enluv · 5 months
I am here today to give a BIG thank you for everyone who has made my time on tumblr so much fun! I hope you all continue to have a good year with this new one and I hope you get everything you wish for in life, seriously! This is a bit late (very sorry) but I wanted to say thank you for everything, everytime I see y’all interact or express to me that you enjoy my content it means so much to me and I appreciate it so so so much!! Recently we hit 4k!!! Thank you so much for that, I truly do love and appreciate you all so much!! Here’s to hoping for more content, toots, moots, and everything else in 2024!! 🤍 (THANKS AGAIN FOR 4,020 TOOTS 🍃🍃🍃🍃‼️‼️‼️)
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tagging some mooties who I adore, love, and appreciate! AND they’re amazing people who I need to give a big virtual hug and kiss to (if you aren’t tagged please know it’s most likely because I forgot your user, I will add more mooties as I remember more) –
@odxrilove @boydepartment @blue-jisungs @hoonvrs @isoobie @invuwrld @kazmura @laviesm @malarign @ningtual @nhularin @okkotsu-simp @stealanity @writingmeraki @aakomii @100203s @junityy @flickqr @palajae @ikublr 🤍 (IF YOU AREN’T HERE DONT BE ALARMED I HAVE A BAD MEMORY !!!)
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sollucets · 28 days
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ployphach phatchatorn as taemrak | wandee goodday, episode one
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crybaby-bkg · 2 years
I love jealous Bakugou who starts peacocking after a while to get all of your attention.
going to a party and Kiri carelessly picks you up to spin you during a dance, drunken laughter shared between you two. Bakugou watches on the couch the whole time, eyes slitted as he nurses the same beer he’s had all night. he listens to you giggle over the music about how strong Kiri is and—fuck it, he’ll show you strength. he takes the opportunity to scoop you off of your feet next time you guys are out and there’s a puddle in the middle of the road, puffs his chest out a little as he cradles you against him, when you let out that lighthearted giggle but for him this time.
Bakugou catches you chatting deku up, squeezing at his biceps when you tease him about how big he’s been getting. you only do it bc you know it flusters the green haired man, and you think it’s cute how he looks like a strawberry whenever you coo at him. But Bakugou only sees that as the push to go to the gym more, focusing even more on his arms, wearing all of his tanks around you. puffs his chest out again when he puts his arms behind his head and you pat at the bulging muscle and find yourself tracing the veins on his arms.
He sees you dancing with Sero at another squad gathering, something fast and sensual, your arms around his neck while he holds your waist. his face is buried into your neck and it makes you giggle whenever he whispers where to move your feet next. and does Bakugou take that as an active threat against his crush on you? of course he does. finds himself holding you against him at a party, swaying with you, way out of his comfort zone but he wants to show you that he can dance too, damnit.
Denki makes some offhanded comment about holding your bags when you go out to an amusement park, something else about going with you when you need the bathroom too. Bakugou is most definitely shoving him out of the way, manhandling all of your bags from you as he pushes you in the direction of the bathrooms instead. finds his chest practically spilling out of his shirt when you hug him by the end of the night, thanking him for being so kind, telling him that he’s the best friend you could ask for.
and does his heart drop to his ass when he hears the word friend? maybe. just a little.
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ladyrijus · 4 months
so glad I'm not alone in how i feel about fanon Link versus canon with botw/totk. i don't think it's wrong for people to write him how they experienced the games, but like. that's not his actual canon personality ya know? and sometimes meta posts kind of ignore that distinction and it's so frustrating. (i think you already know this but i feel the same way about other noncanon stuff like the warriors games and the manga, including the skyward sword oneshot in the hyrule historia)
I don't have a problem either with making light of the game mechanics and drawing silly comics or writing funny scenarios; everyone has a right to do whatever the fuck they want.
