#A little thing for Olgan
ira-sturm · 2 years
The skin along her arms wrinkle and protrude up like thousands of mountains closely knit together; a ripple running from the base of her spine up to the tips of her horns makes her shiver briefly.  What is this sensation?  This strange emotion welling up within her?  The onis eyes dilating as her surroundings begin to become overtaken by a filthy inky ooze; the sludge overtaking the sands at her feet dominating the seas before her, and forcing its ways into the skies above by some diabolical means.
The oni confused by what was occurring, turned this way and that to try and get a better understanding of just what the hell was going on.  She could feel her heartbeat pounding from inside her chest, beating at her ribcage as if attempting to bash it’s way out of her very center.  Her breathing would begin to up in pace, faster and faster until the darkness around her gave way to something, leaving her breath hitched momentarily as she was able to make out the recognizable form of a hand reaching out from the darkness, illuminated scarcely by a light source that confused the senses.
She was uncertain how to react to all of this, to everything she was witnessing, to the battering of her senses in a manner she was wholly unfamiliar with it was almost too overwhelming, but she was a sturdy creature and held firm enough to at least try and make sense of all of this.
The hand reaching out from beneath the sludge, a good distance away, would slam down atop the inky surface, as if it were a solid surface, beginning to slowly force what it is attached to from the murky depths of this eternal darkness.  More and more of this things form was forced out, revealing what could be mistaken as a person wearing full plate armor, but no normal mortal she knew of was capable of such a dramatic display.  Sludge leaked thickly from each crevice in this creatures armor, dripping down to casually join the vile mass it had pulled itself from.
While this creature was revealing itself, Olgan would feel only one sensation start to creep over her as the neurons in her brain fired at lightning speeds, pulling up old memories she scarcely recalled on a good day.  She recognized this armor, she knew this creature, she knew just who this was.  The scars on her right arm began to pulse with a phantom pain, as her mind pulled up more memories, this time of what emotion she was currently feeling, one she hadn’t felt in nearly a century,     FEAR! This was a man who had instilled absolute terror into the oni, who hade broken hear spirit almost completely.  He had caught her when she had just come into being, brought her down to her knees with an unrelenting brutality and cold ruthless efficiency.  This man was the first person to hand Olgan a merciless defeat that nearly cost her her life.
Olgan cracked her jaw and clicked her teeth together, barely able to put on a brave face, one of shaken confidence at best.  “We've settled our score!  I won!” She beat her chest once as she proclaimed her victory over this creature.  “You have no right to come back in a miserable attempt to reclaim what you have lost!”  She roared out, muscles flexing as she pointed at the creature, who had finished rising from the depths of the darkness beneath the two.
He was standing their silently, the sludge leaking from his armor had lessened somewhat, but remained ever present, most prominently leaking from the many holes in his helmets faceplate.  A sickly looking poleaxe was now in his grasp as he per Olgans perception, he seemed to loom far taller than she remembered him being.
He began walking She attempted to take a step back, but was unable to.  Giving a quick glance downward it looked as if the sludge was clinging to her boots, grasping at her desperately to keep her still, or drag her under..she didn’t know which was more unnerving, or which put her in the worse position.
Regardless her head whipped back up, seeing the man in black slowly walk his way closer.  Brows furrowed as she grit her teeth harshly, grinding them together as she attempted to yank her feet free.  The pounding in her heart seemed to grow louder and faster as he drew closer!  She was defenseless!  Powerless!  This was his home turf it would seem, how would she be able to fight back and defend herself?!  How could she defeat a foe when not even given the chance to move in retaliation?!
“Our conflicts were fair!  Our strengths battling out it to the bitter end!  I could hardly call this situation fair!”  Her voice bellowed out, a twinge of fear present beneath her growing fury at the situation.
He kept walking
  Anger.  Anger is what liberated her from all her shortcomings, it’s what allowed her to push just that little bit further to overwhelm and destroy her foes, it had never failed her, and it would be her savior in just such a situation once more.  Roaring out her frustration, electricity burst out around her as she slammed her fist against the thick surface, a thunderous boom echoing out into nowhere, but returning from everywhere around them.  Olgans feet shoot free from the sludges grip, allowing her to use such freedom to flash forward on her foe.
