msterofnone-blog · 6 years
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jack rider ; intro, stats, verses & connections
JACK RIDER looks an awful lot like ALEX TURNER. HE/HIM are/is TWENTY NINE and while they’re FRIENDLY, they have a tendency to get pretty UNMOTIVATED. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to HAND IN GLOVE by THE SMITHS.
- first of all; no matter who you are or what you want, jack rider doesn’t give a shit
- he will act friendly to everybody around him & is well known, but not well liked, more feared; everybody knows that he talks shit about them behind their backs as soon as they walk away
- he was born in manchester, england & his family moved to kola when he was 10; his mother had dreams (delusions) of making it big in hollywood, and was always distant from him, and when her plans didn’t work out, she grew more and more detached from the family. they had to stay as his dad, the realist, had set up his own repair shop to sustain them - his parents stayed together but his dad worked himself to the point of exhaustion whilst his mother would sit by the window every day, unspeaking; they passed away with a month of one another when jack was 18
- he’s a mechanic in kola & fixes cars just as his dad did (i had the greaser thing planned before the greaser anon & now i feel bad) so again he comes into contact with a lot of people - this business progressed into something more as he got older
- working with cars, his first foray into the criminal world was as a getaway driver (baby driver anyone?) but he was about 18 and still pretty new, but he wanted to be something more than his dad had been so he stuck with it and made his way up through the ranks
- he now works with the gang he was first involved with in dealing through his repair shop, but its more of an open secret
- at 29, he should be getting a little restless about his future but he’s never looked to settle down, and will loudly (obnoxiously) pronounce that love does not exist - at least not for men like him
FULL NAME: jack rider PRONUNCIATION: ja-c rye-der MEANING: any man REASONING: not the type of parents to think too deeply about his name rly NICKNAME(S): ponyboy (ANYONE) PREFERRED NAME(S): jack BIRTH DATE: november 2nd 1989 AGE: 29 ZODIAC: scorpio  GENDER: male PRONOUNS: he/him ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: panromantic SEXUAL ORIENTATION: pansexual NATIONALITY: british ETHNICITY: white british CURRENT LOCATION: kola, california LIVING CONDITIONS: lives above his repair shop in an outdated flat; really only uses it to sleep in & takes no pride in looking after it
BIRTH PLACE: manchester royal infirmary, manchester, england  HOMETOWN: machester, england  SOCIAL CLASS: lower EDUCATION LEVEL: finished high school FATHER: paul rider MOTHER: flora rider SIBLING(S): n/a CHILDREN: n/a PET(S): n/a  OTHER IMPORTANT RELATIVES: n/a PREVIOUS RELATIONSHIPS: never ever one to commit so has never had anything serious  ARRESTS?: countless  PRISON TIME?: 6 months
PRIMARY SOURCE OF INCOME: fixing cars  SECONDARY SOURCE OF INCOME: dealing  APPROXIMATE AMOUNT PER YEAR: $30k CONTENT WITH THEIR JOB (OR LACK THERE OF)?: he’s convinced himself he is & has become somewhat of a self fulfilling prophecy - he used to dream of being a writer when he was much much younger & breaking out of the cycle of the men in his family; it didn’t happen PAST JOB(S): always been an apprentice to his father, who also fixed cars SPENDING HABITS: too much on cigarettes, not on the essentials  MOST VALUABLE POSSESSION: his chevrolet 
PHYSICAL STRENGTH: fairly strong INTELLIGENCE: used to read a lot but hasn’t in over 10 years, a mediocre writer who never got the chance to improve  TALENTS: very good mechanic   SHORTCOMINGS: anything with numbers - he always works things out by eye  LANGUAGE(S) SPOKEN: english DRIVE?: yes JUMP-STAR A CAR?: yes CHANGE A FLAT TIRE?: yes RIDE A BICYCLE?: no SWIM?: yes PLAY AN INSTRUMENT?: barely plays guitar  PLAY CHESS?: no BRAID HAIR?: yes - used to braid his mothers hair  TIE A TIE?: yes PICK A LOCK?: yes
FACE CLAIM: alex turner  EYE COLOR: brown HAIR COLOR: brown HAIR TYPE/STYLE: greased back always  GLASSES/CONTACTS?: nope  DOMINANT HAND: right  HEIGHT: 5′8″ WEIGHT: 156 lbs EXERCISE HABITS: lifting heavy weights when he works on cars but that’s about it SKIN TONE: on the paler side TATTOOS: 3 PEIRCINGS: one ear MARKS/SCARS: a scar on his shoulder from an ‘accident at work’ NOTABLE FEATURES: he use looks a bit mean most of the time really USUAL EXPRESSION: looking mean CLOTHING STYLE: old style greaser - the same as his father JEWELRY: rings when he’s not working & a watch ALLERGIES: n/a DIET: baD PHYSICAL AILMENTS: n/a
