His family is going away and he'll be alone." Mack put her pleading face on.
"Of course he can, that boy has been a great help to you these past few months and I'd love to finally meet him. Do you want to give him a call?" he suggested, finally looking up from his work.
"I'll call him later. I've got homework to do, so I'll just be up in my room if you need me." Mack said, walking towards the stairs.
"Oh honey," her dad started. she turned back to face him.
"Yeah, dad?"
"Kim's boyfriend is also joining us this year."
"Yeah, they started going out recently. I think he's younger than her - maybe your age. I am yet to meet him, so she thought Christmas would be the perfect opportunity."
"Okay." Mack walked up the stairs, the cogs of her mind churning, trying to figure out who her sister was dating.
"Kai! Finally, I thought you'd never come." Mack greeted cheerfully, smiling widely at Kai would held a few stacked trays covered with tea-towels in his hands.
"And miss seeing you in this little get-up?" He gestured to her red dress and Santa hat, "not a chance in the world, sweetheart." Kai grinned back, placing a quick kiss on her cheek as he walked into the house.
"You must be Kai!" Her Dad said as he saw Kai, Kim taking the plates from him as he mouthed a thank you before returning to her dad.
"Correct. You must be Mr Grace." Kai mentioned, shaking his hand firmly.
"Oh, please call me Ian." Ian waved off, releasing Kai's hand.
"Well, it's good to meet you, Ian. Thank you so much for having me." Kai thanked.
"Oh, it's no big deal. It's nice to have some more company for a change." Ian smiled. Kai turned to Kim.
"Ah, the sister." He said with a tight smile.
"Ah, the boyfriend." She mimicked. Kai had an amused smile at that.
"Not quite, just the best friend for now. I don't think she's quite over-" he was cut off when he heard Mack's horror filled voice whisper.
"Ben." She stood completely frozen, the door wide open and a smirking Ben stood on the other side, a small box tucked under his arm.
"Hey doll, how are you?" He said with a sickeningly cheery smile that made Kai clench his fists. After the moment of awkward silence, Kim walked over, pecking Ben on the lips and taking his hand, leading him into the house.
"So, everyone. Ben is my boyfriend, we started talking a few months ago. And we're really happy." Kim announced, standing hand-in-hand with a grinning Ben. Kai put his hands on Mack's shoulders, looking into her eyes with concern.
"You gonna be okay?" He whispered, thumbs stroking her shoulder soothingly. She swallowed thickly before nodding, still looking straight ahead with a look of emptiness in her eyes. She closed the door, sticky heading towards the sofa and pulling Kai down to sit next to her.
They zoned out the interaction currently happening, Mack's body slumping against Kai until she laid down, her head in his lap. He played with her hair, trying to quell the building anger inside him.
"So, Ben - long time no see?" Ian said with a bright smile and mockingly-sad tone. Ben smiled at the man from where he sat beside Kim, his arm slung over her shoulder.
"Yeah, well, after me and Mack decided to end things, it got lonely for me. Then I bumped into Kim at the diner down the road and we just got to...talking." Ben mused, but Mack could tell by the mischievous glint in his eye they did something, but talking was not it. "And ever since then, we've been practically inseparable." He finished, entwining his hand with Kim's and smiling down at her with warmth, but a dark undertone still lingered in his gaze.
"Well, I hope it isn't awkward between you kids." Ian joked, gesturing from Ben to Mack with his hand, which had a bottle of beer comfortably settled in it. Ben chuckled and Mack forced a smile, but Kai was practically seething, it glare emitting nothing but anger as he shot an icy stare at Ben. Mack noticed this and gently tugged him away.
"We'll go get dinner ready." She said with a small smile as she pulled Kai into the kitchen, slamming the door behind him and looking into his eyes - which remained fixed on the door as his nostrils flared and his face burned crimson. "Hey, hey. Look at me." Mack soothed as she placed her hands on the sides of Kai's face, stroking his cheekbones softly with her thumbs. His gaze broke and he looked down at her, his expression softening at the sight of Mack.
"I'm sorry, Kenz. I just- I can't stand him." Kai seethed and Mack shushed him gently.
"I know, but I need you to stay calm for me." She whispered and he nodded slowly. "Now, how 'bout we get this food ready?" Mack suggested and Kai's anger seemed to melt away at the mention of food, his shoulders relaxing and a wide smile replacing his frown. He leant down, kissing Mack languidly before pulling away and walking over to the oven.
"You do the veg and I'll handle the Turkey?" Kai grinned and Mack smiled warmly.
"This is delicious, Kai. Thank you so much for bringing it." Ian commented, mouthful of food as he eagerly wolfed down the plate of Christmas dinner Mack had served him.
"Yeah, I guess you can cook much better than you can throw a punch, huh?" Ben jeered with an amused grin. Mack and Kim grimaced and Kai had to stop himself from dropping his fork. Or stabbing it into Ben's hand, for that matter. Kai looked up at Ben with a fake smile.
"I guess so." He chuckled and Ben followed, the tension melting as they all continued to eat. "But, you know, just for the record." Kai started and Mack put her knife and fork down, burying her face in her hands as Ben raised a brow and Ian looked between the two boys. "I think you're a much better conversationalist than boyfriend." Kai mused.
"And what makes you say that?" Ben prompted.
"Well, from what I  can tell you can make it through a whole conversation with out hitting someone, unlike your relationships." Kai snapped and Ian's eyes widened, Ben's jaw ticked and he gripped his fork tightly. "Notting to say to that, sick bastard?" Kai taunted and Ben's jaw clenched and he abruptly stood.
Kai followed soon after. Mack reached out for him, placing a hand on Kai's arm but he shrugged her off. Kim seemed to be frozen and their dad looked completely lost. Ben made the first move, stepping around the table. Kai was soon to copy him but as Ben threw his fist Kai caught it with ease. He smirked at Ben.
"Still wanna tell me I can't throw a punch?" Kai asked with raised brows and Ben's angered face melted into one of fear and he coward away from Kai. "Didn't think so." Kai muttered before twisting Ben's arm round and holding it against his back as Ben cried out in pain. "Now, why don't you leave and stay the fuck away from Kenz, huh? I know how much you like to lay your hands on her.." Kai trailed off and let Ben go, who stumble forward and practically bolted from the house, the door slamming with a bang behind him the reverberated from the walls like thunder.
"Get. Your. Fuck-buddy. Under. Control." Kim spat at Mack before storming off, the sound of the legs of her chair scraping bitterly against the floor was punctuated awkwardly but the slam of the door behind her. A thick tension rose, thick enough that a knife could slice straight through it like it was cutting cheesecake.
"Well.." Ian began but Mack was gone, the last thud of the door causing both Kai and Ian to flinch as the wood smashed against the battered frame.
"I'm sorry-" Kai tried to apologise, turning to face the man but Ian held up a hand, halting Kai's words.
"No. You did the right thing, boy. I can't believe I let that boy in my home - near my daughters!" Ian gritted out and Kai's jaw clenched. "I should have been a better father..."  he murmured.
"No." Kai said harshly, making Ian's head snap up to look at him. "You are not at fault. Ben is a vile creature who deserves to rot in hell." Kai spat and Ian nodded. "And if you think you're a bad father, you are strongly mistaken. If you knew how much Kenz appreciates you,     you'd-" Kai's little sprang was cut off when a violent buzzing echoed from his pocket. Kai pulled out his pager to see Mack's number and instantly rushed to the phone.
"Kenz? Oh my god, Kenz! You had us worried sick! Where are you? I'll come pick you up-"
"I killed him, Kai. He's - he's dead."
