#ACDF Surgery
gayafmermaid · 2 years
Go Fund Me for my mom's neck surgery
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seopromotion1 · 2 months
Comparing Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery Florida to traditional open surgery, one of the main benefits is the smaller incisions required. This results in less disruption to the surrounding muscles and tissues, leading to reduced postoperative pain and faster recovery times for patients.
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totalspinebrain · 6 months
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Experience the latest advancements inminimally invasive spine surgery in Florida at Total Spine and Brain Institute. Our skilled surgeons utilize cutting-edge techniques to minimize tissue damage and promote quicker recovery times. Trust us for effective and personalized spine care solutions.
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spinemasters · 1 year
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baufive · 8 months
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I've had lots of surgeries ... this one is making me extremely anxious. This borrowed image shows the end results of said surgery - C4-6 ACDF. Wish me luck.
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jawd · 4 months
why don't you draw anymore? :o (I hope this isn't rude I'm just curious /g)
not rude dw. i developed spinal stenosis in my neck that caused nerve damage and it effects my dominant hand/arm. im technically still in my long as fuck recovery for the ACDF surgery i had for the stenosis too but im past the oxycodone stage thank fucking god. they also found some minor stenosis in my lower back during an MRI a few months ago but it doesnt need surgery yet thankfully. like atm its just one disc thats slightly bulging out and like?? its so tiny compared to how my neck was but it can hurt so much and spasm so hard and i am sick to bastard death of it but its!!! gonna be with me!! forever!!!! until i inevitably need surgery for it. so im in physical therapy indefinitely now for that but i have the option for injections if it gets worse. hopefully it wont for a long time. if it progresses rapidly like the stenosis in my neck did tho im gonna start murdering people
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gotankgo · 1 year
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«Today’s prompt from The Ehlers-Danlos Society is to shine a light on a type of EDS. The one I have, and the most common, is Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, or hEDS for short. I had symptoms of weak connective tissue my whole life, but thought I was just really flexible. I was always clumsy… spraining my wrists, fingers, and ankles constantly when I was young, not knowing this was a sign of loose ligaments and unstable joints. When I would carry heavy bags, if I relaxed my muscles, I could feel my shoulders pulling out of the joint. I just thought this was normal! I also developed scoliosis. I noticed my scars would heal weird & look like thin paper, or would heal into a little crater. When I was 13 I was diagnosed with Chiari Malformation & Syringomyelia. I had emergency brain surgery to allow room for my spinal fluid to flow. Surprise, Chiari is common with EDS! As I got older I was always exhausted, I would push myself very hard but then I would have to rest hard too. I never had the same stamina as others, even though I was very driven. I’m so glad I did so much in my career before I started a family, because after I had children my symptoms definitely got worse. I started having major flares with Craniocervical Instability (CCI) ultimately culminating in having my neck permanently fused from Occiput-T2, with ACDF C4-C7, to stabilize my spine. It was hard to process, but by getting diagnosed with hEDS by my geneticist, I learned all about it and all the crazy things my body was going through. I’ve gotten to a much better place now and many of my symptoms are controlled by meds, supplements, diet, bracing, and exercise. Though I don’t know what my future holds, I have the KNOWLEDGE now, and that makes all difference. I’m working on my mental health and even though it's a work in progress, I'm in a much better state of mind, and that’s what it boils down to right?! A positive state of mind. Because life is hard for literally everyone. We ALL have health issues, mental struggles & trauma, but it’s how we frame it, gain knowledge, and get the right help, that makes all the difference. ❤️»
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elirecoveryblog · 2 years
November 23, 2022 - after further evaluation and speaking to the neurosurgeon, steroid therapy was recommended with surgery being a last resort if no improvements were made to my symptoms via steroids. The plan was to give it a few days and see if there was a slight potential to recover without surgery, despite risks of making the herniated disc worse… it was still an option to consider because of my own anatomy. What I had to think about was my day to day activities being a father of 3, in which (1) child is autistic and a jumpy little guy who climbs on my back and head every chance he gets!