Overwhelm! Overpower! Annihilate his ability to react in any sensible way!
Arms outstretched, maw open wide to show off sharp pearly whites, her expression filled with the fury of a thousand storms!
But in a moment her expression twisted into fear filled realization as time seemed to slow down momentarily, her vision offering the utmost clarity in such a swift situation.  The man had already moved into position far faster than she could react, he had already planned ahead...     he had already beaten her. She saw the tip of his poleaxe aimed right where it needed to be.  She could feel it all happen slowly.  The rusted sludge damped tip of his weapon piercing directly through her midsection, impaling her with ease.
The shock, the pain, the realization of it all.  She had lost in an instant.  Claws offering a crushing grip to the shaft of an uncaring iron weapon, now slowly coated and stained with rivers of red originating from the oni.
The unfeeling uncaring man, kicked the bottom end of his weapon, twisting it out from under the oni swiftly to allow her freedom to fall hard against the oddly solid inky surface.  Olgan coughed up blood as she put her claws atop the inky surface, grasping at anything, at everything, in attempt to get away   To flee... Emotions she felt when she first came to being...when she first faced this man...when she first faced death.
Her eyes went wide as her breath was caught in her throat, feeling the mans weapon once more pierce through her, though impaling through her back this time, further sapping her strength as she felt bones crack, and internal organs ruptured.
He yanked his weapon back out, and began to slowly circle the downed oni.  His strikes precise, bearing down right where they needed to to immobilize the creature he sought to bring so low.
She could see small ripples at his feet with each step he took.  She felt cold, weak, finding little strength at all to move as she lay there, at his mercy to do with as he pleased.  Felled so easily...had she even grown in strength?  Had she even progressed in all the years she lived?  How could she be bested so casually?  She was zoned out, she wasn’t paying attention as the man reared back with his weapon, the axe head aimed at the onis neck.
“Ad mortem invictus”  He said, his voice sounding as vile as the sludge he inhabited, and that the last voice Olgan heard before the axehead of his weapon bore down on her neck, cutting everything out of sight for the oni, and leaving her in true darkness.
With a harsh breath in Olgan would sit up from the sandy beach she had been laying atop of, feeling the gentle waves of the sea lap at her legs.  Her heart was still beating, her body felt weak and sore. and her head was still abuzz with confusion.    She still felt severe pain coming from her back and stomach that slowly seemed to fade once she took note of it.  Cracking her jaw and clicking her teeth together, feeling as if the events that had just transpired felt too real to just be a dream...
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tenebristhequeen · 4 months
// @ira-sturm liked for a starter! //
A little thing...a desire, in her soul and heart, had been haunting Tenebris for a while.
But she will need to ask her wife about this, it's impossible for her to do without her consent, she would never do otherwise.
And so she decides to get prepared, dressing well for the special occasion, putting on some sweet perfume, everything that can buy her some time to get the courage to ask such question.
And finally, when she can't do anything more...The Queen appears near Olgan, gently purring.
“ My love?....may I have a word with you? ”
She asks, slowly moving her tail from left to right.
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nithhaiahh · 1 year
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“Really?” - she replied coldly.
"Your little banshee? Oh, right. I'm sure you got bored of playing with your friends and remembered I existed. Tell me something Olgan, were you always such a pathetic mother or is it something innate to Onis? I can't understand in what logic a mother is so calm to see her daughter on the verge of breaking. Maybe you should ask your little friend to teach you a thing or two about taking care of your children, even if they are adopted."
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autarchi0s · 8 months
The oni had appeared before Stolas, a small little package in hand, long and cylindrical. "I was told the mortals give gifts to..m..loved ones on this day, so...here." She remarks keeping her gaze averted. Inside the package was a map, a star map, one she charted from her home.
