six-of-ravens · 2 years
hmm I might get some of those vacuum storage bags to try out...
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06theloser · 2 years
hakdvdskhsn, it's 2 am I have to clear my floors Cuz I guy is coming over to power clean all my carpets and I start work at 12, HOWEVER I HAD A TOILET THOUGHT. OKSY SO 3 2012 TMNT OCS, main one is a 17 year old half Japanese half Columbian boy. Stay with me here. HIS LITTLE SISTER, okay? SHE AND A STRAY CAT SHE FOUND ON THE WAY HOME FROM SCHOOL, GET INTO AN ACCIDENT WITH SUM MUTAGEN AND BOOM! TWO YOUNG CAT MUTANTS. the sister is 8 and the Stray cat is about 4. They both come home to the grandparent and the older brother. Lots of panic, obviously. The next day big bro is round the back of the school om the phone talking to his alma about how to take care of them, CASEY JONES over hears, offers to help, bro doesn't trust at all and leaves. Casey goes to tell the turtles, Splinter and April back at the house and April offers to help Casey get rhem to help. Splinter tell them to get the girls to the house.
NEXT DAY Casey comes back to help him and April is with him. Bro accepts it reluctantly because although Casey seems cool, April passes him off. Casey and April take the car to the house, then drive the three siblings to the house, bro is being very protective and hold the girls close the entire car ride and even after they arrive. The three meet the turtles and Splinter. Immediately bonds with mikey and respects Leo and Splinter, doesn't trust Donnie one bit after seeing hiw he acts with april and refuses to speak to either April or donniw the whole time. Constantly keeping his guard up around raph and hold the girls close but is more relaxed around mikey and Splinter. He talks to Splinter, Leo and raph while mikey and Casey show the girls around and entertain them. Accepts splinters offer to leave the girls with them and visit on weekends, and the grandparents will know about their safety but skip out on their new carers being mutants too to keep everyone safe. Raph, and april are forced to promise to not speak to or teach the girls anything and donnie is only allowed to talk to them when teaching them all due to the brothers first impressions of them. And they are not to be taught combat only self defense. Those were the conditions the brother insisted on until he further interacted with them himself. Everyone but April agrees and respects this(Raph is reluctant but obliged after the brother explained it was mostly temporary until the brother knew them all better)
Casey takes him home after saying his goodbyes and tell the grandparents the girls were staying on a secluded farm on the other side of the forest with a middle-aged couple and their 9 year old kid. He lied and said the couple has taken care of a similar case until the mutant decided to live on his own in the wild somewhere. Idk something believable along those lines. T he brother becomes friends with Casey and helps him at school, and Casey drives him to and from the house to visit the girls.
He eventually warms up to donnie a little bit and Raph by a lot. He himself talk to donnie about science stuff and mechanics with Casey but donnie still isn't allowed to interact woth the girls outside of teaching. But Raph is as long as Leo isn't with them and he cannot lay a hand on anyone besides threats infront of the girls. He still hates April and April quickly hates him back, causing a passive aggressive "I hate you but I'm gonna smile anyway because it's polite and I'm too mature to fight you" relationship with donnie. Bro insults the ugly ugg boots off of April but she never comes up with a good come back and Raph teams with the brother and him up everytime.
Casey was really conflicted with his friendship with the brother and April even after he moved on from April, but that later changed after Casey dumped the whole Love triangle story to the bro and the bro explains how she's way too toxic and should try and softly hint that to donnie bc the bro can't get through o donniw even if he wanted to. Casey understands himself better now and sees how bad April actually is as a person.
The Stray Cat is eventually adopted to idea of being the baby sister and now is considered family to the other cat mutant and the human bro. All three are super close and the girls get excited whenever their bro cokes by on the weekends. Whenever there's mission or an emergency the bro gets called and he stays with them at the house or the girls are either taken back to the bro and grandparents if the house is under attack.
After the donnie atom split, April is banished from the team entirely and the bro basically replaces her role and visits every day he doesn't have work. He and the girls learn to use European style swords instead of Japanese weapons because grandma used to be a swordsman and fencing instructor. Bro also uses guns. He aint fvcking around
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fandoms-spamdom · 2 years
whay was ur first url ever 🤔
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robinrequiems · 3 years
mmm more clishes.... Idk reverse background or personality kind of au? :/
ill do you one better 1 of my favorite mutual, reverse & personality au, they’re the same age bc I have a tiny idea *shy hands*
this is uh. a really long one thay started to lag my phone too
• oh god guys I got vivid memories of ra’s being a good grandfather and I can’t get it out of my head
• i hate it ur honor
• but ok. krypton didn’t get blown up, instead, they all migrated to earth, more specifically kansas.
• the kryptonians are angry and enraged, they are treated as if they are monsters when they arrived peacefully. they tried to kill them.
• so in return, the aliens killed the humans.
• they created a secret underground. that secret underground is to help aliens or meta humans and kill humans.
• all of them hated aliens and sought to destroy them. until kal el found a reporter trying to help aliens who were injured due to an explosion the government did to take out one of their bases.
• kal el.. fell in love with her. lois lane, she is an reporter fighting for alien rights.
• he met with her. in secret. and they.. had formed a connection. an amazing one.
• and then they had a baby.
• at the alien base, but.. she was human and people did not like that. so they wiped her mind and made her believe that they never had a kid. like the last few months.. wasnt real. she had gone missing those months since the aliens didn’t want her trying to hide the baby, they made her believe the last few months was spent in a coma and kal had found her and taken her to a hospital.
• he couldn’t see her anymore. he mourned for her lost presence, but they would have killed her if she stayed.
• but now they had precious jon el. he would be the highlight of their cause.
• they noticed his powers came in faster than kal’s, so they perfected his powers.
• he was going to bring humanity down on order of his grandfather, jor el
• kal saw his son break slowly. loses that childhood innocence that kal tried to maintain.
• his sons amazing bright blue eyes dulling, loses the spark that he cherished.
• kal was going to get him out of there, try to refuge the remaining childhood he had. even if it killed him.
• damian wayne! the bright bubbly and prodigal son of bruce and talia wayne ( b & t are married, suck my— ). the press loved him, he was just.. him. he was the baby and was cute, the cutest ever
• he was an expert in martial arts due to the training his grandfather, father, mother, & so much more gave him
• ra’s owns a farm. he’s.. sorry all i get is farm ra’s vibes due to.. something:) think endgame thanos, yk?
