momiji-katsu-chiru · 5 years
And it is right here, but not finished just yet.
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momiji-katsu-chiru · 5 years
And it is right here, but not finished just yet.
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momiji-katsu-chiru · 5 years
Y'all I'm over here now. Fresh face, new start! Let's gettem!!
And it is right here, but not finished just yet.
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momiji-katsu-chiru · 5 years
The wince the woman gave matching his made Shibi frown slightly, hating that he made Kin feel guilty when it was his own issues to deal with. She didn’t need to feel bad just because he couldn’t control his facial expressions well enough currently.
Giving a very slight nod, if only because he didn’t want the pain of moving his neck too much, Shibi took the flowers she held out to him. Lifting them to his face, he sniffed at them, a light smile playing over his lips. He loved nature so very much. Though he surrendered them again pretty easily, one brow lifting when she spoke of something else for him.
Watching her silently, he felt his cheeks heat slightly when she mentioned that he should have something to write on. He had something. But he’d thrown a childish fit and thrown it across the room the last time the healers had been in the room. Shibi should have had better control, but he was simply so frustrated and afraid he was going to lose everything he knew. Possibly even every dream he’d had.
When she said she’d found something, so cheerfully ignoring the way it had obviously not been placed on the floor but thrown, he couldn’t help the shaky sigh he gave. The lack of judgement in the redhead helped soothe him in a way he hadn’t expected.
Taking the paper and pen, he smiled at her, tears thankfully hidden by his goggles. Thank you. How are you? He scribbled the words on the paper, hating that it was the only way he could communicate. And yet, somehow with it being Kin there with him, he didn’t feel as awful.
Patting the bed, an invitation to sit next to him, his smile didn’t waver. She meant so much to him right now.
As soon as he patted the bed Kin bound towards him and delicately, yet enthusiastically, sat down beside him. If there was one thing she enjoyed more then anything at the moment, in the whole world! It was to be useful to her dear friend! 
A thoughtful look crossed her face as she thought. “How am I? Mmm, I’ve been fine, work at the shop has been getting more and more busy as of late. I’m starting to think my designs are bringing in more customers! Which is rather good for the shop, not so much for my free time since I’ve been put in charge of over seeing some of the more difficult ones.” Just yesterday she had to redo three sets of earrings, an necklace, and an engagement ring because each of the clients had specific details that required certain attention only she could give to them. 
“Then Michio-San has been trying to get me to take some more business classes, I think he’s really wanting me to take over the shop Shibi-San.” Which was a great honor but also it would mean she’d have to start scheduling her life better. Or better then she had already begun, ever since last year when she first started those business courses- showing the boys in that class that yes she was smarter then them- she had to be rather careful with how she spent her days. “I won’t argue to say I wouldn’t want to but it’s.” She paused, biting her bottom lip as she thought about it. 
Michio really helped her a lot in these past few years what with giving her this job and all, then helping her to get into those classes? She was grateful that the man had taken a liking to her, a soft spot if you will, since before now she was starting to get into too much trouble with all that time on her hands between school and the nothingness that is civilian life. After all that time spent together Michio had become this sort of father figure to her. So for him to pass the shop on to her could only be considered a step in the right direction. 
“It’s kind of scary to think about.” Her words slipped slowly at that part.Even this energetic beast had some fears in her.
But without skipping a beat Kin grinned ear to ear and faced him fully. Charming brown eyes starring deeply at his shades behind her own round prescriptions.“Other then that I’ve been okay, I’ve been getting good marks in my class of course. Have to remind those boys who’s boss you know!” She was one of only four girls taking those classes and the only one during that period.