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So they do. A tradition as old as time immemorial. The subject of (most) mortals' celebrations, however, has no incumbence with the wretched and unholy beliefs of a demon. Nevertheless, Stolas being one to have dabbled extensively in the customs of the living, he knows better than to decline such a generous offer. It is the thought that counts.
"Olgan dearest, you shouldn't have." Something about her makes it difficult to keep his dignified act together. How can he not sound and seem so touched by such a thoughtful gesture? Sharp and deadly as they may be, his digits yet mind the peril they represent, as they gingerly welcome the round package into their grasp.
To unravel, unfurl it and bear witness to its contents was as satisfying - if not more - than the mere act of receiving it. Indeed a map... one of the stars above. Anchor points dotted and strokes masterfully traced, uniting astral bodies together in a manner of artistic expression the prince thought long lost. Not many do these kinds of things these days. It is all about the rampant capitalism and shameless debauchery.
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"...goodness me, Olgan. Every time I believe myself incapable of admiring you further, I am swiftly proven wrong. You took the time to do this... by hand?" His words, laced with sprinkles of scholarly adulation, are not spoken lightly nor with tinges of sarcasm. Yet again, he finds himself stunned by the oni's skills. The parchment is held tightly up to his chest...
"...thank you. From the bottom of my heart."
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onisinful · 10 months
As much as she loved the cool waters of her lake, Kali was cold-blooded at the end of the day. A little bit of warmth would be very welcome this time of year.
Making her way towards the steam from the hot water, Kali would casually strip off her few garments- finishing with uncoiling the wrappings from around her lower face. Slipping into the warm water she lets out an involuntary sigh of pleasure. Closing her eyes she would drift off for a few hours, until the sound of footsteps drew her back to consciousness.
"You simply can't stay away, can you my Towering Bluebird?" ___
The moment Olgan heard that voice, her expression soured some; she was already nude as she casually strode into the waters, before finding a place to sit that left most of her body submerged.
"Perhaps you are mistaken, this is my land, I've stake on more than just my island" She remarks with a tad bit of venom, was this true? No, but her pride wouldn't allow her to simply admit she enjoyed the creatures presence.
Grumbling some as she would sink lower, eyes closed. An unfortunate thing Kali had to be present here when she came, for Olgan usually mellowed out significantly when in any sort of hot spring...
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xxlordalexanderxx · 2 years
This 'mindless idiot' is trying to convince the kid to stay away from you and your associates. You're right, he shouldn't meddle in the affairs of things bigger and meaner than him. Don't mean to break his friend's heart, but if it will keep him from getting killed, so be it.
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"I don’t see it being said directly, just a bunch of useless sympathy. He doesn’t deserve any of the like. Every single string of bad luck he’s had has been brought on himself due to his own actions. Him meeting that oni is just an unfortunate coincidence, and if not for Cromwell, it would of turned into a dangerous opportunity for that daemon.
I gave him so many warnings it’s insulting, and yet he still finds a way to get under my fucking scales. So don’t come here making excuses for the little fool. At this point the only way I will seek to do him any harm, is if his friend Olgan brings harm to those I love. My hand will be forced then. And I meant what I said.
Other than that I don’t care about him, he needs to stay out of my way for a very long time."
~wHy ArE yOu EvEN pUtTiNg uP wItH tHeSe PeOpLe?!?!?!~
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nottadog · 2 years
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The boy is upset. Yeah sure, Olgan was a danger to Alexander, but Alexander was a bad guy, so that made her a good guy? That was hard to say. He didn't think she'd try to hurt Hannah though. Even if she DID, it's not like Pup would ever help with that. In fact, he'd be pretty adamantly against anything like it, and if she wanted to do it anyway he'd absolutely stop associating with the Oni.
Olgan had been nice to him. Or at least... wasn't actively a menace. That's really all it took to get his trust. He didn't have high standards when it came to this sort of thing. He didn't have anyone who could tell him any better. He didn't have a dad who would become friends with a person-eating monster and then make stupid assumptions.
He also couldn't just ignore the Oni. There was no way he could avoid her and being cold or confrontational would be too mean. Even if they stopped talking for real, no one would believe him. Why would they?
