#AFO is a big fish to humans
musicfeedsmysoul12 · 5 months
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Imagine this happening during the USJ and JD being all ‘tell AFO he broke the pact’ and now it's on sight for JD if they find him.
All for One, who has been mighty comfortable since he can't be touched by supernatural forces and he's just Better(TM) then most humans realizing he fucked up BAD.
JD, unable to find him, but knowing that the bitch can't go to far, is happily waiting.
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petri808 · 3 years
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Bakudeku canon divergent, vampire quirk AU
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24
When Bakugou finally woke up in the Ena City Hospital, his head was splitting worse than a punch from Kirishima in full quirk, and ears rang with the force of all 108 New Year’s bell tolls. If he’d had no memory of the night before, Bakugou swore he’d just survived the worst hangover in history. Even his eyes hurt from the bright, piercing fluorescent lights and they weren’t even open! He turned his head to the side, noticing how much effort it took just to shift in such a small manner. It was as if his body was drained of... “Ugh, that bastard,” he groaned. ‘Fucker bit me.’ And as if to add insult to injury, a pin-prick pain in his neck revealed itself in that revelation.
His arm flopped up, hand straining with jerky strokes, reaching to touch the fresh bite wound located at the junction of his neck and shoulder. He flinched at the tender, bruising pain that sent a shock down his spine. Son-of— This just in! Pro Hero Dynamite cast in one of those cliché vampire movies that went straight to video. Definitely not the career start he’d envisioned.
“Oh, good you’re finally awake Mr. Bakugou.”
“Who the fuck are you?” he spat at the male voice. “And can someone turn the fucking lights off?!”
“I am Doctor Ishihira, and my apologies,” the doctor flicked off the overhead light. “Is that better?”
“Yeah,” he grumped.
“Mr. Bakugou, you were found yesterday morning and brought in suffering from hypovolemic shock due to severe blood loss and dehydration. We’ve treated you with 3 liters of IV fluids and blood plasma to bring your numbers back up, however you’ll still be groggy until your body replenishes the nutrients you were stripped of.”
Over a day had passed! At hearing he’d been out cold for so long, Bakugou immediately clenched his fists, swearing up and down about being released until they threatened to sedate him for longer. Longer?! He begrudgingly relented and settled down, but damn it! That meant Midoriya had another head start on him again! And now that the man knew he was on his trail, finding him would be a lot more difficult!
“What the hell is hypo-whatever shock?” Bakugou questioned.
“When you were found, you were in and out of consciousness and rambling incoherently, all signs of severe blood loss. The fatigue you’re still feeling is also due to the effects of it. Luckily the amount of loss wasn’t enough to start shutting down your organs.”
The doctor continued explaining a few more details regardless of the tantrum like a robot. Minor injuries he’d been treated for. The obvious puncture wounds in his neck, questioning Bakugou about any description he could provide of his attacker. He wasn’t about to tell this doctor or any authority figure who the true culprit was, so he feigned a temporary retrograde amnesia. Based on a raised brow, peering over his glass’s expression, the doctor didn’t look very convinced. Oh well, Bakugou really didn’t care about the man’s opinion.
“Mr. Bakugou, we also called you parents…”
“You what?!” Bakugou tried to jump off the bed, but his body absolutely refused to respond and ended up flopping like a dying fish. Ugh! He really was worse off than he’d thought.
“I’m sorry, but you are a minor, so we were obligated to do so. However, they did give us permission to treat and release you on your own recognizance once we felt you were better.”
Well, that was good news. ‘Sounds like mom actually listened to my letter.’ Or the authorities surely would have shown up by now. “Ugh! So, how much longer am I stuck here?”
“If you continue to recover well, tomorrow morning.”
Fuck! Now a three-day head start! Just great, he groaned. Midoriya could get far away with that kind of a jump start. “Fine, whatever! Now go the fuck away.”
The doctor left the room after explaining how nurses will be monitoring his progress, but to also let them know if anything started to feel worse. They needed to know if he developed any lasting effects from organ damage. Once he was alone again, Bakugou rolled gingerly onto his side as his mind processed the new information. Whatever Midoriya had been hit with must be the cause of this weird blood thirst that resembled a goddamn vampire plot line. Perhaps the significance of the blood coloring in his eyes was a sign of that thirst taking hold? That’ll be a handy tell, too bad it seemed to appear within seconds of the next step.