• he was the baby robin, one that you never messed with due to the herd of heroes who would come save him
• kalel left jon with Lois, a brief note explaining the current situation
• it was weird, jon was ten and was meeting lois for the first time
“Hi, honey.. I’m lois.”
“I know.. Dad told me about you.”
“Oh.. right. What do you want for dinner?”
“I’m not hungry.”
“You have to eat.”
“No! I’m not hungry!”
• an explosive, superpower alien. Lois is way out of her head.
• he had outbursts, a lot of them. it was hard, really hard for Lois; she took some time off from the planet and focused on jon
• he broke a lot of stuff. he sometimes could not control his strength, but she was working with him
• but then one night he ran away, or flew away. he felt remorse for making Lois cry. she saw this as a win, but she lost her kid
• but then a little robin found him
“Um. Are you okay?”
“Huh-what- what do you want? Why are you talking to me?”
“Because you look sad? Yknow - hugs make people feel better. My ahki ( brother ) hugs me when I’m upset and it makes me feel better.”
“Don’t touch me.”
*Damian walked to him, smiling softly* “cmon, i won’t hurt you, silly. I’m robin.”
“A bird?”
“Haha- no, a vigilante- i sorta snuck out. My family can be a bit overbearing- and I sorta embarrassed myself at this theater thing.. some person—“
“Did I ask?”
“No.. sorry.”
“Hey— what are you doing - !”
“Hugging you.”
Jon won’t admit that he likes it, it’s different and weird, like this traffic cone in front of him. Jon pushed him off though, making himself stumble and fall on his ass.
“Don’t touch me.” With rhat, Jon flew off into the night. Damian didn’t know who this boy was. But he intended on finding out. Even if it killed him. ( maybe not that extreme, but- )
• look damian was smart, right? smarter than average, and smarter than everyone in his school. teachers included ( ha ha )
• so he had to find this boy! so he started looking into aliens. until his family put an end to it
“Damian, this is dangerous.”
“But baba ( dad )”
“No. Go to your room.”
• he did slam his door shut if you were wondering
• he will find the mysterious alien boy, okay? he will!
• his brothers teased him and said he had a crush
• no he didn’t! the boy was really mean, he pushed damian- why would he do that? whatta jerk!
• but damian did find him again when he ventured off to metropolis to visit an old friend, colin.
“Alien boy!”
“That’s not my name, bird boy.”
“And that’s not mine. You didn’t tell me yours!”
“I can’t.”
“Why not?”
“It’s safer for you.”
“I can defend myself. You sound so silly, please tell me your name?”
“‘Least the first initial?”
“Fine. J.”
“J it is.”
“Wha- what? I told you my code named.”
“It’s only fair.”
“.. Okay. D.”
“D. Okay.”
• damian talked to him for a bit before jon did fly off when damian was talking about the stars, damian knew he was getting closer to him
• but he got grounded. whoops. he wasn’t supposed to go out
“Give me your phone, Damian.”
“What if I go out? I need a phone, baba.”
“I.. Your computer”
“School work.”
“What! No- but-!”
• yeah damian was very mad, but what made him madder was that apparently, his family was listening to the secret conversations between J and him. but d didn’t know that yet..
• his family needed to track down J, they didn’t care if people were aliens, the JL had aliens.. but they had no idea who this boy was, and the way damian was looking into the underground alien sanctuary, that worried rhem. Damian was smart and cunning, but he is able to portray an innocent persona, they all had the habit of undermining his intellect, so if damian began looking into this, it was for a reason
• jon found that D rambled. A lot. Even when jon didn’t respond. Jon doesn’t even know how D always found where he was. It’s so weird.
• but Lois noticed a change in jon.. he was. calmer. she didn’t know how, but when he went out, he came back calmer.
“I have to go to Gotham for a gala hosted by Bruce Wayne, would you.. like to come?”
“Do you want me to?”
“I’d like you to, but you don’t have to.”
“.. Fine.”
• lois walked to bruce with Jon in tow.
• “bruce.” “Lois, looking lovely as always.. who is this?” “Jon, my son. Say hi, Jon.” “Hi..” “He can hang around one of my sons— Damian, if you want? I’m sure him and his friends would love to have Jon around.” “What do you say Jon? Would you like that?” “Not really..” “I assume you, Damian doesn’t bite. Not anymore. And he’s pretty accepting.” “.. Fine.”
• damian was called over by his father and he did a double take. J. Was here. In front of him. Damian just internally shrugged and held a hand out, “Hi! I’m Damian! Wanna go play with my friends! there’s a game room so we don’t have to be with the gross adults.. you can also just.. sit there. My friends are pretty.. Loud?” “Okay.”
• jon had to take his hand back from damian since damian began eagerly tugging him.
“Damian seems to be accepting him pretty easily.” “I hope they can be friends, Jon.. doesn’t have any. I have only recently got him from his.. father.” “Odd, does he go to school?” “No, not yet, I’m still trying to get him adjusted.” “Ah.. Damian goes to West-Reeves. Maybe he could go there?” “That private school? Bruce.. I cannot afford that- not all of us are millionaires.” “Mhm.. I could pay.” “I can’t let you do that.” “He could get a scholarship.” “In what?” “Academics or athletics.” “Ill.. Talk to him about it. “ “well, ms lane, I just go talk with potential partners, I’ll see you later.”
• j got accepted into west reeves under a athletic thingy.
• that was cool. they became best friends!
• sorta
• flashforward 5 years to 15, their dynamic only grew. Damian told Jon his identity, jon didn’t become a hero, but did learn how to stitch damian up because tje idiot showed up bleeding a lot.
• everything was going great
On the phone, Damian: J! J! Guess what’
J: you’re so loud, D, what?
D: I got the lead! In the play!
J: no fucking way?
D: way!
J: Good j—— *crash*
D: J-?
D: J- Jonathan?
D: oh no.
• the call was ended abruptly. Jon always finished his sentences. Something was wrong. Something was really wrong.
• so damian called Lois quickly and ran downstairs to the batcave, lois wasn’t picking up either, she normally always picked up or at least sent a text. She did neither
“Damian? You should be asleep.”
“Something’s wrong! Somethings really wrong!”
“Jon and Lois- Jon- I heard a crash- and- and”
“Breathe; tell me what’s wrong.”
