#ALSO also i was going to draw shifty but then i realized there was zero chance i was going to be able to draw his stupid hat
theradicalace · 1 year
Aa blue blog jumpscare but uhh erm. One of them little raccoons you seem to be fond of 🎵
Tumblr media
sorry for drawing him so fuckable it will happen again 💔 /lh
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darwin-xf · 6 years
Sins of the Flesh - Part 4
Part 1. Part 2 Part 3
Monday at 8pm, Scully was forty pages into The Second Brain, a tome detailing recent groundbreaking research on the gut. Evidently, the network of axons and synapses that converged there were more complex than previously believed. It would have been sixty if she’d been able to focus.
Curled on the sofa, she had a lot on her mind. She was still processing what she’d learned that day, about what had been going on with her partner. She found herself also replaying the encounter they’d had at his place the day before. Her cheeks got warm, remembering how she’d pawed at his erection through his jeans. Though she’d felt justified at the time, it was difficult in this new light to recall what, exactly, had moved her to do that.  
She put her book aside and meandered toward her kitchen. She hadn’t eaten since lunch. When she opened her fridge, an empty glare greeted her. She’d skipped her Sunday grocery run in lieu of going to Mulder’s. She lifted and sniffed a paper container of Chinese takeout from the week before, tossed it in the trash. Went through the same process with two stiff pieces of pizza. She palmed a wizened tangerine, examined it closely, and set it back on the wire rack. Finally she pulled out a pitcher of water, poured herself a glass, and went back to her book. She wasn’t hungry, anyway.
She’d arrived at the office bright and early that morning, primped and primed to meet up with Mulder. She’d said what she needed to say, and was prepared to sidestep the weekend’s happenings and get on with the work. When he wasn’t there, she immersed herself in her report on the recent murders in Delaware they’d investigated, trying to couch events in a way that would support leniency for their blind, traumatized suspect. She had some questions for her partner, who’d gotten to know her better. But he didn’t show.
As she worked she watched the door, holding off checking up on him until eleven. At which time she made her way to Skinner’s office. His door was closed. Kimberly explained that Mulder had, early that morning, called in sick. Sounded innocuous, however rare an occurrence that had been until recently. Her gut told her something wasn’t right.
After lunch, a chicken salad at her desk, she’d been summoned and escorted by Kimberly to a dimly lit room in the bowels of the building. Here she was surprised to find Skinner standing uneasily next to a man she didn’t recognize.
Skinner introduced them. He was a US Attorney. Leamus. He looked like a lemur and that had been her mnemonic, with his bulging glassy eyes and scraggly hair. Lemuridae coradanus. She feared, however, him to be a member of the weasel family.
She was briefed. What she learned explained a lot, if not everything.
Mulder was working under deep cover. Evidently he’d been contacted after a lecture he’d given in Boston by a fringe paramilitary group hostile to the Federal government. They were hoping Mulder shared their treasonous intentions, and that he’d be willing to help them. He played ball.
The New Spartans were, apparently, a loose confederation of menacing, shifty men a domestic terrorism task force had been finding it difficult to keep tabs on. They had been — quite sensibly — slow to trust Mulder, and were reluctant to confide in him whatever malignant machinations they might be gestating. He’d been working with them -- sporadically, on their terms, and with very little support -- for months. Skinner had advised Mulder not to inform her.
“Was his arrest for solicitation part of his cover?” Scully had asked. “To make him seem all the more burned out and dissipated?”
“No,” Leamus said. “That was real. But no harm done. He’s no good to them suspended, so we would have needed to extricate him from the charges without raising suspicion. Fortunately, you took care of that. It worked out well, actually.” 
“He’s under a lot of pressure,” Skinner said. “They’re paranoid, these guys. They’ve been finding little ways to test his resolve, his loyalty.”
“What kinds of tests?”
“Nativist hijinks,” Leamus said, waving his hand.
Scully raked her gaze over this man. Expensive suit. Smug, puffy face.
“Last night they picked him up went for a drive,” Skinner said. “Two goons slipped out of the car and kicked the shit out of a drag queen. Mulder was expected to… participate.”
“Did he?”
“No,” Skinner said. “That’s the problem, as twisted as that is. He hung back, then pulled them off before they killed the guy. Or girl. Whatever. She’s in the ICU, missing some teeth, but she’ll live.”
“What about Mulder?”
“Mulder tried to play it off. He lectured them about risking their higher goals. About lacking discipline. But he’s not sure they bought it. After they dropped him off, he went to the bar…” Skinner said, dropping his eyes to the carpet. “You know the rest.”
“Why are you telling me now?”