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momiji-katsu-chiru · 5 years
miscellaneous angst starters.
when were you going to tell me?
you can’t keep doing this to yourself.
that’s…a lot of blood.
can you walk?
please don’t lie to me.
you were supposed to leave.
i’m not going anywhere without you.
shh, it’s okay. it was just a dream.
there was nothing more you could have done.
it wasn’t your fault.
this is all my fault.
you aren’t acting like yourself.
i’m never going to let [her/him/them] hurt you again.
you’re hurting me.
don’t ever do that again.
go to hell.
please don’t cry.
you have to stay awake.
i wish i could take the pain away.
you could have died.
hey – stay with me.
it’ll be over soon.
did you ever love me?
i’m sorry. i can’t do this anymore.
things won’t always hurt this bad.
you passed out.
how much have you had?
i’m okay. it’s all fine.
it’s not okay! you’re not fine!
let me get you something for the pain.
it’s nothing. it’s just a bruise.
it’s clearly not nothing.
have you been to the doctor?
i didn’t mean the things i said.
i thought we meant something.
people who are okay don’t act like this.
you don’t have to go through this by yourself.
i don’t want you to be alone.
please don’t regret me.
i heard you crying.
you need to get some rest.
when was the last time you ate something?
i’m worried about you.
did you have another nightmare?
[name], there’s nobody there.
i want to be happy but i don’t think i deserve it.
please talk to me.
why are you mad at me?
alcohol isn’t going to solve your problems.
don’t leave me.
did you do this to yourself?
it’s breaking my heart to see you like this.
tell me what’s wrong.
tell me how to make it better.
why don’t you care?
get the hell away from me.
please don’t do this.
i can’t believe that you lied to me.
just…stay for the night.
you obviously can’t be trusted to take care of yourself, so let me do it for you.
you can’t die. i won’t let you.
just hang on, okay?
hold my hand if you need to.
i’m sorry.
why do you have a gun?
don’t panic.
just breathe.
you’re bleeding.
i’m trying to stop the bleeding.
you’ve been crying, i can tell.
you should have told me sooner.
i wanted to tell you in person.
a phone call would’ve been nice.
i hate you.
i love you.
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momiji-katsu-chiru · 5 years
And it is right here, but not finished just yet.
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momiji-katsu-chiru · 5 years
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momiji-katsu-chiru · 5 years
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Mom, did you see it? Her Private Life, ep 14 (Korean tv series, 2019)
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momiji-katsu-chiru · 5 years
“No no, you’re sick. You rest, I’ll take care of everything.” ( Momma Kin and babby Shio 👀)
Delightfully Domestic Starters | Kintsugi
   It had started that morning with a light cough. Something that could have easily been dismissed by either of the two adults in their home. Sure Kintsugi had felt the tad bit of warmth too but that still wasn’t going to stop her from getting up for the dag. Even though she would like to stay in bed she also didn’t want to risk Shibi forcing medication on her.    Yet sadly she, and her husband, had both made the vital mistake of allowing one of the children to sleep with them the night before. Which meant that the smallest movement was sure to awaken them. Which was a proven fact when she tried to sit up and a head of messy dark hair arouse with her. “Mama?” It asked with a small voice. Why did they allow this again? This was going to make getting ready for the day hard.    They tugged on her arm and asked again. “Mama?” Kintsugi looked downwards, a tired small on her face only to be interrupted by a cough. Causing that little ball of hair to jump up, nearly knocking over the other person in the bed onto the floor, and dramatically point at her. “You’re sick!”    “Ah, No! I’m fine Shiori! I promise.” She tried to assure. Not wanting any more commotion to alert her partner. “Let’s get up okay? We can go have pancakes with your brothers okay, just be quiet, okay?” Voice a raspy hush. There was no need to cause a commotion after all.   Shiro refused and began to tug at her arm some more. Trying to force her down. It was almost cute in a way. This small child trying to make her, the grown adult, fall asleep. “No no, you’re sick. You rest, I’ll take care of everything.“ The determination of him got to her, it was just too cute.   She laid back down, holding back a giggle as he covered her with the blanket. Tugging as much away from the now half awake man that laid on the other side.   “Huh?” Shibi slowed blinked awake at the feeling of the it. “What? What’s going on?” He grumble, lifting up the sleep mask he wore only to turn and see the small boy tugging at the rest of the blankets. “Shiro? When did you get- Kin, when did?”   She was about to talk only for the rest of the blankets to be tossed upon her.   “I’m in charge! Mama is sick! So I have to take care of her!” Shiro replied.   Shibi looked between the two, sighed, got up and went to their bathroom. “I’m getting the medicine, orange or cherry?”    Kintsugi hated being sick, but at least now she had her own in house doctor?