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into1-wonderland · 3 years
Baby!Into1 x Daycare au | Intro
(ft. Bo Yuan as the caretaker of the 10 chaotic bunch, ranging from the ages of 3-5)
a/n: hello hello yumi here~ so this is the first into1 au of mine that will ever see the light of day. at first I was going to write things for it, but honestly I'm going to make it into a series with incorrect quotes to attach with it. this post will be the bios of all the babies and our lovely caretaker Bo Yuan, so enough of me babbling and I hope you guys could enjoy~
First off, we have the Caretaker™ Bo Yuan:
my mans is like in his 20's rn
wanted to open up a little day care as like side job/internship because he wanted to teach kids in the future so he was like “might as well start working with kids now!”
and so
he did it
only regretted his life decisions when his devil number 1 and devil number 2 does something bad
other times he really enjoy looking after them! and he doesn’t even feel like it’s a job!
has been thinking about taking a field trip with all 10 of them but he’s afraid: 1) he might lose one 2) he might lose himself 3) can they behave themselves
his favorite thing to do is having all of them gather around while reading a fairytale to them for nap time
or sometimes he would sing a song
he has a lot of favorite things in day care, literally having all 10 of them just there makes him happy
except when lin mo and nine is having a scream off:
lin mo: ahh
nine: aHH
lin mo: AHH
nine: AHHHHH-
bo yuan, running into the room: what’s wrong?
ak: screaming
bo yuan: why?
patrick, with his hands over his ears: TO SEE WHOS LOUDER
all the other boys: *nods*
isnt always watching the kids 24/7, since day 1 when the kids came in he told them the rules of the daycare and kinda just let them familiarize the place
(bo yuan: its a daycare, and they are kids, they are suppose to have fun!
keyu, in the back, mumbles: i wanna climb the tree in the yard
bo yuan, turns around: keyu no)
And now we have the kids!!
Liu Yu:
4 years old
very quiet, just likes to sit and read and draw
the most obedient one, and likes to follow around bo yuan
well,, most of the time
he’s played a few pranks on bo yuan like:
bo yuan: liu yu nap time is over you have to wake up
liu yu: *not moving*
bo yuan, gently nudged liu yu: liu yu wake up!
liu yu: *continues to fake sleep and not move*
bo yuan: *leans closer to liu yu’s face to make sure hes not sick or has a fever*
liu yu, scares bo yuan: WAH
bo yuan: liu yu dont do that! you scared me!
liu yu: *giggles*
likes to stretch and bend himself in odd positions
(bo yuan: everyday I’m in fear that he will snap himself in half)
kinda an introvert but once he hangs around everyone for a bit he will open up to them and fit himself in very well
likes to organize and keep things how he found them/have special places where he organizes his toys
jiayuan: *moves liu yu’s fan*
liu yu: hey! put that back!!
has really good etiquettes and never really fights or argues or bicker with the other kids
but likes to joke around and mess around with once in a while
patrick: wahhh i put my cupcakes here who took one!
liu yu, hiding it behind his back: idk maybe keyu took it?
the least of bo yuan’s worries since he’s always in bo yuan’s sight, also he’s aware of his surroundings so he actually helps bo yuan make sure everything’s okay
(bo yuan: i made a checklist for myself on the whiteboard and liu yu likes to check things off for me, he said “coloring in the boxes is fun” so now he's the reason why i get all my work done)
4 years old
riki’s best friend
super happy and bright, like a ray of sunshine
is easily scared
lin mo: hi
really likes bo yuan, would stick on to him a lot and ask him about everything
santa: bo yuan gege whats this?
santa: bo yuan gege what’s that?
santa: bo yuan gege what are you making right now?
hangs out with liu yu and mika a lot (other than riki)
riki is older than him but would hold riki’s hand and take him around like a didi
also really likes racing with mika for E V E R Y T H I N G
(bo yuan: yeah couple days ago they tried to race who can fall asleep faster but because they kept on peeking at each other so they basically didn’t sleep till i said i’ll watch for them)
really likes to dance, every time he hears music he would start grooving around
loves learning new things, which is probably the reason why he always asks bo yuan so many questions
also least one of bo yuan’s worries, just gotta make sure jiayuan and lin mo don’t pull pranks on him
(bo yuan: well they dont really pull prank pranks, its just once lin mo grabbed a frog and started running around and showing it to everyone, but lin mo lost grip and the frog jumped on santa)
5 years old
looks like he’s 3, acts like he’s 3, but is actually 5
best friends with santa! always sticks around him and likes to tug on a corner of his shirt out of habit
bo yuan: alright everyone it’s nap time! i’ve made the beds for everyone
riki, sees his bed is not next to santa: bo yuan gege can you switch my bed next to santa? i wanna be next to santa
he didn’t start speaking till he was 4 so he often stutters when he talk and just looks confused a lot (it's because he’s thinking and formulating his words)
santa and the other kids would always have to interpret for him
bo yuan: riki I brought some snacks today do you want cookies or marshmallows?
riki: ???
santa, motioning with his hands: bo yuan gege said do you want the white fluffies or brown crunchies
riki: oh! crunchies!
squishy cheeks,, bo yuan’s favorite thing is to squish his cheek everytime he sees him
riki: gud mooning bo yuan gege!
bo yuan, squishes riki’s cheeks: ahh I haven’t seen you in so long good morning!!
nine: wait wasnt riki here yesterday??
also likes to stretch,, often seen around with liu yu and they just help each other
(bo yuan: i am afraid he will snap himself in half too)
not too much of bo yuan’s worries, besides the fact that he might get kidnapped because he’s so oblivious
(bo yuan: we were playing outside in the yard once and riki just wandered off because he thought the neighbor’s flowers were pretty)
4 years old
also kinda an introvert, doesn’t interact with too many people
usually it’s santa that approaches him first or keyu^^
found a ukulele in the toy bin one time and wouldn’t let go of it (he claims it’s his now)
his favorite activity at daycare is when they all sing together, that’s when he smiles the most and has the most fun
the one that likes to nap the most
also likes to help bo yuan cook once in a while (mostly just having mika washing vegetables and passing things to bo yuan)
very laid back and not noisy (till he starts playing the ukulele)
often gets scared by lin mo’s sudden screams (actually, lin mo scares a lot of people, sorry to mika’s ears)
also not one of bo yuan’s worries, literally there’s nothing to worry about with mika, all the kids just likes to sit around mika and pet his head so he keeps everyone safe
(bo yuan: one time I couldn’t find any of the kids in the play room, apparently they were all in the napping corner petting mika’s head since he just got a hair cut)
4 years old
loud, very loud.
pouts a lot
everyone calls nine cute, even the boys who are younger than him
likes to boss around patrick because he’s older
nine: patrick gimme that juice box!
patrick: you’re closer you get it!
nine: i’m older than you!
literally scared of everything
if he hasn’t seen it before and it’s living, he’s scared
jiayuan: *holds a bowl of tadpoles*
nine, several feet away: WAHHH WHAT IS THAT
the happiest when he gets snacks + real food food
also really likes to sing!! his favorite thing is watching disney movies because there’s so much music in it and he just loves to sing along
he’s not part of bo yuan’s worries because he’s literally scared of everything, but nine is really naive and would do things that the other kids tell him to do so, it’s a 50/50 on nine
(bo yuan: there was an edible decorative flower on keyu’s birthday cake couple days ago, and somehow jiayuan convinced nine all flowers were edible. so today during outside time nine almost ate the neighbor’s flowers)
Lin Mo:
3 years old
probably the craziest most hyper one out of them all
he and jiayuan always have something bad planned
literally doesn’t have a moment where he’s calm
constantly in bickering mode with ak
lin mo: NO IM RIGHT
patrick: what are they arguing about?
keyu: *shrugs*
but is also best friends with ak so he’s also calm around him
(bo yuan: yeah these two have on and off days, you can never predict it)
and also constantly naruto runs around the daycare
bo yuan: lin mo stop running!
lin mo: *nyoom*
he also once nyoomed into keyu
keyu: ow what was that for?
lin mo: you were in my way!
and now he nyooms into keyu for fun
a very good mood maker
likes to smile/laugh a lot
would calm down if you show him a movie or a cartoon
number 2 on bo yuan’s worry list because he’s the "bad influence" for everyone, also he reduces hearing for everyone
(bo yuan: i’ve secretly made a tally book on how many times i have to say “lin mo” in a concerning tone this week and he came in 2nd. he was only here for like 3 days!)
Zhang Jiayuan:
3 years old
couple months younger than lin mo but this is the real culprit under a lot of his and lin mo‘s plans
it’s just because jiayuan has a lot of crazy ideas and he says them out loud and lin mo is just like “yes”
also sometimes they are just accidents, but he's always doing weird questionable things with lin mo
got really sad one time because he brought tadpoles and put them in the fish tank and killed them since the fish went nom
but then started to constantly catch for tadpoles to feed the fishes
bo yuan: jiayuan stop, you’re killing the frog population!
jiayuan: but the fishies are hungry *pouts*
likes to fight/mess around with keyu for no reason
keyu: *sitting there, drawing*
jiayuan, with a squishy hammer: *bops keyu’s head*
but also will protect keyu if anyone tries to mess with him
lin mo: *nyooms into keyu for the 3rd time of the day* jiayuan, hugs keyu: stop hurting him!
the calmest thing he likes to do is taking care of plants, probably because he saw bo yuan spraying the plants one time and he like to squeeze the spray bottle
number 1 on bo yuan’s worry list, this child is literally not safe alone or with anyone. they were trying to celebrate keyu’s birthday and jiayuan tried to touch the candles, while it was lit, by the flame.
