gnomeyflamingo · 1 year
✮ Max Ambition ✮
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It's a new day and Brielle has gotten promoted again! She’s level 5 and has chosen the most lucrative career branch.
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She's decided to call a club meeting to celebrate, secure votes and up her charisma because she's ambitious to the MAX!!
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Alejandro: “And that’s why Bjorn is the worst and should never have led this club in the first place. He's a walking, talking piece of garbage.”
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Brielle: “Could you repeat all that for the new club members I just added? Oh yay, I completed my aspiration!”
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Brielle: "So despite being highly accomplished and getting promoted every two days, I lost passion for my job."
Alejandro: “Maybe you’re just too good and need a break from being so awesome all the time? We could go on a honeymoon?”
Brielle: “Oh good idea!"
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Jacques: “Sorry Brielle, I just doubt you’ll find my wife who I kil- who mysteriously disappeared.”
Victor: “And that you’ll adopt my dogs.”
Brielle: “Guys, come on! How else can I convince you to support my cause? Those were some highly personalised empty promises!”
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Summer: “Yes, I will support you.”
Brielle: “Great!”
Summer: “So when will I meet this single, gorgeous, billionaire cousin of yours, who’s dying to date me because I'm supporting you?"
Brielle: “Hmm, not sure. Buy me a new oven and I'll ask them."
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Victor: “I remember this club under the vile leadership of Bjorn. All we did was play games. Now what we do truly matters; maintaining the home of our glorious leader and getting 13-20 hours of sleep a day!”
Brielle: *obliviously reading* "Just hide the diplomat's body Ira!"
Brielle: "Thank you... Now I'm handing my title to Alejandro, so he can complete his aspiration which was the same as mine."
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Alejandro asks the club members about Brielle’s leadership. All agree she’s the best sim for the job. They love cleaning and repairing her stuff it seems.
Brielle: "Thank you... Now I'm handing my title to Alejandro, so he can complete his aspiration which was the same as mine."
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