#A.Shibi | Termite
momiji-katsu-chiru · 5 years
“No no, you’re sick. You rest, I’ll take care of everything.” ( Momma Kin and babby Shio 👀)
Delightfully Domestic Starters | Kintsugi
   It had started that morning with a light cough. Something that could have easily been dismissed by either of the two adults in their home. Sure Kintsugi had felt the tad bit of warmth too but that still wasn’t going to stop her from getting up for the dag. Even though she would like to stay in bed she also didn’t want to risk Shibi forcing medication on her.    Yet sadly she, and her husband, had both made the vital mistake of allowing one of the children to sleep with them the night before. Which meant that the smallest movement was sure to awaken them. Which was a proven fact when she tried to sit up and a head of messy dark hair arouse with her. “Mama?” It asked with a small voice. Why did they allow this again? This was going to make getting ready for the day hard.    They tugged on her arm and asked again. “Mama?” Kintsugi looked downwards, a tired small on her face only to be interrupted by a cough. Causing that little ball of hair to jump up, nearly knocking over the other person in the bed onto the floor, and dramatically point at her. “You’re sick!”    “Ah, No! I’m fine Shiori! I promise.” She tried to assure. Not wanting any more commotion to alert her partner. “Let’s get up okay? We can go have pancakes with your brothers okay, just be quiet, okay?” Voice a raspy hush. There was no need to cause a commotion after all.   Shiro refused and began to tug at her arm some more. Trying to force her down. It was almost cute in a way. This small child trying to make her, the grown adult, fall asleep. “No no, you’re sick. You rest, I’ll take care of everything.“ The determination of him got to her, it was just too cute.   She laid back down, holding back a giggle as he covered her with the blanket. Tugging as much away from the now half awake man that laid on the other side.   “Huh?” Shibi slowed blinked awake at the feeling of the it. “What? What’s going on?” He grumble, lifting up the sleep mask he wore only to turn and see the small boy tugging at the rest of the blankets. “Shiro? When did you get- Kin, when did?”   She was about to talk only for the rest of the blankets to be tossed upon her.   “I’m in charge! Mama is sick! So I have to take care of her!” Shiro replied.   Shibi looked between the two, sighed, got up and went to their bathroom. “I’m getting the medicine, orange or cherry?”    Kintsugi hated being sick, but at least now she had her own in house doctor?
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momiji-katsu-chiru · 6 years
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Some art while I’m still on hiatus cause ye I gotta get a computer.
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momiji-katsu-chiru · 6 years
Gimme ShibiYosh babies even if they dont deserve them but they such good dad and mom they could actually end up making a good job?!???!?!
@vinodiriso | “Our child…” ShibiYosh
Name: Aburame, Weiage: 16-17gender: Femalepersonality: Serious, Stoic, Hopless romantic, Active, & Socially awkward. …likes; Buuz, Shiny objects, Training, Puns, & Insects …dislikes; Lazy people, Waisting time, Social gatherings, Narrow Mindedness, & Fish.
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momiji-katsu-chiru · 6 years
#13 & #16 for any couple of your choice!
Anonymous | angsty relationship
       It’s long because I added quite a few ships for some reasons???              I didn’t add all my ships but I added a few for this blog.
13. is it hard for them to talk about their feelings openly with each other? if so, is there any way that can be resolved, even in the slightest?
Shibi | Yoshino      - Yes, yes it truly is so terribly hard for the two to freely communicate their feelings with one another. Because on one hand they can’t be open about their relationship. On the other neither are very good with communication in the first place.
    One of them needs to grow more, to learn what love really means. The other needs to remember what and who they’re dealing with in the first place.
    Otherwise learning to open up is the only other way. And they just can’t.
Shibi | Kintsugi    - Not necessarily no. The two grew up together, although it is often her who brings it up, they both put in their fare share. They’re adults and they know one another like no other. 
