#A simple traveler (Caleb Wyckoff)
expvrgction · 11 months
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(this thing only allows five lettered names, so i had to do a wolfenstein-era death boi)
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expvrgction · 2 years
That's life, Mr. Reid. Can't be everywhere at once, after all.
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expvrgction · 2 years
How long had it been since Caleb was taken to this dreadful prison complex? He was unnerved, but had to attune himself to the occasional screams on the floor below it-- The torture chambers. Sounded like a thing demons could do to their victims in Hell, and it would be a thousand times worse than anything dark one could imagine of here.
The prison wardens and the rest of the staff were told to not harm nor kill him-- They had discovered some of the secrets he had kept long buried. Physical inspection indicated clues that he had more than he let in on publicly. No normal person would ever have that eye-shaped soul chamber, though he let them keep guessing whatever the hell it was. Was he perhaps experimented to the point his heart was replaced with something else? It’s a mystery!
He wasn’t helping too much with the interrogations, either. Sure, he left some info open, but in a way that would make those arse-wipes scratch their heads. One time, he was teasing them about portal tech, only to then threaten them with consequences of playing around with forces beyond human comprehension. He’d make them know that Hell is not one faction you would make a pact with, if he had to sound like a broken radio.
It was a wonder why they haven’t just reduced him into that caged existence of a Life Sphere, yet. The mangy man-hounds of the Dark Realm were so entertaining to watch fumbling around that it was almost a sickening humor.
But his days of being cooped up here might soon come to an end. He never expected whomever was present to see him eye-to-eye though, especially taking the nature of these prisons into account.
He had to come out of his prison clothing some time and change back to his usual gear, after all. At least his chest was concealed, but he had to find something to cover his left shoulder blade sometime.
 "What in the Blood Swamps are you doing here?? This is a maximum security detention chamber-- You could be killed if detected at any bloody moment!”
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expvrgction · 2 years
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“Has anyone seen Wyckoff?”
“No clue. Couldn’t find ‘im in his own room.”
“Maybe he’s gone to cook breakfast?”
It was a nearly quiet morning in the Eva’s Hammer, a submarine that the Kreisau have seized from the German army a while back. Aside from having its current inhabitants’ position compromised by remaining staff on board, and the despicable General’s raid and eventual murder of one member of the resistance, the now home to the main resistance group would normally go about their days-- Whether it was spent alone, or with others.
Caleb was no exception, but by the time most of everyone else woke up, he had already gotten out. Wait, out? Wouldn’t there be water out there? How was that possible?
The name he had given those he knew on Earth was but a moniker during his visit here. The same man Blazkowicz and the others knew looked the same as ever, but in place of legs, he now had lower body that would resemble that of a fish. His hair was also left unbraided, free to sway to the currents of the ocean.
Kahann decided to take the form of a merman for the morning, far from the Hammer’s residents, but still close enough to not lose track of her. It was times like these he missed being able to swim in his original homeworld.
...He wished he could speak to someone he considered family here-- No, someone who he knew was family, aside from his older twin. Trying to contact him has been a tedious process, and large bodies of water would be required for them both to be able to commune.
For now? He would watch as marine life around here swim by. Maybe even play with some friendly fish, or other sea creatures he could see that aren’t immediately hostile to him.
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expvrgction · 2 years
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“Auf wiedersehen, auf wiedersehen... We'll meet again, sweetheart...”
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expvrgction · 2 years
Speaking of merfolk... Caleb would like to meet another. His father is technically one and he, likewise, can shapeshift into one, but shhhh.
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expvrgction · 2 years
Say what you want about humanity-- Sure, they are weird and they have their own problems, but there always will be handfuls out there who would prove themselves come any given opportunity.
If you've got a problem with that, then what are you even doing being around them? What are you, a bloody madman in crab armor?
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expvrgction · 3 years
Continued from here! @agcnt1ne​
“Nah, mate, I’m good without one.” Caleb declined politely. Never truly understood certain forms of substance intake on Earth. Or at least understood it as something that shouldn’t really be done anyway. Even if he had the capability of judging, doing that in front of people who had no need for that, nor deserve it? That’s just rude.
