moondoposting · 2 years
just back from rereading moon knight 2021 and i’ve decided if my good friend mr mackay ever leaves the series i will simply delete my blog
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Going on mini rant about MoonKnight
How DID is portrayed in the show: (disclaimer not in system but everything I list is from my DID friends and their complaints copied and pasted with a few comments from me)
SWITCHING IS NOT INSTANTANEOUS switching take from average 3min to days sometimes months to switch fully the exception is like a trigger switch which forces an alter to the front when another alter cannot deal with the situation even then it takes a bit. So Marc and Steven fighting over the body and switching every 3 seconds is fucken hard and a little unrealistic but technically can count as trigger switch cuz Steven is ov not able to deal w that Situation. And many systems has told me that full switching like Steven and Marc do is hard af and depending on the system a gatekeeper needs to help especially when both are fully awake and fighting for control.
Fighting for control, if an alter really want to be front the alter in-front will feel it like migraines and headaches stuff like that and I’ve been told blocking an alter from fronting takes effort and is kinda hard so either Marc isn’t really trying to front or Steven after 4 days of learning he’s in a system has enough mental capacity to block Marc and do all that dangerous shit in the Tomb.
Dissociation: eh they show it but it’s not just blacking out and having another alter just be ready to step up and take control w no consequence. Migraines. Derealization. Confusion. Alters can feel like they combined w each other and have to “detangle” from each other, losing time, losing or feeling detached from ur 5 senses etc it’s different w every system. But it’s not like rolling eyes back and boom switched
Coconsciousness: it seems that Marc and Steven are co hosts and coconscious a lot which fair. But also I know it’s for the audience but no systems cannot talk to each other in mirrors. They can “see” each other in the inner world if their inner world works that way. Most of the time systems talk through notes/journals/talking out loud/thoughts they cannot see each other. In ep 4 it is common/possible for alters to take control of a part of the body even thought they are not fronting
How it’s portrayed in fanfics: guys I know you love the show but plz be aware that DID is a real thing so you should not be “taking creative liberties” and making up random shit with no reason behind it and then saying this happens in real life. (The body doesn’t not change physical characteristics when someone switches author tho tons of systems wish it did) This is a real mental health issue that affects real people ALL ALTERS R REAL PEOPLE IT DOESNT MATTER IF THEY SHARE A BODY THAT ARE REAL PEOPLE!! If you are going to write a fic then a little research is the least you can do.
Selfcest: No this is insulting. All alters are different people just because they share a body doesn’t mean they are the same person. It’s not Marc/Marc it’s Marc/Steven because they are 2 distinct people who just happen to share the same body. Tagging it as selfcest is insensitive and rude. Basically think of DID as different people all shoved together into one body and told to keep the body alive (respectfully simplified)
There is no “original”: I’ve seen a few fics and I myself asked this question to my friend system but just like the point above it’s just different people shoved together in the same body. An alter may take the name the body was named but DID happens under extreme childhood trama and to protect the mind it “fractures” and created the alters. Many times the child hood memories disperse to different alters. Their is no OG there is just them. So claiming that Marc is the OG and missed having an empty head and regretted creating Steven and Jake is just mean and insensitive. Marc is the host “ alter who fronts very often” not the OG. If the body was named Marc Spector, then Marc took the name of the body to use for himself.
Relationships: again just cuz they share the same body doesn’t mean that they are the same people. I see a lot of poly stuff and thats cool I totally support it!! But dating someone with DID is hard it takes a ton of communication with the alters and the S/O. Like Marc is jealous and upset that Steven kissed Layla and she reciprocated? Yea, why? because Layla was/is Marc’s wife! Steven wasn’t in the picture at the time. To Marc it feels like Layla is cheating on him and that shit hurts, especially since he’s right there. If Layla and Steven and Marc is going to happen a long conversation needs to happen. The fics where reader/og character dates one alter and then a different alter fronts and they have smex or date w/o a long talk w the alter they are/were dating is cheating. Don’t matter if they are in the same body. It’s cheating. Just like a poly relationship you need to communicate to your partner and the intended other what you want, or guess what? It’s cheating.
Tell me if anything is wrong or inaccurate again I’m not in a system there are just complaints and vents from my system friends.
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