(bo yuan: i just got the tablets and haven’t set up children mode, so i’ll take the blame for this one. but also why are kids so good with technologies nowadays??)
3 years old
squishy :D
smiley :DD
favorite thing is nap time and snack time
somehow knows every location where bo yuan hides their snacks
bo yuan: *getting the snacks that he hid in the piano*
patrick: *sitting next to the window sill with the snack* hi~
of course bo yuan can never get mad at patrick for eating the snacks because patrick doesn’t do anything bad
also he's a growing child
best friends with keyu,, and drags him on to “adventures”
*the daycare got a new toy play house*
patrick: bo yuan gege, keyu and I are moving out so we can go on an adventure!
keyu: I didnt agree to this??
wants bo yuan to add dress up into the daycare games, since he wants to dress up the other boys in the daycare
patrick: i call it, patrick fashion!
not part of bo yuan’s worries till he’s on his hunt for the hidden snacks, just because bo yuan is afraid he might hurt himself
(bo yuan: i started hiding the snacks higher up and one time i saw him trying to climb on keyu’s shoulders to grab it)
Zhou Keyu:
3 years old
smart, but really clueless at the same time
tall, but has the personality of smol
likes to draw
also likes to read with patrick,, but usually patrick falls asleep so it’s him, the book, and a sleeping patrick
wears glasses all the time since his vision isn’t so good but somehow he makes glasses look good on him???
has a chain with his glasses because there too many glasses incident with keyu
glasses #1 keyu: I don’t like them! *takes it off and loses it*
glasses #2 keyu: *takes them off for nap time, but riki accidentally rolled on to them and snapped it*
glasses # we don’t know how many: *disconnected from the keyu universe*
also like a month younger than lin mo but literally has to make sure lin mo doesnt “blow” the place up
lin mo: what if I stuck this fork into the pluggie thing?
keyu, picking lin mo up: nope you’re not
when keyu is clueless he either stands there or just sit there and space out, not really noticeable but bo yuan ran into him doing that a couple times
(bo yuan: I thought he was an ai that was malfunctioning, it scared me at first but now I know he just doesn’t remember what he’s doing)
oh did I mention this,, even though he’s one of the youngest, he’s the tallest, with that advantage he likes to try to pick people up
jiayuan: keyu pick me up!
keyu: no
patrick: keyu likes me more he will pick me up!
keyu: no
patrick: *pouts*
keyu: *tries to pick both jiayuan and patrick up at the same time*
not too high up on bo yuan’s worry list, give him a piece of paper or book or anything he would just calmly sit there and do something with it
(bo yuan: every time when we do art or reading its so hard to pry keyu away, he has to finish what he was doing and he’s so concentrated he doesn’t hear anybody)
Liu Zhang (AK):
4 years old
loud, VERY LOUD.
he doesn’t know he’s loud
bo yuan: ak you don’t have to yell
ak: OKAY
monopolized over all the instrument music type of toys in the daycare
bo yuan: ak you know you have to share your toys right?
ak: I gave the ukulele to mika
honestly having ak is like having a walking megaphone so bo yuan ended up actually making ak his little helper for announcements
bo yuan: ak go tell everyone is lunch time
ak: alright!
ak: *da da da running to fetch his little stool*
ak, stands on a little stool in the middle of the play room: ITS LUNCH TIMEEEEEE-
nine, swats ak’s leg: YOU SCARED ME
the only time ak is quiet is when he’s around lin mo, he kinda just likes to watch lin mo and follow him around so that’s that
unless lin mo starts messing with him, then you just lose your hearing for the day
also at first bo yuan was trying to see what ak is interested in, and he taught ak hot cross buns on the bells and thought that would calm ak down,, but oops ak ended up making more noises
(bo yuan: I swear something happened to this kid or something. he’s not hard of hearing but he’s just naturally so loud)
i too would lose my hearing if im around ak so much
not to high on bo yuan’s worries but he just make sure ak isn’t being too loud and bothering the other kids, usually he’s pretty good about that but you never know when a little patrick will start napping or anyone really so gotta contain his energy
(bo yuan: ak is usually the first one that’s awake from nap time but its usually like 5-10min before everyone else so i told him he can go and play but he just has to be quiet)
alrighty !! now you've met everyone in the daycare, what kind of fun and chaotic adventures are they going to have??
(all future daycare au things will be incorrect quotes + short little one shots, this intro mostly served as a bio so you understand their personalities a bit, and i hope you enjoyed it!)
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The Girl Out of Time
Pairing: Bucky x Reader & Sam x Reader
Rating: Story will be overall MATURE but not every chapter. There will be strong language, talk of both mental and physical abuse, some good ole angst, and some eventual smut once the story reaches that point.
Chapter 9
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It didn't take long for me to get back to the apartment. The door was still open and Kate along with two others were standing in the hall. She stepped away from the men when she saw me.
"How is he?" She asked with clear concern.
I just shook my head then pushed past her. When I reached the open door to our apartment one of the men stepped in front of me.
"You can't go in there." He said sternly.
"I live here. I can do as I please." I said coldly.
The man just looked down at me with hard eyes. I huffed out a breath of frustration then grabbed the man around the waist. I picked him up with ease then sat him back down to the side out of my way. I walked inside the apartment quickly grabbing two backpacks. I stuffed some of Steve's clothes in one then I did the same with my clothes in the other bag. I threw them both over a shoulder then left. I ignored the two agents trying to talk to me as I left.
It was late morning now. The sun would be up shortly. I decided to take the leap and see if Sam was on a run this morning. We lived close to the area we usually ran. I stood on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. I could see someone running in the distance. I stayed on the steps waiting for him to make his way back towards me. It was a good 20 minutes before he got close.
I picked up the bags I had throwing them back over my shoulder. I jogged down the stairs then stood in the middle of his running path. He noticed me immediately and started to slow down until he stood right in front of me.
"What do I owe this pleasure? Not looking for a race I hope." He smiled at me.
"No, I was just hoping I'd find you here." I said matter of factly.
The sun was coming up on the horizon painting the sky a light pink.
"Oh, so you were looking for me?" He asked raising a brow at me.
"Steve asked me to find you. Somethings going on or about to happen. All I know is he wanted me to grab some clothes then find you then wait on him to call." I explained quickly.
"Alright, you hungry?" He asked as we both started walking.
"Starving actually" I chuckled lightly.
We walked back to his apartment which wasn't far. He unlocked the door then gestured for me to go in first. Once inside I took in my surrounds. It was a nice place. Well decorated and very clean. There was subtle hints of his military background. I was able to spot them due to living with Steve. He did the same things.
Sam was in front of me suddenly. He was smiling ear to ear. He leaned closer to me. My breath caught in my chest. My heart started pumping faster. His grin turned into a smirk as he grabbed the bags from my hands. He winked then walked away down the hallway to my right.
He was back in the room a few seconds later. I followed him into the kitchen as he started grabbing a few things.
"Water?" He asked holding a bottle in his hand.
I nodded. He tossed the bottle to me then grabbed another for himself.
"I put your bags in the bedroom. You can crash in there. I'll take the couch." Sam said as he worked.
"What? No! I'm not taking your bed Sam. The couch is totally fine." I told him waving my hands dismissively.
He chuckled and glanced up at me.
"I know I don't look like it but I am a gentleman. No way in hell I'm gonna let a pretty lady such as yourself crash on the couch." He explained while smiling down at the food he was cooking.
"How chivalrous" I chuckled.
Sam had me pull two plates out from his cabinet and set them on the counter. He made us both a plate then sat at the small table in the corner.
"Thank you for the food." I told him.
"Anytime gorgeous" he winked at me.
We were silent for a few minutes as we both ate.
"So how do you know Captain America?" He asked leaning back in his seat.
"We grew up together." I stated simply.
"Wait, you're from the 1940s?" He asked in surprise.
"I told you when we met I was in the same situation as Steve." I chuckled lightly.
"That's not what I thought you meant." He shook his head.
"Yea, I was born in 1920. I lived in Brooklyn where I met Steve when we were kids. We were inseparable after that." I informed him
"Wow, so that makes you what? 94 years old?" He asked with a humorous grin.