“I was on a call with Jon.. I told him about the play since I wanted him to go and stuff. Then I heard a crash. And then the line went dead. I’m scared— what if something happened!”
“Let’s not jump to conclusions, what happened with Lois?”
“She didn’t pick up the phone— she normally does! Or she texts me and says she will call back!”
“Maybe she is asleep.”
“No! You need to believe me!”
“Damian, calm down, I do, we will go to see if they’re okay, you get back to bed.”
“No. I’m coming with.”
“No you arent.”
“Listen to your father.”
• okay fine. He’ll listen, damian went back up to his room for half an hour before calling his friends to do a rescue mission. He had an extra suit in his room, he can do this.
• with his team, it consisted of shazam, abuse, nobody, and green lantern, himself too, of course.
• captain marvel picked him up once he was ready and they met up with the other 3.
Maya: you said he’s in trouble?
Dami: Yes.
Colin: than let’s go save him!
• they went and saved the bestie, nearly got killed too
• oh and now damians sorta probably grounded when batman shows up 🤡
J:You came for me..?
D:We all did.. why are you so surprised?
J: * wraps his arms around damian * thank you
D: i- yeah.. anytime. what’re friends for?
• friends. Jon liked that. Jon also liked the way Damian’s cheeks went red when jon hugged him
• jon knew he chuckled before Damian’s arms wrapped around him. hard. Damian was a hard hugger
• jon became a superhero at 16. Damian had even more of a reason to sneak into his window every night now! Lois had began thinking the two were dating
D: Us? Dating? Please! He is way too good for me!
L: awwww, gosh, how haven’t you been swept off your feet yet?
J: he has, but he has rejected them all
D: what can I say? I’m a gay theater kid ( this is a /j i promise a big big joke ) so they gotta be dramatic enough to put up with me, AND they need to do something big and bold to actually catch my eye
L: *laughs* take notes, jon
J: mom!
• jon has gone to a few of Damian’s plays and to dress rehearsals
• he was also there to watch damian wreck a car during his drivers test
D: there was a fricking squirrel there, J!
J: are you sure? maybe you’re just a shitty driver?
D: you’re a shitty driver!
J: cmon don’t pout
D: ‘m not!
• he was pouting. oopsie. jon did get him ice cream after
• jon goes by abnormal, because he’s an alien and because I don’t have any other ideas
J: this girl asked me out
M: oh? who! tell us!
D: ..what?
J: yeah, in my physics class
T: ooh! get it, jonno
M: give us a name, coward!
J: her name is Charlotte— but she goes by charlie. she’s.. different. red head. pretty freckles—
M: pretty freckles? does Jonny have a crush?! Oh my gosh, our sons growing up, Tai!
T: im about to start sobbing
J: fuck offff— D?
D: huh?
J: you’re being quiet, you plotting??
D: uh. yeah! duh- *he nudged jons shoulder with his, forcing a grin* figuring out ways to embarrass you in front of your girlfriend.
J: sucha brat- * jon ended up putting Damian into a playfully chokehold *
• damian just played along. he just smiled and watched as jon began walking with her instead of their friend group
M: hey- kid- you alright?
D: I’m onto a year younger than you Maya.
M: tou didn’t answer the question
D: I’m fine, why wouldn’t I be? You’re silly.
• tai ended up pulling him aside
T: when are you going to tell him?
D: how am I supposed to when he basically has a girlfriend now?
T: are you just gonna sit there and pine all day??
D: yes, thank you for understanding
• he’s a stubborn little shit and will absolutely not confess, his best friend is happy, who is he to ruin that?
T: he’s totally jealous.
J: so- do you- do you think it’ll work? That he’ll be surprised?
T: totally
J: thank you for lending me your girlfriend, Maya
M: anytime- not literally- you aren’t having her again
• this was all a trick, sorry, d.. jon does like you
• ( hope you all saw that foreshadowing earlier :) )
• damian needed big and dramatic. jon was gonna do that. even if he was uh. sorta aloof and shy.
• he learned how to sing and play the guitar for Damian. maya and tai were gonna scatter flower petals onto the floor for Damian to follow ( they will tell him too too )
• the whole school will probably watch as Damian finally gets a big dramatic proposal
• damian will love it
M: just follow the petals!
D: I’m confused
M: trust us
• damian did and followed the petals and low and behold, jon kent with a guitar and small smile
D: j-jon?
J: hey. I wrote you a song
D: no you didn’t
J: shut up and listen dumbass
*after that amazing song of how Jon asked damian out to homecoming*
D: that was amazing
J: dramatic enough for you?
D: YES! ( damian went and sprinted to jon, hugging him so tightly before leaning in to kiss him ) we are boyfriends now right
J: yeah, idiot
D: ur the idiot
• I can’t add anymore because myphones really laggy, I hope you enjot
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stormkrigeren · 3 years
Whumptober Day 1!
Link to the Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/34210837/chapters/85120435
Title: Bound - Lois
Prompt: No. 1 ‘All Trussed Up And Still Nowhere To Go’ - “You have to let go”, barbed wire, bound
Word Count: 2475
Lois preferred rope over handcuffs, and duct tape over rope. Duct tape was best because it was surprisingly easy to break, but she was rarely lucky enough to be tied up with it. Lois could tell that today wasn’t her lucky day the moment the goon wrapped a length of plastic boating rope around her wrists and yanked it tight.
She loved her job. The title of ‘investigative reporter’ practically gave her a free pass to be as nosy as she liked (and Lois was admittedly quite nosy) while also revealing the truth on a variety of issues, affairs, and dealings. No one would blink twice if she walked into a warzone or gang territory or some crooked mogul’s office with a pen handy and far too many questions in her head, and no one was surprised when her life was threatened only for her to diffuse the situation a few minutes later. That was just how Lois worked, and she loved it.
The one and only issue with her job was the fact that if her life wasn’t being threatened, her freedom probably was. Sometimes it would just be a threat to get her so discredited that no one would ever publish her works again, removing her freedom of speech, but Lois was good at her job and no one ever found anything to discredit her on. So more often than not whatever fraudulent idiot she had revealed that day would instead tie her up and leave her in a warehouse somewhere until either the police or her boss showed up with a ransom because investigative reporters, especially ones named Lois Lane, were surprisingly valuable (the highest number she’d ever heard was close to a million, which of course didn’t pan out, but it was interesting to think about).