“Mulder asked me to. He wanted me to ask you to steer clear outside of work until this operation is over.“
The way Skinner wasn’t meeting her eyes made her scared. For Mulder. She bored her eyes into his forehead, willing him to look up, wanting to get a read on his eyes.
“He thinks on his feet, Mulder,” Leamus was saying. “He wouldn’t have been my pick to infiltrate their operation, given the anti-American sentiments he broadcast to attract these subversives. I was reluctant, but he’s been an asset. I just hope he holds up until we nail these guys.”
Scully looked at him sharply.
“Whatever it takes,” he said. He made pointed eye contact with her, though she didn’t know exactly what point she was supposed to be taking.
She squinted at him tucked her tongue into her cheek, hands on her hips. A lawyer in a suit. This guy. Had he listened to her exchange with Mulder, in his apartment? She jutted her chin out. He’d never put himself on the line. His loved ones, if he’d managed to accrue any, were tucked away in a five bedroom in Chevy Chase. Big back yard.
These men. A good agent falls to pieces. Gets sucked off or -- more likely -- doesn’t, and it’s nothing to him. So a brilliant fragile man stays on a case on which he has no business and collapses into the crater of himself with a force that generates zero ripples in the geopolitical pond. Of which, she knows in her bones, Leamus is the scum.
Scully realized she was glowering at the man, but didn’t wish to stop.
“Can I have a minute with my agent?” Skinner asked.
“Very well,” Leamus said. “Allow me to remind you, Agent Scully, that Agent Mulder’s life depends on your discretion.” He tapped his heels together and stepped off.
“Scully,” Skinner said, “These guys are nuts. He’s being watched closely. Very closely. You have to let him be.”
Now she wondered if Walter had heard her exchange with Mulder the day before. She didn’t care. She, for one, was sure she had nothing to be ashamed of.
“Sir,” she said, drawing a breath. “Agent Mulder has many talents, as I’m sure you’re aware. He is a unique and exceptional Agent. But, with his history, he is not a good candidate for a furtive, protracted deep cover assignment. He needs support. Do I need to tell you he’s showing signs of strain?”
Skinner shook his head, still not looking straight at her. “What can I tell you, Scully? The wheels are in motion. He’s our only way in, with these guys. And he volunteered.”
She wheeled around to leave
“Hey. Scully,” he said, catching her elbow, looking now into her face. “We all answer to someone.”
“Whatever else your job entails, Sir, you’re entrusted with the safety of the agents you oversee.”
He nodded, seemed to be about to reply.
“If this ends badly, you’ll answer to me.”
Looking down at her book, she became aware she’d read the same short paragraph three times over.
Just then, she heard three sharp raps on her door.
Part 5
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seijousucks · 8 years
a victuri fic rec: part two! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ♡ 
part one (x)
my favorites will be bolded!
if its tagged nsfw it just mean its pwp
one shots
-  never tasted rubies by ebenroot / words: 16613
Phichit puts up a poll on the radio website. It reads ‘What Do U Think About Yuuri K. from Hasetsu Nights and the Mysterious Caller Victor?’
Seventy-five percent of listeners said ‘lol they should just f*ck already tbh’.
in which Yuuri is an unwilling radio host and Victor won't stop calling in to chat with him
-  Dance For You by Grassepi / words: 3425
Viktor Nikiforov is going to learn to pole-dance if it's the last thing he does.
-   while you're here in my arms by lazulisong / words: 4434
Victor slinks in the kitchen, looking shifty as hell and holding a plastic sack of snacks from the combini a block away.
Yuri hates that he finds it more charming than weird, but he's still reaching out and making grabby hands toward it.
He also hates that he's managed to avoid Victor seeing him in raccoon-and-desserts print PJ bottoms and a shirt with a trophy that says WORLD'S BEST TRASH (thanks, Phichit) on it for seven months, but failed now, three months before Victor is set to leave. It's like skating a perfect program and then falling on your ass five seconds before the end. He’s managed to dress himself like an adult human all this time but now Victor is being treated to the Full Katsuki Yuri In Heat experience and staring at him like he can’t believe his eyes. .
"I got you purple sports drink," says Victor, eyes slightly crazy, and Yuri hates even more that he's into a person that likes purple sports drink.
-  BREAKING NEWS: Local Man Would Like To Date Other Local Man by counterheist / words: 1164
Viktor is an anchor for Channel 9 Action News and Yuuri does the weather. Probably Viktor draws hearts on the playback monitor. Most likely someone gets kissed in the rain.
-  Trembling Hands, Smooth Jazz, and You by SuggestiveScribe / words: 10785
Yuuri swallowed past the tightness in his throat, “Am I the one being interviewed now?”
“I just want to know more about you,” Viktor responded. “You write so much on your blog and within media, but none of those words are ever about yourself.”
