youngbloodseavey · 4 years
hi hopping back onto this dead as fuck blog to say if you haven’t watched the fallin mv you better do it RIGHT NOW bc it is IMMACULATE
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lipstickbisous · 5 years
familiar figure┃c.m.b
i am in such a fluffy mood and i wouldn’t really consider this fluff but it’s cute...? also i have completely swerved now whoops.
summary; corbyn can’t help but fall a little bit in love with the girl who continuously yells out her opinion that no one seems to care about at a college party. 
 warnings? you might not agree with the political opinions stated in here so don’t come for me, swearing
request? nope, again lol
tags? @coolkidcorbyn @technolilly @gracenadinelimelight @splendidseavey @poutybrock @fallingforbesson @seaveyssparkle @boredombesson
the only time corbyn besson enjoyed parties was when he was six years old and they were birthday parties. whether they were his, or his sibling’s, or his friends, it didn’t matter because either way he was invited and he got free cake.
unfortunately for him, college did not work that way.
just because corbyn was friends with someone didn’t mean he was instantly invited to their party. and, much to his dismay, there was no cake. 
he knew only a few people at the party. and he couldn’t say that he was close friends with them, so for the majority of the time, he awkwardly stood with those people and did his best to remain in their conversations.
he began to feel bad. he had put so much thought and effort into his outfit for that night. he had been overthinking everything, only for him to arrive and to be that one guy who stands in a corner.
and then he had a drink.
and suddenly, he was mr. popular. he held multiple contests with other people and remained undefeated. 
the next day, everybody seemed to know his name. everybody wanted to talk to him, to sit next to him in class. multiple girls asked for his number - it was great. corbyn was now a popular person, and it was all because of one thing.
 “you coming tonight, besson?” corbyn heard his friend ask him. his eyes left the figure of the girl who sat to his left, quietly writing notes. 
he shrugged. “i don’t know, jo,” jonah’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion. corbyn never missed a party. he lived to hear the crowd cheering his name. then, jonah’s eyes trailed to whatever corbyn was looking at. 
“bro,” he smiled, laughing as he snapped his fingers in front of corbyn’s eyes. it brought the blonde out of his trance, but he pushed his friend’s hands out of his way. “stop staring, that’s not gonna do shit for you.”
corbyn slapped jonah’s chest. “shut up, man.” he sighed as he sat back in his seat and opened up his textbook. 
“she’ll be there, ya know,” corbyn heard daniel’s voice speak from behind him. the brunette took a seat next to corbyn. the blonde groaned as his friend purposely blocked his view of the girl. 
“really?” corbyn asked, not believing one word his friends said.
jonah nodded. “she’s friends with christina.” he winked. 
corbyn hit his chest again, this time with his textbook. “stop it.” he groaned. “i don’t talk to her anymore, i told you.”
jonah rolled his eyes and changed the subject. he looked over to his youngest friend with a bright smile. “so,” he smirked, folding his arms. “is jack going to be there tonight as well?”
daniel blushed. his cheeks turned a deep shade of red as a small smile started to spread from his lips. he shrugged while opening up his laptop. “i don’t know,” he bit his lip. “maybe.”
corbyn felt weird.
this party wasn’t like the others. yes, it was fun, it was loud, it was crazy, there were drinks. but he felt unusually uncomfortable. he was with his friends, he was around the same people. he’d heard all of the music before, tasted all of the alcohol.
it was because he was waiting for you.
well, he wasn’t waiting. he was looking for you. he couldn’t help but think of you for the rest of the day. he hadn’t heard your voice but he was sure that it was beautiful. he liked how your hair fell into your face while you took notes, even though it was up in a bun, and you would gently brush it behind your ear.
you seemed like such a gentle, shy, and beautiful person. he wanted to know you.
corbyn was currently trying to find his friends. he’d managed to enter the house with both daniel and jonah at his side, but he’d figured out that jonah had ditched him to hang out with zach. the blonde found both of them in the living room talking to two girls.
he wasn’t sure where daniel was. there were only three places in the house that the brunette could possibly be: 
1. the kitchen, getting a drink 2. the bathroom, vomiting his brains out 3. a bedroom, doing things corbyn didn’t want to think of
corbyn sighed. he couldn’t find his friend anywhere. until he heard that familiar giggle a few feet behind him. 
“jack,” he heard a light voice whisper. “stop.”
corbyn turned around to see daniel pushed up against a wall, the curly-haired boy standing in between his legs and holding him up. the two boys had their lips locked together.