   There has only ever been one fight that nearly ended it though. It was about Torune and root.
   They eventually came to a stand still- opting to never talk about it again for the safety of each other.
Yoshino | Kintsugi   - It’s a ride to say the least. Kintsugi is open and Yoshino is- well she’s closed off for the most part. Which can become dangerous in its own right. Kintsugi wants to talk about it and Yoshino just wants the blame dumped on her so it can be over with. And so she can be right, that she doesn’t deserve love.
   Eventually though Kintsugi has to just stop everything and apologize.
   Really they just need to get to know one another better.
Shikaku | Kintsugi  - Varies. They both have their secrets but I say they at least talk somethings out. Although I do see them having a few loud arguments. 
Nobu | Neka   - It’s definetly a challenge. He doesn’t trust her feelings are true despite loving her so. It’s mostly because of the fact of the arrange marriage and her endless willingness to serve her clan. Then there’s the whole him not getting how asexuality works. Which often leads to its own arguments.
   He could learn to get over himself I think and learn how to stop finding other ways to show he cares to her and just give her the occasional hug.
   Really he’s the main problem. Otherwise they probably could work better.
Nobu | Hana   - They talk about it certainly. Hana is rather clear minded, Nobu is willing to listen. 
Khünbish | Yoshino  - Yeah. They don’t necesarily discuss their emotions but also it’s a different era, different time. He values what she has to say despite her position and the fact she’s a woman. There’s such a vast amount of respect and love there between them that it almost doesn’t matter?
Hinata | Sai  - They talk. It’s rare for the two to argue since they both have learned how to communicate with one another.  
16. do either of them have a special item (an article of clothing, a necklace, a book) that they use when they miss the other? if so, what is it? what do they do with it (read, wear, look at, smell)?
Shibi | Yoshino     - Sort of, they can’t necesarily be open about their relationship with each other to the world so they have their small objects. Shibi keeps a small feather that reminds him of her. Brushing it on occasion. While she has a small threaded bead she’ll occasionally fumble with in her hands.
Shibi | Kintsugi    - Yes, they do. Shibi has a chain necklace she made for him. He wears their weddings rings on it and when he’s really missing her he’ll press the ring to his lips. Because he often kissed her hands instead of her lips. Otherwise he’ll just fiddle with it depending on where he’s keeping it at the time.
     She would say it was her wedding ring he made if anyone asked. But in reality it’s an old ninja pack he doesn’t use anymore. She reuses it as a slight purse or work belt. Mostly she fumbles with the latch that’s begun to wear away slightly from use. It has scratches and dents all over. She loves the feel on her fingers though, it’s like his hand is right there.
Yoshino | Kintsugi  - Yes! Kintsugi has this one jacket that Yoshino loves greatly. Stealing it every chance she gets. It’s become like a comfort jacket every time she wears it. Not like Kintsugi is mad about it though. Her girlfriend is super cute in it after all.
  Kintsugi though uses a teapot Yoshino got her for her birthday one year. Which is weird. But every time she makes tea with it she’s reminded of how much Yoshino loves her and it brightens her day up a little more. It sweetens the tea up a bit more.
Shikaku | Kintsugi  - Yeah. He has this one sweater she likes that smells like him no matter how she washes it. She’ll usually wear in to bed when he’s not there. Snuggling up in it while he’s away otherwise, especially if it’s been a rough day.
   He on the other hand has a wooden bracelet she made him. A “manly” design she would say. But there’s dents in the beads where she designed them. Sometimes in a mindless thought he’ll just roll them around in his fingers.
Nobu | Neka    - Kind of. Neka loves the smell of the baked goods he’s made, but there’s a particular one she likes most and if she smells it. Why, it’ll remind her of him for days. It’s matcha powder. He’d use it dumplings and such, It isn’t often he’ll use it though. But when he does it’s usually special and he’s usually happy.