"Hasn't anyone ever told you not to mention a lady's age?" I asked smirking at him.
"Can I at least say you look incredibly stunning for your age." He smiled.
I couldn't help but laugh. His energy was very infectious.
"So what happened to you?" He asked leaning on the table.
"Not sure really. Last thing I remember is walking home from my volunteer shift in May of 1946. I was kidnapped by someone. Then I woke up here in 2013. It's hard to believe I've already been here for almost a year."
"Why would someone want to kidnap you?" Sam asked.
"Not sure. Still trying to figure that one out. They also altered my memories and froze my in a mountain in the Swiss Alps. There's a lot of questions I have but no answers."
"They altered your memories?" He asked looking very intrigued.
I nodded.
"Don't know. My sister and Steve have both told me about a man I was friends with along with Steve. I apparently had feelings for him. There's even photos of us together but I have no memory of him. I only know his name because of Gracie and Steve." I explained.
"This must be really hard for you." He said simply.
"Not really. I've come to feel more comfortable in this time than I was back then. There were so many rules and so much expected of women. They had to find a good husband to take care of them. They had to take care of the house, have kids and raise them, and cook and clean. I never saw that kind of life for myself. I wanted to support myself. I never wanted to depend on a man. Now, I can literally do whatever I want. Nothing is expected of me."
Sam just stared at me like he was seeing me for the first time. His face broke out into a wide grin then he chuckled. Sam took the plates and laid them in the sink. We moved from the table to the couch.
"Can I ask you something?" I asked turning to look at him.
"Of course" he answered turning to face me.
"You keep calling me pretty lady. Is that because you actually think that or you're just being nice?" I asked trying to hide the blush creeping up my face.
He chuckled lightly.
"I think you're gorgeous. You're very interesting. Normally I don't go for woman with such a large age gap between us but I think I can look past it this once." He grinned at me.
I laughed playfully slapping his arm.
"I'm a science experiment. You know I'm just like Steve right?" I asked him.
"Super soldier?" He asked raising a brow.
I nodded. He scooted closer to me. His leg was brushing against mine. Just that small amount of contact had my heart racing. What is it about him that keeps making me so nervous?
"I'll just lay this out there. I'm only slightly intimidated by the fact you can easily bench press me without breaking a sweat but there's just something about you. You're beautiful and a total mystery it seems. I would love to be given the chance to figure you out." His smile was warm and charming.
"And what would happen if you figured the mystery of me out?" I asked while trying to keep my heart from jumping out of my body.
"I honestly don't think I ever could solve it completely. You seem the type that would always be full of surprises and always keep me on my toes." He chuckled softly.
"Would you like to go grab some coffee or something?" I asked hesitantly.
I hope he would catch on to what I was trying to ask. I've never done this before.
"Willow Roffe, are you asking me on a date?" He questioned narrowing his eyes while trying to hide his smirk.
"Yes" I said quietly.
His smile grew as he chuckled. My stomach was turning into a mess making my want to throw up the breakfast I had just ate.
"I would love to." He finally said.
I was suddenly overcome with a happiness I had never felt before. I was suddenly excited and nervous and very aware of how close he was to me. He stood up and reached his hand out to me. I grabbed his hand letting him pull me to my feet.
"Why don't we go for a walk?" He asked still holding my hand.
I nodded unsure if I could actually form words in that moment. He smiled and pulled me out of his apartment. Once we were outside he didn't let go of my hand instead he tangled his fingers around mine and squeezed lightly.
I was a smiling like a fool as we walked around the city just chatting and getting to know each other better. I had to remember to thank Steve later for sending me to find Sam. After a while of walking we stopped in a park and sat on one of the benches under a tree.
"So, there's something you should know." I said quietly.
"What?" He asked looking down at me.
"I've never done anything like this before." I confessed.
"You've never been on a date?" He raised an eyebrow at me.
"Never. I was always with Steve getting into some kind of trouble. I never took the time to be interested in anyone. Unless you want to count the man I don't remember." I chuckled.
"Nah, we won't count him." Sam laughed.
Sam placed his fingers under my chin. He moved my head for me to lock my eyes with his.
"So, if you've never been on a date before does that mean you've never kissed anyone?" He asked glancing down to my lips.
"I don't recall ever kissing someone." I said quietly.
He smiled making my heart leap into my throat. He leaned close as he watched me carefully. It felt like he was taking an eternity that I didn't want to wait on. I reached up to him closing the distance between us. My lips pressed against his and my body came alive. It was like everything was brand new. Every nerve I had was at attention and screaming for joy under my skin. Sam pulled back leaving his forehead against mine. I felt breathless.
"How was your first kiss?" He asked softly as he brushed a strand of my hair behind my ear.
I didn't answer him. I couldn't. There was no words I could use to describe how I felt. Instead, I grabbed his face and pulled him back to me. The kiss was harder this time as I seemed to gain a confidence I'd never felt before. Sam was the one to pull away again.
"Why don't we head back to my apartment. I could use some lunch." He smiled down at me.
I nodded standing to follow him.
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saiharas-world-blog · 5 years
Okay, so I have to post something.
Uh, uhm.
(By Mod Kiibo!)
Gonta Gokuhara
- "hey gonta can i put these on you?"
- this is sweet boy
- so when you walk up to him with alot of tiny ribbons
- and ask if you can place them on his hair
- he'd instantly go with it
- "gonta don't understand why s/o wants to put ribbons in gonta's hair"
- "its okay you dont need to"
- you guys just enjoy some silence for a while, you're probably humming too
- "gonta feels like a christmas tree"
- uh
- okay he didn't have to put it that way
- but by the time you're done he's super happy
- they look so cute! Gonta likes it!
- 50% because you took the liberty to make the ribbons look like butterflies but okay
- overall happy Gonta though💕💕
- by the end of the day your hair could practically be a mess like his
- plus some (fav. color) ribbons strung onto your hair
- he's pretty gentle, im not gonna lie
- but there are just those times
- you may or may not have yelled at him
- yeah maybe next time you should teach him how to do it properly
- "wait what"
- he doesn't understand, he'll be reluctant
- "come on, it'll be fun!"
- "but aren't ribbons for girls??"
- he'll probably google boys with ribbons on their hair while you're talking
- soon enough he agrees
- okay so once you start caressing his hair you're just like
- what kind of f_cking conditioner do you use?
- like, holy hell his hair feels like the things you'd see on a L'Oréal commercial.
- he's confused with your reactions because
- what are you talking about?? its just his hair??
- when he tells you it's synthetic you're like OH
- you keep quiet after that, just enjoying the way his hair feels so ugjkhwNKfhlKlwhIHoGj
- he doesn't ask to put ribbons on your hair when you're done, since he's calculated a 78.6% chance of failure
- he actually loves the way it looks though, little electric blue ribbon delicately strung onto his hair.
- oh, then you show him a surprise
- basically you turn off the lights and the ribbons glow
Kaito Momota
- okay you wanna know what you did?
- yeah?
- okay, so you didn't tell him that you were going to put ribbons in his hair
- instead, you went something along the lines of;
- "hey kaito can i put stars in your hair?"
- he's hesitant because where the hell are you going to get stars to put in his hair
- also because it probably isn't masculine
- but i mean
- they're stARS HOW COULD HE NOT--
- so he says yes
- okay his hair is weird and you'd probably have a hard time working with this
- but the end result is worth it
- you practically made his hair a canvas and your ribbons the paint
- you stuck to your word though
- in his hair, laid a freaking galaxy
- kaito's hair color was perfect
- purple, yellow, and white glittery ribbons adorned the man
- and they were shaped into stars
- you have no idea how much this boy's love for you has grown
- "hey maybe i can add some to your goatee too"
- that was a joke
- obviously
- but when he went "Go ahead!"
- you just hAD TO
- so now he's walking around with stars on his hair and one glittery purple star on his goatee
Kokichi Ouma
- let me show you something
- its just ouma with ribbons
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- i edited that, i know
- he looks like a girl but don't mind that
- ngl, you probably did this while he was asleep
- so he'd wake up in the morning like he usually does
- then he looks into the mirror and--
- immediately runs to you
- you'd be making coffee or something
- then you'd look at him and burst out laughing
- "y'know, that look suits you"
- pouty boy
- "as the ultimate supreme leader i demand you rid of these immediately!!"