He didn't have hope for the future in this matter either. 'Maybe things will change in time' was usually just a way to avoid confrontation. It made people feel better to say it. Things wouldn't change. Maybe if Olgan died, but he didn't want that to happen. Even then, the only one who'd care would be Hannah and she'd probably forget about him by then.
He's bitter. He's angry. He's sad. Maybe he's a little jealous too.
More than anything else though, he was tired. Tired of people just not understanding.
At least Hannah didn't dislike him... Or he didn't think she did. He didn't get to say goodbye or anything like that, which really just made everything worse.
But maybe he could. Or maybe he could do something this time. Just because everyone else was stupid didn't mean he had to be. Maybe he could break some rules... intentionally unlike what he usually does. And if they were worried about the blue lady so much, she didn't have to know. She could be kept completely in the dark. No one would need to get hurt.
He didn't know exactly what he was going to do yet. He still needed time to think and plan. He just knew that he didn't want to sit idly by again. He didn't just want to walk away. He didn't what what he was going to DO... just that it wouldn't be nothing.
He needed to think about this.
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kyuohki · 5 months
Chapters: 8/8 Fandom: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con Relationships: Original Character/Original Character Characters: Marche Radiuju, Montblanc, Original Characters Additional Tags: Kidnapping, Whump, Secrets, Rescue Missions, Self-Worth Issues, Eventual Romance, Eventual Smut, Eventual Happy Ending, Aged-Up Character(s), (bc when I wrote this I forgot how old the charas were), Blood and Violence Series: Part 1 of Discarded Hope Summary:
When a rival clan is paid to bring Marche and Clan Ragnarok down, the altruistic leader is stolen away to Clan Uroborus’ home base in Jagd Helje. Olgan, Ragnarok’s main healer, is outed as a former member of Uroborus, and after he is accused of betraying Ragnarok, he leaves on his own to save Marche. Kemal, Ragnarok’s brash monk, chases after Olgan, angry that the young mage left to save Marche on his own, as well as fearful for his safety.
But Olgan has more secrets in his past than Clan Ragnarok is aware of, and his history with his former Clan’s leader might be his, and Marche’s, downfall…
And that's a wrap for this Fic-o-Doom(TM)! Thanks for reading with me! :D
(There's gonna be a side story later in the weekend, so please look forward to it!)
To be honest, I could've just posted the whole thing in one drop since it was completed years ago, but wanted to read through it myself and write commentary on each chapter. It was fun, and actually made me love this "little" story even more! I didn't cringe over the writing as much as I thought I would, though it does have a very rushed and rough draft feel to it (I caught the fact I used clichéd descriptions in one spot, though! "Blue ORBS!" Ahahaha! *facepalm*)
I'm probably gonna do a re-write eventually. But I think I'll start drafting other bits to this verse. I want to go into how I think the Grimore actually works, and it'll break off of the game into full angsty AU; and I wanna write about Kemal, Matius, and Gavvar/Lilila backstories. And the how/why of Olgan (which will also force me to write about other OCs, and I'm both nervous and excited about, bc they're from FF7, FF9, and Suikoden; and while they live in my head rent free, it's been a long while since I've finished either game and my memory is spotty on their plots, and fitting them into a coherent story is gonna be a headache.)
(Another part of me wants to file all the serial numbers off and see if I can write a coherent *book* out of these all these ideas and OCs...we'll see.)
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sevenciircles · 1 year
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@ira-sturm | s.c
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As the Princess of Hell, one of her duties was talking to some of the more powerful beings and getting the lay of the land. She didn't really like doing this, it reminded her of the power structure and caste system that they were abiding by. Something she desperately wished to change, but something she would need the throne to accomplish. For now, she could do the best she could. Making change where she could. And one of those ways was using these check ups and getting what was really happening. The issues they were having, their personal struggles and problems. Things she could potentially help with.
It made Charlie happy to know that she was making people's lives better, if just by a little bit.
Today she was by an ocean, waiting for an Oni. Her Dad told her the name was Olgan. And that she was very powerful. Charlie was excited to meet her, considering this would be the first time she did this particular part of the routine instead of someone else.