   Nobu though. He has a book, which may seem odd given Neka is blind, but it’s in braille. He’s tried to read it and continues to learn. But sometimes he just runs his fingers over the bumps and mumbles the words he knows. Thinking to himself of what he could do different.
Nobu | Hana   - Sometimes. Hana will play with a star shaped necklace that he use to wear. But when a job has gotten difficult she twist it along her knuckles and between her fingers. Working out the problems she has in her head as she goes.
  Nobu always thinks of her whenever he smells almonds. It’s just because most dog shampoos the vets use have almonds in them. But it’s rather comforting to be cooking with them and just smell them. Immediately thinking of her in the process. It makes his food sweeter.
Khünbish | Yoshino  - Yeah? Yoshino will sometimes go to look at his weapons collection. Darting towards the swords before reaching a blade fit only for him. She goes to the scabbard almost immediately. And she traces it, she traces the knotches and belts and metalworks on the leather. When she can she’ll also clean his swords for him. Holding it tight. It’s almost like he’s there.
  Khünbish has one of her fans tied to his side at all times when away. It is never used by him at all. But sometimes he’ll open it and smell some of her perfume on it still. It’ll help calm him and remind him to breath again.
Hinata | Sai   - Yes. Hinata once gifted Sai a book with pressed flowers in it. Everything needing to be known about the plant beside it in elegant hand writing on the page. Sometimes he’ll just read it and be utterly content with the world. All because he knows she’s in it.
  Hinata though, she has a specific page in one of her flower books.  He once painted a picture of the flower for her when she could find the actual thing. He also eventually found the real one for her. She put both on the same page. Every so often she’ll go to look and touch the page. A smile cracking on her delicate face.
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momiji-katsu-chiru · 6 years
Shibi does regret giving up his elest son so easily. But admittedly- part of him did it so willingly so they wouldn’t take Shino. Because Torune was taken maybe weeks or a few months after his wife had passed away. And all Shibi had of her really in his mind was Shino. If forget about her jewelry shop that is her own. Even if that woman inherited it. It’s her shop from the ground up. But either way he couldn’t deal with taking over her shop- but he could deal with investing everything he could into their only biological child.
Secondly Shino is his rightful heir. The young boy is who he swore to watch over and groom respectfully to be leader from the moment he breathed. Like, Konoha comes first yes- but so does Shino. 
He loves Torune of course but— he isn’t necessarily his. He’s still Shikuro’s son in his mind. Even after those years treating him as his own. Loving him like he was his own. Teaching him how to control his insects, to wield them. Torune will forever be Shikuro’s in his mind.                                   Even though his wife thought of him as their own.
And as the years come though he begins to regret it more and more. Because he realizes Torune was his in every way. But he did believe in the long run it was going to be better. After all Danzo had an army of Aburame children that was there long before he was. What could he possibly do without admitting that that Aburame were basically supporting an enemy of the state with their own children.
And it makes him realize he did something his own father never did.
He fed a lamb to the lions. He led it to this slaughter. It’s own funeral.
He gave over his own child because he himself was too weak to fight against it.
And the worse part of it was that Torune went along willingly. Like as if he knew, in some part of Shibi’s mind, that he wasn’t his son in any capacity.
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momiji-katsu-chiru · 6 years
Hey,hey just lil naught things for/from—
   Kin       • Oh yes, this jeweler has some accessories hidden upon her person. But you’d never know it unless you were really looking for it. Safe to say though, her jewel is a tad more designed then others. || aka nips & clit.       • Despite not being a Shinobi or anything, she knows how to tie a sturdy knot! This has surprised a few people and led them to some speculations. No one has asked to confirm though. (Yeah, she totally can do shibari. Wether is be on herself or more importantly on her partners.)       • Likes biting and scratching. Meaning she’ll leave marks on you. She’s at least considerate enough though to try and keep them hidden. Though sometimes she forgets to keep it hidden (or she’s really gotten into it.) at which once it’s all said and done. She’ll feel bad but she’ll tease you about it.
