baeshijima · 10 months
JINGLIU 1.4 DRIP ?!!2£2):)8:)2)&292
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YES MY QUEEN 🧎‍♀️🙇‍♀️
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falthiere · 7 months
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this demo has been sending me for the past several hours every time i rewatch it the ending segment is just too fucking much
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sugarandspicewriting · 10 months
Lyney fluff Alphabet
Activities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Lyney likes to demo his new magic tricks for you! He might practice them in front of Lynette fist just so he can impress you. I also feel like he’d enjoy watching/ helping you bake if that’s something you’re into.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
On himself he likes his hands. It’s where all the magic happens.
On you he likes your eyes. The voice-line was a diversion to get your mind off your questions, but all the best lies have some truth mixed in.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
If you’re close enough to him to be in a relationship, he considers you family and hates to see you sad. The first time around he might try to distract you with tricks or letting you pet his cat, but it all you really need is a shoulder to cry on and to have someone listen all the cards and magic will be saved for another time.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
He doesn’t like to think about the far future so much, as he knows that he will have to take over for “Father” some day. But he will do everything he can to keep you and his family in his life.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
At the start of the relationship he tends to take on a more dominant role, because he’s still learning how to let his guard down. As it progresses, he’ll mellow out and become more passive.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
He hates fighting. He runs from confrontation and it is difficult to have hard discussions with him unless you put him in a corner (sometimes literally)
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
He is very grateful for his s/o. Especially if they know about his involvement in the Fatui and are willing to stay with him anyway. He knows that would be a dealbreaker for a lot of people.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
LOTS of secrets especially when your relationship is new. The traveler still doesn’t know everything about him. Although I do imagine he’d like to reach a point of full transparency with you someday. All in good time.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
Lyney clearly has some trust issues. I think the thing that would really change him would be to see you getting along with Lynette and Freminet. Loving you is one thing but having his family love you is another. Sees you talking to Freminet about Pers and encouraging his naïve beliefs and he’s ready to propose on the spot.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
He does get jealous easily but doesn’t show it. Especially if you don’t know about his dealing with the Fatui. He feels like he’s not good enough and that you can do better. Goes through a cycle of isolating himself and then showering you with attention. But he can switch from one thing to the other in a matter of hours so it can be hard to catch. If you get the sense that his spiraling some words of affirmation is usually enough to get him back on track
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
With all that smooth talk he’s bound to have used that mouth for something else.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
He would want to do something big and grand in front of people but luckily Lynette gets to him first and convinces him that the first I love you should be something just between the two of you. But if he gets the green light from you for grand gestures in the future… nothings off the table.
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
He does want to get married in his heart but he’s still unsure of his future in the house of hearth and if he really wants to get you involved in that. I’ve seen this written in fics before but I like the idea that he’s doing a magic trick and he says all he’ll need is your hand and he pull the ring out of this hat. It’s cute and very him.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
Would y’all gag if I said kitten. I also think he’d like to use dove, angel eyes, and variations of French pet names like mon Cheri etc. He also likes to use your name often, because he knows that using peoples names is a good way to get people to like you I’m not joking look it up.
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
Lynette and Freminet are So Tired. Especially if he’s in the pinning phase before the relationship someone save them.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
Not shy not even a little bit. He loves to put on a show at any at all times. Right in front of Lynette’s salad? He will not ask before hand either so if you don’t like PDA you’re going to have a rude awakening at first. He’ll stop if you really want him to but he might ask even still once and a while.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
He’s very good at reading people so he’ll know when you’re sad, and will learn quickly what displays of affection you like the most.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
Dude. It’s sickeningly sweet at times like are you seriously sending doves over with a love letter. Just use the mail. It’s all to show he cares thought and if gestures like that are your thing you’ll be very happy with him. So corny.
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
Yes I believe he would support his s/o in their goals. If it’s something in the arts he would take a more hands on approach, but if it’s anything else that he didn’t have experience in he’d take a backseat approach. I see hcs of people saying he’d want you to be in his show. He likes it when he can pick you as a volunteer in his audience but if you want to be part of the show you’d have to put in WORK. He won’t let you off easy just because you’re his s/o.
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
His life is so unpredictable as it is so I think he’d like to fall into a routine with you. But never so much so that either of you would get bored.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
He prides himself on his ability to read people so I think he’d make it a point to know more about you than anyone else. He also strikes me as someone who is very empathetic, but he won’t always act on it, unless of course it’s you he’s worried about.
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
His relationship with you is something he feels is pure and untainted by his past and the Fatui, so he values it a lot and wants to keep it sacred in that way. He knows that because of his involvement that his life could change in an instant but he’s determined to keep you by his side.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
Hand👏🏻kisser👏🏻. I’m not taking notes on this argue with the wall. He thinks it’s romantic and he’s right!!!