But I can't help but feel a little... irritated when they portray BOTW/TOTK! Link to the other Links as this feral little gremlin who wants to cause mass destruction in nothing but his undergarments in comparison to the OTHER Links.
They act as if the other Links are more noble and honorable than him, the child who took up the sword even though it meant that he would no longer be seen as human but a war god in his people's eyes, the child who died a mortal all the same in his last stand against a beast of metal designed to protect him and his princess, the child who was given a chance at life AGAIN and still ran headfirst into danger for friends he could barely remember, because that is who Link truly is.
He was disabled at the start of BOTW due to the guardian attack and had to learn how to fight again; even then, unless you were an experienced player hell bent on fighting like lore-accurate Link, he never could surmount to the abilities he had pre-Calamity. That was something huge he ultimately came to terms with.
And then he becomes disabled AGAIN from the malice attack, losing an entire part of himself (physically and mentally) and has to learn how to fight with a stranger's arm that has been surgically attached to him without his consent. But he doesn't let that deter him. Doesn't let himself give up. He doesn't cry, "why me?" or get extra agitated in the dialogue with other NPCs (cough cough looking at you Skyward Sword Link). He gets up, and understands that there are people that need his help, and he's going to help them, regardless of what may come.
Also, he can literally see dragons, creatures that are deemed mythical in HIS world. That's not even the crazy part; the games confirm that typically children see dragons due to their pure hearts. If that doesn't speak volumes about Link's true character, I don't know what does.
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blueskittlesart · 1 year
"fiction doesnt affect reality" to YOU maybe. personally i designed an engagement ring for a hypothetical zelink wedding last year and now i cant ever get married unless i am proposed to with that specific ring that doesnt actually exist
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marchsage · 1 year
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it’ll be our little secret, right?♡
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pacific-coast-hockey · 6 months
some belated leon gawanke backstory:
he’s one of the players who left germany to play junior hockey in north america - which ultimately led to him being drafted by the jets. he stayed in the qmjhl until 2019/20 when he signed with the manitoba moose and pretty much tried for years to get to the nhl, which ultimately didn’t happen with the jets. this off-season he announced he’d be joining the adler mannheim in the del, but when the jets traded his rights to the sharks, he pulled a special clause to sign a two-way contract with them. as far as i’m aware he’ll play in mannheim next season unless he ends up on the sharks roster somehow.
overall, leon is very adorable! someone on the moose (can’t remember who it was) said that he’s very relaxed and calm, and when he first needed time to understand what it means to play pro hockey, and that you don’t make the nhl if you’re an average ahl player, but he’s been working on himself and improving a lot since then. he put up a new franchise record for goals scored from the blue line in manitoba, too.
i don’t have much else on him that’s not just uh, me gushing over how awkward he looks in pictures and his crooked smile i want to preserve in a snow globe and how he looks up to nico sturm and the jets did him really dirty and that he hugged his goalie at worlds like he wanted to squeeze the life out of him—
Oh I'm hollering at this, it's all so good.....I've appreciated his work ethic on the Cuda for sure and if he's struggling at all I really think it is because we have 500 defensemen and so many people aren't getting consistent playing time. Maybe now that we just sent half the dcorps to Wichita though he'll be able to solidify his place! I've been meaning to listen his Locked on Sharks episode for a while and keep forgetting, maybe I'll do that today while I'm doing horrible tasks. Thank you for this info!!
Also inquiring minds want to know about the Nico Sturm connection....if you feel inclined to explain the lore...