Music filled the momentary silence. “There’s not much to say,” Yuuri eventually answered.
“There’s always something to say.”
- nsfw:  Need by sub_textual / words: 8226
What stands before Viktor now isn’t at all the Yuuri that had stripped off his clothes in front of a hundred people. This is Yuuri, beautiful and blushing, shy in all the ways Viktor knows he isn’t, too embarrassed to express what he really wants. This is Yuuri, abandoning the clasp of Viktor’s pants, to slowly undo Viktor’s tie. This is Yuuri, desperate and needy, ripe and ready for the taking, and he’s all Viktor’s.
-  solidify the echoes by ADreamingSongbird / words: 5597
Viktor opens his eyes—blue, so blue—and looks directly into Yuuri’s. “Yuuri,” he says, quiet but almost terrifyingly intense. “Yuuri, I think… I think I’m in love with you, and I’m terrified.”
(Or, Yuuri wants to know if that kiss on the rink meant anything, and Viktor really hopes it did.)
-   with you, it's what i need by reciprocity / words: 5276
Yuuri moves to Russia. It takes some adjusting.
Or, five times Yuuri and Viktor get caught in the act, and one time they somehow don't.
-  Calm After the Storm by garbage_dono / words: 10288
Yuuri and Victor, newly bonded, prepare to become new parents.
-  a day for all the rest by Etharei / words: 6266
Phichit clears his throat. "You, ah, might want to wear your scarf again." He taps meaningfully at his own collarbone.
Victor touches the indicated spot on his neck. The skin is markedly sensitive. He presses down, unable to help himself, and the sweet little ache summons a sense-memory: strong fingers carding through his hair, then digging into his shoulder, powerful thighs like a vice around his hips, his name gasped into his ear before a hot mouth seals over the skin of his neck.
The day after the Cup of China.
-  These Frozen Nights by viciously / words: 6451 
Yuuri gets along okay with most of the ghosts in Saint Petersburg.
-  magpies by winchilsea / words: 2251
Viktor can be brave for Yuuri, he can be so many things, he can be anything, and all Yuuri wants him to be is himself, what does that even mean.
(It rains during Tanabata.)
-  pause/play by cordialcount / words: 2226
The mechanical noises blanket the room in a truer quiet than silence. "Yes," he breathes into it, more feeling than sound.
(Yuuri, holding them together.)
-  A Simple Pivot by RC_McLachlan / words: 472
It should feel like failure, and yet. (A coda to episode 9)
-  with a love this deep by lazulisong / words: 2904
There's two types of dates Victor and Yuri go on in St. Petersburg. Yuri likes them both.
-   Altschmerz by Liana_Legaspi / words: 15123
n. weariness with the same old issues that you’ve always had—the same boring flaws and anxieties you’ve been gnawing on for years, which leaves them soggy and tasteless and inert, with nothing interesting left to think about, nothing left to do but spit them out and wander off to the backyard, ready to dig up some fresher pain you might have buried long ago.
(Yuuri has trouble adjusting to St. Petersburg.)
-  And Baby Makes Three by nevermetawolf / words: 3045
This was not how he wanted to do things. There were supposed to be flowers, champagne, and something other than Chinese takeout. Something mature and adult that said, hey, I’d possibly maybe be an okay(ish) co-parent, see?
- nsfw: With The Engine Inside by RC_McLachlan / words: 2050
Victor brought this on himself.
-  The Cashmere Train by RC_McLachlan / words: 2615
Yuuri shouldn't even buy it, but he has to touch it only once to know that he's not leaving the store without it. He stands in front of the display for way longer than he probably should, rubbing it against his cheek and imagining what the deep burgundy will look like against Victor’s pale skin.
When he brings it up to check out, the saleslady pastes on a smile and tries very hard to make it seem like molesting sweaters is completely normal and that she definitely hadn’t been reaching for the panic button.
-  185/120 by RC_McLachlan / words: 1111
Yakov isn't paid enough for this shit.
-  Stay Close to Me by dasedandconfuzed / words: 11373
At the Grand Prix Final, Yuuri misses the podium by fractions of a point. Embroiled in a skating controversy, he tells himself he'll prove his worth in the World Championships, but there's a long time in between.
Or: Vicchan lives.
-  Five Times Viktor Got Jealous (and the one time Yuuri noticed) by braveten / words: 10846
Before now, Viktor hadn’t realized that he was the jealous type. What an interesting revelation.
-  Written in History by Ashida / words: 1625
Victor knows just how great Yuuri really is, he knows just how much Yuuri has given to get to this point, and in front of everyone after Yuri's last performance; Victor asks for one last thing.