Today had started out pretty normally - Lois had woken up, gotten ready for the day, and taken the subway to work like she usually did. Upon arriving at the Daily Planet’s Head Offices in the Upper East Side of the city, she had clocked in and gotten to her desk with the intention of kicking off the work day with a little bit of research and note-taking in preparation for her interview with some S.T.A.R Labs higher-ups that afternoon. The company had received a contract from the Department of Defense to investigate and research the Kryptonian scout ship that had crashed in downtown Metropolis and was now in government custody. Any Kryptonian 'artifacts’ found in or around the ship were catalogued by S.T.A.R Labs before being transferred to various labs and other research companies around the nation for studying, the biggest transfers usually being made to the S.T.A.R facilities in Central City and Metropolis, and third-party contractors such as Kord Industries, LexCorp, and WayneTech. The distribution of findings for individual research was all well and good, but a whistleblower had recently come to Lois with some disturbing finds: some of the artifacts, especially alien weapons, were disappearing from large shipments without a trace.
When the time of the interview drew near, Lois checked in with Perry before catching a taxi to the S.T.A.R Labs headquarters downtown. Her appointment was with a few scientists from the company’s board of directors that worked with the Kryptonian scout ship the most, and luckily for them, all three of them had enough tact to not back out of the meeting when they realized that the reporter the Daily Planet had sent over was in fact a lady on the high road to a Pulitzer Prize. A board room was procured for their usage, and Lois, being well-familiar with the drill, started her recording app, pulled out her notes, and started doing what comprised the bulk of her job as an investigative journalist: asking questions.
How was work on the Kryptonian scout ship progressing? Had any significant discoveries or breakthroughs been made so far? What sort of artifacts were they dealing with, and how did they decide which ones to distribute for outside research? Were the scout ship’s contents primarily weapons, or other items? What was the company’s response to rumors about misplaced shipments?
The scientists happily answered her questions, occasionally going off on a tangent about some discovery or the supposed usage of some unknown object but otherwise provided Lois with some pretty good fuel for her next article up until she came to the final question. All three of the researchers shifted uncomfortably in their seats and exchanged the briefest of nervous glances before Dr. Rhems, the head consultant for their Kryptonian armaments division, launched into a spiel about how their cataloguing system was infallible and they had not seen any evidence that items were missing, the rumors had to be false or else they would have known. To solidify his claim, he even offered to show her their records and prove that whatever data people were basing their opinions off of had to be wrong. Lois immediately took him up on the offer.
Taking his fellow scientists’ leave, Dr. Rhems led her through the building before finally stopping outside a door that supposedly led to where the Labs kept their records pertaining to the Kryptonian artifact research program.
“You have to understand, Miss Lane, that S.T.A.R Labs is not the only facility performing research on Kryptonian weaponry,” he explained as he fished a key card out of his pocket, nearly dropped it, and finally managed to tap it against the scanner beside the door, “It’s quite possible that one of the other contractors involved in the program may simply not be cataloguing their artifacts correctly-”
“They are,” Lois snapped back as she followed him through the doorway, “The issue is within your own company. The records available to the public show that half of the missing items disappear while still in your system. I know this seems a little far-fetched, Dr. Rhems, but it's looking like there are some shady dealings going on within your facility to steal Kryptonian weapons, and possibly other items, without your knowledge.”
“That’s impossible! This is one of the most secure facilities in the state, and every one of our employees has undergone rigorous background examinations. Surely this must be some sort of journalistic ploy to discredit S.T.A.R Labs, Miss Lane-”
“With all due respect, Dr. Rhems, please stop trying to dissuade me before I’ve seen your evidence against the so-called ‘rumors’. I’ll make my decision on what to tell the public once you can prove to me that the accusations aren’t true.”
Dr. Rhems paused at that, stopped in front of a laboratory workstation and glanced quickly between Lois and the racks of Kryptonian armaments on the far side of the room - apparently this lab was where they were stored for cataloging and documentation.
“Well,” the doctor said finally, “if you’re so sure you cannot be persuaded...”
The scientist tapped a button on the workstation’s keyboard and Lois distinctly heard the door behind her lock shut with a hydraulic hiss and low shunking sound. Before she even had time to turn around, Dr. Rhems was pulling what looked too much like a genuine Kryptonian sidearm for comfort out of his labcoat and levelling it at her head. There was no doubt in her mind that it was real, and Lois should know - she had used one.
“I don’t want to hurt you, Miss Lane,” Dr. Rhems confessed, “But I am going to have to ask you to comply while Caleb ties you up - don’t want you getting away before we’ve come to an agreement, you see.”
At his behest, mostly because she was unable to do otherwise with a Kryptonian sidearm pointed at her, Lois took a seat in the chair the scientist pointed to and waited in silence to see what he would do next. Dr. Rhems typed another command into the workstation console and the door unlocked to slide open just enough for a nervous-looking intern to slip inside before the door locked shut again. The young man had apparently been given orders to follow them and wait outside the lab until his boss let him in, and after a brief, curious glance in the reporter’s direction, he immediately got to the task assigned by fetching a length of plastic rope - the kind typically used for camping due to its lightweight nature - from a desk drawer and using it to tie Lois’ hands behind her back. Under Dr. Rhems supervision, he tied the knots as tight as he could before proceeding to tie her ankles to the chair legs, and though Lois hated to admit it, she was thoroughly stuck where she was.
“You can’t keep me here for long,” Lois reminded Dr. Rhems, holding back a wince when the uncomfortable cordage bit into her ankles and resisting the urge to give Caleb a solid kick to the nose went he bent down to adjust the rope, “My editor will wonder where I am if I don’t check in soon, not to mention the fact that I’m legally under the protection of both the US government and the Kryptonian remnant. I just have to scream ‘Superman’ and someone will be here within ten seconds.”
If she stated that last sentence a little louder than necessary, Dr. Rhems didn’t notice and simply cocked the blaster (improperly, Lois noted) as Caleb finished tying her up, “You won’t scream. You wouldn’t dare.”
“Maybe I will,” Lois answered, resisting the urge to smirk. Dr. Rhems apparently had enough confidence to do so himself, and shook his head self-assuredly.
“As you said earlier, Miss Lane, you should wait to hear my side of the story before forming an opinion,” he stated calmly, “Let’s start with a simple fact: alien artifacts created in and designed to be used in an environment different from Earth are a little difficult, and expensive, to maintain. Sure, the technology works here, but until we can fully understand it, we have to ensure that it does not deteriorate or lose function when not used properly. I would read you a few excerpts from my paper on the apparent bio-technological advancements in Kryptonian technology that make their mechanism borderline-organic, so simultaneously holding some level of innate intelligence or purpose but also being susceptible to deterioration if not maintained, but we don’t have time for that now.