“that’s gross,” the blonde whispered. he sighed and built up the strength to walk to his friend. “daniel?” he asked sternly.
daniel’s blue eyes widened when he heard his name. he gently pushed jack’s lips off of his and smiled. “hey, bub,” his cheeks blushed as jack continued to hold his waist. “what’s up?”
“where’s that girl?”
“oooh,” daniel mocked him like he was in second grade. “someone has a crush, eh?”
“shut up, man,” corbyn said, annoyed. he was annoyed with how his friends were being complete jerks. in all honesty, they weren’t being jerks at all, corbyn was just being sour. 
daniel rolled his eyes. “attitude,” he said. the brunette began to rub jack’s forearms as he spoke. “she’s with christina downstairs. in the kitchen.”
“thank you,” corbyn said, immediately running away from the two boys once he had his answer. “jesus christ, wasn’t so fucking hard.”
he searched for you. he roamed around the living room, the kitchen, the dining room, everywhere. he couldn’t find you. and he knew he’d be able to find you because you had an unforgettable face. 
he started to look for christina. as much as he didn’t want to talk to his ex that night, he’d do it if it meant he’d find you.
there she was.
the girl he used to call his. she still had her brown hair, her pretty skin. they didn’t end on bad terms, corbyn was thankful, but it was just awkward between the two. awkward to the point where they both pretended like the other one didn’t exist.
he cleared his throat as he stood behind christina. “um, chris?” he gently tapped her shoulder. her eyes were bright as she turned around until she noticed it was the familiar blonde. 
“um,” she said, gulping. she smiled uncomfortably. “hey...corbyn.”
“i had a question,” corbyn said a little quietly. he had no idea why he was suddenly so timid and shy, but it’s because he noticed your familiar figure standing next to christina. 
“what was that?” christina yelled over the loud music. she still cared for the besson boy and wished him only happiness. but corbyn still didn’t know if she’d be okay with him asking her friend out.
corbyn began to speak again, but he interrupted once he heard the yelling of the host of the party. “what do we want?” he heard him yell.
“we want more!” the crowd yelled back. corbyn winced at the sudden change in volume. he took a good look at you.
you were completely different. you had your hair in a high ponytail and he got a chance to see how long it really was. you didn’t have very much makeup on, like before, but the makeup that you did have on was dramatic and perfect. 
you looked like a bad-ass.
and corbyn wanted to know you even more.
“what do we want?” the host yelled again.
“we want more!”
but then, corbyn heard you yell. “equal pay for every woman!” he smiled as christina playfully hit your shoulder. 
this continued. and corbyn loved it. there weren’t very many people of his age that he knew was politically active. “what do we want?”
“education for young girls!”
“the acceptance of homosexuals!”
“gun violence to be controlled!”
“our fucking privacy!”
he stood against the wall, a few feet behind you, watching you in awe. you seemed so strong and so powerful. “(y/n), stop it!” christina laughed, you laughing with her. corbyn could hear it perfectly.
you had a very nice laugh. and a very nice smile. 
usually, corbyn was fast. he was quick. he had fast reflexes. so imagine the blank look he had on his face when you turned around to meet his gaze. his blue eyes froze on you, he screamed at himself to look away but he couldn’t. 
“what are you looking at, besson?” you asked with a smile.
a bad-ass. corbyn thought.
“i need to know her.”
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dnly · 6 years
He's Not Afraid | D.S.
first of all, i wanna say thank you for the feedbacks about my first two imagines. im happy that you guys enjoyed it! just send me your requests if you guys have :)
Daniel didn't hesitate to show his love for y/n in front of thousands of limelights
warning(s): cursing(just minor lol), frickin' fluff
word count: 1237
a/n: request by @motherjoanh
The Why Don't We boys are already in the half way of their setlist. Huge amount of fans showed up in the last show in America, particularly in Los Angeles.
Singing and screaming limelights filled the atmosphere as the boys are singing Just To See You Smile. They couldn't explain how overwhelming they are feeling right now. 
As Daniel sang his part, he couldn't stop but wander in the sea of fans singing along with him. But something, no, someone catches his attention which made him widen his eyes. After he finished his part, Daniel blinked a few times to make sure that he wasn't just hallucinating.
But he wasn't. It was her.
As he continues to perform together with the boys, he couldn't help but think, what is she doing here?
She should be in Oregon right now. Daniel was absolutely sure that he didn't made a mistake when he laid his eyes on her. Even if it was dark, her brunette hair was still visible to him especially her face. There may be a bunch of beautiful faces in the crowd but hers captured by Daniel's heart the most. His head was too occupied when he didn't hesitate but walked out from the stage which made the boys stood there in shock. Even the crowd died in complete silence.
