satoruvt · 4 years
the color of you - red (4)
pairing → keigo takami x bakery owner!reader
word count → 3104
summary → you’re not really dating, so you can’t really be in love with him… right?
song inspo → i feel it too by the academic and a lil of fever dream by mxmtoon!
this chapter → y/n and keigo go to a hero awards ceremony, y/n feels things, keigo looks fuckin GOOD in all black.
part one | part two | part three | part four | part five
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You are really not built for this.
Everything is so… intimidating. The hotel, the suite that Keigo put you in, the makeup artist for both of you, your dress. Oh, God, your dress is intimidating. 
When Keigo had brought up the awards ceremony coming up those weeks ago it’d seemed so far away. Back then you hadn’t even thought of all the steps you needed to take to get ready, you were still basking in the honeymoon phase of your fake relationship. And then a week and a half ago, Keigo - on his now routine stop to the bakery at closing time - had asked if you were getting ready for it. 
All the stress hit you in one go, right then, knocking you off your feet. You looked up at Keigo, horrified, and he snorted through a mouthful of a leftover cupcake from the day. 
“Oh my God, Kei, why didn’t you say anything?” You’d dropped the rag you were using to clean up, running your hands over your face. “Holy shit, this is so bad.”
“Don’t ‘Y/N’ me! I’m not prepared at all! This entire thing is ruined, I don’t have any time to buy a dress or - or shoes, or makeup -”
Keigo stood up straight from where he was leaning, walking the few steps to you and putting his hands on your shoulders. “Calm down, sweetheart,” he said, and you looked up at him with furrowed brows and pouted lips. “I’ll take care of it. I figured you wouldn’t have anything done.”
“I’m gonna pretend you didn’t say that last part,” you had mumbled, met only with a teasing grin.
The makeup artist Keigo hired walks into your room from the door connected to Keigo’s, and you jump out of your thoughts at her soft greeting. You breathe out one of your own, toweling your wet hair so it doesn’t drip so much, watching as she sets her things down on the only desk in the room. You sit down where she asks you to, letting her get to work.
“Nervous?” She asks you when she starts applying makeup onto your eyelids. You nod as softly as you can.
“Terrified,” you tell her, and even with just one word you don’t feel as intimidated. “I’m not used to this kind of stuff at all.”
You hear her chuckle, and open one eye when you feel the light pressure of the brush leave your eyelid. “I guess that’s what happens when you’re dating the number two hero,” she says, and you give a small laugh of your own.
She continues working and both of you offer snippets of conversation, you gradually getting more comfortable with everything that’s happening. It’s still intimidating as hell, but by the time she’s done with your makeup and hair, you feel a lot better.
“I’ll send the stylist in to help you get in your dress,” she says as she cleans up her things. You nod, distant, too busy looking at yourself in the hand mirror she’d handed you because holy shit, have you always been this hot?
The makeup artist rests a gentle hand on your shoulder and when you turn to her she sends you a quick wink with a smile. “You got this. You’ll do great.”
You feel your chest warm with her words and nod. “Thank you,” you say softly, and realize only when she’s walked out the door that you never got her name. You’ll have to ask Keigo later.
The stylist comes in not long after she’s left, bright smile on his face. “Let’s get you into your dress, yeah?”
So things aren’t as bad as you thought they’d be, and maybe you were overreacting a little bit.
The dress isn’t as intimidating when you have it on. It’s slimmer, not a huge gown, with a slit to your mid thigh which makes it a bit easier to walk. The neckline is something you’re not too used to - a deep V - but you suppose it could be much worse. The color is probably your favorite part, though - it’s deep red, eye-catching and mysterious, almost. You feel a sense of warmth at the knowledge that Keigo had picked the dress out himself (the stylist let it slip when he was helping you into it).
You manage to put on your shoes by yourself, and when you stand up from the bed you wobble a bit, but you tell yourself it’s fine. Most of the night is sitting down anyways, right? It shouldn’t be that bad. 
There’s a knock on door, coming from the hallway, and when the voice speaks you recognize it as Keigo’s manager. “You ready, Y/N?” she asks, and you yell back a quick yeah! before grabbing your earrings and putting them on as quick as you can. You’d already stocked your small purse with anything you might need, and you grab it on your way out the door.
The second you leave the threshold of your suite, however, it seems you moved too fast, because your heels wobble and you end up falling forward. This is it, you think to yourself, this is where I die.
Your imminent death doesn’t come, though, because instead you find yourself in someone’s arms. Their cologne is familiar and you take a moment to inhale, deep, letting the scent wash over you, but then realize that might be really weird because you don’t even know for sure who this is yet -
You look up, meeting gold eyes and a cocky smirk, and you feel both happiness (that you didn’t sniff someone random) and dread (because it’s never good when he looks at you like that) at seeing that it’s Keigo.
“Looks like you’ve fallen for me,” he says. You raise an eyebrow at him, but you can’t hide your smile.