Although the steroids did help me a lot, the pain did not fully diminish which was the ultimate result that was expected. The neurosurgeon offered (2) different types of surgeries available. The first being a fusion or AKA ACDF versus an ADR (artificial cervical disc replacement).
The steroid therapy was to continue through thanksgiving weekend and a decision would be made by Monday November 28, 2022 while I was inpatient at the hospital. Check out the videos below for a brief overview of the (2) procedures offered. I went with cervical disc replacement because I qualified for it. I was fortunate.
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Are you or a loved one struggling with neck pain, weakness, or numbness that just won’t go away? If so, you’re not alone. Many people experience discomfort in their neck and arms due to conditions like herniated discs or spinal stenosis. However, there’s hope for relief with advanced surgical techniques like Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion (ACDF). Let’s delve into what ACDF is, how it works, and why Dr. Dilip Kiyawat, a renowned Neuro and Spine Specialist Surgeon in Pune, Maharashtra, could be your beacon of hope.
ACDF is a surgical procedure designed to relieve pressure on the spinal cord and nerves in the neck. It’s commonly used to treat conditions such as:
Herniated discs Degenerative disc disease Spinal stenosis Cervical fractures Tumors in the cervical spine
During an ACDF procedure, Dr. Dilip Kiyawat accesses the spine through the front of the neck (anterior approach) to remove the problematic disc or bone spurs causing compression. Once the damaged disc is removed, the adjacent vertebrae are fused together using bone grafts or artificial implants to stabilize the spine.
Dr. Dilip Kiyawat isn’t just a neuro and spine specialist; he’s a beacon of hope for patients seeking relief from debilitating spinal conditions. Here’s why he stands out:
Exceptional Expertise: With years of experience under his belt, Dr. Dilip Kiyawat possesses unparalleled expertise in neurosurgery and spinal procedures.
Compassionate Care: Dr. Dilip Kiyawat understands that undergoing spine surgery can be daunting. That’s why he provides compassionate care, guiding patients through every step of their treatment journey with empathy and understanding.
Personalized Treatment Plans: No two patients are alike, andDr. Dilip Kiyawat recognizes this. He tailors treatment plans to suit each patient’s unique needs, ensuring the best possible outcomes.
Commitment to Innovation: Dr. Dilip Kiyawat is dedicated to staying abreast of the latest advancements in neurosurgery and spinal care. By incorporating cutting-edge techniques and technologies into his practice, he delivers the highest standard of care to his patients.
Reputation for Excellence: Dr. Dilip Kiyawat ‘s reputation precedes him. Patients from across the region trust him implicitly for his unwavering commitment to excellence and superior surgical skills.
Recovery from ACDF surgery varies from patient to patient, but rest assured, Dr. Dilip Kiyawat and his team will be with you every step of the way. Following surgery, patients typically experience relief from symptoms such as neck pain, arm pain, and weakness. Physical therapy may be recommended to aid in rehabilitation and restore strength and mobility to the neck and shoulders.
If neck pain or spinal issues are hindering your quality of life, don’t suffer in silence. Reach out to Dr. Dilip Kiyawat, the leading neuro and spine specialist surgeon in Pune, Maharashtra, for expert diagnosis and personalized treatment. With his skill, expertise, and compassionate care, Dr. Dilip Kiyawat can help you reclaim your life and get back to doing the things you love. Schedule a consultation today and take the first step toward a pain-free future.
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Is Cervical Spine Surgery Right for You? Key Considerations and Insights
Cervical spine surgery is a significant decision that requires careful consideration. While it can offer relief from debilitating neck pain and other symptoms, it's not the right choice for everyone. In this blog, we'll explore the key considerations and insights to help you determine if cervical spine surgery is the best option for you.
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Understanding Cervical Spine Conditions: Before diving into the decision-making process, it's crucial to understand the conditions that may necessitate cervical spine surgery. These may include herniated discs, spinal stenosis, degenerative disc disease, or spinal fractures. Symptoms can range from neck pain and stiffness to radiating pain, numbness, or weakness in the arms.