-  Everlasting End by Ashida / words: 3224
There was nothing about Katsuki Yuuri that was fair, Victor had long since decided. He might have just decided that the first time they truly interacted, that night at the Grand Prix Final banquet, full of fleeting intentions that were over in the blink of an eye, this familiarity Yuuri had with him that made it seem like Victor had known him forever. And that was impossible, because everyone Victor had ever known were nothing but memories on the wind, and Yuuri would be all too soon as well.
-  I love you, no expense spared by myoue / words: 5680
Victor is used to paying for dates, accidentally spilling things on people, and spoiling Katsuki Yuri like no tomorrow.
-  the clavicle-snapped wish byastoryaboutwar / words: 6533
The sun glints off their twin gold bands, the band strikes up their first dance, and together, they follow each other into the rest of their lives.
(Or: the wedding fic fix we all need.)
- i have my body (and you have yours) byastoryaboutwar  / words: 8147
Yuuri overflows with the weight of things that have been said, trembles with what remains.
Their shared zeroes flicker in time, the early morning light muting the red glow to faint numbers. In the amber dawn, an idol is only just a man.
(Or: the Soulmate Timers AU where things happen out of order, secrets are kept, revelations are had, and they arrive where they need to be in the end.)
-  better than sliced bread by ebenroot / words: 8161
“What,” he breathes, “is that?”
Victor – his darling coach and fiancé Victor, love of his life and dream come true Victor – smiles at him and squeezes the dakimakura tight to his chest, while Makkachin chooses to make the large cardboard box his new chew toy.
“It’s you!” Victor chirps.
in which we all assumed yuuri is the one to own a dakimakura but maybe that isn't entirely the case
-  turn it, leave it, stop, format it by ebenroot / words: 19688
“If you want, I can recommend you some security programs that you can download for free and protect your computer. That way, you won’t be at risk of losing these cute photos of your dog even when you browse websites like ‘Luscious Lonely Wives’.”
Victor gives one long ‘haa’. “I don’t browse those websites,” he says through his straining smile.
the 'i will break any and all electronic devices that get into my hands if it means I get to talk to the cute tech support guy' fic
-  Russian for Dummies by cutthroatpixie / words: 2489
"Are you a beginner?"
Viktor was not a beginner. Viktor was the TA supposedly in charge of this study session. Viktor spoke Russian. Viktor was Russian.
-  Polyglot Variations by spoken / words: 8528
‘If first languages are reservoirs of emotion, second languages can be rivers undammed, freeing their speakers to ride different currents’ - Lauren Collins, Love in Translation, New Yorker (2016)
The languages Viktor speaks, and what he finds as he's learning them.
-  we laugh, we fumble, we take it day by day by waitingforreason / words: 3066
When it comes to taking their son on the ice for the first time, Yuuri is worried, Victor is patient, and everyone else is helplessly intrusive.
-  Where Your Eyes Fall by MilkTeaMiku / words: 2300
Yurio let out a small, vulnerable noise, and lifted his eyes. “Not everyone looks up to Victor.” ‘
- nsfw: Submission by SuggestiveScribe / words: 8118
Viktor leaned forward, breath whispering just behind the shell of Yuuri’s ear, “If my Yuuri wanted me to submit, I would be elated to experience submission.”
-  brave enough to love you by kevystel, xyai / words: 5070
Yuuri settles into his new life in St. Petersburg.
-   lovesick by Ironinkpen / words: 2729
“Did the doctor send you?” When Yuuri doesn’t reply fast enough, since he's still gaping like a fish, he turns to Yuri. “Did the doctor send him? Because wow,” He drops his arm and presses his hand to his chest like the dramatic bastard he is. “You’ve got to be the prettiest man I’ve ever seen.”
“Oh my god,” Yuri groans. “Is he hitting on you?”
(In which Yuuri worries, Viktor's on the good drugs, and Yuri puts up with a whole bunch of bullshit.)’
-  time may change me by emilyenrose / words: 2156
Yuuri and Victor met by chance as children.
-  you're like heaven to touch by lazulisong / words: 3179
"Is this because I let you watch American movies as a child," says Yakov flatly. "The ones where the popular boy gives his coat to the pretty girl?"
Victor puts up both eyebrows in a delicately mocking gesture that was unbearable when he was a fey creature of sixteen and makes Yakov yearn to clip him around the ears now, when he's twenty-eight. "'Let' me?" he says.
-  specks of silver in the evening sky bywinchilsea / words: 3909
Loneliness compels you to get a dog, not wipe drool from the corner of a stranger’s mouth with your own thumb.
(Or: Viktor's kink is taking care of Yuuri.)