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inkykeiji · 1 year
Okay I'm back with an edited Touya-nii (he's... leaning against a wall I promise)--
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SCREAMING SHOUTING CRYING IN THE BEST FUCKING WAY OH MY GOD HE IS SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!! oh my gosh oh my gosh i love him so much!!! the hair has me in actual tears it's so gorgeous the whole piece is so gorgeous!! the belt!!!! this whole outfit!!!! he's absolutely stunning my friend, thank you so so much for sharing him with me + my blog! <333
this actually, genuinely made me cry (in a good way!); i'm just so so so flattered, thank you <33
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leijonzzz · 1 month
#im in gregminster at the end of the game rn and i love love loooovee being able to hear the upbeat town music just barely#beneath the melancholic wind sounds#suikoden ost you are everything to me no ost will ever top you#also i got all 108 stars babey B)#unfortunately got leon after doing the final army battle so i didnt get gremio revived which is APPARENTLY A THING THAT CAN HAPPEN???????#but i mean pahn died when he dueled my dad or whatever anyways so idk if id have been able to have gremio revived even if i had gotten leon#also the idea of him being revived kind of undersells the story tbh#maybe it works with how its executed idk i didnt get to see it happen lmao#also. i know i am RIGHTTT on top of the finale like i am so close to beating this game again but#i had to stop because of all the freaking guards jumping me every 2 seconds good lord#fight four guards take a step fight four more guards take another step fight five guards etcetc#ALSO#I ENDED UP GOING THRU THE NECLORD CASTLE LIKE. FOUR OR FIVE TIMES FOR REASONS#AND WHYYYYY COULDNT I USE AN ESCAPE TALISMAN THERE????#i beat the neclord months ago t-t#i dont mind the random encounters and stuff as a concept but when ur at the end game just tryna finish up some odds and ends.#they are so. frustrating#i think the frequency of them is the problem#esp since suikoden isnt a grindy game like it is so easy to level up characters super fast#which i love love loveeeee i love that ur actaully kind of able to play around with using a variety of ur. 100+ characters#but then its like. why so many random fights theyre just wasting my time#hoping suikoden 2 is a lil better in that regard but we shall see#reeeaally really hyped for suikoden 2!!#spoilers for a 30 yo old game lmao
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frascospecimen · 3 months
Underappreciated aspect of Commander Tartar: Tuba
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merevide · 9 months
❤️‍🔥 <- btw.
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saturnpanther · 1 year
Do you like Stoken/Stolkien? If so, can have headcanons for them please?? ❤️❤️
So this isn't a main ship of mine, but I actually do really like it. Especially in the context of last nights episode. Although we don't see Tolkien in it- the whole context with the farms and exploring Stan and wealth has me thinking about them.
I understand that this may not be the popular interpretation of the pairing since Stan is down to earth, but i'm inclined to write/feel what I know soooooo let's go.
They could so work with the despondent wealthy youths spending money on fast cars just to feel something trope. I think Tolkien would handle it better, but take Stans dysfunctional upbringing/new found wealth/proximity to Tolkien. Do you know the song Super Rich Kids by Frank Ocean? Yeah.
Thinking about them as late teens/young adults exploring that strange distance where they relate to their peers, and are still down to earth, but also have many new privileges that wealth provides.
At some point they're going to enjoy it and let fucking LOOSE. Because maybe the stress at home is too much, and maybe their friends are being shitty, and it's really easy to blow off steam when you have a little extra cash. I like the idea of them getting lost in a wild youth, and maybe experiencing things together that feel disconnected from reality because they can AFFORD to disconnect from reality.
Of course in this- theres kindness and gentleness. These are good kids. So maybe it gets taxing, and although the sex and glamour of exploring new freedoms is fun, sometimes all they want is the simplicity of a trip to Starks Pond, or a night camping in the woods, sleeping in the bed of Randy's old farm truck. They can vent about expectations, and how much they want to live for themselves, not what their family expects. I see them really enjoying the outdoors, quality time over anything else, and a really stable romance.
Also MUSIC! They would 100% both be into making each other playlists of whatever they're feeling. I think they are both okay with words, but music translates better. They're in Tolkien's room with a vinyl on, just talking until 2am because they feel so comfortable with each other- and the silence with just a song in the background, and Tolkien playing with Stans hair is just as comfortable.