But if Midoriya had just fed on a victim, and history showed at times, a span of days before the next incident, what had caused his friend to attack him so fast? Was this thirst like a hunger? And what happens when you exercise or exert yourself? You use up energy. ‘Duh, Katsuki.’ Fighting and expending all that energy must have triggered the attack. ‘Wow, it burns fast.’ That meant Midoriya probably struggled to control this thirst, and that’s why he was pleading for him to leave him alone. But sorry, he couldn’t do that. ‘Fucker shouldn’t have run!’ One way or another he is getting his friend back home where he belonged. In fact, this only made his drive to find Midoriya stronger because he felt like he was partially to blame for the predicament his friend was in. The guy had to be scared, freaked out, and lonely. Bakugou’s heart clenched at the thought. He knew his friend was a social person by nature who loved being around friends and family. To be stuck out here all by himself and too frightened because of whatever this new quirk was had to be horrible… and utterly not fair. Of course, he did have a tendency to isolate himself when he feared…
Bakugou groaned. “Kami, not again with this shit!” When was Midoriya gonna learn to stop running away!
As his eyes relented to the fatigue and his mind slipped back into unconsciousness, Bakugou could only pray he’ll get a lead as soon as he got out of this hospital. This strange new quirk, if that’s really what it was, posed a serious danger not only to Midoriya, but the public. The reputation of pro hero’s had taken a major hit already because of AFO and the league, so if the public found out about a blood drinking hero attacking people… ‘I gotta get you out of here…’
After his encounter with Bakugou, Midoriya had rushed out of town as quickly as possible. Tears poured down his cheeks as he took off into the sky from having given in to the lust of this uncontrollable quirk. But he couldn’t stop it even if he’d wanted to. He’d learned the hard way right at the beginning that once it took hold of his mind, the only thing he could do was give-in or succumb to an even worse ravenous state that literally hurt. The pain of holding out on the hunger made him feel like a starved predatory animal that tore at his insides until he relented. In this state, the blood of any creature that came too close became a meal. But it was never enough. Animal blood didn’t satiate him in the same way that human blood did. Plus, he worried that if he let it get completely out of control, he might just end up killing someone. So far, he’d been lucky to leave them all unconscious but alive.
It was obvious that the light AFO had hit him with contained this strange quirk. How ironic, to take down a villain, only to be turned into one. That’s how Midoriya felt. How else could he feel? A hero wouldn’t hurt other people, so by taking the blood of others for sustenance, that made him a villain. Therefore, he couldn’t be a hero anymore. It must have been AFO’s plan all along once he’d realized he was losing. The villains end goal was to ruin hero society and this was definitely one way to do it. Take out his primary rival. The man poised to carry on a torch of safety and security, and snuff out any who chose to do harm… The whole situation with Bakugou really turned this into a nightmare out of body experience. To see his friend’s eyes suddenly show fear, then fade away the more he drank… his mouth clamped to the man’s neck… it was a horrible imagine that was sure to haunt him. He could still smell the burnt cinnamon from such a close encounter. If only he had clothes to change into or even a pond to bathe in, because that lingering scent was gonna drive him mad!
Midoriya curled up and clenched his eyes shut tight in an abandoned and overgrown castle he’d found outside of Ena. It didn’t look like it’s been maintained for a very long time, so the likelihood of a human showing up seemed low. He knew he should have travelled farther away, but he was too tired, too upset and just wanted to quit. All the years of growing up quirkless, to gain OFA and become the very thing he’d dreamt of, only for those dreams to be dashed again. It was as if life just didn’t want him to be a real hero. Maybe he should just put himself out of his misery, and yet— he couldn’t do it. To die out here alone where no one knew where he was or what had become of him, that wasn’t fair to his family and friends…
They must be so worried about him right now. His poor mother didn’t deserve any of this. Would his friends look down on him now? And All Might, his idol, who’d taken him under his wing, was he disappointed? And that just left Bakugou. He’d said the truth in answering the man’s question. No, Midoriya never would have expected him to come looking. Katsuki Bakugou giving a damn about him? Yeah, right. Bakugou wasn’t doing this because he cared. There was always a selfish reason behind his madness. Fear. Anger. Jealousy. Shouldn’t big bad Dynamight be thrilled that his biggest rival was gone?
Okay that was a big, fat white lie he’d been telling himself for the last two years. He knew Bakugou had moved past those pettier behaviors, but it was simply easier to believe and keep their relationship as rivals than to hope his childhood friend would ever see him as something else. And yet… ‘Kacchan was genuinely surprised by my answer. Did he really come looking for me because he cared that much?’ Yet in what way? Why was the man trying so hard? Did he… ‘miss me?’