- nah, man
- he tried removing the ribbons
- he failed miserably
- you may or may not have made a bet that he can't survive 24 hours normally with those on
- you may or may not have said you wouldn't remove it if you won
- he may or may not have said he'll style your hair and you'll have to go with it for 24 hours if he won
- at the end of the day he just walks into your room
- with that huge smirk on his face
- and oh sh_t he won the bet
- you just slowly remove the ribbons as it dawns upon you that your supreme overlord boyfriend is going to mess up your hair
- haha good luck
Korekiyo Shinguji
- why bother put ribbons in his hair
- if you can make his hair into a ribbon
- initially, you were just running your fingers through his hair
- the thought of how his hairstyle is so feminine sparked into a conversation
- eventually leading you to suggest styling his hair
- "no"
- "but--"
- "no"
- don't worry though
- he'll reluctantly agree
- that is after you promise not to cut or color his hair
- he tells you stories while you do your thing
- you know tsuyu asui from bnha?
- imagine kork with that hairstyle
- +lucky clover shaped ribbons
- "you're a walking good luck charm now!"
- "no wonder you're here with me"
- SMOOTH 100
- he styles your hair to (somehow) match his
- he doesn't know how to do the clover ribbon thing
- so he just turns them into extensions of sorts
- you and kork should do this more often!
Rantaro Amami
- "okay"
- avocado boi is just so chill and open
- like you don't even have to ask
- slight hassle because his hair is short
- you ended up adding clips too
- so he basically has this one medium sized ribbon on the right side of his head
- and a sh_ton baby ribbons just scattered everywhere
- you just start joking around
- "oh no! Ribbons seem to have invaded your scalp!"
- he goes with it
- "oh no! Am i going to die??"
- "if you can get to the cure, then you won't have to suffer anymore"
- "and the cure is?"
- "hidden after hours of cuddles"
- im sure you can tell where this is going
- so you guys cuddle
- you remove the ribbons from his hair
- and the day goes on like usual
- then tomorrow comes
- and avocado boi sees you with a bunch of ribbons in your hair
- its too early for this
- before he can even speak you look at him and exclaim
- "the wHAT??"
- a few minutes later and you're just laughing
- "okay so maybe i wasn't infected. do you like my new hairstyle?"
- "sure, it suits you"
- avocado boi is amused
- yay to s/o!
Ryoma Hoshi
- i
- i just
- im not sure how this'll work
- his hair is super short???
- that doesn't stop you from trying though!
- he goes with it
- he plans on covering them with his hat anyway if ever you insist he keeps them on
- you did a thing
- where uh
- you weaved the ribbons and stuck them to a bunch of clips
- those in which you placed onto his hair
- like amami, ryoma has this "surperior ribbon" on one side of his head
- when you're finished he probably looks like a 2 year old kid with an extra (personality wise) woman for a mom
- ngl he doesn't like how it looks
- of course he won't tell you that
- he won't try to decorate your hair, mostly because he can't reach but--
- he'll ask nicely if he can remove the ribbons
- as nicely as he can at least--
- its a whole different story when you compliment him though
- "maybe i'll keep them on a little longer"
- nice work s/o!
Shuichi Saihara
- "o-oh?"
- he'll give you a minute to wait before he says yes
- atua knows why he took a minute but alright
- in your mind its just;
- "i'm going to make sweetchi look sweeter after this"
- you decided to get some goth ribbons beforehand!
- like those little clips with those tiny glittery skulls
- okay maybe you went with pastel goth
- moving on,
- his hair is so smooth
- it feels like he uses Patene or Treseme even!
- "even hairstylists are impressed"
- "what"
- "nothing, i just thought of mimicking a shampoo commercial"
- you had some fun combing his hair
- so much fun that he had to remind you that you were supposed to put ribbons
- oops, haha
- you start squealing halfway through
- "are you okay?"
- "yes im just imagining how cute you'd look after this"
- you were practically going to die once you finished
- one look at him and you knew
- Mission: Success
- and he just has this rosy blush and the way his eyelashes flutter--
- rip in peace s/o
- (rest in peace in peace???)
- he decorates your hair as a thanks
- he did amAZINGLY
- oh yeah he also used the pastel goth ribbons
- so now you two match!
- happy sweetchi and happy s/o!
Side note: I'd love to see sprite edits/fanart of these!
-Mod Kiibo
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jinxthequeergirl · 5 years
Out there (pt.2)
Crowley x Nephilim!reader
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Summary: you decide to hold your intruder hostage hoping to show your father you could handle yourself but you come across a better idea.
Warning: none
I just wanna say...
The amount of love I get is in reasonable wtf?
You stood frozen in the Position you landed in after hitting the intruder.
"Oh fuck!"
   You dropped the book you used to hit him and knelt down beside him.
See you had a surplus of book plenty just lying around. That's how you experienced the world. So it only made sense that a nice sturdy book would have done the job. "Oh please don't be dead I can't handle a dead body right now!"
  You poked his face and whispered softly. "Hello?"
You pulled off his already half of glasses from his face. And his eyes fluttered open a little bit. "Wh-"
   He couldn't even muster a word as he began to wake up. Because as an instinct upon hearing his voice you  threw him a solid punch in the face, knocking him out again. "Damn it!.."
   You quickly got up and pulled him off the ground from behind scanning the room for a place to hide him.  You pulled him to the broom closed and stuffed him inside.
  "Stay!...stay…" you held your hand in front of him and with the other grabbed the handle and slammed the door shut.
 You presses your back against it and locket it just in case.
"I have a person in my closet…"
 You smiled softly to yourself. "I...I have a person in my closet! Haha take that dad! Can't handle myself!? Well check Out the person in my closet! Who i- oh yes ME single handedly took care of."
   You chuckled to yourself pretending to dust off your hands as you walked away from the closer door. You smiled to yourself proudly hoping that Gabriel would feel the same amount of pride you did.
  You made your way across the room to pick up your book but tripped over something. You lifted up your leg and found a bag handle wrapped around it.          
  You pulled the bag from your let and looked inside. You pulled out the single content and looked at it in awe.
  It was a small dagger. Silver from the handle to the tip. The handle was decorated with feathers and a few yellow jewels.
  You jumped when the mans phone began to ring from beside You.
  "Y/n? I have a surprise!" You quickly grabbed the phone and dagger shoved them into the bag upon hearing gabriel's voice from outside, you took the bag and  tossed it under the couch.
  "So do i!"
You ran into the sitting room just as he opened the front door. "I brought you all new books and ingredients for your favorite dinner. SURPRISE!"
  "Wow thank you! But dad." You took  the basket of gifts from him and set it down.
"I was thinking about that you said about me not being able to handle myself."
"Not this again y/n…"
"No, just listen!"
  You stopped And he sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I was...I was just gonna ask if You could maybe get me some of those art supplies from Paris? Like when I was a kid?"
  "Really?" You nodded. "I just thought it might be better than leaving?.."
 "That might take a while...I have so much to do up stairs...it'll take a week tops till you can have it."
 He pulled you into a hug and kissed you. "But if that's what you want, I'll get it."
   "Thank you." and with that he went back up to heaven.
Once he was gone you quickly ran around the room placing your chair in the center of the room.
  You then went to the closet and opened it up. The man came tumbling out of the closet into his face.
"Ah sorry…" You lifted him up and tossed him into the chair. Which almost tipped back do to the force of you throwing him into it.
   You grabbed an old jump rope and hide from the garden shed and tied him down to the chair.  
You grabbed a lamp from across the room and shone It on him, waiting for him to wake up.
  You had your book in hand and stood back as his eyes fluttered open again. He winced in the light and looked down at his hands.
"Oh...oh no! No! No! Hallo? Where am I?"
He tried to pull his hands free but failed.
"Struggling...Struggling is pointless!"
    He looked up attempting to look out past the light into the darkness. Only then did you notice his eyes. "Demon?..." You whispered to yourself stepping closer to him.
"Is this...a jump rope?"
 You stepped into the ring of light looking at him closer. "Who are you?"
   You stared at each other for a moment. Something about you put Crowley off.
You seemed normal but there was something odd about you. The longer he looked at you the more he felt comfortable and opened his mouth to answer your name.
     "Cr-" but he stopped realising that you did after all have him tied down to a chair with jump ropes and an old garden hose he noticed. "Anthony." he lied.
   You narrowed your eyes at him telling that wasn't the truth. "Alright then ANTHONY if that is your real name...what do you want with me?"
You circled him. "Hmm? Kill me? Bring me to hell with you so you can use me?"
 "What? No I don't want anything to do with you! Except perhaps get away from you princess!"
   You stopped And raised an eyebrow. "Wait You aren't here to kidnap me?"