-  Heartbeat by emilyenrose / words: 3148
Victor starts sleeping in Yuri's bed well before the Cup of China.
- nsfw: pillowtalking by seabear / words: 2492
“We’re not leaving bed today,” Victor says, throwing a leg over Yuri’s waist and pulling the covers up over. “I decided.”
-  in death, at the end of the world by perennials / words: 8030
"Beautiful, you say?"
“Your hair. It's the color of the moon.”
From this life, to the next, to the next, he'll chase you for as long as it takes.
-  Just for You, a Symphony from My Soulby Caeseria / words: 12968
Sometimes, it’s the smaller moments – those out of the public eye – that are the most important.
-  Of Glass and Gold by smudgesofink / words: 4436
“Just hear me out,” Yuuri presses. He can feel heat burning behind his eyes and he grits his teeth, fighting back the tears. If he cries now, Victor will be too occupied with comforting him to actually pay attention to what he’s saying. “I want you to be happy.”
“I am,” Victor grounds out, confused and hurt. “I’m happy with you. What even gave you the idea that I’m not?"
“Because I’m never going to win gold!” Yuuri shouts. His words echo like a gunshot, and the silence that follows it is haunting.
(In which Victor is gold--magnificent, breathtaking, brilliant--and Yuuri is glass--transparent, thin, breakable.)
-  Nights So Slow by jibrailis / words: 3755
“Well,” Viktor says helplessly, because it’s all ruined now, “I was going to try and seduce you.”
-  it's not gay if it's on the moon by lunarorbits / words: 1765
Friend: new challenge, write something coherent out of a meme. Prompt: if there were two guys on the moon and one killed the other with a rock would that be fucked up or what? Me: challenge accepted PSA this is not crack it is hardcore space fluff.
-  At Home by SuggestiveScribe / words: 9346
“You excited to start our vacation?”
I always feel like I’m on vacation when I’m with you.
-  for all the ones who hurt the most by perennials / words: 3021
Viktor's birthday approaches, Viktor drifts away, and Yuuri does his best not to let him go. Home means so much more when it's four letters traced into the palm of your hand.
- nsfw: Each Sip Like Starlight by cloverfield / words: 13753
“Come quickly, I am drinking the stars!” ― Dom Perignon
There are two beds here – both identical, made up neat with hotel linen and pillows piled high. They’re only going to need one.
- nsfw: and over our heads the gray light unwinding by radialarch / words: 2152
It turns out, Yuuri and Victor have been having two different conversations.
-  this is how he loves you by perennials / words: 938
He says thank you for everything, Viktor, but it sounds like I’m leaving now.
He says thank you for being my coach but really, really, it sounds like good-bye.
-  it's you I want to go on seeing by 100demons, aubreyli / words: 2112
Victor’s eyes meet Yuri’s in the reflection for a brief moment, heavy-lidded and brimming with covetous heat. And then, slowly and deliberately, he draws his gaze down the length of Yuri’s body.
-  Adoration (noun) by crossroadswrite / words: 2049
Viktor is no stranger to being adored.
He’s used to gasps of awe, to blushing faces and shaking hands offering him pieces of paper to sign and phones to take pictures with; he’s used to proclamations of love accompanied by sweets, works of art to his image, and thoughtful gifts, all of it like offerings in a temple.
He’s used to it, and even though he revels in the attention and validation of all the work he’s put into his career, he’s bored.
- nsfw: Distraction by SuggestiveScribe / words: 7968
"Yuuri, let's not think about that," Viktor said, holding out his hands. Yuuri set his other skate aside. "You should take your mind off it; maybe seek a distraction--"
"--Anything to disengage from the nega--" Viktor stopped, blinking. "Wait, what?"
Yuuri rose back to his feet, moving to stand in front of Viktor. Emotion burned at the edge of his irises, and in the limited light his stare flashed more crimson than brown, "I said, 'okay'.”
-  the history books are made for us by d10smessi / words: 6600
Victor thinks, I'll never love someone this way again.
or: Victor Nikiforov, on loving Katsuki Yuuri.
-  here on the roof of the world by jibrailis / words: 2097
Figure skaters are such crybabies.
-  the warmest part of winter by dadvans / words: 8047
The wedding is in early February, right after Yuri comes home to Yuuri and Victor’s crumbling farmhouse in upstate New York from the European Championships with a gold medal around his neck. They’ve been in the process of restoring the dilapidated barn out back and turning it into a fully functional dance studio, and the fire marshall has finally approved it for occupation without fear of the whole thing coming down all at once and crushing a half dozen elite figure skaters to death at any given moment. Which is perfect, considering they’ve been planning on holding the reception in the barn, and finding a last minute venue would be a goddamn nightmare, especially since Victor has obsessively planned the entire event down to the last detail for the past six months.