"Daniel, what are you doing?" Jonah calls out but Daniel didn't care, he continued to walk down from the stage.
Daniel, your superstar boyfriend, didn't know that you were visiting (more like surprising) him after not seeing each other for the past three months. Their schedule was hectic due to the on-going tour they have, so he wasn't able to visit his hometown. He wasn't able to visit you.
As much as you wanted him to visit you, you always thought that it would be nice to make effort for him since he has been doing it for you. So, after he left Oregon for their tour three months ago, you save up money so you can buy your plane and concert ticket just to see him.
People knew Daniel was taken but they thought it wasn't serious. Nobody knew who you really are, maybe just by name and just few pictures on wherever those came from. And that was all it. It was a mutual decision between you and Daniel to make it private. To prevent from hates and mean comments thrown to you. It was the only way to protect you.
You were trying so hard to see your boyfriend perform from afar. You couldn't hide but feel proud. Not just to him but also for the other boys. You smiled at him as he sang his part on Just To See You Smile, you examined how he does his very best to connect with the fans as he performs. It was something that you admired him about.
When he was on your part of the crowd, you saw how his eyes widen when he made an eye contact with you.
"Oh, shit. This can't be." you mumbled as your eyes widen, awkwardly hiding from the back of the girl in front of you.
You looked back to the stage, he was a bit distracted?
It didn't take awhile when he walked out from the stage which made the atmosphere quiet. The sound of silence was intense.
You tiptoed trying to look for the love of your life when you found him, he was already looking at you. You ducked your head. This wasn't the plan, you thought. Your plan was to surprise and see him after the show, not during the show. You looked down as you excused yourself to the people in front of you to get away from the crowd.
"Y/n." Daniel's comforting voice spoke through the microphone.
You stopped from walking, but you never looked back. It was a complete battle. As much your heart is pounding so hard, but hearing your name from Daniel was relaxing and it felt safe.
Fans were trying to get to him when he tries to go to the crowd, as you look back, they were bodyguards around him as he walks past the fans. Even you were pushed away because people were trying to get to him.
"Y/n, please." he begged, it was short but genuine.
He left you with no choice but you raise your hand, as fans noticed you, they made a way so you could pass by. You stood there in complete silence as you saw your handsome boyfriend standing there with a smile plastered on his face.
It was completely mutual, when you both ran to each other and he picks you, hugging as you both twirl.
"I missed you so much, baby." Daniel puts you down as he planted a long ass kiss on your forehead which made you smile. You didn't care that people were filming and taking pictures of the scene right now. All that matters is you and him.
"Now, come on." he grabs your hand trying to drag you to the stage.
You tried gluing your feet to the ground to refrain from moving. "Woah, where are you taking me?"
"Just trust me, y/n."
As much as it hunts you to stand on that very stage, you didn't mind. As long as Daniel is there with you. It somewhat felt safe.
He gently guides you up stage, you hugged Corbyn first. "It's good to see you, y/n."
"You too, Corbs."
Zach was next, then Jonah acknowledged you as well and Jack talked to you for a good fifteen seconds. The crowd went wild when Daniel got back to the stage. You tried hiding on Jack's back because you were never fond with spotlights and basically, attention from everybody.
"Hey guys, I wanted to apologize for running off from the stage. I knew it was really inappropriate." he started, "But, I just couldn't help but feel surprised to see the love of my life breathing the same air I'm breathing right now." the crowd awed as they keep taking pictures and videos, Daniel gazed at you as he extends his arm to you. You were too hesitant, too afraid. But him, he wasn't.
You looked into his eyes as he mouthed, 'everything's okay'. You accepted his warm hand and he pulled you closer so he can hug you as he talks to the crowd. Though, you kept hiding from his side because you were too anxious and too shy.
"You see, it was a couple of months ago when I went home to Oregon and also, that was the last time I saw her. I missed her so much, you guys have no idea." the crowd awed again, "I also, never knew she's coming. I appreciate your effort, baby." he looks down at you with a smile painted on his face.
"I love you," you said with a smile on your face while his arm is still around you.
"I love you so much, y/n." he cupped your face then tucking few strands of hair away from your face, it didn't take long when you felt his soft lips against yours and the voices around you faded.
You were too astonished about what is happening. You appreciated Daniel so much that he's not afraid to show the world his love for you.
It was magical.
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