Non-Surgical Treatment Options: In many cases, cervical spine surgery is not the first line of treatment. Non-surgical options such as physical therapy, medication, chiropractic care, and steroid injections are often recommended initially. These conservative treatments aim to alleviate symptoms and improve function without the need for surgery.
When Surgery is Considered: If non-surgical treatments fail to provide adequate relief or if the condition progresses to the point of causing severe pain, weakness, or neurological deficits, surgery may be recommended. Additionally, certain red flags such as loss of bowel or bladder control or progressive weakness require immediate medical attention and may indicate the need for surgery.
Types of Cervical Spine Surgery: There are several surgical procedures available to address cervical spine conditions. Anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF), posterior cervical decompression and fusion (PCDF), artificial disc replacement (ADR), and minimally invasive spine surgery (MISS) are among the most common options. Each procedure has its advantages and considerations, which should be discussed with a spine specialist.
Risks and Complications: Like any surgical procedure, cervical spine surgery carries risks and potential complications. These may include infection, bleeding, nerve damage, spinal cord injury, or failed fusion. It's essential to have a thorough understanding of these risks and weigh them against the potential benefits of surgery.
Preparation and Recovery: Preparing for cervical spine surgery involves physical and psychological readiness. Patients should undergo pre-operative evaluations, discuss anesthesia options, and understand post-operative care instructions. Recovery from cervical spine surgery can vary depending on the procedure performed and individual factors. Physical therapy, pain management, and gradual return to activities are essential components of the recovery process.
Factors to Consider: Several factors should be taken into account when determining if cervical spine surgery is right for you:
Severity of symptoms: Are your symptoms significantly impacting your daily life and function?
Failed non-surgical treatments: Have you exhausted conservative treatment options without relief?
Diagnosis and prognosis: What is the underlying cervical spine condition, and what are the long-term implications?
Overall health and lifestyle: Do you have any underlying medical conditions that may affect surgical outcomes or recovery?
Surgical risks and potential benefits: Are you willing to accept the risks associated with surgery in exchange for the potential benefits?
Consultation with a Spine Specialist: Making an informed decision about cervical spine surgery requires consultation with a spine specialist. They can evaluate your condition, discuss treatment options, and help you weigh the risks and benefits. Additionally, seeking a second opinion can provide valuable insight and ensure that you're comfortable with your decision.
Conclusion: Cervical Spine Surgery is a significant decision that should not be taken lightly. By considering the key factors outlined in this blog and consulting with a spine specialist, you can determine if surgery is the right choice for you. Remember, the goal of cervical spine surgery is to improve your quality of life and restore function, so take the time to make an informed decision that aligns with your needs and preferences.
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manipalhospital1 · 7 months
ACDF: Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion
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What is ACDF Surgery?
ACDF, or Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion, is a surgical procedure performed on the neck to relieve pressure on the spinal cord or nerve roots caused by a damaged disc. It's often used to treat:
Cervical Disc Herniation
This occurs when the inner gel-like material of a disc bulges out and puts pressure on the nerve.
Cervical Stenosis
This is a narrowing of the spinal canal that compresses the spinal cord or nerve roots.
This is damage to the spinal cord caused by compression.
This is pain, weakness, or numbness caused by compression of a nerve root.
 Who needs an ACDF?
 What all happens in ACDF?
 Benefits of ACDF
​​​​​​​Risks Of ACDF
Who needs an ACDF?
ACDF surgery is only needed in specific situations where other less invasive treatments haven't provided sufficient relief or where the damage to the discs and nerves is severe enough to warrant surgery. Here are some key reasons why an
ACDF might be considered:
Persistent and Debilitating Pain
If you're experiencing severe neck pain that radiates down to your arm or hand, and hasn't been effectively managed with conservative measures like physical therapy, medication, or injections, ACDF can offer significant pain relief by decompressing the affected nerve.
Neurological Symptoms
When cervical disc herniation or stenosis compresses the nerve roots or spinal cord, it can lead to neurological symptoms like numbness, weakness, tingling, or difficulty controlling bowel or bladder function. If these symptoms are severe and impacting your daily life, ACDF can offer a solution by relieving the pressure and potentially reversing the nerve damage.
