enluv · 5 months
I am here today to give a BIG thank you for everyone who has made my time on tumblr so much fun! I hope you all continue to have a good year with this new one and I hope you get everything you wish for in life, seriously! This is a bit late (very sorry) but I wanted to say thank you for everything, everytime I see y’all interact or express to me that you enjoy my content it means so much to me and I appreciate it so so so much!! Recently we hit 4k!!! Thank you so much for that, I truly do love and appreciate you all so much!! Here’s to hoping for more content, toots, moots, and everything else in 2024!! 🤍 (THANKS AGAIN FOR 4,020 TOOTS 🍃🍃🍃🍃‼️‼️‼️)
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tagging some mooties who I adore, love, and appreciate! AND they’re amazing people who I need to give a big virtual hug and kiss to (if you aren’t tagged please know it’s most likely because I forgot your user, I will add more mooties as I remember more) –
@odxrilove @boydepartment @blue-jisungs @hoonvrs @isoobie @invuwrld @kazmura @laviesm @malarign @ningtual @nhularin @okkotsu-simp @stealanity @writingmeraki @aakomii @100203s @junityy @flickqr @palajae @ikublr 🤍 (IF YOU AREN’T HERE DONT BE ALARMED I HAVE A BAD MEMORY !!!)
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univursity · 6 years
Heeyyyy. So I am doing 3 complete A Levels this year, Psychology, Business and English Language. I live in the United Arab Emirates, the only good uni here for Psychology is a University of Bolton (RAK campus). And I need two A*s not to get in but for a scholarship do you have any advise. Especially regarding Psychology A Levels? Also I love making notes but as exams are getting near instead of preparing I end up procastinating. Help? Thanksss 😘 btw I am in love with your blog?
hiya thank you!!! not to toot my own horn (trumpet?… other tooty instrument?) i actually got 100% in my psych A-Level and i PROBABLY think there was a #1 technique that got me through SO what i did is:
1. get like every past paper to ever exist
2. write THE PERFECT answer for every single one (tedious but as you know, they follow similar structures; you can check with a tutor like i did if youre not sure about the level of your essay)
3. learn the argument structure of the essay e.g. if you get asked a question about (insert topic here) you should make it so your brain sees that topic and goes “RIGHT, so i know i make the nature/nurture argument in here, and i also chat about evolution specifically, and i remember that there are some really old studies relevant for this essay too, and i remember that i end the essay concluding that (insert topic here) is primarily due to the ____ explanation!!”
3. ABBREVIATE THIS ESSAY PLAN –> for example, an essay topic that makes you think:
i) introduction
ii) nature argument - includes research from Bloom (1955) and Plomin (1987)
iii) nurture argument - includes research from Smith (2004) and Gorzig (1999)
iv) evolution argument - includes research from Earl (2000) and Leon (2008)
v) conclusion
would become: (you know every essay has an intro and conclusion anyway so i wont add those in)
Nat-BP, Nur-SG, Evo-EL
(Nature-BloomPlomin, Nurture-SmithGorzig and Evolution-EarlLeon)
and then once you learn that abbreviation (which might look difficult but like.. when its your own essay that youve written its SO MUCH EASIER) it can become something like:
then even
N, N, E
etc etc I’m sure you get the point, and if you give yourself enough time before the exam I ended up being able to memorise abbreviations for like 12 different possible essay questions that were only 3 letters or so long, but each letter was associated with like 2/3 different researchers for example!!! 
again, you need a bit of time for this method but it can get you to the point where you read an exam question and your head just goes “I KNOW THIS!!!!! the letters N, N, E!!!” and all of a sudden you go RIGHT well i know there’s 2 N’s so that’s nature/nurture, and nature is Bloom and Plomin which means Nurture is the other two researchers…. Smith and Gorzig… then the E has to be evolution because that’s related to the nature debate!! and that has 2 researchers too!! who’s left.. oh yeah Earl and Leon!!!” and BAM THERE YOU GO!!! 3 letters becomes a whollleeeeee structured essay and it’s nuts. it helped me a bunch and yeah like i said i think that was the reason i aced those psych exams!! 
i hope this helps!! it sounds hard maybe when someone else is making up the example and stuff but when its you/your topics/your own essay, its so much easier!! :-)
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