  "No! I just so happened to stumble upon you while running from a group of angry demons who I stole a-" he sat up straighter looking around.  "Wha...where is the bag I had? And my phone!?"
    "I've hid them where you will never find them!" You crossed your arms. He looked around and tilted his head. "It's under that sofa isn't it?" You frowned and slapped him across the face with the book.
  He woke up moments later. "Stop doing that!"
  "Now it's hidden where you will never find it. Unless…"
    He narrowed his eyes as you grabbed the lamp and spun around it. "Unless?.."
     "I've lived in this house my entire life...I need to see the world. You can have your bag back IF you take me out like a guide so to say."
    "No." the demon responded flatly.
"Something brought you here Anthony! Fate? Destiny?"
    He shrugged. "My car."
You rolled your eyes.
"Oh come on! Haven't you ever felt trapped somewhere you wanted to escape? Doing something you hate?"
    He sighed. "Well, yes but it's still a no you're trapped here for a reason why risk it."
     You slammed both hands down on his wrists and leaned in. "I'm telling you now demon! You can year this house apart but you will never find that bag! Take me into the city for just a day, return me here, and have your little bag back!"
You stared into each other's eyes.
"You've got yourself a deal princess."
     "Y/n." you corrected him.
"Sure.now let me go?"
  You carefully undid his bindings and watched him get up and cross the room to the door. He stopped only momentarily to pick up his pair of sunglasses and placed them on his face And exited the house.
   Which you took note of. You watched after him momentarily confused.
 "Coming princess?" you jumped grabbed your book and ran out the door after him. You gasped when you spotted the new gate in the stone wall.
"Wow did you do this?"
    "Yea…" as soon as you stepped out he snapped and it disappeared.
"Wow!..." You turned around and faced the trees. Which for you was something new. Sure everything was but you had spent so long climbing the wall and seeing this forest from afar and not to mention simply the top of it.
   Crowley raised an eyebrow as you stepped close to one and touched it. You dropped the book and jumped up and grabbed the lowest branch hanging from it. You let out a gleeful giggle and jumped down before running through the forest.
   Crowley sighed and picked up the book and followed you into the forest.
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softmintmochi · 6 years
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Genre: Angst
Summary: The biggest day of your life is finally here. You've never been happier in your life. Everyone important in your life is here, glad that you're happy.
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Jimin's POV
I sigh deeply as I steady myself, my nerves making me feel on edge. Today is the day. Surrounded by my friends, I feel a sense of security. "Are you nervous, Jimin?" Seokjin pats my back soothingly, and I smile up at him. "Of course I'm nervous. What if I do something wrong? Say something wrong?" I ask, my fingers fumbling with my tie. I groan in frustration, and Seokjin takes over for me, tying it perfectly. "You're gonna be fine. We're all going to be there standing right next to you." He assures me. "Yeah, you've got nothing to worry about. Here, maybe this will calm you down." Yoongi says, handing me a flask. I gladly accept it, taking a swig and letting the liquid burn my throat. The door swings open, Namjoon smiling brightly as he raises his hands him the air. "Alright guys, it's time! Let's go get married!" He declares.
The venue is beautiful. I've seen it in pictures about a million times, but pictures can't even begin to compare to the real thing. A spring wedding in the forest. That's always been her dream. She's been planning this since she was a little girl. The trees towered over us, giving us nice shade from the sun's rays. Rows of cushioned seats decorated in lavender ribbon were lined up, facing the alter, which was also laced in ribbon, also pale pink roses poking out. It was absolutely perfect. I walk around, greeting people, ushering people to their seats, waiting anxiously for it to begin. I check my watch, and it's 20 minutes until it starts. I make sure everyone is seated and as soon as they are, I take my place up at the alter, all of my friends around me. I take a deep breath, trying my best to calm myself. It's time.
The music plays, and the doors of the building open. Taehyung rubs my arm that's hidden from view soothingly, trying to calm me down. Everyone turns as she appears, her father locking arms with her as he guides her. Her beautiful fingers wrap around the bouquet of pale pink roses, her veil draped over her face. Even with the veil hiding her, I can still tell she looks absolutely amazing. She always does, of course, but this is a day I've imagined repeatedly, and she looks even more stunning than I could've ever dreamed. The closer she gets, the more nervous I get. My foot taps unconsciously, my fingers fiddling in front of me. She looks at me, smiling before she kisses her father on the cheek, taking her place up on the alter. Her veil is lifted, and I can feel tears pricking my eyes. She's definitely more gorgeous than I could've ever dreamed of. She's perfect.
I remember the first time I saw her. We were just kids, and she sat in my table group, and I would always tug on her hair or tease her. Whenever I did something to her she'd do something right back, and that set they basis of our relationship. For years we teased each other back and forth, and the older we got, I realized my feelings for her. She would always tell me about what she wanted her wedding to be like, and I always promised her I'd make it happen. Even though I knew I loved her, I was always too nervous to tell her. It wasn't until we were 16 that I finally kissed her, and it was the best day of my life. After that happened, we talked about where we stood, our relationship, and how things would play out from then on. A few weeks later I introduced her to my other friends, and she got along with them really well. Maybe if I didn't introduce them, it would've been me standing on that alter with her.
The day after we kissed she came over to my house, sat down on my bed like any other day after school, but she seemed tense, a bit awkward. "Jimin..." She speaks softly, looking down at my floor, and I start to worry. "About last night, I-I don't think it should've happened." Her words are like a knife through my chest. "I'm sorry, but I really don't feel anything romantic towards you. You're my friend. My best friend. I still want to be your best friend." Another knife. I really don't feel anything romantic towards you. The words ring through my ears over and over. All I can do is smile and nod. "Alright then, best friend. No worries." I laugh, and she smiles. "This isn't gonna make things weird between us?" She asks nervously. "Nah, it's all good. I don't want things to be weird between us." I wave my hand, doing a damn good job at hiding my broken heart. "Oh that's great!" She jumps up, running over to hug me, as she's done many times.
Weeks later we were still hanging out after school, like nothing ever happened. I introduced her to some more of my friends, and we all went to hang out at a park, and from the moment she waved at everyone, Namjoon going the extra mile to get up and shake her hand, I knew I was screwed. The more we hung out the closer those two got, his love for literature and music, his morals and ideals and philosophies matching hers. The whole time, all I could do was stand by. Whenever I wanted to say something, do something to show she should be with me and not him, I couldn't. They're perfect for each other, and who am I to try and stop their happiness?
Somehow I managed to stay composed through the whole service, even smiling and patting Namjoon on the back after they kiss. I have to keep it together until I go home. Please, at least until I get home. Everyone goes straight from the service to the reception, the venue being nearby. The happy couple takes a car while the rest of the wedding party splits up between two vans, bridesmaids in one and groomsmen in the other. When we're finally in the confines of the van, a collective sigh spills from our mouths, and I lean forward, my head in my hands. "You did a great job, Jimin." Jin reaches up, patting my back. A round of agreeing hums sounds through the car, and I sniffle while nodding.
"I can't do this right now. I just need to suck it up." I nod, wiping away any tears that escaped. The van pulls up to the venue, and I hope my eyes aren't red. I don't want Y/N to see me sad. We all get out, Going inside and taking our seats at the large table. It takes about 20 minutes for everyone to gather, taking their assigned seats. I smiled as Namjoon sat down next to me, but on the inside, I was falling apart.
Speech time. One of the many moments I had been dreading since I became the best man. I stand, clearing my throat and tapping my glass, getting everyone's attention. As everyone quiets down, all eyes on me, I feel on the verge of breaking again. Its hard, but I keep my cool, smiling out at the crowd. Guess it's go time.
"Hello everyone. For those of you that don't know me, I'm Park Jimin. Now, I've been friends with Y/N and Namjoon for a really long time. I was actually the one that introduced Y/N to Namjoon. Um, I didn't actually write anything for this, I figured I'd just wing it. Let's hope it goes well." I smile, and everyone laughs. "I don't really have much to say, um, I could tell some funny stories about each of them, God knows I have so much dirt. But, I won't do that. As I look around the room, and saw the service, I can tell you personally that this is absolutely Y/N's dream wedding. Trust me, she told me for years every little detail of what she wanted. Everything looks perfect, and she truly deserves it. Namjoon and Y/N, I knew from the moment I introduced you that you guys were perfect for each other, and I'm really glad you guys are happy. You both are amazing people that deserve only the best. I know it's short, but like I said, probably should've prepared something. I don't think it really takes much to get my point across though. These two are amazing together, and I hope you guys have an amazing future together."