“Oh, yes,” you humor him. “Now help me up. I’m pretty sure we have somewhere to be.”
Keigo chuckles but does as you ask, helping you push yourself back up onto your feet. You’re embarrassed at everyone staring at the two of you - everyone being Keigo’s manager and publicist, as well as a few others - but they fall back into the quick rhythm they had before. Everyone starts walking towards the elevator and you subconsciously grab onto Keigo’s arm to help stable yourself. 
You’re waiting for the elevator to come up to your floor when Keigo leans towards you. 
“I know that we’re not actually dating,” he says and he’s whispering directly into your ear and has his voice always sounded like this? “So I hope it’s okay to tell you that you look gorgeous and I feel ridiculously proud to call you my fake girlfriend.”
It takes you a second longer than usual to respond because you’re grappling with what just happened (or rather how you reacted to what just happened) but you manage to open your mouth anyways. “More than okay,” you say genuinely, looking at him, but then you realize that’s too serious. “You should feel proud. I’m hot as hell.”
Keigo snorts, then feigns offense. “What, you don’t even have a compliment to pay back to me? Nothing at all?”
“You’re looking like an eight out of ten.”
“That’s all I get?” Keigo says incredulously, putting a hand over his heart. You giggle at his antics, feeling yourself becoming more and more comfortable - it almost feels like it’s just the two of you on a date, like usual. 
“Fine. How about…” you pause for a moment, listening to the elevator ding as you think of what to say. You look him over dramatically, but then you realize that holy shit, he does look amazing. He’s in all black - even his shirt and tie - and with his wings standing out against the black, he looks gorgeous. You don’t fail to notice the sparkle on his cheekbones, and you pay extra attention to the rings decorating his fingers. This is crazy. Absolutely insane. “You are probably the most attractive man I’ve ever had the pleasure of dating.”
The words come out more breathless than you wanted them to, and you realize too late you said dating and not fake dating, but Keigo seems pleased nonetheless, so you don’t try to correct yourself. He offers you a shit-eating grin and roll your eyes, pressing hair behind your ear to distract yourself from how hot it is as you get into the elevator.
The ride down to the car is comfortable, quiet, but you feel strangely uneasy. Keigo helps you into the car and then climbs in himself, but you’re too focused on your mind to make any conversation. It’s not like you haven’t noticed that Keigo’s absolutely beautiful - before you started “dating” him you’d spent time simply looking at pictures of him. And even now you found yourself sometimes just letting your eyes trace over him; but it’d never hit you like this. It was merely acknowledgement before, knowing that yeah, he’s hot. But just then, that was… there was something. A flip in your heart, heat rushing over your entire body. 
Before you can think about it anymore, the car stops and Keigo looks over at you. “You ready?” he asks, and you take a deep breath.
“Not in the slightest,” you respond with a smile, and Keigo returns it with one of his own. The door opens and he gets out first, adjusting his suit as you slide over the seat. He helps you out of the car and immediately you’re taken aback by just how bright it is. Paparazzi with cameras, lights flooded over the area just to light up the place. 
Keigo and you start walking - your hand in his so you don’t fall over - and he leans closer to you so you can hear him over the sound of chatter and cameras clicking. “If you want we can leave at any time,” he says, and you blink at the numerous people around you. “I know you’re not used to it.”
The thought makes your heart warm, but you shake your head with a small smile. “I’ll be okay. We’re here for you, anyways, I’d hate to ruin it.”
The two of you stop in front of a banner, posing for the cameras in front of you. It’s awkward for you, but you suppose it comes with the job, so you give your best shot. Keigo takes his eyes away from the camera for a moment and you meet his eyes as he talks. 
“You matter more than some dumb-as-hell awards ceremony, and both of us know I’d rather be home, so if you ever feel like it…” 
The sentiment makes you laugh and Keigo’s hand slips from yours to go around your waist. Neither of you say anything for a while longer, posing for paparazzi as you both move down the line that seems to have formed. It’s not until an interviewer comes by that you’re really prompted to speak again. You don’t know why you’re surprised when she starts off asking about your relationship.
“So you guys have been dating for about a month and a half, right? Pretty close to when you two first met?” 
Keigo looks at you and you’re confused until you realize he’s trying to dramatize everything, and you look at him with just as much longing as he’s trying to convey to you. “Yeah,” he says, looking back to the reporter. “I just… couldn’t stay away from her, I guess.”
You laugh lightly, and the reporter gives Keigo her attention for a while before she asks you a question directly. It makes you blink, being addressed - this whole thing seems surreal.
“So, Y/N,” the reporter says, smiling at you. You pretend not to notice that it’s definitely fake. “You used to be a fan of Hawks, right?”
The answer comes so easy and quick that it scares you: “Bold of you to assume I’m not still a fan.”
