#I dodged a bullet
carrion-art · 8 days
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This is destroying my hands but I love it to death
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novellapink · 8 months
The nicest thing that boy ever did for me was dump me
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cranberrv · 8 months
storytime!!! tw: guys who don’t know how to treat confident and beautiful women
the cute blonde i talked about turned out to be an asshole ☹️ my parents are good friends with his dad so i assumed he would be just as sweet as his dad, but holy was i wrong!!! we’ve only been texting for a few days and he goes ‘is it grippy’ and i was like ummm what, then he started going ‘it’s a simple question blah blah blah’ and i was like ‘ur fkn disgusting’ because he is just so rude and that is not how you talk to a girl, nonetheless a family friend! at least apologize or something. but i unadded him. it’s so weird to me because i have never had an experience like that on snap before, so it was really shocking. it wasn’t even the fact that he said it, its the fact that he was such a dick even after the fact.
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sins-of-the-sea · 9 months
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"But he was before our time!! We shouldn't be affected by his presence when he still walked the Earth!!"
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"His presence is still felt, however. You can see it in the eyes of the people today. The scars are deeper than the soul. There are entire laments over how much he warped the youth. By the time we came around, the marks he made could still be felt. I am certain the victims and survivors of the time will look back a decade ago with deep regret and sorrow."
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"Please, Josep!! Don't force them to relive the memories!! They were just children!!"
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"I know that! I am trying my best to be careful and kind."
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"We weren't a part of it, but I can feel the second-hand sorrow and agony the madness it brought forth.
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"We were just lucky Immy was an adult by the time the Lorax came out as a film and would be too old to be caught up to the Once-ler sexyman madness that took over the RP community on Tumblr at the time."
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"Immy never understood 'sexyman' trends anyway, people should be lucky they haven't seen early 2000s obsessions in deviantART with Sesshomaru and Sephiroth."
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"If it weren't for that particular trend, though, I wouldn't be here."
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"Immy tried. She tried so damn hard. But she'll never understand 'sexymen'."
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dollfairy · 1 year
came back from a week off work to find out half the branch is off bc my least favourite intern got them all sick (:
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jack-owo-valentine · 1 year
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girldraki · 4 months
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shadamyfang15 · 1 month
POV: You almost had a family meltdown at 2:00 am due to miscommunication between your sister and her boyfriend. (Thank to a PlayStation voice chat room and your gosh darn not that bright, uncle. ) Caused, your sister to go off on your mom in the family group chat, while she (thankfully) asleep and you being the only person awake (due to your insomnia) watching the whole thing go down. You are frightened because you all supposed to go dress shopping for little sister. Only to get emotional and mental whiplash, when your sister apologizes outright in the middle of her bashing your mother personhood. Turns out your uncle is idiot, almost start world war 3 in your household, and your sister boyfriend is in the doghouse for setting off your sister.
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pixeltori · 5 months
dating as a woman is terrifying. i hate it so much.
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bisexualalienss · 8 months
oh wow. some people are so.
i was talking to my ex on the phone and we were joking around and we got to talking about how i never got angry at him (i should of honestly). and i was like yeah the only time i was really mad at you was when you thought i was cheating on you for no reason which is hilarious considering you ended up cheating on me and then he goes “well you never showed me affection. you were so hot and cold and maybe i did it just to spite you because it reminded me of my mom” bro 💀 that’s cuckoo bananas behavior right there
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jonnywaistcoat · 4 months
mr sims have you watched supernatural
The year is 2006 - I've just finished school for the summer holidays and am looking for something to fill my time. I am recommended by a friend a show called Supernatural as it's "pretty decent action horror" and it piques my interest. There's a whole four seasons of it available, so plenty to fill my time. I watch it through in a few weeks and enjoy it a medium amount, but not enough to keep up with future seasons, and I assume it ends not too long after that, as it feels like it's really running out of stories to tell.
The year is 2013 - I discover the show is still going somehow, and that things have gotten weird. I decide not to bother catching up, as nobody actually seems to think it's good, despite how intense they are about it.
The years are 2018-present - I am fully vindicated in my decision.
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theblimpfruit · 2 months
you know I thought harrow did a lot of dumb shit in this book, but her response to john being like “maybe I could think of you as a daughter :)” being to smash a glass and kneel on the shards was eminently sensible
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thedeersystem · 2 years
“What ship do u like bxe?”
Me x onceler.
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butchmartyr · 1 year
it’s fascinating how trans women on here are tokenized to signal people’s comraderie with trans (terfs dni in bio/trans women are loved here), while at the same time we’re also harshly ejected from communities and painted as predators for piecemeal grievances that are handwaved away when done by non trans women. you can say all kinds of nasty stuff about someone, and as long as she’s a trans woman, people will believe it! people love the ideal of a trans woman but haven’t worked on their biases enough to do anything but grow to despise actual trans women
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sneaking-out-late · 2 years
The guy I had a crush on in college just proposed to hit girlfriend in CROCS
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power-chords · 11 months
The thing about 12-step programs is that the basic model involves getting a bunch of vulnerable, impulsive nutsos together in a plausibly cult-y atmosphere where they're likely to have already burned a lot of social bridges. That it doesn't turn out to be a hotbed of abuse would be the more farfetched assumption.
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