Midoriya shook his head violently of those thoughts. No, no, he didn’t want to believe that because it would make this situation even more unbearable than it already was! He’d already given up everything he’d ever loved. His hopes and dreams, a future and losing an affection he’d craved for years would just simply be too much.
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cynicalglitch · 4 years
Mha fanfiction suggestions:
Nana Shimura vs All for One: The Battle of the Christmas Dinner
Nana Shimura (somehow) survived All for One's attack, but felt that the best way to keep her children out of All for One's clutches was to stay away.
Years later her daughter Inko has tracked her down and invited her to Christmas with her husband and son. Nana goes and learns Inko's choice in husband was...not someone she'd approve of. Awkwardness ensues.
Accumulation into being
As the quirk came into being, stockpiling everything around it as its only cause and purpose. It was never meant to gain anything more.
Yet Fate is rarely recognizable as it happens, and sometimes, the creation of a new being can be accidental, unforseen, and change everything.
(Izuku IS one for all)
Bough breaks
Inko’s new hero boyfriend sexually abuses Izuku.
In life, nothing is certain. Pro-heroes aren’t always the good guys. Children are not spared from the darkest realms of humanity. Izuku isn't acting like his normal self at school lately, and his homeroom teacher has taken notice. After learning about the mother’s new, unwelcomed boyfriend, Aizawa’s concern shifts into dread. He’ll do whatever it takes to keep his student away from harm.
From muddy waters
(Dad for one fic. •Izuku and inko try to get away from AFO •shoto thinks Izukus being abused as well tried to be friends •all might realizes that Izuku is AFO son)
- but the sleeve of his tracksuit was bulging, tearing and ripping and a mass of twisted flesh, nearly as big as the boy himself and nauseatingly familiar (the arm of the man that had torn a hole in his side with a grin and left him a frail shadow of himself) swung forward and slammed into the flat face of the giant robot.
Izuku wants to be a hero more than anything.
Hero class civil war fair
Heroes lead by Bakugo.
Villains lead by Midoriya.
Seven days prep time.
Three days for Izuku Midoriya to show why they should be glad he's not a real villain.
Basically there’s a training exercise and Izuku is chosen to lead the villains while Katsuki leads the heroes. Class 1A and 1B + Hitoshi Shinsou are separated into heroes and villains.
This is a really good story. It has 33 chapters.
“Izuku, You’re thirteen”
It takes a moment for Shouto to process the tears and questions coming from Izuku. He doesn't know how to respond. How does he tell a thirteen year old Izuku that he saved him from himself? How does he convey just how not worthless Izuku is? And how soon can Shouto go find Bakugou to give his dick frostbite for undoubtedly being the one that made Izuku think like this.
A fic where 18 yr old Izuku was turned 13 again, had the lowest damn self esteem ever, and got to see how good his future turns out.
A chaotic neutrals guide to time travel
27 year olds Hitoshi Shinsou goes back in time to first year.
Summary: “You claim you are from the future,” Nedzu said, hopping onto his desk. “Do you have anything to prove this?”
Hitoshi fished around in his pocket. “Here’s my hero license,” he said, holding it up.
Nedzu opened his mouth, but Hitoshi kept right on going, producing a handful of odds and ends from his pocket. “Also a movie ticket, some dryer lint, some, uh, didn’t know I still had that but it’s old gum—“
That was when Aizawa walked in, capture weapon floating around him. “What’s the emergency?” he asked, clipped, as he kicked open the door.
“—and the left arm of a Deku plushie,” Hitoshi finished, unruffled. “My cat ate the rest.”
Conversations with a cryptid
Izuku is allowed to interview all for one he ends up doing it like every Saturday.
They end up making a bond and Izuku calls him out for his bad tactics and All for one calls Izuku out for  not looking out for himself.
Also at one point in the fic AFO is like I should've just given shigaraki to Yagi (All might)  and taken you.
There's also a sequel.
The man was over a century old. There had to be more to it. In hindsight, it hadn’t been one of Izuku’s better ideas.
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blacknovelist · 7 years
How about Nana Shimura and/or Toshinori for the inbox meme? ^^
Spell a name and I’ll give you headcannons!
(lets do both because I have no self control and I love this ask meme, I hope ur ready for another round of “Novel can never shut up”)
Nana Shimura:
N: What do they usually eat for breakfast?
Hmmm, I think it kind of depends on what time she’s eating and what she’s gotta do that day! Like if she’s eating late-ish bc of hero duties (or if she anticipates being busy all day), she might stick to simpler things like a bowl of soup or some plain rice with a few sides of whatever’s sitting in her pantry and fridge (ranging from nori, to pickles, to a bowl of fish balls from dinner). Something filling, but fairly quick to eat. 