The reporter laughs and you offer a shy chuckle of your own before you speak again, into the microphone she holds to your lips. “No, I just… I’m a fan of him in a new way, you know? I’m so proud of everything he does, even if his line of work is particularly… concerning. And I’m so excited to see what else is in store for him.”
You make eye contact with Keigo and he looks proud and, honestly, touched. Which he should, you think, because regardless of dating or fake dating he has gotten to be one of your best friends, and you are proud of him. You feel a hand prod at your own and when you look down he’s intertwining your fingers with his.
“That’s adorable,” the reporter says. “Well, thanks for stopping to talk! Hopefully I’ll see you guys later.”
Keigo says something along the lines of “thanks for having us” before the two of you walk away, heading for the entrance of the venue.
By the time you and Keigo get back to the hotel, it’s late and you are exhausted. 
You pull your hotel key out of your purse, swipe it against the lock (it doesn’t open the first time so you groan and Keigo laughs at you) and when the door opens you stumble inside and Keigo follows after you. You flop onto the bed with a loud thump and feel the weight shift as he sits on the edge of it.
“Tired?” He asks, and you remember that you have makeup on, so you sit up, brushing whatever came off of your face off of the comforter. 
“Fuck,” you say in response, sitting so you can properly take your heels off. “How do you guys do that?”
“I try not to,” Keigo says, and you whistle. Your second shoe falls to the floor and you stand to find where you put some cheap makeup wipes (the one thing you did prepare for). 
“I understand why,” you say. Your eyes fall across the package on the desk, and you open it quickly, eager to get rid of the makeup. It’s started to feel heavy on your skin. “Are you upset you didn’t win anything? You were nominated for a lot.”
You look at Keigo as you ask, running a wipe over your cheek. He’s pulled off his shoes and suit jacket, leaning against the headboard of the bed on his phone. He shrugs. “Not really.”
You’re surprised by his answer - if there’s anything you’ve learned about Keigo, it’s that he’s ambitious. You figured he would have wanted to win something. He was nominated for plenty of awards; most of them went to older heroes, though - one even to All Might, despite his retirement.
“No,” Keigo confirms, tossing his phone aside. “It’s not my goal as a hero to win shit. That’s not why I do what I do. I just… want more free time than I know what to do with. And I want other heroes to have the same thing.”
You hum, wiping the last of your makeup off. You throw the multiple wipes you used into the trash. “Does this have to do with the whole… I started my agency super young thing?”
You scoff, running a hand through your hair and effectively ruining its style. Your next task is to get out of your dress, and you know for a fact you’re not able to tug the zipper down yourself, so with a second of hesitation, you turn to Keigo.
“Could you, um,” you start, and he raises his eyes to you. “Could you help me with the zipper?”
Something flashes in his eyes for half a second before he nods casually, hopping off of the bed to stand behind you.
You’re in front of the mirror, and the two of you meet eyes through the mirror before you look away, holding the top of your dress to your chest so it doesn’t expose too much. You’re really not sure if he means to, but it seems like Keigo’s going really fucking slow with this, and with your still-confusing feelings and the fact that he’s wearing rings and how good his cologne smells it’s driving you straight into madness and thank God, he’s done.
“Thanks,” you say as casually as you can. “Now leave.”
Keigo looks offended. “I don’t even get to see you - my girlfriend? The love of my life? This is an outrage!”
His humor makes you almost forget - almost - about your emotions running wild, and you roll your eyes. “I know I’m absolutely irresistible, but the last time I checked, I’m the fake love of your life, and that is not qualification enough to see me naked.”
Keigo pouts - he looks like a puppy, you think to yourself - and you walk to the closet, where a bag of your things for the night is. “Go get into comfy clothes too. We’ll watch a movie, yeah?”
The idea seems good enough to Keigo, because then he’s grabbing his things and walking into his room through the connected door, leaving you to get dressed in your comfiest shorts and a t-shirt (which may or may not be one that you stole from him when you were over at his place that one time you guys hung out).
Keigo comes back a few minutes after you’ve changed - he gives you a pointed look after definitely noticing your shirt, to which you smile innocently - and jumps on the bed next to you. It takes the two of you a while to find a movie to watch, mostly because you suggest one thing and Keigo hates it, and when he suggests another you decide you’re not in the mood for it. You end up deciding on a horribly cheesy horror movie that Keigo manages to be okay with.
Twenty minutes into the movie and both you and Keigo decide that food sounds like the best decision and one glance at the room service menu tells you that nothing at the hotel will be anything close to satisfactory, and one of your favorite places to eat crosses your mind.
“Pizza?” you pitch to Keigo, and his eyes shine like you just confessed your undying love to him. With a gentle giggle you call for delivery, and in another fifteen minutes you’re stuffing the best pizza you’ve ever had into your mouth. The movie’s still playing, but neither you nor Keigo pay it any mind, instead more focused on eating and getting caught up in conversation.
The night ends so well and so comfortably that you don’t even remember falling asleep.
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