“Without going into too much detail, S.T.A.R Labs is not getting the funding it needs from the Department of Defense. No significant advances or research is able to be done without money, Miss Lane, and we don’t have a lot of it,” Dr. Rhems continued, “The solution? Getting rid of artifacts we do not have the facilities to maintain while also making a little bit of cash - in short we’ve been selling Kryptonian technology to foreign buyers.”
“You mean stealing and profiting off of property of the US government, not to mention that the UN is currently trying to rule both artifacts and the scout ship itself as property of the Kryptonian remnant,” Lois corrected him. Damn, she was pretty sure she was losing feeling in her hands considering how tightly the intern had bound her, but if she could just slip one hand out of the rope…
“Everyone knows the UN won’t succeed in the ruling - that technology is far too valuable to belong to a couple of do-gooder extraterrestrials,” Dr. Rhems answered, “And before you ask what I’m going to do with you or why I’ve decided to tell you all this, the answers are simple: I’m going to ransom you and get a bit of extra ‘funding’ out of it, and once your ransom has been paid and you are released, you are going to write me an article about the corruption going on in our own Department of Defense that has led to the gross underfunding of essential research facilities such as S.T.A.R Labs.”
“And just who do you think is going to pay my ransom?” Lois asked. Her plan was to keep him talking, keep his focus off her and the fact that after rubbing the skin raw and nearly spraining her wrist, she had just about managed to get her right hand out of Caleb’s tightly-but-poorly-tied attempt at binding her up. Poor kid - he hadn’t done too bad of a job considering that typing would be a pain-in-the-ass tomorrow, but it wasn’t enough to keep Lois off her game. Dr. Rhems was still going off about who he was going to call for the money for her release when she got both hands free, and right on time the thick laboratory door crumpled beneath a hand strong enough to bend steel as Superman himself stepped into the room. Lois wasted no time when the two S.T.A.R Lab scientists were distracted by his arrival, and she lunged at Dr. Rhems to knock the blaster out of his distracted grip, cock it for firing (properly, she noted), and point it at the bastard’s head.
“Well, Dr. Rhems,” she couldn’t help but announce with a smirk, “It looks like I was right about those missing shipments.”
It was Perry who picked her up from the S.T.A.R Labs facility after Lois was done giving her account to the police - part of her wished it had been Superman who flew her back to the Daily Planet offices, but he was still busy talking with an officer about the two scientists who had been holding Miss Lane hostage - and after a short drive back to the familiar newspaper building, it was Clark who first noticed the blisters covering her wrists and insisted on getting the first aid kit to treat them. Still, Lois ended up looking after the injuries herself, mostly because Clark, despite his kindness, strength, and adorable handsomeness, was a bit on the squeamish side and still had work to do. It wasn’t the worst she had ever dealt with - her wrists only required some antibacterial cream and bandages, whereas her left ankle had nearly been sprained when she lunged at Dr. Rhems with her feet still tied to the chair and required a bit more care in the form of an ice pack. Despite her injuries, Lois was having a pretty damn fine day - her typing skills weren’t as affected as she had imagined, her phone had still been recording throughout the whole hostage situation, and she had enough evidence pieced together to make the leading story of the evening edition. A sprained ankle and wrists that were raw as fuck after trying to wriggle her way out of plastic boating rope of all things were a small price to pay for the front page.
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loulougoingsolo · 4 years
DIYing a Bold Hair Choice
So, as we all know, we live in troubling times. I've personally been living in quarantine-like arrangements for about a month now, and although I've been mostly doing alright, some things have proven to be hard. I was supposed to have my hair professionally cut and dyed this week, but I had to cancel the appointment, and at the moment, I don't know when I'll get to visit the salon for the next time. So, I had to take matters (or scissors) to my own hands.
I'm a DIYer, but I've never cut my own hair. I've also had it professionally dyed since I was 15 or so. For a short period, I only had it bleached and cut by a pro, but then dyed it myself with a pretty intense cool shade of red - but other than that, and a few toner touch ups, I've always relied on professionals. So I was in a bit of a pickle, when I realized that I'd have to either DIY or have my grey roots grow wild for months. And because my hair is short, the roots way too grey for my age, and I had all this time ln my hands, there was really only one way this could go.
When I go about a DIY project, my first step, always, is thorough research. I had an idea for what I'd attempt to achieve, so I went on Youtube and searched for diy haircuts. I got some good tutorials, but most of them were for long hair - and I also got suggested GMM episode #989, in which Rhett and Link battle in cutting their own hair (wigs). Can I just say, they predicted the Tiger King craze long before Netflix:
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So, I immediately figured I would not be able to follow yhe hair styling tutorials of this GMM episode. First of all, I could only find one pair of scissors even remotely sharp enough to cut hair. They were not sharp enough. Secondly, the longest part of my hair barely reaches my chin. I would need to really commit to every snip I make, or I'd end up with a bald hair style, instead of bold. As attractive and gorgeous some people are with a fully shaved head, with my head shape, that was something to avoid at all costs.
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Another thing I was worried about was that I'd probably end up cutting my own finger, like Link. I've always found it extra difficult to see my own reflection in a mirror and try to do accurate motions according to the reflection. Simply put, my brain gets confused. Also, I don't really have a way to see the back of my head through the mirror at all. How the crap am I supposed to cut anything?
At this point, I understood that the actual haircut was going to be the tough part, so I decided to focus on the dye. Since I cojldn't just go to a big supermarket to buy the equipment, I had to order the dyes online. At this point my plan was simply to buy a multitude of wild colours to mix and match according to my mood, so I ordered a tub of Midnight Blue, Daffodil Yellow, Flamingo Pink and Cerise dyes, all by the brand La Riche Directions. These dyes are semi-permanent, sonI knew they wouldn't cause permanent damage to my hair, and at this point, that was kind of my goal - whatever I do, I don'g want to ruin things too badly. But, because I'm familiar with semi-permanent dyes, and I've had pretty much every shade on the spectrum on my hair at one point, I knew I might require an extra step to see results. Which is why, "just in case", I added a hair lightening kit to my order. I figured, I'd make some lighter strands on top, to have some colours show properly.