Myelopathy, which is damage to the spinal cord itself, is a serious condition that can worsen without intervention. ACDF can decompress the spinal cord and prevent further damage if other treatments haven't been successful.
Instability of the Cervical Spine
In some cases, severe disc damage or trauma can lead to instability of the vertebrae in the neck. ACDF can provide stabilization by fusing the affected vertebrae, reducing pain and preventing further deterioration.
Failure of other Treatments
If conservative treatments like physical therapy and medication haven't provided adequate relief after a reasonable period, and the symptoms are significantly impacting your quality of life, ACDF might be considered as a next step.
It's important to note that ACDF is a major surgery with potential risks and complications, so it's always recommended to discuss all options and risks thoroughly with a certified neurosurgeon before making any major decisions. Manipal Hospitals Delhi has the best neurosurgeon and neurologist to help you find the correct diagnosis for your neurological symptoms, and find the apt treatment plans for the same as well. 
What all happens in ACDF?
The surgeon makes an incision in front of the neck to access the affected disc.
Removing the damaged disc (discectomy) under a microscope
Inserting a graft into the empty disc space to promote bone growth and fusion of the two adjacent vertebrae.
Placing a metal plate and screws (if needed) to stabilise the fusion while it heals.
Benefits of ACDF
Effective in relieving pain, weakness, numbness, and tingling in the arm or hand.
Long-term pain relief for most patients.
Restores the  normal anatomical height and curvature of cervical spine.
Minimally invasive with a shorter recovery time than some other spine surgeries.
Patients are typically discharged after 2 days of surgery in most cases.
Early discharge and quick recovery leading to early start of normal lifestyle routine and work.
Book an appointment now at the best neursurgery hospital in Delhi to get the finest treatment.
Risks Of ACDF
In safe hands and with the latest technological advances the risks involved are very minimal, however, one should be aware of them before planning surgery. Some of them are:
Difficulty swallowing due to temporary irritation of nerves- resolves within a day or two.
Injury to blood vessels or nerves.
Recurrence of symptoms.
Before considering ACDF surgery, it's important to discuss the risks and benefits with your doctor and explore other treatment options, such as physical therapy, medication, or injections. Manipal Hospitals Delhi believes in holistic healing and encourages patients to consult with their doctors and go for regular health check ups to help diagnose conditions in the early phase and find correct treatment in a timely manner.
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totalspinebrain · 2 years
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Total Spine & Brain Institute is the trusted name in spine and brain health.
We offer services for spinal stenosis treatment, bulging disc treatment, Non-Fusion Spine Surgery, brain surgery, spinal tumor, neck surgery, Non Surgical Neck Treatment, Mazor X Spine Surgery, spinal decompression surgery, Cervical Spine Surgery, Non Surgical Back Treatment, ACDF Surgery, minimally invasive spine surgery, robotic spine surgery, back surgery
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Analytical Report on Cervical Fusion Market
Market Overview –
The Cervical Fusion market is expected to reach USD 8.10 billion by 2030, growing at a 3.90% CAGR during the forecast period 2022-2030.
The Cervical Fusion Market is experiencing steady growth, propelled by the increasing prevalence of cervical spine disorders and the adoption of ACDF fusion procedures. This surgical technique involves fusing vertebrae in the neck to alleviate pain and stabilize the spine. The market offers a range of implants and instrumentation to support successful outcomes and improve patients' quality of life.
The cervical fusion market is experiencing steady growth driven by the increasing prevalence of degenerative cervical spine conditions, technological advancements in surgical techniques and implants, and rising demand for minimally invasive procedures. Cervical fusion is a surgical procedure performed to alleviate neck and arm pain caused by damaged intervertebral discs or instability in the cervical spine. Factors such as aging populations, sedentary lifestyles, and spinal injuries contribute to the growing demand for cervical fusion surgeries.