-  sight of the sun by cityboys / words: 6418
Wherein their honeymoon brings Victor face-to-face with a lot of firsts in his life.
-  love at second sight by ninjee / words: 1834
He looks at Victor as if he somehow believes Victor would have come all the way here if he wasn’t desperately, stupidly in love with a drunk almost-stranger.
(a study of victor's love for yuuri, post episode 10.)
-  a kingdom, or this by perennials / words: 1091
The problem is, Yuuri sees Viktor’s face light up at every performance except his own.
The problem is, Yuuri takes off his glasses when he skates.
The problem is, Yuuri doesn't see.
-  change from grey to color by pageleaf / words: 1661
Viktor's had his eye on Japan's ace for a while.
-  It's Almost Like He's Done This Beforeby iamalivenow / words: 1637
Yuuri lands on his head in Sochi.
It's not that bad, though.
Not when he gets a second chance.
-  i think i may have loved you first by perennials / words: 1313
Here are the facts:
Yuuri is drunk. Viktor is not.
Yuuri is riding an alcohol-induced high so far up above the clouds he cannot even begin to comprehend the weight of his actions back in the human realm.
Viktor is falling in love.
-  When the Sun Rises by utsu / words: 4019
He focused single-mindedly on Yuuri and on promises; and Yuuri, well.
Yuuri taught him how to master both.
By mastering him.
-  hungry, but i'll hunger on by incode / words: 6119
Yuuri has been learning to reach out for what he wants.
-  things we're all too young to know by incode / words: 1789
Victor miscalculates a date.
- nsfw: i think i was blind before i met you by incode / words: 4917
Victor has a thing for every new bit of Yuuri he sees.
-   your love is my turning page by cityboys / words: 4755
Victor and the hours he spends waiting, reflecting and figuring things out.
Set parallel to Episode 9.
-  home is when I'm alone with you by lazulisong / words: 1691
because Phichit is a better bro than Yuri deserves, he reminds Victor that a) Yuri has a birthday and b) Yuri hates flash mobs
Victor is still 70% sure he's gonna screw it up.
-  Ex's and Oh's by Aurum / words: 1042
It turns out that Yuuri is not quite as inexperienced in love as Victor was led to believe. 
-   Hot in Here by Aurum / words: 2687
"Yuuuuuri," Victor drawls, leaning his head on Yuuri's shoulder. "It's hot," he complains. He's already down to his t-shirt.
Yuuri huffs a little, reluctantly amused. "Maybe you would feel cooler if you didn't drape yourself all over me."
-  the magic of your sighs by kevystel / words: 2925
Makkachin’s asleep by the time Viktor reaches the clinic. Viktor sits down on the sofa beside him, buries his face in Makkachin’s fur and breathes.
-  Breathe With Me by novellanouveau / words: 1327
Viktor soothes Yuuri through a sleepless night.
-  nsfw: Watch. by SuggestiveScribe / words: 7869
"You have pretty legs, Yuuri."
- nsfw:  Love On Top by garbage_dono / words: 5319
Yuuri is used to holding back, but Victor is determined to change that.
-  we'll call this place our home by perennials / words: 2216
The Big Day approaches, and Viktor seeks advice from various members of the Katsuki family.
-  to stand on your own two feet by perennials / words: 1048
“You're strong. You've grown stronger. You've always been strong.”
No, I'm weak, Yuuri thinks.
“You're so much stronger than you think you are.”
-  Addicted (to the taste of you) by smudgesofink / words: 5832
It’s mortifying. Of course it’s mortifying.
But even with his hands restless by his sides and his stomach buzzing with butterflies and adrenaline and nerves, Yuuri finds that he oddly doesn’t mind the attention. Or rather, Yuuri can’t bring himself to care, for once. He’s exhausted to the bone from his performance, eyes slow and limbs heavy from running on little to no sleep for more than 24 hours now, not to mention kind of emotionally drained from his mental breakdown earlier.
If anything, Yuuri kind of wants Victor to kiss him again. Preferably right now.
At once.
(It’s turning into a problem.)
-  Worthwhile by surveycorpsjean / words: 6276
In which, it's Viktor that breaks.
-  Delete Clipart by Oort / words: 1607
Viktor Nikiforov wore clip-on ties. Yuuri had somehow failed to notice this.
-  (will wait for the morning to come) by contagionangel / 8130
"It's no use, he speaks the language of the ice!" chortles one of the women as she pats a sobbing girl on the back. He'd tried to be smooth and deft in his rejection and had fumbled it with all the impact of bones rattling against the ice in practice. Maybe more. She hit surprisingly hard for how twiggy and delicate she looks. While experimenting with new moves, he plays out a man touched by innocent affections that he cannot accept, who admires the strength of the one he is turning away. She nails all of her jumps in the next practice, smiles with neither malice nor blushing when he gives her pointers on her form.