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By the time the dyes arrived, I was already pretty fed up with my grey roots. I watched the GMMore which followed the hair cut episode. Rhett, who won the haircut challenge, got to decide what colours would go in Alex's hair. Alex had done the smart thing and bleached his hair professionally to be dyed in this episode, but he somehow agreed to letting Rhett and Link add the colours.
When Rhett explains everyone how he and Link used to dye eachother's hair back in the day, I realize that even though I'm technically watching a DIY hair tutorial, they aren't actually doing it themselves. It's quite different to put dye on someone else's head than your own. (Also, something I didn't notice back when I first saw this episode: Link says it would be crazy for him to have his hair dyed, but looking back, he most certainly had his hair dyed at this time.)
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It was slightly alarming to see that Alex was worried about how things would go. I could hardly expect to achieve anything much better than the guys, since at least they had the studio lighting and a full team to help rhem not screw up. I had a mirror in my dark toilet, which is barely big enough to stand in.
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I also forgot to buy vaselkne, which was a big mistake - although I don't think it's even possible to buy a container that big here. Why would they have that at Mythical in the first place? But something about seeing how much trouble the guys were having controlling the unmixed streaks of dye and all that vaseline made me worried.
At this point, I need to tell you that seeing the blank canvas which was Alex's hair, I, now the proud owner of a 40 % bleack kit (which apparently is the strong stuff), decided I was not going to waste energy by trying to dye my hair without bleaching, only to find out that the colours didn't show. So, I mixed the bleach, put on a worn-out t-shirt, used hand lotion to vas up my forehead, neck and ears, and then just went for it.
I did watch quite a few proper tutorials. They taught me, firstly, that 40% was a no-no. Secondly, never bleach something that has already been bleached, especially, if your hair has multiple colours. Forth, never start from the roots, as they get bleached faster (this ended up being the only rule I followed). And, above all, go to a professional.
So, I added the bleach to my hair. First I tried sticking to just a few strands, but then a blop of the bleach fell on the wrong spot, and I figured, why not just go full head. I did. I left the stuff on for maybe 20 minutes, and after that I got scared and rinsed it off. Then, I used a silver toner, and was left with a fascinating mix of orange, yellow and white hair - and a strand of persistent green from my previous dye. But it was blond enough for my plans.
Alex had a beautiful mix of blue, pink and purple in his hair - and that accidental splash of green - and after considering thoroughly, I decided to go for these colours, too. I mean, pink, purple and blue are my jam. Also, as much as I wanted to go full rainbow, I figured it would be an impossible task to keep the different colours from mixing, and that might result in brown, which is the colour of defeat. So, I went with midnight blue, flamingo pink and cerise, and wasn't too concerned aboit getting the colours mixed together.
This is how Alex's hair looked on the episode, before he rinsed the extra dye off:
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I couldn't find any good photos of his hair after it was rinsed, but tgere was one which suggested only a faint shade of blue stuck.
And finally, here's what happened with my hair. Now, I'm not posting my face here, just the hair. Imagine a white blop with green eyes below the hair, and you'll get the idea. In the first two pictures is my hair during normal times, and just before I diyed it. It looks particularly nasty in the just before hack job pic, because it was adviced not to wash your hair before bleachkng to save the scalp - but as you can see, this was not a fun thing to see in the mirror each morning:
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After I had dyed my hair, I did some snips here and there, and also, because I was able to borrow a hair clipper from my dad, some clipping - which in my books, saved the day. The haircut is pretty botched, but I actually absolutely love the colour. And the criss-cross shave despite it being pretty bad - it also looks badass in real life. The picture taken outside shows the pink colours more accurately, but the cut shows better in the other pic. There are a couple of ways I can style this later on, but I kept styling to minimum for starters, because I didn't want to cause extra damage to my hair:
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So, this has been the story of how I diyed my hair during quarantine. My mom loves the whole thing (I showed it to her yesterday while taking them groceries), and although there are some spots in the back which could have more colour in them, I'm pretty satisfied. I know my hairdresser is going to weep when she sees me, but she'll get over it.
So, in conclusion: Would I do this again? Yes, but I'd definately leave the cutting and bleaching to the pros. Also, now I can't really bleach again for a while. But I'm actually thinking about taking the dyes I have to my hairdresser so she can dye my hair properly with them, in a healthier way, once all this chaos settles and it's safe again. I'd probably need a slightly darker, permanent colour to the roots, but I absolutely love these insanely bright colours. And I'm so going to try the full rainbow this summer, too.
Would I recommend this to others? Yes, but with caution. The direct semi-permanent colours are safe and won't damage the hair, but bleach does. My hair is naturally a tad too dark to show bright colours properly, so I took the risk. I was also mentally prepared to shave the whole thing off and wear my mythical hat for the summer - but I'm happy that wasn't necessary. If you aren't willing to risk damaging your hair, stick to semi-permanents.
To end this post, here's a selfie I took yesterday on my grocery store trip in full safety gear (I have a paper mask under the scarf):
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Stay safe! Do things that make you happy! BYMB! 💗💗💗
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bxhindxthexmxsk · 5 years
More palace stuffs
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I'm gonna not down some specific rooms in Goro's Palace.
The final room containing his treasure has 4 locks on then and almost each of these rooms have a key. Goro hesitantly entrusts the key to those that wish to help him escape himself, though bc he is hesitant he will continue to ask for it back (which...denying will be dangerous) before handing it over again. Handing him a false key found in his playroom will prevent one from having to hand over the real key and not having it when it is needed.
Goro's playroom
A rather creepy carpeted room that looks like...well, a child's playroom. It's one of the few rooms dimmly lit by candles and the only entrance is via a vent. It's only accessable from a vent to keep shadows out as well as add to the secrecy of the room's meaning. This room is mostly filled with stuffed toys many being general teddy bears and puppy dogs...others bearing ressemblence to people in the real world. Most have a frown fixed upon their faces, others: nervous smiles, blank expressions, looks of despair and oblviousness, and finally genuine happiness. Those deemed important are placed on neat shelves others that seemed used up and destroyed are left in a pile of fluff.
Aside from stuffed toys there are toys that resemble weapons (blunt objects, knives, guns) that despite looking toy like are...rather lethal.