JUNG TYPE: entj MORAL ALIGNMENT: chaotic neutral TEMPERAMENT: sanguine ELEMENT: fire APPROXIMATE IQ: 95 MENTAL CONDITIONS/DISORDERS: n/a OBSESSION(S): appearing unbothered by everything COMPULSION(S): checking his hair PHOBIA(S): relationships??? honestly  ADDICTION(S): smoking DRUG USE: he deals but won’t do anything he deals ALCOHOL USE: too much PRONE TO VIOLENCE?: too much 
SPEECH STYLE: a bit too loud and cocky  ACCENT: manchester  HOBBIES: trying in his very little spare time to play guitar but not telling anybody HABITS: smoking NERVOUS TICKS: his foot starts tapping DRIVES/MOTIVATIONS: not many at all; lives day to day FEARS: being alone with himself  POSITIVE TRAITS:  funny, friendly & loyal NEGATIVE TRAITS: violent, closed-off emotionally & judgemental  SENSE OF HUMOR: he’s funny ngl DO THEY CURSE OFTEN?: yeah CATCHPHRASE(S): ‘jack of all trades’
ACTIVITY: working on cars ANIMAL: dogs BEVERAGE: whiskey  BOOK: to kill a mockingbird - harper lee CELEBRITY: mick jagger COLOR: black DESIGNER: he ain’t got a clue FOOD: bacon sandwiches  FLOWER: orchids GEM: ruby HOLIDAY:  he gets the most business (wink wink) around new year MODE OF TRANSPORTATION: ...cars MOVIE: the outsiders  MUSICAL ARTIST: the clash QUOTE/SAYING: ‘stay gold’  SCENERY: countryside SCENT: cinnamon  SPORT: football SPORTS TEAM: manchester united  TELEVISION SHOW: black mirror  WEATHER: rain VACATION DESTINATION: back home to britain
GREATEST DREAM: he has none )-: it was to write & escape what seemed to be laid out for him... it didn’t happen GREATEST FEAR: being forgotten about MOST AT EASE WHEN: working in his shop LEAST AT EASE WHEN: by himself WORST POSSIBLE THING THAT COULD HAPPEN: he lost his shop BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT: fixing up a car on his own for his dad BIGGEST REGRET: not getting his mother to engage with him - not trying harder to MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENT: throwing a screwdriver at who he thought was his friend... it wasn’t... hospital happened BIGGEST SECRET: that he used to want to write  TOP PRIORITIES: making money 
none yet!! working on it
i wanna be yours - jack fiercely disbelieves in love, and this person makes him question this long held belief (partners in crime)
leave before the lights come on - somebody jack’s being seeing for months, unwittingly (or perhaps wittingly) leading them on without seeing it as anything near serious
bigger boys & stolen sweethearts - the two used to play make believe together when they were young before one of them moved away - they’d made a pact to marry one another at 6 years old & now jack ( the love non-believer remember ) has been invited to their wedding
red light indicates doors are secure - somebody else in the same gang as jack; they’re close & watch each others backs
only ones who know - somebody who often visits his repair shop & their company & conversation lets him escape to normalcy for a few hours a week ( could become romantic!! )
fake tales of san francisco - jack finished high school but only just & has forgotten his love for words - somebody smart stumbles into his life and helps him reignite his interest ( in private, of course ) 
dangerous animals - member/s of rival gang/s cos we been knew my boy likes to fight
do me a favour - an ex from a very turbulent relationship whom jack probably hurt very badly & left without much of a thought 
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rckyclark-blog · 5 years
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hello, angels!! i’m jess, i’m 22 & from rainy england. im a chaotic good aries sun / capricorn moon / leo rising. i study illustration at uni (soon to grad tho, woop!) support pineapple on pizza, and love bands more than i’ve loved any romantic interest i’ve ever had ( catch me selling my soul for arctic monkeys or catfish & the bottlemen... tea ) soooo now that u kno the mun a lil, without further ado, meet my trash boi ricky!! he’s a long-standing muse that i’ve revamped for this rp & i know u will love him. or hate him. or love to hate him jghfkghs
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ricky clark
cismale, he/him
major: music / contemporary & popular music
clubs: campus radio
living arrangement: ignatius house
employment: part-time at a music store off, but nearby, campus.