If she’s eating early bc she needs to be leaving earlier than usual to handle things (or if she doesn’t want to go back to bed) she’ll probably snack on various things around the house, even if they’re not really…. snacking foods. You can’t tell her she’s not allowed to eat it out of the pot by the spoonful when she’s the only one living there, dammit!
If it’s a regular day, there’s a 50/50 chance she’ll pick something different and random to eat, just for the heck of it - maybe some imported cheeses, or these new sausages she picked up from the market, because I’m still a huge fan of Nana kind of being a foodie and being willing to try literally anything and everything. The other 50% of the time, though, she’s probably eating a traditional breakfast (usually with Torino or Toshinori!)  
A: What are/were this character’s best subjects in school?
I really think, outside of the fairly obvious answer of PE, she would’ve been really good in classes like social studies and history! In general, I don’t think there would be too many classes Nana isn’t fond of or terrible at though, in the end.
S: How stealthy are they?
Usually, she doesn’t need stealth, so on a day-to-day basis she’s of average stealth, for a Pro Hero, of course! Should the need arise, though, I think she can definitely manage a few notches above that. Nana’s no spy, but, she can avoid detection when a situation calls for it.
H: What is their deadly sin?
This is… a difficult one, bc we just, know nothing about Nana, ahaha. I mean, everything is just, pure speculation right now. In this case, I’m kind of thinking about and drawing from Ageswap!Nana a little bit, but… I’ve decided, after much thinking, Nana’s deadly sin would be Greed. Not by the classical definition but… i’m not sure how to really explain it, haha. It’s just… I think, there are things she wants to have, and wants to be able to have, but that she knows she shouldn’t or can’t because of her dreams and goals and job. 
Drawing on other headcanons (like that she was a fairly ordinary hero and that possibly, during Nana and AfO’s fight, he brought up her husband), part of her struggles come from straight-up being a regular human being that wants a family and to live her life but can’t, because of her lifestyle. She wants it, can’t always have it, and needs to figure out how to balance it all out. 
I: On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do they love themselves
Anywhere from 7-9, on bad days to good days respectively. Nana knows what she’s capable of and who she is, and she’s happy with who that person is. (if the person she is can inspire kids like Toshinori, too, then surely she’s done something right, after all.)
M: What is their favourite dessert?
A tough one…. I think she’d be a fan of cold desserts, mostly. I’m thinking mochi and halo-halo, because those are… the only two coming to mind right now, haha.
U: What’s their voice like?
Fairly deep, kind of what comes across as a more traditionally rich female voice? I think she’d put a lot of inflection into her voice too, but it usually sounds smooth and… bright, like she’s smiling or in a good mood. 
R: What are their hands like?
Though she wears gloves in her hero form, I think Nana has somewhat rough hands, from training. I also like to think she has big hands, if her pictures are any indication - their size can’t all be from her gloves, man! The kind of large, firm hands that would give All Might a run for his money. 
T: Where are they ticklish?
Mmm, Toshinori doesn’t entirely strike me as a very ticklish person in general! Though, if I had to pick a spot, probably his legs/feet. And it only tickles if they’re trying to tickle him, just jabbing him won’t do a thing.
O: What would it take to break them, inside and out?
A systematic destruction of everything he’s worked to create and is working to protect. Toshinori thrives on belief, on hope; belief in his own skills as All Might; hope in the new generation of heroes; belief in his successor and the rest of UA; hope that he, together with everyone, can twist fate somehow. If it all crumbled, slow but inevitable - to see that kind of thing happen to the people he loves, to the city and world he’s tried so hard to keep standing with his own two hands, well, Toshinori isn’t the kind of person who wouldn’t take that kind of thing personally, to some degree.
Especially if it’s brought about by Shigaraki and AfO themselves. 
S: How stealthy are they?
I think All Might is only loud and boisterous and with a big, unavoidable presence because most of the time, that’s what society needs. Someone big, grand, able to strike bad guys down with a single hit and, as a result of always announcing his presence in order to discourage villains, not stealthy at all.
However!!!!! I 10000% think Toshinori (both in AM form and true form) is absolutely capable of being sneaky when he needs to. His speed is an asset as All Might, even if his size isn’t necessarily, and as a kid he was small and quirkless - even with years of training to be a hero and having OfA with him, that kind of stuff doesn’t just, vanish. Toshi’s probably got some good tricks up his sleeve about disappearing into crowds from way back when, regardless of form.