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
Yes! Other than Lynnette and Freminet he’s not very close to anyone and they’re not the cuddly type. He’s probably a little touch starved and would always be touching you in some way if he could. Big fan of laying on top of you and let’s face it he’s probably 100 pounds soaking wet so it’s not uncomfortable enough to push him off.
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
The drama. Spare Lynette please and come back. He’s waxing poems and it’s been 3 hours. He’ll tone it down if Lynette looks like she’s about to strangle him but he’ll still be mopey just for the theatrics of it all. He’s very used to only having his sister but he’s never had someone like you in his life and wants to keep you around!
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
Once you’re in a committed relationship there’s no telling what he’d be willing to do for you, especially after growing up around someone like Father and seeing what she could do. After the news gets out that he’s fatuus, no one wants to mess with you.
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welcometoteyvat · 7 months
this is very belated but I watched a rather earthshattering lore video regarding furina's character demo and holy shit. this is just a summary bc I don't have many other thoughts to add I just wanted to share
the video is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wu-ec4chiKk, but it's in chinese lol
Anyways the summary/translation is: Furina's demo has those 4 scenes of the most wack ass stuff happening right. Childe is getting chased by 3 melusine guards, Neuvillette is getting arrested by Navia, Lynette is the magician while Lyney is the assistant in the water box, Freminet gets his helmet pulled off and a bunch of water comes spilling out*, etc. *(the video states that he got dissolved by primordial seawater but you can see his head if you stop at the right place. Anyways.) Op didn't mention anything about the Wriothesley Clorinde duel, but it could fit in the theory also.
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The video states that Furina's crack headcanons all parallel things that have actually happened thus far in Fontaine, except the demo depicts the opposite of what really happened. Childe actually instigated the fight in the courthouse instead of running away; Navia's father was the one arrested (by Neuvillette/gardes); Lyney and Lynette's roles are swapped, and Freminet gets saved before he gets dissolved by the Primordial Sea. In the case of Wriothesley and Clorinde, that could be referencing when Clorinde used her gun to shoot the door closed and Wriothesley escapes from the primordial sea within an inch of his life. Except in the teaser, she's aiming her gun to shoot Wriothesley instead lol
So if everything's backwards from how it happened, you could technically state that the demo is a mirrored version of reality (somewhat touched upon in her character teaser, the depressing video). More on that later. Additionally, everything in the demo is just her imagination or an elaborate stageplay (ie All the World's a Stage, ie her demo title), so this is only the reality that she wants us, the audience to see. She is also controlling the actions of everyone on stage and is the director of this crack film (has the camera, directing the shots, fixes Neuvillette's hair, etc).
ok so if everything is backwards in reality, then the really joyous funny silly stuff in the trailer implies a grim dark depressing actual ending, further hinted by "Why cry, when you can laugh instead?" as a lyric in the song. in the trailer, she has the movements of all the cast under control—is that the same in reality? is she the one directing this show, or is someone else pulling the strings behind her?? she puts on a show for the other nations but do they buy it and think she's got everything under control??
Anyways all this is to say, hype for 4.2 archon quest am I right
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chibimochii · 10 months
*kicks down the door*
I heard we’re sharing LYNEY headcanons now??? Sign me up!-
Okay SO-
Right off the bat i’m picturing the end of his demo trailer where the twins perform for Freminet and he has his suggestions with his lil penguin. Lyney does some small tricks with Pers (i think that’s the name? Idk im too lazy to google it) which gets Freminet to smile and let out a small giggle at how silly his brother is.
Both the twins freeze and stare at each other because oh my GOD he is adorable, Lynette sees the mischievous smirk on Lyney’s face and smiles to herself while still drinking her tea, willing to let things play out-
Lyney casually walks up and goes “what was that?” While Freminet looks like a dear in headlights and starts trembling bc he KNOWS that look on his face and it usually means that he’s a goner.
Soooo Lyney spends the next however long getting his lil brother to giggle and laugh more and i’m so normal about them I promise-
-@sweet-caramel-tthings (lol i have to tag myself since i stupidly made my blog as a side and not main when I started it)
Ahh my god this was so cute- yes!
Getting a giggle, no matter how small, from Freminet is success. I can also imagine Frem having a precious laugh that’s really contagious. Like you can’t help but laugh as well. Lyney loves it and wants to hear it as much as possible ✨
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ashen-sky · 2 months
The magic trio give me so many feelings, the bigest of which is Ahhhhhhh/pos.