Everyone claps, Namjoon hugging me as Y/N smiles at me. I take my seat, and all the other speeches are done. Mine probably sucked the most, but at this point, I don't really care. I'm just glad it's over with. After the speeches everyone eats and mingles, the music starts to play, everyone hitting the dance floor. The main dances take place, then everyone starts to dance together. Even though dancing is my passion, I decide to stand to he side, watching Y/N as Namjoon spins her around, holding her close to him. She looks so happy, it puts a smile on my face. All I've ever wanted was for her to be happy, and she is.
After a bit, she notices me, waving me over. I put my hands up, shaking my head, but she comes closer, grabbing my hand and pulling me up. I groan in defeat as I start dancing, her sweet laugh ringing through my ears. She's having so much fun. A slower song comes on, and I get bold, holding my hand out to her. "Namjoon, you mind if I take this dance?" I ask my friend, and he smiles. "Nah man, go ahead. I'm gonna dance with my mom." He smiles, patting me on the back. Y/N takes my hand, and I pull her close, my hand resting on her back.
"So, are you having fun yet?" She asks. "Yeah, I am. It's a great wedding. You guys did an amazing job." I smile at her. She beams, and I'm so glad it's finally because of something I did. "You were there to help a lot. I'm so lucky to have a best friend like you." She chuckles. Best friend. That's right. Even now, as her hand is in mine, holding her close to me, I'm still the best friend. All I can do is nod and smile, focusing on keeping composed. Apparently, it doesn't work. "Jimin? You okay?" She asks softly, rubbing my bicep soothingly. "Of course. Why wouldn't I be?" I smile, hoping it helps. "Chim, I've known you since we were five, I think I can tell when something's bothering you." She scoffs. All I do is nod, not saying anything.
It's takes a few moments, until she speaks again. "Is it because of-" "Y/N." I cut her off before she can say more. "Are you happy? Really happy with Namjoon?" I ask. She nods, looking up at me. "Then that's all that matters. I'm happy you're happy." I smile, rubbing her back. She nods, understanding that I don't want to talk about it anymore. The song ends, and Namjoon comes over. "Jimin, mind if I steal my wife back?" He beams. "Of course. Go ahead. I think I might be heading out soon anyway." I say, patting him on the back. "Wait what?" Y/N asks. "Leaving already?" Namjoon says. I smile at both of them. "Yeah, I'm exhausted. I'll see you guys when you get back from the honeymoon?" I ask. "Yeah. Alright then. Rest up, bud." Namjoon nods, patting my arm. Y/N reaches over, giving me a hug. "Thank you Jimin. For everything." She whispers. I pull back and smile at them before waving. I say goodbye to the guys and then wait outside for my cab. I'll be home soon. Finally.
As soon as I'm safe in my home, I close the door with my back, sighing deeply. I slide down the door, and as my bottom hits the floor, I lose it. I hug my knees to my chest, sobbing loudly. I've kept it together for so long, and everything is gushing out now. I'm glad she's happy, but why couldn't it be with me? I'm a good guy. I could make her happy. I'd treat her like the queen that she is. I'd give here everything she's ever wanted and everything she deserves. My body shakes as I sob. I'll never have a chance. I just hope Namjoon treats her right. He's a good guy, so I hope he keeps her safe and happy. I'm glad she's happy.
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luckyukhei · 6 years
Word Count: 2.1k! This one beats "Okay, Twilight" in length.
A/N: I've been working on this idea for ages! I'm finally doing it!
Summary: In her third year of going to a school notoriously known for its high population of Seoul's richest kids. In a world where her economic class is the most important thing about her, she's now faced with a more prevalent question. What Will You Choose?
AU: High School, Rich Kids
Pairing: Jaehyun x Reader x Jaemin
Teaser Jaemin Version - Teaser Jaehyun Version
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The first day of school was stressful just because of all the talk of class fees that your scholarship didn’t particularly pay for. Your group of friends waited for you as you made a call to your cousin asking if they had shifts for you to pick up at the family restaurant.
Making your way back to the group as they started walking with you. They were on scholarship to this school as well but, you were the poorest of the group. Being the goofs they were they were playfully horsing around. While you were quiet. 
You felt a hand on your shoulder and Jaemin’s voice manifested directing itself at you, “What did your cousin say?”
“Oh,” You covered his hand in yours, “She’s picking me up to talk to my uncle about it?”
Haechan’s voice interrupted the small moment with the mentioning of someone else, “Chunja looks like she changed a bit over the summer. You going to slide up on her?” 
“Who says that?” Renjun squinted at the unarguably most wild of the bunch.
“I do, No fun Renjun.” Haechan raised his fist to pretend to hit Renjun but, instead, he nudged Jaemin.
Jaemin rubbed his neck,” I dunno maybe. You think she’d be into me?”
Your heart barely had time to swell in an odd feeling when the whole group slowed down. You didn’t have much of a choice because of your position in the middle of the group but, to stop as you heard the speeding of a car pass the group with hooping and hollering. 
You looked at Mark as he mumbled, “God. They’re such asses. Rich kids...”
The group continued their own conversations even causing Chenle’s dolphin laugh ring out among the group.
You squeezed through to stand next to him, “Don’t you hang out with them sometimes?”
He nodded in response, “That’s only because my uncle has money and makes his stepson take me with him so my mom feels like I’m assimilating fine.”
“Look at you! Using big words! Sounding all educated.” You laughed at him and he gave you a big brother seeming smile. 
They always dropped you off at your house first then Jaemin as he lived right next to you. This time you took notice of your cousin’s car in the driveway along with your mother’s.
“Movie night at Mark- Hyung’s on Saturday!” Jisung reminded you.
“Jisung, it’s Monday. What are you gonna do? Remind her every day?” Jeno teased as they left. 
You walked inside greeting your siblings, who excitedly talked about the first day back from break, and mother, who always took the first day of school off of work.
“Jiwoo is waiting for you in your room. We’ll talk about your day when you get back.” Your mom winked at you as she continued listening to your young sister.
“Yes, ma’am.” You nodded at her and walked to your room.
After years of saving up and asking for certain decorations for your birthday or even creating some of them, including a wobbly desk that served as a reminder of why you and the “Dream Team” shouldn’t be anywhere near Woodworking class or power tools in general. One thing that wasn’t apart of your room was your cousin who was lounging on your with two big bags set on the floor.
“What did you bring me?” You asked, tossing your bag in your desk chair.
“Well, hello to you too,” Jiwoo chuckled and wobbled on her knees to the edge of the bed, “I figured that since the girls at my college really liked you from your visit, they wanted to add on to this set of hand me downs. They even gave you old jewelry and shoes. Those are in my car. Although it seems lame that you’re wearing others clothes and stuff.”
You smiled as you looked through the clothes, “Are you kidding me? These are all so pretty and nice!”
“Yeah. They’re nice but, you deserve clothes you bought not preowned.” She told you with sadness laced in her voice.
“That’s why I work hard now, Ji... Tell them I said thank you,” You gave her a big smile as you held up a crop top and a pair of jeans, “For now, let’s try on this cute outfit.”
You sat with Jiwoo and ate ice cream that she leaves in the freezer just in case she has to stay in the restaurant late. You both eat ice cream out of the tub and talk.
“Today, on the way home Haechan was talking to Jaemin about Chunja,” You started scooping out a spoonful of ice cream.
“And this is significant why?” Jiwoo asked, sipping her drink.
“First off, Jaemin is my best friend and he has never, ever, said anything about this girl to me.” You put the spoon in your mouth.
“Is sweet little Y/N jealous?” Jiwoo teased.
You rolled your eyes, “No, I’m not jealous. Just worried. Chunja is one of the most popular girls in school and I think she’s-”
You dragged your eyes to look at a group of boys who started to wave you over. 
“Those kids go to your school?” Jiwoo asked looking over.
“Yeah. They’re Flushes.” You told her standing.
“Flushes?” She asked tilting her head. She grew up rather middle class so some slang she just hasn’t heard.
“Shitty rich people.” You told her before walking over to the table.
You knew of all of them. You knew Lucas fairly well. He hung out with you and The Dreamies every now and then. He was a cool person and fit right in but, he only hung out with the group if his rich friends. He did tell you when he hung out with his friends if you or anyone in the group saw him call him Yukhei.
“Hey, Yukhei!” You gave him a fist bump and a wink.