This room shows Akechi's relationships with people. The plushies that have met the business end of his weapons have been people Shido assigned him to execute as well as others that have gotten in his own way. The tense expressions on some of them are those that know of Shido's deeds and the few that know of Black Mask that Goro is to keep an eye on. And the happy ones are the people Goro is stringing along with his manipulation.
There's plushies of each phantom thief on the highest shelf in his room as well as a wooden Shido puppet. Despite both sides knowing what's up, much to Aketchi's dismay, he thinks he's playing rhem well and thinks of them as important in his plans.
There's a special doll in this room on a absurdly high shelf thay doesn't look like it belongs to a child. A beautiful porcelain doll dressed in expensive fabrics with a saddened expression that is turned facing the wall as if Goro would be ashamed of her seeing everything he's done. In her hands is a key. It wouldn't be hard to guess who she is...
Moving on...
Goro's courtroom
Attached to his playroom is a much smaller room that resembles a court room. The jury and crown seats are full of stuffed toys and he takes the seat as the judge. He tries the stuffed citizens in court which 9/10 times either ends in his own favor or the favor of the plush lawyer he likes more. These trials usually end in a execution of the stuffed toy in the former room for all to see.
Shido's Tower
Up a long winding staircase with many lethal owl shadows there's a single office room. There cognitive Shido stays leisurely sitting at his desk. The cognition cares nothing for those that enter his office and, of course treats them even more poorly if they question and or pester him. Plays out as a mid boss, sending shadows to fight for him. Akechi sees Shido as a pompous coward that makes others fight for him so he doesn't have to get his own hands dirty. Most of the shadows he sends out eerily resembles Aketchi but with his eyes blind folded. They follow orders without question or concern; false praise raise their attack/defense/etc drastically while ridicule may either lower or slightly boost their stats. Once they're defeated, much like Okumura, Cognition Shido is easy to take out. He bitterly hands over a key and hurries them out.
The tall tower symbolizes how Goro sees how long and hard his goal is but knows eventually he's going to topple this tower with his father in it.
Aketchi's theater
Here is where Akechi is dragged to occasionally by shadows. Just about the only lit room, as well as Shido's, that is lit by actual lightbulbs...well in this case stage lights.
Here shadows as well as Cognitive Shido watch Akechi perform a play that's basically his own tragedy that's his life for their own amusement; symbolizing how he feels everyone views his existance as a sick form of entertainment. He plays through the scenes of seeing his mother's corpse, living in a orphanage before going through several foster homes and schools before being thrown out harshly as a teen that aged out of foster care. All the while, props and sounds elude to his psychosis he tries to desperately hide from others. Then one would see his cold bitterness to people before discovering his father and his plot for revenge. Usually as the play reaches the present, Goro shifts into his Warden form and tears apart the stage and crowd as they all rush out.
A key is found in the floorboards however only once the palace shifts into the blinding light when Goro goes Warden mode.
Solitary confinement
Behind the four locks in a grad door hides away Aketchi's treasure....
However, despite having all four locks unlocked the door refuses to open. Shadow Aketchi seems hesitant despite leading them here; he remarks that either "I'm too scared to open up" or "How do I know you wont break it?" and scurries off to avoid question. Here, they would have to get the Aketchi in the real world to open up to them about, well, anything but it can prove to be hard. Once that is done, Shadow Akechi will open the door for them.
The cell, despite having no light, is brightly lit by a terribly cracked, ruby red crystal heart that sits upon a pedestal. Even though Goro wishes to be saved and opened the doors to his treasure he flies into a fit of frightening rage when his treasure is touched.
Execution grounds (Boss fight)
Walls to the cell are smashed down and the battle is taken to where the courtyard would be in the dark palace but is now more of an execution ground now that Goro has shifted into his Warden form. It plays out as a double battle, his Warden form being more monstrous, larger, and a quadreped and his child self upon its back in a judge's robes. The child acts as the host of this creature, controlling it to inflict status effects as well as devastating physical moves. He also uses the creature to replenish his HP at the cost of the creature. In this aspect, it's shown why Goro sees himself as a parasite.
They would have to wipe out the creature before attacking child Aketchi since he would no longer have his strong physical attacks, a wall to hide behind, or a means to heal himself. Here he fights with the 'toy' weapons that were seen in his playroom; this defense is poor however his evasiveness can prove to be annoying but ofc taking him down can be done.
Being defeated, the child wails loudly. Spilling out about how his life hurts and that he can't live for anything else other than revenge, lamenting on how he can't be 'normal' as well as how he lost his childhood/innocence/self control/ can't wash his hands of the atrocities he's done. He hates how he cant open up to people and will never have friends because of the life he leads.
After calming down he offers his heart to them and back into the real world it turns into a replica of a rather thick and beat up diary that Goro's been writing in since he was little.
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roses-and-arrows · 6 years
Interview With The Archer
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1. What is your name?
"Dithaya Rosefeather."
2. What is your real name?
"That..is my real name?"
3. Do you know why you were called that?
"It was the name I was given at birth. I haven't had a code name or anything like that before."
4. Are you single or taken?
"Single," she chuckles.
5. Have any abilities or powers?
"My main abilities come from my archery. Now I am capable of using a rifle and so on, but I don't enjoy it too much." She pauses and smirks. "That's all you're going to get."
6. Stop being a Mary Sue.
"A Mary what?" she was genuinely confused by the term.
(She's far from one. I make it a point that she knows of people, but otherwise had no connection to lore characters. Even then, she's selective on who she actually respects.)
7. What’s your eye color?
"Your traditional Quel'dorei hues. Nothing too special about them I don't think."
8. How about your hair color?
A finger finds itself into her locks. "Blonde."
9. Have you any family members?
"I did. They are all deceased."
10. Oh? What about pets?
"One special boy named Invictus." The very mention of the dragonhawk had it perking up and fluttering over to nudge his mistress affectionately. "Ebony is a rare color to find a hatchling in and like some flocks of birds, they tend to attack any kin with different plumage."
11. That’s cool I guess, now tell me about something you don’t like.
"Killing without reason and falsely accusing someone. People try to justify killing a being for looking at rhem the wrong way or some disagreement. Greed is a driving force, but it leads to more death than necessary."
12. Do you have any hobbies/activities you like doing?
"Most of my time is spent honing my skills. It's better to be at the top of my game when necessary. Though there are some things I have considered looking into to expand my arsenal."
13. Ever hurt anyone before?
"On emotional and physical level, yes."
14. Ever… killed anyone before?
"Yes, yes I have."