Key trends in the market include the adoption of motion-preserving implants, patient-specific instrumentation, and the development of biocompatible materials to enhance fusion rates and reduce complications. Additionally, advancements in imaging modalities and navigation systems are improving surgical precision and patient outcomes. However, reimbursement challenges, regulatory hurdles, and the potential for adverse events remain concerns for market stakeholders.
Segmentation –
The global cervical fusion market is mainly segmented into product fusion type, type, surgery, end users. On the basis of fusion type, fusion type has been bifurcated into Anterior Interbody Fusion, Anterior Cervical Fusion, Posterior Fusion, and Others
Regional Analysis –
The cervical fusion market is experiencing steady growth due to the rising prevalence of cervical spine disorders and technological advancements in surgical procedures. Cervical fusion surgery is commonly performed to treat conditions such as degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis, and cervical fractures. Factors such as the aging population, increasing incidence of road accidents, and the demand for minimally invasive surgical techniques drive market growth. North America dominates the cervical fusion market, followed by Europe and Asia Pacific.
However, with the improving healthcare infrastructure and rising healthcare expenditure in emerging economies, the demand for cervical fusion procedures is expected to rise globally.
Key Players –
MRFR identifies the global cervical fusion market companies: Medtronic Inc based in Ireland, Abbott Laboratories from the US, Stryker Corporation headquartered in the US, DePuy Synthes also based in the US, B. Braun Melsungen AG from Germany, NuVasive, Inc headquartered in the US, Zimmer Biomet based in the US, Orthofix from the US, and Globus Medical also headquartered in the US, among others
Related Reports –
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For more information visit at MarketResearchFuture
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baufive · 7 months
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Though time consuming, this was relatively easy fix. I am finally fixing the SSAO shadow issue that cropped up after some patch. This was the thing that broke me. I walked away from sims for what ... nearly three years over the frustration of creating / breaking at every blessed patch. I don't know how others manage. I think coming from TS3, then remaking so much stuff for TS4 that, revisiting things again and again just makes it hard to remain genuinely enthused.
The bookcases will still need MOO to be placed, but two side effects of this update. 1 - they'll get a description ... how did I miss that? 2 - I am toying with a normal map tweak for the center glass. Due to the 'flip' of the mesh it's not working on the right side, so it might be scrapped if I can't get the look to be the same on both ...
Been home 5.25 weeks recovering from ACDF C4-7 surgery. Finally feeling a little bit like my old self - emphasis on old. Here's a cute photo of Freyja and Jaxon having a cozy moment we captured while I was in a more frail state. All the furkids stayed as close as they could while I was recovering. While I can't say I am anxious to return to work (and turning my head for driving is a massive challenge), I am anxious for a return to feeling normal. Six weeks is a long time. I see the surgeon on Monday for a follow up and xrays.
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Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion (ACDF)
Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion (ACDF) is a surgical procedure in which one or more cervical discs is removed and replaced a fusion device, commonly a spacer, to allow the bone to fuse across the disc space. This is similar to other types of fusion surgery; however, it is performed on the cervical spine, through an anterior approach.
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spinemasters · 1 year
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Young 38 year old from Italy was suffering from severe right arm pain from last 3 months, with poor grip right side, unable to hold things 😢 MRI Cervical spine showing large C6C7 PIVD (Disc Prolapse), we planned for C6C7 ACDF, post op pain immediately 😀, grip became better. Sometime if things delayed this can cause permanent weakness 😩😫 , leading to disability. Early is better, late is disaster.
MOBILITY IS LIFE 🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃
Watch the video:- https://youtu.be/i1Vi-ki7fz0
--------------- Dr. Pankaj Trivedi MBBS, MS, MCh (SGPGIMS) Endoscopic Spine & Brain Surgeon ------ Book Appointment, Call: 98143 31317 . . #SpineMasters#DrPankajTrivedi#SpineExpert#SpineSpecialist#BestSpineSurgeon#SpineProblems#armpain#armpaintreatment#cervicalspine#discprolapse#acdf#Disc#surgery#HappyPatient#PatientStory#Jalandhar#Punjab#india#italy
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