“Hey, beautiful. I’ve got a few questions for you.” He told you with his ‘playboy’ voice.
“Anything for you.” You nudged him.
“What are you doing here?” Lucas smiled.
“I hope your hoodrat friends aren’t here,” Taeyong muttered before being hit by Jaehyun.  Taeyong was known for his distaste for the scholarships. He would go out of his way not to be associated with any of them except Mark.
“My family owns this place.” You answered ignoring the comment and the assault of Taeyong.
“They do?” Jaehyun inquired seemingly interested. You had a few classes with Jaehyun but, you never really talked because you had at least one member from your group in your classes. But, this year he has two classes with you. One filled with his friends and another with you and two of your friends.
You nodded and looked at Yukhei, “Next question. “
“That ice cream you had looked really good... Do they sell it here?”
“No, sorry.” You chuckled and rubbed on your neck.
“See I told you,” Jungwoo hit Yukhei’s shoulder then looked at you, “Yukhei’s is wrong about most things.”
Jaehyun spoke up,” He was right about one thing.”
“Oh? What was that?” You asked playing along.
“You definitely are beautiful,” Jaehyun took your hand gently, “We’re having a party this Saturday. I would love for you to come.”
You looked around before leaning toward the center and beckoning them to lean, “I’m sure you wouldn’t want a hoodrat messing up your party. Plus, I’ve got better things to do than hang out with a bunch of Flushes.”
Before any of them could respond you did a full 180 and waved them goodbye, “Bye, boys. Don’t forget to tip your waitress. I know you’ve got the cash.”
You slid into the office where your uncle usually counted money at night and where the security footage was collected. He told you to wait in there while he finished some things up. Jiwoo was seated on the table and started clapping as you slipped in.
“I have no idea what you did but, they tipped Ms.Kim fifty dollars,” Jiwoo smirked at you,” One of them left you his number.”
“Toss it.” You told her.
“Y/N... He’s a rich kid. Maybe his your way out.”
“He’s a Flush and I’m my own way out.” You couldn’t continue because your uncle came in.
“Y/N, I can’t give you any shifts.”
Your heart dropped, “I need the money...” You were willing to do anything. You worked hard to make sure you were helping your mom out in any way. As long as her and your siblings were taken care of you would work every minute you weren’t in school.
He held out a stack of bills,” That’s why I’m handing it to you. Y/N, you work so hard for everything you have so now it’s time for us to let you relax. You’re still a kid. You aren’t an adult you shouldn’t work like one. Just maintain good grades and get out of the lower class and I’ll help take care of you.”
Your eyes began to water before tears quickly made their way down your chin before you hugged the old man with as much strength as you could muster, “Thank you so much.”
Little did any of you know that the blessing to relax would come at the cost of teenage drama.
That night you were putting your new clothes, shoes, and jewelry away while playing music. There was a knock on your window. You jerked your head towards the window and saw a smiling Jaemin at your window. This was a frequent occurrence that started in middle school. When Mark wanted to hold a group meeting or Jaemin just wanted to come over.
You unlocked the window and slid it open, “Are you staying or are we going?”
“We’re going. Put a jacket and some shoes on.”
“Yes, sir.” You pulled a pair of shoes on and a jacket before taking Jaemin’s hand and climbing out the window and on to the raggedy old roof. From there you climbed down the tree by your house that connected your backyards.
You both dusted your hands off and stuffed your hands in your pockets. You two didn’t really talk. There were a few reasons for that.
A group of voices and smell of distant weed was one of those reasons. Instinctively Jaemin yanked your hood to cover your head and then covered his. He brought you into his side and shielded you. 
The group watched you two walked by. They used to be your friends. You grew up with them but, ever since your group got scholarships to the “rich kid school” they felt like your group was trying to become “Flushes”. Although that wasn’t the case.
Another reason was keeping quiet until you got to the rest of the group as it was in your best interest not to get caught as rumors spread fast in a school full of snobby kids who are all watching all the time. Looking for reasons to justify the want in the separation of both groups.
The meeting place was at the picnic table by the swings in the park. Jaemin hopped the fence and you followed suit. 
The smell of pizza caused you to run to the spot and grab a slice of pizza. 
“Hello to you too,” Chenle commented and you lovingly leaned on him.
With a mouthful of pizza, you asked,” Who’s to thank for feed yours truly?”
Mark raised his hand and you blew him a kiss.
“What’s the meeting about, great leader?” Jaemin asked in a joking manner.
“It’s about Saturday,” He leaned on the pole,” Johnny, my uncle’s stepson, invited us to a party this Saturday.”
“Okay... Did you say no?” Jeno asked eating some pizza.
“I told them we’d be there.” Mark sighed at the chorus of groans.
“Saturday is for the boys plus, Y/N not a bunch of rich kids we don’t like.” Jisung voiced.
“For once in his very young life, Jisung is very right.” You spoke up.
“Guys, this is our chance to befriend the rich kids. Show them that we aren’t that bad. So, Saturday, I want you in your best party clothes. I want you guys to show those Flushes how we ‘hoodrats’  get down.” Mark got his leadership voice and you raised your hand.
“We can meet up at my place since it takes me the longest to get ready.” You offered.
“I’ll take my dad’s van and pick everyone up,” Jeno suggested.
“Sounds good,” Mark nodded, “Y/N, did your uncle give you any shifts?”
“He told me to stop working like an adult and to relax then handed me money for class fees “ 
Haechan smiled at you, ”Thank Goodness. Now we don’t have to hang out at the restaurant when you work. What are we gonna do with all this time with our favorite girl?”
“Get through the party with the rich kids,” Jaemin answered.
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musicallisto · 3 years
Oh wow! I cannot imagine a universe where physics is my favourite subject 😅 but I definitely know how you feel about the endless tunnel that is university! Fingers crossed you get some time to have a break over this festive period! 🤞
Also an exam on a Saturday? That feels morally illegal 😖 but i’m glad its a subject you enjoy! I feel like those are much easier to revise for so I’m sure you’ll smash it!
Oooh! I would say send me a picture of your tree when its complete if you like but im not really sure how the logistics of that will work with the whole 25 days of anonymity! I’m sure it will be really pretty though! I got to decorate a tree at work last night and it was so much fun!
A carousel! That sounds actually magical! We’ve got a Ferris Wheel in our main square but they weren’t able to put the ice rink up under the tree because of covid regulations :(
No way! They ATL were my #2 this year as well! I only used Spotify for the first 3 months of this year though so my wrapped is a little off 😂
I’m exactly the same! I swear these past few years people have been listening to all their comfort bands from when they were 14 and I can’t tell if its pandemic blues or because we’re all turning 20 soon 😖
Favourite song is literally impossible but I listen to the Nothing Personal the most I think, quickly followed by Don’t Panic - how about you?
I’ve never seen them live! But a girl I went to school with did so she recorded part of weightless for me which was so sweet! I hope I can see them one day! How about you? Have you seen them live or are you hoping to?
Sending all my love in the very long message! ❤️❄️
* ˚ ✦ sorry for how long I took to answer this ask, I've been very busy! it's always nice to see you in my ask box though and I hope you're doing great xx
an exam on Saturday feels morally illegal and extremely reprehensible but it is what it is unfortunately, and I can def tell you they're starting to take their toll. all I want is to crawl in bed with a hot chocolate and a good movie... which makes me think: do you have any movie recs? specifically comforting movies, like romcoms or musicals or just nostalgic movies? I think I'm going to need a little bit of fuel for the rest of the month and I've run out of ideas. and you have great taste in music, so I'm assuming it's the case as well for movies!
I have seen them live, back in 2017! one of the most magical moments in my entire life, I've rarely felt as happy and free as I did that night. man, I miss concerts so bad 😢 my favorite album is undoubtedly Don't Panic, and I listen to Future Hearts and Nothing Personal quite a lot as well. I'd say my favorite song by them is The Reckless & The Brave, which they didn't play when I saw them unfortunately... but at least they replaced it with Take Cover and I felt privileged to hear such an underrated song live. also, Weightless live was definitely an amazing moment, but so was Therapy! and Kids in the dark! all of their songs are incredible tbh and I hope you are able to see them live someday!
and about the Christmas installations - an ice skating ring sounds so cool! I've never gone iceskating, but I suspect I would be absolute garbage at it. A friend of mine tried teaching me how to rollerblade when I was a kid and I couldn't for the life of me stand upright, so if iceskating is anything like it I don't think it's my true calling lol. but I'd love to try it!
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