  “Dear, could you come over here? I have a piece I believe you should see.”
  Tsume      • Doesn’t get attached too easy, so has plenty of one nighters. If you get brought home somehow it means she likes you. Otherwise it’ll be at your place or a hotel/motel and she is showering right after and leaving you without a second thought.      • If it’s just a physical thing expect it all to be rough and fast with no emotions to keep her attached to you. Also don’t expect her to fully remember your name after it because she really doesn’t give a fuck. But if she does care for you. Expect it to go kind of slow, with ease, that way she can enjoy the moment with you. Although, if she does like you she’ll go crazy if you want.      • No, her favorite position isn’t “doggy style”. If you ask her that she is legally allowed to knock you back ten years because obviously you’re still a child. It’s actually cowgirl and reversed cowgirl. Which means she’s usually in control. Though she likes it when a partner can give her a bit of a fight for top dog.      • She was fifteen when she first did it. She figured that “hey I can kill people why can’t I sleep with them too.” She did it with some guy her age before eventually getting together with Hana’s father. An arrangement upon her own father’s death. He was a good guy and he loved Hana a lot, he would’ve loved Kiba a lot too. She misses his scent.   
           “Pfh, are we goin’ or nah? ‘Cause I can find someone else real quick.”
  Shibi      • Doesn’t have a very high sex drive so he doesn’t necessarily have or want sex very often. But with that said, if his partner is needing attention he’ll willingly go down on them. Keep in mind though you need to be in a relationship for this to happen and he doesn’t accept romantic relationships easily.      • Doesn’t have much in the way for preferences but will easily go from top to bottom if his partner so wishes. Honestly he views it as a equal thing regardless.
                                            “A thorny predicament. . .”
  Nobu      • Doesn’t like to take charge very often. But when he does— he takes charge. Afterwards though he’ll go into super care mode. Hope you like to get pampered.      • Makes you breakfast the morning after and may even send you home with a care package if it was really good. Believe me, you’ll want the care package.      • He respects others- just he still doesn’t understand how the whole ace/aro thing works. He’s willing to date someone who is though! He just might mess up a lot by not showing a lot of physical emotions towards them. Thinking they don’t like it at all. Might even deny it when they actively try to kiss/hug him if he feels they are just trying to do it for them.
                              “I-I’ve never done something like this before.”
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momiji-katsu-chiru · 6 years
"Soon the bells will start." (shibi ;3)
@inumbratte​ | Shiburt
  Indeed they would be. If not just to signify the changing of a year but to announce a change of an era. Things were to change in the coming month. His son would take over the duties of clan head. Leaving Shibi to mostly sit back and give the occasional advice when his son asked.
  It was in some sense a sickening feeling in the pit of his stomach to do it.
   Shibi trusted his boy, he raised him after all and he knew Shino was truly capable of anything he set his mind to. But doing next to nothing after years of service drew him near mad. Not even occupying himself with gardening could help and Shino deserved to have the chance to lead the family. He had been groomed for it after all.
   Shino’s mother, bless her soul, would have probably convinced him years prior to hand it over sooner. But she wasn’t here. So he held on a little longer. But now his time was over.
   “Don’t go easy on him.” Voice thick in seriousness yet quiet as a spring breeze. Shikamaru had to know not to go easy on his boy. “Let him fail and learn, that is how we had done it before you.” Shibi and Shikaku may not have gone easy on each other but when it came to it. They held each other up despite their differences.                                                 And he could only hope the same for their boys.
       He breathed in deep the fiery toxic smoke that would once again plagued his lungs. The main source of stability he had found in many of tiring times. So many tiring times. The warm cigarette giving him something to pass his anxious thoughts from his mind to thick air he could exhale out.
But the new year was coming and he needed to learn to accept the change.