However, she kinda didn't know what to do.
Did she... call out to the water? Sit around on a rock and wait for someone to show? Charlie didn't want to make a fool out of herself, but the blonde was running out of options.
Deciding calling out would be best, Charlie took off her shoes and rolled up her pants. She went into the water, enjoying the way the ocean felt around her ankles. She had always enjoyed the water.
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"Olgan!" She called, abandoning any sense of shame. She was doing this! She was going to do this! "I'd like to talk! Official Hell Business!"
Was that too mean sounding?
A bit more sheepishly, she chucked.
"If you want to that is! If you are even here. I could be talking to myself? Wow. Butttttt if you are here please come out?"
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scifielves · 1 year
"Bursting Out Tits!" - kazuko
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"H-hey, what'd you give me!?" Like most days, Kazuko had spent the majority of it relaxing and training- Today, Olgan hadn't come to her to spar, or to receive any sexual service, which was a little odd, but fine by her. And then, in the evening, they ate dinner together as usual. However, an hour later, Kazuko kicks in the sliding door to Olgan's chambers, exclaiming her question with a wavering voice.
And it's simple to see why. While Kazuko already had an extremely large chest, now it was even threatening to burst from her clothes. Olgan, of course, did not have a chance to answer before Kazuko fell to her hands and knees with a gasp, her shirt and bra all but exploding outwards as her tits expand to the point where not only can they not be contained, but from her current position on her hands and knees, they touch the floor- and it isn't a close thing, either.
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hellizens-a · 3 years
The Christmas Broadcast
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Below you’ll find a list of tomorrow’s schedule! Tune in whenever you like!
12 AM: The Christmas Song 1 AM: Season's Greetings 2 AM: Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer feat. Husk 3 AM: Jingle Bells feat. Shika, Charlie and Niffty 4 AM: Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer 5 AM: Dominic the Donkey 6 AM: All I Want For Christmas Is You 7 AM: Kidnap the Sandy Claws feat. Zephos and Angel Dust 8 AM: Favorite Things 9 AM: Deck The Halls 10 AM: 12 Days of Christmas 11 AM: 12 Pains of Christmas feat. Husk and The Many Voices Stored Inside His Microphone 12 PM: Carol of the Bells 1 PM: Here We Come A Wassailing 2 PM: Let It Snow 3 PM: Frosty The Snowman feat. Vex, Olgan, and Stolas  4 PM: This Christmas (I'll Burn It To The Ground) 5 PM: Santa Claus is Satan 6 PM: The Krampus Song 7 PM: Silver Bells 8 PM: Making Christmas 9 PM: Last Christmas 10 PM: White Christmas feat. Phisaya 11 PM: Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
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ira-sturm · 4 months
Holding her poleaxe in reverse and short handed, the tip of it's end pressing dangerously up against the jugular of the man sitting atop his throne...a mess of gore and viscera was strewn about his throne room, his guards and close associates massacred, and now he was staring down the face of a very, very angry monster.
"This was a warning." Olgan says in a steady icy tone. "Next time I catch sight of one of your people so much as glancing at me in the wrong light, the devastation will be like nothing you've witness before." Pressing the end of her weapon slightly harder against his neck, drinking in the fear in his eyes as a bit of blood dribbles out from where the point rests. "And I will be certain to lay waste to it all, every scrap of your kingdom, those you love, everything you've built, will be brought to ash, and you'll get to watch." Her expression rather holding little emotion, but her words were laced with a vicious venom.
The man was sweating, frozen in place, the whole thing had been a blur, one moment he was receiving a report from a loyal scout, the next the man was cleaved in half, the rest of his constituents soon followed in his unfortunate demise. "You may keep your crown, for at least you will still be a king, ruling over ashes." A hard jerk away with her weapon, her icy stare keeping the man frozen in abject horror, and then with a flash of lightning, the beast was gone.