click here for moodboard
ricky clark is a scholarship student from hartford, connecticut. after losing his mom to heart disease at a young age, he was left to be raised by his father, who became troubled in his grief & gained violent tendencies as he grew cold and resentful.
this issue festered and festered until ricky was 14, at which point he had to join the foster system. 
financially pretty screwed & generally pretty void of all hope, all ricky could do was work as hard as he could in school so that he’d have a way out. this was a massive juxtaposition to the person he was outside of academia: a local hoodlum, trespasser, spraypaint-can-wielder, trouble-causer with a love of mischief & underage drinking. 
if that wasn’t bad enough, there was another huge obstacle – he wasn’t the brightest bulb in the box, let’s put it that way, so he embarked on a mission to gain scholarships for university based off of the merit of his skills as a musician. 
he was, admittedly, gifted in this particular area, and it was his only hope. where he lacked in academia, he thrived in knowing how to shred a guitar and songwrite / sing pretty amazingly. 
still, his growing rebellious tendencies clashed with the squeaky-clean reputation he needed to earn in order to be awarded scholarships. or so he thought
at age 18 he, to the shock of everyone who knew him, found himself in receipt of a scholarship to st. etienne’s. imagine that — little rough-around-the-edges ricky going off to a prestigious university..! the scholarship was definitely needed, to say the least, as there was no way he could afford the education without it. 
when he enrolls, he snatches himself a job at a nearby music shop in order to take care of everything the scholarship doesn’t cover, joins the university’s radio station team, and for a while things look like they’ve changed. he seems matured, adjusted. but it isn’t long before he’s back to his old tricks — and why not, right? he’s got the stinkin’ admission, now — all there is to do is enjoy it with no holds barred.
somewhat of a walking contradiction, ricky spends his time at university known for being trouble — nothing but a broke, borderline degenerate that got lucky — yet, at the same time, he’s fairly popular ( is it really all that shocking, though? everyone loves an asshole, right? ) as he’s a pretty likable guy once you get to know him. under all of the hardened exterior, there actually might be a few more layers. i guess you’ll have to wait and see~
basically a cocky, nightmarish little shit whose scholarship awarded to him years ago means that the sun shines out of his ass
thinks hes “better than u” because he can play electric guitar and write a few songs. dumbass indie musician energy
has probably stolen ur wallet right under ur nose during a 5 minute conversation
loud and obnoxious like literally i will pay him $50 to shut up for one second
BIG FLIRT and will probably assume u think he’s hot bc he knows he is. literally will flirt with anything w a pulse
fighty boy
tattoos. nosebleeds. the middle finger.
compare to: dally from the outsiders, kenickie from grease, billy from stranger things, nano from elite
tropes (from tvtropes.org): asshole victim, lovable rogue, emotionally tongue-tied
BASICALLY, he’s your typical bad-boy rebel type, but he feels that since he has his reasons for being an asshole, he isn’t really obliged do much in order to change or improve. he lost his mom at a young age and saw violence at the hands of his dad, so he feels like the way he acts is just a inevitable result of that & does little to grow from it.
ricky met daisey at a party in freshman year. drunk & out of it, they were weirdly drawn to each other despite being polar opposites. 
it was never anything romantic, with neither of them even considering anything along those lines. it was nothing more than lust-filled enticement and this was clear on both sides.
even back then, daisey had an important social reputation to uphold & didn’t even want to be seen associating with someone like him, and so they began meeting up in secret at an isolated location near campus. it wasn’t too frequent, but frequent enough that they could maybe consider themselves friends with occasional benefits, not that they’d let anyone know that.
 it was late sophomore year when somebody found out about the rendezvous location, and so the two changed things up and started hooking up in his car, which is where she found an incriminating piece of evidence of his secret right there in the glovebox. she took great joy in holding this secret over his head as education was way more of a lifeline for him than it was for someone as privileged as her.
BEST FRIEND — (reserved for the black hole) margot sullivan
FWB — (reserved for the junkrat) jill uhhhh idk their last name yet
ROOMMATE — 1 OPEN (must live in ignatius house!)
ENEMY/IES — OPEN (if ur muse would hate him, then hmu)
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