   “Mmm, happy new year young stag.” He blew out some smoke, giving a timely pause. Just to watch as his tedious thoughts slowly went away with the smoke. It was going to be rough. But they could make it.
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momiji-katsu-chiru · 6 years
Shibi has a Japanese Bobtail and it’s a ginger.
That cat is one of his favorite creatures and it’s named Rōzu. He got it when Shino was about four. Around Shippūden it’s about 12 or 11. It often “talks” and is a very affectionate kitten. Rōzu also likes sleeping next to people which has been a problem since Kin has a slight allergy to cats. Mostly because the cat constantly try’s to sleep next to on their faces.
Also the cat really likes to annoy Kin. 
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momiji-katsu-chiru · 6 years
shino or kintsugi
@inumbratte | Send two names; one must die - Shibi?
         She was already dead.
   She had been dead for years now. He was still recovering from it in some way even. But to find out she was actually alive and well, now, of all places and time. It was devastating. Utterly heart wrenching.
   “Be honest with me.” They swirled a glass of red wine as they spoke. “Who would you choose in this situation? Him or Her?” 
   But he already knew the answer. Shibi knew it before he was even asked. 
   “Our son is more important,” Shibi replied with an odd sentiment, “he’s always been, even before he was born he was the most important thing between the two of us.” Shibi was never one that was good with words. It’s why every action he did with his boy, every moment, he tried desperately to convey the love he felt towards him. “Why? Because-.” Words caught among each other. He wanted her back, he always would. But even with her at the tips of his fingers it could never be now.
   “Because, even she had no words to describe the love she felt towards him. The importance he meant towards her, to us. And. Well. Sometimes the most important of things in this world are the smaller things. The things or people who seem like nothing to others but everything to you. And even as he grows, even when he’s taller then me, which he is now- he’ll always be our little boy.” It wasn’t hard to say. Even as his mouth began to dry with grief.
   “I choose his life over a woman who’s been dead for a decade and a half. He deserves to live.” He could always see her in another life. There was a connection between the two of them unlike others he had. “And I wish to witness it for the both of us.”
   They smiled a sad yet knowing smile. As if they had expected as much an answer from him. “Good.” With that they left. Their recently emptied cup of red wine sat next to a half empty bottle. 
      He finally took a sip from his own.                                   A truly bittersweet thing.
          The moment he saw Shino next. He hugged him as tightly as he possibly could. Letting out a slight sigh of relief.
   He would need to do better.                       Not in another life or time.                                                       But now.                                                               He needed to be tell him more about her.
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momiji-katsu-chiru · 6 years
Shibi smokes. He picked it up when he went undercover for a mission once and it just stuck. He doesn’t have a bad cough or too much lung problems since he doesn’t do it often enough to warrant either.
Like he only smokes when he’s seriously under stress and can’t really find anything else to do at the time to rid himself of said stress or occupy his mind elsewhere. So it doesn’t happen often.
When he gets a bit older though, around his sixties and such, he does start to do it a little more. Especially since his son has moved out, his wife had passed away ages ago, and he is basically by himself. Though he still try’s to not do it around others or his cat.
      But in other words he’s basically trying to kill himself in his older years. Since he’s of no use to anyone anymore.
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momiji-katsu-chiru · 6 years
Mikoto and Kushina would pick on and tease Shibi so much as a kid. Hell they did it twice as much whenever his younger brother was nearby. It was terrible then and yet he adores those memories so very fondly now.
They mostly picked on him for his clothes, his sometimes snobby nature, and other minor things.
When he first had a crush they picked on him a little- until they realized how serious he was in having this crush. At which they began to actively help him all while gleefully giggling about it behind his back. Finding it rather cute he actually liked someone like that.
Though honestly they all grew close together and teased each other. They became like family. They were three weird siblings all stuck together until there was only one left.