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momiji-katsu-chiru · 5 years
Conversations in a Denny’s
Things I heard people saying in Denny’s… (change what you need to)
“He didn’t even know he had a kid, until yesterday.”
“What happened yesterday?”
“He learned he had a kid, genius.”
“I don’t know shit but I like these pancakes.”
“I saw it on Facebook.”
“Doesn’t mean it is legit, though.”
“My mom shared it and she doesn’t lie.”
“Not calling her a liar but her sharing it doesn’t make it true, dude.”
“I think the waitress hates me.”
“She’s not the only one.”
“What? Why’d you say that?
“Because you’re an ass.”
“Floor’s sticky under the table.”
“You know what that means.”
“Not everything is about jizz, ____.”
“Isn’t it though?”
“You’re disgusting, I swear.”
“That kid won’t stop staring at me, babe.”
“Mom, that creepy guy won’t stop staring at me.”
“I need a new job.”
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momiji-katsu-chiru · 5 years
Delightfully Domestic Starters
“The coffee pot didn’t turn on this morning.”
“Who’s turn was it for breakfast?”
“It’s my day off, I earned the right to be lazy.”
“This could get fixed by a professional, or it could be fixed by an amateur for free.”
“You’re under arrest for being a blanket thief.”
“The use of cold feet in bed, as a leverage tool, is illegal.”
“How was your day at work?”
“I’m going to need a bath…”
“No no, you’re sick. You rest, I’ll take care of everything.”
“I think we need to go on a bit of a grocery trip.”
“I’ve noticed all the laundry was done. You didn’t have to.”
“Leftovers, or more take out?”
“The neighbor is getting obnoxiously loud at night.”
“When was that garden gonna get started again?”
“Dishes… right the dishes. In the next few minutes I swear.”
“I know you like my shirts but now you’ve even stolen my doubles.”
“All your oversized shirts belong to me now.”
“I can’t help what I do in my sleep. That includes what’s done with the blankets.”
“You were tossing and turning last night. You okay?”
“I’m not sick, I’m only slightly ill. There’s a difference. I can handle today.”
“So dinner was being made… and then I realized the smoke alarm was broken.”
“Duct tape is a temporary, long term fix to everything.”
“I love you, but you’re beginning to pass out mid sentence. Go to bed.”
“You can’t tell me what to do, I can do what I want!”
“If there is more noise at 2am I swear…”
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momiji-katsu-chiru · 5 years
And it is right here, but not finished just yet.
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momiji-katsu-chiru · 5 years
You changed me. (Shikaku to Kin)
This has been in here forever but Mirin wanted KinKu so I’mma give it to her
   “You changed me Kintsugi…” Those words rung heavily in her head, like as if she had stuck it inside one of the biggest bells they had and requested the bell ringer to hit it as hard as they possibly could with passion. The words that idiot Nara said made absolutely no sense to her. They had been standing there in the mist of an argument, when he said that, causing her to forget what they were arguing about. How could she, the civilian woman of no noble birthright, change him a high ranking shinobi and well established clan head. In comparison to his now, unfortunately, deceased wife. A woman who has seen the same life as he had. The woman who, even though she was forced to leave, was a clan heiress herself! The mother of his only child!
                     How could she as the weaker woman have changed him.   Brown eyes blinked in a flurry of confusion. There was no right way to respond to that. No correct format to answer with when this scenario made no sense what so ever. Yes it had been years since Yoshino’s death but it still should have meant more to him then Kintsugi ever would.
   She shouldn’t have been what made him change as a man, shouldn’t have been the mark that meant anything. Yes, Shibi had passed due to that wrenched war and yes Shikaku was there for her as she had been for him and his son. But that still did not fix the fact that there was no way in heaven or hell that she changed him. He still enjoyed eyeing other partners, though yes, she helped him realize he liked them all even if there was a preference. There was no way of breaking that out of him.