“Having trouble there, fellow Agent?” A simple question, rather, but at least he was honest about it. As a Primeval secret agent, he has seen a lot of people, Sentinels included, having problems personally. Eltanin did have a bit of trouble growing up too, whatnot with some of his own academy mates doubting his capabilities, and a few even going so much as to bully him over it.
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Wesley might be a whole other kind of troubled though. Caleb wouldn’t press it if the other Agent would rather not say, but should he ever learn of issues concerning the mind plaguing anyone, if at all, he might as well step in and attempt to help the best he could.
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expvrgction · 3 years
Oh, a party? Invited by the one Jay Gastby? Caleb hasn't really been to one since the London HQ party. Why, he'd join up, of course!
...Thing is, this man *never* ages one bit and that would raise suspicions, especially to those on Earth who know him personally in the past. It's been quite some decades since the war technically ended.
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expvrgction · 3 years
“...Family relations turning sour. I know this all too well.”
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expvrgction · 3 years
Continued from here! @counttwo-4
“I don’t smoke. But thanks for offering anyway.” Caleb declined the offer to smoke as soon as Richard offered it. Never truly understood some aspects of human life, after all.
“Eager now, aren’t you? But you’re right-- Any more time wasted and tyranny steals the win from right under our noses. I’ll cut to the chase.” Well, If Wesley was just as serious here, then Caleb would have no reason to pull any stops.
Couldn’t help but taste just as much fear, and feel just as much panic though. Unlike that bastard Davoth, however, Kahann wouldn’t use information like this to purposefully scare others further. Not towards the innocent, that is.
“The SS sped up their archeological activities in Wulfburg, and townsfolk are concerned about it because the excavation activity extends to the cemetery too. No bloody respect to the dead, those bastards.” Caleb continued. “I wish I didn’t bring this up again, but our comrades in the Paranormal Response Unit are fearing the worst. Remember what happened three years ago? When we went to banish a demon at the end of a mission prior to this, but you had to be taken out of action because of your injuries?”
“If those Nazis could poke around with forces they know not of its nature then, they definitely can do it again now.” That there was a grim look from the taller man. He wanted to warn Wesley further about what Hell would be capable of considering his vast, and sometimes even, unusual knowledge of it, but revealing everything would break him as would any other mortal.
“It appears that fool Schabbs wouldn’t listen to a thing I say, but it could as well be so because I was but a mere interpreter in contrast to her quite high rank. So protective of the secrets of the excavation, she was. But we’re not completely at an impasse here.”
“We have an insider and he also is a recent recruit. We’ll refer to him as Agent Heckler for now. He cannot come with us at the moment, but he’ll try his best to assist us during our upcoming mission.” Compromised agent? No. But a new recruit. Sadly, Caleb could also not comprehend on why a mere child would be willing to put themselves in danger like that. Desperation, perhaps?
He couldn’t speak of this to Wesley either-- Time was running short, for starters, and that the nature of war brought upon him a new, perhaps disturbing perspective.
“HQ meeting is coming close, I understand that. I don’t want to delay you any longer-- In fact, I’m about to go there too. The Board of Directory would like a word with all agents present. You, me and Blazkowicz, especially, because we were key witnesses to what happened last time.” Straight to the point-- He wouldn’t want to make Wesley wait any further.
“Shall we go now, Agent One?”
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expvrgction · 3 years
“Are cupcakes cakes baked in a teacup? Or is it something else entirely?”
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expvrgction · 3 years
“Oh hey, folks. Did I miss any--” Oh no. What did this man just walk into?
“What’s this about Fergus and going to the restroom?”
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expvrgction · 3 years
Immature snickering could be heard in the distance.
Oh dear, do these giggles never stop for a bit.
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expvrgction · 3 years
What did he just wake up to?
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expvrgction · 3 years
And here the ridiculously tall spy was, eating a sandwich with marshmallow creme and peanut butter.
“...It’s sweet.” He muttered as he was done taking a bite and chewing it. “Not bad though. I can do with having one of these occasionally...”
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