underteika · 6 months
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("Got lit in the Airisal forest once to get all into the magic trees and flowers and stuff. And man. If you think the pixies fuck with you sober, they really fuck with you under the influence. Never doing that again...") ... ("Dry party sounds like the smart thing to do in that part of town, huh?")
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proxycrit · 7 years
Okay so left to right with descriptions:
Francis Smith:
That one dead sassy man. He’s a college student who died after he slipped and fell screeching “satisfied” from Hamilton. Haunts the shower head and is really vain. Also, naked except for a towel.
Seole Reynolds
That magic mailman. Named after a famous fairy tale character, Seole is basically a Disney princess. He’s haunted by a dragon and works as a mailman for the magic creatures in the woods; poor man is also the home repair, plumber, and the other random odd jobs person. (The elder ones call him “DC” for “Dream Catcher”) The final straw is when he let a demon refugee into his house and almost got swarmed by the Other’s version of a SWAT team. He’s overworked to the point he no longer gives a flying-
Demon with good intentions. Phil was a security demon in charge of making sure the dead don’t escape through the borders back to life. After accidentally pressing the Big Red Button, however, he was ejected from his job and forced to live as a human to look for the people he accidentally released. (He still doesn’t know where Stalin went.) He’s constantly anxious and is currently Seole’s assistant.
Polaris Chen (Dimension E-426)
The underaged librarian. Polaris is an only child that ended up orphaned after watching his parents murdered by a dimension traveling psychopath version of him. He’s also Airise’s adopted charge and is surprisingly mellow.
Christian Yvethal Ulnstar
The Shopkeeper. Prefers his nickname “Cyu” pronounced “see-u”. Cyu is…something that is in charge of a small shop located between the end of the sidewalk and the end if the world. He sells knowledge and enjoys tea in his freetime. Besides being a perfectly acceptable boss, he also keeps contact with the Elder Gods. The mysterious chubby man.
Lyren Youka (Dimension X-827) A dimension traveller. The older brother of Airise. He is a talented pilot and a good artist, but is always too tired or lazy to really do anything. Lyren is prideful and relatively suspicious of everything. He has questionable morals and dislikes Polaris (Dimension E-426) due to a bad run in with an alternate psychopathic version of Polaris from Dim. X827
Airise Youka (Dimension X827) A dimension traveller. A giant tall cinnamon stick. Airise is the outgoing hardworking of the Youka siblings, but his trust is usually always misplaced twenty four seven. Unlike Lyren, Airise is very humble and always believes in second chances. He’s been in the military with Lyren and serves as the heavy duty lifter.
Aaaannnddd That’s all if them! (Ish.)
EDIT: 2024 is here and looking back on my old animation makes me want to sink into my neckfolds like a horrified turtle. Counterpoint, awe... childhood me had some fun ideas. 
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empurrress · 5 years
♑ ♊ ♒
♑ : How do the townspeople view your muse?
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   // As Une. The Local, Cheery, annoyingly peppy girl who tries too hard to dedicate herself to making anyone and everyone happy. No one is upset about this though. Heck, Une has helped a few of them out on more than one occasion. Others try to try and avoid her due to a clash in personalities and they’re not ready for that optimism or a verbal lashing from her when they’ve upset her too much. Either you’re ok with her or stay out her way. That’s what the townspeople say. The Townsfolk who do like her find her odd, but very welcoming to be around. I’m mostly speaking of the humans. 
♊ : Is your muse loyal to their kingdom?
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   // Ahhhh... While she wants to be respectful and obey those in her kingdom, she honestly doesn’t appreciate the whole view on the war. This is Unikitty. If there was a resistance to help unify the kingdoms, she’d be in it. She’s only allied with Airisal because it’s her home as of right now. But no, She’s not taking sides.
♒ : How does your muse feel about the event?
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   // Mixed feelings. She’s loving being a human, the whole setup, the Thrill, the adventure!! But she’s not happy about that ‘Sky monster’ and the fact her and all her friends, well, died to get where they are now. And again the war plays a part of this. 
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infinite-dreamscape · 7 years
Transcendence: Arisen From Ruins
A lonely soul wonders the earth Lives life alone, merges sadness and lonliness Wonders earth like a lost shadow, a ghost of isolation Awaiting annihilation? or awaiting transcendence? Your choice, your desire, to manifest a reality of your dreams
Living life of misanthropy, are you afraid of the fellow man? Living life, sealing yourself in a void, is this your desire?
Unable to cope with your existence, living life in self-hatred the lack of terms for self realisation, you attempt to destroy that notion Unable to accept the fact of self-identity
Fellow man, lives and exist culturally conditioned. years of mental torment, distorts your viewpoint. You lived life in fear, of self-doubt, of being mentally different. You connect to the darkest realities of our existence, manifested to cover your third eye with darkest
Airising from ruins
Your mind hurls, your imagination whirls like a hurricane Dozens of thoughts and ideas processed a second, as the darkest matter fades away. You think about many worlds, many realities.
Your mind, your journey, transcends to a faraway astral kingdom. Where many citizens, many elders live life in a harmonic plane where unity is achieved. Devoid of war, devoid of conflict and disease.
Arising from ruins
Inspiration grows, inspiration of a better tomorrow, shines through you. Many tales of existence, many legends, many realities are to be told.
May these discovered essences of wisdom, shine through you. May the tales, waiting to be told, inspire you to self-love May the tales, waiting to be told, unify you with fellow man May the tales, waiting to be told, inspire many generations.
You transcend the life of mental torment, arising from the ruins. Imagination is a key, to become self-unified. Imagination is a key, to love and create. Imagination is a key, to explore creation
You transcend every notion of dark matter, Arisen beyond the ruins of your past, the ruins of the mind. like a majestic warrior of light.
You now reached beyond misery, to live life in harmony, with others and alone Live like a dream
I am by your side, Death is no longer your desire as you forevermore explore creation and its infinite wonders.
This is just a taste of things to come.
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We decided to make a Height chart
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lightblume · 6 months
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Hung around all wards with posters sometimes overlapping each other is an invitation to a Garden Party. The hostess' name may or may not be familiar to you, but she regards each and every person reading it as an honored guest. Attached is an additional short explanation, saying that there will be food, refreshments, live music, and the promise of socializing. No alcoholic beverages will be served, as the hostess finds them to be...disdainful. The dress code is semi-formal. Lady Akiudo would like to promote friendly relations between the people of the city and what better way to do that than holding a gathering in her literal backyard?
hi! so tsuru wants to hold a party to welcome the spring season and thought that it would be nice to celebrate it with people from various walks of life in the city. the set-up will be in the backyard of her home which spreads out into the forest of airisal. think of it as your typical garden party set-up! plenty of chairs, tables, and arrangements of flowers scattered around. candles accompanied by string lights hung from tree branches to guide the way through the forest to the home and a little beyond. a grand piano will sit in the center, where tsuru will occasionally perform as well along with the other musicians! it's very quaint but well-put together and gives off a very homely vibe! pixies will also, unfortunately, be around but they're on their best behavior so don't worry! servers will also be going around with food and drink for any who want some! though you're free to wander outside and around her home, you are not allowed to go directly inside and any trespassers will be promptly kicked out, thank you very much! anyone is allowed to come of course and ICly it will be held the evening of saturday april 6th and end at around 12am (EST) or until everyone decides to leave. OOCly you will be able to make starters and posts until 12am of april 13th (EST) of the following saturday just to give people time to participate! the tag for this will be "#isola garden party". hope to see everyone there! oh and this isn't an official event! you're just welcome to use the setting for starters between the aforementioned times! thanks for the interest in advance! 💖
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