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momiji-katsu-chiru · 6 years
I realize that Shibi has like such a small friend circle. (in my head) Like he may have gone out to attempt having a civil and friendly lunch with the Ino-Shika-Cho trio. But even then he’s not like friends with them. Because most of his friends have already passed away. His teammates were his friends, his wife was his best friend, Shikuro was a dear friend too and he died! Like most of his friends are seriously dead by the time the kids are in the academy!
   And he seriously begins to just throw himself into clans duties and raising Shino just to try and forget the loneliness and regret he feels.
Tsume I imagine (in my head) is friends with Gai, Chouza, Inoichi, Yoshino (cause they’re teammates duh), and a few other guys. Mostly rough and tough men. With a few feminine friends. Like she’s active enough in her friend circle but she’s also a serious enough person to kind of disappear a bit to focus on her actual life as a Shinobi and a leader. 
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momiji-katsu-chiru · 7 years
||\ KinShi - Drabble; A calm night.
“‘There is a tendency amongst men as well as women’ said Uma No Kami ‘So soon as they ac-‘...honey.” Kintsugi nudged her larger partner at the feeling of his weight increasing on her. Their day had been a long yet the two had found a spare hour to enjoy alone in their bed. “Shibi.” Her voice was soft as she tried to suppress the yawn that came forth. Putting the book she had been reading aloud for their enjoyment on the side table, though it had seemingly put her adoring husband to sleep. Her taller and heavier, more muscular husband fell asleep on her.
“Shibi” With a quiet exclamation she nudged him a little more roughly this time, earning a rough grunt out of him. He had been comfortable after all. Head atop of hers, arms wrapped comfortably around her waist, and most importantly warm underneath the comforter that they were both beneath. This, this is what he enjoyed. The moments they both shared when neither were busy. Together, just enjoying being with no talk of business or time or the need to do this or that. They were just comfortably being.
“Shibi.” Kintsugi nudged roughly once more before he finally pulled some of his weight off of her. “Thank you...now go to bed properly please honeybee.” “Uh-Uh...” Shibi responded, tightening his grip around her middle. He had been tired, falling asleep to the sound of her voice mixed with the warmth of their room. Placing his face in the crook of her neck he got a whiff of the frequent of her lotion- it was soft on the nose but reminded one of freshly dewed berries, one could say it was tasty. It didn’t take long as she began to squirm at the feeling of the fuzz on his face tickle into her.
“H-hey! Stop that!” Kintsugi protested, pushing against him weakly. She found it difficult not to laugh at the feeling of the rough prickles brushing up against her soft skin. Shibi didn’t yield and instead continued his attack with a grin sprawled across his face.
To get the matriarch of his clan to laugh was a heaven sent task that reaped that most rewarding of sounds. It was a task he took on with pride and tried to do dutifully whenever he could. So when her pleas were of a consenting sound he delved in. Hands sneaking under her loose clothing in search of the sweet spots he knew she tried to hide well, it would fail her this time as he caught her off guard. Kissing her neck as he continued to rub his scruff against her as his fingers found their targeted sides and tickled her ruthlessly.
“S-Sh-Shibi st-phhh-stop!” The composer she had left was melting as the urge to laugh came in force. It bursted out of her, loud but joyful as the playful attack he brought onto her body made her do so. Kintsugi hit him back on the shoulders and chest, adamant on getting away but failing to do so.
Eventually curling into his chest as a fit of laughter ensured upon her. There was no way out of this torture it seemed. God though, how long had it been since she had a good chuckle? She was happy with her life- she just...didn’t have much humor to her.
Shibi kissed her cheek. “You should laugh more.” He spoke in a deep calming voice. His hands releasing her from his tyrannic hold.  
Kintsugi took a deep breath and shook her head into his chest, giving him a weak fist pound on his shoulder. “Well then you should pick a funnier book next time.” If he wanted humor he should pick a humorous book and not a literature classic such as The Tale of Genji! Not that she minded reading such a masterpiece, but if he wanted laughter then a drama such as that wasn’t the right path to go.