Like, Lyney not being mad that Fremi was going against father but that Fremi didn't ask for help? Him making Fremi promise not to let anyone else get involved and then Lynette showing up and calling everyone an idiot? Fremi used to call Lyney brother?!
Honestly the difference between Father's house and Mother's house is so clear. The way Lyney was confused at everything Clervie said about test subjects and execution. Also Arlechino's line in her demo about the hearth no longer being needed. Sure the current house is still a little twisted, but only because she is the Knave and they are Fatui.
Also, whatever the Fatui are planning??? And Childe, please take a god damn break!
Khaenri'an Arlechinno confirmed??
Always happy to hear more about Childe's family and its just as sweet to hear Arlechino talk about her children.
Honestly Arlechino is a lot like Childe, sure she's done some fucked up shit but she's not evil persay. She's definitely redeemable, just like Scaramouche/Wanderer. Dottore on the other hand...
Project Stuzh is probably about the final battle with Celestia, looks like the magic trio will be making an appearance then.
As soon as Lyney said the one guy had someone he was interested in I knew Arlechino hadn't killed him! And listening to her metaphor while talking to Neuvilette, it's so sweet. Prejudice serves Arlechino well, the children are afraid to betray the house they just assume they know what truly counts as betrayal.
Another reason i would say Arlechino can be redeemed is because she sees herself as the villain, she does not try to justify her actions beyond not repeating the past. She will not be Mother. That is her only promise.
Abyss Arlechino?!
So Lyney is who she wants to be the next king! I saw that coming, but I do think the misdirection of always having her with Fremi was a nice touch. This quest didn't go at all how I thought it might, I saw a theory about how the Traveler would help "kill" the Knave so that the house would be free of the Fatui. Then everyone could get the life they wanted. But this, I like this ending.
I hope Peruer and Clervie can meet again someday.
Side note, Arlechino is only like, 6 or 7 years older than the magic trio?! Cause she was around 17 when she killed Crucabina, Fremi joined between Clervie and Crucabina's deaths, and Lyney and Lynette were adopted a few months after Crucabina's death. So if the twins were around 10 when they joined the house, if I'm remembering correctly, the Arle is super super young.
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yeetmeoffjueyunkarst · 9 months
in short, I'm confused about lynette's demo music
For some reason, when I'm listening to Lynette's character demo, it gives me such a different view from what her character is like.
Okay but like: Look:
Lyney's demo is classy and sassy, meant to show a classy glamour as he brings you through his magic show that's supposed to shock and amaze you. That's understandable, i get it.
Freminet's is also inclined to his diving passion and his introvertness, while also protective of his family based on how the music switches up after he mentions his family.
But Lynette's? Hers strikes weirdly for me.
For me, because i like music so much. so to me, the music Hoyo-mix presents is me trying to understand the characters better
And most of the time, the music does fit their characters. Kirara's is rather upbeat and soothing in nature, like her carefree and lively personality, or Venti's, serious at the beginning but exciting later on?
So that's why I'm confused as to why Lynette's is so upbeat as well. Right from the bat, there's a jaunty piano tune with some good jazz elements mixed, with the guitar having a groovy melody as well.
I was thinking of more calming music for her, considering her backstory. That only appeared in the line about 'after the sun goes down... '
But i get even more wrong when the 2nd half of her demo becomes more heroic sounding in nature.
Don't get me wrong, I love the soundtrack, but I'm wondering why genshin has adopted such a bold and lively soundtrack for her.
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shinkaishoujo103 · 10 months
alright so uh. i’ve only played a tiny part of the fontaine quest so far so i don’t know that much about lyney except for the fact that he has a twin sister (lynette) and several adopted siblings he cares about greatly, he’s a pyro vision user and an archer, he’s a famous magician, he’s good with kids and was kind to paimon when he met her and the traveler (huge green flag to me i know some ppl find paimon annoying but she is like a little sister to me and nobody is allowed to be mean to her except for me and itto bc he’s itto), and also (spoilers) he is possibly a child soldier (thanks to the fatui) and gets accused of murder. also here’s his character teaser and his character demo ok have fun saku
When the drip arts first dropped everyone was saying sibling order, oldest to youngest, was lyney -> lynette -> freminet and i was like uh?! arent lyney and lynette twins?! i thought so at least?! they look so much like it?! BUT THANKS GOD I WASNT MAKING SHIT UP AND THEY ACTUALLY ARE i was actually kinda disappointed thinking they werent because idk. i wanted them to be twins. THATS WHAT I THOUGHT
And so freminet is one of those adopted siblings im guessing?
BUT YEAH THE NICE TO PAIMON IS A HUGE GREEN FLAG TBH!!! people are too mean to her for no reasons sometimes methinks. bonus point with the nice to children
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