15. What kind of animal are you?
"I've been considered a hawk before, also a lynx, and a fox. I think that says a few things about myself."
16. Name your worst habits.
"Off the top of my head I don't have a poor habit or vice. I indulge, but never go too far."
17. Do you look up to anyone at all?
"I haven't for a few decades now. It wouldn't be so much as an influence, but more so respect for them now. And that would be Alleria Windrunner. The other two, well, one is the next Lich King and the other is a weakling wanting her sister to fix everything for her."
18. Gay, straight, or bisexual?
"I enjoy the company of men and women. It doesn't matter to me so long as they actually have a functioning mind."
19. Do you go to school?
"I haven't in over a century, even then it was home schooling instead of academy."
20. Do you ever want to marry and have kids one day?
"I've had both before.." She pauses in thought. "But none now and I'm not sure if I would."
21. Do you have any fanboys/fangirls?
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22. What are you most afraid of?
(She won't admit to actual fears, but it has been covered before.)
24. Do you love someone?
23. What do you usually wear?
"Depends on what I'm doing. It I could wandering around in a jacket with just simple supplies or in full armor if necessary. Then again there are some days I just walk around in armor because why not?"
25. When was the last time you wet yourself?
"Why..is this even a question?"
26. Well, it’s not over yet!
27. What class are you? (High class, middle class, low class)
"Middle. I live comfortably to say the least and don't own that fancy of clothing to begin with. Simple is best at times."
28. How many friends do you have?
"I make acquaintances. As for actual friends?" She makes a teetering motion with her hand and winces. "I've had them and they left or I left them."
29. What are your thoughts on pie?
30. Favorite drink?
"Wine majority of the time, but I do enjoy something with a bit more bite to it."
31. What’s your favorite place?
"That's tricky seeing I just ten to enjoy being outdoors. Maybe.. Grizzly Hills? The forests of Lordaeron before being turned into The Plaguelands?"
32. Are you interested in someone?
"No and I'm not exactly looking at the moment either. If someone happens to come around?" She shrugs.
33. What’s your bra cup size and/or how big is your willy?
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"I..think I have a modest chest. Nothing too big, nothing too small for what I do. I would hate to have these gigantic things strapped to my chest. It makes me wonder how women deal with that and expect to do anything productive without being smothered or having them hurt when you run."
34. Would you rather swim in the lake or the ocean?
"Honestly wouldn't mind either. Just relax on the shoreline and just enjoy myself."
35. What’s your type?
"Intelligent and willing to fight if need be. Though I don't mind it if someone is more timid or not skilled, I just wouldn't want to be their constant bodyguard. Someone that is passionate and compassionate, odd no?"
36. Any fetishes?
"None that I would share with a shade.."
37. Top or Bottom? Dominant or Submissive?
"Depends on the partner," she seems a bit agitated about the constant sexual questions while drumming her fingers on the chair.
38. Camping or indoors?
"Both, some nights I want to sleep under the stars and other nights I want a bed."
39. Are you wanting the interview to end?
40. Now it’s over! Tag 3 people.
@tirasian @patiencekindnesscourage @anierous-sunblade @kat-hawke @jesdena @xyveth-heartbane @themanwiththemagic
(Or you can just steal it. Lol)
Tagged by: @thesistersdastorio (sorta), @kat-lockhart , @josiehastings
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mybruises666-blog · 7 years
New year, new me
January 2018. Time for new year resolutions to take action. One of the most important ones for me is to be mindful and reflect on the events more.
This blog will be a apart of it. Training became a very important part of my life and I want to keep track of what I have achieved, I am working towards, struggle with and ofcourse the goals and dreams.
Conclusions of 2017:
1. Upper back progress.
My upper back started opening up and showing signs of liking stretches and being very receptive to them. This is why sometimes in my day to day life I may look like a strange lizard shifting ribcage side to side and trying to push ribcage through the chest to get that stretch.
I love this so much because NEVER has my upper back felt so good and never has my posture been as good as it is now.
2. Hip injury.
I have injured my hip in July this year. It was really unexpected. I was doing arabesque on silks with footlock on my right leg, then I pulled up and inverted into straddle with all body weight still in that right leg. And I felt nice and warm so I thought - It will be fine if I let go with my hands and hang there in a straddle. But what I didn't expect is for my hips to be more flexible than I remember them to be. So I relaxed too much and my right hip opened too much andI heard a terrible sound of something inside my hip popping.
I could not walk very well and it was so sore that I had to take painkillers (which I very rarely take) because I was almost fainting - this is how strong the pain was.
I have seen the physio and he said it is grade 2 injury and I am lucky it didn't go worse. He said muscles were torn and it will take 2 months to heal. He gave me some exercises to do. It was dynamic stretches for runners and it was helping. Hip really liked exercises, but I had to be carefull with weight on the injured hip.
It is getting better...I can still feel it when it gets cold or the lressure chnages so I guess the reminder will always be there.
3. Roll downs.
I have been working towards roll downs and I figured out a few things that are stopping me from getting it right. 1st - I was doing rhem too low and there was no space for my long legs to stretch without touching the mat so I kept bending them. 2nd - I was confused with up and down and what my body needs to be doing when I am facing down and up. Everytime I was faving down instead of arching and lifting legs like in skydiver I was lowering my legs. Oh well - you live you learn.
4. Headstands
I managed to overcome my fear of falling on my back if I loose balance and kick off the floor too much. I jave done it and accidentally fell on my back but it was okay - I just did a roll on the floor.
It is still a big challenge for me to do it away from the wall but I try. Not as often as I wish I tried but I do.
5. Shoulder injury prevention.
This year I didnt injure my shoulder as much. I tried to warm it up thoroughly every time before training.
6. Trapeze.
Getting back into trapeze training was no fun and great at the same time. My hand became soft with no roughness what so ever because I haven't done much trapeze.
Getting back into it I felt much stronger and even managed to do beats into front balance without cheating. Thanks to lovely Danuta.
7.Creative workshops.
I have taken a couple of creative workshops this year and they inspired me to do a bit more training and exploration on my own. Unfortunately life has been busy and I wasn't able to do it yet but I will!
I guess this is all for now.
My goals for 2018:
Steaight arm and leg invertions
Be aware of pelvis and psoas and utilise them more in my practice.
Keep practicing head and handstands
Work on side body strength and flexibility
Work on my hips strength and flexibility
Do more stretches for my tight glutes.
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