sins-of-the-sea · 9 months
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"But he was before our time!! We shouldn't be affected by his presence when he still walked the Earth!!"
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"His presence is still felt, however. You can see it in the eyes of the people today. The scars are deeper than the soul. There are entire laments over how much he warped the youth. By the time we came around, the marks he made could still be felt. I am certain the victims and survivors of the time will look back a decade ago with deep regret and sorrow."
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"Please, Josep!! Don't force them to relive the memories!! They were just children!!"
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"I know that! I am trying my best to be careful and kind."
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"We weren't a part of it, but I can feel the second-hand sorrow and agony the madness it brought forth.
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"We were just lucky Immy was an adult by the time the Lorax came out as a film and would be too old to be caught up to the Once-ler sexyman madness that took over the RP community on Tumblr at the time."
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"Immy never understood 'sexyman' trends anyway, people should be lucky they haven't seen early 2000s obsessions in deviantART with Sesshomaru and Sephiroth."
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"If it weren't for that particular trend, though, I wouldn't be here."
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"Immy tried. She tried so damn hard. But she'll never understand 'sexymen'."
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