A calloused hand slipped under her chin and tilted it upwards, making brown eyes meet the stupid drowsed eyes of Shibi’s sleep mask. It was the most ridiculous purchase he ever made, that had been years ago in their Young’s adulthood he bought them, yellow in color with big drowsy eyes that looked straight ahead. One of the few things that could make her snicker in the morning. “...You really should.” This time he kissed her forehead. 
“You are rather ridiculous...” She grumbled as she put her face back in his chest, breathing calmed. 
“Iris to inquire something of you...” He Knew of her feelings on the mask and just couldn’t help it.
“Yes honey?”
“I’m thinking of changing my lens, my current retina pair have been odd around the cornea.”
“...tch.” She clicked her tongue, the look on her face was that of being purely done.
“Am I hitting an optical nerve?” His face was of its usual stoic portrayal but Kintsugi knew that he was holding back the biggest shit eating grin deep down. Because of that though she just shook her head again and cursed quietly to herself.
“Go to bed...you’re delusional if you think I’ll laugh at that.”
“Uvea win some uvea lose some.”
And with that she grabbed a pillow and hit him with it in the face. Shibi was truly underneath that respectable and fearsome persona he put on for others a jester rather then a ruler. 
But that’s was ok, sometimes the fools were the best of emperors
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momiji-katsu-chiru · 7 years
🎐- Does your muse like to collect/hoard anything? // any or all of your muses
@shadowkage || Unusual Questions - Kintsugi, Hinata, Nobu, Hara, Shibi
She collects jewelry of all sorts, I mean is it really all that surprising? Currently she has a wall fully dedicated to just that in her closet and most of the jewelry she owns has been bought by her or generously gifted to her. Which honestly she can’t complain too much about.           * (though she does also collect a little bit of what Shibi & Shino do, but that’s a family tradition for most Aburame)
Hinata actually collects the the flowers she presses during her free time! She has all sorts of books in her room filled with the flowers she’s pressed and the information she has on them down their pages, all neatly together of course.
This little sweet pea hordes cups of water in his room, mostly on accident - ok entirely on accident. He’ll get back from work, a mission, what have you and he’ll want to drink some water and then go to bed. But he never fully finishes his water and tends to forget about it the next day.            * (he’ll kinda grow out of this in his later years.)
He is the one who will horde the pillows and blankets in bed. But this tends to get compromised by all his dogs that jump up into bed with him as they all become self sufficient heaters for one another. Not that he minds though, he actually likes it!
Unsurprisingly he collects insects, though that is fairly common among many in the Aburame compound. What may come as a surprise though is his small collection of kunai. He has a variety of types in it and usually keeps them in the display case, hung on the wall in his room.
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momiji-katsu-chiru · 7 years
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||\ Mun.
       I feel like this could be a book cover almost.
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momiji-katsu-chiru · 7 years
||\ ??Headcanon/Mun Ramble?? - Shibi. Shibi having a younger annoying brother could be a cute idea but also Shibi being an only child is great. Because that means he was a lonely ass little kid even more and when his teammates came along he was like “yeah I don’t share and Aburame don’t have feelings they just have tactics” and a few months later he turns around like “I was wrong, I apparently do share and also I have some form of feelings and it sucks.”
But him with a younger brother is just this little shit of a kid coming in like “nee-San does Mikoto-Chan and Kushina-Chan know about yo-” and just being a little shit to him regardless. Which then means when Shibi has Shino he’s like “yeah no I’m fine with just one kid, my son isn’t going through that torture NOPE!” even though he would be up for a few more of course.
But Mikoto and Kushina laughing at the poor bug heir as his younger sibling tries to annoy his more serious older brother. Maybe even getting the two gals to help him out with it. Obviously the kid still has some Aburame nature to him and can be very stoic but after losing their mum and having a kind of inattentive father he looks towards his big bro for that reassurance and attention.
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