   Shikaku cared for her on another level though. She wouldn’t ever replace Yoshino, that woman was on a pedestal all her own. But Kintsugi? She had her own, rightful place in his heart and he had been wrong to covet it when Shibi was around. Now he wasn’t, Now Shikaku could admit that he cared about the red head in a way he hadn’t meant to care for her. That seeing her really did brighten his life up. Like a warm day during the cold seasons.   After all it was so painfully obvious to everyone else around them, though it wasn’t like it was being kept such a secret. It had been a year since the war and He just kept...coming around to check in on the widow. Making sure she wasn’t faltering down into a depressive pit like how he first found her in those early months.
   “Kintsugi. I love you.” It wasn’t as hard for him to admit this as she thought it did. He had loved her for a long time and he knew exactly why that mosquito on the wall fell for her too. Charm, wits, a passion that could burn any who couldn’t keep up. A bit of a sad story for an underdog who wanted to make it in the world. Who then eventually did achieve their dream. Kintsugi was a story all her own and they were just lucky to be apart of it. Hell, to be a side character was a honor but to be another main to stand beside her? It was worth it.
           Even the drama that came with her was a priceless experience.
   “I know I’m not Shibi, I know you aren’t Yoshino. But in all our lives you and I both know that you can’t ever replace a person you love. Sure you can...go around, find a warm embrace...but love is something entirely else. You taught him that. Everyone knew just how much he loved you.” Words flowed out like a waterfall with no real destination. Shikaku was a genius of course, but even geniuses had trouble with things sometimes.His grip loosened on her arms, hands sliding down into hers. He just wanted to do this with her for now. “Everyone who knew him knew that fact. You were the light for him...why can’t you let me be something akin like that for you. Let me be something that keeps you tied to this world. The shadow to your back, not your moth to your flame.”
   But as the water welled up in her eyes she couldn’t contain it any longer. The way her stomach twisted and turned with every gut punching word he spoke. How could she be so certain he was being honest. That this wasn’t just him trying to score with another random woman.
   Only then did those words hit her. Forcing the tears she had been trying to contain fall down her cheeks. A whimper left her lips. “Shika-Shikaku...don’t.” Don’t do this, Kintsugi thought, don’t do this. For if he did this then she too would have to come to terms with her affiliation towards him. “You know I never did anything to change you. So please don’t.”
   Shikaku shook his head slowly, eyes closed and brows furrowed. Mouth a hard solid line. He had to say it once more. “Kintsugi, I love you. I do.” He meant it truly. Love came in many forms and each one was never the same. You can love multiple people romantically and each one would never be the exact same. They both knew that. “I don’t want to be with anyone else, that’s a promise I’m willing to make to you right now.” Gently headbutting her and staying there.
   Kintsugi gripped his hands tight in hers, jaw clenched. How could someone this smart be so dumb. It didn’t matter, she’d always be trying to one up her even if she knew it was wrong to do. Women are equals in every way and it was so toxic, so wrong to try and outrun a dead woman. 
        And she already did that once. She really didn’t want to do it again.
   Yet, when she pulled back to look at him through a blurry vision. Kintsugi smiled, her glossy peach lips spread thin in an attempt to put on a brave face. She wanted it so bad to feel loved and wanted by him. Even if it meant feeling the shame of some betrayal for the both of them.
   Slowly to brought him in for a close hug. Arms resting on his back and face securely tucked into the crook of his neck. “I love you too...just please don’t.” Voice cracking in hushed tones. If he was serious then, then he couldn’t be who he was in the past. There would be no late night escort missions.
   “I promise, you changed me...remember...you’re the reason.” He said, returning the hug in full.
              “Kuku?” She asked.
                    “Yes?” He replied.
                           “You’re an idiot.” She said matter o’factly.
                                      He chuckled, kissing the top of her head. “Yeah, I know.”