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ughgoaway · 3 months
OMG did I read that right? you like Taylor too! I love seeing more Tay75 fans out there especially on here because I've seen some 75fans here who just hate her😔
Anyway this is so nice to know and oh look we have some box anon lore here!
omg yes!!! I have been a swiftie for 10+ years now!!! (not one of those ones I swear, I do have a brain <3)
I have 2 taylor themed tattoos, so I am very committed to her music at this point!! Her art is such a catharsis for me, and not to be a cheesy mother fucker, but her music truly is the only thing that kept me going for a good 2 years lol
I love learning more box anon lore omg!!! I must know your fav album!?!
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silvcrignis · 11 months
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LEGAL NAME: Captain Jamie Guinevere Hook
NICKNAME[S]: Captain Hook to all you hoes who don't know her like that, Jamesie (Only Pan's bitch ass gets away with it), Sea bitch, Semen Demon, Open Door Policy (Devil De Vil is bad boyfriend, he's so disrespectful), JAMES! (Claude calls her James when he's drunk she doesn't mind it), Bitch (She & Ursula call each other this in friendly mildly sexually tense rivalry), My Beloved (Maleficent)
DATE OF BIRTH: 11/9/1876 (Ain't no way this bitch not a Team Scorpio Member)
GENDER: Female, Cis woman (Gendbend haters can uhhhh suck me?)
PLACE OF BIRTH: England (Google said Hook never revealed where exactly he was from & deadass Jamie wouldn't tell anyone LBR)
CURRENTLY LIVING: New Auradon when she's not... On the ocean pirating
SPOKEN LANGUAGES: English, Spanish, Faelish, French, Latin, That weird pirate garble that only other pirates understand, Demontongue & apparently she can speak the language of the Old Ones wtf Jamie???
EDUCATION: Attended Eton College as well Balliol College during her youth.
WEIGHT: 185 (Most of it goes... If you've seen Lana Parilla... You know where man...)
SIBLING[S]: Delphia Smee (Found family, Sister)
PARENT[S]: Guinevere neè Astley Hook (Deceased), Captain Tiberius Hook (Deceased)
RELATIVE[S]: None, she's a pretty solo rider in terms of extended family
CHILDREN: Harriet Hook, Henry-Conrad "Harry" Hook, @wiickedxgood Hugh Hook, (I know Descendants canon says she/Hook has more but... I don't fuckin care lmfao tbh)
PET[S]: The crazy bitch managed to tame a Kraken that follows her ship around. She also has a parrot when Iago gets bored pfft.
SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Bisexual/ Polyromantic
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Engaged to Peter Pan (she wants him to die), dating Devil De Vil (Also wants HIM to die), dating Maleficent Faire (touch a hair on her luv's head & feel her blade's sting)
SINCE WHEN: Jamie x Devil x Maleficent have been a thing since... 18 years I wanna say. Yeah Harry's 18 & Devil is his father so yeah. Peter & Jamie have been officially engaged for a good 2 years. Peter is shit at wedding planning & keeps changing his mind she's gonna drown that man.
Tagged by: @lettherebemonsters
Tagging: @fantasywritten (Mark & Emma pls), @dcmur3, @amaidasfairassummer, @ambitionbled (Gianna Claude misses her v much), @rhaigal @muutos (BUT SPECIFICALLY FOR FLORA && MISSY I LOVE THEM?!) @khalaesi (Rosa & Miguel I love them & need them pls), @verreprincesse, @darkheartedprince
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gaiuskamilah · 9 months
jax matsuo 💘💖❤💕❤💗💘☹💘💖💗💕💗💖😞💗😞💕💗💕☹💕❤💕💗💘
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jlf23tumble · 9 months
It’s not Louis, but as an AM fan you might enjoy this beautifully deranged thirsting anyway.
SCREAM! But yeah, that's the level I live (for), love (wholeheartedly), laugh (at), I'm enjoying it so goddamned much, thank!
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