H: What is their deadly sin?
In Toshinori’s case…….. I’d say Wrath and Pride. Tho not their classical definitions again, ahaha.
Pride, because having been the Number One hero, he always feels, to some degree, responsible for so many of the things that happen in the hero-villain scene, especially involving AfO - the sense of pride he feels he, as All Might, should have, as far as being the Symbol of Peace and someone who should be able to do things alone goes, often prevents him from seeking help. Which, is fairly obvious. 
Wrath, though… wrath is because of how purely instinctual and emotional Toshinori is. He’s always stated to have been a prodigy with One for All, a natural user. I pointed it out once (in one of the Ageswap AU questions you asked me a while ago, funnily enough) that Toshinori, as hard as he tries, can still be swayed quite easily by his own thoughts and feelings, especially when a subject is personal to him. The best and most clear example (also the one I used in the ask, heh) is when All for One riled him up over Nana in Kamino Ward - those taunts led to Toshinori leaving himself open because he let that rage and anger guide him to strike back. And if it happened at that moment in time, what’s stopping it from happening at others? Even if the context wouldn’t be anywhere close to the same…. (this applies to emotions and thoughts and feelings other than rage too, of course, but in the context of the deadly sin, well, that’s self explanatory.)
So, two deadly sins…. though, if I had to actually pick, I’m not entirely certain which one I would go with! ^^;;
I: On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do they love themselves?
It…. changes, from time to time and day to day. Where we are in canon right now, I think…. he’s wavering around the 4-7 mark. He drifts towards seven more often lately though, especially when he’s got the kids and the other staff at UA with him to lift him up if he seems kind of down.
N: What do they usually eat for breakfast?
Before his injury, his breakfast schedule probably looked a lot like Nana’s did, minus the eccentric food bit! Though perhaps just a bit more beefed up, since he did quite a lot as Symbol of Peace, haha. Gotta make up for those burned calories, my dude.
Nowadays, his breakfasts are filled with tea and protein bars and crackers, spread out over the whole morning of course. He no longer has a “breakfast” to his routine, just a whole lotta snacks.
R: What are their hands like? 
As All Might, they’re broad, firm - rugged from his work as a hero, but not necessarily rough. He has to take good care of all of him, and that includes his hands; not a crack on his skin, though it’s probably riddled in little scars you’d never notice unless you knew they were there.
In true form, his hands are, of course, bony. His fingers and palm remain the same length and all that, but they’re half the size to go with his dropped body mass. Just as firm and steady as they are when he’s All Might though, and you can see/find his little scars (from training, a few from old accidents, and also from working as a hero) much easier when he’s Toshinori. 
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mrmrsvegan · 7 years
Hi, I'm doing a project in school about how animal agriculture affects the natural resources, do you know a good source of research where I can find more about this? Thank you so much. x
When ever you are doing research always go for sources that are going to convey to your audience “wow this is credible”  & not just some vegan propaganda.  Lets start with the EPA & CDC.  
Animal agriculture manure is a primary source of nitrogen and phosphorus to surface and groundwater.
Lots of documentation on the effects. https://www.epa.gov/nutrient-policy-data/documented-hypoxia-and-associated-risk-factors-estuaries-coastal-waters-and
In 2002, in the National Water Quality Inventory report to U.S. Congress, the states reported that agricultural nonpoint source (NPS) pollution is the leading cause of river and stream impairment and the second leading cause of impairment in lakes, ponds, and reservoirs (2).
Agricultural activities that cause nonpoint source pollution include:
Poorly managed animal feeding operations
AFOs and Pollutants
Pollutants from AFOs can be harmful to human and animal life. They can result in reduced biodiversity and death of fish populations. Nitrogen and phosphorus pollution can contribute to algal blooms which can potentially result in negative health effects in animals and humans. Nitrates, which are transformed from nitrogen in manure or from fertilizers, are the most commonly found contaminant in drinking water wells. Nearly 4.5 million people in the United States are exposed to high levels of nitrates from well sources (1). Microbes that affect animals, such as Cryptosporidium, can also affect humans and cause illness.
5 Largest Meat Companies produce 162 million tons of manure each year...
Ponds of Pig Shit Are Making People In North Carolina Really Sick...
For the end of your report, don’t TELL them to go vegan.  Show them options they can make to reduce their impact & ASK them which one they should choose.   Option A. Eliminate Dairy & reduce impact by X%  Option B. Eliminate meat and reduce impact by Y%  Option C. etc.  you want people to jump to the conclusion in their own mind for it to stick vs being told “hey go vegan and this gets better”.  
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