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momiji-katsu-chiru · 5 years
❝ I’m surprised you still have that. ❞ // from sai to hina :0 (hi !!)
night in the woods | Hinata
To say he startled her would be the least of it. Hinata jumped up from her seat, slamming the book shut with unearthly speed. Who would sneak up on her like that! Who dared sneak up on her like that actually. There were only a handful of options that she knew of. Someone who didn’t know better, her teammates, Kurenai-Sensei, and of course- Sai.Body turning around like a whiplash on her heel. “Sai-Kun!” Cheeks reddening as heat swam their way to her ears. Embarrassment ate it’s way to the front of her emotions, not because of what she had but because he had spooked her. Which meant her detection skills were getting rusty. “Y-you shouldn’t sneak up on people!” Well he should technically but it wasn’t nice to do to your comrade when she was off duty.Biting at the bottom of her lip Hinata looked downward. Yes, she still had the flower he gave her. Having pressed it in one of her many books alongside the painting he did of it. She admired the stroke work he had put into it. The dedication to details was amazing and as pretty as the flower itself.With a shy smile she turned back up to him. Eyes shut closed as she tilted her head. “Of course I kept it Sai-Kun...I had to, you gave it to me as a gift and I like it oh so much.” The day he gave it to her was still clear in her mind. It had been months ago but she did care after all. “Sh-shouldn’t that make you happy too?” She asked, lilac eyes open wide and starring directly at him in curiosity. “I’m sorry if it doesn’t. But please know I really do like them.”
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momiji-katsu-chiru · 5 years
IT HAS BEEN ACHIEVED! The comp that is. Account shall come later.
Kind of want to come back. Might do so but I’ll have to clean so much up. Plus I’d be adding on some dnd characters I have.
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momiji-katsu-chiru · 5 years
❝ I can’t have coffee. It makes me anxious. ❞
night in the woods | Chouji & Hinata
Usually this was a no judge zone- he was specifically a no judge zone. Yet, Chouji cocked a brow with as he smiled in confusion. Before ultimately coming to some form of peace with this information. Hinata on the other hand had no quarrels what so ever. For it meant in the long run more coffee for her! Caramel, milk, and all!
But once the three of them sat down, trays in hand Chouji just had to ask. Some part of him needed to know! “I don’t get it...you can drink sour milk out the carton like it’s nothing- and I mean nothing. But coffee somehow gets to you? Dude, like, not judging I don’t do that. But are you certain that you aren’t just getting the jitters from it or anything?”
Hinata gave Chouji a concerned look over her cup. “Chouji-San some people just get a bit more effected by things.” She spoke in her usual soft tone. Looking back to Naruto and giving him a shy smile. If he said it got him anxious then Hinata was inclined to believe him. Also she’d make a mental note of that just in case anyone brought in one for him. She might try to sneakily take it from her dear friend.
Chouji shook his head. “I don’t mean it like that, I mean it more as like- how does that even occur? I’ve seen him eat and drink all kinds of things without it even doing so much as a scratch to him! I’m amazed really!” He was, but it was just coming off in a way he hadn’t meant it.
Hinata shook her head again, deciding to end her part in this conversation by turning on her laptop to go back to more important things. Like that research paper she needed to do.
He slumped in his seat at this but turned back to Naruto. “But seriously dude!”
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momiji-katsu-chiru · 5 years
❝ What are you doing out here? Nothing better to do? ❞ // oh and kak @ tsume
night in the woods | Tsume
She didn’t want to admit it. How her heart swelled and ached, pounding hard in a race to run rampant in the back of her rib cage as if it was fighting to get out and cry. Cry that they had lost- no,she had lost one of the most kindest men that was to ever grace her path. 
And that man was not Kakashi for obvious enough reasons. 
Younger cousin or not, he would never be her late husband. One of the many who died during the kyubi incident. That man had been extraordinary- whether it be with his hands or mind. He caught her attention. “Pst, Is reading that crap nothing? No? Then what I’m doin’ ain’t nothing either.” Alright so she was just sitting on top of the scaled roof. Without even so much as her dear fluff ball nearby. A rare sight indeed for the head chief. To be alone, to be peaceful. It was just that she needed time alone, time to think about all that had happened over the years.
 “It’s just.” Tsume paused in thought, thinking on if she should say just how much her heart hurt. She covered her mouth, sharp eyes looked down at the bustling village. It was too much. “Ir’s just...Why is it that when one of y’all wants some quiet time y’all get it! Huh!? Next time i see ya’ just lyin’ around imma snatch that book from your hands! Now piss off Kaks!”
Tsume hadn’t meant it but she still wouldn’t want to admit she too, the almighty head bitch in charge, had sorrow in her soul. Like a cold pool of untouched water. Ever quiet and ever silent.
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