Yakov's eyes are dark when he watches it. "You weren't feeling it at all." he murmurs. "That won't fool a crowd."
Victor just nods in response. It's true.
-  like heaven to touch by kevystel / words: 3161
He looks younger than half the other skaters, with his fine features and the porcelain clearness of his skin, but here he is — here in Moscow with Viktor at his side, ready to impress a crowd that’s too used to roaring Viktor’s name. Viktor is prouder than he’s ever been.
-  i know my madness by astoryaboutwar / words:14133
It's hardly a secret that Victor Nikiforov is a massive player.
(In which Yuuri doesn't blow the Grand Prix Finals the first time round, does blow Victor, and everything changes but ends up the same.)
-  turnabout is fair play by foreverautumn / words: 1582
Victor’s eyes widen. Five seconds pass; long, agonizing moments, and still Victor’s staring like Yuuri had just smacked him across the face.
-  Now When Arrows Don't Penetrate, Cupid Grabs the Pistol by ken_ichijouji (dommific) / words: 10673
Phichit Chulanont doesn't know how he ended up the skating world's wingman, but he ain't mad at it.
-  falling as we grow by Judchen / words: 5953
Yuuri's mother leans towards the candles, and shortly before she blows them out she squeezes his hand and says “I want you to always be happy, confident and loved.”
In which Yuuri grows up and gets by with a little help from his friends.
multi-chapter: complete 
-  No Less Unthinkable by rageprufrock / chapters: 3 / words: 10224
In which Katsuki Yuuri fights a losing battle with chronic anxiety, the quadruple Salchow, and his own judgment four drinks in — but wins the war.
-  Yuuri!!! on Floor by thehandsingsweapon / chapters: 6 / words: 67392
katsuki-don do you know how amazing you are?
v-nikiforov do you?
katsuki-don do I what?
v-nikiforov know how amazing you are
The gymnastics edition, in which Viktor is still a skater because he's too pretty on ice and I couldn't take it away from him. A story about how sometimes love comes slow and soft, and how hearts get bigger when they break.
-  begin to be half of what you think of me by kevystel / chapters: 2 / words: 10935
In which Yuuri's self-image finally starts aligning with reality. 
-  never stop until the grave by Naraht / chapters: 3 / words: 12714
Back in St Petersburg, Victor attempts to combine coaching Yuuri with preparing for his own return to competition. The spirit is willing but the flesh may be weak.
-  Dear Mama by Ferrero13 / chapters: 17 / words: 27277
In which Victor writes letters to his mother, who is fifty percent of his rationality and self-control.
-  lie to make me like you by cityboys / chapters: 9 / words: 80075
It’s become a game, of sorts, to anyone privy to the fact that the pattern exists in the first place: ask Victor out at the beginning of the month, date for however many days, and wait for the end to come and for Victor to say, always: I couldn’t fall in love with you. Let’s break up. Or, Victor is a retired actor looking for love, and Yuuri happens to be the (un)fortunate soul to unwittingly ask him out at the beginning of the month. Except relationships don't come with a script, and it's much harder understanding love than roles.
-  stay awake with me awhile by kevystel / chapters: 2 / words: 8374
The problem, should Viktor care to take the time to think about it, is that he’s no longer competing to win. He’s defending his title. It is a very different experience. It burns a hole in his palm, sometimes, on the mornings he lets himself sleep in.
-  the road that stretches out ahead by hellodeer / chapters: 4 / words: 7350
"What if we drove to France?" Viktor asks, and Yuuri says yes. Of course he does.
multi-chapter: incomplete
- dear true love by cityboys / chapters: 2/? / words: 18258
Victor is a writer pretending to be on a break; Yuuri is a pianist pretending to not be on a break.
They meet, somehow, in the backwaters of Saga Prefecture, Japan.
-   Call Everything on the Ice... by shysweetthing / chapters: 6/7 / words: 43790
Victor learns Japanese while in Hasetsu. He doesn't tell Yuuri, and things get dicey when he overhears Yuuri and Mari talking about him in Japanese. Repeatedly.
(The subtitle of this fic should be: Victor Nikiforov really needs a hug. Luckily, he gets one. Eventually.)
- series:  勝つ丼姫 by lazulisong / works: 3/? / words: 2011
     1.   baby it's so sweet / words: 769
Yuri knew exactly what was going to happen when Katsudon announced his retirement, but he was too late to kill Victor.
     2.  baby baby baby / words: 628
Victor and the katsudon breeding turns out as badly as Yuri expects it to.