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asunnydog · 4 years
She looked down at the ribbon..giving it a tiny tug, a heart for the heartless (not really).  She never really liked dealing with her feelings, but it was hard not to do so when someone with so much..well..feelings!
“Are you certain that’s a good idea?”  She was a beast after all, a blind wrathful monster.
“Of course. I know what you are, Olgan - but also who you are. Yes, you can proud, and wrathful - but you’re also strong, protective, smart, down ta earth; I know that you’ll find the best solution to problems.”
Her tail wagged lazily behind her, a sign that she wasn’t doing this with explosive energy - otherwise she could be taken as impulsive in this decision. Even if it was a little difficult, she’ll keep herself grounded for the nice moment.
“You’re an oni, sure - a large monster that ravages through towns without reason or care. And ya a storm yokai at that; fast as lightnin’ and powerful as thunder, ready to strike wherever it wishes.”
“But!!! You’re also a lovely woman who can’t relax around people, loves to go fishing and swimming, cooks the best sakana in the world, and likes reading at home on a lazy sunday afternoon.
ya get relaxed and affectionate when overheated but ya only like heat if it’s tea or a private hot spring, because otherwise ya worry about bein’ vulnerable, even though you could still beat most things on earth with a warm hug.
And even though ya like peace and quiet above most things, ya play along when I’m bugging you for attention - i think ya like playin’ with me, but I’m never ta sure, because emotions are weird fa ya.”
“Takin’ all those things into account, I think it’s the best idea - and you can’t change my mind on that one!”
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sonofshin · 4 years
💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋I saw dare
It’s Sinday! Send 💋 to straight up kiss my muse!        
Leng Yun, already smelling trouble when he saw the oni approaching, had expected a lot of things to happen. A duel, a lightning bolt, a punch in the face, etc. What he did NOT expect, however, was for the demon to fiercely grab him by the shoulders like a bird, lift him up, tip him over just a little bit, and give him the longest kiss of his life.
Though he struggled, her iron grip did not falter. Like a pigeon, he was held against his will, only able to flail in confusion and accept his fate.
He nearly felt out of breath when Olgan’s lips finally left his.
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the-smallest-star · 2 years
"Little Clem! How are things going?"
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"I'm fine Big Olgan. just been working. Also been looking to find Tobias his own place so he can leave the hotel."
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onisinful · 1 year
"H-hey, what'd you give me!?" Like most days, Kazuko had spent the majority of it relaxing and training- Today, Olgan hadn't come to her to spar, or to receive any sexual service, which was a little odd, but fine by her. And then, in the evening, they ate dinner together as usual. However, an hour later, Kazuko kicks in the sliding door to Olgan's chambers, exclaiming her question with a wavering voice.
And it's simple to see why. While Kazuko already had an extremely large chest, now it was even threatening to burst from her clothes. Olgan, of course, did not have a chance to answer before Kazuko fell to her hands and knees with a gasp, her shirt and bra all but exploding outwards as her tits expand to the point where not only can they not be contained, but from her current position on her hands and knees, they touch the floor- and it isn't a close thing, either. @scifielves
Well there goes that door, Kazuko certainly had a way of entering when she was upset.  A brow raised as a small smirk was present seeing the gal literally bust out of her shirt, a button surely blasting past Olgan as it did.  Well that was certainly a pleasant sight to see, the mighty women brought to her knees by her own chest...
“Food?  A very robust and healthy bit of it it would seem.”  She chuckled.  Olgan had been busy contemplating what she was actually going to do with Kazuko considering she had been getting a lot stronger as of late.
Olgan did find a new sea creature she had wished to cook up for dinner, which she thought would taste great!  But for her the smell for some reason had turned her away from it, and she decided to eat the sides she had made instead of the creature itself, while Kazuko seemed to have been able to stomach it, though perhaps it was only foul to her?  Kazuko hadn’t seemed to disturbed by it when they ate.
Slipping away from her thoughts she would come over to crouch near the woman, a hand coming down to grip her chin, and lift Kazukos gaze to meet her own.  “I don’t know what happened...but I will say I love the results of whatever it was..we may need to get more of it.”  She teased.
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