     3.   if it's quite all right i love you baby / words: 614
it suddenly dawns on Yuri that the katsudon and Victor breeding means that Victor will be in charge of a child.
-  somewhere i have never travelled by d10smessi / chapters: 1/? / words: 4959
Victor is a specter, a killer, a myth, a machine trying to be a man.
(Victor falls in love with Yuuri—beautiful and out-of-nowhere, like the impractical black of his Aston Martin amidst the sea of tourists and locals in the streets of Barcelona. Yuuri falls in love with Victor like the slow bloom of a flower in spring in the middle of bustling Tokyo, tended and taken care of.)
-  i seek another place by heygorgeous / chapters: 2/? / words: 5225
Somewhere along the line he stops providing excuses, and the world stops asking him.
So now, Viktor thinks - thumb carelessly rubbing against Yuuri's scalp, now what?
[viktor suffers from bipolar disorder]
-  centripetal force by braveten / chapters: 7/? / words: 60928
Victor speaks seven languages.
(Physics isn't one of them.)
Luckily, though, he ends up rooming with his antithesis: a shy, black-haired boy who just so happens to be a physics major.
-  Masquerade by Ashida / chapters: 7/? / words: 46206
“Just say the word.” came the whisper as Victor stepped close, behind them Yuuri was aware of guns out and at the ready, of confused men and questioned loyalties, here Victor was offering, and Yuuri was too selfish to say no.
“Ok.” Yuuri smiled as this game of masquerade came to an end, what would happen now, he didn’t know, he would probably die, his family would come after him and try to put a knife in his back or a bullet between his eyes, none of it mattered, because together they would fight, and the rest of the world would finally burn.
-  Until My Feet Bleed and My Heart Aches by Reiya / chapters: 13/14 / words: 166931
‘…Of all the rivalries in the world of sports over the years, perhaps none has become so legendary as that of Russian figure skater Viktor Nikiforov and his rival, Japanese Yuuri Katsuki…’
A single event changes the course of Yuuri’s life, throwing him into a bitter rivalry with Viktor Nikiforov that spans across his entire skating career. But as the years go on, rivalry and hatred begin to develop into something very different and Yuuri doesn’t seem to be able to stay away, no matter how hard he tries.
Hatred and love are two sides of the same coin and even though everything changes, some things are still meant to be.
-  Catching Butterflies by skeletalparade (boythighs) / chapters: 1/? / words: 10387
It was a straight shot from here to the city, and sometimes Yuuri liked to imagine that he could bike the whole way in. Just start pedaling and never stop, no turning back. He could get a job in the city and pretend like his time on the island had never existed.
He wouldn’t do any of that, of course, not really, but it was a nice thought to entertain when things got hard. Some days it was the only thing that kept him afloat.
- series: babysitting au  by perennials  / works: 1/? / words: 2094
     1.  Yuri Plisetsky, five year-old killer of men / words: 2094
“Um, hi. I'm the new babysitter,” says the new babysitter.
“Hi, I'm the old babysitter." Viktor smiles brightly.
In which walls are vandalized, lipstick becomes a weapon of mass destruction, and Viktor flaunts his beauty in an attempt to woo the new boy while trying not to burn the house down. Also, there is a cat and his name is Power Ranger #4.
-   i see quiet nights poured over ice by ohhotlamb / chapters: 11/? / words: 25879
He’s a despicable man, but what he offers is the truth. I’ll make you a winner, he says. And he knows—
This is one thing that Yuuri can’t refuse.
-  Down the rivers of windfall light by cyan96 / chapters: 3/? / words: 11940
“A human,” Yuri observes slowly. Because it is. A human. Dark haired, with fog-dusted glasses and a truly unfortunate number of layers to ward off the autumn chill. He smells vaguely of sea salt: crisp and sharp, the mark of a water mage. Nothing extremely special, otherwise. The closest Yuri explanation can come up with for having been dragged all this way is Viktor deciding to add “Magical humans” to his list of hoard-viable objects. Which, although stupid and a perfect example of Viktor’s terrible life decisions, is still sadly within the realm of his ridiculousness.
The noise Viktor makes is—high and floaty, somewhere between a purr and a chirp, deeply pleased, and sounding entirely out of place on a currently house-sized dragon, even one as elegant as Viktor. For a moment Yuri simply stares, the vibrations of it tingling on his spine. And then his brain makes the leapfrog from point A: Viktor’s obscenely cheerful mood to point B: what is that smile what are those dopey eyes Viktor what the fuck—
What the actual fuck.
“Vitya, that’s a human,” Yuri hisses, whirling, as the whole and appalling picture snaps into place.
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